Veterinary and Animal Science: S. Guerios, K. Orms, M.A. Serrano T
Veterinary and Animal Science: S. Guerios, K. Orms, M.A. Serrano T
Veterinary and Animal Science: S. Guerios, K. Orms, M.A. Serrano T
Original Article
Keywords: In an effort to reduce shelter intake, Miami-Dade Animal Services (MDAS) Pet Retention Program offers care-
Autograft takers with an opportunity to have animals treated for certain medical conditions, free of charge. Discovery of
Perineal hernia new, simple surgical techniques for low-cost procedures provides veterinarians with more surgical solutions,
Tunica vaginalis communis expands the capacity for services provided through low-cost veterinary clinics and other shelter programs, and
provides shelters with life-saving alternatives that will increase adoptability of homeless pets and reduce eu-
Shelter medicine
thanasia rates. The aim of this clinical trial was to describe and to evaluate the use of the autologous tunica
vaginalis communis as a free graft to repair perineal hernia (PH) in intact male dogs at an animal shelter facility.
In 2018, seven male intact dogs, diagnosed with perineal hernias (PH), were presented to MDAS. All dogs had
the surgical reconstruction of the pelvic diaphragm repaired by using the tunica vaginalis communis obtained at
the time of castration, prior to the perineal access, and sutured directly into the perineal defect. Clinical outcome
including postoperative complications and hernia recurrence were obtained via telephone communication. The
median follow-up time was 13 months. None of the dogs included in this study had recurrence of the PH. All dogs
were adopted, were transferred to animal rescue organizations or were returned to their owners after the surgical
procedure. The use of tunica vaginalis communis autograft is a simple, low-cost surgical technique that requires
less surgical expertise and training and can be used for perineal herniorrhaphy in dogs, without long-term
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Guerios).
Received 21 October 2019; Received in revised form 28 May 2020; Accepted 29 May 2020
Available online 31 May 2020
2451-943X/ Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Guerios, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 9 (2020) 100122
the time of herniorrhaphy to reduce the incidence of recurrence the hernia, 1-2cm lateral to the anus, extending from the base of the tail
(Snell et al., 2015). Frequent complications observed after PH repair to the midpoint between the ischial tuberosity and the pubis. The
include wound infection and dehiscence, persistence of clinical signs subcutaneous tissues were bluntly dissected until identification of the
such as tenesmus and fecal incontinence, rectal prolapse and hernia hernial sac. The hernial sac was incised and the herniated organs were
recurrence (Hosgood et al., 1995). identified and manually returned to anatomic position (Figure 3).
The tunica vaginalis communis has been experimentally used for After the hernia was reduced, the perineal structures were identi-
reconstruction of abdominal wall defects, urethral defects, urinary fied: dorsolaterally, the coccygeous and levator ani muscles; laterally,
bladder defects and hernia repair (Hafeez et al., 2005; Leslie et al., the sacrotuberous ligament; medially, the rectum and external anal
2009; Wongsetthachai et al., 2011). The autologous tunica vaginalis sphincter; and ventrally, the internal obturator muscle. The prepared
communis was described by Pratummintra (2013) to repair PH in 9 tunica was placed into the hernial defect with 4 horizontal mattress
dogs. In this report, a success rate of 90.91% was achieved by har- sutures (2/0 - 3/0 monofilament nonabsorbable polypropylene),
vesting the tunica vaginalis communis via closed orchiectomy prior to starting from the graft to the coccygeous, sacrotuberous ligment, peri-
the herniorrhaphy (Pratummintra et al., 2013). The aim of this case osteum of the ischial border and internal obturator muscle. Simple
study was to describe the successful use of a low-cost surgical technique continuous sutures were placed between the simple interrupted sutures,
that requires low surgical training and expertise as an alternative for PH including the tunica and the diaphragm muscles to keep the draft under
repair in shelter dogs as well as reporting the outcome and recurrence tension, so as to keep the pelvic and abdominal viscera reduced and to
rate in dogs treated with an autologus tunica vaginalis communis. support the rectal wall (Figure 4).
The subcutaneous tissue was closed over the graft using a simple
Materials and Methods continuous pattern (3/0 absorbable polyglycolic acid), and the skin was
apposed with cruciate interrupted pattern (3/0 absorbable polyglycolic
During 2018, ten male dogs were diagnosed with PH at the MDAS acid). Purse string was removed.
shelter. All animals included in the study were intact male dogs that
had a perineal hernia confirmed by rectal examination and were sur- Postoperative evaluation
gically treated with an autologous tunica vaginalis communis. Cases
with a minimum 11 months follow up were included. Pre-surgical All dogs received buprenorphine (0.02mg/kg, IM, every 12 hours
evaluation included clinical signs and a complete physical examination. for 3 days) post-operatively for 3 days, carprofen (4.4mg/kg orally
Three days before surgery, patients were prescribed lactulose (0.3ml/ every 24 hours for 5 days) and lactulose (0.3ml/kg, PO, twice a day for
kg, PO, twice a day) as a stool softener. Administration of subcutaneous 5-10 days). An Elizabethan collar was placed until suture removal.
Ringer Lactate fluids (25ml/kg) and manual removal of the feces were Follow-up information was provided by phone call. Attention was fo-
performed on the surgery day when fecal impaction was present. cused on post-operative clinical signs including difficulty to defecate,
local pain, blood on the stools, diarrhea, surgical site dehiscence and
Anesthesia and Analgesia infection and hernia recurrence.
Anesthesia and pain management protocols were similar for all Tunica vaginalis measurement
dogs. Dogs were anesthetized with a combination of dexmedetomidine,
ketamine and butorphanol (DKT) mixed in equal proportions. A parallel study was performed to correlate the dogs’ weight with
Anesthesia was induced by an intramuscular (IM) injection of DKT at the tunica vaginalis size. Seventy-one random dogs from the shelter,
0.06ml/kg. Cefovecina (8 mg/kg, SQ) and carprofen (4.4mh/kg, SQ) that were presented for routine neuter, were included. Dogs were
were administered to all dogs preoperatively. An endotracheal tube was weighted prior to anesthesia induction. These patients followed the
placed, and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane at 100% oxygen same anesthesia, analgesia and closed pre-scrotal orchiectomy proto-
(1-2 l/min). Anesthesia was monitored by pulse-oximeter for the cols as PH dogs. After the vaginal tunic was harvested from the testicle
duration of the procedure. and opened along the greater curvature, the rectangular shape was
measured in centimeter (length top, left bottom, width left and width
Surgical technique right).
The skin of the perineum, scrotum and caudal aspect of the hind Results
limbs were clipped and aseptically prepared. The rectum was digitally
emptied, a gauze sponge was placed in the rectum and a temporary A total of 10 dogs were diagnosed with PH in 2018 (12-month
purse-string suture was placed around the anus. The dogs were posi- period). Seven sexually intact male dogs were included in the study,
tioned in dorsal recumbence for closed pre-scrotal orchiectomy. A with a total of 8 perineal hernias repaired. Three dogs were excluded
midline pre-scrotal incision was made over the cranially displaced from the study, two of them were already neutered and one had com-
testicle, into the subcutaneous tissue and the spermatic fascia, to allow plications during anesthetic induction and surgery was not performed.
exposure of the parietal vaginal tunic. The scrotal fat and fascia were Median age was 9 years old (ranged from 8 to 12, average 9.57 ± 1.51).
stripped from the tunica, the spermatic cords were ligated, and the The median weight was 5kg (ranged from 3.6 to 34, average
testicles were removed. The pre-scrotal incision was closed in two 14.64 ± 16.74). Six dogs had unilateral (5 left side hernias, 1 right side)
layers: both subcutaneous and intradermal layers were closed by simple and one dog had a bilateral PH. Clinical signs included perineal swel-
continuous patterns (monofilament absorbable suture) and the skin was ling (7), straining to defecate (7), constipation (3) and fecal impaction
apposed with tissue glue. (3). Periprostatic fat and omentum (3), small intestine (2), and rectum
The vaginal tunic was harvested from the testicle and opened along deviation (4) were found in the hernias at the time of surgery. Dogs’
the greater curvature of the testis with Metzenbaum scissors (Figure 1). outcome after surgery included return to owner via retention program
The tunic was placed between sterile gauze sponges and soaked with (2), adoption (2) and rescue with further adoption (3).
sterile ringer lactate solution until use. All dogs left the shelter 12-24 hours after the surgical procedure. We
Immediately after castration, dogs were placed in ventral re- recommended soft food diet and lactulose for 5 to 10 days. Follow-up
cumbency with lightly elevated hindquarters, the hind limbs were time ranged from 9 to 17 months (average 12.14 ± 2.97). Clinical
hanging over the edge of the surgical table and the tail was secured in a findings, hernia content and outcome for the 7 dogs included in the
cranial position (Figure 2). A dorsoventral skin incision was made over present study are summarized in Table 1. All dogs had excellent
S. Guerios, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 9 (2020) 100122
Fig. 1. After a closed castration (A), the tunica vaginalis communis was opened along the greater curvature of the testis with Metsenbaum scissors (B), it was
harvested from the testicle (C) and a rectangular like shape was obtained.
outcomes. Two dogs presented difficulty to defecate, that was resolved 50 kg). Average weight and tunica vaginalis measurement are pre-
a week after the surgery. The owners, rescue partners and adopters sented in Table 2.
were aware that their pet had a PH repaired and informed that no
surgical site complications and PH recurrence were observed.
Seventy-one dogs that had the tunica vaginalis harvest for mea- Discussion
surement, were grouped by body weight (2 - 10 kg, 11 - 25 kg and 26 -
Among the reasons for dog surrender or euthanasia at shelters are
Fig. 2. Dogs were placed in ventral recumbence with lightly elevated hindquarters, the hind limbs were hanging over the edge of the surgical table and the tail was
secured in a cranial position.
S. Guerios, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 9 (2020) 100122
Fig. 3. Intraoperative view of the PH access. A dorsoventral skin incision was made over the hernia and the herniated organs were identified after the hernial sac was
incised (A). After the hernia reduction, perineal structures were identified (B).
medical conditions that are considered “demanding” of veterinary Conditions requiring surgery are often the cause of pet relinquishment
treatment (Lund et al. 2010; Lambert et al., 2015). The implementation due to affordability of these procedures as well as the impact they have
of novel and attainable surgical techniques in the veterinary field re- on the pet's quality of life when not appropriately treated. The present
duces pet relinquishment and decreases euthanasia of dogs and cats. study demonstrates that by providing a reliable and affordable tech-
Some of these procedures often require a certain level of surgical nique that requires less surgical expertise, will broaden the availability
training and expertise that will result in services not available to the pet of this surgical procedure throughout veterinary practices, which might
caretakers seeking low-cost veterinary services. reduce pet relinquishment and euthanasia. In shelters, this technique
Perineal hernias are frequently observed in intact mature male dogs. will also increase the chances for a positive outcome and reduce the
S. Guerios, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 9 (2020) 100122
Table 1
Clinical characteristics at presentation, intraoperative findings, patient outcome and follow up month of seven dogs repaired by autologous tunica vaginalis com-
Dog Age, Breed, Weight Perineal hernia Clinical signs at presentation Intraoperative findings (hernia Patient outcome Follow up (months)*
side contents)
1 8y, Rottweiler, 34kg Left Perineal swelling, dyschezia, constipation, Rectum deviation rescue 17
fecal impaction
2 11y, Terrier mix, 6.3kg Bilateral Perineal swelling, dyschezia Right side (Small intestines) retention 14
Left Side (omentum, fat)
3 12y, Terrier mix, 5.4kg Right Perineal swelling, dyschezia Rectum deviation retention 14
4 10y, Chihuahua, 4.5kg Left Perineal swelling, dyschezia Small intestines, omentum, fat rescue 11
5 9y, Yorkshire, 5kg Left Perineal swelling, dyschezia, constipation, Rectum deviation rescue 11
fecal impaction
6 8y, Chihuahua, 3.6kg Left Perineal swelling, dyschezia Omentum, fat, rectum deviation rescue 11
7 9y, Terrier mix, 5kg Left Perineal swelling, dyschezia, constipation, Rectum deviation rescue 11
Fecal impaction
Table 2
Dogs average weight ( ± standard deviation) and tunica vaginalis measurement (length and width; ± standard deviation) after pre-scrotal castration.
Weight Group (kg) Length top (cm) Length bottom (cm) Width left (cm) Width right (cm)
6.31 ( ± 5.56) 5.26 ( ± 1.03) 5.13 ( ± 1.2) 4.77 ( ± 1.32) 4.76 ( ± 1.42)
17.92( ± 6.55) 6.96 ( ± 1.96) 6.68 ( ± 1.91) 5.71 ( ± 1.41) 5.86 ( ± 1.01)
31.89( ± 12.2) 10.24 ( ± 2.3) 9.52 ( ± 1.87) 8.47 ( ± 1.50) 7.97 ( ± 1.34)
length of stay (LOS) for shelter dogs. All dogs included in the study tissue (Wrobel, 1998). It has no antigenic properties
were adopted or returned to their owner via retention program. (Pratummintra et al., 2013), thus has been experimentally used for
The use of the autologous tunica vaginalis communis is an alter- reconstruction of urethral defects in rabbits (Atalan et al., 2005;
native in cases in which the internal obturator muscle is atrophied and Bongartz et al., 2005), abdominal wall defects in rats (Hafeez et al.,
is not viable to repair the perineal diaphragm, because it appears to 2005), umbilical hernias in sheep (Abass, 2008) and urinary bladder
have less postoperative complications such as infection rates than those wall defects in dogs (Wongsetthachai et al., 2011). After implantation,
reported with the use of synthetic mesh (Szabo et al., 2007). This neo capillaries and fibrous connective tissue from adjacent muscles will
technique also proved to be a technique that requires less surgeon ex- fill the graft (Pratummintra et al., 2013) thus strengthening the pelvic
pertise and is a suitable and low-cost alternative for PH repair in dogs. diaphragm.
These characteristics make this technique a feasible alternative for use There are few sources describing the use of tunica vaginalis com-
in low-cost settings such as shelters and nonprofit organizations, as well munis to repair PH. One study reported the use of pedicle flap with the
as private clinics and specialty practices. By using this technique, the tunica in one dog (Tanaka et al., 2004), and a second study successfully
pelvic diaphragm was strengthened, and the hernias were repaired reported the application of a free graft in 9 dogs (Pratummintra et al.,
without recurrence or major complications within 11-18 months. 2013). Compared to the pedicle flap, the graft is less technical since the
Internal obturator muscle transposition is the conventional proce- flap requires implantation into the perineal region via the abdominal
dure for PH repair, although difficulties in restoring the pelvic dia- cavity (Tanaka et al., 2004). Compared to the fascia lata graft, the tu-
phragm due to muscle atrophy (Shaughnessy and Monnet, 2015), sur- nica vaginalis communis does not require an additional surgical site,
geon inexperience (Sjollema and Van Sluijs, 1989; Marretta and since routine castration is usually performed simultaneously with the
Matthiesen, 1989; Orsher, 1989), and recurrence have been reported PH repair (Pratummintra et al., 2013). Fascia lata grafts can be asso-
(Sjollema and Van Sluijs, 1989;Shaughnessy and Monnet, 2015). The ciated with donor site morbidity including seroma, hematoma, pain,
treatment for PH with a lateral rectal sacculation has been successfully wound dehiscence and lameness of the donor limb (Bongartz et al.,
achieved with the transposition of internal obturator muscle, while a 2005; Lambert et al., 2015). Castration performed at the time of the PH
rectal ventral support has been effectively achieved by the semi- repair causes the prostate gland to atrophy within 2-3 weeks. Increased
tendinous muscle transposition. The combination of both techniques prostate size is related to constipation, which may result in rectal sac-
can be used to provide lateral and ventral support with lower recur- culation/diverticulum and PH recurrence (Hosgood et al., 1995;
rence rate (Morello et al., 2015). The combination of these two tech- Snell et al., 2015; Hayashi et al., 2016).
niques to repair the pelvic diaphragm is a complex and advanced sur- Minor modifications of the technique previous described by
gical procedure that cannot be learned easily without proper surgical Patrummintra (2013), were made to allow a faster and easier surgical
training and expertise, which creates a challenge to non-certified ve- procedure. The tunica was harvested and cut along the greatest cur-
terinary surgeons. vature, achieving a rectangle shape. The longest side of the tunica was
In this study, a free graft of the autologous tunica vaginalis com- oriented dorsal to ventral to the pelvic diaphragm muscles and sutured.
munis was used to fill in the pelvic diaphragm. Various biomaterials The decision was made not to cut the tunica in a triangle shape to ac-
have been used to repair PH, including fascia lata, canine small intes- count for the possibility of intense muscle atrophy and ensure coverage
tine submucosa and tunica vaginalis communis (Lee et al., 2012; of the entire defect in every case. The graft was placed at the pelvic area
Pratummintra et al., 2013; Guerios et al., 2017). Biomaterials are pre- with four (4) simple interrupted sutures. Subsequently, simple con-
ferable over synthetic mesh materials, since fewer postoperative com- tinuous sutures were placed between the previous interrupted sutures.
plications have been reported (Gill and Barstad, 2018). Advantages of The continuous sutures were intended to provide tension on the graft
the use of autologous tissue when reconstructing the pelvic diaphragm and to close any gaps between the sutures. These modifications allowed
includes a reduction of foreign body reactions, postoperative seromas us to obtain a steady pelvic diaphragm and optimized surgical time. A
and wound infections. The tunica vaginalis communis originates from polypropylene monofilament nonabsorbable suture material, was used
the peritoneum, and it is composed of mesothelium and connective for suturing, because it is relatively inert and provides strength for a
S. Guerios, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 9 (2020) 100122
sustained period (Aronson, 2018). may interfere with the veterinary doctors’ decision to not treat this
The incorporation of the sacrotuberous ligament was considered disorder. This decision may have variable impacts on the animal out-
primordial to achieve surgical success. The sacrotubeous ligament has a come, leading to animal relinquishment and in some cases euthanasia.
persistent stiffness and has the ability to replace the coccygeal muscle The most suitable technique to prevent or treat PH will rely on sur-
that in many of these cases is atrophied. Sciatic nerve entrapment has geon's ability and experience. We demonstrated that the surgical
been described on PH repairs that include the sacrotuberous ligament treatment of PH with autologous tunica vaginalis communis graft is a
(Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2016). In the present study, the ligament was low-cost procedure, that requires minimal surgical training and ex-
penetrated instead of being encircled. Care was taken to place the pertise which allows adequate filling of the pelvic diaphragm defect,
needle close to the ischiatic attachment in order to avoid sciatic nerve providing sufficient perineal strength to avoid recurrence.
damage. No patient presented sciatic nerve dysfunction during the
follow up time. Declaration of Competing Interest
An abdominal approach combined with the perineal repair had been
recommended to treat bilateral and complicated PH. Colopexy, cysto- None of the authors has any financial or personal relationships that
pexy and vas deferens pexy performed prior to the PH repair can reduce could inappropriately influence or bias the content of the paper.
the risk of recurrence and facilitates herniorrhaphy (Brissot et al.,
2004). In the present study, these techniques were not performed, since References
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