01 ESP Pumps Deliver Broad Gains
01 ESP Pumps Deliver Broad Gains
01 ESP Pumps Deliver Broad Gains
Software figures largely in the offerings of many
pump manufacturers, and it often results from
pumping solutions developed in the field. Helix
Well Technologies developed a software tool -
Heli GESP that allows engineers to optimize the
design of combination ESP and gas lift systems
and proved out at the Stag field (Figure 5). The
software considers all factors that influence
"gassy" ESP well performance:
• well inflow performance;
• natural separation effects upstream of Another useful program for downhole
the ESP system; pumping is a Wood Group ESP analysis
• production split between ESP lift and called ESP Bend (Figure 6). Most ESP
gas lift; equipment is installed off a dog leg or
• gas separation system performance; horizontal location. Rule-of-thumb
• special ESP gas handling stage programs dictate the passable bend
performance characteristics; and angle based on beam calculations. Wood
• ESP gas handling limitations. Group ESP's new program - in beta test
Helix said these processes are coupled and - takes well survey information and
in turn influenced by the usual factors that equipment dimensions and identifies
affect well performance - pressure, volume, any problems negotiating the bend.
temperature, reservoir and surface facilities
pressure and well geometry.
Pump combinations
Another solution to pumping problems
appears to be to gang up on them with
duplicate or serial systems. Centrilift has
installed some duplicate and triplicate
systems in Latin America where pumps
boost fluids up to another pump, which
then boosts fluids to the surface. The two
units in series overcome some of the
horsepower constraints: for example, two
1,000-hp units replace one 2,000-hp unit.
Dual units can be placed with one serving
as a backup, a strategy for high-cost, high
running operational areas.
Such strategies were first
used offshore California in
1989, the idea being "If I get
a year out of one and I get a
year out of one each, then I
saved a pull and it was
Today's strategies are more
sophisticated, according to
Centrilift. In South America,
Indonesia and Canada,
multiple control devices are
going where available
horsepower won't take
pumps as deep as needed.
But boosting from one pump
into another involves
concentric tubulars and
other strategies (Figure 7).
Figure 7. This
well diagram
shows a
scheme for