2015-05 Chemical Engineering PDF
2015-05 Chemical Engineering PDF
2015-05 Chemical Engineering PDF
Snapshot of U.S.
Petroleum Refining
Improving Particle-
Size Analysis
Asset Reliability
Plant Startups
page 50
Show Preview:
Facts at Your Relief
Fingertips: Systems
Flare-Gas Heaters
VOL. 122 NO. 5 MAY 2015
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Cover Story
50 Managing Large Chemical Plant Startups
Prudent planning and scheduling during a project’s front end can lead to more
expedient commissioning and startup activities
In the News
7 Chementator
New cryogenic technology for cooling superconducting cables;
Air-capture of CO2 using waste process heat; Construction to
begin on biomass-to-fuels facility; Precise pore creation leads
to effective graphene-based desalination membrane; Making
bioethanol directly from starch; and more
18 Business News
Roquette launches isosorbide production unit in France;
AkzoNobel to invest in organic peroxide operations in the U.S.
and Europe; Lanxess starts up EPDM rubber plant in China;
LyondellBasell to expand tri-ethylene glycol capacity in Texas; Olin
to merge with Dow chlorine business; and more
41 Departments
5 Editor’s Page Have you noticed?
Our print magazine has recently been redesigned to a more modern look, with
features to enhance readability
104 Economic Indicators
89 Gulf Coast Advertising Section
100 Product Showcase
101 Classified
102 Reader Service
103 Ad Index
Chemical Connections
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Web-exclusive articles, Test your Knowledge Quizzes,
Bookshelf and more
Coming in June
Look for: Feature Reports on Materials of Construction; and Temperature
Measurement and Control; A Focus on Software; A Facts at your
Fingertips on Liquid-Liquid Extraction; an Engineering Practice
article on Filtration and Separation; A Solids Processing article on Dust;
News Articles on Flame Retardants; and Column Internals; a You and
Your Job article on Multitasking; and more
Cover: Rob Hudgins
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–Capital Project Execution in the Oil and Gas Industry.
M. McKenna, H. Wilczynski, D. VanderSchee.
2006 Booz Allen Hamilton survey from 2006 of
20 companies (super-majors,
independents and EPC
firms) cost savings
40 %
Up to 30 percent of anticipated planning leads to as
value disappears during the turnover/ much as 20% cost savings
commissioning and ramp-up phases of and 39% schedule reduction
new asset lifecycles. for total project design and
–Deloitte. Effective Operational Readiness of Large Mining Capital construction.
Projects - Avoiding value leakage in the transition from project execution –Construction Industry Institute: Adding Value Through
into operations. Article, 2012. Front End Planning. CII Special Publication 268-3
50 % expected to
It takes an average of six to seven years to develop
new employees into autonomous petrotechnical
professionals who can make non-standard, original
technical decisions.
–2010 SBC Oil & Gas HR Benchmark, Schlumberger Business Consulting Energy
Institute, March 2011
E M E R S O N . C O N S I D E R I T S O LV E D .
f you’ve been noticing something different about your recent is-
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Dorothy Lozowski, Editor in Chief
a better way to view
viewing angle
ndustrial gases special- Vacuum-subcooler
ist Messer Group GmbH Nitrogen
(to atmosphere)
(Bad Soden, Germany; Subcooler An international research
w w w. m e s s e r g r o u p . team, led by Yoshikazu
com) has developed a new 150 mbar Ohya at the University of
Vacuum pump
cryogenic technology that Tokyo (www.ib.k.u-tokyo.
ac.jp), has discovered a new
makes it possible to use
chemical compound that in-
liquid nitrogen (LN2) to cool Expansive valve -209 oC hibits the growth of patho-
high-temperature super- Liquid genic fungi. The new com-
conducting (HTS) cables nitrogen
pound, called poacic acid,
down to –209°C, which is -196 oC
-206 oC was isolated from hydro-
significantly lower than that lyzed lignocellulose and its
normally achieved by LN2 Super antifungal properties were
Liquid nitrogen conductor
(–196°C). The new pro- pump studied by Ohya’s group, in
cess was developed for the collaboration with research-
AmpaCity project of RWE ers from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Riken
Deutschland GmbH (Essen, Safety pipe Source: Messer
Group (Yokohama, Japan) and the
Germany; www.rwe.com), University of Minnesota.
in which a 1-km long, 10-kV superconduc- warmed LN2 is then re-cooled in a specially Poacic acid was shown
tor cable replaced the conventional 110-kV engineered subcooler, which uses LN2 at to be effective against sev-
lines between two substations in the city –209°C as cooling agent. eral widespread fungal
center of Essen, Germany. The HTS cable In order to ensure safety of the plant, we crop pathogens: Sclerotinia
was developed by project partner, Nexans use the LN2 supply tank for venting pur- sclerotiorum (white mold in
Deutschland GmbH (Hannover, Germany; poses as well, says Herzog, so that LN2 a wide range of plants), Al-
www.nexans.com), and was commissioned can be flushed from the cable in the event ternaria solani (early blight in
in April 2014. of the cable suffering damage without it potatoes and tomatoes) and
Phytophthora sojae (root
In Messer’s process (diagram), N2 is va- escaping uncontrolled into the environ-
and stem rot in soybeans).
porized at about 150 mbar, which lowers ment. A patent application has been made
the boiling point to –209°C, thus achieving for the routing system that is used for this BIOPROPANOL
the specification for the cables (N2 freezes purpose, he says.
The research group of pro-
at –210°C, so lower temperatures are not Other applications involving very high
fessor Michihiko Kataoka at
possible). The LN2 is pumped through the electrical currents — for example, elec- Osaka Prefecture University
HTS cable in order to conduct away any trolysis plants — would benefit from this (Osaka, www.osakafu-u.
heat that penetrates through the thermal in- technology, because superconducting ca- ac.jp) has genetically engi-
sulation, explains Friedhelm Herzog, senior bles can transport five times the amount neered E. coli to produce
manager for industrial application at Messer. of electricity through cables with the same 1-propanol by the fer-
The N2 heats up from –206°C when it en- cross-section, and at a relatively low volt- mentation of glucose. The
ters the cable, to –201°C at the exit. The age, says Herzog.
(Continues on p. 8)
new pulsation dampener page and kickback is temporarily lead to longer lifetimes for bearings
benefits from a design that stored in the Expulse’s inner hose and gearboxes.
can reportedly decrease and filler gas. Since some of the en- With its inner hose constructed
energy usage. The Expulse, ergy remains inside the dampener, of a specially made elastomer, the
a flexible, inline pulsation dampener flow kickback is decreased. In labo- Expulse’s flexibility also sets it apart
recently released by Flowrox Inc. ratory tests, the company observed from steel-based dampeners, says
(Linthicum, Md; www.flowrox.us), a 15% increase in flow when using the company, in that its flexible con-
consists of a reinforced outer hose the dampener, meaning that with the struction, in addition to providing for
and an expansive inner hose, with dampener installed, desired flow- easier maintenance, allows it to ab-
compressed-air filler gas between rates could be achieved at a lower sorb up to 90% of flow pulsations.
the layers. Along with stabilizing flow pump speed. Decreasing the pump With each pulse, the diameter of the
and reducing noise, the Expulse can speed while still achieving desired flexible inner hose expands, which
also decrease pump energy usage flowrates translates into around prevents slurry sedimentation within
by 10%, according to the company. 10% energy savings for the pump. the hose and acts as a self-clean-
In cases of high discharge pressure, These energy savings, along with ing mechanism, further increasing
the energy created by flow stop- reduced vibrations and pulsations, efficiency.
Note: For more information, circle the 56-digit number on p. 102, or use the website designation.
shown to be 1.5 to 2 times arbon-negative technology being monoliths allow contact with large volumes
higher than that achieved by commercialized by Global Ther- of air at small pressure drops and low cost.
others, says Kataoka. The mostat LLC (New York, N.Y.; www. The honeycomb monoliths are coated with a
higher yield was achieved by globalthermostat.com) removes proprietary solid amine-based sorbent mate-
suppressing the production carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere rial developed by BASF SE (Ludwigshafen,
of CO2. Kataoka believes using low-cost waste process heat from in- Germany; www.basf.com).
the technology is a first step dustrial processes. The technology works in The solid sorbent material occupies pores
toward a sustainable route
a similar fashion to cogeneration approaches in the contactor material and captures CO2
for making biopropylene, a
precursor for polypropylene.
and could transform heavy CO2-emitters into molecules flowing through the device. The
carbon sinks, according to the company. solid sorbent releases CO2 at much lower
SORTING BIOMOLECULES Founded by Graciela Chichilnisky and Peter temperatures compared to those for liquid-
Eisenberger — Columbia University (New York, based carbon capture. CO2 is released
Researchers at Harvard
University (Cambridge,
N.Y.; www.columbia.edu) professors who are using low-temperature (~85–90°C) residual
Mass.; www.harvard.edu) contributors to the Intergovernmental Panel process heat and water vapor, and the sor-
have demonstrated a hybrid on Climate Change (IPCC; Geneva, Switzer- bent is regenerated. The CO2 is stored for
chemical-mechanical sys- land; www.ipcc.ch) — Global Thermostat built use in commercial applications.
tem that can be used for the a demonstration facility for the technology at The vast resources (~$55 trillion, according
detection and separation of the Silicon Valley campus of research nonprofit to the International Energy Agency; Paris; www.
biomolecules. The system SRI International (Menlo Park, Calif.; www.sri. iea.org) invested in fossil-fuel-based energy in-
consists of an array of mi- com). The company recently secured a com- frastructure and the long-term persistence of
croscopic polymeric fins with mercial partnership with NRG Energy. CO2 in the atmosphere make carbon-reduc-
attached nucleic acid mol-
The technology works by blowing air (or tion technologies critical to climate-change
ecules, which can recognize
specific target molecules.
an air/fluegas mixture) over a wall of honey- policies, explains Global Thermostat CEO
The polymer fins are embed- comb contactors developed by Corning Inc. Chichilnisky, the author of the carbon market
ded in a hydrogel that un- (Corning, N.Y.; www.corning.com). Similar provisions of the Kyoto Protocol. “We need in-
dergoes volume changes in to the high-surface-area materials used in expensive carbon-removal technology that will
(Continues on p. 14) automobile catalytic converters, the Corning not be a drag on economies,” she says.
onstruction is set to begin on a biorefinery
in Oregon this summer that will manufacture
bio-based jet fuel and diesel from forest and
sawmill residues. When it begins producing
biofuels at the end of 2016, it will be capable of con-
verting 140,000 dry tons of wood waste into 15 million
gal of fuel annually, according to Terry Kulesa, the co-
founder and president of Red Rock Biofuels (Fort Col-
lins, Colo.; www.redrockbio.com), the company that
will operate the facility.
Red Rock has engineered a process (photos) that
combines existing technology in a novel manner to
make jet fuel, diesel and naphtha from wood chips
and small limbs leftover from sawmills. The process
relies on a gasifier that integrates gasification with
systems for steam-methane reforming (SMR) water-
cleaning. The clean synthesis gas generated by the
gasifier is fed to a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) microchannel
reactor from Velocys (Plain City, Ohio; www.velocys.
com; see Chem. Eng., January 2010, pp. 17–19). The
product mix from the small-scale F-T reactor is then
refined to yield a 40/40/20% mix of jet fuel, diesel and
naphtha, respectively.
“Commercialization depended on de-risking the pro-
cess,” Kulesa says, “by utilizing established technol-
ogy in a unique way.” Other keys include access to a
fixed-price feedstock and the willingness of end-users
to enter into long-term offtake agreements.
During its process development, Red Rock received
➢ World Forum and Leading Show two grants from the U.S. Depts. of Agriculture, Energy
for the Process Industries and Navy, and Kulesa says the company has recently
negotiated offtake agreements with Southwest Airlines
➢ 3,800 Exhibitors from 50 Countries and another major jet fuel consumer that will be an-
nounced soon.
➢ 170,000 Attendees from 100 Countries
An effective graphene-based
desalination membrane
esearchers from Oak Ridge National Labora-
ate some of these concerns.
A 90%
from starch
oday, the cost of enzymes continues to make
bioethanol uncompetitive as a fuel. Eliminating
the need for amylases, which are used to hy-
drolyze starch into fermentable sugars, would
be a key step toward reducing the operating costs for
producing bioethanol. Such a breakthrough has now
been achieved, by reachers from Japan, led by Jyun
Shima at Ryukoku University (Otsu; www.ryukoku.
ac.jp) and Ayumi Tanimura at Kyoto University (Kyoto,
both Japan; www.kyoto-u.ac.jp). The scientists have
isolated a yeast strain that directly produces ethanol
from starch.
The researchers use a technique called consolidated
bioprocessing (CBP), which integrates enzyme pro-
duction, saccharification and fermentation in a single
reactor using a single yeast strain. Their CBP process
is said to be superior to alternative methods that use
genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which require
a complex production process to ensure physical con-
tainment of the GMOs.
In this study, the researchers performed compre-
hensive screening to find natural isolates of yeast
that could produce ethanol without having to add
amylases. Of the 530 yeast strains tested, three
strains were found to produce more than 6 g/L of At BEUMER we have a reputation for making things a little
ethanol. After 10 d of cultivation, ethanol production di erent. Take the stretch-film pallet packaging system,
by S. shehatae JCM 18690 reached 9.2 g/L. It was BEUMER stretch hood®. In a sector where energy-intensive
verified that the increase in the ethanol concentration shrink hooding is still common, BEUMER stretch hood® uses
of S. shehatae JCM 18690 was mainly due to the a non-thermal stretch-film system. The result: better load
increase in its gluco-amylase activity.
stability, higher throughput, up to 10 times less film consump-
The new yeast strain was also shown to be ethanol-
tolerant, with the ability to ferment xylose contained tion and 90% energy savings. All this makes a big di erence
in biomass at temperatures higher than the normal to productivity – and to the environment.
20–30°C range. The achievement has the potential to For more information, visit www.beumergroup.com
enable ethanol production from inexpensive and abun- Circle 8 on p. 102 or go to adlinks.chemengonline.com/56197-08
dant renewable carbon resources, such as cassava
pulp and food wastes.
Pompetravaini Spa Via per Turbigo, 44 • 20022 Castano Primo (Mi) • Tel. +39.0331.889000 • Fax +39.0331.889057
vendite@pompetravaini.it • www.pompetravaini.it Circle 47 on p. 102 or go to adlinks.chemengonline.com/56197-47
Nanolaminated alloys ‘grow’ parts for
enhanced corrosion resistance
y controlling material interfaces
at the nano-scale, Modumetal Through the suction
Inc. (Seattle, Wash.; www. nozzle, gas or liquid is
modumetal.com) has devel- drawn in and entrained
oped a method for creating a new class by the motive stream.
of alloys with precisely defined proper-
ties through nanolamination. In this
process, a part, such as a valve or fas-
tener, is submerged in a tank contain-
ing various metal electrolytes. Through
current-controlled electric-field modu-
lation, metal ions are deposited onto
the part in specific microstructures and
layers. Unlike other electric-field-mod- Here the mixture
of motive and
ulation processes, which are based entrained medium
on mass-transfer control, this process is finally slowed
modulates the composition and struc- down and the A liquid or
ture of the alloy continuously. This level of control over the alloy’s properties velocity is conver- gaseous
ted into pressure. medium flows
at the interface between the original part and the deposited layer allows for through the
customized parts to be “grown” — a process the company likens to bio- motive nozzle
logical activities, such as the growth of tree trunks. from the top
The company touts corrosion resistance among the most desirable ben- into the pump
at extremely
efits of nanolamination. In partnership with various oil and gas companies,
high velocities.
Modumetal has performed numerous demonstrations of specialized nano-
laminated parts (including large-scale equipment, such as pumps and valves)
in downhole and marine environments. In recently published field-test results,
the zinc-based nanolaminated coatings showed unprecedented corrosion GJP16e15
resistance when compared with traditional materials, including galvanized
parts and those with cadmium-based coatings, all while maintaining strength
and thickness requirements.
Last year, the company opened a full-scale production facility for its
nanolaminated coatings in Snohomish County, Wash. Here, equipment and
tubular components of many types are nanolaminated. Because the metals
Jet Pumps
are grown using low-cost electrochemistry, Modumetal says the nanolami- Our jet pumps convey, mix and
nation process can operate with economics similar to traditional electroplat- compress any kind of gases, vapours,
ing processes, even for large length scales of 12–20 ft. Additionally, smaller liquids and solids. They are simply
components like fasteners are processed with very high throughput. Modu-
structured and easy to handle and
metal currently works with both end users and equipment manufacturers to
clad the materials. Going forward, Modumetal will continue working along- maintain, reliable, economical, and
side industry leaders to deploy its nanolaminated coatings. available in many materials.
For more
Determining the optimal time to information
clean heat exchangers consult our online
product catalog
n most cases, the difference between a clean heat exchanger and one
that has become fouled is noticeably obvious. However, determining ex- on our website.
actly how much the heat-transfer efficiency has deteriorated due to foul-
ACHEMA 2015, 15-19 June, Hall 4.0, Stand F46
ing has largely been a rough estimation based on differential pressure or
temperature measurements.
Now, a self-learning system has been developed by mycon GmbH
(Bielefeld, Germany; www.mycon.info) that continuously compares en- GEA Process Engineering
ergy costs of a heat exchanger during operation, with the costs needed GEA Wiegand GmbH
for cleaning. This enables operators to know when it is the most economi-
cal time to clean the heat exchanger. Phone: +49 7243 705-0
The device continuously monitors a number of key process parameters Internet: www.gea.com
using a patent-pending data acquisition system, and performs the calcu-
lations using a complex algorithm. The company says energy savings of engineering for a better world
up to 30% can be achieved with regular cleaning of heat exchangers, and
this task can now be performed in an optimized way.
Circle 27 on p. 102 or go to adlinks.chemengonline.com/56197-37
the hybrid assembly in a two- he major drawback of existing mem- (2,000 ppm concentrations).
phase microfluidics system branes for desalination plants is that According to the team, the interlayer
with top and bottom fluid the membranes are not tolerant of crosslinking created a tighter membrane
layers in laminar flow. The oxidizing agents, such as chlorine. pore size and reduced membrane swelling.
polymeric fins were able to To overcome this drawback, a team of re- As a result, ten deposition cycles of PSS/
capture the protein thrombin searchers from the University of Melbourne PAH were adequate to form a selective
in the top layer because they
(www.unimelb.edu.au) and CSIRO (Mel- membrane layer with NaCl rejection of more
were adorned with the spe-
cific polypeptide sequence
bourne, Australia; www.csiro.au), led by pro- than 95%, the team says. Since only the
for the target biomolecule. fessors Sandra Kentish and Frank Caruso, polycationic layer participates in the cross-
Then the team was able to has developed a chlorine-resistant desalina- linking reaction, the PSS polyanion can then
move the captured thrombin tion membrane. be substituted with another anionic poly-
molecules to the bottom fluid The membranes are produced by the as- mer. To this end, a highly sulfonated poly-
layer with a shift in pH. The as- sembly of dense polyelectrolyte multilayer sulfone was synthesized and, according to
sembly could inspire hybrid (PEM) membranes, which are crosslinked the team for the first time, deposited from
assemblies for low-energy via imine bonds. The layer-by-layer as- an aqueous solvent to create a sPSf/PAG
separation and purification. sembly of the polyelectrolytes, polystyrene PEM assembly. The resultant membrane
sulfonate (PSS) and poly(allylamine) hydro- exhibited similar NaCl rejection to PSS/PAH
NANO-COATING chloride (PAH), facilitated the rapid forma- membranes, but showed much greater re-
Coatings that change color tion of a selective membrane layer with sistance to chlorine.
depending on the tempera- precise control over the membrane’s thick- The team said the results suggest that
ture have been developed
ness and composition. Interlayer crosslink- PEM membranes have outstanding po-
by researchers at the Fraun-
hofer Institute for Chemical
ing of PAH was induced via immersion in tential for reverse osmosis applications
Technology (ICT; Pfinztal, glutaraldehyde (GA) solution, facilitating where chlorine resistance is desired. The
Germany; www.), in collabo- imine bond formation. The team studied the team is seeking a commercial partner to
ration with industrial partners membranes’ performance in the separation fund further development of the mem-
(Continues on p. 16) of Na+ and Cl– ions from brackish water brane material.
Christine Banaszek
Applications Engineer
Employee Owner
the German Federal Ministry ast month, the Brazilian National Technical Commission on Biosafety (CTNBio) ap-
of Education and Research proved the commercial use of the yield-enhanced eucalyptus tree developed by
(BMBF; Bonn, Germany). FuturaGene (www.futuragene.com), a wholly owned subsidiary of Suzano Pulp and
These so-called thermo- Paper (São Paulo, Brazil; www.suzano.com.br). Field experiments conducted since
chromic nano-coatings are 2006 at various locations in Brazil have demonstrated an approximate 20% increase in yield
black if the temperature is compared to its equivalent conventional variety.
below 30°C, and thus be- This is the first genetically modified (GM) eucalyptus event to be approved worldwide and
come heat absorbers. When represents the most significant productivity milestone for the renewable plantation forest
the temperature rises, the
industry since the adoption of clonal technology in the early 1990s, says FuturaGene. This
color changes and the coat-
ing becomes transparent,
approval also represents the beginning of a new era for sustainable forest management by
thereby allowing infrared (IR) enabling the production of more fiber, using less resources. Brazil is the first country to com-
radiation to be reflected. The plete the development cycle of such a technology.
nano-coatings can be ap- FuturaGene’s yield-enhanced eucalyptus has been under development since 2001 and has
plied to metal strips or wires, undergone extensive biosafety assessment prior to submission for commercial approval.
which can then be interwo-
ven and used as exterior, self- ‘Up-cycling’ perfluorinated polymers
regulating thermal cladding
t the end of March, Dyneon GmbH (Burgkirchen, Germany) — a fully owned sub-
for walls and facades to help sidiary of 3M Co. (www.3m.com) — together with its cooperating partners, the
cool buildings passively and
Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, the University of Bayreuth and the institute In-
thereby reduce utility costs.
ICT developed a process that
VerTec, opened the world’s first fluoropolymer “up-cycling” facility in Burgkirchen,
evenly distributes nano-parti- Germany. The new pilot plant can up-cycle up to 500 ton/yr of fluoropolymer waste.
cles into a polymer matrix. The new pilot plant integrates seamlessly onsite into Dyneon’s existing fluoropolymer-
The coatings can be applied production lines, and employs pyrolysis to decompose perfluorinated polymers, recovering
directly to a metal, without gaseous monomers, which are cleaned prior to feeding them back into the manufacturing
the need for a primer coat. process for new materials. The plant will process fully fluorinated polymers, such as PTFE,
The coating also prevents O2 PFA and FEP, but a second phase will target polymer compounds containing fillers.
from reaching the metal, thus The project was funded with a €1 million grant from the German Federal Ministry for the
preventing corrosion. Environment (BMU; Berlin). ■
Booth 1641
How can we
perform for you?
n a broad level, the outlook for the leum distillates, according to oil-and-gas
U.S. petroleum-refining industry consultancy Wood Mackenzie (Edinburgh,
remains bright, despite a recent U.K.; www.woodmac.com). Analyses from
TIGHT OIL CAPACITY decline in crude oil prices. Dra- Wood Mackenzie suggest that while crude
SHIFTING FCC matic gains in the production of crude oil oil discounts in the U.S. will decline some-
PRODUCTS and natural gas in North America have given what as the capacity for takeaway in U.S.
U.S. refiners access to low-cost energy and oil plays increases, U.S. refining margins are
discounted feedstocks. Meanwhile, invest- expected to remain strong.
ments in capital and technology are position- In presentations at the AFPM meeting,
ing them to take advantage of the diverse and Wood Mackenzie’s Alan Gelder and Sam
dynamic crude-oil slate available. But while Davis pointed out that despite the increased
the elements are in place for a prospering in- takeaway capacity, “the opportunity still ex-
dustry, success and profitability do not come ists to displace foreign crudes through feed-
easily, and petroleum refiners each must nav- stock optimization and logistics projects to
igate a unique path that is beset by technical, enhance refinery profitability.”
regulatory and logistical challenges. “Most U.S. refiners are working with a dy-
The annual meeting of the American Fuel namic feedstock slate, and they need flexibil-
and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM; ity to take advantage of short-term changes
Washington, D.C.; www.afpm.org), held in in feedstock prices, availability and product
late March in San Antonio, Tex., provides a demand,” comments Rosann Schiller, mar-
forum for assessing the state of the petro- keting director for fluid-catalytic-cracking
leum-refining industry in the U.S. and for dis- (FCC) catalyst products at W. R. Grace &
cussing some of the many challenges facing Co. (Columbia, Md.; www.grace.com).
the sector.
Tight oil capacity
Solid margins U.S. domestic crude oil production has grown
Exploitation of shale deposits in the U.S. from approximately 1.9 billion bbl/yr in 2005
has meant that the country has experienced to almost 3.9 billion bbl/yr (average of 9.3
continued low natural-gas prices — which million bbl/d) in 2014. The Energy Informa-
keep energy and utility prices down for in- tion Administration (Washington, D.C.; www.
dustry — along with increased availabil- eia.gov) forecasts that petroleum production
ity of domestic crude oil that is priced at a in the lower 48 U.S. states will increase by
discount compared to international crudes. 720,000 bbl/d by 2016. Most of the crude oil
The two related developments combined to that accounts for the increase can be char-
support the generally high margins enjoyed acterized as “tight oil” from shale formations.
by U.S. refineries over the past few years. So-called light, tight oils (LTO) have high API
And despite the dip in crude oil prices over- gravities, a measure of oil density. High (>40)
all, margins are expected to remain relatively API gravity corresponds to low density crude
strong over the next several years. oil. LTO are generally characterized by low
Going forward, refinery margins are fore- sulfur and high paraffinic content and may
cast to be supported also by robust export have elevated concentrations of metals such
markets for U.S.-made gasoline and petro- as nickel, vanadium and iron (see Chem.
he AFPM annual meeting also provides a chance to assess
the status of various policy and regulatory issues that apply to
ning at higher reactor temperature he AFPM annual meeting featured nine conference tracks over two days, covering a
and higher catalyst circulation) and wide range of topics from technical issues to process safety. The following represents a
small sample of the presentations from the event.
by increasing use of ZSM-5 additives Wastewater treatment: Tina Syvret and Sam Lordo, from Nalco Champion (Houston; www.
to crack gasoline-range olefins into nalcochampion.com), made the argument that the same focus on making refinery modifica-
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)-range tions for processing light, tight oils and oil sands should also be brought to wastewater treat-
olefins. ZSM-5 is a widely used alu- ment systems. Their presentation outlined strategies related to wastewater treatment that can
minosilicate zeolite patented by Mobil help manage the contaminants present in unconventional North American crude oils.
in the 1970s. Presenters at the AFPM Hydrocracking: Chevron Lummus Global’s (San Ramon, Calif.; www.chevron.com) Natalia
Koldachenko presented several examples in which catalyst changes and innovative revamps
meeting, such as Bart de Graaf, from
of hydrocrackers helped realize cost savings.
Johnson Matthey (London, U.K.; Hydrogen production: Teams from Linde (Munich, Germany; www.linde.com), Air Products
www.matthey.com), highlighted new (Allentown, Pa.; www.airproducts.com) and Johnson Matthey all made presentations high-
knowledge that should allow an even lighting the challenges and opportunities associated with the production of refinery H2.
more tailored approach for ZSM-5 Process safety: Brian Flis, of Wilson Perumal & Co. Inc. (Dallas; www.wilsonperumal.com),
additives in FCC catalysis. discussed the importance of individual behaviors in the pursuit of incident-free operations.
“ZSM-5 does more than only Workforce challenges: Angie Gildea from KPMG (Amstelveen, the Netherlands; www.kpmg.
com) outlined a set of strategies for talent management, and for addressing complicated per-
cracking gasoline olefins into gaso-
sonnel issues, such as an aging workforce, a gap in the number of mid-career professionals,
line,” de Graaf explains. “These ef- a growing millennial demographic and others.
fects become obvious when using Operations: David Wilson from Flint Hills Resources (Wichita, Kan.; www.fhr.com) presented
10% (or more) ZSM-5 additive in best practices for optimizing communications within the refinery operations team, and the
catalyst inventory.” challenges of change management.
At high ZSM-5 levels, gasoline- Reliability: The duo of Dan Cameron from Tesoro (San Antonio, Tex.; www.tsocorp.com) and
and LPG-range olefins are not only Mark Parris from Shell International Ltd. (The Hague, the Netherlands; www.shell.com) made
a presentation about how the development of an “ownership culture” can play a key role in
terminal products, but are also reac- continuous-improvement efforts for refinery reliability.
tive intermediates that can undergo Capital projects: Industry consultant Alan Rossiter (Rossiter & Associates; Bellaire, Tex.;
isomerization, cyclization, cracking www.rossiters.org) presented tools to improve the economics of capital projects by reviewing
and other reactions, de Graaf says. process flow diagrams to identify opportunities for efficiency improvement.
These can help refiners increase pro- Catalyst demonstrations. Kent Turner, of Grace Catalysts, presented results from a field
duction of propylene and butylenes, study of Grace's newest FCC bottoms-upgrading catalyst, MIDAS Gold. When used at the
Placid Refining Co. facility in Port Allen, La., the MIDAS Gold catalyst allowed greater conver-
improve gasoline octanes and also
sion of resid and increased production of liquid fuels. The company says developments in
contribute to the formation of other optimizing porosity of the catalyst matrix and incorporation of metals traps are responsible.
petrochemicals, such as xylenes.
ZSM-5 has been shown to be in-
dispensable in petrochemical FCC the existence of azeotropes. licensing and business development
application, due to a combination In 2008, GTC introduced GT-BTX, manager. “We paired an extractive
of activity and selectivity, and also an extractive distillation process distillation technique with a specially
price. “When ZSM-5 was first ap- that recovers and purifies aromatics developed solvent to allow lower sulfur
plied more than 30 years ago, only a from refinery streams. This was fol- levels without loss of octane values,”
small fraction of the active zeolites in lowed in 2013 by a related process he says. Simultaneously, the process
the FCC catalytic system was ZSM- called BTX-PluS, which removes can isolate high-value BTX products
5,” explains de Graaf. “Now there are BTX and thiophenic sulfur species for further processing at lower energy
applications where there is nearly as from cracked naphtha. Originally cost and lower capital expense than
much ZSM-5 crystal in inventory as designed as a sulfur-removal tech- traditional approaches.
faujasite [the normal zeolite used in nology, BTX-PluS is also effective at
FCC catalysts].” directly recovering aromatics from Octane boost
Another example of refinery-petro- FCC-derived gasoline for use in pet- Overall, production of diesel fuel as
chemical integration is the production rochemicals applications. This topic a refinery product has been grow-
of aromatic compounds, a group of was the subject of a presentation at ing faster than gasoline, as domestic
chemicals for which demand is still the AFPM meeting. The company demand for gasoline has been flat,
growing. Aromatics such as benzene, points out that the novel technol- but globally, gasoline demand is still
toluene and xylenes (BTX) can offer ogy can effectively remove sulfur and growing, driven by emerging econo-
value for FCC operators that wish to aromatics from gasoline, without hy- mies. And requirements for gasoline
run at higher severity. At the AFPM drotreating the full stream, which can quality are growing. The use of pe-
meeting, GTC Technologies (Hous- lower octane values. troleum alkylate as a gasoline blend-
ton; www.gtctech.com) discussed “In conventional hydrodesulfuriza- stock supports the higher quality,
technologies that can help separate tion units, you see hydrogenation of because of its high octane value, low
these components from refinery olefins, which lowers octane num- vapor pressure, absence of aromat-
streams, an endeavor that is difficult bers in the product,” explains David ics and low sulfur content.
because of close boiling points and Bridgeman, GTC Technologies global Several talks at AFPM discussed
new strategies for increasing gaso- nology manager for GTC Technolo- ing for ways to generate more value-
line quality, in terms of sulfur content gies discussed another technology added products,” says GTC Tech-
and research octane number (RON). for boosting RON in gasoline. A nologies’ Bridgeman, “and Isomalk-4
RON attempts to quantify the degree new isomerization technology in the represents a method refiners can
of compression that a fuel can with- Isomalk family, known as Isomalk-4, is use to better utilize the relatively low-
stand before igniting. Higher-RON designed to convert C7 normal paraf- value C7 product stream.” n
fuels exhibit higher performance and fins to branched-chain hydrocarbons Scott Jenkins
less engine knocking in vehicle en- with significantly higher octane num-
gines. Among the strategies for in- bers. Isomalk-4 uses a mixed-metal- For more on petroleum refining, see “Tight-oil
creasing gasoline RON is to blend it oxide catalyst similar to those in the Tightrope for U.S. Refiners” (Chem. Eng., May
2014) and “Petroleum Refining Outlook” (Chem. Eng.,
with alkylate. previous Isomalk technologies. May 2013) at www.chemengonline.com
The alkylation unit in a petroleum “Refiners are continuously search-
refinery reacts light olefins, such as
propylene, with light iso-paraffins,
such as isobutene, with a strong acid
catalyst (conventionally sulfuric acid).
The resulting mixture of branched-
chain paraffinic hydrocarbons can Leading-Edge Technologies for On-Purpose Ole ns
be used as a gasoline blendstock to Medium and long-term forecasts expect to see a continuing growth in
boost octane number. Conventional demand for on-purpose ole n production technologies (e.g. propylene,
alkylation units use mechanical agi- butylenes) such as dehydrogenation of light para ns. Thanks to our
tation to effect contact between the advanced, proven Uhde dehydrogenation technologies, STAR process®
catalyst and the reactants. and STAR catalyst®, we can supply, from a single source, complete,
At the AFPM meeting, Stephen
optimized process routes to propylene and butylene derivatives, e.g.
Williams from CB&I (The Hague, the
Polypropylene, Propylene Oxide, ETBE and other high-value products.
Netherlands; www.cbi.com) dis-
cussed CDAlky, the company’s low-
temperature sulfuric-acid alkylation
process. The process features a novel
reactor design, which retains the es-
Liquid hourly space velocity of 6 resulting in less catalyst
and lower reactor volume
Available with and without
tablished chemistry, but improves the oxydehydrogenation
Improved Particle-Size
Analysis Boosts Quality
Particle-size analysis methods are changing for the better, reducing rework
and improving yield
IN BRIEF article-size analysis plays an im- measurement results depend upon repre-
portant role in many chemical pro- sentative sampling and sample preparation,
cesses that involve dry powders a perfect dispersion down to the primary
and granules, fibers, suspensions, particles in their original state and, finally,
STEPPING IT UP IN THE emulsions, gels, sprays, inhalants and the the analytical instrumentation for size and
LABORATORY like. Processors rely heavily upon particle- shape characterization.”
THE DEMAND FOR IN- size analysis to improve the quality of the Ease of operation and efficient analyses
SITU ANALYSIS product, reduce rework and increase yield. are also important for both laboratory and
As such, providers of both laboratory and in- in-situ systems. “In today’s [laboratories], a
situ particle-size analyzers are incorporating technician is operating many different kinds
modern conveniences, such as automation of measuring systems. Standardized opera-
and intelligence, into existing technologies, tional procedures have to be available to en-
as well as introducing systems with ad- sure consistent, high-quality measurements,
vanced analysis techniques, to help proces- independent of the operator. And, efficiency
sors achieve their goals. and speed of analysis are always a factor.
If measurement data are used to control a
Needs and challenges process, speed of analysis becomes even
When it comes to particle-size analysis, more crucial and realtime data are desired
whether the system is laboratory scale or in for close control,” explains Huebner. “If the
situ, the essential need is to provide reliable measurement system is integrated into a
measurement data. “This means accurate, production process, robustness and system
reproducible (repeatability of measurement) availability are of highest interest in order to
and comparable results, both system-to- prevent downtime.”
system results and site-to-site comparabil-
FIGURE 1. The Model MAJS-x ity, in the shortest measuring time,” says Stepping it up in the laboratory
Air Jet Sieve particle-size Torsten Huebner, sales manager, Europe, When it comes to laboratory analysis equip-
analyzer was designed for
determining the particle-size
and instrument manager, laser diffraction, ment, Tim Calvo, laboratory equipment
distribution of dry powder with Sympatec GmbH (Clausthal-Zellerfeld, product manager, with Hosokawa Micron
ranging from 20 to 4,750 μm Germany; www.sympatec.com). “Good Powder Systems (Summit, N.J.; www.
hmicronpowder.com), says the majority of
his customers are looking for a fast, reliable
and repeatable method of particle-size anal-
ysis. For this reason, he says, air jet sieves
are often the equipment of choice. He adds
that while air jet sieving has been available
since the 1960s, the technology continues
to evolve. “New models have integrated
analysis computers, touchscreen displays
and automated on-screen instructions,
which greatly reduce the need for operator
subjectivity,” explains Calvo.
For example, Hosokawa’s Mikro Air Jet
Sieve, Model MAJS-x (Figure 1), is a particle-
size analyzer designed for determining the
Hosokawa Micron Powder Systems particle-size distribution of dry powder rang-
GF Piping Systems
ing from 20 to 4,750 μm. The system
employs a pneumatic sieving principle
that enables accurate and repeatable
particle-size analysis. Features, such
Light weight
as an integrated analysis computer
with touchscreen control, user-friendly
software with step-by-step instruc-
tions, a built-in automatic pressure
differential gage and automatic data
for heavy
recording and storage with network
capability also make the unit easy and
efficient to operate.
Paul Kippax, product group man-
ager with Malvern Instruments
(Malvern, U.K.; malvern.com), agrees
that efficiency of speed and analysis
are important. “Within an R&D envi-
ronment, and especially in the QC
[quality control] setting, productiv-
ity is vital,” he says. “An instrument
must deliver reliable data, quickly, Save up to 50 % weight with the new butterly valve type 578.
to whomever uses it, and for a wide Glass iber reinforced plastic lug housing, stainless steel
range of samples. So flexibility, ease threaded lugs – this material composition convinces with
of use and speed-to-result are all crit- highest stability, low weight and good corrosion resistance.
ical characteristics. We can use the
phrase ‘gloves-on operation’ to sum-
marize what many chemical proces- Visit us at ACHEMA 2015 on stand E64, hall 8.0
sors are looking for – and that is the
need for a fully automated system Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
that even a relatively unskilled opera- Ebnatstr. 111
tor can simply walk up to and use.” CH-8201 Scha hausen
“That said,” he adds, “assurances Phone +41 52 631 11 11
of data quality are equally important, www.gfps.com
particularly when an analysis is per-
formed by many different people and,
perhaps, at different sites around the
world. Tools that support the devel-
opment of robust methods that can
be securely transferred, and then
provide the ability to test the quality
of any data generated during method
use, can all be helpful in addressing
these concerns.”
Malvern’s Mastersizer 3000 laser
diffraction particle-size analyzer de-
livers rapid, accurate particle-size
distributions for both wet and dry
dispersions with minimal effort. It
was designed to lighten the analyti-
cal burden associated with routine
particle sizing so it has many features
that accommodate these needs. The
features range from interchangeable
plug-and-play dispersion modules
that make it easy to switch between
different sample types to sophisti-
cated software that supports every
part of the analytical process, from
method development through day-
Circle 24 on p. 102 or go to adlinks.chemengonline.com/56197-24
to-day measurement. Sympatec
assessment tool that warns the op-
erator if there is anything about the
measurement that suggests it may
be unreliable.
Circle 59 on p. 102 or go to adlinks.chemengonline.com/56197-59
Delivering the best technology for your needs.
Endress+Hauser, Inc
2350 Endress Place
Greenwood, IN 46143
Full Circle
Concept through facility start-up
in the Americas with Horiba Scientific
(Irvine, Calif.; www.horiba.com/parti-
cle). “There are two ways to go about
transitioning to online measurement.
The first is to take a version of tech-
nology used in the laboratory and
adapt it to your process via enclo-
sures and other modifications. The
second approach is to build a spe-
cialized online version of the technol-
ogy that makes the most sense for
the application.”
With that approach in mind, Hor-
iba distributes an online version of
the Camsizer P4 Particle Size and
Shape Analysis System (Figure 3), a
laboratory instrument manufactured
by Retsch Technology GmbH (Haan,
Germany; www.retsch.com). Using
dynamic image-analysis technology,
the Camsizer P4 Online system pro-
vides rapid and precise particle size
and shape distributions for dry pow-
ders and bulk material in the size
range from 20 μm to 30 mm. Because
it scans all of the particles using a pat-
Our expertise in the reining, chemicals, petrochemicals, ented two-camera design, as well as
and polymers industries ensures that we deliver Predictable Results advanced fitting algorithms, the mea-
to your capital project from start to inish. sured results are fully compatible with
those of sieve analysis, with which
most processors are already familiar,
says Treviranus. The instrument is
integrated into an industry-standard
housing, which makes it suitable for
very rough environments and with
832.809.8909 the available interfaces, it is possible
marketing.woodgroupmustang.com/fullcircle to connect the instrument to process
control systems, internal networks
and to transfer measurement data.
Circle 61 on p. 102 or go to adlinks.chemengonline.com/56197-61
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Facts At Your Fingertips
Catalysis Fundamentals
Department Editor: Scott Jenkins
atalysis is among the most im- state. The transition state is Increasing energy
portant chemical phenomena characterized by bonds that Ea for uncatalysed reaction
in industrial chemistry, as well are both partially formed and
as in many biological and research partially broken. Catalysts
fields. This one-page reference pro- form an intermediate species
vides a review of several of the funda- with one of the reactants and Activation energies for
Ea3 the steps of a catalyzed
Energy, kJ
mental concepts underlying catalysis. stabilize the transition state, Ea2 reaction
allowing the reaction to pro- Ea1
Catalyst basics ceed with a mechanism that Reactants
A catalyst interacts with chemical re- requires lower energy. As
actants to increase the reaction rate. products form, the catalyst is H for both
Catalysts form fleeting intermediate regenerated. catalyzed and
chemical complexes with reactants, reactions
allowing the reaction to follow a differ- Catalyst features Products
ent mechanistic pathway that requires The following summarizes
Reaction coordinate
lower activation energy (Ea) than the key catalyst characteristics:
corresponding uncatalyzed reaction. Reversible reactions. In 4. Desorption. The product mol-
Ea is often thought of as an energy the case of reversible reactions, the ecules desorb from the exterior
barrier over which the reactants must catalyst acts on both the forward and surface of the catalyst pores
pass to form products. Activation reverse reactions. The catalyst does 5. Diffusion. Product molecules dif-
energies are often shown on graphs not affect the position of the equilib- fuse back into the bulk fluid
that plot reaction coordinate against rium, but it does accelerate the rate at In most cases, one of these steps
thermodynamic free energy (Figure). which equilibrium is reached. contributes most significantly to the
Reaction coordinates are one-dimen- Energy. The presence of catalyst overall reaction rate, and often the
sional representations of the progress does not affect the potential energy others steps can be ignored or com-
of a chemical reaction. of the reactants or products. It affects bined when determining reaction
Catalysts are broadly categorized only the activation energy. rates. The significance of each step
as homogeneous or heterogeneous. Selectivity. In reactions with multiple depends heavily on the reactants
Homogeneous refers to those cata- feasible mechanisms, catalysts can and the reaction conditions.
lysts that are dissolved in the reac- often exhibit selectivity by binding to
tion medium, forming a single phase the transition state in a way that fa- Influencing factors
with the reactants. Heterogeneous vors one reaction pathway over oth- The following are factors that can play
catalysts exist as a distinct phase ers. Catalyzed reactions often show a a large role in determining which step
from the reaction mixture and are of- different product distribution than the is more or less significant:
ten porous solid particles. same uncatalyzed reaction. • Fluid-dynamic factors
Both categories are important for Reaction rate. In homogeneous-cat- • Catalyst properties (such as par-
industrial chemistry. Examples of liq- alyzed reactions, the reaction rate is ticle size, porosity, pore geometry
uid-phase, acid-base-catalyzed reac- generally proportional to the concen- and surface characteristics)
tions include hydrolysis of esters and tration of the catalyst, while in hetero- • Diffusion characteristics of fluid re-
amides, enolization of aldehydes and geneous catalysis, the reaction rate is actants and products
ketones, esterification of alcohols, proportional to the surface area of the • Activation energy requirements for
halogenation of acetone and others. solid catalyst and the concentration of adsorption and desorption of re-
Heterogeneous catalysts play a key active centers (catalytic sites). actants and products to and from
role in the production of petrochemi- solid surfaces
cals, including cracking, alkylation, Solid-catalyzed reaction steps • Overall Ea of the catalyzed reaction
polymerization, isomerization, dehy- Solid-catalyzed, fluid-phase chemical • Thermal factors (temperature and
drogenation and many others. reactions generally undergo the fol- heat-transport characteristics)
lowing steps:
Mechanism of action 1. Diffusion. Reactants in the fluid References
Most chemical reactions involve simul- phase diffuse to the exterior sur- 1) Perry, R.H. and Green, D.W., “Perry’s Chemical Engi-
neering Handbook,” 7th ed., McGraw Hill Professional,
taneous (rather than sequential) bond face of a catalyst particle and into Section 4, Chapter 12. 1997.
breaking and bond forming. Along the catalyst pores 2) Wijngaarden, R.J. and others, “Industrial Catalysis: Opti-
the pathway of reactants to products, 2. Adsorption. Reactants adsorb to mizing Catalysts and Processes,” Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,
the molecules adopt a configuration the active centers in catalyst pores Germany, 1999.
that represents the highest potential 3. Reaction. The surface-adsorbed 3) University of Texas, Chemistry 302. Course material on
chemical kinetics. Accessed from ch302.cm.utexas.
energy state, known as the transition reactants form products edu, April 2015.
ydrogen (H2) is an important
chemical feedstock, mainly Central Semi-central
applied in the manufacture facility 40–160 km
80–480 km
of ammonia and methanol,
and for hydroprocessing operations in Hydrogen
petroleum refineries. Also, since H2 is point of
an energy carrier, it has been consid-
ered for stationary power and trans- Distributed
portation applications.
Hydrogen production technolo-
gies are separated into three main FIGURE 2. There are three types of hydrogen production facilities, and they differ in location and scale of
categories: thermal, electrolytic and
photolytic. In thermal processes, such stock is purified by catalytic treatment • A central facility with a nominal
as reforming and gasification, H2 is with H2 for removal of sulfur impurities. capacity of 450,000 ton/yr of H2
produced from biomass and fossil fu- In the hydrotreater, H2 reacts, over a erected on the U.S. Gulf Coast
els, such as coal and natural gas. In catalyst, with sulfur compounds pres- • Distribution costs and storage for
electrolytic processes, H2 is obtained ent in the feed stream to form hydro- feedstock and product were not
from water-splitting, using electricity gen sulfide (H2S), which is then ad- considered
that can be generated from a variety sorbed in the desulfurizer. The estimated total fixed invest-
of sources, such as wind. In photolytic Steam reforming. Purified natural ment for the construction of this plant
processes, light energy allows hydro- gas is mixed with high-temperature is about $460 million.
gen production using novel photo- steam and reformed into CO and H2.
electrochemical and photobiological The reforming reaction requires a large Global perspective
water-splitting processes. amount of heat and takes place in an There are three kinds of facilities for H2
In the U.S., H2 is mostly produced externally fired tubular reactor filled production: central, semi-central and
from natural gas using the thermal with catalyst. distributed facilities (Figure 2). They
steam methane reforming (SMR) Water-gas shift. CO and steam react differ in their location and scale of pro-
process. Natural gas is an important in a catalytic water-gas shift reaction, duction, characteristics that directly
feedstock for H2 production since it is forming additional H2 and CO2. affect H2 cost, competitiveness and
widely available and presents a high Purification. CO2 and other impurities timeframe to market.
hydrogen-to-carbon ratio, reduc- are removed from the H2 stream in a Central facilities are located far from
ing the generation of carbon dioxide pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) sys- the H2 point of use and are able to pro-
(CO2) byproduct. tem. The purge stream from the PSA duce large amounts of H2, benefiting
system is recycled to the reformer, from economies of scale. This type of
The process where it is burned with fuel to provide facility requires high capital investment,
In the process described below and heat to the reaction. The H2 product as well as a distribution infrastructure
depicted in Figure 1, H2 is produced obtained has purities of 99.99 wt.%. able to cover large distances.
from natural gas using an SMR pro- Semi-central facilities present interme-
cess. The process was compiled Economic evaluation diate H2-production capacity. They pres-
based on information available in the An economic evaluation of the pro- ent reduced distribution costs, since they
chemical literature. cess was conducted based on the are sited closer to H2 points of use.
Sulfur removal. Natural gas feed- following assumptions: Distributed facilities are small facili-
ties located close to or at the point
1) Hydrotreater of H2 use, reducing delivery costs.
2) Desulfurizer These facilities may present produc-
Natural 3) Reformer reactor
gas 4) Water-gas shift
tion capacities fitted to local demand.
H2 reactor They require less investment than the
ST 5) Pressure-swing
Air other facilities, although unit produc-
1 adsorber system
tion costs may be higher. n
ST ST Steam Edited by Scott Jenkins
4 FU Fuel
BFW Boiler feed water Editor’s Note: The content for this column is supplied by In-
2 3 tratec Solutions LLC (Houston; www.intratec.us) and edited by
Chemical Engineering. The analyses and models presented are
H2 prepared on the basis of publicly available and non-confidential
information. The content represents the opinions of Intratec only.
5 More information about the methodology for preparing analysis
FIGURE 1. Steam methane reforming process for hydrogen production can be found, along with terms of use, at www.intratec.us/che.
413.525.4825 | Silverson.com/Flashmix
Circle 28 on p. 102 or go to
Managing Large Chemical
Plant Startups
Prudent planning and scheduling during a project’s front end can lead to more expedient
commissioning and startup activities
Mark Sheridan
TIMING STAFF BUILDUP FIGURE 1. Seeing a large CPI facility through design, construction, commissioning and, ultimately, startup requires detailed
planning throughout, especially during the project’s front end
MONITORING PROGRESS he cost of starting up large new fa- This article describes the steps that should
cilities in the chemical process indus- be taken during the front-end planning and
tries (CPI; Figure 1) is a significant the pre-commissioning phase to ensure that
element in a project’s total finances. work progresses efficiently and that the likeli-
Typically these “owner-controlled” costs are hood of incidents is reduced. These strate-
budgeted to be 8–12% of the capital proj- gies should help realize the expected prof-
ect costs, depending on what is included itability during the plant’s commissioning,
in the project’s pre-startup budget. Actual startup and initial operation.
costs vary considerably, depending on how
well the pre-startup activities are planned Front-end planning
and executed. A key element in minimizing startup costs
Good startup planning and execution can is to begin startup planning on the project’s
save 1–3% of total project costs — typically front end. Front-end planning, for purposes
something in the range of $10–40 million of this article, begins during the develop-
for projects that are budgeted for $500 mil- ment of the initial appropriation request and
lion to $2 billion. This stake is large, yet the front-end engineering design (FEED), and it
people managing the startup preparations continues throughout the period in which the
are frequently inexperienced with this rather owner’s task force takes up residence in the
specialized work. This unfamiliarity often re- contractor’s offices.
sults in substantial inefficiencies, causing Much of the front-end work that is nec-
excessive pre-startup costs and delays that essary to support successful pre-commis-
frequently exceed budget and reduce first- sioning, commissioning and startup many
year profits. months in the future can be summarized
• Identifying the resources that are Staff (until saleable product is produced)
needed from the owner’s company in Exempt and non-exempt staff payroll
terms of financial and human-resourc- Site-contracted work, such as security and janitorial staff
es contributions in order to make the Hiring and relocation costs
efforts for pre-commissioning through Project-related travel
startup a success Temporary peak-load contract staff
• Defining the focus of the owner’s Contractor assistance in pre-commissioning and commissioning
task force during the design phase Employee benefits
to ensure successful pre-com- Consultants (for specialized training, for instance)
missioning and commissioning in Corporate overhead allocations
the future Office facilities
• Identifying what is needed from the Rental and operating costs for temporary offices
engineering contractor to make the Operating costs for permanent offices
project comply with the owner’s stan- Office equipment leases and office supplies
dards to support good pre-commis- Office furniture and related equipment, such as file cabinets
sioning and commissioning plans Copying charges
Laboratory instruments, equipment and supplies
Owner-controlled costs Landscaping
While the accuracy of the project’s Information-technology telephone systems, networks, servers and computers
capital estimate is, to a great extent, Software license fees
at the mercy of the contractor, some Maintenance
expenditures are budgeted and spent Rolling stock purchase or lease (cranes, trucks, switch engines and so on)
directly by the owner, and are directly Stocking non-capital spare parts
under the control of the owner’s project Warehouse setup and stocking of consumables
and operations managers. A detailed Tool-room stocking
budget is needed on the project’s front Mobile-radio frequency purchase
end that identifies the expenses that Maintenance supplies
are associated with pre-commission- Vendor startup assistance
ing, commissioning and startup. This Consultant services
budget is normally developed and au- Specialized maintenance services
thorized as part of the overall project Commissioning activities
funding, but it is managed by the own- Raw materials cost (until saleable product is made)
er’s representatives separately from Initial inventories of chemicals and in-process materials
the project budget that the contractor Initial catalyst purchases
must meet. An in-depth assessment Non-capitalized operating equipment and supplies
will identify a large number of budget Process training simulator for control-room training
line items — perhaps 50–100 items Energy costs for steam generation (line blowing, turbine testing, distillation and so on)
— that can vary widely, depending on Maintenance vendor support during commissioning
the location of the new facility, whether Specialty services, such as chemical cleaning, pipeline blowing or catalyst installation
the project is a grassroots plant or at Costs to operate utility systems during commissioning
an existing site, the type of manufac- Initial technology licensing fees and royalties
turing process and the extent of new Other
technology involved. Sales-tax accrual
Some examples of these line items Insurance (property, workman’s compensation and so on)
are shown in Table 1. Particular atten- Property tax
tion should be paid to forecasting the Safety, emergency-response and first-aid treatment equipment
large-dollar line items — usually those
related to staffing, raw materials and Justifying staffing resources
pre-startup energy and chemical ex- While the owner’s senior managers —
penses — because these expenses those who authorize projects and staff-
tend to be underestimated. Contin- ing — have a good understanding of
gency should also be considered for the capital costs required for a large
unforeseen expenses, such as poten- project, they frequently do not appre-
tial project delays. For more informa- ciate the manpower required to suc-
tion on the importance of contingency cessfully bring a major project into op-
in project budgets, see Improve Your eration, or the drain on other company
Contingency Estimates for More Re- operations if positions are to be filled in-
alistic Project Budgets, Chem. Eng., ternally. When this is the case, delays in
Dec. 2014, pp. 36–43. filling positions as the work expands can
Note: Similar responsibilities lists should be developed for human resources, environmental, purchasing, site project engineering, logistics and
other site groups
zation holds approval rights where owner will assume. Frequently, the
owner approval is to be required in contractor has a list of contractor
these activities and owner responsibilities that the
3. Thoroughly review the design stan- owner can review, or an industry
dards that the contractor will use, standard can be used
and confirm that those standards will 5. Agree with the contractor on the tim-
be used by subcontractors and all ing for obtaining the environmental
equipment suppliers as part of their permits, what special provisions are
bid packages needed for construction, commis-
4. Come to an agreement on which sioning and startup, and what im-
responsibilities the contractor’s pact permit timing will have on the
construction group will assume in overall project schedule
completing parts of the facility prior 6. List all required permits and identify
to turning them over to the owner, whether the contractor or the owner
as well as which responsibilities the will have primary responsibility for ob-
50/40 Commission process systems
Help create Commission System turnovers
DCS graphics DCS system from construction
Note: This chart is an example for the production department of a facility. Other departments, such as maintenance and process engineering, will require similar tracking charts for their
different pre-commissioning tasks based on Table 2.
chasing and logistics. ager can do to ensure a project is well FIGURE 3. Tracking progress as startup
Some of these pre-commissioning managed once pre-commissioning ac- approaches is crucial to avoiding
project lag
activities involve interaction with the tivities begin is to staff the project so
contractor, such as witnessing se- that the large number of necessary
lected construction quality-assurance tasks can be completed in the required
activities or accepting custody of timeframe. To do this, managers must
equipment as construction is com- identify the pre-commissioning activi-
pleted. Most activities, however, pro- ties well ahead of time, plan them in
ceed independently of the contractor’s sufficient detail to estimate their man-
work, including staffing the facility, power requirements, and then build the
setting up equipment spare parts, staff required to accomplish them in a
establishing logistics capabilities and timely manner.
developing procedures for operating, For the support groups — those that
maintenance, human resources and will not be directly involved in commis-
cost accounting. Examples of depart- sioning work later — pre-commissioning
mental pre-commissioning responsi- activities can continue into the commis-
bilities are shown in Table 2. sioning period. However, for personnel
involved with production, maintenance,
Obtaining adequate resources process engineering and process con-
The period between initial staffing of the trol, it is essential that their pre-com-
site and initial shift operation of utilities missioning activities be completed
is typically the most hectic, intense pe- prior to the period when final operator
riod in a project’s cycle for plant person- job training and commissioning begin,
nel. An enormous amount of work must as equipment is turned over from con-
be accomplished. struction. Once this training begins, es-
The most important thing that a man- sentially all employees in these groups
pursue, it is important that leaders con- cific objectives during project design,
sciously work to identify desired cultural and communicate these objectives to
aspects and model a culture of their own the contractor
choosing, not have one evolve by de- • Identify pre-commissioning activities
fault. This modeling often begins when and secure an adequate staff for the
personnel are relocated to their new site. tasks
Showing interest in and helping with • Identify “owners” for each pre-com-
personal issues associated with reloca- missioning activity and track progress
tions gets families settled smoothly and • Early in the pre-commissioning peri-
allows employees to reach a produc- od, develop requirements for the ma-
tive stage more quickly. Furthermore, jor tasks that are to be accomplished
however, it can help establish a positive so that teams are following the same
cultural foundation. guidelines as they develop commis-
Also related to culture and reloca- sioning procedures, write operating
tion is morale. Maintaining high mo- manuals, conduct process hazard re-
rale during these facility-preparation views, develop training modules and
phases of a startup is often challeng- interview candidate employees
ing. The enormous amount of work • Complete production, maintenance
that must be accomplished by a newly and process-engineering pre-com-
assembled group of people during the missioning activities before it is time to
pre-commissioning period tends to begin their efforts in commissioning
amplify the personal issues that arise • Identify and pursue objectives that will
from job changes, family relocations, help create the desired site culture
new assignments, new working con- • Monitor and respond to people’s
ditions and time constraints on task needs and concerns. Address
completions. These pressures all tend significant morale issues ■
to increase collective angst. As part Edited by Mary Page Bailey
of establishing a productive environ-
ment, leaders must consciously work Author
to identify and resolve significant em- Mark Sheridan (Phone: (713) 417-
ployee-morale issues and shape the 7700; Email: mmsheridan@comcast.
net) is a consultant in the area of plan-
culture that will make the group a high- ning and executing startups for com-
performance organization. modity chemical plants. Sheridan has
The management steps outlined in 40 years of experience in managing
commodity chemical-plant operations
this article will help prepare organiza- and large projects. He has worked on
tions for a safe, successful commis- the design, commissioning and startup
of two methanol plants during a 20-yr
sioning and startup period that accom- tenure with DuPont, and was the owner’s senior project man-
plishes business objectives. Adhering to ager and startup operations manager for an olefins plant now
the guidelines summarized below can owned by LyondellBasell. He has B.S.Ch.E and marketing
degrees from the University of Colorado.
help ensure timely, efficient startups for
Feature Report
Connecting Operations
Personnel to Reliability Efforts
Seven methodologies are described to help operations staff take greater ownership
of asset performance
he definition of ownership — to act erations personnel hold the key to delivering David
as an owner — implies certain re- optimal business objectives, through their ef- Rosenthal
sponsibilities. Consider the range forts related to the ongoing operation of the Reliability Strategy
of behaviors demonstrated by indi- assets. and Implementation
viduals when it comes to the automobiles To further explain this important con- Consultancy, LLC
they own. For some, car ownership leads cept, we must first understand the “bathtub
to a relentless pursuit of caring for every curves,” developed by Nolan and Heap in
aspect of the car, from operation to main- the 1960s and 1970s [1], which have driven
tenance. For others, it is a daily wish that maintenance practices in the airline industry
their cars will simply start when the ignition for decades. The authors developed six fail- IN BRIEF
is engaged. The outcome of the diverse be- ure curves that demonstrate how the prob-
haviors along this continuum of ownership ability of failure is a function of run time for OWNERSHIP
will have a direct impact on the reliability, machine components. The major finding
longevity and cost of ownership of these was that 89% of these failure modes occur THE PATH FORWARD
complex machines. randomly — often with little to no warning. DEVELOPING THE VALUE
Throughout the chemical process indus- At the time of these findings, industry’s ap- PROPOSITION
tries (CPI), owners of complex, costly ma- proach to maintaining industrial and other
chines and systems (assets) tend to act along assets had been to rely heavily on preven-
this same continuum. In general, CPI opera- tive or time-based activities, such as planned CHANGING THE
tors typically want to ensure the delivery of overhauls. However, given that the majority EQUIPMENT-CONDITION
performance levels in terms of three impor- of failures occur randomly, it is not practi- MINDSET
tant measures — reduced lifecycle costs, cal to expect that a time-based approach to TRAINING AND
improved reliability, and increased longevity equipment maintenance will detect or iden- TROUBLESHOOTING
before replacement. However, different indi- tify all potential failures. While online moni-
viduals will go about achieving these objec- toring options can provide a close proxy for
tives in different ways. Within any CPI facility, realtime surveillance in some instances, we
the quest to ensure reliability is thought to cannot place a mechanic at each machine
require three partners — personnel from the to constantly monitor its condition on a real- PERFORMING
operations, maintenance, and engineering time basis. The operations department is the EQUIPMENT ROUNDS
Depts. All three sets of individuals play vital only group with enough continual exposure AUTONOMOUS
roles in helping the asset to meet its impor- to the assets on the plant floor to be able to MAINTENANCE
tant objectives, via their interactions through- detect the earliest signs of many impending
out the lifecycle of each asset. failures. So why do many CPI facilities still
The efforts of the engineering department experience relatively high levels of reactive or
should be building in reliability since the de- breakdown-related maintenance, and fail to
sign itself has a greater impact on reliability effectively deploy their operational personnel
compared to the efforts by maintenance to provide close ongoing surveillance of the
and operations depts. combined. For many, assets in the field?
maintenance department efforts are thought
to be the primary element responsible for Operations ownership
the reliability of the installed assets. How- In recent decades, there has been a transition
ever, from our knowledge of various paths in operations department culture. Many retir-
for equipment failure (the majority of which ees lament the bygone era when operators
are random in nature), it turns out that op- knew not only how to operate their equipment
For example, note the expected
range on a pressure gage and
mark on the operator-rounds sheet
whether that gage is operating within
lthough gas flaring is neces- Ethylene
sary at some chemical pro- Depro-
Gas panizer
cess industries (CPI) plants
or facilities, more and more
efforts are underway to reduce flaring, C3 splitter
not only to help reduce emissions of TLE Debuta-
air pollutants, noise and light, but also
Fuel oil and Recycle
to save both energy and raw mate- gasoline
rials, which translates into money —
potentially millions of dollars.
Today, plant operators are becom-
ing more conscientious about reduc- Feed and furnace Quench and Compressor and Hydrocarbon-separation section Gasoline
ing the release of greenhouse gases section fractionation section condensate section Propylene
(GHGs), especially carbon dioxide, in TLE = Transfer line exchange
an attempt to prevent further global FIGURE 1. A typical flowsheet for an ethylene plant is shown here [1]
warming. In some countries, existing
or pending regulations on the release can be recovered, with correspond- essential [2–4].
of GHGs, or the imposition of carbon ing savings of more than a million Flares are classified according to
taxes are forcing operators to rethink dollars per hour. different viewpoints, for example in
the simple option of gas flaring. terms of the following:
In some cases, however, it can Olefin plants • Height — elevated (according to
make good economic sense to re- Olefin units (Figure 1) are among the the support, which can be self
cover rather than burn the flare most profitable plants in the petro- supported, guyed wire, derrick)
gases, which are often valuable hy- chemicals industry. Due to the nature and ground flares
drocarbons that can be used as fuel of these units, there is a good poten- • Assisted fluid for smokeless op-
or even feedstock. The investment tial for using FGRUs during startups eration — steam-assisted or air-
costs for adding a flare-gas recov- to reduce emissions and recover assisted flares
ery unit (FGRU) can thus be offset by capital. Given the expanding num- • Combustion chamber — open,
utilizing the energy or the resources ber of olefin units in the world today, semi-open or closed flares
(or both) recovered by the FGRU. with flaring an integral part of the fac- • Number of tips — multipoint or
The environment benefits by reduc- tories, large amounts of energy and matrix flares
ing the volume of flare gases that are capital are lost. Therefore, it makes • Flare-gas pressure — high-,
actually flared. good sense to consider more deeply medium- or low-pressure flares
In this article, we investigate meth- the use of FGRUs with such units. • Special areas — storage areas or
ods to recover flare gases and thus terminals can have dedicated flares
reduce gas flaring in olefin plants. As Flares and flaring
an example, the benefits of installing Flaring is a safe and effective method Flaring points in olefin plants
an FGRU after the cold flare drum at for the disposal of hydrocarbons in To achieve zero flaring, we must
an ethylene plant are presented. situations where there is an equip- first investigate what are the main
The article examines flare-gas ment failure or in emergencies, such reasons for flaring. Activities where
recovery methods and the advan- as instrument failure, power failure or flaring is used include plant startups
tages of applying them to olefin a fire in the plant. Many vapors are and shutdowns, maintenance proce-
plants. The case study presented corrosive, explosive or flammable dures, plant upsets and sometimes
here concludes that significant and cannot simply be released into even normal operation.
amounts of ethylene and fuel gas the atmlosphere, so burning them is Flaring leads to the release of large
amounts of CO2, carbon monoxide, Flare header To flare Carbon bed for
oxides of nitrogen (NOx), hydrocar- Carbon bed for C5+ recovery propylene recovery To flare
bons and other volatile organic com- stream
pounds (VOCs) and others. Besides of water
Existing knock- seal)
emissions to the atmosphere, simple out drum
Water seal
flaring is a loss of both energy and
raw materials.
For instance, an ethylene plant
with a production capacity of 1.2 bil-
lion lb/yr of ethylene can easily flare
about 5 million lb of ethylene during a
single startup. Assuming a flaring effi- Compressor
ciency of 98%, the resulting air emis- Filter
sions will include at least 15.4 million
lb of CO2, 40,000 lb CO, 7,400 lb Blower
NOx, 15,100 lb of hydrocarbons and
100,000 lb of VOCs. This is just a
normal accounting of ethylene flaring C5+ separator
pump pump
emissions. If all the flaring sources
are included, such as ethane, pro- stream Propylene-rich stream Compressor
pylene and propane, huge amounts
FIGURE 2. This flare-gas recovery system is based on beds of activated carbon [8 ]
of air emissions can be produced
through one single plant startup. By scheduled. Unscheduled flaring may flare until the unit can be returned to
reducing the volume of flare gases, be caused by a trip. Scheduled (or normal operating conditions.
we can also be assured of complete planned) flaring occurs during shut- We can summarize the following
combustion and a smokeless flare. downs, maintenance and startups. methods that can be used in reduc-
The main activities at olefin plants During a shutdown, the plant feed ing gas flaring in ethylene plants:
that lead to gas flaring are from the will usually be decreased to the mini- 1. Define recycle streams for the re-
following sources: mum amount with which the plant covery of off-specification products
1. Cracked-gas-compressor (CGC) is still stable, and the cracking-gas 2. Maintain the amounts in towers by
suction: When the compressor is compressor will be out of service. keeping them in total reflux status
stopped; from the initial startup of This process will lead to flaring. 3. Properly control feed when inject-
furnaces until the furnaces reach Startup is a situation that leads ing feed into furnaces, one furnace
their full capacity; and during the from the initial state of the process after another
commissioning of the compressor to the final operating conditions. 4. Cool the chilling section as quickly
2. Chilling train tailgas outlet: When During this operation, the feed is as possible to reach the optimum
there is a limitation to the fuel-gas gradually increased and equipment temperatures
system from the demethanizer, ad- will be pressurized, and hot or cold 5. Ensure that conditions are normal
ditional products will be sent to the liquids will reach their operating con- before the demethanizer flow is
flare for plant-safety considerations ditions. During these activities, large established downstream
3. Deethanizer top product: When amounts of gas are directed toward 6. Return high-purity ethylene back
this stream is not within design a flare boom. into the reflux drum to reduce the
specifications for sending to the Unscheduled flaring includes op- settling time in the tower [5–7]
hydrogenation reactor, there will eration failures, equipment failures,
be flaring in order to prevent cata- electrical failures and so on. When Ethylene plant FGRUs
lyst deactivation such events occur, the best option There are several methods for flare
4. Hydrogenation reactor outlet: A to ensure the safety of equipment gas recovery, which include the fol-
large amount of flaring in an olefin and personnel is flaring, which is an lowing general categories:
plant occurs at this point. The out- effective, safe and fast method for 1. Physical: The gases are recovered
let stream from the reactor will be handling gases that are generated. and purified by special equipment
sent to the flare until the required For plant trips that lead the unit into and pressurized (if required) for
specifications are achieved. There a purge condition, activities must be process units to be used as fuel
will also be gas flaring after send- quick and effective to return the unit or feedstock
ing this stream to the C2-splitter to normal operating conditions. 2. Chemical: The flare gases are
tower until the tower reaches the Most trips occur with cracked- reacted over a catalyst and con-
normal operation conditions and gas compressors, refrigeration cycle verted into industrial materials that
liquefaction occurs compressors, instrument failure, can be recovered
5. C2-splitter top stream: Until the weather and so on. These trips may 3. Biochemical: This newest method
tower product reaches the re- cause a partial or total shutdown of a of recovery is performed using
quired specifications, there will be plant. In such circumstances, pipes bacteria that carry out degradation
gas flaring and equipment are depressurized reactions in the towers, thereby
Flaring may be scheduled or un- and the vent streams are sent to the converting the flare gases into
Troubleshooting Tube-Deterioration
Mechanisms in Direct-Fired Heaters
A practical step-by-step guide for reducing tube failures
Babak Maghbooli and
Hamidreza Najafi
Farayand Sabz Engineering Co.
orced outage of a direct-fired
heater is the worst nightmare
for any operator in a petro-
leum-refining or petrochemi-
cal plant. Since fired heaters are not
replaceable by spares, forced outage
in many cases means emergency
shutdown of the entire plant. In most FIGURE 1. Misunderstanding warning signs led to
cases, actual tube failure or even se- a dramatic internal coke build up, followed by high
tube metal temperatures, creep and finally tube
vere tube deterioration are responsi- rupture in one of the pass outlets of a visbreaker
ble for outage of a direct-fired heater. plant heater. Operators had unintentionally ignored
Tube-deterioration mechanisms are high tube-skin temperatures for one week
not only an economical concern, but
also a matter of safety for the plant plex metallurgical phenomena, and
and personnel. An unpredicted tube inspection engineers with degrees or
rupture may lead to disastrous explo- specialties in metallurgical engineer- FIGURE 2. In this example of good trouble-
sions and severe human casualties. ing should evaluate and explicate shooting, operators observed a failed tube hanger,
which triggered the alarm for possible roof tubes
In order to prevent such unwanted them; but after the inspection or eval- sagging and led to the heater shut down for main-
events and keep the fired heater tubes uation stage, the main root causes of tenance and hanger repair
functional as long as possible, many such problems are mostly simple and
petroleum refineries and petrochemi- can be explained to an operator with of internal coke buildup (fouling),
cal plants have organized a preven- the aid of fact sheets or flowcharts. such as back pressure in the speci-
tive program, which according to the If the operators are being kept out fied pass, maybe serious courses of
American Petroleum Institute [1], is of the loop, it is always possible for action would have been considered
referred to as a “reliability program.” personnel to misinterpret a sign of before raising the tube metal temper-
tube deterioration. And since heater ature to values that eventually caused
Reliability programs inspectors are not around all of the severe creep and tube rupture.
A good reliability program includes time, such misinterpretations could Explaining the root causes of the
various detailed inspection programs easily lead to a disastrous event. deterioration mechanisms to the op-
performed both during heater opera- erating team can prevent deteriora-
tion and overhaul or occasional main- Dangers of misunderstandings tion in the first place. It is important
tenance shutdown periods. Continu- As an example, consider Figure 1, that the inspection team arrange
ous assessments of the remaining which demonstrates a dramatic tube meetings in which operating person-
lifetime of tubes and the supervision rupture case that was the result of nel walk through the chain of events
of heater performance are also in- misunderstanding the warning signs and performance imbalances that
cluded in the program of many pe- and a lack of root-causes knowledge lead to a tube failure.
troleum refineries. Although reliability on the part of operating personnel. As another example, the situation
programs have proven successful In this particular case, the pass out- shown in Figure 2 was dealt with
during long periods of heater opera- let was near the internal header-box before the shield section tubes ex-
tion, many heaters are still victims refractory linings. Because of this, the perienced serious sagging, which
of tube-deterioration mechanisms. operators had unintentionally ignored could easily lead to tube rupture and
That is because heater operators or high tube-skin temperatures and as- possible explosion. As the operators
field engineers are often kept out of sumed that they were misreading the were aware of the possible threat of
the loop of a reliability program. refractory wall temperature by the in- roof tubes sagging (in case of fallen
It is true that deterioration mecha- frared pyrometer. If they were aware of or failed tube hangers), observing the
nisms are mostly categorized as com- other warning signs and root causes failed hanger at the floor of the heater
Mineral sediments
Air Leakage
Root Cause
Problem category sub category
Hotspot --- • • • • • • • •
Internal fouling • • • • • • • • •
External fouling • • • • • • •
Internal corrosion • • • • • •
Corrosion External dew-point • • • •
Minor creep • • • • • •
Creep Bulging • • • • •
Bowing and sagging • • • • • • • • • •
Vibration --- • • • • • •
Erosion --- • • •
Thermal fatigue --- • • •
Mechanical --- • • • • •
Note: * In this article, the term “improper two-phase-flow regime” refers to “slug flow” regime only and complex two-phase-flow phenomena caused by poor de-
sign, or improper operating conditions (problems like sudden flash evaporation or mist flow) are beyond the scope of the current study.
triggered an alarm, which led to the would ignore or misunderstand vital 2. Internal fouling
shutdown of the heater for mainte- signs of a possible tube-deteriora- 3. External fouling
nance and hanger repair. tion mechanism. 4. Internal corrosion
A good troubleshooting guide can In this article we propose a simple 5. Creep (general or minor creep)
demonstrate the fact that failed roof root-cause analysis and also a com- 6. Bulging
hangers are caused by overheating puterized troubleshooting algorithm 7. Bowing and sagging
in the convection section. In this vein, that directs the heater operator from 8. Vibration
by monitoring burner flame heights one root cause of a possible tube- 9. External dew point corrosion
and burner fuel pressures (control- deterioration mechanism to another, 10. Erosion
ling the amount of heat released), as in sequence. The algorithms indicate 11. Thermal fatigue
well as monitoring bridge wall tem- how each of the improper perfor- 12. Mechanical deterioration
perature, operators can prevent this mances for a given cause is to be
phenomenon in the first place. corrected, and continues until all Root-cause analysis
possible causes for tube-deteriora- It should be noted that before enter-
Troubleshooting tion mechanism can be corrected. ing the root-cause-analysis phase,
Even if a company offers proper one should not neglect the possibility
training courses for personnel, and Tube-deterioration mechanisms that the material of construction used
has an effective reliability program According to the valuable references for the heater tube can be a possible
and an effective schedule of visual listed at the end of this article [1, cause of some of the problems re-
inspections, these measures will not 3–4], as well as our field experience, ferred to above. Thus, readily available
reduce the importance of practi- typical fired-heater tube-deteriora- data for allowable stress and corro-
cal troubleshooting knowledge. An tion mechanisms that may lead to sion rates for various tube alloys, as
operator without proper knowledge tube failure can be classified into the a function of temperature, should be
and understanding of root causes following 12 main categories: made available from appropriate tube
and a troubleshooting sequence 1. Local or longitudinal hotspots manufacturers. These data should
No No
One of the main external reasons that leads to hotspots is heat-flux imbal-
Solve the problem according to instructions given in burner ances, mainly caused by non-asymmetric burner-firing patterns along the
troubleshooting guide found in Ref. 2. Yes
Yes firebox.
Is your problem solved? Do the burners frequently go out and stay ignored by the operator?
Adjust the fuel pressures to the same value on each burner, also No Are the fuel pressure gauges on
adjust the air and draft amounts accordingly. every burner showing the same
Caution: If by doing so flame patterns were corrupted or
Yes misshaped, based on the problem refer to burner troubleshooting Yes
guide found in Ref. 2.
Solve the problem according to instructions given In case of fuel oil firing, you may No If there is no external reason for
in burner troubleshooting guide found in Ref. 2. Yes suffer poor atomization the hotspots in the firebox, your
Yes problems causing misshaped tube may be suffering from an
Is your problem solved? flame patterns and firing rates internal fouling phenomena.
along the firebox.
No Do you have poor atomization
Go to Point B in Figure 4
Seek engineering consultancy.
be checked before taking any step actions, which are provided by com- A practical example
for understanding the root causes of prehensive algorithms described in Let’s assume that an operating
tube-deterioration mechanisms. the next section. team tries to prevent a future tube
In order to analyze each deterio- failure like the one shown in Figure
ration-mechanism category and its Troubleshooting algorithms 1. In order to achieve this goal, it is
subcategories in the most concise The comprehensive troubleshooting obvious that they need to trouble-
and efficient way, a root-cause- algorithm is based on the logic de- shoot the deterioration mechanisms
analysis table is proposed (see picted in Figures 3 to 6 (and contin- that are responsible for this event.
Table 1). ues in Figures 8–15 at www.chemeng First of all, an inspection team
By understanding the root causes online.com), and has been successfully should identify the nature of tube-
of tube-deterioration mechanisms, used to recognize what the tube-dete- deterioration mechanisms that have
one has passed through the primary rioration mechanism might be, indicate led to such a disaster. A preliminary
step of tube-damage troubleshoot- the cause of the problem and correct analysis would demonstrate that
ing. Now what matters most is the the heater defect, so as to achieve the severe tube creep accompanied by
proper sequence of troubleshooting proper tube operating lifetime. internal fouling (coke buildup) are to
Internal fouling may be caused by coke Low process-fluid flowrate is one of the If the problem is not caused by human
formation or other material sediments main causes of internal fouling. Low error, then in most cases, a malfunction
(usually minerals salts dissolved in crude flowrate can cause high skin temperature of the control system is responsible. In
oil). Follow the questions below to be and coke buildup as a result of pyrolysis such cases, perform immediate control-
able to differentiate between the two can occur. Did you experience low flowrate systems maintenance or even replacement
phenomena. in one or multiple passes of your heater? procedures.
Go to Point DC Consider coke buildup Did you experience any fire-side End
with high probability. Solve (external side) hotspot problems troubleshooting
the problem according to Yes (mentioned in Figure 3) like over procedure.
the instructions given in firing or flame impingement for
the burner troubleshooting long periods of time?
guide found in Ref. 2.
Fouling is 90% caused by Did the fouling happened right after Consider removing and
mineral sediments or even Yes overhaul or upstream equipment’s replacing the tubes with
small particles carried out by malfunction? supervision of inspection
fluid stream into the furnace department.
tubes. No
If your furnace is in heavy fluid service, like vacuum-distillation-tower charge heater or Follow spalling and decoking
visbreaker service or any vaporizing heavy feed service, consider your fouling problem with steam and air procedure
as coke buildup. according to the vendor’s
Caution: Coke buildup in gas reactive services like olefin plant furnaces is beyond the Is your problem solved?
scope of this algorithm, look at the proper references.
be blamed. This particular heater is ternal fouling, caused by rapid local 4. Heavy fuel-oil combustion
in visbreaker service, which can be coke formation, made an insulating problems
classified as a thermal cracking pro- layer, which in turn led to higher tube 5. Low process fluid flowrate
cess. In thermal cracking of heavy skin temperatures for long periods 6. Upstream malfunction of
petroleum cuts, coke formation is of time. In this vein, high tube-skin equipment
an unwanted side reaction that can- temperature led to severe creep and 7. Pyrolysis of heavy hydrocarbon
not be eliminated, but the reaction eventually disastrous tube rupture. In molecules (coke buildup)
rate and duration can be controlled order to solve this problem and pre- 8. Mineral sediments
and reduced by maintaining proper vent it from ever happening again, 9. High firing rate
operating conditions. In some cases the main cause — internal fouling With the exception (in some cases)
the interval between decoking pro- — should be clearly understood and of root-cause Number 9 (high firing
cesses can be extended by up to analyzed. By taking a look at Table 1, rate) [2], all the other causes can be
three to four years. one can find the root causes of inter- treated by the stepwise troubleshoot-
In this particular case, unwanted nal fouling, which are as follows (not ing procedure outlined in this article.
coke deposition had occurred dur- necessarily in order of priority): In order to solve the internal foul-
ing the first year of an operating 1. Flame impingement ing problem, the operator can start
period. This event was unpredicted 2. Heat flux imbalances with the procedure given in Figure
and surprising for the operators. In- 3. Improper fuel pressure 4. This procedure starts with the
C FIGURE 5. Troubleshooting algorithm for external fouling
There are two types of external fouling, metallic oxides and external scaling.
Follow the questions below to be able to differentiate between the two. End troubleshooting procedure.
The particles are metallic oxides Do the external particles
Seek engineering consultancy.
(MOs). Proceed to point MO. respond to a magnet?
No No
Yes Because of possible metallurgical changes, some particles do Metallic oxides are mainly Solve the problem
not respond to a magnet therefore be sure that tube’s surface is caused by over firing or high Yes according to instructions Yes
not scratched or thinned in the particle position. fuel gas temperature ranges. given in burner
Does the tubes thickness decreased in the particle position? Do you experience uneven heat troubleshooting guide
distribution or over firing found in Ref. 2.
No conditions?
Is your problem solved?
In case of gas firing, external No The external fouling is soot or
scales (other than oxides) scale. Do you use fuel oil in Yes MO
are caused by complex heat burners?
transfer phenomena that
needs advanced engineering
consultancy and determining
the reason is not a straight
forward step.
There is a possibility that your fuel oil has a high content of sulfur No
(in the form of mercaptans, H2S or any bound or unbound form). Yes
Analyze your fuel and in case of high sulfur content, consider fuel
change or upstream process modifications. No No
Do you frequently experience
Seek engineering
thermal shocks or high firing
Is your problem solved? consultancy.
rates in the fire box?
simplest solution, which is solving this cause, the operator is asked is not the case in this example,
low process-fluid flowrate in heater to check for burner firing problems, may happen in crude charge heat-
passes. Low process-fluid flowrate like flame impingement, heat-flux ers that are placed after de-salters
can cause high tube-skin tempera- imbalances, improper fuel-oil pres- and heat exchanger networks in
tures that can lead to internal fouling. sure or heavy fuel-oil combustion most refineries. Apparently, if the
It should be noted that human error problems. If any of these problems heater is in crude charge service,
and control-equipment malfunction have been observed for long oper- checking the de-salter’s malfunc-
are the main causes of low process- ating periods, one can almost be tion should be the next step in the
fluid flowrate. It is mandatory to pre- certain that the internal fouling is troubleshooting algorithm. If this is
pare a regular program for checking due to coke buildup. In order to not the case, upstream equipment
control equipment accuracy. Also, solve any burner-firing problem, malfunction can be the next cause.
assign experienced personnel to the operator can refer to the de- Small particles carried by a fluid
control sensitive equipment, such as tailed troubleshooting algorithms stream can plug heater tubes and
fired heaters. described in Ref. 2. reduce flowrate locally or in a whole
If the problem is not related to Mineral sediments fouling, which pass. Similar to low process-fluid
Internal corrosion is mainly influenced by the chemical End troubleshooting Seek engineering
composition of the process fluid. Do you have sulfur procedure. DE consultancy.
No compounds present in your process fluid composition?
Yes Yes
Yes No
Sulfidic corrosion may have happened inside the tube walls,
beware of chemical components like chlorides and hydrogen Did you experience high corrosion defects after a recent
that can aggravate the corrosion rate. Also local flame overhaul or upstream equipment malfunction? Mostly de-salter
impingement and high skin temperatures can increase the malfunction or low performance?
corrosion rate.
Naphthenic acid corrosion may have occurred inside the tube walls. Control the chemical composition of Yes Go to Point
Beware that high skin temperatures can increase the corrosion rate. process the fluid and lower critical species DE
concentration if possible.
flowrate, this can lead to severe in- heavy feed is vaporizing, coke in some cases eliminate — coke
ternal fouling. Operators should be buildup is a likely possibility. As coke buildup phenomena.
warned about the possibility of this formation in these kinds of heaters Other steps of this algorithm are
problem, specifically after overhaul is highly anticipated, controlling op- dedicated to the decoking and spal-
or upstream equipment malfunc- erating conditions, especially the ling practices that should be fol-
tion and maintenance. items mentioned in previous steps of lowed, depending on the nature of
As the next step, the nature of this algorithm, is very important and the internal fouling problem.
the process should be noted. For vital. By following the right steps, Following this procedure would
visbreakers or any service in which operators may control — and even usually eliminate and even prevent
— Pass A — Pass C
8,000 — Pass B — Pass D The authors wish to thank the help
and contribution of Alan Cross. He
is always a mentor to us who gives
7,000 us the courage and motivation for
Heater pass flowrate, bbl/d
5,500 References
1. American Petroleum Institute, “Inspection of Fired Boil-
5,000 ers and Heaters,” Recommended Practice No. 573, API,
Washington, D.C., Feb. 2003.
Early warnings of internal fouling in 2. Maghbooli B., Najafi H., Bakhtiari A., Correcting Improper
4,000 pass A (rapid decrease in feed flowrate, Performance of Direct Fired Heaters: A practical, step-
accompanied by 80 psig pressure by-step approach for finding the root cause and trouble-
3,500 increase in pass inlet) shooting burner problems, Chem. Eng., May 2013, pp.
3,000 3. American Petroleum Institute, “Damage Mechanisms Af-
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92
Time, days fecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry,” Recom-
mended Practice No. 571, API, Washington, D.C., April
FIGURE 7. This graph shows the operating history of the process fluid flowrate in four passes of a vac- 2011.
uum distillation unit charge heater. Ignoring early signs of internal fouling caused by rapid coke buildup,
4. Patel S., Typical Fired Heater Problems and Root Causes,
led to disastrous tube rupture, like the one depicted in Figure 1 Hydrocarbon Process., March 2007, pp.68–69.
Safety valves Safety valves Safety valves
TRAdITIONAl ClOSEd unit 1 unit 2 unit “n”
FIGURE 1. This sketch shows a simplified pressure-relief system for a petroleum refinery
ressure relief systems for the chemi- 2. Realize dynamic-system load model-
cal process industries (CPI) are es- ing. This analysis for a complete petro-
sential to prevent a process system, leum refinery is very complex and is not
or any of its components, from being normally used, but it can also result in
subjected to pressures that exceed the maxi- flowrate reductions.
mum allowable accumulated pressure, by After defining the minimum possible vapor
emergency venting to a closed relief system. flowrates that correspond to the overpres-
These relief systems are normally very sure relieving rates defined by the design
conservatively designed. For large, new case, the closed relief system may be sized.
petroleum refineries with capacities around
300,000 barrels/day (bbl/d), this can result Traditional closed systems
in costs of up to 1% of the total refinery A closed pressure-relief system is designed
capital investments (Capex). to safely control overpressurization of pro-
This article presents simple project alter- cess units during emergencies by relieving
natives to traditional closed relief systems the vapors to the flare, which destroys hydro-
[1], based on American Petroleum Institute carbons in a high-temperature flame. Figure
(API) standards, that can present significant 1 shows a typical closed relief system that
investment-cost reductions. collects vapors and liquids in process-unit
headers and separates the liquid in process-
Background unit knockout (KO) drums before sending the
Overpressurization of process units can vapor phase to the main flare header, and fi-
occur due to several reasons as indicated in nally to the flare unit for destruction.
API-521 [2]. Some of those reasons are the In the traditional system, the unit KO drums
following: and the flare KO drums are projected for the
• General power failure maximum vapor and liquid flowrates as de-
• Cooling water failure termined from the analysis of the overpres-
• Instrument failure sure causes and indicated in API-521 [2].
• External fire The KO drums, process units and flare
Normally, general power failure or utility unit, are sized to separate particles in the
failure results in the highest vapor load for a range of 300–600 μm in diameter, and to
closed pressure-relief system, and is there- hold liquid discharge for 20 to 30 minutes as
fore used as the design case. Before sizing a per API-521 item for these maxi-
closed relief system, it is advisable to reduce mum flow conditions.
these very high vapor loads by the following: The unit flare headers and the main flare
1. Use high-integrity protection systems header are also sized for these maximum
(HIPS) as recommended in API-521, flowrates. All the headers slope with a mini-
which can result in a significant reduc- mum inclination of 1:500 toward their respec-
tion of the vapor flowrates to the flare. tive KO drums, and are continuously purged
Air coolers
FIGURE 2. This large, horizontal process-unit KO drum requires the air coolers FIGURE 3. A large, horizontal flare-unit KO drum can require a very high piping
to be mounted very high arrangement
using combustion gas or nitrogen This implies the need to install the Figure 2 shows such a situation.
from the upstream end toward the collection headers very high above If it was possible to change the de-
KO drums to avoid ingress of air into grade level, since they must drain sign criteria for the process-unit KO
the system. to the KO drums. Equipment, such drums, the process-unit flare header
as air coolers that must be mounted and the air coolers may be installed
Optimized closed systems above the process unit headers are at a lower level with considerably
The calculation criteria for sizing the consequently also very high. This lower installation costs as a result of
flare KO drums and process-unit KO requires long stretches of process the use of less structural steel and
Chemicalresult in very large
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is said to be the shortest PCP on the
world forum for the chemi- market — 42% shorter and 57% lighter
cal process industries (CPI) than previous PCP models. A version
— will be held June 15–19 specific for food applications can be
in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Or- used in meat, animal-feed, sugar and
ganized by Dechema e.V. (Frankfurt; beverage processes. The industry-
www.dechema.de), this year’s event specific model (photo) is suitable for
features 11 exhibition halls, which will use in many CPI sectors, including
provide a platform for over 3,600 reg- chemicals, minerals, paper and waste-
istered exhibitors to showcase inno- water. The pump’s patented connect-
vative products and services. Concur- ing system has only three screws,
rently with the exhibition, an extensive and the shaft line can be removed
Burocco Industrial Valves
technical conference will take place, without disconnecting from the pipes.
with numerous panel discussions, lec- EcoMoineau pumps are also said to
tures and special sessions planned. use 10% less energy than previous-
For further details on the event’s generation PCPs due to their light-
agenda, please visit www.achema. weight construction. Hall 8.0, Stand
de. Special focus will be given to the D5 — PCM Europe S.A.S., Levallois
following topics: advances in bio- Perret, France
based processes; innovative process www.pcm.eu
analytical technologies; and industrial
water management. Energy-efficient solutions
Chemical Engineering, in collabora- for VOC, NOx destruction
tion with Vogel Media (Würzburg, This company’s vapor and oxidation
Germany), will be covering Achema systems are suitable in many abatement
2015 in the Achema Daily, a bilin- applications, including the destruction
gual, daily newspaper that is distrib- of volatile organic compounds (VOCs),
uted to event attendees. For readers hazardous air pollutants, oxides of
unable to attend Achema 2015, a nitrogen (NOx) and odorous emis-
digital version of the Daily will also be sions, in a wide range of processes,
available online. such as tank venting, separations,
The following show preview includes mixing, coating and more. Regenera-
PCM Europe
a small selection of the products and tive thermal oxidizers (photo) have an
services that will be on display at especially high destruction capability,
the exhibition. while still remaining energy-efficient,
says the company. Hall 9.1, Stand
Use these control valves in B48 — Anguil Environmental Systems,
cryogenic plants Milwaukee, Wis.
Series 4000 control valves (photo) are www.anguil.com
designed for super-vacuum-insulated
cryogenic plants, and can also be used Lightweight, long-lasting
in pilot or experimental plants. These LED-based luminaires
valves are machined from stainless The Exlux 6402 Series (photo) of LED-
steel, and are rated for temperatures based linear luminaires is intended for
from –196 to 100°C. Internal parts can hazardous-area use. These luminaires
be removed or replaced without the boast a lifespan of up to 100,000
need to remove the valve body from operating hours and weigh around a
the pipeline, simplifying maintenance third less than comparable products.
Anguil Environmental Systems operations. Handwheel functionality is A variety of accessories and mount-
included for emergency operation. Hall ing parts are available, including op-
9.1, Stand E7 — Burocco Industrial tions for pole-mounting. Exlux devices
Valves s.r.l., Pray, Italy can operate at ambient temperatures
www.burocco.it of –30 to 55°C. Two standard models
are available with or without diffusers,
Compact progressive-cavity in lengths of 700 and 1,310 mm. Hall
pumps use less power 11.1, Stand C4 — R. Stahl Schalt-
The EcoMoineau C is a stainless-steel geräte GmbH, Waldenburg, Germany
R. Stahl Schaltgeräte progressive-cavity pump (PCP) that www.stahl.de
This system performs new products for third-generation bio-
non-destructive sealing analysis processes will be studied. Hall 4.0,
The Induction Integrity Verification Sys- Stand F46 — GEA Wiegand GmbH,
tem (I2VS; photo) provides analysis of Ettlingen, Germany
induction-sealing integrity for bottles www.gea-wiegand.com
without causing packaging-line slow-
down. Inspection is performed through This microvalve operates
the closed cap, without physical con- extremely quietly
tact, in an entirely passive, non-de- The Type 6712 Whisper Valve (photo)
structive fashion. The system’s infra- is a microvalve with a height of 26 mm
red technology eliminates the need and a width of 7 mm, making it small DIR Technologies
for conventional inspection techniques enough to fit inside a miniature ap-
that rely on destructive and line-slow- paratus. The low overall weight of the
ing sampling methods. When a prob- Type 6712 is an advantage in dispens-
lem is detected, the operator is notified ing, pipetting and dosing applications.
immediately of the possible source of With its non-impact actuator, the Type
the defect. Hall 3.0, Stand J49 — DIR 6712 can control flowrate very quietly.
Technologies, Haifa, Israel The new actuator is designed to op-
www.dir-technologies.com erate at a sound level below 36 dB,
and the typical metal-to-metal contact Robert Bosch
extended pipetting periods. Fully au- line is said to be especially suitable for
toclavable, these pipettes have a vol- screening materials that are wet, sticky,
ume range of 0.1 μL to 10 mL. Bravo prone to agglomeration or chemically
pipettes are compatible with all major aggressive. The rectangular, double-
brands of tips, and a built-in over- decker RS 2310 model (photo) has
sized indicator allows for easy volume been used in numerous applications,
monitoring and precise adjustment. including aggregates, mining and
Hall 4.2, Stand B48 — Capp ApS, glass, with capacities as high as 15,000
Odense, Denmark kg/h. Hall 6.0, Stand E81 — Cuccolini
www.capp.dk S.r.l., a Virto Group company, Reggio
Emilia, Italy Freeslate
rate linear printing, with a resolution oven, thermal oxidation of the sample
of up to 0.1 mm. Additionally, an op- occurs at 1,200°C, after which the LAR Process
tional camera-inspection system with produced CO2 is measured by a non- Analysers
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(1957-59 = 100) Feb. '15 Jan. '15 Feb. '14 Annual Index:
Prelim. Final Final
2007 = 525.4 600
CE Index ______________________________________________ 570.6 573.1 574.9
Equipment ____________________________________________ 691.8 694.8 697.6 2008 = 575.4
Heat exchangers & tanks _________________________________ 631.4 636.4 637.2
2009 = 521.9 575
Process machinery _____________________________________ 673.8 663.5 663.9
Pipe, valves & fittings ____________________________________ 863.2 868.9 881.9 2010 = 550.8
Process instruments ____________________________________ 404.0 407.2 412.9 2011 = 585.7 550
Pumps & compressors ___________________________________ 950.9 948.7 931.7
Electrical equipment ____________________________________ 513.8 513.9 515.5 2012 = 584.6
Structural supports & misc ________________________________ 748.0 758.0 759.6 2013 = 567.3 525
Construction labor _______________________________________ 319.1 321.5 321.5
Buildings _____________________________________________ 545.4 546.9 541.4 2014 = 576.1
Engineering & supervision _________________________________ 320.1 320.1 322.8 500
Starting with the April 2007 Final numbers, several of the data series for labor and compressors have been converted to
accommodate series IDs that were discontinued by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
100 2300 80
95 2200 78
90 2100 76
85 2000 74
80 1900 72
75 1800 70
*Due to discontinuance, the Index of Industrial Activity has been replaced by the Industrial Production in Manufacturing index from the U.S. Federal Reserve Board.
Current business indicators provided by Global Insight, Inc., Lexington, Mass.
Feature your marketing message T he preliminary value for the February
2015 CE Plant Cost Index (CEPCI;
top; most recent available) declined
The Economic Indicators department includes current industry from the previous month’s value and
trends and the Plant Cost Index. As one of the most valued sections now stands at 0.7% lower than the cor-
in the magazine, your ad is guaranteed to reach decision makers responding value from a year ago. The
each month. Contact your sales representative to secure this spot. Equipment, Construction Labor and
Buildings subindices dipped slightly from
JASON BULLOCK TERRY DAVIS January, while the Engineering & Super-
jbullock@chemengonline.com tdavis@chemengonline.com vision subindex held steady. Meanwhile,
the Current Business Indicators (middle)
DAN GENTILE PETRA TRAUTES showed an increase in CPI value of
dgentile@chemengonline.com ptrautes@accessintel.com chemengonline.com/mediakit output for February, but the level is still
below that of one year ago.
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C H E M S H O W. C O M