Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Aktu, Lucknow: 5 Museums
Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Aktu, Lucknow: 5 Museums
Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Aktu, Lucknow: 5 Museums
Tushar Sharma
B.Arch IIIrd year ‘B’
5 Museums 1805181068
▪ The architecture of the Museum is inspired by tribal
rhythms, geometries, materials, forms, aesthetics and
Madhya Pradesh Tribal ▪ The galleries are raised above the ground on
columns, forming a continuous ,
spatial consciousness, these very qualities are now
acting as points of inspiration for the display materials Museum, Bhopal By- Kamath multileveled verandas , following the
contours of the sloping , rocky terrain.
being created by tribal artisans, supported by
anthropologists, sociologists and social workers. Studio ▪ The landscape is designed to collect and store rain water , to be
used for both cooling and irrigating the green, roof and garden.
▪ The museum is segregated between public and administrative spaces.
Continuity of the space is maintained to integrate spaces throughout
horizontal zoning.
▪ The structure is built of steel tubes, castellated girders, and steel rods
First floor fabricated into intricate trusses. Steel seemed to be a natural choice
plan in the land & location of ancient Iron Age & Bronze Age
civilizations, and the contemporary truck body building industry.
▪ The museum is designed to create a built fabric which the tribal
communities could identify with, extend and evolve to represent them and ▪ The roofs are made of half round tiles galvalume sheets and
express their own ideas and way of life with ease and spontaneity. concrete with a topping of grass and groundcover.
▪ In response to this context, Maki and Associates conceived the ▪ The Museum’s exterior is characterized by extensive use of
Bihar Museum as a “campus” - an interconnected landscape of Bihar museum , weathering steel, a durable material that complements its
context and creates a dignified contrast to the surrounding
Patna By – Maki & greenery.
buildings and exterior spaces that maintains a modest but
dynamic profile, in harmony with existing site conditions.
▪ It is supplemented with stone, terracotta, and glass finishes - a modern
material palette with clear connections to Bihar’s past and future. Associate ▪ The weathering steel
symbolizes India’s historical
achievements in metallurgy
as well as its current
prominence within the
international steel industry
(of which Bihar’s rich
natural resources have
played a critical role). ▪ Each program zone (entrance /
event, museum exhibition,
▪ This constant presence of the natural environment within the administration, and children /
Museum “campus” creates a rich, unique experience with each educational) has been given a
visit, one that changes with the time and seasons distinct presence and recognizable
form within the complex.
▪ Most of the external surface of the buildings
are clad in zero maintenance corten steel,
whose earthy brown red colouration subtly
contrasted with the surrounding greenery.
The corten steel is offset with Indian granite
and sandstone , terracotta and glass finishes
▪ Lighting is one of the
main aspects of this
▪ These zones are linked together via interior and exterior courtyards museum , especially
and corridors, ensuring that all spaces retain a connection to the natural lighting and the
surrounding landscape while remaining sheltered and comfortable architect has tackled
throughout the year. the issue through bay
▪ Each courtyard has a unique and spatial quality. Some of these winds, façade lighting,
courtyards have been strategically located to preserve the existing luminous walls and a
trees on the site. central courtyards .
▪ Building was designed such that it merges with ▪ Building comprises of four storied with a basement
the site surrounding . It was the first planned
museum at the national level .
National museum , . Basic plan of the building is fan shaped with a
circular courtyard in between surrounded by a
Delhi covered veranda.
▪ Services like HVAC, electrical and other are also placed at the basement . ▪ Building is made using high strength R.C.C. and red
Exhibition are placed at the upper level . Horizontally , the museum is sandstone. Temporary structures are provided around the
zoned into open , transition and exhibition spaces . Such zoning makes building.
this museum a nice visitors experience.
▪ Wright created the philosophy of “organic architecture,
“ which maintains that the building should develop out
of its natural surrounding. Althrough the word “organic
Solomon R. Guggenheim ▪ The Guggenheim is primarily composed of reinforced concrete .
Normal weight cat in place concrete is the material of the lower
▪ The museum is surrounded by a landscaped park that reinterprets Qatari landscapes, with
alternating low dunes, flooded crops, and gardens inspired by sabkhas and oases. Containing ▪ The vertical walls are coated in stuc-pierre, or
only local plants and trees, the park tells the story of Qatar and how its people lived in and stone stucco, traditional gypsum and lime-blended
cultivated the harsh environment. It includes a heritage garden of traditional plants and large plaster that provides a stone look. Ceilings are
grassy areas perfect for stretching out on in the evening. A 430-car parking area is seamlessly covered in a microporous acoustic plaster sprayed
integrated into the park. on mineral wool.