Report 3
Report 3
Report 3
The school and the community are the mainsprings of effective and powerful forces that
can create a wholesome climate for mutual gains and betterment. They can forge a kind of
partnership where both are willing to share information as well as responsibilities to the best
interest of the children while in school. Likewise, when dealing with members of the community.
Parents from the community are ready to offer much- needed assistance in terms of resources
while teachers are equally committed to spend time, effort, and expertise in serving the school
children. Ensuring strong alliance is guaranteed to foster sound academic practices in the school,
civic mindedness, and public accountability in the community. A positive affiliation is an
overwhelming bond that all stakeholders are willing to be part of.
In recognition of the tremendous benefits that school and community residents stand to
experience and enjoy some teaming up will be suggested.
2. Solutions
The best way to thresh out causes and come up with solutions is to conduct a
dialogue wherein parents may be invited to drop by the school, or the teacher may pay a
visit to their home.
a. A calm and friendly face-to-face exchange of observations could straighten
some disturbing interactions ending with a promise of undertaking remediation
in both quarters.
b. Positive attitudes of kindheartedness and patience are developed through
c. Regularity in attendance and doing daily assignments need strong motivation
and encouragement from both sides.
d. Letters and praises to parents for outstanding performances build confidence
and strengthen determination to continue the good work.
e. Interesting lessons never fail to motivate students to be present everyday for an
enjoyable participation in them
f. Extremes of behavior need detailed consideration of past experiences in school
and at home
3. Values developed
Values and strong inclinations are instilled starting from the home and are
developed further in the school. Some of the most desirable are:
a. Respect for elders and for the rights of others
b. Cooperation
c. Willingness to share
d. Deep sense of responsibility and
e. Persistence Students exhibiting exemplary traits must be given due recognition.
Awards conferred upon responsible and well-behaved students set examples
that are emulated
4. Interests
Special interest and innate talents noticed at a young age such as heightened
prosperity for music and drama, athletics and the arts must be attended to by sensitive
mentors and guardians in order to provide them with continued opportunities to attain full
realization of their natural gifts.
1. Collaborative relationships
a. The school officials actively participate in community projects such as literacy
assistance project for out-of-school children and house campaign for healthful
b. The municipal/city officials are likewise ready to provide help not only in
improving the physical facilities of the school but also paying the salaries of
teachers who for the moment do not have teacher items. There are a number of
school-board-paid teachers in the country. During historic celebrations in both
places, participation by each is easily elicited with such positive and civic
consciousness activities enjoyed by the school and the community, a strong
feeling of togetherness becomes evident.
2. Organized associations
Schools have organized Parent- Teacher Associations (formerly referred to as
Parents Teachers and Community Associations) with the officers coming from both their
members. They undertake projects and activities aimed at promoting a harmonious and
enjoyable relationship among themselves. Regular meetings are conducted to discuss
activities that are intended to improve /assist conditions prevailing in both. A strong spirit
of cooperation is exhibited as well as sharing of expertise and material resources.
Representations during town or school affairs create strong ties among the members, thus
helping hands are volunteered in times of needs.
The Brigada Eskwela is another example of collaboration among school, parents,
and community. Brigada Eskwela conducted at the beginning of the school year is now
institutionalized at the Department of Education and has resulted to strong partnership of
the school with the community. This is DepEd’s National School’s Maintenance Week
meant to help schools prepare for the opening of classes with the assistance of education
stakeholder by repairing and cleaning public schools nationwide. Brigada Eskwela aims
to revive the bayanihan spirit among Filipinos by engaging the participation of education
stakeholders in the community.
With the implementation of School-Based Management (SBM) the Supreme
Student Government (SSG) per school has been organized. The Supreme Student
Government (SSG) is more than the PTA in the sense that the SSG shares in the task of
policy making in the school with the school head leading.
Many of today's leaders in education, business and community development are coming
to realize schools alone cannot prepare our youth for productive adulthood. It is evident schools
and communities should work closely with each other to meet their mutual goals. Schools can
provide more support for students, families, and staff when they are an integral part of the
community. On the other hand, agencies can make services more accessible to youth and
families by linking with schools, and they can connect better with and have an impact on hard-
to-reach clients. Appropriate and effective collaboration and teaming are seen as key factors to
community development, learning and family self-sufficiency.
School-community partnerships can interconnect together many resources and strategies
to enhance communities that support all youth and their families. They could improve schools,
strengthen neighborhoods and lead to a noticeable reduction in young people's problems.
Building such partnerships requires visioning, strategic planning, creative leadership, and new
multifaceted roles for professionals who work in schools and communities.