Aryabhatt Institute of Technology New Delhi, India
Aryabhatt Institute of Technology New Delhi, India
Aryabhatt Institute of Technology New Delhi, India
1801131123 DEPARTMENT
(Training and Placement Officer)
Aryabhatt Institute of Technology
New Delhi, India
PROJECT REPORT ON “Working of Pneumatic Shearing machine”
VINAY VERMA - 1801131126
YASH GUPTA - 1801131133
YOGENDRA - 1801131134
YOGESH KUMAR - 1801131135
The Project Report has been prepared as per the requirement of the Project for partial
fulfilment of the curriculum in order to award Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
The Project is like a bridge between theoretical and practical knowledge. The basic
objective behind making Project and preparing Project Report is to develop understanding
of subject based knowledge delivered in class room, workshops and labs in the context of its
application at work places which enable us to develop first hand confidence and experience
in order to use/apply knowledge and skills to solve practical problems on work places faced
in manufacturing of product and to identify actual field problems including repair and
maintenance of Machine Tools and equipment
In order to make the Project, we have visited the industry and conducted market survey for
necessary information and parts.
The Project Report is comprising with the basic concept of
Pneumatic Shearing machine
The detailed information presented in this Project Report is obtained from the various sources
Like-Industrial visit, market survey, websites, reports and Literature.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Project In-Charge and Guide SH. S.K
TIWARI (Placement and Training Officer) of ARYABHATT INSTITUTE OF
TECHNOLOGY for providing invaluable guidance and constant enthusiastic encouragement
even in pandemic situation (COVID-19) throughout this Project work. His dynamism,
vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired us. He has taught us the methodology to
carry out the Project within time. Our guide’s systematic approach and dedicated efforts
helped us for successful completion of our Project. His seemingly boundless energy is truly
inspirational and empathy towards us made our work easy. He showed great faith in our
ability and followed us to work independently and also in team work as per necessity of
Project. His kindness and co-operative behaviour throughout the Project would be always
Appreciated. It was a great privilege and honour to study and work under his guidance.
We wish to thank our Project Guide Sh. S.K Tiwari for his guidance, constant
encouragement, understanding our problem and shorting out for the keen interest shown to
complete this Project successfully.
We would also like to thank the Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Principle
(ABIT) and Teachers of Mechanical Engineering Workshop for providing necessary facilities
and their help in offering us the resources in completion the Project.
In the last, but not least, we wish to express our sincere appreciation to all the people who
had contributed to his project, both explicitly and implicitly and thankful to all who have
have helped us directly or indirectly during this project.
Vikrant Singh
Vinay Gupta
Vinay Verma
Vijay Kumar Pandey
Yash Gupta
Yogesh Kumar
Full automation.
Semi automation.
The compressed air from the compressor is used as the force medium for this operation.
There are pneumatic double acting cylinders, solenoid valve; flow control valve and timer
unit used. The arm from the compressor enters to the flow control Valve. The controlled air
from the flow control valve enters to the solenoid valve. The function of solenoid valves all
of air correct time interval. The 5/2 solenoid valve is used. In one position air enter to the
cylinder and pusses the piston, so that the cutting stroke is obtained.
The next position air enters to the other side of cylinder and pusses the piston returns
back, so that the releasing stroke is obtained. The speed of the cutting and releasing stroke is
varied by the timer control unit circuit.
While working, the compressed air produces noise therefore a silencer may be
High torque cannot be obtained.
Load carrying capacity of this unit is not very high. (<50 N)
Pneumatics has for some considerable time between used for carrying out the simplest
mechanical tasks. In more recent times it is playing more important role in the development
of pneumatic technology for automation.
Pneumatic systems operate on a supply of compressed air which must be made available in
sufficient quantity and at a pressure to suit the capacity of the system. When the pneumatic
system is being adopted for the first time, however it wills indeed the necessary deal with the
question of compressed air supply. The key part of any facility for supply of compressed air
is by means using reciprocating compressor. A compressor is a machine that takes in air, gas
at a certain pressure and delivers the air at a high pressure. Compressor capacity is the actual
quantity of air compressed and delivered and the volume expressed is that of the air at intake
conditions namely at atmosphere pressure and normal ambient temperature.
The compressibility of the air was first investigated by Robert Boyle in 1962 and he found
that the product of pressure and volume of a particular quantity of gas is inversely
It is written
In this equation the pressure is the absolute pressured which is about 14.7 Psi and is of
courage capable of maintaining a column of mercury, nearly 30 inches high in an ordinary
barometer. Any gas can be used in pneumatic system but air is the mostly used system now a
The intake gas enters the suction manifold, then flows into the compression cylinder
where it gets compressed by a piston driven in a reciprocating motion via a
crankshaft, and is then discharged. Applications include oil refineries, gas
pipelines, chemical plants, natural gas processing plants, air conditioning,
and refrigeration plants. One specialty application is the blowing of plastic
bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET).
In the ionic liquid piston compressor many seals and bearings were removed in the
design as the ionic liquid does not mix with the gas. Service life is about 10 times
longer than a regular diaphragm compressor with reduced maintenance during use,
energy costs are reduced by as much as 20%. The heat exchangers that are used in a
normal piston compressor are removed as the heat is removed in the cylinder itself
where it is generated. Almost 100% of the energy going into the process is being
used with little energy wasted as reject heat.
Pneumatically operated:-
Here the advancement of the header is carried out in the upward and the downward direction using the
pneumatic double acting piston and cylinder unit arrangement along with the foot operated direction
control valve. In this type of machine high pressure air is used as the working fluid for the transfer of
power and the motion.
Initially the air-compressor is started and allowed the receiver tank air pressure to reach up to 8 bar.
The supply air is then passed to the manifold through FRL unit to condition the air and eligible to
industrial use.
From the manifold a separate supply for the machine is taken out and given to ON-OFF switch, so as
to operate the machine at will without interrupting the running of compressor.
Then the pipe carries compressed air first to machine’s Direction Control Valve. At position ‘A’
shows the non-actuated circuit diagram. At this position the piston is steady and locked. All ports are
in closed condition.
At position ‘B’, the DC valve is at left hand position as shown in figure. The cap end port & pressure
port get connected to each other and the rod end port gets connected to the exhaust port. The
compressed air comes in the cap end of the cylinder and pushes the pistons outwards. The air already
present in the rod end side is pushed out of the cylinder.
When the piston moves outwards, the force is transmitted through the connecting link and the upper
blade moves downwards. Before the actuating DC valve the sheet is inserted in between the upper &
lower blades. As upper blade moves downwards, the stress is generated in the sheet metal and goes
beyond ultimate shear stress of sheet metal. And thus the shearing action takes place.
Now the DC valve is operated to come at position ‘C’, as shown in figure. The rod end port &
pressure port get connected to each other and the cap end port gets connected to the exhaust port. The
compressed air comes in the rod end of the cylinder and pushes the pistons inwards. The air already
present in the cap end side is pushed out of the cylinder.
The sheet metal is either again inserted for further cutting in case of large pieces; the small cut pieces
are removed and the next sheet is inserted to cut.
1. Hydraulics present certain advantages over pneumatics, but in a given application, pneumatic
powered equipment is more suitable, particularly in industries where the factory units are plumbed for
compressed air.
2. Moreover, to avoid corrosive actions, oil or lubricants are added so that friction effects can be
3. Compressed air is used in most of the machines and in some cases compressed carbon dioxide,
whereas cutting process is become easy.
4. Fast cutting action is carried out.
5. Cutting without bending is achieved.
1. Sheet more than 2 mm thickness cannot cut easily.
2. Compressed air is must.
3. Foundation is required also safety major must be taken.