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2 authors, including:
Gokulakrishnan Marudhamuthu
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
All content following this page was uploaded by Gokulakrishnan Marudhamuthu on 23 July 2020.
Abstract: A 2 year old intact domestic tom cat weighing 4.75 kg was referred to Small Animal Surgery Out Patient unit of Madras
Veterinary College Teaching Hospital with the history of intermittent licking of its genitalia, hematuria and stranguria with progressive
reduction in appetite for the past two weeks.Clinical examination revealed a distended, tensed abdomen, which on palpation, depicted
bladder involvement that was painful and unresponsive to manual decompression. A distended obstructive bladder was noticed along
with dorsal and cranial displacement of adjacent organs on a lateral and ventrodorsal abdominal radiograph, in addition
ultrasonography was performed to rule out bladder epithelial health. On ultrasound thickened bladder wall with non shadowing
sediments along with a dilated pelvic urethra was noticed in addition to an hyperechoic mass obstructing the distal penile urethra.
Based upon the radiograph and ultrasonographic findings the case was tentatively diagnosed as obstructive urolithiasis
1. Case presentation and Diagnosis distended on following day.The presence of a urethral plug
occluding the urethral lumen was considered to be the most
A 2-year-old intact domestic tom cat weighing 4.75 kg was likely cause of obstruction based on the information
referred to Small Animal Surgery Out Patient unit of Madras collected from the history, radiograph and urinalysis,
Veterinary College Teaching Hospital with the history of although it was not possible to quantify the degree of
intermittent licking of its genitalia, hematuria and stranguria contribution of urethral spasm and oedema to this problem.
with progressive reduction in appetite for the past two
weeks.The cat discussed in the case report was mainly kept 2. Treatment
indoors and its owners described it asa “lazy” and “nervy”
pet. Additionally, it exhibited a high body condition score, The cat was premedicated with diazepam @ 0.5 mg/kg body
which may have contributed to the primary episode of weight and Butorphanol @ 0.2mg/kg body weight
urethral obstruction. Clinical examination revealed a intravenously. Anaesthesia was induced with propofol @
distended, tensed abdomen, which on palpation, depicted 4mg/kg body weight intravenously. The perineal urethra is
bladder involvement that was painful and unresponsive to the location of choice for urethrostomy in cats. It is a
manual decompression. A distended obstructive bladder convenient location for surgical manipulation, the urethral
was noticed along with dorsal and cranial displacement of diameter will accommodate passage of most urethral calculi
adjacent organs on a lateral and ventrodorsal abdominal and there is less urine scald postoperatively. Prior to surgery
radiograph, in addition ultrasonography was performed to a urethral catheter is passed, if possible. After a routine
rule out bladder epithelial health. On ultrasound thickened castration, an elliptical incision is made around the scrotum
bladder wall with non-shadowing sediments along with a and penis. Then the subcutaneous tissues are dissected to
dilated pelvic urethra was noticed in addition to an expose penile urethra. The penile urethra is dissected free
hyperechoic mass obstructing the distal penile urethra. from surrounding connective tissue. The ventral attachment
Based upon the radiograph and ultrasonographic findings the of the pelvic urethral to the pubis (i.e., ishiocavernosus m.)
case was tentatively diagnosed as obstructive urolithiasis. is identified and transected. The penile urethra is freed from
The pet was sedated with butorphanol and diazepam @ 0.2 its connective tissue attachments to the pelvic floor using
mg/kg and 0.25 mg/kg intravenous respectively following blunt digital dissection. The retractor penis muscle is
which, conservative management was performed through identified on the dorsal aspect of the penis and is dissected
tom cat catherization to relieve the obstruction, to provide from its attachment on the penis. The dissected retractor
patency and to carry out urinalysis. Urinalysis revealed a penis muscle is then used to develop the dorsal plane of
less acidic pH (7.3), increased specific gravity and presence dissection to separate the pelvic urethra from its dorsal
of struvite crystals with epithelial cells and RBCS. A routine connective tissue attachments. Once the urethra is dissected
hematobiochemical profile was taken to rule out organ enough to visualize the dorsolateral located bulbourethral
health which revealed marginal anaemia., glands penile dissection was stopped. The penis is
thrombocytopaenia, azotaemia and hyperkalemia. Patient catheterized and the urethral orifice identified.
was stabilised with intravenous fluid therapy to restore
hydration and urine output was quantitated during the first An incision is made from the penile urethra to the pelvic
24 hours.Despite catheterization, pet evinced unsuccessful urethral to the level of the bulbourethral glands using an Iris
micturition, subsequently the bladder was periodically scissor. The urethral orifice at the level of the bulbourethral
Catheter In Situ
Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20203213826
View publication stats DOI: 10.21275/SR20203213826 426