Suppression of Drill-String Stick-Slip Vibration
Suppression of Drill-String Stick-Slip Vibration
Suppression of Drill-String Stick-Slip Vibration
ICoEV 2017
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MATEC Web of Conferences 148, 16008 (2018)
ICoEV 2017
ing real commercial drill-bits and rock samples. then the drill-pipe twist can be calculated accu-
The rig shown in Fig.1 is equipped with a va- rately. Furthermore, the card high performance
riety of different sensors and transducers. An- allows high frequency data sampling up to 30
gular positions are measured by two quadra- kHz. This card is controlled by a LabVIEW pro-
ture encoders having 500 pulse per revolution, gramme with custom built graphical interface al-
where axial motion of the drill-bit is captured lowing to monitor responses of the system and
by a P1010 position transducer attached to the to present time histories of variables and phase
Bottom Hole Assembly. Horizontal and vertical portraits in real-time. This program also sends
forces as well as torque coming from the bit to the command to the top AC motor through the
the rock are measured by a 4-component Kistler NI card and the ABB frequency convertor. This
dynamometer placed under the rock sample. All convertor can work in speed or torque control
the voltage signals are sent to a NI PCIe-6321 modes which control the velocity or torque pro-
data acquisition card which has multiple ana- vided by the motor. Different speed or torque
logue input (16-Bit, 250 kS/s) and output (900 nonlinear control methods can be implemented
kS/s) channels and four 32bit counters/timers. in the LabVIEW program such as a sliding mode
Accessing to 4 counters, allows us to precisely control in Fig.1.
synchronise two encoders. This is important as
top motor
(a) (b)
frequency convertor
flexible shaft
Labview program
Figure 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup, (middle) photograph of the experimental rig and (b)
examples of rock samples and drill-bits used in the setup. Main components of the system are: sensors (top and
bottom encoders, eddy current probes, LVDT and 4-component load cell), electric motor, flexible or rigid shafts,
disks, the BHA, drill-bit and rock samples.
MATEC Web of Conferences 148, 16008 (2018)
ICoEV 2017
(a) (b)
θ̇t , θ̇b [rad/s] 7
0 ct
8 & gearing
T b [Nm]
0 drill-pipe
17.5 t[s] 27.5
7 c, k
θ̇t , θ̇b [rad/s]
T b [Nm]
17.5 t[s] 27.5 Tb
Figure 2. (a) An example of stick-slip oscillations occurring in the experimental rig for Wb = 1.79 kN and
1.5 inch pre-buckled flexible shaft. The time histories of the angular velocities at the bit, θ̇b , and the surface, θ̇t
together with TOB obtained in experimental studies (top) and calculated using proposed model (bottom). (b) A
physical model of a 2-DOF lump mass torsional system. The viscous damping property of the motor and gearing
system and the visco-elasto properties of the pipe are given by ct , c and k, respectively. The reactive torque acting
on the system during drilling is represented by T b .
3 Mathematical Model and tion. The number of disks varies in those studies,
Sliding Model Control for example 2 disks [8], 3 disks [9], 4 disks [10]
and even 18 disks [11]. In the current work a
The most used class of models for capturing 2-disk model has been employed (see Fig.2(b))
uncoupled torsional vibration consists of sev- to model the CADR experimental drilling rig,
eral parallel disks, rotating around their common following the work presented in [8]. The vis-
axis and connected to each other by torsional cous damping property of the motor and gear-
spring and damper. Top disk in all these mod- ing system and the visco-elasto properties of the
els represents the rotary table and the bottom drill-pipe are given by ct , c and k, respectively.
disk represents the drill-bit. The bit-rock inter- The reactive torque acting on the system dur-
action is modeled by the velocity dependent re- ing drilling is represented by T b . In this model,
sistive torque acting on the bottom disk. This the frequency convertor is set in the torque con-
class of models has been widely employed in trol mode and the top velocity can be calculated
studies focusing in drill-string torsional vibra- from the equation of motion.
MATEC Web of Conferences 148, 16008 (2018)
ICoEV 2017
θ̇b [rad/s]
θ̇b [rad/s]
θ̇b [rad/s]
0 0 0
−1 −1 −1
−0.5 0 2.5 -2.5 0 0.5 −1 0 1 2
θ̇b [rad/s]
θ̇b [rad/s]
θ̇b [rad/s]
0 0 0
−1 −1 −1
−0.5 0 2.5 −1 0 1 2 −0.5 0 2.5
Figure 3. Phase portraits of the drilling experiments using sliding-mode controller. The uncontrolled stick-slip
trajectories and the controlled limit cycles are shown in red and blue respectively. The controller achieves (a)
47.86% (b) 59.26% (c) 51.52% (d) 57.58% (e) 66.72% (f) 64.72% reduction in vibration.
A response is considered of the stick-slip the TOB formulation, with corresponding pa-
oscillations of the drill-bit, for WOB value of rameters as developed in the previous work [4].
Wb = 1.76 kN, and a 1.5 inch pre-buckled flexi- TOB recorded in the experiment and modelled
ble shaft and T t = 39.57 Nm torque generated by can be seen in Fig.2(b) (blue curves). There is
motor. Fig.2(a) presents its (top) experimental excellent agreement between the experimental
and (bottom) numerical time history. As can be observations and performed simulation.
seen, the top velocities in experiment and simu- After observing and modelling the stick-slip
lation (black curves) have sinusoidal vibrations, vibration, we focus on the suppression methods.
and the drill-bit velocities (red and green curves) To control stick-slip, one of the most commonly
experience stick-slip oscillations of almost con- encountered vibration while drilling for oil and
stant amplitude. The numerical results were ob- gas exploration, a sliding surface can be defined
tained using the model shown in Fig.2(b) with as
t t
parameters identified as k = 10.00 Nm/rad,
c = 0.005 Nms/rad, Jt = 13.93 kg m2 and s = (θ̇t −ωd ) +λ (θ̇t −ωd )dτ+λ (θ̇t − θ̇b )dτ,
0 0
ct = 11.38 Nms/rad. A TOB model is used for (1)
MATEC Web of Conferences 148, 16008 (2018)
ICoEV 2017
where θt and θb are angular positions of the ro- a sliding-mode controller have been developed,
tary table and the drill-bit respectively, ωd is the which proved to predict accurately the responses
desired angular velocity and λ is a positive con- of the analyzed experimental setup and elimi-
trol parameter. Based on the defined surface, nate the stick-slip oscillations and reduce it to
then a new sliding-mode controller has been suc- torsional vibration in presence of delay in the ac-
cessfully designed and applied to lead the sys- tuator.
tem to the sliding surface (s=0), which leads the
system to its equilibrium (θ̇t = θ̇t = ωd ) [5].
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