Lidya Fitayehu 2. Mohammed Zeyn Ali 3. Sara Mohammed 4. Hayat Ahmed Arduino Based Egg Incubator
Lidya Fitayehu 2. Mohammed Zeyn Ali 3. Sara Mohammed 4. Hayat Ahmed Arduino Based Egg Incubator
Lidya Fitayehu 2. Mohammed Zeyn Ali 3. Sara Mohammed 4. Hayat Ahmed Arduino Based Egg Incubator
Group Members:
1. Lidya Fitayehu
2. Mohammed Zeyn Ali
3. Sara Mohammed
4. Hayat Ahmed
1. Mr.AddisMeshesha (MSc.)
2. Mr. TewodrosAssefa (MSc.)
Submission Date: 01/ 07 /2013
Kombolcha, Ethiopia
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................................................................................................... iii
ACRONYMS............................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................................................................................... - 1 -
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................................. - 1 -
1.1 BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................................................................ - 1 -
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.................................................................................................................................... - 2 -
1.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT................................................................................................................................. - 2 -
1. 4 HYPOTHESES.......................................................................................................................................................................... - 2 -
1.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY.......................................................................................................................................... - 3 -
1.5.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVE.........................................................................................................................- 3 -
1.5.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................................- 3 -
1.6 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT.................................................................................................................................................... - 3 -
1.7 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK.......................................................................................................................................... - 4 -
1.8 LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT...................................................................................................................................... - 4 -
CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................................................................................... - 5 -
LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................................................................................... - 5 -
2.1 EXISTING AND ARDUINO BASED INCUBATORS................................................................................................ - 5 -
2.1.1 Existing Egg Incubators............................................................................................................................- 5 -
2.2 EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT......................................................................................................................................... - 6 -
2.3 INCUBATING CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................................................. - 7 -
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................................................................................ - 9 -
METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................................................................................. - 9 -
3.1 METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................................................................... - 9 -
3.2 BLOCK DIAGRAM.............................................................................................................................................................. - 10 -
3.3 FLOW CHART....................................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -
3.4 MATERIAL REQUIERMENT.......................................................................................................................................... - 12 -
3.5 WORK PLAN........................................................................................................................................................................... - 13 -
3.6 BUDGET OF THE PROJECT............................................................................................................................................. - 14 -
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................................ - 15 -
APPROVAL PAGE....................................................................................................................................................................... - 16 -
The purpose of this project is to explain the design of Arduino based egg incubator system which
is able to automatically maintain the environment safe for production of chicken eggs and also to
reduce abnormal chicken and the risk of damage eggs which is caused by uncertain environment
which is not optimum for the embryo growth. The system has a temperature sensor which is able
to monitor the temperature in the incubator and this data is sent to Arduino. This system consists
of a servo motor rotate the eggs to avoid the embryo adhere on the shell. This system also
contains The GSM modem which is used for remote monitoring andmessage transmission. The
Arduino, with the help of relays controls an incandescent lamp.
An LCD display is used to display the temperature as well as condition in the incubator and an
air circulating fan is also used to maintain the egg at optimum temperature that is from 37 to
38.50C and also it used for the circulating the heated air uniformly around the chamber. This
system will take 21 days to hatch eggs. The principle of Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is
also used to manipulate the temperature in the incubator, then to regulate the system at specific
temperature. The measured temperature will be processed by using an embedded system, which
controls the overall system. This incubator system is also equipped with fault detection system
using two alternative systems one is to alert to the user on the system error using buzzer and
using LED.
The aim of this project is that developing an embedded system-based incubator to increase
precision with error control and improving the design of present incubators, this project also
presents the modification of the design of poultry incubator that will be user friendly, portable,
affordable and easy to maintain. Evaluation and test were carried out on the incubator that is in
agricultural science department thus having result for days of the testing, an average value of
temperature was gotten to be 370C and for the motor an average angle turn of 45, and thus it
achieves the objective of the project
The study of the chicken egg and its development from the incubated stage to the emergence of
the chicken from the shell is very interesting. Egg incubation is a technology to produce chickens
from egg without the need of the mother hen and this provides good way of transforming eggs to
chickens for farmers. Eggs have been incubated by natural means for many years. The most
important difference between natural and artificial incubation is the fact that the natural parent
provides warmth by contact rather than surrounding the egg with warm air which is the cause for
abnormal chickens. The developing chick in an egg is called an embryo, and a careful study of
the different stages of embryonic development in a chicken also has many interesting facts.
Incubation of eggs briefly shows the effects of the amount of the temperature, air, and moisture
on hatchability, the angle of rotation and also enables us to find out how an egg is formed, what
its different types and their functions, and how a chicken egg develops. Egg incubator is one of
the developments that provide opportunity especially for farmer. Earliest farmers have used
traditional system which has no quality due to this most egg expired and a lot of side effect
happens to the chickens.
Incubator is one of easy and fastest way that can make a product and with automatically
controlling the temperature and humidity of the incubator for various types of egg. The function
of egg incubator is to take over the mother hen job to incubate an egg until hatching. Egg
incubator is a device that keeps eggs in a good humidity, temperature and lightness until the
chicken embryo grows, it helps farmers to hatch, eggs automatically without the need of human
intervention by keeping the eggs at optimum temperature and allow hatching without the mother
In this project a chicken egg incubator is designed to help farmer produce hatched eggs
automatically. The chicken egg will save the time of the farmers and also increase their
production and their income. Arduino egg incubator can solve the problem of damage during the
Improper controls of temperature, humidity, egg turner and air ventilation. This leads to
dissatisfaction of customerstime wastage.
Shortage of egg and hens in local markets.
Mother hen take more time to hatch and less production.
The cost of incubator is high since fabricated in other country.
This type of incubator works automatically in each system by comparing with the previously
designed incubators. For example, the previous type of incubator is operated manually to turn the
eggs but the proposed system replaces it automatically using servo motor. And also, the previous
system uses water to control humidity but this proposed system replaces this by using ventilator.
This Arduino egg incubator has also special features like error detection system using buzzer and
LED, this shows that the user can save his/her time and does not spend time since every system
is automatic. And there is GSM Module that gives information by our phone in remote area In
the previous the motor used for egg turning is rotated around 8-12 times a day. This means the
With a bit of research, we determined it would be the best course of action for several
The incubator will help farmer produce product in a short time with large amount of
eggs. The incubator will be large enough to avoid problems of less production.
Ideas to incubate many types of egg in one time can be tested[2][3].
This project is combination of 3 basic chapters. Chapter one deals with an introduction of the
project which includes the background, statement of the problem, general and specific
objectives, and the general procedures used in the project. The concept of the project and the
overall overview of the project also will be discussed in this chapter. Chapter two focuses on the
literature review so as to compare the available egg incubators in the market with the proposed
project, and the brief explanation of the main important components used in this project.Chapter
three deals with system component Methodology and operation. This project can be testing for
the long time period but some recommendations are also included.
This chapter has discussed the available incubation, information from the books, futurity of the
component used and comparison. Incubation is the process by which hens hatch their eggs to the
development of the embryo within the eggs[1]. The most critical factor of incubation is the
constant temperature required for its developments over a specific period of time. In the natural
incubation the action or behavioral tendency to sit on a hatch of eggs is also called broody[5].
Now a day there are many egg incubators are available in the market. They are different products
with different draw backs. However, they use the same principle in creating their product. For
example, kerosene incubator which uses fuel as a source to produce heat, semi-automatic forced-
air incubator uses a light bulb to increase the temperature in the incubator while Mini eco eggs
incubator, uses heater coil for the same purpose. In this project, these other eggs incubator as
literature reviews in order to offer an Arduino based egg incubator at low cost and easy to handle
Automatic model with a capacity / loads the eggs of 100 eggs, for operation of diverting eggs up
to 12 times a day by using electric DC motor but this motor starts manually by the user. This
means that the user should be available at least with a time difference of two hours to turn the
eggs. [2]Clear digital thermometer displays the temperature of incubator operation[5][4].
Model with manual capacity of 60 eggs Operation simultaneously over the use of egg trays. Egg
incubator can be operated from the outside without opening the incubator. Digital thermometer
displays the temperature of incubator operation, the blower fan is temperature resistant and
moisture and heat lamps are easily replaced with 5 watts and also egg turning is done manually
as shown below [3].
2.1.4 The Mini Eco
The Mini Eco holds 10eggs and provides the fine temperature control to ensure consistent and
reliable hatches. Temperature is monitored on a purpose-built liquid-in-glass thermometer and
although factory set, the electronic temperature control allows fine tuning of the temperature
Embryonic development is a continuous process that can roughly be divided into three different
phases. They are differentiation, growth and the maturation. Typically, differentiation of organs
occurs in the first days of incubation. The growth and the maturation of the organs occur in the
later phases of development. Each of these phases requires specific incubator conditions. As the
embryo grows, its metabolic rate increases and this is accompanied by increased heat production
Consequently, the natural pattern of the embryo and egg shell temperature shows an increase
towards the end of incubation. In the incubator we must differentiate between the temperature set
point at which the incubator operates and the temperature of the air at the level of the eggs,
which determines the temperature of the egg and embryo [2]. At the start of incubation, the
embryo produces little heat and eggs must be warmed. This means that the air temperature must
be higher than the egg temperature. As the embryo growths, metabolic heat production increases
and to prevent overheating the air surrounding the eggs must be cooled such that heat is removed
from the eggs.
The components that must be control in the incubator are temperature, bulb, ventilation, etc. The
temperature must depend on the types of egg. In order to hatch a good percentage of fertile eggs,
an incubator must be able to maintain a constant temperature. Though different sorts of eggs
require different heat levels, most will grow and hatch well at 37 to 38.5 0C[7], that does sound
imposingly precise, but such accuracy isn’t all that difficult to achieve [6]. Humidity is
maintained by increasing the exposed water surface area. Ventilation is very important during
the incubation process. While the embryo is developing, oxygen enters the egg through the shell
and carbon dioxide escapes in the same manner. As the chick’s hatch, they require an increased
supply of fresh oxygen. As embryos grow, the air ventilator openings should be opened to satisfy
increased embryonic oxygen demand. Care must be taken to maintain humidity during the
hatching period. We have to open ventilation holes, both above and below the eggs, are essential
for proper air exchange [7].
Chicken eggs have adaptive capacity awards ambient temperature, and some eggs can still hatch
under temperature range of 36-40.50C. But when an incubation machine is utilized, the
temperature mentioned above is not the most favorable temperature. Instead, the most
appropriate temperature for incubation is 38.0, and the most appropriate temperature during
hatching process is 37.0-38.50C.
Under high temperature, the chicken embryo develops very fast, which may lead to a shortening
of incubation period and hence leads to increase of embryo death rate or decreases the quality of
When the temperature is under appropriate temperature, the incubation period will be longer and
the death rate will increase. When incubated under 35.60C, most of the embryos die in the egg
shells. Little deviation from proper temperature will cause less influence to the embryonic
development, due to adjustment from embryo itself.
Under artificial incubation, the requirement for humidity is not as strict as that for temperature.
The chicken embryos are more adaptive to humidity range, based on the fact that the water
contained in chicken eggs is also enough for its embryonic development. However, it doesn’t
mean that humidity should not be paid attention. For high hatchability, humidity must be
properly control[2].
Generally speaking, the relative humidity should be kept near 60 percent during the first seven
days, and 50-60 percent between the eighth and eighteenth day, 65-70 percent after the
eighteenth day. High humidity will obstruct the evaporation of the allantoises fluid, which will
produce a chick with big stomach. At the sometime, because of excess water in the chick body,
the chick appears heavy and dry. On the other hand, low humidity will cause excess evaporation
of water in the egg, which will produce thin and little chick. Therefore, to control the humidity is
dispensable [4]. The humidity is easily control, save and maintain through a unique, pre-define
pre-set temperature at the Arduino.
The Arduino Incubator development is divided into three sections. There are two elements of
hardware designs which are mechanical and electronic; and the third part is comprised of
software design. Arduino Incubator is an egg incubator that is capable to incubate multiple types
of eggs. The incubator will be equipped with the temperature and humidity sensor that can
measure the condition of the incubator and automatically change to the suitable condition for the
eggs. It is recommended to place the incubator indoor, to avoid any ill-effect from major weather
changes. Furthermore, it also can prevent from the threats of wild animals. In addition to that, a
well-ventilated area is strongly recommended for fresh air. In short, it is a much easier task for
the farmers if this incubator is placed indoor.
There are three elements in Arduino Incubator that must be set and controlled, namely
temperature, humidity and movements. In this scenario, a 25W light bulb is used to suitably set
the correct temperature for the eggs. The percentage of the humidity in the incubator needs to be
This is achieved by controlling the fan and water running through the incubator. In the same
time, it can ensure that the humidity and ventilation of the incubator is in a good condition. In
order to ensure that the entire part of the eggs receives heat form the bulb, a stepper motor is
used to rotate the egg turner and change the position of the eggs. The status of the condition
inside the incubator can be viewed remotely via network connection.
The block diagram represents the overall of the project. The total functioning of the project is
represented in a single block diagram as shown in figure below.
The Flowchart shows how the working of the project goes according to the program.
Year 2013E.C
February March April May June
Project proposal
Ch1: Introduction
Ch2:Literature review
and Operations
Ch5: Result and Discussion
The value of component materials needed for the designed purpose is given below by
Ethiopia currency standards (Ethiopian birr).