L4 High Speed Flow
L4 High Speed Flow
L4 High Speed Flow
Learning outcomes:
• Determine shock wave conditions using the
respective shock wave equations
• Solve Mach number, Mach line and Mach cone
Propagation of Disturbances in Fluid
and Velocity of Sound
• In compressible flow, velocity of sound (sonic
velocity) is of paramount importance.
• The propagation of disturbance is similar to
the propagation of sound through a media.
• The velocity of disturbance depends upon the
changes of pressure and density of the fluid.
Mach Number
• The “Mach Number” is an important
parameter in dealing with the flow of
compressible fluid.
• Mach Number = (Velocity at a point in a
fluid)/(Velocity of sound at that point at a
given instant of time)
𝑀 = 𝑣/𝑐
Flow Characterization
• Subsonic flow: Mach number is less than 1.0
(or M < 1); in this case v < c.
Propagation of Disturbance in
Compressible Fluid
Consider a tiny projectile moving in a straight line
with velocity v through a compressible fluid
which is stationary.
Let the projectile is at A when time t = 0, then in
time t it will move through a distance AB = vt
During this time the disturbance which originated
from the projectile when it was at A will grow
into the surface of sphere of radius ct.
Case 0: when M = 0 (i.e. v = 0)
• Disturbance/pressure wave expands in all
Case I: when M < 1 (i.e. v < c)
• A projectile slower than c lags behind the
disturbance/pressure wave.
M = 0.833
Case 2: When M = 1 (i.e. v = c)
• The disturbance travels with the projectile.
M = 1.0
Case 3: When M > 1(i.e. v > c)
• The projectile travels faster than the
Silent zone
M = 2.0
Example 4.2
Find the velocity of a bullet fired in standard air
if its Mach angle is 40o and temperature is 40oC.
Shock Wave
• Whenever a supersonic flow abruptly changes
to subsonic flow, a shock wave is produced,
resulting in a sudden rise in pressure, density,
temperature and entropy.