27-Vcsarticle 5
27-Vcsarticle 5
27-Vcsarticle 5
Successful Management of Pervious Urachus by Orthogonal Subcutaneous
Ram Niwas1, Sandeep Kumar2, Dinesh1* and Sandeep Saharan3
Assistant Professor, 2Scientist, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, 3Assistant Professor, Department
of Veterinary Clinical Complex, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hisar, Haryana,
* Pervious urachus is a congenital abnormality characterised by
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dribbling of urine and wetting of area around umbilicus. Three new born
Dinesh calves were presented with history of dribbling of urine form umbilical area
E mail: dd2012vets@gmail.com since birth. Authors surgically managed three cases by subcutaneous
ligatures centring urachal opening. To the best of author’s knowledge till
Received: 08/09/2020 presentation of this article, there are no published peer-reviewed case
Accepted: 29/09/2020 reports of this procedure in calves.
a b c
Fig 1: (a) Very close serving of umbilicus (b) Pervious urachus with umbilical stump (c) Subcutaneous ligature.
4. Result and Discussion major surgery in neonatal life. The reduced abdominal
Patent urachus is a condition in which the exposure of this minimally invasive technique makes it
urachal duct fails to degenerate after parturition. During a suitable especially under field conditions. The time
prenatal life, the urachus forms the communication taken from incision of the skin to last suture was
between the bladder and the allantoic cavity for urine considered as the time required for surgery. The mean
excretion. Failure of the duct to close at birth leads to time taken for this technique was 7.6 minutes (range
this anomaly which is commonly found in calves (Rao five to 10 minutes). Large laparotomy incision exposes
et al., 2000). This reported technique is very simple and a larger area of the peritoneal cavity to the outside
applicable to all non infected cases of pervious urachus. environment for a longer time that further increases the
Further it does not compromise vascular supply distal chances of infection (Fazili et al., 2010).
to ligatures because subcutaneous blood vessels nourish
the stump distal to applied ligatures. Main objective of 5. Conclusion
conventional surgical and conservative technique is to The technique used in the present study is non
obliterate the abnormal urinary passage. But in invasive and requires minimal suturing. Unlike the
conventional surgical technique there is necessity of conventional surgical procedure, this does not involve
opening the abdominal cavity and in later there may be long laparotomy incision. The reduced abdominal
reoccurrence and surgical treatment is indicated (Singh exposure makes it a suitable alternative procedure,
et al., 2020; Khan et al., 2020). Using this technique especially under field conditions.
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