Nat Examiners Handbook Year 4 2014
Nat Examiners Handbook Year 4 2014
Nat Examiners Handbook Year 4 2014
Test for:
Fourth Year
This Examiner’s Handbook is intended for those involved in the administration of the
National Achievement Test for Fourth Year students. It outlines the activities to be
undertaken at various stages in the activity. To ensure a standardized test administration,
this Handbook must be followed strictly.
One Test Booklet (TB) for Mathematics, English, Science, Filipino, and Araling
Panlipunan and the Critical Thinking Skills Test
Parts of the Test Item Limit Time Time Time
Number Mins Allocation Started to End
General Directions &
Sample Items 1–5 5 ______
Part I (EDQ) 1 – 15 5 ______
Part II (A.M)
Filipino 1 – 60 60 8:11 – 9:10 ______
Araling Panlipunan 1 – 60 60 9:11 – 10:10 ______
Parts of the Test Item Time Time Time Time
Number Limit Allocation Started to End
Part II (P.M.)
Science 1 – 60 80 12:31 – 1:50 ______
English 1 – 60 60 1:51 – 2:50
Critical Thinking Skills Test 1 – 20 30 2:51 – 3:20 ______
Good morning everybody. I am (State your name). There are some points you should remember
to follow while taking the test. I shall read each one.
1. You will answer all five subjects and the Critical Thinking Skills Test.
2. If possible, you are not allowed to leave the room once the test has started.
3. Do not open your Test Booklet until you are told to do so.
4. If you have any problem such as missing pages or words that are not printed clearly, raise
your hand so I can help you.
5. Questions on the directions or on any test item will not be entertained after the test has
6. Do not write anything on the Test Booklet. A separate Answer Sheet is provided for your
answers. For those answering Mathematics, you may use a clean sheet of paper for your
computation but submit this to me after the test.
7. Use lead pencil No. 2 in answering the test. Mechanical pencils are not allowed.
8. Remember to keep your Answer Sheet clean and free from unnecessary marks. DO NOT
fold, crumple, or crease any portion of it, otherwise it may be rejected by the scanning
9. Select your answer from the given choices, and blacken the circle that corresponds to your
answer in the appropriate item number on your Answer Sheet.
10. You may change your answer by erasing it neatly.
11. Work quietly and mind only your own work. Do not use books, dictionaries, rulers,
calculators, and cell phones inside the testing room.
12. Refrain from cheating. If you are caught cheating and have been warned twice, but persist
on cheating, you will not be allowed to take the test any further.
13. The total time for the test will be 6 hours. You will be given a 30-minute lunch break after the
third subject.
14. Work fast enough so you will finish the test within a given time. If you finish the test ahead
of time review your answers.
15. I will announce when the given time to finish the test is up.
16. When I say STOP, put your pencils down.
After you have read the guidelines, allow examinees to go out, if necessary, before
distributing the materials.
2.1.4 Distributing the Answer Sheet (AS) and Test Booklets (TBs)
Cut with a pair of scissors or a blade one end of the plastic bags (one containing the TBs
and the other the AS). Check their quantities and see to it that these are accurate and not
tampered. In a pack there are thirty (30) TBs. Each examinee will have one TB and one AS.
In the distribution of the TBs and AS follow the numbering of examinees shown on Page
5. Start with the examinee in Number 1, by giving him/her the TB/AS with the lowest serial
number and end with examinee in Number 30, giving him/her the highest serial number.
Seats of late comers / absentees should be left vacant. Test Booklets and Answer
Sheets allocated to the said examinees should be placed inside the original plastic bag
by the Room Examiner pending their arrival. However, the Test Materials should not be
distributed yet if there are only less than 10 examinees in the room.
After each Examinee has received a Test Booklet and an Answer Sheet, say:
Everybody, put the Answer Sheet on your chair/desk. (Wait until everybody has done
this.) Look at your Test Booklets. (Pause.) Check the pages one by one. If you notice any
misprint or a missing page, raise your hand and I will change it.
Pause. Wait until everybody has done this. Then say:
Everybody, look at your Answer Sheet. Find out if there are defects. In case there are,
raise your hand and I will change them.
Pause. Look for raised hands. In case a Test Booklet or an Answer Sheet is defective,
the whole set must be changed. Get this from the regular pack, if there are extras; if none,
request the Room Supervisor to give you the exact number of copies needed from the buffer
which is in the custody of the Chief Examiner. This should be noted in the Examiner’s Report.
When all Test Booklets and Answer Sheets have been checked, keep the unused TB and AS in
your custody. These will be packed with the others upon submission of reports to the Chief
Examiner/School Testing Coordinator during the post test.
Let us begin this examination with a prayer printed on page 1 of your Test Booklet. All
together, read it silently. Begin.
3. If your last name consists of two or more words such as dela Cruz, delos Santos, San
Ignacio, etc., write your last names leaving a blank box between. Likewise, if you have two
first names write them leaving a blank box in between.
4. If you have long last names and/or first names fill your names up to the last box allotted for
your last names and first names.
5. There are two columns for the middle initial. If you have two or more middle names write only
the first letter of the first and second middle names (e.g. SJ for San Juan). If you have one
middle name, write the first letter in the first box at the left.
Indicate your gender by shading the corresponding circle. Example: If you are a boy or
man, shade male. If you are a girl or woman, shade female.
Write also the name and address of your school on the space provided.
Give the Examinees enough time to do this. Check that each Examinee does this
It is imperative that you check and double check that all Examinees have shaded the
correct circles pertaining to the NAME GRID and all the necessary information about the
Examinee. To do this, go around and inspect each Examinee’s Answer Sheet. (THIS IS VERY
2.2.5 Continuing the Test after Lunch Break in Science, English and
Critical Thinking Skills Test (2 hrs and 50 mins)
Note: The unused Scannable Answer Sheets shall be collected by the Room
Supervisor/Chief Examiner at the time when the Examinees are answering the last
subtest. Likewise, the filling out of the remaining data in Form 3 should be done at this
2.2.6 Collecting the Answer Sheets and the Test Booklets
After the recorded time to end, say:
Everybody, stop writing. Close your Test Booklets.
You are given 5 minutes to inspect your Answer Sheet. Make sure your erasures, if
any, are clean. See to it that the circle selected for each item is shaded properly. The circle
should have uniform shading. Be sure that only one is shaded for each item.
Go around to make sure the Examinees have shaded the NAME GRID properly.
After the inspection has been done, say:
I will go around to collect your test booklets, answer sheets and your scratch papers.
Collect and count all used and unused Test Booklets and answer sheets and place
these in the original plastic bags. Make sure that all materials have been retrieved. In case a
test booklet is missing exhaust all means to find it. DISMISS EXAMINEES ONLY AFTER
2.2.7 Dismissing the Examinees
After all materials are accounted for, say:
We are through with the test. You may now go out quietly in single file. Seal the ETRE with the DepED-NETRC paper tape while still inside the
2.3.2 Turning Over of Materials to the Chief Examiner
Turn over to the Chief Examiner the following materials: Sealed ETRE with its contents Used and unused Test Booklets assembled together and arranged consecutively by
Serial Numbers packed in their original plastic bags, retaining the Batch Slip inside the
plastic bags. Examiner's Handbook
2.3.3 Accounting of Materials by the Chief Examiner
The Chief Examiner does the following: Collects and accounts all ETREs, arranges and bundles them accordingly seeing to it
that the number of ETREs tallies with the number of testing rooms. A report on the
number of ETREs should accompany the bundle. Counts the Test Booklets per pack retrieved from each Examiner with the assistance
of the Room Supervisor. The open end of the plastic bag must be resealed by tape or
stapler. Places inside the CETRE the following materials after indicating the data in the Chief
Examiner's Transmittal Report:
1. Unused Answer Sheets with serial numbers arranged consecutively
2. NETRC Form 3 Test Materials Accounting Form
3. NETRC Form 4 Chief Examiner's Report Form
4. School Header Instructions to the Chief Examiner and the DTC relative to Forms 5 and 6:
1. Separate the two Forms by cutting the perforated lines.
2. Fill out the needed data in both forms.
3. These forms should be submitted to the Division Testing Coordinator (DTC) and
not placed inside the CETRE.
4. The DTC puts all Form 5’s submitted to him/her by every Chief Examiner in the
First Box of the Division’s boxes for the Test Booklets.
5. Do the same with Form 6 but all of Form 6’s will be placed in the First Box of the
Division’s boxes for the Answer Sheets.
Prepared by: