Subject: Neurophysiology Topic: Hemispheric Organization Lecturer: Dr. Simbulan Date: March 2011
Subject: Neurophysiology Topic: Hemispheric Organization Lecturer: Dr. Simbulan Date: March 2011
Subject: Neurophysiology Topic: Hemispheric Organization Lecturer: Dr. Simbulan Date: March 2011
In split-brain animals
(sectioned optic
chiasma, ant. and
post. commisure and II. HEMISPHERIC SPECIALIZATION and the
A. LANGUAGE is one major fundamental process
Parital callosal section in which man differs biologically from animals
experiments indicate
that the memory Since no experimental animal has highly developed
transfer occurs in the language skills, the study of language is difficult.
anterior portion of the There are no simple anatomic differences between
corpus callosum. the brains of man and other animals to account for
Similar results have language, yet subtle differences between the two
been obtained in hemispheres of man’s brain do exist and are related
humans in whom the to the fact that, in adults, language functions occur
corpus callosum is predominantly in the left dominant hemisphere
congenitally absent or
in whom it has been B. LANGUAGE is separable in two components:
sectioned surgically in conceptualization and expression. These two
a n effort to control components have neuroanatomical bases (See
epileptic seizures. neural circuitry of language at the last page)
(neural coding for C. Description of Language-related Areas in the
“remembering with Catergorical Hemisphere (in majority, the
one eye what has been Left Hemisphere)
learned with the other
“ has been transferred **Generally, the left hemisphere is involved in: cognitive
to the opposite cortex aspects of Language, Math, Logic.
via the commisures)
**Language related structures and functions (left hemisphere);
Functions of the 3 major association areas [There are other Language Disorders arising from Lesions: [ APHASIAS –
models showing more elaborate subdivisions of the different abnormalities of language functions (not due to defects of
sensory, motor, and association cortices. For more, see section vision, hearing nor motor paralysis); Lesions commonly due to
VI. ANNEX, Major Functional Areas of the Cerebral Cortex]: embolism or blood clot in cerebral blood vessel. The
a) Prefrontal association area (also known as the frontal neurological literature is rich in information about other
lobe association area, anterior association area or effects (note that effects on other primary motor-sensory
prefrontal cortex)– rostral to the premotor area; concerned functions are not included for lack of space and focus)]
with motor planning, language production, judgement
(including control of emotions). Also known as a central
executive for working memory and other coordinating
functions, including receiving inputs from the rest of the
cerebral cortex.
b) Parietal-occipital-temporal association area– (also
known as the posterior association area) between the
somesthetic and visual cortices, extending into posterior
portion of temporal lobe; links several sensory modalities for
visuo-spatial perception (representational hemisphere
mainly) and language (categorical hemisphere mainly).
-Lesions: object
Areas 18, 20, 21 Part of a ventral
agnosia –
especially on left
pathway WHICH SPEECH IS ABNORMAL. Below is another
Two Left Left frontal lobe Forms of model of a neural circuit of language processing (Petersen‟s
hemisphere areas – concerened with Acalculia model, 1988) . (Deaf- mutes trained in sign language who
found associated number facts and (impairment of suffer damage to their language-related left hemishere also
with mathematical exact numebrs. mathematical have an impairment of their sign language abilites. )
ability ability arising from
Bilateral lesions in left (or
Infraparietal right) hemisphere:
sulci (parietal
lobe) – concerned 1. Left Frontal
with visuospatial Lobe lesions
representations of results in a
numbers and selective
finger counting. impairment of
This is as far as language and visuo-spatial processing functions are concerned; some aspects of emotions are also noted. (Note
that there are other differences not noted here, but abundant in the neurological literature. Other authors may indicate slightly different
location of lesions depending on source of scientific papers, but within the affected cortical association area.)
The cerebellum seem to be also involved with pure cognitive tasks independent of motor functions: a patient damaged in the
right cerebellum (due to a blocked posterior inferior cerebellar artery) could not learn a word association task. Also, it was observed in
other subjects using magnetic resonance brain imaging technique that the dentate nucleus increased its activity when subjects were
required to evaluate sensory information consciously.
WERNICKE’s AREA – the auditory association area (Area 41 and 42) of the categorical hemisphere is located here
PARIETAL-OCCIPITAL-TEMPORAL association area - association area specialized for visuo-spatial perception that is located
in the representational hemisphere
PREFRONTAL ASSOCIATION AREA – function as the Central Executive or the working memory.
Figure 1: A region at the posterior end of the superior temporal gyrus called Wernicke's area is concerned with comprehension of
auditory and visual information. It projects via the arcuate fasciculus to Broca's area (area 44) in the frontal lobe immediately in
front of the inferior end of the motor cortex. Broca's area processes the information received from Wernicke's area into a detailed and
coordinated pattern for vocalization and then projects the pattern via a speech articulation area in the insula to the motor cortex, which
initiates the appropriate movements of the lips, tongue, and larynx to produce speech. The probable sequence of events that occurs
when a subject names a visual object is shown in the image above (lower right) The angular gyrus behind Wernicke's area appears to
process information from words that are read in such a way that they can be converted into the auditory forms of the words in
Wernicke's area.