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Testing of Hypothesis

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Unit IV




A population consists of collection of individual units, which may be person’s or experimental

outcomes, whose characteristics are to be studied.


A sample is proportion of the population that is studied to learn about the characteristics of the

Random sample:

A random sample is one in which each item of a population has an equal chance of being


The process of drawing a sample from a population is called sampling.

Sample size:

The number of items selected in a sample is called the sample size and it is denoted by ‘n’. If
n 30, the sample is called large sample and if n 30, it is called small sample

Sampling distribution:

Consider all possible samples of size’ n’ drawn from a given population at random. We calculate
mean values of these samples.

If we group these different means according to their frequencies, the frequency distribution so
formed is called sampling distribution.

The statistic is itself a random variate. Its probability distribution is often called sampling

All possible samples of given size are taken from the population and for each sample, the statistic
is calculated. The values of the statistic form its sampling distribution.

Standard error:

The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is called the standard error.


Pop. mean = ; Pop. S.D = ; P - Pop. proportion

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sample mean = x; sample S.D = s; P' = sample Proportion

Statistic S.E (Standard Error)

Difference of sample 1 1
p1' p2 ' pq
proportions n1 n2
2 2
Difference of sample 1 2
x1 x2
means n1 n2
p' (Sample proportion)

Null Hypothesis ( H 0 )

The hypothesis tested for possible rejection under the assumption that it is true is usually called
null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is a hypothesis which reflects no change or no difference. It is
usually denoted by H 0

Alternative Hypothesis ( H1 )

The Alternative hypothesis is the statement which reflects the situation anticipated to be correct if
the null hypothesis is wrong. It is usually denoted by H1 .

For example:

If H0 : 1 = 2 (There is no diff' bet' the means) then the formulated alternative hypothesis is

H1 : 1 2

ie., either H1 : 1 2 (or) 1 2

Level of significance

It is the probability level below which the null hypothesis is rejected. Generally, 5% and 1% level
of significance are used.

Critical Region (or) Region of Rejection

The critical region of a test of statistical hypothesis is that region of the normal curve which
corresponds to the rejection of null hypothesis.

The shaded portion in the following figure is the critical region which corresponds to 5% LOS

Critical values (or) significant values

The sample values of the statistic beyond which the null hypothesis will be rejected are called
critical values or significant values

Level of significance
Types of test 1% 5% 10%

Two tailed test 2.58 1.96 1.645

One tailed test 2.33 1.645 1.28

Two tailed test and one-tailed tests:

When two tails of the sampling distribution of the normal curve are used, the relevant test is
called two tailed test.

The alternative hypothesis H1 : 1 2 is taken in two tailed test for H 0 : 1 = 2

When only one tail of the sampling distribution of the normal curve is used, the test is described
as one tail test H1 : 1 2 (or) 1 2

H0 1 2
two tailed test
H1 1 2

Type I and type II Error

Type I Error : Rejection of null hypothesis when it is correct

Type II Error : Acceptance of null hypothesis when it is wrong

Procedure for testing Hypothesis:

1. Formulate H 0 and H1
2. Choose the level of significance
3. Compute the test statistic Z, using the data available in the problem
4. Pick out the critical value at % level say Z
5. Draw conclusion: If |Z| < Z , accept H0 at % level. Otherwise reject H0 at % level

Test of Hypothesis (Large Sample Tests)

Large sample tests (Test based in Normal distribution.)

Type - I: (Test of significance of single mean)

Let {x1, x 2 ,. . . .xn } be a sample of size (n 30) taken from a population with mean and
S.D . Let x be the sample mean. Assume that the population is Normal.

To test whether the difference between Population mean and sample mean x is significant or
not and this sample comes from the normal population whose mean is or not.

H0 : = a specified value

H1 : a specified value

we choose = 0.05(5%) (or) 0.01(1%) as the Level of significance

the test statistic is

x x
Z= N(0.1) for large n.
S .E ( x)

1. If is not known, for large n, S.E x = where 's' is the sample S.D


1. A sample of 900 members is found to have a mean 3.5cm. Can it reasonably regarded as a simple
sample from a large population whose mean is 3.38 and a standard deviation 2.4cm?

We formulate the null hypothesis that the sample is drawn from population whose mean is

i.e., H 0 : = 3.38

H1 : 3.38

Hence it is a two-tailed test

Level of significance = 0.05

Test statistic Z =

Given x 3.5, =3.38, n = 900, =2.4

3.5 3.32
Z= 1.5

Critical value:

At 5% level, the tabulated value of Z is 1.96


Since |Z| = 1.5 < 1.96, H 0 is accepted at 5% level of significance

i.e., the sample comes from a population with mean 3.38cm

2. A manufacturer claims that his synthetic fishing line has a mean breaking strength of 8kg and S.D
0.5kg. Can we accept his claim if a random sample of 50 lines yield a mean breaking of 7.8kg. Use 1%
level of significance.


We formulate H 0 : =8

H1 : 8

L.O.S = 0.01
Test statistic Z =

Given x 7.8, = 8, n = 50, = 0.5

7.8 8
Z= 2.828

|Z| = 2.828

Critical value:

At 1% level of significance the table of Z = 2.58


Since |Z| > 2.58, H 0 is rejected at 1% level

i.e., the manufacturer’s claim is not accepted

3. A random sample of 200 Employee’s at a large corporation showed their average age to be 42.8 years,
with a S.D of 6.8 years. Test the hypothesis H 0 : = 40 versus H1 : > 40 at = 0.01 level of


We set up H 0 : = 40

H1 : 40

It is one tailed test.

L.O.S = 0.01

Test statistic Z =

Given x 42.8, = 40, n = 200, = 6.89

42.8 40
Z= 5.747

Critical value:

For one-tail test, the table value of Z at 1% level = 2.33


Since |Z| =5.747> 2.33, H 0 is rejected at 1% level.

i.e., The hypothesis = 40 is accepted at this level.

Type - II:

Test of significance of difference of two means

Consider two samples of sizes n1 and n2 taken from two different populations with population
means 1 and 1 and S.D's 1 and 2

Let x1 and x2 be the sample means and S1 and S2 be the S.D's of the samples

The formulated null and alternative hypothesis is,

H0 : 1 = 2

H1 : 1 2

The test statistic 'Z' is defined by

x1 x2
S .E ( x1 x2 )

x1 x2
ie., Z = N(0,1)
2 2
1 2
n1 n2

We use the los is 0.05 (or ) 0.01

If |Z| < Z , H0 is accepted at %Los

otherwise, H0 is rejected at %Los


In many situations, we do not know the S.D’s of the populations (or) population from which the
samples are drawn.

In such cases, we can subs the S.D’s are of samples S1 and S2 in place of 1 and 2

x1 x2
The test statistic Z =
s12 s2 2
n1 n2


The mean of two sample large samples of 1000 and 200 members are 67.5 inches and 68 inches
respectively. Can the samples be regard as drawn from the population of standard deviation of 2.5 inches?
Test at 5% Los


we set up H0 : 1 2

ie., the samples are drawn from the sample population

H1: 1 2

x1 x2
The test statistic Z =
1 1
n1 n2

Given x1 67.5; n1 = 1000

x2 68; n2 = 2000; =2.5

67.5 68
Z= 5.164
1 1
1000 2000

|Z| = 5.164

We choose the Los =0.05

Critical value:

The table values of Z at 5% Los is Z = 1.96


Since |Z| > 1.96, H 0 is rejected at 5% Los.

The sample cannot be regards as drawn from the same population.

2. Samples of students were drawn from two universities and from the weights is kilogram. The
means and S.D’s are calculated. Test the significance of the difference between the means of two
Mean S.D Sample Size
University A 55 10 400
University B 57 15 100

we set up H0 : 1 2

ie., there is no significant difference between the sample means

H1: 1 2 ; = 0.05

x1 x2
The test statistic Z = `
s12 s2 2
n1 n2

Given x1 55; s1 = 10; n1 400

x2 57; s2 = 15; n2 =100

55 57
Z= 1.265
102 152
400 100

|Z| = 1.265

Critical value:
The table values of Z at 5% Los is Z = 1.96


Since |Z| < 1.96, H 0 is accepted at 5% Los. We conclude that the difference between the means is
not significant.

3. The average hourly wage of a sample of 150 workers is plant A was Rs. 2.56 with a S.D of
Rs.1.08. The average wage of a sample of 200 workers in plant B was Rs. 2.87 with a S.D of Rs.
1.28. Can an applicant safety assume that the hourly wages paid by plant B are greater than those
paid by plant A?

Let x1 and x2 denote the hourly wages paid to workers in plant A and plant B respectively.

We set up H0 : 1 2 (Plant Bnot greater than Plant A)

H1 : 1 2 (one tailed test)

= 0.05

x1 x2
Z =
s12 s2 2
n1 n2

Given x1 2.56; s1 = 1.08; n1 150

x2 2.87; s2 =1.28; n2 = 200

2.56 2.87
Z= 2.453
(1.08)2 (1.28) 2
150 200

|Z| = 2.453

Critical value:

The table values of Z at 5% in case of one-tailed test is Z = 1.645


Since |Z| > 1.643, H 0 is rejected at 5% Los.

The hourly wage paid by Plant B are greater than those paid by Plant A

4. A sample of size 30 from a normal population yielded 80 and variance 150. A sample of
size 40 from a second normal population yielded the sample mean 71 and variance 200.
Test H 0 : 1 2 2. Versus H1 : 1 2 2


H0 : 1 2 2.

ie., the diff 'bet the means of two population is 2

Versus H1 : 1 2 2 (one tailed)

x1 x2 1 2
Test Statistic Z =
s12 s2 2
n1 n2

(80 71) 2
Z= 2.215
150 200
30 40

Critical value:

For one tail test, at 5% Los the table value of z = 1.645


Since |Z| > 1.645, H 0 is rejected.

The formulated null hypothesis H0 : 1 2 2 is wrong

5. A buyer of electric bulbs purchases 400 bulbs; 200 bulbs of each brand. Upon testing these
bulbs be found that brand A has an average of 1225 hrs with a S.D of 42 hrs. where as brand B
had a mean life of 1265 hrs with a S.D of 60 hrs. Can the buyer be certain that brand B is
Superior than brand A in quality?

H0 : 1 2 ;

ie., the two brands of bulbs do not differ in quality

ie., they have the same mean life

H1: 1 < 2 (one tailed)

L.o.s : = 0.05

x1 x2 x1 x2
Test Statistic Z =
S .E x1 x2 s12 s2 2
n1 n2

Here, x1 1225; s1 = 42; n1 200

x2 1265; s2 =60; n2 = 200

1225 1265 40
Z= 7.72
(42) 2 (60) 2 5.18
200 200

| Z | = 7.72

Critical value:

The critical value of Z at 5% Los Z = 1.645.


Since |z| < 1.645 H 0 is rejected.

The brand B is superior to brand A in equality.

Type - III:

Test of significance of single proportion:

If ‘x’ is the number of times possessing a certain attribute in a sample of n items,

The sample proportion p '

p' :sample porportion;

p: population proportion.

The hypothesis H0 : p = p'

ie., p has a specified value

Alternative hyp: H1 : p p'

p' p
Test statistic Z =

Since the sample is large Z N(0,1)


1. A coin is tossed 400 times and it turns up head 216 times. Discuss whether the coin may be
regarded as unbiased one.


we set up H0 : coin is unbiased

1 1
ie., p = q = 1- p =
2 2

H1 : coin is biased

= 0.05

p' p
Test statistic Z =

Here p' ;n 400
0.54 0.5
Z= 1.6

Table value of Z = 1.96


Since z < 1.96, H0 is accepted at 5% Los

Hence the coin may be regarded as unbiased

2. In a city of sample of 500 people, 280 are tea drinkers and the rest are coffee drinkers.
Can we assume that both coffee and tea are equally popular in this city at 5% Los.


we set up H0 : p =

ie., the coffee and tea are equally popular

H1 : p

p' p
Test statistic Z =

Here p' 0.56; n 500; p=0.5

q = 1-p = 0.5

0.56 0.5
Z= 2.68
0.5 0.5


Since z > 1.96, H0 is rejected at 5% level

Both type of drinkers are not popular at 5% Los.
3. A manfacturing company claims that atleast 95% of its products supplied confirm to the
specifications out of a sample of 200 prodcuts, 18 are defective. Test the claim at 5% Los.
we set up H0 : The proportion of the products confirming to specification is 95%
ie., p = 0.95
H1 : p < 0.95 (one tailed test)
p' p
200 18
Here p' 0.91; n 200
p = 0.95 q = 1- p = 0.05
0.91 0.95
Z= 2.595 | Z | 2.595
0.95 0.05
Critical value : at 5%Los Z 1.645
z =2.595 > 1.645, H0 is rejected at 5% Los(Level of significance)
4. A manfacturer claims that only 4% of his products supplied by him are defective.
Sample of 600 products contained 36 defectives. Test the claim of the manufactrer.
we set up H0 : p = 0.04
H1 : p > 0.04 (one tailed test)
p' p
Test Statistic Z =
Here p =0.04 q = 1-p = 0.96
p' 0.06; n 500
0.06 0.04
Z= 2.5
0.04 0.96
Critical value :
The table value of Z =1.645 at 5%L.o.s
Z = 2.5 > 1.645, H0 is rejected
Manufacturer's claim is not acceptable
Type - IV: Test of significance for Difference of proportion of success in two samples:

To test the significance of the difference between the sample proportions p1' and p2' .

We formulate the null hypothesis H0 : p1 = p2

ie., the population proportions are equal

The alternative hypothesis is H1: p1 p2

1 1
The standard error of p1' p2' pq
n1 n2

x x n1 p1' n2 p2 '
Where p= 1 2
n1 n2 n1 n2

p1' p2'
The test statistic is Z = N (0,1)
1 1
n1 n2

1. If a sample of 300 units of a manufactured product 65 units were found to be defective and in

another sample of 200 units, there were 35 defectives. Is there significant difference in the

proportion of defectives in the samples at 5% Los.


H0: p1 = p2 (ie., There is no significant difference in the proportion defectives in the samples)

The alternative hypothesis H1: p1 p2

Los: = 0.05

p1' p2'
The test statistic is Z =
1 1
n1 n2

p1' 0.22; p 2 ' =0.175

100 1 4
p= q
500 5 5

1 1 4 1 1
pq 0.0365
n1 n2 25 300 200
0.22 0.175
Z= 1.233

Critical value :

The table value of Z at 5% Level =1.96


Z < 1.96, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

The difference in the porportion of defectives in the samples is not significant

2. A machine puts out 16 imperfect articles in a sample of 500. After the machine is over-hauled

in puts out 3 imperfect articles in a batch of 100. Has the machine improved?


H0: Machine has not been improved

ie., H0 : p1 = p2

The alternative hypothesis H1: p1 p2 (one-tailed)

Los: = 0.05

p1' p2'
The test statistic is Z =
1 1
n1 n2

Here p1' 0.032; p 2' =0.03

n1 = 500; n 2 =100

19 581
p= and q
600 600

0.032 0.03
Z= 0.104
19 581 1 1
600 600 500 100

| Z | = 0.104
Critical value :
The table value of Z for one tailed test Z = 1.645 at 5 Los
Z < 1.645, H 0 is accepted at 5% Los.
The Machine has not improved due to overhaulding.

3. Before an increase in excise duty on tea, 800 perons out of a sample of 1000 persons were

found to be tea drinkers. After an increse is excise duty. 800 people were tea drinkers in a

sample of 1200 people. Test whether there is a significant decrease in the consumption of

tea after the increase in excise duty at 5% Los


H0: the proportion of tea drinkers before and after the increase in excise duty are equal

ie., p1 = p 2

H1: p1 p2

Los: = 0.05

p1' p2'
The test statistic is Z =
1 1
n1 n2

Here x1 =800; x2 =800; n1 = 1000;

800 800
n 2 =1200; p1' 0.8; p2' = 0.67
1000 1200

x1 x2 1600 8 3
p= = = q
n1 n2 2200 11 11

1 1 24
pq 0.001 0.0008 0.0189
n1 n2 121
Z= 6.88 |Z| 6.88

Critical value: At 5% Los 1.645


Z > 1.645, H0 is rejected.

There is a significance decrease in the consumption of tea due to increase in excise duty.

Type - V: (Test of significance for the difference of S.D’s of two large samples)

Let S1 and S2 be the S.D's of two indepedent samples of sizes n1 and n2 respectively

The null hypothesis H0 : 1 2 ;

ie., the sample S.D's do not differ significantly.

The Alternative Hypothesis H1: 1 2

S1 S2
the test statistic is Z = N (0,1) for large 'n'
S.E (S1 S2 )

ie., If 1 and 2 are known,

S1 S2
Z= N (0,1)
2 2
1 2
2n1 2n2

(or)If 1 and 2 are not known,

S1 S2
S12 S2 2
2n1 2n2

If |Z| > Z , H0 is rejected at % level, otherwise H0 is accepted


1. The sample of sizes 1000 and 800 gave the following results
Mean S.D
Sample I 17.5 2.5
Sample II 18 2.7

Assuming that the samples are indepedent, test whether the two samples may be

regarded as drawn from the universe with same S.D's at 1% Level.


We set up H0 : 1 2 ;

ie., two samples maybe regarded as drawn from the universe with same S.D’s

H1 : 1 2

S1 S2
Test statistic Z =
S12 S2 2
2n1 2n2

Here n1 = 1000; n2 =800; S1 2.5; S2 = 2.7

2.5 2.7 0.2

Z = =
(2.5)2 (2.7) 2 0.3125 0.455625
2000 1600

| Z | =2.282

Critical value :
At 1% Los, the tabulated value is 2.58
Since Z < 2.58, H 0 is accepted at 1% Los.
The two samples may be regarded as drawn from the universe with the same S.D's

2. In a survey of incomes of two classes of workers, two random samples gave the following

results. Examine whether the differences between (i) the means and (ii) the S.D's are


Sample Size Mean annualincome (Rs) S.D in Rs

I 100 582 24
II 100 546 28

Examine also whether the samples have been drawn from a population with same S.D


(i) We set up H0 : 1 2 ;

ie., the difference is not significant

H1 : 1 2

Here it is two tailed test

x1 x 2 582 546
Test statistic Z =
2 2
S1 S2 (24)2 (28)2
n1 n2 100 100

Z = =9.76
(24) 2 (28) 2

| Z | = 9.76

Critical value :

At 5% Los, the table value of Z is 1.96


Since Z > 1.96, H0 is rejected at 5% Los.

There is a significant difference in the means in the two samples.

(ii) H 0 : 1 2

H1 : 1 2

Here it is two tailed test

Los: = 0.05

S1 S2 24 28
Test statistic Z =
S12 S2 2 (24)2 (28)2
2n1 2n2 200 200
Z = = 1.53
288 392

| Z | = 1.53

Critical value :

At 5% Los, the table value of Z is 1.96


Since Z < 1.96, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

The difference between the sample S.D's is not significant.

Hence we conclude that the two samples have been drawn from population with the same S.D's

3. Two machines A and B produced 200 and 250 items on the average per day with a S.D of

20 and 25 items reply on the basis of records of 50 day's production. Can you regard both

machine's equally efficient at 1% Los.


(i) H 0 : 1 2 ; ie., the two machines aer equally efficient

H1 : 1 2

Los: = 0.05

S1 S2
Test statistic Z =
S12 S2 2
n1 n2

n1 =200 50; S2 = 25

n2 =250 50; S1 20

(20 25) 50 5 50
Z = = 23.57
400 625 1 1.25
400 500

| Z | = 23.57
Critical value :
At 1% Los, the table value of Z is 2.58

Since Z > 2.58, H 0 is rejected at 1% Los.

We conclude that the both machines are not equally efficient at 1% Los

Small sample Tests (t - Test):

Consider a random sample {x1 ,x 2 ,.....x n }of size 'n' drawn from a Normal population with
mean and variance .
i 1
Sample mean x
The unbiased estimate of the pop.variance is denoted as s 2 .
( xi x) 2
s2 i 1

n 1
|x |
The student's t-statistic is defined as t = n , Where n = sample size
The degree of freedon of this statistic
V=n 1

Type I:

To test the significance of a single mean (For small samples)

x x
Test Statistic t =
S .D S
n 1 n

s = sample S.D and

1 ns 2
S2 ( x x)2 (or) S=
n 1 n 1

If the computed value of t is greater than the critical value t ,Ho is rejected

(or) if |t| < t , the null hypothesis Ho is accepted at level.

1. A machinist is making engine parts with axle diameter of 0.700 inch. A random sample of

10 parts shows a mean diamter of 0.742 inch with a S.D of 0.40. Test whether the work is

meeting the specification at 5% Los


Given that n =10; x 0.742 inches

ns 2 10 (0.40)2
= 0.700 inches S= = 0.4216
n 1 9

s = 0.40 inches S = 0.42

Null hypothesis H0 : the product is confirming to specification ie., there is no significant

difference between x and

H0 : 0.700inches

H1 : 0.700inches

|x |
Test Statistic t = n =0.316

degrees of freedom = n-1 = 9

Table value of t at 5% level = 2.26

the product is meeting the specification.

2. Ten individuals are chosen at random from a population and their heights are found to be

in inches 63, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 70, 71, 71. In the light of this data, discuss the suggestion

that the mean height in the universe is 66 inches.


x : 63 63 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 71

(x- x)2 : 23.04 23.04 3.24 0.64 0.04 1.44 4.84 4.84 10.24 10.24

x 678 and (x - x)2 81.6

x 678
x 67.8
n 10

(x - x) 2 81.6
S= 3.011
9 9

Let H 0 : = 66 the mean and height if the universe is 66 inches

and H1 : 66
Los = 0.05
|x | 67.8 66
Test Statistic t = n 10 1.89
s 3.011

Table value of t for 9 d.f at 5% Los is t 0 2.2

Since |t| < t 0 ,H0 is accepted at 5% level.

The mean height of universe of 66 is accepted.

Type II: (Test of significance of difference of mean)

x1 x2
Test Statistic t =
1 1
n1 n2

n1s12 n2 s2 2
Where S2 (or)
n1 n2 2

( x1 x1 ) 2 ( x2 x 2 )2
n1 n2 2

The number of degrees of freedom = V = n1 n2 2

The calculated value of t is less than the table value of t for d.f = n1 n2 2, H0 is accepted

Otherwise H0 is rejected at the selected Los

1. Two independent samples from normal pop's with equal variances gave the following


Sample Size Mean S.D

1 16 23.4 2.5

2 12 24.9 2.8

Test for the equations of means.


(i) We set up H0 : 1 2 ; ie., there is no significant difference between their means

H1 : 1 2

Los: = 0.05

x1 x2 n1s12 n2 s2 2
Test Statistic t = Where S2
1 1 n1 n2 2
n1 n2

Given x1 23.4; n1 16; s1 2.5

x2 24.9; n 2 12; s 2 2.8

n1s12 n2 s2 2 16(2.5) 2 12(2.8) 2

S2 =
n1 n2 2 16 12 2

100 94.08
= =7.465

S = 2.732

23.4 24.9
t= = -1.438
1 1
16 12

| t | = 1.438

Number of degrees of freedom = n1 n2 2 26

Critical value :

The table value of t for 26 d.f at 5% Los is

t 0.05 2.056

Since the calculated value of t is less than table value of t,

H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

There is no significant difference between their means

2. Two independent samples of 8 and 7 items respectively had the following values

Sample I : 9 13 11 11 15 9 12 14

Sample II : 10 12 10 14 9 8 10

Is the difference between the means of the samples significant?


We set up H0 : 1 2

H1 : 1 2

Hence it is a two tailed test

Los: = 0.05

x1 x2
Test Statistic t =
1 1
n1 n2

( x1 x1 ) 2 ( x2 x 2 )2
Where S
n1 n2 2

Computation of t:
d1 ( x1 x1 ) d2 ( x2 x2 )
x1 d1 x1 11.75 d1 2
( x1 x1 ) 2 x2 d2 x2 10.43 d 22 ( x2 x2 ) 2

9 -2.75 7.5625
10 -0.43
13 1.25 1.5625
12 1.57
11 -0.75 0.5625
10 -0.43
11 -0.75 0.5625
14 3.57
15 3.25 10.5625
9 -1.43
9 -2.75 7.5625
8 -2.43
12 0.25 0.0625
10 -0.43
14 2.25 5.0625

d1 3.5 d12 33.5 d2 0.01 d22 23.7143

x1 11 11.75
x2 10 10.43
2 2
d1 36
( x1 x1 ) d 1 38 33.5
n1 8

2 2
d2 9
( x2 x2 ) d2 25 33.5
n2 7

33.5 23.71
S2 S = 2.097
8 7 2

x1 x2
1 1
n1 n2
11.75 10.43
1 1
8 7

t = 1.218

d.f = 8 + 7 - 2 = 13

Critical value:

The table value of t for 13 d.f at 5% level is 2.16


Since | t | < 2.16, H0 is accepted

There is no significant difference between the means of the two samples.

Type III:

Testing of significance of the difference in means paired data.

When the two samples are of the same sizes and the data are paired
the test statistic is t =
Where d mean of differences

(d d ) 2
and S =
n 1
Degrees of freedom = n-1

1. Elevan school boys were given a test in painting. They were given a month's further tution
and a second test of equal difficulty was held at the end of the month. Do the marks give
evidance that the students have beneifit by extra coaching?
Boys: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

First Test (marks) 25 23 19 22 21 19 22 21 25 18 20

Second test (marks) 26 22 22 19 23 21 24 24 25 22 18


H0 : the student have not been benefited by extra coaching.

ie., The mean of the difference between the marks of the two tests is zero

ie., H0 : d 0

H1: d 0

Los: = 0.05 (or) 5%

the test statistic is t =

S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
d=x-y -1 1 -3 3 -2 -2 -2 -3 0 -4 2
d-d 0 2 -2 4 -1 -1 -1 -2 1 -3 3
2 0 4 4 16 1 1 1 4 1 9 9

d 11
d 11; d 1
n 11
d-d 50

(d d ) 2 50
S= 5 2.236
n 1 10
d 1
S 2.236
n 11

|t|= 1.48

No. of d.f = 11-1 = 10

Critical value:

At 5% Los, the table value of t at 10 degree freedom is 1.812


| t | < 1.812, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

The students have not been benefited by extra-coaching.

2. The scores of 10 candidates prior and after training are given below,
Prior : 84 48 36 37 54 69 83 96 90 65
After : 90 58 56 49 62 81 84 86 84 75
Is the training effective?


We set up H0 : the training is not effective

ie., H0 : d 0

H1: d 0

the test statistic is t =

S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
d=x-y -6 -10 -20 -12 -8 -12 -1 10 6 -10
d-d 0.3 -3.7 -13.7 -5.7 -1.7 -5.7 5.3 16.3 12.3 -3.7
2 0.09 13.69 187.69 32.49 2.89 32.49 28.09 265.69 151.29 13.69
d 63
d 63; d 6.3
n 10
d-d 728.1

(d d ) 2 728.1
S= 80.9 8.994
n 1 9

S 8.994

6.3 6.3
t 2.21
8.994 2.844

| t | = 2.21

Degrees of freedom V= n-1 = 10-1 = 9

Critical value:

At 5% Los, the table value of t at 9 degree freedom is 2.262


| t | < 2.262, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

There is no effective in the training.

Variance Ratio Test (or) F-test for equality of variances

This test is used to test the significance of two or more sample estimates of population variance

The F-statistic is defined as a ratio of unbiased estimate of population variance

S2 x1 x1
F = 12 ; Where S12
S2 n1 1

x2 x2
S2 2
n2 1
The distribution of F = 2 S12 S2 2 is given by the following p.d.f

If S12 and S22 are the variances of two sample of sizes n1 and n 2 respectively, the estimate

of the population variances based on these samples are respectively

n1s12 n 2s 2 2
S12 ; S2 2
n1 1 n2 1

d.f V1 = n1 1 &V2 = n2 1

While defining the statistic F, the large oftwo variances is always placed in the numerator and

smaller in the denominator

Test of significance for equality of population variances

Consider two independent R, samples x1 ,x 2 ,.......x n1 & y1 ,y 2 ,.......y n 2 from normal populations
The hypothesis to be tested is

"The population variances are same".

2 2
we set up: H0 : 1 = 2

2 2
& H1: 1 2

The test statistic F= 2 S12 S2 2

n n
1 2 1 2
S12 xi x and S12 yj y
n1 1 i 1 n1 1 j 1

F distribution with d.f V1 = n1 1 &V2 = n2 1


1. It is known that the mean diameters o rivets produced by two firms A and B are practically the
same but the standard deviations may differ.
For 22 rivets produced by A, the S.D is 2.9 m, while for 16 rivets manufactured by B, the S.D is
3.8 m. Test whether the products of A have the same variability as those of B
2 2
H0 : 1 = 2
ie., variability for the two types of products are same.
Los: = 0.05 (or) 5%
The test statistic F= 2 S12 S2 2
Given, n1 = 22; n 2 = 16
S1 = 2.9; S2 = 3.8
n1s12 22(2.9) 2
S12 8.81
n1 1 22 1
n 2s 2 2 16(3.8)2
S2 2 15.40
n2 1 16 1
S2 2
F = S2 2 S12
F = 1.748
Number of degrees of freedom are V1 16 1 15
V2 22 1 21
Critical value:
At 5% Los, the table value of F at d.f (15,21) is F = 2.18
F< 2.18, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.
Variability for two types of products may be same.
2. Two random samples of sizes 8 and 11, drawn from two normal populations are characterized
as follows

Size Sum of observations Sum of square of observations

Sample I 8 9.6 61.52

Sample II 11 16.5 73.26

You are to decide if the two populations can be taken to have the same variance.


Let x and y be the observations of two samples

2 2
we set up: H0 : 1 = 2
2 2
& H1: 1 2

For sample I

x2 x
s 1
n n

61.52 9.6
8 8

= 7.69 (1.2)2 7.69 1.44

s12 6.25

For sample II

y2 y
n n

73.26 16.5
11 11

= 6.66 (1.5)2 6.66 2.25

s22 4.41

n1s12 8(6.25)
S12 7.143
n1 1 7

n 2s 2 2 11(4.41)
S2 2 4.851
n2 1 10

S2 2
F = S2 2 S12
= 1.472

F = 1.472

Number of degrees of freedom are V1 n1 1 8 1 7

V2 n 2 1 11 1 10
Critical value:
The table value of F for (7,10) d.f at 5% Los is 3.14
Since | F |<3.14, H 0 is accepted at 5% level
Variances of two populations may be same.
Variability for two types of products may be same.

Chi-Square Test


If Oi (i = 1, 2, . . . . . n) are set of observed (experimental) frequencies and Ei (i 1,2,....n)

are the corresponding set of expected frequncies, then the statistic

is defined as

2 Oi Ei
i 1 Ei

The degree of freedom is v = n 1

For fitting Binomial distribution v = n 1

For fitting Poisson distribution v = n 2

For fitting Normal distribution v=n 3

Chi-square Test of Goodness of fit

If the calculated value of is less than the table value at a specified Los.
The fit is considered to be good
otherwise the fit is considered to be poor.
Conditions for applying Test
For the validity of chi-square test of "goodness of fit" between theory and experiment following

Conditions must be satisfied.

(i) The sample of observations should be independent

(ii) Constraints on the cell frequncies. If any, should be linear.
(iii) N, the total frequency should be reasonably large, say greater than 50.
(iv) N0 theoretical cell frequency should be less than 5, If any theoretical cell
frequency less than 5, the for application 2 test
It is pooled with the preceeding or succeeding frequency so that the pooled
frequency is greater than 5 and finally adjust for the d.f lost in pooling.


1. The following table gives the number of aircraft accident that occured during the various days

of the week. Test whether the acidents are uniformly distributed over the week.

Days : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total

No.of accidents : 14 18 12 11 15 14 84


We set up H0 : The accidents are uniformly distributed over the week

Los α = 0.05
2 Oi Ei
Test Statistic
i 1 Ei

Under the nul hypothesis,

The expected frequency of the on each day = 14

Oi : 14 18 12 11 15 14

Ei : 14 14 14 14 14 14

2 2 2 2 2 2
2 14 14 18 14 12 14 11 14 15 14 14 14
14 14 14 14 14 14

= 1.143 + 0.286 + 0.643 + 0.071

= 2.143

Number of degrees of freedom V = n 1=7 1=6

Critical value:
The tablulated value of at 5% for 6 d.f is 12.59

Since < 12.59, we accept the null hypothesis

We conclude that the accidents are uniformly distributed over the week.

2. The theory predicts the population of beans in the four groups A, B , C and D should be

9:3:3:1. In an experiment among 1600 beans, the number in the four groups were 882, 313,
287 and 118. Does the experimental result support the theory?


We set up the null hypothesis

H0 : The theory fits well into the experiment

ie., the experimental results supports the theory

Total Number of beans = 1600

Divide these beans in the ratio 9:3:3:1

To calculate the expected frequencies

E(882) = 1600 900

E(313) = 1600 300

E(287) = 1600 300

E(118) = 1600 100

Oi : 882 313 287 118

Ei : 900 300 300 100

2 Oi Ei
Test Statistic
i 1 Ei

2 2 2 2
2 882 900 313 300 287 300 118 100
900 300 300 100

= 0.36 + 0.563 + 0.563 + 3.24

= 4.726

Critical Value:

The table value of at 5% for 3 d.f is 7.815


Since < 7.815, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

We conclude that there is a very good correspondent between theory and experiment

3. 4 coins were tossed 160 times and the following results were obtained.

No. of heads : 0 1 2 3 4

Frequency : 19 50 52 30 9 160

0 50 104 90 36 280
Test the goodness of fit with the help of on the assumption that the coins are unbiased


We set up, the null hypothesis, the coins are unbiased:

The probability if getting the success of heads is p =

q = 1- p =

When 4 coins are tossed, the probability of getting 'r' heads is given by,
P(x = r) = n Cr pr qn-r ; r = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

r 4-r
1 1
= 4Cr
2 2

= 4Cr

P(x = r) 4C r r = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

The expected frequencies of getting 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 heads are given by 1604Cr

= 104Cr , r = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

= 10, 40, 60, 40, 10

Oi : 19 50 52 30 9

Ei : 10 40 60 40 10

26 48 43 26 12
2 Oi Ei
Test Statistic
i 1 Ei

2 2 2 2 2
2 19 10 50 40 52 60 30 40 9 10
10 40 60 40 40

= 8.1 + 2.5 + 1.067 + 2.5+0.1

= 14.267

D.f V= n-1=5-1=4

Critical value:
The table value of for 4 d.f at 5% Los is 9.488

Since > 9.488, H 0 is rejected at 5% Los
The coins are biased

4. The follwoing table shows the distribution of goals in a football match

No. of goals : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

No. of mistakes : 95 158 108 63 40 9 5 2

Fit a poisson distribution and test the goodness of fit.


Fitting of poisson distribution

x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

f : 95 158 108 63 40 9 5 2

fx 812 and f 480

fx 812
x 1.7
f 480

The expected frequencies are computed by

e (1.7) r
= 480 r = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

= 88, 150, 126, 72, 30, 10, 3, 1

We set up H0 : The fit is good

2 Oi Ei
Test Statistic
i 1 Ei

Oi : 95 158 108 63 40 9 5 2

Ei : 88 150 126 72 30 10 3 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2O E 95 88 158 150 108 126 40 30 16 14 63 72
E 88 150 126 30 14 72
= 0.56 + 0.43 + 2.57 + 3.33 + 1.12 +0.29
= 8.30

Number of degrees of freedom V= n-2 = 6 - 2 =4

Critical value:
The table value of at 5% Los for 4 d.f is 9.483

Since < 9.483, H 0 is accepted at 5% Los.

The fit is good

5. Apply the test of goodness of fit to the follwoing data

Oi : 1 5 20 28 42 22 15 5 2

Ei : 1 6 18 25 40 25 18 6 1


H0 : The fit is good

= 0.05 (or) 5%

Oi : 1 5 20 28 42 22 15 5 2
6 7

Ei : 1 6 18 25 40 25 18 6 1
7 7

2 Oi Ei
Test Statistic
i 1 Ei
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 6 7 20 18 28 25 42 40 22 25 15 18 7 7
7 18 25 40 25 18 7

= 0.143 + 0.222 + 0.36 + 0.1 + 0.36 +0.5 +0

= 1.685

d.f V= n-1 = 7 - 1 = 6
Critical value:
At 5% Los, the table value of for 6 d.f is 12.592

Since <12.592, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

The fit is good

6. The follwoing table shows the number of electricity failures in a town for a period of 180 days
Failures : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

No. of days : 12 39 47 40 20 17 3 2

Use , examine whether the data are poisson distributed.


Fitting of poisson distribution

x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

f : 12 39 47 40 20 17 3 2

fx : 0 39 94 120 80 85 18 14

fx 450 and f 180

fx 450
x 2.5
f 180

The expected frequencies are computed by

e (2.5) r
= 180 r = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Ei = 15, 37, 46, 38, 24, 12, 5, 2

r = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

We set up H0 : The fit is good

Oi : 12 39 47 40 20 17 3 2
Ei : 15 37 46 38 24 12 5 2

Test Statistic

2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 12 15 39 37 47 46 40 38 20 24 17 12 5 7
15 37 46 38 24 12 7

= 0.6 + 0.108 + 0.022 + 0.105 + 0.667 +2.083+0.5+1

= 4.156

d.f V = n-1 = 7 - 1 = 6

Critical value:
At 5% Los, the table value of for 6 d.f is 12.592

Since < 12.592, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

The fit is good

Test for Independence of Attributes

Attribute A

A1 A2 ................A j .................. At Total

Attribute B1 O11 O12 ................O1j.................. O1t (B1 )

B B2

Bi Oi1 Oi 2 ................Oij.................. Oit (Bi )

. .

. .
Bs Os1 Os 2 ................Osj.................. Ost (Bs )

Total (A1 ) (A2 )................(Ai ).................(At ) N

Attribute A
A1 A 2 ................A j .................. A t Total
Attribute B1 O11 O12 ................O1j.................. O1t (B1 )
B B2
Bi O i1 Oi 2 ................O ij.................. Oit (Bi )
. .
. .
. .
Bs O s1 O s 2 ................O sj.................. O st (B s )
Total (A1 ) (A 2 )................(A i ).................(A t ) N

Such a table is called (s t) consistency table

Here, N Total Frequency

Oij Observed frequency of (i, j)th cell

The expected frequency eij obtained by the rule

row total Bi Column total A j

eij Where i = 1, 2, 3 ....... s

j = 1, 2 ........... t

Degrees of freedom associated with s t consistency table = (s - 1) (t - 1)

Chi-square table for 2 2 consistency table

a b 2
In a 2 2 consistency table where in the frequencies are , the value of is
c d

2 (a b c d )(ad bc)2
(a b)(a c)(c d )(b d )
Problems :

1. An opinion poll was conducted to find the reaction to a proposed civic reform in 100 members

of each of the two political parties theinformation is tabulated below

Favorable Unfavorable Indifferent

Party A 40 30 30
Party B 42 28 30

Test for Indepedence of reduction with the party affiliations.


We set up H0 : Reactions and party affiliations are independent

The expected frequencies are calculated by


40 30 30 100

42 28 30 100

Total 82 58 60 200

Favorable Unfavorable Indifferent

82 100 58 100 60 100

Party A 41 29 30
200 200 200

82 100 58 100 60 100

Party B 41 29 30
200 200 200
Test Statistic

2 Oi Ei
i 1 Ei

Oi : 40 30 30 42 28 30

Ei : 41 29 30 41 29 30
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 40 41 30 29 30 30 42 41 28 29 30 30
41 29 30 41 29 30

= 0.024 + 0.024 + 0.034 + 0.034

= 0.116

Number of degrees of freedom =(2-1)(3-1) = 2

Critical value:
At 5% Los, the table value of for 2 d.f is 5.99

Since < 5.99, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

The independence of reactions with the party affiliations may be correct.

2. In a locality 100 persons were randomly selected and asked about their educational

achievements. The results are given below.

Middle High School College
Male 10 15 25
Female 25 10 15
Can you say that education depends on sex?

3. The following table gives the classification of 100 workers according to sex and the nature

of work. Test whether nature of work is independent of the sec of the worker.

Skilled Unskilled Total

Male 40 20 60

Sex Female 10 30 40

Total 50 50


H0 : Nature of work is independent of the sex of the worker

Under H0 , the expected frequencies are

60 50 60 50
E(40) = 30; E(20) = 30
100 100

40 50 40 50
E(10) = 20; E(30) = 20
100 100
Test Statistic

2 Oi Ei
i 1 Ei

Oi : 40 20 10 30

Ei : 30 30 20 20

2 2 2 2
2 40 30 20 30 10 20 30 20
30 30 20 20

= 3.333 + 3.333 + 5 + 5
= 16.67

Number of degrees of freedom =(2-1)(2-1) = 1

Critical value:
The table value of at 5% Los, for 1 d.f is 3.841

Since > 3.841, H0 is rejected at 5% Los.

We conclude that the nature of work is dependent on sex of the worker.

4. From the following data, test whether there is any association between intelligency and

economics conditions

Excellent Good Medium Dull Total
Economic Good 48 200 150 80 478
Conditions Not Good 52 180 190 100 522
Total 100 380 340 180 1000

H0 : There is no association between intelligency and economic conditions.

Los : = 0.05 (or) 5%

Under H0 , the expected frequencies are obtained as follows

100 478 100 522

E(48) = 47.8; E(52) = 52.2
1000 1000

380 478 380 522

E(200) = 181.64; E(180) = 198.36
1000 1000

478 340 340 522

E(150) = 162.52; E(190) = 177.48
1000 1000

180 478 180 522

E(80) = 86.04; E(100) = 93.96
1000 1000

Oi : 48 200 150 80 52 180 190 100

Ei : 47.8 181.64 162.52 86.04 52.2 198.36 177.48 93.96

Test Statistic

2 Oi Ei
i 1 Ei

2 2 2 2 2
48 47.8 150 162.52 52 52.2 190 177.48 200 181.64
47.8 162.52 52.2 177.48 181.64

2 2 2
80 86.04 180 198.36 100 93.96
86.04 198.36 93.96

= 0.0008 + 0.9645 + 0.0008 + 0.8832+1.8558+0.4240+1.6994+0.3883

= 6.2168

Number of degrees of freedom = (s-1)(t-1) = (2-1)(4-1) = 3

Critical value:
The table value of at 5% Los for 3 d.f is 7.815

Since < 7.815, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

We conclude that there is no association between intelligency and economic conditions

5. From the following data, test the hypothesis that the flower color is independent of flatness

of leaf

Flat leaves Curved leaves Total

White Flowers 99 36 135
Red Flowers 20 5 25
Total 119 41 160


We set up: H0 : flower color is independent of flatness of leaf. Los =0.05 (or) 5%

The given probelm is a 2 x 2 consistency table

we use the formula to find is

2 (a b c d )(ad bc)2
(a b)(a c)(c d )(b d )

Here, a = 99; b = 36; e = 20; d=5

2 160(495 720)2 160(50625)

(135)(119)(25)(41) 16, 466,625

= 0.4919

Number of degrees of freedom = (s-1)(t-1) = (2-1)(2-1) = 1

Critical value:
The table value of at 5% Los for 1 d.f is 3.841
Since < 3.841, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

Flower colour is independent of flatness of leaf.

Test for single variance

Chi-square test for population variance

2 2
In this method, we set up the null hypothesis H0 : 0 (with a specified variance)

2 ns 2
The test statistic 2

Where n = sample size

s = sample variance

= population variance


If the sample size n is large (>30)

The test statistic z= 2 2n 1 ~ N (0,1)

We use the usual normal test.

1. A random sample of size 9 from a normal population have the following values 72, 68, 74, 77,

61, 63, 63, 73, 71. Test the hypothesis that the population variance is 36.

Null hypothesis H0 : 36

Alternative hypothesis H1: 36

Los : 0.05 (or) 5%

2 ns 2
The test statistic 2

x : 72 68 74 77 61 63 63 73 71
x 622
x 622; x 69.11
n 9
x x : 2.9 -1.1 4.9 7.9 -8.1 -6.1 -6.1 3.9 1.9

x x : 8.41 1.21 24.01 62.41 65.61 37.21 37.21 15.21 3.61

x x 254.89

2 ns 2 254.89

d. f n-1 = 9-1 = 8

Critical value:
The table value of for 8 d.f at 5% Los is 15.51

Since < 15.51, H0 is accepted at 5% Los.

We conclude that the hypothesis of population variance is 36 is accepted

2. Test the hypothesis that 10, given that s = 15 for a random sample of size 50 from a

normal population


Null hypothesis H0: 10

Alternative hypothesis H1: 36

We are given n = 50; s = 15

2 ns 2 50 225
= 112.5

Since 'n' is large (n > 30, the test statistic z = 2 2n 1

= 225 99 15 9.95
z = 5.05

This statistic z follows N(0,1)

Critical value:

At 5% Los, the table value of z is 3


Since | z | > 3, H0 is rejected.

We conclude that 10

3. The standard deviation of the distribution of times taken by 12 workers for performing a Job

is 11 sec. Can it be taken 1 as a sample from a popualation whose S.D is 10 sec.


Let H0: 10

ie., the population standard deviation 10

H1: 10

Los : 0.05 (or) 5% Los

Given n = 12; s = 11

The test statistic is

2 ns 2

12 121
= 14.52

Degrees of freedom = n - 1 = 12 - 1 = 11

Critical value:
The table value of for 11 d.f at 5%Los is 19.675.

Since < 19.675, H0 is accepted at 5% level

The S.D of the time element is 10 sec is supported.

ie., the population standard deviation 10

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