Homework 4
Homework 4
Homework 4
Homework 4
1 (32 %) The production of L-malic acid (used in medicines and food additives) was produced over immobilized
cells of Bacillus flavum MA-3 (Proc. 2nd Joint China/USA Chemical Engineering Conference, Beijing, China,
Vol.III, p. 1033, 1997).
Reaction 1
The following rate law was obtained for the rate of formation of product:
𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒙 𝑪𝒔 𝑪𝒑
𝒓𝑷 = (𝟏 − ∗ )
𝑲 𝒎 + 𝑪𝒔 𝑪𝒑 Equation 1
where rmax=76 mol/Lday, Km=0.048 mol/L and = 1.69 mol/L. Determine the volume of a CSTR fermenter
required to process 10 m3 /day of 1.2 mol/L of fumaric acid. The expected conversion or fumaric acid is 99%.
2 (33 %) The dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene is one of the most important methods for the manufacture of
styrene. The reaction has been studied using a Shell 105 catalyst (93 wt % Fe2O3, 5% Cr2O3, 2% KOH) in a
differential reactor [Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 4, 281 (1965)].
It was observed that the rate of reaction was decreased when styrene was added to the feed stream. Initial rate data
showed that as the partial pressure of ethylbenzene was increased to moderate values, the rate of reaction became
independent of the partial pressure of ethylbenzene. However, the rate of reaction was also decreased when styrene
and hydrogen were formed. The equilibrium constant Kp was taken to be 0.415 atm at 630°C.
Table 1. reaction rate data
3 (35 %) The use of a differential reactor to study the formation of methane from hydrogen and carbon
monoxide over a nickel catalyst. The overall reaction stoichiometry is:
𝐶𝑎𝑡 Reaction 2
𝐶𝑂 + 3𝐻2 → 𝐶𝐻4 + 𝐻2 𝑂
Equation 2
(15 %) a Suggest at least three consistent mechanism and in each one try to identify the rate-limiting step
that is consistent with the experimental observation. Assume both molecular and atomic hydrogen are
adsorbed on the surface.
(20 %) b It is desired to produce 20 tons/day of CH 4. Calculate the catalyst weights necessary to achieve
80% conversion in:
(10 %) A fixed bed. PBR
(10 %) A fluidized bed. CSTR
The feed consists of 75% H 2 and 25% CO at a temperature of 500°F and a pressure of 10 atm.
7. Las figuras, tablas y/o gráficas por sí solas no dicen nada, tener la precaución de al menos que tengan especificado
los ejes o las columnas según sea el caso e incluir las unidades correspondientes. Adicionalmente, se debe hacer
referencia a estos en el texto (que se está tabulando o graficando, como se obtuvo, para que se incluye, etc.).
8. Toda cantidad debe ir acompañada de sus correspondientes unidades.
9. Toda suposición y/o consideración que se utilice en los ejercicios debe ser reportada y justificada.
10. Todos los programas/códigos que se elaboren para la solución de las tareas deben anexarse donde se mencionen
como pantallazos.
Tener presente que se califica lo que se encuentra en el entregable, no es labor del calificador "adivinar" de donde
salen las gráficas, tablas, figuras, resultados; que no tengan su respectivo sustento.
La nota de los ejercicios que se presenten en forma idéntica será dividida entre los grupos correspondientes.