Uncertainty: CSE-345: Artificial Intelligence
Uncertainty: CSE-345: Artificial Intelligence
Uncertainty: CSE-345: Artificial Intelligence
1) partial observability (road state, other drivers' plans, etc.)
2) noisy sensors (traffic reports)
3) uncertainty in action outcomes (flat tire, etc.)
4) immense complexity of modeling and predicting traffic
(A1440 might reasonably be said to get me there on time but I'd have
to stay overnight in the airport ...)
Right thing to do-the rational decision-therefore depends on both the relative
importance of various goals & the likelihood that & degree to which, they will
Rational Decisions
A rational decision must consider:
– The relative importance of the sub-goals
– Utility theory
– The degree of belief that the sub-goals will be achieved
– Probability theory
Decision theory = probability theory + utility theory :
Principle of maximum expected utility (MEU)-
“The agent is rational if and only if it chooses the action that
yields the highest expected utility, averaged over all possible
outcomes of the action”
Using FOL for (Medical) Diagnosis
p Symptom(p, Toothache) Disease(p, Cavity)
Not correct...
1. 0 P( A) 1
2. P(True) =1, P( False) = 0
3. P( A B) =P( A) + P( B) - P( A B)
Random variable
A random variable has a domain of possible values
Each value has a assigned probability between 0 and 1
The values are :
Mutually exclusive (disjoint): (only one of them are true)
Complete (there is always one that is true)
Season Sun Rain Cloud Snow
P ( A, B ) = P ( B )P ( A | B )
P ( A B ) = P ( A) P ( B | A)
P( A B) = P( B) P( A | B)
P( A | B) P( B)
P ( B | A) =
P ( A)
Bayes' Rule
Useful for assessing diagnostic probability from causal probability:
P(Cause|Effect) =
Example of Medical
Diagnosis using Bayes’ rule
Known facts:
Meningitis causes stiff neck 50% of the time.
The probability of a patient having meningitis (M) is 1/50,000.
The probability of a patient having stiff neck (S) is 1/20.
What is the probability of meningitis given stiff neck ?
P(S|M)=0.5 P(S | M) P(M) 0.5 1 / 50000
P(M) = 1/50,000 P(M | S) = = = 0.0002
P(S) 1 / 20
P(S) = 1/20
Note: posterior probability of meningitis still very small!!
• A doctor knows that the disease meningitis
causes the patient to have a stiff neck, say,
50% of the time and whiplash 80% of the time
The doctor also knows some unconditional
facts: the prior probability of a patient having
meningitis is 1/50,000, and having whiplash is
1/10,000. If a patient comes to a doctor which
treatment will be given to him and why?
P(S | M) P(M)
P(M | S) =
P(S| W) P(W)
P(W | S) =
Try Yourself
• A doctor knows that pneumonia causes a fever
95% of the time. She knows that if a person is
selected randomly from the population, there is
a 10−7 chance of the person having
pneumonia. 1 in 100 people suffer from fever.
You go to the doctor complaining about the
symptom of having a fever (evidence). What is
the probability that pneumonia is the cause of
this symptom (hypothesis)?