An IOT Based Smart Helmet For Accident Detection Notification
An IOT Based Smart Helmet For Accident Detection Notification
An IOT Based Smart Helmet For Accident Detection Notification
Day by day the two-wheeler accidents are increasing and leads to the loss of many lives.
According to a survey of the World Health Organization, there are 1.25 million (approximately)
people who are dying every year due to road accidents. Many people don't like to wear the
helmet without any specific reason but they don't understand that it is a safety measure that
protects their lives. Though there are many rules and regulations which are implemented by the
traffic police the people are not following and keeping their lives at risk. Hence, the cases like
speed, drink, and drive are getting increased day by day. Every year approximately 300000
teenagers are getting admitted into the hospitals in the department of emergency because of bike
Then what about the people who are wearing the helmet? Still, some people are losing their lives
though they are wearing the helmet. The reasons may be many such as no proper driving
knowledge, no fitness of the bike, the fast riding of bike, drunken and drive, etc. Sometimes the
person injured, the accident may not be directly responsible for the accident, it may be the fault
of the rider, but at the end of the day, it’s both the drivers involved in the accidents who are
going to suffer. If accidents are one issue, lack of treatment in proper time is another reason for
deaths. According to the survey, in India 698 accidents occur per year, nearly half the injured
people die due to lack of treatment in proper time. Many reasons for this are late arrival of the
ambulance, absences of pupils at the accident site to inform the family or to provide the victim
with first aid. This is a situation we observe in our day-to-day life, a thought of finding some
solution to resolve this problem come up with this idea of giving them information about the
accident as soon as possible and in TIME….!!!! Because after all time matters a lot, if everything
is done in time, at least we can save half the lives that are lost due to bike accidents. Considering
three major factors for avoiding the accident causes such as
III. If a person met with an accident, no one is there to help him. Simply leaving or ignoring
the person he may die. In such a situation, informing to ambulance or family members
through mobile to rescue him to an extent.
This Smart Helmet which is based on the Internet of Things Technology gives information about
the rider wearing the helmet or not, whether the rider drunken or not, and also, If the accident
occurs in any area then it will detect the location where the person is present currently using the
GPS and by the help of the Bluetooth it will report the person's information immediately to the
contacts who are present in the emergency information as well as it will send the information to
the nearby hospitals so that they can come immediately to the accident area and can provide the
first aid or can take them to the hospitals. The smart helmet will be connected to the smartphone
through Bluetooth. A microcontroller is used for keeping the track of all the information about
all the parameters mainly regarding the accidents. An accelerometer is used for detecting the
sudden changes that will occur. Sensors are used for the detection and the main part Arduino
Board is also present.
1.2 Motivation
The motivation of this project comes from the real-world challenges that we face daily on the
roads. Road accidents are on the rise day by day and in countries like India where bikes are more
prevalent many people die to carelessness carried in wearing helmets. In the present day
scenario, we encounter numerous cases of death due to two-wheeler road accidents. Even though
helmets are available everywhere, people are not wearing them. In the event of road accidents,
the message is sent to the emergency contact.
1.3 Objective
A smart helmet is an innovative way of designing a helmet for safety purposes using the latest
and trending technology, IoT. Today several countries have made it mandatory to wear a helmet
for both rider and pillion rider. The vehicle engine will start only when the rider wears the helmet
and buckles the belt of the helmet. This will reduce the impact of accidents. In case if the rider is
drunk, the alcohol sensor detects the alcohol content and stops the rider from starting the vehicle.
In case of emergency, an SMS message will be sent to the concerned person.
Chapter 1 contains information on the introduction, motivation, and objective of the smart
Chapter 3 contains a block diagram its hardware description flow chart and working model.
Article et al.[1] There has been a sharp rise in the total number of deaths that occur due to road
accidents in the past few years. Reckless driving, ignorance of traffic rules, and the absence of a
protective shield have been some of the most important reasons for these deaths. The driver must
have a line of defense in case an accident occurs. A survey performed in India confirmed that
there were a total of 1,34,513 deaths due to road accidents in India in the year 2011. The number
Increased to 1, 42,485 in the year 2014. Figure 2.1 gives a graphical analysis of the road
accidents, injuries, and deaths in India from 2002- 2011. Most of the accidents occur due to
drinking and then driving bikes and death caused due to neglecting helmets. The government
adopted few measures like helmet and alcohol checking by traffic police but are hardly useful.
HajerSalim et al.[2] The main purpose of this project to find the location where the accident has
occurred. But the limitation of the project is, In someplace where there is no network available
then it is difficult to send the message
Nithin Agarwal et al.[3] In this paper, the control system is introduced to maintain the road
safety of bike riders. The system consists of an RF transmitter and RF receiver. The bike ignition
will not turn on without wearing a helmet. Once the user wears the helmet the RF signal is
passed from a transmitter and the RF signal is sensed by the receiver. It senses the RF signal as
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An IOT Based Smart Helmet for Accident Detection Notification
the person wears the helmet. This system is applicable for many bikes and scooters and helps to
protect life if met with an accident and it will also reduce the number of people violating traffic
Jennifer William et al.[4] the proposed system in which the intelligent helmet ensures the
safety of the biker by making it necessary to wear the helmet and assure that rider hasn’t
consumed any alcohol while driving the vehicle. The system also helps inefficient handling of
the aftermath of an accident by sending an SMS with the location of the biker to the person’s
well-wisher’s number to get proper and prompt medical attention, after meeting with an accident.
Manjesh N et al.[5] In this paper, a simple gas sensor was used in place of the MQ-3 sensor.
MQ-3 is right for detecting alcohol from breath. It is placed on the helmet in the front of the face
of the rider so it can easily detect the alcohol inbreathe of the rider. This sensor has a
potentiometer to adjust the different gas concentration
Sreenithy Chandran et al.[6] The purpose of this helmet is to detecting and reporting accidents.
This system using a different kinds of sensors WiFi enable processors and cloud computing
infrastructures. Accelerometer value is used for accident detection. When an accident happens
the related information about the driver will be sent to emergency contacts used a cloud-based
service. The global positioning system is used for obtaining the vehicle location. Konnect is the
prototype of the smart helmet. Driver head movements and the helmet position are monitored
using a 3-axis accelerometer which will help to calculate the possibility of an accident. When an
accident occurs the threshold limit will increase and a text message will be sent to the emergency
ShoebAhmed Shabbeer et al.[7] proposed the smart helmet method which detects and reports
accidents. In this method, they use a microcontroller interfaced with an accelerometer and GSM
module. The notification and report of the accident are provided using cloud infrastructures. In
this method if the level of the acceleration exceeds the threshold or if any accident occurs the
information is sent to the emergency authority server which then sends the message to the
assigned emergency contact through the GPS module. The result of this system was able to
identify accidents is 94.82% and sends the correct coordinates 96.72% of the time.
Archana.D et al.[8] proposed a system to reduce accidents, here the system consists of a sensor
that senses the human EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things touch when he plugs in
the bike key. After he wears the helmet the sensor automatically locks the helmet and he can
only remove it when the bike is stopped.
Manish Uniyal et al.[10] proposed a system with two units that are helmet unit and a two-
wheeler unit. RF receiver of the matching frequency gives the helmet position data to the two-
wheeler section. The microcontroller placed on the TW section will have information on the
helmet position which is continuously checked. There are various other sensors such as an
accelerometer (tilt angle measurement), Hall-effect sensor (speed measurement), GPS module
(location pointer) placed on the TW vehicle. The sensors collect the data and send the data to the
microcontroller then if there is an internet connection it is sent to the server. The speed of the
vehicle can be accessed by people at any instant by this method. In this system, people can
access the speed of the vehicle. Parents can see that is their child has worn a helmet or not.
Sayan Tapadar et al.[11] also proposed a prototype that detects the rate of alcohol consumed by
the rider and detecting accidents using an IOT module and sensors. Here they are trying to use
Support Vector Machines to predict if the values of the sensors correspond to an accident or not,
by training the device using real-time simulation. This system gives satisfactory results. The
accuracy and precision are also high.
Prashant Ahuja et al.[12] proposed a smart helmet system using GSM and GPRS modules. As
we all know that the arrival of an ambulance to the location may be late this prototype helps to
inform the concerned person first about the accident and he may take the steps. In this system,
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An IOT Based Smart Helmet for Accident Detection Notification
we can notice the feature such as high accuracy, cost-efficient and giving information about the
accident within a minute.
Kabilan M et al.[13] proposed a system using vibration sensors. When the rider wears the
helmet consisting of the vibrator sensor with a frequency if the frequency crosses the threshold
then the message is sent to the emergency responses using the GPS module. This system helps to
detect and report the accident and can save the life.
Dr.D Vivekananda Reddy et al.[14] proposed a system consisting of two sections ie the helmet
section and the bike section. In the helmet section, there is an alcohol gas sensor to check if a
person is drunk and it also contains an IR sensor, an Alcohol sensor, LCD to display the
information. In the Bike section, there is a vibration sensor that senses the accident and sends the
information using the GSM network and GPS module.
together in a single helmet. Up to now, we can observe that only Alcohol Sensor and Accident
Switch are fixed together into one system. But now in our project, we are proposing that along
with Alcohol Sensor, Accident Switch, GSM, and the GPS are also fixed together within the
single helmet.
The Alcohol Sensor is a device that is used for detecting if the driver who is driving has drunk
the alcohol or not. If the driver consumed the alcohol then it will automatically send the alert
message when the person has taken the alcohol. An accident switch which can also be called a
Bump Switch is used in alerting by the SMS alerts to the contacts which are present on the
victim’s mobile as an emergency and also to Hospitals. Here we are sending an SMS alert
because there is no necessity that all the people will have the data in their mobiles hence
sending the alert messages through the SMS may benefit each person. So, if we send alert
messages through SMS then people will be able to see them. It will not only able to send SMS
to contacts present in the Emergency list but also includes sending the location where the
person met with an accident. The third one is the Button that is present inside the helmet. If the
person does not wear the helmet then the bike does not get started easily. And it starts beeping
until the person wears the helmet and displays a message that “Helmet Not Weared”. Once, if
the person wears the helmet and his top touches the button it will stop beeping and also
displays the message that “Helmet Weared”.
3.1 Block Diagram
Fig 2.2 Architecture Diagram for the Smart Helmet Based Internet of Things
3.1.1 Arduino Uno
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic
resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Uno differs from all
preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features
the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a USB- to serial
converter.Revision3 of the board has the following new features:
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new
pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the
voltage provided from the board. In the future, shields will be compatible both with the
board that uses the AVR, which operate with 5V, and with the Arduino Due which
operates with 3.3V. The second one is a not-connected pin, that is reserved for future
Atmega 16U2 replace the 8U2.
"Uno" means one in Italian and is named to mark the upcoming release of Arduino 1.0.
The Uno and version 1.0 will be the reference versions of Arduino, moving forward. The
Uno is the latest in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the
Arduino platform; for a comparison with the previous version.
The Arduino reference design can use an Atmega8, 168, or 328, Current models use an
ATmega328, but an Atmega8 is shown in the schematic for reference. The pin configuration is
identical on all three processors.
Power: The Arduino Uno can be powered via a USB connection or with an external power
supply. The power source is selected automatically. External (non-USB) power can come either
from an AC-to-DC adapter (wall-wart) or battery. The adapter can be connected by plugging a
2.1mm center-positive plug into the board's power jack. Leads from a battery can be inserted in
the Gnd and Vin pin headers of the POWER connector. The board can operate on an external
supply of 6 to 20 volts. If supplied with less than 7V, however, the 5V pin may supply less than
five volts and the board may be unstable. If using more than 12V, the voltage regulator may
overheat and damage the board. The recommended range is 7 to 12 volts. The power pins are as
VIN. The input voltage to the Arduino board when it's using an external power source
(as opposed to 5 volts from the USB connection or other regulated power source). You
can supply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via the power jack, access it
through this pin.
5V.This pin outputs a regulated 5V from the regulator on the board. The board can be
supplied with power either from the DC power jack (7 - 12V), the USB connector (5V),
or the VIN pin of the board (7-12V). Supplying voltage via the 5V or 3.3V pins bypasses
the regulator, and can damage your board. We don't advise it.
3V3. A 3.3 volt supply is generated by the onboard regulator. The maximum current
draw is 50 mA.
GND. Ground pins.
IOREF. This pin on the Arduino board provides the voltage reference with which the
microcontroller operates. A properly configured shield can read the IOREF pin voltage
and select the appropriate power source or enable voltage translators on the outputs for
working with the 5V or 3.3V.
Memory: The ATmega328 has 32 KB (with 0.5 KB used for the bootloader). It also has 2 KB of
SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM (which can be read and written with the EEPROM library).
Input and Output: Each of the 14 digital pins on the Uno can be used as
an input or output, using pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead()functions. They
operate at 5 volts. Each pin can provide or receive a maximum of 40 mA and has an internal
pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50 kOhms. In addition, some pins have
specialized functions:
Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data.
These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL
Serial chip.
External Interrupts 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt on a
low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See the attachInterrupt() function
for details.
PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function.
SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI communication
using the SPI library.
LED: 13. There is a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When the pin is HIGH
value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it's off.
The Uno has 6 analog inputs, labeled A0 through A5, each of which provides 10 bits of
resolution (i.e. 1024 different values). By default, they measure from ground to 5 volts,
though is it possible to change the upper end of their range using the AREF pin and the
analogReference() function. Additionally, some pins have specialized functionality.
TWI: A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin. Support TWI communication using the Wire
There are a couple of other pins on the board.
AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analogReference().
Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add a reset
button to shields which block the one on the board.
Communication: The Arduino Uno has several facilities for communicating with a computer,
another Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega328 provides UART TTL (5V) serial
communication, which is available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An ATmega16U2 on the
board channels this serial communication over USB and appears as a virtual com port to
software on the computer. The '16U2 firmware uses the standard USB COM drivers, and no
external driver is needed. However, on Windows, a .inf file is required. The Arduino software
includes a serial monitor which allows simple textual data to be sent to and from the Arduino
board. The RX and TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being transmitted via the
USB-to-serial chip and USB connection to the computer (but not for serial communication on
pins 0 and 1). A Software Serial library allows for serial communication on any of the Uno's
digital pins. The ATmega328 also supports I2C (TWI) and SPI communication. The Arduino
software includes a Wire library to simplify the use of the I2C bus; see the documentation for
details. For SPI communication, use the SPI library.
Programming: The Arduino Uno can be programmed with the Arduino software. The
ATmega328 on the Arduino Uno comes pre burned with a bootloader that allows you to upload
new code to it without the use of an external hardware programmer. It communicates using the
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An IOT Based Smart Helmet for Accident Detection Notification
original STK500 protocol (reference, C header files) and also bypass the bootloader and program
the microcontroller through the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header; see these
instructions for details. The ATmega16U2 (or 8U2 in the rev1 and rev2 boards) firmware source
code is available. The ATmega16U2/8U2 is loaded with a DFU bootloader, which can be
activated by:
On Rev1 boards: connecting the solder jumper on the back of the board (near the map of
Italy) and then resetting the 8U2.
On Rev2 or later boards: there is a resistor that pulling the 8U2/16U2 HWB line to the
ground, making it easier to put into DFU mode.
Use Atmel's FLIP software (Windows) or the DFU programmer (Mac OS X and Linux)
to load a new firmware. Or you can use the ISP header with an external programmer
(overwriting the DFU bootloader). See this user-contributed tutorial for more
Automatic (Software) Reset: Rather than requiring a physical press of the reset button before an
upload, the Arduino Uno is designed in a way that allows it to be reset by software running on a
connected computer. One of the hardware flow control lines (DTR) of the theATmega8U2/16U2
is connected to the reset line of the ATmega328 via a 100 nano farad capacitor. When this line is
asserted (taken low), the reset line drops long enough to reset the chip. The Arduino software
uses this capability to allow you to upload code by simply pressing the upload button in the
Arduino environment. This means that the bootloader can have a shorter timeout, as the lowering
of DTR can be well-coordinated with the start of the upload. This setup has other implications.
When the Uno is connected to either a computer running Mac OS X or Linux, it resets each time
a connection is made to it from software (via USB). For the following half-second or so, the
bootloader is running on the Uno. While it is programmed to ignore malformed data (i.e.
anything besides an upload of new code), it will intercept the first few bytes of data sent to the
board after a connection is opened. If a sketch running on the board receives a one-time
configuration or other data when it first starts, make sure that the software with which it
communicates waits for a second after opening the connection and before sending this data. The
Uno contains a trace that can be cut to disable the auto-reset. The pads on either side of the trace
can be soldered together to re-enable it. It's labeled "RESET-EN". You may also be able to
disable the auto-reset by connecting a 110-ohm resistor from 5V to the reset line.
USB Overcurrent Protection : The Arduino Uno has a resettable polyfuse that protects
your computer's USB ports from shorts and overcurrent. Although most computers provide
internal protection, the fuse provides an extra layer of protection. If more than 500 mA is applied
to the USB port, the fuse will automatically break the connection until the short or overload is
Physical Characteristics: The maximum length and width of the Uno PCB are 2.7 and 2.1
inches respectively, with the USB connector and power jack extending beyond the former
dimension. Four screw holes allow the board to be attached to a surface or case. Note that the
distance between digital pins 7 and 8 is 160 mil (0.16"), not an even multiple of the 100 mil
spacing of the other pins.
3.1.2 Accelerometer
It is an integrated circuit that is used to measure the acceleration concerning the object where this
accelerometer is attached. Here we use this accelerometer for accident detection by placing it on
the helmet and can be detected by tilting the helmet with respect to the ground.
A piezoelectric sensor is used to measure the changes in parameters like pressure, temperature,
acceleration, and force, by converting them into the electrical charge
It is a gas sensor that detects the presence of alcohol content gas concentration from 0.05 mg/L to
10 mg/L. It is a highly sensitive to alcohol and low-cost semiconductor sensor which provides
fast response and gives both digital and analog output.
3.1.5 GSM-GPS
The 32u4 with A9G GPRS/ GSM/ GPS Board is based on Mega32u4 and A9 GPRS/ GSM/ GPS
module. It can be used to make a call, send a text message, and get GPS positioning. Also, it has
one analog interface, one IIC interface, and two digital interfaces, which you can connect to
other expansion modules. It is very easy for you to make a GPS tracker by using this board, and
it's convenient to use AT firmware and use several AT commands that can be configured
successfully. Here, this is used to track the location and send it to the microcontroller so that the
coordinates can be added to the output message.
3.1.7 Buzzer
A radio frequency module is responsible for the wireless communication in the helmet. The
Piezoelectric buzzer is used to detect speeding and this feature is extended by limiting the speed
of the user.
information about steps or sequences of events. Each of these symbols is linked with arrows to
illustrate the flow direction of the process. The flowchart describes the functionality of the IoT-
based Smart Helmet for accident detection and notification. When the button is pressed the
sensor confirms helmet wore or not. When a vehicle is started alcohol sensor detects alcohol if
the condition is passed vehicle starts Thereafter, the vehicle starts/keeps moving as shown in
Figure 3.1. When an accident takes place then
1. GSM module sends the location using GPS to save the contact list.
2. If the rider is conscious then the ignition switch can be turned OFF to stop sending
The result of the above project done is shown below. The message will be sent to the victim’s
emergency contacts as well as the hospitals to immediately provide the first-aid to the victims,
here are this is some of the outputs which were taken from the working
Smart Helmet stands as an effective solution to many kinds of problems. This will help to
reduce the number of road accidents. It will automatically alert the user to wear a helmet if he
doesn’t wear it, it also detects the alcohol that the driver consumes, this will prevent drink and
drive scenarios and the effects of drink and driving to public and the rider himself. and also
alerts the hospitals and the emergency contacts when the person is met with an accident. So,
there will be a lot of reductions in the number of accidents when compared to the previous
years. This is a also solution to the problem of an increased death ratio. In the future there
may be a lot of demands to these kinds of helmets then at that time it may become difficult to
manufacture the whole circuit in the printed circuit board so that the circuit gets smaller in
size and it can easily fit into the helmet. The circuit can also be powered using solar energy so
that it is able to use the green environment and it does no harm to the environment. The
flexible solar panels are fixed easily along the surface of the helmet. These types of helmet
technology can be easily implemented in the combat helmets which are used by the
militacvbnry team who are in excessive important operations so that they can be protected
when they are dealing with complex operations. Biometric devices to provide more amount of
security and avoid theft. Black Box is needed to be implemented where it can store huge
amounts of data regarding the person’s details and details of the emergency contacts and also
communication between multiple helmets to make it more user-friendly can be targeted.
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“Accident and Alcohol detection in Bluetooth enabled Smart Helmets for motorbikes”. IEEE
[12] Prashant Ahuja, Prof. KetanBhavsar“Microcontroller based smart Helmet using GSM &
GPRS”, IEEE 2018.
[13] KabilanM ,Monish S , DrS.Siamala Devi “Accident detection system based on IOT-
Smart Helmet”, IJARIIT 2019.
[14] Dr.D Vivekananda Reddy, V.Suresh, T.Hemalatha “Smart Helmet, and Bike management
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[15] S.R.Kurkute, N.R.Ahir Rao, R.G.Ankad, V.B Khatal “IOT based smart system for the
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