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5G Wireless Technology

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Presented by:

Raadhika.K Vinodhini.R.V
4BD07EC079 4BD08EC411

6th sem, EC 6th sem, EC


Mail-id: gayu1506@yahoo.com Mail-id: vinu.lucky16@gmail.com

Mobile: 9448338535 Mobile: 9164492670

ABSTRACT: connected at all places, all the time, will be
This document represents personal views
on 5G network architecture, especially for The world of universal, uninterrupted
wireless service providers. Document has 3 access to information, entertainment and
segments, brief history of wireless communication will open new dimension to
telecommunication, 5G wireless network our lives and change our life style
architecture. significantly.

INTRODUCTION: This article is presenting vision of 5G

network architecture, explaining concept of
“BEFORE YOU CREATE FUTURE Ubiquitous computing, Super Core and
YOU MUST ENVISION IT” Flatter IP concept.

We are living in era of convergence.

Convergence is merging of technologies,
domain and discrete IT systems. Basic of
convergence lies in Digitization. In
digitization of everything is creating a more
natural communications experience.
Boundaries separating various technologies,
engineering practice, functions etc. are
dissolving. So tomorrow, our car, our
mobile phone, our home security system,
our office, all the systems that surround us,
will communicate with each other
automatically to fill our environment with
Brief History of Telecom:
our preference and our need to feel
connected anywhere, anytime and with Moore’s Law:
anyone, across the world. This is called as
Ubiquitous Computing Paradigm. The way that “Moore’s law” is usually cited
is: “The number of transistors that can be
Wireless technologies are going to take fit on to a square inch of silicon doubles
taking new dimension in our lives. The every 12 months.” Moore’s law describes a
wireless broadband will soon become long-term trend in the history of computing
readily available to everybody while, being hardware but it also prove true for wireless
at home, driving the car, sitting in the park technologies. From 1G to 4G, wireless bit
and even on a pleasure boat in the middle rate has increased from 2.4Kbps to
of a lake. And because of this, our need to 100Mbps.
have information at any time and to be
3G: The third generation, 3G wireless
system, was developed in late 1990s and
might be well-done in the late 2000s. 3G is
not only provided the transmission speed
from 125Kbps to 2Mbps, but also included
many services, such as global roaming,
superior voice quality and data always add-
on. UMTS, CDMA Evdo, HSPA are 3G

4G: The fourth generation is conceptual

Brief description of Wireless frame work and a discussion point to
Generations: address future needs of a high speed
wireless network that can transmit
1G: The first generation, 1G wireless
multimedia and data to and interface with
mobile communication systems, was
wire-line backbone network perfectly just
introduced in the early 1980s and
raised in 2002. The speeds of 4G can
completed in the early 1990s. 1G was
theoretically be promised up to 1Gbps. LTE
analog and supported the first generation
is considered as 4G technology.
of analog cell phones with the speeds up to
2.4Kbps. The prominent ones among 1G
system were advanced mobile phone
system (AMPS), Nordic mobile telephone
(NMT), and total access communication
system (TACS).

2G: The second generation, 2G system,

fielded in the late 1980s and finished in the
late 1990s, was planned mainly for voice
transmission with digital signal and the
speeds up to 64Kbps. GSM and CDMA IS 95
were prominent technologies. 4G ARCHITECTURE:

2.5G: 2.5G is used to describe 2G - system 4G is being developed to accommodate

has implemented a packet switched domain the QoS and rate requirements set by forth
in addition to the circuit switched domain. coming applications like wireless broadband
2.5G can provide data rate, up to 144Kbps. access, Multimedia Messaging Service
GPRS, EDGE and CDMA 2000 were 2.5 (MMS), video chat, mobile TV, HDTV
technologies. content, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB),
minimal services like voice and data, and
other services that utilize bandwidth. The gaming and video conferencing.
definition of 4G is to provide adequate RF
coverage, more bits/Hz and to interconnect
all wireless heterogonous networks to
provide seamless, consistent telecom
experience to user.


The goal of EPC is to provide simplified
all-IP Core network architecture to
efficiently give access to various services
such as the ones provided in IMS (IP
Multimedia Subsystem). EPC consists The flat IP architectures have emerged with
essentially a MME (Mobility Management WiMAX, and future LTE networks will be
Entity) and access agnostic gate ways for flat by definition.
routing of user datagram.
5G is a completed wireless communication
4G architecture will save significant amount with almost no limitation; somehow people
of Capex and Opex as, service provider will called it REAL wireless world. The newer
have fewer hops and fewer network generations were identified by increased bit
entities. By reducing the number of hops on rate. 5Gwill be phase of integration of
the network, data travels faster between network technologies.
end points, greatly reducing the network
latency to help support real-time Since 4G concepts have already moved to
applications such as voice over IP(VoIP), the standardization phase, we must begin
to work on the building blocks of the
following generation which is 5G wireless
network. This highlights some of the
concepts and technologies like virtually
ubiquitous coverage in 5G wireless network
and this goal enables the 4A paradigm. The
coherent integration is advances in
integrated cross-layer cross-network

5G would be about “Ubiquitous effort worldwide. Incremental advances in
computing” that is, having the ability to particular technologies are certainly very
access the application we want from any important towards enabling the next –
platform, anywhere, any time. To create generation network. However, no
such an environment, one needs to technology, even a breakthrough in a
integrate various applications, emerging particular area, could single – handedly
from various engineering practices. Human overcome all the technical challenges.
life will be surrounding by intelligent Rather, the combination of a number of
censors. Such as advanced technologies will collectively form
the backbone of 5G.

 Your intelligent car will send SMS to
your Cell phone, if someone tries to CROSS-NETWORK DESIGN:
open the door, while you are away A high number of technologies will play
from your car. important roles in 5G networks. In the
 You are receiving regular MMS from technical level the paper focuses on the
your Hospital about your medication coherent integration of advanced Ratio
need and next doctor appointment. Resource Management (RRM) Techniques
 You will have single Bill for all with advanced Physical layer (PHY)
telecom service, regardless of operations in the presence of advanced
application or network operator. Ratio Access Network (RAN) architectures;
we refer to this design principle as the
2. MOTIVATION: integrated cross–layer cross–network
The high – level goal of this paper is to
explore the technologies which will In the coming years we will witness the
facilitate the affordable provision of very emergence of extremely high rate
high data rates with virtually ubiquitous applications some of which may require
coverage in beyond – 4G which is 5G high reliability and / or may be delay –
wireless networks. intolerant such as telepresence or high –
definition video conferencing. Delivery of
3. 4A PARADIGM: such application will constitute a major
stress in network. From the rate
“Any rate, any time, anywhere,
perspective alone, one or a handful of users
affordable”. Likewise, the next generation
may use the entire capacity afford by a BS
cellular standards will be result of a
(Base Station).
tremendous amount of collective research
5. ADVANCED RAN: architecture will lessen burden on
aggregation point and traffic will directly
The transmission rate can be increased by move from BS to Media gateways. When
increasing the MIMO gain and / or the band transition from legacy (TDM, ATM) Platform
width and / or the spectral efficiency (µ). to IP will be concluded. A common ALL IP
Although increasing the rate through MIMO platform will be emerged. Vision of super
architecture looks very attractive, it is not core is based on IP platform. All network
feasible to deploy a high number of amount operators (GSM, CDMA, Wimax, Wireline)
due to number of practical limitations. can be connected to one super core with
Increasing the transit power to achieve massive capacity. This is realization of
higher spectral efficiency is not profitable single network infrastructure. The concept
due to logarithmic relations between SNR of super core will eliminate all inter
and µ. By increasing the transmission connecting charges and complexities which
between band width results in a linear right now network operator is facing. It will
decrease in SNR; therefore, even if the also reduce number of network entities in
available band width will be very high, the end to end connection, this reducing the
received power will also have to be very latency considerably.
high to guarantee a sufficient SNR. If higher
and higher rates are required in given area,
deploying a dense network of BS’s with a
very dense channel reuse scheme becomes

The envisioned advanced RAN has the

following elements.

 Central Stations (CSs)

 Base Stations (BSs)
 Distributed Antenna Ports (DAPs)
 Fixed Relay Stations (FRSs) 7. FLATER IP CONCEPT:
 Terminal Relay Stations (TRSs)
As data traffic has tremendous growth
 User Terminals (UTs)
potential under 4G existing voice centric
telecom hierarchies will be moving flat IP
architecture where, base stations will be
Existing Telecom networks are fashioned in directly connected to media gateways. 5G
hierarchical way, where subscriber traffic is will offer even more flatter architecture by
aggregated at aggregation point (BSC/RNC) using advanced semi conductor
and then routed to gateways. Flat IP technologies as 22mN CMOS. 5G will bring
evolution of active infra sharing and
managed services and eventually all existing
network operators will be MVNOs (Mobile
Virtual Network Operators).

Network operators, offering different access

technologies such as LT and Wimax, can
have singly high capacity base station and
antenna. Currently service provider is
spending 60% of total expenditure on
Capex. This arrangement will have
significant of Capex saving as current
service provider is spending 60% of total
expenditure on Capex.

Wireless system is becoming an important
infrastructure in our society. A virtual
global system is a good solution that may
efficiently connect many dedicated wireless
systems including 2G to 5G, Cellular
Systems, wireless LAN, Broadcasting
System, etc. In this world 5G technology
plays very important or vital role.

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