Introduction To Power Semiconductors
Introduction To Power Semiconductors
Introduction To Power Semiconductors
Philips Semiconductors
1.1 General
1.2 Power MOSFETS
1.3 High Voltage Bipolar Transistors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Today’s mains-fed switching applications make use of a The balance of these losses is primarily determined by the
wide variety of active power semiconductor switches. This switch used. If the on-state loss dominates, operating
chapter considers the range of power devices on the market frequency will have little influence and the maximum
today, making comparisons both in terms of their operation frequency of the device is limited only by its total delay time
and their general areas of application. The P-N diode will (the sum of all its switching times). At the other extreme a
be considered first since this is the basis of all active device whose on-state loss is negligible compared with the
switches. This will be followed by a look at both 3 layer and switching loss, will be limited in frequency due to the
4 layer switches. increasing dynamic losses.
PSTATIC = δ.VON .ION (1) High frequency switching When considering frequency
limitation it is important to realise that the real issue is not
At the end of the "ON" time the switch is turned off. The just the frequency, but also the minimum on-time required.
turn-off current is normally high which gives rise to a loss For example, an SMPS working at 100 kHz with an almost
dependent on the turn-off properties of the switch. The constant output power, will have a pulse on-time tP of about
process of turn-on will also involve a degree of power loss 2-5 µs. This can be compared with a high performance UPS
so it is important not to neglect the turn-on properties either. working at 10 kHz with low distortion which also requires a
Most applications either involve a high turn-on current or minimum on-time of 2 µs. Since the 10 kHz and 100 kHz
the current reaching its final value very quickly (high dI/dt). applications considered here, require similar short
The total dynamic power loss is proportional to both the on-times, both may be considered high frequency
frequency and to the turn-on and turn-off energies. applications.
Resonant systems have the advantage of relaxing turn-on
PDYNAMIC = f.(EON + EOFF ) (2) or turn-off or both. This however tends to be at the expense
of V-A product of the switch. The relaxed switching
The total losses are the sum of the on-state and dynamic conditions imply that in resonant systems switches can be
losses. used at higher frequencies than in non resonant systems.
When evaluating switches this should be taken into
PTOT = δ.VON .ION + f.(EON + EOFF ) (3) account.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
At higher values of throughput power, the physical size of combination of thickness and resistivity. Some flexibility
circuits increases and as a consequence, the stray exists as to what that combination is allowed to be, the
inductances will also tend to increase. Since the required effects of varying the combination are described below.
currents are higher, the energy stored in the stray
Case 1: Wide N- layer and low resistivity
inductances rises significantly, which in turn means the
induced peak voltages also rise. As a result such Figure 2 gives the field profile in the N- layer, assuming the
applications force the use of longer pulse times, to keep junction formed with the P layer is at the left. The maximum
losses down, and protection networks to limit overshoot or field at the P-N junction is limited to 22 kV/cm by the
networks to slow down switching speeds. In addition the breakdown properties of the silicon. The field at the other
use of larger switches will also have consequences in terms end is zero. The slope of the line is determined by the
of increasing the energy required to turn them on and off resistivity. The total voltage across the N- layer is equal to
and drive energy is very important. the area underneath the curve. Please note that increasing
the thickness of the device would not contribute to its
So, apart from the voltage and current capabilities of voltage capability in this instance. This is the normal field
devices, it is necessary to consider static and dynamic profile when there is another P-layer at the back as in 4
losses, drive energy, dV/dt, dI/dt and Safe Operating Areas. layer devices (described later).
Silicon is the semiconductor material used for all power In this case the higher resistivity material reduces the slope
switching devices. Lightly doped N- silicon is usually taken of the profile. The field at the junction is the same so the
as the starting material. The resistance of this material same blocking voltage capability (area under the profile)
depends upon its resistivity, thickness and total area. can be achieved with a thinner device.
The very steep profile at the right hand side of the profile
l indicates the presence of an N+ layer which often required
R = ρ. (4)
A to ensure a good electrical contact
A resistor as such does not constitute an active switch, this Case 3: High resistivity material
requires an extra step which is the addition of a P-layer. With sufficiently high resistivity material a near horizontal
The result is a diode of which a cross section is drawn in slope to the electric field is obtained. It is this scenario which
Fig.1 will give rise to the thinnest possible devices for the same
required breakdown voltage. Again an N+ layer is required
The blocking diode at the back.
Since all active devices contain a diode it is worth An optimum thickness and resistivity exists which will give
considering its structure in a little more detail. To achieve the lowest possible resistance for a given voltage capability.
the high blocking voltages required for active power Both case 1 (very thick device) and case 3 (high resistivity)
switches necessitates the presence of a thick N- layer. To give high resistances, the table below shows the thickness
withstand a given voltage the N- layer must have the right and resistivity combinations possible for a 1000 V diode.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
- - -
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
A serious limitation of the HVT is the occurrence of second Its main difficulty is the opening in the P-layer. In order to
breakdown during switch off. The current contracts towards speed up performance and increase current density, it is
the middle of the emitter fingers and the current density can necessary to make a number of openings and this implies
become very high. The RBSOAR (Reverse Bias Safe fine geometries which are difficult to manufacture. A
Operating Area) graph specifies where the device can be solution exists in having the P-layer effectively on the
used safely. Device damage may result if the device is not surface, basically a diffused grid as shown in Fig.6.
properly used and one normally needs a snubber (dV/dt Unfortunately the voltages now required to turn the device
network) to protect the device. The price of such a snubber off may be very large: it is not uncommon that a voltage of
is normally in the order of the price of the transistor itself. 25 V negative is needed. This is a major disadvantage
In resonant applications it is possible to use the resonant which, when combined with its "normally-on" property and
properties of the circuit to have a slow dV/dt. the difficulty to manufacture, means that this type of device
is not in mass production.
So, the bipolar transistor has the advantage of a very low
forward voltage drop, at the cost of lower speed, a The MOS transistor.
considerable energy is required to drive it and there are The MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) transistor is
also limitations in the RBSOAR. normally off: a positive voltage is required to induce a
channel in the P-layer. When a positive voltage is applied
to the gate, electrons are attracted to the surface beneath
the gate area. In this way an "inverted" N-type layer is
The J-FET. forced in the P-material providing a current path between
drain and source.
The J-FET (Junction Field Effect Transistor) has a direct
resistance between the Source and the Drain via the
opening in the P-layer. When the gate-source voltage is
zero the device is on. Its on-resistance is determined by the P
N+ N+
resistance of the silicon and no charge is present to make
the resistance lower as in the case of the bipolar transistor.
When a negative voltage is applied between Gate and
Source, a depletion layer is formed which pinches off the
current path. So, the current through the switch is
determined by the voltage on the gate. The drive energy is -
low, it consists mainly of the charging and discharging of N
the gate-source diode capacitance. This sort of device is
normally very fast.
G S G S G N+
N+ N+
Fig.7 The MOS transistor
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Refinements to the basic structure when possible. As previously explained, adjustment of the
lifetime affects the on-state voltage. Carefully adjusting the
A number of techniques are possible to improve upon
lifetime τ will balance the on-state losses with the switching
behaviour of the basic device.
First, the use of finer geometries can give lower on-state
voltages, speed up devices and extend their energy All four layer devices show this trade-off between switching
handling capabilities. This has led to improved losses and on-state losses. When minimising switching
"Generation 3" devices for bipolars and to lower RDS(ON) for losses, the devices are optimised for high frequency
PowerMOS. Secondly, killing the lifetime τ in the device applications. When the on-state losses are lowest the
can also yield improvements. For bipolar devices, this current density is normally highest, but the device is only
positively effects the switching times. The gain, however, useful at low frequencies. So two variants of the four layer
will drop, and this sets a maximum to the amount of lifetime device generally exist. In some cases intermediate speeds
killing. For MOS a lower value for τ yields the so-called are also useful as in the case of very high power GTOs.
FREDFETs, with an intrinsic diode fast enough for many
half bridge applications such as in AC Motor Controllers.
The penalty here is that RDS(ON) is adversely effected The Thyristor
(slightly). Total losses, however, are decreased
A thyristor (or SCR, Silicon Controlled Rectifier) is
essentially an HVT with an added P+-layer. The resulting
P--N--P+ transistor is on when the whole device is on and
Four layer devices provides enough base current to the N+-P-N- transistor to
The three basic designs from the previous section can be stay on. So after an initial kick-on, no further drive energy
extended with a P+-layer at the back, thereby generating is required.
three basic Four Layer Devices. The addition of this extra
layer creates a PNP transistor from the P+-N--P-layers. In
all cases the 3 layer NPN device will now deliver an electron G C G
current into the back P+-layer which acts as an emitter. The +
PNP transistor will thus become active which results in a N
hole current flowing from the P+-layer into the high resistive P
region. This in its turn will lead to a hole charge in the high
resistive region which lowers the on-state voltage
considerably, as outlined above for High Voltage Ip1
Transistors. Again, the penalty is in the switching times -
which will increase. N
All the devices with an added P+-layer at the back will inject
holes into the N--layer. Since the P+-layer is much heavier
doped than the N--layer, this hole current will be the major
contributor to the main current. This means that the charge
in the N--layer, especially near the N--P+-junction, will be P+
large. Under normal operation the hole current will be large
enough to influence the injection of electrons from the top ANODE
N+-layer. This results in extra electron current being
injected from the top, leading to extra hole current from the Fig.8 Thyristor
back etc. This situation is represented in the schematic of
Fig.8. The classical thyristor is thus a latching device. Its
construction is normally not very fine and as a result the
An important point is latching. This happens when the
gate contact is too far away from the centre of the active
internal currents are such that we are not able to turn off
area to be able to switch it off. Also the current density is
the device using the control electrode. The only way to turn
much higher than in a bipolar transistor. The switching times
it off is by externally removing the current from the device.
however are very long. Its turn-on is hampered by its
The switching behaviour of all these devices is affected by structure since it takes quite a while for the whole crystal
the behaviour of the PNP: as long as a current is flowing to become active. This seriously limits its dI/dt.
through the device, the back will inject holes into the
N--layer. This leads to switching tails which contribute Once a thyristor is on it will only turn-off after having zero
heavily to switching losses. The tail is strongly affected by current for a few microseconds. This is done by temporarily
the lifetime τ and by the application of negative drive current forcing the current via a so-called commutation circuit.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
- The IGBT
An IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) is an MOS
transistor with P+ at the back. Charge is injected from the
back only, which limits the total amount of charge. Active
charge extraction is not possible, so the carrier lifetime τ
+ + + should be chosen carefully, since that determines the
switching losses. Again two ranges are available with both
fast and slow IGBTs.
Fig.9 The GTO
A GTO shows much improved switching behaviour but still
N+ N+
has the tail as described above. Lower power applications, P P
The SITh
The SITh (Static Induction Thyristor) sometimes also -
referred to as FCT (Field Controlled Thyristor) is essentially N
a J-FET with an added P+ back layer. In contrast to the
standard thyristor, charge is normally only injected from the
back, so the total amount of charge is limited. However, a
positive gate drive is possible which will reduce on-state
Active extraction of charge via the gate contact is possible
and switching speeds may be reduced considerably by COLLECTOR
applying an appropriate negative drive as in the case of an
Fig.11 The IGBT
HVT. As for the SIT the technological complexity is a severe
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
The speed of the fast IGBT is somewhat better than that of Comparison of the Basic Devices.
a GTO because a similar technology is used to optimise
It is important to consider the properties of devices
the IGBT but only the back P+-layer is responsible for the
mentioned when choosing the optimum switch for a
particular application. Table 2 gives a survey of the
The IGBT is gaining rapidly in popularity since its essential device properties of devices capable of
manufacturing is similar to producing PowerMOS and an withstanding 1000 V. IGBTs have been classed in terms
increasing market availability exists. Although the latching of fast and slow devices, however only the fast GTO and
of IGBTs was seen as a problem, modern optimised devices slow thyristor are represented. The fast devices are
don’t suffer from latch-up in practical conditions. optimised for speed, the slow devices are optimised for On
Refinements to the basic structure
This table is valid for 1000 V devices. Lower voltage devices
The refinements outlined for 3 layer devices also apply to will always perform better, higher voltage devices are
4 layer structures. In addition to these, an N+-layer may be worse.
inserted between the P+ and N--layer. Without such a layer A dot means an average value in between "+" and "-"
the designer is limited in choice of starting material to Case
The "(--)" for a thyristor means a "--" in cases where forced
3 as explained in the diode section. Adding the extra
commutation is used; in case of natural commutation it is
N+-layer allows another combination of resistivity and
thickness to be used, improving device performance. An
example of this is the ASCR, the Asymmetric SCR, which Most figures are for reference only: in exceptional cases
is much faster than normal thyristors. The reverse blocking better performance has been achieved, but the figures
capability, however, is now reduced to a value of 10-20 V. quoted represent the state of the art.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Merged devices Where the GTO would like to be switched off with a negative
gate, the internal GTO in an MCT can turn off by short
Merged devices are the class of devices composed of two
circuiting its gate-cathode, due to its fine structure. Its drive
or more of the above mentioned basic types. They don’t
therefore is like a MOS transistor and its behaviour similar
offer any breakthrough in device performance. This is
to a GTO. Looking closely at the device it is obvious that
understandable since the basic properties of the discussed
a GTO using similar fine geometries with a suitable external
devices are not or are hardly effected. They may be
drive can always perform better, at the cost of some drive
beneficial for the user though, primarily because they may
circuitry. The only plus point seems to be its ease of drive.
result in lower positive and/or negative drive requirements.
10 MHz
100 kHz SY
10 kHz MOS
100 Hz
100VA 1kVA 10kVA 100kVA 1MVA 10MVA 100MVA
Fig.13 Comparison of device operating regions
High power systems will, because of the mechanical size, can be achieved however above 50 kHz, darlingtons are
be restricted in speed as explained earlier in the text . This not expected to be used. One should use this table only as
coincides well with the previously mentioned slower guidance; using special circuit techniques, darlingtons have
character of higher power devices. actually been used at higher frequencies. Clearly operation
at lower powers and frequencies is always possible.
Last but not least it is necessary to take the application
topology into account. Resonant systems allow the use of
considerably higher frequencies, since switching losses are Conclusions
minimised. Square wave systems cause more losses in the
devices and thus restrict the maximum frequency. To make The starting material for active devices aimed at high
a comparison of devices and provide insight into which voltage switching are made on silicon of which the minimum
powers are realistic for which devices we have to take all resistivity and thickness are limited. This essentially
the above mentioned criteria into account. determines device performance, since all active switches
Figure 13 shows the optimum working areas of the various incorporate such a layer. Optimisation can be performed
switching devices as a function of switchable power and for either minimum thickness, as required in the case of
frequency. The switchable power is defined as IAV times HVTs, or for minimum resistance, as required for MOS and
VMAX as seen by the device. J-FETs. The thickest variation (lowest resistivity) is required
in the case of some 4 layer devices.
As an example, darlingtons will work at powers up to 1 MVA
i.e. 1000 V devices will switch 1000 A. The frequency is Basically three ways exist to control current through the
then limited to 2.5 kHz. At lower powers higher frequencies devices: feeding a base current into a P-layer (transistor),
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Device structure and fabrication parallels all the individual transistor cells on the chip. The
layout of a typical low voltage chip is shown in Fig.1(b). The
The idea of a vertical channel MOSFET has been known
polysilicon gate is contacted by bonding to the defined pad
since the 1930s but it was not until the mid 1970s that the
area while the source wires are bonded directly to the
technology of diffusion, ion implantation and material
aluminium over the cell array. The back of the chip is
treatment had reached the level necessary to produce
metallized with a triple layer of titanium/nickel/silver and this
DMOS on a commercial scale. The vertical diffusion
enables the drain connection to be formed using a standard
technique uses technology more commonly associated
alloy bond process.
with the manufacture of large scale integrated circuits than
with traditional power devices. Figure 1(a) shows the
The active part of the device consists of many cells
vertical double implanted (DIMOS) channel structure which
connected in parallel to give a high current handling
is the basis for all Philips power MOSFET devices.
capability where the current flow is vertical through the chip.
An N-channel PowerMOS transistor is fabricated on an Cell density is determined by photolithographic tolerance
N+substrate with a drain metallization applied to its’ requirements in defining windows in the polysilicon and
underside. Above the N+substrate is an N- epi layer, the gate-source oxide and also by the width of the polysilicon
thickness and resistivity of which depends on the required track between adjacent cells. The optimum value for
drain-source breakdown voltage. The channel structure, polysilicon track width and hence cell density varies as a
formed from a double implant in to the surface epi material, function of device drain-source voltage rating, this is
is laid down in a cellular pattern such that many thousands explained in more detail further in the section. Typical cell
of cells go to make a single transistor. The N+polysilicon densities are 1.6 million cells per square inch for low voltage
gate which is embedded in an isolating silicon dioxide layer, types and 350,000 cells per square inch for high voltage
is a single structure which runs between the cells across types. The cell array is surrounded by an edge termination
the entire active region of the device. The source structure to control the surface electric field distribution in
metallization also covers the entire structure and thus the device off-state.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
A cross-section through a single cell of the array is shown When the gate voltage is further increased a very thin layer
in Fig.2. The channel length is approximately 1.5 microns of electrons is formed at the interface between the P- body
and is defined by the difference in the sideways diffusion and the gate oxide. This conductive N-type channel
of the N+ source and the P-body. Both these diffusions are enhanced by the positive gate-source voltage, now permits
auto-aligned to the edge of the polysilicon gate during the current to flow from drain to source. The silicon in the P-
fabrication process. All diffusions are formed by ion body is referred to as being in an ’inverted’ state. A slight
implantation followed by high temperature anneal/drive-in increase in gate voltage will result in a very significant
to give good parameter reproducibility. The gate is increase in drain current and a corresponding rapid
electrically isolated from the silicon by an 800 Angstrom decrease in drain voltage, assuming a normal resistive load
layer of gate oxide (for standard types, 500 Angstrom for is present.
Logic level and from the overlying aluminium by a thick layer
Eventually the drain current will be limited by the combined
of phosphorus doped oxide. Windows are defined in the
resistances of the load resistor and the RDS(ON) of the
latter oxide layer to enable the aluminium layer to contact
MOSFET. The MOSFET resistance reaches a minimum
the N+ source and the P+ diffusion in the centre of each cell.
when VGS = +10 volts (assuming a standard type).
The P+ diffusion provides a low resistance connection
Subsequently reducing the gate voltage to zero volts
between the P- body and ground potential, thus inhibiting
reverses the above sequence of events. There are no
turn-on of the inherent parasitic NPN bipolar structure.
stored charge effects since power MOSFETS are majority
carrier devices.
20 um
Power MOSFET parameters
SOURCE Threshold voltage
The threshold voltage is normally measured by connecting
the gate to the drain and then determining the voltage which
P- P- must be applied across the devices to achieve a drain
N+ N+
P+ current of 1.0 mA. This method is simple to implement and
provides a ready indication of the point at which channel
inversion occurs in the device.
N- EPI Layer
The P- body is formed by the implantation of boron through
the tapered edge of the polysilicon followed by an anneal
and drive-in. The main factors controlling threshold voltage
N+ Substrate
are gate oxide thickness and peak surface concentration
in the channel, which is determined by the P-body implant
DRAIN dose. To allow for slight process variation a window is
Fig.2 Cross-section of a single cell. usually defined which is 2.1 to 4.0 volts for standard types
and 1.0 to 2.0 volts for logic level types.
Device operation Positive charges in the gate oxide, for example due to
sodium, can cause the threshold voltage to drift. To
Current flow in an enhancement mode power MOSFET is
minimise this effect it is essential that the gate oxide is
controlled by the voltage applied between the gate and
grown under ultra clean conditions. In addition the
source terminals. The P- body isolates the source and drain
polysilicon gate and phosphorus doped oxide layer provide
regions and forms two P-N junctions connected
a good barrier to mobile ions such as sodium and thus help
back-to-back. With both the gate and source at zero volts
to ensure good threshold voltage stability.
there is no source-drain current flow and the drain sits at
the positive supply voltage. The only current which can flow
from source to drain is the reverse leakage current.
Drain-source on-state resistance
The overall drain-source resistance, RDS(ON), of a power
As the gate voltage is gradually made more positive with
MOSFET is composed of several elements, as shown in
respect to the source, holes are repelled and a depleted
region of silicon is formed in the P- body below the
silicon-gate oxide interface. The silicon is now in a The relative contribution from each of the elements varies
’depleted’ state, but there is still no significant current flow with the drain-source voltage rating. For low voltage
between the source and drain. devices the channel resistance is very important while for
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Fig.6 Pinch off in a Power MOSFET
ID / A BUK4y8-800A G
VGS / V = 10 6 Cgs
10 5
Fig.8. The internal capacitances of a Power MOSFET.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
40 Turn-on Turn-off
30 Drain-Source Voltage
Voltage (Volts)
Gate-Source Voltage
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time (Microseconds)
Fig.9. The switching waveforms for a MOSFET.
When VDS has collapsed VGS continues to rise as overdrive necessary to raise its junction temperature to the rated
is applied. Gate overdrive is necessary to reduce the maximum of 150 ˚C or 175 ˚C (which TJMAX depends on
on-resistance of the MOSFET and thereby keep power loss package and voltage rating). Whether a MOSFET is being
to a minimum. operated safely with respect to thermal stress can thus be
determined directly from knowledge of the power function
To turn the MOSFET off the overdrive has first to be
applied and the thermal impedance characteristics.
removed. The charging path for CGD and CDS now contains
the load resistor (RL) and so the turn-off time will be
A safe operating area calculated assuming a mounting base
generally longer than the turn-on time.
temperature of 25 ˚C is shown in Fig.10 for a BUK438-800
device. This plot shows the constant power curves for a
The Safe Operating Area variety of pulse durations ranging from dc to 10 µs. These
Unlike bipolar devices Power MOSFETs do not suffer from curves represent the power levels which will raise Tj up to
second breakdown phenomena when operated within their the maximum rating. Clearly for mounting base
voltage rating. Essentially therefore the safe operating area temperatures higher than 25 ˚C the safe operating area is
of a Power MOSFET is determined only by the power smaller. In addition it is not usually desirable to operate the
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
device at its TJMAX rating. These factors can be taken into It is important to note that the on-resistance of the MOSFET
account quite simply where maximum power capability for when it is operated in the Ohmic region is dependent on
a particular application is calculated from: the junction temperature. On-resistance roughly doubles
between 25 ˚C and 150 ˚C, the exact characteristics are
(Tj − Tmb ) shown in the data sheets for each device.
Pmax =
Switching losses - When a MOSFET is turned on or off it
carries a large current and sustains a large voltage at the
Tj is the desired operating junction temperature (must be
same time. There is therefore a large power dissipation
less than Tjmax)
during the switching interval. Switching losses are
Tmb is the mounting base temperature
negligible at low frequencies but are dominant at high
Zth is the thermal impedance taken from the data curves
frequencies. The cross-over frequency depends on the
The safe operating area is bounded by a peak pulse current circuit configuration. For reasons explained in the section
limit and a maximum voltage. The peak pulse current is on switching characteristics, a MOSFET usually turns off
based on a current above which internal connections may more slowly than it turns on so the losses at turn-off will be
be damaged. The maximum voltage is an upper limit above larger than at turn-on. Switching losses are very dependent
which the device may go into avalanche breakdown. on circuit configuration since the turn-off time is affected by
the load impedance.
Conduction losses - The conduction losses (PC) are given Parallel Operation
by equation (1). If power requirements exceed those of available devices
then increased power levels can be achieved by parallelling
D (1) devices. Parallelling of devices is made easier using
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Power MOSFETs are well known for their ease of drive and for a fixed dc voltage. The shaded area beneath the curve
fast switching behaviour. Being majority carrier devices must be equal to the applied voltage. The electric field
means they are free of the charge storage effects which gradient is fixed, independent of the applied voltage,
inhibit the switching performance of bipolar products. How according to the concentration of exposed charge. (This is
fast a Power MOSFET will switch is determined by the equal to the background doping concentration used during
speed at which its internal capacitances can be charged device manufacture.) A slight increase in voltage above
and discharged by the drive circuit. MOSFET switching this dc level will require an extension of the depletion region,
times are often quoted as part of the device data however and hence more charge to be exposed at its edges, this is
as an indication as to the true switching capability of the illustrated in Fig.1. Conversely a slight reduction in voltage
device, these figures are largely irrelevant. The quoted will cause the depletion region to contract with a removal
values are only a snapshot showing what will be achieved of exposed charge at its edge. Superimposing a small ac
under the stated conditions. signal on the dc voltage thus causes charge to be added
and subtracted at either side of the depletion region of width
This report sets out to explain the switching characteristics
d1. The effective capacitance per unit area is
of Power MOSFETs. It will consider the main features of
the switching cycle distinguishing between what is device Ε
determinant and what can be controlled by the drive circuit. C1 = 2
The requirements for the drive circuit are discussed in terms
of the energy that it must supply as well as the currents it Since the depletion region width is voltage dependent it can
is required to deliver. Finally, how the drive circuit be seen from Fig.1 that if the dc bias is raised to say V2,
influences switching performance, in terms of switching the junction capacitance becomes
times, dV/dt and dI/dt will be reviewed.
C2 = 3
Voltage dependent capacitance d2
The switching characteristics of the Power MOSFET are Junction capacitance is thus dependent on applied voltage
determined by its capacitances. These capacitances are with an inverse relationship.
not fixed but are a function of the relative voltages between
each of the terminals. To fully appreciate Power MOSFET E
switching, it is necessary to understand what gives rise to
this voltage dependency.
Parallel plate capacitance is expressed by the well known
equation P type silicon N type silicon
a V2
C =Ε 1
where ’a’ is the area of the plates, d is the separating
distance and Ε is the permittivity of the insulating material
between them. For a parallel plate capacitor, the plates are V1
surfaces on which charge accumulation / depletion occurs
in response to a change in the voltage applied across them. d1 x
In a semiconductor, static charge accumulation / depletion d2
can occur either across a PN junction or at semiconductor Fig.1 Voltage dependence of a PN junction
interfaces either side of a separating oxide layer. capacitance
oxide t
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Polysilicon Oxide
Width for Cgdbulk
at Voltage V3
Depletion Layer Widths
For Three Applied Voltages N-
Area of Oxide
Capacitance Exposed
for Voltages V1 & V2
Fig.6 How Cgd is affected by voltage
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Fig.6 illustrates how this capacitance is affected by the drain region the MOSFET is a constant current source where the
to gate voltage. With a large voltage drain to gate, Cgdbulk current is a function of the gate-source voltage. In the ohmic
is very small due to the wide depletion region and thus region the MOSFET is in effect just a resistance.)
maintains Cgd at a low value. As the voltage is reduced
the depletion region shrinks until eventually the oxide
semiconductor interface is exposed. This occurs as Vdg
approaches 0 V. Cgdox now dominates Cgd. As Vdg is
further reduced the drain will become negative with respect
to the gate (normal on-state condition) an increasing area
of the oxide-semiconductor interface is exposed and an
accumulation layer forms at the semiconductor surface.
The now large area of exposed oxide results in a large value
for Cgdox and hence Cgd. Fig.7 shows Cgd plotted as a
function of drain to gate voltage. This illustrates the almost
step increase in capacitance at the point where Vgs = Vgd.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
dVds dVdg ig
= = 6 Rds(on)
dt dt Cgd
id = f(Vgs)
Io Io
Cgd Cgd
id = f(Vgs)
Cgs Cgs
Io Io
Cgd Cgd
id = f(Vgs)
Cgs Cgs
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
The gate charge oscillogram can be found in the data for gate drive impedance from a voltage source. Fig.13 shows
all Philips PowerMOS devices. This plot can be used to the voltage on a voltage independent capacitor as a function
determine the required average gate drive current for a of charge. The area beneath the charge vs voltage curve
particular switching speed. The speed is set by how fast equals the stored energy (E = Q.V/2). The area above the
the charge is supplied to the MOSFET. charge vs voltage curve (bounded by the supply voltage)
is the amount of energy dissipated during the charging cycle
Energy consumed by the switching event from a fixed voltage source. The total energy delivered by
the supply is therefore Q.V, where 1/2 Q.V is stored on the
In the majority of applications the power MOSFET will be
capacitor to be dissipated during the discharge phase.
driven not from a constant current source but via a fixed
1b 2b
1a 2a 3a
Output Capacitance
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6
Fig.12 Gate charging cycle
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Although the voltage vs charge relationship for the (The energy stored on Cgd during turn-off is dissipated
MOSFETs gate is not linear, energy loss is easily identified. internally in the MOSFET during turn-on.) Additional energy
The following discussion assumes a simple drive circuit is also stored on Cds during turn-off which again is
consisting of a voltage source and drive resistance. dissipated in the MOSFET at turn-on.
From t0 to t1 energy is stored in the gate capacitance which
is equal to the area of region 1a. Since this charge has The energy lost by both the gate and drain supplies in the
fallen through a voltage Vgg - Vgs(t), the area of region 1b charging and discharging of the capacitances is very small
represents the energy dissipated in the drive resistance over 1 cycle; Fig.9 indicates 40 nc is required to raise the
during its delivery. Between t1 and t2 all charge enters gate voltage to 10 V, delivered from a 10 V supply this
Cgd, the area of region 2a represents the energy stored in equates to 400 nJ; to charge Cgd to 80 V from an 80 V
Cgd while 2b again corresponds with the energy dissipation supply will consume 12 nc x 80 V = 1.4 µJ. Only as
in the drive resistor. Finally, between t2 and t3 additional switching frequencies approach 1 MHz will this energy loss
energy is stored by the input capacitance equal to the area start to become significant. (NB these losses only apply to
of region 3a. square wave switching, the case for resonant switching is
some-what different.)
Supply Voltage
Switching performance
1) Turn-on
turn-on time
turn-on loss
peak dV/dt
Charge peak dI/dt.
Fig.13 Energy stored on a capacitor
Turn-on time is simply a matter of how quickly the specified
The total energy dissipated in the drive resistance at turn-on charge can be applied to the gate. The average current
is therefore equal to the area 1b + 2b + 3b. The that must be supplied over the turn-on period is
corresponding energy stored on the input capacitance is
1a + 2a + 3a, this energy will be dissipated in the drive
resistance at turn-off. The total energy expended by the Ion = 8
gate drive for the switching cycle is Q.Vgg. ton
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
T1 D1
Diode Current Irr
Io + Irr
MOSFET Current Io
Gate Source Voltage Vgt(Io + Irr)
T2 D2
Drain Source Voltage
0 t
Fig.15 Gate charging cycle for a bridge circuit
ii) Turn-off
Fig.14 Bridge Circuit
The parameters of most importance during the turn-off
VGG phase are,
I pk = 10
turn-off time
One of the main problems associated with very fast turn-off loss
switching MOSFETs is the high rates of change in voltage peak dVds/dt
and current. High values of dV/dt can couple through peak dId/dt.
parasitic capacitances to give unwanted noise on signal
lines. Similarly a high dI/dt may react with circuit inductance Turn-off of a power MOSFET is more or less the inverse of
to give problematic transients and overshoot voltages in the the turn-on process. The main difference is that the
power circuit. dI/dt is controlled by the time taken to charge charging current for Cgd during turn-off must flow through
the input capacitance up to the plateau voltage, while dV/dt both the gate circuit impedance and the load impedance.
is governed by the rate at which the plateau region is moved A high load impedance will thus slow down the turn-off
through. speed.
dVds ig VGG − VGT The speed at which the plateau region is moved through
= = 11
dt Cgd RG .Cgd determines the voltage rise time. In most applications the
charging current for Cgd will be limited by the gate drive
Particular care is required regarding dV/dt when switching circuitry. The charging current, assuming no negative drive,
in bridge circuits, (Fig.14). The free wheeling diode will is simply
have associated with it a reverse recovery current. When
the opposing MOSFET switches on, the drain current rises Vgt
beyond the load current value Io to a value Io + Irr. i= 12
Consequently Vgs increases beyond Vgt(Io) to Vgt(Io + Irr)
as shown in Fig.15. Once the diode has recovered there
is a rapid decrease in Vgs to Vgt(Io) and this rapid decrease and the length of the plateau region will be
provides additional current to Cgd on top of that being
supplied by the gate drive. This in turn causes Vdg and Q.RG
tp = 13
Vds to decrease very rapidly during this recovery period. Vgt
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
The implications for low threshold (Logic Level) MOSFETs speed is essentially determined by how fast the internal
are clear from the above equations. The lower value of Vgt capacitances can be charged and discharged by the drive
will mean a slower turn-off for a given gate impedance when circuit. Switching speeds quoted in data should be treated
compared to an equivalent standard threshold device. with caution since they only reflect performance for one
Equivalent switching therefore requires a lower drive particular drive condition. The gate charge plot is a more
impedance to be used. useful way of looking at switching capability since it
indicates how much charge needs to be supplied by the
Conclusions drive to turn the device on. How fast that charge should be
applied depends on the application and circuit performance
In theory the speed of a power MOSFET is limited only by
the parasitic inductances of its internal bond wires. The
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
MOSFETs are being increasingly used in many switching Non-isolated drive circuits
applications because of their fast switching times and low
MOSFETs can be driven directly from a CMOS logic IC as
drive power requirements. The fast switching times can
shown in Fig.1.
easily be realised by driving MOSFETs with relatively
simple drive circuits. The following paragraphs outline the
requirements of MOSFET drive circuits and present various
circuit examples. A look at the special requirements of very
fast switching circuits is also presented, this can be found
in the latter part of this article.
PG = QG .VGS .f 1
where QG is the peak gate charge, VGS is the peak gate 0V
source voltage and f is the switching frequency.
Fig.2 Driving Philips PowerMOS with 6 parallelled
buffered inverters.
In circuits which use a bridge configuration, the gate
A push pull circuit can also be used as shown in Fig.3.
terminals of the MOSFETs in the circuit need to float relative
to each other. The gate drive circuitry then needs to The connections between the drive circuit and the MOSFET
incorporate some isolation. The impedance of the gate drive should be kept as short as possible and twisted together if
circuit should not be so large that there is a possibility of the shortest switching times are required. If both the drive
dV/dt turn on. dV/dt turn on can be caused by rapid changes circuit and the terminals of the MOSFET are on the same
of drain to source voltage. The charging current for the PCB, then the inductance of tracks, between the drive
gate-drain capacitance CGD flows through the gate drive transistors and the terminals of the MOSFETs, should be
circuit. This charging current can cause a voltage drop kept as small as possible. This is necessary to reduce the
across the gate drive impedance large enough to turn the impedance of the drive circuit in order to reduce the
MOSFET on. switching times and lessen the susceptibility of the circuit
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
15 V
Opto-Isolator 0V
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
15 V
Opto-Isolator 0V
Fig.5. An opto-isolated drive circuit with the isolated power supply for the secondary derived from the drain source
voltage of the MOSFET.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Fig.6(a) A circuit using a pulse transformer for isolation. Fig.8. A drive circuit using a capacitor to block the dc
component of the drive waveforms.
Across T2
Fig.9. A drive circuit that uses a pulse transformer for
isolation which copes well with widely varying duty
Cycle time
Fig.7. The voltage waveforms associated with the circuit
in Fig.6(a) with varying duty cycles.
In the circuit shown in Fig.9 when A is positive with respect
to B the input capacitance of T1 is charged through the
parasitic diode of T2. The voltage across the secondary of B
the pulse transformer can then fall to zero and the input
capacitance of T1 will remain charged. (It is sometimes
necessary to raise the effective input capacitance with an Fig.10. An isolated drive circuit with good performance
external capacitor as indicated by the dashed lines.) When with varying duty cycles and increased noise immunity.
B becomes positive with respect to A T2 will turn on and
the input capacitance of T2 will be discharged. The noise In Fig.10 the potential at A relative to B has to be sufficient
immunity of the circuit can be increased by using another to charge the input capacitance of T3 and so turn T3 on
MOSFET as shown in Fig.10. before T1 can begin to turn on.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
h.f. clock
Q1 T1
drive signal
Fig.11. A drive circuit that reduces the size of the pulse transformer.
In Fig.11 the drive signal is ANDed with a hf clock. If the transformer is rectified. Q1 provides a low impedance path
clock has a frequency much higher than the switching for discharging the input capacitance of T1 when the hf
frequency of T1 then the size of the pulse transformer is signal on the secondary of the pulse transformer is absent.
reduced. The hf signal on the secondary of the pulse
DC Link
15 V
2n2 8 uF
10T 20T
18 k
47 pF
1 k c18v
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Figure 12 shows a hex non-inverting buffer connected on the boot strap capacitor while the MOSFET is off. For this
the secondary side, with one of the six buffers configured reason these circuits cannot be used for dc switching. The
as a latch. The circuit operates such that the positive going minimum operating frequency is determined by the size of
edge of the drive pulse will cause the buffers to latch into the boot strap capacitor (and R1 in circuit (a)), as the
the high state. Conversely the negative going edge of the operating frequency is increased so the value of the
drive pulse causes the buffers to latch into the low state. capacitor can be reduced. The circuit example in Fig. 14(a)
With the component values indicated on the diagram this has a minimum operating frequency of 500 Hz.
circuit can operate with pulse on-times as low as 1 µs. The
impedance Z represents either the low side switch in a
bridge circuit (which can be a MOSFET configured with
identical drive) or a low side load. C 6.8uF
R1 D1
Fig.14(a) Drive circuit for a low voltage half bridge
Fig.13. Two circuits that reduce the risk of dV/dt turn on. Vin
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
although this crossover frequency is dependent on circuit For the circuit in Fig.17 when MOSFET T1 is turned on the
configuration. Thus for operation above 500 kHz it is driven MOSFET T3 is driven initially by a voltage VDD
important to have fast transition times. feeding three capacitors in series, namely C1, C2 and the
input capacitance of T3. Since the capacitors are in series
At frequencies below 500 kHz the circuit in Fig.15 is often their equivalent capacitance will be low and so the RC time
used. Above 500 kHz the use of the DS0026 instead of the constant of the charging circuit will be low. C1 is made low
4049 is recommended. The DS0026 has a high current to make the turn on time very fast.
sinking and sourcing capability of 2.5 A. It is a National
Semiconductor device and is capable of charging a Vdd
capacitance of 100 pF in as short a time as 25 ns.
15 V
R1 C1
T2 ZD2
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
T1 time T1
A1 = A2
T2 time
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Fig.23. Zener diodes used to suppress voltage spikes across the gate-source terminals of the MOSFET.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
This section is intended as a guide to the successful increased. The inevitable inductance in the source
parallelling of Power MOSFETs in switching circuits. connection, caused by leads within the package, causes a
negative feedback effect during switching. If the rate of rise
Advantages of operating devices in of current in one parallelled MOSFET is greater than in the
parallel others then the voltage drop across inductances in its drain
and source terminals will be greater. This will oppose the
Increased power handling capability build up of current in this MOSFET and so have a balancing
effect. This balancing effect will be greater if switching
If power requirements exceed those of available devices
speeds are faster. This negative feedback effect reduces
then increased power levels can be achieved by parallelling
the deleterious effect of unequal impedances of drive circuit
devices. The alternative means of meeting the power
connections to parallelled MOSFETs. The faster the
requirements would be to increase the area of die. The
switching speeds then the greater will be the balancing
processing of the larger die would have a lower yield and
effect of the negative feedback. Parallelling devices
so the relative cost of the die would be increased. The larger
enables higher operating frequencies to be achieved than
die may also require a more expensive package.
using multiple die packages. The faster switching speeds
possible by parallelling at the device level promote better
Standardisation current sharing during switching intervals.
Parallelling devices can mean that only one package, say
the TO220 package, needs to be used. This can result in
reduced production costs.
Faster switching speeds are achieved using parallelled 1.2
devices than using a multiple die package. This is because 1.1
Advantages of power MOSFETs for to be passed through a parallel resonant tank circuit, the
parallel operation voltage sustained by MOSFETs when they are off will be
half sinusoid. A component of the current carried by
MOSFETs will be a charging current for snubber capacitors
Reduced likelihood of thermal runaway which will be sinusoidal so again symmetrical layout will be
If one of the parallelled devices carries more current then important.
the power dissipation in this device will be greater and its
junction temperature will increase. The temperature
coefficient of RDS(ON) for Power MOSFETs is positive as 50
shown in Fig.1. Therefore there will be a rise in RDS(ON) for
the device carrying more current. This mechanism will
oppose thermal runaway in parallelled devices and also in
parallelled cells in the device.
Current (A)
mean that many devices can be driven from the same gate
drive that would be used for one MOSFET. 10
Design points 50
Derating 40
There are two aspects to successful parallelling which are 10
Good Thermal Coupling
Vds (V)
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
likelihood of spurious turn on. Spurious turn on can occur is connected to the output of the rectification stage. The
when there is a fast change in the drain to source voltage. other connection of each choke is connected to a group of
The charging current for the gate drain capacitance inherent three MOSFETs. This means that if one MOSFET switches
in the MOSFET structure can cause a voltage drop across on before the others it will carry a current less than its peak
the gate drive impedance large enough to turn the MOSFET pulse value even when many MOSFETs are parallelled.
on. The gate drive impedance needs to be kept as low as
possible to reduce the likelihood of spurious turn on. The parallel operation of MOSFETs in the
Resonant power supplies linear mode
If a resonant circuit is used then there will be reduced The problems of parallelling MOSFETs which are being
interference and switching losses. The reduced used in the linear mode are listed below.
interference is achieved because sinusoidal waveforms are (a) The parallelled devices have different threshold
present in resonant circuits rather than rectangular voltages and transconductances. This leads to poor
waveforms. Rectangular waveforms have large high sharing.
frequency harmonic components.
(b) MOSFETs have a positive temperature coefficient of
MOSFETs are able to switch at a zero crossing of either
gain at low values of gate to source voltage. This can lead
the voltage or the current waveform and so switching losses
to thermal runaway.
are ideally zero. For example, in the case of a current fed
inverter feeding a parallel resonant load switching can take The imbalance caused by differences in threshold voltage
place at a zero crossing of voltage so switching losses are and transconductance can be reduced by connecting
negligible. In this case the sinusoidal drain source voltage resistors (RS) in the source connections. These resistors
sustained by MOSFETs reduces the likelihood of spurious are in the gate drive circuit and so provide negative
dv/dt turn on. This is because the peak charging current for feedback. The negative feedback reduces the effect of
the internal gate to drain capacitance of the MOSFET is different values of VT and gm. The effective
reduced. transconductance gm of the MOSFET is given in
Equation 1.
The current fed approach
Switch mode power supplies using the current fed topology gm = 1
Rs + g
have a d.c. link which contains a choke to smooth the m
current in the link. Thus a high impedance supply is
presented to the inversion stage. Switching in the inversion RS must be large compared to 1/gm to reduce the effects of
stage causes a rectangular wave of current to be passed differences in gm. Values of 1/gm typically vary between 0.1
through the load. The current fed approach has many and 1.0 Ohm. Therefore values of RS between 1 ohm and
advantages for switch mode power supplies. It causes 10 ohm are recommended.
reduced stress on devices caused by the slow reverse
Differential heating usually has a detrimental effect on
recovery time of the parasitic diode inherent in the structure
sharing and so good thermal coupling is advisable.
The current fed approach can also reduce problems caused
by dynamic imbalance. If more than three MOSFETs are
parallelled then it is advantageous to use more than one Power MOSFETs can successfully be parallelled to realise
choke in the d.c. link rather than wind a single choke out of higher power handling capability if a few guidelines are
thicker gauge wire. One of the connections to each choke followed.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
The need for high voltage switches can be well illustrated (eg device can survive some overvoltage transients), but
by considering the following examples. In flyback a 1000 V device cannot block voltages in excess of
converters the leakage inductance of an isolating 1000 V.
transformer can cause a large voltage spike across the
Secondly, series operation allows flexibility as regards
switch when it switches off. If high voltage MOSFETs are
on-resistance and so conduction losses.
used the snubber components can be reduced in size and
in some cases dispensed with altogether. The following are problems that have to be overcome for
successful operation of MOSFETs in series. If one device
For industrial equipment operation from a supply of 415 V,
turns off before another it may be asked to block a voltage
550 V or 660 V is required. Rectification of these supply
greater than its breakdown voltage. This will cause a
voltages produces d.c. rails of approximately 550 V, 700 V
reduction in the lifetime of the MOSFET. Also there is a
and 800 V. The need for high voltage switches in these
requirement for twice as many isolated gate drive circuits
cases is clear.
in many circuits.
Resonant topologies are being increasingly used in
The low drive power requirements of Philips PowerMOS
switching circuits. These circuits have advantages of
mean that the provision of more isolated gate drive circuits
reduced RFI and reduced switching losses. To reduce the
is made easier. Resonant circuits can have advantages in
size of magnetic components and capacitors the switching
reducing the problems encountered if one MOSFET turns
frequency of power supplies is increased. RFI and switching
off before another. The current fed full bridge inverter is one
losses become more important at high frequencies so
such circuit.
resonant topologies are more attractive. Resonant circuits
have the disadvantage that the ratio of peak to average To illustrate how devices can be operated in series, a
voltage can be large. For example a Parallel Resonant current fed full bridge inverter is described where the peak
Power Supply for a microwave oven operating off a 240 V voltage requirement is greater than 1200 V.
supply can be designed most easily using a switch with a
voltage rating of over 1000 V. The current fed inverter
In high frequency induction heating power supplies A circuit diagram of the full bridge current fed inverter is
capacitors are used to resonate the heating coil. The use shown in Fig.1. A choke in the d.c. link smooths the link
of high voltage switches in the inversion bridge can result current. Switching in the inversion bridge causes a
in better utilisation of the kVAr capability of these capacitors. rectangular wave of current to be passed through the load.
This is advantageous since capacitors rated at tens of kVAr The load is a parallel resonant tank circuit. Since the Q of
above 100 kHz are very expensive. the tank circuit is relatively high the voltage across the load
is a sinewave. MOSFETs sustain a half sinusoid of voltage
In most TV deflection and monitor circuits peak voltages of when they are off. Thus series operation of MOSFETs is
up to 1300 V have to be sustained by the switch during the made easier because if one MOSFET turns off before
flyback period. This high voltage is necessary to reset the another it only has to sustain a small voltage. To achieve
current in the horizontal deflection coil. If the EHT flashes the best sharing, the gate drive to MOSFETs connected in
over, the switch will have to sustain a higher voltage so series should be as similar as possible. In particular the
1500 V devices are typically required. zero crossings should be synchronised. The MOSFET drive
The Philips range of PowerMOS includes devices rated at circuit shown in Fig.2 has been found to be excellent in this
voltages up to 1000 V to cater for these requirements. respect. For current fed resonant circuits in which the duty
However in circuits, particularly in resonant applications cycle varies over large ranges the circuit in Fig.3 will perform
where voltages higher than this are required, it may be well. A short pulse applied to the primary of the pulse
necessary to operate devices in series. transformer is sufficient to turn MOSFET M4 on. This short
pulse can be achieved by designing the pulse transformer
Series operation can be attractive for the following reasons:
so that it saturates during the time that M1 is on. The gate
Firstly, the voltage rating of a PowerMOS transistor source capacitance of M4 will remain charged until M2 is
cannot be exceeded. A limited amount of energy can be turned on. M3 will then be turned on and the gate source
absorbed by a device specified with a ruggedness rating capacitance of M4 will be discharged and so
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Hall Effect
Current Sense
120 uH
2.2 nF
Fig.1. Circuit diagram of the full bridge current-fed inverter feeding a parallel resonant load.
M4 is turned off. Thus this circuit overcomes problems of Capacitors are shown connected across the drain source
resetting the flux in the core of the pulse transformer for terminals of MOSFETs. The value of the capacitor across
large duty cycles. the drain to source of each MOSFET is 6.6 nF. (Six 10 nF
polypropylene capacitors, type 2222 376 92103.) This
Each leg of the inverter consists of two MOSFETs, type
gives a peak voltage rating of about 850 V at 150 kHz for
BUK456-800B, connected in series. The ideal rating of the
the capacitor combination across each MOSFET. (This
two switches in each leg is therefore 1600 V and 3.5 A. The
voltage rating takes into account that the capacitors will only
inverter is fed into a parallel resonant circuit with values of
have to sustain voltage when the MOSFET is off). The
L = 120 µH (Q = 24 at 150 kHz) and C = 2.2 nF.
function of these capacitors is twofold. Firstly they suppress
spikes caused by switching off current in parasitic lead
15 V
inductance. Secondly they improve the sharing of voltage
33 Ohm between the MOSFETs connected in series. These
capacitors are effectively in parallel with the tank circuit
capacitor. However only half of the capacitors across
MOSFETs are in circuit at any one time. This is because
33 Ohm half of the capacitors are shorted out by MOSFETs which
33 Ohm
have been turned on. The resonant frequency of the tank
circuit and drain source capacitors is given by Equation 1.
0.68 uF
30 turns secondary
15 turns primary
Where Ctot is the equivalent capacitance of the tank circuit
capacitor and the drain source capacitors and is given by
Fig.2. The MOSFET drive circuit.
Equation 2.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Ctot = Ct + CDS 2 spike in the MOSFET at turn on. These losses are
appreciable at 150 kHz, e.g. the connection of 1 nF across
Therefore the resonant frequency of the tank circuit is a MOSFET switching 600 V would cause losses of more
155 kHz. than 25 W at 150 kHz. In the current fed inverter described
in this article the MOSFETs turn on when the voltage across
An expression for the impedance at resonance of the
the capacitor is ideally zero. Thus there is no need for a
parallel resonant circuit (ZD) is given in Equation 3.
series resistor and the turn on losses are ideally zero.
ZD = 3 In this case the supply to the inverter was 470 V rms. This
Ctot .R means that the peak voltage in the d.c. link was 650 V.
The Q of the circuit is given by Equation 4. Equating the power flowing in the d.c. link to the power
dissipated in the tank circuit produces an expression for the
1 L peak voltage across the tank circuit (VT) as given in
Q= . 4 Equation 6.
R Ctot
Substituting Equation 3.
VT = 2 × √
2 ×1.11 × Vdclink 6
L Therefore the peak to peak voltage across the tank circuit
ZD = Q. 5 was ideally 2050 V
The voltage across each MOSFET should be 512 V.
Thus ZD for the parallel resonant load was 2.7 kOhms.
In a conventional rectangular switching circuit the
Circuit performance
connection of capacitors across MOSFETs will cause The switching frequency of this circuit is 120 kHz. Thus the
additional losses. These losses are caused because when load is fed slightly below its resonant frequency. This means
a MOSFET turns on, the energy stored in the drain source that the load looks inductive and ensures that the MOSFETs
capacitance is dissipated in the MOSFET and in a series do not switch on when the capacitors connected across
resistor. This series resistor is necessary to limit the current their drain source terminals are charged.
15 V
33 Ohm
33 Ohm
33 Ohm
0.68 uF
M3 M4
Fig.3. Drive circuit with good performance over widely varying duty cycles.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Standard Power MOSFETs require a gate-source voltage a 10 V gate-drive results in a reduced RDS(ON) (see Fig.2)
of 10 V to be fully ON. With Logic Level FETs (L2FETs) but the turn-off delay time is increased. This is due to
however, the same level of conduction is possible with a excessive charging of the L2FET’s input capacitance.
gate-source voltage of only 5 V. They can, therefore, be
driven directly from 5 V TTL/CMOS ICs without the need
for the level shifting stages required for standard
MOSFETs, see Fig.1. This makes them ideal for today’s
sophisticated electrical systems, where microprocessors
are used to drive switching circuits.
+10 V
Fig.2 RDS(ON) as a function of VGS for a standard
TTL / CMOS BUK453-100B MOSFET and a BUK553-100B L2FET. Tj
Standard MOSFET drive = 25 ˚C; VGS = 10 V
+5 V
Capacitances, Transconductance and
Gate Charge
Figure 3 shows the parasitic capacitances areas of a typical
input Power MOSFET cell. Both the gate-source capacitance
Cgs and the gate-drain capacitance Cgd increase due to the
TTL / CMOS reduction in gate oxide thickness, although the increase
in Cgd is only significant at low values of VDS, when the
depletion layer is narrow. Increases of the order of 25% in
L FET drive input capacitance Ciss, output capacitance Coss and reverse
transfer capacitance Crss result for the L2FET, compared
Fig.1 Drive circuit for a standard MOSFET and an with a similar standard type, at VDS = 0 V. However at the
L2FET standard measurement condition of VDS = 25 V the
differences are virtually negligible.
This characteristic of L2FETs is achieved by reducing the
gate oxide thickness from - 800 Angstroms to - 500
Forward transconductance gfs is a function of the oxide
Angstroms, which reduces the threshold voltage of the
thickness so the gfs of an L2FET is typically 40% - 50%
device from the standard 2.1-4.0 V to 1.0-2.0 V. However
higher than a standard MOSFET. This increase in gfs more
the result is a reduction in gate-source voltage ratings,
than offsets the increase in capacitance of an L2FET, so
from ±30 V for a standard MOSFET to ±15 V for the L2FET.
the turn on charge requirement of the L2FET is lower than
The ±15 V rating is an improvement over the ’industry
the standard type see Fig.4. For example, the standard
standard’ of ±10 V, and permits Philips L2FETs to be used
BUK453-100B MOSFET requires about 17 nC to be fully
in demanding applications such as automotive.
switched on (at a gate voltage of 10 V) while the
Although a 5 V gate-drive is ideal for L2FETs, they can be BUK553-100B L2FET only needs about 12 nC (at a gate
used in circuits with gate-drive voltages of up to 10 V. Using source voltage of 5 V).
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Fig.4 Turn-on gate charge curves of a standard Fast switching in many applications, for example
BUK453-100B and a BUK553-100B L2FET. VDD = 20 V; automotive circuits, is not important. In areas where it is
ID = 12 A important however the drive conditions should be
examined. For example, for a given drive power, a 10 V
drive with a 50 Ω source impedance is equivalent to a 5 V
Switching speed. drive with a source impedance of only 12 Ω. This results in
faster switching for the L2FET compared with standard
Figure 5 compares the turn-on performance of the standard MOSFETs.
BUK453-100B MOSFET and the BUK553-100B L2FET,
under identical drive conditions of 5 V from a 50 Ω Ruggedness and reliability
generator using identical loads. Thanks to its lower gate
threshold voltage VGST, the L2FET can be seen to turn on MOSFETs are frequently required to be able to withstand
in a much shorter time from the low level drive. the energy of an unclamped inductive load turn-off. Since
this energy is dissipated in the bulk of the silicon, stress
Figure 6 shows the turn-off performance of the standard is avoided in the gate oxide. This means that the
BUK453-100B MOSFET and the BUK553-100B L2FET, ruggedness performance of L2FETs is comparable with
again with the same drive. This time the L2FET is slower that of standard MOSFETs. The use of thinner gate oxide
to switch. The turn-off times are determined mainly by the in no way compromises reliability. Good control of key
time required for Cgd to discharge. The Cgd is higher for the process parameters such as pinhole density, mobile ion
L2FET at low VDS, and the lower value of VGST leads to a content, interface state density ensures good oxide quality.
lower discharging current. The net result is an increase The projected MTBF is 2070 years at 90˚C, at a 60%
in turn off time. confidence level.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Temperature stability
In general threshold voltage decreases with increasing
temperature. Although the threshold voltage of L2FETs is
lower than that of standard MOSFETs, so is their
temperature coefficient of threshold voltage (about half in
fact), so their temperature stability compares favourably
with standard MOSFETs. Philips low voltage L2FETs
(≤200v) in TO220 all feature Tjmax of 175˚C, rather than
the industry standard of 150˚C.
The Philips Components range of rugged Logic Level
MOSFETs enable cost effective drive circuit design
without compromising ruggedness or reliability. Since they
enable power loads to be driven directly from ICs they may
be considered to be the first step towards intelligent power
switching. Thanks to their good reliability and 175˚C Tjmax
temperature rating, they are displacing mechanical relays
in automotive body electrical functions and are being
designed in to such safety critical areas as ABS.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Recent advances in power MOS processing technology device), the peak electric field, located at the p-n junction,
now enables power MOS transistors to dissipate energy rises to the critical value (approx. 200 kV / cm ) at which
while operating in the avalanche mode. This feature results avalanche multiplication commences.
in transistors able to survive in-circuit momentary
overvoltage conditions, presenting circuit designers with Computer modelling has shown that the maximum electric
increased flexibility when choosing device voltage grade field occurs at the corners of the P diffusions. The
against required safety margins. electron-hole plasma generated by the avalanche process
This paper considers the avalanche characteristics of in these regions gives rise to a source of electrons, which
’rugged’ power MOSFETs and presents results from are swept across the drain, and a source of holes, which
investigations into the physical constraints which ultimately flow through the P- and P regions towards the source metal
limit avalanche energy dissipation in the VDMOS structure. contact.
Results suggest that the maximum sustainable energy is a
function of the applied power density waveform,
Polysilicon Gate
independent of device voltage grade and chip size.
The ability of a rugged device to operate reliably in a circuit N+ N+
subject to extreme interference is also demonstrated.
Source Contact Metal
P- P-
Introduction. Source
Susceptibility to secondary breakdown is a phenomenon
which limits the power handling capability of a bipolar Bipolar
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
In order that a power MOS transistor may survive transitory Circuit operation:-
excursions into avalanche it is necessary to manufacture a
device with uniform cell structure, free from defects A pulse is applied to the gate such that the transistor turns
throughout the crystal and that within the cell the resistance on and load current ramps up according to the inductor
beneath the n+ should be kept to a minimum. In this way a value, L and drain supply voltage, VDD. At the end of the
forward biasing potential across the p-n junction is avoided. gate pulse, channel current in the power MOS begins to fall
while voltage on the drain terminal rises rapidly in
Definition of ruggedness. accordance with equation 1.
The term ’Ruggedness’ when applied to a power MOS
transistor, describes the ability of that device to dissipate dv d 2I
=L 2 (1)
energy while operating in the avalanche condition. To test dt dt
ruggedness of a device it is usual to use the method of
unclamped inductive load turn-off using the circuit drawn in The voltage on the drain terminal is clamped by the
Fig. 2. avalanche voltage of the Power MOS for a duration equal
to that necessary for dissipation of all energy stored in the
inductor. Typical waveforms showing drain voltage and
VDD source current for a device undergoing successful test are
+ shown in Fig. 3.
WDSS = 0.5LID2 (3)
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Ruggedness ratings.
The interference generator produces pulses asynchronous
to the switching frequency of the Power MOS. Figure 14
100 Hz - 1 kHz
VDS shows the drain voltage and load current response at four
7.5 V instances in the switching cycle. Devices were subjected
0 T.U.T. 14 V DC
to 5000 interference spikes at a frequency of 5 Hz. No
degradation in device performance was recorded.
50 R
Fig. 13(a) Test circuit The ability of power MOS devices to dissipate energy in the
avalanche mode has been made possible by process
optimisation to remove the possibility of turn-on of the
parasitic bipolar structure. The failure mechanism of a
rugged device is one of excessive junction temperature
initiating a collapse in the terminal voltage as the junction
area becomes intrinsic. The rise in junction temperature is
dictated by the power density dissipation which is a function
of crystal size, breakdown voltage and circuit current.
Ruggedness ratings for Philips PowerMOS are chosen to
ensure that the specified maximum junction temperature of
the device is not exceeded.
Fig. 13(b) Output from transient generator.
1. DUNN and NUTTALL, An investigation of the voltage
sustained by epitaxial bipolar transistors in current
Performance of a rugged Power MOS mode second breakdown. Int.J.Electronics, 1978,
device. vol.45, no.4, 353-372
The ability of a rugged Power MOS transistor to survive 2. DOW and NUTTALL, A study of the current distribution
momentary power surges results in excellent device established in npn epitaxial transistors during current
reliability. The response of a BUK553-60A to interference mode second breakdown. Int.J.Electronics, 1981,
spikes while switching a load is presented below. The test vol.50, no.2, 93-108
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Charge accumulates on insulating bodies and voltages as voltage rating, MOSFETs with a larger die area (i.e. the
high as 20,000 V can be developed by, for example, walking devices with lower on-resistance) are less probe to ESD
across a nylon carpet. Electrically the insulator can be than smaller dice.
represented by many capacitors and resistors connected
To prevent the destruction of MOSFETs through ESD a two
as shown in Fig. 1. The value of the resistors is large and
pronged approach is necessary. Firstly it is important to
as a consequence it is not possible to discharge an insulator
minimise the build up of static electricity. Secondly
by connecting it straight to ground. An ion source is
measures need to be taken to prevent the charging up of
necessary to discharge an insulator.
the input capacitance of MOSFETs by static electric
R11 R12 R(1n-1)
R11 R12 Ct
+ +
- - -
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
All manufacturers of power MOSFETs provide a data sheet A drain current value (ID) and a figure for total power
for every type produced. The purpose of the data sheet is dissipation are also given in this section. These figures
primarily to give an indication as to the capabilities of a should be treated with caution since they are quoted for
particular product. It is also useful for the purpose of conditions that are rarely attainable in real applications.
selecting device equivalents between different (See limiting values.) For most applications the usable dc
manufacturers. In some cases however data on a number current will be less than the quoted figure in the quick
of parameters may be quoted under subtly different reference data. Typical power dissipations that can be
conditions by different manufacturers, particularly on tolerated by the majority of designers are less than 20 W
second order parameters such as switching times. In (for discrete devices), depending on the heatsinking
addition the information contained within the data sheet arrangement used. The junction temperature (TJ) is usually
does not always appear relevant for the application. Using given as either 150 ˚C or 175 ˚C. It is not recommended
data sheets and selecting device equivalents therefore that the internal device temperature be allowed to exceed
requires caution and an understanding of exactly what the this figure.
data means and how it can be interpreted. Throughout this
chapter the BUK553-100A is used as an example, this Limiting values
device is a 100 V logic level MOSFET.
This table lists the absolute maximum values of six
parameters. The device may be operated right up to these
Information contained in the Philips data maximum levels however they must not be exceeded, to
sheet do so may incur damage to the device.
The data sheet is divided into 8 sections as follows: Drain-source voltage and drain-gate voltage have the same
value. The figure given is the maximum voltage that may
* Quick reference data be applied between the respective terminals. Gate-source
* Limiting values voltage, ±VGS, gives the maximum value that may be
allowed between the gate and source terminals. To exceed
* Thermal resistances this voltage, even for the shortest period can cause
permanent damage to the gate oxide. Two values for the
* Static characteristics
dc drain current, ID, are quoted, one at a mounting base
* Dynamic characteristics temperature of 25 ˚C and one at a mounting base
temperature of 100 ˚C. Again these currents do not
* Reverse diode limiting values and characteristics represent attainable operating levels. These currents are
* Avalanche limiting value the values that will cause the junction temperature to reach
its maximum value when the mounting base is held at the
* Graphical data quoted value. The maximum current rating is therefore a
function of the mounting base temperature and the quoted
The information contained within each of these sections is
figures are just two points on the derating curve ,see Fig.1.
now described.
The third current level quoted is the pulse peak value, IDM.
PowerMOS devices generally speaking have a very high
Quick reference data
peak current handling capability. It is the internal bond wires
This data is presented for the purpose of quick selection. It which connect to the chip that provide the final limitation.
lists what is considered to be the key parameters of the The pulse width for which IDM can be applied depends upon
device such that a designer can decide at a glance whether the thermal considerations (see section on calculating
the device is likely to be the correct one for the application currents.) The total power dissipation, Ptot, and maximum
or not. Five parameters are listed, the two most important junction temperature are also stated as for the quick
are the drain-source voltage VDS and drain-source on-state reference data. The Ptot figure is calculated from the simple
resistance, RDS(ON). VDS is the maximum voltage the device quotient given in equation 1 (see section on safe operating
will support between drain and source terminals in the area). It is quoted for the condition where the mounting base
off-state. RDS(ON) is the maximum on-state resistance at the temperature is maintained at 25 ˚C. As an example, for the
quoted gate voltage, VGS, and a junction temperature of BUK553-100A the Ptot figure is 75 W, dissipating this
25 ˚C. (NB RDS(ON) is temperature dependent, see static amount of power while maintaining the mounting base at
characteristics). It is these two parameters which provide 25 ˚C would be a challenge! For higher mounting base
a first order indication of the devices capability. temperatures the total power that can be dissipated is less.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Thermal resistance.
ID% Normalised Current Derating
120 For non-isolated packages two thermal resistance values
110 are given. The value from junction to mounting base (Rthj-mb)
100 indicates how much the junction temperature will be raised
90 above the temperature of the mounting base when
80 dissipating a given power. Eg a BUK553-100A has a Rthj-mb
70 of 2 K/W, dissipating 10 W, the junction temperature will be
20 ˚C above the temperature of its mounting base. The
other figure quoted is from junction to ambient. This is a
much larger figure and indicates how the junction
temperature will rise if the device is NOT mounted on a
30 heatsink but operated in free air. Eg for a BUK553-100A,
20 Rthj-a = 60 K/W, dissipating 1 W while mounted in free air
10 will produce a junction temperature 60 ˚C above the
0 ambient air temperature.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Tmb / C For isolated packages, (F-packs) the mounting base (the
Fig.1 Normalised continuous drain current. metal plate upon which the silicon chip is mounted) is fully
ID% = 100 . ID/ID25 ˚C = f(Tmb); conditions: VGS ≥ 5 V encapsulated in plastic. Therefore it is not possible to give
a thermal resistance figure junction to mounting base.
Instead a figure is quoted from junction to heatsink, Rthj-hs,
which assumes the use of heatsink compound. Care should
Obviously if the mounting base temperature was made be taken when comparing thermal resistances of isolated
equal to the max permitted junction temperature, then no and non-isolated types. Consider the following example:
power could be dissipated internally. A derating curve is
given as part of the graphical data, an example is shown in The non-isolated BUK553-100A has a Rthj-mb of 2 K/W. The
Fig.2 for a device with a limiting Tj of 175 ˚C. isolated BUK543-100A has a Rthj-hs of 5 K/W. These devices
have identical crystals but mounted in different packages.
At first glance the non-isolated type might be expected to
offer much higher power (and hence current) handling
PD% Normalised Power Derating capability. However for the BUK553-100A the thermal
resistance junction to heatsink has to be calculated, this
110 involves adding the extra thermal resistance between
100 mounting base and heatsink. For most applications some
90 isolation is used, such as a mica washer. The thermal
80 resistance mounting base to heatsink is then of the order
70 2 K/W. The total thermal resistance junction to heatsink is
60 therefore
50 Rthj-hs (non isolated type) = Rthj-mb + Rthmb-hs = 4 K/W
It can be seen that the real performance difference between
the isolated and non isolated types will not be significant.
Static Characteristics
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 The parameters in this section characterise breakdown
Tmb / C voltage, threshold voltage, leakage currents and
Fig.2 Normalised power dissipation. on-resistance.
PD% = 100 PD/PD 25 ˚C = f(Tmb) A drain-source breakdown voltage is specified as greater
than the limiting value of drain-source voltage. It can be
measured on a curve tracer, with gate terminal shorted to
Storage temperature limits are also quoted, usually the source terminal, it is the voltage at which a drain current
between -40 /-55 ˚C and +150 /+175 ˚C. Both the storage of 250 µA is observed. Gate threshold voltage, VGS(TO),
temperature limits and the junction temperature limit are indicates the voltage required on the gate (with respect to
figures at which extensive reliability work is performed by the source) to bring the device into its conducting state. For
our Quality department. To exceed these figures will cause logic level devices this is usually between 1.0 and 2.0 V
a reduction in long-term reliability. and for standard devices between 2.1 and 4 V.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
10 2% typ 98 %
0 1E-06
0 2 4 6 8 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4
Fig.3 Typical transfer characteristics. Fig.5 Sub-threshold drain current.
ID = f(VGS); conditions: VDS = 25 V; parameter Tj ID = f(VGS); conditions: Tj = 25 ˚C; VDS = VGS
VGS(TO) / V 4
max. 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig.6 Typical output characteristics, Tj = 25 ˚C.
typ. ID = f(VDS); parameter VGS
1 The drain-source on-resistance is very important. It is
specified at a gate-source voltage of 5 V for logic level FETs
and 10 V for a standard device. The on-resistance for a
standard MOSFET cannot be reduced significantly by
increasing the gate source voltage above 10 V. Reducing
the gate voltage will however increase the on-resistance.
-60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 For the logic level FET, the on-resistance is given for a gate
Tj / C voltage of 5 V, a further reduction is possible however at
gate voltages up to 10 V, this is demonstrated by the output
Fig.4 Gate threshold voltage.
characteristics, Fig.6 and on-resistance characteristics,
VGS(TO) = f(Tj); conditions: ID = 1 mA; VDS = VGS
Fig.7 for a BUK553-100A. .
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
The on-resistance is a temperature sensitive parameter, MOSFET refers to the flat portion of the output
between 25 ˚C and 150 ˚C it approximately doubles in characteristics.) Fig.9 shows how gfs varies as a function of
value. A plot of normalised RDS(ON) versus temperature the drain current for a BUK553-100A.
(Fig.8) is included in each data sheet. Since the MOSFET
will normally operate at a Tj higher than 25 ˚C, when making gfs / S BUK543-100A
estimates of power dissipation in the MOSFET, it is 10
important to take into account the higher RDS(ON). 9
RDS(ON) / Ohm BUK553-100A 7
VGS / V =
2.5 3 3.5 4 5
4.5 4
10 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0.1 ID / A
Fig.9 Typical transconductance, Tj = 25 ˚C.
gfs = f(ID); conditions: VDS = 25 V
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
ID / A
C / pF BUK5y3-100
Fig.7 Typical on-state resistance, Tj = 25 ˚C. 10000
RDS(ON) = f(ID); parameter VGS
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
reach a particular gate-source voltage. Eg. to charge a semiconductor however would only be 6.25 V during the
BUK553-100A to VGS = 5 V, starting from a drain-source turn-on period! The switching speed is therefore ultimately
voltage of 80 V, requires 12.4 nc. The speed at which this limited by package inductance.
charge is to be applied will give the gate circuit current
requirements. More information on MOSFET capacitance Reverse diode limiting values and
is given in chapter 1.2.2. characteristics
Resistive load switching times are also quoted by most The reverse diode is inherent in the vertical structure of the
manufacturers, however extreme care should be taken power MOSFET. In some circuits this diode is required to
when making comparisons between different perform a useful function. For this reason the characteristics
manufacturers data. The speed at which a power MOSFET of the diode are specified. The forward currents permissible
can be switched is essentially limited only by circuit and in the diode are specified as ’continuous reverse drain
package inductances. The actual speed in a circuit is current’ and ’pulsed reverse drain current’. The forward
determined by how fast the internal capacitances of the voltage drop of the diode is also provided together with a
MOSFET are charged and discharged by the drive circuit. plot of the diode characteristic, Fig.12. The switching
The switching times are therefore extremely dependent on capability of the diode is given in terms of the reverse
the circuit conditions employed; a low gate drive resistance recovery parameters, trr and Qrr.
will provide for faster switching and vice-versa. The Philips
data sheet presents the switching times for all PowerMOS
IF / A BUK553-100A
with a resistor between gate and source of 50 Ω. The device 30
is switched from a pulse generator with a source impedance
also of 50 Ω. The overall impedance of the gate drive circuit
is therefore 25 Ω.
VGS / V BUK553-100
Tj / C = 150 25
VDS / V =20 10
8 80
6 0
0 1 2
4 VSDS / V
Fig.12 Typical reverse diode current.
2 IF = f(VSDS); conditions: VGS = ) V; parameter Tj
120 0.1
110 1 10 100
100 VDS / V
90 Fig.14 Safe operating area. Tmb = 25 ˚C
80 ID & IDM = f(VDS); IDM single pulse; parameter tp
The dc curve is based upon the thermal resistance junction
to mounting base (junction to heatsink in the case of isolated
packages), which is substituted into equation 1. The curves
for pulsed operation assume a single shot pulse and instead
20 of thermal resistance, a value for transient thermal
10 impedance is used. Transient thermal impedance is
0 supplied as graphical data for each type, an example is
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
shown in Fig.15. For calculation of the single shot power
Tmb / C
dissipation capability, a value at the required pulse width is
Fig.13. Normalised avalanche energy rating. read from the D = 0 curve and substituted in to equation 2.
WDSS% = f(Tmb); conditions: ID = 13 A (A more detailed explanation of transient thermal
impedance and how to use the curves can be found in
Safe Operating Area chapter 7.)
A plot of the safe operating area is presented for every
T jmax − Tmb
PowerMOS type. Unlike bipolar transistors a PowerMOS Ptot (dc) = 1
exhibits no second breakdown mechanism. The safe Rthj − mb
operating area is therefore simply defined from the power
dissipation that will cause the junction temperature to reach
T jmax − Tmb
the maximum permitted value. Ptot (pulse) = 2
Zthj − mb
Fig.14 shows the SOA for a BUK553-100. The area is
bounded by the limiting drain source voltage, limiting
current values and a set of constant power curves for Examples of how to calculate the maximum power
various pulse durations. The plots in data are all for a dissipation for a 1 ms pulse are shown below. Example 1
mounting base temperature of 25 ˚C. The constant power calculates the maximum power assuming a Tj of 175 ˚C and
curves therefore represent the power that raises the Tmb of 25 ˚C. This power equates to the 1 ms curve on the
junction temperature by an amount Tjmax - Tmb, ie. 150 ˚C SOA plot of Fig.14. Example 2 illustrates how the power
for a device with a limiting Tj of 175 ˚C and 125 ˚C for a capability is reduced if Tmb is greater than 25 ˚C.
device with a limiting Tj of 150 ˚C. . Clearly in most
applications the mounting base temperature will be higher Example 1: 1 ms pulse at 25 ˚C for a BUK553-100A
than 25 ˚C, the SOA would therefore need to be reduced.
The maximum power curves are calculated very simply. Zth = 0.32 K/W, Tjmax = 175 ˚C, Tmb = 25 ˚C
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
N+ N+ N+
In addition to the basic collector-base-emitter structure concentration gradients. Another disadvantage of epitaxial
manufacturers have to add electrical contacts, and special processing is cost: back diffused wafers are much cheaper
measures are needed at the edges of the crystal to sustain than equivalent high voltage epitaxial wafers.
the design voltage. This introduces another very important
feature, the high voltage passivation. The function of the The process technology used to create the edge
passivation, (the example shown here is referred to as glass passivation is also diverse. The expression "planar" is used
passivation), is to ensure that the breakdown voltage of the to indicate the passivation technique which is most
device is determined by the collector-base structure and commonly used in semiconductors. This involves the
not by the construction at the edges. If no special diffusion of additional n-type rings around the active area
passivation was used the breakdown voltage might be as of the device which give an even electric field distribution
low as 50% of the maximum value. Manufacturers optimise at the edge. However, for high voltage bipolar transistors
the high voltage passivation and much work has also been planar passivation is relatively new and the long term
done to ensure that its properties do not change in time. reliability has yet to be completely optimised. For high
voltage bipolar transistors the most common passivation
Process Technology systems employ a deep trough etched, or cut, into the
There are several ways to make the above structure. The device with a special glass coating. Like the planar
starting material can be an n- wafer where first an n+ passivation, the glass passivation ensures an even
diffusion is made in the back, followed by the base (p) and distribution of the electric field around the active area.
emitter (n+) diffusions. This is the well known triple diffused
Another way is to start with an n+ wafer onto which an n- Maximum Voltage and Characteristics
layer is deposited using epitaxial growth techniques. A
further two diffusions (base and emitter) forms the basic
Width of n- layer (um)
transistor structure. This is called a double diffused hFEsat hFE0 30 60 120 tf ts
epitaxial process.
10 50 0.8 6
Another little used technology is to grow, epitaxially, the
base p-type layer onto an n-/n+ wafer and then diffuse an
n+ emitter. This is referred to as a single diffused epi-base ts, tf
5 25 0.4 3
The question often asked is which is the best technology
for high voltage bipolar transistors ? The basic difference
in the technologies is the concentration profile at the n-/n+
junction. For epitaxial wafers the concentration gradient is
much more steeper from n- to n+ than it is for back diffused 2.5 15 0.2 1.5
wafers. There are more applications where a smoother
concentration gradient gives the better performance. 200 400 800
Vceo (V)
Manufacturers utilising epitaxial techniques tend to use
Fig. 4 Switching Times and hFE vs. VCEO
buffer layers between the n- and n+ to give smoother
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
High voltage and low voltage transistors differ primarily in all these systems, is that a current flows through an inductor,
the thickness and resistivity of the n- layer. As the thickness thus storing energy in its core. When the current is
and resistivity of this layer is increased, the breakdown interrupted by turning off the power switch, the energy must
voltage goes up. The difference over the range of Philips be transferred one way or another. Very often the energy
high voltage transistors of different voltages is illustrated in is converted into an electrical output e.g. in switched mode
Fig. 3. The TIP49 has a VCBO = 450 V, the BUT11 has a power supplies and battery chargers.
VCES = 850 V, while the BU2508A can be used up to
voltages of 1500 V. Two special applications are electronic fluorescent lamp
ballasts and horizontal deflection of the electron beam in
The penalty for increasing the n- layer is a decrease in high
TV’s and monitors. In the ballast, an ac voltage is generated
current hFE and an in switching times. The graph in Fig. 4
to deliver energy to a fluorescent lamp. In the TV and
points this out by giving both switching times and hFE as a
monitor a sawtooth current in the deflection coil sweeps the
function of the breakdown voltage. The values given should
beam across the screen from left to right and back again in
be used as a guide to illustrate the effect. The effect can
a much shorter blanking, or flyback, period
be compensated for by having a bigger chip.
Other ways to transfer the energy are ac and dc motor
Applications of High Voltage Transistors control where the output is delivered as movement, or
High voltage transistors are mainly used as the power induction heating where the output is delivered in the form
switch in energy conversion systems. What is common to of heat.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Not only is there an excess charge in the base near the
emitter junction but the injection and base width ensure that
The switching processes that take place within a high this excess charge is also present at the collector junction.
voltage transistor are quite different from those in a small Applying a load in series with the collector and a dc supply
signal transistor. This section describes, figuratively, what between load and emitter will trigger some sort of collector
happens within high voltage transistors under various base current, IC. The level of IC is dependent on the base current,
drive conditions. After an analysis of the charges that are IB, the load and supply voltage. For a certain IB, low voltage
present in a high voltage transistor, the switch-off process supply and high impedance load there will be a small IC. As
is described. Then comparisons are made of switching for the supply voltage rises and/or the load impedance falls so
various forward and reverse base drive conditions. A IC will rise. As IC rises so the collector-emitter voltage, VCE,
fundamental knowledge of basic semiconductor physics is falls. The IC is composed mainly of the excess emitter
assumed. electrons that reach the base-collector junction (BC). This
electron concentration will continue into the collector
inducing an excess charge in the collector, Qc.
Charge distribution within a transistor The concentration of electrons decreases only slightly from
the emitter-base junction to some way into the collector. In
An off-state transistor has no excess charge, but to enable
effect, the base width extends into the collector. Decreasing
transistor conduction in the on-state excess charge build
VCE below VBE causes the BC junction to become forward
up within the device takes place. There are three distinct
biased throughout. This creates a path for electrons from
charge distributions to consider that control the current
the collector to be driven back into the base and out of the
through the device, see Fig. 1. These charge distributions
base contact. This electron flow is in direct opposition to
are influenced by the level of collector-emitter bias, VCE,
the established IC. With no change in base drive, the
and collector current, IC, as shown in Fig. 2.
ultimate effect is a reduction in IC. This is the classical
‘saturation’ region of transistor operation. As VCE falls so
Forward biasing the base-emitter (BE) junction causes a
the BC forward bias increases leading to an excess of
depletion layer to form across the junction. As the bias
electrons at the depletion layer edge in the collector
exceeds the potential energy barrier (work function) for that
beneath the base contact. This concentration of electrons
junction, current will flow. Electrons will flow out of the
leads to an excess charge, Qd.
emitter into the base and out of the base contact. For high
voltage transistors the level of BE bias is much in excess The charge flows and excess charges Qb, Qc and Qd are
of the forward bias for a small signal transistor. The bias shown in Fig. 1. An example of the excess charge
generates free electron-hole pairs in the base-emitter distributions for fixed IC and IB are shown in Fig. 2.
leading to a concentration of electrons in the base in excess
of the residual hole concentration. This produces an excess
Q Ic = 5 A
charge in the base, Qb, concentrated underneath the Qd
emitter. Ib = 1 A
N+ Qc
Qd Qc Vce (V)
Fig. 2. On-state Charge Distribution (example)
2. The next phase produces a reduction in both Qb, Qc
and, consequently, IC. The BC junction is no longer forward C
biased and Qd has dissipated to provide the negative base
current. The inductance in series in the base path requires
a continuation in the base current. The injection of electrons B E B
into the base opposes the established electron flow from
emitter to collector via the base. At first the opposing
electron flows cancel at the edge of the emitter nearest the
base contacts. This reduces both Qb and Qc in this region. Qb 0
Qb and Qc become concentrated in the centre of the emitter
Qc 0
area. The decrease in IC is called the fall time, tf. N-
As Qb and Qc tend to zero the series inductance ensures P
that negative base current must be continued by other
means. The actual mechanism is by avalanche breakdown
of the base-emitter junction. This now induces a negative
VBE which is larger than the bias resulting in a reverse in N-
polarity of the voltage across the inductance. This in turn Qr
triggers a positive rate of change in base current. The
negative base current now quickly rises to zero while the
base-emitter junction is in avalanche breakdown. C
Avalanche breakdown ceases when the base current tends
Fig. 3. Phases during turn-off
to zero and the VBE becomes equal to the bias voltage.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
4. If a very small series base inductor is used with the 5V conditions, a satisfactory value for VCEsat is obtained,
reverse bias then the base current will have a very fast rate indicated by N in Fig. 5, and moderate values for Qc and
of change. This will speed up the phases 1 to 3 and, Qd result.
therefore, the switching times of the transistor. However,
there is a point when reducing the inductor further
introduces another phase to the turn-off process. High Q
reverse base currents will draw the charges out closest to Qd
the base contact and leave a residual charge trapped deep
in the collector regions furthest away from the base. This
charge, Qr, must be removed before the transistor returns
fully to the off-state. This is detected as a tail to IC at the
end of turn-off with a corresponding tail to the base current
as it tends to zero. Qc
The switching waveforms for a BUT11 in a forward
converter are given in Fig. 4 where the four phases can
easily be recognised. (Because of the small base coil used Qb
both phases in the fall time appear clearly!).
1 - Removal of Qd until t ≈ 0.7 µs ts 0.2 0.5 1.0 Vce (V)
2 - Qc and Qb decrease until t ≈ 1.7 µs ts
3 - Removal of Qb and Qc until t ≈ 1.75 µs tf
Fig. 5. Charges as a function of VCE
4 - Removal of Qr until t ≈ 1.85 µs tf
Note the course of VBE: first the decrease in voltage due to With the transistor operating in the active region, for
the base resistance during current contraction and second VCE ≥ 1V, there will be a charge Qc but no charge Qd. This
(because a base coil has been used) the value of VBE is is indicated by D in Fig. 5. At the other extreme, with the
clamped by the emitter-base breakdown voltage of the transistor operating in the saturation region Qc will be higher
transistor. It should be remembered that because and Qd will be higher than Qc. This is indicated by O in
breakdown takes place near the surface and not in the Fig. 5. In this condition there are more excess electron-hole
active region no harm comes to the transistor. pairs to recombine at switch off.
Increasing IB causes Qb to increase. Also, for a given IC,
1 A/div Ic 200 V/div Qc and Qd will be higher as VCE reduces. Therefore, for a
given IC, the stored charge in the transistor can be controlled
by the level of IB. If the IB is too low the VCE will be high with
low Qc and zero Qd, as D in Fig. 5. This condition is called
underdrive. If the IB is too high the VCE will be low with high
Qc and Qd, as O in Fig. 5. This condition is called
1 A/div 5 V/div overdrive. The overdrive condition (high forward drive)
gives high stored charge and the underdrive condition (low
forward drive) gives low stored charge.
Deep-hole storage
0.5 us/div
As the high free electron concentration extends into the
Fig. 4. BUT11 waveforms at turn-off base and collector regions ther must be an equivalent hole
concentration. Fig. 6 shows results obtained from a
The influence of forward drive on stored computer model which illustrates charge storage as a
function of VCE. Here the hole density, p(x), is given as a
charge function of depth inside the active area; the doping profile
Fig. 5 shows how, for a transistor in the on-state, at a fixed is also indicated. It can be seen that overdrive, O, causes
value of IC and IB the three charges Qb, Qc and Qd depend holes to be stored deep in the collector at the collector -
upon VCE. The base charge, Qb, is independent of VCE, it substrate junction known as "deep-hole storage", this is the
primarily depends upon VBE. For normal base drive main reason for the increase in residual charge, Qr.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
During overdrive not only Qd becomes very big but also Breakdown voltage vs. switching times
holes are stored far away from the junction: this thus leads
not only to a longer storage time, but also to a large Qr For a higher breakdown voltage transistor the n- layer (see
resulting in tails in the turn-off current. Fig. 1) will be thicker and of higher resistivity (ie a lower
donor atom concentration). This means that when
comparing identical devices the values for Qd and Qc will
be higher, for a given IC, in the device with the higher
10 p(x) at J = 140 A / cm2 breakdown voltage.
10 In general:
10 - the higher BVCEO the larger Qd and Qc will be;
E - during overdrive Qd is very high and there is a charge
located deep in the collector region (deep hole storage);
10 Vce = 1 V 0.5 V 0.2 V - when desaturated Qd equals zero and there is no deep
D N O hole storage: Qc is minimised for the IC.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 x (um)
It should be realised that there is a drawback attached to The main drawback for high voltage transistors is that the
operating out of saturation: increased dissipation during the base charge Qb is removed too quickly, leaving a high
on-state. Base drive design often requires a trade-off residual charge. This leads to current tails (long fall times)
between switching and on-state losses. and high dissipation. It depends upon what state the
transistor is in (overdriven or desaturated), whether this way
of turn-off is best. It also depends upon the kind of transistor
that must be switched off. If it is a lower voltage transistor
(BVCEO ≤ 200V) then this will work very well because the
charges Qc and Qd will be rather low. For transistors with
a higher breakdown voltage, hard turn-off will yield the
shortest storage time at the cost, however, of higher turn-off
dissipation (longer tf).
E b) Smooth turn-off
To properly turn-off a high voltage transistor a storage time
Fig. 7. Desaturation network
to minimise Qd and Qc is required, and then a large negative
(Baker clamp)
base current to give a short fall time.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
++ ++
Lc Lc
+V +V R
+Ib C
The easiest way to obtain these turn-off requirements is to c) Other ways of turn-off
switch the base to a negative supply via a base coil, see
Of course, other ways of turn-off are applicable but in
Fig. 9.
general these can be reduced to one of the methods
The base coil gives a constant dIB/dt (approx.) during the described above, or something in between. The BVCEO has
storage time. When the fall time begins the negative base a strong influence on the method used: the higher BVCEO
current reaches its maximum and the Lb induces the BE the longer the storage time required to achieve proper
junction into breakdown (see Fig. 4). turn-off. For transistors having a BVCEO of 200V or less hard
turn-off and the use of a base coil yield comparable losses,
An optimum value exists for the base coil: if Lb = 0 we have so hard turn-off works well. For transistors having BVCEO
the hard turn-off condition which is not optimum for standard more than 400V hard turn-off is unacceptable because of
high voltage transistors. If the value of Lb is too high it slows the resulting tails.
the switching process so that the transistor desaturates.
The VCE increases too much during the storage time and ++
so higher losses result (see Fig. 10).
(−Vdr + VBEsat )
LB = +Ib
with ≈ 0.5 ⋅ IC (A/µs) for BVCEO = 400V, BVCES = 800V
and ≈ 0.15 ⋅ IC (A/µs) for BVCEO = 700V, BVCES = 1500V
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Ic Vce Ic Ic
Turn-off for various forward drive With hard turn-off IB reaches its peak negative value as all
conditions the charge is removed from the base. For continuity this
current must be sourced from elsewhere. It has been shown
Using the BUT11 as an example, turn-off characteristics that the BE junction now avalanches, giving instantaneous
are discussed for optimum drive, underdrive and overdrive continuity followed by a positive dIB/dt. However, for hard
with hard and smooth turn-off. turn-off the current is sourced by the residual collector
a) Optimum drive charge without BE avalanche, see Fig. 12. The small
negative VBE ensures a long tail to IC and IB.
The optimum IB and Lb for a range of IC is given in Fig. 11
for the BUT11. The IB referred to is IBend which is the value b) Underdrive (Desaturated drive)
of IB at the end of the on-state of the applied base drive As has been indicated previously, desaturating, or
signal. In most applications during the on-state the IB will underdriving, a transistor results in less internal charge. Qd
not be constant, hence the term IBend rather than IBon. For will be zero and Qc is low and located near the junction.
optimum drive the level of IBend increases with IC. For smooth
If the application requires such a drive then steps should
turn-off the level of Lb decreases with increasing IC.
be taken to optimise the characteristics. One simple way
of obtaining underdrive is to increase the series base
resistance with smooth turn-off. The same effect can be
achieved with optimum IBend and a base coil having half the
value used for optimum drive, ie hard turn-off. Both
methods give shorter ts and tf. For 400V BVCEO devices (like
the Philips BUT range) such a harder turn-off can lead to
reasonable results.
Fig. 13 compares the use of the optimum base coil with
hard turn-off for an undriven BUT11. For underdrive the
final IC is less and hence the collector charge is less.
Therefore, underdrive and hard turn-off gives less of a tail
than for a higher IBend. Underdrive with smooth turn-off gives
longer ts but reduced losses.
c) Overdrive
When a transistor is severely overdriven the BC charge,
Qd, becomes so large that a considerable tail will result
Fig. 11. IBend and Lb for the BUT11 even with smooth turn-off. In general, deliberately
designing a drive circuit to overdrive a transistor is not done:
Deviations from Fig. 11 will generally lead to higher power it has no real value. However, most circuits do have variable
dissipation. If a short storage time is a must in a certain collector loads which can result in extreme conditions when
application then Lb can be reduced but this will lead to the circuit is required to operate with the transistor in
longer fall times and current tails. overdrive.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Ic Vce Ic Vce
Ib Ib
Ib Vbe
Fig. 12. Optimum drive with hard turn-off (top) Fig. 14. Overdrive with hard turn-off (top)
and smooth turn-off (bottom) for BUT11 and smooth turn-off (bottom) for BUT11
For transistors having BVCEO ~ 400 V the use of a base coil
yields low losses compared to hard turn-off. As a good
approximation the base coil should have the value:
LB = µH
1 A/div 5 V/div IC
for optimum drive.
When using a desaturation circuit the value for Lb can be
halved with acceptable results.
0.5 us/div
Overdrive should be prevented as much as possible
Fig. 13. Underdrive with hard turn-off (top)
because considerable tails in the collector current cause
and smooth turn-off (bottom) for BUT11
unacceptable losses.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
This section looks at some aspects of using high voltage In Fig. 1 the characteristic ‘hump’ which often occurs at
bipolar transistors in switching circuits. It highlights points turn-on in forward converters due to the effect of the
such as switching, both turn-on and turn-off, Safe Operating collector series resistance is observed.
Areas and the need for snubber circuits. Base drive design
The turn-on losses are strongly dependent on the value of
curves for the BUT11, BUW12 and BUW13 are discussed
the leakage inductance and the applied base drive. It is
under ’Application Information’ at the end of this section.
generally advised to apply a high initial +IB for a short time
in order to minimise turn on losses.
Transistor switching: turn-on
A deeper analysis can be found in sections 1.3.2, 2.1.2 and
To make optimum use of today’s high voltage transistors, 2.1.3. Turn on losses are generally low for flyback
one should carefully choose the correct value for both the converters but are the most important factor in forward
positive base current when the transistor is on and the converter types.
negative base current when the device is switched off (see
Application Information section). Turn-off of high voltage transistors
When a transistor is in the off-state, there are no carriers All charge stored in the collector when the transistor is on
in the thick n- collector, effectively there is a resistor with a should be removed again at turn-off. To ensure a quick
relatively high value in the collector. To obtain a low turn-off a negative base current is applied. The time needed
on-state voltage, a base current is applied such that the to remove the base - collector charge is called the storage
collector area is quickly filled with electron - hole pairs time. A short storage time is needed to minimise problems
causing the collector resistance to decrease. In the within the control loop in SMPS and deflection applications.
transition time, the so called turn-on time, the voltage and
current may both be high, especially in forward converters,
and high turn-on losses may result. Initially, all the carriers
in the collector will be delivered via the base contact and,
Ic Vce Ic Ic
therefore, the base current waveform should have a peak Vce
at the beginning. In this way the carriers quickly fill the
collector area so the voltage is lower and the losses
In flyback converters the current to be turned on is normally
-Ib is too high -Ib is optimum -Ib is too low
low, but in forward converters this current is normally high.
The collector current, IC, reaches its on-state value in a short Fig. 2 Effects of -IB on turn-off
time which is normally determined by the leakage
inductance of the transformer. Care is needed to implement the optimum drive. First
overdrive should be prevented by keeping +IB to a minimum.
Overdrive results in current tails and long storage times.
Ic = 1 A/div But, decreasing IB too much results in high on-state losses.
Second, the negative base current should be chosen
carefully. A small negative base current (-IB) will give a long
storage time and a high VCEsat at the end of the storage time,
while the current is still high. As a consequence, the turn-off
losses will be high. If, however, a large negative base
Vce = 50 V/div current is used, the danger exists that tails will occur in the
collector current, again resulting in high losses. There is
an optimum as shown in Fig. 2.
A circuit which is worth considering, especially for higher
frequencies, is the Baker Clamp or desaturation circuit.
This circuit prevents saturation of the transistor and, hence,
Fig. 1 Turn-on of a high voltage bipolar transistor
faster switching times are achieved.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
The total losses depend on the base drive and the collector transistors with VCEOmax = 700V and VCESmax = 1500V need
current. In Fig.3 the total losses are shown for a BUW133 a storage time which is approximately double the value in
as a function of the positive base current, for both the the table.
saturated and the desaturated case. Note that when
A recommended way to control the storage time is by
different conditions are being used the picture will change.
switching the base to a negative voltage rail via a base coil.
The application defines the acceptable storage time which
The leakage inductance of a driver transformer may serve
then determines the base drive requirements.
as an excellent base coil. As a guide, the base coil should
be chosen such that the peak value of the negative base
Etot (uJ) current equals half the value of the collector current.
Forward Converter
Ic = 10 A Specific problems and solutions
A high voltage transistor needs protection circuits to ensure
that the device will survive all the currents and voltages it
will see during its life in an application.
Saturated a) Over Current
Exceeding current ratings normally does not lead to
immediate transistor failure. In the case of a short circuit,
the protection is normally fast enough for problems to be
100 avoided. Most devices are capable of carrying very high
With Baker Clamp currents for short periods of time. High currents will raise
the junction temperature and if Tjmax is exceeded the
1 2 3 4
Ib (A)
reliability of the device may be weakened.
Fig. 3 BUW133 losses versus base drive b) Over Voltage
In contrast with over current, it is NOT allowed to exceed
The total number of variables is too large to give unique the published voltage ratings for VCEO and VCES (or VCBO).
base drive advice for each application. As a first hint the In switching applications it is common for the base - emitter
device data sheets give IC and IB values for VCEsat, VBEsat and junction to be taken into avalanche, this does not harm the
switching. However, it is more important to appreciate the device. For this reason VEBO limits are not given in data.
ways to influence base drive and the consequences of a
Exceeding VCEO and VCES causes high currents to flow in
non-optimised circuit.
very small areas of the device. These currents may cause
For a flyback converter the best value of IBend to start with immediate damage to the device in very short times
is about 2/3 of the IB value given in data for VCEsat and VBEsat. (nanoseconds). So, even for very short times it is not
In this application the forward base current is proportional allowed to have voltages above data for the device.
to the collector current (triangular shaped waveforms) and In reality VCEO and VCES are unlikely to occur in a circuit. If
this IBend value will give low on-state losses and fast VBE = 0V the there will probably still be a path between the
switching. base and the emitter. In fact the situation is VCEX where X
is the impedance of this path. To cover for all values of X,
The best turn-off base current depends on the breakdown
the limit is X=∞, ie VCEO. For all VBE < 0V, ie VCEV, the limit
voltage of the transistor. As a guide, Table 1 gives
case is VBE = 0V, ie VCES.
reasonable values for the target storage time and may be
used to begin optimising the base drive: If voltage transients that exceed the voltage limits are
detected then a snubber circuit may limit the voltage to a
f (kHz) tp (µs) target ts (µs) safe value. If the over voltage states last greater than a
few µs a higher voltage device is required.
25 20 2.0
c) Forward Bias Safe Operating Areas (FBSOA)
150 10 1.5
The FBSOA is valid for positive values of VBE. There is a
100 5 1.0
time limit to VCE - IC operating points beyond which device
Table 1 Target ts for varying frequency and pulse width failure becomes a risk. At certain values of VCE and IC there
is a risk of secondary breakdown; this is likely to lead to the
The above table holds for transistors with a VCEOmax rating immediate failure of the device. The FBSOA curve should
of 400-450V and VCESmax between 850-1000V. Transistors only be considered during drastic change sequences; for
with higher voltages require longer storage times, eg. example, start-up, s/c or o/c load.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Vs 5
With Snubber
At turn-off, as the VCE rises the diode starts conducting f (kHz) 25 50 100
charging the capacitor. The additional diode current means dVCE/dt 1 2 4
that the total load current does not decrease so fast at (kV/µs)
turn-off. This slower current tail in turn ensures a slower
VCE rise. The slower VCE rise takes the transistor through The snubber resistor should be chosen so that the capacitor
a safer VCE - IC path away from the limit, see Fig. 5. will be discharged in the shortest occurring on-time of the
As a handy guide, the snubber capacitor in a 20-40 kHz
converter is about 1nF for each 100W of throughput power In some cases the losses in the snubber may be
(this is the power which is being transferred via the considerable. Clever designs exist to feed the energy
transformer). This value may be reduced empirically as stored in the capacitor back into the supply capacitor, but
required. this is beyond the scope of this report.
D3 D1
D2 Co Vo
D4 R4
C5 C4
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Ic 0.9 Icm
dIc/dt 0.1 Icm
t1 = 0.5 us
Ib Ib(end)
Vbe -Vdrive
Turn-on Turn-off
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
(−Vdrive + 1)
LB = LBnom ⋅
losses for the whole spread in the product. It is not just for Fig. 8 Losses as a function of IBend
typical products as is sometimes thought ! This is
demonstrated in Fig. 8, where limit and typical devices are
compared (worst-case saturation and worst-case Conclusion
switching). To avoid exceeding the RBSOA of an HVT, snubbers are
a requirement for most circuits. To minimise both switching
It appears that the worst-case fall time devices have losses and on-state losses, particular attention should be given to
P0 for IBend = (Ib adv) + 20%, while the saturation the design of the base drive circuit. It is generally advised
worst-case devices have the same losses at (Ib adv) - 20%. that a high initial base current is applied for a short time to
A typical device now has losses P1 at Ib adv, while the minimise turn-on loss. As a guide-line for turn-off, a base
optimum IBend for the typical case might yield losses P2 at coil should be chosen such that the peak value of the
an approximately 15% lower IBend (NB: this is not a rule, it negative base current equals half the value of the collector
is an example). current.
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
The maximum value for VCEO is important if no snubber is to a real circuit; in practice, currents and voltages will vary
applied; it sets a firm boundary in applications with a very over the switching cycle. The dynamic performance is
fast rising collector voltage and a normal base drive (see different to the static performance. However, a reasonable
also section on SOA). indication can be obtained from these curves.
Currents above a certain value may be destructive if they Both the transition frequency (fT) and the collector
last long enough: bonding wires fuse due to excessive capacitance (Cc or Cob) are minor parameters relating to the
heating. Therefore, short peak currents are allowed well design and processing technology used.
above the rated ICsat with values up to five times this value
Switching times may be given in circuits with an inductive
being published for ICM. Exceeding the published maximum
or a resistive collector load. See Figs. 2a-b for simplified
temperatures is not immediately destructive, but may
test circuits and Figs. 3a-b for waveforms.
seriously affect the useful life of the device. It is well known,
that the useful life of a semiconductor device doubles for
each 10K decrease in working junction temperature. VCC
Another factor that should be kept in mind is the thermal
fatigue behaviour, which strongly depends on the
die-bonding technology used. Philips high voltage devices
are capable of 10,000 cycles with a temperature rise of 90K RL
without any degradation in performance.
This kind of consideration leads to the following advice: RB
under worst case conditions the maximum 0 T.U.T.
case-temperature should not exceed 115 ˚C for reliable tp
operation. This advice is valid regardless of the maximum
temperature being specified. Of course, for storage the T
published values remain valid.
The maximum total power dissipation Ptot is an industry
standard, but not very useful, parameter. It is the quotient
Fig. 2a Test circuit for resistive load
of Tjmax - Tmb and Rth(j-mb) (Rth(j-mb) is the thermal resistance
from junction to mounting base and Tmb is assumed to be VCC
25˚C). This implies a rather impractical infinite heatsink,
kept at 25˚C !
Electrical Characteristics LC
Static parameters characterise leakage currents, hFE,
saturation voltages; dynamic parameters and switching
times, but also include transition frequency and collector IBon LB
To start: ICsat, the collector saturation current, is that value -VBB
of the collector current where both saturation and switching
properties of the devices are specified. ICsat is not a
characteristic that can be measured, but it is used as an
indication of the of the peak working current allowed through Fig. 2b Test circuit for inductive load
a device.
When comparing similar devices from different
In the off-state various leakage currents are specified,
manufacturers one is confronted with a great variety of base
however, these are of little use as they indicate the low level
drive conditions. The positive base current (+IB) may be
of dissipation in the off state. Also a VCEOsust is specified,
the same as the one used in the VCEsat spec. but also lower
usually being equal to the max. VCEO. For switching
values (up to 40% lower) or desaturation networks may be
purposes it is the RBSOA that is important (see next
used, yielding better ts and tf values. The negative base
drive, -IB, may equal +IB or it may be twice this value, yielding
In the on state the saturation voltages VCEsat and, to a lesser a shorter ts, and sometimes it is determined by switching
extent, VBEsat are important. VCEsat is an indication of the the base to a negative voltage, possibly via a base coil.
saturation losses and VBEsat normally influences base drive. Altogether it is quite confusing and when comparing
Sometimes worst case VCEsat is given as a function of both switching times one should be well aware of all the
IC and IB. It is not possible to precisely relate these curves differences!
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Ic (A)
emitter drive
base drive
200 400 600 800 1000
Vce (V)
Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
power is advised as a starter value; afterwards, the IC-VCE in relatively simple circuits that may be replicated rather
locus must be checked to see if it stays within the published easily e.g. for incoming inspection.
RBSOA curve.
For characteristics both saturation and switching properties Switching times depend strongly on drive conditions. By
are given at ICsat. Most figures are of limited use as they altering them a normal device can be turned into a super
give static conditions, where in a practical situation device. Beware of specmanship, this may disguise poor
properties are time-dependent. Switching times are given tolerance to variations in base drive.
Preface Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
We are grateful for all the contributions from our colleagues within Philips and to the Application Laboratories in Eindhoven
and Hamburg.
We would also like to thank Dr.P.H.Mellor of the University of Sheffield for contributing the application note of section 3.1.5.
The authors thank Mrs.R.Hayes for her considerable help in the preparation of this book.
The authors also thank Mr.D.F.Haslam for his assistance in the formatting and printing of the manuscripts.
Contributing Authors
This book was originally prepared by the Power Semiconductor Applications Laboratory, of the Philips Semiconductors
product division, Hazel Grove:
This book was prepared by the Power Semiconductor Applications Laboratory of the Philips Semiconductors product
division, Hazel Grove. The book is intended as a guide to using power semiconductors both efficiently and reliably in power
conversion applications. It is made up of eight main chapters each of which contains a number of application notes aimed
at making it easier to select and use power semiconductors.
CHAPTER 1 forms an introduction to power semiconductors concentrating particularly on the two major power transistor
technologies, Power MOSFETs and High Voltage Bipolar Transistors.
CHAPTER 2 is devoted to Switched Mode Power Supplies. It begins with a basic description of the most commonly used
topologies and discusses the major issues surrounding the use of power semiconductors including rectifiers. Specific
design examples are given as well as a look at designing the magnetic components. The end of this chapter describes
resonant power supply technology.
CHAPTER 3 describes motion control in terms of ac, dc and stepper motor operation and control. This chapter looks only
at transistor controls, phase control using thyristors and triacs is discussed separately in chapter 6.
CHAPTER 4 looks at television and monitor applications. A description of the operation of horizontal deflection circuits is
given followed by transistor selection guides for both deflection and power supply applications. Deflection and power supply
circuit examples are also given based on circuits designed by the Product Concept and Application Laboratories (Eindhoven).
CHAPTER 5 concentrates on automotive electronics looking in detail at the requirements for the electronic switches taking
into consideration the harsh environment in which they must operate.
CHAPTER 6 reviews thyristor and triac applications from the basics of device technology and operation to the simple design
rules which should be followed to achieve maximum reliability. Specific examples are given in this chapter for a number
of the common applications.
CHAPTER 7 looks at the thermal considerations for power semiconductors in terms of power dissipation and junction
temperature limits. Part of this chapter is devoted to worked examples showing how junction temperatures can be calculated
to ensure the limits are not exceeded. Heatsink requirements and designs are also discussed in the second half of this
CHAPTER 8 is an introduction to the use of high voltage bipolar transistors in electronic lighting ballasts. Many of the
possible topologies are described.
Contents Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Table of Contents
General 3
Power MOSFET 17
2.2.1 Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes for use in High Frequency Rectification 161
2.2.2 Schottky Diodes from Philips Semiconductors .......................................... 173
2.2.3 An Introduction to Synchronous Rectifier Circuits using PowerMOS
Transistors ........................................................................................................... 179
Contents Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
2.3.1 Mains Input 100 W Forward Converter SMPS: MOSFET and Bipolar
Transistor Solutions featuring ETD Cores ........................................................... 187
2.3.2 Flexible, Low Cost, Self-Oscillating Power Supply using an ETD34
Two-Part Coil Former and 3C85 Ferrite .............................................................. 199
2.4.1 Improved Ferrite Materials and Core Outlines for High Frequency Power
Supplies ............................................................................................................... 207
3.1.1 Noiseless A.C. Motor Control: Introduction to a 20 kHz System ............... 245
3.1.2 The Effect of a MOSFET’s Peak to Average Current Rating on Invertor
Efficiency ............................................................................................................. 251
3.1.3 MOSFETs and FREDFETs for Motor Drive Equipment ............................. 253
3.1.4 A Designers Guide to PowerMOS Devices for Motor Control ................... 259
3.1.5 A 300V, 40A High Frequency Inverter Pole Using Paralleled FREDFET
Modules ............................................................................................................... 273
4.2.1 Application Information for the 16 kHz Black Line Picture Tubes .............. 351
4.2.2 32 kHz / 100 Hz Deflection Circuits for the 66FS Black Line Picture Tube 361
4.3.1 A 70W Full Performance TV SMPS Using The TDA8380 ......................... 379
4.3.2 A Synchronous 200W SMPS for 16 and 32 kHz TV .................................. 389
Index Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
Airgap, transformer core, 111, 113 Bridge circuits
Anti saturation diode, 590 see Motor Control - AC
Asynchronous, 497 Brushless motor, 301, 303
Automotive Buck-boost converter, 110
fans Buck converter, 108 - 109
see motor control Burst firing, 537
IGBT, 481, 483 Burst pulses, 564
ignition, 479, 481, 483
lamps, 435, 455 Capacitance
motor control, 425, 457, 459, 471, 475 junction, 29
resistive loads, 442 Capacitor
reverse battery, 452, 473, 479 mains dropper, 544
screen heater, 442 CENELEC, 537
seat heater, 442 Charge carriers, 133
solenoids, 469 triac commutation, 549
TOPFET, 473 Choke
Avalanche, 61 fluorescent lamp, 580
Avalanche breakdown Choppers, 285
thyristor, 490 Clamp diode, 117
Avalanche multiplication, 134 Clamp winding, 113
Baker clamp, 138, 187, 190 diode, 164
Ballast Hi-Com triac, 551
electronic, 580 thyristor, 492
fluorescent lamp, 579 triac, 494, 523, 529
switchstart, 579 Compact fluorescent lamp, 585
Base drive, 136 Continuous mode
base inductor, 147 see Switched Mode Power Supplies
base inductor, diode assisted, 148 Continuous operation, 557
base resistor, 146 Converter (dc-dc)
drive transformer, 145 switched mode power supply, 107
drive transformer leakage inductance, 149 Cookers, 537
electronic ballast, 589 Cooling
forward converter, 187 forced, 572
power converters, 141 natural, 570
speed-up capacitor, 143 Crest factor, 529
Base inductor, 144, 147 Critical electric field, 134
Base inductor, diode assisted, 148 Cross regulation, 114, 117
Boost converter, 109 Current fed resonant inverter, 589
continuous mode, 109 Current Mode Control, 120
discontinuous mode, 109 Current tail, 138, 143
output ripple, 109
Bootstrap, 303 Damper Diodes, 345, 367
Breakback voltage forward recovery, 328, 348
diac, 492 losses, 347
Breakdown voltage, 70 outlines, 345
Breakover current picture distortion, 328, 348
diac, 492 selection guide, 345
Breakover voltage Darlington, 13
diac, 492, 592 Data Sheets
thyristor, 490 High Voltage Bipolar Transistor, 92,97,331
Index Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
starting, 528
Vacuum cleaner, 527
Varistor, 503
Vertical Deflection, 358, 364, 402
Voltage doubling, 122
Water heaters, 537