An Automated System To Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection in Smart City Network
An Automated System To Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection in Smart City Network
An Automated System To Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection in Smart City Network
Abstract— COVID-19 pandemic caused by novel coronavirus is COVID-19 is a disease that spread from human to human
continuously spreading until now all over the world. The impact which can be controlled by ensuring proper use of a facial
of COVID-19 has been fallen on almost all sectors of mask. The spread of COVID-19 can be limited if people
development. The healthcare system is going through a crisis. strictly maintain social distancing and use a facial mask. Very
Many precautionary measures have been taken to reduce the sadly, people are not obeying these rules properly which is
spread of this disease where wearing a mask is one of them. In speeding the spread of this virus. Detecting the people not
this paper, we propose a system that restrict the growth of obeying the rules and informing the corresponding authorities
COVID-19 by finding out people who are not wearing any facial can be a solution in reducing the spread of coronavirus.
mask in a smart city network where all the public places are
monitored with Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras. A face mask detection is a technique to find out whether
While a person without a mask is detected, the corresponding someone is wearing a mask or not. It is similar to detect any
authority is informed through the city network. A deep learning object from a scene. Many systems have been introduced for
architecture is trained on a dataset that consists of images of object detection. Deep learning techniques are highly used in
people with and without masks collected from various sources. medical applications [5], [6]. Recently, deep learning
The trained architecture achieved 98.7% accuracy on architectures [7] have shown a remarkable role in object
distinguishing people with and without a facial mask for detection. These architectures can be incorporated in detecting
previously unseen test data. It is hoped that our study would be the mask on a face. Moreover, a smart city [8] means an urban
a useful tool to reduce the spread of this communicable disease
area that consists of many IoT sensors to collect data. These
for many countries in the world.
collected data are then used to perform different operations
Keywords—Facial Mask Detection, COVID-19, Deep Learning, across the city. This includes monitoring traffic, utilities,
Convolutional Neural Network, Smart City. water supply network, and many more. Recently, the growth
of COVID-19 can be reduced by detecting the facial mask in
I. INTRODUCTION a smart city network.
A new strain which has not previously been identified in This paper aims at designing a system to find out whether
humans is novel coronavirus (nCoV). Coronaviruses (CoV) a person is using a mask or not and informing the
are a wide group of viruses which cause illness that range from corresponding authority in a smart city network. Firstly,
colds to deadly infections like Middle East Respiratory CCTV cameras are used to capture real-time video footage of
Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome different public places in the city. From that video footage,
(SARS) [1]. The first infected patient of coronavirus has been facial images are extracted and these images are used to
found in December 2019. From that period, COVID-19 has identify the mask on the face. The learning algorithm
become a pandemic all over the world [2]. People all over the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used for feature
world are facing challenging situations due to this pandemic. extraction from the images then these features are learned by
Every day a large number of people are being infected and multiple hidden layers. Whenever the architecture identifies
died. At the time of writing this paper, almost 16,207,130 people without face mask this information is transferred
infected cases have been confirmed where 648,513 are death through the city network to the corresponding authority to take
[3]. This number is increasing day by day. Fever, dry cough, necessary actions. The proposed system appraised promising
tiredness, diarrhea, loss of taste, and smell are the major output on data collected from different sources. We also
symptoms of coronavirus which is declared by the World represented a system that can ensure proper enforcement of
Health Organization (WHO) [4]. Many precautionary the law on people who are not following basic health
measures have been taken to fight against coronavirus. guidelines in this pandemic situation.
Among them cleaning hands, maintaining a safe distance,
wearing a mask, refraining from touching eyes, nose, and The remainder of the paper is arranged accordingly. The
mouth are the main, where wearing a mask is the simplest one. most recent works for facial mask detection is described in
© IEEE 2020. This article is free to access and download, along with rights for full text and data mining, re-use and analysis
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Section II. In Section III, the proposed methodology for applied as medical personnel for providing adequate services
developing the whole system is described. Section IV analyses to infected people. The development of smart cities under
the results obtained from the developed system. The COVID-19 and controlling the pandemic in China has been
conclusion is drawn in Section V. Lastly, the limitations with reviewed by Wang et al. [18]. The continuous supply of
potential further works are depicted in Section VI. essential materials and contactless logistic distribution of
systems to society made the way to reduce the spread of
II. RELATED WORKS coronavirus. ITS and real-time map reflection methods have
In the meantime, many systems have been developed for been used to block the movement of vehicles during the
COVID-19 in smart city networks. BlueDot and HealthMap pandemic. In addition, driverless vehicles have been used to
services have been introduced in [9]. BlueDot method was monitor the scenarios across the city.
first used to mark the cluster of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan
which finally detected the disease as a pandemic. It also III. METHODOLOGY
predicted that the virus would spread from Wuhan to We proposed an automated smart framework for screening
Bangkok, Taipei, Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong. persons who are not using a face mask in this paper. In the
HealthMap service, based on San Francisco, spotted the smart city, all public places are monitored by CCTV cameras.
patients with a cough which is the initial sign of COVID-19, The cameras are used to capture images from public places;
using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data. A study on then these images are feed into a system that identifies if any
using facemask to restrict the growth of COVID-19 is person without face mask appears in the image. If any person
introduced in [10]. The study indicated that the masks that are without a face mask is detected then this information is sent to
adequately fit, effectively interrupt the spread of droplets the proper authority to take necessary actions. The block
expelled when coughing or sneezing. Masks that are not
diagram of the developed framework is depicted in Fig. 1. All
perfectly fitted, also capable of retaining airborne particles and
the blocks of the developed system are described as follows.
viruses. Allam and Jones [11] proposed a framework on smart
city networks focusing on how data sharing should be A. Image Preprocessing
performed during the outbreak of COVID-19. The proposed The images captured by the CCTV cameras required
system discussed the prospects of Urban Health Data preprocessing before going to the next step. In the
regarding the safety issues of the economy and national preprocessing step, the image is transformed into a grayscale
security. In the system, the data is collected from various image because the RGB color image contains so much
points of the city using sensors, trackers, and from redundant information that is not necessary for face mask
laboratories. detection. RGB color image stored 24 bit for each pixel of the
A face mask detecting model named RetinaFaceMask image. On the other hand, the grayscale image stored 8 bit for
combining with a cross-class object removal algorithm is each pixel and it contained sufficient information for
proposed by Jiang et al. [12]. The developed model includes classification. Then, we reshaped the images into (64×64)
one stage detector consisting feature pyramid network that shape to maintain uniformity of the input images to the
results in slightly higher precision and recall than the baseline architecture. Then, the images are normalized and after
result. For reducing the shortage of datasets, they have applied normalization, the value of a pixel resides in the range from 0
transfer learning, a well-known deep learning technique. to 1. Normalization helped the learning algorithm to learn
Gupta et al. [13] proposed a model to enforce the social faster and captured necessary features from the images.
distance using smart city and Intelligent Transportation B. Deep Learning Architecture
System (ITS) during COVID-19 pandemic. Their model
described the deploying sensors in different places of the city The deep learning architecture learns various important
to monitor the real-time movement of objects and offered a nonlinear features from the given samples. Then, this learned
data-sharing platform. A noticeable contribution of a smart architecture is used to predict previously unseen samples. To
city in controlling the spread of coronavirus in South Korea is train our deep learning architecture, we collected images from
explained by Won Sonn and Lee [14]. A time-space different sources. The architecture of the learning technique
cartographer speeded up the contact tracking in the city highly depends on CNN. All the aspects of deep learning
including patient movement, purchase history, cell phone architecture are described below.
usages, and cell phone location. Real-time monitoring has i) Dataset Collection: Data from two different sources
been carried out on CCTV cameras in the hallways of [19], [20] are collected for training and testing the model. We
residential buildings. collected a total of 858 images of people with masks and 681
Singh et al. [15] put their focus on how IoT can fight images of people without a mask. For training purposes, 80%
against COVID-19. The developed system emphasizes on images of each class are used and the rest of the images are
inter-connected devices or operations to track the patients utilized for testing purposes. Fig. 2 shows some of the images
along with wary cases. A well-informed group using inter- of two different classes.
connected devices is formed to identify the clusters ii) Architecture Development: The learning model is
significantly. A remarkable pandemic control model without based on CNN which is very useful for pattern recognition
lockdown in a smart city has been outlined by Sonn et al. [16]. from images [21]. The network comprises an input layer,
The patients have been interviewed and their past movement several hidden layers and an output layer. The hidden layers
has been monitored. They have claimed that some patients consist of multiple convolution layers that learn suitable filters
tried to conceal about their past mobility but real-time tracking for important feature extraction from the given samples. The
system found the exact information. Jaiswal et al. [17] features extracted by CNN are used by multiple dense neural
proposed a way to minimize the risk during COVID-19. Their networks for classification purposes. The architecture of the
proposed model used the position of technology to track developed network is illustrated in Table I. The architecture
infected people. Drones and Robot technologies have been contains three pairs of convolution layers each followed by
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this information is sent to the proper authority. The GPS
location of the CCTV camera captured the person without a
mask along with the image and the exact time is sent via SMS
to the corresponding authority. They would come to the
locality where the person without a face mask was detected
and took necessary actions. If proper actions are taken, then
people might not come in public places without a facial mask
that would help greatly to limit the growth of COVID-19.
By preserving a reasonable proportion of different classes,
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed system. the dataset is partitioned into training and testing set. The
dataset comprises of 1539 samples in total where 80% is used
in training phase and 20% is used in testing phase. The
training and testing dataset contains 1231 and 308 images
respectively. The developed architecture is trained for 100
epochs since further training results cause overfitting on the
training data. Overfitting occurs when a model learns the
unwanted patterns of the training samples. Hence, training
accuracy increases but test accuracy decreases. Fig. 3 and Fig.
4 show the graphical view of accuracy and loss respectively.
The trained model showed 98.7% accuracy and AUC of 0.985
on the unseen test data.
In Fig. 3, the accuracy curve of training and testing is
shown for about 100 epochs. From Fig. 3, it is realized that the
People without mask People with mask training and testing accuracy are almost identical. This means
the model has a decent generalization ability for previously
Fig. 2. Sample images from the used dataset. unseen data and it does not cause overfitting of the training
data. In Fig. 4, loss curves of training and testing phases are
TABLE I. THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE DEEP LEARNING NETWORK shown. Here, it is evident that the training loss is decreasing
Layer Type Kernel Kernel Output over increasing epochs. The testing loss is lower than training
Size Size loss for about 30 epochs but after that, it started increasing w
1 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (62×62×32) means the confidence of prediction started decreasing. The
2 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (60×60×32) testing loss fluctuates between an acceptable range and it falls
3 MaxPooling2D - (2×2) (30×30×32) about at 98th epoch.
4 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (28×28×32)
5 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (26×26×32) Table II represents the confusion matrix of the testing
6 MaxPooling2D - (2×2) (13×13×32) phase. The developed architecture misclassifies only 04
7 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (11×11×32) samples out of 308 samples. It classifies 01 sample as with
8 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (9×9×32)
mask while it is in without mask class and classifies 03
9 MaxPooling2D - (2×2) (4×4×32)
10 Flatten - - 512
samples as without mask while these were in with mask class.
11 Dense - - 100 The main aim of the system is to identify samples within
12 Dropout - - 100 without mask class and this architecture misclassified only 01
13 Dense - - 30 sample of this class that shows the reliability of the developed
14 Dropout - - 30 system.
15 Dense - - 10
16 Dropout - - 10 Fig. 5 depicts the receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
17 Dense - - 2 curve of the proposed framework. This illustrates the
prediction ability of the classifier at different thresholds. Two
parameters are plotted in the ROC curve; one is the true
one max pooling layer. This layer decreases the spatial size of positive rate (TPR) and other is the false positive rate (FPR)
the representation and thereby reduces the number of measured using (1) and (2) respectively. TPR and FPR are
parameters. As a result, the computation is simplified for the calculated for different threshold and these values are plotted
network. Then, a flatten layer reshapes the information into a as ROC curve. The area under the ROC curve (AUC)
vector to feed into the dense network. Three pairs of dense and measures the performance of the binary classifier for all
dropout layers learn parameters for classification. The dense possible thresholds. The value of AUC ranges from 0 to 1.
layer comprises a series of neurons each of them learn When a model predicts 100% correct its AUC is 1 and when
nonlinear features. The dropout layer prevents the network it predicts 100% wrong then its AUC is 0. The AUC achieved
from overfitting by dropping out units. Finally, a dense layer form our classifier is 0.985 that points towards a decent
containing two neurons distinguishes the classes. classifier.
iii) Screening and Informing the Authority: The main goal True Posit ive
of our proposed system is screening persons who are not True Positive Rate = (1)
True Positive + False Negative
following guidelines of using a facial mask. The learning
False Positive
architecture identifies whether any input image contains False Positive Rate = (2)
persons without a face mask. If such a person is detected, then True Negative + False Positive
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the people disobeying the rules that are mandatory to stop the
spread of coronavirus. The system contains a face mask
detection architecture where a deep learning algorithm is used
to detect the mask on the face. To train the model, labeled
image data are used where the images were facial images with
masks and without a mask. The proposed system detects a face
mask with an accuracy of 98.7%. The decision of the
classification network is transferred to the corresponding
authority. The system proposed in this study will act as a
valuable tool to strictly impose the use of a facial mask in
public places for all people.
The developed system faces difficulties in classifying
Fig. 3. Accuracy of the developed system for training and testing phase. faces covered by hands since it almost looks like the person
wearing a mask. While any person without a face mask is
traveling on any vehicle, the system cannot locate that person
correctly. For a very densely populated area, distinguishing
the face of each person is very difficult. For this type of
scenario, identifying people without face mask would be very
difficult for our proposed system. In order to get the best
result out of this system, the city must have a large number of
CCTV cameras to monitor the whole city as well as dedicated
manpower to enforce proper laws on the violators. Since the
information about the violator is sent via SMS, the system
fails when there is a problem in the network.
The proposed system mainly detects the face mask and
informs the corresponding authority with the location of a
person not wearing a mask. Based on this, the authority has
Fig. 4. Loss of the developed system for training and testing phase. to send their personnel to find out the person and take
necessary actions. But this manual scenario can be automated
TABLE II. THE CONFUSION MATRIX OF THE DEVELOPED SYSTEM by using drones and robot technology [22], [23] to take action
Predicted Class instantly. Furthermore, people near to the person not wearing
a mask may be alerted by an alarm signal on that location,
Without With
Mask Mask and displaying the violators face in a LED screen to maintain
Without a safe distance from the person would be a further study.
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