Molla g-7
Molla g-7
Molla g-7
Molla takele
Brhanu asfaw
Yasin tesfay
Mechanical engineering for 4th year (manufacture and industrial system)
machine Design project 2 (MEng 4132) project 2 semester 1
Submitted to wasihun
First and foremost we would like to say thank you from bottom of our heart to our God
who gives us this chance to success this project from beginning up to end of this project.
Also we would like to thank our beloved advisor Wasihun Wondimu that he gave us
different direction to do our project. Thirdly we would like to thank our group
members to their contribution in all preparation of this project and we have great
thanks for all Mechanical Engineering students. Finally we would like to express our
heartfelt gratitude to GOOGLE for helping us to recognize different ideas for our project.
The aim of this project is to engage and disengages power transmission using single
plate clutch .In this project, Design of single plate clutch by using the standard equation
for applying 50 kw of torque for testing purposes to find the main deformation in the
couplings thus trying to design each components of the bushed pin coupling in detail and
Assembling and drawing of each parts using Solid works and AutoCAD. All the
automobile vehicles available are always set to changing speed and torque between
engine and driving wheels. This project mainly focuses on the design of a bushed pin that
can transmit torque.
List of figure
Figure 2.1……………………………………………………………………………………..21
Figure 3.1………………………………………………………………………………………23
Figure 3.2………………………………………………………………………………………24
Figure 3.3……………………………………………………………………………………….28
List of symbol
P Power
T Torque
DO External diameter
Di Internal diameter
W Width
L Length
t Thickness
List of table
Table 2.1………………………………………………………………………………………….…..9
Table 2.2……………………………………………………………………………………………..10
Table 2.3…………………………………………………………………………………………….….11
Table 2.4……………………………………………………………………………………………….13
Table 2.5………………………………………………………………………………………………..13
Table 2.6……………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Table 2.7…………………………………………………………………………………………………13
Table 2.8……………………………………………………………………………………………….14
Table 2.9…………………………………………………………………………………………………14
Table 2.10…………………………………………………………………………………….…………14
Table 2.11…………………………………………………………………….…………………………15
Table 2.12……………………………………………………………………………………………….15
Table 2.13………………………………………………………………………………………………16
Table of Contents
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………………………ꜞꜞ
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………………………………….ꜞꜞꜞ
List of symbol………………………………………………………………………………………………….ꜞⱽ
CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................1
1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………1
1.3. Objectives…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
3. Geometric Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………22
3.1. Methodology………………………………………………………………………………………………….22
4.1. Result……………………………………………………………………………………………………………32
4.2 Discussion………………………………………………………………………………………………………....32
CHAPTER FIVE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………33
5. Conclusion and
1.1 Background of the Study
In 1956 rim clutches called a shoe clutch has been invented and in the last 1970’s
spring were add to improve acceleration. since 1978 disc clutches has introduced by
Gilbert Horstman which includes a flat friction surface that minimized temperature
variation. also in 1995 soft-start disc clutches were patented by Tomas Fehring. That
was modified which third-generation kart clutches connect springs directly to the
lever. There is no pressure plate .this simplified clamping mechanism engages the
engine without “bogging”.
Although the first use of a dry single plate clutch was stated by Duryea in1893-1921
the design was developed that would not burn out in a few hundred miles but
Englishman Herbert Frood perfected on more durable friction materials.[3]
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The reason why we design single plate clutch is because of it is to much needed when
heat generation is less then no need of a cooling medium but multiple clutch
generates high heat that needs cooling medium known as dry clutches.
We see that the three different type of frictional clutch which are single plate,
multiple and cone clutches .specially it is difficult to disengage the clutch and also
formation of wear in cone clutches.
1.3 Objectives
The general objective of this project is to design a single plate clutch power
transmission system.
brief and clear guidance book which shows material selection with its proper
1.5 Significance of the Project
The significant of this project is it is advisable in decreasing the pedal effort to
operate the clutch .Also This is able to increasing the torque and decreasing the
weight of the clutch.
It also used mostly for light vehicle power transmission system and as its name
indicates it use single plate clutch whose both sides are coated with frictional
materials it forms less frictions.
Single plate clutch is not expensive, it has little maintenance and gear shifting is
Literature Review
2.1 Introductions
Main component of single plate clutches
Fly wheel
clutch plate
pressure plate
crank shaft
Flywheel-– is reservoir which stores energy during the period when the supply of energy is more
than the requirement and releases it during the period when the requirement of energy is more
than supply.
Clutch plate- is a part of vehicle’s manual transmission system that delivers power from the engine
to the transmission. It’s fitted between the flywheel and the pressure plate. A worn out clutch will
slip against the flywheel and fail to transmit power from the engine to the transmission.
Hub–is the central part of the wheel that connect the axle to the wheel it self. The hub is
designed as a hollow shaft, for the maximum torque transmitted. We know that the
maximum torque transmitted
Pressure plate - squeezes the clutch disc onto the flywheel when the clutch disc is engaged and
moves away from the disc when the clutch pedal is depressed. These actions allow the clutch disc
to transmit or stop transition the engine’s torque to the transmission system. A pressure plate is
basically a large spring loaded clamp that is bolted to and rotates with the flywheel.
Spring - is that a material we used to make efficient to engagement and disengagement when the
clutch pedal is pressed
Keys- are machine elements used to prevent relative rotational movement between a shaft
and the parts mounted on it, such as pulleys, gears, wheels, couplings, etc. Bearing-
applied to a machine or structure, refers to contacting surfaces through which a load is
transmitted. When relative motion occurs between the surfaces, it is usually desirable to
minimize friction and wear.
The clutch engages the transmission gradually by allowing a firm quantity of slippage at
the transmission input shaft. Though, the slipping mechanism in the clutch generates high
heat energy due to friction. At high sliding velocity, excessive frictional heat energy is
formed and it leads to high temperature rises, and this causes thermo mechanical
problems such as deformations and instability which can lead to high wear, cracks and
other mode of failure of the clutch disc component.
Materials must resist wear effects such as scoring, galling and ablation
Material should possess good thermal properties, good thermal conductivity, high
heat capacity and with stand high temperature
South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.2, No.23 (2016) 135 –
142 )
The clutch disc is generally made from grey cast iron (FG 300).Because of its high heat
and wear resistant but its ramic based composites are used as clutch disc material due to
its high thermal conductivity and diffusivity. The material is considered valuable for to
dissipate heat at higher rate. st-42 (IS 1079) is used as clutch plate material because of its
wear resistance property but its cost is high and have low corrosion resistance.
Sintered brass:- Sintered brass material is used as clutch plate material because of their
resilience at high loads and high temperatures as well as their cost in comparison to
alternative friction materials. The main disadvantage is that the sintered brass material is
much softer as compared to the opposing hardened steel plates, as exposed by larger
amount of high sliding acceleration and high friction coefficient but production cost is
high and more weight.
In past, Asbestos was used as a clutch plate material due to its high heat resistance and
good strength. Disadvantage of asbestos is that it will create lung cancer such as colon,
throat and esophageal cancer.
Commercially E-Glass fiber composite is used as clutch plate materials because of its
High stiffness, high strength and relatively low density. Disadvantages of E-glass are
generated heat would not have dissipated as much as for a long time on its surface and
load increases matrix starts deforming and then detaches from fiber surface and gets
trapped in between the sliding surface.
Aluminum (Al) Matrix Selection: - The unique properties of aluminum composites are
better compeer to other convention materials. So it prospects in aerospace and avionics.
Compeer to magnesium the aluminum composites can use because design strong
bonding, good corrosion resistance, good wet ability, low density and flexibility’s high.
So now a day’s composite place a wider role in engineering application compare with
conventional materials.
Aluminum A-360 Alloy :- Aluminum-Silicon (Al-Si) alloys are most flexible materials,
comprising 85% to 90% of the total aluminum shed parts produced for the automotive
industry. Depending on the Si focus in weight percent (wt. %), the Al-Si alloy systems
drop into three major categories: hypoeutectic (<12% Si), hypereutectic (14-25% Si) and
eutectic (12-13% Si). However, most Al-Si alloys are not suitable for towering
temperature applications because tensile and fatigue strengths are not as high as preferred
in the temperature range of 500 °F - 700 °F. In recent years, the development of diesel
and direct fuel injection gasoline engines with lofty specific powers have resulted in a big
performance impact on piston materials due to enlarged combustion pressures and piston
temperatures. Alloy containing greater than eutectic silicon concentrations display low
specific gravity and elevated temperature strength and are often used in applications
requiring a high quantity of wear resistance. While wear resistance is usually linked with
surface hardness resulting from matrix properties and wear resistance in these alloys
results from the presence of large volume fraction of hard primary silicon particles in the
microstructure. Enlargement in the popularity of these alloys has accelerated in recent
years. Hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloys are relatively more difficult to cast and
machine. Matrix-hardening alloys also provide improved wear resistance.
Silicon and carbon with chemical formula Si C. Silicon carbide powder has been mass-
produced since 1893 for use as ancoarse. Grains of silicon carbide can be bonded
together by sintering to form very hard ceramics that are widely used in applications
requiring high staying power, such as car brakes, car clutches, grinding wheels, cutting
tools and ceramic dishes in bulletproof vests. Electronic applications of silicon carbide as
light emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors in early radios were first established around
1907 and today Si C is widely used in high temperature/high-voltage semiconductor
electronics. Single crystals of silicon carbide can be grown by the Lely method; they can
be cut into trinkets known as artificial moissanite. Silicon carbide with high surface area
can be produced from SiO2contained in plant material. Si C particulates can be used as
reinforcement, whiskers or fibers to improve the properties of the composite. When
surrounded in metal matrix a composite Si C certainly improves the overall strength of
the composite also it improves deterioration and wear resistance. Aluminum MMCs
reinforced with Si C particles have up to 20% improvement in lower coefficient of
thermal expansion, yield strength and higher modulus of elasticity than the corresponding
un-reinforced matrix alloy. Sic based composite has high hardness, it can also used in
number of applications such as in cutting tools, jeweler, structural materials, electronic
circuits, automobile parts, nuclear fuel particles, etc. For these reasons and also it is used
in brake discs, aerospace, automotive industry and bicycle frames.
1advantages of Aluminum Matrix Composites Over iron, steel and other non-ferrous
metals are as follows:
Improve damping capabilities
The above review for the hybrid clutch plate based metal matrix composite leads to the
following conclusions.
The ordinary clutch plate material has major disadvantages while using so we take a
composite materials for the clutch plate to enhance the clutch plate life.
Reinforcing Aluminum and its alloys with ceramics particles has shown an
appreciable increase in its mechanical properties.
In coconut shell the presence of hard element like MgO, SiO2, Fe2O3 and Al2O3, as
major constituents which can be used as particulate reinforcements in MMCs for
automobile applications.
The coconut shell ash can withstand a temperature of up to 1500oC with a density of
2.05g/cm3. That means this ash can be use in manufacture light weight MMCs
constituent with good thermal resistance
The drive shaft is a rod used to carry rotational force from the engine to the differential.
We compared three materials for the shaft
Aluminum alloy
Stainless steel
Carbon steel
Aluminum alloy- Aluminum Alloy is a medium to high strength heat treated alloy with
higher strength than 6005A. It is commonly used for heavy-duty structure in the railway
coach, truck frames, shipbuilding, and bridges the military, aerospace applications
including helicopter rotor shell, tubes, pylons and towers, transportation, boiler making,
motorboats and rivets.
Grade 6061-T6
It has very good corrosion resistance and excellent weld ability although reduced strength
in the weld zone. It has medium fatigue strength. It has good cold formability in temper
T4, but limited in temper T6. Not suitable for very complex cross parts.
Stainless steel: Stainless steel is also known as grades 304 and 304L respectively.
Stainless steel 304 is the most versatile and widely used. Type 304 stainless steel are
austenitic grades can be severely deep drawn. This property has led 304 became the
dominant grade used in applications such as sink and cook.
Grade 304
Type304 stainless steel is an austenitic grade that can be severely deep drawn. This
property has resulted in 304 being the dominant grade used in applications like sinks and
saucepans and has excellent corrosion resistance in many environments and when in
contact with different corrosive media. Pitting and crevice corrosion can occur in
environments containing chloride. Pressure corrosion cracking can occur above 60°C.
Table 2.2: property for stainless steel Grade 304
Carbon steel: Steel is a metal alloy consisting mainly of iron and contains 0.2 to 2.1
percent carbon. All steel contains carbon, but the term “carbon steel” applies specifically
to steel containing carbon as the main alloying constituents. Medium carbon steel is
carbon steel that contains between 0.30 and 0.60 percent carbon. It also has a manganese
content of between 0.6 and 1.65 percent. This type of steel provides a good balance
between strength and ductility, and it is common in many kinds of steel parts.
Grade 080M30
It can provide a better combination of toughness, strength and hardness. It also provides a
Weight during for low-oscillation rotary process. Despite its relatively limited corrosion
resistance, carbon steel is used in large tonnages in marine applications, fossil fuel power
and nuclear power plants, transportation, chemical processing, petroleum production and
refining, pipelines, mining, construction and metal - processing equipment.
Final selection of material based on design and material specification
Plain carbon steel is good enough in 90% of application. The qualities that is required id
good strength and cost effectiveness. The most commonly used is En 8/ASTAM 1040
carbon steel. This is a steel that has a very low sulphur and phosphorous, and contains
0.4% carbon. This helps one to harden it and thereby have high strength. These are
available of the shelf over the counter in a drawn bars or ground bars as a ready to use
material and worldwide availability will be in millions of tons at dirt cheap prices at
almost all diameters. They can be used as shaft without any hassle. Unless circumstances
force you, you never need to go beyond this and this was standardized during world war
and they were used to repair even battle tanks.
Designing is an art of creativity and innovation in affordable option and cost. Some
exceptions occur in case of corrosion or extremely complex designs when you go for
additional processes like alloying, forging, and weight restriction like space application.
A drawn bar is manufactured within a tolerance of h-11 and the shafts do not need any
additional machining and can be used as it is as a bearing shaft without any important
modification or machining.
Frequently, the operating environment is the single most important consideration for
proper spring material selection. For successful application, material must be compatible
with the environment and withstand effects of temperature and corrosion without an
excessive loss in spring performance. Corrosion and elevated temperatures decrease
spring reliability. The effect of temperature on spring materials is predictable. When
specifying a compression or a tension spring, designers will be aware of the forces and
degree of accuracy required, together with the operational conditions. From this
information, designers must select a material from which a spring can be made. A
maximum permissible stress can then be determined, which, together with the load
requirements, will enable suitable dimensions to be selected.
Tensile strength measures the force required to pull something such as rope, wire, or a
structural beam to the point where it breaks. The tensile strength of a material is the
maximum amount of tensile stress that it can take before failure. An elastic modulus, or
modulus of elasticity, is the mathematical description of an object or substance's tendency
to be deformed elastically (i.e., non-permanently) when a force is applied to it.
The elastic modulus of an object is defined as the slope of its stress–strain curve in the
elastic deformation region. As such, a stiffer material will have a higher elastic modulus.
It defines the ratio of stress and strain. It is a measure of an object's ability to resist
torsion. It is required to calculate the twist of an object subjected to a torque. It is
analogous to the area moment of inertia, which characterizes an object's ability to resist
bending and is required to calculate displacement. The larger the modulus in torsion, the
less the beam will twist, when subjected to a given torque. In between which temperature
the materials can work without any kind of change of stage and can give the maximum
efficiency. Larger the value of Maximum operating temperature the material can
withstand that much temperature. Hardness is the measure of how resistant solid matter is
to various kinds of permanent shape change when a force is applied. The Rockwell scale
is a hardness scale based on the indentation hardness of a material. The Rockwell test
determines the hardness by measuring the depth of penetration of an indenter under a
large load compared to the penetration made by a preload.
Alternative B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
A1 2168.5 207 45 79.3 121 50.5 7.85 35
A2 1310 128 45 48.3 204 38.5 8.26 33
A3 1241 179 40 65.5 288 29 8.44 55
A4 1844.5 207 45 79.3 245 51.5 7.85 30
A5 1551.5 193 35 69 288 40 7.92 15
A6 1379 214 40 75.8 371 40 8.47 45
A7 1241 200 35 71.7 510 38.5 7.92 32
Materials Symbols
High Carbon Steel (ASTM A 228) A1
Beryllium Copper Alloy (ASTM B 197) A2
Monel K500 A3
Chrome Silicon Alloy Steel (ASTM A 401) A4
Stainless Steel (AISI 304) A5
Inconel 600 A6
Nickel Alloy(ASTM A 286 A7
Table 2.8 Normalized decision matrix for spring material selection proble
Alternatives B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
A1 1.00 0.9186 1.00 1.00 0.0 0.9556 1.00 0.5
A2 0.0744 0.00 1,00 0.00 0.2134 0.4222 0.3387 0.55
A3 0.00 0.593 0.5 0.5548 0.4283 0.00 0.0484 0.00
A4 0.6507 0.9186 1.00 1.00 0.3188 1.00 1.00 0.625
A5 0.3348 0.7558 0.00 0.6677 0.4293 0.8871 0.8871 1.00
A6 0.1488 1.00 0.5 0.8875 0.6427 0.00 0.00 0.25
A7 0.00 0.8372 0.00 0.7548 1.00 0.8871 0.8871 0.575
Table 2.9 leaving and entering flows for different spring material
Table 2.10 Net outranking flow values & corresponding ranking for different spring material
A7 1.9934 5
Now, after arranging the spring material alternative in descending order of their net
outranking flow values, ranking of different spring material alternatives are also given in
Table 7. It is observed that Chrome Silicon Alloy Steel (ASTM A 401) is the most
appropriate choice as a spring material. High Carbon Steel (ASTM A 228) and Inconel
600 may also be used as a spring materials because of these materials obtain second and
third ranks. Monel K500 is a worst material for spring.
Material selection for the pressure plate is done based on the literature review as follow.
For the design of flywheel as per the priority five top most material was chosen , the
materials are Carbon steel 10657, Alloy steel AISI 43408, Maraging steel 18ni9, Alloy
steel AISI E931010 and Stainless steel11. As per the decision makers, the following
properties were chosen, they are Density, hardness, young’s modulus, bulk modulus and
poison’s ratio. The Table 1 shows the properties of all the materials which were chosen
for designing of the flywheel.
finally based on the above table Maraging 350 Steel is to be best among all other
Types of Bearings
There are many types of bearings, each used for different purposes. These include ball
bearings, roller bearings, ball thrust bearings, roller thrust bearings and tapered roller
thrust bearings.
Ball Bearings
Ball bearings, as shown below, are probably the most common type of bearing. They are
found in everything from inline skates to hard drives. These bearings can handle both
radial and thrust loads, and are usually found in applications where the load is relatively
In a ball bearing, the load is transmitted from the outer race to the ball and from the ball
to the inner race. Since the ball is a sphere, it only contacts the inner and outer race at a
very small point, which helps it spin very smoothly. But it also means that there is not
very much contact area holding that load, so if the bearing is overloaded, the balls can
deform or squish, ruining the bearing.
Roller Bearings
Roller bearings like the one illustrated below are used in applications like conveyer belt
rollers, where they must hold heavy radial loads. In these bearings, the roller is a
cylinder, so the contact between the inner and outer race is not a point but a line. This
spreads the load out over a larger area, allowing the bearing to handle much greater loads
than a ball bearing. However, this type of bearing is not designed to handle much thrust
A variation of this type of bearing, called a needle bearing, uses cylinders with a very
small diameter. This allows the bearing to fit into tight places.
Ball thrust bearings like the one shown below are mostly used for low-speed applications
and cannot handle much radial load. Barstools and Lazy Susan turntables use this type of
bearing. Ball thrust bearing.
Roller thrust bearings like the one illustrated below can support large thrust loads. They
are often found in gears like car transmissions between gears , and between the housing
and the rotating shafts. The helical gears used in most transmissions have angled teeth --
this causes a thrust load that must be supported by a bearing.
Tapered Roller Bearings
Tapered roller bearings can support large radial and large thrust loads. Tapered roller
bearings are used in car hubs, where they are usually mounted in pairs facing opposite
directions so that they can handle thrust in both directions. Some of the flywheels run at
speeds in excess of 50,000 revolutions per minute (rpm).
Normal bearings with rollers or balls would melt down or explode at these speeds. The
magnetic bearing has no moving parts, so it can handle these incredible speeds.
Probably the first use of a bearing was back when the Egyptians were building the
pyramids. They put round logs under the heavy stones so that they could roll them to the
building site. This method is still used today when large, very heavy objects like the Cape
Hatteras lighthouse need to be moved.
From the above definations the suitable bearing for automotive bearing is tapered roller
The steel alloys typically used in high strength crankshafts have been selected for what
each designer perceives as the most desirable combination of properties. Medium-
carbon steel alloys are composed of predominantly the element iron, and contain a
small percentage of carbon (0.25% to 0.45%, described as "25 to 45 points" of carbon),
along with combinations of several alloying elements, the mix of which has been
carefully designed in order to produce specific qualities in the target alloy, including
harden ability, nitride ability surface and core hardness, ultimate tensile strength, yield
strength, endurance limit (fatigue strength), ductility, impact resistance, corrosion
resistance, and temper-embrittlent resistance. The alloying elements typically used in
these carbon steels are manganese, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, cobalt,
vanadium, and sometimes aluminum and titanium. Each of those elements adds specific
properties in a given material. The carbon content is the main determinant of the
ultimate strength and hardness to which such an alloy can be heat treated.
from the above whole discussion that assembly type crank shaft is best for single plate
gure 2.1single plate clutch
Based on the above literature we reviewed, that as metal matrix composite is suitable for
clutch (disc) plate. For the designing shaft aluminum alloy is preferable. Chrome silicon
alloy steel (ASTM A401) is used for design spring. For Pressure plate it is advisable that
to use EN GJS-400-15 steel. maraging 350 steel is best material for fly wheel. Taper
roller is best bearing to use in designing single plate clutch. The assembly type crank
shaft is best in single plate clutch. .the material of key is the same as the material of
shaft materials .
The given parameters for this design of single plate clutches are the following:
Specification of clutch
3.1 Methodology
single plate
disc(plate) hub key flywheeel spring
at uniform at uiform
wear presure
3.2 Design of Disc (clutch) plate
T= =238.7≈238Nm
1 At uniform pressure
T =n μ W R
W1 =
T 238∗103 N mm
== =1841.96 N
nμR 2∗0.3∗215.35
W 1841.96 N
Pmax = 2 2 = 2 2 = 0.04545 N/mm
π (r 1 −r 2 ) π (230 −200 )
2 At uniform wear
r 1+¿ r 230+200
R= 2
¿ = = 215mm
2 2
W2 =
T 238∗103 N mm
== = 1844.96N
nμR 2∗0.3∗215 mm
W 1844.96 N
C= = = 9.78 N/mm
2 π ¿ ¿ 2 π (230−200)
c 9.78 N /mm
Pmax = = =0. 0489 N/mm2
r2 200 mm
c 9.78
Pmin= = = 0.0425 N/mm2
r 1 230
π 3 16 T 3 16∗238∗103 Nmm
T= τ d= =d s=
16 max 3 π τ max π∗77.5
d s =25 mm
Design of hub for clutch shaft the diameter of the hub is twice of the diameter of shaft and
the length is equal to 2 to 2.5 times the diameter of the shaft and the width of the rim is equal to
the diameter of the shaft. (Gupta, Kurrmi page 803)
The length of key is obtained by considering the failure of the key in shivery.
l∗w∗τ max∗d s
T max=
τ max=¿ shear on key moment
l=¿ length of key
d s =¿ Diameter of shaft
L∗W ∗τ max∗d s
T max= we have τ max= 77.5Mpa for Alloy steel.
T∗2 2∗238∗103
L= = =27.29 mm≈ 27.3 mm
W τ max d s 9∗77.5∗25
Intensity of pressure = 0.04545
We have 1841.96 N = 2π* 215.35 * b * 0.04545
1841.96 N
b¿ =29.95 mm ≈ 30 mm
2 π∗215∗b∗0.04545
3.5 Design of spring for clutch
We use chrome silicon (ASTM A 401) alloy for spring with the following parameters
Maximum shear stress, τ max= =1844.5/2*2=461 N/ mm2
D 5d
T =W 2 x =1844.96 x =4612d
2 2
π π
T= x τ max x d 3 = x 461 x d 3 =90.5d 3
16 16
4612d=90.5 d 3
d 2 = 50.96
d = 7.138≈ 7.5 mm
n s =number of turn
It is given that the axial deflection (δ) for the load rang from 1841.96N to 1844.96N
3 ¿ 8∗500∗53 n s
So , δ =8 W ∗C n s= ¿
Gd 7.5∗79.3∗103
n s = 7.137 ≈7
For squared & ground ends the total number of turns (n’) = n s +2 =7+ 2 =9
Since the compression produces under 500N is 6mm there for the maximum compression
produced under the maximum load f 1844.96N
δ max= *1844.96N =22.139 mm
Lf 92.95
We know that pitch of the coli = = =11.6mm
n −1 9−1
5. Spring stiffness
F 1844.96
K= = =83.3
δ max 22.139
3.6 Design of pressure plate
By Uniform Pressure Theory
Mean Effective Radius 2/3 X (r1³- r2³/r1² – r2²)
x [1503_ 953] /[1502-952] =124mm
Force For analyzing stress on pressure plate, the given torque is applied as Force on friction disc,
R = 124 mm
No. of contact surface, n = 2
But = F*R
Here F= T/R=238*103Nmm/124mm
F= 1919.35N
Torque (T) = 238000 N-mm specification)
Torque (T) = n µ W R
238000Nmm = 2x0.3xWx124mm
W = 3189.92 N
1. Stress analysis
Show that the metallic hub (or steel flywheel) can be divided into spoke and metal rim.
They become of uniform thickness rotating disk. The stress at a point in the disk is three
stress states: the radial stress σr tangential stress σθ, and axial stress σz. Because the
surface of the disk is a free surface in the z direction, σz=0. For an isotropic material the
radial and tangential stress are calculate based the given criteria’s which based on our
literature review material selection for flywheel it is clear that maraging steel alloy,it has
diametrial behavior it is given that fir inner d 1=0.38m∧for outer d 2= 0.42m,μ=0.3,
8.1 g
ρ= =8100 Kg/m3 for maraging steel alloy
cm 3
2π N
r=190mm and R=210mm r=,r i= √ Rr=r i= √ 210 ×190=199mm and ,ω= =209rad/s
3+ μ 2 2 2 R2 r 2 2
σ r= ρ ω (R + r − 2 −r i )
8 ri
σ r= 8100∗2092 ¿, σ r=¿ 58379.66N/m 2
2 2
3+ μ 2 2 2 R r 1+3 μ 2
σθ= ρ ω (R +r + 2 − r )
8 ri 3+ μ i
3+ 0.3 2 2 2 0.21 1+3∗0.3
σθ= 8100∗209 (0.21 +0.19 + 2
− 0.1992) ,
8 0.199 3+ 0.3
σ θ =14244735.62 N /m2
where r and R are the inner and outer radius of the disk, μ is the poison’s ratio, ρ is the
material density, ω is the angular velocity, and ri is radius of the ith point.
This states that failure occurs when the maximum shear stress in the component
being designed equals the maximum shear stress in a uniaxial tensile test at the
yield stress. Where σ1 and σ3 are the maximum and minimum principal stresses,[σ]
is the safe yield stress.
σ 1−¿ σ ≤[ σ ]¿
3+ μ
σ rmax= ρ ω 2( R−r )2
σ rmax= 8100∗2092 (0.21−0.19)2,σ rmax=58379.6 N/m 2
3+ μ 1−μ 2
σ θmax = ρ ω 2(R 2+ r)
8 3+ μ
3+0.3 1−0.3
σ θmax = 8100∗2092 (0.212 + 0.192),σ θmax =13990330.87 N/m 2
8 3+0.3
Design of disc(clutch) plate
At uniform pressure
From, T =n μ W R
W =1841.96N
At uniform wear
R= 215mm
W = 1844.96N
C = 9.78N/mm
Pmin = 0.0425N/mm2
Diameter of the hub: d=2d s=2 x 25=50 mm
For squared & ground ends the total number of turns (n’) n’ =9
Design of flywheel
Radial Stress on the flywheel σ r=¿ 58379.66N/m 2
Tangential stress on the flywheel σ θ =14244735.62 N/m 2
Maximum Radial Stress on the flywheel σ rmax=58379.66 N/m 2
Maximum tangential Stress on the flywheelσ θmax =13990330.8766N/m 2
4.2 Discussion
We stated that based on the failure theory the design is to be safe which is not failed
based the calculated stress is to be less that of ultimate stress .the material selection is
considering the property of material which matches the calculated result need to be
5.1 Conclusion
In this project we have discussed about manual transmission system
clutch specially on single plate clutch we have designed, calculated and
selected the fundamental parts of the disc clutch, fly wheel, pressure
plate, key, and bearing needed for them. We analyzed and suggested
accordingly at the end of the design its checked and proved safe.
5. 2 Recommendation
Finall, we would like to suggest that extending this project in detail and
further analysis can be made in software like ANSIS to know the most
vulnerable parts of the design.
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