2 Quiz in UCSP (2 Quarter) 2 Quiz in UCSP (2 Quarter) : ND ND ND ND
2 Quiz in UCSP (2 Quarter) 2 Quiz in UCSP (2 Quarter) : ND ND ND ND
2 Quiz in UCSP (2 Quarter) 2 Quiz in UCSP (2 Quarter) : ND ND ND ND
Polygamy Affinal kinship or kinship Exogamy or out Polygamy Affinal kinship or kinship Exogamy or out
based on marriage marriage based on marriage marriage
Arranged marriage Referred Marriage Monogamy Arranged marriage Referred Marriage Monogamy
Lineage Kinship Polyandry Lineage Kinship Polyandry
Patrilocal rule of Matrilocal rule of Biolocal rule of Patrilocal rule of Matrilocal rule of Biolocal rule of
residence residence residence residence residence residence
Descent Compadrazgo Endogamy Descent Compadrazgo Endogamy
Test II. True or False. Two (2) points each. Test II. True or False. Two (2) points each.
Direction. Write T if the statement is TRUE and write F is the Direction. Write T if the statement is TRUE and write F is the
statement is FALSE. statement is FALSE.
________11. Polygyny is a woman that has multiple male partners and ________11. Polygyny is a woman that has multiple male partners and
mates. mates.
________12. Polyandry is a man that has multiple female partners or ________12. Polyandry is a man that has multiple female partners or
mates. mates.
________13. Unilineal Descent is usually traced by most societies ________13. Unilineal Descent is usually traced by most societies
through a single line of ancestors from either the male or the female through a single line of ancestors from either the male or the female
line. line.
________14. Polygamy refers to the marriage or sexual partnering ________14. Polygamy refers to the marriage or sexual partnering
custom or practice where an individual has only one male and female custom or practice where an individual has only one male and female
partner or mate. partner or mate.
________15. Kinship based on blood is considered as the most basic ________15. Kinship based on blood is considered as the most basic
general form of relations. The relationship is achieved by birth or blood general form of relations. The relationship is achieved by birth or blood
affinity. affinity.
Test III. Essay (Five Points each) Test III. Essay (Five Points each)
What makes kinship by ritual necessary in society? Will What makes kinship by ritual necessary in society? Will
society remain functional without the existence of kinship by society remain functional without the existence of kinship by
ritual? ritual?
Which type of marriage is culturally significant or accepted in Which type of marriage is culturally significant or accepted in
our society? our society?
In your observations, which type of residency is usually In your observations, which type of residency is usually
practiced? Which is a practical choice for you? practiced? Which is a practical choice for you?
1. Patrilocal rule or residence
2. Endogamy
3. Polygamy
4. Kinship
5. Descent
6. Lineage
7. Affinal kinship or kinship based on marriage
8. Exogamy or out marriage
9. Arranged marriage
10. Biolocal rule or residence
11. F
12. F
13. T
14. F
15. T