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Twin Screw Subsurface and Surface Multiphase Pumps (Save Water / Reduce Sor)

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CAN-K GROUP OF COMPANIES, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

This paper has been selected for presentation and/or publication in the proceedings for the 2011 World Heavy Oil Congress
[WHOC11]. The authors of this material have been cleared by all interested companies/employers/clients to authorize dmg events
(Canada) inc., the congress producer, to make this material available to the attendees of WHOC11 and other relevant industry

Abstract Subsurface Twin Screw Technology

Subsurface twin screw multiphase It consists of a pair of screws that do

pump is a new technology which is field not touch and can be run with either a
tested for commercial applications. The top drive or submersible motor.
technology is poised to replace ESP, Installation when run with a down hole
Gas Lift, and Metal PC pumps in the Oil motor is simple and installed exactly
& Gas sector. like an ESP. It is called ESTSP (Electric
Submersible Twin Screw Pumps) and
when run with a top drive it is called
Introduction TDTSP (Top Drive Twin Screw Pumps).
It comes in sizes of 3.7 , 5.13. 5.40,
Twin Screw Technology though around 6.75. 7,75 inches OD as standard for
for ages for surface applications was down hole applications. If you can get
never introduced subsurface due to lack the fluid into the pump and if it has
of technology to take it down hole. It sufficient down hole hp the fluid will
has been under development and field come to surface. Rates vary from 150
trials for several years to maximize all to 56,000 bbl/day for down hole
its artificial lift capabilities. Unlike an applications. Maximum differential
ESP the ESTSP (Electric Submersible pressure is 3500 psi at this time.
Twin Screw Pumps) can run from 500
to 11,000 rpm at this time. The G-DRS
is used to take the pump to high rpm. It is proven to be excellent for
It is expected to replace ESP and other asphaltene wells, deep or shallow wells,
artificial lift technologies to save water very high gas wells, wells with some
and power in areas of thermal solids, heavy and light oil,
applications. Set for low and high unpredictable or unknown PI conditions,
torque and let the speed control the wells with scale and wax are some
pump. direct areas of focus for applications.
. Efficiency tends to increase with scale

as long as the pump is kept in the company is abandoning the
operation. development of Metal PC pumps and
will focus all efforts on subsurface twin
The pump is designed without any screw multiphase pumps. The twin
filtering systems at the intake. A wide screw subsurface multiphase pump is
opening screen is used to avoid any also a PD pump, capability to land deep
metal or broken cable from previous or shallow, high tolerance to wear due
installations from entering the pump in to helical screw designs, rolling screw
some cases. design minimizing seizing of the screws,
capability to handle from very low
Speeds and Pressures are decoupled. In volumes as low as 150 bbl/day to very
order to maintain a rate all one has to high volumes as high as 56,000 bbl/day
do is increase or reduce speed as depending upon the casing sizes. When
required. installed with a subsurface motor it is
installed exactly like an ESP. It has no
Twin Screw Multiphase Pumps is truly up or down thrust, No BEP, can be
Multiphase. When used in SAGD due to landed vertical, slanted or horizontal,
its high viscosity handling capability the limitation of temperature is the
one can save on water. The hydraulic motor and not the pump. Though it is
efficiency can be close to 96 % in heavy not a sand pump it can handle more
oil conditions. It is also installed with a solids than an ESP.
direct fluid contact charge pump to
force feed heavy oil into the pump. It It has the least emulsion for the
can handle 98 % gas by volume as it is rotational speed compared to any other
a PD pump and recognizes only volume artificial lift technologies.
at intake conditions. Testing in CBM
wells showed that it can handle 100 % The temperature rating at this time
gas with reverse flow from surface to using a top drive system with DRS is
keep the motor cool and the bearings 280 deg Celsius at ambient conditions.
When using the Top Drive System the
Testing was done to vacuum conditions DASS Rotary System (DRS) is used
at intake on the bench to demonstrate where no axial load of the pump is seen
the capability to draw down as by the rods due to axial movement of
required. the telescopic connections. No fear of
breakage of rods. These have been
An alternate solution for ESP was the tested in the field for horizontal
main aim in the development of the installations. The DRS has a built in
ESTSP (Electric Submersible Twin gear box. One revolution of the rods or
Screw Pump). During the development CT can be transferred to various gear
of the ESTSP the company was also ratios (speed increasers) of the pump.
testing its own developed Metal PC Generally it is in the range of ten times
pumps. The company then decided at the pump. This will allow to run the
that it is futile spending time rods or CT at very low rpm.
developing a Metal PC pump as its
efficiency is very low, prone to seizing The DRS is now also being tested for
and very limited applications. An SPE various other down hole rotating pumps
paper was published in 2002 indicating too.

applications, heavy and light oil,
The G-DRS is a built in gear box where asphaltene issues, emulsion issues and
the subsurface motor can run at name to eliminate up or down thrust issues
plate or another rpm of the motor unlike an ESP.
where the pump could be running
several times faster than the motor. Asphaltenes do not break out easily due
The G-DRS is also used with various to very low shear. Major savings in
other rotating pumps where it becomes chemicals due to this feature. It acts
a part of the motor seal section or the like a conveyor moving fluid from point
pump’s drive. A to point B. It is a volumetric pump
and it develops very high differential
A complete Rigless design with a very pressure due to the multistage system
high HP in permanent magnet motor when demanded. Its efficiency with
drive system is being developed for heavy oil is remarkable due to very low
field trial at 300 deg C ambient slippage. In areas of thermal
temperature. This will eliminate any applications the main feature is the
limitations due to existing subsurface savings in water and reduction in SOR.
motor technology. Besides, the multiphase capability
definitely is an additional advantage.
Surface Twin Screw Multiphase Choking the pump is not required and is
Pumps also not recommended. Operate the
system by merely changing speed yet
The same down hole technology is now keeping pressures constant in
offered for surface multiphase accordance to the rates required.
applications from 150 to 1,250,000
bbl/day capacity.

Screws are designed and manufactured

up to 485 mm diameter with balanced
multistage systems. Same types of
down hole bearings are used on surface
eliminating L10 life.

The technology is also being introduced

inside pipe lines as canned systems to
avoid leaks offshore and critical
environmental sensitive areas.

The subsurface twin screw pump is now patented in the USA and Canada with various
focused in areas where ease of other patent pending applications in various
operation (operator proof compared to other countries.
ESP) is important, in high gas

ESTSP (Electric Submersible Twin Screw
TDTSP (Top Drive Driven Twin Screw
R-TDTSP (Rigless-Top Drive Driven Twin
Screw Pumps)
R-ESTSP (Rigless- Electric Submersible
Twin Screw Pumps)
CT- Coiled Tubing
DRS (DASS Rotary System)- used with rods
or CT or other top drive systems
G-DRS (Geared –DASS Rotary System)-
used with submersible motors
ESP (Electric Submersible Pumps)
PC (Progressive Cavity Pumps)
ESPCP (Electric Submersible Progressive
Cavity Pumps)
PD (Positive Displacement)

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