The LSM Workbench is an SAP R/3 based tool that supports the one-time or periodic transfer
of data from non-SAP systems ("legacy systems") to SAP systems.
The data can be transferred to SAP system by using Batch Input, Direct Input, Intermediate
documents (IDOCS) and BAPI’s (Business Applications Programming Interface).
1) Std. batch / Direct Input – In this method, the entire field mapping will be done
automatically with standard MAP and we cannot skip any field.
2) Batch input recording - This method is more user specific. We can do recording as
per user requirement & can skip any which is not required. Functional consultants more
often use this method.
3) BAPI – An ABAP Programmer defines own interface using a BAPI and implement them
to conduct large scale data migration from legasy system to SAP system.
4) IDOC - This method is used for the purpose of copying from one Business to other
business. The prerequisites for this is both the SAP version should be same when you
copying from one server to other server.
If you are a functional consultant prefer direct input or Batch input recording (if these methods
exist for your situation).
If you are a technical person with ABAP knowledge, prefer to BAPI/IDOC methods.
LSMW is standard sap application. T-code
BDC is customized applications. T-code SHDB.
SAP System will take care for mapping User has to give mapping explicitly.
Import methods: Direct input, Batch input There are two methods to implement BDC: (a) Call
recording, BAPI, IDOC. Transaction Method. (b) Session Method.
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Let’s learn LSMW with Batch input recording method.
T-Code – LSMW
Give unique names for Projects, Sub-project and object. Click on Create. Click on Execute.
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Let’s look each step in detail.
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Click on create recordings.
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Fill all details and create vendor.
Press CTRL+Y, and copy all technical field names and description which captured in recording.
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Copy fields in excel file.
Use Text to Column option in excel and saperate technical name and description.
Now Copy all technical names, Go to sheet 2, Right click and Use option paste special.
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Prepare file which needs to be upload.
Fill all details exactly under all columns. If some field contains value starts with 0 (For eg.
Payment term -0001), Convert that column in to text format then paste value in it.
Also, If we do not want to put any value for particular field and want to skip that field from
transaction, then use ” /” instead of actual value.
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In SAP, click on save and press Back button.
Place cursor in recording field and Press F4. Recording name populate in recording field.
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If we observe, we found that previously there were 20 steps while executing LSMW, but now it
is showing 14 steps. It is because, we have selected Batch Input recording method.
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Click on Table maintenance options.
Put all field in field name column. Provide data type (usually C) and maximum length for field.
Go to SE12 Select View Put technical field name and click on Display.
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Now In LSMW, Click on back button and Save.
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System will show below message. Press Continue. SAVE.
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Keep on press “Accept proposal” for all proposals. Save.
7. Specify Files
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Place cursor on first line and go to change mode.
Brows file which needs to be upload. Provide name for file. Select Tabulator option.
8. Assign Files
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9. Read Data
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10. Display Read Data
Click any one of row. Check system read data correctly or not.
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12. Display Converted Data
Click on Continue.
Select Keep batch input folder(s)? Checkbox and click on execute. It will create 1 batch input
folder. Click on continue. It will take you to last step.
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14. Run Batch Input Session
Select option Background, system will complete the task and provide us logs.
After batch process, Click on Log options. It will give below screen.
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Thank you.
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