Control of Energy Storage Devices: Yoash Levron Juri Belikov
Control of Energy Storage Devices: Yoash Levron Juri Belikov
Control of Energy Storage Devices: Yoash Levron Juri Belikov
½ The Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical ½ Department of Software Science, Tallinn Uni-
Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, versity of Technology, Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618
Haifa 3200003, Israel Tallinn, Estonia
Fuel cells
Energy density [W·h/kg]
10 100 1000 10000
Power density [W/kg]
Storage devices with high power density are crucial for stability of electric power systems.
A classic example is the kinetic energy stored in the rotors of synchronous generators. As ex-
plained in previous lectures, this kinetic energy supports instantaneous changes in the load,
and is essential for regulating the grid frequency. Today, one possible challenge associated
with renewable energy integration is the low rotational inertia of renewable energy sources,
which in several cases may lead to stability problems [1, 2]. To address this challenge the
total system inertia may be increased by means of additional storage devices.
Today the largest form of energy storage used in power grids is pumped storage in hydroelectric dams.
Series of lectures on power system dynamics. The lectures are freely available on
Lecture 4: Control of Energy Storage Devices 2
Storage devices with high capacity are mostly used for energy shifting and energy balancing.
The main idea is to store surplus energy at times when the power demand is low, and then
to use it when the main source cannot supply the energy needed, or when generation is
difficult or expensive. Typical applications in power systems include:
3 Energy balancing, Load leveling, or Peak shaving. In electric power systems the load is
constantly varying. Storage devices may be used to shift generation from times of peak
load to off-peak hours. This lowers the peak of the generated power, and improves the
overall system efficiency.
3 Renewable energy integration. Renewable sources provide variable power that is not
always matched to the load. If the energy generated by renewable sources cannot be
consumed immediately it can be stored and used later. Energy storage technologies
seem to be essential for large-scale integration of renewable sources [3].
3 Energy trading. Storage devices enable to buy energy at a low price, and then to sell
this energy at a higher price. In addition to generating profit this also helps to match
the power supply to the power demand, and stabilizes the energy cost.
3 Emergency preparedness. Storage devices may supply energy in case of a malfunction
in the generation or transmission systems. This function is vital for sensitive facilities
such as hospitals, military bases, etc.
P (t)
Both ηc (E, P ) and ηd (E, P ) have values in the range (0, 1].
As an example assume that P = −|P | and ηd = 0.8. In this case
dE 1
= P = −1.25|P |. (2)
dt 0.8
Lecture 4: Control of Energy Storage Devices 3
The energy derivative is higher (in absolute value) than the power flowing into the grid.
In addition, the round trip efficiency (ηr ) is the efficiency of a charge-discharge cycle. Con-
sider a device which is charged from Elow to Ehigh , and then discharged from Ehigh to Elow .
The round trip efficiency is the ratio between the energy extracted from the device to the
energy stored in the device: R
− P (t)<0 P (τ )dτ
ηr = R . (3)
P (t)≥0
P (τ )dτ
Changing the integration variable based on (1) yields
R Ehigh
ηd (E, P )dE
ηr = R Ehigh , (4)
ηc−1 (E, P )dE
In this case the round-trip efficiency is the multiplication of the charging and discharging
efficiencies, as expected.
Pg PL Load
PV array ⇒ ⇒
where Ppv (t) is the maximum power point of the photovoltaic array, and Emax is the capacity
of the storage device. According to this equation if the storage device is full then the surplus
Lecture 4: Control of Energy Storage Devices 4
power must be lost. As a result, the power flowing into the storage device is
0, if E ≥ Emax and Ppv (t) ≥ PL (t),
Ps (t) = Pg (t) − PL (t) = (7)
Ppv (t) − PL (t), otherwise,
Figure 4: Typical waveforms for a system with a storage device and a non-controllable power source.
If the storage device is full then the surplus power must be lost.
3 Grid energy storage. The storage device is connected to the grid, and operates alongside
traditional generators. This enables to minimize the total cost, the total fuel consump-
tion, or the peak of the generated power. The problem here is to decide how much
energy to store, and when to store it.
3 Hybrid electric vehicles. The storage device, often a battery, is connected to a fueled
engine. When the mechanical load is low energy is stored, and when the mechanical
load is high the stored energy is transferred to the load. This enables the main engine
to operate with a lower peak power and at a higher efficiency. The challenge here is
again to decide how much energy to store, and when to store it.
We will now develop the optimal energy management strategy in a system with a single
controllable generator and a single storage device, as shown in Fig. 5.
To simplify the analysis it is assumed that the load profile can be estimated with reasonable
accuracy, meaning that the power PL (t) consumed over the time interval [0, T ] is known.
This assumption is justified for some types of loads, but may not apply for others.
Lecture 4: Control of Energy Storage Devices 5
F (Pg (t))
fuel consumption
or any other cost
Pg (t)
Ps (t)
control energy
PL (t)
Figure 5: A general system consisting of a controllable generator (source), a load, and an energy
storage device.
The generator has an output power Pg (t) that can be controlled, and is characterized by a
cost function F (Pg ) that is twice differentiable, monotonically increasing and strictly convex.
This function may represent fuel consumption or another cost. The generated energy is
defined as Z t
Eg (t) = Pg (τ )dτ, (9)
and the total cost is Z T
Ftot = F (Pg (τ ))dτ. (10)
Furthermore we define the load energy as
Z t
EL (t) = PL (τ )dτ. (11)
The storage device is assumed to be ideal with ηc = ηd = 1. The power flowing into the
device is Ps (t) = Pg (t) − PL (t), and the stored energy is given by
Z t Z t
E(t) = Ps (τ )dτ = (Pg (τ ) − PL (τ )) dτ. (12)
0 0
In addition, the stored energy is limited by the device capacity, such that
The challenge is to determine the generated power Pg (t) that minimizes the total cost:
minimize Ftot = F (Pg (t))dt,
Z t
subject to E(t) = (Pg (τ ) − PL (τ )) dτ, 0 ≤ E(t) ≤ Emax ,
E(0) = Ei , E(T ) = Ef .
Lecture 4: Control of Energy Storage Devices 6
where the constants Ei and Ef denote the energy stored at the initial and final times. Using
(13), this problem may be reformulated as follows:
minimize Ftot = F (Pg (τ ))dτ,
subject to EL (t) ≤ Eg (t) ≤ EL (t) + Emax ,
Eg (0) = Ei , Eg (T ) = Ef + EL (T ),
Pg (t) = Eg .
In this form we search for a bounded function Eg (t) that minimizes the total cost. This
problem is solved in [4].
To understand the properties of the optimal solution, consider first a time interval [t1 , t2 ] in
which Eg (t) is between the bounds, that is
EL (t) + Emax
Eg (t)
EL (t)
t1 t2 t [sec]
Figure 6: When between bounds, the optimal generated energy Eg (t) must follow a straight line.
Another feature of the optimal solution is that Eg (t) must be tangent to the bounds, as illus-
trated in Fig. 7. This property is proven in [4].
Typically these two features completely define the optimal solution, and hold regardless
of the cost function F (Pg ), as long as this function is twice differentiable, monotonically
increasing and strictly convex. If this is true we may choose any cost function that obeys
these conditions, and the optimal solution will be the same. One possible choice is
F (Pg ) = 1 + Pg2 , (18)
This can be proven based on Pontryagin’s minimum principle, which is not discussed in this text.
Lecture 4: Control of Energy Storage Devices 7
EL (t) + Emax
Eg (t)
EL (t)
3 The optimal generated energy Eg (t) does not depend on the cost function F (·),
3 The optimal generated energy minimizes the total length of the curve Eg (t),
and therefore
the optimal generated energy Eg (t) follows the shortest path between the
bounds EL (t) and EL (t) + Emax .
This result provides a graphical design procedure that may be used to calculate the optimal
3 Plot the lower bound EL (t) and the upper bound EL (t) + Emax .
3 Choose the initial and final values of the generated energy Eg (t). A typical choice is
Eg (0) = EL (0) and Eg (T ) = EL (T ), which is equivalent to E(0) = E(T ) = 0.
3 Plot the shortest path that connects Eg (0) and Eg (T ) and is between bounds. This is
the optimal generated energy Eg (t).
3 All the other functions may be computed directly. For instance, the stored energy is
given by E(t) = Eg (t) − EL (t).
3 If the capacity Emax is very low then the generated power is approximately equal to
the load. In this case the storage device has little effect.
3 If the capacity Emax is high enough then the generated energy approximately follows
a straight line. The generated power is approximately constant and is equal to the
average load.
Lecture 4: Control of Energy Storage Devices 8
Figure 8: The optimal generated energy Eg (t) is the shortest path between EL (t) and EL (t) + Emax ,
and the generated power Pg (t) is “as constant as possible”. For high capacity values Pg (t) is approx-
imately equal to the average load, and for low capacity values Pg (t) ≈ PL (t).
Figure 9: The generated energy for various capacities. In each case the optimal generated energy
follows the shortest path.
Lecture 4: Control of Energy Storage Devices 9
As shown in [5], another property of the “shortest path” method is that it minimizes the
peak of the generated power Pg (t). To see this, consider the cost function
F (Pg (t)) = |Pg (t)|m . (20)
When m → ∞ we have
Z T m1
lim Ftot = lim
|Pg (t)|m dt = max{|Pg (t)|}. (21)
m→∞ m→∞ 0 t
Since typically the optimal solution is the same for every value of m, the shortest path
method minimizes the peak power max{|Pg (t)|}. This result is demonstrated in Fig. 10.
(a) Low capacity, high peak power (b) High capacity, low peak power
Figure 10: The shortest path method minimizes the peak of the generated power Pg (t).
Energy trading
Storage devices may be also used for energy trading [6]. Energy is bought when the price is
low (usually at night), and sold when the price is high (usually during the day). In addition
to generating profits, this also helps to match the energy supply to the energy demand.
As an example, consider the following energy trading optimization problem:
maximize − C(t)P (t)dt,
subject to 0 ≤ E(t) ≤ Emax , (22)
dE ηc (E, P )P, P ≥ 0,
= −1
dt ηd (E, P )P, P < 0,
Lecture 4: Control of Energy Storage Devices 10
C2 C2
C1 C1
Figure 11: Energy is bought when the price is low, and sold when the price is high.
We can conclude that in order to make a profit the round-trip efficiency must be higher
than the price ratio. For instance:
3 If the storage device is lossless (ηc = ηd = 1) then the profit over a cycle is (C2 −C1 )Emax .
In this case the profit is proportional to the price difference, and to the device capacity.
3 If there is no price difference (C2 = C1 ) then the profit is zero or negative.
3 If C1 = 0 a positive profit is guaranteed, regardless of the device efficiency.
In practice, most energy storage control problems are more complex than the ones men-
tioned above, and are generally solved by numeric techniques such as linear programming,
dynamic programming, or Pontryagin’s minimum principle. Several examples are shown
in the reference list below, and a summary of the mostly used methods is presented in [7].
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