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Project Estimation Techniques

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Project Estimation Techniques

Project manager can estimate the listed factors using two broadly recognized techniques –
Decomposition Technique
Decomposition Technique This technique assumes the software as a product of various
compositions. There are two main models:-
 Line of Code Estimation is done on behalf of number of line of codes in the
software product.
 Function Points Estimation is done on behalf of number of function points in the
software product.
Advantages of the Functional Point Method:

 In pre-project stage the estimates can be prepared.

 Based on requirement specification documents the method’s reliability is
relatively high.

 The concept of this technique is to break down the work into smaller tasks. Each
task can in turn be broken down further. This technique is very useful for the project
development team and project management team to become familiar with the scope
of the project, identifies work tasks, needed resources, and cost estimation. It also
helps to monitor the project’s progress.

 Project managers use the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to estimate projects
and make complex projects more manageable.

Some advantages of using WBS include:

 Using a WBS provides a number of benefits to the management and to the
development teams.
 First, it gives the management an idea about the size and complexity of the
 Second, it helps in planning, scheduling, and monitoring a project realistically.
 This is possible because all the tasks in the project can be preformed measurable
targets for each task.
To aid planning, scheduling, and monitoring a project, you can use tools such as:
 Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT)

 Critical Path Method (CPM)

 Timeline charts

 Gantt charts
 Assists with more accurate project estimation in cost, effort, resources, and schedule

 Assists with project organization

 Helps with assigning responsibilities to project development team members. A WBS

that is correctly designed allows for the easy assignment of tasks to a specific
element of the WBS, cutting down on confusion/duplication of assigned tasks.

 Shows the control points and project milestones

 Helps explain the project scope to customers and stakeholders

 Assist in planning and control of the project

Empirical Estimation Technique

This technique uses empirically derived formulae to make estimation.These formulae are based
on LOC or FPs.
 Putnam Model
This model is made by Lawrence H. Putnam, which is based on Norden’s frequency
distribution (Rayleigh curve). Putnam model maps time and efforts required with software size.
COCOMO stands for COnstructive COst MOdel, developed by Barry W. Boehm.It
divides the software product into three categories of software: organic, semi-detached and

There are many empirical estimation technique but most popular are

 Expert Judgement Technique

 Delphi Cost Technique

Expert judgement technique:

An expert makes an educated guess of the problem size after analyzing the problem thoroughly. Expert
estimate the cost of different components that is modules and sub modules of the system.

Human error, considering not all factors and aspects of the project, individual bias, more
chances of failure.

Estimation by group of experts minimises factors such as individual oversight, lack of

familiarity with a particular aspect of a project, personal bias and desired to win a contract
through overly optimistic estimates.

Disadvantages of Software Estimation Techniques:

 Due to hidden factors can be over or under estimated
 Not really accurate
 It is based on thinking
 Involved Risk
 May give false result
 Bare to losing
 Sometimes cannot trust in estimate

Software Estimation Techniques Conclusion:

There may be different other methods also which can be effectively used for the
project test estimation techniques, in this article we have seen most popular Software Estimation
Techniques used in project estimation. There can’t be a sole hard and fast rule for estimating the
testing effort for a project. It is recommended to add on to the possible knowledge base of test
estimation methods and estimation templates constantly revised based upon new findings.

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