2014 DD Manual Master
2014 DD Manual Master
2014 DD Manual Master
November 2014
With updates through May 2021
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Table of Contents
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Table of Contents Effective Date:
September 18, 2019
Table of Contents
Table of Contents Effective Date:
March 10, 2020
June 18, 2014
This Design Directive will describe the West Virginia Department of Transportation,
Division of Highways’ policy on "Correspondence".
The following procedures have been established for the addressing and subject reference
information for all correspondence prepared by West Virginia Division of Highways Responsible
Divisions, and all letters prepared by Consultants for submission to the Division of Highways.
II. All letters prepared by West Virginia Division of Highway Responsible Divisions, and all
letters prepared by Consultants for submission to the Division of Highways, shall have a
subject reference which shall contain the following information:
Item A shall be the project number for engineering as programmed by the Division and shown
on the Engineering Agreement. If the letter has particular reference to other phases of
work, e.g., right of way or construction, these project numbers may also be shown
following the engineering number but shall be properly identified by "Construction" or
"Right of Way."
Item B will be the route number as designated by the Division on Interstate Projects, the
project number renders sufficient identification of route so that no further clarification is
needed on all but Interstate Projects.
Item C shall give the description name of the project or project termini, i.e. US 52 Location
and Design Studies, or Greenbrier Street Lighting.
Division Address
Division Address
January 9, 2009
Shop drawings and catalog sheets are required for all items of work that are not sufficiently
detailed on the contract plans to construct in the field or shop.
There are two shop drawing and catalog sheet approval methods. One is the “Contractor
approval method” and the second is the “Division approval method”. The attached flow charts
show these two methods and indicate the routing method which is to be used for shop drawings or
catalog sheets.
Items of work referenced to the "Standard Detail Book Volume 1, Drainage, Guardrail, Pavement,
Fence, and Markers," "Standard Details Book, Volume II Signing, Signals, Lighting and Marking,"
or Standard Details added to the plans do not require the submittal of shop drawings unless a note is
shown on the plans that modifies them or the contractor proposes a modification. If shop drawings
are required for items in these Standard Details Books, they should be submitted according to the
“Contractor approval method.” If a vendor wishes to submit shop drawings for “blanket” approval
the “Division approval method” is to be used and the review drawings are to be sent to the
responsible Division with a letter of requests stating their intention.
When shop drawings are to be approved by the Division the attached approval note or stamp
shall be used by all the Divisions of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of
Highways, in approval of shop drawings or catalog sheets which are checked by that Division. All
Consultants working for the Division and approving shop drawings for the Division should use this
stamp unless they have been advised by their attorney to use slightly different wording.
A catalog sheet is required when a manufactured item is identified on the plans by trade name
or generic description and the item has no further testing or inspection specified.
Each submission shall have each sheet stamped and signed. All sheets of a revision to shop
drawings shall be stamped and signed.
The Division shall verify that each copy of each page/sheet is signed by the same engineer,
contains the same date and has the appropriate certification. If this requirement can be verified then
the Division shall distribute the approved drawings. If these requirements can not be verified then
the drawings shall be rejected and returned to the appropriate certifier for correction.
The following special provisions are required for all projects 101.99, 105.2, 603.4.1, 603.4.3,
603.4, 615.2, 615.2.2, 615.5, 615.6, 622.4 and 625, dated July 27, 2007.
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The “Division approval method” is to be used on all major structural items that are to remain
in place after the construction project has been completed. The following is a list of item classified
as major structural items.
Bridge Girders or Box Beams (except standard Adjacent Concrete Box Beams
shown in the Standard Detail Book Volume 3)
Permanent Cross Frames
Bridge Bearings (except “Elastomeric bearings” less than 4 inches in total thickness)
Expansion Dams (except “Strip Seals”)
Precast Box Culverts that are not shown in the standard design tables in the
AASHTO specifications.
Lighting Items
Signal Items
Sign Items (Including Lighting and Structures)
Traffic Control Plans
Value Engineering Plans
MSE Walls exceeding 10 feet in height
Architectural Items
Building Facility Items (i.e. Maintenance Building, Rest Area Building, ect.)
Pipes over 108 Inches in diameter
Manholes greater than 20 feet in depth
Inlets greater than 20 feet in depth
Junction Boxes with more than 20 feet of cover or larger than 15 feet in any
Main Critical items in Special Complex Structures (i.e. Cable Stay Bridges,
Suspension Bridges, Segmental Concrete Bridges, Tied Arch Bridges, ect.)
Other Items as indicated in the Contract Documents
The Division has 14 calendar days from the date received to review, approve or reject the
Contractors submission of plans.
The Division has 7 calendar days from the date received to verify and distribute the approved
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The Contractor approval method is to be used on items of work that are minor structural
items, miscellaneous items or temporary items of work and shall be used on all items not listed
under the “Division approval method.” The contractors’ means and methods for construction are
also included in the Contractor approval method.”
The Contractors’ authorized representative may sign and approve catalog sheets when the
item on the catalog sheets is identical in every way to the item identified in the approved contract
plans. If the item is not identical then the catalog sheets must be signed by a Professional Engineer
Registered in the State of West Virginia
The Division has 7 calendar days from the date received to verify and distribute or reject the
Contractor approved plans.
The Division shall conduct periodic audits of the “Contractor Approval Method” to ensure
adequacy of the contractor approved drawings and the approval process. In no way shall this audit
delay the contract or the verification and distribution of the plans.
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Supplier / Contractor Uses Applicable Route (Dependent Upon Designer)
Contractor / Supplier
Submit plans for review and approval
Contractor / Supplier
Revises plan and resubmits or submits copies as indicated below for distribution
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10 Copies** to Consultant who stamps, signs 9 Copies** to *Division/ District who stamps, signs and
and forwards 9 copies forwards
*Division/ District
Verifies that drawings are stamped, signed and
then distributes
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Contractor / Supplier
Submit 9 copies** of
stamped “approved”, and
signed drawings per
Specification Section
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*Division / District
Verifies that drawings are
properly certified and signed
then distributes
I do hereby certify (P. E. SEAL NOT TO BE USED) that the details, materials, methods,
and dimensions shown on this document meet the requirements for general arrangement and
comply with the contract documents provided by the West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways for this project.
This certification by the Contractor in no way shall relieve the Manufacturer, Supplier,
Fabricator or Sub Contractor of their full responsibility for the product or service provided.
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I do hereby certify that this product complies with the contract documents
provided by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of
Highways for this project.
This certification by the Contractor in no way shall relieve the
Manufacturer, Supplier, Fabricator or Sub Contractor of their Full Responsibility
for the product or service provided.
I do hereby certify that this product complies with the contract documents
provided by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of
Highways for this project and is the identical item shown in the approved plans.
This certification by the Contractor in no way shall relieve the
Manufacturer, Supplier, Fabricator or Sub Contractor of their Full Responsibility
for the product or service provided.
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January 23, 2019
SUPERSEDES July 1, 2006
This Design Directive outlines the procedure that has been accepted by the Division
for the requesting and scheduling of pre-bid meeting. The criteria used to establish the need
for a pre-bid meeting are listed below:
1. Projects that consist of unique design, construction procedure, or new
technology with which the contractors may not be familiar.
2. Projects where it is felt that commitments made by the Division of Highways,
with respect to environmental issues, other agency issues, local issues, etc.,
need to be stressed or explained to the contractors.
3. Projects that are felt to be complex in nature with respect to coordination with
utilities and other contractors that will be working in the area. This may include
those projects that have numerous intermediate completion dates.
4. Projects which have a contract completion date which may require
extraordinary efforts such as working around the clock, multiple equipment
spreads, non-traditional work during winter months, etc.
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NOTE 1– A copy of the sign-in sheet must be e-mailed to Contract Administration Division at: DOHContractProcure@wv.gov
using the following subject: Mandatory Pre-bid sign in sheet, Contract ID, Call Number, Letting Date.
NOTE 2– A representative of a prospective bidder must be bona fide employee of that firm.
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Introduction of DOH Personnel [meeting chair, design project manager, construction engineer, right-
of way personnel, environmental coordinator, others]
Announcement of Other Agencies in Attendance [if any, e.g. DNR, DEP, SHPO, FHWA, USFS,
Brief Summary of the Project [Explain what it is that makes this project unique enough to warrant a
mandatory pre-bid meeting.]
Project Specific Special Provisions [mention each one, briefly address why it is needed]
Special Details [mention each one, briefly point out what makes it different from any
corresponding/similar standard detail]
Waste and Borrow Sites [mention any DOH mandated sites, or restrictions on contractor selected sites]
Completion Date
NOTE: All questions not answered today may be re-asked through the Question and
Answer feature of BidX. All future questions must also be submitted through BidX.
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This meeting is strictly informal. No official minutes of this meeting will be taken.
The purpose of this meeting is to give the DOH the opportunity to emphasize and illuminate
important aspects of the project and to allow you, the prospective bidders, an opportunity to
make comments or ask questions concerning the contract documents.
Any comments or questions which necessitate a change in the contract documents will be
incorporated into an amendment. If the response to any comment or question does not appear in
the amendment, then the bidder should bid the plans as they are amended. Any amendments
should be posted to BidX one week prior to bids.
A sign-in sheet is currently going around the room. IF YOU REPRESENT A PROSPECTIVE
A copy of the sign-in sheet will be available on BidX in the next few days.
Any questions not asked or answered here, may be asked/answered at the Question and Answer
feature of BidX.
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The reason/need to have a mandatory pre-bid meeting is because some aspect of the project is
unique compared to most other projects. There may be a commitment in a court settlement, an
agreement with the town council, unusual environmental commitments, severe right-of-way
constraints, new or high-tech construction techniques required. The list of possible reasons for a
pre-bid meeting is large. But, just because a meeting is called for one purpose, does not mean
the prospective bidders will not ask questions about topics unrelated to the prime reason for the
meeting. The chair of the meeting must have experts in many aspects of the project available or
be prepared to answer the questions him/herself. It is also important that the DOH’s project
developers communicate well with the DOH’s project constructors.
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August 1, 2019
Supersedes February 12, 2009
This Design Directive outlines the procedure that has been accepted by the Division for
preparing and processing proposed Specifications and Special Provisions, Publications, and
Material Procedures for approval.
10. Specifications
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Before drafting a SP, check with the Specifications Engineer (or ProjectWise folder:
Approved Project Specific Provisions (PDF)) to determine if a SP already exists that meets the
needs of the project.
SPs are processed as outlined above in 10.1. In general, the originating Division should
submit proposed SP at least six months prior to their project’s PS&E submission. This provides
adequate time to process and resubmit any changes that may be requested by the committee.
When time does not permit this procedure, the following procedures should be followed:
a. The originating Division will prepare the draft Special Provision in a format
conforming to Design Directive 820, coordinating with the Contract
Administration Division, Specifications Engineer for review, comment,
assignment of an appropriate section number and/or pay item number.
b. The originating Division will secure the approval of the Applicable Deputy State
Highway Engineer and the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate for
that project. The approval of the Special Provision would only apply to the
specific project. The submission for approval shall follow Design Directive 202
and may only encompass the PS&E package for advertising the project.
There are Project Specific Special Provisions that require management approval prior to their
use on projects. These are listed in ProjectWise subfolder title “Requires Management
Approval”. The Project Manager shall provide justification of why SP is needed to the Deputy
State Highway Engineer – Construction & Development for approval.
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The non-voting members consist of one or more representatives from the following
agencies: Federal Highway Administration, Contractors Association of West Virginia, ACEC –
WV, Asphalt Pavement Association of West Virginia, American Concrete Pavement
Association, Builders Supply Association of West Virginia, various vendors, and anyone from
the Division or Industry that has knowledge of the specifications being discussed.
Project plans or plan notes should not be used to change specifications. The procedure
outlined in this Design Directive should be utilized when this is necessary.
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20. Publications
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The non-voting members consist of one or more representatives from the following
agencies: Federal Highway Administration, Contractors Association of West Virginia, ACEC –
WV, Asphalt Pavement Association of West Virginia, American Concrete Pavement
Association, Builders Supply Association of West Virginia, various vendors, and anyone from
the Division or Industry that has knowledge of the Publications being discussed.
The Material Procedures (MP) are updated on a four (4) year cycle unless the need
dictates otherwise, as determined by the Materials Control Engineer who is the Chairperson of
this committee. This person is referred to as “Chairperson” throughout the rest of this section.
The MP Committee shall be modeled after AASHTO’s Committee on Materials and Pavements
(COMP); specifically, how this committee reconfirms various AASHTO procedures and
processes. The Chairperson is the default Champion for the updating of these MPs, though the
Chairperson may assign a Champion for a particular MP or accept a volunteer Champion.
A new MP may also be submitted by a Champion to the Committee.
The Material Procedures Committee consists of voting and non-voting members who
provide expertise to review and recommend action on the proposed additions or changes.
The Material Procedures Committee meets on call by the Chairperson with regular
meetings usually scheduled on a four (4) to eight (8) week basis.
A quorum of 3 voting members must exist for the meeting to be valid. A majority of
present voting members at any meeting shall be required for approval. The Chairperson shall
have the authority to cast the deciding vote when a tie occurs.
The voting members consist of one (1) representatives from the following:
Materials Control, Soil and Testing
Traffic Engineering
Contract Administration
The non-voting members consist of one or more representatives from the following
agencies: Federal Highway Administration, Contractors Association of West Virginia, ACEC –
WV, Asphalt Pavement Association of West Virginia, American Concrete Pavement
Association, Builders Supply Association of West Virginia, Various Venders, and anyone from
the Division or Industry that has knowledge of the MP being discussed.
All proposals are to be submitted by the Champion to the Chairperson. The purpose for
the changes or reason(s) for the new MP should accompany the request. These changes shall be
submitted within fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the next meeting to be considered at the
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meeting. The Champion must be present for all meetings pertaining to their respective MP or the
MP will be pushed back to the next meeting that the Champion can be present. This requirement
can be waived at the discretion of the Chairperson.
A proposed MP must be presented at two (2) Committee Meetings before it can be
recommended or rejected by the Committee. All Committee members must receive a copy for
comment fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the meeting. These comments should be
returned to the Chairperson seven (7) calendar days prior to the Committee meeting to give the
Champion time to review them.
If a proposed MP is designated as minor or inconsequential in its intent, only one (1)
Committee Meeting will be required for a vote of recommendation or rejection. Any voting
member, or the FHWA representative may veto this designation as minor or inconsequential.
Pending the recommendation for approval from the committee, the Chairperson will
forward the Provisional MP through the chain of command to FHWA.
A minor or inconsequential MP will not require the approval of FHWA, but will be
forwarded through the chain of command at the DOH for approval. The FHWA representative
for the MP Committee Meeting shall be given a chance to veto the minor or inconsequential
status of the MP.
Upon receiving comment and approval by FHWA (if applicable), the updated or new MP
will be published on the MCS&T webpage and be distributed to District Materials Supervisors
and other interested parties.
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August 21, 2015
This document provides general information and guidance regarding how to obtain
approval to use a patented or proprietary product on Federal-Aid construction projects let to
bid by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways. It is to be a
reference for DOH employees in disciplines such as design, construction, traffic engineering,
utilities, right of way, and environmental.
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(Note: most of the following has been quoted directly from the FHWA website).
The FHWA regulation in 23 CFR 635.411, "Material or Product Selection" prohibits the
expenditure of Federal-aid funds on a Federal-aid highway project "for any premium or royalty on
any patented or proprietary material, specification, or process" (referred to hereafter as "proprietary
product"), unless specific conditions are met. This regulation is intended to ensure competition in
the selection of materials, products, and processes while also allowing the opportunity for innovation
where there is a reasonable potential for improved performance.
The following was taken from “CFR § 635.411 Subpart D - General Material Requirements.
Material or product selection” and defines the Federal Highways Administration’s policy regarding
patented or proprietary materials. This will be considered the West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways’ policy.
a) Federal funds shall not participate, directly or indirectly, in payment for any premium or
royalty on any patented or proprietary material, specification, or process specifically set
forth in the plans and specifications for a project, unless:
(2) The State transportation department certifies either that such patented or
proprietary item is essential for synchronization with existing highway
facilities, or that no equally suitable alternate exists; or
(3) Such patented or proprietary item is used for research or for a distinctive
type of construction on relatively short sections of road for experimental
purposes. If certification is for experimental purposes, then an
Experimental Work Plan must be developed and submitted to FHWA.
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b) When there is available for purchase more than one nonpatented, nonproprietary material,
semifinished or finished article or product that will fulfill the requirements for an item of
work of a project and these available materials or products are judged to be of
satisfactory quality and equally acceptable on the basis of engineering analysis and the
anticipated prices for the related item(s) of work are estimated to be approximately the
same, the PS&E for the project shall either contain or include by reference the
specifications for each such material or product that is considered acceptable for
incorporation in the work. If the State transportation department wishes to substitute
some other acceptable material or product for the material or product designated by the
successful bidder or bid as the lowest alternate, and such substitution results in an
increase in costs, there will not be Federal-aid participation in any increase in costs.
c) A State transportation department may require a specific material or product when there
are other acceptable materials and products, when such specific choice is approved by the
Division Administrator as being in the public interest. When the Division
Administrator's approval is not obtained, the item will be nonparticipating unless bidding
procedures are used that establish the unit price of each acceptable alternative. In this
case, Federal-aid participation will be based on the lowest price so established.
d) Reference in specifications and on plans to single trade name materials will not be
approved on Federal-aid contracts.
e) In the case of a design-build project, the following requirements apply: Federal funds
shall not participate, directly or indirectly, in payment for any premium or royalty on any
patented or proprietary material, specification, or process specifically set forth in the
Request for Proposals document unless the conditions of paragraph (a) of this section are
f) State transportation departments (State DOTs) shall have the autonomy to determine
culvert and storm sewer material types to be included in the construction of a project on a
Federal-aid highway.
If the designer proposes the use of a proprietary or patented product on any Federal-Aid
project, the designer must obtain the approval of the State Highway Engineer to use the product.
The following steps should be followed to gain approval:
a) The certification will be in memo form, and be routed from the Director of the Division
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requesting the approval, to the State Highway Engineer, through the Deputy State
Highway Engineer – Construction and Development. Examples of this certification
memo are provided with this Design Directive.
b) The certification must include the project information (State and Federal Project
Numbers, Project Name, and County the project is in),
c) A short description of the proprietary or patented item(s) being proposed,
d) Whether the proprietary or patented product is project-specific, will be used in multiple
projects, used in a specific region/District or Statewide, or will programmatic with a
sunset date,
e) A justification for the use of that item, to include a description of the unique need being
addressed, why other available products are insufficient to meet the Division’s needs,
estimates or any additional costs associated with the proprietary or patented product, and
any other pertinent information as may be required such as prior Division experience
with the product,
f) Any catalog cut sheets from the manufacturer describing technical, use, and safety data
for the product,
g) A certification statement with either of the following language, depending on whether the
product is used because no equally suitable alternative for the item exists, or it is required
for synchronization with existing facilities:
h) Signature lines indicating Approval or Disapproval by the State Highway Engineer, and
the date action was taken will be included at the bottom of the letter,
i) The Federal Highway Administration will be included as a recipient on the distribution
list for receiving approved certifications and will provide concurrence in the Division’s
All proprietary item certifications are to be placed on the AASHTO website at the following
address: http://apel.transportation.org/all_certified_products.aspx. Other states that use this site are
Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Montana, New York, & Ohio.
Also, these approved certifications will be placed on the Division’s website in a Division
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Approved Source/Product Listing on the Materials Control, Soils, and Testing Division’s page.
Certification: As used in 23 CFR 635.411(a)(2), the written and signed statement of an appropriate
contracting agency official certifying that a particular patented or proprietary product is either:
a) Necessary for synchronization with existing facilities; or
b) A unique product for which there is no equally suitable alternative.
Public Interest Finding (PIF): As used in 23 CFR 635.411(c), an approval by the FHWA Division
Administrator, based on a request from a contracting agency, that it is in the public interest to allow
the contracting agency to require the use of a specific material or product even though other equally
acceptable materials or products are available.
State Department of Transportation (State DOT): The relevant department of any State charged
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by its laws with the responsibility for highway construction; also State Transportation Agency
(STA), the "State".
Contracting Agency: Any entity administering a contract using Federal aid highway funds.
Includes State DOTs, Local Public Agencies (LPAs), and other agencies that may be administering
such contracts.
Local Public Agencies (LPAs): Any State DOT sub-recipient of Federal-aid highway funds.
The following references were used to develop this Design Directive and are provided for further
information and guidance for the designer:
http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2014-title23-vol1/xml/CFR-2014-title23-vol1-sec635-411.xml -
CFR Title 23, Section 635.411 – Material or product selection, Date: April 1, 2014.
All proprietary item certifications are to be placed on the AASHTO website at the following address:
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March 30, 2012
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The project development process is a complex and diversified task. This process begins
with the inception of the project and concludes with the construction of the project. It includes
initial engineering, preliminary engineering, final design, preparation of environmental
documents, value engineering, right of way and utilities work, specifications and estimates.
The development of plans and related documents has become considerably more
complicated. Some factors contributing to this increased complexity are environmental issues,
cultural resources, increased public and agency involvement, and funding constraints.
The Division of Highways’ project development process is shown on the attached flow
chart. The project development process will vary in complexity, depending upon the size and
scope of each individual project.
The mitigation phase will include work identified in the environmental and cultural
resource mitigation portion of the environmental document, all necessary permits, and other
issues identified in the environmental documentation phase.
Initial engineering is that work which is performed to define major project features. See
Design Directive (DD) 202, “Field and Office Reviews for Initial Engineering, Preliminary
Engineering and Final Design.” It includes such aspects as location, profile, geometrics, major
drainage features, geotechnical, identification of preliminary right of way needs, utilities, and the
analysis of various alternates. Included in this phase are field and office reviews, public
meetings/or hearings, estimate of costs for construction and right of way, and preparation of
design report plans and narratives. See DD-205, “Guidance for Preparation of Design Reports
and Studies” for more information concerning design reports.
Preliminary engineering is that work which is performed to further refine the preferred
alternate identified during the environmental documentation phase. During the normal project
process, Location and Design Approvals are given before a project proceeds to the Preliminary
Engineering stage. In some cases, when additional environmental work is necessary, Location
and Design Approval may be given during the Preliminary Engineering phase. See DD-206,
“Guidance for Location and Design Approvals” for more information concerning this matter.
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Other design activities are allowed for the purposes of defining project alternates or completing
the NEPA alternatives analysis and review process. These activities include but are not limited
to complying with other related environmental laws and regulation such as:
No final design activities (regardless of funding sources) shall proceed until the following
have been completed:
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d) A final EIS has been approved and available for the prescribed period of time and
a record of decision has been signed.
Line and Grade Approval is obtained at the end of the Preliminary Engineering phase of
project development, after Environmental Clearance is given, and is required before Final Design
can proceed.
Final design is that engineering necessary to complete construction contract plans and
related documents, prepare specifications, proposals, and cost estimates. The contract plans and
related documents are the product upon which the contractor bases his bid, and provide the
complete information necessary for the contractor to construct the project. Included in this phase,
the final field review, TS&L approval, final office review, final bridge plans, final right of way
plans, and utility relocation designs necessary for the acquisition of right of way.
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Project Development Process
CE Approval
L&D Approval
June 25, 2015
This document replaces the "Action Plan" dated 1979, DD-93 dated March 14, 1969,
DD-93-1 dated September 20, 1991, DD-201 dated October 1, 2003 and DD-201 dated November
14, 2011. The "Public Involvement Process" will be used on both State and Federal Projects.
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This policy addresses the public involvement process for projects that require processing a
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental document. It is necessary for
people to communicate. Communication is an interchange of ideas between individuals and
groups. Maximizing communication is the responsibility of not only the Division of
Highways (Division), but also the citizens. The citizen should be willing to listen, the
Division should be willing to listen and both must react in a positive manner to what they
have heard. The Division's listening and comment channels should be formally established
so the citizen knows where and how to have his or her views heard and when to expect a
Generally Public Involvement is for any project that requires the acquisition of considerable
amounts of right of way, requires a long and/or complex detour, substantially changes the
layout or function of connecting roadways or of the facility being improved, has a sizeable
impact on abutting property, or otherwise may result in substantial social, economic,
environmental or other effects.
Additional public involvement opportunities may be initiated when the Division believes
there is a substantial change in the project, an unusually long lapse of time since the last
public involvement or the identification of a -substantial social, economic or environmental
issue not previously considered at earlier public involvement opportunities.
NEPA requires public involvement on projects that have or may have a significant
environmental effect. These projects normally require an “Environmental Impact
Statement” (EIS), an “Environmental Assessment” (EA) or a “Categorical Exclusion” (CE).
An EIS will require at least two public involvement opportunities. The first is for the
“Project Scoping” and the second is after the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). An EA will also
require at least two public involvement opportunities. The first is for the “Project Scoping”
and the second is after the EA has been approved by FHWA. A CE normally does not
require public involvement, however, public involvement may be conducted if the Division
believes it is warranted or it is requested by the public.
Public involvement can take many forms. A public meeting is the most recognized by the
public. However, other types can be just as valuable and effective such as notices in
newspapers, mail, radio, television, billboards, road signs and the internet. All of these
forms help keep the public involved in the project development process and provides the
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Public meetings provide a face to face interaction between the citizens of West Virginia and
the Division in planning and design. There are three different types of public meetings the
first is a public informational workshop, the second is a public hearing and the third is a
combination of the two. All of these types of public meetings provide a face to face
interaction with the public and provide the Division and the public with valuable
a) A public informational workshop is a forum for the free interchange of ideas and
may or may not include a formal presentation. While general notes of the issues
discussed are taken and considered during project development, written comments
are encouraged and included in the public record.
b) A public hearing is the most formal type where a formal presentation is given and
verbal comments, or testimony, are recorded after the presentation. A transcript of
the presentation and testimony is prepared for the public record; however, written
comments are encouraged and are also included in the public record.
c) The combination type will have a public information workshop that begins prior to a
formal presentation and testimony is recorded following the presentation. A
transcript of the presentation and testimony is prepared for the public record;
however, written comments are also encouraged and are also included in the public
Other types of Public Involvement like newspaper ads, mail, radio, television, billboards,
road signs and the internet can be just as useful as a Public Meeting depending on what
information the Division is seeking and what information the Public wants. These types can
be used alone or in combination with a Public Meeting. If the Division wants to get a sense
of the public’s concern about a highway project, distributing a Project Informational Flyer
may be sufficient. However, if it is evident that there is a concern from the public about the
project, a Public Meeting may be more appropriate and using one or more of the other
methods to advertise the meeting would be typical.
Some projects may require a public hearing due to the type of environmental document
being prepared. Due to the amount of public concern, the Division or the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) may require a public hearing. A public hearing is generally
required when the public is asked to comment on an approved DEIS or on an approved EA.
Anyone may request a Public Hearing or a Public Meeting for any project by contacting the
Division in writing or by making a written comment on its website. The Division and
FHWA will determine after the request has been received if the request is warranted in
consideration of all of the comments received from the project.
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The Division’s procedures for public involvement have been established to maximize
citizen input in both location and design while complying with environmental requirements.
These environmental requirements include NEPA, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
(CWA), Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Section 7 of the
Endangered Species Act (ESA), various Executive Orders, including 11988 (Floodplains),
11990 (Wetlands) and 12898 (Environmental Justice), Title IV of the Civil Rights Act and
FHWA policy and regulations.
When the Division and FHWA determine that formal public involvement is necessary for a
Federal-aid highway project, the Division will develop a public involvement plan in
consultation with the FHWA Division office. The public involvement plan should include
a summary of the agency and public involvement strategy for the entire NEPA process, as
well as a project information distribution list. In addition, the public involvement strategy
shall consider how to involve any affected person or persons that qualify under Title IV of
the Civil Rights Act, Environmental Justice or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
The distribution list should include federal, state and local agencies, federal, state and
county elected officials, historic preservation groups who are active within the project area,
as well as individuals who have requested project development information.
All Public Involvement is moderated by responsible officials in the Division. The Division
furnishes individuals who are sufficiently familiar with the project to answer questions
raised by the public. Alternative courses of action, alternative project locations and major
features of the project are discussed along with environmental and other effects of the
The Public Involvement for any project should consider what questions need to be answered
and who the target audience is for the project. The target audience is typically the users of
the highway in the area, property owners that are affected by the project, any interested party
such as historic groups, metropolitan planning groups, and government officials. The target
audience differs from project to project and not all types of public involvement are
appropriate for all projects. Therefore, the type of public involvement must be tailored to
the target audience.
If a project serves a very small community and has very little to no through traffic then the
appropriate public involvement may be sending project flyers to the residents of the
community and soliciting their comments. This method may also be appropriate if it is
unclear if the public is interested in the project.
For a project in a populated area where the public is likely to be interested, a Public
Informational meeting will be the best option. Public informational meetings are also useful
on large projects where an initial meeting may assist with the identification of
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environmental issues and/or resources present within the project area, which would help
determine what type of environmental document needs to be developed. This meeting type
is also useful if the project has an approved environmental document, but does not have a
lot of public controversy. During this type of meeting, it may be determined that an
informal presentation is warranted.
For projects that have public controversy and have an approved NEPA Document, a Public
Informational Meeting with a hearing component may be the best option. This meeting type
will allow the public to ask questions and get responses during the informal part of the
meeting and during the formal part of the meeting will allow comments to be recorded.
Public Hearings by themselves without an informal component have not been found to be
helpful to the public and are not generally encouraged. However, the Division and FHWA
may determine that this type of meeting is the best option.
When the Division determines that it has reached a stage in the development process at
which a public meeting is recommended, the WVDOT Office of Communications will be
notified by the section responsible for conducting the meeting.
When a public meeting is scheduled, notice in the form of a legal advertisement will
be published in newspapers having general circulation in the vicinity of the
proposed project. The newspaper notice shall contain the following:
1) Date and time of the meeting.
2) Location of the meeting.
3) A description of the project.
4) A link to a website where additional project information can be found.
5) A statement that a hearing may be requested.
6) A statement regarding the NHPA Section 106 consultation process
and/or Section 4(f) determinations, if applicable.
7) If a formal presentation is being conducted, the time it will begin.
8) If a hearing is being conducted, the time it will begin.
9) If a NEPA document is being presented for comment, the notice will
indicate that an electronic copy can be obtained on the Division’s
website and at the local library.
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In addition to the legal advertisement, a project flyer will be distributed and will
generally contain all of the same information as the legal advertisement.
A copy of the public notice will be mailed to all of the federal and state elected
officials that serve the project area. The public notice will also be provided to the
respective County Commission and historic preservation groups who are active
within the project area.
When an DEIS or EA is provided to the public and agencies for comment as a part
of the public involvement process, the deadline date for comments will be 30 days
after the public meeting. For DEIS documents, the comment deadline date will be
at least 45 days from the date the Notice of Availability (NOA) for the document is
published in the Federal Register. For EA documents, the deadline date for
comments should be no less than 30 days from the date the document was mailed to
the agencies or placed on the Division’s website. The Division shall advise of the
comment deadline date and where the document is available for public review. The
Division will work with FHWA to approve any written request to extend the
deadline date for comments, if it is received prior to the advertised deadline date.
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5) The Division will explain its right of way acquisition process, relocation
assistance program and relocation assistance payments at each public
meeting and/or hearing where appropriate.
A court reporter will develop a verbatim transcript of the proceedings of each public
hearing. The responsible individual within the Division will make arrangements for
the court reporter. Copies and certification will be forwarded to the developing
Division for appropriate action and transmittal to the Federal Highway
Administration, should the project be federally funded, is eligible for federal funds
or if the FHWA has agreed to be the lead federal agency. Copies of the transcript
and appendices will be available for public inspection.
The developing Division will be responsible for notes of the meeting. These notes
are to include the approximate number of people attending, Division participants,
meeting handouts/flyers, advertisement method(s), retain copies of all written
comments received and, if applicable, retain a copy of the public hearing transcript.
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March 30, 2012
As a part of these procedures, in accordance with DD-200, approvals required at the end
of certain phases are indicated. These approvals must be obtained before the project proceeds to
the next stage of development.
Initial Engineering:
2. Office Review
Preliminary Engineering:
Other design activities are allowed for the purposes of defining project alternates
or completing the NEPA alternatives analysis and review process. These
activities include but are not limited to complying with other related
environmental laws and regulation, environmental justice analyses, supporting
agency coordination public involvement and permit application, development of
environmental mitigation plans, development of typical sections, grading plans,
geometric alignment including any clearances necessary, noise wall justification,
3. Slope Review
Final Design:
2. Tracing Submission
2. Additional reviews may be required when all the necessary data was not
available at the scheduled review or whenever problems arising from the
review are considered of sufficient importance to warrant another review.
3. Minor projects may not require all scheduled reviews be held. All projects
should have a minimum of one review.
Distribution of the plans shall be made by the division responsible for project
development. The responsible division shall distribute the plans to the appropriate
"resource agencies" per Appendix A of this DD.
The plans submitted in accordance with the Plan Distribution Schedule shall be
bound separately and labeled on the outside per the schedule.
A. Notes
1. Following any review, the responsible Division shall prepare notes
in the following form:
Date of Review:
Project Number:
Description of Project:
Participants: West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways
Federal Highway Administration
2. Distribution of the review notes will be made to the appropriate
Divisions and agencies.
3. Federal Highway Administration concurrence in the notes will be
obtained, where applicable.
B. Action on Comments
Project Number:
The Plan Distribution Schedule has moved to WVDOH Publication Webpage at:
COUNTY: ________________________________
ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN:_______________________________________________________
__________________ Date
COUNTY: ________________________________
ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN:_______________________________________________________