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EPA Reference Guide For Schools

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Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools


Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Indoor Environments Division, 6609J
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 564-9370

American Federation of Teachers

555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 879-4400

Association of School Business Officials

11401 North Shore Drive
Reston, VA 22090
(703) 478-0405

National Education Association

1201 16th Steet, NW
Washington, DC 20036-3290
(202) 833-4000

National Parent Teachers Association

330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2100
Chicago, IL 60611-3690
(312) 670-6782

American Lung Association

1740 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
(212) 315-8700

EPA 402/K-07/008 I January 2009 I www.epa.gov/iaq/schools


U nderstanding the importance of good basic measurement equipment, hiring

indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools is the professional assistance, and codes and
backbone of developing an effective IAQ regulations. There are numerous resources
program. Poor IAQ can lead to a large available to schools through EPA and other
variety of health problems and potentially organizations, many of which are listed in
affect comfort, concentration, and staff/ Appendix L. Use the information in this
student performance. In recognition of Guide to create the best possible learning
tight school budgets, this guidance is environment for students and maintain a
designed to present practical and often comfortable, healthy building for school
low-cost actions you can take to identify occupants.
and address existing or potential air quality
problems. You can accomplish this using
Refer to A Framework for School This common-
IAQ Management in this Kit to help
current school staff to perform a limited
you organize your work as you move sense guidance is
and well-defined set of basic operations
through this Reference Guide. It can designed to help
and maintenance activities. However, some
actions may require specialized expertise.
help you as you plan and define the you prevent and
roles, responsibilities and actions that are solve the
Sections 1 and 2 of this Guide help necessary to effectively implement your
schools understand how IAQ problems IAQ program. majority of indoor
develop, the importance of good IAQ, and air problems with
its impact on students, staff, and building minimal cost and
occupants. Communicating this important involvement.
information with students, staff, parents,
and the community is the next step,
which is outlined in Section 3. Schools
dealing with an IAQ crisis will find the
section on communication particularly
helpful. Sections 4 to 6 contain valuable
information for schools that need
assistance diagnosing and responding to
IAQ problems with inexpensive, practical
Refer to the appendices of this Guide for
detailed information on IAQ-related topics
including mold, radon, secondhand smoke,
asthma, and portable classrooms. Schools
may find the explanations of integrated
pest management programs, typical indoor
air pollutants, and pollutants from motor
vehicles and equipment helpful while
developing school policies or pinpointing
sources of poor IAQ. In addition, schools
investigating or resolving IAQ problems
may want to refer to appendices on


Introduction i
Acknowledgments v

Section 1 � Why IAQ Is Important to Your School 1
Why IAQ Is Important 1
Unique Aspects of Schools 2
Section 2 Understanding IAQ Problems 3
Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants 3
Interaction of Sources, HVAC Systems, Note: Separate pieces
Pathways, and Occupants 3 in this Kit include:
HVAC System Design and Operation 4 • � A Framework for
Description of HVAC Systems 5 School Management;
Thermal Comfort 5 • � IAQ Coordinator’s
Ventilation For Occupant Needs 6 Guide;
Pollutant Pathways and Driving Forces 6 • � IAQ Reference Guide;
Building Occupants 7
• � IAQ Backgrounder;
Section 3 � Effective Communication 9
• � Awards Program;
Proactive Communication 9
Responsive Communication 10 • � Radon in Schools;
Communication Principles 11 • � IAQ Checklists;
Section 4 Resolving IAQ Problems 13 • � IAQ Problem
Is This an Emergency? 13 Solving Wheel;
Who Will Solve the Problem? 14 • � Managing Asthma
Section 5 � Diagnosing IAQ Problems 15 in the School
How to Diagnose Problems 15 Environment; and
Spatial and Timing Patterns 15 • � Video Collection on
Section 6 � Solving IAQ Problems 17 DVD.
Developing Solutions 17
Solutions for Other Complaints 18
Evaluating Solutions 18
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Your Solution 19
Persistent Problems 20

Appendix A Hiring Professional Assistance 21
Appendix B Basic Measurement Equipment 25
Appendix C Codes and Regulations 27
Appendix D Asthma 29
Appendix E Typical Indoor Air Pollutants 33
Appendix F Secondhand Smoke 39
Appendix G Radon 43
Appendix H Mold and Moisture 45
Appendix I Emissions from Motor Vehicles and Equipment
Appendix J Portable Classrooms 53
Appendix K Integrated Pest Management 57
Appendix L Resources 59
Appendix M Glossary and Acronyms 79


Any information gathered using this Kit This Kit contains public information
is for the benefit and use of schools and that may be reproduced or modified in
school districts. EPA does not require whole or in part without permission. If
retention or submission of any information it is reproduced or modified, EPA would
gathered, and EPA has no regulatory or appreciate knowing how it is used. Please
enforcement authority regarding general write:
indoor air quality in schools. This Kit has
IAQ Tools for Schools
been reviewed in accordance with EPA’s
Indoor Environments Division, #6609J
policies. Information provides the current
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
scientific and technical understanding
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
of the issues presented. Following the
Washington, DC 20460
advice given will not necessarily provide
complete protection in all situations or For more information, see EPA’s website:
against all health hazards that may be www.epa.gov/iaq.
caused by indoor air pollution.
Mention of any trade names or commercial
products does not constitute endorsement
or recommendation for use.

Please note the following as you prepare to
use this Kit:
• � This Kit is not intended as a substitute
for appropriate emergency action in
a hazardous situation that may be
immediately threatening to life or
• � Modification of building functions,
equipment, or structure to remedy air
quality complaints may create other
indoor air quality problems and may
impact life-safety systems and energy
use. A thorough understanding of all
the factors that interact to create indoor
air quality problems can help avoid
this undesirable outcome. Consult with
professionals as necessary.
• � In the event that medical records are
used while evaluating an IAQ problem,
maintain confidentiality.

section 1 – Why IAQ Is Important

to your school
M ost people are aware that outdoor Failure to prevent or respond promptly to
air pollution can impact their health, but IAQ problems can:
indoor air pollution can also have significant
• Increase long- and short-term health
and harmful health effects. The U.S.
problems for students and staff (such
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
as cough, eye irritation, headache,
studies of human exposure to air pollutants
allergic reactions, and, in rarer cases,
indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may
life-threatening conditions such as
be two to five times—and occasionally more
Legionnaire’s disease, or carbon
than 100 times—higher than outdoor levels.
monoxide poisoning).
These levels of indoor air pollutants are
of particular concern because most people • Aggravate asthma and other respiratory
spend about 90 percent of their time indoors. illnesses. Nearly 1 in 13 children of
For the purposes of this guidance, the school-age has asthma, the leading cause
definition of good indoor air quality (IAQ) of school absenteeism due to chronic Good IAQ
management includes: illness. There is substantial evidence contributes to a
that indoor environmental exposure to favorable
• Control of airborne pollutants;
allergens, such as dust mites, pests, and
• Introduction and distribution of adequate molds, plays a role in triggering asthma
environment for
outdoor air; and symptoms. These allergens are common students,
• Maintenance of acceptable temperature
in schools. There is also evidence that performance of
exposure to diesel exhaust from school teachers and staff,
and relative humidity.
buses and other vehicles exacerbates
Temperature and humidity cannot be asthma and allergies. These problems can:
and a sense of
overlooked because thermal comfort comfort, health, and
• Impact student attendance, comfort,
concerns underlie many complaints about
and performance.
well-being. these
“poor air quality.” Furthermore, temperature elements combine
and humidity are among the many factors • Reduce teacher and staff performance.
that affect indoor contaminant levels.
to assist a school in
• Accelerate the deterioration and reduce its core mission—
Outdoor sources should also be considered the efficiency of the school’s physical
since outdoor air enters school buildings plant and equipment.
educating children.
through windows, doors, and ventilation
• Increase potential for school closings
systems. Thus, transportation and grounds
or relocation of occupants.
maintenance activities become factors that
affect indoor pollutant levels as well as • Strain relationships among school
outdoor air quality on school grounds. administration, parents, and staff.
• Create negative publicity.
Why Is IAQ ImportAnt?
In recent years, comparative risk studies • Impact community trust.
performed by EPA and its Science Advisory • Create liability problems.
Board (SAB) have consistently ranked
indoor air pollution among the top five Indoor air problems can be subtle and do not
environmental risks to public health. Good always produce easily recognized impacts
IAQ is an important component of a healthy on health, well-being, or the physical plant.
indoor environment, and can help schools Symptoms, such as headache, fatigue,
reach their primary goal of educating shortness of breath, sinus congestion,
children. coughing, sneezing, dizziness, nausea,
and irritation of the eye, nose, throat and
skin, are not necessarily due to air quality
deficiencies, but may also be caused by other
factors—poor lighting, stress, noise, and

more. Due to varying sensitivities among community. Many other aspects are unique
school occupants, IAQ problems may affect to schools:
a group of people or just one individual. In
• � Occupants are close together, with the
addition, IAQ problems may affect people in
typical school having approximately
different ways.
four times as many occupants as office
Individuals that may be particularly buildings for the same amount of floor
susceptible to effects of indoor air space.
contaminants include, but are not limited to,
• � Budgets are tight, with maintenance often
people with:
receiving the largest cut during budget
• � Asthma, allergies, or chemical reductions.
• � The presence of a variety of pollutant
• � Respiratory diseases; sources, including art and science
supplies, industrial and vocational arts,
• � Suppressed immune systems (due to
home economic classes, and gyms.
radiation, chemotherapy, or disease); and
• � A large number of heating, ventilating,
• � Contact lenses.
and air-conditioning equipment place an
Certain groups of people may be particularly added strain on maintenance staff.
vulnerable to exposures of certain pollutants
• � Concentrated diesel exhaust exposure
or pollutant mixtures. For example:
due to school buses. (Students, staff, and
• � People with heart disease may be vehicles congregate at the same places at
more adversely affected by exposure the same time of day, increasing exposure
to carbon monoxide than healthy to vehicle emissions.) Long, daily school
individuals. bus rides may contribute to elevated
exposure to diesel exhaust for many
• � People exposed to significant levels of students.
nitrogen dioxide are at higher risk for
respiratory infections. • � As schools add space, the operation and
maintenance of each addition are often
In addition, the developing bodies of different.
children might be more susceptible to
environmental exposures than those of • � Schools sometimes use rooms, portable
adults. Children breathe more air, eat more classrooms, or buildings that were not
food, and drink more liquid in proportion to originally designed to service the unique
their body weight than adults. Therefore, air requirements of schools.
quality in schools is of particular concern.
Proper maintenance of indoor
air is more than a “quality” issue; it
encompasses safety and stewardship of your
investment in students, staff, and facilities.

UnIQUe Aspects of schools

Unlike other buildings, managing schools
involves the combined responsibility
for public funds and child safety issues.
These can instigate strong reactions
from concerned parents and the general

section 2 – Understanding IAQ

O ver the past several decades, exposure intended to be an exhaustive list. Appendix
to indoor air pollutants has increased E: “Typical Indoor Air Pollutants” contains
due to a variety of factors. These include a list of specific air pollutants with
the construction of more tightly sealed descriptions, sources, and control measures.
buildings; reduced ventilation rates to
save energy; the use of synthetic building In addition to the number of potential
materials and furnishings; the use of pollutants, another complicating factor is
personal care products, pesticides, and that indoor air pollutant concentration levels
housekeeping supplies; and the increased can vary by time and location within the
use of vehicles and power equipment. In school building, or even a single classroom.
addition, activities and decisions, such as Pollutants can be emitted from a variety of Interaction of
deferring maintenance to “save” money, sources including: sources,
can lead to problems from sources and • Point sources (such as from science hVAc systems,
ventilation. storerooms); pathways, and
The indoor environment in any building is • Area sources (such as newly painted occupants
a result of the interactions among the site, surfaces); and
climate, building structure, mechanical If independently
systems (as originally designed and • Mobile sources (such as cars, buses, and evaluated, a
later modified), construction techniques, power equipment). minor roof leak and
contaminant sources, building occupants, a dirty classroom
Pollutants can also vary with time since
and outdoor mobile sources (cars, carpet might
some activities take place over a short period
buses, trucks, and grounds maintenance not cause much
of time (such as stripping floors) or occur
equipment). This section contains a concern. But if the
continuously (such as mold growing in the
discussion on how these elements can cause water from the roof
HVAC system).
IAQ problems, and Section 6: “Solving leak reaches the
IAQ Problems” provides solutions. These Indoor air often contains a variety of carpet, the water
elements are grouped into four categories: contaminants at concentrations that are can wet the dirt
well below the published occupational in the carpet and
• Sources standards. Given our present knowledge, the mold that has
• Heating, Ventilation, and Air- it is often difficult to relate specific health been dormant in
Conditioning (HVAC) Systems effects to exposures to specific pollutant the carpet. The
concentrations, especially since the mold can grow
• Pathways significant exposures may be due to low and become a
• Occupants levels of pollutant mixtures. pollutant source
that releases
InterActIon of soUrces, spores into the
soUrces of Indoor AIr classroom air.
pollUtAnts hVAc systems, pAthWAys, And The HVAC system
Indoor air pollutants can originate within occUpAnts acts as a pathway
the building or be drawn in from outdoors. If independently evaluated, a minor roof leak that disperses the
Air contaminants consist of numerous and a dirty classroom carpet might not cause spores to other
particulates, fibers, mists, bioaerosols, and much concern. But if the water from the parts of the school,
gases. It is important to control air pollutant roof leak reaches the carpet, the water can where occupants
sources, or IAQ problems can arise—even wet the dirt in the carpet and the mold that may experience
if the HVAC system is properly operating. has been dormant in the carpet. The mold allergic reactions.
It may be helpful to think of air pollutant can grow and become a pollutant source
sources as fitting into one of the categories that releases spores into the classroom air.
in the table on the following page, “Typical The HVAC system may act as a pathway
Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants.” The that disperses the spores to other parts of
examples given for each category are not the school, where occupants may experience
allergic reactions.

typIcAl soUrces of Indoor AIr pollUtAnts

oUtdoor soUrces BUIldInG components/ other potentIAl

polluted eQUIpment fUrnIshInGs Indoor soUrces
outdoor Air hVAc equipment components • Science laboratory
• Pollen, dust, mold • Mold growth in drip • Mold growth on or
spores pans, ductwork, coils, in soiled or water- • Vocational art supplies
• Industrial emissions and humidifiers damaged materials • Copy/print areas
• Vehicle and nonroad • Improper venting of • Dry drain traps that • Food prep areas
engine emissions (cars, combustion products allow the passage of
sewer gas • Smoking lounges
buses, trucks, lawn and • Dust or debris in duct-
garden equipment) work • Materials containing • Cleaning materials
VOCs, inorganic • Emissions from trash
nearby sources other equipment compounds, or
• Loading docks damaged asbestos • Pesticides
• Emissions from office
• Odors from dumpsters equipment (volatile • Materials that produce • Odors and VOCs from
organic compounds particles (dust) paint, caulk, adhesives
• Unsanitary debris or (VOCs), ozone)
building exhausts near • Occupants with
• Emissions from shop, furnishings communicable diseases
outdoor air intakes
lab, and cleaning • Emissions from
equipment • Dry-erase markers and
Underground new furnishings and
similar pens
sources floorings
• Insects and other pests
• Radon • Mold growth on or
in soiled or water- • Personal care products
• Pesticides damaged furnishings
• Stored gasoline and
• Leakage from lawn and garden
underground storage equipment

hVAc system desIGn And natural ventilation. Others lack mechanical

cooling equipment, and many function with
little or no humidity control. The features of
The HVAC system includes all heating, the HVAC system in a given building will
cooling, and ventilating equipment serving a depend on:
school: Boilers or furnaces, chillers, cooling
towers, air-handling units, exhaust fans, • � Age of the design;
ductwork, and filters. Properly designed • � Climate;
HVAC equipment in a school helps to:
• � Building codes in effect at the time of the
• � Control temperature and relative humidity design;
to provide thermal comfort;
• � Budget for the project;
• � Distribute adequate amounts of outdoor
air to meet ventilation needs of school • � Designers’ and school districts’ individual
occupants; and preferences;
• � Isolate and remove odors and other • � Subsequent modifications;
contaminants through pressure control, • � Space type; and
filtration, and exhaust fans.
• � Expected occupancy.
Not all HVAC systems accomplish all of
these functions. Some buildings rely only on

descrIptIon of hVAc systems temperatures. Temperature stratification is a
The two most common HVAC designs in common problem caused by convection—
schools are unit ventilators and central the tendency of light, warm air to rise,
air-handling systems. Both can perform and heavier, cooler air to sink. If air is not
the same HVAC functions, but a unit properly mixed by the ventilation system,
ventilator serves a single room while the the temperature near the ceiling can be
central air-handling unit serves multiple several degrees warmer or cooler than near
rooms. For basic central air-handling the floor, where young children spend much
units, it is important that all rooms of their time. Even if air is properly mixed,
served by the central unit have similar uninsulated floors over unheated spaces can
thermal and ventilation requirements. If create discomfort in some climate zones.
these requirements differ significantly, Large fluctuations of indoor temperature can All schools need
some rooms may be too hot, too cold, also occur when thermostats have a wide ventilation, which
or underventilated, while others are “dead band” (a temperature range in which
neither heating or cooling takes place). is the process of
comfortable and adequately ventilated.
supplying outdoor
Most air-handling units distribute a mixture Radiant heat transfer may cause people
located near very hot or very cold surfaces air to occupied
of outdoor air and recirculated indoor air.
HVAC designs may also include units that to be uncomfortable even though the areas within the
introduce 100 percent outdoor air or that thermostat setting and the measured air school.
simply recirculate indoor air within the temperature are within the comfort range.
building. Uncontrolled quantities of outdoor Schools with large window areas sometimes
air enter buildings by leakage through have acute problems of discomfort due
windows, doors, and gaps in the building to radiant heat gains and losses, with the
exterior. Thermal comfort and ventilation locations of complaints shifting during
needs are met by supplying “conditioned” the day as the sun angle changes. Poorly
air, which is a mixture of outdoor and insulated walls can also produce a flow
recirculated air that has been filtered, heated of naturally-convecting air, leading to
or cooled, and sometimes humidified or complaints of draftiness. Closing curtains
dehumidified. The basic components for a reduces heating from direct sunlight and
central air handling unit and a unit ventilator reduces occupant exposure to hot or cold
are illustrated in the IAQ Backgrounder. window surfaces. Large schools may have
interior (“core”) spaces in which year-round
cooling is required to compensate for heat
thermAl comfort generated by occupants, office equipment,
A number of variables interact to determine
whether people are comfortable with the
temperature and relative humidity of the
indoor air. Factors such as clothing, activity recommended rAnGes of temperAtUre And
level, age, and physiology of people in
schools vary widely, so the thermal comfort relAtIVe hUmIdIty
requirements vary for each individual. The
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, relative humidity Winter temperature summer temperature
and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Standard 55-1992 describes the temperature 30% 68.5°f – 75.5°f 74.0°f – 80.0°f
and humidity ranges that are comfortable
40% 68.0°f – 75.0°f 73.5°f – 80.0°f
for 80 percent of people engaged in largely
sedentary activities. That information is
50% 68.0°f – 74.5°f 73.0°f – 79.0°f
summarized in the chart to the right. The
ASHRAE standard assumes “normal indoor
60% 67.5°f – 74.0°f 73.0°f – 78.5°f
clothing.” Added layers of clothing reduce
the rate of heat loss. recommendations apply for persons clothed in typical summer and winter clothing, at light,
Uniformity of temperature is important mainly sedentary, activity.
to comfort. Rooms that share a common
heating and cooling system controlled by Source: Adopted from ASHRAE Standard 55-1992, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy
a single thermostat may be at different

and lighting, while perimeter rooms may can transport contaminants between floors
require heating or cooling depending on by way of stairwells, elevator shafts, utility
outdoor conditions. chases, and other openings.

Humidity is a factor in thermal comfort. The amount of outdoor air considered

Raising relative humidity reduces a person’s adequate for proper ventilation has varied
ability to lose heat through perspiration and substantially over time. Because updating
evaporation, so that the effect is similar to building codes often takes several years,
raising the temperature. Humidity extremes current building codes may require more
can also create other IAQ problems. ventilation then when the system was
Excessively high or low relative humidities designed. ASHRAE ventilation standards
can produce discomfort, high relative are used as the basis for most building
humidities can promote the growth of mold ventilation codes. A table of outdoor air
and mildew, and low relative humidities can quantities in schools as recommended by
accelerate the release of spores into the air. ASHRAE Standard 62-2001, “Ventilation
(See Appendix H: “Mold and Moisture.”) for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality,” is
shown to the left. Please note that this is
selected outdoor a limited portion of the Standard, and that
Air Ventilation VentIlAtIon for occUpAnt needs the quantities listed are in units of cfm per
recommendations Ventilation is the process of supplying person, which are cubic feet per minute
outdoor air to the occupied areas in the of outdoor air for each person in the area
(minimum) school while indoor air is exhausted by fans served by that ventilation system.
Application cubic feet per minute (cfm) or allowed to escape through openings, thus
per person removing indoor air pollutants. Often, this pollUtAnt pAthWAys And drIVInG
exhaust air is taken from areas that produce
Classroom 15
air pollutants such as restrooms, kitchens, forces
Music Rooms 15 science-storage closets, and fume hoods. Airflow patterns in buildings result from the
Libraries 15 combined forces of mechanical ventilation
Modern schools generally use mechanical systems, human activity, and natural effects.
Auditoriums 15 ventilation systems to introduce outdoor air Air pressure differences created by these
Spectator Sport Areas 15 during occupied periods, but some schools forces move airborne pollutants from areas
use only natural ventilation or exhaust of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure
Playing Floors 20
fans to remove odors and contaminants. In through any available openings in building
Office Space 20 naturally ventilated buildings, unacceptable walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, and
Conference Rooms 20 indoor air quality is particularly likely when HVAC systems. For example, as long as the
occupants keep the windows closed due to opening to an inflated balloon is kept shut,
Smoking Lounges 60
extreme hot or cold outdoor temperatures. no air will flow. When opened, however,
Cafeteria 20 Even when windows and doors are open, air will move from inside (area of higher
Kitchen (cooking) 15
inadequate ventilation is likely when air pressure) to the outside (area of lower
movement forces are weakest, such as when pressure).
Source: ASHRAE Standard 62-2001,
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air
there is little wind or when there is little
Quality temperature difference between inside and Even if the opening is small, air will move
outside (stack effect). until the inside pressure is equal to the
outside pressure. If present, the HVAC ducts
Stack effect is the pressure-driven airflow are generally the predominant pathway and
produced by convection, the tendency driving force for air movement in buildings.
of warm air to rise. Stack effect exists However, all of a building’s components
whenever there is an indoor-outdoor (walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows,
temperature difference, and the effect HVAC equipment, and occupants) interact
becomes stronger as the temperature to affect how air movement distributes
difference increases. Multi-story schools are pollutants within a building.
more affected than single-story schools. As
heated air escapes from upper levels, indoor As air moves from supply outlets to
air moves from lower to upper levels, and return inlets, for example, it is diverted
outdoor air is drawn into the lower levels to or obstructed by walls and furnishings,
replace the air that has escaped. Stack effect and redirected by openings that provide

pathways for air movement. On a localized BUIldInG occUpAnts
basis, the movements of people have a major Occupant activities can directly affect
impact on pollutant transport. Some of the pollutant sources, the HVAC system
pathways change as doors and windows (operation, maintenance, controls),
open and close. It is useful to think of the pathways, and driving forces. Occupants can
entire building—the rooms with connecting also be carriers of communicable disease
corridors and utility passageways between and allergens, such as pet dander. Teachers
them—as part of the air-distribution system. may use dry-erase markers or laboratory
Air movement can transfer emissions from chemicals that emit pollutants. Similarly,
the pollutant source: many cleaning materials used in schools
contain VOCs that can degrade IAQ.
• � Into adjacent rooms or spaces that are It is important
under lower pressure. Teachers and administrators often obstruct for occupants to
proper air movement in their classrooms
• � Into other spaces through HVAC system understand how
and offices by using ventilation units as
ducts. bookshelves, unknowingly restricting the their activities
• � From lower to upper levels in multi-story pathway for fresh air to enter the area. directly affect
schools. Similarly, covering air return ducts (with ventilation
posters, for example) restricts proper air
• � Into the building through either pathways and
circulation. Therefore, it is important for
infiltration of outdoor air or reentry of occupants to understand how their activities sources of
exhaust air. directly affect ventilation pathways and pollutants in
• � To various points within the room. sources of pollutants in their school. their school.
Natural forces exert an important influence Occupants can contribute to a healthy
on air movement between a school’s interior indoor environment by completing the
and exterior. Both the stack effect and wind IAQ checklists, monitoring their own
can overpower a building’s HVAC system behavior, and immediately alerting the IAQ
and disrupt air circulation and ventilation, Coordinator of any IAQ problems.
especially if the school envelope (walls,
ceiling, windows, etc.) is leaky.
Wind effects are transient, creating local
areas of high pressure (on the windward
side) and low pressure (on the leeward side)
of buildings. Depending on the size and
location of leakage openings in the building
exterior, wind can affect the pressure
relationships within and between rooms.
Entry of outdoor air contaminants may be
intermittent or variable, occurring only when
the wind blows from the direction of the
pollutant source.
Most public and commercial buildings
are designed to be positively pressurized,
so that unconditioned air does not enter
through openings in the building envelope
causing discomfort or air quality problems.
The interaction between pollutant pathways
and intermittent or variable driving forces
can lead to a single source causing IAQ
complaints in an area of the school that is
distant from the pollutant source.

section 3 – effective

G ood communication can help to prevent 4. �Notify occupants and parents of planned
IAQ problems and can allay unnecessary activities that may affect IAQ.
fears. In addition, schools should respond
promptly and effectively to any IAQ issues
5. �Employ good listening skills.
that may arise. Communication can assist The checklists, forms, and information
school occupants in understanding how contained in this guide will assist you in
their activities affect IAQ, which will accomplishing the first three objectives.
enable the occupants to improve their In addition, refer to the list of communi-
indoor environment through proper choices cation principles on the next page.
and actions. EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools
Communications Guide (EPA 402-K- The necessary level of communication
02-008) provides more information on is often dependent on the severity of the
communication strategies for addressing IAQ complaint. If the complaint can be
IAQ concerns. To obtain a copy of the resolved quickly (e.g., an annoying but
Guide, call IAQ INFO at 800-438-4318 or harmless odor from an easily identified
visit EPA’s website at www.epa.gov/iaq/ source) and involves a small number of
schools. people, communication can be handled in
a straightforward manner without risking
confusion and bad feeling among school
proActIVe commUnIcAtIon occupants. Communication becomes a
Schools and school districts can reap many more critical issue when there are delays in
benefits from taking a proactive approach to identifying and resolving the problem and
addressing IAQ issues. The positive public when serious health concerns are involved.
relations that can result from this approach
can lead to a better understanding of IAQ The fourth objective deals with informing
by school occupants and the community. occupants and parents before the start of
Communicating effectively—both internally significant planned activities that produce
and externally—is a key element. odors or contaminants. If occupants and
parents are uninformed, they may become
Build rapport with the local media now. concerned about unknown air contaminants,
An informed media that is aware of your such as strange odors or excessive levels
efforts to prevent IAQ problems and that of dust, and register an IAQ complaint.
understands the basics of IAQ in schools can Examples of planned activities include pest
be an asset instead of a liability during an control, painting, roofing, and installation
IAQ crisis. of new flooring. Notification of planned
activities can also prevent problems from
Communicating the goals of the IAQ
arising with students and staff with special
Management Plan to those within
needs. For example, an asthmatic student
the school—teachers, custodians,
may wish to avoid certain areas within
administrators, support staff, the school
a school, or use alternative classrooms,
nurse, students—is key. The following steps
during times when a major renovation
can help develop good communication
project will produce higher levels of dust.
between you and the school occupants:
A sample notification letter is provided in
1. �Provide accurate information about the model painting policy in Appendix
factors that are affecting IAQ. B: “Developing Indoor Air Policies,” in
the IAQ Coordinator’s Guide: A Guide to
2. �Clarify the responsibilities and activities Implementing an IAQ Program.
of the IAQ Coordinator.
3. �Clarify the responsibilities and activities
of each occupant.

The fifth objective involves effective information. Communications, whether in
listening. School occupants can often conversations or in writing, should include
provide information that helps prevent the following elements in a factual and
problems, and being “heard” may help concise manner:
defuse negative reactions by occupants if
• � The general nature of the problem,
indoor air problems develop.
the types of complaints that have been
received, and the locations that are
responsIVe commUnIcAtIon affected;
When an IAQ problem occurs, you can
• � The administration’s policy in regard to
be assured that the school community
providing a healthy and safe environment;
will learn about it quickly. Without open
communication, any IAQ problem can • � What has been done to address the
become complicated by anxiety, frustration, problems or complaints, including the
and distrust. These complications can types of information that are being
increase both the time and money needed to gathered;
resolve the problem.
• � What is currently being done, including
Immediate communication is vital, and is factors that have been evaluated and
easiest if a few strategic steps are taken found not to be causing or contributing to
before an IAQ problem arises. First, the problem;
ensure that a spokesperson is ready by
• � How the school community can help;
having a working understanding of the
communication guidance found in this • � Attempts that are being made to improve
section, and a background knowledge of IAQ;
IAQ as outlined in Sections 1 and 2. This
person should also have complete access to • � Work that remains to be done and the
information as the investigation progresses. expected schedule for its completion;
Because of these qualifications, the IAQ • � The name and telephone number of the
Coordinator may be a good choice for IAQ Coordinator, who can be contacted
spokesperson. Second, establish a plan for for further information or to register
how you will communicate to the school complaints; and
community. The school community includes
all occupants of the school, parents, the • � When the school will provide the next
school district administration and school update.
board, the local union, and the local news Productive relations will be enhanced if the
media. school community is given basic progress
Paying attention to communication when reports during the process of diagnosing
solving a problem helps to ensure the and solving problems. It is advisable to
support and cooperation of school occupants explain the nature of investigative activities,
as the problem is investigated and resolved. so that rumors and suspicions can be
There are basic, yet important, messages to countered with factual information. Notices
convey: or memoranda can be posted in general
use areas and delivered directly to parents,
• � School administrators are committed to the school board, the local union, and
providing a healthy and safe school. other interested constituents of the school
• � Good IAQ is an essential component of a community. Newsletter articles, the school
healthy indoor environment. website, or other established communication
channels can also be used to keep the school
• � IAQ complaints are taken seriously. community up-to-date.
When a problem arises, communication Problems can arise from saying either too
should begin immediately. You should little or too much. Premature release of
not wait until an investigation is nearly information when data-gathering is still
completed or until final data are available
before providing some basic elements of

incomplete can cause confusion, frustration, to disappear. If building occupants are
and future mistrust. Similar problems can informed that their symptoms may persist
result from incorrect representation of for some time after solving the problem, the
risk—improperly assuming the worst case or inability to bring instant relief is less likely
the best. However, if even simple progress to be seen as a failure.
reports are not given, people will think
that either nothing is being done or that Remember to communicate as the final step
something terrible is happening. in problem-solving—although you may
know that the problem has been resolved,
Even after the problem is correctly the school community may not know, so be
diagnosed and a proper mitigation strategy sure to provide a summary status report. The
is in place, it may take days or weeks for graphic below summarizes the main steps
contaminants to dissipate and symptoms for responsive communications.

Before proBlem dUrInG proBlem

develop provide provide

select & prepare communicate
notification progress summary
spokesperson Immediately
strategy report status report

commUnIcAtIon prIncIples
• � Be honest, frank, and open. Once trust compassion than about statistics and
and credibility are lost, they are almost details. However, provide sufficient
impossible to regain. If you don’t know information to audiences that are
an answer or are uncertain, say so. capable of understanding more technical
Admit mistakes. Get back to people with explanations.
answers. Discuss data uncertainties,
• � Employ your best listening skills. Take
strengths, and weaknesses.
time to find out what people are thinking,
• � Respect your audience. Keep rather than assuming that you already
explanations simple, avoiding technical know.
language and jargon as much as
• � Tailor communication strategies to your
possible. Use concrete images that
audience. Use mass media for providing
communicate on a personal level.
information, and interpersonal techniques
People in the community are often
for changing attitudes.
more concerned about such issues as
credibility, competence, fairness, and • � Involve school employees. An informed
staff is likely to be a supportive staff.

• � Involve parents. Inform parents about • � Do not over promise. Promise only what
what is being done and why, as well you can do and follow through with each
as what will happen if problems are promise.
• � Work with the media. Be accessible
• � Involve the school board. Encourage to reporters and respect deadlines. Try
board members to observe the process to establish long-term relationships of
(e.g., taking a walk-through of the school trust with specific editors and reporters.
with the IAQ Coordinator). Remember that the media are frequently
more interested in politics than in science,
• � Involve businesses that provide services
more interested in simplicity than
to the school (e.g., exterminators, bus
complexity, and more interested in danger
fleet administrators/operators) and
than safety.
businesses located around the school,
which may also negatively impact IAQ.
• � Emphasize action. Always try to include
a discussion of actions that are underway
or that can be taken.
• � Encourage feedback. Accentuate the
positive and learn from your mistakes.
• � Strive for an informed public. The public
should be involved, interested, reasonable,
thoughtful, solution-oriented, and
• � Be prepared for questions. Provide
background material on complex issues.
Avoid public conflicts or disagreements
among credible sources.
• � Be responsive. Acknowledge the
emotions that people express and respond
in words and actions. When in doubt, lean
toward sharing more information, not
less, or people may think you are hiding
• � Combat rumors with facts. For example,
set up a chalkboard in the teachers’
lounge or in another general use area for
recording what is heard. Record rumors
as they arise and add responses. Then
pass out copies to the staff.

section 4 – resolving

IAQ problems
R esolving IAQ problems involves Is thIs An emerGency?
diagnosing the cause, applying practical The first decision that must be made in
actions that either reduce emissions from dealing with an IAQ problem is whether the
pollutant sources, remove pollutants from problem requires an emergency response,
the air (e.g., increasing ventilation or air as shown in the diagram below. Some IAQ
cleaning), or both. Problems related to incidents require immediate response—for
sources can stem from improper material example, high carbon monoxide levels or
selection or application, allowing conditions certain toxic chemical spills will require
that can increase biological contamination evacuation of all affected areas in the
and dust accumulation, or source location. school, and biological contaminants such as
Ventilation problems stem from improper Legionella may require a similar response.
design, installation, operation, or In recent years, large outbreaks of influenza
maintenance of the ventilation system. have caused entire schools and districts to
This Guide provides information on most cease operation temporarily. Some schools
IAQ problems found in schools, and does and districts may already have established
not require that pollutant measurements be policies on what constitutes a life and
performed and analyzed. It is important to safety emergency. Local and state health
take reported IAQ problems seriously and departments can also be helpful in defining
respond quickly: life- and safety-threatening emergencies.
• IAQ problems can be a serious health If this is an emergency situation, in
threat and can cause acute discomfort addition to immediate action to protect
(irritation) or asthma attacks. life and health, it is vital that the school
administration, parents of students, and
• Addressing an IAQ problem promptly appropriate authorities be notified of
is good policy. Parents are sensitive to the situation in a carefully coordinated
unnecessary delays in resolving problems manner. You must also be prepared to
that affect their children. Staff have
enough burdens without experiencing
frustration over unresolved problems, and
unaddressed problems invariably lead to IAQ problem Identified
greater complaints.
• Diagnosing a problem is often easier
immediately after the complaint(s) has
been received. The source of the problem
may be intermittent and the symptoms NO
does problem threaten life or safety?
may come and go. Also, the complainant’s
memory of events is best immediately
after the problem occurs.
In some cases, people may believe that they
are being adversely affected by the indoor
air, but the basis for their perception may evacuate Affected Areas Go to section 5
be some other form of stressor not directly
related to IAQ. Section 6: “Solving IAQ
problems,” discusses some of these stressors
such as glare, noise, and stress.
notification and communication (section 3)

deal quickly and properly with questions
from local media. Review the guidance
in Section 3: “Effective Communication,”
and in EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools
Communications Guide
(EPA 402-K-02-008) to assist in
managing the issues of notification and
communication. The Guide is available
for most IAQ from NSCEP (800-490-9198) and
issues, schools can EPA’s website.
pull together a team
of in-house staff to Who WIll solVe the proBlem?
solve and prevent For most IAQ issues, schools can pull
together a team of in-house staff with an
problems. appropriate range of skills to resolve and
prevent problems. The IAQ Backgrounder
and checklists provide information on
typical IAQ problems found in schools.
On the other hand, unique or complex
IAQ problems may best be handled
by professionals who have specialized
knowledge, experience, and equipment.
Knowledge of your staff’s capabilities will
help you decide whether to use in-house
personnel or hire outside professionals to
respond to a specific IAQ problem.
Regardless of whether it is in-house staff
or outside assistance that diagnoses and
resolves the problem, the IAQ Coordinator
remains responsible for managing
the problem-solving process and for
communicating with all appropriate parties
during the process. If an IAQ Coordinator
has not been appointed already, please
refer to Section 2: “Role and Functions of
the IAQ Coordinator,” in the
IAQ Coordinator’s Guide.

section 5 – diagnosing

IAQ problems
T he goal of diagnosing an IAQ problem Once you identify the likely cause of the
is to identify the cause of the problem and IAQ problem, or the solution is readily
implement an appropriate solution. Often, apparent, refer to Section 6: “Solving IAQ
more than one problem can exist, requiring Problems,” for potential courses of action.
more than one solution. For this reason,
EPA created the Problem Solving Checklist spAtIAl And tImInG pAtterns
(Appendix A: “IAQ Coordinator’s Forms” in
As a first step, use the spatial pattern
the IAQ Coordinator’s Guide) and the IAQ
(locations) of complaints to define the
Problem Solving Wheel (a separate tab of
complaint area. Focus on areas in the school
this Kit). For best results, it is also important
where symptoms or discomfort have been
to have good background knowledge of the
reported. The complaint area may need to
basics of IAQ as outlined in Sections 1 and 2.
be revised as the investigation progresses.
The IAQ diagnostic process begins when a Pollutant pathways can cause complaints in
complaint is registered or an IAQ problem parts of the school that are located far away
is discovered. Many problems can be simple from the source of the problems. See the
to diagnose, requiring a basic knowledge of “Spatial Patterns of Complaints” table on the
IAQ and some common sense. If the cause next page.
(or causes) of the IAQ problem has already
After defining a location (or group of
been identified, proceed to the solution
locations), look for patterns in the timing
phase outlined in Section 6: “Solving IAQ
of complaints. The timing of symptoms and
complaints can indicate potential causes and
Not all occupant complaints about IAQ are provide directions for further investigation.
caused by poor indoor air. Other factors Review the data for cyclic patterns of
such as noise, lighting, and job-, family-, or symptoms (e.g., worst during periods of
peer-related stress can—individually and in minimum ventilation or when specific
combination—contribute to a perception that sources are most active) that may be related
IAQ is poor. to the HVAC system or to other activities
affecting IAQ in or near the school. See the
hoW to dIAGnose proBlems “Timing Patterns of Complaints” table on
the next page.
The Problem Solving Checklist and the IAQ
Problem Solving Wheel are your primary
tools for finding solutions to problems. They
will help simplify the process and lead the
investigation in the right direction.
Start with the Problem Solving Checklist and
encourage school staff to answer questions
or perform activities posed by the checklist
and the wheel. Pollutant sources and the
ventilation system may
act in combination to create an IAQ
problem. Resolve as many problems as
possible and note any problems that you
intend to fix later.

spAtIAl pAtterns of complAInts sUGGestIons
Widespread, no apparent spatial pattern • � Check ventilation and temperature control for entire building.
• � Check outdoor air quality.
• � Review sources that are spread throughout the building (e.g., cleaning
materials or microbiological growth inside the ventilation system).
• � Check for distribution of a source to multiple locations through the
ventilation system.

Localized (e.g., affecting individual rooms, • � Consider explanations other than air contaminants.
zones, or air handling systems)
• � Check ventilation and temperature control within the complaint area.
• � Check outdoor air quality.
• � Review pollutant sources affecting the complaint area.
• � Check local HVAC system components that may be acting as sources or
distributors of pollutants.

Individual(s) • � Check for drafts, radiant heat (gain or loss), and other localized
temperature control or ventilation problems near the affected
• � Consider that common background sources may affect only susceptible
• � Consider the possibility that individual complaints may have different
causes that are not necessarily related to the building (particularly if
the symptoms differ among the individuals).

tImInG pAtterns of complAInts sUGGestIons

Symptoms begin and/or are worst at the • Review HVAC operating cycles. Pollutants from building materials,
start of the occupied period or from the HVAC system itself, may build up during unoccupied
Symptoms worsen over course of • Consider that ventilation may not be adequate to handle routine
occupied period activities or equipment operation within the building, or that
temperature is not properly controlled.
Intermittent symptoms � • Consider spills, other unrepeated events as sources.

Single event of symptoms • Look for daily, weekly, or seasonal cycles or weather-related patterns,
and check linkage to other events in and around the school.

Symptoms disappear when the individual(s) • � Consider that the problem may be building-associated, though not
leaves the school, either immediately, necessarily due to air quality. Other stressors (e.g., lighting, noise) may
overnight, or (in some cases) after extended be involved.
periods away from the building

Symptoms never disappear, even after • Consider that the problem may not be building-related.

extended absence from school (e.g.,


section 6 – solving IAQ problems

T he purpose of this section is to provide

an understanding of basic principles in
solving IAQ problems. This guidance
can be helpful in selecting a mitigation
strategy and in evaluating the practicality
• Source substitution – Replacing
pollutant sources. Examples include
selecting less- or non-toxic art materials
or interior paints.
• Source encapsulation – Placing a barrier
and effectiveness of proposals from outside
around the source so that it releases fewer
professionals or in-house staff.
pollutants into the indoor air. Examples
include covering pressed wood cabinetry
deVelopInG solUtIons with sealed or laminated surfaces or
The selection of a solution is based on the using plastic sheeting when renovating to
data gathered during diagnostics (Section contain contaminants.
5: “Diagnosing IAQ Problems”). The
diagnostics may have determined that the 2. local exhaust – Removing (exhausting If people are
problem was either a real or a perceived fume hoods and local exhaust fans to the
IAQ problem, or a combination of multiple outside) point sources of indoor pollutants provided with
problems. For each problem that is before they disperse. Examples include information, they
identified, develop a solution using the basic exhaust systems for restrooms and kitchens, can act to reduce
control strategies described below. science labs, storage rooms, printing and pollutant
duplicating rooms, and vocational/industrial
There are six basic control methods that can areas (such as welding booths and firing exposure.
lower concentrations of indoor air pollutants.
Often, only a slight shift in emphasis or
action using these control methods is needed 3. Ventilation – Lowering pollutant
to control IAQ more effectively. Specific concentrations by diluting polluted (indoor)
applications of these basic control strategies air with cleaner (outdoor) air. Local building
can be found in each team member’s codes likely specify the quantity (and
checklist. sometimes quality) of outdoor air that must
be continuously supplied in your school.
1. source management – Managing (If not, see Section 2 of this Guide for
pollutant sources, the most effective ASHRAE recommendations.) Temporarily
control strategy, includes: increasing ventilation as well as properly
• Source removal – Eliminating or not using the exhaust system while painting
allowing pollutant sources to enter the or applying pesticides, for example, can
school. Examples include not allowing be useful in diluting the concentration of
buses to idle, especially not near outdoor noxious fumes in the air.
air intakes, not placing garbage in rooms
with HVAC equipment, and replacing 4. exposure control – Adjusting the time
moldy materials. and location of pollutant exposure. Location
control involves moving the pollutant source
• Source reduction – Improving away from occupants or even relocating
technology and/or materials to reduce susceptible occupants.
emissions. Examples include replacing
2-stroke lawn and garden equipment • Time of use – Avoid use of pollutant
with lower emitting options (e.g., manual sources when the school is occupied. For
or electrically powered or 4-stroke); example, strip and wax floors (with the
switching to low emissions portable ventilation system functioning) on Friday
gasoline containers; and implementing after school is dismissed. This allows
technology upgrades to reduce emissions the floor products to off-gas over the
from school buses. weekend, reducing the level of pollutants
in the air when the school is reoccupied
on Monday. Another example is to mow

around the building and near play fields Remedial actions for lighting and noise
only before or after school hours. problems can range from modifications of
equipment or furnishings to renovation of
• � Amount of use – Use air-polluting the building. Reducing stress for school staff
sources as little as possible to minimize may involve new management practices, job
contamination of the indoor air. redesign, or resolution of underlying labor-
• � Location of use – Move polluting sources management problems.
as far away as possible from occupants or
relocating susceptible occupants. eVAlUAtInG solUtIons
To help ensure a successful solution,
5. Air cleaning – Filtering particles and evaluate mitigation efforts at the planning
gaseous contaminants as air passes through
stage by considering the following criteria:
ventilation equipment. This type of system
should be engineered on a case-by-case • � Permanence;
• � Durability;
6. education – Teaching and training school • � Operating principle;
occupants about IAQ issues. People in
the school can reduce their exposure to • � Installation and operating cost;
many pollutants by understanding basic • � Control capacity;
information about their environment and
knowing how to prevent, remove, or control • � Ability to institutionalize the solution;
pollutants. and
Some solutions, such as major ventilation • � Conformity with codes.
changes, may not be practical to implement
due to lack of resources or the need for permanence. Mitigation efforts that create
long periods of non-occupancy to ensure permanent solutions to indoor air problems
the safety of the students and staff. Use are clearly superior to those that provide
temporary measures to ensure good IAQ in temporary solutions, unless the problems
the meantime. Other solutions, such as anti- are also temporary. Opening windows or
idling programs, offer low-cost options that running air handlers on full outdoor air
can be easily and quickly implemented. may be suitable mitigation strategies for a
temporary problem, such as off-gassing of
volatile compounds
solUtIons for other from new furnishings, but they are not
complAInts acceptable permanent solutions because
Specific lighting deficiencies or localized of increased costs for energy and
sources of noise or vibration may be easily maintenance. A permanent solution to
identified. Remedial action may be fairly microbiological contamination involves
straightforward, such as having more or cleaning and disinfection as well as moisture
fewer lights, making adjustments for glare, control to prevent regrowth.
and relocating, replacing, or acoustically
insulating a noise or vibration source. durability. IAQ solutions that are durable are
more attractive than approaches that require
In other cases, where problems may be more frequent maintenance or specialized skills.
subtle or solutions more complex, such as New items of equipment should be quiet,
psychogenic illnesses (originating in the energy-efficient, and durable.
mind), enlist the services of a qualified
professional. operating principle. The operating principle
of the IAQ solution needs to make sense
and be suited to the problem. If a specific
point source of contaminants is identified,
treatment at the source by removal, sealing,

or local exhaust is a more appropriate eVAlUAtInG the effectIVeness of
correction strategy than diluting the
contaminant with increased ventilation. If
yoUr solUtIon
the IAQ problem is caused by outdoor air Two kinds of indicators can be used to
containing contaminants, then increasing evaluate the success of correcting an indoor
the outdoor air supply will only worsen the air problem:
situation, unless the supply of outdoor air is • � Reduced complaints.
• � Measurement of the properties of the
Installation and operating costs. The indoor air.
approach with the lowest initial cost
Although reduction or elimination of
may not be the least expensive over the
complaints appears to be a clear indication
long run. Long-term economic
of success, it may not necessarily be the
considerations include energy costs for
case. Occupants who feel their concerns are
equipment operation, increased staff time
being heard may temporarily stop reporting
for maintenance, differential cost
discomfort or health symptoms, even if the
of alternative materials and supplies,
actual cause of their complaints has not
and higher hourly rates. Strong consideration
been corrected. On the other hand, lingering
should be given to purchasing ENERGY
complaints may continue after successful
STAR qualified products.
mitigation if people are upset over the
control capacity. It is important to select handling of the problem. A smaller number
a solution that fits the size and scope of of ongoing complaints may indicate that
the problem. If odors from a special use multiple IAQ problems exist and have not
been resolved.
area such as a kitchen entering nearby A solution will be
classrooms, increasing the ventilation rate Measurements of airflows, ventilation most successful if
in the classrooms may not be successful. If rates, and air distribution patterns can be
mechanical equipment is needed to correct it is integrated into
used to assess the results of control efforts.
the IAQ problem, it must be powerful Airflow measurements taken during the normal building
enough to accomplish the task. For example, building investigation can identify areas operations.
a local exhaust system should be strong with poor ventilation; later they can be
enough and close enough to the source so used to evaluate attempts to improve the
that none of the contaminant moves into ventilation rate, distribution, or direction
other portions of the building. of flow. Studying air distribution patterns
will show whether a mitigation strategy has
Ability to Institutionalize the solution. successfully prevented the transportation
A solution will be most successful if it is of a pollutant by airflow. While in some
integrated into normal building operations. cases measuring pollutant levels can help
To ensure success, solutions should not determine whether IAQ has improved, in
require exotic equipment, unfamiliar many cases this may be difficult and/or cost
concepts, or delicately maintained systems. prohibitive. Concentrations of indoor air
If maintenance, housekeeping procedures, or pollutants typically vary greatly over time,
supplies must change as part of the solution, and the specific contaminant measured may
it may be necessary to provide additional not be causing the problem. Measuring
training, new inspection checklists, or a specific pollutant by a professional is
modified purchasing guidelines. Operating appropriate if the problem can be limited to
and maintenance schedules for heating, that pollutant. For further information on
cooling, and ventilation equipment may also IAQ measurements, see Appendix B: “Basic
need modification. Measurement Equipment.”

conformity with codes. Any modification

to building components or mechanical
systems should be designed and installed in
conformance with applicable fire, electrical,
and other building codes.

persIstent proBlems
Sometimes even the best-planned
investigations and mitigation actions will not
ongoing complaints
resolve the problem. You may have carefully
may indicate
investigated the problem, identified one or
more causes, and implemented a control
that multiple IAQ
system. Nonetheless, your efforts may not
problems have not
have noticeably reduced the concentration
been resolved.
� of the contaminant or improved ventilation
rates or efficiency. Worse, the problem may
continue to persist.
If your efforts to control a problem are
unsuccessful, consider seeking outside
assistance. The problem could be fairly
complex, occur only intermittently, or extend
beyond traditional fields of knowledge. It
is possible that poor IAQ is not the actual
cause of the complaints. Bringing in a
new perspective at this point can be very
effective. Appendix A: “Hiring Professional
Assistance” provides guidance on hiring
professional IAQ assistance.

Hiring Professional assistance

S ome indoor air quality (IAQ) problems

are simple to resolve when school personnel
understand the building investigation
process. Many potential problems will be
prevented if staff and students do their part
can help to ensure the desired results.
Sample performance specification language
is provided at the end of this appendix in
italicized font.
Other than for lead and asbestos
to maintain good IAQ. However, a time may
remediation, there are no Federal regulations
come when outside assistance is needed.
covering professional services in the general
For example, professional help might be
field of indoor air quality, although some
necessary or desirable in the following
disciplines (e.g., engineers, industrial
hygienists) whose practitioners work
• � If you suspect that you have a serious with IAQ problems have licensing and
building-related illness potentially linked certification requirements. Individuals and
to biological contamination in your groups that offer services in this evolving
building, mistakes or delays could have field should be questioned closely about
serious consequences (such as health their related experience and their proposed
hazards, liability exposure, regulatory approach to your problem. In addition,
sanctions). Contact your local or state request and contact references.
Health Department.
Local, state, or Federal government
• � Testing for a public health hazard (such as agencies (e.g., education, health, or air
asbestos, lead, or radon) has identified a pollution agencies) may be able to provide
problem that requires a prompt response. expert assistance or direction in solving
IAQ problems. If available government
• � The school administration believes that an
agencies do not have personnel with the
independent investigation would be better
appropriate skills to assist in solving your
received or more effectively documented
IAQ problem, they may be able to direct
than an in-house investigation.
you to firms in your area with experience
• � Investigation and mitigation efforts by in IAQ work. You may also be able to
school staff have not relieved an IAQ locate potential consultants by looking in
problem. the yellow pages (e.g., under “Engineers,”
“Environmental Services,” “Laboratories –
• � Preliminary findings by staff suggest Testing,” or “Industrial Hygienists”), or by
the need for measurements that require asking other schools for referrals. Often, a
specialized equipment and skills that are multi-disciplinary team of professionals is
not available in-house. needed to investigate and resolve an IAQ
problem. The skills of heating, ventilation,
Hiring Professional HelP and air-conditioning (HVAC) engineers and
As you prepare to hire professional services industrial hygienists are typically useful for
for a building investigation, be aware that this type of investigation. Input from other
IAQ is a developing area of knowledge. disciplines such as chemistry, architecture,
Most individuals working in IAQ received microbiology, or medicine may also be
their primary training in other disciplines. important.
It is important to define the scope of work If problems other than IAQ are involved,
clearly and discuss any potential consultant’s experts in lighting, acoustic design, interior
proposed approach to the investigation, design, psychology, or other fields may be
including plans for coordinating efforts
among team members. The school’s
representatives must exercise vigilance
in overseeing diagnostic activities and
corrective action. Performance specifications

helpful in resolving occupant complaints 2. Consultants should be able to describe
about the indoor environment. how they expect to form and test explana-
tions for and solutions to the problem.
evaluating Potential Discuss the proposed approach to the
Consultants building investigation. It may involve
As with any hiring process, the better you moving suspected contaminant sources
know your own needs, the easier it will be to or manipulating HVAC controls to
select individuals or firms to service those simulate conditions at the time of
needs. The more clearly you can define the complaints or to test possible corrective
project scope, the more likely you are to actions. Poorly designed studies may
achieve the desired result without paying lead to conclusions that are either “false
for unnecessary services. An investigation negative” (i.e., falsely concluding that
strategy based on evaluating building there is no problem) or “false positive”
performance can be used to solve a problem (i.e., falsely concluding that a specific
without necessarily identifying a particular condition caused the complaint).
chemical compound as the cause. The
Some consultants may produce an
idea of testing the air to learn whether it is
inventory of problems in the build-
“safe” or “unsafe” is very appealing. Most
ing without determining which, if any,
existing standards for airborne pollutants,
of those problems caused the original
however, were developed for industrial
complaint. If investigators discover
settings where most occupants are usually
IAQ problems unrelated to the concern
healthy adult men. Some state regulations
that prompted the evaluation, those
call for the involvement of a professional
problems should be noted and reported.
engineer for any modifications or additions
It is important, however, that the
to a school HVAC system. Whether or not
this is legally mandated for your school, original complaint is resolved.
the professional engineer’s knowledge of
air handling, conditioning, and sequencing 3. � The decision to take IAQ measurements
strategies will help to design ventilation should be approached with caution.
system modifications without creating IAQ investigators often find a
other problems. In many situations, large number of potential sources
proper engineering can save energy while contributing low levels of various
improving IAQ. An example of this might contaminants to the air. These findings
be the redesign of outside air-handling frequently raise more questions than
strategies to improve the performance of an they answer. Before starting to take
economizer cycle. measurements, investigators need a
clear understanding of how the results
The following guidelines may be helpful in will be used and interpreted. Without
evaluating potential consultants: this understanding, planning appropriate
sampling locations and times,
1. � Competent professionals will ask instrumentation, and analysis
questions about your situation to see
procedures is impossible. Non-routine
whether they can offer services that will
measurements (such as relatively
assist you.
expensive sampling for volatile
The causes and potential remedies organic compounds (VOCs)) should
for IAQ problems vary greatly. A not be conducted without site-specific
firm needs at least a preliminary justification. Concentrations that
understanding of the facts about comply with industrial occupational
what is going on in your building to standards are not necessarily protective
evaluate if it can offer the professional of children, or other school occupants.
skills necessary to address your
concerns and to make effective use 4. � A qualified IAQ investigator should
of its personnel from the outset. have appropriate experience, demon-
strate a broad understanding of IAQ
problems and the conditions that can
lead to them (e.g., the relationship

between IAQ and the building struc- and other data? Will communications
ture, mechanical systems, sources, and be in writing, by telephone, or
human activities), and use a phased face-to-face? Will the consultant
diagnostic approach. meet with students and/or school
staff to collect information? Will the
Have the firm identify the personnel
consultant meet with staff, parent
who would be responsible for your case,
organizations, or others to discuss
their specific experience, and related
findings, if requested to do so?
qualifications. Contract only for the
services of those individuals, or require • References from clients who have
approval for substitutions. When hiring received comparable services.
an engineer, look for someone with the
equipment and expertise to perform a iaQ-related ventilation
ventilation system assessment and with
strong field experience. Some engineers
rarely work outside the office. The school’s representatives need to
remember: Oversee the work and ask
5. � In the proposal and the interview, a questions that will help you ensure the
prospective consultant should present a work is properly performed. Specialized
clear, detailed picture of the proposed measurements of airflow or pre- and post-
services and work products, including mitigation contaminant concentrations may
the following information: be needed to know whether the corrective
action is effective.
• The basic goal(s), methodology, and
sequence of the investigation, the Performance specifications can be used as
information to be obtained, and the part of the contract package to establish
process of hypothesis development critical goals for system design and
and testing, including criteria for operation. Performance specifications can
decision-making about further data- be used to force contractors to demonstrate
gathering. that they have met those goals. At the same
time, performance specifications should
• Any elements of the work that will avoid dictating specific design features such
require a time commitment from as duct sizes and locations, thus leaving
school staff, including information to HVAC system designers free to apply their
be collected by the school. professional expertise. You may be able to
• The schedule, cost, and work adapt appropriate sections of the following
product(s), such as a written sample performance specifications for your
report, specifications, and plans school.
for mitigation work; supervision
of mitigation work; and training Performance specifications
program for school staff. • The control system shall be modified
and the ventilation system repaired and
• Additional tasks (and costs) that may
adjusted as needed to provide outdoor
be part of solving the IAQ problem
air ventilation during occupied hours.
but are outside the scope of the
The amount of outdoor air ventilation
contract. Examples include: medical
shall meet ASHRAE Standard 62-2001
examination of complainants,
minimum recommendations or shall be
laboratory fees, and contractor’s fees
the maximum possible with the current
for mitigation work.
air-handling equipment, but in no case
• Communication between the IAQ shall the minimum outdoor air ventilation
professional and the client: How rate be less than the ventilation guideline
often will the contractor discuss the in effect at the time the school was
progress of the work with the school? constructed.
Who will be notified of test results
• When designing the ventilation system
modifications, it is important to ensure
that: 1) Increased outdoor air intake

rates do not negatively impact occupant institutionalizing the Corrective
comfort; 2) heating coils do not freeze; action
and 3) the cooling system can handle the
• After the ventilation system modifications
increased enthalpy load. A load analysis
are completed, school facility operators
shall be performed to determine if the
shall be provided with training and
existing heating (or cooling) plant has the
two copies of a manual that documents
capacity to meet the loads imposed by the
the ventilation system control strategy,
restored or increased ventilation rates.
operating parameters, and maintenance
• If the existing plant cannot meet this load requirements.
or, if for some other reason, it is decided
not to use the existing heating system to
condition outdoor air, then a heating (or
cooling) plant shall be designed for that
purpose. The proposal shall include a life-
cycle cost analysis of energy conservation
options (e.g., economizer cooling, heat
recovery ventilation).
• All screens in outdoor air intakes shall be
inspected for proper mesh size. Screens
with mesh size smaller than
1/2 inch are subject to clogging; if
present, they shall be removed and
replaced with larger-sized mesh (not so
large as to allow birds to enter).

demonstrating system
• The proper operation of control sequence
and outdoor air damper operation shall
be verified by school personnel or the
school’s agent after ventilation system
modifications and repairs have been
completed. This shall include, but not
be limited to: observation of damper
position for differing settings of low limit
stats and room stats, measurement of air
pressure at room stats and outdoor air
damper actuators, direct measurement
of air flow through outdoor air intakes,
and direct measurement of air flows at
exhaust grilles. The contractor shall
provide a written report documenting:
1) Test procedures used to evaluate
ventilation system performance; 2) test
locations; 3) HVAC operating conditions
during testing; and 4) findings.

Basic Measurement equipment

T o prevent or resolve indoor air quality

(IAQ) problems effectively and efficiently,
you must be able to take four basic
measurements relating to the air within the
school. Your school or school district may
If your school’s budget does not allow the
purchase of some or all of the equipment, try
a cooperative approach:
• � Combine resources with other schools in
already own some or all of the equipment the district or neighboring schools.
necessary to make these measurements. If • � Contact school organizations and local
not, buying or borrowing that equipment is government to inquire about cooperative
important to assess the IAQ conditions in purchasing options.
your school accurately and ensure that the
ventilation equipment is working properly • � Borrow equipment from another school,
(which can save the school money in heating district, a state or local government, or an
and cooling bills), as well as improve IAQ. EPA regional office.
Check with your EPA regional office about Do not let a lack of equipment prevent
equipment availability (see Appendix L: you from conducting the recommended
“Resources,” for a complete list of EPA activities. Conduct as many activities
regional offices). as possible with the equipment you
Four measurements are important to the have available. If you cannot obtain the
activities in this Guide: recommended equipment due to lack
of resources, prioritize your equipment
• � Temperature. purchases as follows:
• � Relative humidity.
1. � Temperature, relative humidity, and
• � Air movement. chemical smoke device for indicating
• � Airflow volume. air movement;

In addition, a carbon dioxide (CO2) monitor 2. � Airflow volume measuring devices; and
is useful for indicating when outdoor air
ventilation may be inadequate (see the 3. � CO2 monitor.
Ventilation Checklist).
Sampling for pollutants is not recommended,
since results are difficult to interpret and can
require costly measurement equipment as
well as significant training and experience.
The activities described in this Guide are
likely to prevent or uncover problems
more effectively than pollutant sampling.
The four measurements listed above are
readily available, do not require expensive
equipment or special training, and are
straightforward to interpret.

Codes and regulations

The Federal government has a long history
of regulating outdoor air quality and the
concentrations of airborne contaminants
information) from their state OSHA office
on how to reduce their exposure to potential
air contaminants. In states without OSHA
organizations, the regional OSHA contact
may be able to provide information or
assistance (see Appendix L: “Resources”).
in industrial settings. In an industrial
environment, specific chemicals released by
industrial processes can be present in high ventilation-related
concentrations. It has been possible to study regulations
the health effects of industrial exposures Ventilation is the other major influence on
and establish regulations to limit those IAQ that is subject to regulation. The Federal
exposures. government does not regulate ventilation
Some states have established regulations in non-industrial settings. However, many
regarding specific pollutants in schools, such state and local governments do regulate
as testing for radon and lead. Various States ventilation system capacity through their
have also established anti-idling policies that building codes. Building codes have been
establish maximum idling times for school developed to promote good construction
buses and other vehicles. practices and prevent health and safety
hazards. Professional associations, such
Indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools, however, as the American Society of Heating,
presents a different problem. A large variety Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning
of chemicals used in classrooms, offices, Engineers (ASHRAE) and the National Fire
grounds maintenance, and kitchen and Protection Association (NFPA), develop
cleaning applications exist at levels that are recommendations for appropriate building
almost always lower than the concentrations and equipment design and installation (e.g.,
found in industry. The individual and ASHRAE Standard 62-2001, “Ventilation
combined effects of these chemicals are very for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality”). Those
difficult to study, and the people exposed recommendations acquire the force of law
may include pregnant women, children, and when adopted by state or local regulatory
others who are more susceptible to health bodies. There is generally a time lag between
problems than the adult typically present in the adoption of new standards by consensus
regulated industrial settings. organizations such as ASHRAE and the
There is still much to learn about the effects incorporation of those new standards as
of both acute (short-term) and chronic (long- code requirements. Contact your local code
term) exposure to low levels of multiple enforcement official, your State’s Education
indoor air contaminants. At this time, there Department, or a consulting engineer to
are few Federal regulations for airborne learn about the code requirements that apply
contaminants in non-industrial settings. to your school.
The Occupational Safety and Health In general, building code requirements
Administration (OSHA) is the Federal are only enforceable during construction
agency responsible for workplace safety and and renovation. When code requirements
health. In the past, OSHA focused primarily change over time (as code organizations
on industrial worksites, but most recently adapt to new information and technologies),
has broadened its efforts to address other buildings are usually not required to modify
worksite hazards. In spring 1994, OSHA their structure or operation to conform to
introduced a proposed rule regarding IAQ the new codes. Indeed, many buildings do
in non-industrial environments, although not operate in conformance with current
the proposal was withdrawn in December codes, or with the codes they had to meet
2001. School employees may be able to
obtain advice (in the form of training and

at the time of construction. For example,
the outdoor air flows that ASHRAE’s
Standard 62 recommends for classrooms
were reduced from 30 cubic foot per minute
(cfm)/person to 10 cfm/person in the 1930s,
and reduced again to 5 cfm/person in 1973
in response to higher heating fuel costs
resulting from the oil embargo. Concern
about IAQ stimulated reconsideration of
the standard, so that its most recent version,
Standard 62-2001, calls for a minimum of
15 cfm/person in classrooms. However,
many schools that reduced outdoor air flow
during the energy crisis continue to operate
at ventilation rates of 5 cfm/person or less.
This underventilation is contrary to current
engineering recommendations, but, in most
jurisdictions, it is not against the law.


A sthma has reached epidemic proportions

in the United States, affecting millions of
people of all ages and races. Asthma is one
of the leading causes of school absenteeism,
accounting for more than 14 million missed
• � Secondhand smoke
• � Dust mites
• � Diesel exhaust
school days in 2001. Other asthma triggers include respiratory
infections, pollens (trees, grasses, weeds),
Asthma can occur at any age but is outdoor air pollution, food allergies,
more common in children than in adults. exercise, and cold air exposure.
According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), asthma is aniMal allergens
the third-ranking cause of hospitalization
for children 15 years of age and under. Any warm-blooded animal—including
Moreover, the asthma rate among children gerbils, birds, cats, dogs, mice, and rats—
ages 5 to 14 rose 74 percent between 1980 can cause alergic reactions or trigger asthma
and 1994, making asthma the most common attacks. Proteins may act as allergens in the
chronic childhood disease. dander, urine, or saliva of warm-blooded
animals. The most common source of animal
allergens in schools is a pet in the classroom.
WHat is astHMa? If an animal is present in the school,
Asthma is a chronic disease typically direct exposure to the animal’s dander and
characterized by inflammation of the bodily fluids is possible. It is important to
airways. During an asthma episode, the realize that, even after extensive cleaning,
airways in the lungs narrow, making pet allergen levels may stay in the indoor
breathing difficult. Symptoms usually environment for several months after the
include wheezing, shortness of breath, animal is removed.
tightness in the chest, and coughing. Asthma
attacks are often separated by symptom- Schools can minimize exposure to animal
free periods. The frequency and severity of allergens by:
asthma attacks can be reduced by following • � Seating sensitive students away from pets
a comprehensive asthma management plan or considering removing pets from the
that incorporates medical treatment and classroom.
environmental management of asthma.
While scientists do not fully understand • � Vacuuming the classroom frequently and
the causes of asthma, outdoor air pollution thoroughly.
and environmental contaminants commonly • � Cleaning cages and the surrounding area
found indoors are known to trigger asthma regularly and positioning these cages
attacks. away from ventilation systems.

astHMa triggers CoCKroaCHes

Because Americans spend up to 90 percent Cockroaches and other pests, such as
of their time indoors, exposure to indoor rats and mice, often exist in the school
allergens and irritants may play a significant setting. Allergens from pests may be
role in triggering asthma episodes. Some significant asthma triggers for students
of the most common environmental asthma and staff in schools. Certain proteins that
triggers found indoors include: act as allergens in the waste products and
• � Animal dander saliva of cockroaches can cause allergic
reactions or trigger asthma attacks in some
• � Cockroaches individuals. Pest problems in schools may
• � Mold be caused or worsened by a variety of
conditions such as plumbing leaks, moisture

problems, and improper food handling with allergies or respiratory problems,
and storage practices. It is important to may follow. Potential health effects and
avoid exposure to these allergens through symptoms associated with mold exposures
the use of commonsense approaches and include allergic reactions, asthma, and other
integrated pest management (IPM) practices respiratory complaints.
throughout the entire school.
Schools can minimize mold and moisture
Schools can minimize cockroach exposure by:
exposure by:
• � Fixing plumbing leaks and other
• � Removing or covering food or garbage unwanted sources of water.
found in classrooms or kitchens.
• � Ensuring that kitchen areas and locker
• � Storing food in airtight containers. rooms are well ventilated.
• � Cleaning all food crumbs or spilled • � Maintaining low indoor humidity, ideally
liquids immediately. between 30 and 60 percent. The humidity
level can be measured with a hygrometer,
• � Fixing plumbing leaks and other moisture
available at local hardware stores.
• � Cleaning mold off hard surfaces with
• � Using poison baits, boric acid (for
water and detergent, then drying
cockroaches), and traps before applying
pesticidal sprays.
• � Replacing absorbent materials, such
• � If pesticide sprays are used, the school
as ceiling tiles and carpet, if they are
contaminated with mold.
- Notify staff, students, and parents
before spraying. seCondHand sMoKe
- Limit spraying to the infested area. Secondhand smoke is the smoke from the
burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar or
- Only spray when rooms are

the smoke exhaled by a smoker. Secondhand


smoke exposure causes a number of serious
Ventilate the area well during and after health effects in young children, such as
spraying. coughing, wheezing, bronchitis, pneumonia,
ear infections, reduced lung function, and
Mold and Moisture more severe asthma attacks. Secondhand
smoke is an irritant that may trigger an
Molds can be found almost anywhere; they asthma episode, and increasing evidence
can grow on virtually any substance when suggests that secondhand smoke may
moisture is present. Molds produce tiny cause asthma in pre-school aged children.
spores for reproduction that travel through EPA estimates that between 200,000 and
the air continually. When mold spores land 1,000,000 children with asthma have
on a damp spot indoors, they may begin exacerbated asthma conditions caused by
growing and digesting whatever they are exposure to secondhand smoke. Secondhand
growing on in order to survive. Molds can smoke can also lead to buildup of fluid in
grow on wood, paper, carpet, and food. If the middle ear—the most common reason
excessive moisture or water accumulates for operations in children.
indoors, extensive mold growth may occur,
particularly if the moisture problem remains Most schools in the United States prohibit
undiscovered or ignored. Eliminating smoking on school grounds. However,
all mold and mold spores in the indoor smoking often occurs in school bathrooms,
environment is impractical—the way to in lounges, and near school entrances.
control indoor mold growth is to control If smoking occurs within the building,
moisture. secondhand smoke can travel through the
When mold growth occurs in buildings,
reports of health-related symptoms from
some building occupants, particularly those

ventilation system to the entire school. Even For additional information on asthma
when people smoke outside, secondhand and asthma triggers, refer to Appendix
smoke may enter the school through the E: “Typical Indoor Air Pollutants” and
ventilation system, windows, and doors. Appendix L: “Resources.”
Schools can minimize exposure to
secondhand smoke by implementing and
enforcing nonsmoking policies, particularly
indoors and near school entrances.

dust Mites
Dust mites are too small to be seen, but
they are found in homes, schools, and other
buildings throughout the United States. Dust
mites live in mattresses, pillows, carpets,
fabric-covered furniture, bedcovers, clothes,
and stuffed toys. Their primary food source
is dead skin flakes. Dust mite allergens
may cause an allergic reaction or trigger
an asthma episode. In addition, there is
evidence that dust mites may cause asthma.
Schools can minimize dust mite
exposure by:
• � Vacuuming carpet and fabric-covered
furniture regularly. Use vacuums with
high-efficiency filters or central vacuums,
if possible.
• � Removing dust from hard surfaces with a
damp cloth and sweep floors frequently.
• � Purchasing washable stuffed toys,
washing them often in hot water, and
drying them thoroughly.
Combining steps for reducing environmental
triggers with other proactive measures—
relocating areas where vehicles (e.g., buses
and delivery trucks) idle away from air
intakes, ensuring sufficient ventilation in
classrooms and offices, eliminating the
use of air fresheners, choosing building
materials with minimal formaldehyde
content, and purchasing environmentally
preferable cleaning products—can help
schools reduce student and staff exposure to
asthma triggers.

outdoor air Pollution

Exposure to outdoor air pollution, such as diesel exhaust, ozone, and particulate matter,
can trigger an asthma episode or exacerbate asthma symptoms. There are simple actions
that schools can take to minimize student and staff exposure to outdoor air pollutants.

diesel eXHaust
Exposure to diesel exhaust from school buses and other diesel vehicles can exacerbate
asthma symptoms. Diesel engines emit soot, also known as particulate matter (PM),
as well as ozone-forming nitrogen oxides and other toxic air pollutants. PM and ozone
(a primary ingredient of smog) are thought to trigger asthma symptoms and lung
inflammation, resulting in reduced lung function, greater use of asthma medication,
increased school absences, and more frequent visits to the emergency room and hospital.
Diesel PM is also associated with more severe allergies and respiratory disease. In recent
studies, outdoor ozone, or smog, has been associated with more frequent diagnoses of
new asthma cases in children.
Schools can take simple steps to reduce exposure to diesel exhaust pollutants:
• � Do not allow school buses or other vehicles such as delivery trucks to idle on school
grounds and discourage carousing.
• � Encourage your school bus fleet manager to implement district-wide anti-idling
policies and practices.
• � Work with your school bus fleet manager to replace the oldest buses and to reduce
emissions from newer buses by retrofitting them with emission control technology and/
or by switching to cleaner fuels.
• � For more information, visit www.epa.gov/cleanschoolbus or call 734-214-4780.

oZone and PartiCulate Matter

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a tool to provide the public with clear and timely
information on local air quality and whether air pollution levels pose a health concern.
The AQI is reported and forecasted every day in many areas throughout the United States
on local weather reports and through national media. Asthma episodes are most likely to
occur the day after outdoor pollution levels are high.
Schools can take simple steps to ensure the health and comfort of students when the AQI
reports unhealthy levels:
• � Limit physical exertion outdoors.
• � Consider changing the time of day of strenuous outdoor activity to avoid the
period when air pollution levels are high or consider postponing sports activities to
another time.

typical indoor air Pollutants

T he following four pages present

information about several indoor air
pollutants common to schools, in a
format that allows for easy comparison.
The pollutants presented include:
• � Biological contaminants (mold, dust
mites, pet dander, pollen, etc.)
• � Carbon dioxide (CO2)
• � Carbon monoxide (CO)
• � Dust
• � Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or
secondhand smoke
• � Fine particulate matter (PM)
• � Lead (Pb)
• � Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2)
• � Pesticides
• � Radon (Rn)
• � Other volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) (formaldehyde, solvents,
cleaning agents)
Each pollutant is described or analyzed
across five categories:
• � Description
• � Sources
• � Standards and guidelines for indoor
air quality
• � Health effects
• � Control measures

indoor air Pollutant description � sources

Biological contaminants Common biological contaminants include mold,

dust mites, pet dander (skin flakes), droppings
Biological contaminants are, or are produced
by, living things. Biological contaminants are
and body parts from cockroaches, rodents and often found in areas that provide food and
other pests or insects, viruses, and bacteria. moisture. Damp or wet areas such as cooling
Many of these biological contaminants are small coils, humidifiers, condensate pans, or unvented
enough to be inhaled. bathrooms can be moldy. Draperies, bedding,
carpet, and other areas where dust collects may
accumulate biological contaminants.

Carbon dioxide (Co2) Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless

product of carbon combustion. �
Human metabolic processes and all combustion
processes of carbon fuels, like those in cars,
buses, trucks, etc., are sources of CO2. Exhaled
air is usually the largest source of CO2 in

Carbon monoxide (Co) Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless

gas. It results from incomplete oxidation of
Common sources of CO in schools are
improperly vented furnaces, malfunctioning gas
carbon in combustion processes. ranges, or exhaust fumes that have been drawn
back into the building. Worn or poorly adjusted
and maintained combustion devices (e.g.,
boilers, furnaces), or a flue that is improperly
sized, blocked, disconnected, or leaking, can be
significant sources. Auto, truck, or bus exhaust
from attached garages, nearby roads, or idling
vehicles in parking areas can also be sources.

dust Dust is made up of particles in the air that

settle on surfaces. Large particles settle quickly
Many sources can produce dust including: soil,
fleecy surfaces, pollen, lead-based paint, and
and can be eliminated or greatly reduced by burning of wood, oil, or coal.
the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Small
particles are more likely to be airborne and are
capable of passing through the body’s defenses
and entering the lungs.

environmental tobacco smoke Tobacco smoke consists of solid particles,

liquid droplets, vapors, and gases resulting
Tobacco product combustion

(ets), or secondhand smoke � from tobacco combustion. Over 4,000

specific chemicals have been identified in the
particulate and associated gases.

standards or guidelines Health effects Control Measures

There are currently no Federal government Mold, dust mites, pet dander, and pest General good housekeeping and maintenance
standards for biologicals in school indoor air droppings or body parts can trigger asthma. of heating and air conditioning equipment
environments. Biological contaminants, including molds are very important. Adequate ventilation and
and pollens can cause allergic reactions good air distribution also help. The key to
for a significant portion of the population. mold control is moisture control. If mold is a
Tuberculosis, measles, Staphylococcus problem, get rid of excess water or moisture
infections, Legionella and influenza are known and clean up the mold. Maintaining the relative
to be transmitted by air. humidity between 30 and 60 percent will help
control mold, dust mites, and cockroaches.
Employ integrated pest management (IPM) to
control insect and animal allergens. Cooling
tower treatment procedures exist to reduce
levels of Legionella and other organisms.

ASHRAE Standard 62-2001 recommends 700 CO2 is an asphyxiate. At concentrations above Ventilation with sufficient outdoor air controls
ppm above the outdoor concentration as the 1.5 percent (15,000 ppm) some loss of mental CO2 levels. Reduce vehicle and lawn and
upper limit for occupied classrooms (usually acuity has been noted. (The recommended garden equipment idling and/or usage.
around 1,000 ppm). ASHRAE standard of 700 ppm above the
outdoor concentration is to prevent body odor
levels from being offensive.)

The OSHA standard for workers is no more CO is an asphyxiate. An accumulation of Combustion equipment must be maintained to
than 50 ppm for 1 hour of exposure. NIOSH this gas may result in a variety of symptoms assure that there are no blockages and air and
recommends no more than 35 ppm for 1 deriving from the compound’s affinity for fuel mixtures must be properly adjusted to
hour. The U.S. National Ambient Air Quality and combination with hemoglobin, forming ensure more complete combustion. Vehicular
Standards for CO are 9 ppm for 8 hours and 35 carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and disrupting use should be carefully managed adjacent
ppm for 1 hour. The Consumer Product Safety oxygen transport. Tissues with the highest to buildings and in vocational programs.
Commission recommends levels not to exceed oxygen needs—myocardium, brain, and Additional ventilation can be used as a
15 ppm for 1 hour or 25 ppm for 8 hours. exercising muscle—are the first affected. temporary measure when high levels of CO are
Symptoms may mimic influenza and include expected for short periods of time.
fatigue, headache, dizziness, nausea and
vomiting, cognitive impairment, and tachycardia.
At high concentrations CO exposure can be

The EPA Ambient Air Quality standard for Health effects vary depending upon the Keep dust to a minimum with good
particles less than 10 microns is 50 µg/m3 per characteristics of the dust and any associated housekeeping. Consider damp dusting and high-
hour for an annual average and 150 µg/m3 for a toxic materials. Dust particles may contain efficiency vacuum cleaners. Upgrade filters
24-hour average. lead, pesticide residues, radon, or other toxic in ventilation systems to medium efficiency
materials. Other particles may be irritants or when possible and change frequently. Exhaust
carcinogens (e.g., asbestos). combustion appliances to the outside and
clean and maintain flues and chimneys. When
construction or remodeling is underway, special
precautions should be used to separate work
areas from occupied areas.

Many office buildings and areas of public The effects of tobacco smoke on smokers Smoke outside away from air intakes. Smoke
assembly have banned smoking indoors include rhinitis/pharyngitis, nasal congestion, only in rooms that are properly ventilated and
or required specially designated smoking persistent cough, conjunctival irritation, headache, exhausted to the outdoors.
areas with dedicated ventilation systems be wheezing, and exacerbation of chronic
available. The “Pro-Children Act of 1994” respiratory conditions. Secondhand smoke
prohibits smoking in Head Start facilities and has been classified as a “Group A” carcinogen
in kindergarten, elementary, and secondary by EPA and has multiple health effects on
schools that receive Federal funding from the children. It has also been associated with
Department of Education, the Department the onset of asthma, increased severity of or
of Agriculture, or the Department of Health difficulty in controlling asthma, frequent upper
and Human Services (except Medicare or respiratory infections, persistent middle-ear
Medicaid). effusion, snoring, repeated pneumonia, and

indoor air Pollutant description sources

fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Fine particulate matter (PM2.5), or soot, is a

component of diesel exhaust, and is less than
The main source of PM2.5 is diesel engines
in trucks, buses, and nonroad vehicles
2.5 microns in diameter; in comparison, the (e.g., marine, construction, agricultural,
average human hair is about 100 microns thick. and locomotive). Diesel engines emit large
It may consist as a tiny solid or liquid droplet quantities of harmful pollutants annually.
containing a variety of compounds.

lead (Pb) Lead is a highly toxic metal. Sources of lead include drinking water, food,
contaminated soil and dust, and air. Lead-based
paint is a common source of lead dust.

nitrogen oxides (no, no2) The two most prevalent oxides of nitrogen are
nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO).
The primary sources indoors are combustion
processes, such as unvented combustion
Both are toxic gases, and NO2 is a highly appliances (e.g., gas stoves, vented appliances
reactive oxidant and corrosive. with defective installations, welding, and
tobacco smoke). Outdoor sources, such as
vehicles and lawn and garden equipment, also
contribute to nitrogen oxide levels.

standards or guidelines Health effects Control Measures

There are currently no Federal government Particulate matter is associated with a variety of Effective technologies to reduce PM2.5 include
standards for PM2.5 in school indoor air serious health effects, including lung disease, particulate filters and catalysts that can be
environments. EPA’s National Ambient Air asthma, and other respiratory problems. In installed on buses. An easy, no-cost, and
Quality Standards list 15 µg/m3 as the annual general, children are especially sensitive to effective way to control fine particulate matter
limit and 65 µg/m3 as the 24-hour limit for air pollution because they breathe 50 percent is to minimize idling by buses, trucks, and
PM2.5 in outdoor air. more air per pound of body weight than other vehicles.
adults. Fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, poses
the greatest health risk, because it can pass
through the nose and throat and become lodged
in the lungs. These particles can aggravate
existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma
and bronchitis, and they have been directly
associated with increased hospital admissions
and emergency room visits for heart and lung
disease, decreased lung function, and premature
death. Short-term exposure may cause
shortness of breath, eye and lung irritation,
nausea, light-headedness, and possible allergy

In 1978, the Consumer Product Safety Lead can cause serious damage to the brain, Preventive measures to reduce lead exposure
Commission banned lead in paint. kidneys, nervous system, and red blood cells. in buildings painted before 1978 include:
Children are particularly vulnerable. Lead Cleaning play areas; frequently mopping floors
exposure in children can result in delays in and wiping window ledges and other smooth
physical development, lower IQ levels, shorter flat areas with damp cloths; keeping children
attention spans, and an increase in behavioral away from areas where paint is chipped,
problems. peeling, or chalking; preventing children from
chewing on window sills and other painted
areas; and ensuring that toys are cleaned
frequently and hands are washed before meals.

No standards have been agreed upon for nitrogen NO2 acts mainly as an irritant affecting Venting the NO2 sources to the outdoors and
oxides in indoor air. ASHRAE and the U.S. EPA the mucosa of the eyes, nose, throat, and assuring that combustion appliances are
National Ambient Air Quality Standards list respiratory tract. Extremely high-dose exposure correctly installed, used, and maintained are the
0.053 ppm as the average 24-hour limit for NO2 (as in a building fire) to NO2 may result in most effective measures to reduce exposures.
in outdoor air. pulmonary edema and diffuse lung injury. Develop anti-idling procedures for all vehicles
Continued exposure to high NO2 levels can and nonroad engines (cars, buses, trucks, lawn
contribute to the development of acute or and garden equipment, etc.).
chronic bronchitis. Low-level NO2 exposure
may cause increased bronchial reactivity in
some asthmatics, decreased lung function in
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, and increased risk of respiratory
infections, especially in young children.

secondhand smoke

S econdhand smoke, also known as

environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is
a mixture of the smoke given off by the
burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar,
and the smoke exhaled from the lungs of
Asthmatic children are especially at risk.
EPA estimates that exposure to secondhand
smoke increases the number of episodes
and severity of symptoms in between
200,000 and 1,000,000 asthmatic children.
smokers. This mixture contains more than Passive smoking is also a risk factor for
4,000 substances, more than 40 of which are the development of asthma in thousands of
known to cause cancer in humans or animals children each year.
and many of which are strong irritants.
Exposure to secondhand smoke is called reCoMMendations
involuntary smoking or passive smoking.
EPA recommends that every organization
EPA has classified secondhand smoke as a dealing with children have a smoking
known cause of cancer in humans (Group policy that effectively protects children
A carcinogen). Passive smoking causes from exposure to secondhand smoke.
an estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths Parent-teacher associations, school board
in nonsmokers each year. It also causes members, and school administrators
irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. should work together to make school
ETS-induced irritation of the lungs leads to environments smoke-free. Key features
excess phlegm, coughing, chest discomfort, of smoking education programs include
and reduced lung function. Secondhand multiple sessions over many grades, social
smoke may also affect the cardiovascular and physiological consequences of tobacco
system, and some studies have linked use, information about social influences
exposure to it with the onset of chest pain. (peers, parents, and media), and training
in refusal skills. School-based non-
seCondHand sMoKe effeCts on smoking policies are important because the
school environment should be free from
CHildren secondhand smoke for health reasons and
Secondhand smoke is a serious health risk because teachers and staff are role models
to children. Children whose parents smoke for children.
are among the most seriously affected by
exposure to secondhand smoke, being at
increased risk of lower respiratory tract
infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis. In general, the Federal government does
EPA estimates that passive smoking is not have regulatory authority over indoor
responsible for between 150,000 and air or secondhand smoke policies at the
300,000 lower respiratory tract infections state or local level. Restricting smoking in
in infants and children under 18 months of public places is primarily a state and local
age annually, resulting in 7,500 to 15,000 issue, and is typically addressed in clean
hospitalizations per year. indoor air laws enacted by states, counties,
and municipalities. However, the “Pro-
Children exposed to secondhand smoke Children Act of 1994” prohibits smoking
are also more likely to have reduced lung in Head Start facilities and in kindergarten,
function and symptoms of respiratory elementary, and secondary schools
irritation like coughing, excess phlegm, and that receive Federal funding from the
wheezing. Passive smoking can lead to a Department of Education, the Department
buildup of fluid in the middle ear, the most of Agriculture, or the Department of Health
common cause of hospitalization of children and Human Services (except funding from
for an operation. Medicare or Medicaid). The Act was signed
into law as part of the “Goals 2000: Educate
America Act.”

What follows are excerpts from the Act, SEC. 1043. NONSMOKING POLICY FOR
which took effect December 26, 1994. CHILDREN’S SERVICES.
(a) PROHIBITION. After the date of the
Pro-CHildren aCt of 1994 enactment of this Act, no person shall permit
Following are excerpts from Public Law smoking within any indoor facility owned or
103-227, March 31, 1994. leased or contracted for and utilized by such
person for provision of routine or regular
kindergarten, elementary, or secondary
(1) CHILDREN. The term “children” education or library services to children.
means individuals who have not attained the
age of 18.
the date of the enactment of this Act, no
(2) CHILDREN’S SERVICES. The term person shall permit smoking within any
“children’s services” means the provision on indoor facility (or portion thereof) owned or
a routine or regular basis of health, day care, leased or contracted for and utilized by
education, or library services— such person of regular or routine health care
or day care or early childhood development
(A) That are funded, after the date of (Head Start) services to children or for the
the enactment of this Act, directly by the use of the employees of such person who
Federal government or through state or local provides such services.
governments, by Federal grant, loan, loan
guarantee, or contract programs— (c) FEDERAL AGENCIES.
(i) Administered by either the (1) KINDERGARTEN,
Secretary of Health and Human Services ELEMENTARY, OR SECONDARY
or the Secretary of Education (other than EDUCATION, OR LIBRARY SERVICES.
services provided and funded solely under After the date of the enactment of this Act,
titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security no Federal agency shall permit smoking
Act); or within any indoor facility in the United
States operated by such agency, directly or
(ii) Administered by the Secretary by contract, to provide routine or regular
of Agriculture in case of a clinic; or kindergarten, elementary, or secondary
(B) That are provided in indoor education or library services to children.
facilities that are constructed, operated,
or maintained with such Federal funds, as
determined by the appropriate Secretary
in any enforcement action under this
title, except that nothing in clause (ii) of
subparagraph (A) is intended to include
facilities (other than clinics) where coupons
are redeemed under the Child Nutrition Act
of 1966.
(3) PERSON. The term “person” means any
state or local subdivision thereof, agency
of such state or subdivision, corporation,
or partnership that owns or operates or
otherwise controls and provides children’s
services or any individual who owns or
operates or otherwise controls and provides
such services.

(1) IN GENERAL. On receipt of
an application, the head of the Federal
agency may grant a special waiver to a
person described in subsection (a) who
employs individuals who are members of
a labor organization and provide children’s
services pursuant to a collective bargaining
agreement that—
(A) Took effect before the date of
enactment of this Act; and
(B) Includes provisions relating to
smoking privileges that are in violation of
the requirements of this section.
A special waiver granted under this
subsection shall terminate on the earlier
(A) The first expiration date (after
the date of enactment of this Act) of the
collective bargaining agreement containing
the provisions relating to smoking
privileges; or
(B) The date that is 1 year after
the date of the enactment of this Act.
(1) IN GENERAL. Any failure to
comply with a prohibition in this section
shall be a violation of this section and
any person subject to such prohibition
who commits such violation, or may be
subject to an administrative compliance
order, or both, as determined by the
Secretary. Each day a violation continues
shall constitute a separate violation.


BaCKground inforMation
EPA and other major national and
international scientific organizations have
concluded that radon is a human carcinogen
and a serious public health risk. An
guidanCe for radon
Testing for and controlling radon are
important elements of comprehensive IAQ
management programs. Guidance contained
individual’s risk of developing lung cancer in the Radon tab of this Kit provides
from radon increases with the level of radon, assistance for incorporating the Framework
the duration of exposure, and the individual’s for Effective School IAQ Management into
smoking habits. EPA estimates that 7,000 schools’ radon testing and control measures
to 30,000 lung cancer deaths in the United as part of their comprehensive IAQ
States each year are attributed to radon. management programs. By making radon
Because many people spend much of their management part of your everyday activities
time at home, the home is likely to be the and long-term plan for maintaining healthy
most significant source of radon exposure. school environments, you will ensure that
For most school children and staff, the your radon testing program is an effective,
second largest contributor to their radon sustainable component of your efforts.
exposure is likely to be their school. As a
result, EPA recommends that homes and guidanCe for radon testing
school buildings be tested for radon. EPA’s document, Radon Measurement in
Schools – Revised Edition (EPA 402-R-
results froM a national survey 92-014), provides guidance on planning,
of radon levels implementing, and evaluating a radon testing
program for a school.
in sCHools
A nationwide survey of radon levels in To assist schools with testing, helpful
schools estimates that 19.3 percent of U.S. aids, such as a checklist of the testing
schools, nearly one in five, have at least one procedure, are included in the document.
frequently occupied ground-contact room Before initiating radon testing in your school
with short-term radon levels at or above however, contact your state Radon Office
the action level of 4 pCi/L (picocuries per (see Appendix L: “Resources”)
liter)—the level at which EPA recommends for information on any state requirements
mitigation. Approximately 73 percent of concerning radon testing or for a copy
these schools will have only five or fewer of the document. Check
schoolrooms with radon levels above the www.epa.gov/iaq/schools for documents on
action level. The other 27 percent will have radon in schools.
six or more such schoolrooms. If your To reduce the health risk associated with
building has a radon problem, it is unlikely radon, EPA recommends that officials test
that every room in your school will have an every school for elevated radon levels.
elevated radon level. However, testing all Because the entry and movement of
frequently occupied rooms that have contact radon in buildings is difficult to predict,
with the ground is necessary to identify officials should test all frequently occupied
schoolrooms with elevated radon levels. schoolrooms that are in contact with the
ground. If testing identifies schoolrooms
with radon levels of 4 pCi/L or greater,
officials should reduce the radon levels using
an appropriate mitigation strategy.

guidanCe for radon training for testing and
Mitigation Mitigation
If you identify a radon problem in your To develop public and private sector
school, EPA developed guidance on radon capabilities for radon testing and mitigation,
mitigation entitled Reducing Radon in EPA formed four Regional Radon Training
Schools – A Team Approach (EPA 402-R- Centers (see Appendix L: “Resources”).
94-008) that describes the recommended These training centers offer courses on
approach to radon mitigation in schools testing and mitigation in school buildings
and provides an overview of the mitigation designed to simulate hands-on activities by
process to the IAQ Coordinator. having participants solve practical problems.
Contact your state Radon Office (see
For a free copy, please call NSCEP at Appendix L: “Resources”) for information
1-800-490-9198 or contact your state Radon on local training opportunities or state
Office (see Appendix L: “Resources”). training requirements.

guidanCe for radon testing and Mitigation Costs

Prevention in renovations and Cost for radon testing in a typical school
neW Buildings building ranges from $500 to $1,500.
EPA’s document entitled Radon Prevention Costs for testing depend on the type of
in Design and Construction of Schools and measurement device used, the size of the
Other Large Buildings (EPA 625R-92-016) school, and whether testing is performed
provides guidance for incorporating radon in-house using school personnel or a
resistant and/or easy-to-mitigate features measurement contractor.
into the design of a new school building If a radon problem is identified, the cost
including design recommendations for for radon mitigation typically ranges from
heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning $3,000 to $30,000 per school. The cost
(HVAC) systems. This guidance is useful of mitigating a school depends on the
to school personnel (e.g., school business mitigation strategy, the school building
officials) and architects involved with the design, the radon concentration in the
new school construction. school room(s), and the number of school
For a free copy, contact 1-800-490-9198. rooms affected. The appropriate mitigation
strategy will consider the school building
design and initial levels of radon. Mitigation
costs at the high end of the cost range are
often associated with a mitigation strategy
involving the renovation of school HVAC
systems. Although the cost is higher, this
strategy has the added benefit of improving
ventilation within a school building,
which contributes to the overall
improvement of IAQ.

Mold and Moisture

M olds can be found almost anywhere;

they can grow on virtually any substance,
providing moisture is present. Molds can
grow on and within wood, paper, carpet,
and foods. When excessive moisture
Water enters buildings both as a liquid and
as a gas (water vapor). Water is introduced
intentionally in bathrooms, gym areas,
kitchens, and art and utility areas, and
accidentally by way of leaks and spills.
accumulates in buildings or on building Some of the water evaporates and joins
materials, mold growth will often occur, the water vapor that is exhaled by building
particularly if the moisture problem remains occupants. Water vapor also moves into the
undiscovered or unaddressed. There is no building through the ventilation system,
practical way to eliminate all mold and mold through openings in the building shell, or
spores in the indoor environment; the key directly through building materials.
to control indoor mold growth is to control
The ability of air to hold water vapor
moisture. If mold is discovered, clean it
decreases as the air temperature falls. If a
up immediately and remove excess water
unit of air contains half of the water vapor
or moisture. In addition, maintaining the
it can hold, it is said to be at 50 percent
relative humidity between 30 and 60 percent
relative humidity (RH) or greater. The RH
will help control mold.
increases as the air cools and approaches
Molds produce tiny spores to reproduce. saturation. When air contains all of the water
Mold spores waft through indoor and vapor it can hold, it is at 100 percent RH
outdoor air continually. When mold spores or greater, and the water vapor condenses,
land on a damp spot indoors, they may begin changing from a gas to a liquid. The
growing and digesting whatever they are temperature at which condensation occurs is
growing on to survive. the “dew point.”
There are many different kinds of mold. Reaching 100 percent RH without changing
Molds can produce allergens, toxins, and the air temperature is possible by increasing
irritants. Molds can cause discoloration the amount of water vapor in the air (the
and odor problems, deteriorate building “absolute humidity” or “vapor pressure”).
materials, and lead to health problems— It is also possible to reach 100 percent RH
such as asthma episodes and allergic without changing the amount of water vapor
reactions—in susceptible individuals. in the air, by lowering the air temperature to
the “dew point.”
Condensation, relative The highest RH in a room is always next to
HuMidity, and vaPor the coldest surface. This is referred to as the
Pressure “first condensing surface,” as it will be the
location where condensation happens first,
Mold growth does not require the presence
if the relative humidity of the air next to the
of standing water, leaks, or floods; mold can
surface reaches 100 percent. Understanding
grow when the relative humidity of the air
this is important when trying to understand
is high. Mold can also grow in damp areas
why mold is growing on one patch of wall or
such as unvented bathrooms and kitchens,
only along the wall-ceiling joint. The surface
crawl spaces, ducts, utility tunnels, gyms,
of the wall is likely to be cooler than the
locker rooms, wet foundations, leaky
room air because of a gap in the insulation
roof areas, and damp basements. Relative
or because the wind is blowing through
humidity and the factors that govern it are
cracks in the exterior of the building.
often misunderstood. This section discusses
relative humidity and describes common
moisture problems and their solutions.

taKing stePs to reduCe Consider a school locker room that has mold
Moisture and Mold on the ceiling. The locker room exhaust
fan is broken, and the relative humidity in
Respond to water damage within 24–48 the room is 60 percent at 70º F. This is an
hours to prevent mold growth, which example of a vapor pressure-dominated
depends on moisture. mold problem. In this case, increasing the
Mold growth can be reduced if relative surface temperature is probably not an
humidities near surfaces can be maintained effective way to correct the mold problem.
below the dew point. This can be done by: A better strategy is to repair or replace the
1) reducing the moisture content (vapor exhaust fan.
pressure) of the air; 2) increasing air
movement at the surface; or 3) increasing surfaCe teMPerature-
the air temperature (either the general space doMinated Mold groWtH
temperature or the temperature at building
surfaces). Surface temperature-dominated mold
growth can be reduced by increasing the
Either vapor pressure or surface temperature surface temperature using one or more of the
can be the dominant factor in a mold following approaches:
problem. A vapor pressure-dominated
mold problem may not respond well to • � Raise the temperature of the air near
increasing temperatures, whereas a surface room surfaces.
temperature-dominated mold problem • � Raise the thermostat setting.
may not respond very well to increasing
ventilation. Understanding which factor • � Improve air circulation so that supply
dominates will help in selecting an effective air is more effective at heating the room
control strategy. surfaces.

If the relative humidity near the middle of • � Decrease the heat loss from room
a room is fairly high (e.g., 50 percent at 70º surfaces.
F), mold or mildew problems in the room • � Add insulation.
are likely to be vapor pressure dominated.
If the relative humidity near the middle of a • � Close cracks in the exterior wall to
room is fairly low (e.g., 30 percent at 70º F), prevent “wind washing” (air that enters
mold or mildew problems in the room are a wall at one exterior location and
likely to be surface temperature dominated. exits another exterior location without
penetrating into the building).
vaPor Pressure-doMinated Mold Consider an old, leaky, poorly insulated
groWtH school that has mold and mildew in the
coldest corners of one classroom. The
Vapor pressure-dominated mold growth
indoor relative humidity is low (30 percent).
can be reduced by using one or more of the
It is winter and cold air cannot hold much
following strategies:
water vapor. Therefore, outdoor air entering
• � Use source control (e.g., direct venting through leaks in the building lowers the
of moisture-generating activities such as airborne moisture levels indoors. This is an
showers to the exterior). example of a surface temperature-dominated
mold problem. In this building, increasing
• � Dilute moisture-laden indoor air with out- the outdoor air ventilation rate is probably
door air at a lower absolute humidity. not an effective way to control interior mold
• � Dehumidify the indoor air. and mildew. A better strategy would be to
increase surface temperatures by insulating
Note that dilution is only useful as a control the exterior walls, thereby reducing relative
strategy during heating periods, when cold humidity in the corners.
outdoor air contains little total moisture.
During cooling periods, outdoor air often
contains as much moisture as
indoor air.

Mold Clean uP set-BaCK tHerMostats
Because moisture is the key to mold control, Set-back thermostats (programmable
it is essential to clean up the mold and get thermostats) are commonly used to reduce
rid of excess water or moisture. If the excess energy consumption during the heating
water or moisture problem is not fixed, season. Mold growth can occur when
mold will most probably grow again, even temperatures are lowered in buildings with
if the area was completely cleaned. Clean high relative humidity. (Maintaining a room
hard surfaces with water and detergent and at too low a temperature can have the same
dry quickly and completely. Absorbent effect as a set-back thermostat.) Mold can
materials such as ceiling tiles may have to be often be controlled in colder climates by
discarded. increasing interior temperatures during
heating periods. Unfortunately, this also
Note that mold can cause health effects such
increases energy consumption and reduces
as allergic reactions; remediators should
relative humidity in the breathing zone,
avoid exposing themselves and others to
which can create discomfort.
mold. Wear waterproof gloves during clean
up; do not touch mold or moldy items with
bare hands. Respiratory protection should air-Conditioned sPaCes
be used in most remediation situations Mold problems can be as extensive in
to prevent inhalation exposure to mold. cooling climates as they are in heating
Respiratory protection may not be necessary climates. The same principles apply: either
for small remediation jobs with little surfaces are too cold, moisture levels are too
exposure potential. Refer to Appendix high, or both.
L: “Resources,” for more information on
One common example of mold growth in
mold remediation. When in doubt consult a
cooling climates can be found in rooms
professional, experienced remediator.
where conditioned “cold” air blows against
the interior surface of an exterior wall.
identifying and This condition, which may be due to poor
CorreCting CoMMon Mold and duct design, diffuser location, or diffuser
Moisture ProBleMs performance, creates a cold spot at the
interior finish surfaces, possibly allowing
exterior Corners and Walls moisture to condense.
The interior surfaces of exterior corners and Possible solutions for this problem include:
behind furnishings such as chalk boards,
file cabinets, and desks next to outside walls • � Eliminate the cold spots (i.e., elevate the
are common locations for mold growth in temperature of the surface) by adjusting
heating climates. They tend to be closer to the diffusers or deflecting the air away
the outdoor temperature than other parts of from the condensing surface.
the building surface for one or more of the • � Increase the room temperature to avoid
following reasons: overcooling. NOTE: During the cooling
• � Poor indoor air circulation season, increasing temperature decreases
energy consumption, though it could
• � Wind washing cause comfort problems.
• � Low insulation levels Mold problems can also occur within the
• � Greater surface area of heat loss wall cavity, when outdoor air comes in
contact with the cavity side of the cooled
Sometimes mold growth can be reduced interior surface. It is a particular problem
by removing obstructions to airflow (e.g., in rooms decorated with low maintenance
rearranging furniture). Buildings with forced interior finishes (e.g., impermeable wall
air heating systems and/or room ceiling covering such as vinyl wallpaper), which
fans tend to have fewer mold problems than can trap moisture between the finish and the
buildings with less air movement. gypsum board. Mold growth can be rampant
when these interior finishes are coupled with
cold spots and exterior moisture.

A possible solution for this problem is to ConCealed Condensation
ensure that vapor barriers, facing sealants, The use of thermal insulation in wall cavities
and insulation are properly specified, increases interior surface temperatures in
installed, and maintained. heating climates, reducing the likelihood
of interior surface mold and condensation.
tHerMal Bridges The use of thermal insulation without a
Localized cooling of surfaces commonly properly installed vapor barrier, however,
occurs as a result of “thermal bridges,” may increase moisture condensation within
elements of the building structure that are the wall cavity.
highly conductive of heat (e.g., steel studs The first condensing surface in a wall cavity
in exterior frame walls, uninsulated window in a heating climate is typically the inner
lintels, and the edges of concrete floor surface of the exterior sheathing.
Mold and slabs). Dust particles sometimes mark the
locations of thermal bridges because dust Concealed condensation can be controlled
Health effects
tends to adhere to cold spots. by any or all of the following strategies:
Molds are a major
The use of insulating sheathings • � Reducing the entry of moisture into the
source of indoor
significantly reduces the impact of thermal wall cavities (e.g., by controlling entry
allergens. Molds
bridges in building envelopes. and/or exit of moisture-laden air with a
can also trigger
continuous vapor barrier).
asthma. Even when
dead or unable WindoW • � Raising the temperature of the first
to grow, mold In winter, windows are typically the coldest condensing surface.
can cause health surfaces in a room. The interior surface of a
effects such as • � In heating-climate locations: Installing
window is often the first condensing surface
allergic reactions. exterior insulation (assuming that no
in a room.
The types and significant wind washing is occurring).
severity of health Condensation on window surfaces has
• � In cooling-climate locations: Installing
effects associated historically been controlled by using storm
insulating sheathing to the interior of
with exposure to windows or “insulated glass” (e.g., double-
the wall framing and between the wall
mold depend, in glazed windows or selective surface gas-
framing and the interior gypsum board.
part, on the type filled windows) to raise interior surface
of mold present, temperatures. In older building enclosures
and the extent of with less advanced glazing systems, visible
the occupants’ condensation on the windows often alerted
exposure occupants to the need for ventilation to flush
and existing out interior moisture, so they knew to open
sensitivities or the windows.
allergies. Prompt The advent of higher performance glazing
and effective systems has led to a greater number of
remediation of moisture problems in heating climate
moisture problems building enclosures because the buildings
is essential to can now be operated at higher interior vapor
minimize potential pressures (moisture levels) without visible
mold exposures surface condensation on windows.
and their potential
health effects.

emissions from Motor vehicles

and equipment
E missions from gas or diesel-powered In addition, mobile sources produce
engines are a source of pollution for air toxins (e.g., acetaldehyde, acrolein,
school grounds and buildings. Exhaust benzene, 1,3-butadiene, diesel exhaust, and
emissions come from mobile sources such formaldehyde), which are pollutants known
as school buses, cars, delivery trucks, or suspected to cause cancer or other serious
and motorcycles, gasoline or diesel health or environmental effects. Mobile
vehicles, engines, and equipment used for sources are responsible for about half the air
construction and grounds maintenance. toxin emissions and risk nationwide.
“Mobile sources” is a term used to describe Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in diesel
a wide variety of motor vehicles, engines, exhaust creates further health concerns.
and equipment that generate air pollution Recent studies suggest that children on
and that move, or can be moved, from place or near school buses may be exposed to
to place. elevated levels of diesel exhaust. Children
are especially susceptible to advance
MoBile sourCes at sCHool respiratory effects of PM2.5 because it can
penetrate children’s narrower airways,
Some mobile sources at your school may
reaching deep within the lungs where it is
likely to be retained, and because children
• � School buses have higher rates of respiration per unit of
their body weight than adults.
• � Cars
• � Delivery trucks air Quality issues
• � Portable fuel containers Mobile source air pollutants can contribute
to air quality issues at schools. With
• � Mowers, snowblowers, trimmers, and
sufficient concentrations and duration,
other equipment used for grounds
these pollutants may increase the chance of
cancer or other serious health effects, such
Special situations involving motor vehicles as asthma.
or equipment off school property may
• � Studies indicate that students can be
also contribute to the deterioration of the
exposed to high levels of diesel exhaust
overall air quality near schools. These might
when they are inside school buses, near
include, for example, truck loading docks or
idling school buses, and even inside
construction sites.
schools (due to exhaust penetration from
idling buses). Queuing of buses for pick-
MoBile sourCe eMissions up and drop-off and periods of idling
Mobile sources pollute the air through during the bus commute itself may be
fuel combustion and fuel evaporation. particular problems. Diesel exhaust can
These emissions contribute to air pollution aggravate respiratory and cardiovascular
nationwide and are the primary cause of disease and existing asthma. It can
air pollution in many areas. Mobile sources also cause acute respiratory symptoms,
emit several significant air pollutants that chronic bronchitis, and decreased lung
affect human health and the environment, function.
including carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons,
• � Outdoor emissions can infiltrate through
nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.
windows and air intakes, resulting in
See Appendix E: “Typical Indoor Air
student and staff exposure to pollutants
Pollutants,” for more information about
and toxics.
these pollutants.

• � Chemicals and gasoline stored in school programs can reduce pollution, odor, and
buildings can contribute to indoor air noise, and save schools money by reducing
quality concerns, and equipment usage engine wear and fuel consumption. Finally,
can result in exposure to air pollutants anti-idling information is easy to incorporate
and toxics. into existing training and communications
opportunities. See Appendix B:
• � Students, staff, and vehicles sometimes “Developing Indoor Air Policies” in the IAQ
congregate in the same place at the same Coordinator’s Guide for sample anti-idling
time, which increases their exposure. policies and a sample memo to bus drivers.

reduCing eMissions transPortation CHoiCes

Successful reduction of vehicle and Alternative transportation choices can
equipment emission involves a variety also be beneficial for reducing emissions.
of approaches, some of which are no- or For instance, “school-pooling” programs
low-cost options. Those concerned about encourage carpools, bike partners, or
improving air quality in and around school “walking school buses” that reduce the
can choose from options ranging from better number of vehicles on school grounds.
vehicle technology and better transit options Public transit buses may also be an
to cleaner fuels. appropriate option for some students or staff.
Schools can help reduce air pollution from
mobile sources in a number of different otHer MoBile sourCes on
ways. A comprehensive program might sCHool grounds
include bus retrofits and replacement,
Since cars and trucks are not the only mobile
anti-idling policies, reduced power
sources on school grounds, attention should
equipment usage, environmentally friendly
also be paid to lawn and garden equipment
transportation choices, and equipment
for reducing emissions. The two main ways
replacement. Some other smart actions that
to reduce emissions from such equipment
reduce emissions include adopting driving
are to replace existing equipment with
practices that save gas and improve mileage,
cleaner options (e.g., manual, electric, or
maintaining vehicles on a regular basis, and
new 4-stroke, gasoline engines) and to
using cleaner fuels.
reduce usage.
anti-idling EPA adopted more stringent standards
for gasoline-powered equipment, such as
Policies to minimize idling offer a smart,
lawnmowers and string trimmers, which
effective, and immediate way to reduce
will lower hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide
emissions at little or no cost. In fact, reduced
emissions. Schools can reduce harmful
idling will save money in most cases
emissions by ensuring their grounds
because idling wastes fuel. The easiest way
maintenance equipment meets current
to reduce vehicle idling emissions is to “Just
standards. Like school bus retrofits and
turn it off!” Today’s bus engines generally
replacements, alternate equipment choices
require only three to five minutes of warm-
will be specific to your school’s situation.
up time, even in cold weather. The problem
While manual and electric equipment are
of diesel fuel gelling in cold weather has
most beneficial because they do not produce
been resolved by the creation of winter
emissions, these options are not always
blends of fuel and fuel additives that better
practical for large grounds.
withstand colder temperatures.
Portable gasoline containers are another
Contrary to popular belief, idling actually
source of emissions on school grounds. Due
does more damage to an engine than starting
to evaporation of gasoline, these cans pollute
and stopping. Idling causes additional wear
even when they are not being used, and
on an engine’s internal parts and, therefore,
especially when they are stored in a warm
can increase maintenance costs and shorten
place. New, low-emission gasoline cans are
the life of the engine.
designed for easy use and have a thicker
Several States and local communities have lining in order to reduce fuel evaporation.
already implemented anti-idling laws. These They meet specified standards to minimize

air pollution, including automatic closure, plants that do not require mowing and are
automatic shut-off, only one opening, already adapted to local conditions. Trees,
and limited permeation. Many portable shrubs, and native plants absorb water
containers available nationwide meet all more efficiently than lawns and therefore
but the permeation standard. In addition, minimize runoff and erosion. They can also
they are inexpensive (approximately $10), decrease the amount of time you spend on
making them cost-effective solutions for weeding and watering and reduce the need
reducing exposure to evaporated fuel. for fertilizers and pesticides.
Finally, proper maintenance and storage help Beneficial landscaping can result in reduced
decrease exposure to emissions from lawn building heating and cooling costs. For
and garden equipment. For example, lawn example, planting deciduous trees on the
and garden equipment should be maintained south side of a building provides shade,
regularly according to manufacturer reducing heat absorbed by the building
guidelines to prevent problems that during the summer. This practice can
decrease efficiency and increase emissions. decrease air conditioning costs by up to
Keeping equipment tuned and in good 20 percent. In the winter, deciduous trees
condition is inexpensive and beneficial for lose their leaves, allowing the winter sun to
minimizing emissions. In addition, fuels, warm the building. Planting conifers on the
chemicals, and equipment should be stored northwest side of a building helps to block
appropriately in a well-ventilated, cool, northwest winds, reducing heating costs.
and dry space. For extended periods of Finally, planting trellis vines on the bare
storage (e.g., wintertime), gasoline should walls of buildings helps to keep these walls
be emptied from equipment and containers cooler by absorbing the sunlight. Planting
or a stabilizer should be added to decrease trees around parking lots helps shade paved
evaporation. areas and further reduce sun-heating effects.
Finally, schools should use outdoor water
BenefiCial or environMentally efficiently by laying mulch in appropriate
friendly landsCaPing areas and installing efficient irrigation
Beneficial landscaping refers to a suite systems.
of landscaping practices that yield
environmental, economic, and aesthetic WHat are good PraCtiCes to
benefits. These environmentally friendly use in areas WHere Maintaining
practices include planting native species and
low-maintenance turf grasses, reducing lawn
laWns is neCessary?
area, strategic use of trees, integrated pest Where lawns are necessary on school
management (see Appendix K: “Integrated grounds, such as on play areas or sports fields,
Pest Management”), and optimizing water the following practices are best suited for
efficiency. Ultimately, beneficial landscaping reducing environmental impacts:
produces a healthier environment and • � Plant low-maintenance turf grasses that
reduces air, water, and soil pollution grow slowly and require less mowing.
by minimizing emissions from power
equipment, chemicals, fertilizer, and water. • � Leave grass clippings on lawns. This
practice decreases the need for fertilizers
In addition, beneficial landscaping is and the amount of municipal solid waste
effective on any size of land. Emission entering landfills.
reductions from beneficial landscaping
alone can result in nearly 100 pounds less • � Keep grass well maintained. Only one-
of smog-forming hydrocarbons and 10 third of the grass blade should be cut off
pounds less of nitrogen oxide emissions per at one time, and no more than one inch
year per acre of lawn converted to natural should be cut at one time.
landscaping due to reduced mowing. Hence,
even small converted areas can contribute to
notable reductions in emissions.
Grass can be replaced with trees, shrubs,
native wildflowers, and other native

WHat are tHe Benefits?
Ways to reduce Many advantages are associated with
emissions from beneficial landscaping. Beneficial
Mobile sources landscaping can be incorporated into science
and environmental education. It creates
• � Diesel vehicle hands-on learning experiences for students,
replacement while encouraging them to learn about
and retrofit natural habitats and take an interest in their
• � Idling policy and surroundings.
training Beneficial landscaping helps create a safer
• � “School- environment by reducing student and staff
pooling” and exposure to harmful emissions. It leads to
transportation fewer emissions from fossil fuel consumed
choices during mowing, less fertilizer use, and lower
landscape maintenance labor and costs.
• � Environmentally Beneficial landscaping can also help decrease
friendly heating and cooling bills, reduce noise
landscaping pollution (due to less mowing), conserve
• � Low-emission water, reduce flooding and stormwater
gas cans management costs, and decrease the strain
on municipal waste collection and water
• � “Best Practices” treatment plants. In addition, it can lead to
for equipment cleaner water bodies for fishing, swimming,
maintenance and drinking due to reduced chemical use and
and storage erosion.

additional resourCes
For more information about mobile sources
on school grounds, please visit the EPA
Clean School Bus USA Initiative at www.
Cleanest epa.gov/cleanschoolbus. Clean School Bus
equipment USA provides information and resources
Choices to school districts on how to reduce
pollution from school buses through retrofit,
Manually powered: replacement, and anti-idling programs.
Reel mowers,
rakes, clippers,
shredders, edgers,
tillers, hedge
trimmers, hand-
held leaf blowers
4-stroke gasoline
Available in almost
all new lawn and
garden equipment

Portable Classrooms

M ore than 385,000 portable classrooms,

or relocatables, are used in approximately
36 percent of school districts across the
nation, according to the National Center
for Education Statistics (NCES). Portable
• Poor acoustics due to loud heating and
cooling systems;
• Chemical off-gassing from pressed wood
and other high-emission materials, which
may be of greater concern because of
classrooms are attractive to many school
rapid occupancy and poor ventilation
districts because they provide a quick and
after construction;
relatively inexpensive way to deal with
unpredictable school enrollment numbers, • Water entry and mold growth; and
limited building construction funds, and the
• Site pollution from nearby parking lots or
time lag between identification of need and
loading areas.
the construction of new facilities. While
portable classrooms are intended to provide
flexibility to school districts, in reality, reCoMMendations for sCHools
portable classrooms using PortaBles
are seldom moved and often become Although portable classrooms are often the
permanent fixtures of the school. lowest cost option for housing students,
Recent surges in student population they range in quality. Care should be
fueled an explosion in the use of portable taken during specification and selection to
classrooms in many parts of the country. ensure that the health of the students is not
Health-related concerns associated with compromised on inexpensive, low quality
portable classrooms have arisen. Teachers designs. When districts specify a portable
in the new units frequently complain design, they typically create a term contract
of chemical odors. In older units, odor that other districts can use to purchase the
problems are often associated with moldy same (or slightly different) design. This
classroom carpets. Both new and older units practice (often called “piggy-backing”) can
are often subject to complaints about poor save a district valuable time and money
ventilation and indoor air quality (IAQ). on specifications and approvals, but it can
also compound poor decisions made by the
original procurement.
indoor air Quality and
PortaBle ClassrooMs Like all school facilities, portable
classrooms should contain appropriate
All school buildings use similar construction
building materials and properly designed
and furnishing materials, so the types of
ventilation systems to minimize the presence
chemicals present in the indoor air are not
of indoor air pollutants. Commissioning
likely to be different for portable versus
and regular maintenance are also important
permanent classrooms. However, pressed-
to maintain the quality of the indoor
wood products, which may contain higher
concentrations of formaldehyde, are used
more frequently in factory-built portable The following steps can help schools
units than in buildings constructed on-site. maintain a healthy indoor environment in
As a result, concentrations of some airborne their portable classrooms:
chemicals may be higher in new portable
classrooms, especially if ventilation is specifying new Portable
reduced. Classrooms
The most common problems with portable • Specify the appropriate vapor barrier
classrooms include: location for exterior wall construction,
consistent with the climate where the
• Poorly functioning ventilation systems classroom will be used.
that provide inadequate quantities of
outside air;

• � When specifying a new portable • � Specify operable windows to provide
classroom, ensure that the heating, user-controlled ventilation when needed.
ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC)
system can: (a) provide a minimum of • � Locate HVAC and air handler units as far
450 cfm of outside air (based on 30 away as possible from teaching areas to
occupants at 15 cfm/occupant); and reduce noise.
(b) heat and cool this outdoor air at • � Specify minimal use of VOC emitting
design outdoor air temperatures for the building materials.
specific geographic location where each
classroom is installed. • � Install an awning over the portable’s
entrance to help prevent rain and snow
• � Order an additional “outdoor air kit” from blowing directly into classrooms.
since manufacturers do not include
outdoor air intakes in their standard • � Specify complete documentation of
classroom models. Outdoor air intakes operation and maintenance requirements.
should not be located under portable
units; these areas are typically not well Commissioning
ventilated and are prone to moisture, • � Prior to occupany of any new portable
biological contaminants, and other units, operate HVAC systems at their
pollutants. maximum outdoor air intake rate
continuously for several days. Start the
• � Outdoor air should be supplied
“flush out” as soon as the HVAC system
continuously when a classroom is
is operational, and continue after furniture
occupied. In order to provide a continuous
installation. During this period, do not
outdoor air supply, it is important to
re-circulate return air. In humid climates,
ensure that the HVAC thermostat fan
avoid introducing significant amounts of
switch is set in the “on” or continuous
moisture during the flush out.
mode when occupied.
• � Measure the amount of outdoor air
• � Air filters are needed for protection
entering the outdoor air intake of the
of HVAC components and reduction
HVAC unit to ensure it meets or exceeds
of airborne dust, pollens, and micro-
the amount specified or 15 cfm per
organisms from recirculated and outdoor
person, whichever is greater.
air streams. Air filters should have a
spot rating between 35 and 80 percent • � Do not “bake out” the unit. “Bake out”
or a Minimum Efficiency Rating Value is defined as increasing temperatures up
(MERV) of between 8 and 13. to 100o F in order to “artificially age”
building materials. Its effectiveness
• � If carpets are specified, use carpets
has not been proven and it may in fact
that have been tested under the Carpet
damage parts of the HVAC system or
and Rug Institute’s Green Label Carpet
building components.
Testing Program. Do not use carpet in
entryways to classrooms with direct • � Establish and implement an Integrated
outdoor access. Supply waterproof Pest Management plan.
mats and walk-off mats over carpeted
entryways and other areas used for drying operations and Maintenance
clothing and umbrellas. • � Provide training on operation and
• � Locate classroom away from areas where maintenance of new HVAC equipment
vehicles idle or water accumulates after for appropriate staff. Instruct teachers
rains. and staff on proper use and settings of
thermostat and ventilation controls.
• � Ensure that at least one supply air register
and return air grille are located in each
enclosed area. Also, make sure that
building air intakes are located away from
any exhaust outlet(s) or other contaminant

• � Train teachers how to minimize potential
toxic emissions from the decorations
and cleaning materials used in their
classrooms. Develop and implement
a “list of things to do before starting
the class,” including ensuring that
the ventilation system is operating at
least one hour before the class starts
and watching for rust spots, wet spots,
and other signs of deterioration of
infrastructure. Teachers should also be
educated about the potential risks of
turning off HVAC systems.
• � Establish a regular and timely plan for
testing, inspecting, and performing
specific maintenance tasks: Inspect roofs,
ceilings, walls, floor, and carpet for
evidence of water leakage (e.g., stains),
and for mold growth or odor. Replace
water-damaged materials promptly and
fix leaks as soon as possible.

additional resourCes
For more information about portable
classrooms and recommendations for
designing, constructing, and renovating
school facilities to maintain good IAQ,
please visit EPA’s IAQ Design Tools for
Schools website at www.epa.gov/iaq/
National Clearinghouse for Educational
Facilities Portable Classrooms/Modular
Construction Resource List available at
California Advisory on Relocatable and
Renovated Classrooms available at

integrated Pest Management

I ntegrated Pest Management (IPM) is a

comprehensive approach to eliminating and
preventing pest problems with an emphasis
on reducing pest habitat and food sources.
IPM is a safer and usually less costly option
There are many safe IPM practices for
• � Keep vegetation, shrubs, and wood mulch
at least one foot away from structures.
for effective pest management in the school • � Fill cracks and crevices in walls, floors,
community. A well-designed integrated pest and pavement.
management program is both effective and
• � Empty and clean lockers and desks at
environmentally sensitive. IPM relies on a
least twice a year.
combination of (1) low-impact pesticides;
(2) comprehensive information about pests; • � Clean food-contaminated dishes, utensils,
(3) available and economical pest control and surfaces right away.
methods; and (4) safety considerations for
people, property, and the environment. • � Clean garbage cans and dumpsters at least
Pests seek habitats that provide basic
needs—air, moisture, food, and shelter. Pest • � Collect and properly dispose of litter or
populations can be eliminated, prevented, or garbage at least once a week.
controlled by: • � Identify the problem or pest before taking
• � Creating inhospitable pest environments;
• � Apply smaller amounts of fertilizers
• � Removing basic elements that pests need
several times during the year (spring,
for survival; or
summer, and fall, for example) rather
• � Blocking pest access into buildings. than one heavy application.
Pests may also be managed by other • � Use spot applications or pesticides
methods such as traps and vacuums. (if necessary) rather than area-wide
Managing Pests in sCHools • � Store pesticides in well-ventilated
Common pests found in schools (or on buildings that are inaccessible to
school grounds) include flies, cockroaches, undesignated personnel or located offsite.
yellow jackets, ants, spiders, mice, and • � Lock lids of bait boxes and place bait
away from the runway of the box.
Although they can help control pests,
pesticides need to be used carefully. estaBlisH an iPM PrograM for
Children may be more sensitive to pesticides
than adults. In particular, young children
your sCHool
may be particularly susceptible as they An efficient IPM program can and should
can encounter pesticides while crawling, be integrated with other school management
exploring, or through hand-to-mouth activities, such as preventive maintenance,
activities. janitorial practices, landscaping, occupant
education, and staff training.
Public concern about health and
environmental risks associated with
pesticides and other chemicals is increasing,
particularly when children are involved.
School administrators and others responsible
for decisions about school-based pest
control need to be aware of these risks and
knowledgeable about safe alternatives.

To establish an IPM program in your school: structures, establishing watering and
mowing practices, and storing pesticides
Step 1: Develop an official IPM Policy in well ventilated areas. Refer to the IPM
Statement. In addition to showing the Checklist for a list of possible strategies
district’s support for an integrated approach for indoor and outdoor sites as well as
to pest management, the statement should information on safe pesticide use and
outline methods to educate and train staff, storage.
store pesticides, notify parents and school
occupants of pesticide applications, and Step 7: Evaluate the results of your IPM
keep accurate records. This policy statement practices to determine if pest management
can also act as a guide for the IPM manager objectives are being met. Keep written
while developing an IPM program. records of all aspects of the program,
including records for state and local
Step 2: Designate specific roles for pest regulations.
management personnel, school occupants,
and key decision-makers. For example,
encourage occupants to keep their areas
evaluating tHe Costs
clean, encourage parents to learn about IPM IPM programs may actually cost less in
practices and follow them at home, designate the long-term than a conventional pest
a qualified person to be the pest manager, control program that relies solely on the
and gain the support decision-makers who use of pesticides. Although the long-term
control the funds for IPM projects. Establish labor costs for IPM may be higher than
methods for good communication among those for conventional pesticide treatments,
these groups of people, and educate or train the labor costs are often offset by reduced
them in their respective roles. expenditures for materials.

Step 3: Set specific pest management Whether an IPM program raises or lowers
objectives for each site. Tailor each costs depends in part on the nature of the
objective to the site and situation. Examples current housekeeping, maintenance, and
of objectives for school buildings may pest management operations. The costs of
include preserving the integrity of building implementing an IPM program also depend
structures or preventing interference with on whether the pest management services
the learning environment of the students. are contracted, performed in-house, or a
Providing safe playing areas and best combination of both. To fit the IPM program
possible athletic surfaces are sample into the existing budgetary framework,
objectives for school grounds. school administrators must consider what
additional and redistributed expenditures are
Step 4: Inspect site(s) to identify and involved. As with any program, insufficient
estimate the extent of pest problems. resources will jeopardize the success of an
After identifying potential pest habitats in IPM program.
buildings and on school grounds, develop
plans to modify the habitats (for example,
exclusion, repair, and sanitation). Establish
a monitoring program that involves routine IPM provides schools with an economical,
inspections to track the success of the habitat environmentally friendly alternative to
modifications and to estimate the size of the control and prevent pest problems. Schools
pest population. should tailor IPM programs to meet their
specific needs and set appropriate objectives
Step 5: Set thresholds for taking action. and thresholds to help them implement a
These thresholds are the levels of pest successful pest management program.
populations or site environmental conditions
that require remedial action. It is important For additional information on IPM, see
to consider sensitive individuals when Appendix L: “Resources.”
setting thresholds.
Step 6: Apply IPM strategies to control
pests when you reach an action threshold or
to prevent pest problems. These strategies
may include redesigning and repairing


T his appendix lists organizations with information or services related to indoor air
quality (IAQ). In addition, the appendix includes a section on IAQ-related publications.
Following is a list of the subsections contained in this appendix.
federal agencies with Major indoor air
responsibilities for Public and Commercial Buildings 60
ePa regional offices 60
other federal agencies 61 Please note:
state and local agencies 62 Reference herein
to any specific
Professional and standards setting organizations 62 commercial
Product Manufacturer associations 63 products, process,
or service by trade
Building service associations 64 name, trademark,
manufacturer, or
unions 65 otherwise, does
not necessarily
environmental/Health/Consumer organizations 65 constitute or imply
its endorsement,
Multiple Chemical sensitivity-related organizations 66 recommendation,
organizations offering training on indoor air Quality 66 or favoring by
the United States
radon 66 Government.
The views and
other ePa Contacts and Programs of interest 67 opinions of
authors expressed
Publications 68 herein do not
necessarily state
general information 69 or reflect those of
indoor air Quality 69 the United States
Government and
- Secondhand Smoke (Environmental Tobacco Smoke) shall not be used
- Asthma for advertising
- Radon or product
- Asbestos endorsement
- Biological Contaminants purposes.
- Carbon Monoxide
- Lead

- PCBs

Building Management, investigation, and remediation 75
new Building design 76
ventilation/thermal Comfort 76
standards and guidelines 79

federal agenCies WitH Major indoor air resPonsiBilities for PuBliC
and CoMMerCial Buildings
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency conducts a non-regulatory IAQ program
that emphasizes research, information dissemination, technical guidance, and training.
EPA issues regulations and carries out other activities that affect IAQ under the laws for
pesticides, toxic substances, and drinking water.
EPA Indoor Environments Division EPA Office of Transportation and
(Headquarters) Air Quality
Mailing Address: National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, #6609J Laboratory
Washington, D.C. 20460 2000 Traverwood Drive
www.epa.gov/iaq Ann Arbor, MI 48105
734-214-4333 (voicemail) or
Additonal Resources from EPA:
Indoor Air Quality www.epa.gov/otaq
Information Hotline
Advances clean fuels and technology to
(sponsored by U.S. EPA)
reconcile the transportation sector with
P.O. Box 37133
the environment and promote more livable
Washington, DC 20013-7133
communities. Sponsors a voluntary diesel
Toll Free: 1-800-438-4318
retrofit program.

ePa regional offiCes

Address inquiries to IAQ staff in the EPA regional offices at the following addresses:
(CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT) (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
EPA Region 1 EPA Region 4
1 Congress Street, Suite 1100 (CAP) 61 Forsyth Street, SW
Boston, MA 02114-2023 Atlanta, GA 30303-3104
617-918-1639 (indoor air) 404-562-9143 (indoor air)
617-918-1285 (radon) 404-562-9145 (radon)
617-918-1524 (asbestos) 404-562-8978 (asbestos)
(NJ, NY, PR, VI) (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
EPA Region 2 EPA Region 5
290 Broadway (MC R2DEPDIV)
77 W. Jackson Boulevard

28th Floor
� (MC AE-17J) (MC AT-18J)

New York, NY 10007-1866

Chicago, IL 60604-3590

212-637-4013 (indoor air)

Region 5 Environmental Hotline:

212-637-4013 (radon)
� 1-800-621-8431

212-637-4081 (asbestos)
� 312-353-2000 (outside Region 5)

(DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV) 312-886-6053 (indoor air)

EPA Region 3 312-886-6053 (radon)

1650 Arch Street, (3PM52) 312-353-9062 (asbestos)

Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
215-814-2086 (indoor air)
215-814-2086 (radon)
215-814-2103 (asbestos)

(AR, LA, NM, OK, TX) (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)
EPA Region 6 EPA Region 9
1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200
75 Hawthorne Street (MC AIR-6)
(6 PD-T)
San Francisco, CA 94105
Dallas, TX 75202-2733
415-947-4189 (indoor air)
Region 6 Environmental Hotline:
415-947-4193 (radon)
� 415-947-4168 (asbestos)
214-665-7298 (indoor air)

(AK, ID, OR, WA)

214-665-8541 (radon)

EPA Region 10
214-665-3127 (asbestos)

1200 Sixth Avenue (MC OAQ-107)
(IA, KS, MO, NE) Seattle, WA 98101-9797
EPA Region 7 206-553-1189 (indoor air)
901 N. 5th Street (MC ARTD/RALI) 206-553-7660 (radon)
Kansas City, KS 66101 206-553-4762 (asbestos)
913-551-7391 (indoor air)
913-551-7605 (radon)
913-551-7020 (asbestos)
(CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
EPA Region 8
999 18th Street, Suite 300

(MC 8P-AR)

Denver, CO 80202-2466

303-312-6017 (indoor air)

303-312-6031 (radon)

303-312-6406 (asbestos)

otHer federal agenCies

Occupational Safety and Health Requests for Field Investigations:
Administration (OSHA) promulgates Hazard Evaluations and Technical Assistance
safety and health standards, facilitates Branch (R-9)
training and consultation, and enforces 4676 Columbia Parkway
regulations to ensure that workers are Cincinnati, OH 45226
provided with safe and healthful working 513-841-4382
conditions. Requests for Information:
Room N3641 1-800-35-NIOSH
200 Constitution Avenue www.cdc.gov/niosh
Washington, DC 20210
Centers for Disease Control &
4770 Buford Highway, NE
National Institute for Occupational Mail Stop K50
Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducts Atlanta, GA 30341
research, recommends standards to the 770-488-5705
U.S. Department of Labor, and conducts www.cdc.gov
training on various issues including IAQ
to promote safe and healthful workplaces. • Office on Smoking and Health
Undertakes investigations at request of Disseminates information about the

employees, employers, other Federal health effects of passive smoke and

agencies, and state and local agencies to strategies for reducing exposure to

identify and mitigate workplace problems. secondhand smoke.

• � National Center for Environmental U.S. Department of Energy
Health Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Provides information and materials 1000 Independence Avenue, SW
regarding air pollution and respiratory Washington, DC 20585
health, including asthma education and 202-586-9220
prevention. www.eere.energy.gov
www.cdc.gov/nceh Developing industry standards for
ventilation and ventilation strategies.
• � Division of Adolescent and School
Health • � Bonneville Power Administration
Provides information on school health, P.O. Box 3621-RMRD

including environmental health policy Portland, OR 97208

and guidance. 503-230-3000

www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dash 800-282-3713


National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute Within the Department of Energy, BPA
Information Center serves the Northwest and provides
P.O. Box 30105 information on radon-resistant
Bethesda, MD 20824-0150 construction techniques, source control,
301-592-8573 and removal technology for indoor
www.nhlbi.nih.gov air pollutants. Also provides teacher
Provides information and materials resources and a variety of classroom
regarding asthma education and curricula.

state and loCal agenCies

Your questions and concerns about indoor air problems can frequently be answered most
readily by the government agencies in your state or locality. Responsibilities for IAQ issues
are usually divided among many different agencies. You will often find that calling or writing
the agencies responsible for health or air quality control is the best way to start getting
information from your state or local government. Check the EPA website for state agency
contacts (www.epa.gov/iaq/contacts.html).

Professional and standards setting organiZations

Air and Waste American Conference of
Management Association Governmental Industrial Hygienists
1 Gateway Center, 3rd Floor 1330 Kemper Meadow Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Cincinnati, OH 45240
412-232-3444 513-742-2020
www.awma.org www.acgih.org
Air-Conditioning and American Industrial
Refrigeration Institute Hygiene Association
4301 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 425 2700 Prosperity Avenue
Arlington, VA 22203 Suite 250
703-524-8800 Fairfax, VA 22031
www.ari.org 703-849-8888

The American Institute Association of Higher Education Facilities
of Architects Offices (APPA)
1735 New York Avenue, NW 1643 Front Street
Washington, DC 20006 Alexandria, VA 22314
202-626-7300 703-684-1446
www.aiaonline.com www.appa.org
American Society for Testing Council of Educational Facilities Planners
and Materials International (CEFPI)
100 Bar Harbor Drive 9180 E. Desert Cove Drive, Suite 104
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
610-832-9710 480-391-0840
www.astm.org www.cefpi.org
American Society of Heating, National Association
Refrigerating, and of School Nurses
Air-Conditioning Engineers 1416 Park Street, Suite A
1791 Tullie Circle, NE Castle Rock, CO 80109
Atlanta, GA 30329 1-866-627-6767
National Conference of States on
Building Codes and Standards, Inc.
Art and Craft Materials Institute 505 Huntmar Park Drive
P.O. Box 479 Suite 210
Hanson, MA 02341 Herndon, VA 20170
781-293-4100 703-437-0100
www.acminet.org www.ncsbcs.org
Conducts a certification program to ensure
nontoxicity (or proper labeling) and quality
of products. Works to develop and maintain
chronic hazard labeling standard for art and
craft materials.

ProduCt ManufaCturer assoCiations

Adhesive and Sealant Council Association of Wall and Ceiling
7979 Old Georgetown Road Industries, International
Bethesda, MD 20814 803 West Broad Street, Suite 600
301-986-9700 Falls Church, VA 22046
www.ascouncil.org 703-534-8300
Asbestos Institute www.awci.org/
1002 Sherbrooke St., West e-mail: jones@awci.org
Suite 1750 Carpet and Rug Institute
Montreal, Quebec 310 Holiday Avenue
Canada H3A3L6 Dalton, GA 30720
514-844-3956 706-278-3176
www.asbestos-institute.ca/main.html www.carpet-rug.com

Chemical Specialties National Paint and
Manufacturers’Association Coatings Association
1913 I Street, NW 1500 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20006 Washington, DC 20005
202-872-8110 202-462-6272
Electric Power Research Institute
P.O. Box 10412 North American Insulation
Palo Alto, CA 94303 Manufacturers’Association
650-855-2902 44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 310
www.epri.com Alexandria, VA 22314
Gas Technology Institute www.naima.org
1700 South Mount Prospect Road
Outdoor Power Equipment Institute,
Des Plaines, IL 60018-1804
341 South Patrick Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Manufacturers of Emissions Controls 703-549-7600
Association www.mow.org
1660 L Street, NW
Suite 1100 Sustainable Building Industry Council
Washington, DC 20036 1331 H Street, N.W., Suite 1000
202-296-4797 Washington, DC 20005 USA
www.meca.org 202-628-7400 x210

Building serviCe assoCiations

Air-Conditioning and Association of Energy Engineers
Refrigeration Institute 4025 Pleasantdale Rd., Suite 420
4301 North Fairfax Drive Atlanta, GA 30340
Suite 425 404-447-5083
Arlington, VA 22203 www.aeecenter.org
Association of Specialists in
Cleaning and Restoration Intl.
Air-Conditioning Contractors 8229 Clover Leaf Drive, Suite 460
of America Millersville, MD 21108
1712 New Hampshire Ave., NW 410-729-9900
Washington DC 20009 www.ascr.org
National Air Duct
Cleaners Association
American Council of Engineering 1518 K Street, NW, Suite 503
Companies Washington, DC 20005
1015 15th Street, NW, Suite 802 202-737-2926
Washington, DC 20005 www.nadca.com
National Association
of Power Engineers
Associated Air Balance Council 5707 Seminary Rd, Suite 200
1518 K Street, NW, Suite 503 Falls Church, VA 22041
Washington, DC 20005 703-845-7055
202-737-0202 www.nape.net/nape.html

National Energy National Pest Control Association, Inc.
Management Institute 8100 Oak Street
601 North Fairfax St., Suite 120 Dunn Loring, VA 22027
Alexandria, VA 22314 703-573-8330
703-739-7100 www.pestworld.org
www.nemionline.org Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning
National Environmental Contractors National Association
Balancing Bureau P.O. Box 221230
8575 Grovemont Circle Chantilly, VA 20153
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-4121 703-803-2980
301-977-3698 www.smacna.org

eMPloyee unions
National Education Association
American Association of Classified
1201 16th Street, NW
School Employees
Washington, DC 20036
7140 SW Childs Road
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
American Federation of Teachers
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001

environMental/HealtH/ConsuMer organiZations
American Lung Association Occupational Health Foundation
(or your local lung association) 815 16th Street, NW, Room 312
61 Broadway, 6th Floor Washington, DC 20006
New York, NY 10006
212-315-8700 Wild Ones—Natural
www.lungusa.org Landscapers, Ltd.
P.O. Box 23576
Consumer Federation of America Milwaukee, WI 53223-0576
1424 16th Street, NW, Suite 604 920-730-3986
Washington, DC 20036 www.for-wild.org
www.consumerfed.org National Education Association
Health Information Network
National Environmental 1201 16th St. NW, Suite 521
Health Association Washington, DC 20036
720 South Colorado Blvd. 800-718-8387
South Tower, Suite 970
Denver, CO 80222

MultiPle CHeMiCal sensitivity (MCs)-related organiZations
Human Ecology Action League (HEAL) National Foundation for the
P.O. Box 29629 Chemically Hypersensitive
Atlanta, GA 30359 4407 Swinson Road
404-248-1898 Rhodes, MI 48652
www.members.aol.com/HEALNatnl 517-689-6369
National Center for
Environmental Health Strategies
1100 Rural Avenue
Voorhees, NJ 08043

organiZations offering training on indoor air Quality

Also, note Regional Radon Training Centers in next section.
American Industrial Mid-Atlantic Environmental
Hygiene Association Hygiene Resource Center
2700 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 250 University City Science Center
Fairfax, VA 22031 3624 Market Street, 1st Floor East
703-849-8888 Philadelphia, PA 19104
www.aiha.org 215-387-2255
Sponsors IAQ courses in conjunction with Provides training to occupational safety
meetings for AIHA members only. and
health professionals and paraprofessionals.
American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating, and OSHA Training Institute
Air-Conditioning Engineers 155 Times Drive
1791 Tullie Circle NE Des Plaines, IL 60018
Atlanta, GA 30329. www.OSHA.gov/fso/ote/training/training_
404-636-8400 resources.html
www.ASHRAE.org OSHA.ucsd.edu
Sponsors professional development Provides courses to assist health and safety
seminars on IAQ. professionals in evaluating IAQ.

state radon offices
For information, call the radon contact in the EPA Regional Office for your state, or visit the
EPA Radon website www.epa.gov/iaq/radon/index.html.

regional radon training Centers

EPA has coordinated the formation of four Regional Radon Training Centers (RRTCs). The
RRTCs provide a range of radon training and proficiency examination courses to the public
for a fee.

Eastern Regional Radon Training Center Southern Regional Radon Training Center
Cook College Auburn University
102 Ryders Lane 217 Ramsay Hall
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519 Auburn University, AL 36849-5331
732-932-9271 800-626-2703 or 334-844-5719
www.cookce.rutgers.edu/programs/radon.html eng.auburn.edu/contedu/pd/radon/index.html
Midwest Universities Radon Consortium Western Regional Radon Training Center
University of Minnesota University of Colorado
1994 Buford Avenue (240) 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
St. Paul, MN 55108 Colorado Springs, CO 80918
800-843-8636 or 612-624-4754 1-877-723-6601
radon.oznet.ksu.edu/radon_courses.htm. www.wrrtc.net

otHer ePa ContaCts and PrograMs of interest

EPA Asbestos and Small Business IPM School Contacts
Ombudsman Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Division (7511C)
Mail Code: 1808T Pollution Prevention Staff
Washington, DC 20460 Ariel Rios Building
1-800-368-5888 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
http://www.epa.gov/sbo/ Washington, D.C. 20460
Provides information on asbestos. www.epa.gov/oppbppd1/biopesticides/
EPA Clean School Bus U.S. Initiative
734-214-4780 Field and External Affairs Division
Email: cleanschoolbususa@epa.gov (7506C)
www.epa.gov/cleanschoolbus Office of Pesticide Programs
Provides information and resources to Ariel Rios Building
schools and school districts on how to 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
reduce pollution from school buses Washington, DC 20460
through retrofit, replacement, and www.epa.gov/pesticides/
anti-idling programs.
National Lead Information Center
EPA ENERGY STAR Programs 1-800-424-5323
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. (6202J) Provides information on lead, lead
Washington, DC 20460 contamination, and lead hazards.
www.epa.gov/energystar National Pesticide Information Center
Oregon State University
EPA Healthy Schools website 333 Weniger
www.epa.gov/schools Corvallis, OR 97331-6502
Comprehensive resource for all healthy 1-800-858-7378
schools-related programs at EPA. Links to npic.orst.edu/
individual EPA programs.
National Pesticides Telecommunications
In Texas: 806-743-3091
Provides information on pesticides,
hazards, and risks.

Purdue University’s IPM Technical EPA Supported Technical Resource Center
Resource Center for IPM in Schools and Day Cares. Provides
Serves only Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, tools, training and technical support for
Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. schools and day care centers to start an
1-877-668-8IPM (1-877-668-8476) IPM program. Training opportunities,
www.entm.purdue.edu/entomology/ IPM principles, and specific management
outreach/schoolipm/ techniques are available for custodial and
EPA Supported Technical Resource Center maintenance staff.
for IPM in Schools and Day Cares.
Provides tools, training and technical TSCA Hotline Service
support for schools and day care centers 202-554-1404
to start an IPM program. Training Provides information on asbestos and other
opportunities, IPM principles, and specific toxic substances.
management techniques are available for
University of Florida’s IPM in Schools
custodial and maintenance staff.
RCRA/Superfund/EPCRA Hotline Provides free, useful information for
1-800-424-9346 school administrators, staff members, pest
Safe Drinking Water Hotline managers, and parents to start an IPM
1-800-426-4791 program.
Provides information on lead in drinking Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program
water. Office of Transportation and Air Quality
Stratospheric Ozone Information (6401A)
Hotline 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
1-800-296-1996 Washington, DC 20460
Provides information on 202-564-1682
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). www.epa.gov/otaq/retrofit
Addresses pollution from diesel construction
Texas A&M University’s IPM Technical equipment and heavy-duty vehicles that are
Resource Center on the road today.
Serves only Texas, New Mexico, and




Items marked * are available for order from the National Service Center for
Environmental Publications (NSCEP). 1-800-490-9198 or Fax: 513-489-8695.
Contact: P.O. Box 42419 Cincinnati, OH 45242-0419. www.epa.gov/ncepihom/index.htm
Items marked ** are available for order from NIOSH Publications Dissemination.
1-800-356-4674 or 513-333-8287. Contact: 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
View the list of available publications at www.cdc.gov/niosh/publistd.html
Items marked *** are available for order from the U.S. General Accounting Office.
202-512-6000, Fax: 202-512-6061. Contact: P.O. Box 37050 Washington, DC 20013. Search
for available publications at www.gao.gov:8765/

general information
America’s Schools Report Differing Profiles of School Conditions by State.
Conditions. (June 1996)*** Prepared (June 1996)*** Prepared by the U.S.
by the U.S. General Accounting Office. General Accounting Office. Report to
Report to Congressional requesters on Congressional requesters on School
School Facilities. GAO/HEHS 96-103 Facilities. GAO/HEHS 96-148 Publication
Publication #B260872. #B272038.

Conditions of America’s Schools. Report of the Inter-ministerial Committee

(February 1995)*** Prepared by the on Indoor Air Quality. (1988) G. Rajhans.
U.S. General Accounting Office. Report Contact: G. Rajhans, Health and Safety
to Congressional requesters on school Support Services Branch, Ministry of
facilities. GAO/HEHS 95-61 Publication Labour, 400 University Avenue, 7th Floor,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M7A 1T7.
Healthy Buildings, Healthy People: A
Vision for the 21st Century. (October
2001)** Prepared by U.S. EPA. EPA 402-

indoor air Quality

General IAQ Information
IAQ Tools for Schools Kit (CD ROM).
Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools
(Third Edition, December 2003)*
Communications Guide. (September
Prepared by U.S. EPA. Includes all written
2002)* Prepared by U.S. EPA. Offers
materials provided in the Kit, including the
communication strategies for school
IAQ Backgrounder and checklists, in Adobe
personnel addressing IAQ concerns
PDF and MS Windows PageMaker format.
expressed by the school community.
EPA 402-C-00-002.
� EPA 402-K-02-008.
Indoor Air Quality and Student
Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools
Performance. (August 2003)* Prepared
Program: Benefits of Improving Air Quality
by U.S. EPA. Presents information about
in the School Environment. (October 2002)*
the problem of poor IAQ, its causes, health
Prepared by U.S. EPA. EPA 402-K-02-005.
consequences, and solutions. EPA 402-K-
Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools

Training Modules 1 and 2. (CD ROM)*
Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools:
Prepared by U.S. EPA. Provides three
Actions to Improve IAQ. (September 1999)*
� modules, including Power Point presentation
Prepared by U.S. EPA. Serves as a marketing
slides, to assist in the training of school
tool for the IAQ Tools for Schools Kit and
district personnel for use of the IAQ Tools
program. EPA 402-F-99-008.
� for Schools Kit. EPA 402-C-99-002.
Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools
Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools
Case Studies.* Prepared by U.S. EPA.
Companion Documents
Shares experiences, including issues in
Air Quality Guidelines for Europe. Prepared
communicating problems, financing, and
by the World Health Organization (WHO).
remediation, of schools across the country
(1987) Available from WHO Publications
that have or are implementing the IAQ Tools
Center USA. Contact: 49 Sheridan Avenue,
for Schools Kit. View a list of case studies
Albany, NY 12210. WHO Regional
available for order on the EPA website at
Publications, European Series Number 23.

Current Federal Indoor Air Quality Introduction to Indoor Air Quality: A Self-
Activities. (March 1999)** Prepared by Paced Learning Module. (June 1991)*
U.S. EPA. Identifies the major IAQ-related National Environmental Health Association
activities directed by Federal agencies, (NEHA) and U.S. EPA. Introduces
including EPA, Department of Energy, environmental health professionals to the
Department of Health and Human Services, information needed to recognize, evaluate,
and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety and control IAQ problems. EPA 400-39-
Commission. Provides a list of publications 1002. Available from NEHA. Contact: 720
available and agency contacts. Colorado Boulevard, Suite 970 South Tower,
EPA 402-K-99-001. Denver, CO 80222. 303-756-9090.
Fact Sheet: Ventilation and Air Quality in
Introduction to Indoor Air Quality:
Offices.* Prepared by U.S. EPA.
A Reference Manual. (June 1991)*
EPA 402-F-94-003.
� Prepared by the National Environmental
Health Association (NEHA), U.S. Public
Indoor Air Facts, Number 4: Sick Building

Health Service, and U.S. EPA. Provides
Syndrome.* Prepared by the U.S. EPA.

reference material on selected IAQ topics.

EPA 402-F-94-004.

(Companion document to the Learning
Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for
Module) EPA 400-39-1003. Available from
Health Professionals.* The American Lung
NEHA. Contact: 720 Colorado Boulevard,
Association, American Medical Association,
Suite 970 South Tower, Denver, CO 80222.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 303-756-9090.
and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Tomorrow’s Buses for Today’s Children.
Manual assists health professionals in
(October 2003)* Prepared by U.S. EPA. EPA
diagnosing symptoms that may be related to
an indoor air pollution problem.
EPA 402-R-94-007.
The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air
Quality. (1988)* Prepared by U.S. EPA
and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission. Addresses residential IAQ
primarily, but contains a section on offices.
EPA 402-K-93-007.

secondhand smoke
Secondhand Smoke and the Health of Take the Smoke-Free Home Pledge
Your Family. (2004)* Prepared by U.S. Brochure. (January 2003)* Prepared
EPA. Exemplifies the focus of the Indoor by U.S. EPA. Educates parents on the
Environments Program’s efforts to minimize effects of secondhand smoke on children
the exposure of secondhand smoke to and encourages them to keep the home
children indoors (bilingual). environment smoke-free.
EPA 402-F-06-004. EPA 402-K-04-002.

Series of one-page information sheets on Technical Bulletin: Guidelines for

all aspects of smoking in the workplace. Controlling Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Prepared by U.S. Department of Health and In Schools. Ronald Turner, Bruce Lippy,
Human Services, National Cancer Institute. Arthur Wheeler. February 1991. Maryland
Office of Cancer Communications. For State Department of Education, Office
copies, call 1-800-4-CANCER. of Administration and Finance, Office of
School Facilities, 200 West Baltimore Street,
Baltimore, MD 21201.

The Health Consequences of Involuntary The Secondhand Smoke Community
Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General. Action Kit (online only).* Prepared by
(1986) Prepared by U.S. Department of U.S. EPA. Assists community leaders in
Health and Human Services, Public Health educating communities about the dangers
Service, Office on Smoking and Health. of secondhand smoke. EPA 402-C-06-005.
1600 Clifton Road, NE (Mail Stop K50)
Atlanta, GA 30333.

Asthma Media Campaign: Fish Out of
Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers: Your
Water Brochure. Prepared by U.S. EPA.
Children Will Breathe Easier.* Prepared by
Provides information to people with asthma
U.S. EPA. This tri-fold brochure educates
and parents and caretakers of children with
parents and caretakers of children with
asthma on strategies for managing asthma
asthma on common environmental allergens
and exposure to triggers. EPA 402-F-01-008.
and asthma triggers found in the home and
(Also available in Spanish,
offers suggestions for easy steps to control
EPA 402-F-01-008A.)
� exposure to and reduce or eliminate the
presence of allergens in the home.
Asthma Speakers Kit. Prepared by U.S. EPA.
EPA 402-F-99-005. (Also available in
Provides resources, including 35mm slides
Spanish EPA 402-F-99-005D,
for educating the general public on asthma
Vietnamese EPA 402-F-99-005B,
topics, including high-risk populations,
Chinese EPA 402-F-99-005A, and
effects of the indoor environment on asthma
Korean EPA 402-F-99-005C.)
prevalence, and common indoor asthma
Health at Home: Controlling Asthma
triggers. EPA 402-B-01-002.
� (English/Spanish VHS Video)* Prepared by
Asthma Speakers Kit (CD ROM). Prepared
U.S. EPA. EPA 402-V-01-006.
by U.S. EPA. Provides all resources available

in the asthma education module in electronic

IAQ Tools for Schools Bulletin: Asthma and
format. EPA 402-C-01-002.
� Allergy. (Fall 2001)** Prepared by U.S.
EPA. Presents articles on various issues
Managing Asthma: A Guide for Schools.
relating to asthma and allergies management
Prepared by NHLBI. A 17-page booklet that
in schools. EPA 402-F-01-019.
provides action steps for school personnel

to develop an asthma management program

for students with asthma. Available for order

from NHLBI, P.O. Box 30105, Bethesda,

MD 20824. Publication 91-2650. (Order fee:

$3.50.) Additional resources are available

for order from the NHLBI website at emall.


A Citizen’s Guide to Radon: The Guide to Learning About Radon: A Part of Nature.

Protecting Yourself and Your Family from (February 2002) Prepared by U.S. EPA.

Radon (May 2007)* Prepared by U.S. EPA, Targeted to Native Americans, discusses

U.S. Department of Health and Human the basics of radon sources in the natural

Services, and U.S. Public Health Service. environment, testing for radon and how

Offers strategies for testing radon levels and homes can be fixed to reduce radon levels.

what to do after testing, discussion of the EPA 402-K-02-002. Online only at www.

risks of radon and common myths. epa.gov/radon/pubs.

EPA 402-K-07-009.
Radon in Schools (3rd Edition, October 2003)

Consumers’ Guide to Radon Reduction: Prepared by the National

How to Reduce Radon Levels in Your Education Association and the American

Home.* Prepared by U.S. EPA. Provides Lung Association. Presents information on

guidelines for buildings that have tested radon to raise awareness among students,

positive for radon and have elevated radon teachers, and parents for potential radon

levels. EPA 402-K-06-094. problems in schools. EPA 402-F-03-025.

Online only at www.epa.gov/radon/pubs.

Home Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radon.
(November 2006)* Prepared by U.S. EPA. Radon Measurements in Schools—Revised

Provides information on testing for radon Edition. (1993)* Prepared by U.S. EPA. EPA

in homes and related health risks for new 402-R-92-014. Online only at www.epa.gov/

homebuyers, sellers, real estate, relocation radon/pubs.

professionals, and home inspections. Radon Measurement in Schools: Self-Paced
EPA 402-K-06-093. Also available for Training Workbook. (1994)* Prepared by
downloading in PDF from the EPA U.S. EPA. EPA 402-B-94-001.
website at www.epa.gov/iaq/radon/images/
hmbuygud.pdf. Also available in Spanish Radon Prevention in the Design and
(EPA 402-K-02-001). Construction of Schools and Other Large
Buildings. (June 1994)* Prepared by U.S.
Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product EPA. Provides comprehensive information,
Measurement Device Protocols. (July 1992) instructions, and guidelines on designing
Prepared by U.S. EPA. Provides information, and constructing a new building with radon-
recommendations, and technical guidance resistant features and techniques for radon
for using radon decay product measurement mitigation that are currently being studied
methods to establish standard operating and applied. EPA 625-R-92-016. Available
procedures. EPA 402-R-92-004. Online only online at www.epa.gov/ORD/NRMRL/pubs.
at www.epa.gov/radon/pubs.

ABCs of Asbestos in Schools.* Prepared by A Guide to Respiratory Protection for the

U.S. EPA. EPA 745-K-93-017. Asbestos Abatement Industry. (1986)**

Prepared by U.S. EPA.

Abatement of Asbestos-Containing Pipe EPA 560-OTS-86-001.

Insulation. (1986)** Prepared by U.S. EPA.
Technical Bulletin No. 1986-2. Asbestos Abatement Projects: Worker

Protection. 40 CFR Part 763. (February

A Guide to Monitoring Airborne Asbestos in 1987)** U.S. EPA.

Buildings. (1989) Dale L. Keyes and Jean
Chesson. Environmental Sciences, Inc., 105 Asbestos Ban and Phaseout Rule. 40 CFR
E. Speedway Blvd., Tucson, Arizona 85705. Parts 763.160 to 763.179. ** U.S. EPA.
Federal Register, July 12, 1989.

Asbestos Fact Book.* Prepared by U.S. General Industry Asbestos Standard. 29
EPA. EPA 745-K-93-016. CFR Part 1910.1001.
Asbestos in Buildings: Guidance for Guidance for Controlling Asbestos-
Service and Maintenance Personnel Containing Materials in Buildings.
(English/Spanish). (1985)** Prepared by (1985)** Prepared by U.S. EPA. EPA 560-
U.S. EPA. EPA 560-5-85-018. (“Custodial 5-85-024. (“Purple Book”)
Guidelines for Conducting the AHERA
Asbestos in Buildings: Simplified Sampling TEM Clearance Test to Determine
Scheme for Surfacing Materials. (1985) Completion of an Asbestos Abatement
** Prepared by U.S. EPA. 560-5-85-030A. Project. ** Prepared by U.S. EPA. EPA
(“Pink Book”) 560-5-89-001.
Asbestos in Schools: Evaluation of the Managing Asbestos In Place: A Building
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act Owner’s Guide to Operations and
(AHERA).* Summary report prepared by Maintenance Programs for Asbestos-
U.S. EPA. EPA 560-491-012. Containing Materials. (1990)** Prepared
by U.S. EPA. 1990. (“Green Book”)
Construction Industry Asbestos Standard.
29 CFR Part 1926.58. Measuring Airborne Asbestos Following
An Abatement Action. (1985)** Prepared
Fact Sheet: Asbestos.* Prepared by U.S.
by U.S. EPA. EPA 600-4-85-049. (“Silver
EPA. EPA 745-F-93-007.
Fact Sheet: Asbestos in Schools:
National Emissions Standards for
Evaluation of AHERA.* Prepared by U.S.
Hazardous Air Pollutants. 40 CFR Part 61.
EPA. EPA 745-F-91-100.
(April 1984)** Prepared by U.S. EPA.

Biological Contaminants (Mold, Pests, etc.)

A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Guidelines for the Assessment of
Home.** Prepared by U.S. EPA. Provides Bioaerosols in the Indoor Environment.
information and guidance for homeowners (1989) Prepared by the American
and renters on how to clean up residential Conference of Governmental Industrial
mold and moisture problems and how to Hygienists. 6500 Glenway Avenue,
prevent build-up. (Available in Spanish.) Building D-7, Cincinnati, OH 45211.
EPA 402-K-02-003. Available for
Integrated Pest Management in Schools (A
downloading in PDF from the EPA
Better Method). (VHS Video or CD-ROM)
website at www.epa.gov/iaq/molds/
Prepared by Safer Pest control Project
(SPCP). Explains in simple language what
Bioaerosols, Assessment and Control. (1999) IPM is and how to get it started. Available
Prepared by the American Conference of from the SPCP website at spcpweb.org/ or
Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc. at 312-641-5575.
Cincinnati, OH. ISBN 1-882417-29-1. 513-
Integrated Pest Management for Schools:
742-2020. www.acgih.org
A How-to Manual. (1997) Prepared
Fact Sheet: Mold in Schools. (2004)** by U.S. EPA, Region 9. Provides a full
Prepared by U.S. EPA. Provides an discussion of IPM concepts, policies,
organized summary of information related to and implementation practicalities. It also
facts of mold growth in school buildings and has specific management strategies for
portable classrooms. EPA 402-F-03-029. 14 common pests and problem sites at
schools. EPA 909-B-97-001. Available
from the EPA website at www.epa.

Mold Remediation in Schools and Pesticides: Uses, Effects and Alternatives to
Commercial Buildings. (March 2001)** Pesticides in Schools. (November 1999)***
Prepared by U.S. EPA. Presents guidelines Prepared by the U.S. General Accounting
for the remediation and clean-up of mold Office. Report to the Ranking Minority
and moisture problems in schools and Member, Committee on Government Affairs,
commercial buildings, including measures Resources, Community and Economic
for protecting the health of building Development Division. GAO/RCED-00-17.
occupants and remediators during
Protecting Children in Schools from Pests
improvements. EPA 402-K-01-001.
and Pesticides. (2002)* Prepared by U.S.
Available for downloading in PDF from the
EPA. The brochure provides resources,
EPA website at www.epa.gov/iaq/molds/
success stories and examples of IPM
practices for safer pest management within
Pest Control in the School Environment: our nation’s schools. EPA 735-F-02-014.
Adopting IPM. (1993)* Prepared by U.S.
The ABCs of IPM: A Modular Video Training
EPA. This booklet is designed to encourage Course. (VHS Video 2087) Prepared by
and assist school officials in examining the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.
and improving their pest management Available from the Texas A&M University
practices. It identifies ways to reduce the website at schoolipm.tamu.edu/
use of pesticides in school buildings and
landscapes, as well as alternative methods of
managing pests commonly found in schools.
EPA 735-F-93-012. Available from the EPA
website at www.epa.gov/pesticides/ipm/

Carbon Monoxide
Protect Your Family and Yourself from What You Should Know About Combustion
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. (October Appliances and Indoor Air Pollution.
1996)** Prepared by U.S. EPA. This fact (1991) Prepared by the U.S. Consumer
sheet discusses common health hazards Product Safety Commission, American
associated with exposure to CO and provides Lung Association, and EPA. Answers
guidance on what to do if suffering from CO commonly asked questions about the effect
poisoning and how to prevent exposure to of combustion appliances (e.g., kitchen
CO, including the use of carbon monoxide ovens, fuel-burning furnaces, fireplaces,
detectors. EPA 402-F-96-005. (Also space heaters) on IAQ and human health,
available in Spanish EPA 402-F-97-004, and suggests ways to reduce exposure
Vietnamese EPA 402-F-99-004C, Chinese to combustion pollutants with proper
EPA 402-F-99-004A, and Korean EPA installation, use, and maintenance of
402-F-99-004B.) combustion appliances in the home.
EPA 400-F-91-100.

Fight Lead Poisoning with a Healthy Diet. Lead Poisoning and Your Children. (2000)
(2001) Prepared by U.S. EPA. Contains Prepared by U.S. EPA. Presents general
lead poisoning prevention tips for families. lead information and safe practices for
For hard copies, call the National Lead parents in a foldout poster. For hard
Information Center at (800) 424-LEAD. copies, call the National Lead Information
(Available in Spanish.) EPA 747-F-01-004. Center at (800) 424-LEAD. (Available in
Spanish.) EPA 747-K-00-003.

Lead Poisoning Prevention Media Outreach
Kit. (2001). Prepared by U.S. EPA. Assists
state and local health, environmental, and
housing agencies in working with the media,
and to create press and outreach materials.
For hard copies, call the National Lead
Information Center at (800) 424-LEAD.
(Available in Spanish.) EPA 747-K-01-002.

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

A Recommended Standard for Occupational Current Intelligence Bulletin 45:
Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls. Polychlorinated Biphenyls—Potential
(1977) Prepared by U.S. Department of Health Hazards from Electrical Equipment
Health and Human Services, Public Health Fires or Failures. (1977) Prepared by
Service, Centers for Disease Control, and U.S. Department of Health And Human
National Institute for Occupational Safety Services, Public Health Service, Centers
and Health. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication for Disease Control, and National Institute
No. 77-225. Available from the National of Occupational Safety and Health.
Technical Information Service, 5285 Port DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 86-111.
Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Available from the National Technical
Information Service, 5285 Port Royal
Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
Transformers and the Risk of Fire: A Guide
for Building Owners. (1986)** Prepared by
U.S. EPA. OPA/86-001.

Building Management, investigation, and remediation

An Update on Formaldehyde. (1997) Building Air Quality: A Guide for

Prepared by the U.S. Consumer Product Building Owners and Facility Managers.
Safety Commission. Provides information (December 1991)* Prepared by U.S.
about where consumers can come in contact EPA and U.S. Department of Health and
with formaldehyde, health effects, and how Human Services. EPA 402-F-91-102. Also
to reduce exposure to chemicals. Available available for downloading in PDF from
from the CPSC website at www.cpsc.gov/ the EPA website at www.epa.gov/iaq/
cpscpub/pubs/725.pdf largebldgs/graphics/iaq.pdf
Building Air Quality Action Plan (BAQ Fact Sheet: Flood Cleanup: Avoiding
Action Plan).** Prepared by U.S. EPA. Indoor Air Quality Problems. (August
Follows eight logical steps and includes 1993)* Prepared by U.S. EPA. Provides
a checklist to assist building owners tips to avoid creating IAQ problems during
and managers in understanding building flood cleanup and making residential
conditions and implementing good IAQ repairs. EPA 402-F-93-005.
management practices. EPA 402-K-98-
001. (A companion to BAQ: A Guide for Healthy Indoor Painting Practices. (May
Building Owners and Facility Managers.) 2000) Prepared by U.S. EPA, Office of
Available for downloading in PDF from the Pollution Prevention and Toxics, the
EPA website at www.epa.gov/iaq/largebldgs/ Consumer Product Safety Commission,
graphics/apchkl3.pdf and the Montgomery County Maryland
Department of Environmental Protection.

Available for download in PDF from the Office Building Occupant’s Guide to Indoor
EPA website at www.epa.gov/opptintr/ Air Quality. (October 1997)* Prepared by
exposure/docs/inpaint5.pdf U.S. EPA. Provides information on factors
EPA 744-F-00-011. (Also available in contributing to IAQ in office buildings,
Spanish, www.epa.gov/opptintr/exposure/ promoting a partnership between building
docs/sp-pai~1.pdf) managers and occupants to ensure a
comfortable working environment. EPA 402-
IAQ Building Education and Assessment
Model (I-BEAM). (2001)** Prepared by U.S.
EPA. I-BEAM software updates and expands Orientation to Indoor Air Quality.**
EPA’s existing Building Air Quality guidance Prepared by U.S. EPA. Includes instructor
and is designed to be comprehensive state- and student materials to conduct a 2–day
of-the-art guidance for managing IAQ training course. (Order fee: $180)
in commercial buildings. This guidance
Science Laboratories and Indoor Air Quality

was designed to be used by building
in Schools. Bruce Jacobs. March 1994.

professionals and others interested in

Maryland State Department of Education,

indoor air quality in commercial buildings.

Division of Business Services, School

I-BEAM contains text, animation/visual,

Facilities Branch, 200 West Baltimore Street,

and interactive/calculation components that

Baltimore, MD 21201.

can be used to perform a number of diverse


tasks.EPA 402-C-01-001.
What You Should Know About Using Paint
Interior Painting and Indoor Air Quality
Strippers. (February 1995)** Prepared by
in Schools. (March 1994) Bruce Jacobs.
U.S. EPA and the U.S. Consumer Product
Maryland State Department of Education,
Safety Commission. Discusses proper
Division of Business Services, School
procedures for handling and using paint
Facilities Branch, 200 West Baltimore Street,
strippers to reduce exposure to chemicals
Baltimore, MD 21201. 410-333-2508.
and lessen health risks. CPSC Publication

new Building design

Indoor Air Quality Design Tools for Schools. High Performance Schools Best Practices
EPA’s website for guidance on designing and Manual. (March 2001) Prepared by Charles
maintaining healthy, high-performing school Eley, Ed. The Collaborative for High
buildings. www.epa.gov/iaq/schooldesign Performance Schools. This three-volume
guide presents guidelines for designing high
Building A Healthy Environment. (March performing schools, including issues of IAQ,
1997) Prepared by Elizabeth Simon. ventilation and thermal comfort. Available
Published by Learning by Design, from Eley Associates, 142 Minna Street, San
pp 17-20. Available from the Educational Francisco, CA 94108.
Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Clearinghouse, Publication EF 501126. Preventing Indoor Air Quality Problems
www.ericse.org/ in New Buildings. (March 1998) Prepared
by Lisa M. Jackson. Published by College
Healthy Building Design for the Planning and Management, v1, n2,
Commercial, Industrial and Institutional pp 65-66, 68-69. Describes how IAQ can
Marketplace. (1999) Prepared by William be built into new facility planning, design
A. Turner. Provides examples for high and construction. Available from the ERIC
performance building design. Available from Clearinghouse, Publication EF 501170.
the ERIC Clearinghouse, Publication EF www.ericse.org/
005342. www.ericse.org/

Right from the Start - Constructing a Texas Sustainable School Design
Healthy School. (June 1994) Prepared by Guideline. (1999) Prepared by Michael
Mary Oetzel. Published by School business Nicklas, Gary Bailey, Harshad D. Padia,
Affairs v. 60, n. 6, pp 4-8, 10-11. Describes Nadav Malin. Published by Innovative
school construction practices used to design Design, Inc, Padia Consulting, Inc. and
high performance schools in Minnesota. E Build, Inc. Explores a detailed list of
Available from the ERIC Clearinghouse, practices and technologies that can help
Publication EA 529542. www.ericse.org/ create a sustainable school, from site
selection to construction. Available from
School Indoor Air Quality Best Management
the ERIC Clearinghouse, Publication EF
Practices Manual. (1995) Prepared by
005655. www.ericse.org/
Richard Hall, Richard Ellis, and Tim
Hardin. Describes best practices that can be
followed during siting, design, construction
and renovation of schools to ensure
good IAQ. Published by the Washington
State Department of Health, Office of
Environmental Health and Safety. PO Box
47825, Olympia, WA 98504-7825. Available
from the ERIC Clearinghouse, Publication
EF 005693. www.ericse.org/

ventilation/thermal Comfort
ASHRAE materials are available from their Healthy Indoor Air for America’s Homes:
Publication Sales Department, 1791 Tullie Indoor Hazards Every Homeowner Should
Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329. Know About.* Prepared by U.S. EPA. EPA
404-636-8400. 402-K-98-002.
Air Cleaning Devices for HVAC Supply Indoor Air Facts, Number 7: Residential
Systems In Schools. (December 1992) Arthur Air Cleaners. (February 1990)* Prepared
Wheeler. Maryland State Department of by U.S. EPA. Discusses air cleaning as a
Education. method of reducing indoor air pollutants
and lists types of air cleaners for the
Energy Cost and IAQ Performance of
home, factors to consider, and sources for
Ventilation Systems and Controls Modeling
additional information. EPA 20A-4001.
Study.** Prepared by U.S. EPA. Reports on
the results from a 1999 EPA study to assess Indoor Air Facts, Number 8: Use and Care
the compatibilities among energy, IAQ, of Home Humidifiers. (February 1991)*
and thermal comfort for HVAC systems, Prepared by U.S. EPA. Describes the
comparing an office building, a school, and different types of humidifiers, common
an auditorium. www.epa.gov/iaq/largebldgs/ pollutants dispersed from the water tanks,
eiaq_page.htm and recommendations for their use and
maintenance. EPA 402-F-91-101.
Guideline for the Commissioning of
HVAC Systems. (October 1989) ASHRAE Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-
Guideline 1-1989. ASHRAE Standard Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency
62-1989. Available from the ASHRAE by Particle Size. (2000) ASHRAE Standard
Journal. www.ASHRAE.org/template/ 52.2-1999.

Ozone Generators That Are Sold As Air Selecting HVAC Systems for Schools.
Cleaners. Prepared by U.S. EPA. Provides (October 1994) Arthur Wheeler and Walter
accurate information to consumers on using Kunz, Jr. Maryland State Department of
ozone-generating devices in indoor occupied Education, Division of Business Services,
spaces. www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/ School Facilities Branch, 200 West
Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.
Practices for Measurement, Testing,
Adjusting and Balancing of Building
Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Should You Have the Air Ducts in Your
Refrigeration Systems. ASHRAE Standard Home Cleaned? (October 1997)** Prepared
111-1988. resourcecenter.ASHRAE.org/ by U.S. EPA. Presents information to help
store/ASHRAE/ consumers and homeowners understand
air duct cleaning, assess if they need the
Reducing Emissions of Fully Halogenated
service performed, choose a duct cleaner,
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) Refrigerants in
determine if the cleaning was done properly,
Refrigeration and Air Condition Equipment
and prevent contamination of air ducts. EPA
and Applications. (1996) ASHRAE
Guideline 3-1996. resourcecenter.ASHRAE.
org/store/ASHRAE/ Thermal Environmental Conditions for
Human Occupancy. (1992) ASHRAE
School Advanced Ventilation Engineering
Standard 55-1992. resourcecenter.ASHRAE.
Software (SAVES). Prepared by U.S. EPA.
Helps school designers assess the potential
financial payback and indoor humidity The Ventilation Directory. National
control benefits of Energy Recovery Conference of States on Building Codes and
Ventilation (ERV) systems for school Standards, Inc., 505 Huntmar Park Drive,
applications. To download the software, Suite 210, Herndon, VA 22070.
visit: http://www.epa.gov/iaq/schooldesign/ 703-481-2020. Summarizes natural,
saves.html. mechanical, and exhaust ventilation
requirements of the model codes, ASHRAE
Residential Air-Cleaning Devices: A
standards, and unique state codes.
Summary of Available Information.**
Prepared by U.S. EPA. Describes the general Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air
types of residential air cleaners and their Quality. (2001) ASHRAE Standard
effectiveness in reducing indoor pollutants 62-2001. resourcecenter.ASHRAE.org/
and provides tips for choosing an air cleaner store/ASHRAE/
and when to use it.

standards and guidelines

NIOSH Recommendations for Available from the U.S. Government Printing
Occupational Safety and Health. Office, Washington, DC 20402. 202-783-
(1991)*** Prepared by U.S. Department of 3238. Additional health standards for some
Health and Human Services, Public Health specific air contaminants are also available
Service, Centers for Disease Control, in Subpart Z.
National Institute for Occupational Safety
Threshold Limit Values and Biological
and Health. Compendium of Policy
Exposure Indices. (1990–91) American
Documents and Statements. DHHS
Conference of Government Industrial
(NIOSH) Publications 91-109.
Hygienists. 6500 Glenway Avenue, Building
OSHA Standards for Air Contaminants. D-7, Cincinnati, OH 45211.
29 CFR Part 1910.1000. Prepared by U.S.
Department of Labor. OSHA Regulations.

glossary and acronyms

AHERA – Asbestos Hazard Emergency

response Act
AHU – See “Air handling unit.”
AQI – The Air Quality Index is a tool that
Air Toxics – Chemicals in the air that are
known or suspected to cause cancer or other
serious health effects, such as reproductive
problems or birth defects. Air toxics are
also known as “hazardous air pollutants.”
provides the public with clear and timely Mobile sources emit a number of air toxics
information on local air quality and whether associated with both long-term and short-
air pollution levels pose a health concern. term health effects in people, including heart
problems, asthma symptoms, eye and lung
ASHRAE – American Society of Heating, irritation, cancer, and premature death.
Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning
Engineers. See Appendix L: “Resources” Alternative Fuel – An alternative fuel is
for more information. any fuel other than gasoline and diesel fuels,
such as methanol, ethanol, compressed
ASTM – Consensus standard-setting natural gas, and other gaseous fuels.
organization. See Appendix L: “Resources” Generally, alternative fuels burn more
for more information. cleanly and result in less air pollution.
Aftertreatment Device – Engine pollutant Antimicrobial – Agent that kills microbial
emissions are generally reduced by engine growth. See “disinfectant,” “sanitizer,” and
modifications, fuel specifications, or exhaust “sterilizer.”
gas aftertreatment. An aftertreatment device
is a component used to reduce engine BRI – See “Building-related illness.”
pollutant emissions downstream of the Benzene – A cancer-causing hydrocarbon
combustion chamber. Catalytic converters (C6H6) derived from petroleum. Benzene is
and particulate filters are examples of a component of gasoline. Benzene emissions
aftertreatment devices. occur in exhaust as a byproduct of fuel
Air Cleaning – An IAQ control strategy combustion and when gasoline evaporates.
to remove various airborne particulates Biological Contaminants – Biological
and/or gases from the air. The three types contaminants are or are produced by
of air cleaning most commonly used living organisms. Common biological
are particulate filtration, electrostatic contaminants include mold, dust mites, pet
precipitation, and gas sorption. dander (skin flakes), droppings and body
Air Exchange Rate – The rate at which parts from cockroaches, rodents and other
outside air replaces indoor air in a space. pests, or insects, viruses, and bacteria.
Expressed in one of two ways: The number Biological contaminants can be inhaled
of changes of outside air per unit of time— and can cause many types of health effects
air changes per hour (ACH); or the rate at including allergic reactions, respiratory
which a volume of outside air enters per unit disorders, hypersensitivity diseases,
of time—cubic feet per minute (cfm). and infectious diseases. Also referred to
as “microbiologicals” or “microbials.”
Air Handling Unit – For purposes of this See Appendix E: “Typical Indoor Air
document, refers to equipment that includes Pollutants” for more information.
a blower or fan, heating and/or cooling coils,
and related equipment such as controls, Building-Related Illness – Diagnosable
condensate drain pans, and air filters. Does illness with identifiable symptoms for
not include ductwork, registers and grilles, which the cause can be directly attributed
or boilers and chillers. to airborne building pollutants (e.g.,
Legionnaire’s disease, hypersensitivity

Central AHU – See “Central air handling Disinfectants – One of three groups of
unit.” antimicrobials registered by EPA for public
health concerns. A disinfectant destroys or
Central Air Handling Unit – For purposes
irreversibly inactivates undesirable (and
of this document, this is the same as an Air
often infectious) organisms. EPA registers
handling unit, but serves more than one area.
three types of disinfectant products based
CFM – Cubic feet per minute. The amount upon submitted efficacy data: limited,
of air, in cubic feet, that flows through a general/broad spectrum, and hospital
given space in one minute. 1 CFM equals disinfectant.
approximately 2 liters per second (L/s).
Drain Trap – A dip in the drain pipe of
CO – Carbon monoxide. See Appendix E: sinks, toilets, floor drains, etc., which is
“Typical Indoor Air Pollutants” for more designed to stay filled with water, thereby
information. preventing sewer gases from escaping into
the room.
CO2 – Carbon dioxide. See Appendix
B: “Basic Measurement Equipment” Emissions – Releases of pollutants into the
and Appendix E: “Typical Indoor Air air from a source, such as a motor vehicles,
Pollutants” for more information. furnishings, or cleaning products.
Combustion – The process of burning. Emissions Standards – Rules and
Motor vehicles and equipment typically regulations that set limits on how
burn fuel in an engine to create power. much pollution can be emitted from a
Gasoline and diesel fuels are mixtures of given source. Vehicle and equipment
hydrocarbons, which are compounds that manufacturers have responded to many
contain hydrogen and carbon atoms. In mobile source emissions standards by
“perfect” combustion, oxygen in the air redesigning vehicles and engines to reduce
would combine with all the hydrogen in the pollution.
fuel to form water and with all the carbon in
EPA – United States Environmental
the fuel to form carbon dioxide. Nitrogen in
Protection Agency. See Appendix L:
the air would remain unaffected. In reality,
“Resources” for more information.
the combustion process is not “perfect,” and
engines emit several types of pollutants as ETS – Environmental tobacco smoke.
combustion byproducts. Mixture of smoke from the burning end
of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar and smoke
Conditioned Air – Air that has been
exhaled by the smoker (also secondhand
heated, cooled, humidified, or dehumidified
smoke or passive smoking). See
to maintain an interior space within the
Appendix E: “Typical Indoor Air
“comfort zone.” (Sometimes referred to as
Pollutants,” Appendix F: “Secondhand
“tempered” air.)
smoke,” and Appendix L: “Resources” for
Dampers – Controls that vary airflow more information.
through an air outlet, inlet, or duct. A
Evaporation – The process by which a
damper position may be immovable,
substance is converted from a liquid to a
manually adjustable, or part of an automated
vapor. “Evaporative emissions” occur when
control system.
a liquid fuel evaporates and fuel molecules
Diesel Engine – An engine that operates escape into the atmosphere. A considerable
on diesel fuel and principally relies on amount of hydrocarbon pollution results
compression-ignition for engine operation. from evaporative emissions that occur when
The non-use of a throttle during normal gasoline leaks or spills, or when gasoline
operation is indicative of a diesel engine. gets hot and evaporates from the fuel tank or
Diffusers and Grilles – Components of the
ventilation system that distribute and return Exhaust Ventilation – Mechanical removal
air to promote air circulation in the occupied of air from a building.
space. As used in this document, supply air
enters a space through a diffuser or vent and
return air leaves a space through a grille.

Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5 or IAQ Coordinator – An individual at the
PM fine) – Tiny particles or liquid droplets school and/or school district level who
less than 2.5 microns in diameter suspended provides leadership and coordination of
in the air that can contain a variety of IAQ activities. See Section 2: “Role and
chemical components. PM fine particles are Functions of the IAQ Coordinator,” in
so small that they are not typically visible the IAQ Coordinator’s Guide for more
to the naked eye. These tiny particles can be information.
suspended in the air for long periods of time
Indoor Air Pollutant – Particles and dust,
and are the most harmful to human health
fibers, mists, bioaerosols, and gases or
because they can penetrate deep into the
vapors. See Section 2: “Understanding
lungs. Some particles are directly emitted
IAQ Problems” and Appendix E: “Typical
into the air. Virtually all particulate matter
Indoor Air Pollutants” for more information.
from mobile sources is PM2.5. See Appendix
E: “Typical Indoor Air Pollutants” for more IPM – Integrated Pest Management. A
information. comprehensive approach to eliminating and
preventing pest problems with an emphasis
Flow Hood – Device that easily measures
on reducing pest habitat and food sources.
airflow quantity, typically up to 2,500 cfm.
See Appendix B: “Developing Indoor
Highway Engine – Any engine that is Air Policies” in the IAQ Coordinator’s
designed to transport people or property on Guide and Appendix K: “Integrated Pest
a street or highway. Management” for more information.
HVAC – Heating, ventilation, and air- MCS – See “Multiple Chemical
conditioning system. Sensitivity.”
Hypersensitivity Diseases – Diseases Make-up Air – See “Outdoor Air
characterized by allergic responses Supply.”
to pollutants. The hypersensitivity
Microbiologicals – See “Biological
diseases most clearly associated with
indoor air quality are asthma, rhinitis,
and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Mobile Sources – Motor vehicles, engines,
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a rare but and equipment that move, or can be moved,
serious disease that involves progressive from place to place. Mobile sources include
lung damage as long as there is exposure to vehicles that operate on roads and highways
the causative agent. (“on-road” or “highway” vehicles), as
well as nonroad vehicles, engines, and
IAQ – Indoor air quality.
equipment. Examples of mobile sources are
IAQ Backgrounder – A general cars, trucks, buses, earth-moving equipment,
introduction to IAQ issues as well as IAQ lawn and garden power tools, ships, railroad
program implementation information that locomotives, and airplanes.
accompanies the IAQ checklists.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
IAQ Checklist – A list of suggested easy- – A condition in which a person reports
to-do activities for school staff to improve sensitivity or intolerance (as distinct from
or maintain good indoor air quality. Each “allergic”) to a number of chemicals and
focuses on topic areas and actions that are other irritants at very low concentrations.
targeted to particular school staff (e.g., There are different views among medical
teachers, administrators, kitchen staff, professionals about the existence, causes,
maintenance staff) or specific building diagnosis, and treatment of
functions (e.g., HVAC system, roofing, this condition.
renovation). The checklists are to be
NIOSH – National Institute for
completed by the staff and returned to the
Occupational Safety and Health. See
IAQ Coordinator as a record of completed
Appendix L: “Resources” for more
activities and requested assistance.

Negative Pressure – Condition that exists Pollutants (Pollution) – Unwanted
when less air is supplied to a space than chemicals or contaminants found in the
is exhausted from the space, so the air environment. Pollutants can harm human
pressure within that space is less than that health, the environment, and property.
in surrounding areas. Under this condition, Air pollutants occur as gases, liquid
if an opening exists, air will flow from droplets, and solids. Once released into the
surrounding areas into the negatively environment, many pollutants can persist,
pressurized space. travel long distances, and move from one
environmental medium (e.g., air, water, land)
Nonroad Engine – A term that covers a
to another.
diverse collection of engines, equipment,
vehicles, and vessels. Sometimes referred Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) –
to as “off-road” or “off-highway,” the Mixtures of synthetic organic chemicals
nonroad category includes garden tractors, with the same basic chemical structure
lawnmowers, bulldozers, and cranes. and similar physical properties ranging
Although nonroad engines can be self- from oily liquids to waxy solids. PCBs
propelled, their primary function is to were used in hundreds of industrial and
perform a particular task. See Appendix I: commercial applications including electrical,
“Mobile sources” for more information. heat transfer, and hydraulic equipment; as
plasticizers in paints, plastics, and rubber
OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health
products; in pigments, dyes, and carbonless
Administration. See Appendix L:
copy paper, and many other applications.
“Resources” for more information.
Production of PCBs in the United States
Outdoor air supply – Air brought into a ceased in 1977.
building from the outdoors (often through
Positive Pressure – Condition that exists
the ventilation system) that has not been
when more air is supplied to a space than
previously circulated through the system.
is exhausted, so the air pressure within that
Oxidation Catalyst – A type of catalyst space is greater than that in surrounding
(catalytic converter) that chemically converts areas. Under this condition, if an opening
hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide to water exists, air will flow from the positively
vapor and carbon dioxide. pressurized space into surrounding areas.
Particulate Filter/Trap – An aftertreatment, PPM – Parts per million.
anti-pollution device designed to trap
Pressure, Static – In flowing air, the total
particles in diesel particulate matter from
pressure minus velocity pressure. The
engine exhaust before they can escape into
portion of the pressure that pushes equally in
the atmosphere.
all directions.
Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) –
Pressure, Total – In flowing air, the sum of
See “Fine Particulate Matter”.
the static pressure and the velocity pressure.
Plenum – Unducted air compartment used
Pressure, Velocity – The pressure due to the
to return air to central air handling unit.
air flow rate and density of the air.
Pollutant Pathways – Avenues for
Preventive Maintenance – Regular and
distribution of pollutants in a
systematic inspection, cleaning, and
building. HVAC systems are the primary
replacement of worn parts, materials, and
pathways in most buildings; however, all
systems. Preventive maintenance helps
building components and occupants interact
to prevent parts, material, and systems
to affect how pollutants are distributed. See
failure by ensuring that parts, materials, and
Section 2: “Understanding IAQ Problems”
systems are in good working order.
for more information.
Psychogenic Illness – This syndrome has
been defined as a group of symptoms that
develop in an individual (or a group of
individuals in the same indoor environment)
who are under some type of physical or
emotional stress. This does not mean that
individuals have a psychiatric disorder or
that they are imagining symptoms.

Radon – A colorless, odorless gas that Short-circuiting – Situation that occurs
occurs naturally in almost all soil and when the supply air flows to return or
rock. Radon migrates through the soil and exhaust grilles before entering the breathing
groundwater and can enter buildings through zone (area of a room where people are). To
cracks or other openings in the foundation. avoid short-circuiting, the supply air must be
Radon can also enter through well water. delivered at a temperature and a velocity that
Exposure to radon can cause lung cancer. result in mixing throughout the space.
See Appendix G: “Radon” and Appendix
Sick Building Syndrome – Term sometimes
E: “Typical Indoor Air Pollutants” for more
used to describe situations in which building
occupants experience acute health and/or
Re-entry – Situation that occurs when comfort effects that appear to be linked to
the air being exhausted from a building is time spent in a particular building, but where
immediately brought back into the system no specific illness or cause can be identified.
through the air intake and other openings in The complaints may be localized in a
the building envelope. particular room or zone, or may be spread
throughout the building.
Retrofit – An engine “retrofit” includes
(but is not limited to) any of the following Soil Gases – Gases that enter a building
activities: from the surrounding ground (e.g., radon,
volatile organic compounds, gases from
• � Addition of new/better pollution control
pesticides in the soil).
aftertreatment equipment to certified
engines. Sources – Sources of indoor air pollutants.
Indoor air pollutants can originate within
• � Upgrading a certified engine to a cleaner
the building or be drawn in from outdoors.
certified configuration.
Common sources include people, room
• � Upgrading an uncertified engine to a furnishings such as carpeting, photocopiers,
cleaner “certified-like” configuration. art supplies, etc. See Section 5: “Diagnosing
IAQ Problems” for more information.
• � Conversion of any engine to a cleaner
fuel. Stack Effect – The flow of air that results
from warm air rising, creating a positive
• � Early replacement of older engines with pressure area at the top of a building and
newer (presumably cleaner) engines (in a negative pressure area at the bottom of
lieu of regular expected rebuilding). a building. In some cases the stack effect
• � Use of cleaner fuel and/or emissions may overpower the mechanical system
reducing fuel additive (without engine and disrupt ventilation and circulation in a
conversion). building.
SBS – See “Sick Building Syndrome.” Sterilizer – One of three groups of anti-
microbials registered by EPA for public
Sanitizer – One of three groups of anti- health uses. EPA considers an antimicrobial
microbials registered by EPA for public to be a sterilizer when it destroys or
health uses. EPA considers an antimicrobial eliminates all forms of bacteria, fungi,
to be a sanitizer when it reduces but does not viruses, and their spores. Because spores
necessarily eliminate all the microorganisms are considered the most difficult form of a
on a treated surface. To be a registered microorganism to destroy, EPA considers
sanitizer, the test results for a product must the term sporicide to be synonymous with
show a reduction of at least 99.9 percent in “sterilizer.”
the number of each test microorganism over
the parallel control. TVOCs – Total volatile organic compounds.
See “Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).”
Secondhand Smoke – See Appendix F:
“Secondhand Smoke” for more information.

ULSD – Ultra-low Sulfur Fuel. The Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) –
manufacturers of retrofit technologies, Compounds are a gas at room temperature.
which reduce sulfur emissions, specify the Common sources that may emit VOCs
maximum allowable sulfur level for effective into indoor air include housekeeping and
operation of its products. For the purposes maintenance products and building and
of the diesel retrofit program, diesel fuel furnishing materials. In sufficient quantities,
must contain less than 15 ppm sulfur to be VOCs can cause eye, nose, and throat
considered as ultra-low sulfur fuel. The use irritations, headaches, dizziness, visual
of ultra-low sulfur fuel alone can reduce disorders, memory impairment; some are
emissions of particulate matter. Sulfate, a known to cause cancer in animals; some are
major constituent of particulate matter, is suspected of causing, or are known to cause,
produced as a byproduct of burning diesel cancer in humans. At present, not much is
fuel containing sulfur. Reducing the sulfur known about what health effects occur at
content of fuel, in turn, reduces sulfate the levels of VOCs typically found in public
byproducts of combustion and, therefore, and commercial buildings. See Appendix
particulate matter emissions. E: “Typical Indoor Air Pollutants” for more
Unit Ventilator – A single fan-coil unit
designed to satisfy tempering and ventilation Zone – The occupied space or group of
requirements for individual rooms. spaces within a building that has its heating
or cooling controlled by a single thermostat.
VOCs – See “Volatile Organic Compounds.”
Ventilation Air – Defined as the total air,
which is a combination of the air brought
inside from outdoors and the air that is being
recirculated within the building. Sometimes,
however, used in reference only to the air
brought into the system from the outdoors;
this document defines this air as “outdoor air

index C
carbon dioxide
A 25, 33, 34, 80, 82
carbon monoxide
air 1, 2, 13, 33, 34, 49, 59, 74, 80, 82
distribution carpet
19, 34 3, 30, 31, 34, 45, 53, 54, 55, 63, 75, 83
flow chemical smoke

23, 24, 28, 82, 83 25, 27

movement cleaning agents

6, 7, 25, 27, 46, 47 33

air filters codes
54, 79 3, 4, 6, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 63, 77
air handling unit combustion appliances
5, 79, 80, 82 34, 36, 74
air pressure communication
6, 24, 25, 82 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 23, 50, 58, 67,
allergens 69, 70
1, 7, 29, 30, 31, 34, 45, 48, 71 condensation
animals 45, 48
39 construction
antimicrobial 3, 27, 28, 34, 36, 43, 44, 49, 53, 54,
79, 80, 83 55, 62, 68, 72, 73, 76
art supplies
83 D
4, 21, 34, 59, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, 71,
72, 73, 79
diagnosing an IAQ problem
5, 6, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28, 34, 36, 63, 66,
diesel engine
76, 77, 78, 79
32, 36, 80
1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 13, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36,
47, 80
39, 45, 48, 49, 59, 62, 71, 72, 79, 81
B 80
basic measurement equipment 7, 16
25 drain trap
biological contaminants 4, 80
13, 33, 34, 73, 74, 79 ductwork
building occupants 4, 79
3, 5, 7, 11, 30, 45, 70, 83 dust
building-related illness 34, 36
21, 79 dust mites
1, 29, 31, 33, 34, 79


education lead
2, 18, 21, 27, 34, 39, 40, 52, 53, 55, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28,
57, 62, 63, 65, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 39, 45, 52, 67, 68,
emergency response 81
13, 73, 79 leaks
exposure control 30, 45, 46, 55, 80
17 local exhaust
17, 19
F locker room
45, 46
4, 6, 47 M
4, 9 maintenance
food 1, 2, 3, 7, 13, 18, 19, 24, 25, 27, 34,
2, 4, 29, 30, 31, 34, 36, 45, 57, 81 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58,
formaldehyde 68, 73, 74, 77, 81, 82, 84
31, 33, 49, 53, 75 mobile sources
fume hoods 3, 49, 50, 52, 79, 81, 82
6 moisture
fumes 6, 18, 30, 34, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 57, 73
17, 34 mold
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 29, 30, 33, 34, 45, 46, 47,
G 48, 53, 55, 73, 79
grille N
24, 25, 54, 79, 80, 83
natural disaster
H 43
nitrogen oxides
health problems
32, 33, 36, 49
1, 3, 27, 45
heating system O
24, 25, 47
housekeeping odors
3, 19, 34, 58, 84 4, 5, 6, 9, 19, 53
humidity off-gassing
1, 4, 5, 6, 25, 27, 30, 34, 45, 46, 47 18, 53
I 27, 28, 34, 59, 61, 66, 78, 79, 82
outdoor air intake
IAQ Coordinator
5, 17, 24, 25, 54
7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 43, 50, 81
outdoor air supply
IAQ Management Plan
19, 54, 82
IAQ measurements
19, 22, 23
IAQ problems
21, 23
integrated pest management (IPM)
30, 34

paint temperature
3, 4, 9, 17, 34, 36, 64, 75 25, 27
parents thermal bridges
1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 30, 39, 58, 48
68, 70, 71, 72 thermal comfort
pest control 77
9, 57, 58, 65, 73, 74 thermostats
pesticides 5, 47
3, 4, 5, 17, 33, 34, 51, 57, 58, 60, 61, tobacco smoke
67, 68, 74, 83 34, 39, 70, 71
3, 6, 19, 22, 25, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 36, U
49, 50, 53, 54, 62, 73, 74, 77, 79, 80,
unit ventilators
81, 82, 83, 84
professional assistance
3, 6, 20, 21 V
R ventilation
23, 24, 25, 28, 34, 44, 77
ventilation system
3, 6, 5, 21, 27, 28, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44,
23, 25, 28, 34
59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 82,
volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
relative humidity
1, 4, 5, 6, 25, 27, 34, 45, 46, 47 W
9, 18, 27, 28, 43, 44, 76, 81 water
retrofit (engine) 34, 36, 61, 68
32, 50, 52, 60, 67, 68, 83
3, 9, 45, 47, 54, 55, 81

sample memo
school bus
1, 2, 17, 27, 32, 43, 49, 50, 52, 67, 76
science supplies
secondhand smoke
3, 6, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 39, 59, 61, 70,
71, 80, 83
solving IAQ problems
3, 5, 3, 13, 15, 17, 21
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17,
18, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36,
43, 44, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58,
59, 60, 62, 66, 67, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77,
79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84
13, 16, 45, 81


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