____ 1. Landslide is the downward ground movement on a sloping terrain caused by gravity. It also comes in
scientific term such as ________.
a. land agitation b. landmass c. landslip d. land tremors
____ 2. Which of the following is a natural agent of erosion which flows and loosens the soil?
a. air b. alcohol c. butane d. water
____ 3. What type of landslide has a very slow movement which is hardly noticeable?
a. debris flow b. rock fall c. slumping d. soil creep
____ 4. Which of the following happens when the slope becomes saturated with water triggering a landslide of water
sacked mass of rock and soil?
a. debris flow b. rock fall c. slumping d. soil creep
____ 5. Which of the following pertains to a sudden slide of rocks downslope?
a. rock failure b. rock fall c. rock slip d. rock stead
____ 6. Which of the following is a landslide characterized by short distance movement down a slope, sliding along
concave-upward or planar surface?
a. debris flow b. slumping c.soil creep d. topples
____ 7. Which of the following is not a condition for a landslide to occur?
a. bare vegetation b. flat terrain c. heavy rain d. inclined location
____ 8. This is a depression in the ground that resulted from the collapse of the surface layer of the soil.
a. earthquake b. landslide c. sinkhole d. tsunami
____ 9. Which of the following characteristics of a rock is essential in order to produce a sinkhole?
a. dense b. hard c. lustrous d. soluble
____ 10. Which of the following is not an ideal environment for sinkholes to occur?
a. limestone saturated b. salt beds
c. sedimentary deposits d. volcanic craters
____ 11. Which of the following is a type of sinkhole that develops abruptly which cause catastrophic damage?
a. artificial c. cover subsidence
b. cover collapse d. dissolution
____ 12. What type of sinkhole develops gradually where the covering sediments are permeable and contain sand?
a. artificial c. cover subsidence
b. cover collapse d. dissolution
____ 13. Which of the following occurs in areas where limestone is exposed at land surface?
a. artificial c. cover subsidence
b. cover collapse d. dissolution
____ 14. Which of the following sinkholes is primarily caused by various human activities including groundwater
pumping and construction activities?
a. artificial c. cover subsidence
b. cover collapse d. dissolution
____ 15. Which of the following is always true about sinkholes?
a. can only form holes c. can only occur on land
b. can be shallow or deep d. can form above igneous rocks
____ 16. Which of the following is a natural sign of a possible landslide?
a. curved tree trunks b. ants that gather food
c. wilting of vegetation in a limited area d. moths flying in residential houselights
____ 17. Which of the following is a natural sign of an impending sinkhole?
a. curved tree trunks b. ants that gather food
c. wilting of vegetation in a limited area d. moths flying in residential houselights
____ 18. Which of the following areas is most prone to landslide?
a. houses near rivers b. reactivated landslide areas
c. concrete houses near a fault line d. residences near the satellite towers
____ 19. Which of the following indicates that the whole region is unstable?
a. absence of bird nests b. remnants of dead trees
c. dark brown colored soil d. scarps and deposits of old landslides
____ 20. Which of these indicate movement of geologic material that results to long cracks and deformation of road
a. land cracks b. stress cracks c. seismic cracks d. tension cracks
____ 21. Which of the following pertain to a patch of angled forest on a slope?
a. tilting trees b. sloping trees c. tropical forest d. crooked forest
____ 22. Which of the following is NOT a sign of slow shifting inside structures?
a. tilting of floor b. creaking and cracking
c. swaying hanging objects d. doors not closing properly
____ 23. Which of the following is the reason why seeps and springs suddenly appear as indication of a landslide?
a. upwelling b. damaged water ways
c. burrowed holes of animals d. water seeping underground
____ 24. Which of the following precedes a debris flow?
a. low water level b. high water level
c. moderate water level d. water temperature increases
____ 25. Why does the presence of sinkholes produce earthly odor in home after rain?
a. because the soil is dissolved b. because rain mixes with soil
c. because vapors of rainwater fill the void d. because the water travels further underground
____ 26. Which of the following is NOT caused by soil shifting downwards as a sign of an impending sinkhole?
a. foundations that slant b. cracks in interior walls
c. soil temperature changes d. trees or fence posts that fall
____ 27. Which of the following signs is distinct to sinkholes?
a. sudden drainage of a pond b. cracks around doors and window frames
c. separation between walls and ceiling floors d. presence of odd bugs like slugs and centipedes in the
____ 28. Which of the following statements is true about signs of impending geologic hazard?
a. each sign immediately leads to a landslide or a sinkhole
b. it threatens the lives of humans and assure damage to property
c. any of the signs can occur without the presence of a geologic hazard
d. if one of these signs are present, it is sure that a geologic hazard will occur.
____ 29. Which of the following is NOT a sign of an impending landslide?
a. things moving b. tension cracks
c. change in water flow d. discolored well water
____ 30. Cracks found on flat ground created by extensional stress are caused by:
a. faults b. landslides c. sinkholes d. tsunami