PM 12629
PM 12629
PM 12629
Activated Carbon
Rupture Discs Setting Specifications
page 32
Cover Story
32 Activated Carbon: Fundamentals and New
Applications Activated carbon sorbents are important tools in water
purification and air-pollution control. This article provides information on the
fundamentals of this diverse sorbent and on new applications for which it
is being employed
In the News
7 Chementator
Low-cost water treatment uses CO2 to remove particles without
membranes; Commercial debut for a process that captures CO2
from air; Responsive coatings lead to stronger 3-D-printed parts; A
first commercial step toward on-site NH3 production; Electrostatic
spray drying protects heat-sensitive products; and more
12 Business News
Ineos announces plans to build a new propane-dehydrogenation
plant; BASF doubles processing capacity at catalyst-recycling site
in South Carolina; Sasol begins construction on an ethoxylation plant
in Nanjing; Sibur to set up dioctyl terephthalate facility in Perm; and more
14 Newsfront Nitric Acid in the Spotlight 32
Efforts continue to make nitric-acid production more efficient with lower emissions
of greenhouse gases
24 New Products
A highly adaptable reverse-osmosis system; This gas monitor has a dual-
22 sensor design; Rotary vane pumps for critical applications; These ultrafiltration
membranes offer extreme hydrophilicity; This software suite integrates analytics
and machine learning; A reactive silencer keeps these compressors quiet; Self-
tuning transducer senses position, displacement or proximity; and more
5 Editor’s Page 2017 Nicholas Chopey Scholarship
The Chopey Scholarship for Chemical Engineering Excellence has been
awarded to a chemical engineering student at the University of Oklahoma
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Editor s Page
2017 Nicholas Chopey Scholarship
Editorial Director Graphic Designer s a provider of practical information and news for the chemi- cal process industries (CPI) since 1902, Chemical Engineer-
GERALD ONDREY (FRANKFURT) PRODUCTION ing strives to bring recognition to, and help advance the
Senior Editor SOPHIE CHAN-WOOD chemical engineering profession. One way we do this is by
Production Manager offering assistance to a student who is working toward a degree in
Senior Editor INFORMATION chemical engineering. In 2007, CE established the annual Chopey SERVICES Scholarship for Chemical Engineering Excellence, and we are happy
MARY PAGE BAILEY CHARLES SANDS to continue the tradition this year. The award is named after Nicholas
Associate Editor Director of Digital Development P. Chopey, the magazine’s former Editor-in-Chief, who devoted over
47 years of his professional career to Chemical Engineering.
MATTHEW GRANT The 2017 award winner
CHARLES BUTCHER (U.K.) We are pleased to announce that this year’s
scholarship recipient is Dean Rufeisen, who is
PAUL S. GRAD (AUSTRALIA) working toward his degree in chemical engi-
Audience Marketing Director neering at the University of Oklahoma. His ex-
pected graduation date is May 2018. Rufeisen is
Marketing Manager
the president of the Oklahoma University AIChE JOY LEPREE (NEW JERSEY) chapter and a member of the university’s Crim-
GEORGE SEVERINE son Club, which promotes the history and tra-
Fulfillment Manager
ditions of the university. He was also the recent
recipient of an Outstanding Junior Researcher
JEN FELLING Award. In addition to his academic achievements, Rufeisen is treasurer
List Sales, Statlistics (203) 778-8700 of the Alpha Epsilon Pi (Omega Upsilon Chapter) fraternity.
esearchers at Air
Princeton Uni- Waste
eton, N.J.; www. Particle Later this year, Unilever (Lon- have de- suspension
don, U.K.; www.unilever.
veloped a water treatment com) plans to open a pilot
technique that injects Filtered water
C02 plant in Indonesia to test the
carbon dioxide gas into a long-term viability of its new
stream of water to sepa- technology for recycling plas-
rate suspended particles tic sachet (small bags) waste.
that would be difficult to The process, called CreaSolv,
Particle has been developed in coop-
remove by sedimentation suspension
or by microbes. The sys- eration with the Fraunhofer
C02 Institute for Process Engi-
tem, built initially at labora-
neering and Packaging (IVV;
tory-scale, removes sus- Freising, Germany; www.ivv.
Princeton University
pended particles 1,000 The technol-
times more efficiently than conventional a diffusion potential, which can be exploited ogy has been adapted from
filtration units, and does not require mem- to move suspended particles (which have a method IVV developed to
branes, the research team says. significant surface charges) by diffusiopho- separate brominated flame
The low-cost, low-energy system could resis, the researchers say. retardants from waste electri-
be used as a replacement to microfiltration The solids-containing water travels through cal and electronic equipment.
and ultrafiltration, or as an adjunct to con- a gas-permeable material (polydimethylsi- The pilot plant will enable the
ventional filtration, protecting membranes loxane) and the ion gradient induces particle recovery of 6 kg of pure poly-
mers using the same energy
from fouling. The system could also be used motion transverse to the flow direction. The
needed to produce 1 kg of
to separate waterborne bacteria and viruses particles then accumulate in one side of the virgin monomer, says IVV.
without chlorination or treatment with ultra- channel, where they can be separated by Today, only 14% of all plas-
violet light, the researchers say. splitting the water stream (see figure). tic packaging is recycled glob-
The system works by taking advantage of The research project was carried out in ally, says Unilever. Sachets
a principle called diffusiophoresis, whereby the Princeton laboratory of Howard Stone are widely used in developing
the movement of solid particles in water is by post-doctoral researcher Sangwoo Shin, and emerging regions of the
induced by an ion concentration gradient. an engineering professor at the University world because they enable
The ion gradient is set up by dissolving CO2 of Hawaii at Manoa, and Orest Shardt, a low-income consumers to
gas in water, forming carbonic acid. The acid former Princeton scientist now at the Uni- purchase small amounts of
products. In Indonesia, some
dissociates into hydrogen ions and HCO3– versity of Limerick (Ireland). The research
64 million m.t./yr of waste
ions, similar to the chemistry that occurs in was described in a recent issue of Nature is generated, with 1.3 mil-
carbonated beverages. Large differences in Communications. The team plans to scale lion m.t./yr ending up in the
the diffusivities of H+ and HCO3– ions create up the technology. ocean. Unilever has pledged
to make 100% of packaging
recyclable, reusable or com-
Commercial debut for a process that postable by 2025.
captures CO2 directly from air
n May 31, Climeworks (Hinwill/ developing while engineering students at Building on years of joint
Zurich, Switzerland; www.clime- the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in experience in the field of inaugurated its — Zurich (ETH; The facility has sulfur granulation, Sandvik
and the world’s — first commer- 18 collectors, each equipped with a fan and Process Systems (Fellbach,
cial plant that captures CO2 directly from a filter. The fans blow air through the filters, Germany; www.process-
air. The Direct Air Capture (DAC) facility, which are porous granulates modified with
and Shell joined forces and
located at the waste-utilization plant of amines that absorb CO2 from air. After a successfully demonstrated
KEZO in Hinwill, Switzerland, will supply up few hours, the filter becomes saturated. The the integration of the Shell
to 900 metric ton per year (m.t./yr) of CO2 captured CO2 is then released by heating Thiogro (
to a nearby greenhouse-cultivation com- to 100°C using waste heat from the waste- sulphur/thiogro) Urea-ES
pany, Gebr. Meier Primanatura AG, which utilization plant. The CO2 is then pipelined to technology and Sandvik
previously had to purchase CO2 delivered the greenhouses located 400 m away. Rotoform equipment during
by trucks. CO2 is used in greenhouses for The plant will operate as a three-year a series of continuous plant
increasing the growth of vegetables, such demonstration project in cooperation with trials at Sandvik’s productiv-
as tomatoes and cucumbers. partners Gebr. Meier and KEZO, and with a ity center in Fellbach. Shell’s
unique technology and
The DAC plant uses an air-filtration sys- contribution toward non-amortizable costs
tem that the company’s founders first began by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. (Continues on p. 8)
dditive manufacturing (3-D print- Electromagnetic heating
finely dispersed elemental sul-
fur in a urea matrix.
ing) has quickly gained popular-
In the Sandvik Rotoform ity, due in part to its potential for
System, the homogeneous rapidly creating customized parts.
Shell Urea-ES emulsion is fed However, one inherent limitation of addi-
to the unit and deposited in tive manufacturing — specifically the high-
the form of drops (2–4-mm speed fused deposition modeling (FDM)
dia.) across a steel belt cooler. technique — is the potential for weak bonds
Water is sprayed against the between layers, which increases the likeli-
underside of the solid steel hood of mechanical failure. With its Flash-
belt, ensuring no cross con-
Fuse technology, Essentium Materials LLC
tamination either to product or
to water. As the product moves
(College Station, Tex.; www.essentiumma-
along the steel belt, the liquid aims to enable stronger and
droplets are converted into tougher FDM 3-D-printed components by
solid pastilles. The final solid employing a sophisticated electric-welding
product is collected at the technique along with proprietary filament
end of the belt and sent to the materials coated with electromagnetically (Lugwigshafen, Germany;
downstream handling system. responsive carbon nanotubes (CNTs). to develop advanced materials for 3-D
One standard Rotoform Electromagnetically heating the CNT skin printing applications. “The partnership’s
High Speed unit can produce on the filaments results in interlayer polymer first wave of products will consist of vary-
up to 150 m.t./d of Shell Urea-
diffusion, producing stronger welds between ing flexible thermoplastic polyurethane
ES granules. To support in-
dustrial deployment, Sandvik
layers (diagram). Furthermore, the CNT coat- grades, polyamides, carbon-fiber filled
and Shell are finalizing their ing enables targeted heating at potentially products and high-heat exotic materials,”
combined design to support weak joints, allowing for improved interlayer explains Teipel. Additionally, the company
installation in greenfield and polymer entanglements, making the finished plans to launch FlashFuse filaments that
brownfield projects, which will parts even more resilient. “FDM 3-D print- incorporate BASF engineered resins later
allow current and new Roto- ing can now attain the same level of utility this year, which, according to Teipel, will be
form owners to expand their and functionality for industrial applications the first isotropic material offering for FDM
product portfolio by enabling comparative to traditional manufacturing 3-D printing when printed with Essentium’s
the production of Shell Urea- methods,” says Essentium Materials presi- core technology. Essentium is also currently
ES fertilizer.
dent and chief technology officer Blake Tei- developing nanocellulose composites for
pel. The company reports that its FlashFuse additive manufacturing. The high strength-
SCRUBBING SHIP’S SOx method creates 3-D-printed parts that retain to-weight ratio of nanocellulose positions it
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, up to 95% of the tensile strength of a com- as a potential sustainable replacement for
Ltd. (MHI; Tokyo, Japan;
parable injection-molded part. other filament materials, such as carbon and Mitsubishi
Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.
Essentium is partnering with BASF SE fiber or glass fiber, says Teipel.
(MHPS; Yokohama, Japan; have jointly
developed a large-scale, rect- A first commercial step towards
angular marine scrubber that on-site ammonia production
efficiently removes oxides of
sulfur (SOx) from the exhaust new company — Tsubame BHB — was found to be an order of magnitude
gases emitted by marine die- Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan; www. more efficient than conventional Ru-based
sel engines. — has been catalysts for ammonia production (for more
The new SOx scrubber uses
established to commercialize the details, see Chem. Eng., December 2012, p.
seawater as its cleaning agent,
adopting a simple “open-loop”
world’s first on-site production of ammo- 12). The development is expected to enable
system in which seawater in- nia for supplying amino-acid synthesis, NH3 production at much milder conditions
take is sprayed directly on the fermentation materials and fertilizers. The than the conventional Haber-Bosch process,
exhaust gas. Effective use of company — a joint venture of Ajinomoto thereby lowering costs.
seawater alkaline eliminates Co., Inc., No. 1 UMI Limited Partnership Ajinomoto, a producer of amino acids
the need for chemicals or ad- (both Tokyo) and professor Hideo Hosono (including glutamic acid) and fermentation
ditional processing. Further, at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Ti- materials, has been involved in the joint-
because the horizontal and Tech; Yokohhama) — began operations development in order to be able to sup-
vertical dimensions of the rect- last April, and aims to implement first NH3 ply its NH3 feedstock on site. The Japan
angular scrubber tower can
production by 2021. Science and Technology Agency, which
be freely modified, volume ef-
ficiency is higher than previous
The production process will be based on a has funded the basic research, and TiTech
cylindrical scrubbers, providing new catalyst that was developed in the labo- have licensed patents for the new catalysts
ratories of professor Hosono. The ruthenium- developed by Hosono’s research group to
(Continues on p. 10) loaded electride — 12CaO.7Al2O3 (C12A7) the new company.
Electrostatic spray drying protects heat-sensitive products
spray-drying technology nozzle, a charge is applied, so that a pulsed manner, so that a mix-
that applies an electrical each product-containing droplet ture of fast-drying (charge on) and
charge to feedstock as it has an electrical charge. Within slow-drying particles (charge off)
exits the atomizing nozzle the charged droplets, the mole- is formed. “When the wet and dry
allows significant reductions in pro- cules of high-polarity solvent (usu- particles collide, they form agglom-
cessing temperature and can elimi- ally water) pick up a higher pro- erates,” Szczap says, so users can
nate downstream processing steps. portion of electrons and achieve spray-dry and agglomerate in the
The charge application can improve a higher charge density, while the same vessel.
control over particle morphology, less polar product molecules pick “Electrostatic spray drying tech-
lengthen shelflife of products and up fewer electrons. nology will open up processing of a
lower energy consumption. The repulsive forces of like whole new branch of active ingre-
Fluid Air, a division of Spraying charges drive the solvent to the sur- dients that previously could not be
Systems Co. (Aurora, Ill.; www. face of the droplet, while the spray- produced in powder form due to, launched a new drying product tends to remain in the high temperatures of traditional
technology, known as PolarDry, in the center, explains Joseph Szczap, spray drying,” Szczap remarks, and
late 2016 after five years of inter- director of operations at Fluid Air. may offer an economical alternative
nal development. The company is “This creates an ideal situation for to freeze-drying that will dramatically
now testing PolarDry with products drying, and the solvent will evapo- cut processing time.
of potential users. These include rate efficiently at much lower tem- Also, PolarDry’s conditions are
heat-sensitive or easily oxidized peratures — 80°C or even ambient well suited for microencapsulation
compounds, such as proteins, ac- temperatures — compared to tradi- applications. With lower tempera-
tive pharmaceutical ingredients, tional spray-drying processes,” he tures, the encapsulated products re-
nutraceuticals, vitamins, antibiotics says, which typically use tempera- tain higher levels of active ingredient.
and chemicals. tures of 200–250°C. Requiring less raw materials results
As feedstock slurry and atom- Fluid Air has also developed a in considerable cost savings, says
izing gas pass through PolarDry’s method for applying the charge in the company.
CHEMCAD Version 7 has a new graphic interface that fits your workflow. Grayscale
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ing easy installation not only new electrochemical water-treat- nanotubes in an organic solvent is used to
in newly commissioned ships, ment process developed in the coat conductive carbon fibers, which serve
but in retrofitted vessels as well. laboratory of T. Alan Hatton, pro- as current collectors and the support system
The new scrubber was
fessor of chemical engineering at for the functional materials. Then, a depo-
developed in response to
stringent new SOx emissions
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT; sition process produces a porous film that
regulations that come into ef- Cambridge;, employs func- provides high surface area for contacting the
fect globally in 2020. It is able tionalized electrodes to selectively remove pollutant species, which are released from
to purify exhaust gas emitted contaminants, such as pesticides and phar- the system by applying reverse potential.
from inexpensive heavy fuel oil maceuticals, at extremely low concentra- By functionalizing the cathode and the
to a level equivalent to more tions. The electrode surfaces are treated anode in a targeted asymmetrical fashion,
expensive low-sulfur fuels. (functionalized) with Faradaic materials — both positively and negatively charged ions
those that can undergo both oxidation or are simultaneously removed. In the work
MAKING CO FROM CO2 reduction reactions to take on a positive or done at MIT, a ferrocene-based anode was
Researchers from the École negative charge. These reactions take place used alongside a cobalt-based metallopoly-
Polytechnique Fédérale de at controlled potentials and can change the mer cathode. This specially synthesized
Lausanne (Switzerland; www. chemical properties of the Faradaic materi- cathode material has selective affinity for have developed a new als, making them selective toward a certain positively charged pesticides, says Su. The
catalyst, based on abundant,
contaminant species at a certain oxidation technology has been demonstrated at the
inexpensive components, for
the electrolysis of CO2 into CO
state. “Depending on which Faradaic mate- laboratory scale, and the team is currently
and O2. Alternative bi-func- rial you select to incorporate onto your elec- working on a prototype system with elec-
tional catalysts require more trodes, you can design the selectivity to a trodes in the 10–100-cm2 range. At the lab
expensive materials, such as wide variety of contaminants, from organic scale, the electrodes can undergo hundreds
gold and silver. pollutants to inorganic salts and heavy met- of cycles without the need for replacement,
The catalyst is made by als,” explains MIT researcher Xiao Su. To and the team aims to improve the system’s
depositing atomic layers of tin treat the electrodes, a homogeneous disper- chemical stability to withstand 5–6 months
oxide on copper oxide nanow- sion of the Faradaic materials with carbon of continuous operation, according to Su.
ires. Tin oxide suppresses the
generation of side-products,
which are commonly observed CNT membrane aids distillation of brine
from copper-oxide catalysts,
leading to the sole production embrane distillation (MD) — a The new membrane is made by spraying
of CO in the electro-reduction thermal desalination technique carboxylated CNTs and PVA layer-by-layer
of CO2. The catalyst was used for recovering pure water onto a traditional PTFE (polytetrafluoroeth-
integrated into a CO2 elec- from concentrated salt solutions ylene) membrane as a support. The func-
trolysis system and linked to a — is hampered by high energy consump- tional groups on the surface of the CNTs form
triple-junction solar cell (GaInP/ tion, low single-pass recovery rates and by crosslinks with PVA, generating a porous, hy-
GaInAs/Ge) to make a CO2 the need to use expensive heat exchangers drophilic and electrically conductive thin film.
photo-electrolyzer. The system to handle the high corrosivity of hot brines. A Coupled with the hydrophobic PTFE, mem-
uses the same catalyst as the
newly developed membrane based on car- brane functions as a traditional MD system,
cathode that reduces CO2 to
CO and the anode that oxi-
bon nanotubes (CNTs) layered with polyvinyl where the vapor formation occurs at the CNT-
dizes water to O2 through the alcohol (PVA) can significantly simplify MD PTFE interface. When a current is applied, the
“oxygen-evolution reaction.” system design by eliminating heat exchang- conductive CNT-based membrane acts as
The gases are separated with a ers, while also improving the water recovery a Joule heater, generating heat at the mem-
bipolar membrane. The system rates by almost an order of magnitude. brane surface. In this way, the membrane
was able to selectively convert The new membrane, developed by a re- heats only the brine in direct contact with the
CO2 to CO with an efficiency of search group at the University of California at surface, dramatically increasing system effi-
13.4% using solar energy. Riverside ( led by David Jassby, ciency. Salt rejection rates of 99% were ob-
The work — described in a re- could allow much more effective and efficient served experimentally using the CNT-based
cent issue of Nature Energy —
MD of brines, such as those from reverse membrane, Jassby’s group reports.
was funded by Siemens AG,
and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie
osmosis waste and produced water from hy- CNTs can degrade with the application of
Fellowship from the E.U.’s Sev- draulic fracturing operations. The researchers electric potentials, especially in ionizable envi-
enth Framework Program. recently published details of the membrane in ronments (like brine), so the researchers found
the journal Nature Nanotechnology. a method for applying the electrical potential
ALUMINUM BATTERY Conventional MD works when hydropho- using high-frequency, alternating-current (a.c.)
The Industrial Technology bic membranes allow passage of salt-free electricity. This high-frequency a.c. allows for
Research Institute (ITRI, Chu- water vapor, while preventing the passage sufficient heating to drive the process, but also
tung, Taiwan; of liquid water and salt. But the single-pass prevents degradation of the CNT membrane in
and Stanford University (Palo water recovery rates for membrane distil- brine solutions. Above a threshold frequency,
Alto, Calif.; www.stanford. lation are limited to 10% or lower, the re- electrochemical oxidation of the nanotubes
edu) have developed URA- searchers say. Also, MD’s reliance on a con- was avoided, allowing the nanotube films to be
Bat, an aluminum battery that stant stream of hot brine requires specially operated for significant lengths of time with no
(Continues on p. 11) designed (and expensive) heat exchangers. reduction in performance, the researchers say.
A continuous biotreatment process that uses an aluminum anode, a graphite-
degrades phenol in wastewater structured carbon cathode, and an
ionic liquid electrolyte. According to
ITRI, the battery can be fully charged
lthough there are several ways mixed consortium of bacteria isolated
in 1 min., and can be recharged up to
to reduce the phenol concen- from the East Calcutta wetlands. The 10,000 times. The electrode with gra-
tration in industrial effluent, degradation rates and removal efficien- phitic foam material allows a 120°C
they each have drawbacks. cies of phenol by soil bacteria from East fast-charging within 30 s. Single-cell
Chemical treatment, such as adsorp- Calcutta wetlands under various mean discharge capacities of 200 mAh/g can
tion and stripping, is fast but expen- hydraulic retention times, air flowrates be obtained and 30,000 times cycle life
sive, and the chemical degradation of and temperatures were observed and has been proven in the laboratory, says
phenol leads to the formation of toxic processes were optimized for both co- ITRI. The URABat offers several advan-
intermediates. On the other hand, current and counter-current conditions. tages over lead-acid batteries, which
biological treatment is economic and The researchers observed that the are not very environmentally friendly;
and lithium batteries, because lithium
leads to complete mineralization of bacteria could degrade phenol at a
is expensive and chemically unstable.
phenol, but the technique has been higher rate in the co-current mode, with ITRI says the battery’s stability can
mainly limited to batch operations. optimized conditions, including the fol- be attributed to aluminum’s deposit
There have been few studies involving lowing: a temperature of 30°C, substrate (charge)/dissolve (discharge) reaction
a continuous phenol-degradation pro- flowrate of 3.33 mL/min and a hydraulic within ionized liquid of up to 99.8% cou-
cess by mixed cultures. retention time of 300.3 min. The rate of lombic efficiency. The anode does not
Now, a study by professors Bhas- phenol degradation was 2 mg/L.min and cause dendritic crystallization, which
wati Chakraborty and Srabanti Basu the phenol removal efficiency was 82%. quickly damages conventional batter-
from the Department of Biotechnol- To validate the performance of the co- ies. ITRIsays the battery is inherently safe
ogy, Heritage Institute of Technology, current, continuous packed-bed reactor because all components, including the
aluminum and graphite electrodes, and
(Anandapur, Kolkata City, India; www. system in an actual industrial application,
the isolating membrane, are inert. Ionic compared the perfor- a phenolic industrial effluent was fed to liquids can be eco-friendly solvents be-
mance of a co-current and a counter- the system in real time. The phenol deg- cause of their low volatility, non-toxicity
current continuous, packed-bed reac- radation rate for this field trial was found and non-flammable nature.
tor (continuous reactor packed with to be 1.43 mg/L.min and the phenol re- ITRI plans to establish a company to
solid waste) in degrading phenol by a moval efficiency was 72.85%. n bring products to international markets.❑
Circle 14 on p. 62 or go to
Business News
LINEUP Plant Watch the construction phase of its new polyethylene
Ineos announces plans to build new PDH production facility in Freeport, Tex. The
AKZONOBEL 400,000-m.t./yr unit is the first of four new
plant, increase ethylene capacity
BASF June 12, 2017 — Ineos (Rolle, Switzerland; derivative investments currently under way announced plans to construct at Dow’s sites in Texas and Louisiana.
a propane dehydrogenation (PDH) unit in Europe.
CHEVRON PHILLIPS The plant will produce 750,000 metric tons per BASF doubles processing capacity at
year (m.t./yr) of propylene. Ineos also intends catalyst-recycling site in South Carolina
to increase the ethylene capacity of its cracker June 5, 2017 — BASF SE (Ludwigshafen,
CLARIANT facilities at Grangemouth, Scotland and Rafnes, Germany; has completed an
Norway to over 1 million m.t. each. expansion at its Seneca, S.C. operation that
will more than double the precious metals
EXXONMOBIL Kemira opens sizing-agent milling and sampling production capacity of
HEXCEL production lines in Nanjing the site. The Seneca site is BASF’s global
June 12, 2017 — Kemira Oyj (Helsinki, Finland; production hub for the recycling of end-of-life
HONEYWELL opened new production lines automotive and chemical catalysts, allowing
HUNTSMAN for the sizing agents alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) for the recovery and recycling of platinum
emulsion and cationic rosin at its production group metals.
site in Nanjing, China. Sizing agents are used
KEMIRA for improving water resistance in paper and Sadara starts up
board. In addition to these new production world-scale PMDI plant
MITSUBISHI CHEMICALS June 1, 2017 — Sadara Chemical Co. (Jubail,
lines, Kemira plans to open a new alkenyl
NIPPON ELECTRIC succinic anhydride (ASA) production line in Saudi Arabia; commenced
GLASS Nanjing by the end of 2017. commercial production of liquid polymeric
methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (PMDI) at
Sasol begins construction on its Jubail chemical complex. Sadara’s Jubail
SADARA ethoxylation plant in Nanjing complex is considered to be the world’s first fully
June 8, 2017 — Sasol Ltd. (Johannesburg, integrated PMDI manufacturer, combining units
South Africa; formally began that produce nitric acid, mono-nitrobenzene,
SASOL construction of its new ethoxylation plant in formalin, benzene, aniline and chlorine, as well
SINOPEC Nanjing, China. The new plant is expected to as hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
be fully operational in early 2019. This project
SPIRAX-SARCO entails the construction of a new plant with a BASF and Sinopec to increase
SIBUR capacity of approximately 150,000 m.t./yr, propionic acid capacity at Nanjing site
with the option of using either branched or June 1, 2017 — BASF-YPC Co., a 50-50 JV
linear alcohols as raw materials. between BASF and Sinopec, will increase
propionic acid production capacity by 30,000
Cabot breaks ground for new m.t./yr in Nanjing, China. The expansion will
fumed-silica plant in China go onstream in 2019. With this expansion,
June 8, 2017 — Cabot Corp. (Boston, Mass.; the propionic acid production capacity at the and joint venture (JV) Nanjing site will increase to 69,000 m.t./yr.
partner Inner Mongolia Hengyecheng Silicone
Co. (HYC) broke ground on their new fumed- AkzoNobel completes organic
silica manufacturing facility in Wuhai, China. peroxides expansion in Mexico
The companies are investing approximately May 31, 2017 — AkzoNobel’s (Amsterdam,
$60 million in the new facility, which will have the Netherlands;
a capacity of 8,000 m.t./yr, and is scheduled Specialty Chemicals business has completed
to be completed in 2019. an organic peroxides expansion project at its
Polymer Chemistry production facility in Los
Sibur to set up dioctyl terephthalate Reyes, Mexico. The investment will increase
facility in Perm the company’s peroxyester capacity in North
June 8, 2017 — Sibur (Moscow; www.sibur. America by 40%.
com) signed an investment contract to set
up a new facility in Perm, Russia to produce Chevron Phillips increases
100,000 m.t./yr of dioctyl terephthalate (DOTP), organosulfur capacity at Tessenderlo site
a general-purpose plasticizer. Production is May 24, 2017 — Chevron Phillips Chemical
scheduled to start in 2019. Co. (The Woodlands, Tex.; www.cpchem.
com) has expanded its Tessenderlo, Belgium
Dow finishes construction on new plant by debottlenecking its production unit
Look for more Freeport polyethylene unit for ethyl mercaptan and tetrahydrothiophene.
latest news on June 6, 2017 — The Dow Chemical Co. This expansion increased production capacity (Midland, Mich.; completed for these products by 65%.
ExxonMobil completes two new
polyethylene lines in Mont Belvieu
May 23, 2017 — ExxonMobil Chemical Co. (Houston; www. announced the mechanical
completion of two new 650,000-m.t./yr high-performance
polyethylene lines at its plastics plant in Mont Belvieu,
Tex. The company expects production to begin during
the third quarter of 2017.
Mergers & Acquisitions IVE FU
Honeywell to boost cybersecurity
portfolio with Nextnine acquisition
June 12, 2017 — Honeywell (Morris Plains, N.J.; www. has agreed to purchase Nextnine, a specialist
in industrial cybersecurity. Nextnine’s flagship technology,
ICS Shield, protects industrial sites from cybersecurity
to ALL
Facts of Chemic
at Yo
SS al Eng
one cour Fingertip ineering’s
attacks and enables remote monitoring of assets.
nvenie s
nt locaarticles in
Shenzen Capchem to purchase tion.
electrolytes plant from BASF EACH INFORMATION
June 5, 2017 — BASF has signed an agreement to sell
its electrolytes manufacturing site in Suzhou, China to
Shenzhen Capchem Technology Co. The transaction is graphs, charts, tables, equations and
expected to close during the third quarter of 2017. columns on the full chemical engineer-
Hexcel to acquire French
ing processes you deal with on a daily
composites producer Structil basis. This is the tool you will come to
June 2, 2017 — Hexcel Corp. (Stamford, Conn.; www. rely on, referring back to the information has entered into exclusive negotiations to
acquire composites producer Structil S.A. Structil is a JV
again and again with just the click of a
between Safran Ceramics and Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. mouse.
that is headquartered in Vert-le-Petit, France. Structil’s
2016 sales were approximately $21 million. Facts at Your Fingertips
Chromalox acquired Topics Include:
by Spirax-Sarco Engineering
May 30, 2017 — Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc (Cheltenham, • Conservation Economics: Carbon
U.K.; signed an Pricing Impacts
agreement to acquire Chromalox, Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pa.; for $415 million. Chromalox is a • Distillation Tray Design
provider of products and systems for industrial process • Burner Operating Characteristics
heating and temperature management with manufacturing • Measurement Guide for Replacement
facilities in North America, France and China.
PPG to sell U.S. fiberglass • Steam Tracer Lines and Traps
operations to Nippon Electric Glass • Positive Displacement Pumps
May 26, 2017 — PPG Industries, Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pa.; has reached a definitive agreement to • Low-Pressure Measurement for
sell its remaining fiberglass operations to Nippon Electric Control Valves
Glass Co. (NEG), including manufacturing facilities in South • Creating Installed Gain Graphs
Carolina and North Carolina. Pre-tax proceeds from the
sale are approximately $545 million. • Aboveground and Underground
Storage Tanks
Clariant and Huntsman to combine
in merger of equals
May 22, 2017 — Clariant AG (Muttenz, Switzerland; Receive full access today and Huntsman Corp. (The
Woodlands, Tex.; approved an by visiting
agreement to combine in a merger that will create a global
specialty chemicals entity named HuntsmanClariant with magazine/facts-at-your-fingertips
a combined enterprise value of approximately $20 billion.
The transaction is targeted to close by year-end 2017. ■ 24670
Mary Page Bailey
ike the ammonia used to to produce via
FIGURE 1. This 1,150-m.t./d nitric acid plant,
make it, nitric acid (NA) con- the conventional which started up this year in Hungary, uses
tinues to be produced by a Ostwald process, a dual-pressure process together with En-
process nearly a century old says Groves, and viNOx NOx/N2O abatement. The nitric acid is
— the Ostwald process. Although thyssenkrupp has used for fertilizer production
the basic chemistry has not changed a patented pro-
over the last century, the process cess for making
technology certainly has. On the one this azeotropic
hand, NA license providers continue concentration — a
to find ways to improve the energy variation of the Os-
efficiency and yields, as well as make twald process —
the production plant more reliable. that prevents the
On the other hand, catalyst provid- concentrated 68%
ers continue to improve the composi- HNO3 emerging
tion and structure of their catalysts to from the absorp-
boost yield, while reducing the forma- tion tower from being diluted by high maximum metal content of less than
tion of harmful byproducts. And more levels of water vapor in the atmo- 1 part per billion (ppb), and even
recently, engineering companies and spheric air used in the plant, he says. down to less than 0.1ppb,” he says.
catalyst manufacturers have com- “On the part of some fertilizer com-
bined their skills to reduce the emis- panies, we are seeing an interest in Ammonia oxidation
sions from NA plants. diversification,” explains Groves: ei- Large-scale NA production is still
ther for new plants or for revamping performed using the Ostwald pro-
Applications of HNO3 existing plants to be able to produce cess (Figure 3), whereby NH3 is first
Nitric acid is used for a large num- different concentrations simultane- oxidized with air over a platinum
ber of applications, but the majority ously — 60% for fertilizer manu- catalyst at temperatures of around
of the acid is used for making fertiliz- facture and a higher concentration, 900°C. NH3 combustion forms ox-
ers (Figures 1 and 2). Around 80% of typically 68%, for organic nitration ides of nitrogen [NOx; Reactions (1)
the NA produced globally is used for to produce, ultimately, polyurethane and (2)], which is then absorbed in
making ammonium nitrate, which is foams and other products. water to form HNO3 [Reaction (3)]:
the second-largest nitrogen fertilizer For many applications, such as
after urea, says Mark van Denderen, the production of explosives, pig- 4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6 H2O (1)
head of marketing, Stamicarbon ments and rocket fuels, higher con-
B.V. (Sittard, the Netherlands; www. centrations are required, says Edgar 2NO + O2 → 2NO2 (2) About 75% of the Steffin, head of marketing, QVF, De
ammonium nitrate produced is used Dietrich Process Systems GmbH, 3NO2 + H2O → 2HNO3 + NO (3)
in fertilizers, and the rest for making Mainz, Germany; www.dedietrich.
explosives that are used in the min- com). De Dietrich supplies plants How these three steps (all exo-
ing industry, he says. that achieve 99.8% HNO3 concen- thermic) are performed is the basis
The demand for plants that produce tration using reactive rectification of today’s different NA production
60 wt.% NA for fertilizer manufacture with sulfuric acid. Plants for these processes. These processes can
remains strong, says Michael Groves, QVF processes are built with highly be broadly categorized as mono-
head of nitric acid at thyssenkrupp corrosion-resistant components pressure, in which combustion and
Industrial Solutions AG (Essen, Ger- (columns, packing and piping) made absorption take place at the same
many; www.thyssenkrupp-industrial- from QVF borosilicate glass 3.3 and pressure (typically 4–6 bars) or dual An increasing interest De Dietrich glass-lined steel. pressure, in which combustion oc-
in higher concentrations — typically More recently, we are seeing a de- curs at a lower pressure (4–6 bars)
68 wt.% — has, however also been mand for purified, high-concentrated than that of absorption (10–14 bars).
observed, he says. This 68 wt.% is nitric acid for the semi-conductor in- The oxidation reaction is more favor-
the maximum concentration possible dustry, says Steffin. “They require a able at lower pressures, whereas
absorption is more efficient at higher Nitric acid
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions
n December 2015, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, world, around 140–160 (mostly in the E.U. and a few in North America)
Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB; Berlin, have already implemented N2O reduction, estimates Schmidt.
Germany; established the Nitric Acid Climate Ac- N2O emissions from NA production can be reduced relatively eas-
tion Group (NACAG; Berlin, Germany;, with the aim ily and at a low cost compared to other GHG abatement options,
to assure global abatement of N2O emissions from nitric-acid produc- says Schmidt. Technical abatement costs range from €0.90 to 3.20/
tion by 2020. The initiative offers all governments and plant operators tCO2eq depending on the employed abatement technology and spe-
guidance and information on technological and regulatory questions cific plant characteristics, according to NACAG.
regarding N2O abatement. It also provides financial support to facilities There are two main abatement techniques: secondary controls re-
in countries that are not able to bear the associated costs of abatement duce the N2O directly after it is formed in the oxidation reactor; and
technology by themselves, says Volker Schmidt, adviser for NACAG, tertiary controls reduce N2O by installing a catalytic reactor either
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GEZ; upstream or downstream of the tailgas expansion unit following the
Berlin, Germany; Last September, the German Chemical absorption stage at which the final product NA is produced.
Industry Assn. (VCI; Frankfurt; joined the NACAG — the The most common secondary N2O abatement catalyst technology
first industry association to “jump on the train”, says Schmidt. “This is consists of a base metal catalyst made of cylindrical pellets. Its opera-
a good example of cooperation between industry and government.” tion requires no additional heat or energy input. The very high tem-
Globally, the cumulative N2O abatement potential is estimated at 300– perature levels inside the ammonia oxidation reactor are sufficient to
400 million m.t. of CO2 equivalents (CO2eq) between 2016 and 2020 ensure effective operation. The abatement efficiency can reach more
and 600–800 million m.t. of CO2eq between 2021 and 2030, according than 98%, but is usually lower, varying from plant to plant depending
to NACAG. The initiative wants to help companies get started by provid- on different factors. Heraeus, for example, introduced such a catalyst
ing financial support, which comes with the caveat that the national gov- in 2005 that achieves a 95% N2O reduction, and has been success-
ernments of the countries in which the respective plants are located will fully used in a number of plants, says the company.
make a commitment for continued abatement after 2020, says Schmidt. We are now preparing for a big information campaign, says Schmidt.
According to NACAG, the most successful example of comprehen- “Over the next few weeks, we will be distributing information to all
sive N2O abatement to date is the E.U., where N2O emissions from NA plant operators and governments around the world that are eligible
production are covered by the E.U. Emissions Trading System. Over re- for the financial-support option of the initiative. We are also inviting all
cent years, this has achieved the consistent abatement of around 90% parties and stakeholders to contact the NACAG secretariat for further
of N2O emissions in the E.U. A number of countries intend to follow the elaboration of options and possibilities,” he says. For more informa-
E.U.’s example. Of the 580 NA production plants operating around the tion, go to ❏
Materials division of Umicore AG & N2O emissions in steady continu- technologies for over a decade. The
Co. KG (Hanau-Wolfgang, Germany; ous operation has to all intents and company collaborates with its part- introduced purposes been solved with the En- ner thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions
a new gauze generation for catalytic viNOx process, there still remains to provide tertiary N2O abatement
NH3 oxidation. Compared to the com- the problem of transient emissions of solutions at more than 25 NA pro-
pany’s established MKS systems, the NOx at plant startup and shutdown, duction plants globally. Combined,
new Multi-Combination Gauze Pack says Groves. Such emissions are the installations reduce annual N2O
(MPAC) technology is said to allow a troublesome, especially for plants emissions equivalent to approxi-
larger number of combinations, de- located in populated areas, due at mately 15 million tons of CO2.
signs and functionalities of gauzes, least in part to the unsightly brown In August 2015, Clariant intro-
including separators, getters, and the plume of NOx-containing gas exiting duced EnviCat N2O-S, a secondary
platinum gauze itself. By selecting the plant stack. The company is now catalyst that can be easily installed in
the right combination of gauzes for performing ongoing development existing NA plants without revamping
a given application, the new catalyst work aimed at reducing such emis- the facility, and converts the majority
system is said to improve product sions safely without, for example, the of N2O generated into harmless N2
yield with a lower weight of PGMs risk of forming ammonium nitrate by and O2. At the same time, the cata-
and reduced N2O emissions. inappropriate operation of the NOx lyst reduces NH3 requirements for
abatement system, he says. the same amount of NA production,
Reducing emissions NOx abatement and N2O abate- thus considerably lowering operating
“In all parts of the world, we are see- ment are now a requirement on costs, says the company.
ing an increased emphasis on lower nearly all new plants (certainly within Meanwhile, Haldor Topsoe A/S
NOx and N2O emissions,” says thys- the U.S. and Europe), says David (Lyngby, Denmark; www.topsoe.
senkrupp’s Groves (see box above). Boyd, director of Operations, KBR com) recently introduced TertiNOx, a
The company offers two variants of its Weatherly. Current emissions stan- new catalyst for reducing both NOx
EnviNOx process, both of which re- dards in the U.S., for instance, are and N2O emissions from the tail-
duce tailgas N2O emissions to below requiring greater than 98% removal gas of NA plants. Unlike traditional
30 ppm, while also reducing NOx of NOx and N2O, he says. Catalyst pellet-type catalysts, TertiNOx is a
emissions. Since the process was manufacturers are answering the call monolith structure that is impreg-
first commercialized in 2003 (Chem. for the lower emission limits with en- nated with iron zeolite that enables a
Eng., November 2002, p. 19), there hanced catalysts. simpler, smaller and less-expensive
are now about 30 EnviNOx systems For example, Clariant AG (Munich, reactor design (see Chem. Eng.,
in operation around the world. Germany; has May 2017, p. 10). n
Now that the issue of NOx and been developing N2O abatement Gerald Ondrey
Packaging Equipment:
Product Quality Improves
with Innovations
More sophisticated packaging equipment helps the CPI boost product quality and machine reliability
Optima Consumer
hen it comes to packaging their
products, chemical, pharma- QUALITY THROUGH
ceutical and food processors list SOPHISTICATION
product quality, often directly re-
lated to health and human safety, as the top RELIABILITY AND
concern, followed closely by efficiency and EFFICIENCY
reliability of equipment. Always aware of these
needs, manufacturers of packaging systems
are adding sophistication to their equipment
to help meet chemical process industries’
(CPI) requirements.
“Human health and safety are of high-
est importance to processors,” says Stefan
Bauer, sales director, chemical solutions, with FIGURE 1. Packaging equipment providers are working on
Optima Consumer GmbH (Schwabisch Hall, innovations based on robotics, innovative product transport
systems, integrated solutions and incorporating servo tech-
Germany; nology combined with clever software solutions
“Furthermore, highly reliable, flexible and safe
equipment secures processors’ daily busi- place (CIP) is a standard feature in our liquid
ness and produces top-quality products.” filling equipment and sometimes steriliza-
To ensure these goals, Bauer says pack- tion in place (SIP) may also be required,” he
aging equipment providers are working on says. “We also offer trolley solutions in which
innovations based on robotics, product all machine parts in direct contact with the
transport systems, integrated solutions and product — for example in filling systems —
the incorporation of servo technology com- are located on an exchangeable trolley. The
bined with clever software solutions. “This trolleys can even be coded, which means the
results in equipment with a small footprint, machine control will only accept a correctly
high product and format flexibility and track- identified trolley for a specific product. While
and-trace capability, as well as full process one trolley is in operation, other trolleys can
control,” he says. “In addition, product data be cleaned offline. With this procedure, the
management, condition monitoring, track uptime of the equipment is increased, while
and trace, serialization and batch size 1 (the cross contamination and all the related risks
economically efficient production of highly are avoided.”
customized products) are no longer just Bauer says quality control systems are
buzzwords. They are currently available so- also important. “Net weigh systems for liq-
lutions,” Bauer adds (Figure 1). uids or powders, torque control devices,
track-and-trace solutions, camera control
Quality through sophistication systems, checkweighing and further qual-
It’s no secret that the CPI — especially ity-increasing features are available,” says
chemical, pharmaceutical and food pro- Bauer. He adds that, if required, line control
cessing — are highly regulated by global and systems can verify each process. “All mea-
local agencies, so fulfilling external and inter- surable quality parameters can be tracked
nal regulations is crucial to ensuring product and documented. Only if a process is con-
quality and human health and safety. ducted with a pre-defined limit, can the next
For example, cross-contamination is often process step be released by the system.”
a big issue, says Optima’s Bauer. “clean in Markus Schade, head of market man-
FIGURE 2. The C3570 checkweigher uses preci- FIGURE 3. To combat counterfeit pharmaceuticals, Bosch has developed CPI Track & Trace software for
sion and speed to weigh products in all types of pharmaceutical manufacturers and contract packagers
agement at Mettler-Toledo Garvens quality of the label and its readability.” intelligence and transparency into
GmbH (Giesen, Germany; www. The pharmaceutical industry is production to ensure quality and agrees that quality strongly regulated, because qual- safe manufacturing processes. To
can be improved via added sophis- ity correlates with patients’ health, combat counterfeit pharmaceuticals,
tication of packaging equipment. says Johannes Rauschnabel, chief for example, Bosch has developed
“Checkweighers play a key role pharma expert with Bosch Packaging a specific track-and-trace solution
here, as they enable processors to Technology (Waiblingen, Germany; (CPI Track & Trace software) for
produce products within a defined For this pharmaceutical manufacturers and
range from a fill-level perspective,” reason, all kinds of quality attributes contract packagers. It connects Car-
he says. “Consumers expect to re- are the focus of regulatory bodies. ton Printing System (CPS) machine
ceive exactly the amount of product “In-process control is superior to modules that print data matrix codes
they paid for, therefore, monitoring quality by sampling. Aseptic quality and tamper-evident seals with CPI
and correcting fill levels and ensuring is a key requirement for sterile liquid Track & Trace software from Bosch,”
the repeatability of that process is a formulations. This means disinfection Rauschnabel says (Figure 3).
critical element.” (Figure 2) of the process environment, all man- Dave Harty, head of professional
In addition, he says, machine safety ufacturing equipment and filtration. services, Americas, with Adents (East
regulations and weighing regulations In-line inspection techniques, as well Windsor, N.J.;,
must be fulfilled, so most processors as final inspection of vials, ampoules, adds that a large percentage of the
follow the Measuring Instruments cartridges and syringes for cosmetic recalls that occur in the pharmaceu-
Directive (MID) approval to produce defects or container closure integrity tical market deal with packaging is-
products in a defined range for under (CCI) ensure high quality,” he notes. sues. “Wrong label stock, incorrect in-
and overfilling. But where the real ad- CCI is extremely important in this serts, poor readability and dynamically
vances come in is in the combining industry to ensure sterility and sta- printed data are all issues,” he says.
of technologies to ensure quality. bility — and thus quality and safety. “A great deal of effort is currently being
“Checkweighers, for example, can “It requires the inspection of a large spent on ‘right the first time’ (RFT)
be linked to vision systems,” says number of parameters. The United programs and, correspondingly, an
Schade. “Vision systems are able States Pharmacopeia has revised its increase in using various technologies
to check if labels are correct, which general chapter 1207, demanding to reduce human error and increase
is particularly useful where product more quantitative, non-destructive the verification of the packaging pro-
changeovers are concerned. Many CCI test methods.” cesses to reduce the packaging is-
processors run multiple products on To help meet these needs, Raus- sues and move the company closer
the same lines, therefore when there chnabel says Bosch offers an entire to RFT goals,” Harty says (Figure 4).
is a changeover, the checkweigher range of technologies based upon To do so, Harty says, there has
will recognize that the product is dif- their expertise of visual inspection been an increase in cost-effective
ferent due to its programming. What and CCI. Examples are high-voltage vision inspection technologies that
may not be picked up is if the label leak detection or headspace analy- provide the ability to inspect every
has not changed correctly, which sis. But perhaps the greatest areas individual item for a multitude of con-
could lead to potential problems. A of innovation are in the automa- ditions that currently are managed
vision system, in conjunction with the tion and connectivity of packaging by human beings and are subject
checkweigher, is able to detect this equipment, suggests Rauschnabel. to a great deal of error and incorrect
while, at the same time, checking the “Industry 4.0 solutions bring more evaluation. The ability to add these
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FIGURE 5. The high-performance packaging system in Beumer’s FIGURE 6. Open Source friction feeders from Pineberry Manufacturing include a PLC
stretch hood series can be used to secure the load. The film fits touchscreen with smartphone app capabilities
snugly over each product on the pallet, ensuring safe transport and
good load stability
tario, Canada; www.pineberryinc. Pereira, marketing manager with Pine- ments, moving forward.”
com) also upped the intelligence and berry Manufacturing. “The app can With the goals of product qual-
added an app to enhance the reliabil- report realtime machine data on both ity, efficiency and reliability in mind,
ity of its equipment. “All of our friction the machine’s PLC and the smart- today’s packaging equipment and
feeders used to come equipped with phone app. In addition, increased use systems are being developed with
a control box, but now most of our of automation greatly reduces bottle- innovative solutions that help pro-
Open Source friction feeders include necks, human errors and label costs, cessors meet all these product
a PLC touchscreen with smartphone improves order fulfillment and will help packaging requirements. n
app capabilities (Figure 6),” says Chris meet new packaging demand require- Joy LePree
High-Visibility Vest
Remote Mount
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for Switch Modification
Self Diagnostics
Assures Reliable
he physical properties of zeolites a wider range of properties, in-
make them extremely important cluding Si-to-Al ratio, pore size
in many industrial processes. and geometry, and the abil-
This one-page reference provides in- ity to incorporate metals and
formation on the structure and chem- other elements into the active
istry of zeolites that allows their use in sites. Most synthetic zeolites
the chemical process industries (CPI). are made using a process of
slow crystallization of a silica-
Zeolite structure alumina gel in the presence of
Zeolites are a class of hydrated alu- alkalis and organic templates.
minum silicates made up of silica and Many possible zeolite struc-
alumina tetrahedra (SiO4 and AlO4 tures are theorized.
linked in a tetrahedral configuration).
The linked tetrahedra form complex Major industrial uses
three-dimensional structures with Zeolites are widely used in the CPI;
large, cage-like cavities and chan- the majority in the following three
nels (Figure 1). Zeolites have open, general areas: FIGURE 1. The linked silica and alumina tetrahedra
non-dense structures — 20–50% Catalysis. Because zeolites are of zeolites create cage-like cavities and channels
that can be exploited to control chemical reactions
of a zeolite’s volume is void space. cation exchangers, it is possible to
Zeolites’ uniform framework of pores introduce a variety of cations with Zeolites can be designed to sepa-
can be exploited to control chemical different catalytic properties into the rate molecules according to differ-
reactions by adsorbing reactant mol- zeolite’s crystal structure. Simulta- ences in size, shape and polarity,
ecules within the zeolite pores. Cer- neously, their rigid pore geometry making them useful as dessicants
tain reaction pathways will be favored serves as a steric influence on reac- and in gas separation.
based on the shape and chemical tions, where the pore size and shape Ion exchange. Hydrated cations
composition of the zeolite pores. controls the access of reactants and within the zeolite pores are bound
There are 45 types of naturally oc- products. By controlling the pore loosely to the zeolite framework, and
curring zeolites, but their structures size and architecture, engineers can can exchange with other cations in
and properties are limited from an suppress formation of undesired aqueous media. This ability makes
industrial perspective. Most indus- products, for example. Zeolites serve zeolites useful as industrial water-soft-
trial uses employ one or more of as catalysts for many important re- eners, where sodium and potassium
the close to 200 synthetic zeolites actions involving organic molecules ions in the zeolite are exchanged for
that currently exist. The International in the petroleum refining and petro- calcium and magnesium ions in the
Zeolite Association (www.iza-online. chemical sectors (see Table 1). water. Also, zeolites can be used to
org) Structure Commission assigns Adsorption and separation. Zeo- remove radioactive or toxic heavy-
a three-letter code for each class of lites’ porous crystalline structure can metal cations from liquid nuclear
zeolites, corresponding to its three- be exploited as a molecular sieve, waste and groundwater, respectively.
dimensional crystal structure. where molecules with certain prop-
Synthetic zeolites allow control of erties are preferentially adsorbed. Catalysis chemistry
In addition to cations, zeolites can
have protons bound into their frame-
Process Zeolite platform/car- Reaction
rier catalyst type work. This molecular structure gives
Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) Zeolite Y (IZA code High-molecular-weight hydrocarbons are broken rise to high acidity, which can be
of crude petroleum fractions, FAU). ZSM-5 (IZA code into C5 to C8 hydrocarbons, as well as C3 and C4 useful in many key organic reactions.
such as vacuum gas oil (VGO) MFI) olefins, such as propylene Protons can act as Brønsted acids
Isomerization of light gasoline Acidic zeolite with Conversion of straight-chain alkanes to branched-
noble metal chain isomers to achieve higher octane numbers
(proton donors) in reactions with hy-
Hydrocracking of heavy pe- Zeolites X and Y (IZA Converts poor-quality feeds into gasoline and drocarbons that form carbocations,
troleum distillates code FAU) kerosene for example. n
Catalytic dewaxing ZSM-5 (framework Selectively hydro-isomerizes or cracks straight-
code MFI) and others chain and slightly branched paraffins. Used to Selected references
improve cold-flow properties of diesel fuel and
1. Baerlocher, C., McCuskar, L.B., and others, “Atlas of
lubricant oils
Zeolite Framework Types,” 6th ed., Elsevier, Amster-
Alkylation of benzene HZSM-5 (ion-exchange Combining ethylene with benzene to create ethyl- dam, The Netherlands, 2007.
sites occupied by H+) benzene for styrene and other purposes
2. Martinez, C. and Perez-Pariente, J. (editors), “Zeolites
Disproportionation of toluene ZSM-5; others may be Transfers methyl group to create more valuable and Ordered Porous Solids: Fundamentals and Applica-
used also para-xylene and benzene from toluene tions,” Valencia (Spain) Polytechnic Institute, 2011.
Isomerization of xylenes ZSM-5 Creates para- and ortho-xylene from meta-xylene, 3. Peskov, M., Zeolites, University of Stockholm, www.
a less valuable product, accessed May 2017.
Viega MegaPress® Stainless
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Technology Profile
Urea Production from NH3 via a Self-Stripping Process
By Intratec Solutions Ammonia, Urea synthesis
Steam reform./
NH3 synthesis/ Natural gas, air
carbon dioxide
urea synthesis
rea is a nitrogenous com-
pound consisting of a car- Steam reform./ Partial oxidation/
Naptha, air NH3 synthesis/ Urea NH3 synthesis/ Coal, air
bonyl group attached to two urea synthesis urea synthesis
amine groups. Urea plays an
important role in many biological pro- Hydrogen, NH3 synthesis/
NH3 synthesis/ Water, nitrogen
nitrogen urea synthesis
cesses, but is also an important ma- urea synthesis
terial in synthesis (for example, resins n Raw material n Pathway n Main product
and plastics), as well as in fertilizers
FIGURE 2. Several possible production pathways exist for urea
and animal feed.
tially free of carbamate, is obtained. manufacture occurs exclusively from
The process The off-gas from the decomposers NH3 and CO2, in such a way that dif-
The process described is similar to is rectified in a medium-pressure ab- ferent production routes are related to
Saipem’s (formerly Snamprogetti) self- sorber, from which gaseous ammonia different sources of those materials.
stripping process, based on formation is obtained as the top product and a Figure 2 shows the different pathways
of ammonium carbamate from liquid liquid ammonium carbamate stream is by which urea is produced.
NH3 and gaseous CO2, followed by obtained as bottom product. The am-
dehydration of the ammonium carba- monia is condensed, mixed with fresh Economic performance
mate to urea. Figure 1 presents a sim- ammonia and routed to urea synthe- The total operating cost (raw materi-
plified flow diagram of this process. sis, while the ammonium carbamate is als, utilities, fixed costs and deprecia-
Reaction. Initially, CO2 and a liquid directed to the condenser. tion costs) estimated to produce urea
mixture of ammonia and carbamate, Urea concentration. At this point, the is about $220 per ton of urea. The
recovered downstream, are fed to the urea-water mixture is concentrated analysis is based on data from the
urea reactor, part of the high-pressure in a two-stage evaporator, forming a second quarter of 2013 from a plant
synthesis loop. Here, the ammonia urea melt suitable for prilling (pelletiz- with capacity to produce 1.3 million
and the CO2 react, yielding ammo- ing). The vapor obtained is condensed metric tons of urea per year. It was as-
nium carbamate and urea. and directed to a condensate treat- sumed that the plant is integrated to
Stripping. The reactor effluent, con- ment unit. The treatment consists of an ammonia unit that supplies ammo-
taining carbamate, is fed to a falling- stripping and hydrolysis steps, and the nia, at its cost of production.
film stripper, where excess NH3 strips condensate obtained is used as pro- This column is based on “Prilled
out the carbamate from the effluent. cess water and boiler feed water, while Urea from Ammonia via Self-Strip-
The off-gas from the stripper is ab- the off-gas, containing ammonia and ping Process – Cost Analysis,” a re-
sorbed in a liquid carbamate stream CO2, is recycled to urea synthesis. port published by Intratec. It can be
recovered downstream, and fed to Finishing. Here, the urea melt is found at:
a kettle-type boiler to be condensed sprayed at the top of a prilling tow- urea-production-cost. n
and recycled to the reactor. The heat er, forming spheroidal urea particles Edited by Scott Jenkins
exchanged is used to produce steam. (called prills) which are packed in bags
Carbamate decomposition. The urea and stored. Editor’s note: The content for this column is supplied by In-
tratec Solutions LLC (Houston; and edited by
solution is directed to two successive Chemical Engineering. The analyses and models presented
decomposers for the removal of resid- Urea production pathways are prepared on the basis of publicly available and non-
ual carbamate and CO2. After decom- Urea was first produced in 1828 from confidential information. The content represents the opinions
of Intratec only. More information about the methodology for
position of carbamate and evaporation ammonia and cyanic acid in aqueous preparing analysis can be found, along with terms of use, at
of ammonia, a urea solution, substan- solution. Modern commercial urea
Circle 19 on p. 62 or go to
Cover Story
Activated Carbon:
Fundamentals and
New Applications
Activated carbon sorbents are important tools in water purification and air-pollution control. This
article provides information on the fundamentals of this diverse sorbent and on new applications
for which it is being employed
Ken Koehlert lobal sustain-
Cabot Corp. ability trends
are creating in-
creased demand
IN BRIEF for purification of air and
ACTIVATED CARBON water, as well as more en-
BASICS vironmentally friendly pro-
cess alternatives. Activated
RAW MATERIALS carbon (AC) sorbents play
ACTIVATION PROCESSES important roles in applica-
tions throughout the chemi-
cal process industries (CPI).
ADSORPTION These range from traditional 1,000 nm 100 nm
FUNDAMENTALS applications, such as mu- FIGURE 1. These images from a helium-ion microscope show the pore structure of
FACTORS AFFECTING nicipal water purification lignite-based activated carbon
PERFORMANCE and fluegas treatment, to
cutting-edge applications, such as ad- ner. The degree of order varies based on
sorbed natural gas storage and double- the starting raw material and thermal his-
BIOGAS PURIFICATION layer capacitors. tory. Graphitic platelets in steam-activated
SEDIMENT REMEDIATION In this article we review the basics of ac- coal are somewhat ordered, while more
tivated carbon, as well as the link between amorphous aromatic structures are found in
activated carbon properties and adsorption chemically activated wood.
performance. In addition, the article provides Randomized bonding creates a highly po-
an overview of two emerging applications for rous structure with numerous cracks, crev-
activated carbon sorbents — biogas purifi- ices and voids between the carbon layers.
cation and sediment remediation. Activated carbon’s molecular size porosity
and the resulting enormous internal surface
Activated carbon basics area make this material extremely effective for
Activated carbon is a highly porous, high- adsorbing a wide range of impurities from liq-
surface-area adsorptive material with a uids and gases. To provide some perspective
largely amorphous structure. It is composed for the internal surface area of activated car-
primarily of aromatic configurations of car- bon, the annual activated carbon production
bon atoms joined by random cross-linkages. of the author's employer has a surface area
Activated carbon differs from another form nearly equal to the total land area on Earth
of carbon — graphite — in that activated (148 million km²). Figure 1 shows two micro-
carbon has sheets or groups of atoms that graphs of the internal structure of steam-ac-
are stacked unevenly in a disorganized man- tivated lignite.
Activated carbon sorbents are tailored reactions in the raw material at tempera-
for specific applications mainly based on tures between 100 and 400°C.
pore size and pore volume requirements. Charring. Higher-molecular-weight or-
Porosity and other parameters are con- ganic materials are converted to a car-
trolled by the following: 1) raw material bonaceous char residue at temperatures
selection; 2) activation process condi- of 400–600°C. At this point, incipient
tions; and 3) post-processing steps. porosity and increased internal surface
Depending on the application, activated area begin to form. A B
carbon may be in the form of powder Activation. Activation is generally con-
(PAC), granule (GAC) or extrudate (EAC). ducted in a steam atmosphere at tem-
All three forms are available in a range of peratures between 700 and 1,050°C,
particle sizes. depending on the pore structure of the
carbon being produced. The desired re-
Raw materials action is shown in Equation (1).
Almost any carbon-containing mate-
rial can be used to produce activated C + H2O ➞ CO + H2 (1) C D
carbon. In practice, economics and FIGURE 2. This series of diagrams il-
target product properties are the deter- This reaction gasifies portions of the lustrates pore development during steam
mining factors in the selection of raw solid carbon to create pore volume.
materials. The base raw material has a Typically, about half of the carbona-
significant impact on the final product ceous char material entering the activa-
properties, including pore size distribu- tion step will be reacted away to create
tion and volume, hardness and purity. the desired internal pore structure. The
Most commercial activated carbons diagrams in Figure 2 depict the develop-
are manufactured from the following ment of porosity during steam activation.
raw materials: Chemical activation is used to pro-
• Coal (anthracite, bituminous, sub- duce carbons with pore structures and
bituminous, lignite) compositions that are somewhat differ-
• Coconut shell ent from those in steam-activated car-
• Wood bons. For example, chemically activated
Some types of activated carbon are wood has higher mesoporosity and
produced from less conventional raw higher oxygen content than a steam-
materials, such as peat, olive stones, activated carbon. The chemical activa-
fruit pits, petroleum coke, pitch, syn- tion process consists of mixing raw bio-
thetic polymers, scrap tires and waste mass with a strong dehydrating agent
cellulose materials. and heating to about 400 to 700°C. The
Raw materials may undergo pre-pro- dehydrating agent (typically phosphoric
cessing steps to control size, form and acid or zinc chloride) extracts the mois-
other properties. They may be crushed, ture from the raw material and fixes the
milled, briquetted or mixed with binders volatile component of the biomass while
and extruded prior to activation. the activation occurs. The degree of
activation is determined by the ratio of
Activation processes raw material to dehydrating agent and
Activated carbons are manufactured via by the heating time and temperature.
one of two processes: steam activation After activation, the product is extracted
at high temperature or chemical activa- to yield a highly porous activated carbon
tion using a strong dehydrating agent. product and the the dehydrating agent
Steam activation is the most com- is recovered.
monly used method for activated car- Chemical activation with potassium
bon production. It is performed in rotary hydroxide is of great recent interest be-
kilns, shaft kilns, multi-hearth furnaces cause it can produce highly micropo-
or fluidized beds, and proceeds through rous carbons with specific surface areas
the following steps: at or beyond the theoretical value for
Drying. Activated carbon raw materi- graphene (about 2,600 m2/g).
als in commercial use contain residual
moisture that must be removed before Post-processing
activation can take place. Following activation, activated carbon
Devolatilization. Volatile organic com- sorbents may undergo a series of post-
pounds (VOCs) are formed by cracking processing steps, including the following:
0.9 Bituminous
range of applications. Silver is commonly
0.8 Lignite
used to disinfect water. A more special-
ized example is impregnation with metal
salts and amines for military gasmasks.
Pore volume, mL/g
well Boiler
Siloxane Processed gas
Landfill Blower removal
pore structure to an adsorption site. The adsorption isotherm. The Freundlich FIGURE 4. This schematic diagram shows
process is diffusion-rate-limited and the adsorption isotherm, shown below in the collection, purification and use of bio-
gas from a landfill site
large pores play a role in transporting Equation (2), is commonly used to em-
adsorbate to the adsorption sites. Phys- pirically define this relationship.
ical adsorption is an equilibrium process
and is very dependent on the concen- Ccarbon = kfCwater1/n (2)
tration of the adsorbate in the solution.
The relationship between the amount Where:
of adsorbate on the surface versus Ccarbon = concentration of adsorbate
that in the solution is described by the adsorbed on carbon
Food Ingredients
Size Reduction
Herbicides ∙ Minerals
Wet & Dry Size Reduction
Steel & Ceramic Lined Mills Nutraceuticals ∙ Pesticides
Jars & Jar Rolling Mills Pharmaceuticals ∙ Pigments
The principal factor is the molecular size
of the compound being adsorbed. Ac-
tivated carbon adsorption increases as
the size of the molecule being adsorbed
increases. Certain types of functional
groups on the impurity molecule can
0 also affect its adsorbability.
0 5 10 15 Because the physical adsorption
PCB-118 conc. (ng/L)
process is an equilibrium reaction, the
FIGURE 5. This diagram shows a com- Cwater = equilibrium concentration of concentration of the molecule to be ad-
parison of lignite- and coconut-based ac- adsorbate in solution sorbed strongly affects the amount ad-
tivated carbon performance with 50 mg/L
natural organic material (NOM) Kf and n are constants for a given HOC sorbed, as described by the adsorption
and carbon at room temperature isotherm. The solubility of the adsorbed
The partition coefficient (Ccarbon / compound is also important, with lower
Cwater) can be calculated from Freun- solubility resulting in greater adsorption.
dlich equation at a given equilibrium Adsorption rate increases with tem-
concentration. perature. However, desorption rate also
If a single compound is being ad- increases with temperature and it is not
sorbed by activated carbon, all pores possible to predict the net effect in liquid-
of a suitable size are available for ad- phase applications. The principal reason
sorption and the amount of material ad- for adsorbing at elevated temperatures in
sorbed is the maximum achievable by the liquid phase is to lower viscosity and
the particular carbon. increase diffusion rate. In gas-phase ap-
If several adsorbate molecules are plications, adsorption always decreases
present, there can be competition for with higher temperature.
the adsorption sites. In that situation, Activated-carbon-related factors. In
the larger impurity molecules will block adsorption applications, the most criti-
some of the smaller pores. This may re- cal performance parameter is the distri-
duce the carbon’s ability to adsorb the bution of pore size and volume. Since
smaller-sized adsorbates. adsorption occurs almost exclusively in
Chemical adsorption. Chemical ad- pores just a few times larger than the ad-
sorption refers to the direct reaction of sorbate molecule, it is the pore volume
the adsorbed molecule with an active within this size range that determines
site on the carbon surface. As a result of adsorption capacity. The highly porous
the reaction, a chemical bond is formed nature of activated carbon gives rise to
between the adsorbate and the carbon surface areas as large as 3,000 m²/g.
surface. The active sites on the carbon Pore sizes are classified as micro-,
surface involved in chemisorption are meso- or macropores, according to the
mainly functional groups that contain conventions of the International Union
oxygen and alter the electron balance of Pure and Applied Chemisty (IUPAC;
of the carbon surface. If the molecule Micropores with widths less
being adsorbed is chemically bound to than 2 nm are useful for adsorbing small
the carbon surface (shared electrons), molecules, especially in vapor applica-
the process is termed chemisorption. tions. Mesopores, ranging in width from
If the adsorbed molecule resides only 2 to 50 nm, are in the right size range
temporarily on the carbon surface, picks to adsorb many contaminant materi-
up an electron, and then leaves the car- als. Macropores greater than 50 nm in
bon surface, the process is described as width have minimal adsorption capac-
catalytic conversion. This is the mecha- ity, but are critical in determining ad-
nism responsible for the dechlorination sorption kinetics within the particle. The
reaction used by bottlers to convert free larger pores provide transport paths for
chlorine in water to chlorides. molecules to diffuse into the mesopores
and micropores, where adsorption High purity is critical in some appli-
takes place. Figure 3 compares the cations. Food, beverage and potable
pore distribution of four different ac- water applications require low levels
tivated carbons from a variety of raw of extractables. Pharmaceutical acti- STATE-OF-THE-ART
materials and activation processes. vated carbons must have ultra-high
Surface area can be determined purity and full traceability. Emerging MIXING TECHNOLOGY
by nitrogen adsorption using the uses in double-layer capacitors and
BET (Brunauer, Emmet, Teller) other electrochemical applications
method. Pore size distribution can depend on high purity for extended Technologically optimized
be quantified by examining the ad- cycle life.
sorption and desorption of nitrogen, for your application
carbon dioxide and other adsor- Application types
bates. Mercury porosimetry is well Activated carbon sorbents are used Cost effective
suited to measure macropore and in two broad application classes: mixing technology
large mesopore volume. However, vapor and liquid purification. Within
it is more common and convenient each class are examples of two Available in 4 weeks
to measure and rank activated car- types of fluid-sorbent contacting.
bon performance using specific ad- These are PAC dosing and GAC/
sorbates that mimic the application. EAC packed columns. Beyond purifi-
Examples include iodine adsorption cation, activated carbons are used in
to assess small pore capacity and a number of specialized applications.
dye molecule adsorption (methylene In PAC dosing systems, activated
blue, bromophenol blue, and so on) carbon particles are injected into the
to assess medium-sized pores. In contaminated fluid, dispersed within
some cases, the characterization the fluid for an appropriate contact
test is directly related to the final ap- time, and then removed by sedimen-
plication, as in the case of molasses tation or filtration. PAC dosing may
decolorizing efficiency as a predictor be used in batch or continuous in-
of performance in sugar applica- jection systems. PAC contact times
tions, and butane working capacity range from 0.05 to 2 seconds in gas-
as a performance metric for carbons phase systems and 1 to 60 minutes
used to control automobile gasoline in liquid-phase batch applications. In
vapor emissions. municipal water treatment, PAC may
Particle size and distribution im- be added continuously as a slurry or
pact performance in both PAC and powder and then can be removed
GAC applications. For PAC, size and by flocculation, sedimentation and
size distribution correlate to mass- filtration. In coal-fired utility mercury
transfer resistance and filterability. removal, PAC is injected into the
In batch applications, a fine particle fluegas through a distribution lance
size provides rapid adsorption, but and removed in the electrostatic pre-
also a high pressure drop and slow cipitator or fabric filter.
filtration when removing the sorbent. In packed-bed systems, fluid flows
The best balance of performance is through a static bed of GAC or EAC.
often found by narrowing the size As the contaminant concentration
distribution. In GAC and extrudate in the fluid decreases, the loading
packed-bed applications, size is on the carbon increases, creating
again related to mass-transfer resis- a concentration gradient along the Your fast lane to
tance and pressure drop. column. The mass-transfer zone is advanced mixing technology:
Durability is of particular concern defined by the gradient between
for GAC and EAC forms. Particles the inlet concentration existing in
must be able to resist damage and the fully loaded bed and the outlet Phone: +1 201 825 4684
fines formation during transport, col- concentration. Breakthrough occurs Ext.: 222
umn loading and use — especially if when the mass-transfer zone travels
the application involves column back- to the exit of the column. Packed-
washing. Activated carbons for gold bed systems are sized based on
extraction have some of the most either calculated or experimentally
stringent durability requirements. Du- determined isotherms, contact time
rable particles are also required to based on estimated or measured ki-
minimize losses during re-activation. netics and mass transfer, and pres-
Circle 06 on p. 62 or go to
Circle 01 on p. 62 or go to
Feature Report
Rupture Discs:
Effectively Minimize
Leaks and Emissions
When installing rupture discs, there are several mechanical and operational considerations for
reducing the likelihood of leaks and fugitive emissions
Alan Wilson verpressure
Mike Quimby relief systems
Oseco consisting of
rupture discs
and relief valves are vital
IN BRIEF for preventing damage
Rupture disc
RUPTURE DISCS UNDER and injury within chemical
RELIEF VALVES Process media
processing plants and pe-
RUPTURE DISC troleum refineries. These
TECHNOLOGIES systems experience leak-
age or fugitive-emission problems when in- FIGURE 1. Holder design is important for ensuring that rup-
stalled, maintained or specified improperly. ture discs are installed in the proper orientation
Consequences for such leakage issues
A NEW TECHNOLOGY may include plugging, corrosion, prod- fluids until the pressure drops below the set
LEAKS THROUGH THE uct loss and contamination. More serious pressure. At this point, the sealing surfaces
RELIEF SYSTEM consequences may also occur, including close to contain the remaining pressure. Re-
endangering employees and the public, lief valves used without rupture discs often
fines or cleanup fees issued by regula- leak, especially if operating pressures are too
tory agencies and lost production due to close to the set pressure of the relief valve.
IMPORTANCE OF unplanned shutdowns. Leakage from a relief valve results in product
TRAINING Rupture discs do a good job of minimiz- loss, corrosion of sealing surfaces, sticking
ing leaks through the planned overpressure and additional wear on the valve. The added
relief path. However, preventing leakage to stresses on the relief valve will commonly
the atmosphere between the rupture disc lead to system shutdowns for maintenance
and holder requires proper device specifica- at more frequent intervals. Unplanned shut-
tion and correct installation. There is also a downs for maintenance prove very costly to
need for careful inspection, proper cleaning plants and can be avoided by placing rupture
and regular maintenance of components. discs under pressure relief valves.
Understanding the various rupture disc tech- Rupture discs open much faster than relief
nologies, assembly types and sealing mech- valves, create a leak-tight seal, and may be
anisms employed will help users prevent readily manufactured in a variety of materials
leakage and fugitive emissions in their plant’s for compatibility with most process media.
overpressure relief systems. They are quicker and more cost-effective to
produce from expensive, corrosion-resistant
Rupture discs under relief valves alloys compared to relief valves. Once acti-
The most common application for rup- vated, the rupture disc remains open until
ture discs is the isolation of pressure relief replaced. Placing a rupture disc on the up-
valves. Pressure relief valves use springs stream side of a relief valve is an effective
or other mechanisms to apply pressure way for plants to utilize the advantages pro-
to sealing surfaces to contain the process vided by each technology.
media. Overpressure events force the seal- Rupture discs help maintain the sealing sur-
ing surfaces to separate, releasing process faces of a relief valve and keep the valve in
pristine condition. In the event of an to describe them. For more informa-
overpressure situation, the relief valve tion on rupture disc types and maxi-
will reliably reseat itself, without risk of mizing their operating performance,
product buildup or corrosion. Utilizing see Modern Rupture Discs Support
rupture discs as a first line of defense Increased Capacity, Chem. Eng.,
will help extend the life of the relief valve, June 2016, pp. 38–43.
increase the time between required Pre-bulged and composite types
maintenance intervals and reduce over- of forward-acting rupture discs were
all costs related to the overpressure the industry standard for decades.
relief systems. Though they can be effective solu-
Pairing the two technologies for tions for simple applications, they
overpressure relief raises an addi- offer little flexibility for improving sys-
tional layer of consideration to en- tem performance. For example, nei-
sure the desired result is achieved. ther is ideal for relief valve isolation.
According to American Society of Both designs are susceptible to frag-
Mechanical Engineers (ASME; New mentation, making them unsuitable
York, N.Y.; Boiler for use under pressure relief valves. FIGURE 2. Leaks can occur through the relief sys-
and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Fragmenting rupture discs can dam- tem if rupture discs become compromised
XIII-1 UG-127(a) (3) (-b) (-4), the age or get stuck in the sealing sur-
space between the rupture disc and faces of pressure relief valves. This out the plant. To reap these benefits,
the relief valve must be monitored for prevents proper closure when the supervisors must provide training
changes in pressure. Rupture discs overpressure event subsides. These and continued education for all staff
are differential pressure devices, disc types are also subject to lower involved in specifying and installing
meaning that the burst pressure of operating ratios, fatigue in cyclic en- these devices.
the disc is dependent on the pres- vironments and require additional
sure both upstream and downstream vacuum supports in the presence Holder sealing technologies
of the rupture disc. If a rupture disc of negative pressures. Both designs Angle-seat holders have long been
develops a small leak due to mishan- are still manufactured today for use used in the rupture disc industry. The
dling, corrosion or other damage, in angle-seat holders and more angled surface creates a partial cone
the pressure builds up between the modern flat-seat holders. shape, which wedges together the
rupture disc and the relief valve. A Rupture disc performance was surfaces of the inlet and the outlet.
pressure buildup downstream of the elevated with the advent of scoring Rupture discs designed for these
rupture disc effectively raises the ac- technologies paired with the anneal- holders have matching angle-seat
tual burst pressure of the disc. This ing of the metal to control the ten- geometry. Angle-seat holders are
additional pressure causes the disc sile strength and minimize stresses prone to pinching through the com-
to activate at a pressure higher than from cold-working. These processes ponents of the rupture disc. Applica-
the intended burst pressure of the yielded two new families of rupture tion of excess torque alters the ge-
disc. As a result, it is critical to moni- discs: the forward-acting scored and ometry of holders, deforming them
tor this space for pressure, which the reverse-buckling scored discs. to a point where they are unable to
is typically accomplished by using Both disc types outperform their pre- properly seal. Most rupture disc sup-
a pressure gage or a monitored bulged and composite counterparts pliers discourage the use of angle-
pressure switch. in terms of higher operating ratios, seat holders in favor of flat-seat hold-
non-fragmenting designs and preci- ers or alternative designs.
Rupture disc technologies sion of activation pressures. Flat-seat holders come in two
Before evaluating possible causes While users will pay higher prices main varieties, designed for either
of leaks related to rupture discs, it is for these more advanced technolo- forward-acting or reverse-buckling
important to understand the various gies, they will benefit from increased discs. Both are designed to ac-
assembly types and the limitations of performance and productivity through commodate corresponding rupture
their technologies. Rupture discs are reduced downtime and the ability to disc designs and help to seat the
available in many different types. How- operate at higher pressures. They will disc in its proper orientation. Each
ever, this article limits its consideration also find opportunities to save money manufacturer has proprietary holder
to “insert type” assemblies intended to by consolidating applications and designs intended to work only with
be mounted between piping flanges. reducing inventory levels. Because its corresponding rupture disc. The
Most rupture discs can be described both scored-disc types perform well seating surfaces are perpendicular
as one of four types: pre-bulged, in demanding applications, replace- to the flow path and parallel to one
composite, forward-acting scored ment costs and scheduled mainte- another (Figure 1). Each disc manu-
and reverse-buckling scored. Manu- nance intervals may be reduced. The facturer also has a slightly different
facturers usually make one or more consolidation of inventory paired with method for creating a concentrated
versions of each type, and may use higher-performing discs helps users force through the use of a reduced
different names or model numbers realize much larger savings through- contact area. Often called a nubbin
Holder Process media
•Workson3phase,fixedorvariable 18
frequency,DCandsinglephasepower 16
•10timesmoresensitivethan 12
Circle 09 on p. 62 or go to
9211 Corporate Boulevard, 4th Floor Rockville, MD 20850 | 1-888-707-5814 | A division of Access Intelligence
Feature Report
Part 2
ne of the most critical safety de-
Inveno Engineering, LLC vices in a steam system is the
safety valve. Figure 1 is an illustra-
tion of a typical safety valve, and
Figure 2 shows a valve in context on a steam
IN BRIEF line. Safety valves protect personnel, equip-
DOCUMENTING SAFETY ment and property from potentially dangerous
VALVES high temperatures and forces caused by ex-
SIZING GUIDELINES cessive steam pressure in the steam system.
Steam safety valves are required by
industry standards, as well as insur-
ance and corporate mandates. There-
DISCHARGE VENT PIPING fore, it is important that the safety valve
Installation guidelines
Figures 3 through 5 show three
Safety valve drain port to be different types of safety valve in-
piped to a drain stallations: Figure 3 shows a typi-
Drip-pan drain port
piped to drain
cal installation; Figure 4 depicts a
safety valve installed after a pres-
Make as short as possible
sure-reducing valve; and Figure 5
illustrates a safety valve installed on
FIGURE 3. There are many aspects to consider when installing a safety valve into a typical steam-system a heat-transfer process. No mat-
application ter which purpose the safety valve
SINCE 1915
For over 100 years, the Chem Show continues to connect leading manufacturers of equipment, systems and
services for the CPI with tens of thousands of professionals from every segment of the process industries.
Circle 03 on p. 62 or go to
Engineering Practice
Setting Specifications in the Modern World
Utilizing ‘Tolerance Intervals’ can help to set more realistic specification ranges,
especially when only small amounts of data are available
Noel Sutton companies take minimum and maxi- TABLE 1. VISCOSITY DATA & STATISTICS,
Amway mum values observed during prod- CENTIPOISE (CPS)
pecifications provide a uct development and scale-up and Batch 1 15,397
framework by which one then utilize them as specification Batch 2 14,697
can gage whether prod- boundaries. Others rely on statistical Batch 3 16,796
ucts have been manufac- concepts, such as the widely known
tured successfully. They identify a Six Sigma method, to establish ac- Minimum 14,697
product’s key characteristics and, ceptance criteria. Maximum 16,796
Mean 15,630
for each attribute, quantify how When pre-production measure-
Standard deviation 1,069
much deviation from a target value ments or test results originate from Count 3
is allowed. Normally, specification normally distributed populations
ranges are derived from either the — a very common situation — the
“voice of the customer” (that is, cus- equations below stipulate the Six when in reality, nothing is wrong with
tomer requirements) or the “voice of Sigma outer limits. They depend on it; the OOS test result or measure-
the process” (that is, process capa- the data’s mean, µ, and standard ment emerged from normal process
bilities). deviation, : variation — not some aberration of
For example, when formulating a the manufacturing process.
material that will be sold in tubes, Lower release limit (LRL) = µ – 3
what rheology or flow properties Upper release limit (URL) = µ + 3 The Tolerance Intervals method
should the product have? Custom- To balance a company’s compet-
ers ideally want the substance in- (Note: Six Sigma represents the ing objectives (to be “first to market”
side the tubes to be stiff enough span of –3 to 3 standard deviations. versus ensuring outstanding product
(with a high enough yield point) so For large amounts of data, that span quality), more businesses should
that it won’t flow unintentionally, but covers 99.73% of all measurements adopt Tolerance Intervals (TIs) as a
thin enough that when a reason- if the data are normally distributed.) specification-setting technique. This
able amount of force is applied, the What many don’t realize is that method compensates for pared-
product dispenses. To control this, a both specification-setting methods down data sets, and produces
viscosity specification would be cre- mentioned above are only appropri- wider, more realistic specification
ated to guide manufacturing. ate when appraising large data sets ranges while requiring just a fraction
In both cases, whether specifica- (containing at least 30, but maybe of the customary amount of pre-pro-
tions are dictated by customer or 50 or more data points). They are duction data. TIs are defined by:
process requirements, development invalid when just a few data points • The number of data points
engineers must carry out enough have been acquired. However, obtained
experimentation to uncover how many companies these days have • The minimum proportion of a pop-
much the product and its properties a conflicting mandate — to shorten ulation that must be covered by
are affected by innate manufacturing product-development schedules the TI (50, 75, 90, 95 or 99% are
variability. In addition, when speci- so products can be delivered faster typical values picked)
fications are driven by customer to the marketplace. This frequently • The confidence level chosen (90,
needs, one must substantiate that translates into less time available for 95 or 99% are common values),
the manufacturing process is capa- experimentation in the laboratory or indicating the likelihood that the
ble of unfailingly supplying product in pilot plants (and thus, less data range or interval will cover the pro-
that meets those obligations; if the generated during preproduction). portion of a population selected
process cannot meet them, then it When creating specification TI endpoint equations [1] are ex-
should be modified until it can. ranges from a limited number of data pressed similarly to the Six Sigma
After collecting pre-production points, boundaries generally end up method, with k2, the tolerance fac-
data, how should that information being too close together because tor for normal, two-sided popula-
be employed to predict future prod- small “sample” quantities seldom tion distributions, replacing the three
uct variability? The chemical pro- exhibit the degree of variation found values in the earlier definition of LRL
cess industries (CPI) currently have in larger data sets. With undersized and URL:
no widely accepted, standard way or inadequate specification ranges,
of establishing process capability- some future output will be flagged LRL = µ – k2
based specification limits. Some as being out of specification (OOS), URL = µ + k2
SETTING METHODS Minimum 10,800
Min & Max Six Sigma Tolerance Interval Maximum 19,600
Lower release limit (LRL) 14,697 12,424 5,827 Mean 15,609
Upper release limit (URL) 16,796 18,836 25,433 Standard Deviation 1,995
Count 27
The equation shown below furnishes What proportion of a population
an approximate value for k2, where: and confidence level should be cho- = Confidence Level = 90%
N = the number of data points sen when creating the TI specifica- 21–,N–1 = Lower tail critical
z = the critical value of a standard tion ranges for this new product? value of Chi-Square distribution
normal probability Through some evaluation, the au- = 20.1,2=0.211
= the minimum proportion of a thor found that selecting a 99% pro- k2 = [2*(4/3)*.6.65/0.211]0.5 = 9.17
population, % portion of a population and a 90%
= a confidence level, % confidence level usually works well, Thus:
2 = a Chi-Square distribution creating specification ranges that are LRL=
x21–,N–1= Lower tail critical value of neither too wide nor too narrow.
Chi-Square distribution
z((1–)/2)=Critical value of the stan- URL =
dard normal distribution for a cumu-
lative probability of ((1 – )/2) ~
Table 2 summarizes the specification
A practical example ranges created by the three speci-
Recently the author’s company de- Where: fication methodologies (Minimum/
veloped a new product whose vis- N = Number of data points = 3 Maximum, Six Sigma and TIs) dis-
cosities are very similar to those of = Proportion of population to be cussed here. Clearly, the Tolerance
another product that has been pro- covered = 99% Interval release limits are significantly
duced for a while. Three pilot plant z((1–)/2)) = The critical value of wider than those generated by the
batches were made, with the vis- a standard normal probability other two approaches.
cosity data and resulting statistics = z((1–0.99)/2) = z0.005 = –2.58 As mentioned previously, the
shown in Table 1. z2((1–)/2)) = (-2.58)2 = 6.65 new product’s viscosities are very
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odern techniques are employees. In addition to the clas- 20
being used for realistic sic reasons to use simulation, such n Simulation
n Audiovisual
plant training for control as “reduce trips” and “speed time to 10 n Reading
n Lectures
room operators, field op- commissioning,” employing struc- 5
erators, and operations and mainte- tured simulation training and other
nance personnel. Simulator training modern methods, such as tutorial 0 25 50 75 100
has been shown to result in better video and virtual reality simulation,
retention by participants than most maximizes the value of the time FIGURE 1. Simulation offers a 78% learning reten-
tion rate, which is much higher than other training
other learning methods. This article spent in training. options (Source: Ref. 1)
describes these training platforms,
when they should be used, and Integrated platform for O&M with the exception of true tactile
how to set up a performance-based A complete, integrated simulation feedback and maintenance-related
competency grid. and training platform can be used to psychomotor skills. The benefit of
Simulation training and blended train control room, and field opera- a simulation platform is that it is al-
learning can be tied to an organiza- tions and maintenance (O&M) per- ways available and can be set up
tion’s key performance indicators sonnel through the development of for trainee self-study. This alleviates
(KPIs) through a Personnel Effective- targeted models and trainee activi- some of the training responsibility
ness Model that utilizes simulation to ties. These solutions typically consist that often falls on senior personnel,
maximize training value for time spent. of portions of control-panel-based whose time is already stretched thin.
To understand how to employ a simulation, which are traditional op- In addition, simulation training can
Personnel Effectiveness Model, con- erator training simulators (OTS), inte- also be deployed over the “cloud,”
sider first that time spent in struc- grated with small virtual-reality (VR) making global deployment and man-
tured, measurable simulation train- training environments. Learning is agement a possibility. A competency
ing is significantly more valuable targeted at high-consequence, diffi- grid should be constructed assum-
than time spent by any other learn- cult and important items. Both oper- ing that simulation will accommodate
ing method [1]. Simulator training ations and maintenance training are the training. This is antithetical to the
achieves 78% retention, while the av- considered, and scenarios are built traditional practice that we must first
erage of all other methods is 11.6% to accommodate items such as pro- identify what can be accomplished
when blended equally (Figure 1). This duction, abnormal operations (O&M with simulation. This mindset is ob-
means that simulator training is nearly team training), maintenance and re- solete because modern simulation
seven times more effective than any pair procedures. can replicate nearly any environment
other learning method, not including By developing and deploying a and condition.
on-the-job training (OJT). In many training platform such as this, orga- The modern competency-grid
cases, even OJT is unstructured and nizations are able to maximize the model should be built such that, at
not measurable. While this experien- effectiveness of the time person- the end of the analysis, we iden-
tial learning is valuable, it can also be nel spend in training, and raise their tify exception items that should be
accomplished using simulation. level of retention and therefore com- physically experienced based upon
Therefore, it is reasonable to say petency. VR platforms also enable those that affect the KPI-related
that one, 8-hour day of simulator inclusion of items such as orienta- training scenarios to be built. This
training is effectively worth 7 days, tion, and environmental, health and maintains the focus on performance
or 56 hours of training by any other safety electronic-learning as part of and training as related to the solution
method. The Personnel Effective- the dedicated training environment. that is being designed.
ness Model considers that techni-
cal competency should be one of When should simulation be used? Competency grid model
an organization’s KPIs. This is true All O&M training items can and Constructing a performance-based
for most large industrial organiza- should generally be accomplished competency grid for a facility or
tions, however historically, most using simulation of various types, workgroup is a scientific process
Review key performance Review any existing Conduct simulation and Identify past problems;
develop simulation
organization, then we should also
indicators for the site/ valuable job position training needs analysis consider this training seat time to be
performance analysis via job task analysis and training plan based upon
organization personnel effectiveness
data job hazard analysis
KPI an asset expenditure on personnel
competency and growth.
Develop training Using integrated simulation and
Integrate simulation and
Develop and implement training platform with Deploy personnel program requirements training applications raises the return
initial and continuing effectiveness simulation and combined OTS-VR
training programs
learning management
training platform simulation training on competency investment by en-
system (as desired)
platform abling 78% retention, as compared
to an average of 11.6% for all other
Assign an initial Assign minimum Categorize, assign Develop competency
methods. In the example below,
"effectiveness rating" weighting criteria and
to all trainees based
competency rating for
values to all training
grid based upon items shown for a combined O&M worker,
existing O&M personnel identified as training
upon previous training & based upon job position items in competency items related to KPIs we can also directly correlate her or
experience grid
his 84.5% personnel effectiveness
FIGURE 2. This graphical depiction of a personnel effectiveness competency model shows the steps rating to training and retention cost.
involved This also allows organizations to tie
effectiveness ratings to pay scale,
that serves as the foundation for criteria and values to all training bonus or promotion as a measurable
any training program. It is what tells items in the competency grid element for the worker.
the management team what training 7. Assign minimum competency rat- If the training was given in tradi-
their people need, given the facility’s ings for existing O&M personnel tional non-simulation ways, such as
current KPIs. It can be accomplished based upon job position required reading, lecture and so on,
by a dedicated workgroup experi- 8. Assign an initial “effectiveness rat- that have a cumulative retention rating
enced in instructional systems de- ing” to all trainees based upon of 11.6%, the return on investment in
sign at industrial facilities. The steps previous training and experience training is only $116,000. Using simu-
involved in the work include the fol- 9. Develop and implement initial and lation for the same activities improves
lowing (Figure 2): continuing training programs the training experience for all users
1. Review key performance indica- 10. Integrate simulation and training and raises the ROI in training time
tors for the site or organization platform with a learning manage- to $780,000. This example equates
2. Review existing, valuable, job-po- ment system (as desired) to $664,000 of wasted training time
sition performance analysis data 11. Deploy personnel effectiveness investment, or approximately 13,280
3. Conduct a simulation and training simulation and training platform hours of wasted time spent in largely
needs analysis ineffective and often unenjoyable
a. Job task analysis — Conduct a Personnel effectiveness rating training by employees just to com-
performance review of control Table 1 represents a simplified ex- plete their required qualifications.
room, field operator and main- ample of a completed competency
tenance job positions to deter- grid for personnel consisting of 48 The importance of flexibility
mine the difficulty, importance discrete training items. Let’s con- Of course all of this takes time and
and frequency of normal and sider that it takes 200 hours to com- money, and we recognize there is a
abnormal operations expected plete all training items in the grid and finite amount of this every year. That’s
b. Identify items that directly re- that there are 100 total persons at why getting the most value for time
late to KPIs, such as those that the site. Assuming an average hourly and money spent is so important.
directly affect production, per- rate (O&M, supervision) of $50 per One of the benefits of employing a
sonnel safety and environmen- hour, it costs $1,000,000 to imple- virtual reality or “immersive training”
tal compliance ment all of the items in the grid per environment (Figure 3) is that it can be
c. Job hazard analysis (JHA) — 100 persons. If personnel effective- expanded and updated year after year
O&M tasks with high conse- ness is considered as a KPI for an even if the control system is changed.
quence JHAs should be con-
sidered for simulation training as
well as those that affect KPIs
d. Past problems — Identify any
past problems or incidents that
should be included in training
e. Develop a simulation training
plan based upon personnel ef-
fectiveness KPIs
4. Develop training program require-
ments and combined OTS-VR
simulation training platform.
5. Develop a competency grid based
upon items identified as training
items related to KPIs
6. Categorize and assign weighting FIGURE 3. Virtual and augmented reality can be combined in immersive operations training
A good VR environment will allow know these approaches are ineffec- and how it is best delivered, don’t
connection to more than one con- tive, and therefore a poor choice both be afraid to answer … and don’t
trol system so that the client is not for the experience of the trainee as be afraid to recommend the use of
“locked in” to one VR vendor. It is well as for the longterm investment simulation as an economical, power-
also practical to enter into multi- that is made in training time and com- ful and highly efficient option that can
year service agreements where the petency development at any facility. deliver far more than you had previ-
platform is designed and developed Using a personnel effectiveness ously thought possible. ■
as part of a capital expense (capex) training model and deploying simu- Edited by Dorothy Lozowski
project in year one with subse- lation and training in immersive, ex-
quent development in following periential environments can give an Reference
years under the same expenditure. organization a sustainable model 1. Based on information from the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral
Science ( as cited in the report "Strategies for Operator
In subsequent years, operational for competency development that Training Simulators," by the ARC Advisory Group, Feb. 2014 (www.
expenses (opex) can also be used quantifies the value of advanced
to add additional training items and training applications, time and activi-
scenarios to the VR environment to ties. In addition, it is true to say that Author
raise the effectiveness of training a more competent, effective O&M Graham Provost is the senior
provided, thereby raising the effec- workforce will undoubtedly raise managing consultant for Simsci
Simulation and Training, Industry
tiveness of personnel. This is also the quality and value of production Business with Schneider Electric
especially important as overall train- and any other targeted KPI if an ef- (2406 Madison Ave., Baltimore,
ing needs change over the years. fective simulation training model is MD; Email: graham.provost@
employed. This model can lend in- He has
22 years of training, operations
Personnel effectiveness & KPIs creased credibility to training prac- and maintenance experience, in-
Using a model for personnel com- tices at industrial facilities by tying cluding 16 years of experience in
petency development that incor- the activities directly to KPIs and training and instructional design in petroleum refining,
chemical and power plants, and more. This includes 10
porates the most efficient and ef- high consequence items determined years in the Navy Nuclear Power Program as a supervi-
fective training methods available is through a rigorous scientific method sor, operator and trainer, time in the cement and mining
an important factor for responsible with room for evolution. industry as an electrical maintenance manager and in
waste energy as a shift supervisor. Provost has experi-
managers. Given the technology op- Using an immersive, integrated ence in all facets of training curriculum design, develop-
tions that exist today, it hardly makes simulation and training platform to ment, and implementation for all types of training topics
sense to just rely on approaches that train today’s workforce quantifies in various formats, including simulation and e-learning.
were developed nearly two decades and maximizes the value of training As a classroom instructor, he has presented numerous
courses for operations, maintenance and supervision,
ago — including PowerPoint pre- time and helps to monetize the value totaling thousands of hours of classroom presentation
sentations or overhead projectors. of providing better tools for train- time. Provost is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Nuclear
Research findings have validated the ing. The next time someone asks Power Training program and has a B.S. in human re-
source management from the Milano School of Man-
inefficiencies of these methods. We how to quantify the value of training agement and Urban Policy, New School University.
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(1957-59 = 100) Apr. '17 Mar. '17 Apr. '16 Annual Index:
Prelim. Final Final
2009 = 521.9 600
CE Index ______________________________________________ 566.8 561.9 535.3
Equipment ____________________________________________ 684.2 676.6 638.0 2010 = 550.8
Heat exchangers & tanks _________________________________ 600.9 590.9 545.2
2011 = 585.7 575
Process machinery _____________________________________ 672.2 672.1 644.8
Pipe, valves & fittings ____________________________________ 885.0 863.7 800.3 2012 = 584.6
Process instruments ____________________________________ 404.4 403.2 383.0 2013 = 567.3 550
Pumps & compressors ___________________________________ 978.6 982.3 969.7
Electrical equipment ____________________________________ 515.5 514.3 508.3 2014 = 576.1
Structural supports & misc ________________________________ 735.7 733.3 697.4 2015 = 556.8 525
Construction labor _______________________________________ 324.6 325.8 323.3
Buildings _____________________________________________ 556.7 555.1 538.4 2016 = 541.7
Engineering & supervision _________________________________ 315.2 314.7 315.7 500
Starting with the April 2007 Final numbers, several of the data series for labor and compressors have been converted to
accommodate series IDs that were discontinued by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
110 2300 80
2200 78
95 76
80 1800
75 1700 70
*Due to discontinuance, the Index of Industrial Activity has been replaced by the Industrial Production in Manufacturing index from the U.S. Federal Reserve Board.
†For the current month’s CPI output index values, the base year was changed from 2000 to 2012
Current business indicators provided by Global Insight, Inc., Lexington, Mass.
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