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Comparative Study On Psychological VariablesBetween Volleyballers and Basketballers

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IJSART - Volume 7 Issue 5 – MAY 2021 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052

Comparative Study on Psychological Variables

Between Volleyballers And Basketballers
A. Abdul Halik1, S. Senthil Kumaran2, S. Princy3, S. Rajesh4
1, 3, 4 Dept of Physical Education
2 Director, Unicorn Fitness, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India.
1, 3 Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
4Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India.

Abstract- The design of the study was to find out the result of ligaments which will reduce the changes of injuries, such as
volleyball and basketball on Achievement Motivation, sprain and tears. One of the main benefits of strengthening
emotional maturity Questionnaire. To achieve the idea of the your core is increased balance and stability. A strong core
study 20 volleyball players and 20 Basketball Players were consists of muscles that work together in coordination to
selected from dindigul district. The subjects were motivation stabilize and support your body. Having strong core stabilizers
and emotional maturity level of volleyball and Basketball enables you to maximize strength in your arms and legs.
players. The age group of subjects ranged from 17-22 years. Emotional maturity is the ability to experience, understand and
The study was delimited to the following variables express one’s own deepest feelings in the most appropriate
Achievement motivation and emotional maturity between and constructive ways. As fa r as emotional maturity is
volleyball basketball players. To perform this analysis, the concerned, it is a key factor for happiness in life without
researcher used dependent‘t’ test to find out the significant which an individual feels dependencies and insecurities in his
difference between motivation and emotional maturity level of life.
volleyball and Basketball players. In this case to test the
significance 0.05 level of confidence was utilized. It was found II. METHODOLOGY
that there was a significant motivation and emotional maturity
between volleyball and basketball players. To achieve the purpose of this study twenty (20)
volleyball players and twenty (20) basketball players were
Keywords- Volleyball Players, Basketball Players, Motivation, selected from dindigul district, Tamilnadu selected as age of
Emotional Maturity. subjects range between 17 to 22 years. The following test was
performed to psychological variables motivation
I. INTRODUCTION Questionnaire (R.R,Degroot,E,V,1990),emotional maturity
Questionnaire (Roma Pal.Km 1984).
The sport was developed at the YMCA by William
G. Morgan as an alternative for the older man that was less III. STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES
taxing than basketball. Volleyball history began in a town
called Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1895. Originally called The data was collected and statically examined to
Mignonette, it took the net from tennis and took cues from compare the psychology variable in volleyball and basketball
basketball, baseball and handball. The net was only 6'6" high, players. The‘t’ ratio was calculated to find out the significance
just above the average man's head. Originally, there was no difference if any in all the cases to test significance of 0.05
limit to the number of players on a team or the number of level of confidence was used.
contacts per side and the game was primarily played from the
ground.In the field of psychology, in order to improve the TABLE-I
emotional regulation, management of emotions and emotional COMPUTATION OF‘t’ RATIO
maturity has been more important. Further, the researchers BETWEENACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION BETWEEN
revealed that emotional maturity is a useful and efficacy VOLLEYBALL AND BASKETBALL PLAYERS
construct for use in applied situations such as during the

Basketball is very physically demanding sport

Muscle strength important in basketball because while gaining
strength, speed, and endurance you are also tendon and

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IJSART - Volume 7 Issue 5 – MAY 2021 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052

Table-I show the mean value of

Achievement motivation between volleyball and basketball
players were 40.55and38.25, respectively. The obtained “t”
ratio value of 2.42 was higher than the required table value of
2.14 for degrees of freedom, 1 and 14 significant at 0.05 level
of confidence. The study also reveals that the volleyball
players had more Achievement motivation then basketball
players. The mean value of volleyball and basketball players
on motivation were graphically represented in figure-1

Figure-2 graphical representation on mean values of

emotional maturity between volleyball and basketball players


The results obtained from present studies revealed

that there was significant difference on
Achievement motivation and emotional maturity between
volleyball and basketball players. The study also reveals that
Figure-1 graphical representation on mean values of
the volleyball players had more motivation and emotional
Achievement motivation between volleyball and basketball
maturity then basketball players. Rajiv Shrivastava 2012
Comparative Analysis of Achievement Motivation between
Volleyball and Basketball Male Players. Nishant Singh 2017
A Comparative Study of Sports Achievement Motivation
between Volleyball and Basketball Players of Sunbeam
Academy Varanasi. Zamirullah khan 2014 A Comparative
Study of Emotional Maturity among the Volleyball and
Basketball Players.


It was concluded that there was significant difference

between Achievement motivation and emotional maturity
level of volleyball and basketball players. The result of the
Table-II shown the mean value of emotional maturity
special study indicates volleyball players better then the
between volleyball and basketball players were
Achievement motivation level in basketball players. The result
88.80and83.85, respectively. The obtained “t” ratio value of
of the special study indicates volleyball players better then the
2.53 was higher than the required table value of 2.14 for
emotional maturity level in basketball players. Further the
degrees of freedom, 1 and 14 significant at 0.05 level of
study shows volleyball players shows better then to compare
confidence. The study also reveals that the volleyball players
with basketball players.
had more emotional maturity then basketball player. The mean
value of volleyball and basketball players on emotional
maturity were graphically represented in figure-2.

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