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DIN 53438 - en - 1984-06-01 - 13160

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Testing of combustible materials

Response to ignition by a small flame

0 Edge ignition
53 438
Part 2

Prüfung von brennbaren Werkstoffen; Verhalten beim Beflammen mit einem Brenner; Supersedes April 1977 edition

In keeping with cwrentpractice in Standards published by the International Organization for Standardization IlSOl,
a comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker.

Dimensions in mm

1 Field of application 4.3 Measure the thickness of the test pieces on the cen-
tral longitudinal axis at distances of 10.70 and 130 mm
This Standard specifies the method of testfor determining
from their lower edges to f 0.1 mm, or to f 0.01 mm in
the response of materials to edge ignition, referred to in
the case of test pieces less than 1 mm thick. Lay the test
brief as method K. See DIN 53 438 Part 1, DIN 50 050
piece in the two-part frame (sec DIN 53 438 Part 1, June
and DIN 50 051 for general information, explanatory
1984 edition, subclause 4.1.3) so that rhe lower edge of
notes, concepts and apparatus. See DIN 53 438 Part 3
the fest piece is located 40 mm above the lower edge of
for surface ignition (method F).
the frame (sec figure). Join the two Parts of the frame
using threaded or spring Clips and suspend the frame
2 Test pieces vertically from the Suspension device positioned in the
2.1 Take or prepare 10 test piaces Iree subclause 4.1) test chamber.
from the product to be tested. In the case of anisotropic With the burner (sec DIN 53438 Part 1, June 1984 edi-
products. take note of the direction of sampling and tion, subclause 4.1.1) set in the vertical Position, adjust
include this information in the test report. the flame to a height of 20mm. With the flame at this
2.2 The test pieces shall be 19Omm in length by 90mm height, leave the burner to burn for at least one minute
in width. Their thickness shall depend on the specifica- Prior to commencing the test, readjusting the height, if
tions for the product concerned or shall be agreed upon. necessary, at the end of this period. Then incline the
Use only test pieces the thickness of which does not devi- burner through 45” and close the testchamber.
ate from the thickness of all other test pieces by more 4.4 Slide the burner towards the test piece so that. for
than * 10% at any Point. If the gien permissible devi- fest pieces less than 3 mm thick. flame impingement
ation is exceeded. the test report shall contain a note to occurs in the centre, in relation to width and thickness,
that effect. of the lower edge. If the width of the test piece is greater
2.3 Make a gauge mark on each of the tert pieces ata than 3 mm, then slide the burner forward until flame
distance of 150mm from what will be the lower edge impingence occurs at the least favourable Point on the
when the fest piece is in the test Position. lower surface of the test piece. The distance between the
front edge of the stabilizer and the lower edge of the
test piece shall be 16 mm (sec figure), measured along
3 Conditioning of test pieces the extrapolation of the nozzle axis. This distance tan

0 Prior fo testing, the test pieces shall be stored in a

DIN 50 014 - 23/50-2 Standard atmosphere. The dura-
be Set using a gauge as illustrated in DIN 53 438 Part 1,
June 1984 edition, figure 5.

tion of the conditioning period shall depend on the spec-

ification for the product under test. or shall be agreed
upon. If nootherspecification obtains. then conditioning
shall last for not less than 24 h.

4 Procedure
4.1 The test shall be carried out on five test pieces. If
no clear classification in accordance with subclause 5.2 is
porsible, the test shall be repeated on five further test
4.2 In the test area (laboratory) and exhaust hood, the
ambient temperature shall, at least at the Start of each
tat, lie between 18 and 28OC as specified in DIN 50 014. Figure.

Continued on pages 2 and 3

Page 2 DIN 53 438 Part 2

~pply the flame 10 the tesr piece for 15 seconds and Themeanthicknessof thetestspecimenshall besuffixed
the” withdraw the burner. Take particular care to ensure to the indication of the class, the two values being
that no disturbing draughts BR created as a result. separated by an oblique stroke. Thicknesses 1 mm or
Measure the burning time (sec DIN 53 438 Part 1 fo! greater shall be rounded to within 0.1 mm, and thick-
concept) from the initial applicatio” of the flame until nesses less than 1 mm shall be rounded to within 0.01 mm.
the flame o” the test piece ceases to hur”, or until the (Fm example: K 1/3,5 mm signifies class K 1 (edge igni-
tip of the flame o” the burning test piece reaches the tio”) for a test piece with an average thickness of 3.5 mm.l
gauge mark. It the test pieca continuer to glow after the 5.2 Evaluation in accordance with subclause 5.1 shall
flame is extinguished, measure the afterglw time (See be subject to the Wlowing specifications:
DIN 53 438 Part 1 for concept) from the extinction of 1 If all test pieces of a material ca” be assigned to the
the flame o” the fest piece until glowing ceases. Any Same class, the material shall be said to belang to that
particular observations during the course of the test shall cl.%s.
be “oted in the test report; these may include formation
2 If two of the five fest pieces of a material arc fo be
of smoke and soot. material falling or dripping ?rom the assigned to an inferior class, the material shall be Said
rest piece and whether such material continues tO hur”
to belang to the inferior class.
o” reaching the floor of the chamber. appearance Of
rhe molfe” edge (e.g. whether a frame werk is leftl. 3 If one of the five fest pieces is to be assigned to an
burning o” both sides or just o” one. shrinkage of the inferior class. the test rhall be repeated o” five “ew
test piece away from the flame. burning of a hole through test pieces of the Same material. If retesting results in
the test piece, exfent of burning. one or more teSt pieces being assigned to an inferior
The” assess the test piece in accordance with daune 5 class, the material shall be said to belang to the
and assign it fo a ciass. inferior class.
Note. In order to determine the least favourable point. 5.3 Average the burning times of the test pieces tested
homogenous materials may be ignited at several in accordance with subclause 4.4, and state the mean
pointo, e.g. both at the front and rear Of the value, in seconds, rounded to the nearest second, in the
cenfre Point of the lower surface. In the case 0f test report as the mea” burning time of the material.
laminated materials, the area of the laminating Average the afterglow times of the test pieces tested in
layers shall also be ignited. accordance with subclause 4.4 and State the mea” value.
in seconds, rounded to the “earest second. in the test
4.5 The frame and the suspension device shall have report as the mean afterglow time of the material.
cooled to an ambient temperature of 18 10 28’C. as speci-
fied in DIN 50 014. before a subsequent test may be 6 Test raport
The test report shall refer to this Standard and include
the following particulars:
5 Assessment and evahation al type and designation of the product Imateriall tested;
5.1 Esch of the test pieces tested as described in sub- b) method and date of production of the fest pieces.
clause 4.4 shall be assessed in accordance with the table indicating the directio” of sampling, if relevant;
below: c) conditioning of the test pieces:
dl Statement of which edge was tested, or whether bofh
were tested;
Evaluation Cl.%5
e) mea” thickoess obtained from measuring all test
The flame fip on the burning test piece does pieces in accordance with subclause 4.3: minimum
“ot resch the gauge mark (the flame is extin- K 1 and maximum thicknesses measured;
guished beforehand) fl mean burning time;
gl mean afterglow time;
The flame tip on the burning test piece h) class, indicating the mean mearured thickness. as
waches the gauge mark in 20 seconds or KZ
specified in subclause 5.1;
i) Point of flame impingence in the case of test pieces
thicker than 3 mm;
The flame tip on the burning test piece
waches the gauge mark in less than 20 K3 j) particular observations made during the test as de-
seconds scribed in subclause 4.4;
kl date of test.
DIN 53 438 Part ‘2 Page 3

Standards referred to
DIN 50 014 Atmospheres and their technical application: Standard atmospheres
DIN 50 050 Materials terting; burning behaiiour of materials; flame test chamber
DIN50051 Materials testing; burning behaviour of materials; burner
DIN 51 622 Liquid gases; propane, propene, butane, butene and their mixtures;quality requirements
DIN 53 438 Part 1 Testing of combustible materials; response to ignition by a small flame; general data
DIN 53 438 Part 3 Testing of combustible materials: response to ignition by a small flame; surface ignition

Other relevant Standards

DIN 54 332 Testing of textiles; determination of the burning behaviour of textile floor coverings
DIN 54 336 Testing of textiles; determination of the burning behaviour, vertical method; edge ignition

Previous editions
DIN 53 438: Atigust 1970
DIN 53 438 Part 2: April 1977

The following amendments have been made in comparison with the April 1977 edition:
a) the requiremenü in rubclauses 4.3 and 5.2 have been made more precise;
bl a new subclause. subclause 5.3, has been incorporated;
c) the Standard has been editorially revised.

Explanatory notes
Experience has confirmed that it is necessary to define both edge and surface ignition in order to assess combustibility
characteristics. After careful consideration. it has been decided not to include in the present Standard methods for the
determination and evaluation of the loss of flaming material through dripping. sine a classification sf materials in this
respect may present serious Problems or wen be misleading.
The test procedurer specified in this Standard were initially developed for plastics and have been tested experimentally.
The method is. however. also appropriate for other materials, such as wood, paper etc. Similar Standards have been drawn
up for textiles (sec DIN 54 332 and DIN 54 336).
Sine test Standards arc intended to rerve as a suitable basis fm legal requirements. for production control and for testing
products during development and in use. both methods of test have been given a classification systwn.
It is now internationally accepted that the results of combustibilitv tests performed on products or materials under
controlled laboratory conditions arc not directlv indicative of the general fire hazard. Thus, conclusions drawn from the
results of testing in accordance with DIN 53 438 Part 2 or Part 3 in respect of the fire behaviour of the product terted
under conditions differing from those specified in the test method arc only permissible with considerable reservations.
Working Group FNK 104 is prepared to make its full technical experience available to authorities issuing ruler and
regulations etc.

International Patent Classification

G 01 N 25.38

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