En 12101-3
En 12101-3
En 12101-3
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 12101-3:2015.
It supersedes BS EN 12101-3:2002 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee FSH/25, Smoke, heat control systems and components.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
© The British Standards Institution 2015. Published by BSI Standards
Limited 2015
ISBN 978 0 580 70906 7
ICS 13.220.99; 23.120
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 September 2015.
Amendments issued since publication
Date Text affected
BS EN 12101-3:2015
English Version
Systèmes pour le contrôle des fumées et de la chaleur - Rauch- und Wärmefreihaltung - Teil 3: Bestimmungen für
Partie 3 : Spécifications relatives aux ventilateurs pour le maschinelle Rauch- und Wärmeabzugsgeräte
contrôle de fumées et de chaleur
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United
© 2015 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 12101-3:2015 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
Contents Page
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
6.3.7 One-off products, pre-production products (e.g. prototypes) and products produced in very
low quantity .......................................................................................................................................... 28
7 Marking, labelling and packaging ...................................................................................................... 29
Annex A (normative) Criteria to determine family of fans in order to select the sizes to be tested .......31
A.1 Reduction of numbers of tests for PSHC ventilators forming a product range............................31
A.2 Motors ................................................................................................................................................... 33
A.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................. 33
A.2.2 Motor Type 1: Motor out of airstream and Impeller not mounted on shaft ...................................34
A.2.3 Motor Type 2: Centrifugal fans with impeller mounted on the motor shaft ..................................35
A.2.4 Motor Type 3: Fans with motor inside the airstream without cooling ...........................................35
A.2.5 Motor Type 4: Motors out of airstream but within fan casing .........................................................36
A.2.5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................. 36
A.2.5.2 Motor Type 4.1 ..................................................................................................................................... 36
A.2.5.3 Motor Type 4.2 ..................................................................................................................................... 37
A.3 Combined testing ................................................................................................................................ 37
A.3.1 General rule .......................................................................................................................................... 37
A.3.2 Specific rule for an axial fan ............................................................................................................... 38
A.4 Determination of highest stresses in impellers ............................................................................... 38
A.4.1 PSHC Ventilators with geometrically similar impellers ................................................................... 38
A.4.2 Fans with impellers that are not geometrically similar .................................................................... 40
A.4.2.1 Axial impellers ..................................................................................................................................... 40
A. Centrifugal force .......................................................................................................................... 40
A. Fastenings or welds..................................................................................................................... 42
A. Hub/back-plate/shroud stresses ................................................................................................ 43
A.4.2.2 Centrifugal impellers ........................................................................................................................... 45
A. Centrifugal force .......................................................................................................................... 45
A. Blade bending moment ............................................................................................................... 46
A. Comparative blade stresses ....................................................................................................... 46
A. Blade joint stress ......................................................................................................................... 48
A.5 Assessment of changes in a fan family ............................................................................................ 48
A.5.1 Assessment of motor change ............................................................................................................ 48
A.5.2 Assessment of fan component change............................................................................................. 49
Annex B (normative) Criteria to determine a family of motors in order to select the sizes to be tested51
B.1 Reduction of numbers of tests for a motor family ........................................................................... 51
B.2 Assessment of changes in a motor family........................................................................................ 51
B.2.1 Assessment for changing a family of motors in a family of fans ...................................................51
B.2.2 Assessment for changing components in a family of motors ........................................................51
B.2.3 Assessment of changes using Annex D ........................................................................................... 56
B.2.4 Normative list of motor components ................................................................................................. 56
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EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
Annex C (normative) Test method for the determination of fire resistance of powered smoke and
heat control ventilators (fans) ........................................................................................................... 61
C.1 Principle ............................................................................................................................................... 61
C.2 Apparatus ............................................................................................................................................ 61
C.3 Preparation .......................................................................................................................................... 63
C.3.1 Axial Fan running (tip) clearance ...................................................................................................... 63
C.3.2 Measuring of running clearance ....................................................................................................... 63
C.3.3 Installation in furnace depending on the intended application categories .................................. 64
C.4 Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 66
C.4.1 General conditions ............................................................................................................................. 66
C.4.2 Warm up period................................................................................................................................... 66
C.4.3 Heat up period ..................................................................................................................................... 66
C.4.4 High temperature test ......................................................................................................................... 66
C.4.5 High temperature test in accordance with temperature time curve .............................................. 67
C.5 Compliance criteria............................................................................................................................. 67
C.6 Test report ........................................................................................................................................... 67
C.6.1 Prepare a test report after completion of each test including the following information: .......... 67
Annex D (normative) Test methods for electric motors to determine the impact of the changes on the
product characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 70
D.1 Principle ............................................................................................................................................... 70
D.2 Tests in association with a generator or another load ................................................................... 70
D.2.1 Modulated Frequency Method (MFM) ............................................................................................... 70
D.2.2 Apparatus for testing with a generator ............................................................................................ 71
D.2.2.1 Test installation................................................................................................................................... 71
D.2.2.2 Specifications for bearing load ......................................................................................................... 71
D.2.2.3 Temperature measurements.............................................................................................................. 72
D.2.2.4 Electrical measurements ................................................................................................................... 72
D.2.3 Test specimens ................................................................................................................................... 72
D.2.4 Test procedure .................................................................................................................................... 72
D.2.4.1 General conditions ............................................................................................................................. 72
D.2.4.2 Warm up period................................................................................................................................... 72
D.2.4.3 High temperature test ......................................................................................................................... 73
D.3 Test report ........................................................................................................................................... 73
Annex E (normative) Test method for assessing the response delay and ability to open under
environmental conditions .................................................................................................................. 75
E.1 Objective of test .................................................................................................................................. 75
E.2 Test apparatus .................................................................................................................................... 75
E.3 Test specimen ..................................................................................................................................... 75
E.4 Test procedure .................................................................................................................................... 75
E.5 Evaluation of test results ................................................................................................................... 75
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
European foreword
This document (EN 12101-3:2015) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 191 “Fixed firefighting
systems”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by February 2016, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest
by May 2017.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights.
CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European
Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s) and/or EU Regulation(s).
For relationship with EU Regulation(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
This European Standard is part of the package of the European Standards EN 12101 covering smoke and heat
control systems.
EN 12101, Smoke and heat control systems, consists of the following parts:
— Part 4: Natural smoke and heat control ventilation systems ― Installation and test methods (published as
CEN/TR 12101-4)
— Part 5: Design and calculation for smoke and exhaust ventilation systems (published as CEN/TR 12101-5)
— Part 13: Pressure differential systems (PDS) design and calculation methods, acceptance testing,
maintenance and routine testing of installation
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
Smoke and heat control ventilation systems create a smoke free layer above the floor by removing smoke and thus
improve the conditions for the safe escape and/or rescue of people and animals and the protection of property and
permit the fire to be fought while still in its early stages. They also exhaust hot gases released by a fire in the
developing stage.
In specific cases some fans are used to convey smoke (e.g. in tunnels or car parks). These fans, called jet fans or
impulse fans are also within the scope of this standard.
The use of smoke and heat control ventilation systems to create smoke free areas beneath a buoyant smoke layer
has become widespread. Their value in assisting in the evacuation of people from construction works, reducing fire
damage and financial loss by preventing smoke logging, facilitating fire fighting, reducing roof temperatures and
retarding the lateral spread of fire is firmly established. For these benefits to be obtained it is essential that smoke
and heat control ventilators operate fully and reliably whenever called upon to do so during their installed life. A
heat and smoke control ventilation system is a scheme of safety equipment intended to perform a positive role in a
fire emergency.
Components for smoke and heat control systems should be installed as part of a properly designed smoke and
heat control system.
— delay and/or prevent flashover and thus full development of the fire;
Depending on the design of the system and the ventilator, powered or natural smoke and heat ventilators can be
used in a smoke and heat control system. Powered smoke and heat control ventilators (fans) can be installed in the
roof or upper part of walls of building or in a ducted system with the ventilator inside or outside the smoke reservoir
or in a plant room.
Powered smoke and heat control ventilation systems should operate based on powered ventilators (fans). The
performance of the powered smoke and heat control system depends on:
— the location and conditions of the system (for example arrangements and dimensions of the building).
Smoke and heat control ventilation systems are used in buildings or construction works where the particular (large)
dimensions, shape or configuration make smoke control necessary.
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
— stairways;
— tunnels;
— theatres.
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the products characteristics of powered smoke and heat control ventilators
(fans) intended to be used as part of a powered smoke and heat control ventilation system in construction works.
It provides test and assessment methods of the characteristics and the compliance criteria of the test assessment
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable
for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 13501-4, Fire classification of construction products and building elements ― Part 4: Classification using data
from fire resistance tests on components of smoke control systems
EN 60034-1, Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance (IEC 60034-1)
EN 60034-2-1, Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-1: Standard methods for determining losses and efficiency
from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles) (IEC 60034-2-1)
EN 60034-18-41, Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-41: Partial discharge free electrical insulation systems
(Type I) used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters - Qualification and quality control tests
(IEC 60034-18-41)
CLC/TS 60034-17, Rotating electrical machines - Part 17: Cage induction motors when fed from converters -
Application guide (IEC 60034-17)
EN ISO 204, Metallic materials - Uniaxial creep testing in tension - Method of test (ISO 204)
EN ISO 5167 (all parts), Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices
EN ISO 5801, Industrial fans - Performance testing using standardized airways (ISO 5801
EN ISO 6892-1, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature (ISO 6892-1)
EN ISO 6892-2, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 2: Method of test at elevated temperature (ISO 6892-2)
ISO 281, Rolling bearings — Dynamic load ratings and rating life
ISO 834-1, Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 1: General requirements
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
term covering both natural or powered ventilators (fans)
powered smoke and heat control ventilator
PSHC ventilator
smoke-ventilating fan that is suitable for handling smoke and hot gases for a specified time/temperature profile
dual purpose PSHC ventilator
smoke-ventilating fan that has provision to allow its use for comfort (i.e. day to day) ventilation
emergency PSHC ventilator
smoke-ventilating fan that is not used for comfort (i.e. day to day) ventilation
smoke reservoir
region within a building limited or bordered by smoke curtains or structural elements and which will in the event of a
fire retain a thermally buoyant smoke layer
powered roof ventilator
fan designed for mounting on a roof and having exterior weather protection
thermal insulated ventilator
ventilator insulated to limit the external surface temperature to reduce the danger of injury to persons or damage to
materials (see 5.3.1)
smoke reservoir ventilator
ventilator suitable for operation fully immersed in a smoke reservoir
non smoke reservoir ventilator
ventilator not suitable for operation fully immersed in a smoke reservoir
series-produced powered ventilator product family
physically similar fans using the same form of construction and materials throughout, with the same methods of
impeller construction, motor mounting and construction, and electrical connection in which the following may vary
across the range:
— the impeller diameter and width, hub size, blade length and number of blades of the impeller; and/or;
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
impulse/jet fans for smoke and heat control ventilation
fan used for producing a jet of air in a space and unconnected to any ducting
Note 1 to entry The air jet may be used, for example, for adding momentum to the air within a duct, a tunnel or other space,
or for intensifying the heat transfer in a determined zone.
non-series produced fans for smoke and heat control ventilation
fans that are:
— individually designed and manufactured, upon request and for specific purposes, needing to readjust the
production machines for their manufacture in order to be used in the work concerned; or
— custom-made for a specific order to obtain one or several end use performances different from products
manufactured in series, even if produced according to the same manufacturing process/system design.
Note 1 to entry These are products of individual design that are ordered for and installed in one and the same known work.
They should neither be part of a range of equal products, which is manufactured in series of the same kind combining usual
components in the same way, nor should they and their field of application (e.g. dimensions, weight) be offered on the general
initiative of the manufacturer (e.g. by means of published catalogues or other ways of advertising).
three phase motor family
motors which are physically similar, using the same form of construction i.e. same materials and manufacturing
method for carcase, cooling impeller, when fitted, and end covers; same insulation materials which includes sheet
insulation used for coil separation and slot insulation, winding impregnation material (varnish or resin etc., lead
insulation, terminal blocks and any other materials that could affect the integrity of the insulation); same bearing
type, class of fit, lubricant and arrangement, with motor windings based on the same maximum winding
temperature and class of insulation,; in which the following may vary across the range:
— frame size;
single phase motor family
motors which are physically similar, using the same form of construction i.e. same materials and manufacturing
method for carcase, cooling impeller, when fitted, and end covers; same insulation materials which includes sheet
insulation used on for coil separation and slot insulation, winding impregnation material (varnish or resin etc., lead
insulation, terminal blocks and any other materials that could affect the integrity of the insulation); same bearing
type, class of fit, lubricant and arrangement, with motor windings based on the same maximum winding
temperature and class of insulation, same capacitor type and same location of the capacitor; in which the following
may vary across the range:
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
motor rating
motor rating (rated power) is the maximum power that the motor will deliver continuously without exceeding the
allowable temperature rise
fire open position
position of a component to be reached and maintained while venting smoke and heat
4 Requirements
If the fan is designed to be installed at the atmospheric termination of a smoke control system (e.g. powered roof
ventilator) and is fitted with a fan shutter flaps or louvers which project above the wind deflectors (cowl or wind
shield), the shutter, flaps or louvers shall open in less than 30 s when tested in accordance with 5.2.1.
If the fan is designed to be installed at the atmospheric termination of a smoke control system (e.g. powered roof
ventilator) and is fitted with a fan shutter flaps or louvers which project above the wind deflectors (cowl or wind
shield), the shutter, flaps or louvers shall open in less than 30 s when tested in accordance with 5.2.2.
4.2.1 General
Operational reliability of a PSHC ventilator (fan) shall be demonstrated by verification against application categories
and by verification of motor ratings.
To demonstrate its operational reliability, a PSHC ventilator (fan) has to be verified against categories:
The following Table 1 shows the relevant method to allocate the results in the corresponding category:
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
Since the PSHC ventilator (fan) may be operated at different temperatures (current or emergency), motors shall be
selected for operation at the power required for normal ambient temperature and not just for operation at high
— Motor ratings shall be limited by the temperature rise for one class lower than the insulation class of the motor,
as defined in EN 60085.
— The fan tested in accordance with 5.3.2, shall comply with the stability requirement in Annex C, C.4.2.2.
4.3.1 General
The effectiveness of smoke / hot gas extraction of the fan is the ability to continue to extract the required volume
flow at high temperature.
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
4.3.2 Gas flow and pressure maintenance during smoke and heat extraction test
The effectiveness of smoke / hot gas extraction is demonstrated by compliance with the performance requirements
in Annex C, C.5, when tested according to 5.4.
The fan is shown to be functioning satisfactorily by its continued ability to provide the initial volume or pressure
within the defined limits in C.5, when tested according to 5.5.
When the fan is fitted with shutter, louvers or dampers, their ability to open under environmental conditions shall be
demonstrated by fulfilling the requirements in Annex E, E.5 when tested in accordance with 5.6.
When the fan is fitted with shutter, louvers or dampers, their ability to open under environmental conditions shall be
demonstrated by fulfilling the requirements in Annex E, E.5 when tested in accordance with 5.6.
Durability of operational reliability is demonstrated by motor rating according to 4.2.3 when tested according to 5.7.
5.1 General
PSHC ventilator (fan), tests shall be carried out in accordance with Annexes A, B, C, E.
For each test, a test report shall be prepared in accordance with Annex C.
— ON-OFF switch and other electrical ancillaries (e.g. electrical safety box) which are directly mounted on the
— guide vanes;
— flow deflectors;
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
— a jet fan shall be tested completely assembled and suspended from a supporting construction in accordance
with the manufacturer’s installation instruction.
For testing of motors alone, tests shall be carried out and test reports prepared in accordance with Annex D.
5.2 Test of response delay (response time) opening under wind, snow load within a given time
The fan shutter, flaps or louvers shall open in less than 30 s against a horizontally applied load of 200 Pa,
simulated by means of an additional fan blowing on the flap at a suitable velocity, or by any suitable mechanical
means when the fan is tested in accordance with annex E and / or C.
Warning: For fans which use the air pressure from the fan to open flaps or louvers:
Due to the temperature rise the density of air decreases, resulting in a corresponding decrease in the pressure
developed. This pressure is needed to open the termination system (flaps or louvers).
In this case, the laboratory shall perform the wind load test also during the high temperature test.
If fans selected according to Annex A and tested according to Annex C are intended for use with external, air-
pressure operated shutters, the combination shall also be tested with a wind load according to Annex E.
The operating position can be considered as reached if the volume flow exhausted by the fan working under wind
loads did not decrease by more than 10 % of that exhausted by the fan working without these loads.
If a fan intended for mounting on an external wall is fitted with external shutters, flaps or louvers and/or is not
protected from wind force acting against it by a deflector or cowl, it shall be tested in accordance with this clause.
Otherwise, the manufacture shall include a statement in his instructions that suitable wind guarding shall be fitted
by the installer.
The fan shutter, flaps or louvers shall open in less than 30 s against a vertically applied load shown in Table 2,
simulated by any suitable mechanical means, when the fan is tested in accordance with Annex E, at ambient
temperature only.
Where the minimum angle of installation recommended by the supplier exceeds 45° from the horizontal, the fan
takes the classification SL 1000 without a test; except where the snow will be prevented from slipping from the fan
e.g. by wind deflectors, in which case the fan shall be tested for a snow load classification which shall not be less
than SL = 2000.d where d is the depth of snow, in metres, which can be contained with the confines of the
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
5.4 Effectiveness of smoke / hot gas extraction – Gas flow and pressure maintenance during
smoke and heat extraction test
5.6 Ability to open under environmental conditions: opening under wind, snow load within a
given time
6.1 General
The compliance of powered smoke and heat control ventilators (fans) with the requirements of this standard and
with the performances declared by the manufacturer in the DoP shall be demonstrated by:
The manufacturer shall always retain the overall control and shall have the necessary means to take responsibility
for the conformity of the product with its declared performance(s).
6.2.1 General
All performances related to characteristics included in this standard shall be determined when the manufacturer
intends to declare the respective performances unless the standard gives provisions for declaring them without
performing tests. (e.g. use of previously existing data, classified without further testing (CWFT) and conventionally
accepted performance).
Assessment previously performed in accordance with the provisions of this standard, may be taken into account
provided that they were made to the same or a more rigorous test method, under the same AVCP system on the
same product or products of similar design, construction and functionality, such that the results are applicable to
the product in question.
NOTE Same AVCP system means testing by an independent third party, under the responsibility of a notified product
certification body.
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
For the purposes of assessment, the manufacturer's products may be grouped into families, where it is considered
that the results for one or more characteristics from any one product within the family are representative for that
same characteristics for all products within that same family.
Reference to the assessment method standards should be made to allow the selection of a suitable representative
In addition, the determination of the product type shall be performed for all characteristics included in the standard
for which the manufacturer declares the performance:
— at the beginning of the production of a new or modified powered smoke and heat control ventilators (fans)
(unless a member of the same product range), or
— at the beginning of a new or modified method of production (where this may affect the stated properties); or
they shall be repeated for the appropriate characteristic(s), whenever a change occurs in the powered smoke and
heat control ventilators (fans) design, in the raw material or in the supplier of the components, or in the method of
production (subject to the definition of a family), which would affect significantly one or more of the characteristics.
Where components are used whose characteristics have already been determined, by the component
manufacturer, on the basis of assessment methods of other product standards, these characteristics need not be
re-assessed. The specifications of these components shall be documented.
Products bearing regulatory marking in accordance with appropriate harmonized European specifications may be
presumed to have the performances declared in the DoP, although this does not replace the responsibility on the
powered smoke and heat control ventilators (fans) manufacturer to ensure that the powered smoke and heat
control ventilators (fans) as a whole is correctly manufactured and its component products have the declared
performance values.
The number of samples of powered smoke and heat control ventilators (fans) to be tested /assessed shall be in
accordance with Table 3.
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EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
The results of the determination of the product type shall be documented in test reports. All test reports shall be
retained by the manufacturer for at least 10 years after the last date of production of the powered smoke and heat
control ventilators (fans) to which they relate.
6.3.1 General
The manufacturer shall establish, document and maintain an FPC system to ensure that the products placed on the
market comply with the declared performance of the essential characteristics.
The FPC system shall consist of procedures, regular inspections and tests and/or assessments and the use of the
results to control raw and other incoming materials or components, equipment, the production process and the
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be documented in a systematic
manner in the form of written policies and procedures.
This factory production control system documentation shall ensure a common understanding of the evaluation of
the constancy of performance and enable the achievement of the required product performances and the effective
operation of the production control system to be checked. Factory production control therefore brings together
operational techniques and all measures allowing maintenance and control of the compliance of the product with
the declared performances of the essential characteristics.
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EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
In case the manufacturer has used shared or cascading product type results, the FPC shall also include the
appropriate documentation as foreseen in 6.3.4 and 6.3.5.
6.3.2 Requirements General
The manufacturer is responsible for organizing the effective implementation of the FPC system in line with the
content of this product standard. Tasks and responsibilities in the production control organization shall be
documented and this documentation shall be kept up-to-date.
The responsibility, authority and the relationship between personnel that manages, performs or verifies work
affecting product constancy, shall be defined. This applies in particular to personnel that need to initiate actions
preventing product non-constancies from occurring, actions in case of non-constancies and to identify and register
product constancy problems.
Personnel performing work affecting the constancy of performance of the product shall be competent on the basis
of appropriate education, training, skills and experience for which records shall be maintained.
In each factory the manufacturer may delegate the action to a person having the necessary authority to:
The manufacturer shall draw up and keep up-to-date documents defining the factory production control. The
manufacturer's documentation and procedures should be appropriate to the product and manufacturing process.
The FPC system should achieve an appropriate level of confidence in the constancy of performance of the product.
This involves:
a) the preparation of documented procedures and instructions relating to factory production control operations, in
accordance with the requirements of the technical specification to which reference is made;
d) the use of these results to correct any deviations, repair the effects of such deviations, treat any resulting
instances of non-conformity and, if necessary, revise the FPC to rectify the cause of non-constancy of
Where subcontracting takes place, the manufacturer shall retain the overall control of the product and ensure that
he receives all the information that is necessary to fulfil his responsibilities according to this European standard.
If the manufacturer has part of the product designed, manufactured, assembled, packed, processed and/or labelled
by subcontracting, the FPC of the subcontractor may be taken into account, where appropriate for the product in
The manufacturer who subcontracts all of his activities may in no circumstances pass the above responsibilities on
to a subcontractor.
NOTE Manufacturers having an FPC system, which complies with EN ISO 9001 standard and which addresses the
provisions of the present European Standard are considered as satisfying the FPC requirements of the Regulation (EU)
No 305/2011.
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E) Equipment Testing
All weighing, measuring and testing equipment shall be calibrated and regularly inspected according to
documented procedures, frequencies and criteria. Manufacturing
All equipment used in the manufacturing process shall be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure use, wear
or failure does not cause inconsistency in the manufacturing process. Inspections and maintenance shall be carried
out and recorded in accordance with the manufacturer’s written procedures and the records retained for the period
defined in the manufacturer's FPC procedures.
The specifications of all incoming raw materials and components shall be documented, as shall the inspection
scheme for ensuring their compliance. In case supplied kit components are used, the constancy of performance
system of the component shall be that given in the appropriate harmonized technical specification for that
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Table 4
Compulsory components: top Visual / Data sheet/ Conform with range See manufacturer yes
cover, electric cable and motor rating plate report list of operating procedure
terminal box if so, belt and approved
pulleys, bearings and components
transmission shaft, motor,
blades/hub/ impeller, fastenings
(screws, bolts, rivets, nuts,
weldings), flexible joint if so,
Optional accessories: Visual / Data sheet Conform with range See manufacturer yes
Isolator/ON-OFF switch, report list of operating procedure
electrical safety box, converter, approved ancillaries
pressure controller, flaps,
damper, silencer, shock
absorber, protection grill,
electrical cables associated,
motor covering, inlet nozzle,
flexible joints/sleeves, guide
vanes, guide cone.
Product control- impeller
Main dimensions (at least these Measurements Reference conform See operating yes
ones used for stress with range report procedure
calculations in EN 12101-
3:2015, Annex A)
Material (blades, hub and taper Material test report See operating yes
lock-bush) procedure
Fastening: material, size and Measurements Reference conform See operating yes
number (rivets, nuts, welding, with range report procedure
bolts, tabs, )
1) The motor manufacturer selects a body notified for inspection and a body notified for tests.
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2) Only the selected inspection body performs the assessment of the factory product control by the motor
manufacturer and writes an inspection report at least in English language.
3) The motor manufacturer can therefore transmit the inspection report to all this customers which are fan
manufacturer or directly to the notified body of the customer for confidentiality reasons.
4) If the motor manufacturer shall change or wants to change some components, he shall inform the selected test
laboratory so that it can assess or perform, if required by the rules indicated in the standard (see annex B), the
additional test(s). Then the test report is also written in English language and provided by the motor
manufacturer to the inspection body so that he reports these changes in the inspection report.
The factory product control done by motor manufacturer shall focus on components listed in Table 5:
Table 5
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Individual power and heat control system ventilators (fans) shall be identifiable and traceable with regard to their
production origin. The manufacturer shall have written procedures ensuring that processes related to affixing
traceability codes and/or markings are inspected regularly.
The manufacturer shall plan and carry out production under controlled conditions.
Table 6
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Table 7
The manufacturer shall establish procedures to ensure that the stated values of the characteristics he declares are
maintained. The characteristics, and the means of control, are:
— Response delay shall be subject to the test indicated in Annex E, done at ambient temperature;
— Ability to open under environmental conditions at ambient temperature shall be subject to the test indicated in
Annex E.
The manufacturer shall have written procedures which specify how non-complying products shall be dealt with. Any
such events shall be recorded as they occur and these records shall be kept for the period defined in the
manufacturer’s written procedures.
Where the product fails to satisfy the acceptance criteria, the provisions for non-complying products shall apply, the
necessary corrective action(s) shall immediately be taken and the products or batches not complying shall be
isolated and properly identified.
Once the fault has been corrected, the test or verification in question shall be repeated.
The results of controls and tests shall be properly recorded. The product description, date of manufacture, test
method adopted, test results and acceptance criteria shall be entered in the records under the signature of the
person responsible for the control/test.
With regard to any control result not meeting the requirements of this European standard, the corrective measures
taken to rectify the situation (e.g. a further test carried out, modification of manufacturing process, throwing away or
putting right of product) shall be indicated in the records.
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The manufacturer shall have documented procedures that instigate action to eliminate the cause of non-
conformities in order to prevent recurrence.
The manufacturer shall have procedures providing methods of product handling and shall provide suitable storage
areas preventing damage or deterioration.
The FPC system shall address this European Standard and ensure that the products placed on the market comply
with the declaration of performance.
The FPC system shall include a product specific FPC, which identifies procedures to demonstrate compliance of
the product at appropriate stages, i.e.:
a) the controls and tests to be carried out prior to and/or during manufacture according to a frequency laid down
in the FPC test plan,
b) the verifications and tests to be carried out on finished products according to a frequency laid down in the FPC
test plan
If the manufacturer uses only finished products, the operations under b) shall lead to an equivalent level of
compliance of the product as if FPC had been carried out during the production.
If the manufacturer carries out parts of the production himself, the operations under b) may be reduced and partly
replaced by operations under a). Generally, the more parts of the production that are carried out by the
manufacturer, the more operations under b) may be replaced by operations under a).
In any case the operation shall lead to an equivalent level of compliance of the product as if FPC had been carried
out during the production.
NOTE Depending on the specific case, it can be necessary to carry out the operations referred to under a) and b), only the
operations under a) or only those under b).
The operations under a) refer to the intermediate states of the product as on manufacturing machines and their
adjustment, and measuring equipment etc. These controls and tests and their frequency shall be chosen based on
product type and composition, the manufacturing process and its complexity, the sensitivity of product features to
variations in manufacturing parameters etc.
The manufacturer shall establish and maintain records that provide evidence that the production has been sampled
and tested. These records shall show clearly whether the production has satisfied the defined acceptance criteria
and shall be available for at least three years.
Initial inspection of factory and of FPC shall be carried out when the production process has been finalized and in
operation. The factory and FPC documentation shall be assessed to verify that the requirements of 6.3.2 and 6.3.3
are fulfilled.
a) that all resources necessary for the achievement of the product characteristics included in this European
standard are in place and correctly implemented,
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b) that the FPC-procedures in accordance with the FPC documentation are followed in practice,
c) that the product complies with the product type samples, for which compliance of the product performance to
the DoP has been verified.
All locations where final assembly or at least final testing of the relevant product is performed shall be assessed to
verify that the above conditions a) to c) are in place and implemented. If the FPC system covers more than one
product, production line or production process, and it is verified that the general requirements are fulfilled when
assessing one product, production line or production process, then the assessment of the general requirements
does not need to be repeated when assessing the FPC for another product, production line or production process.
All assessments and their results shall be documented in the initial inspection report.
Surveillance of the FPC shall be undertaken once per year. However, if after 2 years from the date of the first
surveillance there is no evidence of non-compliancy, further surveillances shall be undertaken once every 2 years.
The surveillance of the FPC shall include a review of the FPC test plan(s) and production processes(s) for each
product to determine if any changes have been made since the last assessment or surveillance. The significance of
any changes shall be assessed.
Checks shall be made to ensure that the test plans are still correctly implemented and that the production
equipment is still correctly maintained and calibrated at appropriate time intervals.
The records of tests and measurement made during the production process and to finished products shall be
reviewed to ensure that the values obtained still correspond with those values for the samples submitted to the
determination of the product type and that the correct actions have been taken for non-compliant products.
If modifications are made to the product, production process or FPC system that could affect any of the product
characteristics declared according to this standard, then all the characteristics for which the manufacturer declares
performance, which may be affected by the modification, shall be subject to the determination of the product type,
as described in 6.2.1.
Where relevant, a re-assessment of the factory and of the FPC system shall be performed for those aspects, which
may be affected by the modification.
6.3.7 One-off products, pre-production products (e.g. prototypes) and products produced in very low
The powered smoke and heat control ventilators (fans) produced as a one-off, prototypes assessed before full
production is established, and products produced in very low quantities (less than 10 per year) shall be assessed
as follows.
For type assessment, the provisions of 6.2.1, apply, together with the following additional provisions:
— in case of prototypes, the test samples shall be representative of the intended future production and shall be
selected by the manufacturer;
— on request of the manufacturer, the results of the assessment of prototype samples may be included in a
certificate or in test reports issued by the involved third party.
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The FPC system of one-off products and products produced in very low quantities shall ensure that raw materials
and/or components are sufficient for production of the product. The provisions on raw materials and/or components
shall apply only where appropriate. The manufacturer shall maintain records allowing traceability of the product.
For prototypes, where the intention is to move to series production, the initial inspection of the factory and FPC
shall be carried out before the production is already running and/or before the FPC is already in practice. The
following shall be assessed:
— the factory.
a) that all resources necessary for the achievement of the product characteristics included in this European
standard will be available, and
b) that the FPC-procedures in accordance with the FPC-documentation will be implemented and followed in
practice, and
c) that procedures are in place to demonstrate that the factory production processes can produce a product
complying with the requirements of this European standard and that the product will be the same as the
samples used for the determination of the product type, for which compliance with this European standard has
been verified.
Once series production is fully established, the provisions of 6.3 shall apply.
— with the number of this European Standard and the year of its publication (i.e. EN 12101-3:2015), followed by
the generic name of the product "Powered Smoke and Heat Control ventilator";
— with power requirements, e.g. power, current, voltage and rotational speed; the snow load class where
— with the flow direction inside the fan (motor upstream, downstream or both);
— with minimum flow and maximum temperature of cooling air where applicable;
— with the text "This Powered Smoke and Heat Control ventilator shall be installed as per the manufacturer's
— with the manufacturer's installation instructions or a reference to a document held by the manufacturer giving
these instructions;
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Where regulatory marking provisions require information on some or all items listed in this clause, the requirements
of this clause concerning those common items are deemed to be met.
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Annex A
A.1 Reduction of numbers of tests for PSHC ventilators forming a product range
It is not usually considered necessary to test every size of ventilator in a family of fans provided that the following
are tested and the family complies with the rules given in A.3, A.4 and Annex B:
a) the fan with the most highly stressed impeller, and the ventilators with impellers in which the individual stress
in any component, weld or fastening is the highest, as appropriate, if not the same(see A.4);
b) for fans with motors mounted in an enclosure which restricts the cooling, the worst case shall be tested; this is
the smallest free area of the motor enclosure or the smallest section of exit or entry airway for cooling air;
c) at least two sizes of fans are tested at their highest rotational speed;
d) the fan with the smallest motor frame size to be used, except for fans where the impeller is not mounted on the
motor shaft and the motors are out of the airstream in ambient air and the cooling of the motor is not affected
by heat transfer from the ventilator or the ventilator construction;
e) if the highest impeller stress levels are determined by geometric similarity conditions from A.4.1, sufficient
sizes of fans to ensure that the impeller diameters of the range are from 0,8 to 1,27 of those tested;
f) if the highest impeller stress levels are determined by the calculation methods in A.4.2, sufficient sizes of fans
to ensure that the impeller diameters of the range are from 0,63 to 1,27 of those tested;
NOTE The coefficients are coming from Renard Series R20 in accordance with several ISO standards. The aim of the
coefficients 0,8 or 0,63 and 1,27 is to validate fans down to 2 or 4 sizes smaller and up to 2 sizes larger than the tested size.
See Annex F for more information.
g) For a direct drive axial fan where the blade profile is not symmetrical and the fan may be supplied with motor
upstream or motor downstream, the fan shall be tested with motor downstream, which is the worst case.
h) But if the fan range is intended to operate only with motor upstream, the tests can be performed in this
i) If a fan or range of fans is intended for installation in either vertical or horizontal or intermediate positions, a
minimum of one fan shall be tested in each of vertical (shaft down and motor downstream or shaft up and
motor upstream if the fan range is intended to work only with the motor upstream) and horizontal orientation;
j) If a family of axial fans is also intended to be used for jet fan application, a minimum of one size of fan shall be
tested in the jet fan configuration;
k) A fan for use as a jet fan shall be tested completely assembled, with its ancillaries as listed in 4.1 if supplied
with the jet fan. A test of the fan with only the inlet side silencer is allowed to qualify a jet fan, unless the jet fan
is suspended by the silencers;
l) For a reversible fan or jet fan, equipped with a symmetrical impeller (symmetrical blade profile or impeller with
alternate blades) the test shall be performed with motor downstream.
m) A fan shall be tested with any electrical device used in combination with the motor which could have a negative
impact on the motor (e.g. change electrical signal, overheating, etc.).
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The currently well-known impacts of a PWM frequency converter driving on an electric three-phase motor are the
— creation of partial discharges through the air voids located inside motor insulation. These discharges are in
proportion with the temperature;
— creation of voltage peaks higher than those obtained from direct online supply;
— damage in the windings due to these voltage peaks and voltage gradient (du/dt)
In order to estimate the final impact of the combination of converter and cable on the motor, it is necessary to
measure directly at the motor terminals by means of a suitable instrument (e.g. an oscilloscope), only at ambient
temperature for 10 minutes before the warm up period of the test:
— the maximum peak voltage value Up or peak to peak Upk/pk as well as;
— the maximum rate of voltage rise du/dt of the voltage fluctuations as indicated in Figure A.1 and formula:
The fan unit may be assumed to be able to withstand the same maximum peak to peak voltage values and rate of
voltage rise at the motor terminals in an installation as during the test, independent of the Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) frequency converter.
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Fan tested direct on line can be installed with a frequency converter, provided the converter is by-passed during
smoke and heat exhausting operation, without additional testing.
b) Fan driven by voltage converter (but switched off during smoke exhausting).
A motor which is supplied from a voltage converter may experience an increased temperature rise when run at a
reduced voltage.
Because of this effect on the temperature rise inside the motor, the warm-up period of the test shall be performed
with the output of the voltage converter set to run the motor at 70 % of nominal speed.
The temperature rise of the motor during this warm up period shall not be greater than one class lower than the
insulation class of motor.
Since the soft starter is bypassed just after the motor starting, it is not obligatory to test it, especially if the fan
manufacturer wants to get both applications (with and without soft starter).
d) Contra-rotating installation
Such installation does not require any additional test provided the fan range was tested individually with motor
downstream (see Figure A.2).
1 air flow
A.2 Motors
A.2.1 General
A family of motors shall only be assessed if the smallest and largest frame size motors used in the family are
tested within the fans, at their highest ratings (voltage, power, rotational speed…), except when the impeller is not
mounted on the motor shaft and the motors are out of the air stream in ambient air and the cooling of the motor is
not affected by heat transfer from the ventilator or the ventilator construction(type 1) .When the motor is out of the
air stream and the impeller is mounted on the motor shaft (type 2), motors from a different supplier to the one used
in the ventilator test may be used, provided that the tested and alternative motors are of the same construction, i.e.
same class of insulation and bearing type and class of fit and same synchronous speed and rating.
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A.2.2 Motor Type 1: Motor out of airstream and Impeller not mounted on shaft
1 air flow
In this case, motors Type 1 do not need to be approved and there are no requirements, except those described in
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A.2.3 Motor Type 2: Centrifugal fans with impeller mounted on the motor shaft
1 air flow (inlet)
2 air flow (outlet)
For interchange-ability, the motor winding temperature shall be measured just after the test (according to the
resistance measurement method of EN 60034-1) to ensure that the temperature rise inside the motor is equal to or
lower than that permitted for the insulation class. For example, with a standard class F motor, the motor winding
temperature rise at the end of the high temperature test shall not exceed the class F requirement, i.e. 105 K.
Where single-phase motors were tested, the above rule for motor interchange-ability will apply, provided that the
alternative capacitor is located at the same place (a plastic capacitor can be replaced by an aluminium capacitor
but not vice-versa).
Otherwise a motor cannot be changed without a new test. If new tests are required, see A.3.
A.2.4 Motor Type 3: Fans with motor inside the airstream without cooling
1 air 1
2 air 2
Figure A.5 ― Motor Type 3
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Motors Type 3 shall be tested and interchange-ability is only possible with other motors already tested under
specific conditions, see A.3.
A.2.5 Motor Type 4: Motors out of airstream but within fan casing
A.2.5.1 General
Motor Type 4: Fans with insulation class F (temperature rise B) or class H (temperature rise F) standard motors for
F400 and lower temperature/times classes and motors affected by thermal transfer.
For interchange-ability, the motor winding temperature shall be measured just after the test (according to the
resistance measurement method of EN 60034-1) to ensure that temperature rise inside the motor is equal to or
lower than that permitted for the insulation class. For example with a standard class F motor, the motor winding
temperature rise at the end of the high temperature test shall not exceed the class F requirement, i.e. 105 K.
Where single-phase motors were tested, the above rule for motor interchange-ability will apply, provided that the
alternative capacitor is located at the same place (a plastic capacitor can be replaced by an aluminium capacitor
but not vice-versa).
Otherwise the motor cannot be changed without new test. If new tests are required, see A.3.
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EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
For interchange-ability, the motor winding temperature shall be measured just after the test (according to the
resistance measurement method of EN 60034-1) to ensure that temperature rise inside the motor is equal to or
lower than that permitted for the insulation class. For example with a standard class F motor, the motor winding
temperature rise at the end of the high temperature test shall not exceed the class F requirement, i.e. 105 K.
Where single-phase motors were tested, the above rule for motor interchange-ability is the same, provided that the
alternative capacitor is located at the same place (a plastic capacitor can be replaced by an aluminium capacitor
but not vice-versa).
Otherwise the motor cannot be changed without new test. If new tests are required, see A.3.
To allow the mounting of a new family of motors inside an already tested family of fans:
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— test the smallest and largest frame motors sizes at their highest ratings within fans provided that the motors
are part of the same homogeneous range (according to 3.13 and 3.14 definition).
When the family of fans is large, the motor family may consist of two or more homogeneous ranges. This means
that for each homogeneous family, both smallest and largest frame sizes shall be tested (i.e. 4 or more tests).
However if the alternative motor family was already successfully tested according to annex D, or within another
family of fans, in accordance with the same criteria listed in A.1 and for the same temperature-time classification,
only the smallest and largest frame size of the complete motor family shall be retested within the fans (only 2 tests).
An example is following:
According to Annex B the frame sizes 80, 132, 160 and 250 were tested during the initial assessment.
If Y motors were never tested, tests of 90, 112, 132 and 225 frame sizes motors shall be carried out.
If Y motors (at least the 90 up to 225 frame sizes range) were successfully tested with a load (acc. to annex D) or
within a fan family B with the same criteria in accordance with A.1 and for the same temperature-time classification,
then re-test only 90 and 225 frame sizes.
For geometrically similar impellers the impeller with the highest peripheral speed is the most highly stressed.
Impellers are geometrically similar if all dimensions, excluding thickness of materials, are within 5 % of the values
scaled by the ratio of the impeller diameters, and the numbers of blades and fastenings are identical. The centre
boss is excluded from the geometric similarity requirements.
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Table A.1
A fan family is geometrically similar if the fans of that family are manufactured according to standard series numbers R10,
R20, R40 or according to self-defined design size increments (following a fixed size ratio), assuming similarity of the
following component dimensions:
Axial fans
Geometrical parameters Geometrical similarity
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Table A.2
Design characteristics
If the fan and casing are built from sheet metal, geometrical incrementing of the sheet metal thickness is not necessary.
Fastening method Geometrically uniform fastening Change of fastening method within the
method (welding, screws or series is not possible without testing.
riveting) across the entire series Welding: Execution of welds shall be
identical, i.e., continuous weld seams,
weld shape (fillet weld, square/bevel
groove weld), length of weld shall be
geometrically similar
Rivet and screw joining methods: If, for
instance, 5 rivets are used on small
impellers, at least 5 rivets shall likewise be
used on all fans in the series according to
the calculation method.
Material Identical material, no mixing Uniform materials and uniform material
combinations to be used across the entire
Hub section 1. Geometrical similarity 2. With externally sourced hub supports,
2. Hub supports (connection geometrical similarity cannot be
piece between hub and motor maintained. Calculated proof of screw
shaft) may differ as appropriate attachment is required.
Motor mounting type Motor mounting type shall be
the same for the entire series
Motor mounting type shall be
the same for the entire series
Geometrically similar For motor supports:
S= Material thickness
G= Motor weight
Least favourable conditions, related to
design size, shall be tested.
Centrifugal fans
Blade outlet diameter D e.g., R10, R20; R30 or self- Dimensions according to drawing - check
defined design size increments
Blade inlet diameter d e.g., R10, R20; R30 or self- Dimensions according to drawing - check
defined design size increments
Blade radius r e.g., R10, R20; R30 or self- Dimensions according to drawing - check
defined design size increments
A.4.2 Fans with impellers that are not geometrically similar
NOTE The method given for calculating stresses is for comparative purposes only and is not suitable for design
assessment. It only takes into account centrifugally induced stresses as aerodynamically induced stresses are of less
Divide the blade into four parts using five sections as shown in Figure A.8.
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An + An +1 ( R + Rn ) 2
Fn,n +1 = ρ × × ( Rn +1 − Rn ) × n +1 ×ω
2 2
Fn,n+1 is the centrifugal force in Newton of the part of the blade between sections n and n+1;
ρ is the density in kg/m ;
An is the area of section n in m ;
Rn is the radius of section n in m;
ω is the angular velocity in radians/s.
Figure A.8 ― Axial impeller, blade divided into four parts using five sections
Fn −6
σ Tn = × 10
NOTE 10 is calculation factor to have An in mm²
σTn is the tensile stress in N/mm ;
n is the number of the section.
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Treat fastenings or welds as the inboard end of the blade section with the cross section area calculated from the
weld or fastener area.
To simplify the calculation the stress to be calculated shall be the Force due to the blade divided by the cross
section of the studs
Sigma = F1 / (N’ x A)
σf =
N '. A
Treat fastenings or welds as the inboard end of the blade section with the cross section area calculated from the
weld or fastener area.
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F1 F1
σ1 = =
Sf D 2f
σ2 =
π .D f × h f
1 Shearing according to Fc
σ2 =
2 × a × ( L1 + L2)
Consider only forces due to centrifugal effects. The stresses on the hub are a combination of the self-induced
stress due to the rotation of the hub, the hoop stress due to the loads imposed by the blades, and the bending
stress due to the point loads of the blades.
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ρ × Rh 2 × ω 2
s si =
10 6
σsi is the self-induced stress in N/mm ;
Rh is the maximum hub radius in m;
ω is the angular velocity in radians/s;
ρ is the density in kg/m .
Assume that only the section of the hub/back-plate/shroud approximately symmetrical about the plane of rotation
through the centre of the blade fixing is supporting the blades, see Figure A.12, then calculate the hoop stress,
s h = N × F1 / (2 × π × Acsm )
σh is the hoop stress in N/mm ;
N is the number of blades;
F1 is the total blade centrifugal force in Newton;
Acsm is the cross sectional area of the hub in mm .
Calculate the section modulus Ix/v about an axis through the section centre of area, parallel to the axis of rotation,
where v is the distance from this axis to the outside of the hub/back-plate/shroud supporting the blade. Then
calculate the bending stress.
3 Ix
σ b = F1 × 2π × Rh × 10 /( N × 12 × )
σb is the bending stress in N/mm ;
Ix/v is the section modulus of Acsm section in mm ;
Then using linear hypothesis:
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1 Acsm
The centrifugal force is calculated by treating the blade as one piece, as follows:
F = ρ × Ab × L × R × ω 2
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Figure A.13 ― Centrifugal impeller, calculation of centrifugal forces about a principal axis
To calculate comparative blade stresses resolve the bending moment about the principal axis and the stress
calculated as follows:
F × sin β × L / k
s Z1 = or s Z 1 = 1 000 × M × sin β / Z X min
Z X min
with M = F x L / k
F × cos β × L / k
s Z2 = or s Z 2 = 1 000 × M × cos β / Z Y min
Z Y min
with M = F x L / k
σ Z 1 and σ Z 2 : Bending stresses about principal axis X and Y in N / mm² (most of the time,
σ Z 2 < σ Z1 )
ß angle between principle axis and the radial line of impeller
Z X min and _ Z Y min : Section modulus about principal axis X and Y in mm
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1 Centrifugal impeller
2 Back=plate
3 Shroud
1 Centrifugal impeller
2 Back=plate
3 Shroud
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σs = F / A
σs is a shear stress in N/mm ;
A is the area of cross section of fastening at joint in mm .
In specific cases the fastenings experience tensile stress and not shear stress; e.g.:
1 view X
2 Inner fastening
3 Outer fastening
4 Rivets or spot welding
Calculate also the relative tensile stresses at each blade joint as follows
σt = F × L / (A × c)
σt is a tensile stress in N/mm ;
A is the area of cross section of fastening at joint in mm ;
c is a distance in mm, see the above scheme.
If motors of a different construction or from a different a supplier to the one that has been tested are used, the
assessment shall be made, in accordance with Annex A, A.2.
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The changes made to the fan family that has been tested shall be re-assessed as follows:
After the initial assessment of a fan family including blades made of material alloy A, the way to replace material A
by material B (of the same main component) is as follows:
First option
Retest the fan including the most highly stressed impeller with material alloy B. The test duration of alternative
impeller material shall be at least the duration of the initial assessment.
Second option
Comparison mechanical tests shall be performed on 5 blades samples (finished worked component in order to take
into account the manufacturing process) made of both alloys.
This comparison tests shall be performed at the aimed classification temperature and during the whole test period
(same heat up period time and temperature time period as in annex C).
1) If
(Rp02)2 ≥ (Rp02)1
(Creep)2 ≥ (Creep)1 (for the classification time, the classification temperature and the force applied to the
blade in the fan) and the material has the same geometry, and the same or better surface roughness and
the same or better grain size and
ρ2 ≤ ρ1
α2 ≤ α1
E2 ≥ E1
2) If
α2 > α1
E2 < E1
3) If
ρ2 > ρ 1
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Annex B
It is not usually considered necessary to test every size and speed of motor to be used in a family of fans. Provided
tests are carried out on the largest and smallest motor frame size at the highest ratings (i.e. highest voltage
rotational speed and power) it is assumed that all the motors in a range will comply with the standard.
If the difference between two frame sizes is only the height of feet, (e.g. the frame size between sizes 80 and 90) a
test performed on the 90 frame size is also valid for 80 frame size, provided the active parts are strictly the same.
When motors are direct on line (D.O.L.) tested at 50 Hz, the application at 60 Hz (D.O.L.) with the suitable voltage
(keeping the voltage/frequency ratio) is also covered for motors of the same family including the same bearings
and lubrication and having a higher pole number than the tested pole number, provided the rated power at 60 Hz,
corresponding to maximum 1,15 times the power rated at 50 Hz, is covered by the family tested at 50 Hz.
Example: A test of 2 pole motors (frame size 80 at 1,1 kW + frame size 250 at 55 kW) tested direct on line on 400
V/ 50 Hz network will be valid for 4 poles motors supplied by D.O.L. network 440-480V / 60 Hz for frame sizes with
a rated power corresponding to maximum 1,15 times the power rated at 50 Hz (frame sizes 80 to 225 in this case).
Tables B.1, B.2 and B.3 give the parameters to be taken into account to check if the motors are part of the same
family, according to 3.14 and 3.15. This list of motor components shall be delivered by the motor manufacturer to
the laboratory before selecting the specimen to be tested according to A.1.
The preferred method to prove the resistance to temperature of electric motors for use in powered ventilators (fans)
is to test the motor at elevated temperature in a powered ventilator (fan). The motor is shown to be functioning
satisfactorily if the fan is continues to provide the required volume flow for the duration of the test, see C.5.
The assessment for changing a family of motors in a family of fans shall be in accordance with Annex A, A.2.
The assessment for changing components in a family of motors shall be done in order to check if the changes do
not worsen the performance of the family of fans. In that case, further specific tests are necessary to verify
If more than one material of the insulation system within the production life time of the motor (line "wiring insulation"
up to "winding impregnation") is changed, it shall be considered as a new family of motors and both smallest and
largest frame sizes shall be retested.
The following Tables B.1, B.2, B.3 and B.4 specify the relevant components and the way to change them.
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Test performed with cast iron / steel frame are not valid for aluminium frame.
The smallest (thermally critical) and largest frame (mechanically critical) sizes of
the whole range shall be re-tested. If the whole range consists of several
previously evaluated smaller homogeneous ranges, the intermediate sizes need
not be re-tested.
Test performed with aluminium frame are not valid for cast iron / steel frame,
except if additional technical evidence is available (e.g. calculations, temperature
Housing(carcase) rise consideration …etc.).
material Critical A successful re-test of the smallest motor frame size is sufficient to demonstrate.
Housing (carcase) The design is directly linked to the rate of thermal exchange, so the change is not
design (e.g. ribs size, possible, except if additional technical evidence is available (e.g. calculations
spacing and distribution …etc.).
but not method of Successful comparison tests according to B.2.3. between original and alternative
mounting ) Critical design performed on a representative sample is sufficient to cover the change.
“No impeller” is considered as more critical than a plastic impeller, itself more
critical than an aluminium impeller, itself more critical than a cast iron / steel
Cooling impeller impeller.
material Critical This component is not critical for axial fans where the motor is in the airstream.
“No impeller casing” is considered as more critical than a plastic casing, itself
more critical than an aluminium casing, itself more critical than a cast iron / steel
Fan cover Critical This component is not critical for axial fans where the motor is in the airstream
Class of fit / Bearing C0 is considered as more critical than CN, itself more critical than C3, itself more
Clearance Critical critical than C4.
Changes are allowed, provided that the axial clearance between end shield and
bearing is the same or higher than tested. If test was performed on motor where
Arrangement both bearings are floating, it is not possible to mount any motor with one locked
(locked/floating) Informative bearing.
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Rotor (material of bars, end Critical A range tested with copper bars is valid only for copper cage. A range
rings) tested with aluminium cage is valid for both, provided the full load power
and temperature rise are not increased.
Lamination steel grade Informative This grade is usually changed to increase the efficiency. No extra test is
required, provided the core length is not reduced.
Stator Informative Manufacturing and assembling method, motor outline range drawing
showing the main dimensions of motor and a table with the dimensions for
each size are required.
Internal cooling impeller critical If at least one motor was tested with an internal cooling impeller, an
impeller made of the same material can be mounted in other motor sizes if
required to meet requirement of temperature rise
Wiring insulation * Critical If the wire insulation change comes from a change of its material, there is
a doubt concerning its association with other insulation materials of the
stator. Retest the smallest motor / the fan with the smallest motor, because
it includes the highest windings density and because it has the smallest
thermal inertia
Slot insulation * Critical Suppliers’ data sheets that show that the new insulation material is
identical to the tested insulation material are acceptable (Identical means
exactly the same material and not only the same thermal classification).
Otherwise retest the smallest motor frame.
An increase in the thickness of identical material is allowed without
Winding impregnation * Critical Only the resin tested or exactly the same material as tested is accepted.
Otherwise retest the smallest frame size which is the most critical
regarding the penetration of impregnation varnish.
Method of impregnation * Critical If the method of impregnation is changed retest the smallest motor frame
size manufactured with the alternative method, except if the initial method
was one dipping and the manufacturer decides to use two dipping.
Terminal box or flying leads Critical Test performed on a motor equipped with a terminal box is only valid to
cover motors equipped with terminal boxes. Test performed on a motor
equipped with flying leads only covers motors equipped with flying leads .A
test of one example of the alternative configuration is sufficient to allow the
Where the same type (insulation, manufacturer) of cables is used for both
applications (same cable as flying leads is used to connect winding heads
to the terminal board and also from terminal box to outside), the test with
terminal box will cover the flying leads application.
Terminal board Critical Change of this element can be carried out if it is separately tested in its
terminal box at equivalent voltage and at the specified classification
temperature + 50°C inside the terminal box, using the same cables and
way of fixing them. The change is acceptable if no short-circuit occurs
during the specified classification time.
Terminal leads, Critical These leads are internal part of the motor and shall be tested with the
smallest motor frame.
Gland and gland sealing, if critical No gland (and no protection during the test) is considered as more critical
fitted than a plastic gland, itself more critical than metal gland.
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Insulation and type of critical The method of connection (e. g. clamping or welding) and the material of
connection between terminal the insulation sleeve protecting this connection are both critical. If one or
leads and stator winding other of these parameters is changed, retest the smallest motor frame
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The annex D gives the possibility to perform test of motor independently of fan hazard and is helpful to control
electrical, thermal and aerodynamic conditions on the motor.
A test of the initial version of the motor and a test of the alternative version are performed in the same conditions by
recording the following parameters by means of type K thermocouples:
If the required temperature data from a test of the original motor is already available, only a test of the alternative
version of motor is required.
If both tests are successful and the temperatures measured in the alternative version are equal to or lower which
can be up to 25 K higher to allow for tolerance in the measured furnace temperature) than the ones measured in
the initial version of the motor during the whole test period, then the change is allowed without the need for any
extra testing.
If the alternative version fails or if the above temperature comparison criterion is not matched, then there are
doubts regarding the effect of the change on the emergency high temperature performance and:
— Or, if the motor manufacturer believes that the test failed due to the high stressing conditions of the test
according to annex D, he can retest the alternative motor version in all fan ranges for which he wants to supply
the alternative version of motor.
The following tables indicate the list of information required by the test laboratory to evaluate changes and select
motors that might need to be tested:
Figures B.1 and B.2 show the location of some of the referenced components.
— General information:
Motor Manufacturer
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— General data:
Motors reference
Lowest and highest
frame sizes with their
highest rated power
Highest Voltage
Highest frequency
Highest and lowest poles
Insulation class
Rise temperature class
— Mechanical data:
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1 Phase insulation 6 Varnish
2 Coil 7 Slot insulation
3 Slot insulation and slot wedge 8 Copper wires
4 Stator core 9 Layer insulation
5 Slot wedge 10 Leads of sensors and heaters
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1 Internal impeller
Figure B.2 ― Example of motor with external and internal cooling impeller
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Annex C
Test method for the determination of fire resistance of powered smoke and
heat control ventilators (fans)
C.1 Principle
Fire resistance of powered smoke and heat ventilators (fans) is assessed with the fan set up in order to have, at
normal ambient pressure and temperature (i.e. density 1,2 kg/m ):
— the power output from the motor from 80 % to 100 % of the rated power of the motor;
— the fan operating anywhere on a stable part of its volume pressure curve.
C.2 Apparatus
C.2.1 Furnace, capable of heating the required air flow and raising the temperature of the system to the specified
level in the specified time within the specified tolerances, either connected directly or through a system of ducting
either to recirculate the hot gases or to discharge to atmosphere, see Figures C.1, C.2 and C.3.
1 Furnace
2 Fan
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1 Furnace
2 Fan
1 Furnace
2 Fan
C.2.2 Flow and/or pressure measuring equipment in accordance with EN ISO 5801, EN ISO 5167 (all parts)
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C.2.3 Thermo-elements and thermocouples in accordance with EN 1363-1 .No plate thermometer (according to
EN 1363-1) can be used; type K thermocouples shall be used to measure furnace temperature at 100 mm
upstream of the fan, in accordance with EN 60584-1.
C.3 Preparation
NOTE Some test furnaces are specified in ISO 834-1.
A fan that is intended for installation outside of the smoke reservoir may be tested inside the furnace or outside the
furnace with applied insulation. In these cases the test fan shall be provided with a tip clearance reduced in
accordance with the following formula:
NOTE 1 For this calculation the casing temperature is assumed to be the average between the hot gas temperature inside
the fan and ambient temperature outside the fan.
Measure the minimum clearance between the impeller and the casing.
NOTE 2 A ventilator tested with insulation will have a higher casing temperature than one without insulation and
consequently under test will have a larger tip clearance.
For an axial fan, the running clearance is the gap between the blade end and the fan case (tip clearance). For a
centrifugal impeller, it is the clearance between the inlet nozzle and the impeller. Additionally there may be an
overlap between the impeller and the inlet nozzle. The running clearance shall be measured before the test and
may be measured for information when the fan has cooled after the high temperature test.
NOTE A measurement of the running clearance after the high temperature test can provide information on the elongation
of an impeller blade and/or hub as a result of centrifugal force.
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Step 1:
Fix a suitable measurement device, e.g. displacement transducer, to the impeller and rotate to find the minimum
position of the casing / of the nozzle.
Step 2:
On the minimum position place a pin, e.g. drill bit, and rotate the impeller. If no impeller blades make contact with
the pin, take the next largest size of pin. When an impeller blade is rubbing the pin, the tip clearance has been
Step 3:
For accuracy drills bits with diameter step of 0,1 mm may be used.
Set up the fan, following the supplier’s instructions, with its air-intake side connected to the furnace so that it
represents as near as possible the conditions to which it will be exposed in service.
Test the fan by a method appropriate to the application category (ies) determined according to 4.2.2. Set up a
smoke reservoir ventilator either surrounded by hot gases as indicated on Figure C.3, or, if the motor is inside the
fan totally surrounded by the high temperature gas flow and not cooled by ambient air, set up the ventilator
insulated so that the effect is the same as being surrounded by hot gases. Install a non-smoke reservoir ventilator
connected to the hot gases either by partial insertion, e.g. for a roof extract unit, or in a ducted system surrounded
by ambient air (see Figures C.1 to C.3). It may be necessary to make special duct connections when hot gas
recirculation test systems are used. Install the duct connection so that it does not prevent heat recirculation to the
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motor if this could happen in practice. For the case of the roof fan such connection duct cannot be used to measure
air flow rate, but the temperature of the incoming air can be measured for information.
A jet fan can be tested according to Figure C.3 or mounted completely inside a recirculating duct (i.e. fan
surrounded by hot gases) provided its working point is stable. If the ventilator discharges motor cooling air into the
main airstream set up the ventilator so that the flow of cooling air is the minimum that will be achieved in practice.
NOTE 1 The flow rate will be affected by the operating point and the upstream and downstream loading.
Set up a flow or pressure measuring device in the system to measure the volume flow or pressure of the fan.
NOTE 2 The installation of flow measuring devices or pressure taps is not critical as the readings are for comparative
purposes only and cannot be used to indicate actual performance.
Fit at least three furnace thermo-elements at approximately 100 mm upstream of the intake plate of the ventilator,
positioned uniformly, to measure the temperature of the incoming gases.
Where the motor is mounted within the fan casing and is cooled by ambient air, fit flow measuring equipment taking
care that it does not affect the flow rate of cooling air. Position the temperature sensors centrally at the inlet and
outlet cross sections.
For insulated fan, install thermocouples at the critical position (e.g. thermal bridge, over a joint between two
insulation boards), observing the following rules:
— thermocouples 50 mm away from the corner if applicable and at the centre of each face;
— thermocouples 25 mm away from critical point (e.g. penetrating screws where the diameter is less than
25 mm);
Fit electrical devices for the measurement of frequency, voltage, current, power and speed in accordance with
EN 60034-2-1. A frequency measurement is not required if the main supply is of known frequency.
NOTE 3 Temperature rise could be measured by means of a thermocouple affixed into the winding head (but in no case
inside the slot) and bearings at ambient and high temperature for information.
Additional precautions are needed when the power to the motor is being supplied from a frequency converter: if the
output from the Frequency Converter is fed to the motor via sinusoidal filters, the voltage, current and electrical
power may be measured with conventional instrumentation. However, it shall be taken into consideration that the
use of sinusoidal filters can result in a voltage drop of 10 % from that of the fundamental wave root mean square
(r.m.s) voltage at output of the Frequency Converter. Where sinusoidal filters are not used, conventional and
wideband power analysers and digital voltmeters will measure the total r.m.s values including all harmonics
generated by the Frequency Converter and may register voltages between 20 % and 30 % higher voltages than the
fundamental wave r.m.s values. It is therefore necessary to use power analysers or voltmeters either able to get the
complete spectrum in order to identify the fundamental wave or equipped with low pass line filters that will
attenuate harmonics of the variable speed drive (VSD) output and enable accurate measurements to be recorded.
Care shall be taken with the test set-up to ensure that other instrumentation, transducers and sensors are not
affected by Electromagnetic Interference. It may be necessary to use screened power cables and/or shielded
sensor leads to guarantee the reliability of all other recorded measurements
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C.4 Procedure
Carry out the following tests, continuously in the order indicated, at an ambient temperature between 15°C and
40°C and in a location not affected by varying ambient conditions such as rain, snow, wind. Test insulated fans
inside a building. Check that any cooling air is not below 15°C. Start test measurements prior to the test period. For
all fan classes different from F842 test in accordance with C.4.2, C.4.3 and C.4.4. For fan Class F842 test in
accordance with C.4.2 and C.4.5.
If a fan is tested at a higher temperature than, and for a time which is equal to or longer than that which is specified
for a lower class or classes, then the fan shall also be approved for the lower class or classes.
C.4.2.1 Operate a dual purpose use fan at ambient temperature, at the maximum speed, for a warm up period
until the motor frame or winding temperature increase is less than 2°C in 10 min, but for a minimum period of
60 min. Record voltage, current, power, flow or pressure and temperature measurements at intervals not
exceeding 1 min. Ensure that the measurements are stable.
When a large fan is tested in a recirculating duct or inside a furnace, it may be difficult to achieve stabilisation of the
motor temperature. When the temperature rise for the insulation class of the fan motor is reached, the heat up
period can start provided that the fan volume flow or pressure is stabilized.
If bearing temperature measurements are required for information, monitor temperatures by means of
thermocouples fitted as nearer as possible to the outer rings of both bearings.
C.4.2.2 Operate an emergency only use fan, at ambient temperature until the volume flow or pressure
readings are stable.
A variation of +/- 2,5 % in volume flow or +/- 5 % in pressure, averaged over consecutive 2 min periods, may be
considered stable.
Increase the gas temperature at the intake plane of the fan to the appropriate value in a period of not more than 10
min. and not less than 5 min. Record voltage, current, power, temperature and flow and/or pressure
Carry out the test so that the average temperature upstream of the impeller is not less than the specified
temperature and not more than the specified temperature + 25°C, maintained for the appropriate period of time.
Record electrical, flow or pressure and temperature measurements at intervals not exceeding 1 min. Correct
pressure measurements for the effects of density change due to temperature.
After 15 min, switch off the fan for 2 min, and then restart the fan. During this period the temperature variation may
exceed the specified limits.
If the motor is driven by a frequency converter, the motor shall be stopped (power switched off) without any
decelerating ramp set by the converter and then restarted after two minutes via the converter which is programmed
with the shortest practical starting ramp (acceleration time).
Add the time the ventilator is switched off or is working below its target frequency to the specified period of the test.
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Increase the gas temperature at the intake plane of the ventilator in accordance with the standard time/temperature
curve defined in ISO 834-1. Control the average temperature to a tolerance of 0 to + 25°C. Test the ventilator for a
period of 30 min. Record electrical, flow and or pressure and temperature measurements at intervals not exceeding
1 min. Correct the pressure measurements for the effects of density change due to temperature.
During this period the temperature variation may exceed the specified limits.
The volume flow shall not decrease by more than 10 % and not increase by more than 25 %, or the static pressure
difference (corrected for the effects of density due to temperature change) shall not decrease by more than 20 %
and not increase by more than 50 % of that measured at the end of the warm up period of the test.
C.6.1 Prepare a test report after completion of each test including the following information:
c) date of test;
k) details of the test arrangement including all equipment used for measurement of temperature, flow, pressure,
current, voltage, electrical power and wind and snow load;
l) observations, measurements and calculated results made before during and after the tests in accordance with
Annex C and E or D.
m) when the test is performed to assess the fan for installation with a frequency converter: record the model
reference and type of converter (e.g. Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)), type, section and length of cable
between converter and motor, switching frequency, start ramp time, type of filter if used and the frequency
supplied by the converter. If the fan is intended for installation with different models or brands of frequency
converter record the maximum voltage peak, peak to peak value and the maximum rate of voltage rise (du/dt)
at which the motor has been tested.
C.6.2 Prepare an additional report providing details of a complete product family that may be covered by a
number of tests including:
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c) fan speed;
d) impeller and hub diameter, tip clearance (see C.3) length and number of blades;
i) motor rating;
j) bearing type, class of fit, lubricant and arrangement for motor, and for fan if fan is indirectly driven;
n) when the tests have been performed to allow use with frequency converters: type of converter (e.g. PWM),
switching frequency, starting time ramp, filter to be used (if any) and allowed highest frequency for the
converter application. If the fans are intended for installation with different models or brands of frequency
converter, include information on maximum voltage peak, peak to peak value and the maximum rate of voltage
rise (du/dt) at which a motor has been tested. (when many motors are tested to cover a range, the reference
values for voltage peak and rate of voltage rise are the lowest values recorded among the different tests)
o) Recommendation about the supplying electric cable: “the fan shall be supplied by an electric cable which is
suitable for smoke exhausting application and for the relevant temperature-time and installation classes”.
p) The following statement: “The tip/running clearances can have a large influence on the aerodynamic
performance “
C.6.3 Evaluation of the minimum tip clearances for serial production of axial fans
The fan manufacturer will submit to the lab data regarding the minimum tip clearances (taken into consideration
manufacturing tolerances) for the serial family of fans that he intends to produce.
a) For each submitted test specimen measure the actual minimum tip clearance for the impeller (see C.4),
The safety factor to apply to the declared minimum tip clearances for non-tested fan sizes shall be:
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— the safety factor of the smallest tested size for fans smaller than that which was tested;
— the safety factor of the largest tested size for fans larger than that which was tested;
— the highest safety factor of any two tested fans for sizes in between the two tested sizes,
EXAMPLE If, in order to cover a family of fans, you need to test 400, 710 and 1250 fan sizes, you will get three safety
factors; C400, C710 and C1250.
For fan sizes smaller than 400, the accepted tip clearance is the declared minimum tip clearance (supplied by manufacturer)
multiplied by C400 safety factor.
For fan sizes larger than 1250, the accepted tip clearance is the declared minimum tip clearance (supplied by manufacturer)
multiplied by C1250 safety factor.
For fan sizes in between 400 and 710, the accepted tip clearance is the declared minimum tip clearance (supplied by
manufacturer) multiplied by the maximum (C400 or C710) safety factor.
For fan sizes in between 710 and 1250, the accepted tip clearance is the declared minimum tip clearance (supplied by
manufacturer) multiplied by maximum (C710 or C1250) safety factor.
a) Depending on the test configuration (within the furnace, with our without insulation…etc.) and the intended applications
(smoke or non-smoke reservoir, insulated fan) the above clearances may have to be corrected in accordance with C.3.1
— One table providing the minimal tip clearance for installation outside the smoke reservoir without insulation;
— One table with the minimal tip clearance for installation inside the smoke reservoir or with insulation;
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Annex D
Test methods for electric motors to determine the impact of the changes on
the product characteristics
D.1 Principle
Another method to prove the resistance to temperature of electric motors for use in powered ventilators is by
testing the motor at elevated temperature in conjunction with a generator or other method of providing the load.
The motor is shown to be functioning satisfactorily by continuing to give the required output corresponding to the
wished temperature / time category.
Within EN 60034 range of Standards, different methods for loading a motor are approved as being equivalent and
are well use by motor manufacturers.
— Or, “electrically” loading the motor by using Modulated Frequency Method, described in EN 60034-29:2008,
6.2.2, which will give the same temperature rise in any active of motor as it will have if loaded mechanically by
a generator as described in Annex D : Figure D.1.
EN 60034-29:2008, 6.2.2 describes the way to electrically load the motor by using a modulated frequency, which
means the motor is accelerating and de-accelerating within a short time, resulting in the heat up of the motor with a
temperature rise, stabilised by the setting of the current value during that period
Concerning the Modulated Frequency Method (EN 60034-29:2008, 6.2.2), the input power cannot be easily
measured, but normally it is possible to obtain values for the voltage, the current and power between motor and
converter which will represent the losses of the motor tested.
Some preliminary tests shall be performed at ambient temperature by the motor manufacturer, in order to establish
the same temperature rise as the rise measured when DOL or inverter running.
The settings of the converter to apply MFM method shall be adjusted so that:
— The current within the motor is at least the same as the current when the motor is loaded by a generator on a
test bench;
— The temperature rise within the motor is the same or higher than the rise when the motor is loaded by a
generator through an inverter on a test bench;
— The average frequency shall be the highest frequency required for the approval.
Since the measurement of power is not relevant, the lab shall measure the current and the average frequency.
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Link it via a coupling and transmission shaft to an adjustable external load, such as a generator, which will absorb
the power output of the motor.
To circulate the hot gas past the carcase at the rated velocity fit either the normal integral cooling impeller or an
external impeller if the motor is mounted within the fan airstream. Mount the external impeller either directly on the
motor shaft or on the transmission shaft.
Air speed and air flow may be measured along the motor frame at ambient temperature for information.
Provide means of applying axial and/or radial load to the motor shaft corresponding to a certain capacity of bearing
defined according to the rules stated in applicable standards (ISO 281) and corresponding to a life time L10h as
defined in the motor manufacturer documentation .For example, apply either a radial load and/or an axial load.
Provide means of applying axial and radial loads to the motor shaft. For example, apply the axial load by rigidly
connecting the motor to an external load generator that is free to move axially and so can be used to convert a
stationary axial load to one that rotates. See Figure D.1.
1 Motor to be tested 6 Generator
2 Fixed support 7 Mass
3 Sliding support 8 Axial load, induced by mass (7)
4 Radial load (e.g. steel disc) 9 Furnace
5 Flexible couplings, torsionally rigid 10 Penetration point
Figure D.1 ― Typical method of applying radial and axial load to a motor
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Fit one or more furnace thermocouples at a distance of approximately 100 mm from the motor frame to measure
the temperature of the surrounding gases. Fit devices between the ribs of the motor for surface temperature
No plate thermometer (according to EN 1363-1) can be used; type K shielded thermocouples with at least a 3 mm
diameter lead shall be used around the motor to control furnace temperature.
Measure frequency, voltage, current, power and speed in accordance with EN 60034-2-1.
Additional precautions are needed when the power to the motor is being supplied from a frequency converter: if the
output from the Frequency Converter is fed to the motor via sinusoidal filters, the voltage, current and electrical
power may be measured with conventional instrumentation. However, it shall be taken into consideration that the
use of sinusoidal filters can result in a voltage drop of 10 % from that of the fundamental wave r.m.s voltage at
output of the Frequency Converter.
Where sinusoidal filters are not used, conventional and wideband power analysers and digital voltmeters will
measure the total r.m.s values including all harmonics generated by the Frequency Converter and may register
voltages between 20 % and 30 % higher voltages than the fundamental wave r.m.s values. It is therefore
necessary to use power analysers or voltmeters able to get the complete spectrum in order to identify the
fundamental wave to enable accurate measurements of voltage, current and r.m.s. input power to be recorded.
Care shall be taken with the test set-up to ensure that other instrumentation, transducers and sensors are not
affected by Electromagnetic Interference. It may be necessary to use screened power cables and/or shielded
sensor leads to guarantee the reliability of all other recorded measurements.
Carry out the tests at a starting ambient temperature between 15°C and 40°C.
Operate the motor at ambient temperature at its rated frequency and voltage, and at 100 % of the rated power.
Operate the motor at ambient temperature until the motor frame or winding temperature increase is less than 2°C
in 10 min but for a minimum period of 60 min.
If the temperature rise of the motor exceeds one class below the insulation class of the motor, the motor shall not
be used for smoke vent application.
Measure the temperature of bearings by means of thermocouples fitted as nearer as possible to the outer rings of
both bearings.
Increase the temperature at the air intake of or around the motor to that specified in Table 2 or Table 3 within a
period of not more than 10 min or not less than 5 min. Record electrical and temperature measurements during this
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period. Adjust the load applied to the motor so that the motor output power is F times the rated power at a density
of 1,2 kg/m , where F is as follows:
Carry out the test at not less than the specified temperature, and not more than the specified temperature + 25°C
and for the appropriate period of time. Record electrical and temperature measurements at intervals not exceeding
1 min.
After 15 min, switch off the motor for 2 min, and then restart the motor. During this period the temperature variation
may exceed the specified limits.
If the motor is driven by a frequency converter, the motor shall be stopped (power switched off) without any
decelerating ramp set by the converter and then restarted after two minutes via the converter which is programmed
with the shortest practical starting ramp (acceleration time).
Add the time the motor is switched off or is working below its target frequency to the specified period of the test.
D.3.1 Prepare a test report after completion of the tests including the following information:
c) date of test;
f) the catalogue description, frame size, class of insulation and speed of the motor tested;
j) details of the test arrangement including all equipment used for measurement of temperature, current, voltage,
electrical power and (if required for information) air speed and air flow at ambient temperature;
k) observations, measurements and calculated results made before during and after the tests in accordance with
Annex D.
l) when the test is required to qualify the fan for installation with a frequency converter: record the model
reference and type of converter (e.g. PWM), type, section and length of cable between converter and motor,
BS EN 12101-3:2015
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switching frequency, start ramp time, type of filter if used and the frequency supplied by the converter. If the
fan is intended for installation with different models or brands of frequency converter record the maximum
voltage peak, peak to peak value and the maximum rate of voltage rise (du/dt) at which the motor has been
D.3.2 Prepare an additional report providing details of the complete product range approved including:
a) motor speed;
c) motor rating;
g) when the tests have been performed to approve use with frequency converters: type of converter (e.g. PWM),
switching frequency, starting time ramp, filter to be used (if any) and allowed highest frequency for the
converter application. If the fans are intended for installation with different models or brands of frequency
converter, include information on maximum voltage peak, peak to peak value and the maximum rate of voltage
rise (du/dt) at which a motor has been tested. (when many motors are tested to approve a range, the reference
values for voltage peak and rate of voltage rise are the lowest values recorded among the different tests)
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Annex E
Test method for assessing the response delay and ability to open under
environmental conditions
The objective of this test is to assess the response delay and ability to open under environmental conditions.
Use a suitable test rig onto which the ventilator can be mounted and subjected to a test load equivalent to a wind
pressure of 200 Pa. Apply the test load by one of the following methods:
a) plates;
Spread the loads over the whole of the external surface of the individual elements of the opening parts of the
ventilator, to produce a uniformly distributed load.
For the snow load test, the largest fan of the family shall be considered representative of all the fans in that family.
A test on the largest fan of the family shall be considered representative of all the fans in that family.
Mount the fan on the test rig in accordance with the supplier’s recommendations. Apply the load using one of the
methods given in E.2, increasing the load to the upper appropriate limit given in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 and maintain the
load for (10 ± 1) min.
Remove the load, actuate the ventilator and check that the dampers, flaps or louvers open to the design position.
Operate the ventilator against the design load three times, using the energy source as specified by the supplier and
its fire activating mechanism. Determine if the fire operating position is reached each time.
The ventilator meets the requirement of 4.1 if the test specimen achieves the operating position in each of the tests
in less than 30 s. The test results may be applied to all the family of fans.
The operating position can be considered as reached if the volume flow exhausted by the fan working under snow
and wind loads did not decrease by more than 10 % of that exhausted by the fan working without these loads.
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Annex F
Explanatory notes
F.1 General
The following explanatory notes are considered to be useful for a correct interpretation of some of the provisions
included in this standard.
To calculate comparative blade stresses resolve the bending moment about the principal axis and the stress
calculated as follows:
F × sin β × L / k
s Z1 = or s Z 1 = 1000 × M × sin β / Z X min with M = F x L / k
Z X min
F × cos β × L / k
s Z2 = or s Z 2 = 1000 × M × cos β / Z Y min with M = F x L / k
Z Y min
ß is the angle between principal axis and the radial line of impeller:
Z X min and Z Y min : is the section modulus about principal axis X and Y in mm .
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1 Centrifugal impeller
2 Back plate
3 Shroud
— the centrifugal force about the principal axis GY is F x sin ß with F the centrifugal force calculated as in A
— the blade bending moment is M1 = F x sin ß x L / k ( k = 12 if the blade is considered as fully embedded in
back plate and shroud)
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L(cord ) × e 3
12 L(cord ) × e 2
Here ZXmin = or ZXmin =
e 6
F × sin β × L / k
σ Z1 = M 1 with s Z 1 = (1)
Z X min Z X min
σ Z1 =F × L / k × 6,35 ×106
1 Centrifugal impeller
2 Back plate
3 Shroud
— the centrifugal force about the principal axis GX is F x cos ß with F the centrifugal force calculated as in A.4.4.1
— the blade bending moment is M2 = F x cos ß x L / k (k = 12 if the blade is considered as fully embedded in
back plate and shroud)
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e × L3 (cord )
12 e × L2 (cord )
Here ZYmin = or ZYmin =
L 6
F × cos β × L / k
σ Z2 = M 2 with s Z 2 = (2)
Z Y min Z Y min
σZ2 =F × L / k × 0, 27 ×106
σ Z 2 < σ Z1
Historically, these coefficients were based on currents that were measured during fire tests. This explains why the
coefficients are higher than coefficients derived from changes in air densities with temperature.
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— Po output power;
— Pi input power;
For density decreasing due to temperature rise during a fire test, we can write for a motor:
Po 400 ρ 400
Po20 ρ 20
Moreover η20 / η400 > 1 and cosφ 20/ cosφ 400 >1, which explains why the coefficients given in Annex D are
greater than coefficients dependant only on the power.
The parameters to be taken into consideration are the peak line-to line voltages at the motor terminals generated
by the drives as well as the voltage rise time and they can be influenced by the cable type and length.
The graphs (Figure F.5 and Figure F.6) show an example of voltage peak and du/dt versus cable length.
∆t = 0.8
Another important influencing factor can be the frequency converter switching frequency.
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Key Key
1 Cable length (m) 1 Cable length (m)
NOTE: The vertical axis of Figures F.5 and F.6 has either no unit (V/V) or (1/µs) depending on the considered
Figure F.5 ― Case with du/dt filter Figure F.6 ― Case without du/dt filter
If a successful test is made without a filter, then approval can be given for:
— Any converter with PULSE WIDTH MODULATION having a switching frequency equal to or below that which
was used during the test;
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
ISO 3:1973
ISO 17:1973
Title: Guide to the use of preferred numbers and of series of preferred numbers
Scope: The best scale will be determined by taking into consideration, in particular, the two following contradictory
tendencies: a scale with too wide steps involves a waste of materials and an increase in the cost of
manufacture, whereas a too closely spaced scale leads to an increase in the cost of tooling and also in the
value of stock inventories. In selecting a scale of numerical values, choose that series having the highest ratio
consistent with the desiderata to be satisfied, in the order: R 5, R 10, etc.
ISO 497:1973
Title: Guide to the choice of series of preferred numbers and of series containing more rounded values of preferred
Scope: This is an additional guide to ISO 17 for selecting specified series with more rounded values. It shows the
conditions for the use of these preferred numbers.
F.6.1 General
The goal of this annex is a general guidance to select prototypes in horizontal and vertical position to validate
bearings types
Figure F.7
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Figure F.8
— Internal clearance of the bearing allows temperature difference between inner and outer ring
Figure F.9
Figure 10
Versus temperature difference inner and outer ring contact angle will slightly change.
At the beginning of the high temperature test the outer diameter of the bearing may increase due to the increase in
external temperature and the bearing clearance may initially increase. After some time, depending on temperature,
iron and grease properties will change and the bearing will run dry. Metal parts in contact will become hotter and
the clearance is compromised, resulting in premature failure of the bearing.
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EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
An angular contact bearing can tolerate a bigger temperature difference between inner and outer ring compared to
a C4 deep groove ball bearing.
The testing of motors, mounted horizontally and using deep groove ball bearings can be considered as the first
step in certifying a motor range for smoke venting applications: tests of the smallest and largest motors shall be
made according to the standard.
The bearings will be loaded with an equivalent load (combination of axial and radial load) as determined with
ISO 281 (according to either Annex C or Annex D).
— angular contact bearing in horizontal position designed according to ISO 281 for the same life time criteria
used for the test and respecting Faxial > Fradial;
— use of deep groove ball bearing in vertical position with same life time and design according to ISO 281
(contact ellipse will be checked) - it is supposed that the behaviour of grease in the vertical position has been
NOTE It will also validate the insulation system (most critical is the smallest size).
The goal is to qualify angular contact bearings in vertical position in the same motor range that was tested in
horizontal position. In this case, a test shall be performed to check the behaviour of the angular contact bearing
configuration, selected according to ISO 281, and to check the behaviour of grease in the vertical position used
with deep groove ball bearing or angular contact bearing.
It is not necessary to test both the smallest and largest motors. The ’free’ movement’ in a small motor is ’limited’
when compared to the largest size Motor and the small motor will heat up more rapidly in the hot air stream.
The worst case is the smallest motor size (with angular contact bearing) to be tested with the highest equivalent
load and selected for the required life time calculated according to ISO 281.
— use of angular contact bearings in the motor range (smallest tested to largest);
— use of grease for deep groove ball bearing in vertical position using same grease.
NOTE 1 Test is on a fan fitted with a motor equipped with an angular contact bearing supporting the highest axial load for
that bearing. This configuration can be achieved by weighting, if necessary, the hub of the impeller to increase the axial load
(the required load is calculated according to ISO 281 for the specified bearing life).
NOTE 2 Compared with other bearing types such as deep groove ball bearings, a temperature difference between the outer
and inner ring is not that harmful as long as the contact ellipse is not truncated (see Figure F.11).
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
In a smoke ventilation application, particularly if the motor is in the vertical position, an angular contact bearing may
be required to cater for a high thrust axial load. If there is a temperature difference between the inner and outer ring
the contact angle will slightly change but will not cause problems to the bearing as long as the non-locating bearing
is free to move axially.
Lubrication properties become compromised at temperatures which are higher than the maximum specified for the
normal working range of the grease. Depending on the bearing housing and seal arrangement, the effect of high
temperature on some characteristics such as the dropping point of the grease, may prove more critical in vertical
operation than horizontal operation...
— Tensile strength;
— Hardness;
— Creep;
— Fatigue.
— Abrasive resistance;
— Density;
— Thermal diffusivity;
BS EN 12101-3:2015
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— Elastic properties;
— Electrical conductivity;
— Radioactive properties;
— Friction properties;
— Optical properties.
Original material = 1
New material = 2
Breaking point, Rm
(Rp02)2 ≥ (Rp02)1
F.7.1.6 Hardness
Not important.
F.7.1.7 Creep
It’s the material’s ability to resist to forces (comparable with centrifugal forces applied to blades when installed in
the fan), depending on the time that it’s subjected to high temperature.
(Creep) 2 ≤(Creep) 1
Not important, but check that the characteristics of the new material are valid for a specific project temperature if
this is below 0 °C.
F.7.1.9 Fatigue
If the Rp02 is greater in the new material, the fatigue limit will be also greater if the following conditions are met:
If we meet the three conditions above, the behaviour of the new material to fatigue will be better than the original
material, if (Rp02)2 ≥ (Rp02)1.
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For 2 h maximum time at high temperature it is not important, but may need to be considered for dual purpose fans
in some longer term day to day applications.
F.7.2.2 Formability
It is not important for the test. (It should be noted that the specimen selected for the tests shall be obtained from
real pieces. In this way, the manufacturing process and its influence on the final properties of the material is taken
into account.
F.7.3.1 Density
This is important for moving parts such as blades or rotors that are subject to stresses generated by centrifugal
force. Therefore:
If ρ2 ≤ ρ1 ➔ OK
If ρ2 > ρ1 ➔ shall be verified that (Rp02 /σcal)2 ≥ (Rp02 /σcal)1, i.e. (Sec. Coef.)2 ≥ (Sec. Coef.)1.
If α2 ≤ α1 ➔ OK
If α2 > α1 ➔ the new clearance between rotor and housing shall be evaluated in the fan.
δ = K/ (ρ·C), with K thermal conductivity, ρ density and C the specific heat of the material.
It is not important unless the thermal diffusivity of the new material is much higher than the thermal diffusivity of the
original material.
a) Stretch modulus, E
2) If E2 < E1 ➔ Any change in clearance between rotor and housing shall be taken in account.
b) Damping, C
1) Electrical conductivity;
3) Radioactive properties;
4) Friction properties;
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5) Optical properties.
None of the above properties are critical to the operation of a PSHC Ventilator.
Coefficient of necking
It is considered advantageous to give information regarding product installation or application to the end user, in
addition to that which is contained in the manufacturer’s installation instructions , it may be included in a separate
supplied document or appended to the Declaration of Performance: an example of a suitable format is given in
Table F.8.
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EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
Table F.8
Mechanically driven exhaust appliances for smoke and heat control ventilators (fans)
Class Temperature (°C) Time (min)
F200 200 120
F300 300 60
F400 400 120
F400 400 90
F600 600 60
F842 - 30
Free Classification for information only
Ff250 250 120
Ff300 300 120
Ff θ (A) θ A
Motor Range FIREMOTOR ABC 123
2) Installation a
horizontal motor shaft, floor standing
horizontal motor shaft , wall mounted
horizontal motor shaft , suspended from ceiling
vertical motor shaft , impeller below the motor
vertical motor shaft , impeller above the motor
vertical motor shaft , mounted onto the face of wall
vertical motor shaft , suspended from ceiling
Motor upstream
Motor downstream
Mechanically driven exhaust appliances for smoke and heat control ventilators (fans)
6) Snow load a
BS EN 12101-3:2015
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7) Wind load a
200 Pa
Motor Range FIREMOTOR ABC 123
8) Application
D.O.L. only
with frequency converter under following conditions:
– Peak to peak;
– Filter, etc.
Dual purpose
Emergency only
Thermally insulated
Thermally uninsulated
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Annex G
The manufacturer shall provide, and retain a detailed description of the product including all the relevant
components. This shall include a description of the materials used in the construction of the Powered Smoke and
heat Control ventilator. It shall also include details of the method of installation, including fixing details.
The manufacturer shall provide appropriate installation details that shall include at least information for:
— ,the maximum voltage peak and peak to peak value and the maximum rate of change of voltage with time
(du/dt) that the motor has been tested and the following warning “If these values are exceeded on site
voltage limiting filters shall be installed”.
— The following warning/statement “It shall be proven that, in case of electrical power break the converter
can restart itself and restart the motor in accordance with the emergency instruction on site and that the
converter is able to drive the fan without any interruption due to electrical information (all electrical safety
functions shall be inhibited in emergency operation) ”.
The manufacturer shall provide appropriate maintenance information for the powered smoke and heat control
ventilator that shall include at least:
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
Annex ZA
This European Standard has been prepared under Mandate M 109 Fire alarm/detection, fixed fire-fighting, fire and
smoke control and explosion suppression products given to CEN by the European Commission and the European
Free Trade Association.
If this European standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), the clauses of this
standard, shown in this annex, are considered to meet the provisions of the relevant mandate, under the
Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011.
This annex deals with the CE marking of the powered heat and smoke control ventilators (fans) intended for the
uses indicated in Table ZA.1 and shows the relevant clauses applicable.
This annex has the same scope as in Clause 1 of this standard related to the aspects covered by the mandate and
is defined by Table ZA.1.
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Table ZA.1 — Relevant clauses for powered heat and smoke control ventilators (fans) and intended to be
installed as part of a powered smoke and heat control ventilation system in construction works
4.1.1 Class
Operational reliability:
- Application categories; 4.2.2 Category
The declaration of the product performance related to certain essential characteristics is not required in those
Member States (MS) where there are no regulatory requirements on these essential characteristics for the intended
use of the product.
In this case, manufacturers placing their products on the market of these MS are not obliged to determine nor
declare the performance of their products with regard to these essential characteristics and the option “No
performance determined” (NPD) in the information accompanying the CE marking and in the declaration of
performance (see ZA.3) may be used for those essential characteristics.
ZA.2 Procedure for AVCP of the powered heat and smoke control ventilators (fans)
The AVCP system(s) of the powered heat and smoke control ventilators (fans) indicated in Table ZA.1, established
by EC Decision 96/577/EC of 1996-06-24 (see OJEU L254 of 1996-10-08) as amended by EC Decision
2002/592/EC of 2002-07-15 (see OJEU L192, 2002-07-20) is shown in Table ZA.2 for the indicated intended use
and relevant level(s) or class(es) of performance.
BS EN 12101-3:2015
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Level(s) or class(es)
Products Intended use AVCP system
of performance
Powered ventilators Fire safety 1
System 1: See Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 (CPR) Annex V, 1.2
The AVCP of the powered heat and smoke control ventilators (fans) in Table ZA.1 shall be according to the AVCP
procedures indicated in Table ZA.3 resulting from application of the clauses of this or other European Standard
indicated therein. The content of tasks of the notified body shall be limited to those essential characteristics as
provided for, if any, in Annex III of the relevant mandate and to those that the manufacturer intends to declare.
Table ZA.3 — Assignment of AVCP tasks for the powered heat and smoke control ventilators (fans) under
system 1
AVCP clauses to
Tasks Content of the task
Parameters related to essential
Factory production control characteristics of Table ZA.1
(FPC) relevant for the intended use which
Tasks for the are declared
Further testing of samples Essential characteristics of Table
taken at factory according to ZA.1 relevant for the intended use
the prescribed test plan which are declared
ZA.2.2.1 General
The manufacturer draws up the DoP and affixes the CE marking on the basis of the different AVCP systems set out
in Annex V of the Regulation (EU) No 305/2011:
— the factory production control and further testing of samples taken at the factory according to the prescribed
test plan, carried out by the manufacturer; and
— the certificate of constancy of performance issued by the notified product certification body on the basis of
determination of the product type on the basis of type testing (including sampling), type calculation, tabulated
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values or descriptive documentation of the product; initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory
production control and continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control.
ZA.2.2.2 Content
The model of the DoP is provided in Annex III of the Regulation (EU) No 305/2011.
According to this Regulation, the DoP shall contain, in particular, the following information:
— the reference of the product-type for which the declaration of performance has been drawn up;
— the AVCP system or systems of the construction product, as set out in Annex V of the CPR;
— the reference number and date of issue of the harmonised standard which has been used for the assessment
of each essential characteristic;
— where applicable, the reference number of the Specific Technical Documentation used and the requirements
with which the manufacturer claims the product complies.
a) the intended use or uses for the construction product, in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical
b) the list of essential characteristics, as determined in the harmonised technical specification for the declared
intended use or uses;
c) the performance of at least one of the essential characteristics of the construction product, relevant for the
declared intended use or uses;
d) where applicable, the performance of the construction product, by levels or classes, or in a description, if
necessary based on a calculation in relation to its essential characteristics determined in accordance with the
Commission determination regarding those essential characteristics for which the manufacturer shall declare
the performance of the product when it is placed on the market or the Commission determination regarding
threshold levels for the performance in relation to the essential characteristics to be declared.
e) the performance of those essential characteristics of the construction product which are related to the intended
use or uses, taking into consideration the provisions in relation to the intended use or uses where the
manufacturer intends the product to be made available on the market;
f) for the listed essential characteristics for which no performance is declared, the letters "NPD" (No Performance
Regarding the supply of the DoP, article 7 of the Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 applies.
The information referred to in Article 31 or, as the case may be, in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006,
(REACH) shall be provided together with the DoP.
The following gives an example of a filled-in DoP powered smoke and heat control ventilators (fans)
No. 001CPR2013-07-14
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
A - X-T- FFF 21
2 Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the construction product as
required under Article 11(4):
3 Intended use or uses of the construction product, in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical
specification, as foreseen by the manufacturer:
To be used as part of a powered smoke and heat control ventilation system in construction works.
4. Name, registered trade name or registered trade mark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5):
AnyCo SA,
PO Box 21
Tel. +32987654321
Fax: +32123456789
Email: anyco.sa@provider.be
5. Where applicable, name and contact address of the authorised representative whose mandate covers the
tasks specified in Article 12(2):
Anyone Ltd
Flower Str. 24
West Hamfordshire
Tel. +44987654321
Fax: +44123456789
e-mail: anyone.ltd@provider.uk
6. System or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the construction product as
set out in CPR, Annex V:
System 1
Notified product certification body No. 5678 determined the product type on the basis of type testing
(including sampling); performed the initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production
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control and continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control and issued the
certificate of constancy of performance.
8. Declared performance
Operational reliability :
- Application categories Dual purpose EN 12101-3:
- Motor rating F, 80 K 2015
This declaration of performance is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer identified in point 4.
The CE marking symbol shall be in accordance with the general principles set out in Article 30 of Regulation (EC)
No 765/2008 and shall be affixed visibly, legibly and indelibly to a label attached to the powered heat and smoke
control ventilator (fan) together with the following information:
— the name and the registered address of the manufacturer, or the identifying mark allowing identification of the
name and address of the manufacturer easily and without any ambiguity;
BS EN 12101-3:2015
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— the last two digits of the year in which it was first affixed;
The CE marking shall be affixed before the construction product is placed on the market. It may be followed by a
pictogram or any other mark notably indicating a special risk or use.
Figure ZA.1 gives example of the label attached to the powered heat and smoke control ventilator (fan).
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
AnyCo Ltd, PO Box 21, B-1050, Brussels, Name and the registered address of the
Belgium manufacturer, or identifying mark
15 Last two digits of the year in which the marking
00001-CPR-2013/05/12 was first affixed
Reference number of the DoP
EN 12101-3:2015 No. of European standard applied, as
Product A – X-T-FFF 21 referenced in OJEU
intended to be installed as part of a powered smoke Unique identification code of the product-type
and heat control ventilation system in construction Intended use of the product as laid down in the
works European standard applied
Response delay: Level or class of the performance declared
- opening under wind load within a given time :
20 s
- opening under snow load within a given time :
SL 500
Operational reliability :
- Application category: Dual purpose
- Motor rating : F, 80 K
Effectiveness of smoke / hot gas extraction
- Gas flow and pressure maintenance during
smoke and heat extraction test : ±10 %
Resistance to fire: F400 (120)
Ability to open under environmental conditions:
- opening under wind load within a given time:
20 s
- opening under snow load within a given time:
SL 500
Durability of operational reliability: F, 80 K
Figure ZA.1 — Example of the label attached to the powered heat and smoke control ventilator (fan)
BS EN 12101-3:2015
EN 12101-3:2015 (E)
[1] EN 1366 (all parts), Fire resistance tests for service installations
[2] EN 12094 (all parts), Fixed fire fighting systems — components for gas extinguishing systems
[3] EN 12101-2:2003, Smoke and heat control systems - Part 2: Specification for natural smoke and heat
exhaust ventilators
[6] ISO 14520-1, Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 1:
General requirements
[7] ASTM E1461-07:2011, Standard test method for thermal diffusivity by the flash method
[8] ASTM E228-11, Standard test method for linear thermal expansion of solid materials with a Push-Rod
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