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Summative Tests
Quarter 4

ST#1 (W1)
A. Directions: Read the following sentences below. Tell whether they are fiction or nonfiction.
________________1.Prolonged drought can lead to famines or hunger.
________________2.A superhero can make a storm in a snap of a finger.
________________3.The bunny gave the magical bouquets to the needy.
________________4. Many Filipinos share their blessings to others especially during COVID
19 Pandemic.
________________5. The cats distributed some relief goods in the evacuation area.

ST#2 (W2)
A. Directions: Identify the underlined word in each sentence. Then tell if it is verb, conjunction,
or adverb.
__________ 1. You can have coffee or tea.
__________ 2. My mom looks beautiful.
__________ 3. Tom is very tall.
__________ 4. The bird ate the worm.
__________ 5. The child ran towards his mother happily.

B. Directions: Underline the adverbs found in the following sentences and identify its type. Then,
explain why that type of adverb is being used in each sentence. (2points each number)

Example: I have heard this before. Adverb of time because it tells when she/he heard.

1. I normally go to the gym.

2. Surely you are mistaken.
3. I’ve lived here for about two years.
4. She’ll be here soon.
5. The soldiers fought bravely.

ST#3 (W4)
A. Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Identify each statement if it is a FACT or OPINION.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
___________1. Philippines is a tropical country.
___________2. Everyone should give chocolates to their love ones on their birthday.
___________3. June 12 is the Independence Day of the Philippines. Learning Activities4
___________4. Halloween is an exciting event.
___________5. It is fun to have fireworks on New Year.
___________6. Summer is the best season.
___________7. Some families do not celebrate Christmas.
___________8. Surigao City celebrates Bonok-Bonok Festival every 10th of September.
___________9. Christmas is the most important event every year.
___________10. The festival in Cebu that is celebrated every January is called Sinulog.

ST English4 Page 1
ST#4 (W5)
A. Directions: Determine the correct medium of Journalism being referred to. Choose from the
words inside the box. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Print / Online Broadcast Photojournalism Multimedia

__________1. Some journalists write articles and blogs for publications, like newspapers and
__________2. Reporters share news on the television, radio or through video or audio online.
__________3. Photos are considered as the source of information.
__________4. This is a combination of written, broadcast and photojournalism.
__________5. Focus is more on written information.

B. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. One of a journalist’s greatest assets is their natural curiosity.
A. Ask questions
B. Master the language
C. Mind the word count
_____2. Keep prior notes, interviews, sources, tapes, the lot.
A. Have it outlined
B. Spelling matters
C. Keep and file everything
_____3. As a journalist, language is your main tool.
A. Dig for the story
B. Master the language
C. Keep and file everything
_____4. If you think you’ve got the whole story, dig around some more.
A. Master the language
B. Keep and file everything
C. Dig for the story
_____5. Make sure that your research is flawless.
A. Dig for the story
B. Always do your research
C. Spelling matter

ST#5 (W6)
A. Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Choose the correct answer from the box below.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
A. Human Interest B. Historical C. Profile
D. Seasonal E. Instructional

______1. Features that honor historical events or developments are quite common. They are
Also useful in juxtaposing the past and the present, helping to root the reader in a
shared history.
______ 2. Story that discusses a person, or people, or a companion animal in an emotional
way. It presents people and their problems, concerns, or achievements in a way that
brings about interest, sympathy or motivation in the reader or viewer.
______3. Some features are perfect for writing about in certain times of year, such as the
beginning of summer vacation or at the winter holidays.
______4. This feature type focuses on a specific individual’s character or lifestyle. This type is
intended to help the reader feel like they’ve gotten a window into someone’s life.
Often, these features are written about celebrities or other public figures.
______5. How-to feature articles teach readers how to do something. Oftentimes, the writer
will write about their own journey to learn a task, such as how to make a wedding

ST English4 Page 2
B. Directions: The given words below are elements of news written in scrambled form. Write the
correct spelling of a word on a separate sheet of paper.






ST#6 (W6)
Directions: Read the following details. Choose inside the box the element of a news report that
corresponds to the detail. Write the letter on the blank.

A. Quotation B. Lead C. Headline

D. Place line E. By line

________1. Koronadal City

________2. John Unson

________3. More than 200 residents of Barangay Carpenter Hill in this city fled their homes on
Monday night after receiving text messages that warned of an attack by Maute terrorists

________4. “ They returned to their homes after we convinced them that authorities are in control and
that there is no truth to reports warning of an attack by terrorists,’’ Bajo said.

________5. Villagers flee homes amid reports of Maute attack


ST English4 Page 3

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