12th NEET Full Syllabus
12th NEET Full Syllabus
12th NEET Full Syllabus
5. If the high altitude birds become rare or extinct, the plants which may disappear along
with them are
(a) pine
(b) oak
(c) orchids
(d) Rhododendrons
Ans- c
7. The species confined to a particular region and not found elsewhere is termed as
(a) endemic
(b) rare
(c) keystone
(d) alien.
DPP_12th NEET Full Syllabus
Vinod Kumar Verma
15 May 2020
8. How many hotspots of biodiversity in the world have been identified till date by Norman
(a) 17
(b) 25
(c) 34
(d) 43
Ans- c
10. Which of the following ecosystems is most productive in terms of net primary
a. Deserts
b. Tropical rain forests
c. Oceans
d. Estuaries
11. Approximately how much of the solar energy that falls on the leaves of a plant is
converted to chemical energy by photosynthesis?
a. Less than 1%
b. 2-10%
c. 30%
d. 50%
13. The following graph depicts changes in two populations (A and B) of herbivores in a
grassy field. A possible reason for these changes is that
DPP_12th NEET Full Syllabus
Vinod Kumar Verma
15 May 2020
18. The enzymes required to obtain wall free/ naked protoplasts are
(a) cellulase and proteinase
(b) cellulase and pectinase
(c) cellulase and amylase
(d) amylase and pectinase.
Ans- b
Crop Variety
1. Wheat a. Pusa
2. Brassica b. Himgiri
3. Cauliflower c. Pusa
4. Cowpea d. Pusa
5. Chilli e. Pusa Komal
DPP_12th NEET Full Syllabus
Vinod Kumar Verma
15 May 2020
22. Gene regulation governing lactose operon of E.coli that involves the lac I gene product is
(a) negative and repressible because repressor protein prevents transcription
(b) feedback inhibition because excess of β-galactosidase can switch of transcription
(c) positive and inducible because it can be induced by lactose
(d) negative and inducible because repressor protein prevents transcription.
Ans – d
23. A cell suspension was incubated in a culture medium containing ratio labelled Uracil, a
few cells were removed every 10 seconds and autoradiography was performed. What
would be the correct sequence of appearance of the label?
(a) rough ER ..> nucleus..> nucleolus
(b) nucleolus..> ribosomes...> nucleus
(c) nucleolus..> rough ER...> Golgi
(d) nucleolus..> nucleus..> ribosome
Ans. [d]
24. The figure illustrates the process of translation in protein synthesis. if the triplet UAU is
modified to UAG what will be the consequence?
(a) amino acid 'f' will be omitted from resultant polypeptide chain
(b) the amino acid 'g' will be replaced by some other amino acid in the resultant
(c) the polypeptide with a, b, c, d, e and f will be released
(d) the polypeptide will not be produced at all
Ans. [c]
32. Gene located on the same locus but having different expressions are
a. oncogenes
b. polygenes
DPP_12th NEET Full Syllabus
Vinod Kumar Verma
15 May 2020
c. multiple alleles
d. codominants
33. How many types of gametes will be produced by individuals having genotype AaBbCc?
a. Two
b. Four
c. Six
d. Eight
34. If a female having gene for haemophilia and colour-blindness on its one X-chromosome
marries a normal male then what are the chances in their offsprings :
(1) 50% son diseased and 50% normal
(2) All normal off springs
(3) 100% daughters are carrier
(4) 100% son diseased
Ans- 1
35. First child of a normal male and female is albino, what are the chances of second child to
be albino:
(1) 25%
(2) 50%
(3) 75%
(4) 100%
Ans- 1
37. If Testa is removed from the water soaked gram seed, the remaining structure is
a. Full mature embryo
b. Cotyledon with endosperm
c. Cotyledon filled with starch
d. None of the above
41. Plants identical to mother plants can be had obtained from [CPMT 1975]
a. Seeds
b. Stem cutting
c. Both [a] and [b]
d. None of these
Ans- b
42. Match List I with List II and select the correct options.
List-I List-II
A. Gemmules 1. Agave
B. Leaf buds 2. Penicillium
C. Bulbil 3. water hyacinth
D. Offset 4. Sponges
E. Conidia 5. Bryophyllum