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EC8251- Circuit Analysis Department of ECE 2020-2021


40 0 4
 To introduce the basic concepts of DC and AC circuits behavior
 To study the transient and steady state response of the circuits subjected to step and
sinusoidal excitations.
 To introduce different methods of circuit analysis using Network theorems, duality and topology.
Ohm‘s Law – Kirchhoff‘s laws – Mesh current and node voltage method of analysis for D.C and A.C.
circuits - Network terminology - Graph of a network - Incidence and reduced incidence matrices – Trees
–Cutsets - Fundamental cutsets - Cutset matrix – Tie sets - Link currents and Tie set schedules -Twig
voltages and Cutset schedules, Duality and dual networks.
Network theorems -Superposition theorem, Thevenin‘s theorem, Norton‘s theorem, Reciprocity theorem,
Millman‘s theorem, and Maximum power transfer theorem, application of Network theorems- Network
reduction: voltage and current division, source transformation – star delta conversion.
Resonance - Series resonance - Parallel resonance - Variation of impedance with frequency -
Variation in current through and voltage across L and C with frequency – Bandwidth - Q factor -
Selectivity. Self inductance - Mutual inductance - Dot rule - Coefficient of coupling – Analysis of
multiwinding coupled circuits - Series, Parallel connection of coupled inductors - Single tuned and double
tuned coupled circuits.
Natural response-Forced response - Transient response of RC, RL and RLC circuits to excitation by Step
Signal, Impulse Signal and exponential sources - Complete response of RC, RL and RLC Circuits to
sinusoidal excitation.
Two port networks, Z parameters, Y parameters, Transmission (ABCD) parameters, Hybrid(H)
Parameters, Interconnection of two port networks, Symmetrical properties of T and π networks.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
 Develop the capacity to analyze electrical circuits, apply the circuit theorems in real time
 Design and understand and evaluate the AC and DC circuits.
1. William H. Hayt, Jr. Jack E. Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin, ―Engineering Circuit Analysis ,
McGraw Hill Science Engineering, Eighth Edition, 11th Reprint 2016.
2. Joseph Edminister and Mahmood Nahvi, ―Electric Circuitsǁ, Schaum‘s Outline Series, Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, Fifth Edition Reprint 2016.
1. Charles K. Alexander, Mathew N.O. Sadiku, ―Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Fifth Edition,
McGraw Hill, 9th Reprint 2015.
2. A.Bruce Carlson, ―Cicuits: Engineering Concepts and Analysis of Linear Electric Circuits, Cengage
Learning, India Edition 2nd Indian Reprint 2009.
3. Allan H.Robbins, Wilhelm C.Miller, ―Circuit Analysis Theory and Practice, Cengage Learning, Fifth
Edition, 1st Indian Reprint 2013.


C115.1 Develop the capacity to analyze electrical circuits, apply the circuit theorems in real time
C115.2 To impart knowledge on solving circuits using network theorems
C115.3 To introduce the phenomenon of resonance in coupled circuits
C115.4 To educate on obtaining the transient response of circuits
C115.5 Design and understand and evaluate the AC and DC circuits

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C115.1 3 3 3 3 - 1 - 1 1 - - 1 3 3 - 1

C115.2 3 3 3 3 - 1 - 1 1 - - 1 3 3 - 1

C115.3 3 3 3 3 - 1 - 1 1 - - 1 3 3 - 1

C115.4 3 3 3 3 - 1 - 1 1 - - 1 3 3 - 1

C115.5 3 3 3 3 - 1 - 1 1 - - 1 3 3 - 1


Sl. Knowledge CO
Course Content
No. Level Statement
1 P,U ,An Introduction to Electric circuit – Ohm’s Law C115.1
2 U ,An Kirchhoff’s laws – Current law and Voltage law C115.1
3 U ,An, Ap Problems based on Kirchhoff’s Laws C115.1
4 U ,An, Ap Mesh current method of analysis for D.C circuits C115.1
5 U ,An Node voltage method of analysis for D.C circuits C115.1
6 U ,An, Ap Problems on mesh and nodal analysis using D.C C115.1
7 U ,An, Ap Problems on AC analysis for mesh method C115.1
8 U ,An, Ap Problems on AC analysis for nodal method C115.1
U ,An Network terminology – Basic definitions Tree ,Co-tree, Cut-set and C115.1
10 U ,An ,Ap Procedure for writing Incidence and reduced incidence matrice C115.1
11 U ,An, Ap Problems on Twig voltages and Cut set schedules C115.1
12 U ,An Concepts on Duality and dual networks C115.1


Sl. Knowledge Course Content CO
No. Level Statement
Series parallel combination of resistance, Inductance and C115.2
1 U
Introduction to Network Theorems- concept of Superposition
2 U
3 U, Ap Problems on Superposition theorem C115.2

4 U, An,,Ap Problems on Thevenin’s theorem C115.2

5 U, An ,Ap Problems on Norton’s theorem, C115.2

6 U ,An ,Ap Problems on Reciprocity theorem C115.2

7 U ,An ,Ap Problems on Millman’s theorem C115.2

8 U ,An ,Ap Problems on Maximum power transfer theorem and its applications C115.2
Problems on Network reduction techniques – Source C115.2
9 U, An ,Ap
10 U, An ,Ap Problems based on Voltage and Current division rules C115.2
11 U , An Derivation for star delta conversion C115.2
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12 U, An,Ap Problems on star delta conversion technique C115.2


Sl. Knowledge CO
Course Content
No. Level Statement
P,U ,An Derivation for series Resonance circuits – frequency,Q- C115.3
1 factor,Bandwidth,Voltage across R,L and C. Current and
Impedance relation and Selectivity.
2 P,U ,An , Ap Problems based on series resonance circuit C115.3
U ,An Derivation for Parallel Resonance circuits – frequency,Q- C115.3
3 factor,Bandwidth,Voltage across R,L and C. Current and
Impedance relation and Selectivity
P,U ,An , Ap Problems based on parallel resonance circuit with different C115.3
parallel circuits
P,U ,An , Ap Introduction to Coupled circuits, concepts of self and mutual C115.3
5 Inductance. Types with respect to series and parallel coupled
U, An , Ap Dot rule for analysing aiding and opposing of incoming and C115.3
outgoing currents in coupled circuits
7 U, An , Ap Problems based on self and mutual inductance C115.3
8 U ,An , Ap Problems on series aiding and opposing networks. C115.3
9 U ,An Analysis for single tuned circuits with cut off frequency C115.3
10 U ,An Analysis for doubled tuned circuit with cut off frequency C115.3
11 U ,An , Ap Problems on single tuned circuits C115.3
12 U ,An , Ap Problems on double tuned circuits C115.3


Sl. Knowledge CO
Course Content
No. Level Statement
1 U Introduction to transient circuits C115.4
2 U ,An Derivation for Natural and forced response of RL transient circuit C115.4
U ,An ,Ap Problems in RL transient response excitation by Step Signal, C115.4
Impulse Signal and exponential sources
4 U ,An Derivation for Natural and forced response of RC transient circuit C115.4
U ,An , Problems in RC transient response with excitation by Step Signal, C115.4
Impulse Signal and exponential sources
U ,An RLC transient circuits analysis and problems with respect to over C115.4
damped, Under damped and critically damped response.
7 U ,An ,Ap Problems in RLC circuit transient circuits C115.4
8 U ,An Complete analysis on RL,RC circuit with sinusoidal excitation C115.4
9 U ,An ,Ap Problems using sinusoidal excitation of RL circuits C115.4
10 U ,An ,Ap Problems using sinusoidal excitation of RC circuits C115.4
11 U ,An ,Ap Problems using sinusoidal excitation for RLS circuit C115.4
12 U Application of transient analysis using D.C and A.C analysis C115.4


Sl. Knowledge CO
Course Content
No. Level Statement
1 U ,An Introduction to two-port networks C115.5
2 U ,An ,Ap Derivation for Open circuited Z – Parameter, Condition for C115.5
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symmetry and reciprocity and Problems
U ,An, Ap Derivation for Short circuited Y – Parameter Condition for C115.5
symmetry and reciprocity and Problems
4 U ,An Derivation for h parameter Condition for symmetry and reciprocity C115.5
5 U ,An , Ap Problems on h parameters or hybrid parameter C115.5
U ,An , Ap Derivation for ABCD parameter Condition for symmetry and C115.5
reciprocity and problems
U ,An Interconnection of two port networks, Symmetrical properties of T C115.5
and π networks.
P- Prerequisite, Ap – Apply; An – Analyze; U – Understand, E- Evaluate, C-Create
PART - A (C115.1)
1.State Ohm’s law
Ohm’s law states that the current flowing in a conductor is directly proportional to the potential between
two ends of a conductor.i.e. i α v, v = iR,

2.State the Limitation of Ohm’s law(JUNE 2013,NOV 2016)

Ohm’s law doesn’t apply to all non-metallic conductors 2. Doesn’t apply to nonlinear devices like Zener
diode, Voltage regulator, tubes etc.,3. It is not applicable for the metallic conductors which changes with

3.Define i) charge ii) electric current iii) power iv) network & v) circuit.
Charge: Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists, measured in
Electric current is the time rate of change of charge, measured in amperes (A). i =dq/dt
A direct current (DC) is a current that remains constant with time.
An alternating current (AC) is a current that varies sinusoidally with time
Power is the time rate of expending or absorbing energy, measured in watts(w).p =
p- Power in watts(w);w- energy in joules (J);t - time in seconds (S);(or) p = v i ,v - Voltage in volts(V);i -
current in amperes(A).
Network: The inter connection of two or more simple circuit elements forms an electricalnetwork.
Circuit: If the network contains at least one closed path, it is an electric circuit.

4.State Kirchoff’s Current law.(NOV 2015)

KCL (Kirchoff’s Current Law) states that the algebraic sum of currents entering a node is zero (or)The
sum of the currents entering a node is equal to the sum of the currents leaving the node.

5.State Kirchoff’sVoltage law.(NOV 2013)(MAY 2018)

KVL (Kirchoff’s Voltage Law) states that the algebraic sum of all voltages around a closed path is zero.
(or) Sum of voltage drop = Sum of voltage rise.

6.The total charge entering a terminal is given by q=5t sin 4πt, mC. Calculate the current at t=0.5
i = dq/dt =d (5t sin 4t)/dt = ( 5 sin 4t +20 tcos 4t)
At t = 0.5, i = 5 sin 2+ 10cos 2= 0 + 10= 342 mA

7.Define power and energy. Give the expression for electrical power and energy.
Power is the rate of doing work and its unit is Watt. The unit of electric power is defined in terms of the
joule per second. One joule per second is the work done when one coulomb of electricity is moved
through a potential difference of one volt in one second. P = EI = I2R = E2/R Watts.
Energy is the product of power and time. If the power remains constant at Pduring the period of time t
seconds, the energy equals Pt Watt-sec or Joules. Energy W = Pt = EIt = I2Rt = E2t/R J.

8.Define: Node (OR) Junction

A Node is a point in the network where two or more circuit elements are connected.

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9.Write down the expression of equivalent resistance for ‘n’ - number of resistors in parallel
For ‘n’ resistors connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance is given by,
1 1 1 1 1
    ......... 
Re q R1 R 2 R 3 Rn

10.The equivalent resistance of four resistors joined in parallel is 30 Ohms. The current flowing
through them are 0.5,0.4,0.6a nd 0.1.Find the value of each resistor.(NOV 2016)
Let R1,R2,R3,R4 be the four resistance connected in parallel and currents 0.5,0.4,0.6 ,0.1 flows through
them respectively.
Total current in the four parallel branch is 0.5+0.4+0.6+0.1=1.6A
Total voltage across the parallel combination of four resistance is 30x1.6=48V.
Value of R1= 48/0.5 = 96Ω ; Value of R2 = 48/0.4 = 120Ω ; Value of R3 = 48/0.6 = 80Ω and Value of
R4 = 48/0.1 = 480Ω.

11.How much energy does a 100W electric bulb consume in two hours?
Power = Energy/Time => Energy = P*t = 100*2*3600 = 720000 = 720 KJ

12.Write the Algorithm for Mesh Analysis.(DEC 2012)

Assign mesh currents i1,i2,….in to the n meshes. Apply KVL to each of the n meshes. Solve the resulting
n simultaneous equations to get the mesh currents.

13.Apply KVL and find the current in the circuit from 40V

By applying KVL,40-8I+100-2I-30I=0, Ans: I=5A

14.Distinguish between a Loop & Mesh of a circuit (DEC 2010)(JUNE 2013)(JUNE 2016)
The closed path of a network is called a Loop.An elementary form of a loop which cannot be further
divided is called a mesh. In other words Mesh is closed path does not contain an other loop within it.

15.How are the following affected by change of frequency?a)Resistance b)Inductive reactance

Resistance will not be affected by change of frequency. Inductive reactance will increase by increasing
frequency and vice versa.

16.Define RMS voltage.(JUNE 2014).

The RMS value of an AC is defined as the equivalent steady value of the DC which can produce the equal
amount of heat, when flow through the given circuit for an equal time.
Area under the Square Curve for oneCycle
RMSvalue =
RMS value of an AC voltage, = =0.707Vm

17.An electrical appliance consumes 2kWh in 30 mins at 120V. What is the current drawn by the
appliance?(NOV 2014)
Energy, W = EIt ,I= = = 20A
18.Calculate the equivalent resistance between the terminals “a” and “b” in Fig(NOV 2014)

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Resistance between terminals ‘a’ and ‘b’ =(10

= X 10)/(10 + 10) = 5Ω

Write briefly about resistance in a circuit. (JUNE 2015)
The electrical resistance of a circuit component or device is defined as the ratio of the voltage applied to
the electric current which flows through it: If the resistance is constant over a considerable range of
voltage, then Ohm's law, I = V/R, can be used to predict the behavior of the material. The resistance is
measured in units of ohms (Ω).

Obtain the current in each branch of the network shown below using Kirchoff’s Current Law.
(JUNE 2015)

5I1 + 10(I1 – I2) = 20

10(I2 – I1) + 20I2 = -8
I1 = 48A
I2 = 0.91A

The resistance of two wires is 25Ω
25Ω when connected in series and 6Ω when connected in parallel.
Calculate the resistance of each wire.(JUNE 2016)
R1+R2=25Ω, R2=25-R1------------(1)
R1R2/(R1+R2) = 6Ω,--------------(2)
Substitueeqn(1) in eqn(2),
R1=10Ω,R2=15Ω (or)R1=15Ω, R2=10Ω

Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit shown in fig.(NOV
fig. 2015)

Equivalent resistance = 1+ Ω= 83 Ω

23.Define electric network.

A network is an interconnection of elements in various branches at different nodes.

24.Define Graph of a network.

In a network, if the branches are represented by straight line segment and nodes by dots, then the
resultant diagrammatic representation is called as a graph.

25.What is meant by Tree of a network and Twig of a network?

The tree of a network connects all the nodes of the network but contains no closed path.
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Each branch of tree is called as a twig.

26.Define Planar and Non-Planer graphs.

A graph is said to be planar if it can be drawn on a plane surface such that no two branches cross
each other. A graph containing cross over is called as non-planer.
27.List out the properties of a tree.
1.It contains all the nodes of the graph.
2.A graph having ‘n’ nodes will have (n-1) branches in its tree
3.Tree does not have any closed path.
4.There may be many trees for a given graph.

28.What is a Tie set.

Consider a tree of a connected graph.Tie-set is a unique set with respect to this tree containing
one chord and all of the tree branches contained in the free path formed between two vertices of
the chord.

29.List out the advantages of Tie-set matrix

a) From the tie-set matrix, we can frame the voltage loop equations for each loop
b) Tie-set matrix gives the branches currents in terms of loop currents or link currents.

30.What is a cut-set?
Cut-set is the set of elements which if removed divides the graph in to two sub graphs and the
graph becomes unconnected.

31.For a ‘n’ node network,how many are the chords?

If ‘b’ is the number of branches in a network and n, the number of nodes, then number of
chords= b-n+1

32.What are the terms associated with network graph?

The terms associated with network graphs are branches,link,node,loop,tree,co-tree,tie-set,cut-set.

33. Define Dual Networks?

If the mesh equations of one network have the same form as the nodal equations of another
network, then the two networks are called as dual network. The property of duality is a mutual

34.State the dual elements for resistance and Inductance.

The dual of resistance is conductance. The dual of inductance is capacitance.

34.Find R in the given circuit.(April-2017)

As per voltage division

x 16=12
R= = 12Ω
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35. Determine the current i(t) given v(t)=10Cost , L=1H, C = 1µF and R = 1Ω for the given

L +∫ ( )dt + i(t) = 10Cost

Taking Laplace, SI(S) + I(S)/S + I(S) = 10S/(S2+1)
I(S) = 10S2/(S2+1)(S2+S+1)

36. Define oriented graph.(May-2018)

A graph is said to be directed (or oriented) when all the nodes and branches are numbered or
direction assigned to the branches by arrow.

37. Write the formula to find the equivalent resistance offered by 'N' nimber of arbitary
valued resistors connected in series.(May 2019)
Req = R1+R2+........+RN
38. A 3A current source has internal resistance of 2 ohms. Find the voltage experienced by a load of
3ohm while connected to the source. (May 2019)

PART- B (C115.1)
1.Find V1 and V2 using Nodal analysis for the circuit given below.
 j5 

1 2

  j10  j5   0.5 900 , A

1 O0 , A

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2.(i) Determine the current IL in the circuit shown in figure below:(JUNE 2016)

(ii)Calculate the voltage across A and B in the circuit shown in figure.(JUNE 2016)

3.(i)For the circuit shown in figure below, determine the value of V2 such that the current through (3+j4)
Ω impedance is zero. (DEC 2012)

(ii) By applying nodal analysis for the circuit shown in Fig, determine the power output of the source and
the power in each resistor of the circuit.(JUNE 2013)

4.(i) State and explain Kirchoff’s laws. (JUNE 2013)

(ii) Using mesh analysis, determine the current through 1Ω resistor in the given circuit .

5.(i) Three loads A,B and C are connected in parallel to a 240V source. Load A takes 6KW,Load B takes
60A and Load C has a resistance of 8Ω. Calculate (i) (1) and (2)the total current (3) the total power,
and (4) equivalent resistance.(JUNE 2016)

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(ii) For the circuit shown in figure below, determine
de the total current IT, phase angle and power
factor.(JUNE 2016)

6.(i) Determine the current in the 5ohm resistor in the network shown in fig below.

(ii) Determine the current in all the resistors of the circuit shown in fig below.

7.For the circuit shown in the below figure,

figure (JUNE 2014)
Determine the currents in all the branches
b.Calculate the power and power factor of the source
Show that power delivered by the source is equal to the power consumed by the 2Ω
Ω resistor.

8.(i) Using nodal analysis, find the node voltages and the currents through all the resis
resistors for the circuit
shown in fig. (NOV 2014)

(ii) Find the equivalent resistance between

bet the terminals ‘a’ and ‘b’ for the network shown in figure.

9.For the circuit shown in figuree find the (i) currents in different branches, (ii) current supplied by the
battery, (iii) potential difference between the terminals A & B. (NOV 2014)

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10.(i) Use branch currents in the network shown below to find the current supplied by the 60V source.
Solve the circuit by mesh current method.(JUNE 2015)

(ii) Solve the network given below by the node voltage method. (JUNE 2015)

11. (i) Determine the magnitude and direction of the current in the 2v battery in the circuit shown in
below figure.(Nov 2015)

(ii)Determine the power dissipation in the 4 Ω resistor of the given circuit shown in below figure

12.Using nodal analysis, find the voltage VX for the circuit shown in below figure. (Nov 2015)

13a) Calculate the node voltage of given circuit. (NOV 2016)

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b) Determine the current Io for the given circuit when Vs=12V

14.i) Using mesh analysis for the given circuit, find the current I2 and drop across 1Ω resistor.
(NOV 2016)

ii) Find the equivalent capacitance C between

between terminals A and B for the given figure.

15. i) Determine the potential difference between points A and B given in the figure

ii) Using mesh analysis, find the current Io in the circuit shown

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16. i) Determine vx and ix in the given figure.(April 2017)

ii) Write the mesh equation and nodal equation for the network in the given figure by inspection

17. Determine the Tie set matrix of the following graph. Also find the branch current and voltage
equation of the given graph.

18.i) For the network shown, set up the Tie-set matrix and obtain KVL equation. (May-2018)

ii) Find the expression for the time domain currents i2 and i1 for the given circuit shown (May-

19. i) Find the three nodal voltages for the circuit shown. (May-2018)

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ii) Obtain the cut set matrix for the following circuit shown (May-2018)

20. Using the technique of mesh analysis, evaluate the three unknown mesh current shown in
figure. (May-2018)

21. Determine the cut-set matrix and the current branch equation of the given graph.

22. Obtain the equivalent resistance experienced by the source and power delivered by the source
shown in Fig. (May 2019)

23. Find the node voltages in the circuit shown in Fig and find the power delivered by the
independent current source. ( May 2019)

PART- A (C115.2)
1.Define Lumped circuits.
The circuits in which the elements are separated physically like resistors, capacitors and inductors.
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2.State division of current rule for a two branch parallel network.(JUNE

network. 2013,
13,NOV 2013)
R1 and R2 are connected in parallel, Let I be the total current, I1 be the current
ent through R1, I2 be the
current through R2 Then I1 = I * R2/(R1+R2); I2 = I * R1/(R1+R2)

3. State division of voltage rule for a circuit with three resistors in series.(JUNE
series.(JUNE 2103)
R1,R2and R3 are connected in series,Let V be the total voltage, V1 be the voltage across R1, V2 be the
voltage across R2, V3 be the voltage across RThen, V1=V*R1/(R1+R2+R3),V2=V*R2/(R1+R2+R3) and

4.Write down the formulae for converting Star to Delta.

Rab=(RaRb+RbRc+RcRa) / Rc;
Rbc=(RaRb+RbRc+RcRa) / Ra;
Rca=(RaRb+RbRc+RcRa) / Rb.

5.Write down the formulae for converting Delta to Star.

Ra = (RacRab)/( Rab+ Rbc+ Rca) ;

Rb = (RabRbc)/( Rab+ Rbc+ Rca) ;
Rc = (RacRbc )/( Rab+ Rbc+ Rca)

6.Define Node and super node.

A node is the point of connection of two or more branches.
A super node is formed by enclosing a voltage source connected between two nodes.

7.Define mesh and super mesh.

A mesh is a loop, which does not contain any other loops within it.
A super mesh results when two meshes have a current source in common.

8.State Superposition theorem.

The superposition theorem states that in any linear bilateral network containing two or more sources, the
response in any element is equal to algebraic sum of the responses caused by individual sources acting
alone, while the other sources are non-operative;
non operative; that is, while considering the effect of individual
sources, other ideal voltage sources and ideal current sources in the network are replaced by short circuit
and open circuit across their terminals.
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9.State Thevenin'stheorem .
Thevenin’s theorem states that any circuit having a number of voltage sources, resistances and open
output terminals can be replaced by a simple equivalent circuit consisting of a single voltage source
sourceVth in
series with a resistance (impedance)Rth (Zth.).
Where Vthis equal to the open circuit voltage across the two terminals
Rth is equal to the equivalent resistance measured between the terminals with all energy sources are
replaced by their internal resistance.

10.What is the limitation of superposition theorem.

Super position theorem can be applied for finding the current through or voltage across a particular
element in a linear bilateral circuit containing more than two sources. But this theorem cannot be used for
the calculation of the power

11.State reciprocity theorem.(JUNE

(JUNE 2012,NOV
20 2013,MAY 2014,JUNE 2016,NOV2016
According to this theorem, Inn a linear, bilateral network if we apply some input to a circuit which consists
of resistors, inductors, capacitors and transformers, the ratio of response in any element to the input is
constant even when the position of input and output are interchanged. This is called the ReciprocReciprocity

12.State Maximum power transfer theorem. (or) What is the condition for maximum power
transfer in DC and AC circuits(JUNE
(JUNE 2013,
20 JUNE 2014, NOV 2014,, JUNE 20152015,JUNE 2016)
According to maximum power transfer theorem,
theorem maximum power transfer occurs when RL = RTH, that is,
when the load resistance is equal to the thevenin resistance.

13.. Write the objectives of star delta transformation?(

transformation? NOV 2013)
The star delta transformation is useful in reducing the complexity of a circuit and convert
converts it into simpler
equivalent form without altering the current and voltage levels at its network terminals as in the original

14.State Norton's theorem.

Norton’s theorem states that any circuit with voltage sources, resistances (impedances) and open output
terminals can be replaced by a single current source Isc in parallel with single resistance Rth(impedance
Zth.).Where Isc is equal to the current passing through the short circuit output terminals
Rth is equal to the resistance seen into the output terminals with all energy sources are replaced by their
internal resistance.

15.Where and why maximum power transfer theorem is applied.

In a certain applications it is desirable to have a maximum power transfer from source to load. The
maximum power transfer to load is possible only if the source and load has matched impedance. Eg:
TV/Radio receiver
16.A 1V Voltage source has an internal resistance of 1Ω,
1 Calculate the Maximum power that can be
delivered to any load.
Maximum power transferred to the load = Vs2RL / ( Rs+ RL)2= ¼ =0.25 W.

17.What is source transformation?

Source transformation is simplifying a circuit solution, especially with mixed sources
sources, by transforming a
voltage into a current source,, and vice versa
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18.A 10A current source has a source resistance of 100Ω.

100Ω. What will be the equivalent voltage

19..Determine the voltages V1 and V2 in the circuit shown in fig.

V1 = 10 x =5V
( )
V2 = 10 x =5V
( )

20.What is the equivalent resistance across A – B in the network shown in figure?

3 6
RAB  5   7
3 6

21.List the applications of Thevenin’s theorem. (NOV 2015)

It is useful for power system fault current calculation.
It is used in transmission line calculation.

22.Calculate the value of Norton’s current (I

( N )for the circuit shown in Fig. (NOV 2014)

IN = = 0.1ª

23.Two resistors of 4 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel. If the total current is 30A. Find the
current through each resistor shown in below fig. (NOV 2015)

Current through 4Ω, I4= IT* = 30× = 18 A

Current through 6Ω, I6 = IT* = 30× = 12 A

24.Write briefly about network reduction technique. (JUNE 2015)

In network analysis the number of components can be reduced to simplify the network. This can be done
by replacing the actual components with other notional components that have the same effect. A
particular technique might directly reduce the number of components, for instance by combining
impedances in series. On the other hand it might merely change the form into one in which the
components can be reduced in a later operation.

25.Is reciprocity theorem applied to the circuit having resistors, capacitors and diodes? Give your
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No. Reciprocity theorem is applicable only for linear circuits.

26.A load of 5Ω each is to be converted in to an equivalent delta connected load, Find the resistance
to be used.(APRIL 2017)
Each resistance in the delta connected load should be 3R, i.e., 15Ω each.

27.A load is connected to a network of the terminals to which load is connected,Rth=10Ω

and Vth=40V.Calculate the maximum power supplied to the load.(APRIL 2017)
For maximum power to be transferred to the load, the value of RL=Rth.i,e., 10Ω
Current through the load is 40/(10+10) = 2A.
Maximum power to the load is I2R = (2)2 x 10 = 40Watts

28.Determine the value of current I0 of the given circuit.(NOV 2016)

29.Determine the current flow through the capacitor shown in figure (May-2018)

σ=√ + where σ is the total current, IR is the current through resistor and IC is the
current through the capacitor.
25 = IR2+IC2 ; 25 = 9 + IC2
I 2
C =16 , Hence current through the capacitor is IC=4A

30.Draw equivalent delta circuit for the figure shown.(May-2018)

The equivalent delta connected network will have 300Ω in each branch. (As per the statement, if
each resistance in stat connected network has RΩ , then its equivalent delta will take the value
3RΩ.Here 3times 100Ω=300Ω

31. Write maximum power transformation theorem related to circuits those contain
resistive and reactive components. ( May 2019)
It can be stated as in an active network, the maximum power is transferred to the load when the load
impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of an equivalent impedance of a given network as viewed
from the load terminals.

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32. If a 10V voltage source has internal resistance of 50ohm, find the maximum power that can be
ied by the source. ( May 2019)
Pmax = (10*10)/(4*50) = 0.5W

PART-B (C115.2)
1.(i) Obtain the expression of equivalent star resistance in terms of delta resistance.(JUNE
(JUNE 20
(ii) Obtain the expression of equivalent delta resistance in terms of star resistance.
2.Obtain the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits
circuits for the active network shown below. (JUNE 2015)

3.In the circuit find I3 and verify the reciprocity theorem.




4.(i) Using source transformation, replace the current source in the circuit shown below by a voltage
source and find the current delivered by the 50V voltage source.(DEC
source. 2012)

(ii) Calculate the equivalent resistance Rab when all the resistance
istance values are equal to 11Ω for the circuit
shown below.(DEC 2012)

Explain the source transformation technique.
Use the superposition theorem to find the current through 4Ω
4Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig.
(JUNE 2013)

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6.(i)Using star delta transformation,
transformation in the following wheat stone bridge circuit of fig find (a
(a) equivalent
resistance between P and Q (b) the total current and (c)
(c the current through the 18Ω
Ω resistor.

(ii) Find the current through the 10Ω

10Ω resistor in the following figure using Thevenin’s theorem (NOV

7.(i) Calculate the current in the 4Ω

4Ω resistor in the given figure using superposition Theorem (JUNE

(ii) In the circuit shown below, find the value of R for maximum power transfer. Also calculate the
maximum power.

8.Find the current I through the 20Ω

Ω resistor as shown in fig using Thevinin’s Theorem. (NOV 2014)

9.Find the current through 5Ω

Ω resistor using superposition theorem, in the circuit shown in figure.
(NOV 2014)

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10.Compute the current in the 23Ω resistor of the following figure shown below by applying the
superposition principle. (JUNE 2015)

11.Find the thevenin’s equivalent of the network shown in below figure. (NOV 2015)

12.Determine the value of resistance that may be connected across A & B, so that maximum power is
transferred from the circuit to the resistance. Also, estimate the maximum power transferred to the
resistance shown in below figure. (NOV 2015)

13.Find the voltage across 5Ω resistor for the circuit shown in figure a) using source transformation
technique and verify the results using mesh analysis. (JUNE 2016)

14.Obtain the Norton’s model and find the maximum power that can be transferred to the 100Ω load
resistance in the circuit shown in figure. (JUNE 2016)

15. i) Obtain the equivalent resistance Rab of the circuit given and also calculate the total current. (NOV

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ii) Find the value of RL for maximum power and calculate the maximum power.

16. Apply superposition theorem to determine current I through 3Ω resistor for the given circuit.(NOV

17) i) Apply source transformation technique to determine current io in the given figure.(April

ii) Find the power delivered by the 20V source using superposition theorem.

18. Apply Norton’s theorem to determine current Io for the given circuit.(April 2017)

19. i) Determine the current through the load resistance 8Ω in the circuit shown using Norton’s
theorem. (May-2018)
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ii) Find the value of ZL for the circuit shown for maximum power to transfer for following
conditions i) if ZL is pure resistance ii) ZL is complex impedance with both real and imaginary
elements are variable.
Determine the maximum power in both cases. (May-2018)

20. i) Apply superposition principal to the circuit shown and determine the current in 2Ω
resistance (May-2018)

ii) Using Millman’s theorem calculate the voltage between A and B for the given circuit (May-

20. i) Calculate the current in 4Ω resistance using superposition theorem. (May-2018)

ii) Find the value of R for the given circuit for maximum power transfer. Also find the maximum

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21. Derive Norton and Thevenin equivalent circuit across the terminals a-b shown in Fig. (May

22.Find the optimum value of load impedance ZL to derive maximum average power from the
circuit shown in Fig. Also find the maximum average power. ( May 2019)


PART- A (C115.3)
1.Define Impedance.
Impedance is defined as the opposition of circuit to flow of alternating current. It is denoted by Z and its
unit is ohms.

2.Define Resonance.
Resonance is defined as a phenomenon in which applied voltage and resulting current are in-phase. In
other words, an AC circuit is said to be in resonance if it exhibits unity power factor condition, that means
applied voltage and resulting current are in phase.

3.Define Q - factor or Figure of Merit, Q.(MAY 2014)

The quality factor, Q of a resonant circuit is the ratio of its resonant frequency to its bandwidth.
The Q - factor of a circuit can also be defined as,
Maximum energy stored in the circuit
Q  2 
Energy dissipated per cycle in the circuit
4.What are the resonant conditions?
(i)The total impedance Z is minimum and is equal to R. (ii) The circuit will be purely resistive circuit.(iii)
Power factor of the circuit is unity. iv) Circuit element, Imax= V/R. v)Power at resonance, Pr=I2R

5.What is a parallel resonance?

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The parallel circuit is said to be in resonance, when the power factor is unity. This is true when the
imaginary part of the total admittance is zero.

6. Show that in a series RLC circuit, f1f2 = fr2 where fr is the resonant frequency and f1, f2 are the
half power frequencies.

=− + { + } , = + { + }

1 1 1
= + − = = =
2 2 √
Hence, =

7.What is the series resonance?

The inductive reactance increases as the frequency increases (XL=ωL) but the capacitive reactance
decreases with frequency (XC=1/ωc). Thus inductive and capacitive reactance has opposite properties. So,
for any LC combination there must be one frequency at which XL=XC. This case of equal and opposite
reactance is called series resonance.

8.Define Bandwidth, half power frequencies?(JUNE 2013)

The difference between the half power frequencies f1 and f2 at which power is half of its maximum is
called bandwidth BW = f2-f1
It can be observed that at two frequencies f1 and f2 the power is half of its maximum value. These
frequencies are called half power frequencies. Out of the two half power frequencies, the frequency f2 is
called upper cut-off frequency while the frequency f1 is called lower cut-off frequency.

9.What are coupled circuits?

The two circuits are said to be coupled circuits if all or part of the electrical energy supplied to one circuit
is transferred to the other circuit, without having any electrical connection between them

10. What is meant by Mutual Induction?

When two inductors (or coils) are in a close proximity to each other, the magnetic flux caused by current
in one coil links with the other coil, thereby inducing voltage in the latter. This phenomenon is known as
‘Mutual Induction’.M =N112/i= N212/i2

11. Define Mutual Inductance, M.(JUNE 2015)

Mutual Inductance is the ability of one inductor to induce a voltage across a neighboring inductor,
measured in henrys (H).

12. Write the total inductance of two coils connected in series aiding and opposing.
Series - aiding connection :Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M
Series - opposing connection : Leq = L1 + L2 - 2M

13.Two inductively coupled coils have self - inductances L1 = 50 mH and L2 = 200 mH.If the
coefficient of coupling is 0.5 (i) find the value of mutual inductance between the coils, and (ii) what
is the maximum possible mutual inductance?
(i)M = K L1 L2 = 0.5 (ii) M is max when K=M = L1 L2 = 50  10 3  200  10 3 =100 mH

14. Define Coefficient of coupling, K. (JUNE 2012,NOV 20, NOV 2015,JUNE 2016)
The fraction of the total flux produced by one coil linking a second coil is called the Coefficient of
coupling, K. Thus, K = Ф12 / Ф1 = Ф21/ Ф2 K= M/ L L
Since Ф12< Ф1 or Ф21<Ф2, the value of K is always less than or equal to one.
15. Two coils connected in series have an equivalent inductance of 0.4H when connected in aiding,
and an equivalent inductance of 0.2H when the connection is opposite. Calculate the mutual
inductance of the coils.
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Series aiding, Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M = 0.4 ---------------- (1)
Series opposing,Leq = L1 + L2 - 2M = 0.2 ----------------- (2)
Solving equations (1) and (2), 4M = 0.2;
0.2 M = 0.05 H

16. State dot rule. (JUNE 2015)

The sign of the mutual induced voltage depends on direction of the winding of the coil.
For convenient, dot conventions are used for purpose of indicating direction of winding.
Rules for dot convention
If a current enters a dot in one coil, then mutually induced voltage is positive at the dotted end.
If a current leaves a dot in one coil, then mutually induced voltage is negative at the dotted end.

17. A coil of resistance 2Ω

Ω and an inductance 0.01H is connected in series with a capacitor across
220V mains. Find the value of capacitance such that maximum current flows in the circuit at a
frequency of 190 Hz. Also find the maximum current. (NOV 2014)
At resonance XL = XC, 2πfL =1/(2πfC), Capacitance, C = 70.16µF
At resonance Z = R, Maximum Current, I = V/R = 100A

18. Define self Inductance.

The property of the coil which opposes any change in current passing through it is called self inductance
of the coil. L = N/I

19. What are the applicationss of tuned circuit? (JUNE 2013)

Tuned circuits are used in communication systems, Radio receivers, in defence and etc.

20. In a series RLC circuit, if the value of L and C are 100 mH and 0.1 µF, find the resonance
frequency in Hz.(JUNE 2016)
f0 = 2π√LC = = 15935 Hz.
( ∗ . µ )

21. Define quality factor of a series resonant circuit. ( NOV 2014)

Quality factor is the ratio of resonant frequency to bandwidth.

22. Draw the frequency response of RLC series circuit.


23. Calculate the total inductance of the circuit, if the coefficient off coupling (k) between the two
coils is 0.6 as shown in fig. (NOV 2014)

= = 0.6√33 × 10 × 47 × 10 = 0.023H
Leq= L1 + L2 + 2M = 0.126H

24. Write the Significance of Quality factor? (DEC 2013)

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The relation between bandwidth and quality factor is Q=Resonant frequency/Bandwidth. This indicates a
higher value of Q results in a smaller bandwidth and hence greater the selectivity. This indicates the
resonant circuit responds to a certain frequency and eliminates all other frequency.

25. Define Selectivity.(NOV 2015)

Selectivity of a resonant circuit is defined as the ratio of bandwidth (BW) to the frequency at resonance
(fr) of the circuit

26. Draw the frequency response characteristics of parallel resonant circuit.(NOV 2016)

27. A coil of 20 Ohm resistance and inductance of 0.2H is connected in parallel with 100µF
capacitor. Calculate the frequency at which the circuit will act as non-inductive resistance of R.
Find also the value of R. (May-2018)

fr = 31.8Hz and to fin the Zres = = =100Ω

28. Determine the equivalent inductance of the circuit comprising two inductors in series opposing
mode. (NOV 2016)
L1 -M +L2 -M = V(t)
(L1 + L2 – 2M) = V(t) -----------(1)
Let Lb be the equivalent inductance of
the combination
Then Lb = V(t) -------------------(2)
Equating equation (1) and (2) we get
Lb = L1 +L2 -2M

29. Comment on the phase difference between voltage and current in a load at resonance.
(May 2019)
The voltage and current will be in phase under resonance.

30. A series RLC load has R =1KΩ, C = 1µF, L=10mH. Find the Q factor of the load. (May

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Q = 0.1
32. Draw the self-inductance and mutual inductance of a coil.(2017)

33. Given the circuit,What is the equivalent inductance of the system shown below,(April

Solution: It’s a series aiding circuit Leq = L1+L2+2M

PART- B (C115.3)

1.Derive the relation between coefficient of coupling& the self inductance& mutual inductance.
(JUNE 2013)(JUNE 2015)
2.A series RLC circuits consist of R = 1000 ohm, L=100mH & C=10 x 10-12f, the applied voltage across
the circuit is 100V. Calculate
(a)The resonant frequency of the circuit (b) the Q-factor of the circuit at resonant frequency (c) At what
angular velocities do the half power points occur? (d)Compute the BW of the circuit (e) the value of
frequency at which maximum voltage occurs across inductor (f)the value of frequency at which maximum
voltage occurs across capacitor.(JUNE 2013)
3.Impedance Z1 an Z2 are parallel and this combination is in series with an impedance Z3 , connected to a
100V 50Hz AC supply. Z1 = (5-jXc ) Ω, Z2 = (5+j0 ) Ω and Z3 = (25 +j25) Ω. Determine the value of
capacitance such that total current of the circuit will be in phase with the total voltage. Find the circuit
current and power. (NOV 2014)
4.(i)Determine the value of capacitance C in order that the circuit resonates at a frequency of 6366Hz

5.(i)Derive the resonance frequency ‘fr’ for the circuit shown below.(DEC 2012)
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State the concept of bandwidth of a series RLC circuit.
A series RLC circuit consists of 50 Ω resistance, 0.2H inductance and 10μF μF capacitance with the
applied voltage of 20V. Determine the resonant frequency, the Q factor, the lower and upper frequency
limits and the bandwidth of the circuit.
Obtain a conductively coupled equivalent circuit for the
the magnetically coupled circuit shown below.
(DEC 2012,JUNE 2016)

(ii)Derive the expression for equivalent inductance of the parallel resonant circuit as shown in figure.
(JUNE 2016)

7.(i) Two coupled coils have self inductances of L1 = 100 mH and L2 = 400 mH. The coupling coefficient
is 0. Find M. If N1 is 1000 turns, what is the value of N2? If a current i1 = 2sin(500t)
500t) A through the coil
find the flux Ф1 and the mutually induced voltage V2M. (DEC2012)
A RLC series circuit has R=60 Ω, L=160mH and C=160μf. μf. Find the resonant frequency under
resonant condition obtain the current, power and the voltage drops across the various elements if the
applied voltage is 300V.
8.Illustrate the amplification factor with respect to frequency and coefficient of coupling of a single tuned
circuit in detail. (NOV 2013)
(ii)A coil having an inductance of 100mH is magnetically coupled to another coil having an inductance of
900mH. The coefficient of coupling between the coils is 0.4 Calculate the equivalent inductance if the
two coils are connected in (1) series opposing and (2) parallel opposing.
9.(i) For a magnetically coupled circuit , derive the expression for mutual inductance (M) in terms of L1
and L (NOV 2014)
(ii) For the coupled circuit shown in fig, find the value of V2 so that current I1 =0.

10.Illustrate the amplification factor with respect to frequency and coefficient of coupling of a single
tuned circuit in detail. (NOV 2013)
(ii)A coil having an inductance of 100mH is magnetically coupled to another coil having an inductance of
900mH. The coefficient of coupling between the coils is 0.4 Calculate the equivalent inductance if the
two coils are connected in (1) series opposing and (2) parallel opposing.
With neat illustration describe the parallel resonant circuit and the equivalent pparallel network for a
seriess RL combination.Also find the Q-factor
Q of a parallel resonant circuit.(NOV
(NOV 2014)
for the circuit below, determine the frequency at which circuit resonates. Also find the quality factor,
voltage across inductance and voltage across capacitance at resonance (NOV 2015)
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12.For the circuit shown in the following figure, determine the voltage ratio V1/V2, which will make the
current I1 equal to zero. (JUNE 2014)

13.Find the mutual reactance Xm in the coupled coils shown in below figure. (NOV 2015)

14.Determine the resonant frequency , bandwidth and quality factor of the coil for the series resonant
circuit considering R=10Ω,L=0.1 H and C=10µF. Derive the formula used for bandwidth.(JUNE 2016)
15.For the series resonance circuit shown, find I,VR,VI and VC at resonance. Also if resonance frequency
is 5000Hz,determine bandwidth, Q factor, half power frequencies and power dissipated in the circuit at
resonance and the half power frequencies. Derive the expression for resonant frequency. (NOV 2016)

16.i) Obtain the conductively coupled equivalent for the given circuit and find the voltage drop across
12Ω resistor. (NOV 2016)

ii) The number of turns in two coupled coils are 500 turns and 1500 turns respectively.When 5A current
flows in coil 1, the total flux in this coil is 0.6x10-3 wb. Determine L1, L2, M and K.
17.i)Derive the expression for resonant frequency and bandwidth for a series RLC resonant circuit.(April
ii) In the parallel RLC circuit, given R=8KΩ , L=0.2mH and C=8µF. Calculate ωo , Q,half power
frequencies and BW.

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17. i) Find the voltage drop across 12Ω resistor for the given circuit and also draw the conductively
coupled equivalent circuit.(April 2017)

ii) The number of turns in two coupled coils are 500 turns and 1500 turns respectively. When 5A
current flows in coil, the total flux in this coil is 0.6x10-3 wb and the flux linking in second coil is
0.3x10-3 wb. Determine L1,L2,M amd K.

18.i) Determine the resonance frequency of LC parallel circuit shown in the figure. (May-2018)

ii) A series RLC circuit with Q=250 resonance at 1.5MHz. Find its bandwidth and its half power
frequencies. (May-2018)
19.i) Determine the overall inductance of the two coils connected in parallel as shown in the
figure. (May-2018)

ii) Calculate I2 for which I1 will be zero in the circuit shown. Also calculate V2 for the this

20) Draw the circuit of series RLC circuit and derive the formulae for resonant frequency, half
power frequencies, bandwidth and Quality factor. ( May 2019).
21) Consider a parallel RLC circuit energised by a current source i(t) from time t=0. Assume the
components are initially relaxed.
(i) Discuss the voltage and current associated with the R,L and C at time t=0+ and t =∞ if the
source i(t) is a 5A DC source.
(ii) Derive the formula for resonant frequency.
(iii) Discuss the voltage and current associated with the R, L and C for the following cases. The
source i(t) is an AC source while the frequency is lesser than/ equal to/ greater than resonant
frequency of the circuit. ( May 2019).
22) Consider a series RLC circuit with L=1mH and C = 1µF. Assume the components are
initially relaxed.
(i) If the circuit is energised by a voltage source from time t=0, discuss the voltage and current
associated with the R, L and C at time t =0+ and t =∞.
(ii) Derive the formula for resonant frequency.
(iii) Discuss the ranges for the resistor values to operate the circuit in overdamped, underdamped
and critically damped modes.(May 2019)

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PART- A (C115.4)
1.Define the term time constant of a RL or RC circuit.(April 2017)
In a circuit in which the current is increasing to a final steady value, the time (T) taken to reach 62% of
the final value is called the time constant of the circuit.

2.Define time constant of a decaying circuit.

For a decaying circuit, the time constant is defined as the time required to reach 38% of the initial value.

3.Write down the voltage equation of a series RLC transient circuit excited by a dc source, E.
Applying KVL to the circuit, the voltage equation becomes,

di 1
Ri  L  idt  E
dt C 
4.Define transient state and transient time.( NOV 2013)
In a network containing energy storage elements, with change in excitation, the currents and voltage
change from one state to another state. The behavior of the voltage or current when it is changed from
one state to another state is called the transient state.
The time taken for the circuit to change from one steady state to another steady state is called the transient

5.Draw the current curve of a RL transient connected to a DC source.(April 2017)

6.Define damping ratio. Give the damping ratio of RLC series circuit.
a.Damping Ratio =
b.For RLC series circuit,  
2 L

7.Give the natural frequency  n and damped frequency β of a series RLC circuit.
1 2
Natural frequency  n  ;Damped frequency    n2   n2 2 =  n 1  
8.Write the condition for different cases of damping in a series RLC circuit.
If damping ratio,  = 1, it corresponds to critical damping; >1, it corresponds to over damping &< 1, it
corresponds to under damping.

9.A DC voltage is applied to a series RL circuit by closing a switch. The voltageacross L is 100 volts
at t=0 and drops to .5 volts at t = 0.02 sec.If L = 0.1 H, find the value of R.
eL = E e-Rt/L
At t = 0, eL = E e-0 = E = 100
At t = 0.02, eL =100 E e-0.02R/0.1 = E = .5; 100e-0.2 R = .5
Taking natural logarithm on both sides,
ln e-0.2R = ln0.5; -0.2 R = - 2; R = 10 Ω

10.Distinguish between natural and forced response.(JUNE 2014)

Natural Response Forced Response
It is determined by the internal energy stored in the It is determined by the application of
network external energy source

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Voltage source and current sources are not present. Voltage and current sources are present

11.Define Laplace transform.

The Laplace transform is an integral transformation of a function f(t) from the time domain into the
complex frequency domain, giving F(s).Given a function f(t), its Laplace transform, denoted by F(s) or
L[f(t)], is given by

L[f(t)] = F(s) = ∫0 f(t)e-st dt
Where s is a complex variable given by s = σ + jω

12.Define the term Rise time (tr) & Delay time (td).
The time taken by the response to reach 100% of the steady state value for the first time is known as Rise
The time taken by the response to reach 50% of the steady state value for the first time is known as Delay

13.A RLC circuit has R=10Ω, L=2H.What value of capacitance will make the circuit critically
damped? (JUNE 2013)(NOV2016)
= ; C=0.08F

14.Write the purpose of Laplace transformation in the circuit analysis.( NOV 2013)
(i)To simplify complex exponential and trigonometric functions into simple algebraic functions.
(ii)To simplify differential and integral operations by transforming into simple multiplication and
(iii)To obtain complete solution including arbitrary constants for differential equations.
(iv)To obtain response for any input for a given system, if step and impulse responses are known.

15.Define transient response.

The response or the output of the circuit from the instant of switching tothe attainment of steady state is
known as transient response.

16.What is time constant for RL circuit and RC circuit (JUNE 2012, MAY 2014, NOV 2015,JUNE
Time constant of RL circuit ,τ= R
Time constant of RC circuit ,τ = RC

17.Define an ideal transformer.

An ideal transformer is a transformer with no losses and having a core with infinite permeability, which
results in perfect coupling with no leakage flux.

18.Find the Time constant of RL circuit having

i)R = 10Ω and l = 0.1 mH (JUNE 2013)
ii)R=10ohms and L=20mH?(JUNE 2014)
i)Time constant = L/R = 10µsec
ii) Time constant = L/R = 2milliseconds

19. Define the frequency response of series RLC circuit. (JUNE 2015)
The response of a linear circuit for a sinusoidal excitation as a function of angular frequency ω is known
as frequency response of the circuit.

20.Distinguish Steady State and Transient State(NOV 2015)

Steady State Transient State

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A circuit having constant sources is said to be In a network containing energy storage elements,
in steady state if the currents and voltages do with change in excitation, the currents and voltage
not change with time. change from one state to another state.
Thus, circuits with currents and voltages The behaviour of the voltage or current when it is
having constant amplitude and constant changed from one state to another state is called the
frequency sinusoidal functions are also transient state.
considered to be in a steady state.

21.Find the frequency response V2/V1 for the two port circuit shown below. (JUNE 2015)

22.A 50µF capacitor is discharged through a 100KΩ resistor. If the capacitor is initially charged to
400V, determine the initial energy. (NOV 2014)
Initial Energy, E = (1/2)CV2 = 4J

23.Define Inductance?
When a time varying current passes through the circuits, varying flux is produced. Because of this change
in flux, a voltage is induced in the circuit proportional to time rate of change of flux or current i.e. emf
induced α di/dt= Ldi/dt. Where L, the constant of proportionally has to be called as self inductance of the

24.Define Capacitance.
A capacitor is a circuit element that, like the inductor, stores energy during periods of time and returns the
energy during others. In the capacitor, storage takes place in an electric field unlike the inductance where
storage is in a magnetic field.

25.Define Natural response or source free response.(JUNE 2014)

The response of the circuit due to the stored energy in the circuit elements (independent of sources) is
called natural response.

26.Determine the Laplace transform of unit step function U(t) and sinusoidal function
Function f(t) Laplace F(S)
Unit step U(t) 1/S

27.The switch ‘S’ is shown in figure is thrown to position ‘A’ at t=0.At t=1 second, the
switch is thrown to position ‘B’. Find the voltage across the capacitor for t =1sec.(May-

VC=V(1-e-t/τ) ; Here τ = RC = 4 =1 Where VC is voltage across capacitor and τ is time

constant. Therefore at t=1 sec , the voltage across capacitor is given by,
VC= 20(1-e-1) = 12.6V

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28. Find the value of i(0) and di/dt for the circuit shown.(May-2018)

Initial current through the inductor is Zero, since it will not allow sudden flow of current through
i(0)=0 ; i(t) = 10(1-e-t) hence , di/dt = 10e-t

29. What is the meaning of forced response?(May 2019)

The forced response is what the circuit does with the sources turned on, but with the initial conditions set
to zero.

30. Let a parallel LR network is connected to a DC source. Find the voltage across the resistor R at
steady state. (May 2019)
Voltage across the resistor under steady state will be the voltage connected to the source

PART- B (C115.4)
1.(i)Derive an expression for transient current, voltage& the energy stored in inductor of a RL transient
circuit excited by a DC Source.
(ii)Derive an expression for transient current, voltages &the energy stored in inductor of a RC transient
circuit excited by a DC source.
2.(i)A DC voltage of 100V is applied in the given circuit and the switch K is open. The switch K is closed
at t=0. Find the complete expression for the current.

(ii)A series RLC circuit with R=300ohm, L=1H & c=100μf has a constant voltage of 50V applied to it at
t=0. Find the maximum current value. Assume zero initial condition
3. A sinusoidally varying voltage of V=50sin10t is applied to a series RC circuit shown in fig at time t=0.
R=2ohm, and C=0.25F. Find the equation for the current in the circuit assuming initial charge on
capacitor be zero. (JUNE 2012)

4.(i)In the RC circuit shown in fig, the capacitor has an initial charge of Q0=100μc when the switch is
closed at t=0, find the time taken for the capacitor voltage to drop from 80 to 10 volts.
(ii)Solve for i and V as function of time in the circuit shown below, when the switch is closed at time
t = 0.
5. A RL series circuit excited by a sinusoidal source e(t) = 10sin100t volts, by closing the switch at t=0,
take R=10 Ω and L = 0.1 H. Determine the current i(t) flowing through the RL circuit.(JUNE 2014)

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6.Derive the expression for the complete solution of the current response of RC series circuit with the
excitation of V cos(ωt+Ф). Briefly explain the significance of phase angle in the solution. (DEC 2012)
7.(i)In the series RL circuit shown in fig the switch is closed on position 1 at t=0. At t=1millisecond, the
switch is moved to position Obtain the equation for current in both intervals and draw the transient
current curve.(NOV 2013)

(ii)In the fig find the current, Assume initial charge on the capacitor is zero.(NOV 2013)

8.In the circuit shown below, the switch is closed at t = 0. Determine the mesh currents i1(t) and
i2(t). (JUNE 2014)

9.The switch in the circuit shown in fig is moved from position 1 to position 2 at t=0. Find the expression
for voltage across resistor and capacitor, energy in the capacitor for t>0. (NOV 2014)

10.Explain the characterization of two port networks in terms of Z, Y and h parameters. (JUNE 2015)
11.(i) In the RL circuit shown in below figure, the switch is closed to position-1 at t= 0. After t = 100 ms,
the switch is changed to position- Find i(t) and sketch the transient. (NOV 2015)

12.A sinusoidal voltage of 10 sin 100t is connected in series with a switch and R= 10Ω &
L=0.1H. If the switch is closed at t=0, determine the transient current i(t).(JUNE 2016)

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13.In the circuit shown in below figure. Determine the transient current after switch is closed at time t=0,
given that an initial charge of 100µC is stored in the capacitor. Derive the necessary equations. (JUNE

14.A series RL circuit with R=50Ω and L=30 H has a constant voltage V=50 volts applied at t=0.
Determine the current i, voltage across inductor. Derive the necessary expression and plot the
respective curves. (NOV 2016)

15.A series RL circuit with R=10Ω and L=0.1H is supplied by an input voltage v(t) 10sin100t
Volts applied at t=0 as shown. Determine the current i, voltage across inductor.Derive the
necessary expression and plot the respective curves.(April 2017)

16.i)Steady state condition was established for the given circuit

a) when the switch ‘K” is closed at t=0 and then opened. Find i(t).

b) The circuit shown in figure (i) was initially in steady state with switch in position A at t=0.The
switch goes from ‘A’ to ‘B’ at t>0.Find an expression for voltage for t>0.Initial current in the
inductor L2=0

17.i)For the circuit shown determine i(t) for unit step function.

ii)Find the current in the circuit shown at any instant after opening the switch. The current
through the inductor was 1A just before opening the switch.

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18. Let the switch in the circuit shown in Fig. maintains its position A for a long time. At t=0, the
switch moves to B. Determine v(t) for t>0 and calculate its value at t =1s and t = 4s. (May 2019)

19. Let the switch in the circuit shown in Fig. is opened at t=0. Find the voltage across the
inductor for all values of 't'. (May 2019)


PART- A (C115.5)
1.Define a Port.
A port is defined as any pair of terminals in to which energy is supplied, or from which energy is
withdrawn, or where the network variables may be measured.

2. Define a Two port network.

A two port network is a network, which has only two pairs of accessible terminals such that one pair
represents the input and other represents the output.

3.Define Z-Parameter? (or) Relate voltage and current in a two port network using Z
parameters. (May 2019)
Z-Parameter or open circuited Impedance parameter of a two port network may be defined by expressing
the port voltages V1 and V2 in terms of the current I1 and I2.Here V1 and V2 are dependent variables and
I1,I2 are independent variables. It is expressed by a pair of governing equation.
V1 = Z11I1 + Z12I2
V2 = Z21I1 + Z22I2

4.Give the condition for reciprocity and symmetrical condition for Z parameter.
For a network to be symmetrical A=D. So the relation between Z11 and Z12 for the network is
symmetrical is Z11 = Z22. Reciprocity condition of Z parameter is Z12 = Z21.

5. Calculate the Z –parameter Z11 in the circuit shown below.

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he Z –parameter Z11 is V1/I1, port 2 is open circuited. V1 = (1+1.5)I1 => V1/I1 = 2.5 and on
substituting, we get Z11 = 2.5Ω.

6. Determine the Z-parameter Z12 in the circuit shown in question 5.

The Z-parameter Z12 is V2/I1 |I2=0. On open circuiting port 2 we obtain the equation, V1 = (1.5)
I2 => V1/I1 = 1.5. On substituting we get Z12 = 1.5Ω

7.Define Y Parameter.
Y parameter or short circuited admittance parameter of a two port network may be defined by
expressing the port currents I1 and I2 in terms of voltages V1 and V2. Here I1 and I2 are dependent
variables and V1 and V2 are independent variables. I1 may be considered to be the superposition
of two components, one caused by V1 and the other by V2.Its governing equation is given by
I1 = Y11V1 + Y12V2
I2 = Y21V1 + Y22V2

8. Give the condition for reciprocity and symmetrical condition for Y parameter.
For a network to be symmetrical A=D. So the relation between Y11 and Y12 for the network is
symmetrical is Y11 = Y22. Reciprocity condition of Y parameter is Y12 = Y21.

9. Define ABCD Parameter. (May-2018)

Transmission parameter or ABCD parameters are widely used in transmission line theory and
cascade network. Here the input variables V1 and I1 at sending end are expressed in terms of the
output variables V2 and I2 at the output or receiving end. It is also called as general parameter or
chain parameter. They are defined by a pair of governing equation given by,
V1 = AV2 – BI2
I1 = CV2 – DI2

10. What is the importance of transmission-parameter matrix property?

The transmission matrix of a cascade of a two-port network is the product of transmission
matrices of the individual two-port networks. This property is used in the design of telephone
systems, microwave networks, radars,etc.

11. Give the condition for reciprocity and symmetrical condition for ABCD parameter.
The condition for reciprocity for ABCD is (AD-BC) = 1
The condition for symmetry is A = D

12.Define hybrid parameters.

Hybrid parameter or h parameter describes a two-port network with the voltage of one port and
current of other port is taken as dependent variables. Its governing equation is given by
V1 = h11I1 + h12I2
V2 = h21I1 + h22I2

13.Why h parameters are extensively used in transistor circuits?

In the design of transistor amplifier circuits, one must know the input impedance, output
impedance, voltage gain and current gain of the transistor used. In this regard, h parameter suited
to transistor circuit as these parameters can be most conveniently measured.

14.Give the condition for reciprocity and symmetrical condition for h parameter.
The condition for reciprocity for h parameter is h12 = -h21
The condition for symmetry is (h11h22 – h12h21) = 1

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15.Determine the value of source admittance in the circuit shown be

The Z-parameter Z22 is inverse of the Y-parameter

Y Y22 i.e., Z22 = 1/Y22. We got Y22 = 7/12. So
on substituting we get Z22 = 12/7 mho.
16. In the circuit shown below, find the Z-parameter
Z Z11

The Z –parameter Z11 is V1/I1, port 2 is open circuited. V1 = (10 + 5)I1 => V1/I1 = 15 and on
substituting, we get Z11 = 2.5Ω

Give the condition for symmetry and reciprocity for various two
two-port network

18.Explin briefly about interconnection

rconnection of two-port
two networks
When a two port networks
works are connected in cascade, the parameters of the interconnected
network can be conveniently expressed with the help of ABCD parameter. In a similar way,the Z
parameter can be used to describe the parameters of series-connected two-port
port network and YY-
arameter can be used to describe parameters of parallel connected twotwo-port network. This
explains the interconnection of two-port
two networks.

19.Write the characteristic impedance of symmetrical T-section.

ZOT2 = Z12 + Z1Z2

20. Determine the Z11 and Z21 for the circuit shown.

Solution: To find Z11 and Z21, consider the given figure,

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21. Determine Y11 and Y21 for the given circuit.

Solution: To find Y11 and Y22 .consider the given figure.

22.Find the frequency response V2/V1 for the two port circuit shown below. (JUNE 2015)

Zp = = .
1250/(1+0.0012S) 1250
= = 2
25s + 6250 0.0075S + .75S

23.. Express Z parameter in terms of h parameter.

24. The following equation gives the voltages V1 and V2 at the two ports of a two port
network, V1 = 5I1 + 2I2 ; V2 = 2I1 + I2 . A load resistance of 3Ω is connected across port
2.Calculate the input impedance.

25.What is image impedance of a two-port

two network?
Image impedance for a two-portport network is the impedance, Zi 1, seen looking into port 1 when
port 2 is terminated with the image impedance, Zi 2, for port 2. In general, the image impedances
off ports 1 and 2 will not be equal unless the network is symmetrical (or anti
anti-symmetrical) with
respect to the ports.

26.When a two port network is said to be reciprocal?

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When a voltage V is inserted in port-1
port the current I in another port-22 due to the ins
insertion of this
voltage is the same as the current at the first port-1
port 1 due to the insertion of a voltage V in the
second port-2,
2, the that two port network is said to be reciprocal.

27.Draw the h-parameter

parameter model.(May-2018)

28. Let two 2-port

port networks have same admittance parameters as given as . if
these networks are connected in parallel, find the admittance parameter of resultant
network. (May 2019)
10 20
Y =
20 10

PART- B (C115.5)
Explain the characterization ooff two port networks in terms of Z, Y and h parameters
parameters. (JUNE
Determine the driving point impedance of the network shown in below figure. (NOV 2015)

ii) Determine the h-parameters

parameters of the two port network shown in below figure. (NOV 2015)

3. Determine the Z parameter of the two port networks shown.

4.. Determine the Y parameter for the circuit shown

.Find the h parameter for the circuit shown

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6.Determine the Z parameter for the circuit shown such that the two T networks are connected in

7.Obtain the transmission parameters in terms of Z parameters.

8.Obtain the reciprocity and symmetry conditions for Z and Y- Parameters.
9.Find the Y parameters for the given networks.

10.Find the equivalent π-Network for the given T network in fig.(a) and also find the equivalent
T network for the given - Network shown in fig.(b)

11. Determine the ABCD parameter for the given network.

12.i)Determine the impedance (Z) parameter of the given two port network in the given

ii). Find the hybrid (h) parameter of the two-port network in the given figure (NOV-2016)

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13.Determine the impedance (Z) parameter and draw the T-equivalent circuit for the given two-
port network also derive the transmission (ABCD) parameter from Z-parameter.(NOV-2016)

14.i)Find the Z parameter for the circuit shown.(May-2018)

ii) Determine the Y parameter for the circuit shown.

15.i)Find the ‘h’ parameter for the circuit shown. (May-2018)

ii)Two transmission lines with parameters A1B1C1D1 and A2B2C2D2 are connected in series. Find
overall parameters of the series connected system.
16. Define Z parameters and Y parameters and derive the equation to obtain one set of
parameters from the other set. (May 2019)
17. Define Transmission Parameters and write its significance. Also find the transmission
parameter of resultant if two networks with transmission parameters TA and TB are connected in
series.(May 2019)

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