Obj. Significance Definition of Terms
Obj. Significance Definition of Terms
Obj. Significance Definition of Terms
This study intends to measure the influence of personal factors, resilience, social
support and organizational support towards COVID-19 related anxiety among nurses of
1. Describe the personal factors of nurses in terms of age, sex, work status and marital
2. Measure the level of resilience, social support and organizational support among
3. Measure the level of COVID-19 related anxiety among nurses of Roxas Memorial
Provincial Hospital
of age, sex, work status and marital status and resilience, social support and
and organizational support and Covid-19 related anxiety among nurses of Roxas
Based on the foregoing problems, the following hypotheses were stipulated as follows:
1. There is a significant relationship between personal factors in terms of age, sex, work status
and marital status and resilience, social support and organizational support among nurses of
Nurses of Roxas Memorial Provincial Hospital and Nurses of other hospitals. Nurses will be
informed that personal factors, resilience, social support and organizational support have
greatly influenced their COVID – 19 related anxiety. It may also help to address and reduced
Nursing administrators. The result of this study will increase their social support, assure
adequate organizational support, provide psychological and mental support services, provide
Hospital Administrators. This study will help in improving workplace efficiency and
strategies in managing anxiety among nurses creating a best work environment and
Hospital Supervisors. This study will help the supervisors to discipline staff using positive
Philippine Nurses Association. The study will provide information to Philippine Nurses
Association to be responsive to nurse's needs in promoting their welfare and preparing the
Family of Nurses. The result of this study will provide a healthy family relationship that also
are source of comfort, guidance and strength that a nurse can draw in times of anxiety.
Future Researchers. This study will served as a useful reference for future researchers who
For the purpose of clarity and understanding, the following terms were defined
Independent Variable
personality and self construal, sense of control, values, political and world views, goals, felt
responsibility, cognitive biases, place attachment, age, gender and chosen activities. (Robert,
G. et al., 2014).
In this study, personal factors refers to the individual factors to the nurse’s that
strongly influences their developing anxiety include age, sex, marital status, and work status.
Resilience - is the person’s ability to withstand, adapt to, and recover from stress and
In this study, the level of resilience of the nurses will be measured by 4 items in the
questionnaire which will ask them to answer according to 5-point Likert-type scale (0 [does
not describe me at all] to 5 [describes me very well]). The mean score will be determined and
used to interpret their level of resilience as follows: low resilience (1.00-2.99), moderate
Social support – is the physical and emotional comfort given to us by our family,
the questionnaire which will ask them to answer according to 5-point Likert-type scale (1
[strongly disagree] to 5 [strongly agree]). The mean score will be determined and used to
interpret their level of social support as follows: low social support (1.00-2.99) , moderate
Organizational support -refers to the extent to which employees deem that their
organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being (Eisenberger et al.,
In this study, the level of organizational support of the nurses will be measured by 8
items in the questionnaire which will ask them to answer according to 5-point Likert-type
scale (1 [strongly disagree] to 5 [strongly agree]). The mean score will be determined and
used to interpret their level of organizational support as follows: low organizational support
Dependent Variable
COVID-19 related anxiety among nurses of Roxas Memorial Provincial Hospital - refers to
the psychological, emotional, and physiological changes among nurses of RMPH on COVID
In this study, the level of COVID-19 related anxiety among nurses of Roxas
Memorial Provincial Hospital of the nurses will be measured by 5 items in the questionnaire
which will ask them to answer according to the frequency of symptoms experienced in a 5-
point Likert-type scale (0 [not at all] to 4 [nearly every day]). The mean score will be
determined and used to interpret their level of COVID-19 related anxiety as follows: Not at
all (0), Rare, less than a day or two (1), Several days (2) More than seven days (3) early every