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L4 High Speed Flow

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Lecture 4 High Speed Flow

Learning outcomes:
• Determine shock wave conditions using the
respective shock wave equations
• Solve Mach number, Mach line and Mach cone
Propagation of Disturbances in Fluid
and Velocity of Sound
• In compressible flow, velocity of sound (sonic
velocity) is of paramount importance.
• The propagation of disturbance is similar to
the propagation of sound through a media.
• The velocity of disturbance depends upon the
changes of pressure and density of the fluid.
Mach Number
• The “Mach Number” is an important
parameter in dealing with the flow of
compressible fluid.
• Mach Number = (Velocity at a point in a
fluid)/(Velocity of sound at that point at a
given instant of time)
𝑀 = 𝑣/𝑐
Flow Characterization
• Subsonic flow: Mach number is less than 1.0
(or M < 1); in this case v < c.

• Sonic flow: Mach number is equal to 1.0 (or M

= 1); in this case v = c.

• Supersonic flow: Mach number is greater than

1.0 (or M > 1); in this case v > c.
• Mach number is important in those problems
in which the flow velocity is comparable with
the sonic velocity. It may happen in case of
airplanes travelling at very high speed, e.g.
projectiles, bullets etc.
• If for any flow system the Mach number is less
than about 0.4 the effects of compressibility
may be neglected (for that flow system).
Example 4.1
An airplane is flying at a height of 14km where
temperature is -45oC. The speed of the plane is
corresponding to M = 2. Find the speed of the
plane if R = 287J/kg·K and  = 1.4.

Propagation of Disturbance in
Compressible Fluid
 Consider a tiny projectile moving in a straight line
with velocity v through a compressible fluid
which is stationary.
 Let the projectile is at A when time t = 0, then in
time t it will move through a distance AB = vt
 During this time the disturbance which originated
from the projectile when it was at A will grow
into the surface of sphere of radius ct.
Case 0: when M = 0 (i.e. v = 0)
• Disturbance/pressure wave expands in all

Case I: when M < 1 (i.e. v < c)
• A projectile slower than c lags behind the
disturbance/pressure wave.


M = 0.833
Case 2: When M = 1 (i.e. v = c)
• The disturbance travels with the projectile.


M = 1.0
Case 3: When M > 1(i.e. v > c)
• The projectile travels faster than the
Silent zone



M = 2.0
Example 4.2
Find the velocity of a bullet fired in standard air
if its Mach angle is 40o and temperature is 40oC.

Shock Wave
• Whenever a supersonic flow abruptly changes
to subsonic flow, a shock wave is produced,
resulting in a sudden rise in pressure, density,
temperature and entropy.

• A shock wave is a pressure wave of finite

thickness of the order of 10-2 to 10-4 mm in
the atmospheric pressure.
Shockwave assumptions /
• Mass flow rate is constant before and after the
Δ 𝜌𝑣 = constant
• The pressure change is equal to the change of
momentum across the shockwave
Δ𝑝 = −𝜌𝑣Δ𝑣
• Stagnation enthalpy is constant before and
after the shockwave
Δℎ 𝑇 = constant
Normal shockwave
Shockwave equations
Example 4.3
For a shock wave in air, Mach number is 2. If the
atmospheric pressure and air density are
26.5kPa and 0.413kg/m3 respectively,
determine the flow condition before and after
the shock wave. Take  = 1.4.

[0.577; 119.25kPa; 1.1kg/m3; 223.5K; 377.3K;

599.4m/s; 224.8m/s]

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