MPD New Techniques
MPD New Techniques
MPD New Techniques
Bringing Excellence in Open Access
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Research
Research Article *Corresponding author
Mohamed Wefky El-Sherif, Department of Surgery
Abstract Keywords
A new medial patellar desmotomy technique in cattle and donkeys (Equus acinus) • Patella
is presented. It has been successfully applied to 20 alive animals. The technique is simple, • Desmotomy
takes few minutes and easily applicable. In contrast to other techniques designed for medial • Donkey
patellar ligament desmotomy; the present technique is less invasive, the skin at the surgical • Cattle
site is not incised, following certain recommendations; the pericapsular fat and joint capsule • Upward fixation
are not invaded and the ligament is fully transected in a one-step procedure. Minimal tissue
invasiveness limits the infection of the surgical site, minimizes bleeding and decreases their
related postoperative consequences. On clinical application; the present approach was
feasible, reliable and less time and tool requiring.
Cite this article: El-Sherif MW (2017) New Technique for Medial Patellar Desmotomy in Cattle and Donkeys. J Vet Med Res 4(6): 1091.
El-Sherif (2017)
Bringing Excellence in Open Access
Clinical case study the other finger) at the space between the middle and medial
The study was approved by the animal welfare committee of patellar ligaments. The two ends of the silk strand were grasped
the faculty of veterinary medicine, New Valley (August, 2016). with both hands and was used to transect the ligament with
sawing action movements. Sawing stops when the “POP” sound
The new technique was performed on five donkeys and eight indicating the completion of ligament transection heard. The silk
cows. Participated animals were local breed adults. They were strand removed and surgical site disinfected again. Antibiotic,
of variable sexes, ages (7-13 years for donkeys and 2-5 years anti-inflammatory and anti-tetanic prophylaxis remedies were
for cattle) and weights (120- 160 kg for donkeys and 350-420 administered.
kg for cattles). Animals were sedated with xylazine Hcl (Xylaject,
ADWIA pharma, Egypt), (1mg/kg and 0.1mg/kg) administered RESULTS
intravenously in donkeys and cattle respectively.
The anatomical study revealed the optimal site for the needle
Donkeys were secured with ropes and kept in standing insertion at the cranial aspect of the stifle three fingers breadth
position while cows were positioned in lateral recumbency with above the point of tibial tuberosity. This site is safe due to presence
the affected limb upward. Stifle region of the affected limb was of pericapsular fat while, above this point, danger to traumatize
clipped and disinfected with absolute alcohol wipes followed superficial branch of the saphenous nerve or penetration of the
by application of povidone iodine solution (Betadine, Mondio, medial extension of femuro-patellar capsule presents.
Switzerland). Ten milliliters of lidocaine Hcl 2% (Depocaine,
The surgical procedure was feasible, time and money saving
Depiky pharma, Egypt) was injected at the surgical site beneath
and not required special instruments. The mean operative time
the skin and deep between the middle and medial patellar
calculated between the needle insertion and removal of silk
ligaments. Further disinfection was performed with alcohol
strand from the surgical site was 3 ± 1 minutes.
wipes and Betadine solution. The medial patellar ligament was
located with its insertion to the tibial tuberosity then held with Skin was not incised. Instrument needed are half circle
the tips of thumb and index fingers of the left hand (the operator reverse cutting needle, needle driver and silk strand (USP 1) in an
is right handed). With the opposite hand, a sterile strand of silk appropriate length. Minute bleeding at points of needle insertion
(USP 1) mounted on a half circle cutting needle is advanced and exit which stopped spontaneously. A hearable “POP”
through skin at the medial aspect of the medial patellar ligament sound indicated complete transection of tensed medial patellar
(at the tip of finger) to the subcutaneous fascia and directed ligament. All participated animals retained normal posture and
beneath the ligament to emerge the opposite side (at the tip of be able to walk normal immediately after the procedure.
Bringing Excellence in Open Access
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