Unit 4 - System of Medicine
Unit 4 - System of Medicine
Unit 4 - System of Medicine
Section 01- Multiple Choice Questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each
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10. The Hippocratic Theory and Pythagorian theory is of which system of Medicine
A. Ayurveda
B. Siddha system
C. Homeopathy
D. Unani System
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12. The Concept of Proving and Prover is related to which system of medicine
A. Ayurveda
B. Siddha
C. Unani
D. Homeopathy
16. Which of the following is not an example of hydrolysable tannin containing drug
A. Amla
B. Black Catechu
C. Arjuna
D. Myrobalan
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19. Essential oil of flower petals are generally extracted by which traditional method
A. Expression Method
B. Steam Distillation
C. Enfleurage
D. Water Distillation
Section 2- Long answer type questions (Answer any 02) 10 marks each
1. Explain the principle of Ayurveda. Describe the role of Pharmacognosy in Ayurvedic
system of medicine.
2. Define Alkaloid. Write the classification, properties and identification test of Alkaloid
Define Glycosides.
3. Define Glycosides. Give the classification, properties and identification test of
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