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FSWP UserManual en 12

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Phase Noise Analyzer

User Manual

Version 12
This manual describes the following R&S®FSWP models with firmware version 1.92 or higher:
● R&S®FSWP8 (1322.8003K08)
● R&S®FSWP26 (1322.8003K26)
● R&S®FSWP50 (1322.8003K50)

In addition, the following options are described:

● R&S FSWP-B21 (1325.3848.02)
● R&S FSWP-B24 (1325.3725.08)
● R&S FSWP-B24 (1325.3725.26)
● R&S FSWP-B24 (1325.3725.50)
● R&S FSWP-B60 (1322.9800.08)
● R&S FSWP-B60 (1322.9800.26)
● R&S FSWP-B60 (1322.9800.50)
● R&S FSWP-B64 (1322.9900.26)
● R&S FSWP-B64 (1322.9900.50)
● R&S FSWP-K4 (1325.5034.02)
● R&S FSWP-K33 (1325.5040.02)

© 2021 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

Mühldorfstr. 15, 81671 München, Germany
Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0
Email: info@rohde-schwarz.com
Internet: www.rohde-schwarz.com
Subject to change – data without tolerance limits is not binding.
R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.
Trade names are trademarks of the owners.

1177.5633.02 | Version 12 | R&S®FSWP

Throughout this manual, products from Rohde & Schwarz are indicated without the ® symbol , e.g. R&S®FSWP is indicated as
R&S®FSWP Contents

1 Preface.................................................................................................. 15
1.1 Key Features................................................................................................................15
1.2 Conventions Used in the Documentation.................................................................15
1.2.1 Typographical Conventions...........................................................................................15
1.2.2 Conventions for Procedure Descriptions.......................................................................16
1.2.3 Notes on Screenshots...................................................................................................16

2 Safety Information................................................................................17

3 Documentation Overview.................................................................... 18
3.1 Getting Started Manual...............................................................................................18
3.2 User Manuals and Help...............................................................................................18
3.3 Service Manual............................................................................................................ 18
3.4 Instrument Security Procedures................................................................................19
3.5 Basic Safety Instructions........................................................................................... 19
3.6 Data Sheets and Brochures....................................................................................... 19
3.7 Release Notes and Open Source Acknowledgment (OSA)..................................... 19
3.8 Application Notes, Application Cards, White Papers, etc....................................... 19

4 Preparing for Use................................................................................. 20

4.1 Putting into Operation................................................................................................ 20
4.1.1 Unpacking and Checking the Instrument...................................................................... 21
4.1.2 Accessory List............................................................................................................... 22
4.1.3 Placing or Mounting the Instrument.............................................................................. 22
4.1.4 Connecting the AC Power.............................................................................................24
4.1.5 Switching the Instrument On and Off............................................................................ 24
4.1.6 Performing a Self-Alignment and a Selftest.................................................................. 25
4.1.7 Checking the Supplied Options.....................................................................................26
4.2 Windows Operating System.......................................................................................26
4.3 Connecting USB Devices........................................................................................... 28
4.3.1 Connecting a Keyboard.................................................................................................28
4.3.2 Connecting a Printer..................................................................................................... 29
4.4 Connecting an External Monitor................................................................................29

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4.5 Connecting to LAN......................................................................................................30

4.6 Setting the Date and Time.......................................................................................... 31
4.7 Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode..........................................................31

5 Instrument Tour....................................................................................34
5.1 The Front Panel........................................................................................................... 34
5.1.1 Display (Touchscreen)...................................................................................................35
5.1.2 Power Key.....................................................................................................................37
5.1.3 System Control Keys.....................................................................................................37
5.1.4 The Function Keys........................................................................................................ 38
5.1.5 The Keypad...................................................................................................................39
5.1.6 Navigation Control.........................................................................................................40
5.1.7 RF Input (50 Ω)............................................................................................................. 41
5.1.8 Signal Source Output.................................................................................................... 42
5.1.9 USB Ports..................................................................................................................... 42
5.1.10 Power Sensors..............................................................................................................42
5.1.11 Probe Power Connector (3 Pins).................................................................................. 42
5.1.12 Noise Source Control.................................................................................................... 43
5.1.13 Trigger Input and Output............................................................................................... 43
5.1.14 Baseband Input............................................................................................................. 43
5.1.15 External Mixer (Optional).............................................................................................. 43
5.1.16 DC Power Supply..........................................................................................................44
5.1.17 LO AUX Input (Optional)............................................................................................... 44
5.2 The Rear Panel............................................................................................................ 44
5.2.1 Removable Hard Disk................................................................................................... 46
5.2.2 AC Power Connector and Main Power Switch..............................................................46
5.2.3 DisplayPort and DVI......................................................................................................46
5.2.4 LAN Connector..............................................................................................................46
5.2.5 USB Ports..................................................................................................................... 46
5.2.6 IF / Video / Demod Output.............................................................................................47
5.2.7 IF Wide Out................................................................................................................... 47
5.2.8 Sync Trigger Input and Output...................................................................................... 47
5.2.9 AUX Port....................................................................................................................... 47
5.2.10 GPIB Interface...............................................................................................................48

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5.2.11 External Generator Control (Optional).......................................................................... 48

5.2.12 OCXO (Optional)...........................................................................................................48
5.2.13 REF INPUT / REF OUTPUT......................................................................................... 49

6 Trying Out the Instrument................................................................... 50

6.1 Initial Setup..................................................................................................................51
6.2 Measurements............................................................................................................. 52
6.2.1 Measurement Selection................................................................................................ 53
6.2.2 The Phase Noise Measurement....................................................................................53
6.2.3 The Additive Noise Measurement................................................................................. 56
6.2.4 The Baseband Noise Measurement..............................................................................58
6.2.5 The Pulsed Phase Noise Measurement........................................................................60
6.2.6 The Pulsed Additive Noise Measurement..................................................................... 60
6.2.7 Adding Another Measurement Channel........................................................................ 62
6.3 Result Evaluation........................................................................................................ 62
6.3.1 Trace Smoothing........................................................................................................... 63
6.3.2 Integration Ranges........................................................................................................65
6.3.3 The Cross-Correlation Gain Indicator........................................................................... 66
6.3.4 Miscellaneous Evaluation Tools.................................................................................... 67
6.4 Measurement Configuration...................................................................................... 68
6.4.1 Frequency Configuration...............................................................................................68
6.4.2 The Half Decade Configuration Table........................................................................... 70
6.4.3 Pulsed Measurement Configuration..............................................................................70
6.4.4 Signal Generation......................................................................................................... 71
6.4.5 DUT Power Supply........................................................................................................73

7 Operating the Instrument.................................................................... 74

7.1 Understanding the Display Information....................................................................74
7.1.1 Channel Bar.................................................................................................................. 75
7.1.2 Window Title Bar........................................................................................................... 77
7.1.3 Marker Information........................................................................................................ 78
7.1.4 Spot Noise Information..................................................................................................78
7.1.5 Measurement Progress Information..............................................................................79
7.1.6 Frequency Information in Diagram Footer.................................................................... 80
7.1.7 Instrument and Status Information................................................................................ 80

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7.1.8 Error Information........................................................................................................... 81

7.2 Accessing Functions.................................................................................................. 82
7.2.1 Toolbar.......................................................................................................................... 83
7.2.2 Softkeys........................................................................................................................ 84
7.2.3 Context Menus.............................................................................................................. 85
7.2.4 On-screen Keyboard..................................................................................................... 85
7.3 Changing the Focus....................................................................................................86
7.4 Entering Data...............................................................................................................86
7.4.1 Entering Numeric Parameters.......................................................................................86
7.4.2 Entering Alphanumeric Parameters.............................................................................. 87
7.5 Displaying Results...................................................................................................... 88
7.5.1 Activating and Deactivating Channels...........................................................................89
7.5.2 Laying out the Result Display with the SmartGrid.........................................................90
7.5.3 Changing the Size of Windows..................................................................................... 94
7.5.4 Switching Between a Split and Maximized Window Display......................................... 95
7.5.5 Changing the Display.................................................................................................... 95
7.6 Remote Control........................................................................................................... 96
7.6.1 Remote Desktop Connection........................................................................................ 96
7.6.2 Connecting a PC via the GPIB Interface.......................................................................96

8 Applications..........................................................................................98
8.1 R&S MultiView............................................................................................................. 98
8.2 Available Applications................................................................................................ 99
8.3 Starting an Application.............................................................................................101
8.4 Running a Sequence of Measurements.................................................................. 103
8.4.1 The Sequencer Concept............................................................................................. 103
8.4.2 Sequencer Settings.....................................................................................................105
8.4.3 How to Set Up the Sequencer.....................................................................................105

9 Measurements and Result Displays.................................................107

9.1 Basics on Phase Noise Measurements...................................................................107
9.1.1 Residual Effects.......................................................................................................... 107
9.2 Performing Measurements.......................................................................................108
9.3 Selecting Measurements.......................................................................................... 110
9.4 Result Displays..........................................................................................................112

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R&S®FSWP Contents

10 Common Measurement Settings...................................................... 123

10.1 Configuration Overview............................................................................................123
10.2 Input Source.............................................................................................................. 125
10.2.1 RF Input...................................................................................................................... 125
10.2.2 Baseband Input........................................................................................................... 127
10.2.3 External Mixers........................................................................................................... 128
10.3 Level Characteristics................................................................................................ 142
10.3.1 Signal Attenuation....................................................................................................... 142
10.3.2 Amplitude Characteristics........................................................................................... 143
10.3.3 Diagram Scale.............................................................................................................145
10.4 Frequency.................................................................................................................. 146
10.5 Noise Measurement Configuration..........................................................................151
10.5.1 Triggered Measurements (Phase Noise CW)............................................................. 151
10.5.2 Measurement Range...................................................................................................151
10.5.3 Noise Configuration.....................................................................................................152
10.5.4 Integrated Measurement Configuration.......................................................................158
10.5.5 Spot Noise Information................................................................................................161
10.5.6 Spur Display................................................................................................................162
10.5.7 Frequency Stability Configuration............................................................................... 164
10.6 Output........................................................................................................................ 165
10.6.1 DC Source Configuration............................................................................................ 165
10.6.2 Signal Source Configuration....................................................................................... 168
10.6.3 Miscellaneous Output..................................................................................................172
10.7 Pulsed Phase Noise and Pulsed Additive Noise Configuration........................... 173
10.8 VCO Characterization Configuration.......................................................................176
10.8.1 Sweep Configuration...................................................................................................177
10.8.2 Trace Configuration.....................................................................................................180
10.9 Spot Noise vs Tune Configuration...........................................................................180
10.9.1 Trace Configuration.....................................................................................................181
10.10 PN Transient Analysis Configuration......................................................................181
10.10.1 Frequency Configuration.............................................................................................182
10.10.2 Trigger Configuration...................................................................................................183
10.10.3 Data Acquisition.......................................................................................................... 186

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R&S®FSWP Contents

10.10.4 Amplitude Configuration..............................................................................................187

10.10.5 Diagram Scale.............................................................................................................188
10.10.6 Settling Time............................................................................................................... 190
10.10.7 Frequency Deviation................................................................................................... 190
10.10.8 Trace Configuration.....................................................................................................191
10.10.9 Marker Configuration...................................................................................................192
10.10.10 Limit Lines................................................................................................................... 192

11 Common Analysis and Display Functions...................................... 193

11.1 Result Display Configuration...................................................................................193
11.1.1 Basic Result Displays..................................................................................................193
11.1.2 Laying out the Result Display with the SmartGrid.......................................................193
11.2 Zoomed Displays...................................................................................................... 198
11.2.1 Single Zoom Versus Multiple Zoom............................................................................ 198
11.2.2 Zoom Functions.......................................................................................................... 199
11.2.3 How to Zoom Into a Diagram...................................................................................... 200
11.3 Trace Configuration.................................................................................................. 202
11.3.1 Basics on Traces.........................................................................................................202
11.3.2 Trace Configuration.....................................................................................................206
11.3.3 Trace Export and Import..............................................................................................209
11.3.4 Copying Traces........................................................................................................... 214
11.3.5 Trace Math.................................................................................................................. 214
11.3.6 Trace Labels................................................................................................................215
11.3.7 How to Configure Traces.............................................................................................215
11.3.8 References..................................................................................................................216
11.4 Markers...................................................................................................................... 223
11.4.1 Basics on Markers and Marker Functions...................................................................223
11.4.2 Marker Settings........................................................................................................... 225
11.4.3 Marker Search Settings and Positioning Functions.................................................... 229
11.5 Limit Lines................................................................................................................. 232
11.5.1 Basics on Limit Lines.................................................................................................. 232
11.5.2 Limit Line Settings and Functions............................................................................... 236
11.5.3 How to Define Limit Lines........................................................................................... 240

12 Data Management.............................................................................. 244

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R&S®FSWP Contents

12.1 Restoring the Default Instrument Configuration (Preset)..................................... 244

12.2 Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode........................................................245
12.3 Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data.................... 247
12.3.1 Quick Save/Quick Recall.............................................................................................248
12.3.2 Configurable Storage and Recall................................................................................ 251
12.3.3 How to Save and Load Instrument Settings................................................................256
12.4 Import/Export Functions.......................................................................................... 258
12.5 Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings................ 260
12.5.1 Print and Screenshot Settings.....................................................................................260
12.5.2 How to Store or Print Screenshots of the Display....................................................... 269
12.5.3 Example for Storing Multiple Measurement Results to a PDF File............................. 272

13 General Instrument Setup................................................................. 275

13.1 Alignment...................................................................................................................275
13.1.1 Basics on Alignment....................................................................................................275
13.1.2 Alignment Settings...................................................................................................... 277
13.1.3 How to Perform a Self-Test......................................................................................... 280
13.1.4 How to Align the Instrument........................................................................................ 280
13.1.5 How to Align the Touchscreen.....................................................................................281
13.2 Display Settings........................................................................................................ 281
13.2.1 Display Settings.......................................................................................................... 281
13.2.2 How to Configure the Colors for Display and Printing.................................................290
13.2.3 How to Work with the Soft Front Panels......................................................................291
13.3 Reference Frequency Settings................................................................................ 292
13.4 System Configuration Settings................................................................................296
13.4.1 Hardware Information..................................................................................................296
13.4.2 Information on Versions and Options.......................................................................... 297
13.4.3 System Messages.......................................................................................................298
13.4.4 Firmware Updates.......................................................................................................299
13.4.5 General Configuration Settings................................................................................... 301
13.5 Service Functions..................................................................................................... 303
13.5.1 R&S Support Information............................................................................................ 304
13.5.2 Self-test Settings and Results..................................................................................... 305
13.5.3 Calibration Signal Display........................................................................................... 305

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13.5.4 Service Functions........................................................................................................307

13.5.5 Hardware Diagnostics................................................................................................. 309

14 Network and Remote Operation........................................................311

14.1 Remote Control Basics.............................................................................................311
14.1.1 Remote Control Interfaces and Protocols....................................................................311
14.1.2 SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments).....................................320
14.1.3 VISA Libraries............................................................................................................. 320
14.1.4 Messages....................................................................................................................321
14.1.5 SCPI Command Structure...........................................................................................322
14.1.6 Command Sequence and Synchronization.................................................................330
14.1.7 Status Reporting System............................................................................................ 332
14.1.8 General Programming Recommendations..................................................................349
14.2 The IECWIN Tool........................................................................................................350
14.3 Network and Remote Control Settings................................................................... 351
14.3.1 General Network Settings........................................................................................... 352
14.3.2 GPIB Settings..............................................................................................................354
14.3.3 Compatibility Settings..................................................................................................357
14.3.4 LAN Settings............................................................................................................... 358
14.3.5 Remote Errors.............................................................................................................360
14.3.6 Returning to Manual Mode ("Local")........................................................................... 361
14.4 How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control...................................................... 362
14.4.1 How to Configure a Network....................................................................................... 363
14.4.2 How to Operate the Instrument Without a Network.....................................................369
14.4.3 How to Log on to the Network.....................................................................................369
14.4.4 How to Share Directories (only with Microsoft Networks)........................................... 372
14.4.5 How to Control the R&S FSWP via the Web Browser Interface..................................372
14.4.6 How to Deactivate the Web Browser Interface............................................................373
14.4.7 How to Set Up Remote Desktop................................................................................. 374
14.4.8 How to Start a Remote Control Session from a PC.................................................... 381
14.4.9 How to Return to Manual Operation............................................................................382

15 Remote Control.................................................................................. 383

15.1 Conventions Used in SCPI Command Descriptions..............................................383
15.2 Common Suffixes......................................................................................................384

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15.3 Common Commands................................................................................................ 384

15.4 Selecting the Operating Mode and Application..................................................... 389
15.4.1 Selecting Mode and Applications................................................................................ 389
15.4.2 Performing a Sequence of Measurements..................................................................393
15.4.3 Programming Example: Performing a Sequence of Measurements........................... 395
15.5 Measurements and Result Displays........................................................................397
15.5.1 Measurement Selection.............................................................................................. 397
15.5.2 Performing Measurements..........................................................................................399
15.5.3 Querying Results.........................................................................................................402
15.5.4 Programming Examples..............................................................................................412
15.6 Common Measurement Settings............................................................................. 413
15.6.1 Remote Commands to Configure the Input Source.................................................... 413
15.6.2 Output......................................................................................................................... 428
15.6.3 Remote Commands to Configure User Ports..............................................................441
15.6.4 Remote Commands to Configure Level Characteristics............................................. 443
15.6.5 Remote Commands to Configure the Frequency........................................................449
15.6.6 Phase Noise Measurement Configuration.................................................................. 454
15.6.7 Pulsed Phase Noise Configuration............................................................................. 474
15.6.8 VCO Characterization Configuration...........................................................................477
15.6.9 Spot Noise vs Tune Configuration...............................................................................480
15.6.10 Transient Analysis....................................................................................................... 484
15.7 Common Analysis and Display Functions............................................................. 500
15.7.1 Display Configuration.................................................................................................. 500
15.7.2 Zoom........................................................................................................................... 509
15.7.3 Trace Configuration.....................................................................................................512
15.7.4 Marker......................................................................................................................... 524
15.7.5 Limit Lines................................................................................................................... 537
15.7.6 Examples: Configuring the Result Display.................................................................. 549
15.8 Managing Settings and Results...............................................................................552
15.8.1 Managing Files............................................................................................................553
15.8.2 Selecting Items to Store.............................................................................................. 558
15.8.3 Saving and Loading Instrument Settings.................................................................... 561
15.8.4 Storing and Printing Screenshots................................................................................565

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15.8.5 Saving Measurement Results..................................................................................... 576

15.8.6 Examples: Managing Data.......................................................................................... 576
15.9 Configuring the R&S FSWP......................................................................................579
15.9.1 Basic Instrument Setup............................................................................................... 579
15.9.2 Configuring the Reference Frequency........................................................................ 581
15.9.3 Calibrating the R&S FSWP and Checking Temperature............................................. 585
15.9.4 Customizing the Screen Layout.................................................................................. 589
15.9.5 Configuring Network and Remote Control.................................................................. 595
15.9.6 Checking the System Configuration............................................................................600
15.9.7 Using Service Functions............................................................................................. 606
15.9.8 Reference: Command Set of 5052 Emulation.............................................................608
15.9.9 Reference: Command Set of Emulated PSA Models..................................................610
15.10 Using the Status Register........................................................................................ 614
15.10.1 General Status Register Commands.......................................................................... 614
15.10.2 Reading Out the CONDition Part................................................................................ 615
15.10.3 Reading Out the EVENt Part.......................................................................................616
15.10.4 Controlling the ENABle Part........................................................................................616
15.10.5 Controlling the Negative Transition Part......................................................................617
15.10.6 Controlling the Positive Transition Part....................................................................... 618
15.11 Programming Examples........................................................................................... 618
15.11.1 Service Request..........................................................................................................619

16 Maintenance....................................................................................... 628
16.1 Cleaning..................................................................................................................... 628

17 Troubleshooting................................................................................. 630
17.1 Error Information.......................................................................................................630
17.2 Error Messages in Remote Control Mode...............................................................631
17.3 Troubleshooting Remote Operation........................................................................632
17.4 Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Hints.................................................................... 634
17.5 System Recovery...................................................................................................... 635
17.6 Collecting Information for Support..........................................................................635

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17.7 Contacting Customer Support.................................................................................637

List of commands.............................................................................. 639


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R&S®FSWP Contents

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R&S®FSWP Preface
Conventions Used in the Documentation

1 Preface
This chapter provides safety-related information, key features of the instrument, and
the conventions used in the documentation.

1.1 Key Features

The R&S FSWP phase noise analyzer and VCO tester with the following key features.
Measuring phase and amplitude noise with high sensitivity:
● Extremely low phase noise from internal sources
● Cross‑correlation to improve phase noise sensitivity
● Accuracy of amplitude noise measurements significantly higher than with diode
● Display of improvement in sensitivity through cross‑correlation
● Up to 300 MHz frequency offset for phase noise measurements, up to 1 GHz for
pure noise measurement
Phase noise measurements on pulsed sources at the push of a button:
● Simple test setup
● High sensitivity despite desensitization
● Automatic pulse parameter measurement
Internal source for measuring residual phase noise, also on pulsed signals:
● Simple and fast measurement
● Higher sensitivity through cross‑correlation
● Residual phase noise on pulsed signals
● Additional inputs for an external source
More features:
● Signal and spectrum analyzer and phase noise analyzer up to 50 GHz in a single
● High measurement speed
● Low‑noise internal DC sources for VCO characterization
● Measuring transients or frequency hops (transient analysis)

1.2 Conventions Used in the Documentation

1.2.1 Typographical Conventions

The following text markers are used throughout this documentation:

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R&S®FSWP Preface
Conventions Used in the Documentation

Convention Description

"Graphical user interface ele- All names of graphical user interface elements on the screen, such as
ments" dialog boxes, menus, options, buttons, and softkeys are enclosed by
quotation marks.

[Keys] Key and knob names are enclosed by square brackets.

Filenames, commands, Filenames, commands, coding samples and screen output are distin-
program code guished by their font.

Input Input to be entered by the user is displayed in italics.

Links Links that you can click are displayed in blue font.

"References" References to other parts of the documentation are enclosed by quota-

tion marks.

1.2.2 Conventions for Procedure Descriptions

When operating the instrument, several alternative methods may be available to per-
form the same task. In this case, the procedure using the touchscreen is described.
Any elements that can be activated by touching can also be clicked using an addition-
ally connected mouse. The alternative procedure using the keys on the instrument or
the on-screen keyboard is only described if it deviates from the standard operating pro-
The term "select" may refer to any of the described methods, i.e. using a finger on the
touchscreen, a mouse pointer in the display, or a key on the instrument or on a key-

1.2.3 Notes on Screenshots

When describing the functions of the product, we use sample screenshots. These
screenshots are meant to illustrate as many as possible of the provided functions and
possible interdependencies between parameters. The shown values may not represent
realistic usage scenarios.
The screenshots usually show a fully equipped product, that is: with all options instal-
led. Thus, some functions shown in the screenshots may not be available in your par-
ticular product configuration.

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R&S®FSWP Safety Information

2 Safety Information
The product documentation helps you use the R&S FSWP safely and efficiently. Follow
the instructions provided here and in the printed "Basic Safety Instructions". Keep the
product documentation nearby and offer it to other users.

Intended use
The R&S FSWP is intended for the development, production and verification of elec-
tronic components and devices in industrial, administrative, and laboratory environ-
ments. Use the R&S FSWP only for its designated purpose. Observe the operating
conditions and performance limits stated in the data sheet.

Where do I find safety information?

Safety information is part of the product documentation. It warns you about the poten-
tial dangers and gives instructions how to prevent personal injuries or damage caused
by dangerous situations. Safety information is provided as follows:
● The printed "Basic Safety Instructions" provide safety information in many lan-
guages and are delivered with the R&S FSWP.
● Throughout the documentation, safety instructions are provided when you need to
take care during setup or operation.

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R&S®FSWP Documentation Overview
Service Manual

3 Documentation Overview
This section provides an overview of the R&S FSWP user documentation. Unless
specified otherwise, you find most of the documents on the R&S FSWP product page

3.1 Getting Started Manual

Introduces the R&S FSWP and describes how to set up and start working with the
product. Includes basic operations, typical measurement examples, and general infor-
mation, e.g. safety instructions, etc.
A printed version is delivered with the instrument. A PDF version is available for down-
load on the Internet.

3.2 User Manuals and Help

Separate user manuals are provided for the base unit and the firmware applications:
● Base unit manual
Contains the description of all instrument modes and functions. It also provides an
introduction to remote control, a complete description of the remote control com-
mands with programming examples, and information on maintenance, instrument
interfaces and error messages. Includes the contents of the getting started manual.
● Manuals for (optional) firmware applications
Contains the description of the specific functions of a firmware application, includ-
ing remote control commands. Basic information on operating the R&S FSWP is
not included.
The contents of the user manuals are available as help in the R&S FSWP. The help
offers quick, context-sensitive access to the complete information for the base unit and
the firmware applications.
All user manuals are also available for download or for immediate display on the Inter-

3.3 Service Manual

Describes the performance test for checking the rated specifications, module replace-
ment and repair, firmware update, troubleshooting and fault elimination, and contains
mechanical drawings and spare part lists.
The service manual is available for download for registered users on the global
Rohde & Schwarz information system (GLORIS):

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R&S®FSWP Documentation Overview
Application Notes, Application Cards, White Papers, etc.


3.4 Instrument Security Procedures

Deals with security issues when working with the R&S FSWP in secure areas. It is
available for download on the Internet.

3.5 Basic Safety Instructions

Contains safety instructions, operating conditions and further important information.
The printed document is delivered with the instrument.

3.6 Data Sheets and Brochures

The data sheet contains the technical specifications of the R&S FSWP. It also lists the
options and their order numbers, and optional accessories.
The brochure provides an overview of the instrument and deals with the specific char-
See www.rohde-schwarz.com/brochure-datasheet/fswp

3.7 Release Notes and Open Source Acknowledgment

The release notes list new features, improvements and known issues of the current
firmware version, and describe the firmware installation.
The open source acknowledgment document provides verbatim license texts of the
used open source software.
See www.rohde-schwarz.com/firmware/fswp

3.8 Application Notes, Application Cards, White Papers,

These documents deal with special applications or background information on particu-
lar topics.
See www.rohde-schwarz.com/application/fswp

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R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Putting into Operation

4 Preparing for Use

● Putting into Operation............................................................................................. 20
● Windows Operating System....................................................................................26
● Connecting USB Devices........................................................................................28
● Connecting an External Monitor..............................................................................29
● Connecting to LAN..................................................................................................30
● Setting the Date and Time...................................................................................... 31
● Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode........................................................ 31

4.1 Putting into Operation

This section describes the basic steps to be taken when setting up the R&S FSWP for
the first time.

Risk of injury due to disregarding safety information

Observe the information on appropriate operating conditions provided in the data sheet
to prevent personal injury or damage to the instrument. Read and observe the basic
safety instructions provided with the instrument, in addition to the safety instructions in
the following sections. In particular:
● Do not open the instrument casing.

Risk of instrument damage due to inappropriate operating conditions

Specific operating conditions are required to ensure accurate measurements and to
avoid damage to the instrument. Observe the information on appropriate operating
conditions provided in the basic safety instructions and the instrument's data sheet.

Instrument damage caused by electrostatic discharge

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage the electronic components of the instrument
and the device under test (DUT). Electrostatic discharge is most likely to occur when
you connect or disconnect a DUT or test fixture to the instrument's test ports. To pre-
vent electrostatic discharge, use a wrist strap and cord and connect yourself to the
ground, or use a conductive floor mat and heel strap combination.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 20

R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Putting into Operation

Risk of instrument damage due to inappropriate operating conditions

An unsuitable operating site or test setup can damage the instrument and connected
devices. Before switching on the instrument, observe the information on appropriate
operating conditions provided in the data sheet. In particular, ensure the following:
● All fan openings are unobstructed and the airflow perforations are unimpeded. A
minimum distance of 10 cm to other objects is recommended.
● The instrument is dry and shows no sign of condensation.
● The instrument is positioned as described in the following sections.
● The ambient temperature does not exceed the range specified in the data sheet.
● Signal levels at the input connectors are all within the specified ranges.
● Signal outputs are connected correctly and are not overloaded.

EMI impact on measurement results

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) may affect the measurement results.
To suppress generated electromagnetic interference (EMI):
● Use suitable shielded cables of high quality. For example, use double-shielded RF
and LAN cables.
● Always terminate open cable ends.
● Note the EMC classification in the data sheet.

● Unpacking and Checking the Instrument................................................................ 21

● Accessory List......................................................................................................... 22
● Placing or Mounting the Instrument........................................................................ 22
● Connecting the AC Power.......................................................................................24
● Switching the Instrument On and Off...................................................................... 24
● Performing a Self-Alignment and a Selftest............................................................ 25
● Checking the Supplied Options...............................................................................26

4.1.1 Unpacking and Checking the Instrument

Check the equipment for completeness using the delivery note and the accessory lists
for the various items. Check the instrument for any damage. If there is damage, imme-
diately contact the carrier who delivered the instrument. Make sure not to discard the
box and packing material.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 21

R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Putting into Operation

Risk of injury during transportation

The carrying handles at the front and side of the casing are designed to lift or carry the
instrument. Do not apply excessive force to the handles. If a handle is ripped off, the
falling instrument can cause injury.
Be aware of the weight of the instrument when lifting it. Observe the information on
transporting heavy instruments in the basic safety instructions provided with the instru-

Packing material
Retain the original packing material. If the instrument needs to be transported or ship-
ped later, you can use the material to protect the control elements and connectors.

4.1.2 Accessory List

The instrument comes with the following accessories:

● Power cable
● Printed Getting Started manual

4.1.3 Placing or Mounting the Instrument

The R&S FSWP is designed for use under laboratory conditions, either on a bench top
or in a rack.

Bench Top Operation

If the R&S FSWP is operated on a bench top, the surface should be flat. The instru-
ment can be used in horizontal position, standing on its feet, or with the support feet on
the bottom extended.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 22

R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Putting into Operation

Risk of injury when stacking instruments

A stack of instruments can tilt over and cause injury if not stacked correctly. Further-
more, the instruments at the bottom of the stack can be damaged due to the load
imposed by the instruments on top.
Observe the following instructions when stacking instruments:
● Never stack more than three instruments. If you need to stack more than three
instruments, install them in a rack.
● The overall load imposed on the lowest instrument must not exceed 500 N.
● It is best if all instruments have the same dimensions (width and length).
If you need to stack smaller instruments on the top, the overall load imposed on the
lowest instrument must not exceed 250 N.
● If the instruments have foldable feet, fold them in completely.

Risk of injury if feet are folded out

The feet can fold in if they are not folded out completely or if the instrument is shifted.
Collapsing feet can cause injury or damage the instrument.
● Fold the feet completely in or out to ensure stability of the instrument. Never shift
the instrument when the feet are folded out.
● When the feet are folded out, do not work under the instrument or place anything
● The feet can break if they are overloaded. The overall load on the folded-out feet
must not exceed 500 N.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 23

R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Putting into Operation

The R&S FSWP can be installed in a rack using a rack adapter kit (order no. see data
sheet). The installation instructions are part of the adapter kit.

Risk of instrument damage due to insufficient airflow in a rack

If you mount several instruments in a rack, you need an efficient ventilation concept to
ensure that the instruments do not overheat. Insufficient airflow for a longer period can
disturb the operation and even cause damage.

4.1.4 Connecting the AC Power

In the standard version, the R&S FSWP is equipped with an AC power supply connec-
tor. The R&S FSWP can be used with different AC power voltages and adapts itself
automatically to it. Refer to the datasheet for the requirements of voltage and fre-
quency. The AC power connector is located on the rear panel of the instrument.
For details on the connector refer to Chapter 5.2.2, "AC Power Connector and Main
Power Switch", on page 46.
► Connect the R&S FSWP to the AC power supply using the supplied power cable.
Since the instrument is assembled in line with the specifications for safety class
EN61010, it may only be connected to an outlet that has a ground contact.

4.1.5 Switching the Instrument On and Off

Switching the instrument on

► Press the AC power switch on the rear panel to position "I".
The instrument is supplied with AC power. After booting, the instrument is ready for
operation. A green LED above the [POWER] key indicates this.
An orange LED indicates the instrument is in standby mode

Warm-up time for OCXO

When the instrument is switched on, the OCXO requires an extended warm-up time
(see data sheet).

Switching the instrument off

1. Press the [POWER] key on the front panel.
The R&S FSWP switches to standby mode.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 24

R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Putting into Operation

2. Set the AC power switch on the rear panel to position "O", or disconnect the instru-
ment from the AC power supply.
The R&S FSWP changes into off mode.

Risk of losing data

If you switch off the running instrument using the rear panel switch or by disconnecting
the power cord, the instrument loses its current settings. Furthermore, program data
can be lost.
Press the Power key first to shut down the application properly.

4.1.6 Performing a Self-Alignment and a Selftest

During instrument start, the installed hardware is checked against the current firmware
version to ensure the hardware is supported. If not, an error message is displayed
("WRONG_FW") and you are asked to update the firmware. Until the firmware version
is updated, self-alignment fails.
(For details refer to the R&S FSWP User Manual).

Furthermore, it may be necessary to align the data to a reference source by performing

a self-alignment when strong temperature changes occur.

Operating temperature
Before performing this functional test, make sure that the instrument has reached its
operating temperature (for details, refer to the data sheet).

A message in the status bar ("Instrument warming up...") indicates that the operating
temperature has not yet been reached.

Performing a self-alignment
1. Press the [SETUP] key.

2. Press the "Alignment" softkey.

3. Select the "Start Self-Alignment" button in the "Alignment" dialog box.

Once the system correction values have been calculated successfully, a message
is displayed.

To display the alignment results again later

● Press the [SETUP] key.
● Press the "Alignment" softkey.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 25

R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Windows Operating System

Performing a selftest
The selftest does not need to be repeated every time the instrument is switched on. It
is only necessary when instrument malfunction is suspected.
1. Press the [SETUP] key.

2. Press the "Service" softkey.

3. Switch to the "Selftest" tab in the "Service" dialog box.

4. Select the "Start Selftest" button.

Once the instrument modules have been checked successfully, a message is dis-

4.1.7 Checking the Supplied Options

The instrument may be equipped with both hardware and firmware options. In order to
check whether the installed options correspond to the options indicated on the delivery
note, proceed as follows.

1. Press the [SETUP] key.

2. Press the "System Config" softkey.

3. Switch to the "Versions + Options" tab in the "System Configuration" dialog box.
A list with hardware and firmware information is displayed.

4. Check the availability of the hardware options as indicated in the delivery note.

4.2 Windows Operating System

The instrument contains the Microsoft Windows operating system which has been con-
figured according to the instrument's features and needs. Changes in the system setup
are only required when peripherals like a keyboard or a printer are installed or if the
network configuration does not comply with the default settings. After the R&S FSWP
is started, the operating system boots and the instrument firmware is started automati-

Tested software
The drivers and programs used on the instrument under Microsoft Windows are adap-
ted to the instrument. Only install update software released by Rohde & Schwarz to
modify existing instrument software.
You can install additional software on the instrument; however, additional software can
impair instrument function. Thus, run only programs that Rohde & Schwarz has tested
for compatibility with the instrument software.

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R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Windows Operating System

The following program packages have been tested:

● Symantec Endpoint Security – virus-protection software
● FileShredder - for reliable deletion of files on the hard disk

Service packs and updates

Microsoft regularly creates security updates and other patches to protect Windows-
based operating systems. These are released through the Microsoft Update website
and associated update server. Instruments using Windows, especially those that con-
nect to a network, should be updated regularly.

Firewall settings
A firewall protects an instrument by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access
to it through a network. Rohde & Schwarz highly recommends the use of the firewall on
your instrument. Rohde & Schwarz instruments are shipped with the Windows firewall
enabled and preconfigured in such a way that all ports and connections for remote
control are enabled.
Note that changing firewall settings requires administrator rights.

Virus protection
Take appropriate steps to protect your instruments from infection. Use strong firewall
settings and scan any removable storage device used with a Rohde & Schwarz instru-
ment regularly. It is also recommended that you install anti-virus software on the instru-
ment. Rohde & Schwarz does NOT recommend running anti-virus software in the
background ("on-access" mode) on Windows-based instruments, due to potentially
degrading instrument performance. However, Rohde & Schwarz does recommend run-
ning it during non-critical hours.
For details and recommendations, see the following Rohde & Schwarz white paper:
● 1EF96: Malware Protection Windows 10

To access the "Start" menu

The Windows "Start" menu provides access to the Microsoft Windows functionality and
installed programs.
► Select the "Windows" icon in the toolbar, or press the "Windows" key or the [CTRL
+ ESC] key combination on the (external) keyboard.
The "Start" menu and the Windows taskbar are displayed.

The Windows taskbar also provides quick access to commonly used programs, for
example Paint or WordPad. IECWIN, the auxiliary remote control tool provided free of
charge and installed by Rohde & Schwarz, is also available from the taskbar or "Start"
For details on the IECWIN tool, see the "Network and Remote Control" chapter of the
R&S FSWP user manual.

All necessary system settings can be defined in the "Start > Settings" menu.

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R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Connecting USB Devices

For required settings, refer to the Microsoft Windows documentation and to the hard-
ware description.

4.3 Connecting USB Devices

The USB interfaces of the R&S FSWP allow you to connect USB devices, such as a
mouse, directly to the instrument. Increase the number of possible connections using
USB hubs. Due to the large number of available USB devices, there is almost no limit
to the expansions that are possible with the R&S FSWP.
All USB devices can be connected to or disconnected from the instrument during oper-

To connect a USB device

1. Connect the device to the USB interface of the R&S FSWP.
The operating system automatically searches for a suitable device driver.

2. If Windows does not find a suitable driver:

a) If the driver software is on a CD, connect a USB CD-ROM drive to the instru-
b) Specify a directory that contains the driver software.

To disconnect a USB device

► Remove the device from the USB interface of the R&S FSWP.
Windows immediately detects the change in hardware configuration and deacti-
vates the corresponding driver.

4.3.1 Connecting a Keyboard

The keyboard is detected automatically when it is connected. The default input lan-
guage is English – US.
However, you can also connect foreign language keyboards; currently the following
languages are supported for the R&S FSWP:
● German
● Swiss
● French
● Russian

To configure the keyboard language

1. To access the Windows operating system, press the Windows key on the external

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 28

R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Connecting an External Monitor

2. Select "Start > Settings > Time & language > Region & language > Add a lan-
guage" .

4.3.2 Connecting a Printer

When printing a file, the instrument checks whether a printer is connected and turned
on and whether the appropriate printer driver is installed. If necessary, printer driver
installation is initiated. You only have to install a printer driver once.
You can load updated and improved driver versions or new drivers from an installation
disk, USB memory stick or another external storage medium. If the instrument is inte-
grated in a network, you can also install driver data stored in a network directory.

4.4 Connecting an External Monitor

You can connect an external monitor (or projector) to the DVI or display port connector
on the instrument's rear panel.
(See also Chapter 5.2.3, "DisplayPort and DVI", on page 46).

Screen resolution and format

The touchscreen of the R&S FSWP is calibrated for a 16:10 format. If you connect a
monitor or projector using a different format (e.g. 4:3), the calibration is not correct and
the screen does not react to your touch actions properly.
The touchscreen has a screen resolution of 1280x800 pixels. Usually, the display of
the external monitor is a duplicate of the instrument's monitor.
If you configure the external monitor to be used as the only display in the Windows
configuration dialog box ("Show only on 2"), the maximum screen resolution of the
monitor is used. In this case, you can maximize the R&S FSWP application window
and see even more details. You cannot change the monitor's screen resolution via the
standard Windows configuration dialog box.
However, you can restore the default instrument resolution (1280x800) on the monitor
using the instrument function "Setup" > "Display" > "Configure Monitor" > "Screen Res-
olution: Restore to default".
The R&S FSWP supports a minimum resolution of 1280x768 pixels.

1. Connect the external monitor to the R&S FSWP.

2. Press the [SETUP] key.

3. Press the "Display" softkey.

4. Select the "Configure Monitor" tab in the "Display" dialog box.

The standard Windows "Screen Resolution" dialog box is displayed.

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R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Connecting to LAN

5. If necessary, change the screen resolution to be used. Consider the information in

the note above.

6. Select the instrument to be used for display:

● "Display 1": internal monitor only
● "Display 2": external monitor only
● "Duplicate": both internal and external monitor

7. Tap "Apply" to try out the settings before they are accepted permanently, then you
can easily return to the previous settings, if necessary.

8. Select "OK" if the settings are suitable.

4.5 Connecting to LAN

You can connect the instrument to a LAN for remote operation via a PC.
Provided the network administrator has assigned you the appropriate rights and adap-
ted the Windows firewall configuration, you can use the interface, for example:
● To transfer data between a controlling device and the test device, e.g. to run a
remote control program
● To access or control the measurement from a remote computer using the "Remote
Desktop" application (or a similar tool)
● To connect external network devices (e.g. printers)
● To transfer data from a remote computer and back, e.g. using network folders

► NOTICE! Risk of network failure.

Consult your network administrator before performing the following tasks:
● Connecting the instrument to the network
● Configuring the network
● Changing IP addresses

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R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode

● Exchanging hardware
Errors can affect the entire network.
Connect the R&S FSWP to the LAN via the LAN interface on the rear panel of the
Windows automatically detects the network connection and activates the required
By default, the R&S FSWP is configured to use DHCP and no static IP address is

For more information on LAN configuration, see the R&S FSWP user manual.

4.6 Setting the Date and Time

Users with administrator rights can set the date and time for the internal real time clock
as follows:

Opening the Date and Time Properties dialog box

1. Press the [SETUP] key.

2. Press the "Display" softkey.

3. Select the "General" tab in the "Display" dialog box.

4. Press the "Set Date and Time" button to open the standard Windows "Date and
Time Properties" dialog box.

5. If necessary, toggle the "Date and Time Format" between German (DE) and US.
After you have made a change and closed the dialog box, the new date and time is
also adopted by the instrument.

4.7 Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode

During normal operation, the R&S FSWP uses a solid-state drive to store its operating
system, instrument firmware, instrument self-alignment data, and any user data cre-
ated during operation.

Redirecting storage to volatile memory

Alternatively, to avoid storing any sensitive data on the R&S FSWP permanently, the
secure user mode was introduced (option R&S FSWP-K33). In secure user mode, the
instrument’s solid-state drive is write-protected so that no information can be written to
memory permanently. Data that the R&S FSWP normally stores on the solid-state drive
is redirected to volatile memory instead, which remains available only until the instru-
ment is switched off. This data includes:
● Windows operating system files

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R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode

● Firmware shutdown files containing information on last instrument state

● Self-alignment data
● General instrument settings such as the IP address
● Measurement settings
● User data created during operation
(see also Table 12-1)
● Any data created by other applications installed on the R&S FSWP, for example,
text editors (Notepad), the clipboard, or drawing tools.
Users can access data that is stored in volatile memory just as in normal operation.
However, when the instrument’s power is switched off, all data in this memory is
cleared. Thus, in secure user mode, the instrument always starts in a defined, fixed
state when switched on.
To store data such as measurement results permanently, it must be stored to an exter-
nal storage device, such as a memory stick.

Limited storage space

The volatile memory used to store data in secure user mode is restricted to 256 MB.
Thus, a "Memory full" error can occur although the hard disk indicates that storage
space is still available.

Storing required data permanently

Any data that is to be available for subsequent sessions with the R&S FSWP must be
stored on the instrument permanently, before activating the secure user mode. This
includes predefined instrument settings, transducer factors and self-alignment data.

Self-alignment data
Note that self-alignment data becomes invalid with time and due to temperature
changes. Therefore, to achieve optimal accuracy, it can be preferable to perform a new
self-alignment at the start of each new session on the R&S FSWP.

Restricted operation
Since permanent storage is not possible, the following functions are not available in
secure user mode:
● Firmware update
● Activating a new option key
Furthermore, since the "SecureUser" used in secure user mode does not have admin-
istrator rights, administrative tasks such as LAN configuration and some general
instrument settings are not available. Refer to the description of the basic instrument
setup ([SETUP] menu) to find out which functions are affected.

Activating and deactivating secure user mode

Only a user with administrator rights can activate (and deactivate) the secure user
mode. Once activated, a restart is required. The special user "SecureUser" is then log-

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 32

R&S®FSWP Preparing for Use
Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode

ged on to the R&S FSWP automatically using the auto-login function. While the secure
user mode is active, a message is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the

Secure passwords
By default, the initial password for both the administrator account and the "Secure-
User" account is "894129". When the secure user mode is activated the first time after
installation, you are prompted to change the passwords for all user accounts to
improve system security. Although it is possible to continue without changing the pass-
words, it is strongly recommended that you do so.
You can change the password in Microsoft Windows for any user at any time via:
"Start > Settings > Account > SignIn Options > Password > Change"

To deactivate the secure user mode, the "SecureUser" must log off and a user with
administrator rights must log on.

Switching users when using the auto-login function

In the "Start" menu, select the arrow next to the "Shut down" button and then "Log off".
The "Login" dialog box is displayed, in which you can enter the different user account
name and password.

The secure user mode setting and auto-login is automatically deactivated when
another user logs on. The "SecureUser" is no longer available.
For users with administrator rights, the secure user mode setting is available in the
general system configuration settings (see " SecureUser Mode " on page 302).

Remote control
Initially after installation of the R&S FSWP-K33 option, secure user mode must be
enabled manually once before remote control is possible.
(See SYSTem:SECurity[:STATe].)
Manual activation is necessary to prompt for a change of passwords.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 33

R&S®FSWP Instrument Tour
The Front Panel

5 Instrument Tour
On the instrument tour, you can learn about the different control elements and connec-
tors on the front and back panel of the R&S FSWP.
● The Front Panel...................................................................................................... 34
● The Rear Panel.......................................................................................................44

5.1 The Front Panel

This chapter describes the front panel, including all function keys and connectors.



1 15

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Figure 5-1: Front panel of the R&S FSWP

1 = Display (touchscreen)
2 = Power key
3 = System control keys
4 = USB 2.0 interfaces
5 = Power sensor connector
6 = Probe power connector
7 = DC power connectors
8 = Baseband connectors
9 = Signal source output (optional)
10 = External LO input (optional)
11 = External mixer ports (optional)
12 = Noise source control
13 = RF input
14 = Trigger in- and output
15 = Keypad
16 = Navigation control
17 = Function keys

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 34

R&S®FSWP Instrument Tour
The Front Panel

Instrument damage caused by cleaning agents

Cleaning agents contain substances such as solvents (thinners, acetone, etc.), acids,
bases, or other substances. Solvents can damage the front panel labeling, plastic
parts, or screens, for example.
Never use cleaning agents to clean the outside of the instrument. Use a soft, dry, lint-
free dust cloth instead.

● Display (Touchscreen).............................................................................................35
● Power Key...............................................................................................................37
● System Control Keys...............................................................................................37
● The Function Keys.................................................................................................. 38
● The Keypad.............................................................................................................39
● Navigation Control...................................................................................................40
● RF Input (50 Ω)....................................................................................................... 41
● Signal Source Output..............................................................................................42
● USB Ports............................................................................................................... 42
● Power Sensors........................................................................................................42
● Probe Power Connector (3 Pins)............................................................................ 42
● Noise Source Control.............................................................................................. 43
● Trigger Input and Output......................................................................................... 43
● Baseband Input.......................................................................................................43
● External Mixer (Optional)........................................................................................ 43
● DC Power Supply....................................................................................................44
● LO AUX Input (Optional)......................................................................................... 44

5.1.1 Display (Touchscreen)

The touchscreen on the front panel of the R&S FSWP displays the measurement
results. Additionally, the screen display provides status and setting information and
allows you to switch between various measurement tasks. The screen is touch-sensi-
tive, offering an alternative means of user interaction for quick and easy handling of the

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 35

R&S®FSWP Instrument Tour
The Front Panel

Risk of touchscreen damage

Inappropriate tools or excessive force can damage the touchscreen.
Observe the following instructions when operating the touchscreen:
● Never touch the screen with ball point pens or other sharp objects, use your fingers
As an alternative, you can use a stylus pen with a smooth soft tip.
● Never apply excessive force to the screen. Touch it gently.
● Never scratch the screen surface, for example with a finger nail.
● Never rub the screen surface strongly, for example with a dust cloth.
For instructions on cleaning the screen, see Chapter 16.1, "Cleaning",
on page 628.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 = Toolbar: contains general functionality of the firmware.

2 = Channel tab: contains measurement channel.
3 = Channel bar: shows measurement settings.
4 = Result display: contains measurement results.
5 = Window title bar: contains diagram-specific (trace) information.
6 = Status bar: contains system messages, progress bar and date and time.
7 = Input field.
8 = Diagram footer: contains diagram-specific information.
9 = Softkeys: provide access to measurement functions.

A touchscreen is a screen that is touch-sensitive, i.e. it reacts in a specified way when

a particular element on the screen is tapped by a finger or a pointing device, for exam-

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 36

R&S®FSWP Instrument Tour
The Front Panel

ple. Any user interface elements that can be clicked on by a mouse pointer can also be
tapped on the screen to trigger the same behavior, and vice versa.
Using the touchscreen, the following tasks (among others) can be performed by the tap
of your finger:
● Changing a setting
● Changing the display
● Moving a marker
● Zooming into a diagram
● Selecting a new evaluation method
● Scrolling through a result list
● Saving or printing results and settings
To imitate a right-click by mouse using the touchscreen, for example to open a context-
sensitive menu for a specific item, press the screen for about 1 second.

5.1.2 Power Key

The Power key on the front panel turns the instrument on and off.

The color of the LED above the key shows its current state.
● Orange: instrument is in stand-by mode.
● Green: instrument is running.

For more information see Chapter 4.1.5, "Switching the Instrument On and Off",
on page 24.

5.1.3 System Control Keys

System control keys provide access to the basic instrument configuration.

Refer to the User Manual for an extensive description of the system configuration func-

Resets the instrument to its default configuration.

Selects a particular measurement application or operating mode.

Provides functionality to configure basic instrument characteristics, for example:

● the LAN connection
● the date and time
● the display configuration
● the reference frequency
● firmware update and application installation
● service functions
● transducer configuration

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 37

R&S®FSWP Instrument Tour
The Front Panel

Provides access to the on-screen keyboard.

Turns full screen mode on and off.

Selects a window in split screen mode or browses through active windows in full
screen mode.

5.1.4 The Function Keys

Function keys provide access to the most common measurement settings and func-
Refer to the user manual for an extensive description of the measurement settings and

Provides functionality to define frequency parameters, for example:

● the measurement range
● the signal frequency

Provides functionality to configure the measurement range.

Provides functionality to configure amplitude or level characteristics, for example:

● the attenuation
● the input impedance
● the scale of the level axis
● the preamplifier

Provides functionality to automatically define various parameters like the level or fre-

Provides functionality to define various filter bandwidths.

Provides functionality to configure the measurement, for example:

● the measurement mode (single or continuous measurements)
● the number of measurements

Provides functionality to configure data acquisition and analyze measured data, for
● the trace mode
● the displayed result


Provides functionality to activate and position absolute and relative markers (markers
and delta markers).

Performs a peak search for active markers.

If no marker is active, marker 1 is activated and the peak search is performed for it.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 38

R&S®FSWP Instrument Tour
The Front Panel


Provides functionality to position and control markers, for example:

● to configure the marker search
● to configure the peak excursion

Provides the measurement functions, for example:

● the phase noise measurement
● the AM noise measurement
● the pulsed noise measurement
● the spot noise vs tune measurement

Provides functionality to configure the measurement.

Provides functionality to control display and limit lines.

Provides functionality to configure inputs and outputs.

Starts a measurement in single measurement mode.

Starts a measurement in continuous measurement mode.

5.1.5 The Keypad

The alphanumeric keys allow you to enter alphanumeric characters where necessary
(for example in dialog boxes or input fields). The keypad containing the alphanumeric
keys also provides keys that select a particular unit.

Provide access to numbers and (special) characters.


Inserts a decimal point at the cursor position (".").

Changes the sign of a numeric value or inserts a dash character ("-") in case of
alphanumeric input.

Select a particular unit for a numeric value. The labels on and next to the key state
the units it selects.
Pressing one of the unit keys also completes the entry of a numeric value. Note that
... in case of level entries (dB, dBm etc.) or dimensionless values, all unit keys have the
value "1" as multiplying factor and thus work like the [ENTER] key..

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The Front Panel

Provides the following functions:

In dialog boxes:
● Closes all kinds of dialog boxes if edit mode is not active.
● Quits edit mode if it is active.
● Selects the "Cancel" button when available.
In "Edit" dialog boxes:
● If data entry has been started, it retains the original value and closes the dialog
● If data entry has not been started or has been completed, it closes the dialog

Deletes the character to the left of the cursor (if an (alpha)numeric entry has been
started already.

Provides the following functions:

● Completes the entry of input made with the alphanumeric keys (numeric or
alphanumeric) and accepts the input.
If you enter a numeric value that has a unit, the [ENTER] key works like the
[HZ/DB] key.
● Selects the default or focused element in dialog boxes.

5.1.6 Navigation Control

Navigation control consists of a rotary knob and cursor keys. These keys allow you to
navigate within the display or within dialog boxes.
In addition to the rotary knob and the cursor keys, the navigation control also provides
undo / redo functionality.

Rotary knob
The rotary knob allows you to do several things:
● It increases or decreases any kind of numeric value. In most cases, the rotary knob
changes numeric values with a fixed step size.
Turning it to the right corresponds to an increase, turning it to the left to a decrease
of a numeric value.
● It works like a cursor key in dialog boxes or lists (for example dropdown menus). In
that case you can navigate to one of the items with the rotary knob. If the dialog
box covers more than one screen page, it also scrolls through the dialog box.
Turning it to the right corresponds to a downward movement. Moving it to the left to
an upward movement.
● It moves around markers and other graphical elements on the screen. In most
cases, the step size is fix.
● Pressing the rotary knob has the same effect as pressing the [ENTER] key as it
confirms an entry or selection.

Cursor keys
The cursor keys allow you to do several things:
● The up and down keys increase or decrease any kind of numeric value if an input
field is active.
The cursor keys change numeric values with a fixed step size.

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The Front Panel

● The cursor keys navigate through dialog boxes or lists (for example dropdown
● The left and right keys move the cursor in an input field in the corresponding direc-
● The up and down keys move markers around.
The step size is fix.
● The cursor keys allow you to navigate to a cell in a table.
● The cursor keys move a scroll bar (vertical or horizontal) in dialog boxes that have

Undo and redo functionality

Reverts the software to an older state by erasing the last change you have applied.
The undo function is useful, for example, if you are performing a measurement with
several markers and a limit line and accidentally select a different measurement. In
this case, a lot of settings would be lost. However, if you press [UNDO] immediately
afterwards, the previous status is retrieved.

Reverses an undo action or repeats the most recently performed action.

The [UNDO] function is not available after a [PRESET] or "RECALL" operation. When
these functions are used, the history of previous actions is deleted.

5.1.7 RF Input (50 Ω)

The RF Input allows you to connect a device under test (or DUT) to the R&S FSWP,
usually via cable and an appropriate connector (for example a male N connector).
The supported frequency range depends on the R&S FSWP model you have. Refer to
the datasheet for details.
The RF Input also serves as an attenuator in case you are measuring signal with high
levels. The supported attenuation range depends on the R&S FSWP model you have.
Refer to the datasheet for details..

Risk of instrument damage

Do not overload the RF input. For maximum allowed values, see the data sheet.
When measuring unknown signals, always apply attenuation to protect the input mixer.
Otherwise, the input mixer may be damaged or destroyed.
For AC coupling, a DC input voltage of 50 V must never be exceeded. For DC cou-
pling, DC voltage must not be applied at the input. In both cases, noncompliance will
destroy the input mixers.

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The Front Panel

5.1.8 Signal Source Output

The optional "Signal Source" output allows you to generate a signal that can be fed
into the DUT or other external accessories like frequency dividers or amplifiers. You
can connect the DUT or accessories with a cable that has a male N connector.

Risk of damage to the R&S FSWP

The maximum supported reverse power is 30 dBm. Make sure that this value is not
exceeded to avoid damage to the R&S FSWP.

The maximum DC output voltage is 0 V.

For details on configuring the signal source output and generating a signal, see the
User Manual.

5.1.9 USB Ports

The three USB ports on the front panel (type A) allow you to connect devices like key-
boards, mouses or memory sticks.

The R&S FSWP provides additional USB ports (including one type B port) on the rear
All USB ports support standard 2.0.

5.1.10 Power Sensors

The female Lemosa connector allows you to connect power sensors of the R&S NRP-
Zxy family to the R&S FSWP.
For an extensive list of supported power sensors, refer to the data sheet.
For details on configuring and using power sensors, see the User Manual.

5.1.11 Probe Power Connector (3 Pins)

The Probe Power connector allows you to supply external equipment with power (for
example probes or transducers).
The three-pinned probe power connector supports supply voltages from +15 V to
-12.6 V and ground. The maximum permissible current is 150 mA. This probe power
connector is suitable, for example, for high-impedance probes.

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The Front Panel

5.1.12 Noise Source Control

The female BNC connector labeled "Noise Source" allows you to connect and control
an external noise source, and supplies the required supply voltage.
You can use a noise source, for example, to measure the noise figure and gain of
amplifiers and frequency converting devices.
Conventional noise sources require a voltage of +28 V in order to be switched on and
0 V to be switched off. The output supports a maximum load of 100 mA.

5.1.13 Trigger Input and Output

The female BNC connector labeled "Trigger Input / Output" allows you to receive an
external trigger signal or send a trigger signal to another device.
When you are using the connector as a trigger input, you can apply voltages in the
range from 0.5 V to 3.5 V (the default value is 1.4 V). The typical input impedance is
10 kΩ.
When you are using the connector as a trigger output, the TTL compatible signal is
transmitted (0 V / 5 V).
Note that you can find another connector for trigger input and output on the rear panel.
For more information about controlling and configuring trigger input and output, refer to
the User Manual.

5.1.14 Baseband Input

The two connectors labeled "Baseband Input 50 Ω" are two female BNC connectors
that you can use to connect a DUT for Baseband Noise measurements.
When you perform measurements with two external mixers, the "Ch2" connector is the
IF input for the second mixer. This function is available with the optional external mixer

Risk of instrument damage

Do not overload the baseband input. An overload condition can damage or destroy the
baseband inputs.
For maximum allowed values, see the data sheet.

5.1.15 External Mixer (Optional)

The two (optional) SMA connectors (LO OUT/IF IN and IF IN) allow you to connect
external mixers.

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The Rear Panel

External mixers increase the available frequency range. The way to connect an exter-
nal mixer depends on the type of mixer and the test setup. For more information about
connecting and controlling external mixers refer to the user manual.
If not in use, it is recommended to cover the SMA connectors with the provided protec-
tive caps.

5.1.16 DC Power Supply

The female BNC connectors labeled "VTune", "VAux" and "VSupply" allow you to supply
external devices, for example a DUT or an external reference oscillator, with the
required voltage.
The VSupply connector provides supply voltage from 0 V to +16 V, for example to pro-
vide voltage for an oscillator. The supported maximum current is 2000 mA.
The VTune connector provides tuning voltage from ‑10 V to +28 V. The supported maxi-
mum current is 20 mA.
The VAux connector provides DC voltage from ‑10 V to +10 V. The supported maximum
current is 100 mA.
For more information about configuring the DC Power supply, refer to the User Manual.

5.1.17 LO AUX Input (Optional)

The two optional connectors labeled "LO AUX Input - Ch1" and "LO AUX Input - Ch2"
are two female SMA connectors that you can use to connect an external local oscillator
(LO). The external LO requires two connectors ("Ch1" and "Ch2") to work properly.
The "LO AUX Input" connectors are part of the optional Signal Source.

Risk of instrument damage

Do not overload the LO AUX input. An overload condition can damage or destroy the
For maximum allowed values, see the data sheet.

5.2 The Rear Panel

The rear panel contains various connectors for various purposes.

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The Rear Panel

3 1 4 5 2
6 7 8 9 10

Figure 5-2: Rear panel of the R&S FSWP

1 = Removable hard disk

2 = AC power connector and power switch
3 = DisplayPort and DVI
4 = LAN interface
5 = USB ports
6 = IF / Video / Demod output
7 = Trigger in- / output
8 = Sync trigger input and output
9 = AUX port
10 = GPIB interface
11 = Ref input and output

For information about the trigger in- and output available on the rear panel, see Chap-
ter 5.1.13, "Trigger Input and Output", on page 43.
The digital baseband in- and outputs shown in the image above are not supported by
the R&S FSWP.
● Removable Hard Disk............................................................................................. 46
● AC Power Connector and Main Power Switch........................................................46
● DisplayPort and DVI................................................................................................46
● LAN Connector........................................................................................................46
● USB Ports............................................................................................................... 46
● IF / Video / Demod Output...................................................................................... 47
● IF Wide Out............................................................................................................. 47
● Sync Trigger Input and Output................................................................................ 47
● AUX Port................................................................................................................. 47
● GPIB Interface.........................................................................................................48
● External Generator Control (Optional).................................................................... 48
● OCXO (Optional).....................................................................................................48
● REF INPUT / REF OUTPUT................................................................................... 49

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The Rear Panel

5.2.1 Removable Hard Disk

The removable hard disk is accessible from the rear of the instrument.
In addition to the operating system and the firmware, the R&S FSWP also stores mea-
surement data on that disk. When you remove the hard disk, you can store it and the
data on it somewhere secure.

5.2.2 AC Power Connector and Main Power Switch

The AC power supply and main power switch are located in a unit on the rear panel of
the instrument.
The main power switch has the following states.
● Position "1": The instrument is supplied with power.
● Position "0": The instrument is disconnected from the power supply.
For details refer to Chapter 4.1.5, "Switching the Instrument On and Off", on page 24.

5.2.3 DisplayPort and DVI

You can connect an external monitor or other display device to the R&S FSWP.
Another display device allows you to view the user interface on a bigger screen. Two
different types of connectors are provided for this purpose:
● DisplayPort
● DVI (Digital Visual Interface)
For details see Chapter 4.4, "Connecting an External Monitor", on page 29.

5.2.4 LAN Connector

The LAN interface allows you to connect the R&S FSWP to a local network for remote
control, printouts or data transfer. The assignment of the RJ-45 connector supports
twisted-pair category 5 UTP/STP cables in a star configuration (UTP stands for
unshielded twisted pair, and STP for shielded twisted pair).
For details see Chapter 14, "Network and Remote Operation", on page 311.

5.2.5 USB Ports

The four USB ports on the rear panel (type A) allow you to connect devices like key-
boards, mouses or memory sticks.
The male USB connector (type B) allows you to connect the R&S FSWP to a computer
and establish a remote control connection, for example.
All USB connectors support standard 2.0.

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The Rear Panel

5.2.6 IF / Video / Demod Output

The two female BNC connectors can be used for various outputs:
● Output of the intermediate frequency (IF)
● Output of the video signal
Details about configuring the output type and characteristics are part of the user man-
Note that you can use this connector for applications available with the optional spec-
trum analyzer hardware and analog modulation analysis application.

5.2.7 IF Wide Out

You can extend the signal analysis bandwidth of the R&S FSWP by installing a hard-
ware option. The bandwidth extension allows for a linear bandwidth up to 320 MHz.
You can activate and deactivate the bandwidth extension manually in the I/Q analyzer
that is integral part of the optional spectrum analyzer (R&S FSWP-B1) or other optional
applications that require the spectrum analyzer hardware.
Together with the bandwidth extension an additional IF output connector is provided (if
wide output). As opposed to the default IF / Video / Demod Output connector, the IF
output frequency of the optional connector cannot be defined manually, but is deter-
mined automatically depending on the center frequency. For details on the used fre-
quencies, see the data sheet. The IF Wide Output connector is used automatically
when the bandwidth extension is activated (i.e. for bandwidths > 80 MHz).

5.2.8 Sync Trigger Input and Output

The "Sync Trigger Input / Output" connectors allow you to synchronize several devices
(for example two R&S FSWPs) with respect to the trigger signal, but also the reference
frequency. A 100 MHz signal can be output as a trigger or reference signal to another
device, and an external trigger or reference signal can be received at the input connec-
tor by the R&S FSWP.

5.2.9 AUX Port

The 9 pole SUB-D male connector provides control signals for controlling external devi-
ces. The voltage levels are TTL compatible (max. 5 V).

Pin Signal Description

1 +5 V / max. 250 mA Supply voltage for external circuits

2 to 7 I/O Control lines for user ports (see User Manual)

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The Rear Panel

Pin Signal Description

8 GND Ground

9 READY FOR TRIGGER Signal indicating that the instrument is ready to

receive a trigger signal (Low active = 0 V)

Short-circuit hazard
Always observe the designated pin assignment. A short-circuit can damage the port.

5.2.10 GPIB Interface

The GPIB interface is in compliance with IEEE488 and SCPI. A computer for remote
control can be connected via this interface. To set up the connection, a shielded cable
is recommended. For more details refer to "Setting Up Remote Control" in the User

5.2.11 External Generator Control (Optional)

The optional "External Generator Control" provides an additional GPIB interface and
AUX port.
The GPIB connector can be used to connect an external generator to the R&S FSWP.
The AUX port is required for TTL synchronization, if supported by the generator (see
Chapter 5.2.9, "AUX Port", on page 47).
For details on connecting an external generator see the "External Generator Control"
section of the R&S FSWP User Manual.

5.2.12 OCXO (Optional)

This optional OCXO generates a 10 MHz reference signal with a very precise fre-
quency. If installed, and if no external signal is used, this signal is used as an internal
reference. It can also be used to synchronize other connected devices via the REF
OUTPUT 10 MHz connector.

Warm-up time for OCXO

When the instrument is switched on, the OCXO requires an extended warm-up time
(see data sheet).

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The Rear Panel


The REF INPUT connectors are used to provide an external reference signal to the
The REF OUTPUT connectors can be used to provide an external reference signal (or
the optional OCXO reference signal) from the R&S FSWP to other devices that are
connected to this instrument.
Various connectors are provided for different reference signals:

Connector Reference signal Usage

REF INPUT 1...20 MHz To provide an external reference signal on the

0...10 dBm

REF OUTPUT 1...20 MHz To provide the same external reference signal received
by the REF INPUT 1...20 MHz connector to another
0...10 dBm
device, when available.

REF OUTPUT 10 MHz To provide the internal reference signal from the
R&S FSWP to another device continuously.
10 dBm
Also used to provide OCXO reference signal to another

REF INPUT 100 MHz To provide an external reference signal on the

0...10 dBm

REF OUTPUT 100 MHz To provide a 100 MHz reference signal from the
R&S FSWP to another device.
6 dBm

REF OUTPUT 640 MHz To provide a 640 MHz reference signal from the
R&S FSWP to another device.
16 dBm

The SYNC TRIGGER connector can also be used to synchronize the reference fre-
quency on several devices.

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6 Trying Out the Instrument

Overview of tutorials
Initial setup:
● "Preparing the R&S FSWP" on page 51
● "Selecting the phase noise application" on page 51
● "Performing a preset" on page 52
Measurement selection
● "Selecting a measurement" on page 53
The phase noise measurement
● "Measuring phase noise" on page 53
● "Measuring amplitude noise" on page 54
● "Measuring spurs" on page 54
● "Measuring spot noise" on page 54
● "Measuring integrated noise" on page 55
● "Test setup for measurements with two external mixers" on page 55
The additive noise measurement
● "How to measure additive noise" on page 56
The baseband noise measurement
● "How to measure baseband noise at the RF input" on page 59
● "How to measure baseband noise at the baseband input" on page 59
The pulsed phase noise measurement
● "How to measure the phase noise of a pulse" on page 60
The pulsed additive noise measurement
● "How to measure pulsed additive noise with an internally modulated pulse"
on page 61
● "How to measure pulsed additive noise with an externally modulated pulse"
on page 61
Trace smoothing
● "How to smooth the trace by averaging the measurement data" on page 63
● "How to smooth the trace by adjusting the number of XCORR operations"
on page 63
● "How to smooth the trace graphically" on page 64
● "How to remove spurs from a trace" on page 64
Integration ranges
● "How to define integration ranges" on page 65
● "How to correct integrated measurements" on page 66

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R&S®FSWP Trying Out the Instrument
Initial Setup

The cross-correlation gain indicator

● "How to control the cross-correlation gain indicator (gray area)" on page 66
Miscellaneous evaluation tools
● "Zooming into the results" on page 67
● "Labeling traces" on page 67
● "Exporting measurement data" on page 67
Frequency configuration
● "How to define the measurement range" on page 68
● "How to search for signals" on page 69
● "How to define the capture range for the signal search" on page 69
● "How to define a carrier frequency manually" on page 69
The half decade configuration table
● "How to work with the half decade configuration table" on page 70
Pulsed measurement configuration
● "How to configure a gate for measurements on pulses" on page 70
Signal generation
● "How to generate a CW signal" on page 71
● "How to generate a pulse" on page 72
● "How to use an external pulse modulator (configuration)" on page 72
DUT power supply
● "How to supply DUTs with current or voltage" on page 73
● Initial Setup............................................................................................................. 51
● Measurements........................................................................................................ 52
● Result Evaluation.................................................................................................... 62
● Measurement Configuration....................................................................................68

6.1 Initial Setup

Preparing the R&S FSWP

1. Connect the R&S FSWP to an electrical outlet as described in Chapter 4.1.4, "Con-
necting the AC Power", on page 24.

2. Turn on the R&S FSWP as described in Chapter 4.1.5, "Switching the Instrument
On and Off", on page 24.

Selecting the phase noise application

1. Select the [MODE] key.

2. Select the "Phase Noise" item in the "Mode" dialog box.

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R&S®FSWP Trying Out the Instrument

There's more than one way to skin a cat

In most cases, the firmware of the R&S FSWP provides several ways to change mea-
surement parameters. For example, the measurement range can be defined via the
[FREQ] key, the "MEAS CONFIG" key or the "Overview" dialog box.
All procedures in this chapter use the "Overview" dialog box as a starting point (when
possible). You can reach this dialog via the "Overview" softkey displayed at the bottom
of the softkey bar on the right side of the diagram area.

Performing a preset
Before configuring and starting a new measurement, it is always recommended to per-
form a preset and restore the default configuration of the instrument or the measure-
ment application.
1. Select the [PRESET] key on the front panel to restore the default state of the

2. Enter the "Overview" dialog box and select the "Preset Channel" item to restore the
default state of the selected measurement channel. All other measurement chan-
nels keep their custom configuration.

6.2 Measurements
Measuring the phase noise characteristics of a DUT requires a simple measurement
setup consisting of the R&S FSWP and a DUT.
Some measurements require additional equipment.
● For additive noise measurements, the R&S FSWP must be equipped with the
optional Signal Source hardware.
● For pulsed noise measurements, the R&S FSWP must be equipped with the
optional Pulsed Phase Noise Measurement application.
● For pulsed additive noise measurements, the R&S FSWP must be equipped with
the optional Pulsed Phase Noise Measurement application and the optional Signal
Source hardware.
● Measurement Selection.......................................................................................... 53
● The Phase Noise Measurement..............................................................................53
● The Additive Noise Measurement........................................................................... 56
● The Baseband Noise Measurement........................................................................58
● The Pulsed Phase Noise Measurement..................................................................60
● The Pulsed Additive Noise Measurement............................................................... 60
● Adding Another Measurement Channel.................................................................. 62

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6.2.1 Measurement Selection

Selecting a measurement
► Select the [MEAS] key.
The R&S FSWP opens a dialog box to select the measurement.

6.2.2 The Phase Noise Measurement

Test setup
Connect the DUT via cable to the RF input of the R&S FSWP as shown in the illustra-
required connections
optional connections



Figure 6-1: Typical test setup for basic noise measurements

Measuring phase noise

1. Perform a [PRESET].
The application automatically starts a continuous measurement.
First, it searches for a carrier signal (see How to search for signals). When one has
been found, it measures the noise characteristics of the DUT in the default mea-
surement (or frequency offset) range.
If no carrier could be found, a corresponding error message is displayed in the sta-
tus bar below the diagram.

2. You can stop the measurement (to analyze the measurement data in detail) with
the [RUN SGL] or [RUN CONT] key; [RUN SGL] performs one more measurement,
then stops, [RUN CONT] stops immediately.

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By default, two traces are displayed: the first trace shows the smoothed data with-
out spurs, the second trace the raw data including spurs.

Measuring amplitude noise

The test setup is the same as shown above.
The default phase noise trace shows the phase noise characteristics of the DUT. In
addition, you can also display the amplitude noise characteristics (or both together).
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box and, from there, enter the "Analysis" dialog box.

2. Select the vertical "Trace" tab, and then the horizontal "Traces" tab.

3. For any trace, select "AM Noise" from the "Result" dropdown menu.

4. Start a new measurement to determine the AM noise of the DUT.

(The "Phase + AM Noise" menu item displays the sum of phase and amplitude
Tip: If you'd like to view both results separately at the same time, open two phase
noise diagrams, one that shows the phase noise, the other showing the AM noise
and perform a measurement.

In addition to the graphical representation of the phase noise characteristics, the appli-
cation also provides several tables that show specific phase noise characteristics.

Measuring spurs
In addition to the graphical display of spurs in the diagram (spikes on the trace), the
application also features a result display that contains a list of all detected spurs.
► Open the SmartGrid ( ) and drag the "Spurious List" item from the evaluation bar
into the display.

The spurious list contains all detected spurs (including their characteristics) on all
traces and all windows.
More information:
● Spurious list
● Spur removal

Measuring spot noise

Spot noise is the phase noise or AM noise at a specific offset frequency (for example
the phase noise at 500 kHz).
► Open the SmartGrid ( ) and drag the "Spot Noise" item from the evaluation bar
into the display.

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The table contains a list of spot noise values for selected frequency offsets (in the
default state, these are the decade edges) on each active trace.
More information:
● Spot noise table
Tip: You can define custom spot noise frequencies in the "Spot Noise" tab of the
"Noise Config" dialog box.

Measuring integrated noise

Integrated measurements show various noise characteristics, like the residual noise,
integrated over a certain offset frequency range.
► Open the SmartGrid ( ) and drag the "Integrated Measurements" item from the
evaluation bar into the display.

The table contains a list of integrated measurement results.

More information:
● Integrated measurements
Tip: You can define custom integration ranges in the "Integration Ranges" tab of
the "Noise Config" dialog box.

Test setup for measurements with two external mixers

Connect the DUT to the mixers and the mixers to the R&S FSWP as shown in the illus-
required connections
optional connections
RF Ext Mix IF In
Mixer 1 Ext Mix LO Out
RF Baseband Ch2
Mixer 2 Signal Source

1. Perform a [PRESET].

2. Select the [MEAS] key and select the "Phase Noise" measurement.

3. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Input" dialog box.

4. Configure both mixers in the "External Mixer" tab of the "Input Source" dialog box.
More information:
● External mixer

5. Start the measurement ([RUN SGL] or [RUN CONT]).

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6.2.3 The Additive Noise Measurement

Additive noise measurements require the signal source output that is available as an
optional hardware component.

Test setup
Connect the DUT via cable to the RF input and the signal source output of the
R&S FSWP as shown in the illustration.
required connections
optional connections



How to measure additive noise

1. Perform a [PRESET].

2. Select the "Additive Noise" measurement via the [MEAS] key.

3. Configure the signal source output as described in "How to generate a CW signal"

on page 71.

4. Start the measurement ([RUN SGL] or [RUN CONT]).

The application measures the additive noise on the output frequency of the signal
source in the default measurement (or frequency offset) range.

5. You can stop the measurement (to analyze the measurement data in detail) with
the [RUN SGL] or [RUN CONT] key; [RUN SGL] performs one more measurement,
then stops, [RUN CONT] stops immediately.
By default, two traces are displayed: the first trace shows the smoothed data with-
out spurs, the second trace the raw data including spurs.

How to measure additive noise characteristics of amplifiers and dividers

Measuring the noise characteristics of amplifiers and dividers require a complex test
setup. The test setup depends on the type of DUT you are testing and is explained
1. Measuring the additive noise of amplifiers with an external signal source
The test setup for for this measurement looks like this:

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required connections
optional connections

LO Aux Ch1
LO Aux Ch1
Amplifier RF

a) Configure the external signal source to generate the required fixed frequency.
b) Connect the first power splitter to the amplifier and the second power splitter.
c) Connect the amplifier to the RF input of the R&S FSWP.
d) Connect the second power splitter to both LO AUX input channels of the
The power at each LO AUX input must have a level between 5 dBm and
10 dBm.
Except for the second power splitter, do not add any additional hardware to this
signal path.
e) If required, you can add an attenuator between the first splitter and the ampli-
fier to reduce the amplifier input level.
f) Select "Overview" > "Select Measurement" > "Additive Noise"
g) Select "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "Radio Frequency" > "Local
Oscillator" > "External"
h) Start the measurement ([RUN SINGLE] or [RUN CONT].

2. Measuring the additive noise of a divider with an external signal source

(without cross-correlation)
required connections
optional connections

LO Aux Ch1
Divider Splitter
LO Aux Ch1
Divider RF

a) Configure the external signal source to generate the required fixed frequency.
b) Connect both frequency dividers to the first power splitter.
c) Connect the first frequency divider to the RF input of the R&S FSWP.
d) Connect the second power splitter to the other frequency divider and connect
the resulting signal streams to both LO AUX input channels of the R&S FSWP.
Regarding the frequency divider, make sure that both dividers are the same
model and have the same dividing factor.
Also make sure that the frequency fed into all inputs of the R&S FSWP is the
e) Select "Overview" > "Select Measurement" > "Additive Noise"

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f) Select "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "Radio Frequency" > "Local
Oscillator" > "External"
g) Start the measurement ([RUN SINGLE] or [RUN CONT].
The results in this measurements are 3 dB higher than they actually are. This is
because the divider at the LO AUX inputs is not cancelled out. To get the actual
results, subtract 3 dB from the results, for example by shifting the trace by this
amount ("Overview" > "Analysis" > "Traces" > "Traces" > "Trace Offset: 3 dB").

3. Measuring the additive noise of a divider with an external signal source

(with cross-correlation)
required connections
optional connections

Divider LO Aux Ch1

Divider LO Aux Ch1
Divider RF

a) Configure the external signal source to generate the required fixed frequency.
b) Connect the first frequency dividers to the first power splitter.
c) Connect the first frequency divider to the RF input of the R&S FSWP.
d) Connect the second power splitter to the first power splitter.
e) Connect the other two frequency dividers to the second power splitter and con-
nect the resulting signal streams to both LO AUX input channels of the
Regarding the frequency divider, make sure that all three dividers are the same
model and have the same dividing factor.
Also make sure that the frequency fed into all inputs of the R&S FSWP is the
f) Select "Overview" > "Select Measurement" > "Additive Noise"
g) Select "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "Radio Frequency" > "Local
Oscillator" > "External"
h) Start the measurement ([RUN SINGLE] or [RUN CONT].
Compared to measurements on two dividers, this setup displays the correct
additive noise of the first frequency divider. The results do not have to be cor-
rected. The additive noise of the frequency dividers connected to the LO AUX
inputs is cancelled out because of the cross-correlation properties in the two
channels of the LO AUX input.

6.2.4 The Baseband Noise Measurement

Baseband Noise measurements measure the noise characteristics of a DUT over an

absolute frequency span (not relative to carrier).

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You can use either the RF input for these measurements, or the baseband inputs. The
baseband inputs are DC coupled and extend the lower frequency range to 1 mHz (the
lowest supported frequency on the RF input is 1 MHz). Using the baseband input, you
can, for example, test the voltage supply of DC sources.

Test setup
required connections
optional connections



* = See text below for instructions on how to use the baseband input.

How to measure baseband noise at the RF input

For baseband noise measurements on the RF input, proceed as follows.
1. Connect the DUT to the RF input.

2. Perform a [PRESET].
The application automatically starts a continuous measurement and measures the
noise characteristics of the DUT in the default frequency range.

3. Select the "Baseband Noise" measurement via the [MEAS] key.

4. You can stop the measurement (to analyze the measurement data in detail) with
the [RUN SGL] or [RUN CONT] key; [RUN SGL] performs one more measurement,
then stops, [RUN CONT] stops immediately.
By default, two traces are displayed: the first trace shows the smoothed data with-
out spurs, the second trace the raw data including spurs.
Tip: Integrated measurement results. Note that the "PM", "FM" and "Jitter" results
are always "0" for baseband noise measurements.

How to measure baseband noise at the baseband input

For baseband noise measurements on the baseband input, proceed as follows.
1. Connect the DUT to one of the baseband channels.
If you want to cross-correlate the measurement, connect the DUT to both base-
band channels (add a splitter to the test setup, if the DUT has just one output).

2. Perform a [PRESET].

3. Select the "Baseband Noise" measurement via the [MEAS] key.

4. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Input" dialog box.

5. Select the vertical "Baseband" tab.

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6. Turn on the baseband input.

7. Select the "Input" channel you are using for the measurement ("CH1", "CH2" or
The application automatically starts a continuous measurement and measures the
noise characteristics of the DUT in the default frequency range.

6.2.5 The Pulsed Phase Noise Measurement

Noise measurements on pulses are available with the optional pulsed phase noise
measurements firmware application.

Test setup
required connections
optional connections


Trigger Input

How to measure the phase noise of a pulse

1. Connect the DUT via cable to the RF input of the R&S FSWP as shown in the illus-

2. Perform a [PRESET].

3. Select the [MEAS] key and select the "Pulsed Phase Noise" measurement.
The application tries to detect a pulse in the signal you have applied, using two
automatic mechanisms:
• search for the pulse frequency
• detection of the pulse characteristics
If successful, it configures a gate based on the pulse characteristics and starts the
noise measurement of the pulse.
The results are displayed the same way as in the other measurements (two traces
in the diagram and results for the integrated measurements).
If no frequency or pulse could be found, a corresponding error message is dis-
played in the status bar below the diagram.
If required, you can also define the frequency and the pulse characteristics man-

6.2.6 The Pulsed Additive Noise Measurement

Additive noise measurements on pulses require the optional pulsed phase noise mea-
surements firmware application and the optional signal source output.

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The test setup depends on whether you use internal or external modulation with a
pulse modulator.

Test setup (internal pulse modulation)

required connections
optional connections


Trigger Input

How to measure pulsed additive noise with an internally modulated pulse

1. Connect the signal source (supplies the pulse) to the DUT.
The pulse is modulated internally and output on the signal source.

2. Connect the DUT to the RF input.

3. Perform a [PRESET].

4. Select the [MEAS] key and select the "Pulsed Additive Noise" measurement.

5. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Output" dialog box.

6. Select the "Signal Source" tab and turn on the "Pulse Modulator".

7. Configure the pulse characteristics.

8. Start the measurement with [RUN SGL] or [RUN CONT].

Test setup (external pulse modulation)

For pulsed measurements using the LO AUX input, do not apply pulses with a fre-
quency below 1024 MHz. Pulses below that frequency will abort the measurement.

required connections
optional connections
Trigger Out

How to measure pulsed additive noise with an externally modulated pulse

1. Connect the signal source to the pulse modulator.

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Result Evaluation

The signal source in that case provides a continuous wave signal which is modula-
ted into a pulse by the pulse modulator.

2. Connect the trigger 1 output to the pulse modulator.

The signal provided on this output is a pulse and is required as a trigger signal for
the external pulse modulator.

3. Connect the pulse modulator to the DUT.

4. Connect the DUT to the RF input.

5. Perform a [PRESET].

6. Select the [MEAS] key and select the "Pulsed Phase Noise" measurement.

7. Select the "Signal Source" tab and turn off the "Pulse Modulator".

8. Select the output at the Trigger 1 Output

9. Configure the pulse characteristics.

10. Start the measurement with [RUN SGL] or [RUN CONT].

6.2.7 Adding Another Measurement Channel

Measuring the noise characteristics in two different measurement channels allows you,
for example, to capture and analyze two different data streams with different measure-
ment configurations.

Adding another measurement channel

1. Select the [MODE] key.

2. Select the "Phase Noise" item in the "Mode" dialog box.

The firmware adds a second instance of the phase noise application which is inde-
pendent of the first one.

6.3 Result Evaluation

The phase noise application provides several tools to control the data displayed in the
various result displays. Some tools have an effect on the graphical result displays,
other on the numerical results and still others on both graphical and numerical (for
example in case the numerical results are based on the graphical results).
● Trace Smoothing.....................................................................................................63
● Integration Ranges..................................................................................................65
● The Cross-Correlation Gain Indicator..................................................................... 66
● Miscellaneous Evaluation Tools.............................................................................. 67

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Result Evaluation

6.3.1 Trace Smoothing

How to smooth the trace by averaging the measurement data

When you average the trace, the application measures the data several times and
builds an average over all measurements when it is done. Averaging measurement
data yields a smoother trace.
Trace averaging is applied to all traces.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dialog

2. Define the number of measurements to be performed in the "Sweep / Average

Count" input field, for example "10".

3. Start the measurement.

● In case of a single measurement, the application performs x measurements
over the frequency range you have defined. An average count of "10", for
example, would result in 10 measurements.
● In case of continuous measurements, the application performs a moving aver-
age over the average count.

How to smooth the trace by adjusting the number of XCORR operations

When you apply cross-correlation operations, the application is able to determine the
phase noise characteristics at a certain frequency offset more precisely.
You can improve cross-correlation performance with the corresponding hardware
The number of cross-correlation operations applied in each half decade depends on a
cross-correlation factor that you can define arbitrarily.
Cross-correlation operations are applied to all traces.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dialog

2. Define the cross-correlation factor as required in the "XCORR Factor" input field.

The application calculates the number of cross-correlations for each half decade
based on this factor. You can see the resulting operations in the table of the "Noise
Config" dialog box.
The number of operations calculated for each half decade targets a similar mea-
surement time for all half decades, so that the measurement is done at roughly the
same time in each half decade.

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Result Evaluation

You can also see the resulting number of operations in the green bar at the bottom
of the diagram area.
More information:
● Cross-correlation

How to smooth the trace graphically

When you apply trace smoothing, the existing data remains the same. The trace is
smoothed by applying mathematical operations
Trace smoothing is applied to each trace individually.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Analysis" dialog box.

2. Select the vertical "Trace" tab, and then the horizontal "Traces" tab.

3. For any trace, turn on "Smoothing" and define the amount by which the trace
should be smoothed (in %) in the corresponding input field.

Trace smoothing is applied immediately after you have applied it to a trace.

More information:
● Trace smoothing

How to remove spurs from a trace

By default, the application already shows a trace without spurs (the yellow one). How-
ever, you can decide for each trace individually whether it shows spurs or not.
Spur removal is done after traces have been smoothed in any way.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Analysis" dialog box.

2. Select the vertical "Trace" tab, and then the horizontal "Traces" tab.

3. For any trace, remove or display spurs individually. You can also enter a threshold
that defines a level from which a spur is recognized as a spur.

The application removes all signals that are above the threshold from the trace
spur removal is applied to. Signals with levels below the threshold are not regarded
as spurs and are still displayed.
More information:
● Spur removal
Note: Note that the threshold is always taken into account in the spur table,
regardless of whether spur removal is on or off.

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Result Evaluation

6.3.2 Integration Ranges

How to define integration ranges

For the integrated measurements (residual AM, FM and PM and jitter), you can define
custom integration ranges.
By default, the integration range corresponds to the measurement range defined by the
frequency offsets. Custom integration ranges can have any range you desire.
Integration is done after traces have been smoothed in any way.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box and, from there, enter the "Noise Config" dialog

2. Select the "Integrated Measurements" tab.

3. Select the "Trace" whose data you would like to integrate from the "Show "drop-
down menu.
Tip: If you select a trace that is currently not displayed in the diagram, no integra-
ted measurement results will be displayed for the corresponding range.
4. Select "Manual" integration ranges.

5. Define the frequency ranges ("Range Start" and "Range Stop") over which you
would like to integrate.
The application calculates the measurement results as defined. Result in the inte-
grated measurements result table are adjusted accordingly (see "Measuring inte-
grated noise" on page 55 for a description on how to view that table).

Figure 6-2: Custom integration range results (frequency range from 3 kHz to 500 kHz, applied to
trace 2)

Note that the integration ranges are displayed graphically in the noise diagram.

Figure 6-3: Custom integration ranges are represented in the diagram as colored lines

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Result Evaluation

More information: Residual effects

How to correct integrated measurements

You can use so called weighting filters to compensate external effects that affect the
phase noise in certain frequency ranges.
Weighting filters are applied before trace are smoothed and before integration is
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dialog

2. Select the "Integrated Measurements" tab.

3. Select a weighting filter from the corresponding dropdown menu.

The dropdown menu contains all filters currently available on the hard disk of the
When you apply the weighting filter, the results are automatically corrected by the
filter characteristics.
If you do not have a filter yet, or want to change filter characteristics for an existing
filter, design one or change one.
More information:
● Weighting filter design
● Weighting filter management

6.3.3 The Cross-Correlation Gain Indicator

How to control the cross-correlation gain indicator (gray area)

The gray trace, or cross-correlation gain indicator, indicates the ideal position of the
measurement trace for the current number of cross-correlation operations. Thus, the
position of this area depends on the number of cross-correlations that are currently
applied in each half decade.
This in turn indicates that measurement traces that are close to the gray area (even if
only in places) can be improved by increasing the cross-correlation operations. On the
other hand, when the measurement trace lies above the gray area throughout (about
10 dB), it is not possible to improve the results any more.
More information: XCORR gain indicator
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dialog

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Result Evaluation

2. Select the "Noise Config" tab.

3. Change the "XCORR Factor", run a single measurement, and see how the position
of the gray area changes.

Figure 6-4: Increasing XCORR operations changes shape of gray area

4. If required, you can turn this area on and off as required with the "XCORR Gain
Indicator" feature.

6.3.4 Miscellaneous Evaluation Tools

Zooming into the results

The zoom tool is useful if you want to see parts of the results in more detail.
1. Select the "Zoom" icon in the toolbar ( ).

2. In the diagram, select the area you want to zoom in to (while doing this, the area is
marked by a dotted line).

3. You can return to the full display any time with the "Unzoom" icon in the toolbar
( ).

Labeling traces
Labeling traces with a short keyword is a good way to distinguish traces and see
immediately what the trace actually represents.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box and, from there, enter the "Analysis" dialog box.

2. Select the vertical "Traces" tab and the horizontal "Trace Label" tab.

3. Turn on the trace label for a certain trace and define a string of text as a label.
The application adds a label to the trace. The color of the label is the same as the
trace color.
Tip: You can move trace labels around via drag and drop.

Exporting measurement data

Exporting measurement data to a .dat file allows you to archive that data in external
programs like a spreadsheet.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box and, from there, enter the "Analysis" dialog box.

2. Select the vertical "Traces" tab and the horizontal "Trace / Data Export" tab.

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Measurement Configuration

3. Select the data types as required (trace data only or together with numerical results
and / or measurement settings).

4. Select the "Export to ASCII File" button and select the destination where you want
to save that data.

5. View the .dat file that has been created with your preferred program.

6.4 Measurement Configuration

The Phase Noise application provides several tools that make the measurement proc-
ess easier to handle or allow you to customize the measurement configuration accord-
ing to your needs.
● Frequency Configuration.........................................................................................68
● The Half Decade Configuration Table..................................................................... 70
● Pulsed Measurement Configuration........................................................................70
● Signal Generation................................................................................................... 71
● DUT Power Supply..................................................................................................73

6.4.1 Frequency Configuration

How to define the measurement range

The measurement range defines the carrier frequency offset over which the phase
noise measurement takes place.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dialog

2. Select the "Noise Config" tab.

3. Define the measurement range with the "Start Offset" and "Stop Offset" properties.

The application adjusts the measurement range. You can see this change, for
example, in the noise diagram result display.
Note: In case of baseband measurements, the measurement range is defined by
an absolute start and stop frequency instead of offsets.
More information:
● Measurement range

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Measurement Configuration

How to search for signals

The application allows you to search for a carrier signal, instead of defining the carrier
frequency manually.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Frequency" dialog box.

2. Turn on the "Auto Search" feature (it is on by default).

3. Define the frequency range in which the search should take place ("Start" and
"Stop"). By default the search is done in the maximum frequency range supported
by the hardware.

4. Define a "Threshold" for the search. Signals below the threshold are ignored during
the search.
When the application finds a signal with appropriate characteristics, it starts a
phase noise measurement in the measurement range you have defined.
Note: Automatic signal search is only available in phase noise and pulsed phase
noise measurements.

How to define the capture range for the signal search

The capture range represents the frequency bandwidth with which a signal is
searched, and, if found, tracked.
A normal capture range is recommended for measurements on stable (or slowly drift-
ing) DUTs. A wide capture range is recommended for DUTs whose frequency drifts
over greater distances. In the latter case, a normal capture range would probably result
in a scenario, where the signal drifts out of the capture range, and has to be searched
again (which would slow down the measurement considerably).
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Frequency" dialog box.

2. Select an appropriate "Capture Range" for your DUT.

Note: This feature is only available in phase noise and pulsed phase noise mea-

How to define a carrier frequency manually

When you already know the frequency of the carrier signal, you can define it manually
and reduce the measurement time.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Frequency" dialog box.

2. Turn off the "Auto Search" feature.

3. Define the "Signal Frequency".

The application performs the measurement on the defined frequency.

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Measurement Configuration

6.4.2 The Half Decade Configuration Table

How to work with the half decade configuration table

The half decade configuration table contains the measurement configuration for each
half decade that is analyzed during a measurement.
You can either enter the values for the measurement bandwidth and number of cross-
correlation operations directly. Or you can let the application calculate ideal values for
each half decade.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dialog

2. Select automatic or manual configuration mode with the "Half Decade Config" fea-

3. In case of an automatic configuration, define an "RBW" factor and an "XCORR

From these values, the application calculates the best and least time-consuming
absolute resolution bandwidth and cross-correlation operations for each half dec-

4. In case of a manual configuration, define the resolution bandwidth and number of

cross-correlations for each half decade directly in the half decade configuration
table as absolute values.
The relative "RBW" factor and "XCORR Factor" are ignored.

6.4.3 Pulsed Measurement Configuration

How to configure a gate for measurements on pulses

Noise measurements on pulses are available with the optional pulsed phase noise
measurements firmware application.
By default, the application automatically detects the pulse characteristics and defines
the gate characteristics based on the pulse. If required, you can also define these
parameters manually.
1. Enter the pulsed phase noise measurement.

2. Select the [MEAS CONFIG] key and enter the "Pulse" dialog box with the "Pulse
Config" softkey.

3. In the "Pulse" dialog box, select "Manual" pulse detection.

The input fields for the "Pulse Repetition Interval" and those for the "Gate Charac-
teristics" become available. You can change them if required.

4. Configure the "Pulse Rep Interval" as required.

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Measurement Configuration

5. Configure the gate as required ("Gate Type", "Gate Level", "Gate Delay" and "Gate
The shape of the gate is represented by various lines and bars in the "Preview"
diagram that is part of the dialog box.

More information:
● Pulsed phase noise
Tip: You can turn off the gate, if one is not required for the measurement.
To do so, select "Gate Type: Off".

6.4.4 Signal Generation

How to generate a CW signal

Some measurement setups require you to feed a signal into the DUT. You can equip
the R&S FSWP with an optional Signal Source that is able to generate such a signal.
Available only for additive noise measurements and with the optional signal source
hardware component.
1. Enter the Additive Noise measurement.

2. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Output" dialog box.

3. Select the "Signal Source" tab.

4. Define the frequency and level of the CW signal in the corresponding input fields.

5. Turn on the signal source with the "Source Power" feature.

Tip: You can turn the signal source on and off effectively with the "RF On/Off" but-
ton in the toolbar. The "RF Config" button provides access to a softkey menu that
lets you change the signal source characteristics without entering a dialog box.

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Measurement Configuration

How to generate a pulse

Instead of a continuous wave signal, you can generate a pulse at the signal source
Available only for additive pulsed phase noise measurements and with the optional sig-
nal source hardware component.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Output" dialog box.

2. Select the "Signal Source" tab.

3. Turn on the (internal) "Pulse Modulator".

When the "Pulse Modulator" is off, a CW signal is generated.
However, you can still generate a pulse with an external pulse modulator (a trigger
signal is required for that, see "How to use an external pulse modulator (configura-
tion)" on page 72).

4. Define the required pulse "Width" and "Period".

5. Turn on the signal source with the "Source Power" feature.

Tip: You can turn the signal source on and off easily with the "RF On/Off" button in
the toolbar. The "RF Config" button provides access to a softkey menu that lets you
change the signal source characteristics without entering a dialog box.

How to use an external pulse modulator (configuration)

Instead of generating a pulse internally, you can also use an external pulse modulator
to generate a pulse required for testing of a DUT.
In this scenario, you can use a trigger signal (available at the trigger output) to control
an external pulse modulator.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Output" dialog box.

2. Select the "Signal Source" tab.

3. Turn off the (internal) "Pulse Modulator".

When the (internal) "Pulse Modulator" is off, a CW signal is generated at the signal

4. Select the output type at the "Trigger 1 Output" (on the front panel) to generate a
pulse at the trigger output.
● "High" generates a high active pulse at the trigger 1 output.
V trigger


● "Low" generates a low active pulse at the trigger 1 output.

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Measurement Configuration

V trigger


Note: In the phase noise application, the trigger connector on the front panel
always serves as an output.
5. Define the required pulse "Width" and "Period".

6. Turn on the signal source with the "Source Power" feature.

Tip: You can turn the signal source on and off easily with the "RF On/Off" button in
the toolbar. The "RF Config" button provides access to a softkey menu that lets you
change the signal source characteristics without entering a dialog box.

6.4.5 DUT Power Supply

How to supply DUTs with current or voltage

Some measurement setups or DUTs require you to supply them with either voltage or
The R&S FSWP can provide both, when you set it up that way.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box and, from there, enter the "Output" dialog box.

2. Select the "DC Config" tab.

There you have the following options:
● Turn each of the three DC outputs on or off.
● Define the supplied voltage (or current in case of the Vsupply output).
● Define limits for the outputs. When you define limits, the supplied voltage will
not go below or above these.
● DC power output

3. Turn on the output of voltage or current with the "DC Power" feature.
Tip: You can turn the output on and off easily with the "DC On / Off" button in the
toolbar. The "DC Config" button provides access to a softkey menu that lets you
define the signal characteristics without entering a dialog box.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Understanding the Display Information

7 Operating the Instrument

The following topics provide an overview on how to work with the R&S FSWP. They
describe what kind of information is displayed in the diagram area, how to operate the
R&S FSWP via the front panel keys and other interaction methods, and how to use the
Online Help.
● Understanding the Display Information................................................................... 74
● Accessing Functions............................................................................................... 82
● Changing the Focus................................................................................................86
● Entering Data.......................................................................................................... 86
● Displaying Results...................................................................................................88
● Remote Control....................................................................................................... 96

7.1 Understanding the Display Information

The following figure shows a measurement diagram in the Phase Noise application. All
different information areas are labeled. They are explained in more detail in the follow-
ing sections.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 = Toolbar: contains general functionality of the firmware.

2 = Channel tab: contains measurement channel.
3 = Channel bar: shows measurement settings.
4 = Result display: contains measurement results.
5 = Window title bar: contains diagram-specific (trace) information.
6 = Status bar: contains system messages, progress bar and date and time.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Understanding the Display Information

7 = Input field.
8 = Diagram footer: contains diagram-specific information.
9 = Softkeys: provide access to measurement functions.

Hiding elements in the display

You can hide some of the elements in the display, for example the status bar or chan-
nel bar, in order to enlarge the display area for the measurement results ("Setup > Dis-
play > Displayed Items").
For details see the R&S FSWP User Manual.

● Channel Bar............................................................................................................ 75
● Window Title Bar..................................................................................................... 77
● Marker Information.................................................................................................. 78
● Spot Noise Information............................................................................................78
● Measurement Progress Information........................................................................79
● Frequency Information in Diagram Footer.............................................................. 80
● Instrument and Status Information.......................................................................... 80
● Error Information..................................................................................................... 81

7.1.1 Channel Bar

Using the R&S FSWP you can handle several different measurement tasks (channels)
at the same time (although they can only be performed asynchronously). For each
channel, a separate tab is displayed on the screen. In order to switch from one channel
display to another, simply select the corresponding tab.

Alternatively, if many tabs are displayed, select the tab selection list icon at the right
end of the channel bar and select the channel you want to switch to from the list.

MultiView tab
An additional tab labelled "MultiView" provides an overview of all active channels at a
glance. In the "MultiView" tab, each individual window contains its own channel bar
with an additional button. Tap this button to switch to the corresponding channel dis-
play quickly.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Understanding the Display Information

Icons in the channel bar

The star icon ( ) on the tab label indicates that the displayed trace no longer matches
the current instrument settings. This may be the case, for example, if a trace is frozen
and the instrument settings are changed. As soon as a new measurement is per-
formed, the icon disappears.
The exclamation mark ("!" or ) icon indicates that an error or warning is available for
that measurement channel. This is particularly useful if the MultiView tab is displayed.
The icon indicates the currently active channel during an automatic measurement
sequence (Sequencer functionality).
Beneath the channel name, information on channel-specific settings for the measure-
ment are displayed in the channel bar. Channel information varies depending on the
active application.
In addition to the channel-specific settings, the channel bar above the diagram also
displays information on instrument settings that affect the measurement results even
though this is not immediately apparent from the display of the measured values. This
information is displayed only when applicable for the current measurement.
The following table contains all labels that might be displayed in the Spectrum and
Receiver applications.
Table 7-1: Channel settings displayed in the channel bar

Label Information

Signal Frequency Current carrier frequency of the applied signal.

Signal Level Currently level measured on the carrier frequency.

Att Current RF attenuation.

RBW Current Resolution bandwidth (RBW). The RBW is a function of the start offset
frequency of each half decade included in the measurement.

XCORR Factor Current cross-correlation factor. The cross-correlation factor defines the number
of cross-correlations are done in each half decade included in the measure-

Meas Time (estimated) Current estimated measurement time.

The measurement time depends, among other things, on the offset frequency,
the resolution bandwidth or the number of averages / cross-correlations that
you have defined.

Source Frequency Current frequency of the signal source output.

Displayed if the optional signal source is installed.

Source Level Current level of the signal source output.

Displayed if the optional signal source is installed.

SGL Current number of measurements performed in a single sweep. Only displayed

if you are in single sweep measurement mode.

Count The current signal count for measurement tasks that involve a specific number
of subsequent sweeps.

Meas Currently selected measurement (Phase Noise, Additive Phase Noise etc.).

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Understanding the Display Information

Label Information

Input ExtMix Currently selected waveguide band of an external mixer. Only displayed if an
external mixer is selected as an input source.

Gain Difference between DUT signal level and signal source level.
Displayed in Additive Noise measurements.

Icons for individual settings

A bullet next to the setting indicates that user-defined settings are used, not automatic
settings. A green bullet indicates this setting is valid and the measurement is correct. A
red bullet indicates an invalid setting that does not provide useful results.

7.1.2 Window Title Bar

Each channel in the R&S FSWP display may contain several windows. Each window
can display either a graph or a table as a result of the channel measurement. Which
type of result evaluation is displayed in which window is defined in the display configu-
ration (see Chapter 7.5, "Displaying Results", on page 88). The window's title bar
indicates which type of evaluation is displayed.

Trace Information in Window Title Bar

Information on the displayed traces is indicated in the window title bar.

Result type
Trace number Spur removal

Trace color Trace smoothing Trace offset

Trace mode

Trace color Color of trace display in diagram

Trace number Number of the trace (1 to 6)

Trace Mode Abbreviation of the trace mode:

● Clrw
Clear Write trace
● Max
Max Hold trace
● Min
Min Hold trace
● Avg
Average trace
● View
Frozen trace
● WrH
Write Hold trace

Result type Type of result the trace represents.

● PN
● AM
● PN + AM

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Understanding the Display Information

Trace smoothing Trace smoothing characteristics. Only displayed if trace smoothing has been
turned on for a trace.

Spur removal Spur removal characteristics. Only displayed if spur removal has been turned
on for a trace.

Trace offset Trace offset characteristics. Only displayed if an offset has been defined for a

7.1.3 Marker Information

Marker information is provided either in the diagram grid or in separate marker tables,
depending on the configuration.

Marker information in diagram grid

Within the diagram, the x-axis and y-axis positions of the last 2 markers or delta mark-
ers that were set are displayed, if available, as well as their index. The value in the
square brackets after the index indicates the trace to which the marker is assigned.
(Example: M2[1] defines marker 2 on trace 1.) For more than 2 markers, a separate
marker table is displayed beneath the diagram by default.

Marker information in marker table

In addition to the marker information displayed within the diagram grid, separate
marker tables may be added to the display. These tables provide the following informa-
tion for all active markers:
Table 7-2: Regular marker table

Label Information

Wnd Window type the marker is positioned in.

(Only if there is more than one window containing a phase noise diagram.)

Type Marker type: N (normal), D (delta), T (temporary, internal)

Ref Reference (for delta markers)

Trc Trace to which the marker is assigned

X-value x-value of the marker

Y-value y-value of the marker

7.1.4 Spot Noise Information

Spot noise information in diagram grid

The diagram contains information about all spot noise positions [T<x>]. Spot noise
information is made up out of the position of the spot noise measurement on the x-axis
and the y-axis. The value in the square brackets after the index indicates the trace to
which the spot noise calculation is assigned (Example: [T1] indicates trace 1). Note
that you can also display spot noise information in a separate table.

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Understanding the Display Information

Spot noise information in spot noise table

The R&S FSWP also provides a numerical result table for the spot noise measure-
ment. The spot noise table has to be added deliberately. Note that the spot noise table
only contains information when the calculation of spot noise has been turned on.
Table 7-3: Spot noise information result table

Label Information

Wnd Measurement window that the spot noise has been calculated for.
(Only if there is more than one window containing a phase noise diagram.)

Offset Offset frequency or spot noise position on the x-axis of the Phase Noise dia-

Noise [T<x>] Measured noise on the spot noise position for each active trace.

7.1.5 Measurement Progress Information

The Phase Noise result display shows the progress of the measurement in a series of
green bars at the bottom of the diagram area. For each half decade in the measure-
ment, the R&S FSWP adds a bar that spans the frequency range of the corresponding
half decade.
The bar has several features.
● Measurement times less than 1 s
The numbers within the green bar indicate the number of cross-correlation opera-
tions applied to the corresponding half decade.
● Measurement times greater than 1 s
The numbers within the green bar show the progress of the cross-correlation oper-
ations in the half decade the application currently works on.
The first number is the current, the second number the total count of cross-correla-
tions for that half decade. The bars of half decades in which a measurement is still
running has a lighter tone of green than bars of half decades in which the measure-
ment has already finished (see image below).
● A double-click on the bar opens the "Noise Config" dialog box to define the cross-
correlation factor for that half decade.
● A right-click on the bar opens a context menu.

The context menu provides easy access to various parameters to set up the mea-

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Understanding the Display Information

7.1.6 Frequency Information in Diagram Footer

Graphical result displays contain information in the diagram footer. The information
(beneath the diagram) depends on the result display.
The contents depend on the application and the result display.

Label Information

Start offset Start offset frequency

Stop offset Stop offset frequency

7.1.7 Instrument and Status Information

Global instrument settings and functions, the instrument status and any irregularities
are indicated in the status bar beneath the diagram.

In the MultiView tab the status bar always displays the information for the currently
selected measurement.
The following information is displayed:

Instrument status

The state of the DC Power features.

● white label = DC Power has been turned off
● green label = DC Power has been turned on and is within the defined limits
● red label = DC Power has been turned on and violates the defined limits

The R&S FSWP is configured for operation with an external reference.

The status of the current operation is displayed in the status bar. This includes the
remaining measurement time for measurements that last longer than 1 second.
Display of the remaining measurement time is supported by the following measure-
● (Additive) phase noise
● Pulsed (additive) phase noise
● Baseband noise

In the MultiView tab, the progress bar indicates the status of the currently selected
measurement, not the measurement currently being performed by a Sequencer, for

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Understanding the Display Information

Date and time

The date and time settings of the instrument are displayed in the status bar.

Error messages and warnings

If errors or irregularities are detected, a keyword and an error message, if available,
are displayed in the status bar.

7.1.8 Error Information

If errors or irregularities are detected, a keyword and an error message, if available,

are displayed in the status bar.

Depending on the type of message, the status message is indicated in varying colors.
Table 7-4: Status bar information - color coding

Color Type Description

red Error An error occurred at the start or during a measurement, e.g. due to missing
data or wrong settings, so that the measurement cannot be started or com-
pleted correctly.

orange Warning An irregular situation occurred during measurement, e.g. the settings no lon-
ger match the displayed results, or the connection to an external device was
interrupted temporarily.

gray Information Information on the status of individual processing steps.

no color No errors No message displayed - normal operation.

green Measurement Some applications visualize that the measurement was successfull by show-
successful ing a messsage.

If any error information is available for a measurement channel, an exclamation mark is

displayed next to the channel name ( ). This is particularly useful when the MultiView
tab is displayed, as the status bar in the MultiView tab always displays the information
for the currently selected measurement only.
Furthermore, a status bit is set in the STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO reg-
ister for the application concerned (see "STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO Reg-
ister" on page 341). Messages of a specific type can be queried using the
SYST:ERR:EXT? command, see SYSTem:ERRor:EXTended? on page 603.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Accessing Functions

Table 7-5: Keywords in the status bar

Message Meaning

IF OVLD Overload of the IF signal path in the A/D converter or in the digital IF.
Increase attenuation or remove the signal from the RF input.

LOUNL Error in the instrument's frequency processing hardware was detected.

NO REF Instrument was set to an external reference but no signal was detected on the refer-
ence input.

OVEN The optional OCXO reference frequency has not yet reached its operating tempera-
ture. The message usually disappears a few minutes after power has been switched

RF OVLD Overload of the input mixer or of the analog IF path.

Reduce the input level.

UNCAL One of the following conditions applies:

● Correction data has been switched off.
● No correction values are available, for example after a firmware update.
● Record the correction data by performing a self alignment

WRONG_FW The firmware version is out-of-date and does not support the currently installed hard-
ware. Until the firmware version is updated, this error message is displayed and self-
alignment fails.
(For details refer to the R&S FSWP User Manual).

7.2 Accessing Functions

All tasks necessary to operate the instrument can be performed using the user inter-
face. Apart from instrument specific keys, all other keys that correspond to an external
keyboard (for example arrow keys, [Enter] key) operate conform to Microsoft.
For most tasks, there are at least 2 alternative methods to perform them:
● Using the touchscreen
● Using other elements provided by the front panel, for example the keypad, rotary
knob, or arrow and position keys.
The measurement and instrument functions and settings can be accessed by selecting
one of the following elements:
● System and function keys on the front panel of the instrument
● Softkeys on the touchscreen
● Context menus for specific elements on the touchscreen
● Icons on the tool bar in the touchscreen
● Displayed setting on the touchscreen
● Toolbar.................................................................................................................... 83
● Softkeys.................................................................................................................. 84
● Context Menus........................................................................................................85
● On-screen Keyboard............................................................................................... 85

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Accessing Functions

7.2.1 Toolbar

The icons in the toolbar provide access to general functions.

You can hide the toolbar display, for example when using remote control, in order to
enlarge the display area for the measurement results ("Setup > Display > Displayed
Items"). See the R&S FSWP User Manual for details.

Windows: opens the Windows "Start" menu and task bar.

Open: opens a file from the instrument or an external device ("Save/Recall" menu).

Store: stores data on the instrument or an external device ("Save/Recall" menu).

Print: defines print settings ("Print" menu).

Undo: reverts last operation

Redo: repeats previously reverted operation

Select: the cursor can be used to select (and move) elements in the display (mark-
ers, lines etc.).

Zoom mode: displays a dotted rectangle in the diagram that can be expanded to
define the zoom area.

Multiple zoom mode: multiple zoom areas can be defined for the same diagram.

Zoom off: displays the diagram in its original size.

SmartGrid: activates "SmartGrid" mode to configure the screen layout.

Sequencer: opens the "Sequencer" menu to perform consecutive measurements.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Accessing Functions

DC Power: turns the DC power output on and off.

DC Configuration: provides quick access to configure the main parameters for DC

power supply.

Signal Source: turns the optional signal source output on and off.
(Available when the optional signal source output is installed.)

RF Config: provides quick access to configure the main parameters of the signal
(Available when the optional signal source output is installed.)

Help (+ Select): allows you to select an element for which context-specific help is dis-

Help: displays context-sensitive help topic for currently selected element.

Print immediately: prints the current display (screenshot) as configured.

In "SmartGrid" mode only:

Close: Exit "SmartGrid" mode.

7.2.2 Softkeys

Softkeys are virtual keys provided by the software. Thus, more functions can be provi-
ded than those that can be accessed directly via the function keys on the instrument.
Softkeys are dynamic: depending on the selected function key, a different list of soft-
keys is displayed on the right side of the screen.
A list of softkeys for a certain function key is also called a menu. Softkeys can either
perform a specific function or open a dialog box.

Recognizing the softkey status by color

Color Meaning

orange associated dialog box is open

blue associated function is active; for toggle keys: currently active state

gray instrument function is temporarily not available due to a specific setting or missing option

You can hide the softkey display, e.g. when using remote control, in order to enlarge
the display area for the measurement results ("Setup > Display > Displayed Items").
See the User Manual for details.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Accessing Functions

7.2.3 Context Menus

Several items in the diagram area have context menus (for example markers, traces or
the channel bar). If you right-click on one of these items (or tap it for about 1 second), a
menu is displayed which contains the same functions as the corresponding softkey.
This is useful, for example, when the softkey display is hidden.

7.2.4 On-screen Keyboard

The on-screen keyboard is an additional means of interacting with the instrument with-
out having to connect an external keyboard.

The on-screen keyboard display can be switched on and off as desired using the "On-
Screen Keyboard" function key beneath the screen.

When you press this key, the display switches between the following options:
● Keyboard displayed at the top of the screen
● Keyboard displayed at the bottom of the screen
● No keyboard displayed

You can use the TAB key on the on-screen keyboard to move the focus from one field
to another in dialog boxes.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Entering Data

7.3 Changing the Focus

Any selected function is always performed on the currently focused element in the dis-
play, e.g. a dialog field, diagram, or table row. Which element is focused is indicated by
a blue frame (diagram, window, table) or is otherwise highlighted (softkey, marker etc.).
Moving the focus is most easily done by tapping on the element on the touchscreen.
Alternatively, use the "Tab" key on the on-screen keyboard or the rotary knob to move
the focus from one element to the next on the display.
To move the focus between any displayed diagrams or tables in a window, press the
"Change focus" key on the front panel. The focus moves from the diagram to the first
table to the next table etc. and then back to the diagram, within the same window.
In fullscreen mode, where a single window is displayed in full size on the screen, this
key switches the focus (and the display) from one active window to the next.

7.4 Entering Data

You can enter data in dialog boxes using any of the following methods:
● Using the touchscreen, via the on-screen keyboard
● Using other elements provided by the front panel, e.g. the keypad, rotary knob, or
navigation keys
The rotary knob acts like the [ENTER] key when it is pressed.
● Using a connected external keyboard

Transparent dialog boxes

You can change the transparency of the dialog boxes to see the results in the windows
behind the dialog box. Thus, you can see the effects that the changes you make to the
settings have on the results immediately.
To change the transparency, select the transparency icon at the top of the dialog box.
A slider is displayed. To hide the slider, select the transparency icon again.

(The title bar of the dialog box is always slightly transparent and is not affected by the

Particularities in Windows dialog boxes

In some cases, e.g. if you want to install a printer, original Windows dialog boxes are
used. In these dialog boxes, the rotary knob and function keys do not work. Use the
touchscreen instead.

7.4.1 Entering Numeric Parameters

If a field requires numeric input, the keypad provides only numbers.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Entering Data

1. Enter the parameter value using the keypad, or change the currently used parame-
ter value by using the rotary knob (small steps) or the [UP] or [DOWN] keys (large

2. After entering the numeric value via keypad, press the corresponding unit key.
The unit is added to the entry.

3. If the parameter does not require a unit, confirm the entered value by pressing the
[ENTER] key or any of the unit keys.
The editing line is highlighted to confirm the entry.

7.4.2 Entering Alphanumeric Parameters

If a field requires alphanumeric input, you can use the on-screen keyboard to enter
numbers and (special) characters (see Chapter 7.2.4, "On-screen Keyboard",
on page 85).
Alternatively, you can use the keypad. Every alphanumeric key represents several
characters and one number. The decimal point key (.) represents special characters,
and the sign key (-) toggles between capital and small letters. For the assignment,
refer to Table 7-6.

You can change the default behavior of the keypad for text input. This is useful if you
frequently enter numeric values in text fields, for example to define file names consist-
ing of numbers.
For details, see "Number block behavior" on page 303.

To enter numbers and (special) characters via the keypad

1. Press the key once to enter the first possible value.

2. All characters available via this key are displayed.

3. To choose another value provided by this key, press the key again, until your
desired value is displayed.

4. With every key stroke, the next possible value of this key is displayed. If all possi-
ble values have been displayed, the series starts with the first value again. For
information on the series, refer to Table 7-6.

5. To change from capital to small letters and vice versa, press the sign key (-).

6. When you have chosen the desired value, wait for 2 seconds (to use the same key
again), or start the next entry by pressing another key.

To enter a blank
► Press the "Space" bar, or press the "0" key and wait 2 seconds.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Displaying Results

To correct an entry
1. Using the arrow keys, move the cursor to the right of the entry you want to delete.

2. Press the [BACKSPACE] key.

The entry to the left of the cursor is deleted.

3. Enter your correction.

To complete the entry

► Press the [ENTER] key or the rotary knob.

To abort the entry

► Press the [ESC] key.
The dialog box is closed without changing the settings.

Table 7-6: Keys for alphanumeric parameters

Key name Series of (special) characters and number provided

(upper inscription)

7 7µΩ°€¥$¢

8 A B C 8 Ä ÆÅ Ç


4 GHI4

5 JKL5





0 <blank> 0 – @ + / \ < > = % &

. .*:_,;"'?()#

– <toggles between capital and small letters>

7.5 Displaying Results

The R&S FSWP provides several instrument applications for different analysis tasks
and different types of signals, for example the Phase Noise application, the optional
Spectrum application or the optional I/Q Analyzer. For each application, a new mea-
surement channel is created and displayed in a separate tab on the screen.
The results of a measurement channel can be evaluated in many different ways, both
graphically and numerically. For each evaluation method the results are displayed in a
separate window in the tab.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Displaying Results

The R&S FSWP allows you to configure the display to suit your specific requirements
and optimize analysis.

7.5.1 Activating and Deactivating Channels

When you activate an application, a new measurement channel is created which deter-
mines the measurement settings for that application. The same application can be acti-
vated with different measurement settings by creating several channels for the same
application. Whenever you switch channels, the corresponding measurement settings
are restored. Each channel is displayed in a separate tab on the screen.
An additional tab ("MultiView") provides an overview of all currently active channels at
Only one measurement can be performed at any time, namely the one in the currently
active channel. However, in order to perform the configured measurements consecu-
tively, a Sequencer function is provided.

To start a new channel

1. Select the [Mode] key.

2. In the "Mode" dialog box, select the required application on the "New Channel" tab.
A new tab is displayed for the new channel.

Remote command:
INSTrument:CREate[:NEW] on page 389/ INSTrument:CREate:DUPLicate
on page 389

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Displaying Results

To change the application in an active channel

1. Select the tab of the channel you want to change.

2. Select the [Mode] key.

3. In the "Mode" dialog box, select the new application to be displayed on the
"Replace Current Channel" tab.
The selected application is displayed in the current channel.

Remote command:
INSTrument:CREate:REPLace on page 390

To close a measurement channel

Select the "Close" icon on the tab of the measurement channel.

The tab is closed, any running measurements are aborted, and all results for that
channel are deleted.

Remote command:
INSTrument:DELete on page 390

7.5.2 Laying out the Result Display with the SmartGrid

Measurement results can be evaluated in many different ways, for example graphically,
as summary tables, statistical evaluations etc. Each type of evaluation is displayed in a
separate window in the channel tab. Up to 16 individual windows can be displayed per
channel (i.e. per tab). To arrange the diagrams and tables on the screen, the Rohde &
Schwarz SmartGrid function helps you find the target position simply and quickly.
Principally, the layout of the windows on the screen is based on an underlying grid, the
SmartGrid. However, the SmartGrid is dynamic and flexible, allowing for many different
layout possibilities. The SmartGrid functionality provides the following basic features:
● Windows can be arranged in columns or in rows, or in a combination of both.
● Windows can be arranged in up to four rows and four columns.
● Windows are moved simply by dragging them to a new position on the screen, pos-
sibly changing the layout of the other windows, as well.
● All evaluation methods available for the currently selected measurement are dis-
played as icons in the evaluation bar. If the evaluation bar contains more icons
than can be displayed at once on the screen, it can be scrolled vertically. The same
evaluation method can be displayed in multiple windows simultaneously.
● New windows are added by dragging an evaluation icon from the evaluation bar to
the screen. The position of each new window depends on where you drop the eval-
uation icon in relation to the existing windows.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Displaying Results

● All display configuration actions are only possible in SmartGrid mode. When Smart-
Grid mode is activated, the evaluation bar replaces the current softkey menu dis-
play. When the SmartGrid mode is deactivated again, the previous softkey menu
display is restored.
● Background Information: The SmartGrid Principle..................................................91
● How to Activate SmartGrid Mode............................................................................92
● How to Add a New Result Window......................................................................... 93
● How to Close a Result Window...............................................................................93
● How to Arrange the Result Windows...................................................................... 94 Background Information: The SmartGrid Principle

SmartGrid display
During any positioning action, the underlying SmartGrid is displayed. Different colors
and frames indicate the possible new positions. The position in the SmartGrid where
you drop the window determines its position on the screen.

Figure 7-1: Moving a window in SmartGrid mode

The brown area indicates the possible "drop area" for the window, i.e. the area in which
the window can be placed. A blue area indicates the (approximate) layout of the win-
dow as it would be if the icon were dropped at the current position. The frames indicate
the possible destinations of the new window with respect to the existing windows:
above/below, right/left or replacement (as illustrated in Figure 7-2). If an existing win-
dow would be replaced, the drop area is highlighted in a darker color shade.

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Displaying Results

Positioning the window

The screen can be divided into up to four rows. Each row can be split into up to four
columns, where each row can have a different number of columns. However, rows
always span the entire width of the screen and may not be interrupted by a column. A
single row is available as the drop area for the window in the SmartGrid. The row can
be split into columns, or a new row can be inserted above or below the existing row (if
the maximum of 4 has not yet been reached).


B 2 3 2 3 2


Figure 7-2: SmartGrid window positions

1 = Insert row above or below the existing row

2 = Create a new column in the existing row
3 = Replace a window in the existing row

SmartGrid functions
Once the evaluation icon has been dropped, icons in each window provide delete and
move functions.
The "Move" icon allows you to move the position of the window, possibly changing the
size and position of the other displayed windows.

The "Delete" icon allows you to close the window, enlarging the display of the remain-
ing windows. How to Activate SmartGrid Mode

All display configuration actions are only possible in SmartGrid mode. In SmartGrid
mode the evaluation bar replaces the current softkey menu display. When the Smart-
Grid mode is deactivated again, the previous softkey menu display is restored.

► To activate SmartGrid mode, do one of the following:

Select the "SmartGrid" icon from the toolbar.

● Select the "Display Config" button in the configuration "Overview" .

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Displaying Results

● Select the "Display Config" softkey from the [Meas Config] menu.
The SmartGrid functions and the evaluation bar are displayed.

To close the SmartGrid mode and restore the previous softkey menu select the "Close"
icon in the right-hand corner of the toolbar, or press any key. How to Add a New Result Window

Each type of evaluation is displayed in a separate window. Up to 16 individual windows

can be displayed per channel (i.e. per tab).

1. Activate SmartGrid mode.

All evaluation methods available for the currently selected measurement are dis-
played as icons in the evaluation bar.

2. Select the icon for the required evaluation method from the evaluation bar.
If the evaluation bar contains more icons than can be displayed at once on the
screen, it can be scrolled vertically. Touch the evaluation bar between the icons
and move it up or down until the required icon appears.

3. Drag the required icon from the evaluation bar to the SmartGrid, which is displayed
in the diagram area, and drop it at the required position. (See Chapter,
"How to Arrange the Result Windows", on page 94 for more information on posi-
tioning the window).

Remote command:
LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 501 / LAYout:WINDow<n>:ADD? on page 507 How to Close a Result Window

► To close a window, activate SmartGrid mode and select the "Delete" icon for the

Remote command:
LAYout:REMove[:WINDow] on page 504 / LAYout:WINDow<n>:REMove
on page 508

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 93

R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Displaying Results How to Arrange the Result Windows

1. Select an icon from the evaluation bar or the "Move" icon for an existing evaluation

2. Drag the evaluation over the SmartGrid.

A blue area shows where the window will be placed.

3. Move the window until a suitable area is indicated in blue.

4. Drop the window in the target area.

The windows are rearranged to the selected layout, and "Delete" and "Move" icons
are displayed in each window.

5. To close a window, select the corresponding "Delete" icon.

Remote command:
LAYout:REPLace[:WINDow] on page 505 / LAYout:WINDow<n>:REPLace
on page 508
LAYout:MOVE[:WINDow] on page 504

7.5.3 Changing the Size of Windows

Each channel tab may contain several windows to evaluate the measurement results
using different methods. A "splitter" allows you to change the size of neighboring win-

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R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Displaying Results

The splitters are not available in SmartGrid mode.

► To change the size of two neighboring windows, drag the splitter between the win-
dows in either direction.

7.5.4 Switching Between a Split and Maximized Window Display

To get an overview of the results, displaying several windows at the same time may be
helpful. However, the individual windows may become rather small. In this case it is
useful to maximize an individual window to the entire screen temporarily in order to
analyze the results in more detail.

To switch between a split and a maximized display without having to close and re-open
windows, press the [SPLIT/MAXIMIZE] key on the front panel. In maximized display,
the currently focused window is maximized. In split display, all active windows are dis-
Alternatively, double-tap the title bar of a window to maximize it.

7.5.5 Changing the Display

The display can be optimized for your individual needs. The following display functions
are available and are described in detail in Chapter 13.2, "Display Settings",
on page 281 and Chapter 11.1, "Result Display Configuration", on page 193.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 95

R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Remote Control

● Displaying a simulation of the entire front panel of the instrument on the screen
("Front Panel")
● Displaying the main function hardkeys in a separate window on the screen ("Mini
Front Panel")
● Hiding or showing various screen elements
● Selecting a display theme and colors
● Changing the display update rate
● Activating or deactivating the touch-sensitivity of the screen
● Zooming into the diagram

7.6 Remote Control

In addition to working with the R&S FSWP interactively, located directly at the instru-
ment, it is also possible to operate and control it from a remote PC. Various methods
for remote control are supported:
● Connecting the instrument to a (LAN) network
(See the R&S FSWP user manual.)
● Using the Windows Remote Desktop application in a LAN network
● Connecting a PC via the GPIB interface
How to configure the remote control interfaces is described in the User Manual.

The R&S FSWP is delivered with IECWIN installed, the auxiliary remote control tool
provided free of charge by Rohde & Schwarz.
For details on the IECWIN tool, see the "Network and Remote Control" chapter of the
R&S FSWP User Manual.

7.6.1 Remote Desktop Connection

Remote Desktop is a Windows application which can be used to access and control
the instrument from a remote computer through a LAN connection. While the instru-
ment is in operation, the instrument screen contents are displayed on the remote com-
puter. Remote Desktop provides access to all of the applications, files, and network
resources of the instrument. Thus, remote operation of the instrument is possible.
The Remote Desktop Client is part of the installed Windows operating system. For
other versions of Windows, Microsoft offers the Remote Desktop Client as an add-on.

7.6.2 Connecting a PC via the GPIB Interface

You can connect a PC to the R&S FSWP via the GPIB interface to send remote com-
mands to control and operate the instrument. You can configure the GPIB address and

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 96

R&S®FSWP Operating the Instrument
Remote Control

the ID response string. The GPIB language is set as SCPI by default but can be
changed to emulate other instruments.
A GPIB interface is integrated on the rear panel of the instrument.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 97

R&S®FSWP Applications
R&S MultiView

8 Applications
The R&S FSWP is a dedicated Phase Noise Analyzer whose main feature is the phase
noise measurement application.
When equipped accordingly (with optional hardware or software), it is able to provide
several additional applications for different analysis tasks (for example the spectrum
When you activate an application, the R&S FSWP creates a new measurement chan-
nel which in turn determines the measurement settings for that application. You can
use the same application with different measurement settings by creating several
channels for the same application. Each channel is represented by a separate tab on
the screen.
Note that the number of channels can be limited by the available memory of the
● R&S MultiView........................................................................................................ 98
● Available Applications............................................................................................. 99
● Starting an Application.......................................................................................... 101
● Running a Sequence of Measurements................................................................103

8.1 R&S MultiView

Each application is displayed in a separate tab. An additional tab ("MultiView") provides
an overview of all currently active channels at a glance. In the "MultiView" tab, each
individual window contains its own channel bar with an additional button. Select this
button to switch to the corresponding channel display quickly.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 98

R&S®FSWP Applications
Available Applications

Remote command:
DISPlay:FORMat on page 500

8.2 Available Applications

Depending on its outfit, the R&S FSWP provides one or more applications for specific
measurement tasks.
Phase Noise..................................................................................................................99
Spectrum Monitor..........................................................................................................99
Analog Modulation Analysis........................................................................................ 100
I/Q Analyzer................................................................................................................ 100
Noise Figure................................................................................................................100
Pulse Measurements.................................................................................................. 101
Spurious Measurements............................................................................................. 101
Transient Analysis....................................................................................................... 101
Vector Signal Analysis (VSA)...................................................................................... 101

Phase Noise
The phase noise application provides measurement functions to measure the phase
noise characteristics of a DUT.
This application is used in the initial configuration.
For details, refer to Chapter 9, "Measurements and Result Displays", on page 107.
Remote command:
INST:SEL PNO, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

Spectrum Monitor
The spectrum monitor application provides measurement functions for basic I/Q data
It runs on the phase noise analyzer hardware and is available for free with firmware
version 1.60.
Compared to the full I/Q analyzer, which runs on the optional spectrum analyzer hard-
ware, it has the following characteristics and limitations.
● When you open a spectrum monitor, the frequency, level and input parameters are
initially adopted from the phase noise application (you can change them in the
spectrum monitor, of course).
Those settings are the same as in the full I/Q analyzer.
● Maximum analysis bandwidth of 20 MHz and sample rate of 25 MHz (and no sup-
port of bandwidth extensions).
● Advanced data acquisition settings are unavailable.
● I/Q data import and export are the same as in the full I/Q analyzer.
● Spectrograms, general marker functionality, marker functions and limit lines are the
same as in the full I/Q analyzer.
● Only external triggers are supported.
● Only evaluation of the frequency spectrum is supported.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 99

R&S®FSWP Applications
Available Applications

● Trace mathematics are not available.

All other functionality is the same as that of the I/Q analyzer.
For details, refer to the user manual of the I/Q analyzer.
Remote command:
INST:SEL SMONitor, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

The spectrum application is an optional application that is available with R&S FSWP-
In the spectrum application, the provided functions correspond to those of a conven-
tional spectrum analyzer. The analyzer measures the frequency spectrum of the RF
input signal over the selected frequency range with the selected resolution and sweep
time, or, for a fixed frequency, displays the waveform of the video signal.
For details, refer to the user manual of the spectrum analyzer measurement applica-
Remote command:
INST:SEL SAN, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

Analog Modulation Analysis

The analog modulation analysis application requires an instrument equipped with the
spectrum analyzer hardware (R&S FSWP-B1) and the analog modulation analysis
option (R&S FSWP-K7).
The analog modulation analysis application provides measurement functions for
demodulating AM, FM, or PM signals.
For details, refer to the user manual of the analog modulation analysis application.
Remote command:
INST:SEL ADEM, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

I/Q Analyzer
The I/Q analyzer application requires an instrument equipped with the spectrum ana-
lyzer hardware component (R&S FSWP-B1).
The I/Q analyzer application provides measurement and display functions for I/Q data.
For details, refer to the user manual of the I/Q analyzer.
Remote command:
INST:SEL IQ, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

Noise Figure
The noise figure application requires an instrument equipped with the spectrum ana-
lyzer hardware (R&S FSWP-B1) and the noise figure Measurements option
(R&S FSWP-K30).
For details, refer to the user manual of the noise figure measurement application.
Remote command:
INST:SEL NOISE, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 100

R&S®FSWP Applications
Starting an Application

Pulse Measurements
The pulse application requires an instrument equipped with the spectrum analyzer
hardware (R&S FSWP-B1) and the pulse measurements option (R&S FSWP-K6(S)).
This application provides measurement functions for pulsed signals.
For details, refer to the user manual of the pulse measurement application.
Remote command:
INST:SEL PULSE, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

Spurious Measurements
The Spurious Measurements application requires an instrument equipped with the
Spurious Measurements option, R&S FSWP-K50. This application provides measure-
ments and evaluations for spurious signal effects.
For details, refer to the user manual of the spurious measurements application.
Remote command:
INST:SEL SPUR, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

Transient Analysis
The Transient Analysis application requires an instrument equipped with the Transient
Analysis option, R&S FSWP-K60. This application provides measurements and evalu-
ations for Transient Analysis.
For details, refer to the user manual of the transient analysis measurement application.
Remote command:
INST:SEL TA, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

Vector Signal Analysis (VSA)

The VSA application requires an instrument equipped with the spectrum analyzer hard-
ware (R&S FSWP-B1) and the vector signal analysis option (R&S FSWP-K70). This
application provides measurement and evaluations for vector signal analysis.
For details, refer to the VSA user manual.
Remote command:
INST:SEL DDEM, see INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

8.3 Starting an Application

The default application that is running when you start the R&S FSWP is the phase
noise application.

Access to application selection

► [MODE]

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 101

R&S®FSWP Applications
Starting an Application

To select an application, select the corresponding button.

To deactivate a channel, simply close the corresponding tab.

The remote commands required to perform these tasks are described in Chapter 15.4,
"Selecting the Operating Mode and Application", on page 389.

The measurement channels are labeled with their default name. If that name already
exists, a sequential number is added.

In remote control, the name of the measurement channel can be changed. For details
and an overview of default names, see INSTrument:LIST?.

New Channel...............................................................................................................102
Replace Current Channel............................................................................................102
Duplicate Current Channel .........................................................................................102

New Channel
The applications selected on this tab are started in a new measurement channel, i.e. a
new tab in the display.
Remote command:
INSTrument:CREate[:NEW] on page 389
INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392

Replace Current Channel

The applications selected on this tab are started in the currently displayed measure-
ment channel, replacing the current application.
Remote command:
INSTrument:CREate:REPLace on page 390

Duplicate Current Channel

The currently active channel can be duplicated, i.e. a new channel of the same type
and with the identical measurement settings is started. The name of the new channel is
the same as the copied channel, extended by a consecutive number (e.g. "Spectrum" -
> "Spectrum 2" ).
Remote command:
INSTrument:CREate:DUPLicate on page 389

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 102

R&S®FSWP Applications
Running a Sequence of Measurements

8.4 Running a Sequence of Measurements

Only one measurement can be performed at any time, namely the one in the currently
active channel. However, in order to perform the configured measurements consecu-
tively, a Sequencer function is provided.
● The Sequencer Concept....................................................................................... 103
● Sequencer Settings...............................................................................................105
● How to Set Up the Sequencer...............................................................................105

8.4.1 The Sequencer Concept

The instrument can only activate one specific channel at any time. Thus, only one
measurement can be performed at any time, namely the one in the currently active
channel. However, in order to perform the configured measurements consecutively, a
Sequencer function is provided, which changes the channel of the instrument as
required. If activated, the measurements configured in the currently defined "Channel"
s are performed one after the other in the order of the tabs.
For each individual measurement, the sweep count is considered. Thus, each mea-
surement may consist of several sweeps. The currently active measurement is indica-
ted by a symbol in the tab label.
The result displays of the individual channels are updated in the tabs as the measure-
ments are performed. Sequential operation itself is independent of the currently dis-
played tab.

Sequencer modes
Three different Sequencer modes are available:
● Single Sequence
Similar to single sweep mode; each measurement is performed once, until all mea-
surements in all defined "Channel" s have been performed.
● Continuous Sequence
Similar to continuous sweep mode; the measurements in each defined "Channel"
are performed one after the other, repeatedly, in the same order, until sequential
operation is stopped. This is the default Sequencer mode.
● Channel-defined Sequence
First, a single sequence is performed. Then, only "Channel" s in continuous sweep
mode are repeated continuously.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 103

R&S®FSWP Applications
Running a Sequence of Measurements

Example: Sequencer procedure

Assume the following active channel definition:

Tab name Application Sweep mode Sweep count

Spectrum Spectrum Cont. Sweep 5

Spectrum 2 Spectrum Single Sweep 6

Spectrum 3 Spectrum Cont. Sweep 2

IQ Analyzer IQ Analyzer Single Sweep 7

For Single Sequence, the following sweeps will be performed:

5x Spectrum, 6x Spectrum 2, 2 x Spectrum 3, 7x IQ Analyzer
For Continuous Sequence, the following sweeps will be performed:
5x Spectrum, 6x Spectrum 2, 2 x Spectrum 3, 7x IQ Analyzer,
5x Spectrum, 6x Spectrum 2, 2 x Spectrum 3, 7x IQ Analyzer,
For Channel-defined Sequence, the following sweeps will be performed:
5x Spectrum, 6x Spectrum 2, 2 x Spectrum 3, 7x IQ Analyzer,
5x Spectrum, 2 x Spectrum 3,
5x Spectrum, 2 x Spectrum 3,

Run Single/Run Cont and Single Sweep/Sweep Continuous keys

While the Sequencer is active, the [Run Single] and [Run Cont] keys control the
Sequencer, not individual sweeps. [Run Single] starts the Sequencer in single mode,
while [Run Cont] starts the Sequencer in continuous mode.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 104

R&S®FSWP Applications
Running a Sequence of Measurements

The "Single Sweep" and "Continuous Sweep" softkeys control the sweep mode for the
currently selected channel only; the sweep mode only has an effect the next time the
Sequencer activates that channel, and only for a channel-defined sequence. In this
case, a channel in single sweep mode is swept only once by the Sequencer. A channel
in continuous sweep mode is swept repeatedly.

8.4.2 Sequencer Settings

The "Sequencer" menu is available from the toolbar.

Sequencer State ........................................................................................................ 105

Sequencer Mode ........................................................................................................105

Sequencer State
Activates or deactivates the Sequencer. If activated, sequential operation according to
the selected Sequencer mode is started immediately.
Remote command:
SYSTem:SEQuencer on page 394
INITiate:SEQuencer:IMMediate on page 393
INITiate:SEQuencer:ABORt on page 393

Sequencer Mode
Defines how often which measurements are performed. The currently selected mode
softkey is highlighted blue. During an active Sequencer process, the selected mode
softkey is highlighted orange.
"Single Sequence"
Each measurement is performed once, until all measurements in all
active channels have been performed.
"Continuous Sequence"
The measurements in each active channel are performed one after
the other, repeatedly, in the same order, until sequential operation is
This is the default Sequencer mode.
"Channel Defined Sequence"
First, a single sequence is performed. Then, only channels in continu-
ous sweep mode are repeated.
Remote command:
INITiate:SEQuencer:MODE on page 394

8.4.3 How to Set Up the Sequencer

In order to perform the configured measurements consecutively, a Sequencer function

is provided.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 105

R&S®FSWP Applications
Running a Sequence of Measurements

1. Configure a channel for each measurement configuration as required, including the

sweep mode.

2. In the toolbar, select the "Sequencer" icon.

The "Sequencer" menu is displayed.

3. Toggle the "Sequencer" softkey to "On" .

A continuous sequence is started immediately.

4. To change the Sequencer mode and start a new sequence immediately, select the
corresponding mode softkey, or press the [Run Single] or [Run Cont] key.
The measurements configured in the currently active channels are performed one
after the other in the order of the tabs until the Sequencer is stopped.
The result displays in the individual channels are updated as the measurements
are performed.

To stop the Sequencer

► To stop the Sequencer temporarily, press the highlighted [Run Single] or [Run
Cont] key (not for a channel-defined sequence). To continue the Sequencer, press
the key again.
To stop the Sequencer permanently, select the "Sequencer" icon in the toolbar and
toggle the "Sequencer" softkey to "Off" .

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 106

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Basics on Phase Noise Measurements

9 Measurements and Result Displays

The noise performance of a DUT is usually described by various effects and signal
characteristics that can be measured by the R&S FSWP.
The R&S FSWP provides several measurements, each of which analyzes different
noise characteristics for different types of signal.
All measurements support several result displays, each of which shows different
aspects of the noise characteristics of the measured signal.
● Basics on Phase Noise Measurements................................................................ 107
● Performing Measurements....................................................................................108
● Selecting Measurements.......................................................................................110
● Result Displays......................................................................................................112

9.1 Basics on Phase Noise Measurements

● Residual Effects.................................................................................................... 107

9.1.1 Residual Effects

Residual noise effects are modulation products that originate directly from the phase
noise. It is possible to deduct them mathematically from the phase noise of a DUT.
The application calculates three residual noise effects. All calculations are based on an
integration of the phase noise over a particular offset frequency range.

Residual PM
The residual phase modulation is the contribution of the phase noise to the output of a
PM demodulator. It is evaluated over the frequency range you have defined.

f stop

Residual PM  2   L( f m ) df m rad 
f start

with L( f )  single sideband phase noise [dBc/Hz]

Residual FM
The residual frequency modulation is the contribution of the phase noise to the output
of an FM demodulator. It is evaluated over the frequency range you have defined.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 107

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Performing Measurements

f stop

Residual FM  2  f
m L ( f m ) df m Hz 
f start

with L( f m )  single sideband phase noise [dBc/Hz]

f m  frequency [Hz]

The jitter is the RMS temporal fluctuation of a carrier with the given phase noise evalu-
ated over a given frequency range of interest.

ResidualPM [rad]
Jitter[s] 
2  f 0
with f 0  Carrier frequency

Figure 9-1: Residual noise based on an integration between 10 kHz and 100 kHz offset

9.2 Performing Measurements

To start single measurements

1. Configure the measurement range you would like to measure ("Frequency" dialog
box, see Chapter 10.4, "Frequency", on page 146).

2. Configure the number of measurements you would like to perform in a single mea-
surement ("Sweep Config" dialog box, see " Sweep/Average Count "
on page 157).

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 108

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Performing Measurements

3. Define how the results are evaluated for display ("Trace" dialog box, see Chap-
ter 11.3, "Trace Configuration", on page 202).

4. To start the measurement, select one of the following:

● [RUN SINGLE] key
● "Single Sweep" softkey in the "Sweep" menu
The defined number of sweeps are performed, then the measurement is stopped.
While the measurement is running, the [RUN SINGLE] key is highlighted. To abort
the measurement, press the [RUN SINGLE] key again. The key is no longer high-
lighted. The results are not deleted until a new measurement is started.

5. To repeat the same number of measurements without deleting the last trace, select
the "Continue Single Sweep" softkey in the "Sweep" menu.

To start continuous measurements

1. If you want to average the trace or search for a maximum over more (or less) than
10 measurements, configure the "Average/Sweep Count" ("Sweep Config" dialog
box, see " Sweep/Average Count " on page 157).

2. To start the measurement, select one of the following:

● [RUN CONT] key
● "Continuous Sweep" softkey in the "Sweep" menu
After each sweep is completed, a new one is started automatically. While the mea-
surement is running, the [RUN CONT] key is highlighted. To stop the measure-
ment, press the [RUN CONT] key again. The key is no longer highlighted. The
results are not deleted until a new measurement is started.

Single Sweep / Run Single .........................................................................................109

Continuous Sweep / Run Cont ................................................................................... 110
Continue Single Sweep .............................................................................................. 110

Single Sweep / Run Single

Initiates a single measurement. The measurement is finished after all frequencies in
the frequency list have been measured. If necessary, the application automatically
determines the reference level before starting the actual measurement.
While the measurement is running, the "Single Sweep" softkey and the [RUN SINGLE]
key are highlighted. The running measurement can be aborted by selecting the high-
lighted softkey or key again.
Note: Sequencer. If the Sequencer is active, the "Single Sweep" softkey only controls
the sweep mode for the currently selected channel. However, the sweep mode only
takes effect the next time the Sequencer activates that channel, and only for a chan-
nel-defined sequence. In this case, the Sequencer sweeps a channel in single sweep
mode only once.
Furthermore, the [RUN SINGLE] key controls the Sequencer, not individual sweeps.
[RUN SINGLE] starts the Sequencer in single mode.
If the Sequencer is off, only the evaluation for the currently displayed channel is upda-

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 109

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Selecting Measurements

For details on the Sequencer, see Chapter 8.4.1, "The Sequencer Concept",
on page 103.
Remote command:
INITiate<n>[:IMMediate] on page 402

Continuous Sweep / Run Cont

Initiates a measurement and repeats it continuously until stopped. If necessary, the
application automatically determines the reference level before starting the actual mea-
While the measurement is running, the "Continuous Sweep" softkey and the [RUN
CONT] key are highlighted. The running measurement can be aborted by selecting the
highlighted softkey or key again. The results are not deleted until a new measurement
is started.
Note: Sequencer. If the Sequencer is active, the "Continuous Sweep" softkey only con-
trols the sweep mode for the currently selected channel. However, the sweep mode
only takes effect the next time the Sequencer activates that channel, and only for a
channel-defined sequence. In this case, a channel in continuous sweep mode is swept
Furthermore, the [RUN CONT] key controls the Sequencer, not individual sweeps.
[RUN CONT] starts the Sequencer in continuous mode.
For details on the Sequencer, see Chapter 8.4.1, "The Sequencer Concept",
on page 103.
Remote command:
INITiate<n>:CONTinuous on page 401

Continue Single Sweep

Repeats the number of measurements defined by the "Sweep Count", without deleting
the trace of the last measurement.
While the measurement is running, the "Continue Single Sweep" softkey and the [RUN
SINGLE] key are highlighted. The running measurement can be aborted by selecting
the highlighted softkey or key again.
Remote command:
INITiate<n>:CONMeas on page 400

9.3 Selecting Measurements

Access: [MEAS]
The R&S FSWP provides several noise measurements, each determining different
noise aspects of different types of signal.
Phase noise Measurement.......................................................................................... 111
Additive noise measurements (optional)......................................................................111
Baseband noise measurement.................................................................................... 111
VCO characterization...................................................................................................111
Spot noise vs tune....................................................................................................... 111

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 110

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Selecting Measurements

PN Transient analysis..................................................................................................112
Pulsed phase noise measurements (optional)............................................................ 112
Pulsed additive noise measurements (optional)..........................................................112

Phase noise Measurement

Provides tools to measure the noise characteristics of a continuous wave signal.
This measurement measures the combined noise characteristics of the components in
the test setup.
Remote command:
CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement on page 397

Additive noise measurements (optional)

Provides tools to measure the additive noise characteristics of a continuous wave sig-
The optional signal source that is necessary for this measurement allows you to mea-
sure the noise characteristics of individual components in the test setup.
Remote command:
CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement on page 397

Baseband noise measurement

Provides tools to measure the noise characteristics of a DUT in absolute terms (not rel-
ative to a carrier).
The measurement is designed to check the voltage supply of DC sources or to deter-
mine the noise characteristics of amplifiers. Baseband measurements are possible
between 0 Hz and 30 MHz (absolute).
Remote command:
CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement on page 397

VCO characterization
Provides tools to measure various characteristics of DUTs whose characteristics
change depending on the applied voltage or current. Examples would be voltage con-
trolled oscillators (VCOs) or YIG oscillators.
The measurement is designed to evaluate DUT characteristics as a function of the tun-
ing voltage (also known as sweep voltage).
Remote command:
CONFigure:VCO:MEASurement[:STATe] on page 399

Spot noise vs tune

Provides tools to measure the spot noise characteristic of DUTs whose spot noise
characteristic changes depending on the applied voltage or current. Examples would
be voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs) or YIG oscillators.
The measurement is designed to evaluate DUT spot noise characteristic as a function
of the tuning voltage (also known as sweep voltage).
Remote command:
CONFigure:SNTune:MEASurement[:STATe] on page 398

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 111

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

PN Transient analysis
Provides tools to analyze the transient response of a DUT.
The measurement is designed to monitor the frequency and phase variations of a sig-
nal over time and to find out how long it takes until the signal is in a stable state.
Remote command:
CONFigure:TRANsient:MEASurement[:STATe] on page 398

Pulsed phase noise measurements (optional)

Provides tools to measure the noise characteristics of pulses.
The optional pulsed phase noise measurement application measures the combined
noise characteristics of the components in the test setup.
Remote command:
CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement on page 397

Pulsed additive noise measurements (optional)

Provides tools to measure the additive noise characteristics of pulses.
The optional pulsed phase noise measurement application in combination with the
optional signal source allows you to measure the noise characteristics of individual
components in the test setup.
Remote command:
CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement on page 397

9.4 Result Displays

Result displays show different aspects of the measurement results in numerical or
graphical form.
Depending on the measurement, one or more result displays are supported.
Phase noise, additive noise, baseband noise, pulsed phase noise and pulsed additive
noise measurements:
● "Noise Diagram" on page 113
● "Integrated Measurements" on page 114
● "Spurious List" on page 115
● "Spot Noise" on page 116
● " Marker Table " on page 121
● "Allan Variance / Allan Deviation" on page 117
(Phase noise measurement only.)
VCO characterization measurements:
● "Frequency (VCO Characterization)" on page 118
● "Sensitivity" on page 118
● "Power" on page 118
● "Current / Voltage" on page 119
● "Power vs. Frequency" on page 119

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 112

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

● "Harmonic Power" on page 119

● " Marker Table " on page 121
Spot noise vs tune measurements:
● "Spot Noise vs Tune PN" on page 120
● "Spot Noise vs Tune AM" on page 120
● " Marker Table " on page 121
Transient analysis
● "Frequency (Transient Analysis)" on page 120
● "Frequency Deviation" on page 121
● "Phase" on page 121
● " Marker Table " on page 121
Noise Diagram.............................................................................................................113
Integrated Measurements............................................................................................114
Spurious List................................................................................................................115
Spot Noise...................................................................................................................116
Allan Variance / Allan Deviation...................................................................................117
Frequency (VCO Characterization)............................................................................. 118
Sensitivity.................................................................................................................... 118
Power.......................................................................................................................... 118
Current / Voltage..........................................................................................................119
Power vs. Frequency...................................................................................................119
Harmonic Power..........................................................................................................119
Spot Noise vs Tune PN............................................................................................... 120
Spot Noise vs Tune AM...............................................................................................120
Frequency (Transient Analysis)...................................................................................120
Frequency Deviation................................................................................................... 121
Phase.......................................................................................................................... 121
Marker Table .............................................................................................................. 121

Noise Diagram
The "Noise Diagram" result display shows the power level of the noise over a variable
frequency offset from the carrier frequency.
The unit of both axes in the diagram is fix. The x-axis always shows the offset frequen-
cies in relation to the carrier frequency on a logarithmic scale in Hz. It always has a
logarithmic scale to make sure of an equal representation of offsets near and far away
from the carrier. The range of offsets that the x-axis shows is variable and depends on
the measurement range you have defined and the scope of the x-axis that you have
The y-axis always shows the noise power level contained in a 1 Hz bandwidth in rela-
tion to the level of the carrier.
The unit of the y-axis depends on which version of the "Noise Spectrum" diagram you
have selected.
● "Noise Spectrum": Default display showing the single sideband phase noise with
linear y-axis in dBc/Hz.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 113

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

● "Noise Spectrum L(f)": Same as the "Noise Spectrum" without AM noise calcula-
● "Noise Spectrum SΦ(f)": Display showing the spectral density of phase fluctuations
with linear y-axis in dB/Hz.
● "Noise Spectrum Sv(f)": Display showing the spectral density of frequency fluctua-
tions with logarithmic y-axis in Hz/sqrt(Hz).
● "Noise Spectrum Sy(f)": Display showing the spectral density of fractional fre-
quency fluctuations with logarithmic y-axis in 1/sqrt(Hz).
The R&S FSWP adjusts numerical results like integrated measurements and spot
noise accordingly. AM noise calculation is only supported by the "Noise Spectrum"
result display.
The scale of the y-axis is variable. Usually it is best to use the automatic scaling that
the application provides, because it makes sure that the whole trace is always visible.
You can, however, also customize the range, the minimum and the maximum values
on the y-axis by changing the y-axis scale.
The measurement results are displayed as traces in the diagram area. Up to six active
traces at any time are possible. Each of those can have a different setup and thus
show different aspects of the measurement results.
In the default state, the application shows two traces. A yellow one and a blue one.
Both result from the same measurement data, but have been evaluated differently. On
the first trace, smoothing has been applied, the second one shows the raw data.
The diagram also contains a grey area in its default state. This trace represents the
cross-correlation gain indicator.
Remote command:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408
TRACe<n>[:DATA]:X? on page 411
TRACe<n>[:DATA]:X:POINts? on page 411
TRACe<n>[:DATA]:Y? on page 411
TRACe<n>[:DATA]:Y:POINts? on page 412

Integrated Measurements
The "Integrated Measurements" result display summarizes the residual effects results
in a table.
The table consists of up to four rows with each row representing a different integration
interval. Each row basically contains the same information, which depends on the
residual effects configuration.

Result Description

Wnd Shows the number of the measurement window the

integration is done in (usually "1", unless you have
several noise diagrams open at the same time).

Range Shows the index of the integration range (1 to 4).

Trace Shows the number of the trace the integration is

applied to.

Start / Stop Offset Shows the start and stop offset of the integration

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 114

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

Result Description

Weighting Shows the name of the weighting filter, if you have

applied one.

Int Noise Shows the integrated noise.

The integral is calculated over the frequency range
defined by the "Start" and "Stop" values.

PM* Shows the residual PM result in degrees and rad.

(Only available for Phase Noise traces.)

FM / AM* Shows the residual FM results in Hz or the residual

AM results in %, depending on the trace configura-
(Only available for Phase Noise traces.)

Jitter* Shows the jitter in seconds.

(Only available for Phase Noise traces.)

* For baseband noise measurements, these values are always 0.

Remote command:
Int. PHN: FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:IPN? on page 405
FM: FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RFM? on page 406
AM: FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RAM? on page 405
PM: FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RPM? on page 407
Jitter: FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RMS? on page 406

Spurious List
Spurs are peak levels at one or more offset frequencies and are caused mostly by
interfering signals. The "Spurious List" result display shows the location of all detected
spurs in a table.
Note that only signals above a certain threshold are regarded as spurs. This threshold
is also considered in the spurious list if spur removal has been turned off for a trace.
The order of the spurs in the table depends on the sort order.
The table consists of a variable number of rows. For each detected spur, the table
shows several results.

Wnd Shows the number of the measurement window the

spur is in (usually "1", unless you have several noise
diagrams open at the same time).

Trace Shows the trace that the spur is on.

Spur Shows the spur number. Spurs are sorted by their

frequency, beginning with the spur with the lowest

Offset* Shows the position (offset frequency) of the spur.

Power** Shows the power level of the spur in dBc.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 115

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

Jitter** Shows the jitter value of the spur in s.

In addition to the jitter for each spur, the result dis-
play also shows the discrete jitter and the random jit-
ter at the end of the table.
● The discrete jitter is the RMS average of all
individual spur jitter values.
● The random jitter is the jitter contribution of the
phase noise without spurs.

* For baseband noise measurements, the result is the absolute frequency that the spur is located at.
** For baseband noise measurements, the unit is variable.
*** For baseband noise measurements, the jitter is always 0.

Remote command:
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs? on page 403
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:COUNt? on page 403
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:JITTer? on page 404
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:DISCrete? on page 404
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:RANDom? on page 404

Spot Noise
The "Spot Noise" result display shows the noise at a certain frequency offset (or spot)
that is part of the measurement range. It is thus like a fixed marker.
The unit of spot noise results is dBc/Hz (variable unit for baseband noise measure-
ments). The application shows the results in a table.
The table consists of a variable number of 10x frequencies (depending on the mea-
surement range), and a maximum of six user frequencies, with each row containing the
spot noise information for a particular frequency offset.
The spot noise information is made up out of several values.

Offset Frequency* Shows the offset frequency the spot noise is evalu-
ated for. You can add any offset that is part of the
measurement range.
The number in brackets (T<x>) indicates the trace
the result refers to.

Noise[T<x>] Shows the noise for the corresponding offset fre-

The number in brackets (T<x>) indicates the trace
the result refers to.

* For baseband noise measurements, the result is the absolute frequency of the spot.

Remote command:
Querying spot noise results on 10x offset frequencies:
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades:X? on page 467
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades:Y? on page 467
Querying custom spot noise results:
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:Y? on page 468

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 116

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

Allan Variance / Allan Deviation

The "Allan Variance" and "Allan Deviation" result displays are tools to determine the
frequency stability of a DUT over a long period of time (days or even months).
Frequency stability is a measure of how well a DUT is able to produce its specified fre-
quency over time without deviating from that frequency. Because of the noise charac-
teristics of oscillators, standard variance or deviation are not really applicable. Instead
the Allan variance and deviation are the tools of choice for these statistical evaluations.
Like the standard deviation, the Allan variance and deviation show how much the fre-
quency of the DUT deviates from its specified (= average) value. Also like the standard
variance and deviation, the deviation is the square root of the variance.
The R&S FSWP calculates the Allan variance from the phase noise spectrum using the
following relationship:

fh = integration bandwidth
Sy = spectral density of fractional frequency fluctuations
τ = observation time
f = offset frequency

Overall, low values, both variance and deviation, correspond to a stable DUT, high val-
ues to an unstable DUT.
When you measure the stability of an oscillator, the resulting curve has a characteristic
shape. The shape is the same for variance and deviation.

The point of interest in the diagram is the minimum of the curve. First, the deviation is
high, because of noise. During the progression of the observation, the noise averages
out until the minimum is reached. The minimum thus corresponds to the point in time
when the deviation from the specified frequency is at its lowest. After that, the stability
deteriorates due to temperature effects and aging.
From the slope of the curve, you can also identify the type of noise that is in effect
(white noise, flicker phase, white frequency, flicker frequency, random walk).
For a comprehensive discussion of the Allan variance, refer to application note 1EF69:
Time Domain Oscillator Stability Measurement - Allan Variance.
The logarithmic x-axis corresponds to the observation time ("Tau"). Note that Tau is not
the measurement time, but the evaluated time - the measurement lasts longer than
Tau. Because the R&S FSWP calculates the Allan variance based on the measure-
ment range of the phase noise measurement (offset frequency), the observation time
corresponds to the measurement range and vice versa.
The start time also defines the measurement bandwidth or integration bandwidth (fh in
the equation above):

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 117

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

The measurement bandwidth is displayed in the diagram area.

The y-axis shows the variance or deviation. It also has a logarithmic scale.
Remote command:
Trace data: TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408
Measurement bandwidth: [SENSe:]BWIDth:MEASurement? on page 408

Frequency (VCO Characterization)

The "Frequency" result display shows the frequency characteristics of the DUT as a
function of the tuning voltage or current.
The x-axis shows the tuning characteristics of the DC source.
● For Vsupply the tuning voltage in Volt or current in Ampere, depending on the output
● For Vtune and Vaux the tuning voltage in Volt.
The tuning voltages (alternatively: current) applied during the measurement depends
on the tuning range you have defined.
The y-axis shows the frequency on which the VCO operates at a given tuning voltage
or current in Hz.
Remote command:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408

The "Sensitivity" result display shows the slope of the DUT characteristics, expressed
as the frequency change between measurement points.
The x-axis shows the tuning characteristics of the DC source.
● For Vsupply the tuning voltage in Volt or current in Ampere, depending on the output
● For Vtune and Vaux the tuning voltage in Volt.
The tuning voltages (alternatively: current) applied during the measurement depends
on the tuning range you have defined.
The y-axis shows the sensitivity of the VCO at a given tuning voltage or current in
Remote command:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408

The "Power" result display shows the output power characteristics of the DUT as a
function of the tuning voltage or current.
The x-axis shows the tuning characteristics of the DC source.
● For Vsupply the tuning voltage in Volt or current in Ampere, depending on the output
● For Vtune and Vaux the tuning voltage in Volt.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 118

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

The tuning voltages (alternatively: current) applied during the measurement depends
on the tuning range you have defined.
The y-axis shows the output power of the VCO at a given tuning voltage or current in
Remote command:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408

Current / Voltage
The "Current / Voltage" result display shows the voltage or current that the DUT is sup-
plied with by the selected fix source and displays the result for each measurement
point. Each measurement point corresponds to a specific tuning voltage (or current)
that was applied to the DUT.
The x-axis shows the tuning characteristics of the DC source.
● For Vsupply the tuning voltage in Volt or current in Ampere, depending on the output
● For Vtune and Vaux the tuning voltage in Volt.
The tuning voltages (alternatively: current) applied during the measurement depends
on the tuning range you have defined.
The y-axis shows the current or voltage of the selected fix DC source. When VSupply is
configured to supply current and selected as the "Fix Source", the diagram shows the
voltage in Volt. In all other cases, it shows the current in mA.
Remote command:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408

Power vs. Frequency

The "Power vs. Frequency" result display shows the frequency characteristics of the
DUT as a function of the tuning voltage or current.
The x-axis shows the frequency on which the VCO operates at a given tuning voltage
or current in Hz.
The y-axis shows the output power of the VCO at a given tuning voltage or current in
Remote command:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408

Harmonic Power
The "Harmonic Power" result display explicitly shows the power of the fundamental
wave and the power of the harmonics of a DUT measured for each measurement
The x-axis shows the tuning characteristics of the DC source.
● For Vsupply the tuning voltage in Volt or current in Ampere, depending on the output
● For Vtune and Vaux the tuning voltage in Volt.
The tuning voltages (alternatively: current) applied during the measurement depends
on the tuning range you have defined.
The y-axis shows the output power of the DUT at a given tuning voltage or current in

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 119

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

Remote command:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408

Spot Noise vs Tune PN

The "Spot Noise vs Tune PN" result display shows the phase noise at specific fre-
quency offsets measured on each measurement point. Each measurement point corre-
sponds to a specific tuning voltage (or current) that was applied to the DUT.
The x-axis shows the tuning characteristics of the DC source.
● For Vsupply the tuning voltage in Volt or current in Ampere, depending on the output
● For Vtune and Vaux the tuning voltage in Volt.
The tuning voltages (alternatively: current) applied during the measurement depends
on the tuning range you have defined.
The y-axis shows the phase noise measured at a given tuning voltage or current in
You can configure the traces to show the phase noise for specific frequency offsets rel-
ative to the carrier.
Remote command:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408

Spot Noise vs Tune AM

The "Spot Noise vs Tune AM" result display shows the AM noise at specific frequency
offsets measured on each measurement point. Each measurement point corresponds
to a specific tuning voltage (or current) that was applied to the DUT.
The x-axis shows the tuning characteristics of the DC source.
● For Vsupply the tuning voltage in Volt or current in Ampere, depending on the output
● For Vtune and Vaux the tuning voltage in Volt.
The tuning voltages (alternatively: current) applied during the measurement depends
on the tuning range you have defined.
The y-axis shows the AM noise measured at a given tuning voltage or current in
You can configure the traces to show the AM noise for specific frequency offsets rela-
tive to the carrier.
Remote command:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408

Frequency (Transient Analysis)

The "Frequency" result display shows the frequency characteristics of the transient
response of the DUT over time.
The x-axis shows the time period over which the signal has been measured. The scale
depends on the measurement time.
The y-axis shows the frequency, either in absolute or relative terms. For a relative
scale, the offset frequencies displayed on the y-axis refer to the center frequency. In
both cases, the grid line in the middle of the diagram represents the center frequency.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 120

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

Remote command:
Trace data: TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408
Y-axis scale: Chapter, "Frequency Configuration", on page 484

Frequency Deviation
The "Frequency Deviation" result display shows the frequency deviation of the transi-
ent response of the DUT from an ideal linear behavior over time.
The x-axis shows the time period over which the signal has been measured. The scale
depends on the defined start and stop time.
The y-axis shows the deviation of the signal from the reference line within the time-
frame between start and stop time. The scale of the y-axis depends on your configura-
The frequency deviation calculation settings are described in Chapter 10.10.7, "Fre-
quency Deviation", on page 190.
Remote command:
Trace data: TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408

The "Phase" result display shows the phase characteristics of the transient response of
the DUT over time.
The x-axis shows the time period over which the signal has been measured. The scale
depends on the measurement time.
The y-axis shows the phase. The scale of the y-axis depends on your configuration.
Remote command:
Trace data: TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 408
Y-axis scale: Chapter, "Y-Axis Scale", on page 491

Marker Table
Displays a table with the current marker values for the active markers.
This table is displayed automatically if configured accordingly.

Type Shows the marker type and number ("M" for a nor-
mal marker, "D" for a delta marker).

Ref Shows the reference marker that a delta marker

refers to.

Trace Shows the trace that the marker is positioned on.

X- / Y-Value Shows the marker coordinates (usually frequency

and level).

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 121

R&S®FSWP Measurements and Result Displays
Result Displays

Tip: To navigate within long marker tables, simply scroll through the entries with your
finger on the touchscreen.
Remote command:
LAY:ADD? '1',RIGH, MTAB, see LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 501
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:X on page 529

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 122

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Configuration Overview

10 Common Measurement Settings

Basic measurement settings that are common to many measurement tasks, regardless
of the application or operating mode, are described here. If you are using an applica-
tion other than the Phase Noise application, be sure to check the documentation for
that application. The settings can deviate from the common settings described here.
● Configuration Overview.........................................................................................123
● Input Source..........................................................................................................125
● Level Characteristics.............................................................................................142
● Frequency............................................................................................................. 146
● Noise Measurement Configuration........................................................................151
● Output................................................................................................................... 165
● Pulsed Phase Noise and Pulsed Additive Noise Configuration............................ 173
● VCO Characterization Configuration.....................................................................176
● Spot Noise vs Tune Configuration........................................................................ 180
● PN Transient Analysis Configuration.................................................................... 181

10.1 Configuration Overview

Access: "Overview"
Throughout the measurement channel configuration, an overview of the most important
currently defined settings is provided in the "Overview". The "Overview" is displayed
when you select the "Overview" icon, which is available at the bottom of all softkey

In addition to the main measurement settings, the "Overview" provides quick access to
the main settings dialog boxes. The individual configuration steps are displayed in the
order of the data flow. Thus, you can easily configure an entire measurement channel
from input over processing to output and analysis by stepping through the dialog boxes
as indicated in the "Overview".
In particular, the "Overview" provides quick access to the following configuration dialog
boxes (listed in the recommended order of processing):

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 123

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Configuration Overview

1. Input
See Chapter 10.2, "Input Source", on page 125.

2. Amplitude / Scaling
See Chapter 10.3, "Level Characteristics", on page 142.

3. Frequency
See Chapter 10.4, "Frequency", on page 146.

4. Noise
See Chapter 10.5, "Noise Measurement Configuration", on page 151.

5. Output
See Chapter 10.6, "Output", on page 165.

6. Analysis
See Chapter 11, "Common Analysis and Display Functions", on page 193.

7. Display Configuration
See Chapter 9, "Measurements and Result Displays", on page 107.

In addition, the dialog box provides the "Select Measurement" button that serves as a
shortcut to select the measurement type.
Selecting the noise measurement type....................................................................... 124
Preset Channel........................................................................................................... 125
Specific Settings for ................................................................................................... 125

Selecting the noise measurement type

The R&S FSWP provides different types of measurements to measure the noise char-
acteristics of a DUT.
● Phase Noise
Phase noise and AM noise measurements for continuous wave signals.
● Additive Noise
Phase noise and AM noise measurements for continuous wave signals including a
signal source.
Available with the optional Signal Source hardware.
● Baseband Noise
Noise measurement in absolute terms over a selected frequency range.
● VCO Characterization
Measurements to determine the characteristics of a voltage controlled oscillator
● Spot Noise vs Tune
Phase noise and AM noise measurements for a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO).
● Pulsed Phase Noise
Phase noise and AM noise measurements for pulse signals.
Available with the optional Pulsed Phase Noise measurement application.
● Pulsed Additive Noise
Phase noise and AM noise measurements for pulse signals including a signal
Available with the optional Pulsed Phase Noise measurement application.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 124

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Remote command:
CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement on page 397

Preset Channel
Select the "Preset Channel" button in the lower left-hand corner of the "Overview" to
restore all measurement settings in the current channel to their default values.
Do not confuse the "Preset Channel" button with the [Preset] key, which restores the
entire instrument to its default values and thus closes all channels on the R&S FSWP
(except for the default channel)!
See " Preset Mode " on page 302
Remote command:
SYSTem:PRESet:CHANnel[:EXEC] on page 564

Specific Settings for

The channel may contain several windows for different results. Thus, the settings indi-
cated in the "Overview" and configured in the dialog boxes vary depending on the
selected window.
Select an active window from the "Specific Settings for" selection list that is displayed
in the "Overview" and in all window-specific configuration dialog boxes.
The "Overview" and dialog boxes are updated to indicate the settings for the selected

10.2 Input Source

The phase noise application supports input from several signal sources.
For more information about the available connectors, refer to the getting started man-
● RF Input................................................................................................................ 125
● Baseband Input.....................................................................................................127
● External Mixers..................................................................................................... 128

10.2.1 RF Input

Access (RF input settings): "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "Radio Frequency"
> "Config"
Access (schematic test setups): "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "Radio Fre-
quency" > "Test Setup"
The RF Input is the default input source.
A typical test setup for measurements over the RF input depends on the selected mea-
surement and the equipment used in the test setup. A schematic representation of
such a setup is provided in the dialog box.
● The DUT directly sends a signal to the RF input of the R&S FSWP.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 125

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

● If necessary, the R&S FSWP can supply the DUT with power over the DC ports.

For more information about configuring the DC ports used in the setup, see Chap-
ter 10.6.1, "DC Source Configuration", on page 165.
The remote commands required to configure the frequency are described in Chap-
ter, "RF Input", on page 413.
Radio Frequency State .............................................................................................. 126
Input Coupling ............................................................................................................ 126
Local Oscillator............................................................................................................126

Radio Frequency State

Activates input from the "RF Input" connector.
Remote command:
INPut<ip>:SELect on page 414

Input Coupling
The RF input of the R&S FSWP can be coupled by alternating current (AC) or direct
current (DC).
AC coupling blocks any DC voltage from the input signal. This is the default setting to
prevent damage to the instrument. Very low frequencies in the input signal may be dis-
However, some specifications require DC coupling. In this case, you must protect the
instrument from damaging DC input voltages manually. For details, refer to the data
Remote command:
INPut<ip>:COUPling on page 413

Local Oscillator
Selects the type of the local oscillator you are using for the measurement.
● Internal
Uses the local oscillator of the R&S FSWP.
● External
Uses an external local oscillator, connected to the "LO AUX Input" (Ch1 and Ch2)
of the R&S FSWP.

Splitter LO AUX Ch1

External LO

For an external LO, specify whether the signal at the input has a low or high
"Level". A low level corresponds to signals with a level of approximately 0 dBm. A

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 126

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

high level corresponds to signals with a level between about +5 dBm and
+10 dBm.
The exact definitions of low and high depend on the signal frequency and are
specified in the data sheet.
Note that for low phase noise boards with material number 1331.6439.xx, the low /
high setting is not available.
You can check the material number of the low phase noise board in the hardware
information dialog box (column "order #, see Chapter 13.4.1, "Hardware Informa-
tion", on page 296).
Available for additive noise measurements.
Remote command:
INPut<1|2>:LOSCillator:SOURce on page 414
INPut<1|2>:LOSCillator:SOURce:EXTernal:LEVel on page 414

10.2.2 Baseband Input

Access (baseband input settings): "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "Baseband"
> "Config"
Access (schematic test setups): "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "Baseband" >
"Test Setup"

Baseband measurements
In addition to the RF input, baseband noise measurements also support measure-
ments on the two channels of the baseband input.
You can either perform measurements on a single channel (select either "CH1" or
"CH1" for that) or perform measurements on both channels simultaneously ("CH1 x
CH2"). In the latter case, the I/Q data is cross-correlated before the results are dis-
played, which allows you to determine the noise characteristics of your DUT very accu-
Remote command:
Input selection: INPut<ip>:SELect on page 414
Channel selection: INPut<1|2>:CONNector on page 415
The baseband input is always DC coupled, which allows you to measure the noise
characteristics of a DUT near 0 Hz (DC) in the context of baseband noise measure-
Note that you have to turn on the baseband input deliberately before you can use it.
When the baseband input is active, the RF input is automatically turned off.
A typical test setup for measurements over the RF input depends on the selected mea-
surement and the equipment used in the test setup. A schematic representation of
such a setup is provided in the dialog box.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 127

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

See Chapter 6.2.4, "The Baseband Noise Measurement", on page 58 for more infor-
mation on how to set up and perform baseband noise measurements.

Additive noise measurements (CW and pulsed)

If you are using an I/Q mixer in the test setup of an additive noise measurement, you
can use the baseband inputs to analyze I and Q data streams.
Note that you have to turn on the baseband input deliberately before you can use it.
When the baseband input is active, the RF input is automatically turned off.
Remote command:
Input selection: INPut<ip>:SELect on page 414
See Chapter 6.2.3, "The Additive Noise Measurement", on page 56 for more informa-
tion on how to set up and perform additive noise measurements using the baseband

10.2.3 External Mixers

Access (mixer settings): "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "External Mixer" >
"Mixer Settings"
Access (basic settings): "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "External Mixer" >
"Basic Settings"
Access (conversion loss table): "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "External
Mixer" > "Conversion Loss Table"
Access (schematic test setups): "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "External
Mixer" > "Test Setup"
The optional support for external mixers allows you to connect up to two external three-
port mixers to the R&S FSWP. An external mixer allows you to perform measurements
on frequencies that are out of the frequency range supported by the R&S FSWP.

Note on using three-port mixers

When using three-port mixers, the LO signal output from the R&S FSWP and the IF
input from the mixer are transmitted on separate connectors.
The nominal LO level is 15.5 dBm.

External mixers are supported by several measurements in the phase noise applica-
● Phase noise measurement

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 128

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

● Pulsed phase noise measurement

You can connect up to two external mixers and configure them individually (where nec-
A typical test setup for measurements over the RF input depends on the selected mea-
surement and the equipment used in the test setup. A schematic representation of
such a setup is provided in the dialog box.
● Basics on External Mixers.....................................................................................129
● Mixer Settings....................................................................................................... 133
● Basic Settings....................................................................................................... 136
● Conversion Loss Table..........................................................................................138 Basics on External Mixers

Some background knowledge on basic terms and principles used with external mixers
is provided here for a better understanding of the required configuration settings.
● Frequency Ranges................................................................................................129
● Bias Current.......................................................................................................... 130
● Conversion Loss Tables........................................................................................ 131

Frequency Ranges
In a common spectrum analyzer, rather than providing one large (and thus inaccurate)
filter, or providing several filters to cover the required frequency range of the input sig-
nal (at a high cost), a single, very accurate filter is used. Therefore, the input signal
must be converted to the frequencies covered by the single accurate filter. This is done
by a mixer, which converts and multiplies the frequency of the input signal with the help
of the local oscillator (LO). The result is a higher and lower intermediate frequency (IF).
The local oscillator can be tuned within the supported frequency range of the input sig-
In order to extend the supported frequency range of the input signal, an external mixer
can be used. In this case, the LO frequency is output to the external mixer, where it is
mixed with the RF input from the original input signal. In addition, the harmonics of the
LO are mixed with the input signal, and converted to new intermediate frequencies.
Thus, a wider range of frequencies can be obtained. The IF from the external mixer is
then returned to the spectrum analyzer.
The frequency of the input signal can be expressed as a function of the LO frequency
and the selected harmonic of the first LO as follows:
fin = n * fLO + fIF

fin: Frequency of input signal

n: Order of harmonic used for conversion

fLO: Frequency of first LO: 7.65 GHz to 16.00 GHz

fIF: Intermediate frequency (variable; defined internally depending on RBW and span)

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 129

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Thus, depending on the required frequency band, the appropriate order of harmonic
must be selected. For commonly required frequency ranges, predefined bands with the
appropriate harmonic order setting are provided. By default, the lowest harmonic order
is selected that allows conversion of input signals in the whole band.
For the band "USER", the order of harmonic is defined by the user. The order of har-
monic can be between 2 and 61, the lowest usable frequency being 16.88 GHz.
The frequency ranges for pre-defined bands are described in Table 15-3.

Changes to the band and mixer settings are maintained even after using the [PRESET]
function. A "Preset band" function allows you to restore the original band settings.

Extending predefined ranges

In some cases, the harmonics defined for a specific band allow for an even larger fre-
quency range than the band requires. By default, the pre-defined range is used. How-
ever, you can take advantage of the extended frequency range by overriding the
defined start and stop frequencies by the maximum possible values ("RF Overrange"

Additional ranges
If due to the LO frequency the conversion of the input signal is not possible using one
harmonic, the band must be split. An adjacent, partially overlapping frequency range
can be defined using different harmonics. In this case, the sweep begins using the har-
monic defined for the first range, and at a specified frequency in the overlapping range
("handover frequency"), switches to the harmonic for the second range.

Bias Current
Single-diode mixers generally require a DC voltage which is applied via the LO line.
This DC voltage is to be tuned to the minimum conversion loss versus frequency. Such
a DC voltage can be set via the "BIAS" function using the D/A converter of the
R&S FSWP. The value to be entered is not the voltage but the short-circuit current. The
current is defined in the "Bias Settings" or set to the value of the conversion loss table.
See " Bias Value " on page 137 and " Bias " on page 140.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 130

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Figure 10-1: Bias circuit of the R&S FSWP

The voltage U0 at the output of the operational amplifier can be set in the range –2.0 to
+2.0 V. An open-circuit voltage Ubias of –0.5 to +0.5 V is obtained accordingly at the
output of the voltage divider. A short-circuit current of Ishort = U0 / 200 Ω = 10 mA to
+ 10 mA is obtained for a short circuit at the output of the voltage divider. In order to
use biasing it is not important to know the exact current flowing through the diode since
the conversion loss must be set to a minimum with the frequency. Therefore, it makes
no difference whether the setting is performed by an open-circuit voltage or by a short-
circuit current. A DC return path is ensured via the 66 Ω resistor, which is an advant-
age in some mixers.

Conversion Loss Tables

Conversion loss tables consist of value pairs that describe the correction values for
conversion loss at certain frequencies. Correction values for frequencies between the
reference values are obtained by interpolation. Linear interpolation is performed if the
table contains only two values. If it contains more than two reference values, spline
interpolation is carried out. Outside the frequency range covered by the table the con-
version loss is assumed to be the same as that for the first and last reference value
(see Figure 10-2).

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Figure 10-2: Conversion loss outside the band's frequency range

Predefined conversion loss tables are often provided with the external mixer and can
be imported to the R&S FSWP.
Alternatively, you can define your own conversion loss tables. Conversion loss tables
are configured and managed in the "Conversion loss Table Settings" tab of the "Exter-
nal Mixer Configuration" dialog box.
See "Managing Conversion Loss Tables" on page 138 for more information about con-
version loss tables.

Importing CVL tables

The conversion loss table to be used for a particular measurement range is also
defined in the "External Mixer Configuration" dialog box.
The frequency range that the cvl table must cover depends on the used IF, which var-
ies depending on the instrument and installed bandwidth extension options. Thus,
external mixers from Rohde & Schwarz provide multiple conversion loss table files.
When you select a storage path containing cvl files, or a particular cvl file from a
Rohde & Schwarz mixer for import, all available files are copied to the
C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\ directory on the R&S FSWP. Provided .acl files are
renamed according to the following syntax:
e.g. 12345_2_1330M.acl
To select a conversion loss table for use in a measurement, you merely have to select
the serial number for the external mixer in use. The R&S FSWP automatically selects
the correct cvl file for the current IF. As an alternative, you can also select a user-
defined conversion loss table (.acl file).

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Before copying any files to the C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\ directory, the R&S FSWP
firmware moves any existing user-defined cvl tables to a backup subdirectory. To use
a user-defined cvl table later, select the file in the
C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\backup directory.

A validation check is then performed on the selected table to ensure that it complies
with the settings. In particular, the following is checked:
● The assigned band name
● The harmonic order
● The mixer type
● The table must contain at least one frequency that lies within the frequency range
for the band

Reference level
The maximum possible reference level depends on the maximum used conversion loss
value. Thus, the reference level can be adjusted for each range according to the used
conversion loss table or average conversion loss value. If a conversion loss value is
used which exceeds the maximum reference level, the reference level is adjusted to
the maximum value permitted by the firmware. Mixer Settings

Access: "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "External Mixer" > "Mixer Settings"
With the R&S FSWP, you can control either one or two three-port mixers.
Most settings are applied globally for both mixers (like the frequency band settings).
Settings that you can configure for each mixer separately are labeled accordingly in the
description below.

External Mixer (State)................................................................................................. 134

RF Start / RF Stop ......................................................................................................134
Handover Freq ........................................................................................................... 134
Band ...........................................................................................................................134

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 133

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

RF Overrange ............................................................................................................ 135

Preset Band ............................................................................................................... 135
Mixer XCORR............................................................................................................. 135
Range 1 / Range 2 ..................................................................................................... 135
Harmonic Type ........................................................................................................... 135
Harmonic Order ..........................................................................................................136
Conversion Loss ........................................................................................................ 136

External Mixer (State)

Activates or deactivates the external mixer for input. If activated, "ExtMix" is indicated
in the channel bar of the application, together with the used band (see " Band "
on page 134).
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>[:STATe] on page 423

RF Start / RF Stop
Displays the start and stop frequency of the selected band (read-only).
The frequency range for the user-defined band is defined via the harmonics configura-
tion (see " Range 1 / Range 2 " on page 135).
For details on available frequency ranges, see table 15-3 on page 417.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:FREQuency:STARt on page 416
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:FREQuency:STOP on page 417

Handover Freq
If due to the LO frequency the conversion of the input signal is not possible using one
harmonic, the band must be split. An adjacent, partially overlapping frequency range
can be defined using different harmonics. In this case, the sweep begins using the har-
monic defined for the first range. At the specified "handover frequency" in the overlap-
ping range, it switches to the harmonic for the second range.
The handover frequency can be selected freely within the overlapping frequency
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:FREQuency:HANDover on page 416

Defines the waveguide frequency band or user-defined frequency band to be used by
the mixer.
The start and stop frequencies of the selected band are displayed in the "RF Start" and
"RF Stop" fields.
For a definition of the frequency range for the pre-defined bands, see table 15-3 on
page 417.
The mixer settings for the user-defined band can be selected freely. The frequency
range for the user-defined band is defined via the harmonics configuration (see "
Range 1 / Range 2 " on page 135).

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:BAND on page 417

RF Overrange
In some cases, the harmonics defined for a specific band allow for an even larger fre-
quency range than the band requires. By default, the pre-defined range is used. How-
ever, you can take advantage of the extended frequency range by overriding the
defined "RF Start" and "RF Stop" frequencies by the maximum values.
If "RF Overrange" is enabled, the frequency range is not restricted by the band limits
( "RF Start" and "RF Stop" ). In this case, the full frequency range that can be reached
using the selected harmonics is used.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:RFOVerrange[:STATe] on page 421

Preset Band
Restores the presettings for the selected band.
Note: changes to the band and mixer settings are maintained even after using the
[PRESET] function. This function allows you to restore the original band settings.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:BAND:PRESet on page 418

Turns the simultaneous use of two external mixers on and off.
Using two external mixers allows you to perform measurements with external cross-
correlation. Through cross-correlation operations, the noise of the DUT is kept constant
while the noise of the signal path (including the external mixers) is reduced.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:XCORr on page 421

Range 1 / Range 2
Enables the use of one or two frequency ranges, where the second range is based on
another harmonic frequency of the mixer to cover the band's frequency range.
For each range, you can define which harmonic to use and how the conversion loss is
If you are using two mixers, this property is always the same for both mixers.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:HIGH:STATe on page 418

Harmonic Type
Defines if only even, only odd, or even and odd harmonics can be used for conversion.
Depending on this selection, the order of harmonic to be used for conversion changes
(see " Harmonic Order " on page 136). Which harmonics are supported depends on
the mixer type.
If you are using two mixers, the harmonic type is always the same for both mixers.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:TYPE on page 419

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 135

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Harmonic Order
Defines which order of the harmonic of the LO frequencies is used to cover the fre-
quency range.
By default, the lowest order of the specified harmonic type is selected that allows con-
version of input signals in the whole band. If due to the LO frequency the conversion is
not possible using one harmonic, the band is split.
For the "USER" band, you define the order of harmonic yourself. The order of har-
monic can be between 2 and 61, the lowest usable frequency being 16.88 GHz.
If you are using two mixers, the harmonic type is always the same for both mixers..
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic[:LOW] on page 419
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:HIGH[:VALue] on page 418

Conversion Loss
Defines how the conversion loss is handled. The following methods are available:
If you are using two mixers, you can define the source of the conversion loss data for
each mixer separately.
"Average" Defines the average conversion loss for the entire frequency range in
"Table" Defines the conversion loss via the table selected from the list. Pre-
defined conversion loss tables are often provided with the external
mixer and can be imported to the R&S FSWP. Alternatively, you can
define your own conversion loss tables. Imported tables are checked
for compatibility with the current settings before being assigned.
Conversion loss tables are configured and managed in the Conver-
sion Loss Table tab.
For details on importing tables, see " Import Table " on page 139.
Remote command:
Average for range 1:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS[:LOW] on page 420
Table for range 1:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:TABLe[:LOW] on page 420
Average for range 2:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:HIGH on page 419
Table for range 2:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:TABLe:HIGH on page 420 Basic Settings

Access: "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "External Mixer" > "Basic Settings"
With the R&S FSWP, you can control either one or two three-port mixers.
Most settings are applied globally for both mixers (like the frequency band settings).
Settings that you can configure for each mixer separately are labeled accordingly in the
description below.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 136

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

LO Level .....................................................................................................................137
Bias Value .................................................................................................................. 137
└ Write to CVL table ........................................................................................137

LO Level
Defines the LO level of the external mixer's LO port. Possible values are from
13.0 dBm to 17.0 dBm in 0.1 dB steps. Default value is 15.5 dB.
If you are using two mixers, you can define the LO level for each mixer separately.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOPower on page 423

Bias Value
Define the bias current for each range, which is required to set the mixer to its optimum
operating point. It corresponds to the short-circuit current. The bias current can range
from -10 mA to 10 mA. The actual bias current is lower because of the forward voltage
of the mixer diode(s).
Tip: The trace in the currently active result display (if applicable) is adapted to the set-
tings immediately so you can check the results.
To store the bias setting in the currently selected conversion loss table, select the Write
to CVL table button.
The "Bias Value" is available for mixer 1 only.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:BIAS[:LOW] on page 422
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:BIAS:HIGH on page 422

Write to CVL table ← Bias Value

Stores the bias setting in the currently selected "Conversion Loss Table" for the range
(see "Managing Conversion Loss Tables" on page 138). If no conversion loss table is
selected yet, this function is not available ( "CVL Table not selected" ).
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:BIAS on page 424

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 137

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source Conversion Loss Table

Managing Conversion Loss Tables

Access: "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "External Mixer" > "Conversion Loss
Conversion loss tables consist of value pairs that describe the correction values for
conversion loss at certain frequencies. The correction values for frequencies between
the reference points are obtained via interpolation.
The currently selected table for each range is displayed at the top of the dialog box. All
conversion loss tables found in the instrument's C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\ direc-
tory are listed in the "Modify Tables" list.

New Table .................................................................................................................. 138

Edit Table ................................................................................................................... 138
Delete Table ............................................................................................................... 139
Import Table ............................................................................................................... 139

New Table
Opens the "Edit conversion loss table" dialog box to configure a new conversion loss
For details on table configuration, see "Editing Conversion Loss Tables" on page 139.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427

Edit Table
Opens the "Edit conversion loss table" dialog box to edit the selected conversion loss
For details on table configuration, see "Editing Conversion Loss Tables" on page 139.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Delete Table
Deletes the currently selected conversion loss table after you confirm the action.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:CLEar on page 425

Import Table
Imports one or more stored conversion loss tables from any directory and copies them
to the instrument's C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\ directory. They can then be assigned
for use for a specific frequency range (see " Conversion Loss " on page 136).
Before copying any files to the C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\ directory, the R&S FSWP
firmware moves any existing user-defined cvl tables to a backup subdirectory. To use
a user-defined cvl table later, select the file in the
C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\backup directory.
Remote command:
MMEM:COPY '<conversionlosstable>',C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\

Editing Conversion Loss Tables

Access: "Overview" > "Input" > "Input Source" > "External Mixer" > "Conversion Loss
Table" > "New Table" / "Edit Table"
Conversion loss tables can be newly defined and edited.
A preview pane displays the current configuration of the conversion loss function as
described by the position/value entries.

File Name ...................................................................................................................140

Comment ....................................................................................................................140
Band ...........................................................................................................................140
Harmonic Order ..........................................................................................................140
Bias ............................................................................................................................ 140
Mixer Name ................................................................................................................141
Mixer S/N ................................................................................................................... 141
Mixer Type ..................................................................................................................141
Position / Value ...........................................................................................................141

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 139

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Insert Value ................................................................................................................ 141

Delete Value ...............................................................................................................141
Shift x ......................................................................................................................... 142
Shift y ......................................................................................................................... 142
Save ........................................................................................................................... 142

File Name
Defines the name under which the table is stored in the C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\
directory on the instrument. The name of the table is identical with the name of the file
(without extension) in which the table is stored. This setting is mandatory. The .ACL
extension is automatically appended during storage.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427

An optional comment that describes the conversion loss table. The comment is user-
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:COMMent on page 425

The waveguide or user-defined band to which the table applies. This setting is checked
against the current mixer setting before the table can be assigned to the range.
For a definition of the frequency range for the pre-defined bands, see table 15-3 on
page 417.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:BAND on page 424

Harmonic Order
The harmonic order of the range to which the table applies. This setting is checked
against the current mixer setting before the table can be assigned to the range.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:HARMonic on page 426

The bias current which is required to set the mixer to its optimum operating point. It
corresponds to the short-circuit current. The bias current can range from -10 mA to
10 mA. The actual bias current is lower because of the forward voltage of the mixer
Tip: You can also define the bias interactively while a preview of the trace with the
changed setting is displayed, see " Bias Value " on page 137.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:BIAS on page 424

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Input Source

Mixer Name
Specifies the name of the external mixer to which the table applies. This setting is
checked against the current mixer setting before the table can be assigned to the
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:MIXer on page 426

Mixer S/N
Specifies the serial number of the external mixer to which the table applies.
The specified number is checked against the currently connected mixer number before
the table can be assigned to the range.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SNUMber on page 427

Mixer Type
Specifies whether the external mixer to which the table applies is a two-port or three-
port type. This setting is checked against the current mixer setting before the table can
be assigned to the range.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:PORTs on page 426

Position / Value
Each position/value pair defines the conversion loss value in dB for a specific fre-
quency. The reference values must be entered in order of increasing frequencies. A
maximum of 50 reference values can be entered. To enter a new value pair, select an
empty space in the "Position" / "Value" table, or select the Insert Value button.
Correction values for frequencies between the reference values are interpolated. Lin-
ear interpolation is performed if the table contains only two values. If it contains more
than two reference values, spline interpolation is carried out. Outside the frequency
range covered by the table, the conversion loss is assumed to be the same as that for
the first and last reference value.
The current configuration of the conversion loss function as described by the position/
value entries is displayed in the preview pane to the right of the table.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:DATA on page 425

Insert Value
Inserts a new position/value entry in the table.
If the table is empty, a new entry at 0 Hz is inserted.
If entries already exist, a new entry is inserted above the selected entry. The position of
the new entry is selected such that it divides the span to the previous entry in half.

Delete Value
Deletes the currently selected position/value entry.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 141

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Level Characteristics

Shift x
Shifts all positions in the table by a specific value. The value can be entered in the edit
dialog box. The conversion loss function in the preview pane is shifted along the x-axis.

Shift y
Shifts all conversion loss values by a specific value. The value can be entered in the
edit dialog box. The conversion loss function in the preview pane is shifted along the y-

The conversion loss table is stored under the specified file name in the
C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\ directory of the instrument.

10.3 Level Characteristics

Measurement results usually consist of the measured signal levels (amplitudes) dis-
played on the vertical y-axis for the determined frequency spectrum (horizontal, x-axis).
The settings for the vertical axis, regarding amplitude and scaling, are described here.
● Signal Attenuation.................................................................................................142
● Amplitude Characteristics..................................................................................... 143
● Diagram Scale.......................................................................................................145

10.3.1 Signal Attenuation

Signal attenuation reduces the level of the signal that you feed into the R&S FSWP.
Reducing the level is necessary to protect the input mixer from signals with high levels,
because high levels can cause an overload of the input mixer. An input mixer overload
in turn can lead to incorrect measurement results or even damage or destroy the input
The level at the input mixer is determined by the set RF attenuation according to the
levelmixer = levelinput - RF attenuation

The maximum level that the input mixer can handle is 0 dBm. Levels above this value
cause an overload. The R&S FSWP indicates an overload situation by the "RF OVLD"
label in the status bar.
The R&S FSWP features a mechanical attenuator. The mechanical attenuator is loca-
ted directly after the RF input of the R&S FSWP. Its step size is 5 dB.

Effects of the attenuator

Attenuation has a direct effect on the sensitivity of the analyzer - attenuation must be
compensated for by reamplifying the signal levels after the mixer. Thus, high attenua-
tion values cause the inherent noise (or noise floor) to rise, which in turn decreases the
sensitivity of the analyzer. The highest sensitivity is obtained at an RF attenuation of
0 dB. Each additional 10 dB of attenuation reduces the sensitivity by 10 dB, i.e. the dis-

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 142

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Level Characteristics

played noise is increased by 10 dB. To measure a signal with an improved signal-to-

noise ratio, decrease the RF attenuation.
Another (positive) effect is that high attenuation also helps to avoid intermodulation.

For ideal sinusoidal signals, the displayed signal level is independent of the RF attenu-

In the default state, the R&S FSWP automatically determines the attenuation according
to the signal level that is currently applied. Automatic determination of the attenuation
is a good way to find a compromise between a low noise floor, high intermodulation
levels, and protecting the instrument from high input levels.
However, you can also define the attenuation manually, if necessary.

10.3.2 Amplitude Characteristics

Access: "Overview" > "Amplitude / Scaling" > "Amplitude"

Amplitude settings allow you to adapt the R&S FSWP for the signal that is fed into its
input (for example the RF input).

Functionality to configure amplitude characteristics described elsewhere:

● " Input Coupling " on page 126
● Level Setting
The remote commands required to configure the amplitude are described in Chap-
ter 15.6.4, "Remote Commands to Configure Level Characteristics", on page 443.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 143

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Level Characteristics

Attenuating the signal..................................................................................................144

Shifting the level..........................................................................................................144
Searching for the signal level...................................................................................... 144

Attenuating the signal

You can either determine the attenuation automatically or manually. Signal attenuation
is possible in 5 dB steps. The range is specified in the data sheet.
When you select "Auto" mode, the R&S FSWP determines the attenuation based on
the level of the signal that is applied. Automatic determination of the attenuation makes
sure that the ideal attenuation is always selected.
In "Manual" mode, the "Value" field becomes available and you can define an attenua-
tion as required.
Not available for baseband noise measurements.
NOTICE! Risk of hardware damage due to high power levels.
When you decrease the attenuation manually, make sure that the signal level does not
exceed the maximum level allowed at the RF input. Otherwise, an overload of the input
mixer can cause hardware damage.
Remote command:
Mode: INPut<1|2>:ATTenuation:AUTO on page 447
Attenuation: INPut<1|2>:ATTenuation on page 447

Shifting the level

You can define an arithmetic level offset that is added to the measured level.
Defining a level offset is useful, for example, if you attenuate or amplify the signal
before it is fed into the R&S FSWP. The R&S FSWP is then able to display the correct
power results.
To determine the required offset, consider the external attenuation or gain applied to
the input signal. For attenuation, define a positive offset so the R&S FSWP increases
the displayed power values. If an external gain is applied, define a negative offset so
the R&S FSWP decreases the displayed power values.
Not available for baseband noise measurements and VCO measurements.
Not available for baseband noise measurements.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]POWer:RLEVel:OFFSet on page 448

Searching for the signal level

The R&S FSWP automatically measures the level of the signal you have applied and
keeps track of the measured signal levels.
The currently measured signal level is displayed in the channel bar.

Note that you should attenuate the signal if its level is too high, especially if you have
no idea about the signal strength you are measuring. For more information, see
"Attenuating the signal" on page 144.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 144

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Level Characteristics

The measurement starts only if the signal level is within the level threshold that you
have defined via the "Auto Search" feature.
If the signal level is outside the threshold that you have defined, it is ignored.


fstart fstop Frequency

Figure 10-3: Basic principle of the signal search feature

Signal search is not available for baseband noise measurements.

Remote command:
Signal level: [SENSe:]POWer:RLEVel? on page 448
Threshold: [SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:LEVel:THReshold on page 448

10.3.3 Diagram Scale

Access: "Overview" > "Amplitude / Scaling" > "Scale"

The scale settings define the scale of the y-axis in graphical result displays.

The remote commands required to configure the amplitude are described in Chap-
ter 15.6.4, "Remote Commands to Configure Level Characteristics", on page 443.
Scaling the y-axis........................................................................................................ 145
Selecting the unit of the y-axis.................................................................................... 146

Scaling the y-axis

You can scale the y-axis of graphical result displays automatically or manually.
Scaling the axis automatically has the advantage that the application automatically
selects the ideal scale for the current measurement results. When you select the
"Auto" scale mode, the R&S FSWP adjusts the scale of the axis during the measure-
When you select the "Manual" scale mode, you can select any scale that suits your
needs. You can scale the axis by the following logic:
● Define a "Top" and "Bottom" value. The "Range" is adjusted accordingly.
● Define a "Top" value and a "Range". The "Bottom" value is adjusted accordingly.
● Define a "Range" and a "Bottom" value. The "Top" value is adjusted accordingly.
● When you change the "Top" or "Bottom" values only, the "Range" is adjusted.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 145

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

● When you change the "Range" only, the "Bottom" value is adjusted.
In addition, you can perform a single automatic scale adjustment with the "Auto Scale
Once" feature. When you do so, the R&S FSWP selects the ideal scale for the current
measurement results, but will not update the scale for the next measurement.
Remote command:
Mode: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:AUTO on page 445
Top: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel on page 446
Bottom: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:LOWer
on page 446
Range: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe] on page 445

Selecting the unit of the y-axis

Baseband noise measurements allow you to select one of several units in which the
results are displayed.
You can select the desired unit from the "Y Axis Unit" dropdown menu.
Not available for all other measurements in the phase noise measurement application.
The units used by other measurements depend on the selected diagram and cannot be
changed manually.
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y:UNIT on page 446

10.4 Frequency
Access (carrier frequency): "Overview" > "Frequency"
Access (measurement range): "Overview" > "Noise Config" > "Noise Config"
Frequency settings allow you to control the characteristics of the measurement fre-

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 146

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

The auto search features are available for phase noise and pulsed phase noise mea-
The remote commands required to configure the frequency are described in Chap-
ter 15.6.5, "Remote Commands to Configure the Frequency", on page 449.
Defining the signal frequency......................................................................................147
Searching for a signal................................................................................................. 148
Capture Range............................................................................................................149
Defining the measurement range................................................................................149
Measuring low frequency and low level signals.......................................................... 150
└ Low signal frequencies................................................................................. 150
└ Low signal levels...........................................................................................150
└ Multicarrier signals........................................................................................ 151

Defining the signal frequency

The "Signal Frequency" is the frequency the signal is transmitted with.
You can define it manually in the corresponding input field or let the R&S FSWP search
for the signal frequency in an automatic frequency search (turn on the "Auto Search" in
that case).

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

For pulsed measurements (phase noise and additive noise), the minimum supported
carrier frequency is 30 MHz.
Not available for baseband noise measurements.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer on page 452

Searching for a signal

The R&S FSWP automatically scans the frequency spectrum for any signals before a
phase noise measurement begins. If it can find a signal on any frequency, it starts a
measurement on that frequency.
The current signal frequency is displayed in the channel bar.

In case you already know the signal frequency, you can also turn off the "Auto Search"
and define it manually. When you turn off automatic search, the R&S FSWP still veri-
fies if a signal is present at the frequency you have defined and, if necessary, adjusts
the frequency if the signal is a few Hz off. If you want to skip the signal verification and
measure exactly the frequency you have entered manually, turn off the "Signal Count"
feature. In that case, the R&S FSWP tunes to the frequency you have entered and
measures its phase noise characteristics, even if no signal is present. Turning off the
frequency counter can improve measurement speed, however.
The measurement starts only if a signal is present within the frequency search limits
that you have defined via the "Auto Search" feature. The search range is defined by a
minimum and maximum value. The maximum frequency range that you can scan
depends on the hardware you are using. Note that a signal must also be within a cer-
tain level range for it to be detected.
No measurement will be initiated if no signal can be found in the frequency search
range you have defined.


fstart fstop Frequency

Figure 10-4: Basic principle of the signal search feature

During a frequency scan, the R&S FSWP steps through the frequency search range
you have defined in a predefined step size (one step usually covers the full I/Q band-
Signal search is only available for phase noise and pulsed phase noise measurements.
Remote command:
Signal frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer on page 452
Mode: [SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:AUTosearch[:STATe]
on page 449
Signal count: [SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:COUNt on page 449

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

Lower search limit: [SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:LIMit:LOW

on page 450
Upper search limit: [SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:LIMit:HIGH
on page 450

Capture Range
The "Capture Range" defines the bandwidth with which the R&S FSWP searches for a
signal or tracks drifting signals.
Use a "Normal" capture range for stable or slowly drifting DUTs. For fast drifting DUTs,
use a "Wide" capture range.
Use a "40 MHz" capture range to measure carriers swept from -40 MHz to +40 MHz
relative to the center frequency. Additional spurs and restrictions of the measurement
accuracy are possible for CW signals, or carriers swept in other frequency ranges. For
specifics of the measurement accuracy, refer to the data sheet.
The capture range is available for the phase noise measurement.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SWEep:CAPTure:RANGe on page 454

Defining the measurement range

Noise measurements determine the noise of a DUT over a certain measurement
range. The measurement range is defined by the two offset frequencies that you define
("Start Offset" and "Stop Offset").
The frequency offsets themselves are relative to the carrier frequency of the DUT: a
frequency offset of 1 MHz, for example, measures the noise characteristics up to a dis-
tance of 1 MHz from the carrier. The maximum offset that you can define depends on
the hardware you are using.
Note: For pulsed phase noise measurements (phase noise and additive), the maxi-
mum offset is limited to 30 MHz.
For baseband noise measurements, the frequency range is defined by absolute start
and stop frequencies instead of relative offset frequencies. The center frequency repre-
sents the carrier frequency. The measurement range or span depends on the input you
are using: For the RF input, it depends on the hardware you are using. For the base-
band input, measurements up to 40 MHz are supported.
The measurement range thus defines the scale of the x-axis in the "Phase Noise" dia-
The measurement range again is divided into several (logarithmic) decades, or, for
configuration purposes, into half decades.
Note: For frequency stability measurements, the start and stop frequency offsets of the
phase noise measurement are the reciprocal values of the start and stop values of the
observation time ("Tau Start" and "Tau Stop").
Tau Start and Tau Stop thus define the scale of the x-axis in the "Allan Variance" and
"Allan Deviation" diagrams.
Remote command:
Start offset: [SENSe:]FREQuency:STARt on page 452
Stop offset: [SENSe:]FREQuency:STOP on page 453

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

Start Tau: [SENSe:]TIME:STARt on page 461

Stop Tau: [SENSe:]TIME:STOP on page 461

Measuring low frequency and low level signals

The R&S FSWP provides functionality to measure the phase noise of signals with a
low frequency and / or a low signal level.
● Low frequencies can be measured by applying the low pass filter.
● Low signal levels can be measured by selecting the appropriate level setting.
● Very low signal levels can be measured by selecting the appropriate level setting
and applying the low pass filter.

Low signal frequencies ← Measuring low frequency and low level signals
The R&S FSWP provides a low pass filter that suppresses the DC offset of the I/Q
mixer to measure signal frequencies below 1 MHz. Applying the filter results in a better
When you are measuring such signals, turn on the filter ("State"), and define its "Cutoff
Frequency". The cutoff frequency should be the same as the signal frequency. For
example, the cutoff frequency to measure a signal frequency of 100 Hz should also be
100 Hz.
Measuring low frequencies and levels is available for phase noise measurements on
continuous wave signals.
Note that using the filter has several effects.
● The automatic search for a signal is not supported. Define the signal frequency
manually instead.
● A signal count is not possible.
● The stop offset is limited to 30 % of the carrier signal frequency.
For measurements on frequencies below 10 MHz, you must use DC coupling (inde-
pendent of the low pass filter).
Remote command:
Filter state: [SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs[:STATe] on page 451
Cutoff frequency: [SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs:FREQuency:MANual on page 451

Low signal levels ← Measuring low frequency and low level signals
The R&S FSWP supports different modes to measure signals with different levels.
Depending on the measurement, select the appropriate "Level Setting".
● "High": The R&S FSWP works like a traditional phase noise tester with zero IF and
is therefore limited in the sensitivity.
● "Low": The R&S FSWP uses an IF of 15 MHz. Therefore, the DC offset of the I/Q
mixers does not limit the sensitivity. It is recommended to use this level setting for
signal levels below -20 dBm.
For very low signal levels (below approximately -40 dBm), the broadband noise in
the demodulator becomes an issue and disables the measurement. To measure
such signals, apply the low pass filter, because it reduces the noise bandwidth.
The nominal improvement of the sensitivity is 10 dB for 10 MHz, 20 dB for 1 MHz
cutoff frequency.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

Note that using the filter has several effects.

● The automatic search for a signal is not supported. Define the signal frequency
manually instead.
● A signal count is not possible.
● The stop offset is limited to 30 % of the carrier signal frequency.
Remote command:
Filter state: [SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs[:STATe] on page 451
Cutoff frequency: [SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs:FREQuency:MANual on page 451
Level setting: [SENSe:]POWer:RLEVel:MODE on page 454

Multicarrier signals ← Measuring low frequency and low level signals

You can also use the low pass filter when you want to measure the phase noise of a
single carrier in a multicarrier signal. In that case, the cutoff frequency of the filter
should be the same as the carrier spacing.

10.5 Noise Measurement Configuration

Noise measurements are performed based on several specific measurement parame-
● Triggered Measurements (Phase Noise CW)....................................................... 151
● Measurement Range.............................................................................................151
● Noise Configuration...............................................................................................152
● Integrated Measurement Configuration.................................................................158
● Spot Noise Information..........................................................................................161
● Spur Display..........................................................................................................162
● Frequency Stability Configuration......................................................................... 164

10.5.1 Triggered Measurements (Phase Noise CW)

The start of the noise measurements can be defined via the "Trigger" hardkey. If "Free
Run" is selected, no trigger source is considered. You can start the measurement man-
ually any time and stop it as required. If "External Trigger 1" is selected, a measure-
ment starts when a TTL signal is fed into the specified input connector.

10.5.2 Measurement Range

Noise measurements determine the noise characteristics of a DUT over a particular

measurement range. This measurement range is defined by two offset frequencies.
The frequency offsets themselves are relative to the nominal frequency of the DUT.
The measurement range again is divided into several (logarithmic) decades, or, for
configuration purposes, into half decades.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

Figure 10-5: Measurement range and half decades

This breakdown into several half decades is made to speed up measurements. See
"Working with the half decade configuration table" on page 157 for more information
about the measurement configuration in each half decade.
The main issue in this context is the resolution bandwidth (RBW) and its effect on the
measurement time. In general, it is best to use a resolution bandwidth as small as pos-
sible for the most accurate measurement results. However, accuracy comes at the
price of measurement speed.
To avoid long measurement times, the application provides only a certain range of
RBWs that are available for each half decade.

10.5.3 Noise Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Noise Config" > "Noise Config"

The measurement range parameters define the way the phase noise of a DUT is mea-

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

The remote commands required to configure the measurement range are described in
Chapter, "Noise Configuration", on page 455.
Functions to configure the measurement range described elsewhere:
● Start Offset
● Stop Offset
● Capture Range
Estimating the measurement time...............................................................................153
Defining the resolution bandwidth............................................................................... 154
Ultra-Small RBWs....................................................................................................... 154
Defining cross-correlation parameters........................................................................ 155
Turning the display of the cross-correlation gain indicator on and off......................... 156
Capture Range............................................................................................................156
Sweep/Average Count ............................................................................................... 157
Selecting the sweep direction..................................................................................... 157
Working with the half decade configuration table........................................................157

Estimating the measurement time

Based on the parameters you have defined for the noise measurement, the application
estimates the total measurement time required to measure the noise characteristics
over all half decades. It is displayed in the channel bar ("Meas Time" label).
The remaining measurement time of the current measurement is indicated in the pro-
gress bar in the status bar (for measurements that last longer than 1 second).

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

Display of the remaining measurement time is supported by the following measure-

● (Additive) phase noise
● Pulsed (additive) phase noise
● Baseband noise
The measurement time is function of the resolution bandwidth, cross-correlation factor
and the number of averages defined for the measurement.
For resolution bandwidths below 0.1%, the estimated measurement time is not availa-
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SWEep:TIME on page 459

Defining the resolution bandwidth

The resolution bandwidth (RBW) is the filter bandwidth applied during the noise mea-
surement. Noise measurements apply a different resolution bandwidth to each half
decade that is measured: small bandwidths for small frequency offsets and higher
bandwidths for larger frequency offsets (to speed up the measurement on larger fre-
quency offsets).
You can define a custom resolution bandwidth for each half decade, or let the applica-
tion selects an appropriate resolution bandwidth, depending on the "Half Decade Con-
fig" mode.
For an automatic selection, the resolution bandwidth that is applied to each half dec-
ade is a function of the frequency offset. By default, the resolution bandwidth is 10 % of
the start offset of the half decade. If the start offset is, for example 10 kHz, the resulting
resolution bandwidth is 1 kHz.
If necessary, you can change the resolution bandwidth factor. A selected set of percen-
tages in the range from 0.1 % to 30 % is supported.
A resolution bandwidth factor below 0.1% is available with the Ultra-Small RBWs.
For a manual selection, you can enter the required resolution bandwidth as an abso-
lute value in the corresponding cells of the half decade table.
Remote command:
Configuration mode: [SENSe:]SWEep:MODE on page 459
RBW factor: [SENSe:]LIST:BWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio on page 455
RBW: [SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:BWIDth[:RESolution] on page 456

Ultra-Small RBWs
Provides functionality to enable ultra-small resolution bandwidths (RBW) for the current
measurement. It can only be used in phase noise and additive noise measurements.
The minimum RBW can be set to 0.0003% (instead of 0.1%) if this function is enabled.
Also, only one measurement channel can be used due to memory limitation.
Be aware that if the function is enabled, and the function is enabled in an instrument
saveset, recall of the saveset fails. If the function is enabled in a saveset used for
startup recall, every second preset acts as if startup recall had been disabled.
If this function is enabled and RBWs below 0.1% are used, the estimated measure-
ment time is not available.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

Remote command:
[SENSe:]LIST:BWIDth[:RESolution]:USMall on page 458

Defining cross-correlation parameters

Cross-correlation is a method to calculate the noise characteristics by routing it through
two different signal paths. The signal has correlated noise characteristics in both chan-
nels while the oscillators have uncorrelated noise characteristics. Through cross-corre-
lation operations, the noise of the DUT is kept constant while the noise of the signal
path is reduced.
You can define a custom number of cross-correlation operations for each half decade,
or let the application select an appropriate number, depending on the "Half Decade
Config" mode.
For an automatic selection, the number of cross-correlation operations that are per-
formed depends on the half decade that is measured. Small offsets (which usually
have a higher noise level) require fewer operations to get accurate results, while large
offsets (whose noise levels can be very low) require more operations for accurate
The base number of the first decade is a fixed value. The number of operations for the
other half decades is determined in such a way, that all operations are finished at
roughly the same time.
For a manual selection, you can enter the required number of cross-correlation oper-
ations as an absolute value in the corresponding cells of the half decade table.

The operations in the first half decade need 1 s to finish. The number of operations
done in the other half decades is calculated with respect to this 1 s timeframe. For
example, if the application can perform 10 cross-correlation operations in 1 s in
another half decade, it will do so, but no more than that number.

You can control the number of cross-correlations for the first half decade with the
cross-correlation factor ("XCORR Factor"). By multiplying this value with the base num-
ber of operations for the first half decade, the application calculates the time it takes to
perform these operations in the first half decade and then adjusts the number of opera-
tions for all other half decades.
When you turn on the "XCORR Optimization" feature, cross-correlation operations are
only performed as long as the measurement results still improve. When this is not the
case, the R&S FSWP stops calculating results, even when the selected number of
operations has not yet been reached. This is thus a good tool to speed up the mea-
The point at which measurement results cannot be improved anymore is defined by the
"XCORR Optimization Threshold". The threshold is the distance between the gain indi-
cator and the actual trace. When the distance between those two traces exceeds the
threshold in any given half decade, the R&S FSWP stops measuring in this half dec-
ade and resumes with the next one.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

The number of operations in a half decade is 30. When optimization is on, and the
results do not improve any more after 20 operations, the application stops measure-
ments in that half decade.

You can also finish the measurement of a specific half decade manually with the "Fin-
ish Segment" softkey available in the "Sweep" menu. The R&S FSWP resumes the
measurement of the next half decade in that case.
For offsets greater than 30 MHz, each half decade is divided into smaller segments.
For these offsets, the "Finish Segment" feature does not resume with the next half dec-
ade, but with the next offset segment.
Remote command:
Configuration mode: [SENSe:]SWEep:MODE on page 459
XCORR factor: [SENSe:]SWEep:XFACtor on page 460
XCORR number: [SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:XCOunt on page 457
Optimization: [SENSe:]SWEep:XOPTimize[:STATe] on page 460
Optimization threshold: [SENSe:]SWEep:XOPTimize:THReshold on page 460
Finish segment: [SENSe:]SWEep:FSEGment on page 459

Turning the display of the cross-correlation gain indicator on and off

The phase noise diagram contains a grey area in its default state. This area represents
the cross-correlation gain indicator.
It shows the rejection of uncorrelated noise dependent on the number of correlation
averages. If the measurement trace itself lies on the cross-correlation gain indicator,
further correlation will reduce the phase noise value. If some distance between the
cross-correlation gain indicator and the measurement result is obtained, further corre-
lation will not reduce the phase noise value any more, but only smooth the trace. When
you turn on the"Optimize XCORR" feature, the measurement stops automatically when
the gap between the cross-correlation gain indicator and the measurement trace
exceeds 10 dB.
You can turn the display of the gray area on and off as required.
Remote command:
DISPlay:XGINdicator[:STATe] on page 455

Capture Range
The "Capture Range" defines the bandwidth with which the R&S FSWP searches for a
signal or tracks drifting signals.
Use a "Normal" capture range for stable or slowly drifting DUTs. For fast drifting DUTs,
use a "Wide" capture range.
Use a "40 MHz" capture range to measure carriers swept from -40 MHz to +40 MHz
relative to the center frequency. Additional spurs and restrictions of the measurement
accuracy are possible for CW signals, or carriers swept in other frequency ranges. For
specifics of the measurement accuracy, refer to the data sheet.
The capture range is available for the phase noise measurement.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SWEep:CAPTure:RANGe on page 454

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

Sweep/Average Count
Defines the number of measurements to be performed in the single sweep mode. Val-
ues from 0 to 200000 are allowed. If the values 0 or 1 are set, one measurement is
The sweep count is applied to all the traces in all diagrams.
For "Average" trace mode, the "Sweep Count" also determines the number of individ-
ual measurements used to average the trace.
In continuous sweep mode, a "Sweep Count" = 0 (default) calculates a moving aver-
age over 10 measurements. A "Sweep Count" = 1 calculates no averages.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SWEep:COUNt on page 458

Selecting the sweep direction

The sweep direction selects the order in which the R&S FSWP measures the half dec-
For the reverse sweep ("Sweep Forward" = "Off"), the measurement sequence is:
● Analysis of half decades > 30 MHz
● Analysis of half decades between 30 MHz and 1 MHz
● Analysis of half decades < 1 MHz
For the forward sweep ("Sweep Forward" = "On"), the measurement sequence is:
● Analysis of half decades < 1 MHz
● Analysis of half decades between 30 MHz and 1 MHz
● Analysis of half decades > 30 MHz
Otherwise, the measurements are the are the same and yield the same results, regard-
less of the sweep direction you select. The difference is that results near the carrier are
available faster when you select the forward sweep.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SWEep:FORWard on page 458

Working with the half decade configuration table

The half decade configuration table shows the measurement characteristics for each
half decade that is part of the measurement.
The features of the table depend on the "Half Decade Config" mode:
● For the automatic mode, the table is read only, the values in the table depend on
the settings you have made for the noise measurements (RBW Factor and XCORR
The size (number of rows) depends on the number of half decades that you have
Automatic half decade configuration is designed to yield the optimal measurement
times for each half decade.
● For the manual mode, you can define custom values for the resolution bandwidth
(RBW) and the number of cross-correlation operations.
The table contains the following values.
● Start Offset
Start frequency offset of the half decade.
Depends on the frequency offsets you have defined.
● Stop Offset

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

Stop frequency offset of the half decade.

Depends on the frequency offsets you have defined.
Resolution bandwidth applied to the corresponding half decade during the mea-
Depends on the resolution bandwidth factor you have defined.
Custom RBWs become available when you are using manual configuration mode.
Shows the number of cross-correlation operations applied in the corresponding half
Depends on the XCORR factor you have defined.
Custom cross-correlation operations become available when you are using manual
configuration mode.
Remote command:
Configuration mode: [SENSe:]SWEep:MODE on page 459
Start offset: [SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:FREQuency:STARt? on page 456
Stop offset: [SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:FREQuency:STOP? on page 457
RBW: [SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:BWIDth[:RESolution] on page 456
XCORR: [SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:XCOunt on page 457

10.5.4 Integrated Measurement Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Noise Config" > "Integrated Measurements"

You can control the integration ranges and data source (traces) that the calculations for
integrated measurement results are based on.
For integrated measurements, the raw measurement data are used instead of the data
smoothed by the trace smoothing functionality.

The remote commands required to configure residual calculations are described in

Chapter, "Residual Calculation Configuration", on page 462.
Selecting the trace for residual calculations................................................................159
Defining the integration range..................................................................................... 159
Working with weighting filters......................................................................................159
└ Applying weighting filters.............................................................................. 159
└ Managing weighting filters............................................................................ 159
└ Designing weighting filters............................................................................ 160

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

Selecting the trace for residual calculations

Residual calculations are only performed when you select an (active) trace that serves
as the data source (when the selected trace is inactive, residual effects are not calcula-
You can select any trace as the data source ("Trace 1" to "Trace 6" in the dropdown
menu), and define the frequency range over which the integration is performed.
When you select "None" from the dropdown menu, residuals effects are not calculated.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:TRACe on page 463

Defining the integration range

You can define up to 10 integration ranges on different traces.
By default, the R&S FSWP integrates over the entire frequency range defined for the
measurement (Range = "Meas"). You can, however, also define custom integration
ranges (Range = "Manual").
In that case, the input fields next to the "Range" control become available to define a
customized integration range. The application shows orange lines ("Range <x>") in the
graphical result display to indicate custom ranges.

Remote command:
State: CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation[:STATe] on page 463
Start: CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:STARt on page 462
Stop: CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:STOP on page 462

Working with weighting filters

The weighting filter feature provides functionality to correct integrated measurements
and thus compensate for external effects that affect the results in certain frequency
ranges. A weighting filter is a useful feature if you already know that this is the case
and would like to compensate for these effects.
Note that the weighting filter only has an effect on the integrated measurement results
and has no effect in the noise diagram or other numerical results.

Applying weighting filters ← Working with weighting filters

When you apply a weighting filter, the R&S FSWP takes the correction values defined
in the weighting filter into account for the calculation of integrated measurements.
The "Weighting Filter" dropdown menu contains all weighting filters that are available
on the internal hard disk of the R&S FSWP.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:WEIGhting on page 464

Managing weighting filters ← Working with weighting filters

The table in the "Residual Calculations" dialog box shows all currently available
weighting filter.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

From this dialog box, you have the following options.

● Edit a weighting filter that already exists (➙ "Edit").
● Create a new weighting filter (➙ "New").
● Create a new weighting filter based on an existing one (➙ "Copy").
If necessary, you can delete the selected filter at any time (➙ "Delete").
Each of the options opens a dialog box that contains the functionality to characterize a
weighting filter.
Remote command:
Select a filter: [SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:SELect on page 465
Delete: [SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:DELete on page 464

Designing weighting filters ← Working with weighting filters

The R&S FSWP provides the following tools to design a weighting filter.
● "Name" / "Comment"
Defines a name and / or comment of the weighting filter. The name defines the
label by which the filter appears in the "Weighting Filter" dropdown menu.
● "Position" and "Value"
Define the data points of the weighting filter (including a graphical preview).
They define by which amount (dB) residual effects are corrected for specific fre-
quencies. For example, you could say that at a frequency of 100 MHz, the residual
effects are corrected by 5 dB.
● "Insert Value"
Inserts a weighting filter data point. Alternatively, you can click in the table itself to
add a new data point.
● "Delete Value"
Deletes the currently selected data point. The currently selected data point is high-
lighted blue.
● "Shift X" / "Shift Y"
Shifts all data points of the weighting filter horizontally or vertically by a certain
● "Save"
Saves and stores the weighting filter on the internal hard disk of the R&S FSWP.
A weighting filter consists of up to 625 data points. Each data point is a pair of values:
the first value describes the frequency, the second value describes the level (correction
value) for that frequency.
Frequencies must be entered in ascending order and must not overlap.
When you save the filter, the R&S FSWP uses the name of the weighting filter as the
file name. If a weighting filter of the same name already exists, the R&S FSWP asks
before it overwrites the existing file.
Remote command:
Name: [SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:NAME on page 465
Comment: [SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:COMMent on page 464
Data: [SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:DATA on page 464

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

10.5.5 Spot Noise Information

Access: "Overview" > "Noise Config" > "Spot Noise"

Spot noise is the phase noise measured at a certain offset frequency. The information
about spot noise is provided in the noise diagram (optionally) and in a separate spot
noise information table.
The R&S FSWP provides several features to control the spot noise information.

The remote commands required to configure spot noise measurements are described
in Chapter, "Spot Noise Configuration", on page 465.
Displaying spot noise information............................................................................... 161
Selecting the spot noise positions...............................................................................161

Displaying spot noise information

By default, when you perform a measurement, the R&S FSWP displays the spot noise
information in the diagram area.
You can turn off the displayed spot noise information any time, for example if you want
a better view of the measurement results.
You can also select the trace the displayed spot noise information refers to from the
"Trace" dropdown menu.
Remote command:
DISPlay:SNINfo[:STATe] on page 469
DISPlay:SNINfo:TRACe on page 469

Selecting the spot noise positions

The R&S FSWP provides several methods to define the positions where the spot noise
is measured.
By default, it calculates the spot noise on all "Decade Edges" (10x offset frequencies) in
the measurement range. Therefore, the number of spot noise results depends on the
measurement range.
If you want to evaluate the spot noise on positions other than the decade edges, you
can add "User Defined" spot noise positions. When you turn on that feature, changes
that you make to the "Offset" input fields are considered in the current measurement
(by default, user defined spot noise positions are the decade edges).

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 161

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

You can define any offset frequency that is part of the measurement range as a new
spot noise position. To exclude an offset frequency, uncheck the checkbox of the cur-
rent offset.
The results for the user defined spot noise positions are displayed in the spot noise
table in addition to the decade edge spot noise results.
When you turn off the "Decade Edges" spot noise positions, the spot noise table con-
tains only the user defined spot noise positions.
Remote command:
See Chapter, "Spot Noise Configuration", on page 465.

10.5.6 Spur Display

Access: "Overview" > "Noise Config" > "Spurious"

Spurs are (usually undesired) peak levels that can occur in the measured frequency
range. They are represented by unusually tall spikes on the trace.

The remote commands required to configure the spur display are described in Chap-
ter, "Spur Display", on page 469.

Hiding spurs
Hiding spurs is a method to remove displayed peak levels visually.
You can apply spur removal to all active traces individually (spurious removal "Hide In
Diagram"), and define a threshold (in dB) that defines when a peak level is recognized
as a spur (spurious removal "Detection Threshold").

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 162

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

Note: In the spot noise vs tune measurement, spur removal properties apply to all
Remote command:
State: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:SUPPress on page 470
Value: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:THReshold on page 470
State (SN vs Tune): [SENSe:]SPURs:SUPPress on page 483
Value (SN vs Tune): [SENSe:]SPURs:THReshold on page 483

Sorting spurs
The sort order of the spurs in the spurious list result display depends on the "Sort
Order" you select.
"Power" Sorts the spurs according to their power (highest to lowest power).
"Offset" Sorts the spurs according to their offset from the carrier (lowest to
highest offset).
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SPURs:SORT on page 471

Applying a spurious weighting filter

The spurious weighting filter feature provides functionality to apply a weighting filter to
spurious analysis. For more information on how to apply, manage and design weight-
ing filters, see "Working with weighting filters" on page 159.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SPURs:WEIGhting on page 471

Defining the spurious color

The spurious color feature provides functionality to enable an automatic shift of the
color of the displayed spurious lines. The color setting is not changed by a preset of
the instrument.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SPURs:COLor on page 473

Filtering spurs
Filtering spurs is a method to show or hide items of the spurious list.
Mode ● "Off": No spurious filter is applied.
● "Suppress": The spurs in the spurious filter are removed from the
spurious list, the diagram and dependent calculations.
● "Show": Only the spurs in the spurious filter are displayed in the
spurious list, the diagram and dependent calculations.
Include Har- In addition to the spurs in the defined spurious filter list, also their har-
monics monics are displayed or removed in the spurious list.
Range Defines the filter range as a multiple of the resolution bandwidth.
Name Displays the name of the currently selected spurious filter.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 163

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Noise Measurement Configuration

Spurious Filter The spurious filter configuration table provides several management
Management tools:
● "Insert": Adds a new offset frequency to the spurious filter.
● "Delete": Removes an existing offset frequency from the spurious
● "Clear": Clears the spurious filter.
● "Save": Saves the spurious filter configuration. With this function,
the name of the spurious filter can be defined.
● "Load": Loads an existing spurious filter configuration.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:MODE on page 471
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:HARMonics on page 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:RANGe on page 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:NAME? on page 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:OFFSet on page 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:CLEar on page 473
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:SAVE on page 473
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:LOAD on page 473

10.5.7 Frequency Stability Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Noise Config" > "Frequency Stability"

The results of the frequency stability measurements (Allan variance and deviation) are
derived from the phase noise measurement. Thus, the frequency stability measure-
ments and the phase noise measurement use the same configuration.
The "Frequency Stability" dialog contains the most important settings for the frequency
stability measurements. However, everything that you change in the phase noise con-
figuration is also applied to the frequency stability measurements, and vice versa.
● "Tau Start" and "Tau Stop"
Tau start and stop define the observation time Tau for the frequency stability mea-
surement. They are coupled to the measurement range. Tau start is the reciprocal
value of the stop frequency offset. Tau stop is the reciprocal value of the start fre-
quency offset.
For example, a measurement range from 1 mHz to 1 MHz would result in an obser-
vation time from 1 µs to 1000 s and vice versa.
● "RBW" and "XCORR"
Note that if you define the RBW and number of cross-correlation operations man-
ually, the values of the half decade configuration table are also applied to the fre-
quency stability measurements.
● "Meas BW"
The measurement bandwidth (or integration bandwidth) is the reciprocal value of
"Tau Start".

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 164

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

The remote commands required to configure frequency stability measurements are

described in Chapter, "Noise Configuration", on page 455.

10.6 Output
The phase noise application is able to provide different kinds of output for various pur-
For more information about the available connectors, refer to the getting started man-
● DC Source Configuration...................................................................................... 165
● Signal Source Configuration................................................................................. 168
● Miscellaneous Output............................................................................................172

10.6.1 DC Source Configuration

Access (all DC port settings): "Overview" > "Output" > "Output" > "DC Config"
Access (most relevant DC port settings): (in the toolbar)
Access (DC port state): "Overview" > (in the toolbar)
The "DC Power" settings allow you to configure the DC power supply sources available
on the front panel for different purposes.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 165

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

Proper configuration of the DC ports

Setting DC voltages and currents properly is an important step during the configuration
in order not to damage the device under test (DUT) by applying too much voltage or
Therefore it is recommended to connect the device under test (DUT) to the instrument
after the DC settings have been made and verified.

The remote commands required to configure the DC power output are described in
Chapter 15.6.2, "Output", on page 428.
Turning the DC output on and off................................................................................ 166
Coupling the output configuration across measurement channels............................. 166
Configuring the DC power output................................................................................166
└ Turning the output on and off........................................................................ 167
└ Selecting the output type (Vsupply only).......................................................167
└ Defining the output level............................................................................... 167
└ Reading the actual output levels...................................................................168

Turning the DC output on and off

DC output power is only supplied when you turn on the DC power output in general
with the "DC Power" feature.
You have to turn on at least one of the individual voltage supplies Vsupply, Vtune or Vaux
(➙ Output State) before you can turn on DC output in general.
When you turn off DC power supply in general, no power is supplied, even when the
individual outputs have been turned on.
Remote command:
SOURce:VOLTage[:STATe] on page 436

Coupling the output configuration across measurement channels

You can couple the configuration of the DC power output and the (optional) signal
source output across all active measurement channels.
When you turn on coupling, all active measurement channels apply the same configu-
When you turn off coupling, you can define a different configuration for each measure-
ment channel.
Remote command:
DC power: SOURce:VOLTage:CHANnel:COUPling on page 431
Signal source: SOURce:GENerator:CHANnel:COUPling on page 437

Configuring the DC power output

The R&S FSWP features three outputs that allow you to supply external devices like
the DUT or external measurement equipment with DC power.
The outputs are labeled "Vsupply" (supply voltage), "Vtune" (tuning voltage) and "Vaux"
(auxiliary voltage). Each of the outputs has different characteristics regarding the sup-
ported voltage range and maximum output current, and is thus designed for different

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 166

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

Note: If you change one of the DC power output parameters during a measurement,
the measurement is aborted and restarted.
For more information about the output connectors, refer to the getting started.
Basically, you can define the same parameters for all three outputs.
● "Turning the output on and off" on page 167
● "Selecting the output type (Vsupply only)" on page 167
● "Defining the output level" on page 167
● "Reading the actual output levels" on page 168

Turning the output on and off ← Configuring the DC power output

Apart from the general DC power output state, you can turn each individual output on
and off. Output is generated only, when the required DC output is actually turned on.
By default, all outputs are turned off. When you want to use one of the outputs, turn it
Note that you have to turn on at least one of the outputs to be able to turn on the out-
put in general.
Remote command:
Vsupply: SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel[:STATe] on page 435
Vtune: SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel[:STATe] on page 433
Vaux: SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel[:STATe] on page 431

Selecting the output type (Vsupply only) ← Configuring the DC power output
The supply voltage output (Vsupply) supports variable voltages and variable current. For
this output, you can select whether you want to control the output in terms of current or
When you select "Voltage", you can define the output in terms of the voltage that is
supplied. The supplied current is adjusted accordingly (up to the maximum current you
have allowed).
When you select "Current", you can define the output in terms of the current that is
supplied. The supplied voltage is adjusted accordingly (up to the maximum voltage you
have allowed).
The other outputs are already limited regarding the output current; only the voltage is
variable for these outputs.
Note: When you switch between "Voltage" and "Current", DC output is turned off as a
precaution. You have to turn it on again deliberately.
Remote command:
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:MODE on page 435

Defining the output level ← Configuring the DC power output

For all three outputs, you can control the voltage that should be output to supply the
DUT or other devices. The supported voltage range is different for each output (see
data sheet for details).
In addition to the hardware limits regarding the range of output values, you can also
define soft limits. These soft limits limit the output to a range that suits your needs.
They thus help you to avoid accidentally defining an output level that is too high for the
DUT you are testing.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 167

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

Note that when you change the output voltage while a measurement is running, this
measurement is aborted and restarted.
Controlling the supply current for the Vsupply output
For the supply voltage output (Vsupply), you can select whether you want to control the
output in terms of current or voltage (➙ Output Type).
If you select output type "Voltage", you can define the output level and limits in terms of
voltage (the current is adjusted, if necessary).
If you select output type "Current", you can define the output level and limits in terms of
current (the voltage is adjusted, if necessary) . In that case, the range defining the soft
limits are also defined in terms of current.
In addition, you can define the maximum output current (or voltage) that is supplied in
the "Max Curr / Volt" field.
For the other two outputs (Vtune and Vaux), the maximum current that can be drawn by
the DUT is fixed to the value supported by the hardware. The "Max Curr / Volt" infor-
mation is read-only information for these two outputs.
Remote command:
Level Vsupply: SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:AMPLitude on page 433
Level Vtune: SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel:AMPLitude on page 432
Level Vaux: SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:AMPLitude on page 430
Limits Vsupply: SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:LIMit:LOW on page 434 /
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH on page 434
Limits Vtune: SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel:LIMit:LOW on page 432 /
SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH on page 432
Limits Vaux: SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:LIMit:LOW on page 430 / SOURce:
VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH on page 430
Max. V / A: SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LIMit:HIGH on page 435

Reading the actual output levels ← Configuring the DC power output

The actual output levels (voltage and current) for each output source is displayed in the
"Results" part of the dialog box.
When the output levels are as you have defined them, the font of these result values is
green. If the voltage or current that is output differs from the values that you have
defined, the font turns red.
This may be the case , for example. If the DUT draws too much current, and the volt-
age required for that current would exceed the limits you have defined.
Remote command:
Voltage: SOURce:VOLTage:SEQuence:RESult? on page 436
Current: SOURce:CURRent:SEQuence:RESult? on page 429
Power: SOURce:POWer:SEQuence:RESult? on page 430

10.6.2 Signal Source Configuration

Access (all settings): "Overview" > "Output" > "Output" > "Signal Source"
Access (most relevant signal source settings): (in the toolbar)

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 168

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

Access (state of the signal source): (in the toolbar)

The "Signal Source" settings allow you to configure the internal signal source output.
You can use the signal source to feed a signal into the DUT. The signal is either a sine
wave or a pulse. Its frequency and level of that signal are variable.
In the pulse measurement application, the output signal is always a pulse.
The output is available when you have installed the optional hardware component.

Risk of damage to the instrument or DUT

Make sure that the DUT can handle the signal power that you output via the signal
source. Power levels that are too high might damage the DUT.
Make also sure that the reflected power does not exceed 30 dBm. Power levels higher
than that might damage or destroy the signal source output.

Restrictions and availability of the signal source

The signal source is available for (additive) phase noise, pulsed (additive) noise and
transient measurements.
If you are using the signal source for normal phase noise and pulsed phase noise mea-
surements, cross-correlation is no longer possible. The R&S FSWP shows a message
that cross-correlation has been turned off if you turn on the signal source in these mea-
surements. In addition, you can only use one external mixer (instead of two) if you are
using the signal source.

The remote commands required to configure the signal source output are described in
Chapter, "Signal Source", on page 437.
Functions to configure the signal source output described elsewhere:
● "Coupling the output configuration across measurement channels" on page 166
Signal source state......................................................................................................170
Signal source frequency..............................................................................................170
Signal source level...................................................................................................... 170

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 169

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

Pulse modulation state................................................................................................170

Bypassing the DUT..................................................................................................... 170
Pulse characteristics................................................................................................... 171

Signal source state

A signal from the signal source is supplied only if you turn it on with "Source Power".
Otherwise, the signal source output remains inactive.
Remote command:
SOURce:GENerator[:STATe] on page 440

Signal source frequency

Select the "Frequency" of the signal generated at the signal source output and the
"Frequency Stepsize".
The frequency stepsize defines the stepsize with which the signal frequency is
Remote command:
Frequency: SOURce:GENerator:FREQuency on page 438
Stepsize: SOURce:GENerator:FREQuency:STEP on page 438

Signal source level

Selects the "Level" of the output signal.
When you define the signal level, make sure that your DUT can handle the power that
you have defined. Otherwise, the DUT can be damaged.
For low phase noise boards with material number 1331.6439.xx, you can define an
output level in 0.1 dB steps. For boards with a different material number, the stepsize is
1 dB.
You can check the material number of the low phase noise board in the hardware infor-
mation dialog box (column "order #, see Chapter 13.4.1, "Hardware Information",
on page 296).
Remote command:
SOURce:GENerator:LEVel on page 438

Pulse modulation state

Turns the internal "Pulse Modulation" on and off.
When "Pulse Modulation" is on, the R&S FSWP generates a pulse with the defined
pulse characteristics on the signal source output.
When "Pulse Modulation" is off, the R&S FSWP generates a continuous wave signal
on the signal source output (a pulse can still be output on the trigger 1 output, however,
for example to control an external pulse modulator).
Remote command:
Pulse modulation: SOURce:GENerator:MODulation on page 439

Bypassing the DUT

The "DUT Bypass" feature measures the noise of the R&S FSWP.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 170

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

This can come in handy when measuring the additive noise, and you would like to
draw a trace that shows the contribution of the R&S FSWP to the overall noise charac-
The feature works for additive noise and pulsed additive noise measurements. It is also
available in the optional applications, Spectrum application, the I/Q Analyzer etc.
Remote command:
SOURce:GENerator:DUTBypass on page 437

Pulse characteristics
The signal source hardware allows you to generate a pulse when you perform pulsed
The pulse with the defined characteristics is generated internally when you turn on the
Pulse Modulation feature.
● "Period"
The pulse period defines the distance between two consecutive pulses (off time of
the pulse).
● "Width"
The pulse width defines the length of the pulse (on time of the pulse).
Note: Pulse period and width apply to the pulse that is output at the signal source
as well as the pulse that is output at the trigger 1 output.
● "Trigger 1 Output"
Selects the pulse type sent to the trigger output.
You can use the signal on the trigger 1 output to control an external pulse modula-
tor, for example.
– "Off": Provides no signal at the trigger output.
– "High": Provides a (high active) pulse with the defined width and period at the
trigger output.
V trigger


– "Low": Provides a (low active) pulse with the defined width and period at the
trigger output.
V trigger


Note that the pulse at the trigger output is generated even when the "Pulse Modu-
lation" feature is turned off.
Remote command:
Period: SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:PERiod on page 439
Width: SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:WIDTh on page 440
Trigger Output: SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:TRIGger:OUTPut on page 439

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 171

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings

10.6.3 Miscellaneous Output

Access: "Overview" > "Output" > "Output"

The "General Output" dialog box contains settings that allow you to configure various
outputs available on the R&S FSWP.

The remote commands required to configure miscellaneous output are described in

Chapter, "Miscellaneous Output", on page 441.
● Output for Noise Sources......................................................................................172
● Output Configuration.............................................................................................172 Output for Noise Sources

The R&S FSWP provides a connector ([NOISE SOURCE CONTROL]) with a voltage
supply for an external noise source. By switching the supply voltage for an external
noise source on or off in the firmware, you can activate or deactive the device as
External noise sources are useful when you are measuring power levels that fall below
the noise floor of the R&S FSWP itself, for example when measuring the noise level of
an amplifier.
In this case, you can first connect an external noise source (whose noise power level is
known in advance) to the R&S FSWP and measure the total noise power. From this
value you can determine the noise power of the R&S FSWP. Then when you measure
the power level of the actual DUT, you can deduct the known noise level from the total
power to obtain the power level of the DUT.
The noise source is controlled in the "Output" settings, see "Noise Source Control"
on page 172 Output Configuration

Noise Source Control.................................................................................................. 172

Noise Source Control

The R&S FSWP provides a connector ("NOISE SOURCE CONTROL") with a 28 V
voltage supply for an external noise source. By switching the supply voltage for an
external noise source on or off in the firmware, you can enable or disable the device as

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 172

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Pulsed Phase Noise and Pulsed Additive Noise Configuration

External noise sources are useful when you are measuring power levels that fall below
the noise floor of the R&S FSWP itself, for example when measuring the noise level of
an amplifier.
In this case, you can first connect an external noise source (whose noise power level is
known in advance) to the R&S FSWP and measure the total noise power. From this
value you can determine the noise power of the R&S FSWP. Then when you measure
the power level of the actual DUT, you can deduct the known noise level from the total
power to obtain the power level of the DUT.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:NSOurce on page 441

10.7 Pulsed Phase Noise and Pulsed Additive Noise Con-

Access (measurement): "Overview" > "Select Measurement" > "Pulsed Phase Noise"
Access (measurement): "Overview" > "Select Measurement" > "Pulsed Additive
Access (settings): "Overview" > "Pulse"
When you equip the R&S FSWP with the optional pulsed phase noise measurement
application, the R&S FSWP provides functionality to measure the phase noise and
additive noise of pulsed signals.
This measurement mode only measures the noise during the time the pulse is trans-
mitted, like a gated measurement does in a spectrum analyzer. The measurement only
works when the application knows the pulse characteristics, so it can open up a gate
during which it records and analyzes the signal data. The time when the gate opens is
either controlled by an internal IF power trigger or an external pulse gate.
If necessary, the application is able to detect a pulse in the frequency spectrum. When
a pulse has been found, it can also detect pulse characteristics automatically.
Of course, you can omit the signal search and automatic pulse characterisation and
instead define these parameters manually.

The remote commands required to configure pulses are described in Chapter 15.6.7,
"Pulsed Phase Noise Configuration", on page 474.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 173

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Pulsed Phase Noise and Pulsed Additive Noise Configuration

Defining preview diagram characteristics....................................................................174

Selecting the source for pulse gating.......................................................................... 174
Selecting the pulse detection mode............................................................................ 174
Defining the pulse repetition interval........................................................................... 175
Defining the gate characteristics................................................................................. 175
└ Selecting the gate type................................................................................. 175
└ Defining the shape of the gate...................................................................... 175

Defining preview diagram characteristics

The application provides some feature that scale the "Preview" diagram shown in the
dialog box.
The "Measurement Time" defines scale of the x-axis.
The "Pretrigger" defines an offset from the origin of the x-axis.
Both parameters have no effect on the actual measurement of the noise characteristics
of the pulse.
Remote command:
not supported

Selecting the source for pulse gating

You can select the source for pulse gating.
When you select the "IF Power" source, the pulse gate is controlled by an internal IF
power pulse gate. The R&S FSWP opens the gate when the signal meets or exceeds a
certain IF power level. This is the default source.
When you select "Ext Trigger 1", the pulse gate is controlled by an external pulse gate.
This requires an external source connected to the trigger 1 connector on the front
panel of the R&S FSWP.
When you are using an external pulse gate, the following restrictions apply.
● Using an external pulse gate is only possible with a phase noise digitizer board
revision 4.0 or higher.
You can check the version that you have in the hardware info dialog box.
● Defining a gate level is not possible.
● The pulse modulation in the signal source settings is always turned off.
● The trigger 1 output must be turned off.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:GATE on page 476

Selecting the pulse detection mode

The easiest way to set up pulsed phase noise measurements is to let the application
detect the pulse characteristics and configure the measurement accordingly. This is
especially useful when you are measuring an unknown pulse.
After the pulse has been found, the application configures the following parameters:
● Pulse repetition interval
● Gate level
● Gate delay
● Gate length (for Gate Type = Edge)
You can also start the detection of the pulse characteristics deliberately with the "Auto
Detect Once" feature.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 174

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Pulsed Phase Noise and Pulsed Additive Noise Configuration

When you already know the pulse characteristics, you can also configure the measure-
ment manually by selecting "Manual" mode and entering the values as required.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:DETection on page 475

Defining the pulse repetition interval

The "Pulse Repetition Interval" defines the time between two consecutive pulse edges
of the same polarity in seconds (requires at least two measured pulses). It thus defines
the (statistical) frequency with which a pulse is transmitted.
In the default state, when automatic pulse detection is on, the application automatically
determines the pulse repetition interval. If necessary, and you already know that value,
you can also enter it directly in the corresponding input field.
In the preview diagram, the pulse repetition interval is indicated by a turquoise bar.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:PRI on page 476

Defining the gate characteristics

Gate characteristics define the type and shape of the gate.
Data is only acquired when the gate is active during the ON time of a pulse. Data
transmitted during the OFF time of the pulse is ignored and thus not considered in the
noise analysis. This method makes sure that the broadband noise that is present
between pulses does not affect the noise results.

Selecting the gate type ← Defining the gate characteristics

The phase noise application supports several "Gate Types".
● Level
The gate opens and starts the measurement when the signal exceeds a certain
level, and stops when the level drops below that value.
● Edge
The gate opens and starts the measurement when the signal exceeds a certain
level, and stops after a certain time defined by the gate length.
● Off
No gate is used during the measurement, and the data during the OFF time of the
pulse is also recorded and analyzed.
You can turn off the gate, for example, when you expect only low noise with little
effect on the measurement results during the OFF time of the pulse.
Note that a lowpass filter that filters fundamentals and makes sure that only the
pulse is analyzed is still active when you turn off the gate.
The gate mode is always "Off" in case pulse modulation is on.
Note that even when automatic pulse detection is on, you still can select the gate type,
if necessary.
Remote command:
Gate type: [SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:TYPE on page 475

Defining the shape of the gate ← Defining the gate characteristics

The shape of the gate is defined by several parameters that is visualized in the "Pre-
view" diagram.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 175

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
VCO Characterization Configuration

In the default state, when automatic pulse detection is on, the gate characteristics are
determined based on the pulse characteristics. In that case, changes here not neces-
The "Gate Level" defines the signal level that opens the gate. As long as the signal
level is below the gate level, no data is recorded. When the signal level rises above the
gate level, the measurement starts. For the "Gate Type: Level", the gate level also
defines the moment when the gate closes, and data acquisition stops.
In the preview diagram, the gate level is indicated by a red horizontal line. A label also
indicates the currently defined gate level.
The "Gate Delay", defines a time offset between the moment the level rises above the
gate level (= the beginning of the pulse) and the actual start of the measurement.
When you define a gate delay, the first few measurement points after the gate opens
are not considered in the measurement results.
In the preview diagram, the gate delay is indicated by a blue bar. The actual starting
point of data acquisition is indicated by a red vertical line in the preview diagram.
The "Gate Length" defines the time period that the gate is open. It is closed when the
time define by the gate length has elapsed. The gate length is only available for "Gate
Type: Edge".
In the preview diagram, the gate length is indicated by a magenta colored bar. The end
of the gate in that case is indicated by second red vertical line.

Remote command:
Level: [SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:LEVel on page 475
Delay: [SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:HOLDoff on page 474
Length: [SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:LENGth on page 474

10.8 VCO Characterization Configuration

Access (measurement): "Overview" > "Select Measurement" > "VCO Characteriza-
The VCO characterization measurement determines the characteristics of a DUT when
you apply different input voltages or current (the tuning range or sweep range). The
DUT can be, for example, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) or a YIG oscillator
whose characteristic are a function of the applied current. The measurement provides
results for characteristics like the oscillation frequency at a certain input voltage, the
output power or the sensitivity of the DUT.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 176

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
VCO Characterization Configuration

VCO measurements basically provide the following measurements types.

● Normal VCO measurements
In a typical VCO measurement, the "Sweep Source" is connected to the tune port
of the DUT. The "Fix Source" is connected to the supply port of the DUT.
● Pushing measurements
Pushing measurements are possible when you connect the "Sweep Source" to the
supply port of the DUT and the "Fix Source" to the tune port of the DUT. A pushing
measurement typically measures the influence of a swept supply source on the
DUT characteristics.
You can use all available DC sources as a sweep source (tuning source) or fix source
(Vsupply, Vtune and Vaux).

Most of the functionality for VCO characterization is the same as in the phase noise
measurement, differences and additional functionality is described in this section of the
Refer to the following topics for more information about equivalent functionality.
● Input configuration: Chapter 10.2, "Input Source", on page 125
● Amplitude configuration and diagram scale: Chapter 10.3, "Level Characteristics",
on page 142
● DC source configuration: Chapter 10.6.1, "DC Source Configuration", on page 165
● Measurement configuration: Chapter 9.2, "Performing Measurements",
on page 108
● Limit line configuration: Chapter 11.5, "Limit Lines", on page 232
● Marker configuration: Chapter 11.4, "Markers", on page 223
Notable differences are the measurement configuration itself and the trace configura-
tion, as described in this topic.
● Sweep Configuration.............................................................................................177
● Trace Configuration...............................................................................................180

10.8.1 Sweep Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Sweep Config"

The "Sweep Config" dialog box contains two main features: DC source configuration
and the sweep configuration (which corresponds to the tuning configuration).

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 177

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
VCO Characterization Configuration

DC source configuration
The functionality to configure the DC sources is basically the same as in the "DC Con-
fig" dialog box. The main difference is that the dialog box does not show all available
DC sources. Instead, you have to select the DC source you would like to use.
● "Sweep Source"
Selects the DC source that tunes the DUT. Voltage or current change supplied by
the sweep source on each measurement point.
Remote command:
VCO characterization: CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:SOURce on page 479
Spot noise vs tune: CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:SOURce on page 481
● "Fix Source"
Selects the DC source that is considered in the Current / Voltage result display.
Current or voltage supplied by the fix source remains on a fix value during the
Remote command:
CONFigure:VCO:FIX:SOURce on page 477
For the other features, refer to the following topics.
● "Turning the DC output on and off" on page 166
● "Turning the output on and off" on page 167
● "Selecting the output type (Vsupply only)" on page 167
● "Defining the output level" on page 167

Sweep settings
The sweep settings define the tuning properties. They control the output of the
selected DC source over the course of a measurement: which voltage or current is
applied for each measurement, the sweep range and the measurement time for each
measurement point.
You can define sweep settings for each DC source individually.
Defining the sweep range........................................................................................... 178
Defining the settling time.............................................................................................179
Selecting the frequency resolution.............................................................................. 179

Defining the sweep range

The R&S FSWP characterizes a DUT by applying a series of (tuning) voltages or cur-
rents to the DUT. Each voltage or current is a measurement point. The number of mea-
surements performed during a VCO characterization therefore depends on the number
of measurement points.
You can define the first and last tuning value applied to the DUT with the "Start" and
"Stop" values. Within this sweep range, the voltages or currents applied to the DUT
depend on the number of "Meas Points". The measurement points not only define the
number of measurements, but also the distance between voltages or currents.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
VCO Characterization Configuration

The start and stop values are 0 V and 5 V respectively. The number of measurement
points is 10.
This means that a measurement is performed on every 0.5 V of voltage:
0 V, 0.5 V, 1 V, 1.5 V, etc.

Remote command:
Start (VCO Characteristics): CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:STARt on page 479
Stop (VCO Characteristics): CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:STOP on page 479
Points (VCO Characteristics): CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:POINts on page 478
Start (Spot Noise vs Tune): CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:STARt on page 481
Stop (Spot Noise vs Tune): CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:STOP on page 481
Points (Spot Noise vs Tune): CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:POINts on page 480

Defining the settling time

When you apply a different tuning voltage (or current) to the DUT, it usually needs
some time before its characteristics become stable. This time period is the settling
● The "Settling Time / Meas Point" property defines for how long you allow the DUT
to settle, before the characteristics for each applied voltage or current are mea-
● The "Initial Settling Time" property defines for how long you allow the DUT to settle,
before the characteristics of the first applied voltage or current of the tuning range
are measured.
Remote command:
Settling time (VCO Characterization): CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:DELay[:POINt]
on page 478
Settling time (Spot Noise vs Tune): CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:DELay[:POINt]
on page 480
Initial settling time (VCO characterization): CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:DELay:
INITial on page 477
Initial settling time (Spot Noise vs Tune): CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:DELay:
INITial on page 480

Selecting the frequency resolution

The "Frequency Resolution" defines the accuracy with which the frequency of the DUT
is measured on each measurement point.
Note that only discrete values for the frequency resolution are supported. If you enter a
frequency resolution that is not supported, the next available frequency resolution is
selected. For example, if you enter 200 Hz, which is not supported, the R&S FSWP
selects 1 kHz instead.
Remote command:
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:FCOunter:RESolution on page 478

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 179

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
Spot Noise vs Tune Configuration

10.8.2 Trace Configuration

In the VCO characterization measurement, you can select the Trace Mode for each

Traces in the Harmonic Power result display

In the Harmonic Power result display, each trace represents the power of one har-

10.9 Spot Noise vs Tune Configuration

Access (measurement): "Overview" > "Select Measurement" > "Spot Noise vs Tune"
The spot noise vs tune measurement determines the spot noise characteristics of a
DUT when you apply different input voltages or current (the tuning range or sweep
range). The DUT can be, for example, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) or a YIG
oscillator whose characteristic are a function of the applied current. The measurement
provides results for phase noise and AM noise characteristics at a certain input voltage
or current.
You can use all available DC sources as a sweep source (tuning source) or fix source
(Vsupply, Vtune and Vaux).

Most of the functionality for spot noise vs tune measurements is the same as in the
phase noise measurement. Differences and additional functionality are described in
this section of the documentation.
Refer to the following topics for more information about equivalent functionality.
● Input configuration: Chapter 10.2, "Input Source", on page 125
● Amplitude configuration and diagram scale: Chapter 10.3, "Level Characteristics",
on page 142
● Frequency configuration: Chapter 10.4, "Frequency", on page 146
● Noise configuration: Chapter 10.5.3, "Noise Configuration", on page 152
● Spot noise configuration: Chapter 10.5.5, "Spot Noise Information", on page 161
● Sweep configuration: Chapter 10.8.1, "Sweep Configuration", on page 177
Note: The "Fix Source" and "Frequency Resolution" settings are not available in
the spot noise vs tune measurement.
● DC source configuration: Chapter 10.6.1, "DC Source Configuration", on page 165
● Measurement configuration: Chapter 9.2, "Performing Measurements",
on page 108
● Limit line configuration: Chapter 11.5, "Limit Lines", on page 232
● Marker configuration: Chapter 11.4, "Markers", on page 223
The one notable difference is the trace configuration, as described in this topic.
● Trace Configuration...............................................................................................181

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

10.9.1 Trace Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Traces" > "Traces"

Trace configuration is similar to that of other measurements with the following distinc-
tive features.
● You can select the Trace Mode for each trace.
● Each trace shows the noise characteristics at a certain spot noise offset over the
tuning range. You can customize the offset frequencies that a trace shows in the
"Spot Noise Offset" input fields.
By default, for example, trace 1 shows the noise measured for each tuning voltage
on a 1 kHz frequency offset.
Trace 2 shows the noise measured at each tuning voltage on a 10 kHz offset.
If you change the spot noise offsets for a trace, you can restore the default values
easily with the "Set Decade Offsets" feature.
Remote command:
See Chapter, "Spot Noise Configuration", on page 465.
● Trace smoothing and spur removal have the same effect as in other measurement,
but can only be set globally for all traces instead of for each trace separately.
Remote command:
See Chapter, "Trace Configuration", on page 482.
For all other trace functionality, refer to the following topics.
● Chapter 11.3.3, "Trace Export and Import", on page 209
● Chapter 11.3.4, "Copying Traces", on page 214
● Chapter 11.3.6, "Trace Labels", on page 215
● Trace mathematics are unavailable for spot noise vs tune measurements.

10.10 PN Transient Analysis Configuration

Access (measurement): "Overview" > "Select Measurement" > "PN Transient Analy-
Access (settings): "Overview"
The PN transient analysis measurement determines the frequency and phase charac-
teristics of a signal over time. It is thus an appropriate measurement to analyze the
transient response of a DUT and see how long it takes until the DUT reaches a stable
Parts of the functionality for transient analysis are the same as in the phase noise mea-
surement, differences and additional functionality is described in this section of the
Refer to the following topics for more information about equivalent functionality.
● Input configuration: Chapter 10.2, "Input Source", on page 125
● DC source configuration: Chapter 10.6.1, "DC Source Configuration", on page 165

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 181

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

● Measurement configuration: Chapter 9.2, "Performing Measurements",

on page 108
● Limit line configuration: Chapter 11.5, "Limit Lines", on page 232
● Marker configuration: Chapter 11.4, "Markers", on page 223
● Frequency Configuration.......................................................................................182
● Trigger Configuration............................................................................................ 183
● Data Acquisition.................................................................................................... 186
● Amplitude Configuration........................................................................................187
● Diagram Scale.......................................................................................................188
● Settling Time......................................................................................................... 190
● Frequency Deviation............................................................................................. 190
● Trace Configuration...............................................................................................191
● Marker Configuration.............................................................................................192
● Limit Lines.............................................................................................................192

10.10.1 Frequency Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Frequency"

The frequency settings define the frequency characteristics of the signal and the
amount of frequency information that is displayed.

The remote commands required to configure the frequency are described in Chap-
ter, "Frequency Configuration", on page 484.
Selecting the measurement mode.............................................................................. 182
Defining the frequency range of the measurement..................................................... 183
Defining a frequency step size.................................................................................... 183

Selecting the measurement mode

Transient analysis has two measurement modes, wideband and narrowband mode.
The measurement mode selects the signal path that is used to measure the signal.
● Wideband mode ("Wide")
Select the wideband mode for measurements with a span > 40 MHz.
Wideband mode only works in the frequency range between 256 MHz and 8 GHz.
Thus, the maximum span is 7.774 GHz. Supported center frequencies are in the
range between 276 MHz and 7.980 GHz.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

● Narrowband mode ("Narrow")

Select the narrowband mode for measurements with a span < 40 MHz.
Narrowband mode works over the complete frequency range supported by your
If you select a span > 40 MHz in the specified frequency range, the R&S FSWP auto-
matically selects the wideband mode.
If you select a span < 40 MHz, the R&S FSWP automatically selects the narrowband
mode. The R&S FSWP also selects the narrowband mode automatically if you define a
frequency that is outside of the frequency range supported by the wideband mode and
reduces the span (for example a center frequency of 100 MHz reduces the span to
40 MHz).
Remote command:
CONFigure:TRANsient:MODE on page 485

Defining the frequency range of the measurement

The frequency parameters define the scale of the y-axis of the frequency result display.
● The bottom of the diagram corresponds to the "Start Frequency".
● The top of the diagram corresponds to the "Stop Frequency".
● The middle of the diagram corresponds to the "Center Frequency".
The center frequency is the frequency of the signal you are measuring.
● The complete range of the y-axis corresponds to the selected span.
Note that changing any one of the frequency parameters can change the measurement
mode you have selected.
Remote command:
Center frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer on page 452
Start frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:STARt on page 452
Stop frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:STOP on page 453
Span: [SENSe:]FREQuency:SPAN on page 487

Defining a frequency step size

Defines the step size by which the center frequency is increased or decreased when
you press the arrow keys.
The "Stepsize" is a function of the span.
● "0.1 * Span": Changes the center frequency by 10 % of the current span.
● "X * Span": Changes the center frequency by custom percentage of the current
span. If you select this, you can define the percentage in the "X-Factor" input field.
● "Manual": Changes the center frequency by a custom value. If you select this, you
can define the step size in Hz in the "Value" field.
Remote command:
Stepsize: [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer:STEP:LINK on page 486
Factor: [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer:STEP:LINK:FACTor on page 486
Manual: [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer:STEP on page 485

10.10.2 Trigger Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Trigger"

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 183

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

Transient measurement support trigger functionality that allows you to control when a
measurement begins.

The remote commands required to configure trigger are described in Chap-

ter, "Trigger Configuration", on page 488.
Selecting the trigger source........................................................................................ 184
Defining the trigger level and frequency......................................................................185
Trigger Offset ............................................................................................................. 185
Defining a trigger hysteresis........................................................................................185
Trigger Holdoff ............................................................................................................185
Defining a trigger slope............................................................................................... 185
Defining a trigger drop-out time...................................................................................185

Selecting the trigger source

The "Trigger Source" selects the type of event whose condition must be met to start
data acquisition.
The R&S FSWP supports the following trigger sources.
● "Free Run"
No trigger source is considered. You can start the measurement manually any time
and stop it as required.
● "Ext <x>"
A measurement starts when the TTL signal fed into the specified input connector
meets or exceeds the specified trigger level.
"Ext Trigger 1" and "Ext Trigger 2" select the trigger connector to which you have
connected the TTL signal. Note that the trigger connector must be configured as a
trigger input.
● "Frequency"
A measurement starts when measured signal exceeds or falls below a specified
The frequency trigger available for transient measurements is an online trigger. An
online trigger responds to a trigger event as soon as this event occurs while it is
capturing data (a live trigger, so to speak). An offline trigger, on the other hand, first
captures data, and looks if it can find a trigger event in that data.
● "I/Q Power"
A measurement starts when the R&S FSWP detects a rise or fall of the signal level
within the demodulation bandwidth (span).
This trigger source is only available for narrow measurement mode.
Remote command:
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce on page 491

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

Defining the trigger level and frequency

Trigger source other than the free run source initiate measurements on a certain condi-
For an external trigger, the condition is a "Level" value. The measurement starts when
the trigger signal meets or exceeds that level.
For a frequency trigger, the condition is a "Frequency" value. The measurement starts
when the input signal meets or exceeds that frequency.
Remote command:
Trigger level: TRIGger[:SEQuence]:LEVel[:EXTernal<1|2>] on page 490
Trigger frequency: TRIGger[:SEQuence]:FREQuency on page 489

Trigger Offset
Defines the time offset between the trigger event and the start of the measurement.

Offset > 0: Start of the measurement is delayed

Offset < 0: Measurement starts earlier (pretrigger)

Remote command:
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:HOLDoff[:TIME] on page 490

Defining a trigger hysteresis

The trigger "Hysteresis" is the distance in Hz to the trigger frequency that the trigger
source must exceed before a trigger event occurs. Setting a hysteresis avoids unwan-
ted trigger events caused by frequency oscillation around the trigger frequency.
The trigger hysteresis is available for the frequency trigger.
Remote command:
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:FREQuency:HYSTeresis on page 489

Trigger Holdoff
Defines the minimum time (in seconds) that must pass between two trigger events.
Trigger events that occur during the holdoff time are ignored.
Remote command:
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:IFPower:HOLDoff on page 490

Defining a trigger slope

The trigger slope defines whether triggering occurs when the signal level or frequency
rises to the trigger level or frequency or falls down to it.
Remote command:
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe on page 491

Defining a trigger drop-out time

The drop-out time is the minimum time period that must have passed between two
consecutive trigger events without initiating another measurement after the first trigger
event has occurred and initiated a measurement.
For the frequency trigger, the drop-out time avoids the triggering of another measure-
ment just because the frequency of the DUT is not yet stable.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

The trigger event is a certain frequency on falling slope.
The first trigger event that initiates the measurement occurs. After some time, the trig-
ger frequency again falls below the trigger frequency - this happens several times, until
the DUT is stable.
Without a drop-out time, the R&S FSWP would start a measurement each time the fre-
quency falls below the trigger frequency. With a drop-out time, however, only the first
trigger event initiates a measurement. The other trigger events after the first are
ignored, because the undesired events are within the drop-out time.

Drop-out time
Drop-out time

Desired Undesired Undesired

trigger event trigger event trigger event

For the external trigger, the drop-out time defines a minimum duration that the input
signal must stay below the trigger level before triggering again. The dropout time helps
you stabilize triggering when the analyzer is triggering on undesired events.
Remote command:
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DTIMe on page 489

10.10.3 Data Acquisition

Access: "Overview" > "Data Acquisition"

The data acquisition settings configure the signal capture. The measurement time
defines the scale of the x-axis.

The remote commands required to configure the data acquisition are described in
Chapter, "Data Acquisition", on page 487.
Functions in the "Data Acquisition" dialog box described elsewhere:
● Sweep count: " Sweep/Average Count " on page 157
● Continuous sweep: " Continuous Sweep / Run Cont " on page 110
● Single sweep: " Single Sweep / Run Single " on page 109
● Continue single sweep: " Continue Single Sweep " on page 110
Defining the measurement time.................................................................................. 187
Defining the video bandwidth...................................................................................... 187

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 186

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

Defining the measurement time

The measurement time defines for how long the R&S FSWP measures the transient
The R&S FSWP always matches the scale of the x-axis of the result displays to the
measurement time.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]SWEep:TIME on page 459

Defining the video bandwidth

The video filter is a lowpass filter that removes the higher frequency parts of the volt-
age from the signal (for example harmonics). This process makes the trace smoother
and makes it easier to read out results.
You can set the bandwidth of this filter, the video bandwidth or VBW, automatically or
manually ("VBW Mode").
In automatic VBW mode, the R&S FSWP automatically selects an appropriate video
bandwidth for the signal you measure.
In manual VBW mode, you can define the video bandwidth you like in the "VBW" field.
Remote command:
Mode: [SENSe:]BWIDth:VIDeo:AUTO on page 488
VBW: [SENSe:]BWIDth:VIDeo on page 488

10.10.4 Amplitude Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Amplitude / Scaling" > "Amplitude"

The amplitude settings configure the characteristics of the input signal.

The remote commands required to configure the amplitude are described in Chap-
ter, "Amplitude Configuration", on page 487.
Functions in the "Amplitude" dialog box described elsewhere:
● RF attenuation: "Attenuating the signal" on page 144
● Input coupling: " Input Coupling " on page 126
Defining a reference level........................................................................................... 187

Defining a reference level

The reference level is the expected level of the signal you are measuring.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

Because the hardware of the R&S FSWP is adapted according to this value, it is rec-
ommended that you set the reference level close above the expected maximum signal
The reference level is a value between 0 dB, and 30 dBm and is always coupled to the
attenuation. When you turn on auto attenuation, the R&S FSWP selects an attenuation
that results in a nominal signal level of (about) 0 dBm to protect the input mixer.
Remote command:
INPut<1|2>:RLEVel on page 487

10.10.5 Diagram Scale

Access: "Overview" > "Amplitude / Scaling" > "Scale"

Depending on the result display you have selected (frequency or phase), you can
adjust the scale of the y-axis as required.

The remote commands required to configure the diagram axes are described in Chap-
ter, "Y-Axis Scale", on page 491.
Scaling the y-axis of the frequency diagram............................................................... 188
Scaling the y-axis of the phase diagram..................................................................... 189
Selecting the AF coupling mode................................................................................. 189
Positioning the zero-phase..........................................................................................189

Scaling the y-axis of the frequency diagram

The y-axis of the frequency result display always corresponds to the frequency param-
eters you have defined for the measurement.
The settings of the "Scale" dialog box are linked to the settings in the "Frequency" dia-
log box. If you change them in one place, they are automatically adjusted in the other.
In addition, you can select how the frequency is displayed on the y-axis.
● "Absolute": Frequencies are displayed as absolute frequencies.
● "Relative": Frequencies are displayed as relative frequencies that refer to the cen-
ter frequency (offset to the center frequency).
In both cases, the center frequency is displayed in the middle of the y-axis.
Remote command:
Display mode: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:MODE on page 493

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 188

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

Scaling the y-axis of the phase diagram

The phase result display supports various scaling possibilities for the y-axis, on which
the phase is displayed.
The default "Y Axis Unit" for phase results is rad, but you can also select the unit
degree, if you like.
By default, the R&S FSWP automatically scales the y-axis based on the measured sig-
When you select manual scaling "Mode", you can define the "Dev Per Division", the
"Ref Position" and the "Ref Value" as required. In manual scaling mode, you can delib-
erately initiate a single automatic scaling with the "Auto Scale Once" feature.
The "Dev Per Division" defines the amount of phase deviation covered by each division
of the diagram (the value multiplied by 10 is the complete value range of the y-axis).
Note that the value defined per division refers to the default display of 10 divisions on
the y-axis. If there are fewer divisions (for example because the window is reduced in
height), the range per division is adjusted accordingly.
The "Ref Position" determines the position of the reference value for the phase devia-
tion on the y-axis of the diagram. The position is a percentage of the diagram height
with 100 % corresponding to the upper diagram border. The default setting is 50 %
(diagram center).
The "Ref Value" determines the phase deviation displayed at the reference position.
Remote command:
Mode: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:AUTO on page 445
Deviation / division: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision
on page 494
Reference position: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RPOSition
on page 494
Reference value: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RVALue
on page 495
Auto scale once: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:AUTO
on page 445
Unit: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:UNIT on page 495

Selecting the AF coupling mode

The "AF Coupling" property controls the automatic correction of the phase and fre-
quency offset of the input signal.
● "DC": The phase runs according to the existing frequency offset. In addition, the
DC signal contains a phase offset of ±π.
● "AC": The frequency offset and phase offset are automatically corrected, i.e. the
trace is always symmetric with respect to the zero line.
Remote command:
AF coupling: CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling on page 492

Positioning the zero-phase

The R&S FSWP normalizes the last trace point in the phase diagram (right diagram
border) to zero rad or degree.

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R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

You can also define a different position of the zero phase when you select manual
"Zero Phase Ref Pos" mode. For manual zero-phase positioning, define any point on
the x-axis (time value) as the zero-phase position, and the R&S FSWP adjusts the
trace of the phase display accordingly.
Manual selection of the zero-phase position is available for DC AF coupling mode.
Remote command:
Mode: CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling:RPOint:MODE
on page 492
Position: CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling:RPOint[:X]
on page 493

10.10.6 Settling Time

Access: "Overview" > "Frequency"

> "Settling Time"
The settling time calculation shows the time until the frequency of the DUT has
reached a defined target corridor. The corridor is defined by the lower and the upper
frequency limit. The calculated settling time is displayed in the channel bar.

The remote commands required to configure the settling time calculation are described
in Chapter, "Settling Time", on page 495.

10.10.7 Frequency Deviation

Access: "Overview" > "Frequency"

> "Frequency Deviation"
The "Frequency Deviation" result display shows the frequency deviation of the transi-
ent response of the DUT from an ideal linear behavior over time. The time frame is
defined by the start and stop time.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 190

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

The frequency deviation result display is described in "Frequency Deviation"

on page 121.
The remote commands required to configure the frequency deviation calculation are
described in Chapter, "Frequency Deviation", on page 497.

10.10.8 Trace Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Traces"

You can display several traces in the transient analysis. Most trace functionality is the
same as in the phase noise application. Trace settings specific to the transient analysis
are described below, for more information about trace settings also available in other
measurements, refer to the following topics.

The remote commands required to configure traces are described in Chap-

ter, "Trace Configuration", on page 499.
Settings in the "Traces" dialog box described elsewhere:
● Select trace: " Trace 1 / Trace 2 / Trace 3 / Trace 4 / Trace 5 / Trace 6 "
on page 207
● Trace mode: " Trace Mode " on page 207
● Trace export: Chapter 11.3.3, "Trace Export and Import", on page 209
● Trace copy: Chapter 11.3.4, "Copying Traces", on page 214
● Trace mathematics: Chapter 11.3.5, "Trace Math", on page 214
Note that trace mathematics are only available in the frequency diagram.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 191

R&S®FSWP Common Measurement Settings
PN Transient Analysis Configuration

● Trace labels: Chapter 11.3.6, "Trace Labels", on page 215

● Persistence: "Displaying persistence" on page 208
The remote commands required to configure traces are described in Chap-
ter, "Trace Configuration", on page 499.

10.10.9 Marker Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Markers"

Marker functionality is the same as in other phase noise measurements. For more
information, see Chapter 11.4, "Markers", on page 223.

10.10.10 Limit Lines

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Limit Lines"

You can use limit lines in the diagrams of the transient analysis. The basic principle of
limit lines is the same as in other phase noise measurement only with a different scale
(time on the x-axis and frequency or phase on the y-axis). Relative limits in the fre-
quency diagram always refer to current center frequency you have defined for the tran-
sient measurement. Relative limits in the phase diagram always refer to the reference
For more information about configuring and using limit lines, see Chapter 11.5, "Limit
Lines", on page 232.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 192

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Result Display Configuration

11 Common Analysis and Display Functions

General methods and basic settings to display and analyze measurements, regardless
of the operating mode, are described here. If you are using an application other than
the phase noise application, be sure to check the documentation for that application.
The settings can deviate from the common settings described here.
● Result Display Configuration.................................................................................193
● Zoomed Displays.................................................................................................. 198
● Trace Configuration...............................................................................................202
● Markers................................................................................................................. 223
● Limit Lines............................................................................................................. 232

11.1 Result Display Configuration

Measurement results can be evaluated in many different ways, for example graphically,
as summary tables, statistical evaluations. Thus, the result display is highly configura-
ble to suit your specific requirements and optimize analysis. Here you can find out how
to optimize the display for your measurement results.
General display settings that are usually configured during initial instrument setup,
independently of the current measurement, for example which items or colors are dis-
played on the screen, are described in Chapter 13.2, "Display Settings", on page 281.
● Basic Result Displays............................................................................................193
● Laying out the Result Display with the SmartGrid.................................................193

11.1.1 Basic Result Displays

Measurement results can be displayed and evaluated using various different methods,
also at the same time. Depending on the currently selected measurement, in particular
when using optional firmware applications, not all evaluation methods are available.
The result displays described here are available for most measurements in the phase
noise application.
Find a list of supported result displays in Chapter 9, "Measurements and Result Dis-
plays", on page 107.

11.1.2 Laying out the Result Display with the SmartGrid

Measurement results can be evaluated in many different ways, for example graphically,
as summary tables, statistical evaluations etc. Each type of evaluation is displayed in a
separate window in the channel tab. Up to 16 individual windows can be displayed per
channel (i.e. per tab). To arrange the diagrams and tables on the screen, the Rohde &
Schwarz SmartGrid function helps you find the target position simply and quickly.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 193

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Result Display Configuration

Principally, the layout of the windows on the screen is based on an underlying grid, the
SmartGrid. However, the SmartGrid is dynamic and flexible, allowing for many different
layout possibilities. The SmartGrid functionality provides the following basic features:
● Windows can be arranged in columns or in rows, or in a combination of both.
● Windows can be arranged in up to four rows and four columns.
● Windows are moved simply by dragging them to a new position on the screen, pos-
sibly changing the layout of the other windows, as well.
● All evaluation methods available for the currently selected measurement are dis-
played as icons in the evaluation bar. If the evaluation bar contains more icons
than can be displayed at once on the screen, it can be scrolled vertically. The same
evaluation method can be displayed in multiple windows simultaneously.
● New windows are added by dragging an evaluation icon from the evaluation bar to
the screen. The position of each new window depends on where you drop the eval-
uation icon in relation to the existing windows.
● All display configuration actions are only possible in SmartGrid mode. When Smart-
Grid mode is activated, the evaluation bar replaces the current softkey menu dis-
play. When the SmartGrid mode is deactivated again, the previous softkey menu
display is restored.
● Background Information: The SmartGrid Principle................................................194
● How to Activate SmartGrid Mode..........................................................................196
● How to Add a New Result Window....................................................................... 196
● How to Close a Result Window.............................................................................197
● How to Arrange the Result Windows.................................................................... 197 Background Information: The SmartGrid Principle

SmartGrid display
During any positioning action, the underlying SmartGrid is displayed. Different colors
and frames indicate the possible new positions. The position in the SmartGrid where
you drop the window determines its position on the screen.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 194

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Result Display Configuration

Figure 11-1: Moving a window in SmartGrid mode

The brown area indicates the possible "drop area" for the window, i.e. the area in which
the window can be placed. A blue area indicates the (approximate) layout of the win-
dow as it would be if the icon were dropped at the current position. The frames indicate
the possible destinations of the new window with respect to the existing windows:
above/below, right/left or replacement (as illustrated in Figure 7-2). If an existing win-
dow would be replaced, the drop area is highlighted in a darker color shade.

Positioning the window

The screen can be divided into up to four rows. Each row can be split into up to four
columns, where each row can have a different number of columns. However, rows
always span the entire width of the screen and may not be interrupted by a column. A
single row is available as the drop area for the window in the SmartGrid. The row can
be split into columns, or a new row can be inserted above or below the existing row (if
the maximum of 4 has not yet been reached).


B 2 3 2 3 2


Figure 11-2: SmartGrid window positions

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 195

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Result Display Configuration

1 = Insert row above or below the existing row

2 = Create a new column in the existing row
3 = Replace a window in the existing row

SmartGrid functions
Once the evaluation icon has been dropped, icons in each window provide delete and
move functions.
The "Move" icon allows you to move the position of the window, possibly changing the
size and position of the other displayed windows.

The "Delete" icon allows you to close the window, enlarging the display of the remain-
ing windows. How to Activate SmartGrid Mode

All display configuration actions are only possible in SmartGrid mode. In SmartGrid
mode the evaluation bar replaces the current softkey menu display. When the Smart-
Grid mode is deactivated again, the previous softkey menu display is restored.

► To activate SmartGrid mode, do one of the following:

Select the "SmartGrid" icon from the toolbar.

● Select the "Display Config" button in the configuration "Overview" .
● Select the "Display Config" softkey from the [Meas Config] menu.
The SmartGrid functions and the evaluation bar are displayed.

To close the SmartGrid mode and restore the previous softkey menu select the "Close"
icon in the right-hand corner of the toolbar, or press any key. How to Add a New Result Window

Each type of evaluation is displayed in a separate window. Up to 16 individual windows

can be displayed per channel (i.e. per tab).

1. Activate SmartGrid mode.

All evaluation methods available for the currently selected measurement are dis-
played as icons in the evaluation bar.

2. Select the icon for the required evaluation method from the evaluation bar.
If the evaluation bar contains more icons than can be displayed at once on the
screen, it can be scrolled vertically. Touch the evaluation bar between the icons
and move it up or down until the required icon appears.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 196

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Result Display Configuration

3. Drag the required icon from the evaluation bar to the SmartGrid, which is displayed
in the diagram area, and drop it at the required position. (See Chapter,
"How to Arrange the Result Windows", on page 94 for more information on posi-
tioning the window).

Remote command:
LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 501 / LAYout:WINDow<n>:ADD? on page 507 How to Close a Result Window

► To close a window, activate SmartGrid mode and select the "Delete" icon for the

Remote command:
LAYout:REMove[:WINDow] on page 504 / LAYout:WINDow<n>:REMove
on page 508 How to Arrange the Result Windows

1. Select an icon from the evaluation bar or the "Move" icon for an existing evaluation

2. Drag the evaluation over the SmartGrid.

A blue area shows where the window will be placed.

3. Move the window until a suitable area is indicated in blue.

4. Drop the window in the target area.

The windows are rearranged to the selected layout, and "Delete" and "Move" icons
are displayed in each window.

5. To close a window, select the corresponding "Delete" icon.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 197

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Zoomed Displays

Remote command:
LAYout:REPLace[:WINDow] on page 505 / LAYout:WINDow<n>:REPLace
on page 508
LAYout:MOVE[:WINDow] on page 504

11.2 Zoomed Displays

You can zoom into the diagram to visualize the measurement results in greater detail.
Using the touchscreen or a mouse pointer you can easily define the area to be
● Single Zoom Versus Multiple Zoom...................................................................... 198
● Zoom Functions.................................................................................................... 199
● How to Zoom Into a Diagram................................................................................ 200

11.2.1 Single Zoom Versus Multiple Zoom

Two different (graphical) zoom modes are available: single zoom and multiple zoom. A
single zoom replaces the current diagram by a new diagram which displays an
enlarged extract of the trace. This function can be used repetitively until the required
details are visible. In multiple zoom mode, you can enlarge up to four different areas of
the trace simultaneously. An overview window indicates the zoom areas in the original
trace, while the zoomed trace areas are displayed in individual windows. The zoom
areas can be moved and resized any time. The zoom area that corresponds to the indi-
vidual zoom display is indicated in the lower right corner, between the scrollbars.

Figure 11-3: Single zoom

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 198

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Zoomed Displays

Figure 11-4: Multiple zoom

11.2.2 Zoom Functions

Access: "Zoom" icons in toolbar

Single Zoom ............................................................................................................... 199
Multi-Zoom ................................................................................................................. 199
Restore Original Display ............................................................................................ 200
Deactivating Zoom (Selection Mode) ...................................................................... 200

Single Zoom

A single zoom replaces the current diagram by a new diagram which displays an
enlarged extract of the trace. This function can be used repetitively until the required
details are visible.
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM[:STATe] on page 511
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM:AREA on page 509


User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 199

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Zoomed Displays

In multiple zoom mode, you can enlarge several different areas of the trace simultane-
ously. An overview window indicates the zoom areas in the original trace, while the
zoomed trace areas are displayed in individual windows. The zoom area that corre-
sponds to the individual zoom display is indicated in the lower right corner, between the
Remote command:
on page 511
on page 510

Restore Original Display

Restores the original display, that is, the originally calculated displays for the entire
capture buffer, and closes all zoom windows.
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM[:STATe] on page 511

Deactivating Zoom (Selection Mode)

Deactivates any zoom mode.
Tapping the screen no longer invokes a zoom, but selects an object.
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM[:STATe] on page 511

11.2.3 How to Zoom Into a Diagram

The remote commands required to zoom into a display are described in Chap-
ter 15.7.2, "Zoom", on page 509.
The following tasks are described here:
● "To zoom into the diagram at one position" on page 200
● "To return to selection mode in the diagram" on page 201
● "To return to original display" on page 201
● "To zoom into multiple positions in the diagram" on page 201

To zoom into the diagram at one position


Click on the "Single Zoom" icon in the toolbar.

Zoom mode is activated.

2. Tap and drag your finger in the diagram to select the area to be enlarged. The
selected area is indicated by a dotted rectangle.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 200

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Zoomed Displays

When you leave the touchscreen, the diagram is replaced by the zoomed trace

3. Repeat these steps, if necessary, to enlarge the diagram further.

Scrolling in the zoomed display

You can scroll the diagram area to display the entire diagram using the scrollbars at the
right and at the bottom of the diagram.

To return to selection mode in the diagram

While you are in zoom mode, touching the screen changes the zoom area. In order to
select or move a trace or marker, you must switch back to selection mode:

Select the "Selection Mode" icon in the toolbar.

To return to original display

Click on the "Zoom Off" icon in the toolbar.

The original trace display is restored. Zoom mode remains active, however.
To switch off zoom mode and return to selection mode, select the "Selection Mode"
icon in the toolbar.

To zoom into multiple positions in the diagram


Click on the "Multi-Zoom" icon in the toolbar.

Multiple zoom mode is activated.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 201

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

2. Select the first area in the diagram to be enlarged as described in "To zoom into
the diagram at one position" on page 200. The selected area is indicated by a dot-
ted rectangle.
When you have completed your selection, the original trace is shown in an over-
view diagram with the selected area indicated by a dotted rectangle. The zoomed
trace area is displayed in a separate window (see Figure 11-4.

3. In the overview diagram, select the next area to be enlarged.

The second zoom area is indicated in the overview diagram, and a second zoom
window is displayed.

4. Repeat these steps, if necessary, to zoom into further trace areas (up to four).

To move or change zoom areas

In multiple zoom mode, you can change the size or position of the individual zoom
areas easily at any time.
1. If necessary, switch off zoom mode and return to selection mode by selecting the
"Selection Mode" icon in the toolbar.

2. To resize a zoom area, tap directly on the corresponding frame in the overview
window and drag the line to change the size of the frame.
To move a zoom area, tap inside the corresponding frame in the overview window
and drag the frame to the new position.
The contents of the zoom windows are adapted accordingly.

11.3 Trace Configuration

● Basics on Traces...................................................................................................202
● Trace Configuration...............................................................................................206
● Trace Export and Import....................................................................................... 209
● Copying Traces..................................................................................................... 214
● Trace Math............................................................................................................ 214
● Trace Labels......................................................................................................... 215
● How to Configure Traces...................................................................................... 215
● References............................................................................................................216

11.3.1 Basics on Traces

● Analyzing Several Traces - Trace Mode............................................................... 203

● Trace Averaging....................................................................................................204
● Spurs and Spur Removal...................................................................................... 205

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 202

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration Analyzing Several Traces - Trace Mode

If several measurement are performed one after the other, or continuous measurement
are performed, the trace mode determines how the data for subsequent traces is pro-
cessed. After each measurement, the trace mode determines whether:
● The data is frozen (View)
● The data is hidden (Blank)
● The data is replaced by new values (Clear Write)
● The data is replaced selectively (Max Hold, Min Hold, Average)

Each time the trace mode is changed, the selected trace memory is cleared.

The R&S FSWP supports the following trace modes:

Table 11-1: Overview of available trace modes

Trace Mode Description

Blank Hides the selected trace.

Clear Write Overwrite mode: the trace is overwritten by each measurement. This is the default set-
All available detectors can be selected.

Max Hold The maximum value is determined over several measurements and displayed. The
R&S FSWP saves the measurement result in the trace memory only if the new value
is greater than the previous one.

Min Hold The minimum value is determined from several measurements and displayed. The
R&S FSWP saves the measurement result in the trace memory only if the new value
is lower than the previous one.

Average The average is formed over several measurements and displayed.

The Sweep/Average Count determines the number of averaging procedures.

View The current contents of the trace memory are frozen and displayed.

Write Hold The trace is overwritten when new data is available, but only after all cross-correlation
operations defined for a half decade are done.

If a trace is frozen ( "View" mode), the measurement settings, apart from scaling set-
tings, can be changed without impact on the displayed trace. The fact that the dis-
played trace no longer matches the current measurement settings is indicated by a yel-
low asterisk on the tab label.

If you change any parameters that affect the scaling of the diagram axes, the
R&S FSWP automatically adapts the trace data to the changed display range. This
allows you to zoom into the diagram after the measurement to show details of the

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 203

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration Trace Averaging

The application provides several methods of trace averaging that you can use sepa-
rately or in any combination.
The order in which averaging is performed is as follows.

1. Cross-correlation
The application performs a certain number of cross-correlation operations in each
half decade.

2. Sweep count.
The application measures the complete measurement range a particular number of
It again includes the cross-correlation operations as defined.
After the measurement over the sweep count is finished, the application displays
the averaged results.

3. Trace smoothing.
Calculates the moving average for the current trace.

Sweep Count
The sweep count defines the number of sweeps that the application performs during a
complete measurements.
A sweep in this context is the measurement over the complete measurement range
once. A complete measurement, however, can consist of more than one sweep. In that
case, the application measures until the number of sweeps that have been defined are
done. The measurement configuration stays the same all the time.
In combination with the average trace mode and cross-correlation operations, the
sweep count averages the trace even more.

Trace Smoothing
(Software-based) smoothing is a way to remove anomalies visually in the trace that
can distort the results. The smoothing process is based on a moving average over the
complete measurement range. The number of samples included in the averaging proc-
ess (the aperture size) is variable and is a percentage of all samples that the trace con-
sists of.

Figure 11-5: Sample size included in trace smoothing

The application smoothes the trace continuously. Smoothing is just an enhancement of

the trace display, not of the data itself. It is always applied before trace averaging, max

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 204

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

hold, min hold or write hold. For the smoothing process, a median filter is applied on
the logarithmic data.
You can turn trace smoothing on and off for all traces individually and compare, for
example, the raw and the smooth trace.
The median trace smoothing uses a median filter which takes the median value over a
sliding window. The window size can be set in the trace menu in percent of the total
evaluation range. A median filter suppresses outliers while smoothing the underlying
noise curve. Spurs and Spur Removal

Most phase noise results contain unwanted spurs. Spurs are peak levels at one or
more offset frequencies and are caused mostly by interfering signals. For some appli-
cations, you might want to identify the location of spurs. For other applications, spurs
do not matter in evaluating the results and you might want to remove them from the
trace to get a "smooth" phase noise trace.

Spur display
Usually, spurs are visible on the trace as a peak. In addition, the R&S FSWP draws a
straight, vertical line to represent the position of a spur visually. The length of these
lines indicates the level of the spur in dBc and refers to the scale on the right side of
the phase noise diagram.
The lines indicating a spur are not part of the trace data. When you export the trace, for
example, the spur data is not exported.
Spur data is evaluated in the Spurious List.

Spur suppression
The application allows you to (visually) remove spurs from the trace. Spur removal is
based on an algorithm that detects and completely removes the spurs from the trace
and fills the gaps with data that has been determined mathematically.
The spur removal functionality separates the actual spur power from the underlying
phase noise and displays the latter in a two-stage process. The first stage of spur
detection is based on an eigenvalue decomposition during the signal processing.

Spur threshold
During the second stage, the application uses statistical methods to remove a spur. A
spur is detected, if the level of the signal is above a certain threshold. The spur thresh-
old is relative to an imaginary median trace that the application calculates.
If parts of the signal are identified as spurs, the application removes all signal parts
above that level and substitutes them with the median trace.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 205

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

Figure 11-6: Spur detection and removal principle

11.3.2 Trace Configuration

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Traces" > "Traces"

Traces are the graphical representation of the measurement results. Depending on the
trace configuration, they carry different information or evaluate the results differently.

Restoring default traces

The application allows you to easily restore the default trace configuration (Trace 1 and
2 with their respective default characteristics) with the "Preset all Traces" button.

Displaying all result types

Similarly, you can easily display all available result type (PM, AM and overall noise)
with the "Set Result Type" button. When you do so, the application displays three

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 206

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

traces in the diagram: One for the phase noise, one for the AM noise and the third
showing the sum of the phase noise and AM noise (PN + AM).
Functions in the "Traces" dialog box described elsewhere:
● "Hiding spurs" on page 162
The remote commands required to configure traces are described in Chapter,
"Trace Characteristics", on page 512.

Trace 1 / Trace 2 / Trace 3 / Trace 4 / Trace 5 / Trace 6

Selects the corresponding trace for configuration. The currently selected trace is high-
Remote command:
Selected via numeric suffix of:TRACe<1...6> commands
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:TRACe<t>[:STATe] on page 515

Trace Mode
Defines the update mode for subsequent traces.
For details, see Chapter, "Analyzing Several Traces - Trace Mode",
on page 203.
"Clear/ Write" Overwrite mode (default): the trace is overwritten by each measure-
"Max Hold" The maximum value is determined over several measurements and
displayed. The R&S FSWP saves each trace point in the trace mem-
ory only if the new value is greater than the previous one.
Not supported by Spot Noise vs Tune measurements.
"Min Hold" The minimum value is determined from several measurements and
displayed. The R&S FSWP saves each trace point in the trace mem-
ory only if the new value is lower than the previous one.
Not supported by Spot Noise vs Tune measurements.
"Average" The average is formed over several measurements.
"View" The current contents of the trace memory are frozen and displayed.
"Blank" Removes the selected trace from the display.
"Write Hold" The trace is overwritten when new data is available, but only after all
cross-correlation operations defined for a half decade are done. (Or
when the trace cannot be improved further when "XCORR Optimiza-
tion" is on).
Example: 100 cross-correlation operations are defined for a half dec-
ade. The trace is updated when all 100 cross-correlations are done,
not after each individual cross-correlation operation.
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:MODE on page 512

Selecting the displayed result

The R&S FSWP supports several noise characteristics that you can assign to a trace
and thus display in the diagram.
● "Phase Noise"

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R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

Shows the measured phase noise characteristics.

● "AM Noise"
Shows the measured amplitude noise characteristics.
● "Phase + AM Noise"
Shows the sum of the phase noise and AM noise characteristics.
The "AM Noise" and "Phase + AM Noise" traces are only available for the "Noise Spec-
trum" diagram, and not in its variations ("Noise Spectrum L(f)", "Noise Spectrum
SΦ(f)", "Noise Spectrum Sv(f)", "Noise Spectrum Sy(f)").
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:RESult[:TYPE] on page 515

Smoothing traces
The R&S FSWP allows you to smooth traces and thus remove unwanted anomalies.
You can apply smoothing to all active traces individually (Smoothing "State"), and
define the magnitude of trace smoothing in percent (Smoothing "Value").
The range is from 1% to 20%.
Note: In the spot noise vs tune measurement, trace smoothing properties apply to all
Remote command:
State: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing[:STATe] on page 517
Value: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing:APERture on page 517
State (SN vs Tune): [SENSe:]SMOothing[:STATe] on page 483
Value (SN vs Tune): [SENSe:]SMOothing:APERture on page 482

Shifting the trace

Shifting the trace can be useful to subtract external noise sources from the results. The
trace offset is a visual device that shifts the trace by certain level.
You can apply an offset to all active traces individually (Offset "State"), and define an
offset in dB by which the trace should be shifted.
Remote command:
State: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet:STATe
on page 516
Offset: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet
on page 516

Displaying persistence
The term persistence has its origins in cathode ray tube devices (CRTs). It describes
the time period one point on the display stays illuminated after it has been lit by the
cathode ray. The higher the persistence, the longer you could observe the illuminated
point on the display.
In the phase noise application, the persistence defines for how long a trace remains
visible before it fades away. An event that has occurred a single time is visible for up to
8 seconds. As the statistical frequency of an event gets smaller at coordinates with sig-
nal parts that are not constantly there, the trace fades away.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 208

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

A signal with constant frequency or phase characteristics does not show the effects of
persistence on the trace. When the frequency or phase of a signal change slightly,
however, the effect of persistence becomes visible through color changes or changes
in the shape of the trace.
You can turn on persistence for all traces in the display ("State"). The "Decay" property
defines the time that shadows of past traces remain visible in the display before fading
away. With a decay of 0 s, all past traces remain visible.
When you change a measurement setting, the R&S FSWP resets the persistence
Persistence is supported by phase noise measurements (CW and pulsed) and the
transient measurement.
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence[:STATe] on page 515
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence:DECay on page 514

11.3.3 Trace Export and Import

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Traces" > "Trace / Data Export"
The R&S FSWP provides various evaluation methods for the results of a measure-
ment. However, if you want to evaluate the data with external applications, you can
export the measurement data to a standard format file (ASCII or XML).
The following data types can be exported (depending on the application):
● Trace data
● Table results, for example result summaries, marker peak lists.
You can also import existing trace data from a file, for example to compare your latest
measurement results with results that you have saved some time ago.

Availability of trace import

The trace import is available for the following measurements.
● Phase noise
● Pulsed phase noise
● Additive noise
● Pulsed additive noise
● Baseband noise

I/Q data can only be imported and exported in applications that process I/Q data, such
as the I/Q analyzer or optional applications.
See the corresponding user manuals for those applications for details.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 209

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

The standard data management functions (e.g. saving or loading instrument settings)
that are available for all R&S FSWP applications are not described here.
See Chapter 12, "Data Management", on page 244 for a description of the standard

The remote commands required to import and export traces are described in Chap-
ter, "Trace Export and Import", on page 518.
Export all Traces and all Table Results ...................................................................... 210
Include Instrument & Measurement Settings ............................................................. 210
Trace to Export ...........................................................................................................210
Export Trace to ASCII File ..........................................................................................211
└ File Type ...................................................................................................... 212
└ Decimal Separator ....................................................................................... 212
└ Column Separator.........................................................................................212
└ File Explorer..................................................................................................212
Select ASCII File......................................................................................................... 212
Source Window / Source Trace...................................................................................213
Destination Trace........................................................................................................ 213
Import.......................................................................................................................... 213

Export all Traces and all Table Results

Selects all displayed traces and result tables (e.g. Result Summary, marker table etc.)
in the current application for export to an ASCII file.
Alternatively, you can select one specific trace only for export (see Trace to Export ).
The results are output in the same order as they are displayed on the screen: window
by window, trace by trace, and table row by table row.
Remote command:
FORMat:DEXPort:TRACes on page 521

Include Instrument & Measurement Settings

Includes additional instrument and measurement settings in the header of the export
file for result data.
Remote command:
FORMat:DEXPort:HEADer on page 520

Trace to Export
Defines an individual trace to be exported to a file.
This setting is not available if Export all Traces and all Table Results is selected.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 210

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

Export Trace to ASCII File

Saves the selected trace or all traces in the currently active result display to the speci-
fied file and directory in the selected ASCII format.
"File Explorer": Instead of using the file manager of the R&S FSWP firmware, you can
also use the Microsoft Windows File Explorer to manage files.

For details on the file format, see Chapter, "Reference: ASCII File Export For-
mat", on page 216.
Note: Secure user mode.
In secure user mode, settings that are stored on the instrument are stored to volatile
memory, which is restricted to 256 MB. Thus, a "memory limit reached" error can occur
although the hard disk indicates that storage space is still available.
To store data permanently, select an external storage location such as a USB memory
For details, see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode",
on page 31.
Remote command:
MMEMory:STORe<n>:TRACe on page 576

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 211

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

File Type ← Export Trace to ASCII File

Determines the format of the ASCII file to be imported or exported.
Depending on the external program in which the data file was created or is evaluated,
a comma-separated list (CSV) or a plain data format (DAT) file is required.
Remote command:
FORMat:DEXPort:FORMat on page 520

Decimal Separator ← Export Trace to ASCII File

Defines the decimal separator for floating-point numerals for the data export/import
files. Evaluation programs require different separators in different languages.
Remote command:
FORMat:DEXPort:DSEParator on page 520

Column Separator ← Export Trace to ASCII File

Selects the character that separates columns in the exported ASCII file. The character
can be either a semicolon, a comma or a tabulator (tab).
Example for semicolon:
Type;FSWP26;Version;1.80;Date;01.Jan 3000;

Example for comma:

Date,01.Jan 3000,

Example for tabulator (tab after the last column is not visible):
Type FSWP26
Version 1.80
Date 01.Jan 3000

The selected column separator settings remains the same, even after a preset.
Remote command:
FORMat:DEXPort:CSEParator on page 519

File Explorer ← Export Trace to ASCII File

Opens the Microsoft Windows File Explorer.
Remote command:
not supported

Select ASCII File

The "Select ASCII File" button opens a dialog box to select results that you want to
You can select files with the extensions .csv or .dat.
Remote command:
MMEMory:LOAD<n>:TRACe on page 521

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 212

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

Source Window / Source Trace

Files that contain result data can contain the results of several measurements and
result displays. The "Source Window" and "Source Trace" dropdown menus select the
data that you would like to import.
The source data must be compatible to a currently active window.

If you want to import trace 1 of a previously exported noise diagram:
● Select the phase noise measurement and open a noise diagram from the Smart-
Importing phase noise trace data into a transient measurement diagram is not pos-
● Select "Noise Diagram" from the "Source Window" dropdown menu.
● Select "1" from the "Source Trace" dropdown menu.
If you select "All Traces", the R&S FSWP imports all traces of the selected result

Remote command:
MMEMory:LOAD<n>:TRACe on page 521

Destination Trace
The "Destination Trace" dropdown menu becomes available when you select to import
a single trace only.
In that case, you can select the trace number you want to write the trace data to.
If you select a trace that already exists, the trace import overwrites the currently dis-
played trace. Imported traces always get the trace mode "View".

You have selected trace "1" as the trace you want to import from the "Source Trace"
dropdown menu.
If you select "1: Clear Write" ("Clear Write" indicates the trace is currently displayed)
from the "Destination Trace" dropdown menu, the import overwrites the trace. The
trace mode for trace 1 is replaced by trace mode "View".
If you select "5: Blank" ("Blank" indicates that the trace is currently not displayed) from
the "Destination Trace" dropdown menu, the imports adds a new trace to the diagram
(with trace mode "View". All other traces remain in the diagram.

Remote command:
MMEMory:LOAD<n>:TRACe on page 521

The "Import" button imports the selected trace(s).
THe R&S FSWP does not import numeric results associated with the imported trace
(spot noise, values from the spurious list etc.)
Remote command:
MMEMory:LOAD<n>:TRACe on page 521

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R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

11.3.4 Copying Traces

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Traces" > "Copy Trace"

The remote commands required to copy traces are described in Chapter,
"Trace Copy", on page 518.
Copy Trace .................................................................................................................214

Copy Trace
Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Traces" > "Copy Trace"
Or: [TRACE] > "Copy Trace"
Copies trace data to another trace.
Remote command:
TRACe<n>:COPY on page 518

11.3.5 Trace Math

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Traces" > "Trace Math"

The remote commands required to configure trace mathematics are described in

Chapter, "Trace Mathematics", on page 522.
Selecting the math operation...................................................................................... 214

Selecting the math operation

You can select one of several different math operations.
Each operation subtracts one trace from another as indicated on the corresponding
button and writes the result to one of the traces. "T1 - T3 > T1", for example, subtracts
trace 3 from trace 1 and writes the result to trace 1. You can apply one operation at a
To turn off trace mathematics, use the "Trace Math Off" feature.
Remote command:
Operation: CALCulate<n>:MATH[:EXPRession][:DEFine] on page 523
State: CALCulate<n>:MATH:STATe on page 522

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 214

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

11.3.6 Trace Labels

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Traces" > "Trace Label"

Trace labels are a way to assign a descriptive label to traces instead of the general
"Trace <x>" label (default). The labels you use are arbitrary and are displayed in the
diagram area. The font color corresponds to the color of the respective trace (for exam-
ple yellow trace: yellow font).

Figure 11-7: Example: the yellow and blue traces have a label.

You can define trace labels in the "Trace Label" tab of the "Trace" dialog box.

How to assign trace labels

Trace labels can be configured via the "Trace Labels" dialog box.
1. Turn on the trace label for a specific trace and assign a label in the corresponding
input field.
Note that a trace must be active. Otherwise assigning a label is not possible.

2. Move the trace label to any position on the display by dragging it to the new posi-

Remote command:
State: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:LABel[:STATe] on page 513
Label: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:LABel:TEXT on page 514

11.3.7 How to Configure Traces

● How to Export Trace Data and Numerical Results................................................215 How to Export Trace Data and Numerical Results

The measured trace data and numerical measurement results in tables can be expor-
ted to an ASCII file. For each measurement point, the measured trace position and
value are output. The file is stored with a .DAT extension. For details on the storage
format, see Chapter, "Reference: ASCII File Export Format", on page 216.

To export trace data and table results

Trace data can be exported from the "Trace" menu.
1. Press the [Trace] key, then select the "Trace Config" softkey and switch to the
"Trace / Data Export" tab.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 215

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

2. Select "Export all Traces and all Table Results" to export all available measurement
result data for the current application. Alternatively, select a specific "Trace to
Export" .

3. Optionally, select the "Include Instrument & Measurement Settings" option to insert
additional information in the export file header.

4. If necessary, change the decimal separator used in the ASCII export file.

5. Select the "Export Trace to ASCII File" button.

6. In the file selection dialog box, select the storage location and file name for the
export file.

7. Select "Save" to close the dialog box.

8. Export the data to the file.

11.3.8 References

● Reference: ASCII File Export Format....................................................................216 Reference: ASCII File Export Format

Trace data can be exported to a file in ASCII format for further evaluation in other appli-
cations. This reference describes in detail the format of the export files for result data.
(For details see Chapter, "How to Export Trace Data and Numerical Results",
on page 215).
The file consists of the header information (general configuration of the measurement)
and the measurement results. Optionally, the header can be excluded from the file.
The file of the Phase Noise application contains several sections, each section contain-
ing related data as shown in the tables below. Each section can contain header infor-
mation and / or result information (header information is represented by a blue font in
the tables below).
The data of the file header consist of three columns, each separated by a semicolon:
parameter name; numeric value; basic unit. The data section starts with the keyword
"Trace <n>" (<n> = number of stored trace), followed by the measured data in one or
several columns (depending on the measurement) which are also separated by a sem-
The results are output in the same order as they are displayed on the screen: window
by window, trace by trace, and table row by table row.
Generally, the format of this ASCII file can be processed by spreadsheet calculation
programs, e.g. MS Excel. Different language versions of evaluation programs may
require a different handling of the decimal point. Thus you can define the decimal sep-
arator to be used (decimal point or comma).

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R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

Blue font: header data only written to file if header data is exported, too.
Black font: result data is always exported to the file

General measurement configuration

Type; R&S FSWP; Instrument model
Version;1.00; Firmware version
Date;01. Jan 3000; Date of data set storage
Tune Source;Vtune; DC power source (Vsupply, Vtune, Vaux or None
VSupply;ON; State of the supply voltage source (on or off)
Mode;Voltage; Type of output on the supply voltage source (voltage or current)
Voltage Set;5.000;V;
Voltage Min;4.750;V;
Voltage Max;5.250;V;
Output characteristics of the supply voltage
Voltage Meas;0.000;V;
Current Max;0.050000;A;
Current Meas;0.000000;A;
VTune;OFF; State of the tuning voltage source (on or off)
Voltage Set;5.000;V;
Voltage Min;4.750;V;
Voltage Max;5.250;V;
Output characteristics of the tuning voltage
Voltage Meas;0.000;V;
Current Max;0.050000;A;
Current Meas;0.000000;A;
VAux;OFF; State of the auxiliary voltage source (on or off)
Voltage Set;5.000;V;
Voltage Min;4.750;V;
Voltage Max;5.250;V;
Output characteristics of the auxiliary voltage
Voltage Meas;0.000;V;
Current Max;0.050000;A;
Current Meas;0.000000;A;
Mode;Phase Noise; Application
Measurement;Phase Noise; Measurement type
Input;RF; Input source
RF Att;0.000000;dB; RF attenuation
Coupling;AC; Input coupling type
RBW;x;%; Resolution bandwidth factor
XCORR Factor;x; Cross-correlation factor
XCORR Optimize;ON; State of cross-correlation optimization
Estimated Meas Time;x;s; Estimated measurement time
Sweep Count;0; Current sweep count
Signal frequency;190920481.7452;Hz; Carrier frequency
Signal level;-43.160000;dBm; Carrier signal level
Start;1000.000000;Hz; Start offset frequency
Stop;3000.000000;Hz; Stop offset frequency

Figure 11-8: Example

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R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

Half decade configuration (amount of data depends on number of half decades in measurement)
SubSweep;1; Number of half decade
Start;1000.000000;Hz; Start offset frequency of half decade
Stop;3000.000000;Hz; Stop offset frequency of half decade
RBW;30.000000;Hz; Resolution bandwidth applied in half decade
XCORR Count;10; Number of cross-correlation operations in half decade

Integrated measurement configuration (amount of data depends on number of integration ranges)

Integrated Measurements Range;1; Number of integration range

Start;1000.000000;Hz; Start offset frequency of integration range
Stop;300000.000000;Hz; Stop offset frequency of integration range
Weighting;ON;FilterName; State and name of weighting filter

Spot noise measurement configuration (amount of data depends on number of spot noise positions)
SpotNoiseDecadeEdges;ON; State of spot noise evaluation on decade edges
SpotNoiseUserDefined;ON; State of user defined spot noise evaluation
SpotNoiseUserDefinedOffset;1; User defined spot noise information
State;ON; State of user defined spot noise information
Offset;500000.000000;Hz; Position of user defined spot noise

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R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

Noise Spectrum measurement results (amount of data depends on the number of phase measurement
windows and the number of traces in each window)

Window;1;Noise Spectrum; Number and type of window

Trace;1; Trace number
Trace Mode;CLR/WRITE; Trace mode
Trace Result;PN; Result type (phase noise or amplitude noise etc.)
Smoothing;ON; State of trace smoothing
Smoothing value;10;%; Trace smoothing aperture
Spurious Removal;OFF; State of spur removal
Spurious Removal Threshold;x;dB; Spur removal threshold
Trace Offset;ON; State of trace offset
Trace Offset;x;dB; Value of trace offset
Trace Label;ON; State of trace label
Trace Label;LabelDesignation; Trace label
X-Unit;Hz; Unit of the x-axis
Y-Unit;dBc/Hz; Unit of the y-axis
Values;601; Number of measurement points
<x-value>;<y-value>; Results (one level for every measurement point)

Integrated measurement results (amount of data depends on the number of integration ranges)
Window;3;Integrated Measurements; Number and type of window
Window;Range;Trace; Window and trace number a integration range applies to
Start Offset;Unit; Start offset of the integration range
Stop Offset;Unit; Stop offset of the integration range
Weighting; Name of the weighting filter, if present
Int Noise;Unit; Value for integrated noise
PM;Unit; Value for the Residual PM
FM;Unit; Value for the Residual FM
Jitter;Unit; Value for the jitter

Spot noise measurement results (amount of data depends on the number of spot noise markers)
Window;4;Spot Noise; Number and type of window
Window;Trace; Window and trace number the spot noise marker is positioned in
X-Value;Unit; Position of the spot noise marker
Y-Value;Unit; Spot noise

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R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

Spur measurement results (amount of data depends on the number of spurs)

Window;5;Spurious; Number and type of window
Window;Trace; Window and trace number the spurious is found in
Spur; Number of the spurious
Offset Frequency;Unit; Offset frequency of the spur
Power;Unit; Level of the spur
Jitter;Unit; Jitter of the spur
Window;Trace; Window and trace number the spurious is found in
Discrete Jitter;Unit; Discrete jitter result
Random Jitter;Unit; Random jitter result

Marker results (amount of data depends on the number of active markers)

Window;6;Marker Table; Number and type of window
Window; Window the marker is in
Type; Marker type
Reference; Reference marker
Trace; Number of the trace the marker is on
X-Value;Unit; Position of the marker on the x-axis, incl. unit
Y-Value;Unit; Position of the marker on the y-axis, incl. unit

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R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

Blue font: header data only written to file if header data is exported, too.
Black font: result data is always exported to the file

VCO Characterization + Spot Noise vs Tune: General measurement configuration

Type; R&S FSWP; Instrument model
Version;1.00; Firmware version
Date;01. Jan 3000; Date of data set storage
VSupply;ON; State of the supply voltage source (on or off)
Mode;Voltage; Type of output on the supply voltage source (voltage or current)
Voltage Set;5.000;V;
Voltage Min;4.750;V;
Voltage Max;5.250;V;
Output characteristics of the supply voltage
Voltage Meas;0.000;V;
Current Max;0.050000;A;
Current Meas;0.000000;A;
VTune;OFF; State of the tuning voltage source (on or off)
Voltage Set;5.000;V;
Voltage Min;4.750;V;
Voltage Max;5.250;V;
Output characteristics of the tuning voltage
Voltage Meas;0.000;V;
Current Max;0.050000;A;
Current Meas;0.000000;A;
VAux;OFF; State of the auxiliary voltage source (on or off)
Voltage Set;5.000;V;
Voltage Min;4.750;V;
Voltage Max;5.250;V;
Output characteristics of the auxiliary voltage
Voltage Meas;0.000;V;
Current Max;0.050000;A;
Current Meas;0.000000;A;
Mode;Phase Noise; Application
Measurement;VCO Characterization; Measurement type
Input;RF; Input source
RF Att;0.000000;dB; RF attenuation
Coupling;AC; Input coupling type
Sweep Count;0; Sweep count
Sweep Source;Vtune; Sweep source (Vsupply,Vtune or Vaux)
Fix Source;Vsupply; Fix source (Vsupply,Vtune or Vaux)
Sweep Start;0.000000;V; Tuning range start value
Sweep Stop;5.000000;V; Tuning range stop value
Meas Points;10; Measurement points within the tuning range
Settling Time;0.001000;s; Settling time for each measurement point
Initial Settling Time;0.001000;s; Settling time before the measurement begins

Frequency Counter
Start offset frequency

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R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Trace Configuration

VCO Characterization + SN vs Tune: Results (amount of data depends on evaluated result displays)
Window;1;Frequency; Number and type of window (Frequency, Sensitivity etc.)
Trace;1; Trace number
Trace Mode;CLR/WRITE; Trace mode
Trace Label;ON; State of trace label
Trace Label;LabelDesignation; Trace label
X-Unit;V; Unit of the x-axis
Y-Unit;Hz; Unit of the y-axis
Values;601; Number of measurement points
<x-value>;<y-value>; Results (one value for every measurement point)

Blue font: header data only written to file if header data is exported, too.
Black font: result data is always exported to the file

Transient analysis: General measurement configuration

Measurement;Transient Analysis; Measurement type
Input;RF; Input source
Mode;NARROW; Transient analysis mode
Center Freq;1325000000.000000;Hz; Center frequency
Start;0.000000;Hz; Start frequency
Stop;26500000000.000000;Hz; Stop frequency
Span;26500000000.000000;Hz; Frequency span
Ref Level;0.000000;dBm; Reference level
Rf Att;10.000000;dB; RF attenuation
Coupling;AC; Input coupling
VBW;3000000.000000;Hz; Video bandwidth
Meas Time;0.079500;s; Measurement time
Sweep Count;0; Sweep count

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R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions

Transient analysis: results (amount of data depends on evaluated result displays)

Window;1;Frequency vs Time; Number and type of window (Frequency, phase etc.)
Scale Mode;ABSOLUTE; Scaling mode of the y-axis (frequency results only)
AF Coupling;AC; AF coupling mode (phase results only)
Trace;1; Trace number
Trace Mode;CLR/WRITE; Trace mode
Trace Label;ON; State of trace label
Trace Label;LabelDesignation; Trace label
X-Unit;s; Unit of the x-axis
Y-Unit;Hz; Unit of the y-axis
Values;601; Number of measurement points
<x-value>;<y-value>; Results (one value for every measurement point)

11.4 Markers
Markers help you analyze your measurement results by determining particular values
in the diagram. Thus you can extract numeric values from a graphical display.
● Basics on Markers and Marker Functions.............................................................223
● Marker Settings..................................................................................................... 225
● Marker Search Settings and Positioning Functions.............................................. 229

11.4.1 Basics on Markers and Marker Functions

Some background knowledge on marker settings and functions is provided here for a
better understanding of the required configuration settings.
Markers are used to mark points on traces, to read out measurement results and to
select a display section quickly. R&S FSWP provides 16 markers per display window.
In the Phase Noise application, markers across measurement windows are independ-
ent from each other - thus you can move a marker in one window without moving it in
another window.
● The easiest way to work with markers is using the touchscreen. Simply drag the
marker and drop it at the required position. When a marker label is selected, a ver-
tical line is displayed which indicates the marker's current x-value.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 223

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions

● Alternatively, change the position of the selected marker using the rotary knob. By
default, the marker is moved from one pixel to the next.
● You can also set an active marker to a new position by defining its position on the
x-axis numerically. When you select the softkey for a marker, an edit dialog box is
● The most commonly required marker settings and functions are also available as
softkeys or via the context menu. Tap the marker on the touchscreen and hold your
finger for about 2 seconds until the context menu is opened, then select the
required entry.
● Softkeys for active markers (displayed on the screen) are highlighted blue. The
softkey for the currently selected marker (for which functions are performed) is
highlighted orange.
● To set individual markers quickly, use the softkeys in the "Marker" menu.
● To set up several markers at once, use the "Marker" dialog box.
● To position the selected marker to a special value, use the softkeys in the "Marker
To" menu.

Marker types
All markers can be used either as normal markers or delta markers. A normal marker
indicates the absolute signal value at the defined position in the diagram. A delta
marker indicates the value of the marker relative to the specified reference marker (by
default marker 1).
● Activating Markers.................................................................................................224
● Marker Results...................................................................................................... 224 Activating Markers

Only active markers are displayed in the diagram and in the marker table.
Active markers are indicated by a highlighted softkey.
By default, marker 1 is active and positioned on the maximum value (peak) of trace 1
as a normal marker. If several traces are displayed, the marker is set to the maximum
value of the trace which has the lowest number and is not frozen (View mode). The
next marker to be activated is set to the frequency of the next lower level (next peak)
as a delta marker; its value is indicated as an offset to marker 1.
A marker can only be activated when at least one trace in the corresponding window is
visible. If a trace is switched off, the corresponding markers and marker functions are
also deactivated. If the trace is switched on again, the markers along with coupled
functions are restored to their original positions, provided the markers have not been
used on another trace. Marker Results

Normal markers point to a trace point on the x-axis and display the associated numeric
value for that trace point. Delta markers indicate an offset between the level at the

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 224

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions

delta marker position and the level at the position of the assigned reference marker, in
The results can be displayed directly within the diagram area or in a separate table. By
default, the first two active markers are displayed in the diagram area. If more markers
are activated, the results are displayed in a marker table.

Marker information in diagram area

By default, the results of the last two markers or delta markers that were activated are
displayed in the diagram area.

The following information is displayed there:

● The marker type (M for normal, D for delta, or special function name)
● The marker number (1 to 16)
● The assigned trace number in square brackets [ ]
● The marker value on the y-axis, or the result of the marker function
● The marker position on the x-axis

Marker information in marker table

In addition to the marker information displayed within the diagram area, a separate
marker table may be displayed beneath the diagram. This table provides the following
information for all active markers:
Table 11-2: Contents of the marker table in the Phase Noise application

Window Window the marker is in (only if you have opened more than one Phase Noise dia-

Type Marker type: N (normal), D (delta), T (temporary, internal) and number

Ref Reference marker for delta markers

Trc Trace to which the marker is assigned

X-value X-value of the marker

Y-value Y-value of the marker

11.4.2 Marker Settings

For more information about marker search, see Chapter 11.4.3, "Marker Search Set-
tings and Positioning Functions", on page 229
● Individual Marker Setup........................................................................................ 226
● General Marker Settings....................................................................................... 228

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 225

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Markers Individual Marker Setup

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Markers" > "Markers"

Up to 17 markers or delta markers can be activated for each window simultaneously.
Initial marker setup is performed using the "Marker" dialog box.
The markers are distributed among 3 tabs for a better overview. By default, the first
marker is defined as a normal marker, whereas all others are defined as delta markers
with reference to the first marker. All markers are assigned to trace 1, but only the first
marker is active.

The remote commands required to define these settings are described in Chap-
ter 15.7.4, "Marker", on page 524.
Selected Marker ......................................................................................................... 226
Marker State ...............................................................................................................226
Marker Position X-value ............................................................................................. 227
Marker Type ............................................................................................................... 227
Reference Marker ...................................................................................................... 227
Linking to Another Marker .......................................................................................... 227
Assigning the Marker to a Trace ................................................................................ 228
Select Marker ............................................................................................................. 228
All Markers Off ............................................................................................................228

Selected Marker
Marker name. The marker which is currently selected for editing is highlighted orange.
Remote command:
Marker selected via suffix <m> in remote commands.

Marker State
Activates or deactivates the marker in the diagram.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>[:STATe] on page 528
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>[:STATe] on page 526

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 226

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions

Marker Position X-value

Defines the position (x-value) of the marker in the diagram. For normal markers, the
absolute position is indicated. For delta markers, the position relative to the reference
marker is provided.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:X on page 529
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:X on page 527

Marker Type
Toggles the marker type.
The type for marker 1 is always "Normal" , the type for delta marker 1 is always
"Delta" . These types cannot be changed.
Note: If normal marker 1 is the active marker, switching the "Mkr Type" activates an
additional delta marker 1. For any other marker, switching the marker type does not
activate an additional marker, it only switches the type of the selected marker.
"Normal" A normal marker indicates the absolute value at the defined position
in the diagram.
"Delta" A delta marker defines the value of the marker relative to the speci-
fied reference marker (marker 1 by default).
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>[:STATe] on page 528
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>[:STATe] on page 526

Reference Marker
Defines a marker as the reference marker which is used to determine relative analysis
results (delta marker values).
If the reference marker is deactivated, the delta marker referring to it is also deactiva-
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MREFerence on page 526

Linking to Another Marker

Links the current marker to the marker selected from the list of active markers. If the x-
axis value of the initial marker is changed, the linked marker follows to the same posi-
tion on the x-axis. Linking is off by default.
Using this function you can set two markers on different traces to measure the differ-
ence (e.g. between a max hold trace and a min hold trace or between a measurement
and a reference trace).
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<ms>:LINK:TO:MARKer<md> on page 528
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<ms>:LINK:TO:MARKer<md> on page 525
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:LINK on page 525

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 227

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions

Assigning the Marker to a Trace

The "Trace" setting assigns the selected marker to an active trace. The trace deter-
mines which value the marker shows at the marker position. If the marker was previ-
ously assigned to a different trace, the marker remains on the previous frequency or
time, but indicates the value of the new trace.
If a trace is turned off, the assigned markers and marker functions are also deactiva-
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:TRACe on page 529

Select Marker
The "Select Marker" function opens a dialog box to select and activate or deactivate
one or more markers quickly.

Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>[:STATe] on page 528
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>[:STATe] on page 526

All Markers Off

Deactivates all markers in one step.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:AOFF on page 528 General Marker Settings

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Markers" > "Settings"

Some general marker settings allow you to influence the marker behavior for all mark-

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 228

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions

The remote commands required to define these settings are described in Chap-
ter 15.7.4, "Marker", on page 524.
Marker Table Display ..................................................................................................229
Linked Markers............................................................................................................229

Marker Table Display

Defines how the marker information is displayed.
"On" Displays the marker information in a table in a separate area beneath
the diagram.
"Off" No separate marker table is displayed.
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:MTABle on page 530

Linked Markers
If enabled, the markers in all diagrams with the same x-axis are linked, i.e. when you
move a marker in one window, the markers in all other windows are moved to the
same x-value.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:LINK on page 530

11.4.3 Marker Search Settings and Positioning Functions

Several functions are available to set the marker to a specific position quickly and
easily, or to use the current marker position to define another characteristic value. In
order to determine the required marker position, searches can be performed. The
search results can be influenced by special settings.
Most marker positioning functions and the search settings are available in the [MKR ➙]
Search settings are also available via the [Marker] key or in the vertical "Marker Con-
fig" tab of the "Analysis" dialog box (horizontal "Search Settings" tab).
● Marker Search Settings.........................................................................................229
● Positioning Functions............................................................................................ 231 Marker Search Settings

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Markers" > "Search"

Markers are commonly used to determine peak values, i.e. maximum or minimum val-
ues, in the measured signal. Configuration settings allow you to influence the peak
search results.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 229

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions

The remote commands required to define marker search are described in Chap-
ter, "Marker Search", on page 531.
Search Mode for Next Peak ....................................................................................... 230
Peak Excursion .......................................................................................................... 230
Spurious Tracking....................................................................................................... 230

Search Mode for Next Peak

Selects the search mode for the next peak search.
"Left" Determines the next maximum/minimum to the left of the current
"Absolute" Determines the next maximum/minimum to either side of the current
"Right" Determines the next maximum/minimum to the right of the current
Remote command:
Find a list of remote commands in Chapter, "Positioning Markers",
on page 532.

Peak Excursion
Defines the minimum level value by which a signal must rise or fall so that it is identi-
fied as a maximum or a minimum by the search functions.
Entries from 0 dB to 60 dB are allowed; the resolution is 0.1 dB. The default setting for
the peak excursion is 1 dB.
For transient measurements, the peak excursion is either a value in Hz (frequency dia-
gram) or rad / deg (phase diagram). The value range is from 0 Hz to 10 MHz (default:
50 kHz) and 0 rad to 10 rad (default: 0.5 rad) respectively.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:PEXCursion on page 531

Spurious Tracking
Spurs can be unstable regarding their frequency characteristics. In such cases, mark-
ers would not remain on the spur, but on the frequency you have set them on initially.
You can avoid this situation using spurious tracking. Spur tracking makes sure that the
marker remains on the spur, even if the spur changes its frequency. When you turn on
spur tracking, you can define a frequency range within which the R&S FSWP tracks
the spur and adjusts the marker position automatically.
The tracking "Range" defines an area around the marker position and is a function of
the resolution bandwidth (RBW) used in the half decade the marker is in. Note that the
tracking range is dynamic and always relative to the latest marker position, not the ini-
tial marker position.

You are measuring with an RBW of 10 kHz and place the marker on a spur.
The tracking range is defined as 1 * RBW = 10 kHz.
If the spur changes its position by up to ±10 kHz, the R&S FSWP changes the marker
position along with the spur.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 230

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions

Note that the spurious list contains the tracked spurs and always shows the latest posi-
tion of the spur.
Remote command:
State: CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:FUNCtion:SPTRacking[:STATe]
on page 532
Range: CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:FUNCtion:SPTRacking:RANGe on page 531 Positioning Functions

Access: [MKR ➙]
The following functions set the currently selected marker to the result of a peak search
or set other characteristic values to the current marker value.
The remote commands required to position markers are described in Chapter,
"Positioning Markers", on page 532.
Peak Search ...............................................................................................................231
Search Next Peak ...................................................................................................... 231
Search Minimum ........................................................................................................ 231
Search Next Minimum ................................................................................................232

Peak Search
Sets the selected marker/delta marker to the maximum of the trace. If no marker is
active, marker 1 is activated.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum[:PEAK] on page 535
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MAXimum[:PEAK] on page 533

Search Next Peak

Sets the selected marker/delta marker to the next (lower) maximum of the assigned
trace. If no marker is active, marker 1 is activated.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum:NEXT on page 534
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum:RIGHt on page 535
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum:LEFT on page 534
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MAXimum:NEXT on page 533
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MAXimum:RIGHt on page 533
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MAXimum:LEFT on page 532

Search Minimum
Sets the selected marker/delta marker to the minimum of the trace. If no marker is
active, marker 1 is activated.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MINimum[:PEAK] on page 536
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum[:PEAK] on page 534

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 231

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

Search Next Minimum

Sets the selected marker/delta marker to the next (higher) minimum of the selected
trace. If no marker is active, marker 1 is activated.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MINimum:NEXT on page 535
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MINimum:LEFT on page 535
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MINimum:RIGHt on page 536
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum:NEXT on page 534
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum:LEFT on page 533
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum:RIGHt on page 534

11.5 Limit Lines

Limit lines help you analyze a measurement trace.
● Basics on Limit Lines............................................................................................ 232
● Limit Line Settings and Functions......................................................................... 236
● How to Define Limit Lines..................................................................................... 240

11.5.1 Basics on Limit Lines

Limit lines are used to define amplitude curves or spectral distribution boundaries in
the result diagram which are not to be exceeded. They indicate, for example, the upper
limits for interference radiation or spurious waves which are allowed from a device
under test (DUT). When transmitting information in TDMA systems (e.g. GSM), the
amplitude of the bursts in a time slot must adhere to a curve that falls within a specified
tolerance band. The lower and upper limits may each be specified by a limit line. Then,
the amplitude curve can be controlled either visually or automatically for any violations
of the upper or lower limits (GO/NOGO test).
The R&S FSWP supports limit lines with a maximum of 200 data points. Eight of the
limit lines stored in the instrument can be activated simultaneously. The number of limit
lines stored in the instrument is only limited by the capacity of the storage device used.
Limit line data can also be exported to a file in ASCII (CSV) format for further evalua-
tion in other applications. Limit lines stored in the specified ASCII (CSV) format can
also be imported to the R&S FSWP for other measurements.

Limit lines are compatible with the current measurement settings, if the following
● The x unit of the limit line has to be identical to the current setting.
● The y unit of the limit line has to be identical to the current setting.

Only limit lines that fulfill the following conditions can be activated:

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 232

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

● Each limit line must consist of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 200 data points.
● The frequencies/times for each data point must be defined in ascending order;
however, for any single frequency or time, two data points may be entered (to
define a vertical segment of a limit line).
● Gaps in frequency or time are not allowed. If gaps are desired, two separate limit
lines must be defined and then both enabled.
● The entered frequencies or times need not necessarily be selectable in
R&S FSWP. A limit line may also exceed the specified frequency or time range.
The minimum frequency for a data point is -200 GHz, the maximum frequency is
200 GHz. For the time range representation, negative times may also be entered.
The allowed range is -1000 s to +1000 s.

Figure 11-9: Example for an upper limit line

If the y-axis for the limit line data points uses relative scaling, an additional absolute
threshold can be defined for the limit check. In this case, both the threshold value and
the relative limit line must be exceeded before a violation occurs.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 233

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

Offsets and Shifting

A configured limit line can easily be moved vertically or horizontally. Two different
methods to do so are available:
● An offset moves the entire line in the diagram without editing the configured values
or positions of the individual data points. This option is only available if relative
scaling is used.
Thus, a new limit line can be easily generated based upon an existing limit line
which has been shifted horizontally or vertically.
● Defining a shift width for the values or position of the individual data points
changes the line configuration, thus changing the position of the line in the dia-

Limit Check Results

A limit check is automatically performed as soon as any of the limit lines is activated
( "Visibility" setting). Only the specified "Traces to be Checked" are compared with the
active limit lines. The status of the limit check for each limit line is indicated in the dia-
gram. If a violation occurs, the limit check status is set to "MARG" for a margin viola-
tion, or to "Fail" for a limit violation.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 234

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

Figure 11-10: Margin violation for limit check

Figure 11-11: Limit violation for limit check

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 235

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

Storing and Recalling Limit Lines

Limit lines can be stored with the configuration settings so they can be recalled for
other measurements at a later time (see Chapter 12.3, "Storing and Recalling Instru-
ment Settings and Measurement Data", on page 247). Note, however, that any
changes made to the limit lines after storing the configuration file cannot be restored
and will be overwritten by the stored values when the configuration file is recalled.
Always remember to store the settings again after changing the limit line values.
After recalling measurement settings, the limit line values applied to the measurement
may be different to those displayed in the "Limit Lines" dialog box; see "Saving and
recalling transducer and limit line settings" on page 248.

11.5.2 Limit Line Settings and Functions

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Lines"

or: [LINES] > "Line Config"
Up to 8 limit lines can be displayed simultaneously in the R&S FSWP. Many more can
be stored on the instrument.

Stored limit line settings

When storing and recalling limit line settings, consider the information provided in "Sav-
ing and recalling transducer and limit line settings" on page 248.

● Limit Line Management.........................................................................................236

● Limit Line Details...................................................................................................238 Limit Line Management

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Lines" > "Limit Lines"

or: [LINES] > "Line Config" > "Limit Lines"
For the limit line overview, the R&S FSWP searches for all stored limit lines with the file
extension .LIN in the limits subfolder of the main installation folder. The overview
allows you to determine which limit lines are available and can be used for the current
For details on settings for individual lines see Chapter, "Limit Line Details",
on page 238.
For more basic information on limit lines see Chapter 11.5.1, "Basics on Limit Lines",
on page 232.
Name ..........................................................................................................................237
Unit .............................................................................................................................237
Compatibility ...............................................................................................................237
Visibility ...................................................................................................................... 237
Traces to be Checked ................................................................................................ 237
Comment ....................................................................................................................237

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 236

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

Included Lines in Overview ( View Filter )................................................................... 237

Create New Line ........................................................................................................ 238
Edit Line ..................................................................................................................... 238
Copy Line ................................................................................................................... 238
Delete Line ................................................................................................................. 238
Disable All Lines .........................................................................................................238

The name of the stored limit line.

The unit in which the y-values of the data points of the limit line are defined.

Indicates whether the limit line definition is compatible with the current measurement
For more information on which conditions a limit line must fulfill to be compatible, see
"Compatibility" on page 232.

Displays or hides the limit line in the diagram. Up to 8 limit lines can be visible at the
same time. Inactive limit lines can also be displayed in the diagram.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:STATe on page 539
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:STATe on page 541
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:ACTive? on page 538

Traces to be Checked
Defines which traces are automatically checked for conformance with the limit lines. As
soon as a trace to be checked is defined, the assigned limit line is active. One limit line
can be activated for several traces simultaneously. If any of the "Traces to be
Checked" violate any of the active limit lines, a message is indicated in the diagram.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:TRACe<t>:CHECk on page 541

An optional description of the limit line.

Included Lines in Overview ( View Filter )

Defines which of the stored lines are included in the overview.
"Show Com- Only compatible lines
patible" Whether a line is compatible or not is indicated in the Compatibility
"Show All" All stored limit lines with the file extension .LIN in the limits sub-
folder of the main installation folder (if not restricted by "Show Lines
for all Modes" setting).

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 237

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

Create New Line

Creates a new limit line.

Edit Line
Edit an existing limit line configuration.

Copy Line
Copy the selected limit line configuration to create a new line.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:COPY on page 538

Delete Line
Delete the selected limit line configuration.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:DELete on page 539

Disable All Lines

Disable all limit lines in one step.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:STATe on page 540 Limit Line Details

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Lines" > "Limit Lines" > "New" / "Edit" / "Copy To"
or: [LINES] > "Line Config" > "Limit Lines" > "New" / "Edit" / "Copy To"
Name ..........................................................................................................................238
Comment ....................................................................................................................238
X-Axis .........................................................................................................................239
Y-Axis ......................................................................................................................... 239
Data Points .................................................................................................................239
Insert Value ................................................................................................................ 239
Delete Value ...............................................................................................................239
Shift x ......................................................................................................................... 240
Shift y ......................................................................................................................... 240
Save ........................................................................................................................... 240

Defines the limit line name. All names must be compatible with Windows conventions
for file names. The limit line data is stored under this name (with a .LIN extension).
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:NAME on page 546

Defines an optional comment for the limit line.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:COMMent on page 542

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 238

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

Describes the horizontal axis on which the data points of the limit line are defined.
Includes the following settings:
● Unit:
– "Hz" : for frequency domain
– "s" : for time domain
– V: for VCO Characterization or Spot Noise vs Tune
– mA: for VCO Characterization or Spot Noise vs Tune
● Scaling mode: absolute or relative values
Not supported
● Scaling: linear or logarithmic
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:MODE on page 544
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:MODE on page 547
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:DOMain on page 543
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:SPACing on page 544

Describes the vertical axis on which the data points of the limit line are defined.
Includes the following settings:
● Level unit
● Scaling mode: absolute or relative (dB/%) values
Relative limit values refer to the center frequency (frequency diagram) or the refer-
ence value (phase diagram).
● Limit type: upper or lower limit; values must stay above the lower limit and below
the upper limit to pass the limit check
Available for transient measurements.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UNIT on page 546
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:SPACing on page 545
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:SPACing on page 547

Data Points
Each limit line is defined by a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 200 data points. Each
data point is defined by its position (x-axis) and value (y-value). Data points must be
defined in ascending order. The same position can have two different values.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol[:DATA] on page 542
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer[:DATA] on page 544
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer[:DATA] on page 546

Insert Value
Inserts a data point in the limit line above the selected one in the "Edit Limit Line" dia-
log box.

Delete Value
Deletes the selected data point in the "Edit Limit Line" dialog box.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 239

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

Shift x
Shifts the x-value of each data point horizontally by the defined shift width.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:SHIFt on page 543

Shift y
Shifts the y-value of each data point vertically by the defined shift width.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:SHIFt on page 545
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:SHIFt on page 547

Saves the currently edited limit line under the name defined in the "Name" field.

11.5.3 How to Define Limit Lines

Access: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Lines" > "Limit Lines"

or: [LINES] > "Line Config" > "Limit Lines"
The following tasks are described here:
● "How to find compatible limit lines" on page 240
● "How to activate and deactivate a limit check" on page 240
● "How to edit existing limit lines" on page 241
● "How to copy an existing limit line" on page 241
● "How to delete an existing limit line" on page 241
● "How to configure a new limit line" on page 241
● "How to move the limit line vertically or horizontally" on page 242

How to find compatible limit lines

► In the "Line Config" dialog box, select the "View Filter" option: "Show Compatible" .
All stored limit lines with the file extension .LIN in the limits subfolder of the
main installation folder of the instrument that are compatible to the current mea-
surement settings are displayed in the overview.

How to activate and deactivate a limit check

A limit check is automatically performed as soon as any of the limit lines is activated.
1. To activate a limit check:
Select the "Check Traces" setting for a limit line in the overview and select the
trace numbers to be included in the limit check. One limit line can be assigned to
several traces.
The specified traces to be checked are compared with the active limit lines. The
status of the limit check is indicated in the diagram.

2. To deactivate a limit line, deactivate all "Traces to be Checked" for it.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 240

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

To deactivate all limit lines at once, select the "Disable All Lines" button.
The limit checks for the deactivated limit lines are stopped and the results are
removed form the display.

How to edit existing limit lines

Existing limit line configurations can be edited.
1. In the "Line Config" dialog box, select the limit line.

2. Select the "Edit" button.

3. Edit the line configuration as described in "How to configure a new limit line"
on page 241.

4. Save the new configuration by selecting the "Save" button.

If the limit line is active, the edited limit line is displayed in the diagram.

How to copy an existing limit line

1. In the dialog box, select the limit line.

2. Select the "Line Config" "Copy To" button.

3. Define a new name to create a new limit with the same configuration as the source

4. Edit the line configuration as described in "How to configure a new limit line"
on page 241.

5. Save the new configuration by selecting the "Save" button.

The new limit line is displayed in the overview and can be activated.

How to delete an existing limit line

1. In the "Line Config" dialog box, select the limit line.

2. Select the "Delete" button.

3. Confirm the message.

The limit line and the results of the limit check are deleted.

How to configure a new limit line

1. In the "Line Config" dialog box, select the "New" button.
The "Edit Limit Line" dialog box is displayed. The current line configuration is dis-
played in the preview area of the dialog box. The preview is updated after each
change to the configuration.

2. Define a "Name" and, optionally, a "Comment" for the new limit line.

3. Define the x-axis configuration:

● Time domain or frequency domain

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 241

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

● Absolute or relative limits

● Linear or logarithmic scaling

4. Define the y-axis configuration:

● Level unit
● Absolute or relative limits
● Upper or lower limit line

5. Define the data points: minimum 2, maximum 200:

a) Select "Insert Value" .
b) Define the x-value ( "Position" ) and y-value ( "Value" ) of the first data point.
c) Select "Insert Value" again and define the second data point.
d) Repeat this to insert all other data points.
To insert a data point before an existing one, select the data point and then
"Insert Value" .
To insert a new data point at the end of the list, move the focus to the line after
the last entry and then select "Insert Value" .
To delete a data point, select the entry and then "Delete Value" .

6. Check the current line configuration in the preview area of the dialog box. If neces-
sary, correct individual data points or add or delete some.
If necessary, shift the entire line vertically or horizontally by selecting the "Shift x" or
"Shift y" button and defining the shift width.

7. Optionally, define a "Margin" at a fixed distance to the limit line.

The margin must be within the valid value range and is not displayed in the dia-
gram or preview area.

8. Optionally, if the y-axis uses relative scaling, define an absolute "Threshold" as an

additional criteria for a violation.

9. Save the new configuration by selecting the "Save" button.

The new limit line is displayed in the overview and can be activated.

How to move the limit line vertically or horizontally

A configured limit line can easily be moved vertically or horizontally. Thus, a new limit
line can be easily generated based upon an existing limit line which has been shifted
1. In the "Line Config" dialog box, select the limit line.

2. To shift the complete limit line parallel in the horizontal direction, select the "X-Off-
set" button and enter an offset value.
To shift the complete limit line parallel in the vertical direction, select the "Y-Offset"
button and enter an offset value.

3. To shift the individual data points of a limit line by a fixed value (all at once):
a) Select the "Edit" button.
b) In the "Edit Limit Line" dialog box, select the "Shift x" or "Shift y" button and
define the shift width.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 242

R&S®FSWP Common Analysis and Display Functions
Limit Lines

c) Save the shifted data points by selecting the "Save" button.

If activated, the limit line is shifted in the diagram.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 243

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Restoring the Default Instrument Configuration (Preset)

12 Data Management
The R&S FSWP allows you to store and load instrument settings, as well as import and
export measurement data for analysis later. Finally, you can store or print the measure-
ment results displayed on the screen.
General storage and import/export functions are available via the toolbar. Some special
storage functions are (also) available via softkeys or dialog boxes in the corresponding
menus, for example trace data export.
● Restoring the Default Instrument Configuration (Preset)...................................... 244
● Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode...................................................... 245
● Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data..................... 247
● Import/Export Functions........................................................................................ 258
● Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings................. 260

12.1 Restoring the Default Instrument Configuration (Pre-

When delivered, the R&S FSWP has a default configuration. You can restore this
defined initial state at any time as a known starting point for measurements. This is
often recommendable as a first step in troubleshooting when unusual measurement
results arise.

Factory default configuration

The factory default configuration is selected such that the RF input is always protected
against overload, provided that the applied signal levels are in the allowed range for
the instrument.
Alternatively to the factory default settings, you can define user-specific recall settings
to be restored after a preset or reboot, see "To recall settings automatically after preset
or reboot" on page 258.

To restore the default instrument configuration for all channels at once

► Press the [PRESET] key.

After you use the [PRESET] function, the history of previous actions is deleted, i.e. any
actions performed previously cannot be undone or redone using the [UNDO/REDO]

Remote command:

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 244

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode

To restore the default configuration for a single channel

The default measurement settings can also be reset for an individual channel only,
rather than resetting the entire instrument.
► In the "Overview" , select the "Preset Channel" button.
The factory default settings are restored to the current channel. Note that a user-
defined recall settings file is NOT restored.

Remote command:
SYSTem:PRESet:CHANnel[:EXEC] on page 564

12.2 Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode

During normal operation, the R&S FSWP uses a solid-state drive to store its operating
system, instrument firmware, instrument self-alignment data, and any user data cre-
ated during operation.

Redirecting storage to volatile memory

Alternatively, to avoid storing any sensitive data on the R&S FSWP permanently, the
secure user mode was introduced (option R&S FSWP-K33). In secure user mode, the
instrument’s solid-state drive is write-protected so that no information can be written to
memory permanently. Data that the R&S FSWP normally stores on the solid-state drive
is redirected to volatile memory instead, which remains available only until the instru-
ment is switched off. This data includes:
● Windows operating system files
● Firmware shutdown files containing information on last instrument state
● Self-alignment data
● General instrument settings such as the IP address
● Measurement settings
● User data created during operation
(see also Table 12-1)
● Any data created by other applications installed on the R&S FSWP, for example,
text editors (Notepad), the clipboard, or drawing tools.
Users can access data that is stored in volatile memory just as in normal operation.
However, when the instrument’s power is switched off, all data in this memory is
cleared. Thus, in secure user mode, the instrument always starts in a defined, fixed
state when switched on.
To store data such as measurement results permanently, it must be stored to an exter-
nal storage device, such as a memory stick.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 245

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode

Limited storage space

The volatile memory used to store data in secure user mode is restricted to 256 MB.
Thus, a "Memory full" error can occur although the hard disk indicates that storage
space is still available.

Storing required data permanently

Any data that is to be available for subsequent sessions with the R&S FSWP must be
stored on the instrument permanently, before activating the secure user mode. This
includes predefined instrument settings, transducer factors and self-alignment data.

Self-alignment data
Note that self-alignment data becomes invalid with time and due to temperature
changes. Therefore, to achieve optimal accuracy, it can be preferable to perform a new
self-alignment at the start of each new session on the R&S FSWP.

Restricted operation
Since permanent storage is not possible, the following functions are not available in
secure user mode:
● Firmware update
● Activating a new option key
Furthermore, since the "SecureUser" used in secure user mode does not have admin-
istrator rights, administrative tasks such as LAN configuration and some general
instrument settings are not available. Refer to the description of the basic instrument
setup ([SETUP] menu) to find out which functions are affected.

Activating and deactivating secure user mode

Only a user with administrator rights can activate (and deactivate) the secure user
mode. Once activated, a restart is required. The special user "SecureUser" is then log-
ged on to the R&S FSWP automatically using the auto-login function. While the secure
user mode is active, a message is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the

Secure passwords
By default, the initial password for both the administrator account and the "Secure-
User" account is "894129". When the secure user mode is activated the first time after
installation, you are prompted to change the passwords for all user accounts to
improve system security. Although it is possible to continue without changing the pass-
words, it is strongly recommended that you do so.
You can change the password in Microsoft Windows for any user at any time via:
"Start > Settings > Account > SignIn Options > Password > Change"

To deactivate the secure user mode, the "SecureUser" must log off and a user with
administrator rights must log on.

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R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

Switching users when using the auto-login function

In the "Start" menu, select the arrow next to the "Shut down" button and then "Log off".
The "Login" dialog box is displayed, in which you can enter the different user account
name and password.

The secure user mode setting and auto-login is automatically deactivated when
another user logs on. The "SecureUser" is no longer available.
For users with administrator rights, the secure user mode setting is available in the
general system configuration settings (see " SecureUser Mode " on page 302).

Remote control
Initially after installation of the R&S FSWP-K33 option, secure user mode must be
enabled manually once before remote control is possible.
(See SYSTem:SECurity[:STATe].)
Manual activation is necessary to prompt for a change of passwords.

12.3 Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Mea-

surement Data
Access: "Save" / "Open" icon in the toolbar
Possibly you would like to restore or repeat a measurement you performed under spe-
cific conditions on the instrument. Or you want to evaluate imported data in another
application on the R&S FSWP and would like to restore the measurement settings
applied during measurement. In these cases, you can store and recall instrument and
measurement settings, and possibly other related measurement data.
Two different methods are available for managing instrument settings:
● Quick Save/Quick Recall - a defined set of instrument settings or channels are
stored or recalled quickly in just one step
● Configurable Save/Recall - a user-defined set of instrument settings or channels
are stored to a definable storage location

Restrictions when recalling measurement settings

When recalling a saved configuration file, the following restrictions apply:
● The R&S FSWP must support the frequency range defined in the configuration file.
● Configuration files created on a R&S FSWP with certain options in use do not work
on an R&S FSWP without these options.
● Files created with newer firmware versions may not work with a previous version.
● Files created on an instrument other than the R&S FSWP do not work on the

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 247

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

Saving instrument settings in secure user mode

Be sure to store instrument settings that you require beyond the current session before
SecureUser Mode is enabled; see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure
User Mode", on page 31.
Settings that are saved via QuickSave in secure user mode are only available during
the current session. As soon as the power is switched off on the R&S FSWP, the data
is cleared.

Saving and recalling transducer and limit line settings

If a limit lines file was in use when the save set was stored (with the save item "Current
Settings" only) the R&S FSWP assumes that these limit lines values should remain
valid after every recall of that save set. Thus, even if the limit lines file is changed and
the original save set file is recalled later, the originally stored limit lines values are
recalled and applied to the measurement. In the "Edit" limit lines dialog box, however,
the changed limit lines file values are displayed, as no updated limit lines file was loa-
The same applies to limit line settings.
The same applies to integrated measurements' weighting filter.
Similarly, if you want to apply the changed limit values after recalling the save set, you
must force the application to reload the limit file. To do so, simply open the "Edit Limit
Line" dialog box (see Chapter 11.5.2, "Limit Line Settings and Functions",
on page 236) and toggle the "Y-Axis" unit. Due to that change, the limit line file is auto-
matically reloaded, and the changed limit values are applied to the current measure-
ment. Now a new save set with the updated limit values can be created.

● Quick Save/Quick Recall.......................................................................................248

● Configurable Storage and Recall.......................................................................... 251
● How to Save and Load Instrument Settings..........................................................256

12.3.1 Quick Save/Quick Recall

The "Quick Save" and "Quick Recall" functions allow you to store instrument settings or
channels very easily and quickly in one step. Up to ten different sets of settings can be
stored to or recalled from "save sets". Each save set is identified by its storage date
and type (instrument or specific "Channel" ) in the display. The save sets are stored in
the C:\R_S\INSTR\QuickSave directory, in files named QuickSave1.dfl to
QuickSave10.dfl. Only the current measurement settings are stored, not any addi-
tional data such as traces, limit line or transducer files (see Chapter, "Stored
Data Types", on page 251). Source calibration files for an optional external generator,
if available, are included.

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R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

Saving instrument settings in secure user mode

Settings that are saved via Quick Save in secure user mode are stored to the SDRAM,
and are only available during the current session. As soon as the power is switched off
on the R&S FSWP, the data is cleared (see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the
Secure User Mode", on page 31).

During recall, save sets of type "Instrument" replace the settings of the entire instru-
ment. All other save sets start a new channel with the stored settings.

If a channel with the same name as the "Channel" to be restored is already active, the
name for the new channel is extended by a consecutive number: Quick Save / Quick Recall Settings

Access: "Save" / "Open" icon in the toolbar > "Quick Save" / "Quick Recall"
Both dialog boxes are very similar and closely related.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 249

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

QuickSave 1 / ... / QuickSave 10 ............................................................................... 250

└ Rename........................................................................................................ 250
└ Write Protection............................................................................................ 250
Storage Type (Save only) ...........................................................................................250
Recall ......................................................................................................................... 251

QuickSave 1 / ... / QuickSave 10

Selects one of the save sets to store the current settings in or to be recalled. At the
time of storage, the "QuickSave 1 / ... / QuickSave 10" placeholder is replaced by a
label indicating the storage date and time and the storage type.
Right-click on one of the QuickSave buttons to display a context menu with additional
functions for the save set.

During recall, save sets of type "Instrument" replace the settings of the entire instru-
ment. All other save sets start a new channel with the stored settings.
Note: Saving instrument settings in secure user mode.
Settings that are saved via Quick Save in secure user mode are only available during
the current session. As soon as the power is switched off on the R&S FSWP, the data
is cleared (see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode",
on page 31).

Rename ← QuickSave 1 / ... / QuickSave 10

Displays an input field to rename the save set, if write protection is disabled.

Write Protection ← QuickSave 1 / ... / QuickSave 10

Enables or disables write protection for the save set. If enabled, the save set cannot be
renamed or overwritten.

Storage Type (Save only)

Defines which type of settings are stored in the save set.
"Instrument The instrument settings for all currently active "Channel" s are stored.
with all Chan-
"Current Chan- Only the instrument settings for the currently selected measurement
nel" "Channel" s are stored.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 250

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

Restores the instrument settings as saved in the selected settings file. If the settings
file contains settings for a specific "Channel" only, a new channel with the stored set-
tings is activated, otherwise all "Channel" s and instrument settings are overwritten
with the stored settings.
Note: After you use the "Recall" function, the history of previous actions is deleted, i.e.
any actions performed previously cannot be undone or redone using the [UNDO/
REDO] keys.
Remote command:
MMEMory:LOAD:STATe on page 562

12.3.2 Configurable Storage and Recall

The more sophisticated storage and recall functions allow you to define which settings
are stored, and where the settings file is stored to. Any settings file can be selected for
● Stored Data Types................................................................................................ 251
● Storage Location and Filename............................................................................ 252
● Save and Recall Dialog Boxes..............................................................................252
● Startup Recall Settings..........................................................................................255 Stored Data Types

The following types of data can be stored to and loaded from files via the "Save" dialog
box on the R&S FSWP:
Table 12-1: Items that can be stored to files

Item Description

Current Settings Current instrument and measurement settings.

All Transducers All transducer factor files.

(Note: Restoring a saveset overwrites transducer factor files on the hard disk
that have the same name as those in the saveset. For more information, see
"Saving and recalling transducer and limit line settings" on page 248.)
(Not in the phase noise application.)

All Traces All active traces.

All Limit Lines All limit line files.

All Weighting Filters All weighting filter files.

(Only in the phase noise application.)

Spectrograms Spectrogram trace data (only available if spectrogram display is currently

(Only in applications that feature a spectrogram, for example the (optional)
spectrum application.)

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 251

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data Storage Location and Filename

The data is stored on the internal flash disk or, if selected, on a memory stick or net-
work drive. The operating system, firmware and stored instrument settings are located
on drive C.

Saving instrument settings in secure user mode

In secure user mode all data is stored to the SDRAM, and is only available during the
current session. As soon as the power is switched off on the R&S FSWP, the data is
cleared (see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode", on page 31).
Other storage locations cannot be selected in this mode.

The storage location and filename are selected in a file selection dialog box which is
displayed when you perform a storage function.
By default, the name of a settings file consists of a base name followed by an under-
score and three numbers, e.g. limit_lines_005. In the example, the base name is
limit_lines. The base name can contain characters, numbers and underscores.
The file extension dfl is added automatically. The default folder for settings files is

File name restrictions

File names must be compatible with the Windows conventions for file names. In partic-
ular, they must not contain special characters such as ":", "*", "?". Save and Recall Dialog Boxes

Access: "Save" / "Open" icon in the toolbar > "Save" / "Recall"

Both dialog boxes are very similar and closely related.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 252

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

Selecting Storage Location - Drive/ Path/ Files...........................................................253

File Name ...................................................................................................................254
Comment ....................................................................................................................254
File Explorer................................................................................................................ 254
File Type .....................................................................................................................254
Items: ......................................................................................................................... 254
Save File .................................................................................................................... 254
Recall in New Channel / Recall in Current Channel ...................................................255

Selecting Storage Location - Drive/ Path/ Files

Select the storage location of the file on the instrument or an external drive.
Note: Saving instrument settings in secure user mode.
In secure user mode, settings that are stored on the instrument are stored to volatile
memory, which is restricted to 256 MB. Thus, a "memory limit reached" error can occur
although the hard disk indicates that storage space is still available.
To store data permanently, select an external storage location such as a USB memory
For details, see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode",
on page 31.
Remote command:
MMEMory:CATalog on page 553

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 253

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

File Name
Contains the name of the data file without the path or extension.
By default, the name of a user file consists of a base name followed by an underscore.
Multiple files with the same base name are extended by three numbers, e.g.
File names must be compatible with the Windows conventions for file names. In partic-
ular, they must not contain special characters such as ":", "*", "?".
For details on the filename and location, see Chapter, "Storage Location and
Filename", on page 252.

An optional description for the data file. A maximum of 60 characters can be displayed.
Remote command:
MMEMory:COMMent on page 554

File Explorer
Opens the Microsoft Windows File Explorer.
Remote command:
not supported

File Type
Determines whether the global instrument settings with all "Channel" s are stored or
recalled, or the current "Channel" settings only.

Defines which data and settings are stored or are recalled. Depending on the "File
Type" , either channels only, or global settings are available. Which items are available
also depends on the installed options (see also Chapter, "Stored Data Types",
on page 251).
Depending on the application, items may or may not be available. For example, saving
spectrogram data is only possible in applications that feature a spectrogram.
Remote command:
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:ALL on page 559
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:DEFault on page 559
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:NONE on page 560
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:HWSettings on page 559
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:LINes:ALL on page 560
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:SGRam on page 560
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:TRACe<1...3>[:ACTive] on page 560
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:TRANsducer:ALL on page 561

Save File
Saves the settings file with the defined filename.
Note: Secure user mode. In secure user mode, settings that are stored on the instru-
ment are stored to volatile memory, which is restricted to 256 MB. Thus, a "memory
limit reached" error can occur although the hard disk indicates that storage space is
still available.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 254

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

For details, see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode",
on page 31.
Remote command:
MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:STATe on page 563
MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:STATe:NEXT on page 563

Recall in New Channel / Recall in Current Channel

Restores the instrument settings as saved in the selected settings file. If the settings
file contains settings for a specific "Channel" only, select "Recall in New Channel" to
activate a new channel with the stored settings. Select "Recall in Current Channel" to
replace the current "Channel" settings.
Note: After you use the "Recall" function, the history of previous actions is deleted, i.e.
any actions performed previously cannot be undone or redone using the [UNDO/
REDO] keys.
Remote command:
MMEMory:LOAD:STATe on page 562 Startup Recall Settings

Access: "Open" icon in the toolbar > "Startup Recall"

Startup Recall .............................................................................................................255

Selecting Storage Location - Drive/ Path/ Files...........................................................256
File Name ...................................................................................................................256
Comment ....................................................................................................................256

Startup Recall
Activates or deactivates the startup recall function. If activated, the settings stored in
the selected file are loaded each time the instrument is started or preset. If deactivated,
the default settings are loaded.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 255

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

Note that only instrument settings files can be selected for the startup recall function,
not "Channel" files.
Remote command:
MMEMory:LOAD:AUTO on page 562

Selecting Storage Location - Drive/ Path/ Files

Select the storage location of the file on the instrument or an external drive.
Note: Saving instrument settings in secure user mode.
In secure user mode, settings that are stored on the instrument are stored to volatile
memory, which is restricted to 256 MB. Thus, a "memory limit reached" error can occur
although the hard disk indicates that storage space is still available.
To store data permanently, select an external storage location such as a USB memory
For details, see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode",
on page 31.
Remote command:
MMEMory:CATalog on page 553

File Name
Contains the name of the data file without the path or extension.
By default, the name of a user file consists of a base name followed by an underscore.
Multiple files with the same base name are extended by three numbers, e.g.
File names must be compatible with the Windows conventions for file names. In partic-
ular, they must not contain special characters such as ":", "*", "?".
For details on the filename and location, see Chapter, "Storage Location and
Filename", on page 252.

An optional description for the data file. A maximum of 60 characters can be displayed.
Remote command:
MMEMory:COMMent on page 554

12.3.3 How to Save and Load Instrument Settings

Instrument settings can be saved to a file and loaded again later, so that you can
repeat the measurement with the same settings. Optionally, user-defined measurement
settings can automatically be restored each time you start or preset the instrument.

To save and recall instrument settings using the Quick Save function
1. Select the "Save" icon from the toolbar.

2. Select whether the instrument settings for all "Channel" s are stored, or only those
for the current "Channel" .

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 256

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Storing and Recalling Instrument Settings and Measurement Data

3. Select one of the save sets in which the settings are stored ( "QuickSaveX" ).
The selected settings are stored to the file
Note: If you make any changes to the settings after storing the configuration file,
remember to save the settings again. Otherwise those settings cannot be restored
and will be overwritten by the stored values when the configuration file is recalled.
4. To restore the settings, select the "Open" icon from the toolbar.

5. Select the save set in which the settings were stored ( "QuickSaveX" ).
The selected settings are restored to the instrument or channel.

To save configurable instrument settings

1. Select the "Save" icon from the toolbar.

2. In the "Save" dialog box, switch to the "Save" tab.

3. In the file selection dialog box, select a filename and storage location for the set-
tings file.

4. Optionally, define a comment to describe the stored settings.

5. Select whether the instrument settings for all "Channel" s are stored, or only those
for the current "Channel" .

6. Select the items to be saved with the settings. Either the settings for the currently
selected "Channel" only, or the settings for all "Channel" s can be stored. Various
other items, such as lines or traces etc., can be stored as well (see Chap-
ter, "Stored Data Types", on page 251).

7. Select "Save" .
A file with the defined name and path and the extension .dfl is created.

If you make any changes to the settings after storing the configuration file, remember
to save the settings again. Otherwise those settings cannot be restored and will be
overwritten by the stored values when the configuration file is recalled.

To recall configurable instrument settings

1. Select the "Open" icon from the toolbar.

2. In the "Recall" dialog box, switch to the "Recall" tab.

3. In the file selection dialog box, select the filename and storage location of the set-
tings file.
Note: The "File Type" indicates whether the file contains instrument settings for all
"Channel" s, or only those for the current "Channel" .

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 257

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Import/Export Functions

4. If several items were saved, select which items are restored.

5. If a "Channel" was saved, select whether the settings will replace the settings in the
current "Channel" , or whether a new channel with the saved settings will be

6. Select "Recall" .
The settings and selected items from the saved measurement are restored and
you can repeat the measurement with the same settings.
Note that any changes made to the settings after storing the configuration file will
be overwritten by the stored values when the configuration file is recalled.

To recall settings automatically after preset or reboot

You can define the settings that are restored when you preset or reboot the instrument.
1. Configure the settings as required and save them as described in "To save configu-
rable instrument settings" on page 257.

2. In the "Save/Recall" menu, select "Startup Recall" .

3. From the file selection dialog box, select the recall settings to restore.

4. Select "Select File" .

5. Set "Startup Recall" to "On" .

Now when you press the [PRESET] key or reboot the instrument, the defined set-
tings will be restored.

6. To restore the factory preset settings, set "Startup Recall" to "Off" .

12.4 Import/Export Functions

Access: "Save" / "Open" icon in the toolbar > "Import" / "Export"
The R&S FSWP provides various evaluation methods for the results of the performed
measurements. However, you may want to evaluate the data with further, external
applications. In this case, you can export the measurement data to a standard format
file (ASCII or XML). Some of the data stored in these formats can also be re-imported
to the R&S FSWP for further evaluation later, for example in other applications.
The following data types can be exported (depending on the application):
● Trace data
● Table results, such as result summaries, marker peak lists etc.
● I/Q data (in applications that process I/Q data)
The following data types can be imported (depending on the application):
● I/Q data (in applications that process I/Q data)

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 258

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Import/Export Functions

I/Q data can only be imported and exported in applications that process I/Q data, such
as the I/Q analyzer or other optional applications.
See the corresponding user manuals for those applications for details.

These functions are only available if no measurement is running.

In particular, if Continuous Sweep / Run Cont is active, the import/export functions are
not available.

Import ......................................................................................................................... 259

Export .........................................................................................................................259
└ Trace Export Configuration .......................................................................... 259
└ I/Q Export .....................................................................................................259
└ File Explorer........................................................................................260

Access: "Save/Recall" > Import
Provides functions to import data.
Currently, only I/Q data can be imported, and only by applications that process I/Q
See the R&S FSWP I/Q Analyzer user manual for more information.

Access: "Save/Recall" > Export
Opens a submenu to configure data export.
For more information, see " Export Trace to ASCII File " on page 211.

Trace Export Configuration ← Export

Opens the "Traces" dialog box to configure the trace and data export settings.
Chapter 11.3.3, "Trace Export and Import", on page 209

I/Q Export ← Export

Opens a file selection dialog box to define an export file name to which the I/Q data is
stored. This function is only available in single sweep mode.
It is only available in applications that process I/Q data, such as the I/Q Analyzer or
other optional applications.
For details, see the description in the R&S FSWP I/Q Analyzer User Manual ("Import-
ing and Exporting I/Q Data").
Note: Storing large amounts of I/Q data (several Gigabytes) can exceed the available
(internal) storage space on the R&S FSWP. In this case, it can be necessary to use an
external storage medium.
Note: Secure user mode.
In secure user mode, settings that are stored on the instrument are stored to volatile
memory, which is restricted to 256 MB. Thus, a "memory limit reached" error can occur
although the hard disk indicates that storage space is still available.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 259

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

To store data permanently, select an external storage location such as a USB memory
For details, see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode",
on page 31.

File Explorer ← I/Q Export ← Export

Opens the Microsoft Windows File Explorer.
Remote command:
not supported

12.5 Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement

Results and Settings
To document the graphical results and the most important settings for the currently per-
formed measurement, you can create a screenshot of the current display. Screenshots
can either be printed or stored to a file.
● Print and Screenshot Settings...............................................................................260
● How to Store or Print Screenshots of the Display................................................. 269
● Example for Storing Multiple Measurement Results to a PDF File....................... 272

12.5.1 Print and Screenshot Settings

Access: "Print" icon in the toolbar

For step-by-step instructions, see Chapter 12.5.2, "How to Store or Print Screenshots
of the Display", on page 269.
Remote commands for these settings are described in Chapter 15.8.4, "Storing and
Printing Screenshots", on page 565.

To print a screenshot of the current display with the current settings immediately, with-
out switching to the "Print" menu, use the "Print immediately" icon in the toolbar.

● Print Content Settings........................................................................................... 261

● Print Preview Functions........................................................................................ 263
● Printer Settings......................................................................................................264
● Page Setup........................................................................................................... 267
● Print Color Settings............................................................................................... 268

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 260

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings Print Content Settings

Access: "Print" > "Print Config" > "Content" tab

The content settings determine which data is included in the printout.
Note that some content settings are independent of the selected printing device, others
are printing device-specific.

Print Screenshot .........................................................................................................262

Print Multiple Windows ...............................................................................................262
Comment ....................................................................................................................262
Print Logo ...................................................................................................................262
Print Page Count ........................................................................................................262
Select Device 1/2 ....................................................................................................... 263
Print Dialog .................................................................................................................263
Print Date and Time ................................................................................................... 263

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 261

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

Print Screenshot
Selects all measurement results displayed on the screen for the current channel (or
"MultiView" ): diagrams, traces, markers, marker lists, limit lines, etc., including the
channel bar and status bar, for printout on a single page. Displayed items belonging to
the software user interface (e.g. softkeys) are not included. The position and size of the
elements in the printout is identical to the display.
This setting is independent of the printing device.
Remote command:
HCOPy:CONTent on page 567

Print Multiple Windows

Includes only the selected windows in the printout. All currently active windows for the
current channel (or "MultiView" ) are available for selection. How many windows are
printed on a single page of the printout is user-definable (see " Windows Per Page "
on page 268).
This option is only available when printing on a printer or to a PDF file (see " Destina-
tion " on page 266). If the Destination is currently set to an image file or the clipboard
for the selected printing device, it is automatically changed to be a PDF file.
Remote command:
HCOPy:CONTent on page 567
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:STATe on page 574
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:CHANnel:STATe on page 573

Defines an optional comment to be included in the printout of the display. Maximum
120 characters are allowed. Up to 60 characters fit in one line. In the first line, a man-
ual line-feed can be forced at any point by entering "@".
The comment is printed in the top left corner of each printout page. If a comment
should not be printed, it must be deleted.
This setting is independent of the printing device.
Tip: The current date and time can be inserted automatically, see " Print Date and
Time " on page 263.
Remote command:
HCOPy:ITEM:WINDow<1|2>:TEXT on page 570

Print Logo
Activates/deactivates the printout of the Rohde & Schwarz company logo in the upper
right corner.
This setting is independent of the printing device.
Remote command:
DISPlay:LOGO on page 565

Print Page Count

Includes the page number for printouts consisting of multiple windows (" Print Multiple
Windows " on page 262).
This setting is independent of the printing device.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 262

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

Remote command:
HCOPy:PAGE:COUNt:STATe on page 570

Select Device 1/2

Selects the printing device to be configured.
Two different printout devices can be configured, for example one for printing and one
for storage to a file. When you execute the "Print immediately" function, the selected
printing device and its settings determine the behavior of the R&S FSWP.

Print Dialog
Includes any currently displayed dialog in the screenshot printout.
This setting is (printing) device-specific and only available if Print Screenshot is

Print Date and Time

Includes or removes the current date and time at the bottom of the printout.
This setting is (printing) device-specific.
Remote command:
HCOPy:TDSTamp:STATe<1|2> on page 575 Print Preview Functions

Access: "Print"
The "Print Preview" of the printout according to the current configuration is available in
all "Print Settings" dialog tabs.
The preview display (not the functions) is device-specific (see " Select Device 1/2 "
on page 263).

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 263

R&S®FSWP Data Management
Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

Zoom In / Zoom Out ................................................................................................... 264

Fit Page ......................................................................................................................264
Zoom 1:1 .................................................................................................................... 264
Page Up / Page Down ................................................................................................264
Print ............................................................................................................................264

Zoom In / Zoom Out

Zooms into (enlarges) or zooms out of (decreases) the preview display. Note that the
zoom functions affect only the preview, not the printout itself.

Fit Page
Adapts the preview display zoom factor so that one complete page is visible as large
as possible in the available display space. Note that the zoom functions affect only the
preview, not the printout itself.

Zoom 1:1
Displays the printout in its original size, as it will be printed.

Page Up / Page Down

Depending on the selected contents (see Chapter, "Print Content Settings",
on page 261), the printout can consist of multiple pages. Use these functions to scroll
within the preview to see the individual pages.

Starts to print or store the selected screen contents to a file (see Chapter,
"Print Content Settings", on page 261).
Whether the output is sent to the printer or stored in a file or the clipboard depends on
the selected printing device and the printing device settings (see Chapter,
"Printer Settings", on page 264).
If the output is stored to a file, a file selection dialog box is opened to select the file-
name and location. The default path is C:\R_S\INSTR\USER.
Remote command:
HCOPy[:IMMediate<1|2>] on page 570
HCOPy[:IMMediate<1|2>]:NEXT on page 570 Printer Settings

Access: "Print" > "Print Config" > "Printer" tab

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Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

Printer settings are (printing) device-specific. That means you can configure two differ-
ent printing devices (for example, a printer and a file) and switch between configura-
tions easily simply by selecting the appropriate device before printing.

Select Device 1/2 ....................................................................................................... 265

Destination ................................................................................................................. 266
Suppress File Name Dialog ....................................................................................... 266
Printer Name .............................................................................................................. 266
Print to file .................................................................................................................. 266
Install Printer .............................................................................................................. 267

Select Device 1/2

Selects the printing device to be configured.

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Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

Two different printout devices can be configured, for example one for printing and one
for storage to a file. When you execute the "Print immediately" function, the selected
printing device and its settings determine the behavior of the R&S FSWP.

Defines the medium to which the printout is output.
"File" Stores the printout to a file in the selected format. The filename is
queried at the time of storage, or a default name is used (see Sup-
press File Name Dialog ).
Multiple windows can only be printed to a file in PDF format. If you
select an image file format, the content setting is automatically set to
Print Screenshot . Page settings are not available for image files;
however, you can configure the colors used for the screenshot (see
Chapter, "Print Color Settings", on page 268).
"Clipboard" Copies the printout to the clipboard. Since only single pages can be
copied, only screenshots can be copied to this destination, not multi-
ple windows (see Chapter, "Print Content Settings",
on page 261). Page settings are not available; however, you can con-
figure the colors used for the screenshot (see Chapter, "Print
Color Settings", on page 268).
If you select the clipboard as the printing destination, the content set-
ting is automatically set to Print Screenshot .
"Printer" Sends the printout to the printer selected from the Printer Name list.
Remote command:
HCOPy:DESTination<1|2> on page 568
HCOPy:DEVice:LANGuage<1|2> on page 569

Suppress File Name Dialog

If the Destination is a file, the file selection dialog box is not displayed. Instead, the
default storage location and filename are used.
(C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\FSWP_ScreenShot_<date and time>).

Printer Name
Defines the printer to print to if a printer is selected as the Destination .
Any printers detected in the network are listed for selection.
Tip: the printout can also be stored in a print file using the selected printer driver, see "
Print to file " on page 266.
Remote command:
SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:ENUMerate[:NEXT] on page 575
SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:ENUMerate:FIRSt on page 575
SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:SELect<1|2> on page 575

Print to file
If a printer is selected as the Destination , use this option to store the data in a .prn
file using the selected printer driver.

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Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

Install Printer
This softkey opens the standard Windows dialog box to install a new printer. All print-
ers that are already installed are displayed.
Only user accounts with administrator rights can install a printer.
For further information, refer to the Microsoft Windows documentation. Page Setup

Access: "Print" > "Print Config" > "Page Setup" tab

Page settings are (printing) device-specific. That means you can configure two differ-
ent printing devices (for example, a printer and a file) and switch between configura-
tions easily simply by selecting the appropriate device before printing.

Page settings are only available when printing on a printer or to a PDF file (see " Desti-
nation " on page 266).
Select Device 1/2 ....................................................................................................... 268
Orientation ..................................................................................................................268
Windows Per Page .....................................................................................................268
Scaling ....................................................................................................................... 268
Margins ...................................................................................................................... 268

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Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

Select Device 1/2

Selects the printing device to be configured.
Two different printout devices can be configured, for example one for printing and one
for storage to a file. When you execute the "Print immediately" function, the selected
printing device and its settings determine the behavior of the R&S FSWP.

Selects the page orientation of the printout: portrait or landscape.
Remote command:
HCOPy:PAGE:ORIentation<1|2> on page 572

Windows Per Page

Defines how many windows are displayed on a single page of the printout. This setting
is only available if Print Multiple Windows is active (see Chapter, "Print Con-
tent Settings", on page 261).
If more than one window is printed on one page, each window is printed in equal size.
Remote command:
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:COUNt on page 573

Determines the scaling of the windows in the printout if Print Multiple Windows is active
(see Chapter, "Print Content Settings", on page 261).
If more than one window is printed on one page (see Windows Per Page ), each win-
dow is printed in equal size.
"Maintain Each window is printed as large as possible while maintaining the
aspect ratio" aspect ratio of the original display.
"Size to fit" Each window is scaled to fit the page size optimally, not regarding the
aspect ratio of the original display.
Remote command:
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:SCALe on page 573

Defines margins for the printout page on which no elements are printed. The margins
are defined according to the selected unit.
Remote command:
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:BOTTom on page 571
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:LEFT on page 571
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:RIGHt on page 571
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:TOP on page 572
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:UNIT on page 572 Print Color Settings

Access: "Print" > "Print Config" > "Color" tab

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R&S®FSWP Data Management
Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

The settings provided here are identical to those in the "Print Colors" section of the
"Display" > "Theme + Color" dialog box.
See " Print Colors " on page 287.

12.5.2 How to Store or Print Screenshots of the Display

The measurement results displayed on the screen can be printed or stored to a file
very easily.
Two different scenarios can be configured in parallel, assigned to different printing
devices. You can then perform one or the other simply by selecting the corresponding
printing device and the "Print" function.

To start printing or storing results to a file

► If the R&S FSWP has already been set up according to your current requirements,
simply press the "Print immediate" icon at the far right end of the toolbar.
The current measurement display is printed or stored to a file, as configured.

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R&S®FSWP Data Management
Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

To print a screenshot
This configuration assumes a printer has already been installed. To install a new
printer, use the Install Printer function (common Microsoft Windows procedure).
1. Select the "Printer" tool in the toolbar.
The "Print Settings" dialog box is displayed.

2. Select "Device 1" or "Device 2" to define which printing device you want to config-
(Note: Some settings are independent of the printing-device.)

3. In the "Content" tab, define the elements of the screen and additional information to
be included in the printout.
a) Select "Print Screenshot" to include all elements displayed on the screen in a
single-page printout.
b) Optionally, add a comment to be printed at the top of the printout.
c) Optionally, activate the date and time or the logo so they are added to the print-
d) Optionally, activate "Print Dialog" to include any dialog boxes currently dis-
played on the screen in the printout. This is useful, for example, to document
the used settings for a particular result.
e) Check the "Print Preview" to make sure all relevant elements of the display are

4. In the "Printer" tab, select "Printer" as the "Destination" .

5. Select the "Printer Name" to print to from the list of installed printers.

6. In the "Page Setup" tab, configure the layout of the printout page.
a) Select the page orientation.
b) Define the page margins.
c) Check the "Print Preview" to make sure all relevant elements of the display are

7. In the "Color" tab, define the colors to be used for the printout.
a) By default, "Optimized Colors" are used to improve the visibility of the colors.
The background is always printed in white and the grid in black.
For a printout that reflects exactly what you see on the screen, select "Screen
Colors (Screenshot)" .
b) Check the "Print Preview" to find out if the setting is appropriate.

8. Select "Print" to execute the print function.

The screenshot is printed on the printer as configured.

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R&S®FSWP Data Management
Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

9. To print another screenshot using the same configuration any other time, simply
press the "Print immediate" icon at the far right end of the toolbar.
If you use different printing scenarios alternately, perform the following steps to
print another screenshot:
a) Select the "Printer" tool in the toolbar.
b) Select "Device 1" or "Device 2" to select the configured printing device.
c) Select "Print" to execute the print function.

To store a printout containing multiple windows

1. Select the "Printer" tool in the toolbar.
The "Print Settings" dialog box is displayed.

2. Select "Device 1" or "Device 2" to define which printing device you want to config-

3. In the "Content" tab, define the elements of the screen and additional information to
be included in the printout.
a) Select "Print Selected Windows" to include the selected windows in the print-
out, possibly on multiple pages.
b) Select the result displays in the currently selected channel to be included in the
Tip: Select the "MultiView" before configuring the printout to include result dis-
plays from any active channel.
c) Optionally, add a comment to be printed at the top of each page of the printout.
d) Optionally, activate the date and time or the logo so they are added to the print-
out pages.

4. Check the "Print Preview" to make sure all required result displays are included.
a) Scroll through the individual pages of the printout using "Page Up" and "Page
Down" .
b) Use the zoom functions to make sure all relevant parts of the result display are

5. In the "Printer" tab, select "File" as the "Destination" .

6. Select the file format from the selection list.

7. By default, you define the filename individually for each print operation. To avoid
having the "File Selection" dialog box being displayed for each print operation,
select "Suppress File Name Dialog" . In this case, the previously used or default
storage location and filename are used.
(C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\FSWP_ScreenShot_<date and time>).

8. In the "Page Setup" tab, configure the layout of the printout page.
a) Select the page orientation.
b) Define the page margins.
c) Check the "Print Preview" to make sure all relevant elements of the display are

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R&S®FSWP Data Management
Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

9. In the "Color" tab, define the colors to be used for the printout.
a) By default, "Optimized Colors" are used to improve the visibility of the colors.
The background is always printed in white and the grid in black.
For a printout that reflects the colors you see on the screen, but with a white
background, select "Screen Colors (Print)" .
b) Check the "Print Preview" to find out if the setting is appropriate.

10. Select "Print" to execute the print function.

11. If you did not select the option to suppress the dialog, enter a filename in the file
selection dialog box.
The selected data elements are stored to the file as configured.

12. To store another file using the same configuration any other time, simply press the
"Print immediate" icon at the far right end of the toolbar.
If you use different printing scenarios alternately, perform the following steps to
store another file:
a) Select the "Printer" tool in the toolbar.
b) Select "Device 1" or "Device 2" to select the configured printing device.
c) Select "Print" to execute the print function.

12.5.3 Example for Storing Multiple Measurement Results to a PDF File

The following example describes the procedure to store results from measurements in
the Spectrum application and the I/Q Analyzer to a single PDF file.

1. Configure and perform the measurements in the Spectrum application and I/Q
Analyzer as required. Configure at least the following result displays:
● Frequency Sweep, Spectrogram (Spectrum)
● Magnitude, Spectrum (I/Q Analyzer)

2. Switch to the "MultiView" tab to display an overview of the result displays in all
active channels.

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Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

3. Select the "Printer" tool in the toolbar.

The "Print Settings" dialog box is displayed.

4. Select "Device 1" to configure the settings for this printing device.

5. In the "Content" tab, select "Print Selected Windows" .

6. Select the result displays listed in step 1.

7. Enter the comment Measurement Test Report to be inserted at the top of each

8. Select "Print Page Count" and "Print Date and Time" .

9. In the "Content" tab, select "Print Selected Windows" .

10. In the "Printer" tab, select "File" as the "Destination" .

11. Select "PDF" from the file format selection list.

12. Select "Suppress File Name Dialog" .

13. In the "Page Setup" tab, select "Landscape" as the "Orientation" .

14. Select "Windows Per Page" : 1 to print a single result display on each page.

15. Select the "Scaling" option "Size to fit" to maximize the result display on each page.

16. In the "Color" tab, select "Screen Colors (Print)" for a printout that reflects the col-
ors you see on the screen, but with a white background.

17. Check the "Print Preview" to make sure all required result displays are included
and all relevant data elements are visible.
a) Scroll through the individual pages of the printout using "Page Up" and "Page
Down" .

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Creating Screenshots of Current Measurement Results and Settings

b) Use the zoom functions to make sure all relevant parts of the result display are

18. Select "Print" to execute the print function.

The selected data elements are stored to the file as configured.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 274

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup

13 General Instrument Setup

Access: [SETUP]
Some basic instrument settings can be configured independently of the selected oper-
ating mode or application. Usually, you will configure most of these settings initially
when you set up the instrument according to your personal preferences or require-
ments and then only adapt individual settings to special circumstances when neces-
sary. Some special functions are provided for service and basic system configuration.

Network and Remote Settings, Display Settings

Settings for network and remote operation are described in Chapter 14, "Network and
Remote Operation", on page 311.
Display settings are described in Chapter 13.2.1, "Display Settings", on page 281.

● Alignment.............................................................................................................. 275
● Display Settings.................................................................................................... 281
● Reference Frequency Settings..............................................................................292
● System Configuration Settings..............................................................................296
● Service Functions..................................................................................................303

13.1 Alignment

13.1.1 Basics on Alignment

When you put the instrument into operation for the first time or when strong tempera-
ture changes occur, align the data to a reference source (see "Temperature check"
on page 276).
The correction data and characteristics required for the alignment are determined by
the firmware. It compares the results at different settings with the known characteristics
of the high-precision calibration signal source at 64 MHz.

Depending on the installation settings, an automatic self-alignment is performed

directly after installation, and a dialog is displayed indicating how much warm-up time
is still required before self-alignment can be performed.

During instrument start, the firmware checks whether the installed hardware is suppor-
ted. If not, an error message is displayed ( "Wrong Firmware Version" ) and you are
asked to update the firmware. Until the firmware version is updated, self-alignment

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 275

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup

If you start a self-alignment remotely and then select the "Local" softkey while the
alignment is still running, the instrument only returns to the manual operation state
after the alignment is completed.
During self-alignment, do not connect a signal to the RF input connector. Running a
self-alignment with a signal connected to the RF input can lead to false measurement

Alignment results
The alignment results are displayed and contain the following information:
● Date and time of last correction data record
● Overall results of correction data record
● List of found correction values according to function/module
The results are classified as follows:

PASSED Calibration successful without any restrictions

CHECK Deviation of correction value larger than expected, correction could however be per-

FAILED Deviations of correction value too large, no correction was possible. The found cor-
rection data is not applicable.

The results are available until the next self-alignment process is started or the instru-
ment is switched off.

Temperature check
During self-alignment, the instrument's frontend temperature is measured (as soon as
the instrument has warmed up completely). This temperature is used as a reference for
a continuous temperature check during operation. If the current temperature deviates
from the stored self-alignment temperature by a certain degree, a warning is displayed
in the status bar. The warning indicates the resulting deviation in the measured power
levels. A status bit in the STATUs:QUEStionable:TEMPerature register indicates a
possible deviation. The current temperature of the frontend can be queried using a
remote command (see SOURce<si>:TEMPerature:FRONtend on page 588).

Touchscreen alignment
When the device is delivered, the touchscreen is initially calibrated. However, to ensure
that the touchscreen responds to the finger contact correctly, a touchscreen alignment
is required.
Alignment of the touchscreen is useful:
● At first use
● After an image update or after exchanging a hard disk
● If you notice that touching a specific point on the screen does not achieve the cor-
rect response

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R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup

● If the position of the instrument has been changed and you cannot look straight on
the screen
● If another person operates the instrument

13.1.2 Alignment Settings

Access: [Setup] > "Alignment"

Both the instrument and the touchscreen can be aligned when necessary (see Chap-
ter 13.1.1, "Basics on Alignment", on page 275).

Automatic self-alignment
During installation of the R&S FSWP firmware, you can configure an automatic self-
alignment to be performed directly after installation. In addition, you can activate a pre-
ceding warmup time before self-alignment, which is strongly recommended. If you do
not activate this option, make sure the instrument has reached its operating tempera-
ture before installing the firmware. Furthermore, you can force the instrument to shut
down after self-alignment. Note, however, that you cannot switch the instrument back
on remotely afterwards.

The additional settings for self-alignment can also be activated or deactivated during
operation in the "Alignment" settings dialog (see Await Warm-Up Operation before Self
Alignment and Shut down Device after Self Alignment.)

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R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup

Self-alignment results in secure user mode

Be sure to store self-alignment results before SecureUser Mode is enabled; see Chap-
ter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode", on page 31.
In secure user mode, the results are not stored permanently. Thus, if the currently
stored self-alignment results are not suitable, you must perform a self-alignment each
time you switch on the R&S FSWP.

Start Self Alignment ................................................................................................... 278

Abort Self Alignment .................................................................................................. 279
Await Warm-Up Operation before Self Alignment....................................................... 279
Schedule..................................................................................................................... 279
Shut down Device after Self Alignment.......................................................................279
Reuse Old Alignment Data..........................................................................................279
Starting Touch Screen Alignment ...............................................................................280
Alignment Results: ..................................................................................................... 280

Start Self Alignment

Starts recording correction data for the instrument. If the correction data acquisition
fails or if the correction values are deactivated, a corresponding message is displayed
in the status field.
For details, see Chapter 13.1.1, "Basics on Alignment", on page 275.
A running Sequencer operation is aborted when you start a self-alignment.
During self-alignment, do not connect a signal to the RF input connector. Running a
self-alignment with a signal connected to the RF input can lead to false measurement
Remote command:
*CAL? on page 385, see also CALibration[:ALL]? on page 586

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R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup

Abort Self Alignment

As long as the self-alignment data is being collected, the procedure can be canceled
using the "Abort Self Alignment" button.
Note: If you start a self-alignment remotely, then select the "Local" softkey while the
alignment is still running, the instrument only returns to the manual operation state
after the alignment is completed. In this case, you cannot abort a self-alignment man-

Await Warm-Up Operation before Self Alignment

Displays a message indicating the remaining warmup time required before self-align-
ment is performed. After the warmup operation has completed, self-alignment is star-
ted automatically.

If enabled, a self-alignment is performed regularly at specific days and time.

Shut down Device after Self Alignment

If activated, the R&S FSWP is automatically shut down after self-alignment is comple-
ted. Note that the instrument cannot be restarted via remote control.

Reuse Old Alignment Data

If data from a previous self-alignment is available on the instrument, it can be reused
even though the instrument claims the instrument is uncalibrated. This is useful, for
example, after activating a software option or updating the firmware to a beta version.
After rebooting the instrument, you must re-activate this function if you still want to
reuse the old alignment data.
Note, however, that re-using old alignment data can lead to inaccurate measure-
ment results, or even cause the R&S FSWP firmware to fail altogether. For mea-
surements using old alignment data, an [OLD CAL] message is indicated in the status
bar (instead of [UNCAL], which indicates that a new self-alignment is actually
To measure with the accuracy specified in the data sheet, always perform a self-
alignment when the instrument calls for it.

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R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup

Starting Touch Screen Alignment

Starts the touchscreen alignment.
Tap the 4 markers on the screen as you are asked to do. The touchscreen is aligned
according to the executed pointing operations.

Alignment Results:
Information on whether the alignment was performed successfully and on the applied
correction data is displayed. The results are available until the next self-alignment
process is started or the instrument is switched off.
Remote command:
CALibration:RESult? on page 586

13.1.3 How to Perform a Self-Test

You do not have to repeat the self-test every time you switch on the instrument. It is
only necessary when instrument malfunction is suspected.

Operating temperature
Before performing this functional test, make sure that the instrument has reached its
operating temperature (for details, refer to the data sheet).

1. Select [SETUP].

2. Select "Service" .

3. Select "Selftest" .
Once the instrument modules have been checked successfully, a message is dis-

13.1.4 How to Align the Instrument

Operating temperature
Before performing this functional test, make sure that the instrument has reached its
operating temperature (for details, refer to the data sheet).

To perform a self-alignment
Make sure no signal is connected to the RF input connector. Running a self-alignment
with a signal connected to the RF input can lead to false measurement results.
1. Select [SETUP].

2. Select "Alignment" .

3. Select "Start Self Alignment" .

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 280

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

4. To abort the self-alignment process, select "Abort Self Alignment" .

Once the system correction values have been calculated successfully, a message
is displayed.

To display the alignment results again later

► Select [SETUP] > "Alignment" .

13.1.5 How to Align the Touchscreen

To align the touchscreen

1. Press the [Setup] key.

2. Select the "Alignment" softkey.

3. Select "Touch Screen Alignment" .

A blinking cross appears in the lower left corner of the screen.

4. Touch and hold the blinking cross until it stops blinking.

Repeat this action for the crosses in the other corners.

13.2 Display Settings

13.2.1 Display Settings

Access: [Setup] > "Display"

Some general display settings are available regardless of the current application or
operating mode. For information on optimizing your display for measurement results,
see Chapter 11.1, "Result Display Configuration", on page 193.
● General Display Settings.......................................................................................281
● Displayed Items.....................................................................................................283
● Display Theme and Colors....................................................................................286
● External Monitor Settings...................................................................................... 289 General Display Settings

Access: [Setup] > "Display" > "General"

This section includes general screen display behavior and date and time display.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 281

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

Deactivating and Activating the Touchscreen ............................................................ 282

Display Update Rate .................................................................................................. 282
Set Date and Time ..................................................................................................... 282
Date and Time Format ............................................................................................... 283

Deactivating and Activating the Touchscreen

The touchscreen function can be deactivated, e.g. when the instrument is being used
for demonstration purposes and tapping the screen must not provoke an action.
To reactivate the touchscreen, simply press the [Setup] key on the front panel. The
"Display" dialog box is opened automatically and the "Touch Screen" option is set to
"On" .
"Touch On" Touchscreen function is active for the entire screen.
"Touch Off" Touchscreen is deactivated for the entire screen.
"Touch Diagram Off"
Touchscreen is deactivated for the diagram area of the screen, but
active for the surrounding softkeys, toolbars and menus.
Remote command:
DISPlay:TOUChscreen[:STATe] on page 590

Display Update Rate

By default, a fast update rate ensures the most recent measurement results on the dis-
play. However, when performance is poor due to slow data transfer (for example during
remote control), it can be helpful to decrease the frequency with which the screen dis-
play is updated.

Set Date and Time

Sets the current date and time for the internal real-time clock on the instrument. This
function uses the standard Windows "Date and Time Properties" dialog box. Setting
the clock requires administrator rights.
Select the "Set Date and Time" button in the "Display" dialog box, or select the date
and time display in the status bar to open the Windows dialog box.

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R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

Remote command:
SYSTem:DATE on page 580
SYSTem:TIME on page 580

Date and Time Format

Switches the time and date display on the screen between US and German (DE) for-
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TIME:FORMat on page 591 Displayed Items

Access: [Setup] > "Display" > "Displayed Items"

Several elements on the screen display can be hidden or shown as required, for exam-
ple to enlarge the display area for the measurement results.

Toolbar ....................................................................................................................... 283

Status Bar .................................................................................................................. 284
Softkey Bar .................................................................................................................284
Channel Bar ............................................................................................................... 284
Diagram Footer (Annotation) ......................................................................................284
Date and Time ............................................................................................................284
Front Panel .................................................................................................................284
Mini Front Panel ......................................................................................................... 285

The toolbar provides access to frequently used functions via icons at the top of the
screen. Some functions, such as zooming, finding help, printing screenshots or storing
and loading files are not accessible at all without the toolbar.
Remote command:
DISPlay:TBAR[:STATe] on page 590

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 283

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

Status Bar
The status bar beneath the diagram indicates the global instrument settings, the instru-
ment status and any irregularities during measurement or display.
Some of the information displayed in the status bar can be queried from the status reg-
istry via remote commands.
Remote command:
DISPlay:SBAR[:STATe] on page 590

Softkey Bar
Softkeys are virtual keys provided by the software. Thus, more functions can be provi-
ded than can be accessed directly via the function keys on the device.
The functions provided by the softkeys are often also available via dialog boxes. How-
ever, some functions are not accessible at all without the softkey bar.
Note: The softkey bar is hidden while the SmartGrid is displayed and restored auto-
matically when the SmartGrid is closed.
Remote command:
DISPlay:SKEYs[:STATe] on page 590

Channel Bar
The channel bar provides information on firmware and measurement settings for a
specific channel.
Remote command:
DISPlay:ANNotation:CBAR on page 589

Diagram Footer (Annotation)

The diagram footer beneath the diagram contains information on the x-axis of the dia-
gram display, such as:
● The current center frequency and span settings
● The displayed span per division
● The number of sweep points
Remote command:
DISPlay:ANNotation:FREQuency on page 590

Date and Time

The date and time display can be switched off independently of the status bar.
You can set the current date and time and configure the display format in the "General"
tab of the "Display" dialog box.
Remote command:
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TIME on page 591

Front Panel
The "Front Panel" display simulates the entire front panel of the device (except for the
external connectors) on the screen. Thus, you can interact with the R&S FSWP without
the keypad and keys on the front panel of the device. That is useful, for example, when
working with an external monitor or operating via remote control from a computer.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 284

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

To activate or deactivate the front panel temporarily, press the [F6] key on the external
keyboard (if available) or the remote computer.
For more information, see Chapter 13.2.3, "How to Work with the Soft Front Panels",
on page 291.
Remote command:
SYSTem:DISPlay:FPANel[:STATe] on page 592

Mini Front Panel

If you require a front panel display but do not want to lose too much space for results in
the display area, a mini front panel is available. The mini version displays only the main
function keys in a separate window in the display area.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 285

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

You can also activate the mini front panel using the key combination [ALT + m] (be
aware of the keyboard language defined in the operating system!). That is useful when
you are working from a remote PC and the front panel function is not active.
Remote command:
SYSTem:DISPlay:FPANel[:STATe] on page 592 Display Theme and Colors

Access: [Setup] > "Display" > "Theme + Color"

You can configure the used colors and styles of display elements on the screen.
For step-by-step instructions see Chapter 13.2.2, "How to Configure the Colors for Dis-
play and Printing", on page 290.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 286

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

Theme ........................................................................................................................ 287

Screen Colors ............................................................................................................ 287
Print Colors ................................................................................................................ 287
Showing Print Colors on Display.................................................................................288
Modifying User-Defined Color Assignments............................................................... 288
└ Selecting the Object......................................................................................288
└ Predefined Colors ........................................................................................ 289
└ Preview ........................................................................................................ 289
Defining User-specific Colors......................................................................................289
Restoring the User Settings to Default Colors............................................................ 289

The theme defines the colors and style used to display softkeys and other screen
The default theme is "BlueOcean" .
Remote command:
DISPlay:THEMe:SELect on page 594

Screen Colors
Two different color sets are provided by the instrument, a third user-defined set can be
The default color schemes provide optimum visibility of all screen objects when regard-
ing the screen from above or below. Default setting is "Default Colors 1" .
If "User Defined Colors" is selected, a user-defined color set can be defined (see
"Defining User-specific Colors" on page 289).
Remote command:
DISPlay:CMAP<it>:DEFault<ci> on page 592

Print Colors
Defines the color settings used for printout.
In addition to the predefined settings, a user-defined color set can be configured (see
"Defining User-specific Colors" on page 289).
If "Show Print Colors on Display" is activated, the currently selected print colors are
displayed as a preview for your selection.

Gui setting Description Remote command

"Optimized Colors" Selects an optimized color setting for the HCOP:CMAP:DEF2

printout to improve the visibility of the colors
(default setting). Trace 1 is blue, trace 2
black, trace 3 green, and the markers are
turquoise. The background is always printed
in white and the grid in black.

"Screen Colors (Print)" Selects the current screen colors for the HCOP:CMAP:DEF1
printout. The background is always printed in
white and the grid in black.

"Screen Colors Selects the current screen colors without any HCOP:CMAP:DEF4
(Screenshot)" changes for a screenshot.

"User Defined Colors" Selects the user-defined color setting. HCOP:CMAP:DEF3

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 287

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

Remote command:
HCOPy:CMAP<it>:DEFault<ci> on page 566

Showing Print Colors on Display

Temporarily shows the currently selected print colors on the screen display. This func-
tion can be used as a preview for printing.

Modifying User-Defined Color Assignments

You can configure the colors used to display and print individual screen objects accord-
ing to your specific requirements.
The colors are configured in the (identical) "Screen Color Setup" / "Printer Color Setup"
dialog boxes.

Selecting the Object ← Modifying User-Defined Color Assignments

Selects the object for which the color is to be defined. Colors can be defined for the
following objects:
● Background
● Grid
● Individual traces
● Display lines
● Limit lines and check results
● Markers and marker information
Remote command:
Each object is assigned to a specific suffix of the CMAP commands, see Chap-
ter, "CMAP Suffix Assignment", on page 594.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 288

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

Predefined Colors ← Modifying User-Defined Color Assignments

Displays the available colors from the predefined color set that can be used for the
selected object.
Remote command:
HCOPy:CMAP<it>:PDEFined on page 567

Preview ← Modifying User-Defined Color Assignments

Indicates the currently selected color that will be used for the selected object.

Defining User-specific Colors

In addition to the colors in the predefined color set you can configure a user-specific
color to be used for the selected object.
When you select "Userdefined Colors..." , the set of predefined colors is replaced by a
color palette and color configuration settings.

The color palette allows you to select the color directly. The color settings allow you to
define values for tint, saturation and brightness.
Remote command:
HCOPy:CMAP<it>:HSL on page 566

Restoring the User Settings to Default Colors

In addition to the predefined color settings, a user-defined setting can be configured.
By default, the same settings as defined in "Default Colors 1" are used. They can then
be modified according to user-specific requirements (see "Modifying User-Defined
Color Assignments" on page 288).
The "Set to Default" function restores the original default settings for the user-defined
color set. You can select which of the three default settings are restored.
Remote command:
DISPlay:CMAP<it>:PDEFined on page 593 External Monitor Settings

Access: [Setup] > "Display" > "Configure Monitor"

You can connect an external monitor (or projector) to the DVI or display port connector
on the instrument's rear panel.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 289

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

Screen resolution and format

The touchscreen of the R&S FSWP is calibrated for a 16:10 format. If you connect a
monitor or projector using a different format (e.g. 4:3), the calibration is not correct and
the screen does not react to your touch actions properly.
The touchscreen has a screen resolution of 1280x800 pixels. Usually, the display of
the external monitor is a duplicate of the instrument's monitor.
If you configure the external monitor to be used as the only display in the Windows
configuration dialog box ("Show only on 2"), the maximum screen resolution of the
monitor is used. In this case, you can maximize the R&S FSWP application window
and see even more details. You cannot change the monitor's screen resolution via the
standard Windows configuration dialog box.
However, you can restore the default instrument resolution (1280x800) on the monitor
using the instrument function "Setup" > "Display" > "Configure Monitor" > "Screen Res-
olution: Restore to default".

Setup ..........................................................................................................................290
Screen Resolution: Restore to Default........................................................................290

Opens the standard Windows configuration dialog box to configure the used display

Screen Resolution: Restore to Default

The default screen resolution (1280 x 800) is restored in the Windows configuration
settings. This is useful, for instance, if the instrument was connected to a display
device and was adapted to different requirements.

13.2.2 How to Configure the Colors for Display and Printing

You can configure the style and colors with which various screen objects are displayed
or printed.

To select a color set

1. Press the [Setup] key and select the "Display" softkey.

2. Select the "Theme + Color" tab.

3. In the "Screen Colors" area, do one of the following:

● Select a predefined set of colors for screen display.
● Select "User Defined Colors" to configure the color set yourself.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 290

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Display Settings

4. In the "Print Colors" area, do one of the following:

● Select a predefined set of colors for printing screenshots.
● Select "User Defined Colors" to configure the color set yourself.

5. Activate the "Show Print Colors on Display" option to see a preview of the print col-

To configure a user-defined color set

1. In the "Theme + Color" tab of the "Display" dialog box, select "User Defined Colors"
either for the screen or the print colors.

2. Select "Modify User Defined Colors" .

The "Screen Color Setup" dialog box is opened.

3. From the "Selected Object:" list, select the object to which you want to assign a

4. Do one of the following:

● Select a color from the "Predefined Colors" .
● Select the "Userdefined Colors ..." button to define a different color.
The "Preview" area indicates the currently selected color.

5. To assign a user-specific color to the selected object, do one of the following:

● Select the color from the palette.
● Enter values for the "Tint:" , "Saturation:" , and "Brightness:" .
Note: In the continuous color spectrum ( "Tint:" ), 0 % represents red and
100 % represents blue.
● Enter an "ARGB:" value in hexadecimal format.

6. Select the next object to which you want to assign a color from the "Selected
Object:" list.

7. Repeat these steps until you have assigned a color to all objects you want to con-

8. Select "OK" to close the dialog box.

The colors are applied to the assigned objects.

13.2.3 How to Work with the Soft Front Panels

Basic operation with the soft front panels is identical to normal operation, except for the
following aspects:
To activate a key, select the key on the touchscreen.
To simulate the use of the rotary knob, use the additional keys displayed between the
keypad and the arrow keys:

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 291

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Reference Frequency Settings

Icon Function

Turn left


Turn right

Mini front panel

The mini front panel provides only the keys on the touchscreen, to operate the
R&S FSWP via an external monitor or remote desktop.
By default, the "Auto close" option is activated and the mini front panel window closes
automatically after you select a key. This is useful if you only require the mini front
panel display occasionally to press a single function key.
If you want the window to remain open, deactivate the "Auto close" option. You can
close the window manually by selecting "Close planel" or the key combination [ALT +
M] (be aware of the keyboard language defined in the operating system!).

To display the soft front panel or mini front panel

1. Press the [Setup] key and select the "Display" softkey.

2. Select the "Displayed Items" tab.

3. Select "Front Panel" : "On" or "Mini Front Panel" : "On" .

To activate or deactivate the front panel temporarily, press the [F6] key on the external
keyboard (if available) or on the remote computer.

13.3 Reference Frequency Settings

Access: [Setup] > "Reference"

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 292

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Reference Frequency Settings

Reference Frequency Input.........................................................................................293

└ Behavior in case of missing external reference............................................ 294
└ Tuning Range............................................................................................... 294
└ Frequency..................................................................................................... 294
└ Loop Bandwidth............................................................................................ 294
Reference Frequency Output......................................................................................295
Resetting the Default Values.......................................................................................295
Advanced reference frequency configuration..............................................................295

Reference Frequency Input

The R&S FSWP can use the internal reference source or an external reference source
as the frequency standard for all internal oscillators. A 10 MHz crystal oscillator is used
as the internal reference source. In the external reference setting, all internal oscillators
of the R&S FSWP are synchronized to the external reference frequency.
External references are connected to one of the REF INPUT or the SYNC TRIGGER
connectors on the rear panel.
Note: The optional, and more precise OCXO signal can replace the internal reference
The default setting is the internal reference. When an external reference is used, EXT
REF is displayed in the status bar.
The following reference inputs are available:
Table 13-1: Available Reference Frequency Input

Setting Source Connector Frequency Tuning Loop Band- Description

Range width

Internal (OCXO) 10 MHz - 1-100 Hz Internal reference signal

or optional OCXO

External Reference REF INPUT 10 MHz +/- 6 ppm 1-100 Hz Fixed external 10 MHZ reference fre-
10 MHz 1..50 MHz quency
Good phase noise performance

External Reference REF INPUT 1..50 MHz +/- 0.5 ppm 0.1 Hz (fixed) Variable external reference frequency
1..50MHz 1..50 MHz in 1 Hz in 1 Hz steps
steps Good external phase noise suppres-
sion. Small tuning range.

+/- 6 ppm 1-30 Hz Variable external reference frequency

in 1 Hz steps
Wide tuning range.

External Reference REF INPUT 100 MHz +/- 6 ppm 1-300 Hz External reference
100 MHz 100 MHz / 1 GHz Good phase noise performance

External Reference REF INPUT 1 GHz +/- 6 ppm 1-300 Hz External reference
1 GHz 100 MHz / 1 GHz

Sync Trigger SYNC TRIGGER 100 MHz +/- 6 ppm 1-300 Hz External reference

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 293

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Reference Frequency Settings

Remote command:
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:SOURce on page 584
on page 583

Behavior in case of missing external reference ← Reference Frequency Input

If an external reference is selected but none is available, there are different ways the
instrument can react.
"Show Error The error message "External reference missing" is displayed if no
Flag" valid external reference signal is available. Additionally, the flag "NO
REF" is displayed to indicate that no synchronization was performed
for the last measurement.
"Switch to The instrument automatically switches back to the internal reference
internal refer- if no external reference is available. Note that you must re-activate
ence" the external reference if it becomes available again at a later time.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:SOURce on page 584
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:SOURce:EAUTo? on page 584

Tuning Range ← Reference Frequency Input

The tuning range is only available for the variable external reference frequency. It
determines how far the frequency may deviate from the defined level in parts per mil-
lion (10-6).
"+/- 0.5 ppm" With this smaller deviation a very narrow fixed loop bandwidth of 0.1
Hz is realized. With this setting the instrument can synchronize to an
external reference signal with a very precise frequency. Due to the
very narrow loop bandwidth, unwanted noise or spurious components
on the external reference input signal are strongly attenuated. Fur-
thermore, the loop requires about 30 seconds to reach a locked state.
During this locking process, "NO REF" is displayed in the status bar.
"+/- 6 ppm" The larger deviation allows the instrument to synchronize to less pre-
cise external reference input signals.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:TRANge on page 585

Frequency ← Reference Frequency Input

Defines the external reference frequency to be used (for variable connectors only).

Loop Bandwidth ← Reference Frequency Input

Defines the speed of internal synchronization with the reference frequency. The setting
requires a compromise between performance and increasing phase noise.
For a variable external reference frequency with a narrow tuning range (+/- 0.5 ppm),
the loop bandwidth is fixed to 0.1 Hz and cannot be changed.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:LBWidth on page 582

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 294

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Reference Frequency Settings

Reference Frequency Output

A reference frequency can be provided by the R&S FSWP to other devices that are
connected to this instrument. If activated, the reference signal is output to the corre-
sponding connector.
"Output 100 MHz"
Provides a 100 MHz reference signal to the REF OUTPUT 100 MHz
"Output 640 MHz"
Provides a 640 MHz reference signal to the REF OUTPUT 640 MHz
"Output Sync Trigger"
Provides a 100 MHz reference signal to the SYNC TRIGGER OUT-
PUT connector.
Remote command:
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:O640 on page 582
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:OSYNc on page 583

Resetting the Default Values

The values for the "Tuning Range", "Frequency" and "Loop Bandwidth" are stored for
each source of "Reference Frequency Input".
When you switch the input source, the previously defined settings are restored. You
can restore the default values for all input sources using the "Preset Channel" function.

Advanced reference frequency configuration

The cross-correlation hardware options (R&S FSWP-B60 and -B61) provide a second
internal reference frequency. This reference signal is phase locked to the reference fre-
quency of the base instrument with a different loop bandwidth. If you have an
R&S FSWP equipped with one of these options, you can synchronize the reference
frequencies (internal and external).
The "Coupling" property turns coupling of the two references on and off.
If you select "Auto" coupling, the R&S FSWP uses the following logic.
● The R&S FSWP turns on coupling if you have selected the internal reference fre-
quency of the base instrument.
● The R&S FSWP turns on the coupling if the tuning range for an external reference
frequency is ± 0.5 ppm. We also recommend to manually couple the references in
that case to avoid spurs.
If an external reference has better accuracy than 0.5 ppm, the R&S FSWP also
turns on the coupling.
● The R&S FSWP turns off the coupling if the selected tuning range for an external
reference frequency is ± 6 ppm. Because the OCXO of the R&S FSWP-B60 and -
B61 can handle only ± 0.5 ppm, it is tuned with a DA converter.
You can also define the speed of the synchronization between the two references with
the "Bandwidth" setting.
If you select "Auto", the R&S FSWP automatically selects an appropriate bandwidth.
● The default bandwidth is 20 mHz. To yield the best results in phase noise measure-
ments, the coupling bandwidth should be as low as possible.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 295

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
System Configuration Settings

For measurements with a start offset > 1 Hz, we recommend that you select a cou-
pling bandwidth of 1 Hz to speed up the settling time of the reference loop.
● When the signal source is on, the R&S FSWP selects a coupling bandwidth of
100 kHz. With this setting the phase noise of the signal source and the receiving
path correlate, which leads to better results measuring additive phase noise on fre-
quency translating DUTs.
Remote command:
State: [SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:MODE on page 582
Bandwidth (mode): [SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:BANDwidth:MODE
on page 581
Bandwidth (value): [SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:BANDwidth on page 581

13.4 System Configuration Settings

Access: [Setup] > "System Configuration"
● Hardware Information............................................................................................296
● Information on Versions and Options.................................................................... 297
● System Messages.................................................................................................298
● Firmware Updates.................................................................................................299
● General Configuration Settings............................................................................. 301

13.4.1 Hardware Information

Access: [Setup] > "System Configuration" > "Hardware Info"

An overview of the installed hardware in your R&S FSWP is provided.
Every listed component is described by its serial number, order number, model infor-
mation, hardware code, and hardware revision.
This information can be useful when problems occur with the instrument and you
require support from Rohde & Schwarz.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 296

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
System Configuration Settings

Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:HWINfo? on page 602

13.4.2 Information on Versions and Options

Access: [Setup] > "System Configuration" > "Versions + Options"

Information on the firmware version and options installed on your instrument is provi-
ded. The unique Rohde & Schwarz device ID is also indicated here, as it is required for
license and option administration.
You can also install new firmware options in this dialog box.
The table also contains:
● The open source acknowledgements (PDF file) for the firmware and other software
packages used by the R&S FSWP

Installing options in secure user mode

Be sure to install any new options before SecureUser Mode is enabled; see Chap-
ter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode", on page 31.
For restricted users in secure user mode, this function is not available!

Expired option licenses

If an option is about to expire, a message box is displayed to inform you. You can then
use the "Install Option" function to enter a new license key.
If an option has already expired, a message box appears for you to confirm. In this
case, all instrument functions are unavailable (including remote control) until the
R&S FSWP is rebooted. You must then use the "Install Option" function to enter the
new license key.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 297

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
System Configuration Settings

Remote commands:
SYSTem:FORMat:IDENt on page 604
DIAGnostic:SERVice:BIOSinfo? on page 601
DIAGnostic:SERVice:VERSinfo? on page 602

Open Source Acknowledgment: Open

Displays a PDF file containing information on open source code used by the
R&S FSWP firmware.

Install Option
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the license key for the option that you want to install.
Only user accounts with administrator rights are able to install options.

Install Option by XML

Opens a file selection dialog box to install an additional option to the R&S FSWP using
an XML file. Enter or browse for the name of an XML file that contains the option key
and select "Select" .
Only user accounts with administrator rights are able to install options.

13.4.3 System Messages

Access: [Setup] > "System Configuration" > "System Messages"

The system messages generated by the R&S FSWP are displayed.
The messages are displayed in the order of their occurrence; the most recent mes-
sages are placed at the top of the list. Messages that have occurred since you last vis-
ited the system messages tab are marked with an asterisk '*'.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 298

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
System Configuration Settings

If the number of error messages exceeds the capacity of the error buffer, "Message
Buffer Overflow" is displayed. To clear the message buffer use the "Clear All Mes-
sages" button.
The following information is available:

No device-specific error code

Message brief description of the message

Component hardware messages: name of the affected module

software messages: name of the affected software

Date/Time date and time of the occurrence of the message

Remote command:
SYSTem:ERRor:LIST? on page 603

13.4.4 Firmware Updates

Access: [Setup] > "System Configuration" > "Firmware Update"

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 299

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
System Configuration Settings

During instrument start, the installed hardware is checked against the current firmware
version to ensure the hardware is supported. If not, an error message is displayed
( "Wrong Firmware Version" ) and you are asked to update the firmware. Until the firm-
ware version is updated, self-alignment fails. To see which components are not suppor-
ted, see the System Messages.
The firmware on your R&S FSWP may also need to be updated in order to enable
additional new features or if reasons for improvement come up. Ask your sales repre-
sentative or check the Rohde&Schwarz website for availability of firmware updates. A
firmware update package includes at least a setup file and release notes.

Before updating the firmware on your instrument, read the release notes delivered with
the firmware version.

Installing options in secure user mode

Be sure to perform any firmware updates before SecureUser Mode is enabled; see
Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode", on page 31.
For restricted users in secure user mode, this function is not available!

Enter the name or browse for the firmware installation file and press the "Install" but-

Remote command:
SYSTem:FIRMware:UPDate on page 604

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 300

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
System Configuration Settings

How to Update the Instrument Firmware

1. Download the update package from the Rohde&Schwarz website and store it on a
memory stick, on the instrument, or on a server network drive that can be accessed
by the instrument.

2. NOTICE! Stop measurement. The firmware update must not be performed during a
running measurement.
If a measurement is running, stop it by pressing the highlighted [Run Cont] or [Run
Single] key.

3. Select the [Setup] key.

4. Select the "System Config" softkey.

5. Select the "Firmware Update" tab.

6. In the file selection dialog box select the FSWPSetup*.exe file.

"File Explorer": Instead of using the file manager of the R&S FSWP firmware, you
can also use the Microsoft Windows File Explorer to manage files.

7. Select "Install" to start the update.

8. After the firmware update, the R&S FSWP reboots automatically.

9. Depending on the previous firmware version, a reconfiguration of the hardware

might be required during the first startup of the firmware. The reconfiguration starts
automatically, and a message box informs you about the process. When the recon-
figuration has finished, the instrument again reboots automatically.
Note: Do not switch off the instrument during the reconfiguration process!
Now the firmware update is complete.
It is recommended that you perform a self-alignment after the update (see Chap-
ter 13.1.4, "How to Align the Instrument", on page 280).

13.4.5 General Configuration Settings

Access: [Setup] > "System Configuration" > "Config"

General system settings, for example concerning the initial behaviour of the
R&S FSWP after booting, can also be configured.

Preset Mode ...............................................................................................................302

Out-of-range value behavior ...................................................................................... 302
SecureUser Mode ...................................................................................................... 302
└ Changing the password................................................................................ 302
Number block behavior............................................................................................... 303

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 301

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
System Configuration Settings

Preset Mode
The preset mode selects the application that is started after an instrument preset.
The presettings can be defined in the "Config" tab of the "System Configuration" dialog
For details on operating modes see Chapter 8, "Applications", on page 98.
"SAN" Signal and Spectrum Analyzer mode
(Only when the optional Spectrum application has been installed.)
"MSRA" Multi-Standard Radio Analysis mode
(Only when the optional Spectrum application has been installed.)
"PNO" Phase Noise application
Remote command:
SYSTem:PRESet:COMPatible on page 605

Out-of-range value behavior

By default, if you enter a value that is outside the valid range in an input field for a set-
ting, a warning is displayed and the value is not accepted. Alternatively, entries below
the minimum value can automatically be set to the minimum possible entry, and entries
above the maximum value set to the maximum possible entry. This behavior avoids
errors and facilitates setting correct values.

SecureUser Mode
If activated, the R&S FSWP requires a reboot and then automatically logs in using the
"SecureUser" account.
Data that the R&S FSWP normally stores on the solid-state drive is redirected to vola-
tile memory instead. Data that is stored in volatile memory can be accessed by the
user during the current instrument session; however, when the instrument’s power is
removed, all data in volatile memory is erased.
The Secure User Mode can only be activated or deactivated by a user with administra-
tor rights.
Note: Storing instrument settings permanently. Before you activate secure user mode,
store any instrument settings that are required beyond the current session, such as
predefined instrument settings, transducer files, or self-alignment data.
For details on the secure user mode see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the
Secure User Mode", on page 31.
Remote command:
SYSTem:SECurity[:STATe] on page 605
Note: Initially after installation of the R&S FSWP-K33 option, secure user mode must
be enabled manually once before remote control is possible.

Changing the password ← SecureUser Mode

When the secure user mode is activated the first time after installation, you are promp-
ted to change the passwords for all user accounts in order to improve system security.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 302

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Service Functions

To save the new password, select "Save" . The password dialog for the next user is
displayed, until you have been prompted to change the password all user accounts.
If you cancel the dialog without changing the password, the password dialog for the
next user is displayed, until you have been prompted to change the password all user
accounts. Although it is possible to continue in secure user mode without changing the
passwords (and you will not be prompted to do so again), it is strongly recommended
that you do define a more secure password for all users.
By default, the password characters are not displayed to ensure confidentiality during
input. To display the characters, select "Show password" .
To display the onscreen keyboard, select "Keyboard" .

Number block behavior

Defines the default behavior of the keypad on the front panel of the R&S FSWP for
text input. Depending on the type of values you most frequently enter using the key-
pad, a different default is useful.
"123" Numeric values are entered when you press a key on the keypad.
To enter alphanumeric values, use an external or the on-screen key-
board, or switch this setting.
"ABC" (Default)
Every key on the keypad represents several characters and one num-
ber. If you press the key multiple times in quick succession, you tog-
gle through the symbols assigned to the key. For the assignment,
refer to Table 7-6.

13.5 Service Functions

Access: [Setup] > "Service"
When unexpected problems arise with the R&S FSWP some service functions may
help you solve them.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 303

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Service Functions

For more helpful information for support, see also Chapter 17.6, "Collecting Information
for Support", on page 635
● R&S Support Information...................................................................................... 304
● Self-test Settings and Results............................................................................... 305
● Calibration Signal Display..................................................................................... 305
● Service Functions..................................................................................................307
● Hardware Diagnostics........................................................................................... 309

13.5.1 R&S Support Information

Access: [Setup] > "Service" > "R&S Support"

In case of errors you can store useful information for troubleshooting and send it to
your Rohde & Schwarz support center.

Create R&S Support Information ............................................................................... 304

Save Device Footprint ................................................................................................305

Create R&S Support Information

Creates a *.zip file with important support information. The *.zip file contains the sys-
tem configuration information ( "Device Footprint" ), the current eeprom data and a
screenshot of the screen display.
This data is stored to the C:\R_S\INSTR\USER directory on the instrument.
The file name consists of the unique device ID and the current date and time of the file
If you contact the Rohde & Schwarz support to get help for a certain problem, send
these files to the support in order to identify and solve the problem faster.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SINFo? on page 607

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 304

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Service Functions

Save Device Footprint

Creates an *.xml file with information on installed hardware, software, image and
FPGA versions. The *.xml file is stored under
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rohde-Schwarz\FSWP\<version>\devicedata\
xml\ on the instrument. It is also included in the service ZIP file (see " Create R&S
Support Information " on page 304).

13.5.2 Self-test Settings and Results

Access: [Setup] > "Service" > "Selftest"

If the R&S FSWP fails you can perform a self-test of the instrument to identify any
defective modules.

Once the self-test is started, all modules are checked consecutively and the test result
is displayed. You can abort a running test.
In case of failure a short description of the failed test, the defective module, the associ-
ated value range and the corresponding test results are indicated.

A running Sequencer process is aborted when you start a self-test.

If you start a self-test remotely, then select the "Local" softkey while the test is still run-
ning, the instrument only returns to the manual operation state after the test is comple-
ted. In this case, the self-test cannot be aborted.

Remote command:
*TST? on page 388
DIAGnostic:SERVice:STESt:RESult? on page 588

13.5.3 Calibration Signal Display

Access: [Setup] > "Service" > "Calibration Signal"

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 305

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Service Functions

Alternatively to the RF input signal from the front panel connector you can use the
instrument's calibration signal as the input signal, for example to perform service func-
tions on.

NONE .........................................................................................................................306
Calibration Frequency RF .......................................................................................... 306
└ Spectrum ......................................................................................................306
└ Frequency .................................................................................................... 306
Calibration Frequency MW .........................................................................................307
Calibration Synthesizer 2 ........................................................................................... 307

Uses the current RF signal at the input, i.e. no calibration signal (default).
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut[:SELect] on page 587

Calibration Frequency RF
Uses the internal calibration signal as the RF input signal.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut[:SELect] on page 587
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:PULSed:CFRequency on page 587

Spectrum ← Calibration Frequency RF

Defines whether a broadband or narrowband calibration signal is sent to the RF input.
"Narrowband" Used to calibrate the absolute level of the frontend at 64 MHz.
"Broadband" Used to calibrate the IF filter.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:RF[:SPECtrum] on page 587

Frequency ← Calibration Frequency RF

Defines the frequency of the internal broadband calibration signal to be used for IF fil-
ter calibration (max. 64 MHz).
For narrowband signals, 64 MHz is sent.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 306

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Service Functions

Calibration Frequency MW
Uses the microwave calibration signal as the RF input (for frequencies higher than 8
GHz). This function is used to calibrate the YIG-filter on the microwave converter. The
microwave calibration signal is pulsed.
You can define whether the distance between input pulses is small or wide.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut[:SELect] on page 587
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:MC[:DISTance] on page 587

Calibration Synthesizer 2
This function is used to check the phase noise of the synthesizers on a certain fre-
quency. You can define the frequency in the corresponding input field.
If you enter a frequency on which calibration is not possible, the R&S FSWP uses the
next available frequency.
Available if the R&S FSWP is equipped with the optional hardware and has more than
one synthesizer.
For more information on the calibration process, refer to the service manual.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut[:SELect] on page 587
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:SYNThtwo[:FREQuency] on page 588

13.5.4 Service Functions

Access: [Setup] > "Service" > "Service Function"

Using service functions

The service functions are not necessary for normal measurement operation. Incorrect
use can affect correct operation and/or data integrity of the R&S FSWP.
Therefore, only user accounts with administrator rights can use service functions and
many of the functions can only be used after entering a password. These functions are
described in the instrument service manual.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 307

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Service Functions

Service Function ........................................................................................................ 308

Send ...........................................................................................................................308
Numeric Mode ............................................................................................................308
Clear History .............................................................................................................. 308
Password ................................................................................................................... 309
Clear Results ..............................................................................................................309
Save Results .............................................................................................................. 309
Result List .................................................................................................................. 309

Service Function
Selects the service function by its numeric code or textual name.
The selection list includes all functions previously selected (since the last "Clear His-
tory" action).
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction on page 606

Starts the selected service function.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction on page 606

Numeric Mode
If activated, the service function is selected by its numeric code. Otherwise, the func-
tion is selected by its textual name.

Clear History
Deletes the list of previously selected service functions.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 308

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Service Functions

Most service functions require a special password as they may disrupt normal opera-
tion of the R&S FSWP. There are different levels of service functions, depending on
how restrictive their use is handled. Each service level has a different password.
"Reset Password" clears any previously entered password and returns to the most
restrictive service level.
Remote command:
SYSTem:PASSword[:CENable] on page 608
SYSTem:PASSword:RESet on page 608

Clear Results
Clears the result display for all previously performed service functions.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction:RESults:DELete on page 607

Save Results
Opens a file selection dialog box to save the results of all previously performed service
functions to a file.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction:RESults:SAVE on page 607

Result List
The Results List indicates the status and results of the executed service functions.

13.5.5 Hardware Diagnostics

In case problems occur with the instrument hardware, some diagnostic tools provide
information that may support troubleshooting.
The hardware diagnostics tools are available in the "Hardware Diagnostics" tab of the
"Service" dialog box.

Relays Cycle Counter ................................................................................................ 310

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 309

R&S®FSWP General Instrument Setup
Service Functions

Relays Cycle Counter

The hardware relays built into the R&S FSWP may fail after a large number of switch-
ing cycles (see data sheet). The counter indicates how many switching cycles the indi-
vidual relays have performed since they were installed.
Remote command:
DIAGnostic:INFO:CCOunt? on page 601

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 310

R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

14 Network and Remote Operation

In addition to working with the R&S FSWP interactively, located directly at the instru-
ment, it is also possible to operate and control it from a remote PC. Various methods
for remote control are supported:
● Connecting the instrument to a (LAN) network
● Using the web browser interface in a LAN network
● Using the Windows Remote Desktop application in a LAN network
● Connecting a PC via the GPIB interface
How to configure the remote control interfaces is described in Chapter 14.4, "How to
Set Up a Network and Remote Control", on page 362.
● Remote Control Basics..........................................................................................311
● The IECWIN Tool.................................................................................................. 350
● Network and Remote Control Settings..................................................................351
● How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control.....................................................362

14.1 Remote Control Basics

Basic information on operating an instrument via remote control is provided here. This
information applies to all applications and operating modes on the R&S FSWP.

For additional information on remote control of spectrum analyzers see the following
application notes available from the Rohde & Schwarz website:
1EF62: Hints and Tricks for Remote Control of Spectrum and Network Analyzers
1MA171: How to use Rohde & Schwarz Instruments in MATLAB
1MA208: Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP

● Remote Control Interfaces and Protocols............................................................. 311

● SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)...............................320
● VISA Libraries....................................................................................................... 320
● Messages..............................................................................................................321
● SCPI Command Structure.....................................................................................322
● Command Sequence and Synchronization...........................................................330
● Status Reporting System...................................................................................... 332
● General Programming Recommendations............................................................349

14.1.1 Remote Control Interfaces and Protocols

The instrument supports different interfaces and protocols for remote control. The fol-
lowing table gives an overview.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

Table 14-1: Remote control interfaces and protocols

Interface Protocols, VISA*) address string Remarks

Local Area ● HiSLIP High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (IVI-6.1) A LAN connector is located on the
Network TCPIP::host address::hislip0[::INSTR] rear panel of the instrument.
(LAN) ● VXI-11
TCPIP::host address::inst0[::INSTR] The interface is based on TCP/IP and
supports various protocols.
Library: VISA
● socket communication (Raw Ethernet, simple Telnet) For a description of the protocols refer
TCPIP::host address[::LAN device name]::<port>:: to:
VXI-11 Protocol
Library: VISA or socket controller
HiSLIP Protocol
Socket Communication

GPIB (IEC/ VISA*) address string: A GPIB bus interface according to the
IEEE Bus GPIB::primary address[::INSTR] IEC 625.1/IEEE 488.1 standard is
Interface) located on the rear panel of the instru-
(no secondary address) ment.
For a description of the interface refer
to GPIB Interface (IEC 625/
IEEE 418 Bus Interface).

USB VISA*) address string: USB connectors are located on the

USB::<vendor ID>::<product_ID>::<serial_number>[::INSTR] front and rear panel of the instrument.
For a description of the interface refer
to USB Interface.

*) VISA is a standardized software interface library providing input and output functions to communicate with instruments. A VISA

installation on the controller is a prerequisite for remote control using the indicated interfaces.
(See also Chapter 14.1.3, "VISA Libraries", on page 320).

Within this interface description, the term GPIB is used as a synonym for the IEC/IEEE
bus interface. LAN Interface

To be integrated in a LAN, the instrument is equipped with a LAN interface, consisting

of a connector, a network interface card and protocols. The network card can be oper-
ated with the following interfaces:
● 10 Mbit/s Ethernet IEEE 802.3
● 100 Mbit/s Ethernet IEEE 802.3u
● 1Gbit/s Ethernet IEEE 802.3ab
For remote control via a network, the PC and the instrument must be connected via the
LAN interface to a common network with TCP/IP network protocol. They are connected
using a commercial RJ45 cable (shielded or unshielded twisted pair category 5). The
TCP/IP network protocol and the associated network services are preconfigured on the
instrument. Software for instrument control and the VISA program library must be
installed on the controller.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

VISA library
Instrument access is usually achieved from high level programming platforms using
VISA as an intermediate abstraction layer. VISA encapsulates the low level VXI, GPIB,
LAN or USB function calls and thus makes the transport interface transparent for the
user. See Chapter 14.1.3, "VISA Libraries", on page 320 for details.
The R&S FSWP supports various LAN protocols such as VXI11, RSIB, raw socket or
the newer HiSLIP protocol.

IP address
Only the IP address or a valid DNS host name is required to set up the connection.
The host address is part of the "VISA resource string" used by the programs to identify
and control the instrument.
The VISA resource string has the form:
TCPIP::host address[::LAN device name][::INSTR]
TCPIP::host address::port::SOCKET
● TCPIP designates the network protocol used
● host address is the IP address or host name of the device
● LAN device name defines the protocol and the instance number of a subinstru-
– inst0 selects the VXI-11 protocol (default)
– hislip0 selects the newer HiSLIP protocol
● INSTR indicates the instrument resource class (optional)
● port determines the used port number
● SOCKET indicates the raw network socket resource class

● Instrument has the IP address; the valid resource string using VXI-11
protocol is:
● The DNS host name is FSWP26-123456; the valid resource string using HiSLIP is:
● A raw socket connection can be established using:

Identifying instruments in a network

If several instruments are connected to the network, each instrument has its own IP
address and associated resource string. The controller identifies these instruments by
the resource string.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

For details on configuring the LAN connection, see Chapter 14.4.1, "How to Configure
a Network", on page 363.
● VXI-11 Protocol..................................................................................................... 314
● HiSLIP Protocol.....................................................................................................314
● Socket Communication......................................................................................... 314
● LAN Web Browser Interface..................................................................................315

VXI-11 Protocol
The VXI-11 standard is based on the ONC RPC (Open Network Computing Remote
Procedure Call) protocol which in turn relies on TCP/IP as the network/transport layer.
The TCP/IP network protocol and the associated network services are preconfigured.
TCP/IP ensures connection-oriented communication, where the order of the
exchanged messages is adhered to and interrupted links are identified. With this proto-
col, messages cannot be lost.

HiSLIP Protocol
The HiSLIP (High Speed LAN Instrument Protocol) is the successor protocol for
VXI-11 for TCP-based instruments specified by the IVI foundation. The protocol uses
two TCP sockets for a single connection - one for fast data transfer, the other for non-
sequential control commands (e.g. Device Clear or SRQ).
HiSLIP has the following characteristics:
● High performance as with raw socket network connections
● Compatible IEEE 488.2 support for Message Exchange Protocol, Device Clear,
Serial Poll, Remote/Local, Trigger, and Service Request
● Uses a single IANA registered port (4880), which simplifies the configuration of fire-
● Supports simultaneous access of multiple users by providing versatile locking
● Usable for IPv6 or IPv4 networks

Using VXI-11, each operation is blocked until a VXI-11 device handshake returns. How-
ever, using HiSLIP, data is sent to the device using the "fire and forget" method with
immediate return. Thus, a successful return of a VISA operation such as viWrite()
does not guarantee that the instrument has finished or started the requested com-
mand, but is delivered to the TCP/IP buffers.

For more information see also the application note:

1MA208: Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP

Socket Communication
An alternative way for remote control of the software is to establish a simple network
communication using sockets. The socket communication, also referred to as "Raw
Ethernet communication", does not necessarily require a VISA installation on the
remote controller side. It is available by default on all operating systems.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 314

R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

The simplest way to establish socket communication is to use the built-in telnet pro-
gram. The telnet program is part of every operating system and supports a communi-
cation with the software on a command-by-command basis. For more convenience and
to enable automation by means of programs, user-defined sockets can be program-
Socket connections are established on a specially defined port. The socket address is
a combination of the IP address or the host name of the instrument and the number of
the port configured for remote-control. All R&S FSWP use port number 5025 for this
purpose. The port is configured for communication on a command-to-command basis
and for remote control from a program.

LAN Web Browser Interface

The LAN web browser interface allows for easy configuration of the LAN and remote
control of the R&S FSWP without additional installation requirements.
The instrument's LAN web browser interface works correctly with all W3C compliant
Via the web browser interface to the R&S FSWP you can control the instrument
remotely from another PC. Manual instrument controls are available via the front panel
simulation. File upload and download between the instrument and the remote PC is
also available. Using this feature, several users can access and operate the
R&S FSWP simultaneously. This is useful for troubleshooting or training purposes.
For details, see Chapter, "How to Configure the LAN Using the Web Browser
Interface", on page 366 and Chapter 14.4.5, "How to Control the R&S FSWP via the
Web Browser Interface", on page 372.

If you do not want other users in the LAN to be able to access and operate the
R&S FSWP you can deactivate this function.
See Chapter 14.4.6, "How to Deactivate the Web Browser Interface", on page 373.

Only user accounts with administrator rights can use the LAN web browser functional-

To display the LAN web browser interface

► In the address field of the browser on your PC, type the host name or IP address of
the instrument, for example:
The instrument home page (welcome page) opens.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

The navigation pane of the browser interface contains the following elements:
● "LAN"
– "Home" opens the instrument home page.
The home page displays device information, including the VISA resource string
in read-only format.
The "Device Indicator" button allows you to physically identify the instrument.
This is useful if you have several instruments and want to know which instru-
ment the LAN home page belongs to. To identify the instrument, activate the
"Device Indicator" . Then check the "LAN Status" indicator of the instruments.
– "LAN Configuration" allows you to configure LAN parameters and to initiate a
(See "Ping Client" on page 368.)
– "Utilities" provides access to an event log.
● "Instrument Control"
– "Web Control" provides remote access to the instrument via VNC (no installa-
tion required). Manual instrument controls are available via the front panel sim-
– "File Download" downloads files from the instrument.
– "File Upload" uploads files to the instrument.
(See Chapter 14.4.5, "How to Control the R&S FSWP via the Web Browser Inter-
face", on page 372.)
● "License Manager"
– "License Manager" allows you to install or uninstall license keys and to acti-
vate, register or unregister licenses.
● "Help"
"www.rohde-schwarz.com" opens the Rohde & Schwarz home page.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 316

R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics GPIB Interface (IEC 625/IEEE 418 Bus Interface)

A GPIB interface is integrated on the rear panel of the instrument.

By connecting a PC to the R&S FSWP via the GPIB connection you can send remote
commands to control and operate the instrument.
To be able to control the instrument via the GPIB bus, the instrument and the controller
must be linked by a GPIB bus cable. A GPIB bus card, the card drivers and the pro-
gram libraries for the programming language used must be provided in the controller.
The controller must address the instrument with the GPIB bus address (see Chap-
ter, "How to Change the GPIB Instrument Address", on page 368). You can
set the GPIB address and the ID response string. The GPIB language is set as SCPI
by default and cannot be changed for the R&S FSWP.

Notes and Conditions

In connection with the GPIB interface, note the following:
● Up to 15 instruments can be connected
● The total cable length is restricted to a maximum of 15 m or 2 m times the number
of devices, whichever is less; the cable length between two instruments should not
exceed 2 m.
● A wired "OR"-connection is used if several instruments are connected in parallel.
● Any connected IEC-bus cables should be terminated by an instrument or controller.

GPIB Interface Messages

Interface messages are transmitted to the instrument on the data lines, with the atten-
tion line (ATN) being active (LOW). They are used for communication between the con-
troller and the instrument and can only be sent by a computer which has the function of
a GPIB bus controller. GPIB interface messages can be further subdivided into:
● Universal commands: act on all instruments connected to the GPIB bus without
previous addressing
● Addressed commands: only act on instruments previously addressed as listeners
The following figure provides an overview of the available communication lines used by
the GPIB interface.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 317

R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

Figure 14-1: Communication lines used by the GPIB interface

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 318

R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

Universal Commands
Universal commands are encoded in the range 10 through 1F hex. They affect all
instruments connected to the bus and do not require addressing.

Command Effect on the instrument

DCL (Device Clear) Aborts the processing of the commands just received and sets the com-
mand processing software to a defined initial state. Does not change the
instrument settings.

IFC (Interface Clear) *) Resets the interfaces to the default setting.

LLO (Local Lockout) The "Local" softkey is disabled. Manual operation is no longer available
until GTL is executed.

SPE (Serial Poll Enable) Ready for serial poll.

SPD (Serial Poll Disable) End of serial poll.

PPU (Parallel Poll Unconfig- End of the parallel-poll state.


*) IFC is not a real universal command, it is sent via a separate line; however, it also affects all instruments
connected to the bus and does not require addressing

Addressed Commands
Addressed commands are encoded in the range 00 through 0F hex. They only affect
instruments addressed as listeners.

Command Effect on the instrument

GET (Group Execute Trigger) Triggers a previously active instrument function (e.g. a sweep).
The effect of the command is the same as with that of a pulse at
the external trigger signal input.

GTL (Go to Local) Transition to the "local" state (manual control).

GTR (Go to Remote) Transition to the "remote" state (remote control).

PPC (Parallel Poll Configure) Configures the instrument for parallel poll.

SDC (Selected Device Clear) Aborts the processing of the commands just received and sets the
command processing software to a defined initial state. Does not
change the instrument setting. USB Interface

For remote control via the USB connection, the PC and the instrument must be con-
nected via the USB type B interface. A USB connection requires the VISA library to be
installed. VISA detects and configures the R&S instrument automatically when the
USB connection is established. You do not have to enter an address string or install a
separate driver.

USB address
The used USB address string is:

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 319

R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

USB::<vendor ID>::<product ID>::<serial number>[::INSTR]

● <vendor ID> is the vendor ID for Rohde & Schwarz (0x0AAD)
● <product ID> is the product ID for the Rohde & Schwarz instrument
● <serial number> is the individual serial number on the rear of the instrument
Table 14-2: Product IDs for R&S FSWP

Instrument model Product ID


FSWP26 11F

FSWP50 120

0x0AAD is the vendor ID for Rohde & Schwarz
0x0011F is the product ID for the R&S FSWP26
100001 is the serial number of the particular instrument

14.1.2 SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)

SCPI commands - messages - are used for remote control. Commands that are not
taken from the SCPI standard follow the SCPI syntax rules. The R&S FSWP supports
the SCPI version 1999. The SCPI standard is based on standard IEEE 488.2 and aims
at the standardization of device-specific commands, error handling and the status reg-
isters. The tutorial "Automatic Measurement Control - A tutorial on SCPI and IEEE
488.2" from John M. Pieper (R&S order number 0002.3536.00) offers detailed informa-
tion on concepts and definitions of SCPI.
Tables provide a fast overview of the bit assignment in the status registers. The tables
are supplemented by a comprehensive description of the status registers.

14.1.3 VISA Libraries

VISA is a standardized software interface library providing input and output functions to
communicate with instruments. The I/O channel (LAN or TCP/IP, USB, ...) is selected
at initialization time by one of the following:
● The channel–specific address string ("VISA resource string") indicated in
Table 14-1
● An appropriately defined VISA alias (short name).
A VISA installation is a prerequisite for remote control using the following interfaces:
● Chapter, "GPIB Interface (IEC 625/IEEE 418 Bus Interface)", on page 317
● Chapter, "LAN Interface", on page 312

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 320

R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

● Chapter, "USB Interface", on page 319

For more information about VISA, refer to the user documentation.

14.1.4 Messages

The messages transferred on the data lines are divided into the following categories:
● Interface messages
Interface messages are transmitted to the instrument on the data lines, with the
attention line being active (LOW). They are used to communicate between the con-
troller and the instrument. Interface messages can only be sent by instruments that
have GPIB bus functionality. For details see the sections for the required interface.
● Instrument messages
Instrument messages are employed in the same way for all interfaces, if not indica-
ted otherwise in the description. Structure and syntax of the instrument messages
are described in Chapter 14.1.5, "SCPI Command Structure", on page 322. A
detailed description of all messages available for the instrument is provided in the
chapter "Remote Control Commands".
There are different types of instrument messages, depending on the direction they
are sent:
– Commands
– Instrument responses

Commands (program messages) are messages the controller sends to the instrument.
They operate the instrument functions and request information. The commands are
subdivided according to two criteria:
● According to the effect they have on the instrument:
– Setting commands cause instrument settings such as a reset of the instru-
ment or setting the frequency.
– Queries cause data to be provided for remote control, e.g. for identification of
the instrument or polling a parameter value. Queries are formed by directly
appending a question mark to the command header.
● According to their definition in standards:
– Common commands: their function and syntax are precisely defined in stan-
dard IEEE 488.2. They are employed identically on all instruments (if imple-
mented). They refer to functions such as management of the standardized sta-
tus registers, reset and self-test.
– Instrument control commands refer to functions depending on the features of
the instrument such as frequency settings. Many of these commands have also
been standardized by the SCPI committee. These commands are marked as
"SCPI confirmed" in the command reference chapters. Commands without this
SCPI label are device-specific; however, their syntax follows SCPI rules as per-
mitted by the standard.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 321

R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Remote Control Basics

Instrument responses
Instrument responses (response messages and service requests) are messages the
instrument sends to the controller after a query. They can contain measurement
results, instrument settings and information on the instrument status.

14.1.5 SCPI Command Structure

SCPI commands consist of a header and, in most cases, one or more parameters. The
header and the parameters are separated by a "white space" (ASCII code 0 to 9, 11 to
32 decimal, e.g. blank). The headers may consist of several mnemonics (keywords).
Queries are formed by appending a question mark directly to the header.
The commands can be either device-specific or device-independent (common com-
mands). Common and device-specific commands differ in their syntax. Syntax for Common Commands

Common (= device-independent) commands consist of a header preceded by an aster-

isk (*), and possibly one or more parameters.
Table 14-3: Examples of common commands

*RST RESET Resets the instrument.

*ESE EVENT STATUS ENABLE Sets the bits of the event status enable registers.

*ESR? EVENT STATUS QUERY Queries the contents of the event status register.

*IDN? IDENTIFICATION QUERY Queries the instrument identification string.

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Not all commands used in the following examples are necessarily implemented in the
instrument. For demonstration purposes only, assume the existence of the following
commands for this section:
● DISPlay[:WINDow<1...4>]:MAXimize <Boolean>
● FORMat:READings:DATA <type>[,<length>]
● HCOPy:DEVice:COLor <Boolean>
● HCOPy:DEVice:CMAP:COLor:RGB <red>,<green>,<blue>
● HCOPy[:IMMediate]
● HCOPy:ITEM:LABel <string>
● HCOPy:PAGE:DIMensions:QUADrant[<N>]
● HCOPy:PAGE:ORIentation LANDscape | PORTrait
● HCOPy:PAGE:SCALe <numeric value>
● MMEMory:COPY <file_source>,<file_destination>
● SENSE:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution] <numeric_value>
● SENSe:FREQuency:STOP <numeric value>
● SENSe:LIST:FREQuency <numeric_value>{,<numeric_value>}

● Long and short form..............................................................................................323

● Numeric Suffixes................................................................................................... 323
● Optional Mnemonics............................................................................................. 324

Long and short form

The mnemonics feature a long form and a short form. The short form is marked by
upper case letters, the long form corresponds to the complete word. Either the short
form or the long form can be entered; other abbreviations are not permitted.

HCOPy:DEVice:COLor ON is equivalent to HCOP:DEV:COL ON.

Upper case and lower case notation only serves to distinguish the two forms in the
manual, the instrument itself is case-insensitive.

Numeric Suffixes
If a command can be applied to multiple instances of an object, e.g. specific channels
or sources, the required instances can be specified by a suffix added to the command.
Numeric suffixes are indicated by angular brackets (<1...4>, <n>, <i>) and are replaced
by a single value in the command. Entries without a suffix are interpreted as having the
suffix 1.

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Definition: HCOPy:PAGE:DIMensions:QUADrant[<N>]
This command refers to the quadrant 2.

Different numbering in remote control

For remote control, the suffix may differ from the number of the corresponding selec-
tion used in manual operation. SCPI prescribes that suffix counting starts with 1. Suffix
1 is the default state and used when no specific suffix is specified.
Some standards define a fixed numbering, starting with 0. If the numbering differs in
manual operation and remote control, it is indicated for the corresponding command.

Optional Mnemonics
Some command systems permit certain mnemonics to be inserted into the header or
omitted. These mnemonics are marked by square brackets in the description. The
instrument must recognize the long command to comply with the SCPI standard. Some
commands are considerably shortened by these optional mnemonics.

Definition: HCOPy[:IMMediate]
Command: HCOP:IMM is equivalent to HCOP

Optional mnemonics with numeric suffixes

Do not omit an optional mnemonic if it includes a numeric suffix that is relevant for the
effect of the command.
Definition:DISPlay[:WINDow<1...4>]:MAXimize <Boolean>
Command: DISP:MAX ON refers to window 1.
In order to refer to a window other than 1, you must include the optional WINDow
parameter with the suffix for the required window.
DISP:WIND2:MAX ON refers to window 2. SCPI Parameters

Many commands are supplemented by a parameter or a list of parameters. The

parameters must be separated from the header by a "white space" (ASCII code 0 to 9,
11 to 32 decimal, e.g. blank).
The parameters required for each command and the allowed range of values are
specified in the command description.
Allowed parameters are:

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● Numeric Values..................................................................................................... 325

● Special Numeric Values........................................................................................ 325
● Boolean Parameters............................................................................................. 326
● Text Parameters.................................................................................................... 326
● Character Strings.................................................................................................. 326
● Block Data.............................................................................................................327

Numeric Values
Numeric values can be entered in any form, i.e. with sign, decimal point and exponent.
Values exceeding the resolution of the instrument are rounded up or down. The man-
tissa may comprise up to 255 characters, the exponent must lie inside the value range
-32000 to 32000. The exponent is introduced by an "E" or "e". Entry of the exponent
alone is not allowed.


For physical quantities, the unit can be entered. If the unit is missing, the basic unit is
used. Allowed unit prefixes are:
● G (giga)
● MA (mega), MOHM, MHZ
● K (kilo)
● M (milli)
● U (micro)
● N (nano)


Some settings allow relative values to be stated in percent. According to SCPI, this unit
is represented by the PCT string.


Special Numeric Values

The following mnemonics are special numeric values. In the response to a query, the
numeric value is provided.
● MIN and MAX: denote the minimum and maximum value.
● DEF: denotes a preset value which has been stored in the EPROM. This value
conforms to the default setting, as it is called by the *RST command.
● UP and DOWN: increases or reduces the numeric value by one step. The step
width can be specified via an allocated step command for each parameter which
can be set via UP and DOWN.

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● INF and NINF: INFinity and negative INFinity (NINF) represent the numeric values
9.9E37 or -9.9E37, respectively. INF and NINF are only sent as instrument respon-
● NAN: Not A Number (NAN) represents the value 9.91E37. NAN is only sent as a
instrument response. This value is not defined. Possible causes are the division of
zero by zero, the subtraction of infinite from infinite and the representation of miss-
ing values.

Setting command: SENSe:LIST:FREQ MAXimum
Response: 3.5E9

Queries for special numeric values

The numeric values associated to MAXimum/MINimum/DEFault can be queried by
adding the corresponding mnemonic after the quotation mark.
Example: SENSe:LIST:FREQ? MAXimum
Returns the maximum numeric value as a result.

Boolean Parameters
Boolean parameters represent two states. The "ON" state (logically true) is represen-
ted by "ON" or a numeric value 1. The "OFF" state (logically untrue) is represented by
"OFF" or the numeric value 0. The numeric values are provided as the response for a

Setting command: HCOPy:DEV:COL ON
Response: 1

Text Parameters
Text parameters observe the syntactic rules for mnemonics, i.e. they can be entered
using a short or long form. Like any parameter, they have to be separated from the
header by a white space. In the response to a query, the short form of the text is provi-

Setting command: HCOPy:PAGE:ORIentation LANDscape
Response: LAND

Character Strings
Strings must always be entered in quotation marks (' or ").

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Block Data
Block data is a format which is suitable for the transmission of large amounts of data.
For example, a command using a block data parameter has the following structure:
FORMat:READings:DATA #45168xxxxxxxx
The ASCII character # introduces the data block. The next number indicates how many
of the following digits describe the length of the data block. In the example the 4 follow-
ing digits indicate the length to be 5168 bytes. The data bytes follow. During the trans-
mission of these data bytes all end or other control signs are ignored until all bytes are
#0 specifies a data block of indefinite length. The use of the indefinite format requires a
NL^END message to terminate the data block. This format is useful when the length of
the transmission is not known or if speed or other considerations prevent segmentation
of the data into blocks of definite length. Overview of Syntax Elements

The following tables provide an overview of the syntax elements and special charac-
Table 14-4: Syntax elements

: The colon separates the mnemonics of a command.

; The semicolon separates two commands of a command line. It does not alter the path.

, The comma separates several parameters of a command.

? The question mark forms a query.

* The asterisk marks a common command.

'' Quotation marks introduce a string and terminate it (both single and double quotation marks are

# The hash symbol introduces binary, octal, hexadecimal and block data.
● Binary: #B10110
● Octal: #O7612
● Hexa: #HF3A7
● Block: #21312

A "white space" (ASCII-Code 0 to 9, 11 to 32 decimal, e.g. blank) separates the header from the

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Table 14-5: Special characters

| Parameters
A vertical stroke in parameter definitions indicates alternative possibilities in the sense of "or". The
effect of the command differs, depending on which parameter is used.
Definition:HCOPy:PAGE:ORIentation LANDscape | PORTrait
Command HCOP:PAGE:ORI LAND specifies landscape orientation
Command HCOP:PAGE:ORI PORT specifies portrait orientation
A selection of mnemonics with an identical effect exists for several commands. These mnemonics are
indicated in the same line; they are separated by a vertical stroke. Only one of these mnemonics
needs to be included in the header of the command. The effect of the command is independent of
which of the mnemonics is used.
DefinitionSENSE:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution] <numeric_value>
The two following commands with identical meaning can be created:

[] Mnemonics in square brackets are optional and may be inserted into the header or omitted.
Example: HCOPy[:IMMediate]
HCOP:IMM is equivalent to HCOP

{} Parameters in curly brackets are optional and can be inserted once or several times, or omitted.
Example: SENSe:LIST:FREQuency <numeric_value>{,<numeric_value>}
The following are valid commands:
SENS:LIST:FREQ 10,20,30,40 Structure of a Command Line

A command line may consist of one or several commands. It is terminated by one of

the following:
● <New Line>
● <New Line> with EOI
● EOI together with the last data byte
Several commands in a command line must be separated by a semicolon ";".

MMEM:COPY "Test1","MeasurementXY";:HCOP:ITEM ALL

This command line contains two commands. The first command belongs to the MMEM
system, the second command belongs to the HCOP system. If the next command
belongs to a different command system, the semicolon is followed by a colon.

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This command line contains two commands. Both commands are part of the HCOP
command system, i.e. they have one level in common.
If the successive commands belong to the same system, having one or several levels
in common, the command line can be abbreviated. When abbreviating the command
line, the second command begins with the level below HCOP. The colon after the semi-
colon is omitted. The abbreviated form of the command line reads as follows:

A new command line always begins with the complete path. Responses to Queries

A query is defined for each setting command unless explicitly specified otherwise. It is
formed by adding a question mark to the associated setting command. According to
SCPI, the responses to queries are partly subject to stricter rules than in standard
IEEE 488.2.
● The requested parameter is transmitted without a header.
Example: HCOP:PAGE:ORI?, Response: LAND
● Maximum values, minimum values and all other quantities that are requested via a
special text parameter are returned as numeric values.
Example: SENSe:FREQuency:STOP? MAX, Response: 3.5E9
● Numeric values are output without a unit. Physical quantities are referred to the
basic units or to the units set using the Unit command. The response 3.5E9 in
the previous example stands for 3.5 GHz.
● Truth values (Boolean values) are returned as 0 (for OFF) and 1 (for ON).
Setting command: HCOPy:DEV:COL ON
Response: 1
● Text (character data) is returned in a short form.
Setting command: HCOPy:PAGE:ORIentation LANDscape
Response: LAND
● Invalid numerical results
In some cases, particularly when a result consists of multiple numeric values, inva-
lid values are returned as 9.91E37 (not a number).

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14.1.6 Command Sequence and Synchronization

IEEE 488.2 defines a distinction between overlapped and sequential commands:

● A sequential command is one which finishes executing before the next command
starts executing. Commands that are processed quickly are usually implemented
as sequential commands.
● An overlapping command is one which does not automatically finish executing
before the next command starts executing. Usually, overlapping commands take
longer to process and allow the program to do other tasks while being executed. If
overlapping commands do have to be executed in a defined order, e.g. in order to
avoid wrong measurement results, they must be serviced sequentially. This is
called synchronization between the controller and the instrument.
Setting commands within one command line, even though they may be implemented
as sequential commands, are not necessarily serviced in the order in which they have
been received. In order to make sure that commands are actually carried out in a cer-
tain order, each command must be sent in a separate command line.

Example: Commands and queries in one message

The response to a query combined in a program message with commands that affect
the queried value is not predictable.
The following commands always return the specified result:
1000000000 (1 GHz)
Whereas the result for the following commands is not specified by SCPI:
The result could be the value of STARt before the command was sent since the instru-
ment might defer executing the individual commands until a program message termi-
nator is received. The result could also be 1 GHz if the instrument executes commands
as they are received.

As a general rule, send commands and queries in different program messages.

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Example: Overlapping command with *OPC

The instrument implements INITiate[:IMMediate] as an overlapped command.
Assuming that INITiate[:IMMediate] takes longer to execute than *OPC, sending
the following command sequence results in initiating a sweep and, after some time,
setting the OPC bit in the ESR:
Sending the following commands still initiates a sweep:
However, since the operation is still pending when the instrument executes *CLS, forc-
ing it into the "Operation Complete Command Idle" State (OCIS), *OPC is effectively
skipped. The OPC bit is not set until the instrument executes another *OPC command. Preventing Overlapping Execution

To prevent an overlapping execution of commands, one of the commands *OPC,

*OPC? or *WAI can be used. All three commands cause a certain action only to be
carried out after the hardware has been set. The controller can be forced to wait for the
corresponding action to occur.
Table 14-6: Synchronization using *OPC, *OPC? and *WAI

Com- Action Programming the controller


*OPC Sets the Operation Complete bit in the ESR ● Setting bit 0 in the ESE
after all previous commands have been exe- ● Setting bit 5 in the SRE
cuted. ● Waiting for service request (SRQ)

*OPC? Stops command processing until 1 is Send *OPC? directly after the command
returned. This occurs when all pending opera- whose processing must be terminated before
tions are completed. other commands can be executed.

*WAI Stops further command processing until all Send *WAI directly after the command whose
commands sent before *WAI have been exe- processing must be terminated before other
cuted. commands are executed.

Command synchronization using *WAI or *OPC? is a good choice if the overlapped

command takes only little time to process. The two synchronization commands simply
block overlapped execution of the command. Append the synchronization command to
the overlapping command, for example:
For time consuming overlapped commands, you can allow the controller or the instru-
ment to do other useful work while waiting for command execution. Use one of the fol-
lowing methods:

*OPC with a service request

1. Set the OPC mask bit (bit no. 0) in the ESE: *ESE 1

2. Set bit no. 5 in the SRE: *SRE 32 to enable ESB service request.

3. Send the overlapped command with *OPC .

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4. Wait for a service request.

The service request indicates that the overlapped command has finished.

*OPC? with a service request

1. Set bit no. 4 in the SRE: *SRE 16 to enable MAV service request.

2. Send the overlapped command with *OPC?.

3. Wait for a service request.

The service request indicates that the overlapped command has finished.

Event status register (ESE)

1. Set the OPC mask bit (bit no. 0) in the ESE: *ESE 1

2. Send the overlapped command without *OPC, *OPC? or *WAI.

3. Poll the operation complete state periodically (with a timer) using the sequence:

A return value (LSB) of 1 indicates that the overlapped command has finished.

14.1.7 Status Reporting System

The status reporting system stores all information on the current operating state of the
instrument, and on errors which have occurred. This information is stored in the status
registers and in the error queue. Both can be queried via GPIB bus or LAN interface
(STATus... commands.
(See Chapter 15.10, "Using the Status Register", on page 614).
● Hierarchy of Status Registers............................................................................... 332
● Structure of a SCPI Status Register......................................................................334
● Contents of the Status Registers.......................................................................... 335
● Application of the Status Reporting System..........................................................346
● Reset Values of the Status Reporting System...................................................... 348 Hierarchy of Status Registers

As shown in the following figure, the status information is of hierarchical structure.

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15 not used 15 not used 15 not used 15 not used 15 not used 15 not used
& logic AND
of all bits 14 14 14 14 14 14
logic OR
13 13 13 13 13 13
*) one register for each channel
12 12 12 12 12 12
Red font: Phase Noise application only
11 11 11 11 11 11
Blue font: Spectrum application only
Analog Demodulator and I/Q Analyzer = 10 Range completed 10 10 10 10 10
Spectrum mode
9 9 9 9 9 9
8 HCOPy in progress 8 8 8 8 8
7 7 7 CACLR FAIL 7 LMARgin 8 FAIL 7 LIMit 8 FAIL 7
6 6 6 ALT3...11 LOWer/UPPer FAIL 6 LMARgin 7 FAIL 6 LIMit 7 FAIL 6
5 Waiting for TRIGger 5 5 ALT2 LOWer FAIL 5 LMARgin 6 FAIL 5 LIMit 6 FAIL 5
4 MEASuring 4 4 ALT2 UPPer FAIL 4 LMARgin 5 FAIL 4 LIMit 5 FAIL 4
3 SWEeping 3 3 ALT1 LOWer FAIL 3 LMARgin 4 FAIL 3 LIMit 4 FAIL 3
2 2 PULSe not found 2 ALT1 UPPer FAIL 2 LMARgin 3 FAIL 2 LIMit 3 FAIL 2 Vaux too high
1 1 SIGnal not found 1 ADJ LOWer FAIL 1 LMARgin 2 FAIL 1 LIMit 2 FAIL 1 Vtune too high
0 CALibrating 0 0 ADJ UPPer FAIL 0 LMARgin 1 FAIL 0 LIMit 1 FAIL 0 Vsupply/ Isupply too high
& 7
& 5 ESB
& 4 MAV
15 not used 15 not used 15 not used
& 3 15 not used
14 DCPNoise
& 2 14
9 9
1 13 PNOise
8 External REFerence 8 8
0 12 ACPLimit
7 7 7
6 6 6
10 LMARGin
5 5 5
9 LIMit
4 4 4
8 CALibration (=UNCAL)
3 3 3 INPut_overload
& 7
2 2 2 IF_OVerload
& 6
1 LO UNLocked 1 1 UNDerload
& 5 FREQuency
0 OVEN COLD 0 Frontend temp. error 0 OVERload
& 4 TEMPerature
& 3 POWer
& 2 TIME
0 EXTended 15 not used 15 not used
15 not used
5 5 5
ISTflag 4 4 4 FATal
& 7 Power On 3
3 3 ERRor
& 6 User Request 2
2 2 WARNing
& 5 Command Error 1 INFO
1 Sweep time too low 1 INFO
& 4 Execution Error 0
0 0 MESSage
Device Dependent
& 3
& 2 Query Error
& 1
Error/ Event Output & 0 Operation Complete
Queue Buffer

Figure 14-2: Graphical overview of the R&S FSWP status registers hierarchy

The STatus Byte (STB) register and its associated mask register Service Request
Enable (SRE) form the highest level of the status reporting system. The STB pro-
vides a rough overview of the instrument status, collecting the information of the
lower-level registers.
● ESR, SCPI registers
The STB receives its information from the following registers:
– The Event Status Register (ESR) with the associated mask register standard
Event Status Enable (ESE).
– The STATus:OPERation and STATus:QUEStionable registers which are
defined by SCPI and contain detailed information on the instrument.
The IST flag ("Individual STatus"), like the SRQ, combines the entire instrument
status in a single bit. The PPE fulfills the same function for the IST flag as the SRE
for the service request.
● Output buffer

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The output buffer contains the messages the instrument returns to the controller. It
is not part of the status reporting system but determines the value of the MAV bit in
the STB and thus is represented in the overview.
All status registers have the same internal structure.

The service request enable register SRE can be used as ENABle part of the STB if the
STB is structured according to SCPI. By analogy, the ESE can be used as the ENABle
part of the ESR. Structure of a SCPI Status Register

Each standard SCPI register consists of 5 parts. Each part has a width of 16 bits and
has different functions. The individual bits are independent of each other, i.e. each
hardware status is assigned a bit number which is valid for all five parts. Bit 15 (the
most significant bit) is set to zero for all parts. Thus the contents of the register parts
can be processed by the controller as positive integers.

Figure 14-3: The status-register model

Description of the five status register parts

The five parts of a SCPI register have different properties and functions:
● CONDition
The CONDition part is written into directly by the hardware or the sum bit of the
next lower register. Its contents reflect the current instrument status. This register
part can only be read, but not written into or cleared. Its contents are not affected
by reading.
● PTRansition / NTRansition
The two transition register parts define which state transition of the CONDition
part (none, 0 to 1, 1 to 0 or both) is stored in the EVENt part.

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The Positive-TRansition part acts as a transition filter. When a bit of the

CONDition part is changed from 0 to 1, the associated PTR bit decides whether
the EVENt bit is set to 1.
– PTR bit =1: the EVENt bit is set.
– PTR bit =0: the EVENt bit is not set.
This part can be written into and read as required. Its contents are not affected by
The Negative-TRansition part also acts as a transition filter. When a bit of the
CONDition part is changed from 1 to 0, the associated NTR bit decides whether
the EVENt bit is set to 1.
– NTR bit =1: the EVENt bit is set.
– NTR bit =0: the EVENt bit is not set.
This part can be written into and read as required. Its contents are not affected by
The EVENt part indicates whether an event has occurred since the last reading, it
is the "memory" of the condition part. It only indicates events passed on by the
transition filters. It is permanently updated by the instrument. This part can only be
read by the user. Reading the register clears it. This part is often equated with the
entire register.
● ENABle
The ENABle part determines whether the associated EVENt bit contributes to the
sum bit (see below). Each bit of the EVENt part is "ANDed" with the associated
ENABle bit (symbol '&'). The results of all logical operations of this part are passed
on to the sum bit via an "OR" function (symbol '+').
ENABle bit = 0: the associated EVENt bit does not contribute to the sum bit
ENABle bit = 1: if the associated EVENt bit is "1", the sum bit is set to "1" as well.
This part can be written into and read by the user as required. Its contents are not
affected by reading.

Sum bit
The sum bit is obtained from the EVENt and ENABle part for each register. The result
is then entered into a bit of the CONDition part of the higher-order register.
The instrument automatically generates the sum bit for each register. Thus an event
can lead to a service request throughout all levels of the hierarchy. Contents of the Status Registers

In the following sections, the contents of the status registers are described in more
● Status Byte (STB) and Service Request Enable Register (SRE)..........................336
● IST Flag and Parallel Poll Enable Register (PPE)................................................ 337
● Event Status Register (ESR) and Event Status Enable Register (ESE)............... 337
● STATus:OPERation Register................................................................................ 338
● STATus:QUEStionable Register............................................................................339

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● STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit Register............................................................340
● STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended Register.......................................................... 341
● STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO Register................................................ 341
● STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency Register....................................................... 342
● STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit Register...................................................................342
● STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin Register............................................................343
● STATus:QUEStionable:POWer Register...............................................................344
● STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise........................................................... 344
● STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise.............................................................................345
● STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature Register..................................................... 345
● STATus:QUEStionable:TIMe Register.................................................................. 346

Status Byte (STB) and Service Request Enable Register (SRE)

The STatus Byte (STB) is already defined in IEEE 488.2. It provides a rough over-
view of the instrument status by collecting the pieces of information of the lower regis-
ters. A special feature is that bit 6 acts as the sum bit of the remaining bits of the status
The STB can thus be compared with the CONDition part of an SCPI register and
assumes the highest level within the SCPI hierarchy.
The STB is read using the command *STB? or a serial poll.
The STatus Byte (STB) is linked to the Service Request Enable (SRE) register.
Each bit of the STB is assigned a bit in the SRE. Bit 6 of the SRE is ignored. If a bit is
set in the SRE and the associated bit in the STB changes from 0 to 1, a service
request (SRQ) is generated. The SRE can be set using the command *SRE and read
using the command *SRE?.
Table 14-7: Meaning of the bits used in the status byte

Bit No. Meaning

0...1 Not used

2 Error Queue not empty

The bit is set when an entry is made in the error queue. If this bit is enabled by the SRE, each
entry of the error queue generates a service request. Thus an error can be recognized and
specified in greater detail by polling the error queue. The poll provides an informative error mes-
sage. This procedure is to be recommended since it considerably reduces the problems
involved with remote control.

3 QUEStionable status register summary bit

The bit is set if an EVENt bit is set in the QUEStionable status register and the associated
ENABle bit is set to 1. A set bit indicates a questionable instrument status, which can be speci-
fied in greater detail by querying the STATus:QUEStionable status register.

4 MAV bit (message available)

The bit is set if a message is available in the output queue which can be read. This bit can be
used to enable data to be automatically read from the instrument to the controller.

5 ESB bit
Sum bit of the event status register. It is set if one of the bits in the event status register is set
and enabled in the event status enable register. Setting of this bit indicates a serious error which
can be specified in greater detail by polling the event status register.

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Bit No. Meaning

6 MSS bit (main status summary bit)

The bit is set if the instrument triggers a service request. This is the case if one of the other bits
of this registers is set together with its mask bit in the service request enable register SRE.

7 STATus:OPERation status register summary bit

The bit is set if an EVENt bit is set in the OPERation status register and the associated
ENABle bit is set to 1. A set bit indicates that the instrument is just performing an action. The
type of action can be determined by querying the STATus:OPERation status register.

IST Flag and Parallel Poll Enable Register (PPE)

As with the SRQ, the IST flag combines the entire status information in a single bit. It
can be read by means of a parallel poll (see "Parallel Poll" on page 347) or using the
command *IST?.
The parallel poll enable register (PPE) determines which bits of the STB contribute to
the IST flag. The bits of the STB are "ANDed" with the corresponding bits of the PPE,
with bit 6 being used as well in contrast to the SRE. The IST flag results from the
"ORing" of all results. The PPE can be set using commands *PRE and read using com-
mand *PRE?.

Event Status Register (ESR) and Event Status Enable Register (ESE)
The ESR is defined in IEEE 488.2. It can be compared with the EVENt part of a SCPI
register. The event status register can be read out using command *ESR?.
The ESE corresponds to the ENABle part of a SCPI register. If a bit is set in the ESE
and the associated bit in the ESR changes from 0 to 1, the ESB bit in the STB is set.
The ESE register can be set using the command *ESE and read using the command
Table 14-8: Meaning of the bits used in the event status register

Bit No. Meaning

0 Operation Complete
This bit is set on receipt of the command *OPC exactly when all previous commands have been

1 Not used

2 Query Error
This bit is set if either the controller wants to read data from the instrument without having sent a
query, or if it does not fetch requested data and sends new instructions to the instrument
instead. The cause is often a query which is faulty and hence cannot be executed.

3 Device-dependent Error
This bit is set if a device-dependent error occurs. An error message with a number between
-300 and -399 or a positive error number, which denotes the error in greater detail, is entered
into the error queue.

4 Execution Error
This bit is set if a received command is syntactically correct but cannot be performed for other
reasons. An error message with a number between -200 and -300, which denotes the error in
greater detail, is entered into the error queue.

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Bit No. Meaning

5 Command Error
This bit is set if a command is received, which is undefined or syntactically incorrect. An error
message with a number between -100 and -200, which denotes the error in greater detail, is
entered into the error queue.

6 User Request
This bit is set when the instrument is switched over to manual control.

7 Power On (supply voltage on)

This bit is set on switching on the instrument.

STATus:OPERation Register
The STATus:OPERation register contains information on current activities of the
R&S FSWP. It also contains information on activities that have been executed since
the last read out.
Table 14-9: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:OPERation register

Bit No. Meaning

0 CALibrating
This bit is set as long as the instrument is performing a calibration.

1-2 Not used

3 SWEeping
Sweep is being performed in base unit (applications are not considered); identical to bit 4
Available in the optional Spectrum application.

4 MEASuring
Measurement is being performed in base unit (applications are not considered); identical to bit 3
Available in the optional Spectrum application.

5 Waiting for TRIgger

Instrument is ready to trigger and waiting for trigger signal.
Available in the optional Spectrum application.

6-7 Not used

8 HardCOPy in progress
This bit is set while the instrument is printing a hardcopy.

9 Not used

10 Range completed
This bit is set when a range in the sweep list has been completed if "Stop after Range" has
been activated.
Available in the optional Spectrum application.

11-14 Not used

15 This bit is always 0.

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STATus:QUEStionable Register
The STATus:QUEStionable register contains information on instrument states that do
not meet the specifications.
You can read out the register with STAT:QUES:COND or STAT:QUES:EVEN.

The STATus:QUEStionable register "sums up" the information from all subregisters
(e.g. bit 2 sums up the information for all STATus:QUEStionable:TIMe registers).
For some subregisters, there may be separate registers for each active channel. Thus,
if a status bit in the STATus:QUEStionable register indicates an error, the error may
have occurred in any of the channel-specific subregisters. In this case, you must check
the subregister of each channel to determine which channel caused the error. By
default, querying the status of a subregister always returns the result for the currently
selected channel.

Table 14-10: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable register

Bit No. Meaning

0-1 Unused

2 TIMe
This bit is set if a time error occurs in any of the active channels.
The STATus:QUEStionable:TIMe Register provides more information on the error type.
Available in the optional Spectrum application.

3 POWer
This bit is set if the measured power level in any of the active channels is questionable.
The STATus:QUEStionable:POWer Register provides more information on the error type.

4 TEMPerature
This bit is set if the temperature is questionable.

5 FREQuency
This bit is set if there is anything wrong with the frequency of the local oscillator or the reference
frequency in any of the active channels.
The STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency Register provides more information on the error type.

6-7 Unused

8 CALibration
This bit is set if the R&S FSWP is unaligned ("UNCAL" display)

9 LIMit
This bit is set if a limit value is violated in any of the active channels in any window.
The STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit Register provides more information on the error type.

10 LMARgin
This bit is set if a margin is violated in any of the active channels in any window.
The STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin Register provides more information on the error type.
Available in the optional Spectrum application.

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Bit No. Meaning

11 SYNC (device-specific)
This bit is set if the R&S FSWP is not synchronized to the signal that is applied.
The R&S FSWP is not synchronized if the results deviate too much from the expected value
during premeasurements

12 ACPLimit
This bit is set if a limit during ACLR measurements is violated in any of the active channels.
The STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit Register provides more information on the error type.
Available in the optional Spectrum application.

13 PNOise
This bit is set if an event occurs in the Phase Noise measurement.
The "STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise" on page 345 provides more information on the event

15 This bit is always 0.

STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit Register
Available for the Spectrum application.
The STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit register contains information about the results of
a limit check during ACLR measurements. A separate ACPLimit register exists for
each active channel.
You can read out the register with STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit:CONDition?
or STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit[:EVENt]?
Table 14-11: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit register

Bit No. Meaning


This bit is set if the limit is exceeded in the upper adjacent channel


This bit is set if the limit is exceeded in the lower adjacent channel.


This bit is set if the limit is exceeded in the upper 1st alternate channel.


This bit is set if the limit is exceeded in the lower 1st alternate channel.


This bit is set if the limit is exceeded in the upper 2nd alternate channel.


This bit is set if the limit is exceeded in the lower 2nd alternate channel.

6 ALT3 … 11 LOWer/UPPer FAIL

This bit is set if the limit is exceeded in one of the lower or upper alternate channels 3 … 11.

This bit is set if the CACLR limit is exceeded in one of the gap channels.

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Bit No. Meaning


This bit is set if the ACLR limit is exceeded in one of the gap channels.

9 to 14 Unused

15 This bit is always 0.

STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended Register
The STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended register contains further status information
not covered by the other status registers of the R&S FSWP. A separate EXTended reg-
ister exists for each active channel.
You can read out the register with STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:CONDition?
or STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended[:EVENt]?
Table 14-12: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended register

Bit No. Meaning

0 not used

This bit is set if a status message is available for the application.
Which type of message occurred is indicated in the STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO

2 to 14 Unused

15 This bit is always 0.

STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO Register
The STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO register contains information on the
type of messages that occur during operation of the R&S FSWP. A separate INFO reg-
ister exists for each active channel.
You can read out the register with STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO:
CONDition? or STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO[:EVENt]?. You can
query all messages that occur for a specific channel using the command SYSTem:
ERRor:EXTended? on page 603.
Table 14-13: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO register

Bit No. Meaning

0 MESSage
This bit is set if event or state has occurred that may lead to an error during further operation.

This bit is set if an informational status message is available for the application.

2 WARNing
This bit is set if an irregular situation occurs during measurement, e.g. the settings no longer
match the displayed results, or the connection to an external device was interrupted temporarily.

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Bit No. Meaning

3 ERRor
This bit is set if an error occurs during a measurement, e.g. due to missing data or wrong set-
tings, so that the measurement cannot be completed correctly.

4 FATal
This bit is set if a serious error occurs in the application and regular operation is no longer possi-

5 to 14 Unused

15 This bit is always 0.

STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency Register
The STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency register contains information about the condi-
tion of the local oscillator and the reference frequency. A separate frequency register
exists for each active channel.
You can read out the register with STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:
CONDition? or STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency[:EVENt]?.
Table 14-14: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency register

Bit No. Meaning

This bit is set if the reference oscillator has not yet attained its operating temperature. "OCXO"
is displayed.

1 LO UNLocked
This bit is set if the local oscillator no longer locks. "LOUNL" is displayed.

2 to 7 Not used

8 EXTernalREFerence
This bit is set if you have selected an external reference oscillator but did not connect a useable
external reference source.
In that case the synthesizer can not lock. The frequency in all probability is not accurate.

9 to 14 Not used

15 This bit is always 0.

STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit Register
The STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit register contains information about the results of a
limit check when you are working with limit lines.
A separate LIMit register exists for each active channel and for each window.

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Table 14-15: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit register

Bit No. Meaning

0 LIMit 1 FAIL
This bit is set if limit line 1 is violated.

1 LIMit 2 FAIL
This bit is set if limit line 2 is violated.

2 LIMit 3 FAIL
This bit is set if limit line 3 is violated.

3 LIMit 4 FAIL
This bit is set if limit line 4 is violated.

4 LIMit 5 FAIL
This bit is set if limit line 5 is violated.

5 LIMit 6 FAIL
This bit is set if limit line 6 is violated.

6 LIMit 7 FAIL
This bit is set if limit line 7 is violated.

7 LIMit 8 FAIL
This bit is set if limit line 8 is violated.

8 to 14 Unused

15 This bit is always 0.

STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin Register
This register contains information about the observance of limit margins.
A separate LMARgin register exists for each active channel and for each window.
It can be read using the commands
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin:CONDition? and
Table 14-16: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin register

Bit No. Meaning

0 LMARgin 1 FAIL
This bit is set if limit margin 1 is violated.

1 LMARgin 2 FAIL
This bit is set if limit margin 2 is violated.

2 LMARgin 3 FAIL
This bit is set if limit margin 3 is violated.

3 LMARgin 4 FAIL
This bit is set if limit margin 4 is violated.

4 LMARgin 5 FAIL
This bit is set if limit margin 5 is violated.

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Bit No. Meaning

5 LMARgin 6 FAIL
This bit is set if limit margin 6 is violated.

6 LMARgin 7 FAIL
This bit is set if limit margin 7 is violated.

7 LMARgin 8 FAIL
This bit is set if limit margin 8 is violated.

8 to 14 Not used

15 This bit is always 0.

STATus:QUEStionable:POWer Register
The STATus:QUEStionable:POWer register contains information about possible
overload situations that may occur during operation of the R&S FSWP. A separate
power register exists for each active channel.
You can read out the register with STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:CONDition? or
Table 14-17: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:POWer register

Bit No. Meaning

0 OVERload
This bit is set if an overload occurs at the RF input, causing signal distortion but not yet causing
damage to the device.
The R&S FSWP displays the keyword "RF OVLD".

1 Unused

2 IF_OVerload
This bit is set if an overload occurs in the IF path.
The R&S FSWP displays the keyword "IF OVLD".

3 Input Overload
This bit is set if the signal level at the RF input connector exceeds the maximum.
The RF input is disconnected from the input mixer to protect the device. In order to re-enable
measurement, decrease the level at the RF input connector and reconnect the RF input to the
mixer input.
The R&S FSWP displays the keyword "INPUT OVLD".
(Available with the optional Spectrum application.)

4 to 13 Unused

14 DCPNoise
This bit is set in case of an event at the DC power supply.
For more information see "STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise" on page 344.

15 This bit is always 0.

Available for the phase noise application.

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Remote Control Basics

The STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise register contains information about the

state and condition of the DC power supply. A separate POWer:DCPNoise register
exists for each active channel.
You can read out the register with STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise:
CONDition? or STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise[:EVENt]?.
Table 14-18: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise register

Bit No. Meaning

0 Vsupply / Isupply
This bit is set if something is wrong with the voltage or current supply.

1 Vtune
This bit is set if something is wrong with the tuning voltage supply.

2 Vaux
This bit is set if something is wrong with the auxiliary voltage supply.

3 to 14 Unused

15 This bit is always 0.

Available for the phase noise application.
The STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise register contains information about the state and
condition of the phase noise application. A separate PNOise register exists for each
active channel.
You can read out the register with STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise:CONDition?
on page 615 or STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise[:EVENt]? on page 616.
Table 14-19: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise register

Bit No. Meaning

0 Unused

1 SIGNal not found

This bit is set when no signal could be found during the signal search.

2 PULSe not found

This bit is set when no pulse could be found during the signal search of pulsed phase noise

3 to 14 Unused

15 This bit is always 0.

STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature Register
The STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature register contains information about possible
temperature deviations that may occur during operation of the R&S FSWP. A separate
temperature register exists for each active channel.
You can read out the register with STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:
CONDition? or STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature[:EVENt]?

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Table 14-20: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature register

Bit No. Meaning

0 This bit is set if the frontend temperature sensor deviates by a certain degree from the self-
alignment temperature.
During warmup, this bit is always 1.
For details see "Temperature check" on page 276.

1 to 14 Unused

15 This bit is always 0.

STATus:QUEStionable:TIMe Register
Available for the Spectrum application.
The STATus:QUEStionable:TIMe register contains information about possible time
errors that may occur during operation of the R&S FSWP. A separate time register
exists for each active channel.
Table 14-21: Meaning of the bits used in the STATus:QUEStionable:TIMe register

Bit No. Meaning

0 not used

1 Sweep time too low

This bit is set if the sweep time is too low.

2 to 14 Unused

15 This bit is always 0. Application of the Status Reporting System

The purpose of the status reporting system is to monitor the status of one or several
devices in a measuring system. To do this and react appropriately, the controller must
receive and evaluate the information of all devices. The following standard methods
are used:
● Service request (SRQ) initiated by the instrument
● Serial poll of all devices in the bus system, initiated by the controller in order to
find out who sent a SRQ and why
● Parallel poll of all devices
● Query of a specific instrument status by means of commands
● Query of the error queue

Service Request
Under certain circumstances, the instrument can send a service request (SRQ) to the
controller. A service request is a request from an instrument for information, advice or
treatment by the controller. Usually this service request initiates an interrupt at the con-
troller, to which the control program can react appropriately. As evident from Fig-
ure 14-2, an SRQ is always initiated if one or several of bits 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7 of the status
byte are set and enabled in the SRE. Each of these bits combines the information of a

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further register, the error queue or the output buffer. The ENABle parts of the status
registers can be set such that arbitrary bits in an arbitrary status register initiate an
SRQ. In order to make use of the possibilities of the service request effectively, all bits
should be set to "1" in enable registers SRE and ESE.
The service request is the only possibility for the instrument to become active on its
own. Each controller program should cause the instrument to initiate a service request
if errors occur. The program should react appropriately to the service request.

Use of the command *OPC to generate an SRQ at the end of a sweep

1. CALL InstrWrite(analyzer, "*ESE 1") 'Set bit 0 in the ESE (Operation

2. CALL InstrWrite(analyzer, "*SRE 32") 'Set bit 5 in the SRE (ESB)

3. CALL InstrWrite(analyzer, "*INIT;*OPC") ' Generate an SRQ after

operation complete
After its settings have been completed, the instrument generates an SRQ.

Serial Poll
In a serial poll, just as with command *STB, the status byte of an instrument is queried.
However, the query is realized via interface messages and is thus clearly faster.
The serial poll method is defined in IEEE 488.1 and used to be the only standard pos-
sibility for different instruments to poll the status byte. The method also works for
instruments which do not adhere to SCPI or IEEE 488.2.
The serial poll is mainly used to obtain a fast overview of the state of several instru-
ments connected to the controller.

Parallel Poll
In a parallel poll, up to eight instruments are simultaneously requested by the controller
using a single command to transmit 1 bit of information each on the data lines, i.e., to
set the data line allocated to each instrument to a logical "0" or "1".
In addition to the SRE register, which determines the conditions under which an SRQ
is generated, there is a Parallel Poll Enable register (PPE) which is ANDed with the
STB bit by bit, considering bit 6 as well. This register is ANDed with the STB bit by bit,
considering bit 6 as well. The results are ORed, the result is possibly inverted and then
sent as a response to the parallel poll of the controller. The result can also be queried
without parallel poll using the command *IST?.
The instrument first has to be set for the parallel poll using the command PPC. This
command allocates a data line to the instrument and determines whether the response
is to be inverted. The parallel poll itself is executed using PPE.
The parallel poll method is mainly used to find out quickly which one of the instruments
connected to the controller has sent a service request. To this effect, SRE and PPE
must be set to the same value.

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Query of an instrument status

Each part of any status register can be read using queries. There are two types of
● The common commands *ESR?, *IDN?, *IST?, *STB? query the higher-level
● The commands of the STATus system query the SCPI registers
The returned value is always a decimal number that represents the bit pattern of the
queried register. This number is evaluated by the controller program.
Queries are usually used after an SRQ in order to obtain more detailed information on
the cause of the SRQ.

Decimal representation of a bit pattern

The STB and ESR registers contain 8 bits, the SCPI registers 16 bits. The contents of
a status register are specified and transferred as a single decimal number. To make
this possible, each bit is assigned a weighted value. The decimal number is calculated
as the sum of the weighted values of all bits in the register that are set to 1.

The decimal value 40 = 32 + 8 indicates that bits no. 3 and 5 in the status register (e.g.
the QUEStionable status summary bit and the ESB bit in the STatus Byte ) are set.

Error Queue
Each error state in the instrument leads to an entry in the error queue. The entries of
the error queue are detailed plain text error messages that can be looked up in the
Error Log or queried via remote control using SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?. Each call of
SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? provides one entry from the error queue. If no error mes-
sages are stored there any more, the instrument responds with 0, "No error".
The error queue should be queried after every SRQ in the controller program as the
entries describe the cause of an error more precisely than the status registers. Espe-
cially in the test phase of a controller program the error queue should be queried regu-
larly since faulty commands from the controller to the instrument are recorded there as
well. Reset Values of the Status Reporting System

The following table contains the different commands and events causing the status
reporting system to be reset. None of the commands, except *RST and

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Remote Control Basics

SYSTem:PRESet, influence the functional instrument settings. In particular, DCL does

not change the instrument settings.
Table 14-22: Resetting the status reporting system

Event Switching on supply DCL, *RST or STA- *CLS

voltage SDC SYS- Tus:PRE-
Tem:PRE Set
Power-On-Status- (Device
Clear Clear,
Effect 0 1

Clear STB, ESR - yes - - - yes

Clear SRE, ESE - yes - - - -

Clear PPE - yes - - - -

Clear EVENt parts of the regis- - yes - - - yes


Clear ENABle parts of all - yes - - yes -

OPERation and QUEStionable
Fill ENABle parts of all other
registers with "1".

Fill PTRansition parts with "1"; - yes - - yes -

Clear NTRansition parts

Clear error queue yes yes - - - yes

Clear output buffer yes yes yes 1) 1) 1)

Clear command processing yes yes yes - - -

and input buffer

1) The first command in a command line that immediately follows a <PROGRAM MESSAGE TERMINA-
TOR> clears the output buffer.

14.1.8 General Programming Recommendations

Initial instrument status before changing settings

Manual operation is designed for maximum possible operating convenience. In con-
trast, the priority of remote control is the "predictability" of the instrument status. Thus,
when a command attempts to define incompatible settings, the command is ignored
and the instrument status remains unchanged, i.e. other settings are not automatically
adapted. Therefore, control programs should always define an initial instrument status
(e.g. using the *RST command) and then implement the required settings.

Command sequence
As a general rule, send commands and queries in different program messages. Other-
wise, the result of the query may vary depending on which operation is performed first
(see also Chapter, "Preventing Overlapping Execution", on page 331).

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Reacting to malfunctions
The service request is the only possibility for the instrument to become active on its
own. Each controller program should instruct the instrument to initiate a service
request in case of malfunction. The program should react appropriately to the service

Error queues
The error queue should be queried after every service request in the controller pro-
gram as the entries describe the cause of an error more precisely than the status regis-
ters. Especially in the test phase of a controller program the error queue should be
queried regularly since faulty commands from the controller to the instrument are
recorded there as well.

14.2 The IECWIN Tool

The R&S FSWP is delivered with IECWIN installed, an auxiliary tool provided free of
charge by R&S. IECWIN is a program to send SCPI commands to a measuring instru-
ment either interactively or from a command script.

The R&S IECWIN32 tool is provided free of charge. The functionality may change in a
future version without notice.

IECWIN offers the following features:

● Connection to instrument via several interfaces/protocols (GPIB, VISA, named pipe
(if IECWIN is run on the instrument itself), RSIB)
● Interactive command entry
● Browsing available commands on the instrument
● Error checking following every command
● Execution of command scripts
● Storing binary data to a file
● Reading binary data from a file
● Generation of a log file
For command scripts, IECWIN offers the following features:
● Synchronization with the instrument on every command
● Checking expected result for query commands (as string or numeric value)
● Checking for expected errors codes
● Optional pause on error
● Nested command scripts
● Single step mode
● Conditional execution, based on the *IDN and *OPT strings

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Network and Remote Control Settings

You can use the IECWIN to try out the programming examples provided in the
R&S FSWP User Manuals.

Starting IECWIN
IECWIN is available from the Windows "Start" menu on the R&S FSWP, or by execut-
ing the following file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rohde-Schwarz\FSWP\<version>\iecwin32.exe
You can also copy the program to any Windows PC or laptop. Simply copy the
iecwin32.exe, iecwin.chm and rsib32.dll files from the location above to the
same folder on the target computer.
When the tool is started, a "Connection settings" dialog box is displayed. Define the
connection from the computer the IECWIN tool is installed on to the R&S FSWP you
want to control. If you are using the tool directly on the R&S FSWP, you can use an NT
Pipe (COM Parser) connection, which requires no further configuration. For help on
setting up other connection types, check the tool's online help (by clicking the "Help"
button in the dialog box).

The IECWIN offers an online help with extensive information on how to work with the

14.3 Network and Remote Control Settings

Access: [SETUP] > "Network + Remote"

Network settings in secure user mode

Be sure to store all network settings before SecureUser Mode is enabled; see Chap-
ter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode", on page 31.
If the currently stored network settings are not suitable, you must correct them each
time you switch on the R&S FSWP in secure user mode, as the settings are not stored
permanently in this case.

The remote commands required to define these settings are described in Chap-
ter 15.9.5, "Configuring Network and Remote Control", on page 595.
Step-by-step instructions are provided in Chapter 14.4, "How to Set Up a Network and
Remote Control", on page 362.
● General Network Settings..................................................................................... 352
● GPIB Settings........................................................................................................354
● Compatibility Settings............................................................................................357
● LAN Settings......................................................................................................... 358
● Remote Errors.......................................................................................................360
● Returning to Manual Mode ("Local")..................................................................... 361

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Network and Remote Control Settings

14.3.1 General Network Settings

Access: [SETUP] > "Network + Remote" > "Network" tab

The R&S FSWP can be operated in a local area network (LAN), for example to control
the instrument from a remote PC or use a network printer.

Network settings can only be edited in the firmware if a LAN cable is connected to the

Risk of network problems

All parameters can be edited here; however, beware that changing the computer name
has major effects in a network.
For details, see Chapter 14.4, "How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control",
on page 362.

Network settings in secure user mode

Be sure to store all network settings before SecureUser Mode is enabled; see Chap-
ter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode", on page 31.
If the currently stored network settings are not suitable, you must correct them each
time you switch on the R&S FSWP in secure user mode, as the settings are not stored
permanently in this case.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Network and Remote Control Settings

Computer Name..........................................................................................................353
IP Address...................................................................................................................354
Subnet Mask............................................................................................................... 354
DHCP.......................................................................................................................... 354
Network Configuration.................................................................................................354

Computer Name
Each instrument is delivered with an assigned computer name, but this name can be
changed. The naming conventions of Windows apply. If too many characters and/or
numbers are entered, an error message is displayed in the status line.
The default instrument name is a non-case-sensitive string with the following syntax:
For example FSWP26-123456
The serial number can be found on the rear panel of the instrument. It is the third part
of the device ID printed on the bar code sticker:

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Network and Remote Control Settings

IP Address
Defines the IP address. The TCP/IP protocol is preinstalled with the IP address If the DHCP server is available ("DHCP On"), the setting is read-only.
The IP address consists of four number blocks separated by dots. Each block contains
3 numbers in maximum (e.g., but also one or two numbers are
allowed in a block (as an example see the preinstalled address).

Subnet Mask
Defines the subnet mask. The TCP/IP protocol is preinstalled with the subnet mask If the DHCP server is available ("DHCP On"), this setting is read-only.
The subnet mask consists of four number blocks separated by dots. Each block con-
tains 3 numbers in maximum (e.g., but also one or two numbers are
allowed in a block (as an example see the preinstalled address).

Switches between DHCP server available (On) or not available (Off). If a DHCP server
is available in the network, the IP address and subnet mask of the instrument are
obtained automatically from the DHCP server.

Network Configuration
Opens the standard Windows "Network Configuration" dialog box for further configura-

14.3.2 GPIB Settings

Access: [SETUP] > "Network + Remote" > "GPIB" tab

Alternatively to connecting the R&S FSWP to a LAN, the GPIB interface can be used
to connect a remote PC. For details see Chapter, "GPIB Interface (IEC 625/
IEEE 418 Bus Interface)", on page 317).

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Network and Remote Control Settings

GPIB Address............................................................................................................. 355

Identification String......................................................................................................355
Reset to Factory String............................................................................................... 355
Remote Display Update.............................................................................................. 356
GPIB Terminator..........................................................................................................356
*IDN Format................................................................................................................ 356
I/O Logging..................................................................................................................356
Display Remote Errors................................................................................................ 357
Set Hardware Immediately..........................................................................................357

GPIB Address
Defines the GPIB address. Values from 0 to 30 are allowed. The default address is 20.
Remote command:
SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:ADDRess on page 596

Identification String
Defines the identification string for the R&S FSWP which is provided as a response to
the *IDN? query. Maximum 36 characters are allowed.
Remote command:
SYSTem:IDENtify[:STRing] on page 598

Reset to Factory String

Restores the default identification string. Each R&S FSWP has a unique ID according
to the following syntax:
Rohde&Schwarz,FSWP,<Unique number>

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Network and Remote Control Settings

Remote command:
SYSTem:IDENtify:FACTory on page 598

Remote Display Update

Defines whether the display of the R&S FSWP is updated when changing from manual
operation to remote control.
Turning off the display update function improves performance during remote control.
Note: Usually, this function remains available on the display during remote operation.
However, it can be disabled remotely. In this case, the display is not updated during
remote operation, and cannot be turned on again locally until local operation is
Remote command:
SYSTem:DISPlay:UPDate on page 597

GPIB Terminator
Changes the GPIB receive terminator.
"LFEOI" According to the standard, the terminator in ASCII is <LF> and/or
"EOI" For binary data transfers (e.g. trace data) from the control computer
to the instrument, the binary code used for <LF> might be included in
the binary data block, and therefore should not be interpreted as a
terminator in this particular case. This can be avoided by using only
the receive terminator EOI.
Remote command:
SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:RTERminator on page 596

*IDN Format
Defines the response format to the remote command *IDN? (see *IDN?
on page 386). This function is intended for re-use of existing control programs
together with the R&S FSWP.
"Leg" Legacy format, as in the R&S FSP/FSU/FSQ family.
"New" R&S FSWP format.
Remote command:
SYSTem:FORMat:IDENt on page 604

I/O Logging
Activates or deactivates the SCPI error log function. All remote control commands
received by the R&S FSWP are recorded in a log file. The files are named according to
the following syntax:
where <no.> is a sequential number
A new log file is started each time logging was stopped and is restarted.
Logging the commands may be extremely useful for debug purposes, e.g. in order to
find misspelled keywords in control programs.

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Network and Remote Control Settings

Remote command:
SYSTem:CLOGging on page 580

Display Remote Errors

Activates and deactivates the display of errors that occur during remote operation of
the R&S FSWP. If activated, the R&S FSWP displays a message box at the bottom of
the screen that contains the type of error and the command that caused the error.

The error message remains in place when you switch to "Local" mode. To close the
message box, select the "Close" icon.
Only the most recent error is displayed in remote mode. However, in local mode, all
errors that occurred during remote operation are listed in a separate tab of the "Net-
work + Remote" dialog box (see Chapter 14.3.5, "Remote Errors", on page 360).
Remote command:
SYSTem:ERRor:DISPlay on page 597
SYSTem:ERRor:CLEar:REMote on page 597

Set Hardware Immediately

Determines when the remote commands that change hardware settings on the
R&S FSWP are executed.
If enabled (default), remote commands are always executed immediately when they
are received by the instrument.
If disabled, remote commands that cause changes to the hardware are only executed
when an appropriate command is executed explicitely.
Regardless of this setting, the firmware automatically sets the hardware when a sweep
is started.
Postponing hardware changes is useful, for example, when switching measurement
channels. When you switch channels, the settings from the previous channel are used
by default. However, if you have to change the frequency and level values for the new
channel measurement, the default settings cause unnecessary hardware settling
This setting is not changed by the preset function.
Remote command:
SYSTem:SHIMmediate:STATe on page 599
SYSTem:SHIMmediate ONCE on page 600

14.3.3 Compatibility Settings

The R&S FSWP supports different system languages that are compatible to other

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Network and Remote Control Settings

Note that aside from the "Language" feature (and for PSA compatibility, the "Wide-
band" feature), all other functions in this dialog are currently not supported.
Language.................................................................................................................... 358
Wideband.................................................................................................................... 358

Defines the system language used to control the instrument.
The following languages are supported.
● 5052
For a list of supported commands, see Chapter 15.9.8, "Reference: Command Set
of 5052 Emulation", on page 608.
For a list of supported commands, see Chapter 15.9.9, "Reference: Command Set
of Emulated PSA Models", on page 610.
The 5052 language is only available in the Phase Noise application. If you select the
5052 mode in an application other than the Phase Noise application, the R&S FSWP
automatically closes all applications and opens one channel with the Phase Noise
The PSA language is only available for the Spectrum application. If you select the PSA
mode in an application other than the Spectrum application, the R&S FSWP automati-
cally closes all applications and opens one channel with the Spectrum application.
Remote command:
SYSTem:LANGuage on page 598

This setting defines which option is returned when the *OPT? query is executed,
depending on the state of the wideband option.
It is only available for PSA89600 emulation.
"Off" No wideband is used.
The option is indicated as "B7J".
"40 MHz" The 40 MHz wideband is used.
The option is indicated as "B7J, 140".
"80 MHz" The 80 MHz wideband is used.
The option is indicated as "B7J, 122".
Remote command:
SYSTem:PSA:WIDeband on page 599

14.3.4 LAN Settings

Access: [SETUP] > "Network + Remote" > "LAN" tab

In a LAN network, the R&S FSWP can be accessed via any web browser (e.g. the
Microsoft Internet Explorer) to perform the following tasks:
● Modifying network configurations

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Network and Remote Control Settings

● Modifying device configurations

● Monitoring connections from the device to other devices
The "LAN" tab of the "Network + Remote" dialog box provides basic LAN configuration
functions and information for the R&S FSWP.
Alternatively, you can change the LAN settings using the web browser interface.
For details see Chapter, "How to Configure the LAN Using the Web Browser
Interface", on page 366.
Only user accounts with administrator rights are able to use LAN configuration and
web browser functionality.

Current LAN Configuration..........................................................................................359

LAN Password............................................................................................................ 360
LAN Reset...................................................................................................................360

Current LAN Configuration

Displays the current LAN information from the R&S FSWP (read-only).
"Computer Name of the R&S FSWP as defined in the operating system (see also
name" "Computer Name" on page 353)
"MAC address" Media Access Control address (MAC address), a unique identifier for
the network card in the R&S FSWP
"IP address" IP address of the R&S FSWP as defined in the operating system (see
also "IP Address" on page 354).

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Network and Remote Control Settings

LAN Password
Password for LAN configuration. The default password is LxiWebIfc.
Remote command:
SYSTem:LXI:PASSword on page 599

LAN Reset
Resets the "LAN" configuration to its default settings (LCI function).

Parameter Value

TCP/IP Mode DHCP + Auto IP Address

Dynamic DNS Enabled

ICMP Ping Enabled

Password for "LAN" configuration LxiWebIfc

The LAN settings are configured in the "Network" tab of the "Network + Remote" dialog
box or using the instrument's "LAN" web browser interface.
Remote command:
SYSTem:LXI:LANReset on page 599

14.3.5 Remote Errors

Access: [SETUP] > "Network + Remote" > "Remote Errors " tab
The error messages generated by the R&S FSWP during remote operation are dis-
played here.
The messages are displayed in the order of their occurrence; the most recent mes-
sages are placed at the top of the list.

The most recent error message during remote operation can be displayed on the
screen, see "Display Remote Errors" on page 357.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
Network and Remote Control Settings

If the number of error messages exceeds the capacity of the error buffer, the oldest
error message is removed before the newest one is inserted. To clear the message
buffer use the "Clear Error List" button. It is automatically cleared when the R&S FSWP
is shut down.
The following information is available:

No Device-specific error code

Error Brief description of the error

Date/Time Time the message occurred

Remote command:
SYSTem:ERRor:LIST? on page 603

Clear Error List

Deletes the error message buffer for remote operation.
Note: The remote error list is automatically cleared when the R&S FSWP is shut down.
Remote command:
SYSTem:ERRor:CLEar:REMote on page 597

14.3.6 Returning to Manual Mode ("Local")

When switched on, the instrument is always in the manual measurement mode and
can be operated via the front panel. As soon as the instrument receives a remote com-
mand, it is switched to the remote control mode.
In remote control mode, all keys of the instrument except the [PRESET] key are dis-
abled. The "LOCAL" softkey and the Remote Display Update softkey are displayed.

The instrument switches from remote to manual operation, but only if the local lockout
function has not been activated in the remote control mode (see "GPIB Interface Mes-
sages" on page 317).
Furthermore, when you return to manual operation, the following happens:
● All front panel keys are enabled.
● The main softkey menu of the current mode is displayed.
● The measurement diagrams, traces and display fields are displayed again.
● If, at the time of pressing the "LOCAL" softkey, the synchronization mechanism via
*OPC, *OPC? or *WAI is active, the currently running measurement procedure is
aborted and synchronization is achieved by setting the corresponding bits in the
registers of the status reporting system.
● Bit 6 (User Request) of the Event Status Register is set.
If the status reporting system is configured accordingly, this bit immediately causes
the generation of a service request (SRQ) to inform the control software that the
user wishes to return to front panel control. For example, this can be used to inter-
rupt the control program and to correct instrument settings manually. This bit is set
each time the "LOCAL" softkey is pressed.

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How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

Note: Before you switch back to manual operation, all remote command processing
must be completed. Otherwise, the instrument will switch back to remote control imme-
If you select the "Local" softkey while a self-alignment or a self-test is still running
(which was started remotely), the instrument only returns to the manual operation state
when the alignment or test is completed.
Remote command:
SYSTem:KLOCk on page 598

14.4 How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

Risk of network failure

Consult your network administrator before performing the following tasks:
● Connecting the instrument to the network
● Configuring the network
● Changing IP addresses
● Exchanging hardware
Errors can affect the entire network.

Remote operation
You can operate the instrument remotely from a connected computer using SCPI com-
mands (see Chapter 14.1.2, "SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instru-
ments)", on page 320). Before you send remote commands you must configure the
instrument in a LAN network or connect it to a PC via the GPIB interface as described
in Chapter 14.4.1, "How to Configure a Network", on page 363.

Remote Desktop
In production test and measurement, a common requirement is central monitoring of
the T&M instruments for remote maintenance and remote diagnostics. Equipped with
the Remote Desktop software of Windows, the R&S FSWP ideally meets requirements
for use in production. The computer that is used for remote operation is called "control-
ler" here.
The following tasks can be performed using Remote Desktop:
● Access to the control functions via a virtual front panel (soft front panel)
● Printout of measurement results directly from the controller
● Storage of measured data on the controller's hard disk
This documentation provides basic instructions on setting up the Remote Desktop for
the R&S FSWP. For details refer to the Microsoft Windows operating system documen-

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

14.4.1 How to Configure a Network

A precondition for operating or monitoring the instrument remotely is that it is connec-

ted to a LAN network or a PC connected to the GPIB interface. Setup is described

Windows Firewall Settings

A firewall protects an instrument by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access
to it through a network. Rohde & Schwarz highly recommends the use of the firewall on
your instrument. R&S instruments are shipped with the Windows firewall enabled and
preconfigured in such a way that all ports and connections for remote control are
enabled. For more details on firewall configuration see the Microsoft Windows help
system and the R&S White Paper (available from the Rohde & Schwarz website):
1EF96: Malware Protection Windows 10 How to Connect the Instrument to the Network

There are two methods to establish a LAN connection to the instrument:

● A non-dedicated network (Ethernet) connection from the instrument to an existing
network made with an ordinary RJ-45 network cable. The instrument is assigned
an IP address and can coexist with a computer and with other hosts on the same
● A dedicated network connection (Point-to-point connection) between the instru-
ment and a single computer made with a (crossover) RJ-45 network cable. The
computer must be equipped with a network adapter and is directly connected to the
instrument. The use of hubs, switches, or gateways is not required, however, data
transfer is still performed using the TCP/IP protocol. An IP address has to be
assigned to the instrument and the computer, see Chapter, "How to
Assign the IP Address", on page 364.
Note: As the R&S FSWP uses a 1 GBit LAN, a crossover cable is not necessary
(due to Auto-MDI(X) functionality).

► To establish a non-dedicated network connection, connect a commercial RJ-45

cable to one of the LAN ports.
To establish a dedicated connection, connect a (crossover) RJ-45 cable between
the instrument and a single PC.

If the instrument is connected to the LAN, Windows automatically detects the network
connection and activates the required drivers.
The network card can be operated with a 1 GBit Ethernet IEEE 802.3u interface.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control How to Assign the IP Address

Depending on the network capacities, the TCP/IP address information for the instru-
ment can be obtained in different ways.
● If the network supports dynamic TCP/IP configuration using the Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP), all address information can be assigned automati-
● If the network does not support DHCP, or if the instrument is set to use alternate
TCP/IP configuration, the addresses must be set manually.
By default, the instrument is configured to use dynamic TCP/IP configuration and
obtain all address information automatically. This means that it is safe to establish a
physical connection to the LAN without any previous instrument configuration.

When a DHCP server is used, a new IP address may be assigned each time the PC is
restarted. This address must first be determined on the PC itself. Thus, when using a
DHCP server, it is recommended that you use the permanent computer name, which
determines the address via the DNS server (see "Using a DNS server to determine the
IP address" on page 365).

Risk of network errors

Connection errors can affect the entire network. If your network does not support
DHCP, or if you choose to disable dynamic TCP/IP configuration, you must assign valid
address information before connecting the instrument to the LAN. Contact your net-
work administrator to obtain a valid IP address.

Assigning the IP address on the instrument

1. Press the [SETUP] key.

2. Press the "Network + Remote" softkey.

3. Select the "Network" tab.

4. In the "Network + Remote" dialog, toggle the "DHCP On/Off" setting to the required
If DHCP is "Off", you must enter the IP address manually, as described in the fol-
lowing steps.
Note: When DHCP is changed from "On" to "Off", the previously set IP address
and subnet mask are retrieved.
If DHCP is "On", the IP address of the DHCP server is obtained automatically. The
configuration is saved, and you are prompted to restart the instrument. You can
skip the remaining steps.
Note: When a DHCP server is used, a new IP address may be assigned each time
the instrument is restarted. This address must first be determined on the instrument
itself. Thus, when using a DHCP server, it is recommended that you use the per-
manent computer name, which determines the address via the DNS server

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

(See "Using a DNS server to determine the IP address" on page 365 and Chap-
ter, "How to Change the Instrument Name", on page 366).

5. Enter the "IP Address", for example The IP address consists of four
number blocks separated by dots. Every block contains a maximum of 3 numbers.

6. Enter the "Subnet Mask", for example The subnet mask consists of
four number blocks separated by dots. Every block contains a maximum of 3 num-

7. Close the dialog box.

If you have entered an invalid IP address or subnet mask, the message "out of
range" is displayed in the status line. If the settings are correct, the configuration is
saved, and you are prompted to restart the instrument.

8. Confirm the displayed message ("Yes" button) to restart the instrument.

Using a DNS server to determine the IP address

If a DNS server is configured on the R&S FSWP, the server can determine the current
IP address for the connection using the permanent computer name.
1. Obtain the name of your DNS domain and the IP addresses of the DNS and WINS
servers on your network (see Chapter, "How to Change the Instrument
Name", on page 366).

2. Press the [Setup] key and then the "Network + Remote" softkey.

3. In the "Network" tab, select the "Open Dialog 'Network Connections'" button.

4. Double-tap the "Local Area Network" entry.

5. In the "Local Area Connection Status" dialog box, select the "Properties" button.
The items used by the LAN connection are displayed.

6. Tap the entry named "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" to highlight it.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

7. Select the "Properties" button.

8. On the "General" tab, select "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter
your own DNS addresses.
For more information refer to the Microsoft Windows operating system Help. How to Change the Instrument Name

In a LAN that uses a DNS server (Domain Name System server), each PC or instru-
ment connected in the LAN can be accessed via an unambiguous computer name
instead of the IP address. The DNS server translates the host name to the IP address.
This is especially useful when a DHCP server is used, as a new IP address may be
assigned each time the instrument is restarted.
Each instrument is delivered with an assigned computer name, but this name can be

To change the instrument's computer name

1. Press the [Setup] key and then the "Network + Remote" softkey.
The current "Computer Name" is displayed in the "Network" tab.

2. Enter the new computer name and close the dialog box.
The configuration is saved, and you are prompted to restart the instrument.

3. Confirm the displayed message ("Yes" button) to restart the instrument. How to Configure the LAN Using the Web Browser Interface

The instrument's "LAN" web browser interface works correctly with all W3C compliant

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

► In the web browser, open the http://<instrument-hostname> or http://

<instrument-ip-address> page, e.g.
The default password to change "LAN" configurations is LxiWebIfc.
The "Instrument Home Page" (welcome page) opens.

The instrument home page displays device information, including the VISA resource
string, in read-only format.
► Press the "Device Indicator" button on the "Instrument Home Page" to activate or
deactivate the "LAN" status icon on the status bar of the R&S FSWP. A green
"LAN" status symbol indicates that a LAN connection has been established; a red
symbol indicates an error, for example, that no LAN cable is connected. When a
device is connecting to the instrument, the "LAN" icon blinks. The "Device Indica-
tor" setting is not password-protected.

The most important control elements in the navigation pane of the browser interface
are the following:
● "LAN Configuration" opens the menu with configuration pages.
● "Status" displays information about the "LAN" status of the instrument.

LAN Configuration
The LAN configuration consists of three parts:
● "IP configuration" provides all mandatory LAN parameters.
● "Advanced LAN Configuration" provides further LAN settings.
● "Ping Client" provides the ping utility to verify the connection between the instru-
ment and other devices.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

IP Configuration
The "LAN Configuration > IP configuration" web page displays all mandatory LAN
parameters and allows their modification.
For the manual configuration mode, the static IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway are used to configure the LAN. The automatic configuration mode uses DHCP
server or Dynamic Link Local Addressing (Automatic IP) to obtain the instrument IP

Changing the LAN configuration is password-protected. The default password is Lxi-

WebIfc (notice upper and lower case characters).
You can change the LAN password in the "Network + Remote" dialog box, see Chap-
ter 14.3.4, "LAN Settings", on page 358.

Advanced LAN Configuration

The "LAN Configuration > Advanced LAN Configuration" parameters are used as fol-
● The "Negotiation" configuration field provides different Ethernet speed and duplex
mode settings. In general, the "Auto Detect" mode is sufficient.
● "ICMP Ping" must be enabled to use the ping utility.
● "VXI-11" is the protocol that is used to detect the instrument in the LAN.
● mDNS and DNS-SD are two additional protocols: Multicast DNS and DNS Service
Discovery. They are used for device communication in zero configuration networks
working without DNS and DHCP

Ping Client
Ping is a utility that verifies the connection between the instrument and another device.
The ping command uses the ICMP echo request and echo reply packets to determine
whether the LAN connection is functional. Ping is useful for diagnosing IP network or
router failures. The ping utility is not password-protected.
To initiate a ping between the instrument and a second connected device:

1. Enable "ICMP Ping" on the "Advanced LAN Configuration" page (enabled after an

2. Enter the IP address of the second device without the ping command and with-
out any further parameters into the "Destination Address" field (e.g.

3. Select "Submit". How to Change the GPIB Instrument Address

In order to operate the instrument via remote control, it must be addressed using the
GPIB address. The remote control address is factory-set to 20, but it can be changed if

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

it does not fit in the network environment. For remote control, addresses 0 through 30
are allowed. The GPIB address is maintained after a reset of the instrument settings.

Setting the GPIB address

1. On the R&S FSWP, press the [SETUP] key.

2. Press the "Network + Remote" softkey.

3. In the "Network + Remote" dialog box, select the "GPIB" tab.

4. In the "GPIB Address" field, enter a value between 0 and 30.

Remote command:

14.4.2 How to Operate the Instrument Without a Network

To operate the instrument without a network connection either temporarily or perma-

nently, no special measures are necessary. Microsoft Windows automatically detects
the interruption of the network connection and does not set up the connection when the
instrument is switched on.
If you are not prompted to enter the user name and password, proceed as described in
Chapter, "How to Configure the Automatic Login Mechanism", on page 370.

14.4.3 How to Log on to the Network

Microsoft Windows requires that users identify themselves by entering a user name
and password in a login window. You can set up two types of user accounts, either an
administrator account with unrestricted access to the computer/domain or a standard
user account with limited access. The instrument provides an auto-login function for
the administrator account, i.e. login with unrestricted access is carried out automati-
cally in the background. By default, the user name for the administrator account is
"Instrument", and the user name for the standard user account is "NormalUser". In both
cases the initial password is "894129". You can change the password in Microsoft Win-
dows for any user at any time. Some administrative tasks require administrator rights
(e.g. firmware updates or the configuration of a LAN network).
Refer to Chapter 13, "General Instrument Setup", on page 275 to find out which func-
tions are affected.
At the same time you log on to the operating system, you are automatically logged on
to the network. As a prerequisite, the user name and the password must be identical
on the instrument and on the network. How to Create Users

After the software for the network has been installed, the instrument issues an error
message the next time it is switched on because there is no user named "instrument"

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

(= default user ID for Windows auto-login) in the network. Thus, a matching user must
be created in the R&S FSWP and in the network, the password must be adapted to the
network password, and the auto-login mechanism must then be deactivated.

The network administrator is responsible for creating new users in the network.

Select the "Windows" icon in the toolbar to access the operating system.

2. Select "Start > Settings > Accounts > Other users".

3. Select "Add someone else to this PC".

4. In the "Microsoft account" dialog box, enter the new user name and password.

5. Select "OK".

6. Select "Finish".
The new user is created. How to Change the User Password

After the new user has been created on the instrument, the password must be adapted
to the network password.

Select the "Windows" icon in the toolbar to access the operating system.

2. Press [Ctrl + Alt + Delete], then select "Change a password".

3. Enter the user account name.

4. Enter the old password.

5. Enter the new password in the upper text line and repeat it in the following line.

6. Press [Enter].
The new password is now active. How to Configure the Automatic Login Mechanism

Adapting the auto-login function to a new password

If you change the password that is used during auto-login, this function no longer
works. Adapt the settings for the auto-login function first.
1. Open the C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\user\AUTOLOGIN.REG file in any text editor
(e.g. Notepad).

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

2. In the line "DefaultPassword"="894129", replace the default password

(894129) by the new password for automatic login.

3. Save the changes to the file.

4. In the Windows "Start" menu, select "Run".

The "Run" dialog box is displayed.

5. Enter the command C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\user\AUTOLOGIN.REG.

6. Press the [ENTER] key to confirm.

The auto-login function is reactivated with the changed password. It will be applied
the next time the instrument is switched on.

Switching users when using the auto-login function

Which user account is used is defined during login. If auto-login is active, the login win-
dow is not displayed. However, you can switch the user account to be used even when
the auto-login function is active.
1. Select the "Windows" icon in the toolbar to access the operating system of the
R&S FSWP (see also "To access the "Start" menu" on page 27).

2. Press [CTRL] + [ALT] + [DEL], then select "Sign out".

The "Login" dialog box is displayed, in which you can enter the different user
account name and password.

Deactivating the auto-login function

When shipped, the instrument is already configured to automatically log on the "instru-
ment" user under Microsoft Windows. To deactivate the auto-login function, perform the
following steps:
1. In the "Start" menu, select "Run".
The "Run" dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the command C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\user\NO_AUTOLOGIN.REG.

3. Press the [ENTER] key to confirm.

The auto-login function is deactivated. The next time you switch on the instrument,
you are prompted to enter your user name and password before the firmware is

Reactivating the auto-login function

To reactivate the auto-login function after manually deactivating it, perform the follow-
ing steps:
1. In the "Start" menu, select "Run".
The "Run" dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the command C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\user\AUTOLOGIN.REG.

3. Press the [ENTER] key to confirm.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

The auto-login function is reactivated. It will be applied the next time the instrument
is switched on.

14.4.4 How to Share Directories (only with Microsoft Networks)

Sharing directories makes data available for other users. This is only possible in Micro-
soft networks. Sharing is a property of a file or directory.

1. In the "Start" menu, select "Programs", "Accessories" and then select "Windows

2. Select the desired folder with the right mouse button.

3. In the context menu, select "Sharing with > Specific people".

The dialog box for sharing a directory is displayed.

4. Select a user from the list or add a new name and select the "Add" button.

5. Select the "Share" button.

6. Select "Done" to close the dialog box.

The drive is shared and can be accessed by the selected users.

14.4.5 How to Control the R&S FSWP via the Web Browser Interface

Via the LAN web browser interface to the R&S FSWP, one or more users can control
the instrument remotely from another PC without additional installation. Most instru-
ment controls are available via the front panel simulation. File upload and download
between the instrument and the remote PC is also available.

To access the R&S FSWP via the web browser interface

1. Start a web browser that supports html5 (W3C compliant).

2. Enter the IP address of the R&S FSWP in the browser's address bar.
The R&S FSWP's Welcome page is displayed.

3. In the navigation pane, select "Instrument Control > Web Control".

The instrument's display is shown in a new browser window, with a software front
panel displayed beside or below it.

4. Use the mouse cursor to access the functionality in the software front panel or in
the display as you would directly on the instrument's front panel.

To exchange files with the R&S FSWP

You can download files, for example stored measurement data, from the R&S FSWP to
the remote PC, or upload files, for example limit line definitions, from the PC to the
1. In the web browser, select the Welcome page window.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

2. In the navigation pane, select "Instrument Control" > "File Upload" or "File Down-

The most commonly used folders on the instrument are displayed, for example
those that contain user data, as well as the top-most My Computer folder, from
which you can access all other folders on the instrument.

3. To download a file from the R&S FSWP, select the file from the displayed folders
and then select "Download File".

4. To upload a file to the R&S FSWP:

a) From the displayed folders in the web browser window, select the folder on the
R&S FSWP to which you want to copy a file.
b) Under "File to Upload", select "Browse" to open a file selection dialog box and
select the required file on the PC.
c) Select "Upload" to copy the file from the PC to the defined folder on the

14.4.6 How to Deactivate the Web Browser Interface

If you want to prevent other users in the LAN from accessing or operating the
R&S FSWP via its LAN web browser interface, you must deactivate this function. Note
that after a firmware update the function is automatically active again until you
deactivate it manually.

To deactivate the LAN web browser interface


Select the "Windows" icon in the toolbar to access the operating system.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

2. In the "Start" menu, select "Control Panel".

3. Select "System and Security" > "Administrative Tools".

4. From the list on the right, select "Services".

5. From the list of local services, select "R&S TightVNC Server".

6. Set "Startup type" to "Disabled".

7. Select "Stop".

8. Select "Apply".
The next time a user enters the IP address of the instrument in a web browser, an
error message is displayed:
Failed to connect to server (code. 1006)

14.4.7 How to Set Up Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop is a Windows application which can be used to access and control
the instrument from a remote computer through a LAN connection. While the instru-
ment is in operation, the instrument screen contents are displayed on the remote com-
puter, and Remote Desktop provides access to all of the applications, files, and net-
work resources of the instrument. Thus, remote operation of the R&S FSWP is possi-
With Microsoft Windows, Remote Desktop Client is part of the operating system. For
other versions of Windows, Microsoft offers the Remote Desktop Client as an add-on.
For details refer to the Microsoft Windows operating system documentation.
With the factory settings, the default "instrument" user can connect to the R&S FSWP
with the Remote Desktop program of the controller immediately. No further configura-
tion is required. However, if the connection fails or other users need to connect, this

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

section provides basic instructions on setting up the Remote Desktop for the
R&S FSWP. How to Configure the R&S FSWP for Remote Operation via Remote Desktop

1. Create a fixed IP address for the TCP/IP protocol as described in Chapter,
"How to Assign the IP Address", on page 364.
Note: To avoid problems, use a fixed IP address.
When a DHCP server is used, a new IP address is assigned each time the instru-
ment is restarted. This address must first be determined on the instrument itself.
Thus, using a DHCP server is not suitable for remote operation of the R&S FSWP
via Remote Desktop.

Select the "Windows" icon in the toolbar to access the operating system.

3. In the Windows "Start" menu, select "Settings > System".

4. Search for "remote access".

5. Select "Allow remote access to your computer".

6. Define which users are to be given access to the R&S FSWP via Remote Desktop.
Note: The user account under which configuration is carried out is automatically
enabled for Remote Desktop.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

a) Select the "Select Users" button.

b) Select the users or create new user accounts as described in Chapter,
"How to Create Users", on page 369.
c) Select "OK" to confirm the settings.

7. The R&S FSWP is now ready for connection setup with the Remote Desktop pro-
gram of the controller. How to Configure the Controller

Remote Desktop Client

With Microsoft Windows, Remote Desktop Client is part of the operating system and
can be accessed via "Start > Programs > Accessories > Remote Desktop Connection".
For other versions of Windows, Microsoft offers the Remote Desktop Client as an add-


Select the "Windows" icon in the toolbar to access the operating system.

2. From the "Start" menu, select "All Programs > Accessories > Remote Desktop
The "Remote Desktop Connection" dialog box is displayed.

3. Select the "Options >>" button.

The dialog box is expanded to display the configuration data.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

4. Open the "Experience" tab.

The settings on this tab are used to select and optimize the connection speed.

5. In the list, select the appropriate connection (for example: LAN (10 Mbps or
Depending on your selection (and how powerful the connection is), the options are
activated or deactivated.

6. To improve the performance, you can deactivate the "Desktop background", "Show
contents of window while dragging" and "Menu and window animation" options.

7. Open the "Local Resources" tab for enabling printers, local drives and serial inter-

8. If you will need to access drives of the controller from the R&S FSWP (e.g. in order
to store settings or to copy files from the controller to the R&S FSWP), select
"More", then enable the "Drives" option.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

Windows will then map drives of the controller to the corresponding network drives.

9. To use printers connected to the controller while accessing them from the
R&S FSWP, activate the "Printers" option. Do not change the remaining settings.

10. Open the "Display" tab.

The options for configuring the R&S FSWP screen display are displayed.

11. Under "Remote desktop size", you can set the size of the R&S FSWP window on
the desktop of the controller.

12. Under "Colors", do not change the settings.

13. Set the "Display the connection bar when I use the full screen" option:

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

● If activated, a bar showing the network address of the R&S FSWP will appear
at the top edge of the screen. You can use this bar to reduce, minimize or close
the window.
● If deactivated, the only way you can return to the controller desktop from the
R&S FSWP screen in full screen mode is to select "Disconnect" from the
"Start" menu. How to Start and Close the Remote Desktop

To set up a connection to the R&S FSWP

1. In the "Remote Desktop Connection" dialog box (see Chapter, "How to
Configure the Controller", on page 376), open the "General" tab.

2. In the "Computer" field, enter the IP address of the R&S FSWP.

In the "User name" field, enter instrument to log in as an administrator, or Normal
User to log in as a standard user.
In the "Password" field, enter 894129.

3. To save the connection configuration for later use:

a) Select the "Save As" button.
The "Save As" dialog box is displayed.
b) Enter the name for the connection information (*.RDP).

4. To load an existing connection configuration:

a) Select the "Open" button.
The "Open" dialog box is displayed.
b) Select the *.RDP file.

5. Select the "Connect" button.

The connection is set up.

6. If the "Disk drives" option is activated on the "Local Resources" tab, a warning is
displayed indicating that the drives are enabled for access from the R&S FSWP.
Select "OK" to confirm the warning.

7. After a few moments, the R&S FSWP screen is displayed.

If a dark screen appears or a dark square appears in the upper left-hand corner of
the screen, you must restart the R&S FSWP in order to see the modified screen

● Press the key combination [ALT] + [F4].

● The R&S FSWP firmware is shut down, which may take a few sec-
● On the desktop, double-tap the "Analyzer" icon.

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

The firmware restarts and then automatically opens the "Soft Front Panel", i.e. the
user interface on which all front panel controls and the rotary knob are mapped to
For more information see Chapter 13.2.3, "How to Work with the Soft Front Pan-
els", on page 291.

8. To deactivate or activate the "Softfrontpanel", press the [F6] key.

After the connection is established, the R&S FSWP screen is displayed in the
"Remote Desktop" application window.

The Windows "Start" menu can be made available by expanding the "Remote
Desktop" window to full size.
During the connection with the controller, the login entry is displayed on the
R&S FSWP screen.

To terminate Remote Desktop control

The connection can be terminated by the controller or by a user at the R&S FSWP:
1. On the controller, close the "Remote Desktop" window at any time.
The connection to the R&S FSWP is terminated.

2. On the R&S FSWP, a user logs on.

The connection to the controller is terminated as a result. A message is displayed
on the controller display indicating that another user has assumed control of the

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R&S®FSWP Network and Remote Operation
How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

Restoring the connection to the R&S FSWP

Follow the instructions above for setting up a connection to the R&S FSWP. If the con-
nection is terminated and then restored, the R&S FSWP remains in the same state. How to Shut Down the R&S FSWP via Remote Operation

1. Select the R&S FSWP softfrontpanel and close the application with the key combi-
nation [ALT] + [F4].

2. Select the desktop and press the key combination [ALT] + [F4].
A safety query is displayed to warn you that the instrument cannot be reactivated
via remote operation and asks you whether you want to continue the shutdown

3. Respond to the safety query with "Yes".

The connection with the controller is terminated and the R&S FSWP is shut down.

14.4.8 How to Start a Remote Control Session from a PC

When you switch on the R&S FSWP, it is always in manual operation state ("local"
state) and can be operated via the front panel.

To start remote control

1. Send an addressed command (GTR - Go to Remote) from a controller to the instru-
The instrument is switched to remote control ("remote" state). Operation via the
front panel is disabled. Only the "Local" softkey is displayed to return to manual
operation. The instrument remains in the remote state until it is reset to the manual
state via the instrument or via remote control interfaces. Switching from manual
operation to remote control and vice versa does not affect the other instrument set-

2. During program execution, send the SYSTem:DISPlay:UPDate ON command to

activate the display of results (see SYSTem:DISPlay:UPDate on page 597).
The changes in the device settings and the recorded measurement values are dis-
played on the instrument screen.

3. To obtain optimum performance during remote control, send the

SYSTem:DISPlay:UPDate OFF command to hide the display of results and dia-
grams again (default setting in remote control).

4. To prevent unintentional return to manual operation, disable the keys of the instru-
ment using the universal command LLO.
Switching to manual mode is only possible via remote control then. This function is
only available for the GPIB interface.

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How to Set Up a Network and Remote Control

5. To enable the keys of the R&S FSWP again, switch the instrument to local mode
(GTL - Go to Local), i.e. deactivate the REN line of the remote control interface.

If the instrument is operated exclusively in remote control, it is recommended that you

switch off the display. For details see "Remote Display Update" on page 356.

14.4.9 How to Return to Manual Operation

Before you switch back to manual operation, all remote command processing must be
completed. Otherwise, the instrument will switch back to remote control immediately.

► Select the "Local" softkey, or use the following GPIB command:

status = viGpibControlREN(vi, VI_GPIB_REN_ADDRESS_GTL)

If you select the "Local" softkey while a self-alignment or a self-test is still running
(which was started remotely), the instrument only returns to the manual operation state
when the alignment or test is completed.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 382

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Conventions Used in SCPI Command Descriptions

15 Remote Control
● Conventions Used in SCPI Command Descriptions............................................. 383
● Common Suffixes..................................................................................................384
● Common Commands............................................................................................ 384
● Selecting the Operating Mode and Application..................................................... 389
● Measurements and Result Displays......................................................................397
● Common Measurement Settings...........................................................................413
● Common Analysis and Display Functions.............................................................500
● Managing Settings and Results............................................................................ 552
● Configuring the R&S FSWP.................................................................................. 579
● Using the Status Register..................................................................................... 614
● Programming Examples........................................................................................618

15.1 Conventions Used in SCPI Command Descriptions

Note the following conventions used in the remote command descriptions:
● Command usage
If not specified otherwise, commands can be used both for setting and for querying
If a command can be used for setting or querying only, or if it initiates an event, the
usage is stated explicitly.
● Parameter usage
If not specified otherwise, a parameter can be used to set a value and it is the
result of a query.
Parameters required only for setting are indicated as Setting parameters.
Parameters required only to refine a query are indicated as Query parameters.
Parameters that are only returned as the result of a query are indicated as Return
● Conformity
Commands that are taken from the SCPI standard are indicated as SCPI con-
firmed. All commands used by the R&S FSWP follow the SCPI syntax rules.
● Asynchronous commands
A command which does not automatically finish executing before the next com-
mand starts executing (overlapping command) is indicated as an Asynchronous
● Reset values (*RST)
Default parameter values that are used directly after resetting the instrument (*RST
command) are indicated as *RST values, if available.
● Default unit
The default unit is used for numeric values if no other unit is provided with the
● Manual operation
If the result of a remote command can also be achieved in manual operation, a link
to the description is inserted.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 383

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Commands

15.2 Common Suffixes

In the application, the following common suffixes are used in remote commands:
Table 15-1: Common suffixes used in remote commands in the application

Suffix Value range Description

<m> 1 to 16 Marker
(or spot noise marker)

<n> 1 to 16 Window (in the currently selected channel)

<t> 1 to 6 Trace

<li> 1 to 8 Limit line

<j> 1..10 Selects an integrated measurement range.

<k> 1..8 (Limit line) Selects a limit or display line.

1 | 2 (Display line)

<r> 1..x Selects a half decade.

The value range depends on the number of half decades. The first
half decade in the measurement always has the value "1". For sub-
sequent half decades, add "1" to get the value "x" (the fourth half
decade, for example, would have the value "4").

<s> 1..6 Selects a (user defined) spot noise marker.

<x> 1..2 Selects a mixer in the test setup.

Selecting windows in multiple channels

Note that the suffix <n> always refers to a window in the currently selected channel.

15.3 Common Commands

*IST?............................................................................................................................ 386
*OPC............................................................................................................................ 386
*PCB............................................................................................................................ 386
*PRE............................................................................................................................ 387
*PSC............................................................................................................................ 387
*SRE............................................................................................................................ 387

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Commands

*TRG............................................................................................................................ 388
*TST?........................................................................................................................... 388
*WAI............................................................................................................................. 388

Calibration query
Initiates a calibration of the instrument and then queries the calibration status. Respon-
ses > 0 indicate errors.
Note: If you start a self-alignment remotely, then select the "Local" softkey while the
alignment is still running, the instrument only returns to the manual operation state
after the alignment is completed.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See " Start Self Alignment " on page 278

Clear status
Sets the status byte (STB), the standard event register (ESR) and the EVENt part of
the QUEStionable and the OPERation registers to zero. The command does not
alter the mask and transition parts of the registers. It clears the output buffer.
Usage: Setting only

*ESE <Value>
Event status enable
Sets the event status enable register to the specified value. The query returns the con-
tents of the event status enable register in decimal form.
<Value> Range: 0 to 255

Event status read
Returns the contents of the event status register in decimal form and then sets the reg-
ister to zero.
Return values:
<Contents> Range: 0 to 255
Usage: Query only

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Commands

Returns the instrument identification.
Return values:
<ID> "Rohde&Schwarz,<device type>,<part number>/<serial num-
ber>,<firmware version>"
Example: Rohde&Schwarz,FSWP-26,1322.8003K26/100005,1.00
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "*IDN Format" on page 356

Individual status query
Returns the contents of the IST flag in decimal form. The IST flag is the status bit
which is sent during a parallel poll.
Return values:
<ISTflag> 0|1
Usage: Query only

Operation complete
Sets bit 0 in the event status register when all preceding commands have been execu-
ted. This bit can be used to initiate a service request. The query writes a "1" into the
output buffer when all preceding commands have been executed, which is useful for
command synchronization.

Option identification query
Queries the options included in the instrument. For a list of all available options and
their description, refer to the data sheet.
Usage: Query only

*PCB <Address>
Pass control back
Indicates the controller address to which remote control is returned after termination of
the triggered action.
Setting parameters:
<Address> Range: 0 to 30

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Commands

Usage: Setting only

*PRE <Value>
Parallel poll register enable
Sets parallel poll enable register to the indicated value. The query returns the contents
of the parallel poll enable register in decimal form.
<Value> Range: 0 to 255

*PSC <Action>
Power on status clear
Determines whether the contents of the ENABle registers are preserved or reset when
the instrument is switched on. Thus a service request can be triggered when the instru-
ment is switched on, if the status registers ESE and SRE are suitably configured. The
query reads out the contents of the "power-on-status-clear" flag.
<Action> 0|1
The contents of the status registers are preserved.
Resets the status registers.

Sets the instrument to a defined default status. The default settings are indicated in the
description of commands.
The command is equivalent to SYSTem:PRESet.
Usage: Setting only

*SRE <Contents>
Service request enable
Sets the service request enable register to the indicated value. This command deter-
mines under which conditions a service request is triggered.
<Contents> Contents of the service request enable register in decimal form.
Bit 6 (MSS mask bit) is always 0.
Range: 0 to 255

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Commands

Status byte query
Reads the contents of the status byte in decimal form.
Usage: Query only

Triggers all actions waiting for a trigger event. In particular, *TRG generates a manual
trigger signal. This common command complements the commands of the TRIGger
*TRG corresponds to the INITiate:IMMediate command.
Usage: Event

Self-test query
Initiates self-tests of the instrument and returns an error code.
Note: If you start a self-test remotely, then select the "Local" softkey while the test is
still running, the instrument only returns to the manual operation state after the test is
completed. In this case, the self-test cannot be aborted.
Return values:
<ErrorCode> integer > 0 (in decimal format)
An error occurred.
(For details, see the Service Manual supplied with the instru-
No errors occurred.
Usage: Query only

Wait to continue
Prevents servicing of the subsequent commands until all preceding commands have
been executed and all signals have settled (see also command synchronization and
Usage: Event

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 388

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Selecting the Operating Mode and Application

15.4 Selecting the Operating Mode and Application

15.4.1 Selecting Mode and Applications

INSTrument:CREate:DUPLicate...................................................................................... 389
INSTrument:CREate[:NEW]............................................................................................ 389
INSTrument:CREate:REPLace........................................................................................ 390
INSTrument:DELete....................................................................................................... 390
INSTrument:LIST?......................................................................................................... 391

DISPlay:ATAB <State>
This command switches between the MultiView tab and the most recently displayed
channel. If only one channel is active, this command has no effect.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on

This command duplicates the currently selected channel, i.e creates a new channel of
the same type and with the identical measurement settings. The name of the new
channel is the same as the copied channel, extended by a consecutive number (e.g.
"IQAnalyzer" -> "IQAnalyzer 2").
The channel to be duplicated must be selected first using the INST:SEL command.
This command is not available if the MSRA Master channel is selected.
Example: INST:SEL 'PhaseNoise'
Duplicates the channel named 'PhaseNoise' and creates a new
channel named 'PhaseNoise 2'.
Usage: Event
Manual operation: See " Duplicate Current Channel " on page 102

INSTrument:CREate[:NEW] <ChannelType>, <ChannelName>

This command adds an additional measurement channel. You can configure up to 10
measurement channels at the same time (depending on available memory).

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Selecting the Operating Mode and Application

See also
● INSTrument[:SELect] on page 392
● INSTrument:DELete on page 390
<ChannelType> Channel type of the new channel.
For a list of available channel types see INSTrument:LIST?
on page 391.
<ChannelName> String containing the name of the channel.
Note that you can not assign an existing channel name to a new
channel; this will cause an error.
Example: INST:CRE SAN, 'Spectrum 2'
Adds an additional spectrum display named "Spectrum 2".
Manual operation: See "New Channel" on page 102

INSTrument:CREate:REPLace <ChannelName1>,<ChannelType>,<ChannelName2>
This command replaces a channel with another one.
Setting parameters:
<ChannelName1> String containing the name of the channel you want to replace.
<ChannelType> Channel type of the new channel.
For a list of available channel types see INSTrument:LIST?
on page 391.
<ChannelName2> String containing the name of the new channel.
Note: If the specified name for a new channel already exists, the
default name, extended by a sequential number, is used for the
new channel (see INSTrument:LIST? on page 391).
Channel names can have a maximum of 31 characters, and
must be compatible with the Windows conventions for file
names. In particular, they must not contain special characters
such as ":", "*", "?".
Example: INST:CRE:REPL 'PhaseNoise',PNO,'PNO2'
Replaces the channel named "PhaseNoise" by a new channel of
type "Phase Noise" named "PNO2".
Usage: Setting only
Manual operation: See "Replace Current Channel" on page 102

INSTrument:DELete <ChannelName>
This command deletes a channel.
If you delete the last channel, the default "Phase Noise" channel is activated.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Selecting the Operating Mode and Application

Setting parameters:
<ChannelName> String containing the name of the channel you want to delete.
A channel must exist in order to be able delete it.
Example: INST:DEL 'PhaseNoise'
Deletes the channel with the name 'PhaseNoise'.
Usage: Setting only

This command queries all active channels. This is useful in order to obtain the names
of the existing channels, which are required in order to replace or delete the channels.
Return values:
<ChannelType>, For each channel, the command returns the channel type and
<ChannelName> channel name (see tables below).
Tip: to change the channel name, use the INSTrument:
REName command.
Example: INST:LIST?
Result for 2 channels:
'PNO','PhaseNoise','PNO','Phase Noise 2'
Usage: Query only
Table 15-2: Available channel types and default channel names

Application <ChannelType> Parameter Default Channel Name*)

Phase Noise PNOise Phase Noise

Spectrum Monitor SMONitor Spectrum Monitor

Spectrum (R&S FSWP-B1) SANalyzer Spectrum

I/Q Analyzer (R&S FSWP- IQ IQ Analyzer


Pulse Measurements PULSe Pulse


Analog Modulation Analy- ADEMod Analog Demod

sis (R&S FSWP-K7)

Noise Figure Measure- NOISe Noise

ments (R&S FSWP-K30)

Fast Spur Search SPUR Spurious

(R&S FSWP-K50)

Transient Analysis TA Transient Analysis

(R&S FSWP-K60)

Vector Signal Analysis DDEM VSA

(R&S FSWP-K70)

Note: the default channel name is also listed in the table. If the specified name for a new channel already
exists, the default name, extended by a sequential number, is used for the new channel.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Selecting the Operating Mode and Application

INSTrument:REName <ChannelName1>, <ChannelName2>

This command renames a channel.
Setting parameters:
<ChannelName1> String containing the name of the channel you want to rename.
<ChannelName2> String containing the new channel name.
Note that you cannot assign an existing channel name to a new
channel; this will cause an error.
Channel names can have a maximum of 31 characters, and
must be compatible with the Windows conventions for file
names. In particular, they must not contain special characters
such as ":", "*", "?".
Example: INST:REN 'PhaseNoise','PNO'
Renames the channel with the name 'PhaseNoise' to 'PNO'.
Usage: Setting only

INSTrument[:SELect] <ChannelType> | <ChannelName>

This command activates a new channel with the defined channel type, or selects an
existing channel with the specified name.
Also see
● INSTrument:CREate[:NEW] on page 389
● Chapter 15.4.3, "Programming Example: Performing a Sequence of Measure-
ments", on page 395
<ChannelType> Channel type of the new channel.
For a list of available channel types see INSTrument:LIST?
on page 391.
<ChannelName> String containing the name of the channel.
Example: INST IQ
Activates a channel for the I/Q Analyzer application (evaluation
INST 'MyIQSpectrum'
Selects the channel named 'MyIQSpectrum' (for example before
executing further commands for that channel).

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Selecting the Operating Mode and Application

Manual operation: See "Phase Noise" on page 99

See "Spectrum Monitor" on page 99
See "Spectrum" on page 100
See "Analog Modulation Analysis" on page 100
See "I/Q Analyzer" on page 100
See "Noise Figure" on page 100
See "Pulse Measurements" on page 101
See "Spurious Measurements" on page 101
See "Transient Analysis" on page 101
See "Vector Signal Analysis (VSA)" on page 101
See "New Channel" on page 102

15.4.2 Performing a Sequence of Measurements

INITiate:SEQuencer:ABORt............................................................................................ 393
INITiate:SEQuencer:IMMediate....................................................................................... 393
SYSTem:SEQuencer...................................................................................................... 394

This command stops the currently active sequence of measurements.
You can start a new sequence any time using INITiate:SEQuencer:IMMediate
on page 393.
Usage: Event
Manual operation: See " Sequencer State " on page 105

This command starts a new sequence of measurements by the Sequencer.
Its effect is similar to the INITiate<n>[:IMMediate] command used for a single
Before this command can be executed, the Sequencer must be activated (see
SYSTem:SEQuencer on page 394).
Example: SYST:SEQ ON
Activates the Sequencer.
Sets single sequence mode so each active measurement will be
performed once.
Starts the sequential measurements.
Manual operation: See " Sequencer State " on page 105

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Selecting the Operating Mode and Application

INITiate:SEQuencer:MODE <Mode>
Defines the capture mode for the entire measurement sequence and all measurement
groups and channels it contains.
Note: In order to synchronize to the end of a measurement sequence using *OPC,
*OPC? or *WAI you must use SINGle Sequence mode.
<Mode> SINGle
Each measurement group is started one after the other in the
order of definition. All measurement channels in a group are
started simultaneously and performed once. After all measure-
ments are completed, the next group is started. After the last
group, the measurement sequence is finished.
Each measurement group is started one after the other in the
order of definition. All measurement channels in a group are
started simultaneously and performed once. After all measure-
ments are completed, the next group is started. After the last
group, the measurement sequence restarts with the first one and
continues until it is stopped explicitely.
*RST: CONTinuous
Manual operation: See " Sequencer Mode " on page 105

SYSTem:SEQuencer <State>
This command turns the Sequencer on and off. The Sequencer must be active before
any other Sequencer commands (INIT:SEQ...) are executed, otherwise an error will
A detailed programming example is provided in Chapter 15.4.3, "Programming Exam-
ple: Performing a Sequence of Measurements", on page 395.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
ON | 1
The Sequencer is activated and a sequential measurement is
started immediately.
OFF | 0
The Sequencer is deactivated. Any running sequential measure-
ments are stopped. Further Sequencer commands
(INIT:SEQ...) are not available.
*RST: 0

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Selecting the Operating Mode and Application

Example: SYST:SEQ ON
Activates the Sequencer.
Sets single Sequencer mode so each active measurement will
be performed once.
Starts the sequential measurements.
Manual operation: See " Sequencer State " on page 105

15.4.3 Programming Example: Performing a Sequence of Measurements

This example demonstrates how to perform several measurements in a sequence in a

remote environment.
Note that it is based on the optional Spectrum application. Doing this for the Phase
Noise application, however, works the same way.

//2xSpectrumanalyzer + 2xIQ, start Sequencer at the end, test OPC?

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

//------Preparing the instrument and first channel -----------

//Activate new IQ channel
INSTrument:CREate:NEW IQ,'IQ 1'
//Set sweep count for new IQ channel
//Change trace modes for IQ channel
//Switch to single sweep mode
//switch back to first (default) analyzer channel
INST:SEL 'Spectrum';*WAI
//Switch into SEM
//Load Sem standard file for W-CDMA
//Set sweep count in Spectrum channel

//----------Creating a second measurement channel ----------------

//Create second IQ channel

INSTrument:CREate:NEW IQ,'IQ 2'
//Set sweep count

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Selecting the Operating Mode and Application

//Change trace modes
//Create new analyzer channel
INSTrument:CREate:NEW SANalyzer,'Spectrum 2'
//Activate ACLR measurement in channel 'Spectrum 2'
CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:POWer:SELect ACPower
//Load W-CDMA Standard
CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:POWer:PRESet FW3Gppcdma
//Change trace modes

//--------Performing a sweep and retrieving results----------------

//Change sweep count

//Single Sweep mode
//Switch back to first IQ channel
//Perform a measurement
//Retrieve results
//Activate Multiview

//---------Performing a sequence of measurements with the Sequencer------------

//Activate Sequencer
SYSTem:SEQuencer ON
//Start sweep in Sequencer
//Switch into first IQ channel to get results
//Change sweep time in IQ
//Switch to single Sequencer mode
INITiate:SEQuencer:MODE SINGle
//Sweep all channels once, taking the sweep count in each channel into account
//Set marker to maximum in IQ1 and query result
//Switch to second IQ channel and retrieve results

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Measurements and Result Displays

//Switch to first Spectrum channel
INST:SEL 'Spectrum';*WAI
//Query one of the SEM results
CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:POWer:RESult? CPOWer
//Switch to second Spectrum channel
INST:SEL 'Spectrum 2';*WAI
//Query channel power result
CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:POWer:RESult? ACPower

15.5 Measurements and Result Displays

● Measurement Selection........................................................................................ 397
● Performing Measurements....................................................................................399
● Querying Results...................................................................................................402
● Programming Examples........................................................................................412

15.5.1 Measurement Selection

CONFigure:SNTune:MEASurement[:STATe]..................................................................... 398
CONFigure:TRANsient:MEASurement[:STATe]................................................................. 398
CONFigure:VCO:MEASurement[:STATe].......................................................................... 399

CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement <Measurement>
This command selects the measurement.
● To select the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement, use CONFigure:SNTune:
● To select the VCO characterization, use CONFigure:VCO:MEASurement[:
● To select the Transient Analysis measurement, use CONFigure:TRANsient:
<Measurement> BASeband
Selects the Baseband Noise measurement.
Select the Phase Noise measurement.
Selects the Pulsed Phase Noise measurement.
Selects the Additive Pulsed Phase Noise measurement.
Selects the Additive Noise measurement.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

*RST: PNOise
Example: //Select the additive noise measurement
Manual operation: See "Phase noise Measurement" on page 111
See "Additive noise measurements (optional)" on page 111
See "Baseband noise measurement" on page 111
See "Pulsed phase noise measurements (optional)" on page 112
See "Pulsed additive noise measurements (optional)"
on page 112
See "Selecting the noise measurement type" on page 124

CONFigure:SNTune:MEASurement[:STATe] <State>
This command selects the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement.
● To select the VCO characterization measurement, use CONFigure:VCO:
● To select the Transient Analysis measurement, use CONFigure:TRANsient:
● To select other measurements, use CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement.
<State> ON | 1
Selects the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement.
OFF | 0
Selects the Phase Noise measurement (CONF:PNO:MEAS
Example: //Select the phase noise measurement
Manual operation: See "Spot noise vs tune" on page 111

CONFigure:TRANsient:MEASurement[:STATe] <State>
This command selects the PN Transient Analysis measurement.
● To select the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement, use CONFigure:SNTune:
● To select the VCO characterization measurement, use CONFigure:VCO:
● To select other measurements, use CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement.
<State> ON | 1
Selects the PN Transient Analysis measurement.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

OFF | 0
Selects the Phase Noise measurement (CONF:PNO:MEAS
Example: //Select the phase noise measurement
Manual operation: See "PN Transient analysis" on page 112

CONFigure:VCO:MEASurement[:STATe] <State>
This command selects the VCO Characterization measurement.
● To select the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement, use CONFigure:SNTune:
● To select the Transient Analysis measurement, use CONFigure:TRANsient:
● To select other measurements, use CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement.
<State> ON | 1
Selects the VCO Characterization measurement.
OFF | 0
Selects the Phase Noise measurement (CONF:PNO:MEAS
Example: //Select the phase noise measurement
Manual operation: See "VCO characterization" on page 111

15.5.2 Performing Measurements

ABORt.......................................................................................................................... 399
INITiate<n>:CONMeas................................................................................................... 400
INITiate<n>:CONTinuous................................................................................................ 401

This command aborts the measurement in the current channel and resets the trigger
To prevent overlapping execution of the subsequent command before the measure-
ment has been aborted successfully, use the *OPC? or *WAI command after ABOR and
before the next command.
For details see Chapter, "Preventing Overlapping Execution", on page 331.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

Note on blocked remote control programs:

If a sequential command cannot be completed, for example because a triggered sweep
never receives a trigger, the remote control program will never finish and the remote
channel to the R&S FSWP is blocked for further commands. In this case, you must
interrupt processing on the remote channel first in order to abort the measurement.
To do so, send a "Device Clear" command from the control instrument to the
R&S FSWP on a parallel channel to clear all currently active remote channels.
Depending on the used interface and protocol, send the following commands:
● Visa: viClear()
● GPIB: ibclr()
● RSIB: RSDLLibclr()
Now you can send the ABORt command on the remote channel performing the mea-
Aborts the current measurement and immediately starts a new
Example: ABOR;*WAI
Aborts the current measurement and starts a new one once
abortion has been completed.
Usage: Event

This command restarts a (single) measurement that has been stopped (using ABORt)
or finished in single measurement mode.
The measurement is restarted at the beginning, not where the previous measurement
was stopped.
As opposed to INITiate<n>[:IMMediate], this command does not reset traces in
maxhold, minhold or average mode. Therefore it can be used to continue measure-
ments using maxhold or averaging functions.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays


Switches to single measurement mode.
Switches on trace averaging.
Setting the measurement counter to 20 measurements.
Starts the measurement and waits for the end of the 20 mea-
Continues the measurement (next 20 measurements) and waits
for the end.
Result: Averaging is performed over 40 measurements.
Manual operation: See " Continue Single Sweep " on page 110

INITiate<n>:CONTinuous <State>
This command controls the measurement mode for an individual channel.
Note that in single measurement mode, you can synchronize to the end of the mea-
surement with *OPC, *OPC? or *WAI. In continuous measurement mode, synchroniza-
tion to the end of the measurement is not possible. Thus, it is not recommended that
you use continuous measurement mode in remote control, as results like trace data or
markers are only valid after a single measurement end synchronization.
For details on synchronization see Chapter 14.1.6, "Command Sequence and Syn-
chronization", on page 330.
If the measurement mode is changed for a channel while the Sequencer is active the
mode is only considered the next time the measurement in that channel is activated by
the Sequencer.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
ON | 1
Continuous measurement
OFF | 0
Single measurement
*RST: 1
Switches the measurement mode to single measurement.
Switches the measurement mode to continuous measurement.
Manual operation: See " Continuous Sweep / Run Cont " on page 110

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

This command starts a (single) new measurement.
With measurement count or average count > 0, this means a restart of the correspond-
ing number of measurements. With trace mode MAXHold, MINHold and AVERage, the
previous results are reset on restarting the measurement.
You can synchronize to the end of the measurement with *OPC, *OPC? or *WAI.
For details on synchronization see Chapter 14.1.6, "Command Sequence and Syn-
chronization", on page 330.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
Manual operation: See " Single Sweep / Run Single " on page 109

15.5.3 Querying Results

Commands to query results described elsewhere:

● CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades:X? on page 467
● CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades:Y? on page 467
● CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:Y? on page 468
FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:DUT:GAIN?............................................................... 402
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs?...................................................................................... 403
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:COUNt?........................................................................... 403
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:DISCrete?........................................................................ 404
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:JITTer?............................................................................ 404
FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:IPN?......................................................................... 405
FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RAM?....................................................................... 405
FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RMS?....................................................................... 406
FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RPM?....................................................................... 407
[SENSe:]BWIDth:MEASurement?.................................................................................... 408
TRACe<n>[:DATA]?....................................................................................................... 408
TRACe<n>[:DATA]:X:POINts?......................................................................................... 411
TRACe<n>[:DATA]:Y:POINts?......................................................................................... 412

This command queries the DUT gain.
The DUT gain is the ratio of the power measured at the DUT output and the power
applied to the DUT input (signal power at the signal source output).

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<j> irrelevant
<t> irrelevant
Return values:
<values> <numeric value>
Default unit: dB
Example: //Query DUT gain
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only

This command queries the location and level of all spurs that have been detected.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<t> Trace
Return values:
<SpurCoordinates> Returns two values (frequency and level) for each each spur that
has been detected.
Example: //Query spur characteristics
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Spurious List" on page 115

This command queries the number of spurious included in the spurious list.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
Return values:
<Count> Number of spurious

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

Usage: Query only

Manual operation: See "Spurious List" on page 115

This command queries the discrete jitter result.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<t> Trace
Return values:
<Jitter> <numeric value>
Default unit: s
Example: //Query discrete jitter
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Spurious List" on page 115

This command queries the jitter of the measured spurs.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<t> Trace
Return values:
<Jitter> <numeric value>
Default unit: s
Example: //Query jitter of spurs
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Spurious List" on page 115

This command queries the random jitter result.
Suffix: .
<n> Window

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

<t> Trace
Return values:
<arg0> <numeric value>
Default unit: s
Example: //Query random jitter
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Spurious List" on page 115

This command queries the integrated phase noise.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range
<t> Trace
Return values:
<Level> <numeric value>
Default unit: dBc
Example: //Query integrated phase noise
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Integrated Measurements" on page 114

This command queries the residual AM.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range
<t> Trace
Return values:
<Am> <numeric value>
In case of Baseband Noise measurements, the result is always
Default unit: PCT

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

Example: //Query residual AM

would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Integrated Measurements" on page 114

This command queries the residual FM.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range
<t> Trace
Return values:
<Frequency> <numeric value>
In case of Baseband Noise measurements, the result is always
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Query residual FM
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Integrated Measurements" on page 114

This command queries the residual RMS jitter.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range
<t> Trace
Return values:
<Jitter> <numeric value>
In case of Baseband Noise measurements, the result is always
Default unit: s

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

Example: //Query RMS jitter

would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Integrated Measurements" on page 114

This command queries the residual PM.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range
<t> Trace
Return values:
<Phase> <numeric value>
In case of Baseband Noise measurements, the result is always
Default unit: deg
Example: //Query residual PM
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Integrated Measurements" on page 114

MMEMory:STORe<n>:SPURs <FileName>[, <Trace>]

This command exports the spur information to a file.
Secure User Mode
In secure user mode, settings that are stored on the instrument are stored to volatile
memory, which is restricted to 256 MB. Thus, a "memory limit reached" error can occur
although the hard disk indicates that storage space is still available.
To store data permanently, select an external storage location such as a USB memory
For details, see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode",
on page 31.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

Setting parameters:
<FileName> String containing the path and name of the target file.
<Trace> <numeric value> (integer only)
Trace from which the spur information is collected.
If you do not define a trace, all spurs over all traces are expor-
Example: //Store spur information of trace 1
MMEM:STOR:SPUR 'c:\spurs.asc',1
Usage: Setting only

This command queries the measurement bandwidth of the frequency stability mea-
surements (Allan variance and deviation).
Return values:
<Bandwidth> <numeric value>
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Query measurement bandwidth
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Allan Variance / Allan Deviation" on page 117

TRACe<n>[:DATA]? <Trace>
This command queries the trace data (measurement results).
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
Query parameters:
<Trace> TRACE1 | ... | TRACE6
Queries the data of one of the colored line traces.
Queries the data of the cross-correlation gain indicator (grey
Return values:
<Result> • Phase noise measurements
Coordinates of the trace as list of comma-separated values,
beginning at the nearest offset frequency.
• Baseband noise measurements
Coordinates of the trace as list of comma-separated values,
beginning at the start frequency.
• VCO characterization

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

Coordinates of the trace as list of comma-separated values,

beginning at the first sweep voltage.
• Spot noise vs tune
Coordinates of the trace as list of comma-separated values,
beginning at the first sweep voltage.
• Transient analysis
Coordinates of the trace (frequency or phase) as a list of
comma-separated values, over the defined measurement time.
Example: //Query trace data
would return the data of trace 1, e.g.:
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Noise Diagram" on page 113
See "Allan Variance / Allan Deviation" on page 117
See "Frequency (VCO Characterization)" on page 118
See "Sensitivity" on page 118
See "Power" on page 118
See "Current / Voltage" on page 119
See "Power vs. Frequency" on page 119
See "Harmonic Power" on page 119
See "Spot Noise vs Tune PN" on page 120
See "Spot Noise vs Tune AM" on page 120
See "Frequency (Transient Analysis)" on page 120
See "Frequency Deviation" on page 121
See "Phase" on page 121

TRACe<n>[:DATA]:LINear? <Trace>, <Points>[, <Start>, <Stop>]

This command queries the trace data with linear interpolation.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
Query parameters:
<Trace> TRACE1 | ... | TRACE6
Queries the data of one of the colored line traces.
Queries the data of the cross-correlation gain indicator (grey
<Points> <numeric value> (integer only)
Defines the number of linearily spaced measurement points that
are returned within the specified frequency range (defined by the
start and stop values).

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

<Start> <numeric value>

Defines the start offset of the frequency range whose trace data
you like to query.
The start offset must be within the measurement range you have
defined. If you do not define a start and stop offset, the com-
mand returns the trace data for the complete measurement
range that was defined.
Minimum start offset is 0 Hz.
Default unit: Hz
<Stop> <numeric value>
Defines the stop offset of the frequency range whose trace data
you like to query.
The stop offset must be within the measurement range you have
defined. If you do not define a start and stop offset, the com-
mand returns the trace data for the complete measurement
range that was defined.
Maximum stop offset depends on the measurement range.
Default unit: Hz
Return values:
<Result> String that contains the trace data as comma-separated values.
Each data point consists of two values: offset frequency in Hz
and level in dBc/Hz.
The number of value pairs depends on the number of points you
have defined.
Example: //Query linear trace data
TRAC:LIN? TRACE1,5,100,100000
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only

TRACe<n>:POINts? <Trace>
This command queries the number of measurement points of a specific trace.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
Query parameters:
<Trace> TRACe1 | TRACe2 | TRACe3 | TRACe4 | TRACe5 | TRACe6 |
"XGINdicator" only available for phase noise measurements.
Return values:
<Points> <numeric value> (integer)

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Measurements and Result Displays

Example: //Query number of measurement points of a trace in window 2

Usage: Query only

TRACe<n>[:DATA]:X? <Trace>
Queries X trace values merged with spurs for a given window and trace.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
Query parameters:
<Trace> TRACe1 | TRACe2 | TRACe3 | TRACe4 | TRACe5 | TRACe6
Return values:
<Result> Comma separated list of X values
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Noise Diagram" on page 113

TRACe<n>[:DATA]:X:POINts? <Trace>
Queries number of points of trace data merged with spurs.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
Query parameters:
<Trace> TRACe1 | TRACe2 | TRACe3 | TRACe4 | TRACe5 | TRACe6
Return values:
<Points> <numeric value> (integer)
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Noise Diagram" on page 113

TRACe<n>[:DATA]:Y? <Trace>
Queries Y trace values merged with spurs for a given window and trace.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
Query parameters:
<Trace> TRACe1 | TRACe2 | TRACe3 | TRACe4 | TRACe5 | TRACe6
Return values:
<Result> Comma separated list of Y values
Usage: Query only

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Measurements and Result Displays

Manual operation: See "Noise Diagram" on page 113

TRACe<n>[:DATA]:Y:POINts? <Trace>
Queries number of points of trace data merged with spurs.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
Query parameters:
<Trace> TRACe1 | TRACe2 | TRACe3 | TRACe4 | TRACe5 | TRACe6
Return values:
<Points> <numeric value> (integer)
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Noise Diagram" on page 113

15.5.4 Programming Examples

Performing a phase noise measurement

//Select single sweep mode
// Configure start and stop offset
// Configure RBW in %
// Configure cross correllation factor
// Start synchronized measurement
// Turn on marker 1 in window 1
// Set marker 1 stimulus
CALC1:MARK1:X 300 kHz
// Query marker 1 result

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

15.6 Common Measurement Settings

● Remote Commands to Configure the Input Source.............................................. 413
● Output................................................................................................................... 428
● Remote Commands to Configure User Ports........................................................441
● Remote Commands to Configure Level Characteristics....................................... 443
● Remote Commands to Configure the Frequency..................................................449
● Phase Noise Measurement Configuration............................................................ 454
● Pulsed Phase Noise Configuration....................................................................... 474
● VCO Characterization Configuration.....................................................................477
● Spot Noise vs Tune Configuration........................................................................ 480
● Transient Analysis.................................................................................................484

15.6.1 Remote Commands to Configure the Input Source

● RF Input................................................................................................................ 413
● Baseband Input.....................................................................................................415
● External Mixer....................................................................................................... 415 RF Input

INPut<1|2>:LOSCillator:SOURce:EXTernal:LEVel............................................................. 414

INPut<ip>:COUPling <CouplingType>
This command selects the coupling type of the RF input.
Suffix: .
<ip> 1|2
<CouplingType> AC | DC
AC coupling
DC coupling
Example: INP:COUP DC
Manual operation: See " Input Coupling " on page 126

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

INPut<ip>:SELect <Source>
This command selects the signal source for measurements, i.e. it defines which con-
nector is used to input data to the R&S FSWP.
Suffix: .
<ip> 1|2
<Source> ABB
Analog Baseband signal
Radio Frequency ("RF INPUT" connector)
Manual operation: See " Radio Frequency State " on page 126

INPut<1|2>:LOSCillator:SOURce <Location>
This command selects the type of local oscillator in the test setup.
Prerequisites for this command
● Select additive noise or pulsed additive noise measurement (CONFigure:
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
<Location> EXTernal
External local oscillator connected to the "LO AUX Input" of the
Internal local oscillator of the R&S FSWP.
*RST: INTernal
Example: //Select external oscillator
Manual operation: See "Local Oscillator" on page 126

INPut<1|2>:LOSCillator:SOURce:EXTernal:LEVel <Level>
This command selects the level of an external LO signal that is fed into the
Prerequisites for this command
● Select additive noise or pulsed additive noise measurement (CONFigure:

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

● Select an external local oscillator (INPut<1|2>:LOSCillator:SOURce).

Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
<Level> HIGH
LO signal with high level characteristics.
LO signal with low level characteristics.
Example: //Select an external LO with low signal level
Manual operation: See "Local Oscillator" on page 126 Baseband Input

INPut<1|2>:CONNector.................................................................................................. 415

INPut<1|2>:CONNector <Mode>
This command selects the measurement channel for baseband noise measurements.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
<Mode> CH1
Measurement on baseband channel 1.
Measurement on baseband channel 2.
Measurement on both baseband channels (cross-correlation
Example: //Perform measurement on baseband channel 1
INP:CONN CH1 External Mixer

● Mixer Settings....................................................................................................... 416

● Basic Settings....................................................................................................... 422
● Conversion Loss Table..........................................................................................423

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 415

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Mixer Settings
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:FREQuency:HANDover...................................................................... 416
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:FREQuency:STARt............................................................................ 416
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:BAND:PRESet.................................................................. 418
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:HIGH[:VALue]................................................................... 418
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:HIGH:STATe..................................................................... 418
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:TYPE............................................................................... 419
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic[:LOW].............................................................................. 419
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:HIGH...................................................................................... 419
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS[:LOW]..................................................................................... 420
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:RFOVerrange[:STATe]........................................................................ 421

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:FREQuency:HANDover <Frequency>
This command defines the frequency at which the mixer switches from one range to
the next (if two different ranges are selected). The handover frequency for each band
can be selected freely within the overlapping frequency range.
This command is only available if the external mixer is active (see [SENSe:
]MIXer<x>[:STATe] on page 423).
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<Frequency> Default unit: HZ
Example: MIX ON
Activates the external mixer.
Sets the handover frequency to 78.0299 GHz.
Manual operation: See " Handover Freq " on page 134

This command sets or queries the frequency at which the external mixer band starts.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
Queries the start frequency of the band.
Manual operation: See " RF Start / RF Stop " on page 134

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

This command sets or queries the frequency at which the external mixer band stops.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
Queries the stop frequency of the band.
Manual operation: See " RF Start / RF Stop " on page 134

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:BAND <Band>
This command selects the external mixer band. The query returns the currently
selected band.
This command is only available if the external mixer is active (see [SENSe:
]MIXer<x>[:STATe] on page 423).
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<Band> KA | Q | U | V | E | W | F | D | G | Y | J | USER
Standard waveguide band or user-defined band.
Manual operation: See " Band " on page 134
Table 15-3: Frequency ranges for pre-defined bands

Band Frequency start [GHz] Frequency stop [GHz]

KA (A) *) 26.5 40.0

Q 33.0 50.0

U 40.0 60.0

V 50.0 75.0

E 60.0 90.0

W 75.0 110.0

F 90.0 140.0

D 110.0 170.0

G 140.0 220.0

J 220.0 325.0

Y 325.0 500.0

USER 32.18 68.22

(default) (default)

*) The band formerly referred to as "A" is now named "KA".

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

This command restores the preset frequency ranges for the selected standard wave-
guide band.
Note: Changes to the band and mixer settings are maintained even after using the
[PRESET] function. Use this command to restore the predefined band ranges.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
Presets the selected waveguide band.
Manual operation: See " Preset Band " on page 135

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:HIGH[:VALue] <HarmOrder>
This command specifies the harmonic order to be used for the high (second) range.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<HarmOrder numeric value
Range: 2 to 61 (USER band); for other bands: see band
Manual operation: See " Harmonic Order " on page 136

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:HIGH:STATe <State>
This command specifies whether a second (high) harmonic is to be used to cover the
band's frequency range.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF
Manual operation: See " Range 1 / Range 2 " on page 135

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:TYPE <OddEven>
This command specifies whether the harmonic order to be used should be odd, even,
or both.
Which harmonics are supported depends on the mixer type.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<OddEven> ODD | EVEN | EODD
Manual operation: See " Harmonic Type " on page 135

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic[:LOW] <HarmOrder>
This command specifies the harmonic order to be used for the low (first) range.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<HarmOrder> Range: 2 to 61 (USER band); for other bands: see band
*RST: 2 (for band F)
Example: MIX:HARM 3
Manual operation: See " Harmonic Order " on page 136

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:HIGH <Average>
This command defines the average conversion loss to be used for the entire high (sec-
ond) range.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<Average> Range: 0 to 100
*RST: 24.0 dB
Default unit: dB
Example: MIX:LOSS:HIGH 20dB
Manual operation: See " Conversion Loss " on page 136

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:TABLe:HIGH <FileName>
This command defines the conversion loss table to be used for the high (second)
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
Setting parameters:
<FileName> String containing the path and name of the file, or the serial
number of the external mixer whose file is required. The
R&S FSWP automatically selects the correct cvl file for the cur-
rent IF. As an alternative, you can also select a user-defined
conversion loss table (.acl file).
Return values:
<FileName> As the result of a query, the actually used file is returned.
Manual operation: See " Conversion Loss " on page 136

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:TABLe[:LOW] <FileName>
This command defines the file name of the conversion loss table to be used for the low
(first) range.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<FileName> String containing the path and name of the file, or the serial
number of the external mixer whose file is required. The
R&S FSWP automatically selects the correct cvl file for the cur-
rent IF. As an alternative, you can also select a user-defined
conversion loss table (.acl file).
Example: MIX:LOSS:TABL '101567'
Manual operation: See " Conversion Loss " on page 136

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS[:LOW] <Average>
This command defines the average conversion loss to be used for the entire low (first)
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Average> Range: 0 to 100
*RST: 24.0 dB
Default unit: dB
Example: MIX:LOSS 20dB
Manual operation: See " Conversion Loss " on page 136

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:PORTs <PortType>
This command queries the connected mixer type. Currently, only three-port mixers are
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<PortType> 2|3
Two-port mixer.
Three-port mixer.
*RST: 2
Example: MIX:PORT 3

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:RFOVerrange[:STATe] <State>
If enabled, the band limits are extended beyond "RF Start" and "RF Stop" due to the
capabilities of the used harmonics.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See " RF Overrange " on page 135

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:XCORr <State>
This command turns cross-correlation with two external mixers on and off.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on cross-correlation with two mixers
Manual operation: See "Mixer XCORR" on page 135

Basic Settings
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>[:STATe]............................................................................................. 423
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOPower.......................................................................................... 423

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:BIAS:HIGH <BiasSetting>
This command defines the bias current for the high (last) range.
This command is only available if the external mixer is active (see [SENSe:
]MIXer<x>[:STATe] on page 423).
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<BiasSetting> *RST: 0.0 A
Default unit: A
Manual operation: See " Bias Value " on page 137

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:BIAS[:LOW] <BiasSetting>
This command defines the bias current for the low (first) range.
This command is only available if the external mixer is active (see [SENSe:
]MIXer<x>[:STATe] on page 423).
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<BiasSetting> *RST: 0.0 A
Default unit: A
Manual operation: See " Bias Value " on page 137

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>[:STATe] <State>
Activates or deactivates the use of a connected external mixer as input for the mea-
surement. This command is only available if the optional External Mixer is installed and
an external mixer is connected.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Example: MIX ON
Manual operation: See " External Mixer (State)" on page 134

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOPower <Level>
This command specifies the LO level of the external mixer's LO port.
Suffix: .
<x> 1..n
<Level> numeric value
Range: 13.0 dBm to 17.0 dBm
Increment: 0.1 dB
*RST: 15.5 dBm
Example: MIX:LOP 16.0dBm
Manual operation: See " LO Level " on page 137

Conversion Loss Table

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:BIAS..................................................................................... 424
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:CLEar................................................................................... 425
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:DATA.................................................................................... 425
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:HARMonic............................................................................. 426
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:MIXer.................................................................................... 426
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:PORTs.................................................................................. 426
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect.................................................................................. 427
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SNUMber.............................................................................. 427

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 423

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:BAND <Band>
This command defines the waveguide band for which the conversion loss table is to be
used. This setting is checked against the current mixer setting before the table can be
assigned to the range.
Before this command can be performed, the conversion loss table must be selected
(see [SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427).
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
<Band> K | KA | Q | U | V | E | W | F | D | G | Y | J | USER
Standard waveguide band or user-defined band.
For a definition of the frequency range for the pre-defined bands,
see Table 15-3).
*RST: F (90 GHz - 140 GHz)
Selects the conversion loss table.
Sets the band to KA (26.5 GHz - 40 GHz).
Manual operation: See " Band " on page 140

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:BIAS <BiasSetting>
This command defines the bias setting to be used with the conversion loss table.
Before this command can be performed, the conversion loss table must be selected
(see [SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427.
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
<BiasSetting> *RST: 0.0 A
Default unit: A
Selects the conversion loss table.
Manual operation: See " Write to CVL table " on page 137
See " Bias " on page 140

This command queries all available conversion loss tables saved in the
C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\ directory on the instrument.
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 424

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Return values:
<Files> 'string'
Comma-separated list of strings containing the file names.
Example: CORR:CVL:CAT?
Usage: Query only

This command deletes the selected conversion loss table. Before this command can
be performed, the conversion loss table must be selected (see [SENSe:
]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427).
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
Selects the conversion loss table.
Manual operation: See " Delete Table " on page 139

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:COMMent <Text>
This command defines a comment for the conversion loss table. Before this command
can be performed, the conversion loss table must be selected (see [SENSe:
]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427).
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
Selects the conversion loss table.
CORR:CVL:COMM 'Conversion loss table for
Manual operation: See " Comment " on page 140

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:DATA {<Freq>, <Level>}...

This command defines the reference values of the selected conversion loss tables.
The values are entered as a set of frequency/level pairs. A maximum of 50 frequency/
level pairs may be entered. Before this command can be performed, the conversion
loss table must be selected (see [SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect
on page 427).
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
<Freq> The frequencies have to be sent in ascending order.
Default unit: HZ

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Level> Default unit: DB

Selects the conversion loss table.
Manual operation: See " Position / Value " on page 141

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:HARMonic <HarmOrder>
This command defines the harmonic order for which the conversion loss table is to be
used. This setting is checked against the current mixer setting before the table can be
assigned to the range.
Before this command can be performed, the conversion loss table must be selected
(see [SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427.
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
<HarmOrder> Range: 2 to 65
Selects the conversion loss table.
Manual operation: See " Harmonic Order " on page 140

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:MIXer <Type>
This command defines the mixer name in the conversion loss table. This setting is
checked against the current mixer setting before the table can be assigned to the
Before this command can be performed, the conversion loss table must be selected
(see [SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427).
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
<Type> string
Name of mixer with a maximum of 16 characters
Selects the conversion loss table.
Manual operation: See " Mixer Name " on page 141

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:PORTs <PortType>
This command defines the mixer type in the conversion loss table. This setting is
checked against the current mixer setting before the table can be assigned to the

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 426

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Before this command can be performed, the conversion loss table must be selected
(see [SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427).
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
<PortType> 2|3
*RST: 2
Selects the conversion loss table.
Manual operation: See " Mixer Type " on page 141

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect <FileName>
This command selects the conversion loss table with the specified file name. If
<file_name> is not available, a new conversion loss table is created.
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
<FileName> String containing the path and name of the file.
Manual operation: See " New Table " on page 138
See " Edit Table " on page 138
See " File Name " on page 140

[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SNUMber <SerialNo>
This command defines the serial number of the mixer for which the conversion loss
table is to be used. This setting is checked against the current mixer setting before the
table can be assigned to the range.
Before this command can be performed, the conversion loss table must be selected
(see [SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect on page 427).
This command is only available with option B21 (External Mixer) installed.
<SerialNo> Serial number with a maximum of 16 characters
Selects the conversion loss table.
CORR:CVL:MIX '123.4567'
Manual operation: See " Mixer S/N " on page 141

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

15.6.2 Output

● DC Power..............................................................................................................428
● Signal Source........................................................................................................437
● Miscellaneous Output............................................................................................441 DC Power

SOURce:CURRent:AUX:LIMit:HIGH?.............................................................................. 428
SOURce:CURRent:CONTrol<i>:LIMit:HIGH?.................................................................... 428
SOURce:CURRent:SEQuence:RESult?........................................................................... 429
SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH....................................................................... 430
SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:LIMit:LOW........................................................................ 430
SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel[:STATe]............................................................................ 431
SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel:AMPLitude............................................................. 432
SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH............................................................. 432
SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel[:STATe].................................................................. 433
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:AMPLitude............................................................... 433
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH............................................................... 434
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:MODE..................................................................... 435
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel[:STATe].................................................................... 435
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LIMit:HIGH........................................................................ 435
SOURce:VOLTage:SEQuence:RESult?............................................................................ 436
SOURce:VOLTage[:STATe]............................................................................................. 436

This command returns the maximum current of the Vaux connector.

Return values:
<Current> <numeric value>
The return value is always 0.1 A.
Example: //Query maximum current
Usage: Query only

This command returns the maximum current of the Vtune connector.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Suffix: .
<i> 1..n
Return values:
<Current> <numeric value>
The return value is always 0.02 A.
Default unit: A
Example: //Query maximum current
Usage: Query only

SOURce:CURRent:POWer<i>:LIMit:HIGH <Current>
This command defines the maximum current of the Vsupply connector.

Prerequisites for this command

● Vsupply is controlled in terms of voltage (SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:
Suffix: .
<i> 1..n
<Current> <numeric value>
Range: 0 to 2
*RST: 2
Default unit: A
Example: //Define a maximum output current of 1000 mA

This command queries the actually measured current on the DC power sources.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on the DC power source (SOURce:VOLTage[:STATe]).
Example: //Query current on all DC power sources
would return, e.g.
0.000000, -0.100000, -0.020000
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Reading the actual output levels" on page 168

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

This command queries the actually measured power (U*I) on the DC power sources.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on DC power sources (SOURce:VOLTage[:STATe]).
Example: //Query power output by the DC power sources
would return, e.g.
0.000000, 1.000000, 0.200000
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Reading the actual output levels" on page 168

SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:AMPLitude <Voltage>
This command defines the output voltage for the Vaux source.

<Voltage> <numeric value>
Range: -10 to 10
*RST: 0
Default unit: V
Example: //Defines an output voltage of 1 V on the Vaux source
Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH <Voltage>
This command defines the maximum voltage that may be supplied by the Vaux source.

<Voltage> <numeric value>
Range: -10 to 10
*RST: 0
Default unit: V
Example: //Define a maximum voltage of 5 V
Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:LIMit:LOW <Voltage>
This command defines the minimum voltage that may be supplied by the Vaux source.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Voltage> <numeric value>
Range: -10 to 10
*RST: 0
Default unit: V
Example: //Define a minimum voltage of -5 V
Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the auxiliary voltage source (Vaux) on and off.

Note that DC power is actually supplied only if you additionally activate the outputs in
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on DC power sources (SOURce:VOLTage[:STATe]).
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turns on the Vaux source.
Manual operation: See "Turning the output on and off" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:CHANnel:COUPling <State>
This command couples or decouples the DC power configuration across measurement
<State> ON | 1
DC power configuration is the same across all measurement
OFF | 0
DC power configuration is different for each measurement chan-
Example: //Use a different DC power setup for each active measurement
Manual operation: See "Coupling the output configuration across measurement
channels" on page 166

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel:AMPLitude <Voltage>
This command defines the output voltage for the Vtune source.

Suffix: .
<i> 1..n
<Voltage> <numeric value>
Range: -10 to 28
*RST: 0
Default unit: V
Example: //Defines an output voltage of 1 V on the Vtune source
Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH <Voltage>
This command defines the maximum voltage that may be supplied by the Vtune source.

Suffix: .
<i> 1..n
<Voltage> <numeric value>
Range: -10 to 28
*RST: 0
Default unit: V
Example: //Defines a maximum voltage of 5 V
Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel:LIMit:LOW <Voltage>
This command defines the minimum voltage that may be supplied by the Vtune source.

Suffix: .
<i> irrelevant
<Voltage> <numeric value>
Range: -10 to 28
*RST: 0
Default unit: V
Example: //Define a minimum voltage of -5 V

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the tuning voltage source (Vtune) on and off.

Note that DC power is actually supplied only if you additionally activate the outputs in
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on DC power sources (SOURce:VOLTage[:STATe]).
Suffix: .
<i> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on the Vtune voltage source
Manual operation: See "Turning the output on and off" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:AMPLitude <Voltage/Current>
This command defines the output voltage for the Vsupply source.

Suffix: .
<i> 1..n
<Voltage/Current> <numeric value>
The type of value depends on whether you control the output in
terms of current or voltage (SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:
When you control it in terms of voltage, the value is a voltage
(V). When you control it in terms of current, the value is the cur-
rent (A).
Range: 0 to 16 V or 2000 mA
*RST: 0 V or 2000 mA
Default unit: V or A
Example: //Define an output voltage of 1 V on the Vsupply source
Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH <Voltage/Current>
This command defines the maximum voltage that may be supplied by the Vsupply
Suffix: .
<i> 1..n
<Voltage/Current> <numeric value>
The type of value depends on whether you control the output in
terms of current or voltage (SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:
When you control it in terms of voltage, the value is a voltage
(V). When you control it in terms of current, the value is the cur-
rent (A).
Range: 0 to 16 V or 2000 mA
*RST: 16 V or 2000 mA
Default unit: V or A
Example: //Define a maximum current of 1000 mA
Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:LIMit:LOW <Voltage/Current>
This command defines the minimum voltage that may be supplied by the Vsupply source.

Suffix: .
<i> irrelevant
<Voltage/Current> <numeric value>
The type of value depends on whether you control the output in
terms of current or voltage (SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:
When you control it in terms of voltage, the value is a voltage
(V). When you control it in terms of current, the value is the cur-
rent (A).
Range: 0 to 16 V or 2000 mA
*RST: 16 V or 2000 mA
Default unit: V or A
Example: //Define a minimum current of 500 mA
Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:MODE <Mode>
This command selects whether you want to control the output in terms of current or
Suffix: .
<i> 1..n
<Mode> CURRent
Control the output in terms of current.
Controls the output in terms of voltage.
Example: //Control the Vsupply source in terms of voltages
Manual operation: See "Selecting the output type (Vsupply only)" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the supply voltage source (Vsupply) on and off.

Note that DC power is actually supplied only if you additionally activate the outputs in
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on DC power sources (SOURce:VOLTage[:STATe]).
Suffix: .
<i> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on the Vsupply voltage source
Manual operation: See "Turning the output on and off" on page 167

SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LIMit:HIGH <Voltage>
This command defines the maximum current or voltage that may be supplied by the
Vsupply source.

Suffix: .
<i> 1..n

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Voltage> <numeric value>
The type of value depends on whether you control the output in
terms of current or voltage (SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:
When you control it in terms of voltage, the value is a current
(A). When you control it in terms of current, the value is a volt-
age (V).
Range: 0 to 16 V or 2000 mA
*RST: 16 V or 2000 mA
Default unit: V or A
Example: //Define a maximum output of 1000 mA
Manual operation: See "Defining the output level" on page 167

This command queries the actually measured voltages on the DC power sources.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on DC power sources (SOURce:VOLTage[:STATe]).
Example: //Query voltages of the DC power sources
would return, e.g.
0.000000, -10.000000, -10.000000
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Reading the actual output levels" on page 168

SOURce:VOLTage[:STATe] <State>
This command turns DC power sources on and off in general.
When you turn off the DC power sources, no power is supplied even when you have
turned on one of the sources individually with one of the following commands.
● SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel[:STATe]
● SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel[:STATe]
Note that you can turn on the global power supply if at least one of the individual sup-
plies has been turned on.
<State> ON | 1
DC power sources are ready for use.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

OFF | 0
DC power sources are turned off.
Example: //Turn on signal source
Manual operation: See "Turning the DC output on and off" on page 166 Signal Source

SOURce:GENerator:CHANnel:COUPling......................................................................... 437
SOURce:GENerator:FREQuency:STEP........................................................................... 438
SOURce:GENerator:MODulation..................................................................................... 439
SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:PERiod................................................................................ 439
SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:TRIGger:OUTPut.................................................................. 439
SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:WIDTh................................................................................. 440
SOURce:GENerator[:STATe]........................................................................................... 440

SOURce:GENerator:DUTBypass <State>
This command turns the DUT bypass on and off.
When you turn on the bypass, the application measures the noise characteristics of the
The DUT bypass is available with the optional Signal Source hardware component.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on DUT bypass
Manual operation: See "Bypassing the DUT" on page 170

SOURce:GENerator:CHANnel:COUPling <State>
This command couples or decouples the signal source configuration across measure-
ment channels.
<State> ON | 1
Signal source configuration is the same across all measurement

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

OFF | 0
Signal source configuration is different for each measurement
Example: //Use the same signal source configuration across all channels
Manual operation: See "Coupling the output configuration across measurement
channels" on page 166

SOURce:GENerator:FREQuency <Frequency>
This command defines the frequency of the signal that is generated by the signal
<Frequency> <numeric value>
Default unit: Hz
Example: See SOURce:GENerator[:STATe] on page 440.
Manual operation: See "Signal source frequency" on page 170

SOURce:GENerator:FREQuency:STEP <Stepsize>
This command defines the frequency stepsize of the signal generated by the optional
signal source.
<Stepsize> 1 mHz | 1 Hz | 1 kHz | 1 MHz | 1 GHz
*RST: 1 MHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Define signal source stepsize
Manual operation: See "Signal source frequency" on page 170

SOURce:GENerator:LEVel <Level>
This command defines the level of the signal that is generated by the signal source.
<Level> <numeric value>
Default unit: dBm
Example: See SOURce:GENerator[:STATe] on page 440.
Manual operation: See "Signal source level" on page 170

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

SOURce:GENerator:MODulation <State>
This command turns internal pulse modulation for pulsed measurements on and off.
<State> ON | 1
A pulse is output on the signal source.
You can define the pulse characteristics with
OFF | 0
A sine signal is output on the signal source.
Example: //Generate and output a pulse on the signal source
Manual operation: See "Pulse modulation state" on page 170

SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:PERiod <PulsePeriod>
This command defines the pulse period (distance between two consecutive pulses) of
the pulse that is generated.
Prerequisites for this command
● Optional pulsed phase noise measurements.
● Turn on signal source (SOURce:GENerator[:STATe]).
● Turn on pulse modulation (SOURce:GENerator:MODulation).
<PulsePeriod> <numeric value>
*RST: 10 ms
Default unit: s
Example: //Generate a pulse with a length of 15 ms and a pulse period of
50 ms.
Manual operation: See "Pulse characteristics" on page 171

SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:TRIGger:OUTPut <SignalLevel>
This command selects the signal type provided at the trigger output connector.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

The signal can be used, for example, to control an external pulse modulator.
<SignalLevel> HIGH
Provides a high active pulse at the trigger output.
Note that the signal is provided even if internal pulse
modulation has been turned off.
You can define the pulse characteristics with
Provides a low active pulse at the trigger output.
Note that the signal is provided even if internal pulse
modulation has been turned off.
OFF | 0
Provides no signal at the trigger output.
Example: //Generate a low pulse at the trigger output
Manual operation: See "Pulse characteristics" on page 171

SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:WIDTh <PulseWidth>
This command defines the length of the pulse that is generated.
Prerequisites for this command
● Optional pulsed phase noise measurements.
● Turn on signal source (SOURce:GENerator[:STATe]).
● Turn on pulse modulation (SOURce:GENerator:MODulation).
<PulseWidth> <numeric value>
*RST: 1 ms
Default unit: s
Example: //Generate a pulse with a length of 15 ms
Manual operation: See "Pulse characteristics" on page 171

SOURce:GENerator[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the optional signal source output on and off.
When you turn on the signal source, the R&S FSWP generates a signal with the fre-
quency and level defined with SOURce:GENerator:FREQuency and SOURce:

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on the signal source output
//Generate a signal at 100 MHz and a level of -10 dBm.
Manual operation: See "Signal source state" on page 170 Miscellaneous Output


DIAGnostic:SERVice:NSOurce <State>
This command turns the 28 V supply of the BNC connector labeled [noise source
control] on the R&S FSWP on and off.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Manual operation: See "Noise Source Control" on page 172

15.6.3 Remote Commands to Configure User Ports


INPut<ip>:UPORt:STATe <State>
This command toggles the control lines of the user ports for the AUX PORT connector.
This 9-pole SUB-D male connector is located on the rear panel of the R&S FSWP.
See the R&S FSWP Getting Started manual for details.
Suffix: .
<ip> 1|2

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

ON | 1
User port is switched to INPut
OFF | 0
User port is switched to OUTPut
*RST: 1

This command queries the control lines of the user ports.
For details see OUTPut<up>:UPORt[:VALue] on page 442.
Suffix: .
<ip> 1|2
Return values:
<Level> bit values in hexadecimal format
TTL type voltage levels (max. 5V)
Range: #B00000000 to #B00111111
Example: INP:UPOR?
//Result: #B00100100
Pins 5 and 7 are active.

OUTPut<up>:UPORt:STATe <State>
This command toggles the control lines of the user ports for the AUX PORT connector.
This 9-pole SUB-D male connector is located on the rear panel of the R&S FSWP.
Suffix: .
<up> irrelevant
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
User port is switched to INPut
ON | 1
User port is switched to OUTPut

OUTPut<up>:UPORt[:VALue] <Value>
This command sets the control lines of the user ports.
The assignment of the pin numbers to the bits is as follows:

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Pin N/A N/A 5 3 4 7 6 2

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Bits 7 and 6 are not assigned to pins and must always be 0.

The user port is written to with the given binary pattern.
If the user port is programmed to input instead of output (see INPut<ip>:UPORt:
STATe on page 441), the output value is temporarily stored.
Suffix: .
<up> irrelevant
<Value> bit values in hexadecimal format
TTL type voltage levels (max. 5V)
Range: #B00000000 to #B00111111
Example: OUTP:UPOR #B00100100
Sets pins 5 and 7 to 5 V.

15.6.4 Remote Commands to Configure Level Characteristics

Functions to configure level characteristics described elsewhere:

● INPut<ip>:COUPling
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:X[:SCALe]................................................................... 443
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:X[:SCALe]:AUTO......................................................... 444
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]................................................................... 445
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:AUTO......................................................... 445
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:LOWer............................................ 446
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y:UNIT........................................................................ 446
INPut<1|2>:ATTenuation................................................................................................. 447
INPut<1|2>:ATTenuation:AUTO....................................................................................... 447
[SENSe:]POWer:RLEVel:OFFSet.................................................................................... 448

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:X[:SCALe] <Range>
This command defines the display range of the x-axis.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn off automatic scaling of the x-axis (DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 443

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Range> Default unit: Depending on the selected diagram
Example: //Define a value range of 100 MHz.

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:X[:SCALe]:AUTO <Mode>
This command turns automatic configuration of the horizontal axis on and off.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Mode> ON | 1
Scales the x-axis after each measurement.
OFF | 0
Allows you to define the scale manually.
Scales the x-axis once. The scale remains the same for subse-
quent measurements.
Example: //Select manual scaling of the x-axis.

This command queries the scale of the x-axis in any measurement window.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
Return values:
<Spacing> LINear
X-axis has a linear scale.
X-axis has a logarithmic scale.
Example: //Query scale of the x-axis in the second measurement window
Usage: Query only

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe] <Range>
This command defines the value range displayed on the y-axis.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn off automatic scaling of the y-axis (DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Range> <numeric value>
Default unit: Depending on the selected diagram
Example: //Define a value range of 100 dB.
Manual operation: See "Scaling the y-axis" on page 145

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:AUTO <Mode>
This command turns automatic scaling of the y-axis in graphical result displays on and
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Mode> ON | 1
Scales the y-axis after each measurement.
OFF | 0
Allows you to define the scale manually.
Scales the y-axis once. The scale remains the same for subse-
quent measurements.
Example: //Select manual scaling of the y-axis.
Manual operation: See "Scaling the y-axis" on page 145
See "Scaling the y-axis of the phase diagram" on page 189

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel <Level>
This command defines the maximum level displayed on the y-axis.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn off automatic scaling of the y-axis (DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Level> <numeric value>
Default unit: Depending on the selected diagram
Example: //Define maximum level on the y-axis
Manual operation: See "Scaling the y-axis" on page 145

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:LOWer <Level>
This command defines the minimum level displayed on the y-axis.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn off automatic scaling of the y-axis (DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Level> <numeric value>
Default unit: Depending on the selected diagram
Example: //Query minimum level on the y-axis
would return, e.g.
Manual operation: See "Scaling the y-axis" on page 145

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y:UNIT <Unit>
This command selects the unit of the y-axis.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Available for baseband noise measurements.

Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Unit> DBM_hz | DBV_hz | DBUV_hz | HZ | DEG | RAD | V_SQRT_HZ
*RST: DBM_hz
Example: //Display the baseband noise results in the unit dBV/Hz.
Manual operation: See "Selecting the unit of the y-axis" on page 146

INPut<1|2>:ATTenuation <Attenuation>
This command defines the RF attenuation for the RF input.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn off automatic attenuation configuration (INPut<1|2>:ATTenuation:AUTO).
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
<Attenuation> <numeric value> (integer only)
Range: See data sheet
Increment: 5
Default unit: dB
Example: //Defines an attenuation of 10 dB
Manual operation: See "Attenuating the signal" on page 144

INPut<1|2>:ATTenuation:AUTO <State>
This command turns automatic configuration of the attenuation on and off.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
<State> ON | 1
Automatically defines the ideal attenuation based on the current
signal level.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

OFF | 0
Allows you to define the attenuation manually with
Example: //Turn on automatic configuration of the attenuation
Manual operation: See "Attenuating the signal" on page 144

[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:LEVel:THReshold <Level>
This command defines the threshold of the signal search.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on the automatic signal search with [SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:
<Level> <numeric value>
Default unit: dBm
Example: //Define a threshold of -10 dBm
Manual operation: See "Searching for the signal level" on page 144

This command queries the currently measured signal level.
Return values:
<Level> <numeric value>
Default unit: dBm
Example: //Query signal level
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Searching for the signal level" on page 144

[SENSe:]POWer:RLEVel:OFFSet <Offset>
This command defines an arithmetic level offset. The offset is applied to the signal
The level offset takes external attenuation or gain into account.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Offset> <numeric value>
Range: -100 to 200
*RST: 0
Default unit: dB
Example: //Define a level offset of 20 dB
Manual operation: See "Shifting the level" on page 144

15.6.5 Remote Commands to Configure the Frequency

[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:AUTosearch[:STATe].......................................... 449
[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:COUNt............................................................. 449
[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:LIMit:LOW........................................................ 450
[SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs:FREQuency:MANual.................................................................... 451
[SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs[:STATe]....................................................................................... 451
[SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer......................................................................................... 452
[SENSe:]FREQuency:STARt........................................................................................... 452
[SENSe:]POWer:RLEVel:MODE...................................................................................... 454

[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:AUTosearch[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the automatic (carrier) frequency search on and off.
When you turn of the automatic frequency search, you can define the signal frequency
with [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Define a signal frequency of 100 MHz
Manual operation: See "Searching for a signal" on page 148

[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:COUNt <State>
This command turns verification of the signal frequency on and off.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 449

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Prerequisites for this command

● Turn off automatic signal search ([SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:
<State> OFF | 0
Turns off the frequency counter and measures the frequency
you have entered without verifiying it.
ON | 1
Turns on the frequency counter and verfifies the frequency you
have entered.
*RST: OFF (automatic signal search is on)
Example: //Turn off the frequency counter
Manual operation: See "Searching for a signal" on page 148

[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:LIMit:HIGH <Frequency>
This command defines the upper limit of the frequency search range.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on the automatic signal search with [SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:
<Frequency> <numeric value>
Range: See data sheet
*RST: 8 GHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Define a frequency search range from 10 MHz to 500 MHz
Manual operation: See "Searching for a signal" on page 148

[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:LIMit:LOW <Frequency>
This command defines the lower limit of the frequency search range.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on the automatic signal search with [SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 450

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Frequency> <numeric value>
Range: See data sheet
*RST: 1 MHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Define a frequency search range from 10 MHz to 500 MHz
Manual operation: See "Searching for a signal" on page 148

[SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs:FREQuency:MANual <Frequency>
This command defines the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter you can use to mea-
sure small carrier frequencies.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on low pass filter ([SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs[:STATe]).
<Frequency> <numeric value>
*RST: 1 MHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Configure low pass filter
Manual operation: See "Low signal frequencies" on page 150
See "Low signal levels" on page 150

[SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs[:STATe] <State>
This command turns a low pass filter for measurements on small carrier frequencies on
and off.
Effects of using thelow pass filter:
● Auto search feature is turned off ([SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:
● Signal count is turned off ([SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:COUNt).
● The stop offset is limited to 30 % of the filter cut-off frequency ([SENSe:
● DC coupling should be used for measurements on carrier frequencies below
1 MHz (INPut<ip>:COUPling).

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
When you turn on the filter, you can define a cutoff frequency
with [SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs:FREQuency:MANual.
Example: //Turn on low pass filter
Manual operation: See "Low signal frequencies" on page 150
See "Low signal levels" on page 150

[SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer <Frequency>
CW, pulsed and VCO measurements:
This command defines or queries (in case of automatic frequency search) the current
signal frequency.
Transient measurement:
This command defines the center frequency of the transient measurement.
<Frequency> <numeric value>
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Query signal frequency
Example: //Define center frequency
Manual operation: See "Defining the signal frequency" on page 147
See "Searching for a signal" on page 148
See "Defining the frequency range of the measurement"
on page 183

[SENSe:]FREQuency:STARt <Frequency>
CW, pulsed and VCO measurements:
This command defines the start frequency offset of the measurement range.
Transient measurement:
This command defines the start frequency of the transient measurement.
Frequency stability measurement:
The start frequency offset is coupled to the stop time of the frequency stability mea-
surement ([SENSe:]TIME:STOP).
If you change the start frequency offset, the stop time is adjusted accordingly. For
example, 1 mHz corresponds to 1000 s.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 452

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Frequency> Offset frequencies in half decade steps.
Range: See data sheet
*RST: 1 kHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Define a start offset of 10 kHz
Example: //Define a span of 500 MHz from 500 MHz to 1 GHz
Manual operation: See "Defining the measurement range" on page 149
See "Defining the frequency range of the measurement"
on page 183

[SENSe:]FREQuency:STOP <Frequency>
CW, pulsed and VCO measurements:
This command defines the stop frequency offset of the measurement range.
Transient measurement:
This command defines the stop frequency of the transient measurement.
Frequency stability measurement:
The stop frequency offset is coupled to the start time of the frequency stability mea-
surement ([SENSe:]TIME:STARt).
If you change the stop frequency offset, the start time is adjusted accordingly. For
example, 1 MHz corresponds to 1 ms.
<Frequency> Offset frequencies in half decade steps.
Range: See data sheet
*RST: 1 MHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Define a stop offset of 10 MHz
Example: //Define a span of 500 MHz from 500 MHz to 1 GHz
Manual operation: See "Defining the measurement range" on page 149
See "Defining the frequency range of the measurement"
on page 183

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 453

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]POWer:RLEVel:MODE <Level>
This command selects the level measurement mode.
<Level> HIGH
Use this mode to measure normal signal levels.
Use this mode to measure low signal levels.
When you select this mode, apply a low pass filter and define its
characteristics with:
Example: //Measure low level signal
Manual operation: See "Low signal levels" on page 150

[SENSe:]SWEep:CAPTure:RANGe <CaptureRange>
This command selects the signal capture range.
<CaptureRange> NORMal
Normal capture range for stable DUTs or DUTs whose frequency
drifts slowly over a short distance.
Wide capture range for DUTs whose frequency drifts quickly and
over big distances.
This setting is designed to work with carriers swept in -40 MHz
to +40 MHz around the center frequency. Additional spurs and
restrictions of the measurement accuracy are possible for CW
signals. For specifics of the measurement accuracy, refer to the
data sheet.
Example: //Select a wide signal capture range
Manual operation: See "Capture Range" on page 149

15.6.6 Phase Noise Measurement Configuration

● Noise Configuration...............................................................................................455
● Residual Calculation Configuration....................................................................... 462
● Spot Noise Configuration...................................................................................... 465
● Spur Display..........................................................................................................469

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 454

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings Noise Configuration

Remote commands to configure the measurement range described elsewhere:

● [SENSe:]FREQuency:STARt on page 452
● [SENSe:]FREQuency:STOP on page 453
DISPlay:XGINdicator[:STATe].......................................................................................... 455
[SENSe:]LIST:BWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio........................................................................ 455
[SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:FREQuency:STARt?................................................................. 456
[SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:XCOunt................................................................................... 457
[SENSe:]LIST:BWIDth[:RESolution]:USMall...................................................................... 458
[SENSe:]SWEep:FSEGment........................................................................................... 459
[SENSe:]SWEep:MODE................................................................................................. 459
[SENSe:]SWEep:TIME................................................................................................... 459
[SENSe:]TIME:STARt..................................................................................................... 461

DISPlay:XGINdicator[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the cross-correlation gain indicator (gray area in the Noise Spec-
trum result display) on and off.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Remove the gray area from the diagram area.
Manual operation: See "Turning the display of the cross-correlation gain indicator
on and off" on page 156

[SENSe:]LIST:BWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio <Percentage>
This command defines the factor that the resolution bandwidth applied to each half
decade is based on.
More information
<Percentage> <numeric value>
Range: 0.1 to 30
*RST: 10
Default unit: PCT

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 455

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Example: //Define an RBW factor of 3 %

Manual operation: See "Defining the resolution bandwidth" on page 154

[SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:BWIDth[:RESolution] <BandWidth>
This command defines the resolution bandwidth applied in a half decade.
The application of the command depends on the half decade configuration mode
● Automatic mode: The RBW can only be queried, because it is calculated based on
an RBW factor.
● Manual mode: The RBW can be defined directly as an absolute value.
Suffix: .
<r> 1..n
Half decade
<BandWidth> <numeric value>
*RST: Automatic configuration mode is on.
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Define an RBW of 1 kHz for the fifth half decade
Manual operation: See "Defining the resolution bandwidth" on page 154
See "Working with the half decade configuration table"
on page 157

This command queries the start frequency offset of a half decade.
Suffix: .
<r> 1..n
Half decade
Return values:
<Frequency> <numeric value>
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Query start frequency for fifth half decade
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Working with the half decade configuration table"
on page 157

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 456

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

This command queries the stop frequency offset of a half decade.
Suffix: .
<r> 1..n
Half decade
Return values:
<Frequency> <numeric value>
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Query stop frequency offset for fifth half decade
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Working with the half decade configuration table"
on page 157

[SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:XCOunt <Count>
This command defines the number of cross-correlation operations done in a half dec-
The application of the command depends on the half decade configuration mode
● Automatic mode: The number of cross-correlations can only be queried, because it
is calculated based on an RBW factor.
● Manual mode: The number of cross-correlations can be defined directly as an
absolute value.
Suffix: .
<r> 1..n
Half decade
<Count> <numeric value> (integer only)
*RST: Automatic configuration mode is on.
Default unit: ---
Example: //Define 50 cross-correlation operations for the fifth half decade
Manual operation: See "Defining cross-correlation parameters" on page 155
See "Working with the half decade configuration table"
on page 157

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]LIST:BWIDth[:RESolution]:USMall <State>
Provides functionality to enable ultra-small resolution bandwidths (RBW) for the current
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Manual operation: See "Ultra-Small RBWs" on page 154

[SENSe:]SWEep:COUNt <SweepCount>
This command defines the number of measurements that the application uses to aver-
age traces.
In continuous measurement mode, the application calculates the moving average over
the average count.
In single measurement mode, the application stops the measurement and calculates
the average after the average count has been reached.
<SweepCount> When you set a sweep count of 0 or 1, the R&S FSWP performs
one single measurement in single measurement mode.
In continuous measurement mode, if the sweep count is set to 0,
a moving average over 10 measurements is performed.
Range: 0 to 200000
*RST: 0
Example: SWE:COUN 64
Sets the number of measurements to 64.
Switches to single measurement mode.
Starts a measurement and waits for its end.
Manual operation: See " Sweep/Average Count " on page 157

[SENSe:]SWEep:FORWard <SweepForward>
This command selects the sweep direction.
<SweepForward> ON
Measurement in forward direction.
Measurement in reverse direction.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 458

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Example: //Sweep in forward direction

Manual operation: See "Selecting the sweep direction" on page 157

This command stops a measurement in any given half decade and resumes the mea-
surement of the next half decade.
Usage: Event
Manual operation: See "Defining cross-correlation parameters" on page 155

[SENSe:]SWEep:MODE <Mode>
This command selects the configuration mode of the half decade table.
<Mode> MANual
Manual mode: allows you to select a custom resolution band-
width and number of cross-correlations for each half decade.
• Define the RBW for a half decade with [SENSe:]LIST:
• Define the number of cross-correlations for a half decade with
Automatic mode: the application selects the resolution band-
width and number of cross-correlations based on the RBW and
XCORR factors.
• Define the RBW factor with [SENSe:]LIST:BWIDth[:
• Define the XCORR factor with [SENSe:]SWEep:XFACtor.
Example: //Automatically select RBW and XCORR based on an RBW fac-
tor of 5 % and an XCORR factor of 1.5.
Manual operation: See "Defining the resolution bandwidth" on page 154
See "Defining cross-correlation parameters" on page 155
See "Working with the half decade configuration table"
on page 157

[SENSe:]SWEep:TIME <Time>
CW, pulsed and VCO measurements (query only):
This command queries the estimated measurement time.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 459

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Transient measurement:
This command defines the measurement time
<Time> <numeric value>
Default unit: s
Example: //Query measurement time
would return, e.g.
Example: //Define measurement time
Manual operation: See "Estimating the measurement time" on page 153
See "Defining the measurement time" on page 187

[SENSe:]SWEep:XFACtor <Factor>
This command defines the cross-correlation factor (XCORR factor) that defines the
cross-correlation operations in each half decade.
<Factor> <numeric value>
Range: 1
Example: //Define an XCORR factor of 10
Manual operation: See "Defining cross-correlation parameters" on page 155

[SENSe:]SWEep:XOPTimize[:STATe] <State>
This command turns optimization of the cross-correlation operations on and off.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Turns off optimization (always performs the full number of opera-
Manual operation: See "Defining cross-correlation parameters" on page 155

[SENSe:]SWEep:XOPTimize:THReshold <Threshold>
This command defines the threshold for the cross-correlation optimization feature.
When the threshold (distance between measured values and gain indicator) is reached
in any given half decade, the measurement in that half decade stops and resumes to
measure the next one.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Prerequisites for this command

● Turn on XCORR optimization ([SENSe:]SWEep:XOPTimize[:STATe]
on page 460).
<Threshold> <numeric value>
Default unit: dB
Example: //Define a threshold of 15 dB
Manual operation: See "Defining cross-correlation parameters" on page 155

This command defines the start time for the frequency stability measurements.
Effects of this command
● The start time is coupled to the stop frequency offset of the measurement range of
the phase noise measurement ([SENSe:]FREQuency:STOP).
If you change the start time, the R&S FSWP adjusts the stop frequency offset
accordingly. For example, 1 MHz stop offset corresponds to 1 µs.
<Tau> <numeric value>
*RST: 1 ms
Default unit: s
Example: //Define start time for frequency stability measurement
Manual operation: See "Defining the measurement range" on page 149

This command defines the stop time for the frequency stability measurements.
Effects of this command
● The stop time is coupled to the start frequency offset of the measurement range of
the phase noise measurement ([SENSe:]FREQuency:STARt).
If you change the stop time, the R&S FSWP adjusts the start frequency offset
accordingly. For example, 1 mHz start offset corresponds to 1000 s.
<Tau> <numeric value>
*RST: 1 ms
Default unit: s
Example: //Define stop time for frequency stability measurement
Manual operation: See "Defining the measurement range" on page 149

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 461

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings Residual Calculation Configuration

For manual operation, see Chapter 10.5.4, "Integrated Measurement Configuration",

on page 158.
CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:STOP................................................................. 462
CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:TRACe............................................................... 463
CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation[:STATe]............................................................... 463
CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:WEIGhting.......................................................... 464
[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:DATA........................................................................... 464
[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:DELete........................................................................ 464
[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:NAME.......................................................................... 465

CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:STARt <Frequency>
This command defines the start frequency of a custom integration range for residual
effects calculation.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn off integration over the complete measurement range (CALCulate<n>[:
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range
<Frequency> <numeric value>
Range: Depends on the measurement range.
*RST: 1 MHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation[:STATe].
Manual operation: See "Defining the integration range" on page 159

CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:STOP <Frequency>
This command defines the stop frequency of a custom integration range for residual
effects calculation.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn off integration over the complete measurement range (CALCulate<n>[:
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 462

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Frequency> <numeric value>
Range: Depends on the measurement range.
*RST: 1 kHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation[:STATe].
Manual operation: See "Defining the integration range" on page 159

CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:TRACe <Trace1>
This command selects the trace for calculation of residual effects.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range
<Trace1> TRACE1 | ... | TRACE6
Selects the trace. You can select a trace that is inactive, but for
residual effect calculation, it must be active.
Turns off residual calculation for the respective range.
*RST: Depends on the range.
Example: //Use trace 1 as the data source for range 2
Manual operation: See "Selecting the trace for residual calculations" on page 159

CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation[:STATe] <State>
This command turns integration of the entire measurement range for residual calcula-
tions on and off.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range
<State> ON | 1
Integrates over the complete measurement range.
OFF | 0
Integrates over a custom measurement range.
Example: //Define an integration range from 1 kHz to 3 kHz in range 2
Manual operation: See "Defining the integration range" on page 159

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:WEIGhting <Name>
This command selects a weighting filter whose values are applied to the calculation of
residual effects.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<j> Integration range
Setting parameters:
<Name> String containing the name of the filter.
Example: //Apply a weighting filter to the residual calculations in integration
range 1
Manual operation: See "Applying weighting filters" on page 159

[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:COMMent <Name>
This command defines a comment for a weighting filter whose values are applied to
the calculation of residual effects.
Setting parameters:
<Name> String containing the comment.
Example: See [SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:NAME on page 465.
Manual operation: See "Designing weighting filters" on page 160

[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:DATA {<freq>, <level>}...

This command defines the shape of the weighting filter whose values are applied to the
calculation of residual effects.
The shape of the weighting filter is defined by two or more pairs of frequency and level
<freq> <numeric value>
Default unit: Hz
<level> <numeric value>
Default unit: dB
Example: See [SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:NAME on page 465.
Manual operation: See "Designing weighting filters" on page 160

This command deletes the currently selected weighting filter.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 464

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Prerequisites for this command

● Select a weighting filter with [SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:SELect
on page 465.
Example: //Delete the currently selected weighting filter
Usage: Event
Manual operation: See "Managing weighting filters" on page 159

[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:NAME <Name>
This command defines the name for a weighting filter whose values are applied to the
calculation of residual effects.
Setting parameters:
<Name> String containing the name of the filter.
Example: //Create a weighting filter called "FILTER", with a comment and
a few data points
CORR:WEIG:COMM 'Here's an example for a
Manual operation: See "Designing weighting filters" on page 160

[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:SELect <Name>
This command selects a weighting filter whose values are applied to the calculation of
residual effects.
Setting parameters:
<Name> String containing the name of the weighting filter.
Example: //Select a weighting filter called "filter"
Manual operation: See "Managing weighting filters" on page 159 Spot Noise Configuration

CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>:AOFF.................................................................................... 466
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>:STATe................................................................................... 466
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>:X.......................................................................................... 466
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades:X?........................................................ 467
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades:Y?........................................................ 467
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:USERdefined[:STATe]........................................... 468
DISPlay:SNINfo[:STATe]................................................................................................. 469

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 465

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

This command turns all spot noise information off (custom and 10x information). It also
turns user defined spot noise markers off.
In the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement, the command also selects "Trace Mode" =
"Blank" for all traces.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<s> irrelevant
Example: //Turn off all spot noise information
Usage: Event

CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>:STATe <State>
This command turns a custom spot noise position on and off.
In the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement, turning off a spot noise position also selects
"Trace Mode" = "Blank" for the corresponding spot noise trace. Turning on a spot noise
position selects the trace mode that was selected last for the corresponding spot noise
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<s> Spot noise marker
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: All ON
Example: See CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:

CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>:X <Frequency>...
This command defines the horizontal position of a custom spot noise position. The
position is changed in all windows.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<s> Spot noise marker
<Frequency> For minimum and maximum offsets, refer to the data sheet.
The default values are the decade edges (1 kHz, 10 kHz etc.)
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 466

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Example: See CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:


This command queries the horizontal position of the 10x offset frequency spot noise
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<s> irrelevant
<t> irrelevant
Return values:
<Frequency> List of offset frequencies, one for each 10x spot noise position.
The number of return values depends on the measurement
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Query spot noise information
would return, e.g.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Spot Noise" on page 116

This command queries the vertical position of the 10x offset frequency spot noise infor-
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<s> irrelevant
<t> Trace
Return values:
<Level> List of phase noise level values, one for each 10x spot noise
The number of return values depends on the measurement
Default unit: dBc/Hz
Example: //Query spot noise information
would return, e.g.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 467

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Usage: Query only

Manual operation: See "Spot Noise" on page 116

CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the spot noise calculation on every 10x offset frequency on and
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<s> irrelevant
<t> irrelevant
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on the spot noise calculation for all decade edges.

CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:USERdefined[:STATe] <State>
This command turns calculation of custom spot noise positions on and off
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<s> irrelevant
<t> irrelevant
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on user defined spot noise positions
//Turn on custom spot noise marker 2 at an offset of 500 kHz
CALC:SNO3:X 500000
//Query spot noise
would return, e.g.

This command queries the level measured for a custom spot noise position.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 468

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Prerequisites for this command

● Use custom spot noise positions (CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<s> Spot noise marker
<t> Trace
Return values:
<Level> Phase noise level at the spot noise position.
Default unit: dBc/Hz
Example: See CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Spot Noise" on page 116

DISPlay:SNINfo[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the display of spot noise information in the diagram area on and
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Display the spot noise information
Manual operation: See "Displaying spot noise information" on page 161

DISPlay:SNINfo:TRACe <Trace>
This command selects the trace for which spot noise information is evaluated.
<Trace> Range: 1 to 6
*RST: 1
Example: //Evaluate spot noise for trace 2.
Manual operation: See "Displaying spot noise information" on page 161 Spur Display

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:SUPPress........................................................ 470
[SENSe:]SPURs:SORT.................................................................................................. 471

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 469

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:HARMonics................................................................................ 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:RANGe...................................................................................... 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:NAME?...................................................................................... 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:OFFSet...................................................................................... 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:CLEar........................................................................................ 473
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:SAVE......................................................................................... 473

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:SUPPress <State>
This command turns spur removal for a specific trace on and off.
When you turn on spur removal, you can define a level threshold with DISPlay[:
In the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement, you can only remove spurs over all traces.
Use [SENSe:]SPURs:SUPPress in that case.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: See DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing[:
Manual operation: See "Hiding spurs" on page 162

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:THReshold <Threshold>
This command defines a level threshold for spur removal.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on spur removal (DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:THReshold
In the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement, you can only define a threshold that applies
to all traces. Use [SENSe:]SPURs:THReshold in that case.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Threshold> <numeric value>
*RST: 0
Default unit: dB
Example: See DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing[:
Manual operation: See "Hiding spurs" on page 162

[SENSe:]SPURs:SORT <Order>
This command selects the sort order of the spurs in the spur list.
<Order> POWer
Sorts spurs according to their power.
Sorts spurs according to their offset from the carrier.
Example: //Select spur sort order
Manual operation: See "Sorting spurs" on page 163

[SENSe:]SPURs:WEIGhting <Weightingfilter>
This command selects a spurious weighting filter.
Setting parameters:
Example: //Select no defined weighting filter
Manual operation: See "Applying a spurious weighting filter" on page 163

This command defines the spurious filter mode
<Mode> OFF | SUPPress | SHOW
No spurious filter is applied.
The spurs in the spurious filter are removed from the spurious
list, the diagram and dependent calculations.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Only the spurs in the spurious filter are displayed in the spurious
list, the diagram and dependent calculations.
Manual operation: See "Filtering spurs" on page 163

[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:HARMonics <State>
This command defines if harmonics are included in the spurious filter.
Example: //Exclude harmonics from the spurious filter
Manual operation: See "Filtering spurs" on page 163

[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:RANGe <Range>
This command defines the range of the spurious filter. The range is defined as a multi-
ple of the resolution bandwidth.
Manual operation: See "Filtering spurs" on page 163

This command returns the name of the selected spurious filter.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Filtering spurs" on page 163

[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:OFFSet <OffsetValues>...
This command creates a new offset table with defined frequency ranges.
<OffsetValues> Default unit: Hz
Example: SENS:SPUR:FILT:OFFS 1.3e3, 2.6e5
Manual operation: See "Filtering spurs" on page 163

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

This command clears the currently selected spurious filter.
Usage: Event
Manual operation: See "Filtering spurs" on page 163

[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:SAVE <Filename>
This command saves the spurious filter configuration to a file. The spurious filter name
can be defined.
Location of filter files: C:\R_S\instr\SpuriousFilter\
Setting parameters:
Usage: Setting only
Manual operation: See "Filtering spurs" on page 163

[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:LOAD <Filename>
This command loads an existing spurious filter configuration from a file.
Location of filter files: C:\R_S\instr\SpuriousFilter\
Setting parameters:
Usage: Setting only
Manual operation: See "Filtering spurs" on page 163

[SENSe:]SPURs:COLor <Color>
Provides functionality to enable an automatic shift of the color of the displayed spurious
<Color> TRACe | SHIFted
Manual operation: See "Defining the spurious color" on page 163

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

15.6.7 Pulsed Phase Noise Configuration

[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:DETection................................................................................. 475
[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:GATE....................................................................................... 476
[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:PRI.......................................................................................... 476

[SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:HOLDoff <GateDelay>
This command defines the gate delay time.
Prerequisites for this command
● Optional pulsed phase noise measurement application.
● Turn off automatic pulse detection ([SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:DETection).
<GateDelay> <numeric value>
*RST: Automatic pulse detection is on.
Default unit: s
Example: //Define a gate delay of 10 µs.
Manual operation: See "Defining the shape of the gate" on page 175

[SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:LENGth <Length>
This command defines the gate length.
Prerequisites for this command
● Optional pulsed phase noise measurement application.
● Turn off automatic pulse detection ([SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:DETection).
● Select gate mode "Edge" ([SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:TYPE).
<Length> <numeric value>
*RST: Automatic pulse detection is on.
Default unit: s
Example: //Define a gate length of 200 µs
Manual operation: See "Defining the shape of the gate" on page 175

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 474

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:LEVel <Level>
This command defines the gate level.
Prerequisites for this command
● Optional pulsed phase noise measurement application.
● Turn off automatic pulse detection ([SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:DETection).
<Level> <numeric value>
*RST: Automatic pulse detection is on.
Default unit: dBm
Example: //Define a gate level of -10 dBm
Manual operation: See "Defining the shape of the gate" on page 175

[SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:TYPE <GateType>
This command selects the gate type.
Prerequisites for this command
● Optional pulsed phase noise measurement application.
<GateType> EDGE
The gate opens when the gate level has been exceeded and
closes when the time defined by the gate length has elapsed.
The gate opens when the gate level has been exceeded and
closes when the signal level again falls below the gate level.
The gate is off.
Example: //Select gate type
Manual operation: See "Selecting the gate type" on page 175

[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:DETection <Mode>
This command selects the pulse detection mode.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 475

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Prerequisites for this command

● Optional pulsed phase noise measurement application.
<Mode> AUTO
Initiates an automatic detection of the pulse characteristics with
a subsequent configuration of the gate before you start a mea-
Allows you to manually configure the pulse measurement char-
Initiates an immediate, automatic detection of the pulse charac-
teristics with a subsequent configuration of the gate.
Example: //Configure the measurement based on the detected pulse
Manual operation: See "Selecting the pulse detection mode" on page 174

[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:GATE <PulseGate>
This command selects the source for the pulse gate.
<PulseGate> EXTernal
Selects an external pulse gate connected to trigger 1 connector.
• Turn off trigger 1 output (SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:
• Pulse modulation is turned off (SOURce:GENerator:
Selects the internal IF power pulse gate.
*RST: IFPower
Example: //Select internal pulse gate
Manual operation: See "Selecting the source for pulse gating" on page 174

[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:PRI <Time>
This command defines the pulse repetition interval.
Prerequisites for this command
● Optional pulsed phase noise measurement application.
● Turn off automatic pulse detection ([SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:DETection).

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Time> <numeric value>
*RST: Automatic pulse detection is on.
Default unit: s
Example: //Define a pulse repetition interval of 500 µs.
Manual operation: See "Defining the pulse repetition interval" on page 175

15.6.8 VCO Characterization Configuration

● Sweep Configuration.............................................................................................477 Sweep Configuration

CONFigure:VCO:FIX:SOURce........................................................................................ 477
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:DELay:INITial........................................................................... 477
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:DELay[:POINt].......................................................................... 478
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:SOURce.................................................................................. 479
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:STOP...................................................................................... 479

CONFigure:VCO:FIX:SOURce <PowerSource>
This command selects the DC source that is considered in the Current / Voltage result
<PowerSource> VAUX
Selects the Vaux connector.
Selects the Vsupply connector.
Selects the Vtune connector.
Example: //Measure the Vaux connector in the Supply Current / Voltage

CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:DELay:INITial <SettlingTime>
This command defines an initial delay time that allows the DUT to settle before the first
measurement starts.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<SettlingTime> <numeric value>
*RST: 10 ms
Default unit: s
Example: //Define an initial settling time of a 100 ms.
Manual operation: See "Defining the settling time" on page 179

CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:DELay[:POINt] <SettlingTime>
This command defines a delay time that allows the DUT to settle when a new tuning
voltage is applied and before the measurement starts.
<SettlingTime> <numeric value>
*RST: 10 ms
Default unit: s
Example: //Define a settling time of a 100 ms.
Manual operation: See "Defining the settling time" on page 179

CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:FCOunter:RESolution <Frequency>
This command selects the frequency resolution for VCO characterization.
<Frequency> <numeric value>
If you select a frequency resolution that is not supported, the
next available frequency resolution is selected.
*RST: 1 kHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Select a frequency resolution of 100 Hz.
Manual operation: See "Selecting the frequency resolution" on page 179

CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:POINts <MeasPoints>
This command defines the number of measurement points for the VCO measurement.
<MeasPoints> <numeric value> (integer only)
*RST: 10
Example: See CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:SOURce.
Manual operation: See "Defining the sweep range" on page 178

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:SOURce <PowerSource>
This command selects the source (connector) which tunes the VCO.
<PowerSource> VAUX
Selects the Vaux connector as the sweep source.
Selects the Vsupply connector as the sweep source.
Selects the Vtune connector as the sweep source.

Example: //Select the Vsupply connector as the tuning source

//Select the type of output at the Vsupply connector
//Configure a tuning range with 10 measurement points
//Turn on the output of the tuning signal.

CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:STARt <Value>
This command defines the start value of the tuning range.
<Value> <numeric value>
The unit depends on whether you tune the VCO with a voltage
or current (see CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:SOURce).
*RST: 0
Default unit: V or A
Example: See CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:SOURce.
Manual operation: See "Defining the sweep range" on page 178

CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:STOP <Value>
This command defines the stop value of the tuning range.
<Value> <numeric value>
The unit depends on whether you tune the VCO with a voltage
or current (see CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:SOURce).
*RST: 0
Default unit: V or A
Example: See CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:SOURce.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Manual operation: See "Defining the sweep range" on page 178

15.6.9 Spot Noise vs Tune Configuration

● Sweep Configuration.............................................................................................480
● Trace Configuration...............................................................................................482 Sweep Configuration

CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:DELay[:POINt]..................................................................... 480
CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:POINts................................................................................ 480
CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:STARt................................................................................. 481

CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:DELay:INITial <SettlingTime>
This command defines an initial delay time that allows the DUT to settle before the first
measurement starts.
<SettlingTime> <numeric value>
*RST: 10 ms
Default unit: s
Example: //Define an initial settling time of a 100 ms.
Manual operation: See "Defining the settling time" on page 179

CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:DELay[:POINt] <SettlingTime>
This command defines a delay time that allows the DUT to settle when a new tuning
voltage is applied and before the measurement starts.
<SettlingTime> <numeric value>
*RST: 10 ms
Default unit: s
Example: //Define a settling time of a 100 ms
Manual operation: See "Defining the settling time" on page 179

CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:POINts <MeasPoints>
This command defines the number of measurement points for the VCO measurement.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<MeasPoints> <numeric value> (integer only)
*RST: 10
Example: See CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:SOURce.
Manual operation: See "Defining the sweep range" on page 178

CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:SOURce <PowerSource>
This command selects the source (connector) which tunes the VCO.
<PowerSource> VAUX
Selects the Vaux connector as the sweep source.
Selects the Vsupply connector as the sweep source.
Selects the Vtune connector as the sweep source.

Example: //Selects the Vsupply connector as the tuning source

//Select the type of output at the Vsupply connector
//Configure a tuning range with 10 measurement points
//Turn on the output of the tuning signal

CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:STARt <Value>
This command defines the start value of the tuning range.
<Value> <numeric value>
The unit depends on whether you tune the VCO with a voltage
or current (see CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:SOURce).
*RST: 0
Default unit: V or A
Example: See CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:SOURce.
Manual operation: See "Defining the sweep range" on page 178

CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:STOP <Value>
This command defines the stop value of the tuning range.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Value> <numeric value>
The unit depends on whether you tune the VCO with a voltage
or current (see CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:SOURce).
*RST: 0
Default unit: V or A
Example: See CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:SOURce.
Manual operation: See "Defining the sweep range" on page 178 Trace Configuration

Commands to configure traces described elsewhere:

● CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>:AOFF on page 466
● CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>:STATe on page 466
● CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>:X on page 466
● DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:MODE on page 512
● DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:TRACe<t>[:STATe] on page 515
[SENSe:]SMOothing:APERture....................................................................................... 482
[SENSe:]SPURs:SUPPress............................................................................................ 483
[SENSe:]SPURs:THReshold........................................................................................... 483

[SENSe:]SMOothing:APERture <Value>
This command defines the magnitude (aperture) of trace smoothing.
Prerequisites for this command
● Select Spot Noise vs Tune measurement (CONFigure:SNTune:MEASurement[:
● Turn on trace smoothing ([SENSe:]SMOothing[:STATe]).
This command smoothes all traces. If you need to smooth each trace separately (pos-
sible in all measurements except Spot Noise vs Tune), use DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:
<Value> <numeric value>
Range: 1 to 20
*RST: 1
Default unit: PCT
Example: //Smooth the traces by a magnitude of 10 %
Manual operation: See "Smoothing traces" on page 208

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]SMOothing[:STATe] <State>
This command turns trace smoothing for a specific trace on and off.
When you turn on trace smoothing, you can define the smoothing magnitude
with[SENSe:]SMOothing:APERture .
Prerequisites for this command
● Select Spot Noise vs Tune measurement (CONFigure:SNTune:MEASurement[:
This command smoothes all traces. If you need to smooth each trace separately (pos-
sible in all measurements except Spot Noise vs Tune), use DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Smooth the traces by a magnitude of 10 %
Manual operation: See "Smoothing traces" on page 208

[SENSe:]SPURs:SUPPress <State>
This command turns spur removal for all traces and windows on and off.
When you turn on spur removal, you can define a level threshold with [SENSe:
Prerequisites for this command
● Select Spot Noise vs Tune measurement (CONFigure:SNTune:MEASurement[:
If you need to remove spurs for each trace separately (possible in all measurements
except Spot Noise vs Tune), use DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Remove spurs
Manual operation: See "Hiding spurs" on page 162

[SENSe:]SPURs:THReshold <Threshold>
This command defines a level threshold for spur removal.
Prerequisites for this command
● Select Spot Noise vs Tune measurement (CONFigure:SNTune:MEASurement[:

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

● Turn on spur removal (DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:THReshold

The threshold applies to all traces. If you need to define a threshold for each trace sep-
arately (possible in all measurements except Spot Noise vs Tune), use DISPlay[:
<Threshold> <numeric value>
*RST: 0
Default unit: dB
Example: //Remove spurs
Manual operation: See "Hiding spurs" on page 162

15.6.10 Transient Analysis

● Frequency Configuration.......................................................................................484
● Amplitude Configuration........................................................................................487
● Data Acquisition.................................................................................................... 487
● Trigger Configuration............................................................................................ 488
● Y-Axis Scale.......................................................................................................... 491
● Settling Time......................................................................................................... 495
● Frequency Deviation............................................................................................. 497
● Trace Configuration...............................................................................................499
● Marker Configuration.............................................................................................499
● Limit Lines............................................................................................................. 499 Frequency Configuration

Commands to configure the frequency described elsewhere.

● Center frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer
● Start frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:STARt
● Stop frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:STOP

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

CONFigure:TRANsient:MODE <OrderBy>
This command selects the transient measurement mode.
<OrderBy> NARRow
Narrowband mode: For measurement with a frequency span <
40 MHz.
If you define a span < 40 MHz while wideband is selected, or
define a frequency range outside the supported frequency
range, the R&S FSWP automatically selects narrowband mode
and adjusts the center, start and stop frequencies, if necessary.
Wideband mode: For measurements with a frequency span > 40
MHz, but only in frequency range between 276 MHz and
7.980 GHz.
If you define a span > 40 MHz while narrowband mode is
selected, the R&S FSWP automatically selects wideband mode,
and adjusts the center, start and stop frequencies, if necessary.
Example: //Configure measurement with wideband mode
//Select narrowband mode instead - keeps center frequency but
reduces span
Manual operation: See "Selecting the measurement mode" on page 182

[SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer:STEP <Frequency>
This command defines a frequency stepsize.
Prerequisites for this command
● Select custom stepsize ([SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer:STEP:LINK).
<Frequency> <numeric value>
Default unit: Hz

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Example: //Define frequency stepsize

Manual operation: See "Defining a frequency step size" on page 183

This command selects the frequency step size mode.
<Mode> The step size is either a function of the span (x % of the span) or
an absolute value.
Step size is a custom percentage of the span or an absolute
custom value in Hz.
You can define a percentage with [SENSe:]FREQuency:
You can define a custom value with [SENSe:]FREQuency:
Step size is 10 % of the span.
Example: //Select a custom step size
Manual operation: See "Defining a frequency step size" on page 183

[SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer:STEP:LINK:FACTor <Percentage>
This command defines a custom frequency step size.
<Percentage> <numeric value>
The value is a percentage. The step size is a function of the per-
centage and the span:
Step size = x % * span
Range: 0 to 100
*RST: 10
Default unit: PCT
Example: //Select a custom step size
Manual operation: See "Defining a frequency step size" on page 183

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]FREQuency:SPAN <Frequency>
This command defines the frequency span.
<Frequency> <numeric value>
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Define a frequency span
Manual operation: See "Defining the frequency range of the measurement"
on page 183 Amplitude Configuration

Commands to configure the amplitude described elsewhere.

● Attenuation mode: INPut<1|2>:ATTenuation:AUTO
● Attenuation level: INPut<1|2>:ATTenuation
● Input coupling: INPut<ip>:COUPling
INPut<1|2>:RLEVel........................................................................................................ 487

INPut<1|2>:RLEVel <Reflevel>
This command defines the reference level (expected signal level).
Note that the reference level is coupled to the attenuation.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
<Reflevel> <numeric value>
*RST: 0
Default unit: dBm
Example: //Define reference level
Manual operation: See "Defining a reference level" on page 187 Data Acquisition

Commands to configure data acquisition described elsewhere.

● Measurement time: [SENSe:]SWEep:TIME
● Sweep mode: INITiate<n>:CONTinuous
● Sweep control: INITiate<n>[:IMMediate]
● Sweep control: ABORt

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

[SENSe:]AVERage<n>:COUNt........................................................................................ 488
[SENSe:]BWIDth:VIDeo:AUTO........................................................................................ 488

[SENSe:]AVERage<n>:COUNt <AverageCount>
This command defines the number of measurements that the application uses to aver-
age traces.
In case of continuous sweep mode, the application calculates the moving average over
the average count.
In case of single sweep mode, the application stops the measurement and calculates
the average after the average count has been reached.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant

[SENSe:]BWIDth:VIDeo <Bandwidth>
This command defines the video bandwidth.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn off automatic VBW selection ([SENSe:]BWIDth:VIDeo:AUTO).
<Bandwidth> Default unit: HZ
Example: //Select VBW manually
BWID:VID 819672
Manual operation: See "Defining the video bandwidth" on page 187

[SENSe:]BWIDth:VIDeo:AUTO <State>
This command turns automatic selection of the video bandwidth on and off.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on automatic VBW selection
Manual operation: See "Defining the video bandwidth" on page 187 Trigger Configuration

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:FREQuency................................................................................... 489
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:FREQuency:HYSTeresis................................................................. 489

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:IFPower:HOLDoff........................................................................... 490
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:LEVel[:EXTernal<1|2>].................................................................... 490
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe.......................................................................................... 491

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DTIMe <Time>
This command defines the trigger drop-out time.
<Time> <numeric value>
*RST: 0
Default unit: s
Example: //Define a drop-out time
Manual operation: See "Defining a trigger drop-out time" on page 185

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:FREQuency <Frequency>
This command defines the trigger frequency.
Prerequisites for this command
● Select the frequency trigger (TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce).
<Frequency> <numeric value>
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Configure frequency trigger
Manual operation: See "Defining the trigger level and frequency" on page 185

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:FREQuency:HYSTeresis <Hysteresis>
This command defines the trigger hysteresis.
Prerequisites for this command
● Select the frequency trigger (TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce).
<Hysteresis> <numeric value>
*RST: 100 kHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Define a trigger hysteresis
Manual operation: See "Defining a trigger hysteresis" on page 185

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:HOLDoff[:TIME] <Offset>
Defines the time offset between the trigger event and the start of the measurement.
<Offset> *RST: 0s
Default unit: S
Example: TRIG:HOLD 500us
Manual operation: See " Trigger Offset " on page 185

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:IFPower:HOLDoff <Period>
This command defines the holding time before the next trigger event.
Note that this command can be used for any trigger source, not just IF Power
(despite the legacy keyword).
<Period> Range: 0 s to 10 s
*RST: 0s
Default unit: S
Sets an external trigger source.
Sets the holding time to 200 ns.
Manual operation: See " Trigger Holdoff " on page 185

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:LEVel[:EXTernal<1|2>] <Level>
This command defines the external trigger level.
Prerequisites for this command
● Select the external trigger (TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce).
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Selects the trigger port.
<Level> <numeric value>
Default unit: V
Example: //Configure external trigger on trigger port 2
Manual operation: See "Defining the trigger level and frequency" on page 185

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe <Slope>
This command selects the trigger slope.
<Slope> NEGative
Triggering occurs on a falling signal edge.
Triggering occurs on a rising signal edge.
*RST: POSitive
Example: //Select trigger slope
Manual operation: See "Defining a trigger slope" on page 185

TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce <Source>
This command selects the trigger source.
<Source> EXTernal | EXT2
External trigger: The measurement starts when the signal
applied to the input connector meets or exceeds a certain level.
Frequency trigger: The measurement starts when the signal
applied to the RF input meets or exceeds a certain frequency.
Free run: No trigger is used.
Power trigger: The measurement starts when the signal level
within the demodulation bandwidth rises or falls by a certain
*RST: IMMediate
Example: //Select trigger source
Manual operation: See "Selecting the trigger source" on page 184 Y-Axis Scale

Commands to scale the y-axis in the frequency result display described elsewhere.
● Center frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer
Start frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:STARt
Stop frequency: [SENSe:]FREQuency:STOP
Span: [SENSe:]FREQuency:SPAN
● Stepsize: [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer:STEP:LINK
● Stepsize factor: [SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer:STEP:LINK:FACTor

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Commands to scale the y-axis in the phase result display described elsewhere.
● Mode: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:AUTO
● Auto scale once: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:AUTO
CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling.......................................................... 492
CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling:RPOint:MODE.................................... 492
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision.................................................... 494
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RPOSition................................................... 494

CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling <Mode>
This command selects the AF coupling mode.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<Mode> AC
AC coupling: Frequency offset and phase offset are automati-
cally corrected and DC signal contains a phase offset of ±π.
DC coupling: Phase runs according to the existing frequency off-
Example: //Select AF coupling mode
Manual operation: See "Selecting the AF coupling mode" on page 189

CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling:RPOint:MODE <Mode>
This command selects the zero phase positioning mode.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<Mode> AUTO
Positions the zero phase at the end of the trace (right diagram
Manual selection the position of the zero phase.
You can define the zero phase position with CONFigure:

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Example: //Select zero phase positioning mode
Manual operation: See "Positioning the zero-phase" on page 189

CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling:RPOint[:X] <Position>
This command defines the position of the zero phase.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on manual selection of the zero phase position (CONFigure:TRANsient[:
● Select "DC" AF coupling (CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:
COUPling on page 492).
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<Position> <numeric value>
Default unit: s
Example: //Define position of the zero phase manually
Manual operation: See "Positioning the zero-phase" on page 189

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:MODE <Mode>
This command selects how frequencies are displayed on the y-axis.
Prerequisites for this command
● Frequency result display must be available and selected.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Mode> ABSolute
Displays the frequencies in absolute values.
Displays the frequencies as an offset to the center frequency.
*RST: ABSolute

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

Example: //Display frequencies in relative terms

Manual operation: See "Scaling the y-axis of the frequency diagram" on page 188

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision <Value>
This command defines the range of a single diagram division on the y-axis of the
phase result display.
Prerequisites for this command
● Phase result display must be available and selected.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Value> <numeric value>
Default unit: Depends on the selected unit (rad or deg)
Example: //Display 0.5 rad per grid division
Manual operation: See "Scaling the y-axis of the phase diagram" on page 189

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RPOSition <Position>
This command defines the position of the reference value on the y-axis.
Prerequisites for this command
● Phase result display must be available and selected.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Position> Percentage of the diagram height with 100 % corresponding to
the upper diagram border
*RST: 50
Default unit: PCT
Example: //Shift reference position to top of the diagram
Manual operation: See "Scaling the y-axis of the phase diagram" on page 189

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RVALue <RefValue>
This command defines the value assigned to the reference position.
Prerequisites for this command
● Phase result display must be available and selected.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<RefValue> <numeric value>
*RST: 0
Default unit: Depends on the selected unit (deg or rad)
Example: //Define reference value in rad
Manual operation: See "Scaling the y-axis of the phase diagram" on page 189

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:UNIT <YScalUnit>
This command selects the unit in which the phase results are displayed.
Prerequisites for this command
● Phase result display must be available and selected.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<YScalUnit> DEG | RAD
Example: //Select unit for phase results
Manual operation: See "Scaling the y-axis of the phase diagram" on page 189 Settling Time

CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:STATe.............................................................................. 496

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:FREQuency:LIMit:UPPer................................................... 497
CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:RESult?........................................................................... 497

CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:STATe <State>
This command defines the state of settling time measurement.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0

CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:DIAGram <Diagram>
This command selects the diagram for settling time calculation.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<Diagram> Number of the diagram

CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:TRACe <Trace>
This command selects the trace for settling time calculation.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<Trace> TRACe1 | TRACe2 | TRACe3 | TRACe4 | TRACe5 | TRACe6

CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:FREQuency:LIMit:LOWer <Frequency>
This command defines the lower frequency of settling time measurement.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<Frequency> Default unit: Hz

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:FREQuency:LIMit:UPPer <Frequency>
This command defines the upper frequency of settling time measurement.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<Frequency> Default unit: Hz

This command returns the settling time.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
Usage: Query only Frequency Deviation

CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:STATe................................................................... 497
CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:STARt................................................................... 498
CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:REGRession:POINts?............................................ 499
CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:SLOPe?................................................................ 499

CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:STATe <State>
This command defines the state of frequency deviation measurement.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0

CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:DIAGram <Diagram>
This command selects the diagram for frequency deviation calculation.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Measurement Settings

<Diagram> Number of the diagram

CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:TRACe <Trace>
This command selects the trace for frequency deviation calculation.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<Trace> TRACe1 | TRACe2 | TRACe3 | TRACe4 | TRACe5 | TRACe6
Example: CALC:FREQ:DEV:TRAC Trace1

CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:STARt <Range>
This command defines the start frequency of frequency deviation measurement.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<Range> Default unit: s
Example: CALC1:FREQ:DEV:STAR 100

CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:STOP <Range>
This command defines the stop frequency of frequency deviation measurement.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<Range> Default unit: s
Example: CALC1:FREQ:DEV:STOP 1000

This command returns the data of the regression line.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
Usage: Query only

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Common Measurement Settings

This command queries the number of points of the regression line.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
Return values:
Usage: Query only

This command returns the slope of the regression line. A single floating point value
with the unit Hz/s is returned.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
Usage: Query only Trace Configuration

Commands to configure transient analysis traces described elsewhere.

● Trace state: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:TRACe<t>[:STATe]
● Trace mode: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:MODE
● Persistence: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence[:STATe]
● Decay: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence:DECay
● Trace copy: TRACe<n>:COPY
● Trace labels: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:LABel[:STATe]
● Trace labels: DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:LABel:TEXT
● Trace export: Chapter, "Trace Export and Import", on page 518
● Trace mathematics: Chapter, "Trace Mathematics", on page 522 Marker Configuration

See Chapter 15.7.4, "Marker", on page 524 for a complete list of commands to control
markers. Limit Lines

See Chapter 15.7.5, "Limit Lines", on page 537 for a complete list of commands to
control limit lines.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

15.7 Common Analysis and Display Functions

● Display Configuration............................................................................................ 500
● Zoom.....................................................................................................................509
● Trace Configuration...............................................................................................512
● Marker...................................................................................................................524
● Limit Lines.............................................................................................................537
● Examples: Configuring the Result Display............................................................ 549

15.7.1 Display Configuration

DISPlay:FORMat........................................................................................................... 500
DISPlay:WSELect?........................................................................................................ 500
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:SELect............................................................. 501
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:SIZE........................................................................................... 501
LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]?................................................................................................. 501
LAYout:CATalog[:WINDow]?............................................................................................ 503
LAYout:IDENtify[:WINDow]?............................................................................................ 503
LAYout:MOVE[:WINDow]................................................................................................ 504
LAYout:REMove[:WINDow]............................................................................................. 504
LAYout:REPLace[:WINDow]............................................................................................ 505
LAYout:WINDow<n>:ADD?............................................................................................. 507
LAYout:WINDow<n>:IDENtify?........................................................................................ 507
LAYout:WINDow<n>:REPLace........................................................................................ 508

DISPlay:FORMat <Format>
This command determines which tab is displayed.
<Format> SPLit
Displays the MultiView tab with an overview of all active chan-
Displays the measurement channel that was previously focused.

This command queries the currently active window (the one that is focused) in the cur-
rently selected measurement channel.
Return values:
<SelectedWindow> Index number of the currently active window.
Range: 1 to 16

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

Usage: Query only

This command sets the focus on the selected result display window.
This window is then the active window.
For measurements with multiple results in subwindows, the command also selects the
subwindow. Use this command to select the (sub)window before querying trace data.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<w> subwindow
Not supported by all applications
Example: //Put the focus on window 1
Example: //Put the focus on subwindow 2 in window 1

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:SIZE <Size>
This command maximizes the size of the selected result display window temporarily.
To change the size of several windows on the screen permanently, use the LAY:SPL
command (see LAYout:SPLitter on page 505).
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<Size> LARGe
Maximizes the selected window to full screen.
Other windows are still active in the background.
Reduces the size of the selected window to its original size.
If more than one measurement window was displayed originally,
these are visible again.

LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? <WindowName>,<Direction>,<WindowType>
This command adds a window to the display in the active channel.
This command is always used as a query so that you immediately obtain the name of
the new window as a result.
To replace an existing window, use the LAYout:REPLace[:WINDow] command.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Query parameters:
<WindowName> String containing the name of the existing window the new win-
dow is inserted next to.
By default, the name of a window is the same as its index. To
determine the name and index of all active windows, use the
LAYout:CATalog[:WINDow]? query.
<Direction> LEFT | RIGHt | ABOVe | BELow
Direction the new window is added relative to the existing win-
<WindowType> text value
Type of result display (evaluation method) you want to add.
See the table below for available parameter values.
Return values:
<NewWindowName> When adding a new window, the command returns its name (by
default the same as its number) as a result.
Example: LAY:ADD? '1',LEFT,MTAB
Adds a new window named '2' with a marker table to the left of
window 1.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See " Marker Table " on page 121
Table 15-4: <WindowType> parameter values for the phase noise application

Parameter value Window type

ADEViation Allan deviation5

AVARiance Allan variance5

DIAGram Noise spectrum1

FDEViation Frequency Deviation4

FREQuency Frequency2,4

HARMonic Harmonic power2

INOise Integrated noise1

LF Noise spectrum L(f)6

MTABle Marker table1,2,3,4

PFRequency Power vs frequency2

PHASe Phase4

PNOise Noise spectrum1

POWer Power2

RNOise Integrated noise1

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

Parameter value Window type

SENSitivity Sensitivity2

SNOise Spot noise1

SNTam Spot noise vs tune AM3

SNTPn Spot noise vs tune PN3

SNU Noise spectrum Sv(f)6

SPHI Noise spectrum SΦ(f)6

SPURs Spurious list1

SUPPly Supply current / voltage2

SY Noise spectrum Sy(f)6

1 Phase noise, additive noise, baseband noise, pulsed phase noise and pulsed additive noise measure-

2 VCO characterization
3 Spot noise vs tune
4 Transient analysis
5 Phase noise
6 Phase noise, additive noise, pulsed phase noise and pulsed additive noise measurements

This command queries the name and index of all active windows in the active channel
from top left to bottom right. The result is a comma-separated list of values for each
window, with the syntax:
Return values:
<WindowName> string
Name of the window.
In the default state, the name of the window is its index.
<WindowIndex> numeric value
Index of the window.
Example: LAY:CAT?
Two windows are displayed, named '2' (at the top or left), and '1'
(at the bottom or right).
Usage: Query only

LAYout:IDENtify[:WINDow]? <WindowName>
This command queries the index of a particular display window in the active channel.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Note: to query the name of a particular window, use the LAYout:WINDow<n>:

IDENtify? query.
Query parameters:
<WindowName> String containing the name of a window.
Return values:
<WindowIndex> Index number of the window.
Example: LAY:WIND:IDEN? '2'
Queries the index of the result display named '2'.
Usage: Query only

LAYout:MOVE[:WINDow] <WindowName>, <WindowName>, <Direction>

Setting parameters:
<WindowName> String containing the name of an existing window that is to be
By default, the name of a window is the same as its index. To
determine the name and index of all active windows in the active
channel, use the LAYout:CATalog[:WINDow]? query.
<WindowName> String containing the name of an existing window the selected
window is placed next to or replaces.
By default, the name of a window is the same as its index. To
determine the name and index of all active windows in the active
channel, use the LAYout:CATalog[:WINDow]? query.
<Direction> LEFT | RIGHt | ABOVe | BELow | REPLace
Destination the selected window is moved to, relative to the ref-
erence window.
Example: LAY:MOVE '4','1',LEFT
Moves the window named '4' to the left of window 1.
Example: LAY:MOVE '1','3',REPL
Replaces the window named '3' by window 1. Window 3 is
Usage: Setting only

LAYout:REMove[:WINDow] <WindowName>
This command removes a window from the display in the active channel.
Setting parameters:
<WindowName> String containing the name of the window. In the default state,
the name of the window is its index.
Example: LAY:REM '2'
Removes the result display in the window named '2'.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Usage: Setting only

LAYout:REPLace[:WINDow] <WindowName>,<WindowType>
This command replaces the window type (for example from "Diagram" to "Result Sum-
mary") of an already existing window in the active channel while keeping its position,
index and window name.
To add a new window, use the LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? command.
Setting parameters:
<WindowName> String containing the name of the existing window.
By default, the name of a window is the same as its index. To
determine the name and index of all active windows in the active
channel, use the LAYout:CATalog[:WINDow]? query.
<WindowType> Type of result display you want to use in the existing window.
See LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 501 for a list of availa-
ble window types.
Replaces the result display in window 1 with a marker table.
Usage: Setting only

LAYout:SPLitter <Index1>, <Index2>, <Position>

This command changes the position of a splitter and thus controls the size of the win-
dows on each side of the splitter.
Compared to the DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:SIZE on page 501 command, the
LAYout:SPLitter changes the size of all windows to either side of the splitter per-
manently, it does not just maximize a single window temporarily.
Note that windows must have a certain minimum size. If the position you define con-
flicts with the minimum size of any of the affected windows, the command will not work,
but does not return an error.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

Figure 15-1: SmartGrid coordinates for remote control of the splitters

Setting parameters:
<Index1> The index of one window the splitter controls.
<Index2> The index of a window on the other side of the splitter.
<Position> New vertical or horizontal position of the splitter as a fraction of
the screen area (without channel and status bar and softkey
The point of origin (x = 0, y = 0) is in the lower left corner of the
screen. The end point (x = 100, y = 100) is in the upper right cor-
ner of the screen. (See Figure 15-1.)
The direction in which the splitter is moved depends on the
screen layout. If the windows are positioned horizontally, the
splitter also moves horizontally. If the windows are positioned
vertically, the splitter also moves vertically.
Range: 0 to 100
Example: LAY:SPL 1,3,50
Moves the splitter between window 1 ('Frequency Sweep') and 3
('Marker Table') to the center (50%) of the screen, i.e. in the fig-
ure above, to the left.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Example: LAY:SPL 1,4,70

Moves the splitter between window 1 ('Frequency Sweep') and 3
('Marker Peak List') towards the top (70%) of the screen.
The following commands have the exact same effect, as any
combination of windows above and below the splitter moves the
splitter vertically.
LAY:SPL 3,2,70
LAY:SPL 4,1,70
LAY:SPL 2,1,70
Usage: Setting only

LAYout:WINDow<n>:ADD? <Direction>,<WindowType>
This command adds a measurement window to the display. Note that with this com-
mand, the suffix <n> determines the existing window next to which the new window is
added, as opposed to LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]?, for which the existing window is
defined by a parameter.
To replace an existing window, use the LAYout:WINDow<n>:REPLace command.
This command is always used as a query so that you immediately obtain the name of
the new window as a result.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
Query parameters:
<Direction> LEFT | RIGHt | ABOVe | BELow
<WindowType> Type of measurement window you want to add.
See LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 501 for a list of availa-
ble window types.
Return values:
<NewWindowName> When adding a new window, the command returns its name (by
default the same as its number) as a result.
Adds a new window named '2' with a marker table to the left of
window 1.
Usage: Query only

This command queries the name of a particular display window (indicated by the <n>
suffix) in the active channel.
Note: to query the index of a particular window, use the LAYout:IDENtify[:
WINDow]? command.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Suffix: .
<n> Window
Return values:
<WindowName> String containing the name of a window.
In the default state, the name of the window is its index.
Example: LAY:WIND2:IDEN?
Queries the name of the result display in window 2.
Usage: Query only

This command removes the window specified by the suffix <n> from the display in the
active channel.
The result of this command is identical to the LAYout:REMove[:WINDow] command.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
Example: LAY:WIND2:REM
Removes the result display in window 2.
Usage: Event

LAYout:WINDow<n>:REPLace <WindowType>
This command changes the window type of an existing window (specified by the suffix
<n>) in the active channel.
The effect of this command is identical to the LAYout:REPLace[:WINDow] com-
To add a new window, use the LAYout:WINDow<n>:ADD? command.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
Setting parameters:
<WindowType> Type of measurement window you want to replace another one
See LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 501 for a list of availa-
ble window types.
Replaces the result display in window 2 with a marker table.
Usage: Setting only

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

15.7.2 Zoom

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM:AREA.................................................... 509
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM[:STATe].................................................. 511

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM:AREA <x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>
This command defines the zoom area.
To define a zoom area, you first have to turn the zoom on.

1 = origin of coordinate system (x1 = 0, y1 = 0)

2 = end point of system (x2 = 100, y2= 100)
3 = zoom area (e.g. x1 = 60, y1 = 30, x2 = 80, y2 = 75)

Suffix: .
<n> Window
<w> subwindow
Not supported by all applications
<x1> Diagram coordinates in % of the complete diagram that define
the zoom area.
The lower left corner is the origin of coordinate system. The
upper right corner is the end point of the system.
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: PCT
<y1> Diagram coordinates in % of the complete diagram that define
the zoom area.
The lower left corner is the origin of coordinate system. The
upper right corner is the end point of the system.
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: PCT
<x2> Diagram coordinates in % of the complete diagram that define
the zoom area.
The lower left corner is the origin of coordinate system. The
upper right corner is the end point of the system.
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: PCT

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

<y2> Diagram coordinates in % of the complete diagram that define

the zoom area.
The lower left corner is the origin of coordinate system. The
upper right corner is the end point of the system.
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: PCT
Manual operation: See " Single Zoom " on page 199

This command defines the zoom area for a multiple zoom.
To define a zoom area, you first have to turn the zoom on.

1 = origin of coordinate system (x1 = 0, y1 = 0)

2 = end point of system (x2 = 100, y2= 100)
3 = zoom area (e.g. x1 = 60, y1 = 30, x2 = 80, y2 = 75)

Suffix: .
<n> Window
<w> subwindow
Not supported by all applications
<zn> Selects the zoom window.
<x1> Diagram coordinates in % of the complete diagram that define
the zoom area.
The lower left corner is the origin of coordinate system. The
upper right corner is the end point of the system.
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: PCT
<y1> Diagram coordinates in % of the complete diagram that define
the zoom area.
The lower left corner is the origin of coordinate system. The
upper right corner is the end point of the system.
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: PCT

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

<x2> Diagram coordinates in % of the complete diagram that define

the zoom area.
The lower left corner is the origin of coordinate system. The
upper right corner is the end point of the system.
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: PCT
<y2> Diagram coordinates in % of the complete diagram that define
the zoom area.
The lower left corner is the origin of coordinate system. The
upper right corner is the end point of the system.
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: PCT
Manual operation: See " Multi-Zoom " on page 199

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM:MULTiple<zn>[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the multiple zoom on and off.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<w> subwindow
Not supported by all applications
<zn> Selects the zoom window.
If you turn off one of the zoom windows, all subsequent zoom
windows move up one position.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Manual operation: See " Multi-Zoom " on page 199

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the zoom on and off.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<w> subwindow
Not supported by all applications
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

ON | 1
Switches the function on
Activates the zoom mode.
Manual operation: See " Single Zoom " on page 199
See " Restore Original Display " on page 200
See " Deactivating Zoom (Selection Mode) " on page 200

15.7.3 Trace Configuration

● Trace Characteristics............................................................................................ 512

● Trace Copy............................................................................................................518
● Trace Export and Import....................................................................................... 518
● Trace Mathematics................................................................................................522
● Formats for Returned Values: ASCII Format and Binary Format..........................524 Trace Characteristics

Commands to configure traces described elsewhere.

● DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:SUPPress
● DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:THReshold
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence:DECay.................................................... 514
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence[:STATe]................................................... 515
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:RESult[:TYPE]............................................................. 515
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:TRACe<t>[:STATe]............................................ 515
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet........................................... 516
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet:STATe................................. 516
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing[:STATe]...................................................... 517

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:MODE <Mode>
This command selects the trace mode. If necessary, the selected trace is also activa-
In case of max hold, min hold or average trace mode, you can set the number of single
measurements with [SENSe:]SWEep:COUNt. Note that synchronization to the end of
the measurement is possible only in single sweep mode.
Suffix: .
<n> Window

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

<t> Trace
<Mode> WRITe
Overwrite mode: the trace is overwritten by each sweep. This is
the default setting.
The average is formed over several sweeps. The "Sweep/Aver-
age Count" determines the number of averaging procedures.
The maximum value is determined over several sweeps and dis-
played. The R&S FSWP saves the sweep result in the trace
memory only if the new value is greater than the previous one.
The minimum value is determined from several measurements
and displayed. The R&S FSWP saves the sweep result in the
trace memory only if the new value is lower than the previous
The current contents of the trace memory are frozen and dis-
Hides the selected trace.
The trace is overwritten when new data is available, but only
after all cross-correlation operations defined for a half decade
are done.
*RST: Depends on the trace.
Switching to single sweep mode.
Sets the number of measurements to 16.
Selects clear/write mode for trace 3.
Starts the measurement and waits for the end of the measure-
Manual operation: See " Trace Mode " on page 207

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:LABel[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the display of the trace label for a specific trace on and off.
The command can only be applied to active traces.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

<t> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on the label for trace 2

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:LABel:TEXT <Label>
This command defines the contents of a trace label.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Label> String containing the trace label.
Example: //Assign a label to trace 2.

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence:DECay <Decay>
This command defines the time period that an event remains visible until it fades away
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on persistence (DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence[:
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Decay> <numeric value>
Range: 0 s to 8 s
*RST: 0
Default unit: s
Example: //Turn on persistence for trace 2 with a decay of 2 seconds
Manual operation: See "Displaying persistence" on page 208

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence[:STATe] <State>
This command turns persistence for a trace on and off.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on persistence for trace 2
Manual operation: See "Displaying persistence" on page 208

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:RESult[:TYPE] <Resulttype>
This command selects the type of noise represented by the trace.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Resulttype> PN
Phase noise results.
AM noise results.
Sum of phase noise and AM noise.
Example: //Show AM noise characteristics on trace 2
Manual operation: See "Selecting the displayed result" on page 207

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:TRACe<t>[:STATe] <State>
This command turns a trace on and off.
The measurement continues in the background.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<w> subwindow
Not supported by all applications

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

<t> Trace
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Example: DISP:TRAC3 ON
Manual operation: See " Trace 1 / Trace 2 / Trace 3 / Trace 4 / Trace 5 / Trace 6 "
on page 207

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet <Offset>
This command defines the amount by which a trace is shifted.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on trace offset (DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Offset> <numeric value>
*RST: 0
Default unit: dB
Example: //Define a level offset of 10 dB
Manual operation: See "Shifting the trace" on page 208

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet:STATe <State>
This command turns the offset for a trace on and off.
When you turn that feature on, the trace is shifted vertically by a certain amount.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Shift trace 2 vertically by 10 dB.
Manual operation: See "Shifting the trace" on page 208

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing:APERture <Aperture>
This command defines the magnitude (aperture) of trace smoothing.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on trace smoothing (DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing[:
In the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement, trace smoothing applies to either all traces or
none. Use [SENSe:]SMOothing[:STATe] in that case.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<t> 1..n
<Aperture> <numeric value>
Range: 1 to 20
*RST: 1
Default unit: PCT
Example: See DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing[:
Manual operation: See "Smoothing traces" on page 208

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing[:STATe] <State>
This command turns trace smoothing for a specific trace on and off.
When you turn on trace smoothing, you can define the smoothing magnitude with
In the Spot Noise vs Tune measurement, trace smoothing applies to either all traces or
none. Use [SENSe:]SMOothing[:STATe] in that case.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

<t> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: Depends on the trace.
Example: //Turns on trace 3 (average mode based on 10 measurements)
to display the AM noise results
//Smooth the trace by a magnitude of 10 %
//Remove spurs from trace 3
Manual operation: See "Smoothing traces" on page 208 Trace Copy

TRACe<n>:COPY.......................................................................................................... 518

TRACe<n>:COPY <TraceNumber>, <TraceNumber>

This command copies data from one trace to another.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<TraceNumber> TRACE1 | TRACE2 | TRACE3 | TRACE4 | TRACE5 | TRACE6
The first parameter is the destination trace, the second parame-
ter is the source.
(Note the 'e' in the parameter is required!)
Copies the data from trace 2 to trace 1.
Manual operation: See " Copy Trace " on page 214 Trace Export and Import

FORMat[:DATA]............................................................................................................. 519
FORMat:DEXPort:CSEParator........................................................................................ 519
FORMat:DEXPort:DSEParator........................................................................................ 520
FORMat:DEXPort:FORMat............................................................................................. 520
FORMat:DEXPort:TRACes............................................................................................. 521

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

FORMat[:DATA] <Format>[, <BitLength>]

This command selects the data format that is used for transmission of trace data from
the R&S FSWP to the controlling computer.
Note that the command has no effect for data that you send to the R&S FSWP. The
R&S FSWP automatically recognizes the data it receives, regardless of the format.
For details on data formats see Chapter, "Formats for Returned Values: ASCII
Format and Binary Format", on page 524.
<Format> ASCii
ASCii format, separated by commas.
This format is almost always suitable, regardless of the actual
data format. However, the data is not as compact as other for-
mats may be.
Floating-point numbers (according to IEEE 754) in the "definite
length block format".
The format setting REAL is used for the binary transmission of
trace data.
<BitLength> Length in bits for floating-point results
16-bit floating-point numbers.
Compared to REAL,32 format, half as many numbers are
32-bit floating-point numbers
For I/Q data, 8 bytes per sample are returned for this format set-
64-bit floating-point numbers
Compared to REAL,32 format, twice as many numbers are
Example: FORM REAL,32

FORMat:DEXPort:CSEParator <Separator>
This command selects the column separator for exported trace data.
The selected value is not affected by a preset. The command therefore has no reset
<Separator> COMMa
Selects a comma as a separator.
Selects a semicolon as a separator.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Selects a tabulator as a separator.
*RST: n/a
Example: //Select column separator
Manual operation: See "Column Separator" on page 212

FORMat:DEXPort:DSEParator <Separator>
This command selects the decimal separator for data exported in ASCII format.
<Separator> POINt | COMMa
Uses a comma as decimal separator, e.g. 4,05.
Uses a point as decimal separator, e.g. 4.05.
*RST: *RST has no effect on the decimal separator.
Default is POINt.
Sets the decimal point as separator.
Manual operation: See " Decimal Separator " on page 212

FORMat:DEXPort:FORMat <FileFormat>
Determines the format of the ASCII file to be imported or exported. Depending on the
external program in which the data file was created or will be evaluated, a comma-sep-
arated list (CSV) or a plain data format (DAT) file may be required.
<FileFormat> CSV | DAT
Manual operation: See " File Type " on page 212

FORMat:DEXPort:HEADer <State>
If enabled, additional instrument and measurement settings are included in the header
of the export file for result data. If disabled, only the pure result data from the selected
traces and tables is exported.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Include Instrument & Measurement Settings " on page 210

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

FORMat:DEXPort:TRACes <Selection>
This command selects the data to be included in a data export file (see MMEMory:
STORe<n>:TRACe on page 576).
<Selection> SINGle | ALL
Only a single trace is selected for export, namely the one speci-
fied by the MMEMory:STORe<n>:TRACe command.
Selects all active traces and result tables (e.g. Result Summary,
marker peak list etc.) in the current application for export to an
ASCII file.
The <trace> parameter for the MMEMory:STORe<n>:TRACe
command is ignored.
Manual operation: See " Export all Traces and all Table Results " on page 210

MMEMory:LOAD<n>:TRACe <FileName>[, <Window>, <Trace>, <Trace>]

This commans imports a previously recorded trace.
Secure User Mode
In secure user mode, settings that are stored on the instrument are stored to volatile
memory, which is restricted to 256 MB. Thus, a "memory limit reached" error can occur
although the hard disk indicates that storage space is still available.
To store data permanently, select an external storage location such as a USB memory
For details, see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode",
on page 31.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
Destination Window
<FileName> String that contains the location of the ASCII file you want to
Supported file types are .dat and .csv.
<Window> <numeric value> (integer only)
Selects the source window of the trace that you want to import.
Because the ASCII file can contain trace information for several
result windows, you can select a specfic result window whose
trace(s) are imported.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

The selected window must be compatible to the destination win-

dows selected by the suffix at the LOAD<n> syntax element. For
example if you want to import the data of a phase noise trace, a
phase noise diagram must be active.
If you omit the source window, the R&S FSWP checks if the
import data is compatible to the diagram that you have selected.
If not, the command throws an error and the data is not impor-
Range: 1 to 16
<Trace> <numeric value> (integer only)
Selects the number of the source trace. The source trace is the
trace you want to import.
Range: 1 to 6
<Trace> <numeric value> (integer only)
Selects the number of the destination trace. The destination
trace is the trace you want to write the imported trace to.
Range: 1 to 6
Example: //Import all compatible traces from an ASCII file into window 2
MMEM:LOAD2:TRAC 'c:\trace.dat'
Example: //Import all traces stored as window 1 into window 2
MMEM:LOAD2:TRAC 'c:\trace.dat',1
Example: //Import a single trace from ASCII file
MMEM:LOAD:TRAC 'c:\trace.dat',2,1,5
Manual operation: See "Select ASCII File" on page 212
See "Source Window / Source Trace" on page 213
See "Destination Trace" on page 213
See "Import" on page 213 Trace Mathematics

CALCulate<n>:MATH:STATe........................................................................................... 522

CALCulate<n>:MATH:STATe <State>
This command turns trace mathematics on and off.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<State> ON | 1
Turns trace mathematics on and selects the operation that has
been selected last (or (TRACE1-TRACE3) if you have not yet
selected one).
OFF | 0
Turns trace mathematics off.
Example: //Turn on trace 3, subtract it from trace 2 and write the result to
trace 2
//Turn off trace mathematics
//Turn them on again and selects the operation (TRACE2-
Manual operation: See "Selecting the math operation" on page 214

CALCulate<n>:MATH[:EXPRession][:DEFine] <Operation>
This command selects the operation for trace mathematics.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
Setting parameters:
<Operation> Depending on the operation you select, one trace is subtracted
from another. The result is written to the first trace indicated in
the operation.
An operation is only available if both traces are actually turned
*RST: Trace mathematics are off.
Example: //Subtract trace 2 from trace 1 and write the result to trace 1
Manual operation: See "Selecting the math operation" on page 214

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 523

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions Formats for Returned Values: ASCII Format and Binary Format

When trace data is retrieved using the TRAC:DATA or TRAC:IQ:DATA command, the
data is returned in the format defined using the FORMat[:DATA] on page 519. The
possible formats are described here.
● ASCII Format (FORMat ASCII):
The data is stored as a list of comma-separated values (CSV) of the measured val-
ues in floating point format.
● Binary Format (FORMat REAL,16/32/64):
The data is stored as binary data (definite length block data according to IEEE
488.2), each measurement value being formatted in 16-bit/32-bit/64-bit IEEE 754
The schema of the result string is as follows:
#41024<value1><value2>…<value n> with:

#4 Number of digits (= 4 in the example) of the following number of data bytes

1024 Number of following data bytes (= 1024 in the example)

<Value> 2-byte/4-byte/8-byte floating point value

Reading out data in binary format is quicker than in ASCII format. Thus, binary format
is recommended for large amounts of data.

15.7.4 Marker

● Individual Marker Setup........................................................................................ 524

● General Marker Settings....................................................................................... 530
● Marker Search.......................................................................................................531
● Positioning Markers...............................................................................................532
● Retrieving Marker Positions.................................................................................. 536 Individual Marker Setup

CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:LINK............................................................................ 525
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MODE......................................................................... 526
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MREFerence................................................................ 526
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>[:STATe]........................................................................ 526
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:X................................................................................. 527
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<ms>:LINK:TO:MARKer<md>....................................................... 528
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>[:STATe]............................................................................... 528
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:X........................................................................................ 529

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

This command turns off all delta markers.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> irrelevant
Turns off all delta markers.

CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:LINK <State>
This command links delta marker <m> to marker 1.
If you change the horizontal position (x-value) of marker 1, delta marker <m> changes
its horizontal position to the same value.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Manual operation: See " Linking to Another Marker " on page 227

CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<ms>:LINK:TO:MARKer<md> <State>
This command links delta marker <m1> to any active normal marker <m2>.
If you change the horizontal position of marker <m2>, delta marker <m1> changes its
horizontal position to the same value.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<ms> source marker, see Marker
<md> destination marker, see Marker
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Links the delta marker 4 to the marker 2.
Manual operation: See " Linking to Another Marker " on page 227

CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MODE <Mode>
This command defines whether the position of a delta marker is provided as an abso-
lute value or relative to a reference marker.
Note that when the position of a delta marker is queried, the result is always an abso-
lute value (see CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:X on page 527)!
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> irrelevant
<Mode> ABSolute
Delta marker position in absolute terms.
Delta marker position in relation to a reference marker.
*RST: RELative
Absolute delta marker position.

CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MREFerence <Reference>
This command selects a reference marker for a delta marker other than marker 1.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Example: CALC:DELT3:MREF 2
Specifies that the values of delta marker 3 are relative to marker
Manual operation: See " Reference Marker " on page 227

CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>[:STATe] <State>
This command turns delta markers on and off.
If necessary, the command activates the delta marker first.
No suffix at DELTamarker turns on delta marker 1.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Example: CALC:DELT2 ON
Turns on delta marker 2.
Manual operation: See " Marker State " on page 226
See " Marker Type " on page 227
See " Select Marker " on page 228

CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:TRACe <Trace>
This command selects the trace a delta marker is positioned on.
Note that the corresponding trace must have a trace mode other than "Blank".
If necessary, the command activates the marker first.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
<Trace> Trace number the marker is assigned to.
Example: CALC:DELT2:TRAC 2
Positions delta marker 2 on trace 2.

CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:X <Position>
This command moves a delta marker to a particular coordinate on the x-axis.
If necessary, the command activates the delta marker and positions a reference
marker to the peak power.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
<Position> Numeric value that defines the marker position on the x-axis.
Range: The value range and unit depend on the measure-
ment and scale of the x-axis.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Example: CALC:DELT:X?
Outputs the absolute x-value of delta marker 1.
Manual operation: See "Marker Position X-value " on page 227

This command turns off all markers.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Switches off all markers.
Manual operation: See " All Markers Off " on page 228

CALCulate<n>:MARKer<ms>:LINK:TO:MARKer<md> <State>
This command links normal marker <m1> to any active normal marker <m2>.
If you change the horizontal position of marker <m2>, marker <m1> changes its hori-
zontal position to the same value.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<ms> source marker, see Marker
<md> destination marker, see Marker
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Links marker 4 to marker 2.
Manual operation: See " Linking to Another Marker " on page 227

CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>[:STATe] <State>
This command turns markers on and off. If the corresponding marker number is cur-
rently active as a delta marker, it is turned into a normal marker.
Suffix: .
<n> Window

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

<m> Marker
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Example: CALC:MARK3 ON
Switches on marker 3.
Manual operation: See " Marker State " on page 226
See " Marker Type " on page 227
See " Select Marker " on page 228

CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:TRACe <Trace>
This command selects the trace the marker is positioned on.
Note that the corresponding trace must have a trace mode other than "Blank".
If necessary, the command activates the marker first.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Example: //Assign marker to trace 1
Manual operation: See " Assigning the Marker to a Trace " on page 228

CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:X <Position>
This command moves a marker to a specific coordinate on the x-axis.
If necessary, the command activates the marker.
If the marker has been used as a delta marker, the command turns it into a normal
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
<Position> Numeric value that defines the marker position on the x-axis.
The unit depends on the result display.
Range: The range depends on the current x-axis range.
Default unit: Hz

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Example: CALC:MARK2:X 1.7MHz

Positions marker 2 to frequency 1.7 MHz.
Manual operation: See " Marker Table " on page 121
See "Marker Position X-value " on page 227 General Marker Settings

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:MTABle....................................................................................... 530
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:LINK................................................................................... 530

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:MTABle <DisplayMode>
This command turns the marker table on and off.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<DisplayMode> ON | 1
Turns on the marker table.
OFF | 0
Turns off the marker table.
Activates the marker table.
Manual operation: See " Marker Table Display " on page 229

CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:LINK <State>
This command defines whether all markers within the selected result display are
linked. If enabled, and you move one marker along the x-axis, all other markers in the
display are moved to the same x-axis position.
Suffix: .
<m> irrelevant
<n> Window
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See "Linked Markers" on page 229

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 530

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions Marker Search

CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:FUNCtion:SPTRacking:RANGe............................................. 531
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:FUNCtion:SPTRacking[:STATe]............................................. 532

CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:PEXCursion <Excursion>
This command defines the peak excursion (for all markers).
The peak excursion sets the requirements for a peak to be detected during a peak
The unit depends on the measurement.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> irrelevant
Example: CALC:MARK:PEXC 10dB
Defines peak excursion as 10 dB.
Manual operation: See " Peak Excursion " on page 230

CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:FUNCtion:SPTRacking:RANGe <Range>
This command defines the frequency range in which spur tracking takes place.
Prerequisites for this command
● Turn on spur tracking (CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:FUNCtion:SPTRacking[:
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<m> 1..n
<Range> <numeric value>
Number without unit that defines the frequency range as a func-
tion of the resolution bandwidth.
Tracking range = x * RBW
*RST: 1.0
Example: //Turn on spur tracking and define a tracking range of 2 x RBW
Manual operation: See "Spurious Tracking" on page 230

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:FUNCtion:SPTRacking[:STATe] <State>
This command turns spurious tracking on and off.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<m> 1..n
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Example: //Turn on spur tracking
Manual operation: See "Spurious Tracking" on page 230 Positioning Markers

CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MAXimum:LEFT........................................................... 532
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MAXimum:RIGHt.......................................................... 533
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum:LEFT............................................................ 533
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum:RIGHt........................................................... 534
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum[:PEAK].......................................................... 534
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum:NEXT.................................................................. 534
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum[:PEAK]................................................................ 535
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MINimum:NEXT................................................................... 535
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MINimum[:PEAK]................................................................. 536

This command moves a delta marker to the next higher value.
The search includes only measurement values to the left of the current marker posi-
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Peak " on page 231

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

This command moves a marker to the next higher value.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<m> 1..n
Manual operation: See " Search Next Peak " on page 231

This command moves a delta marker to the next higher value.
The search includes only measurement values to the right of the current marker posi-
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Peak " on page 231

This command moves a delta marker to the highest level.
If the marker is not yet active, the command first activates the marker.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Peak Search " on page 231

This command moves a delta marker to the next higher minimum value.
The search includes only measurement values to the right of the current marker posi-
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Minimum " on page 232

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

This command moves a marker to the next higher minimum value.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Minimum " on page 232

This command moves a delta marker to the next higher minimum value.
The search includes only measurement values to the right of the current marker posi-
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Minimum " on page 232

This command moves a delta marker to the minimum level.
If the marker is not yet active, the command first activates the marker.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Minimum " on page 231

This command moves a marker to the next lower peak.
The search includes only measurement values to the left of the current marker posi-
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Peak " on page 231

This command moves a marker to the next lower peak.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Peak " on page 231

This command moves a marker to the next lower peak.
The search includes only measurement values to the right of the current marker posi-
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Peak " on page 231

This command moves a marker to the highest level.
If the marker is not yet active, the command first activates the marker.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Peak Search " on page 231

This command moves a marker to the next minimum value.
The search includes only measurement values to the right of the current marker posi-
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Minimum " on page 232

This command moves a marker to the next minimum value.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 535

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

Manual operation: See " Search Next Minimum " on page 232

This command moves a marker to the next minimum value.
The search includes only measurement values to the right of the current marker posi-
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Next Minimum " on page 232

This command moves a marker to the minimum level.
If the marker is not yet active, the command first activates the marker.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Manual operation: See " Search Minimum " on page 231 Retrieving Marker Positions

Commands useful to retrieve marker positions described elsewhere:

● CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:X
● CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:X
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:X:RELative?................................................................. 536
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:Y?............................................................................... 537

This command queries the relative position of a delta marker on the x-axis.
If necessary, the command activates the delta marker first.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<m> Marker
Return values:
<Position> Position of the delta marker in relation to the reference marker.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 536

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

Example: CALC:DELT3:X:REL?
Outputs the frequency of delta marker 3 relative to marker 1 or
relative to the reference position.
Usage: Query only

Queries the result at the position of the specified delta marker.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<m> 1..n
Return values:
<Result> Result at the position of the delta marker.
The unit is variable and depends on the one you have currently
Default unit: DBM
Usage: Query only

Queries the result at the position of the specified marker.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<m> 1..n
Return values:
<Result> Default unit: DBM
Usage: Query only

15.7.5 Limit Lines

● Managing Limit Lines............................................................................................ 537

● Designing Limit Lines............................................................................................ 542
● Reading out the Results of a Limit Check............................................................. 548
● Programming Example: Using Limit Lines............................................................ 548 Managing Limit Lines

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:DELete...................................................................................... 539

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 537

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:TRACe<t>:CHECk...................................................................... 541
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:STATe............................................................................. 541

This command queries the names of all active limit lines.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> irrelevant
Return values:
<LimitLines> String containing the names of all active limit lines in alphabeti-
cal order.
Example: CALC:LIM:ACT?
Queries the names of all active limit lines.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See " Visibility " on page 237

This command queries if the currently selected limit line is compatible to the current
measurement configuration.
Suffix: .
<n> 1..n
<k> 1..n
Limit line
Return values:
<MkrIndex> 1
Limit line is compatible to the current measurement settings.
Limit line is not compatible to the current measurement settings.
Example: //Query limit line compatibility
Usage: Query only

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:COPY <Line>
This command copies a limit line.
Suffix: .
<n> Window

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 538

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

<li> Limit line

<Line> 1 to 8
number of the new limit line
String containing the name of the limit line.
Example: CALC:LIM1:COPY 2
Copies limit line 1 to line 2.
Copies limit line 1 to a new line named FM2.
Manual operation: See " Copy Line " on page 238

This command deletes a limit line.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
Manual operation: See " Delete Line " on page 238

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:OFFSet <Offset>
This command defines an offset for a complete lower limit line.
Compared to shifting the limit line, an offset does not actually change the limit line defi-
nition points.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<Offset> Numeric value.
*RST: 0
Default unit: dB

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:STATe <State>
This command turns a lower limit line on and off.
Before you can use the command, you have to select a limit line with CALCulate<n>:
LIMit<li>:NAME on page 546.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

<li> Limit line

<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Manual operation: See " Visibility " on page 237

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:STATe <State>
This command turns the limit check for a specific limit line on and off.
To query the limit check result, use CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:FAIL?.
Note that a new command exists to activate the limit check and define the trace to be
checked in one step (see CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:TRACe<t>:CHECk
on page 541).
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Switches on the limit check for limit line 1.
Manual operation: See " Disable All Lines " on page 238

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:TRACe<t> <TraceNumber>
This command links a limit line to one or more traces.
Note that this command is maintained for compatibility reasons only. Limit lines no lon-
ger need to be assigned to a trace explicitly. The trace to be checked can be defined
directly (as a suffix) in the new command to activate the limit check (see
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:TRACe<t>:CHECk on page 541).
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<t> irrelevant

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions

Example: CALC:LIM2:TRAC 3
Assigns limit line 2 to trace 3.

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:TRACe<t>:CHECk <State>
This command turns the limit check for a specific trace on and off.
To query the limit check result, use CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:FAIL?.
Note that this command replaces the two commands from previous signal and spec-
trum analyzers (which are still supported, however):
● CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:TRACe<t> on page 540
● CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:STATe on page 540
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<t> Trace
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Switches on the limit check for limit line 3 on trace 2.
Manual operation: See " Traces to be Checked " on page 237

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:STATe <State>
This command turns an upper limit line on and off.
Before you can use the command, you have to select a limit line with CALCulate<n>:
LIMit<li>:NAME on page 546.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Switches the function off
ON | 1
Switches the function on
Manual operation: See " Visibility " on page 237

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions Designing Limit Lines

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:COMMent.................................................................................. 542
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol[:DATA]......................................................................... 542
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:SHIFt........................................................................... 543
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:SPACing...................................................................... 544
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:MODE............................................................................ 544
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:SPACing......................................................................... 545
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UNIT......................................................................................... 546
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:SHIFt.............................................................................. 547

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:COMMent <Comment>
This command defines a comment for a limit line.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<Comment> String containing the description of the limit line.
Manual operation: See " Comment " on page 238

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol[:DATA] <LimitLinePoints>
This command defines the horizontal definition points of a limit line.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<LimitLinePoints> Variable number of x-axis values.
Note that the number of horizontal values has to be the same as
the number of vertical values set with CALCulate<n>:
LIMit<li>:LOWer[:DATA] or CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:
UPPer[:DATA]. If not, the R&S FSWP either adds missing val-
ues or ignores surplus values.
*RST: -
Default unit: HZ
Manual operation: See " Data Points " on page 239

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:DOMain <SpanSetting>
This command selects the domain of the limit line.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<SpanSetting> FREQuency | TIME
For limit lines that apply to a range of frequencies.
For limit lines that apply to a period of time.
For limit lines that apply to a range of currents.
For limit lines that apply to a range of voltages.
*RST: FREQuency
Select a limit line in the frequency domain.
Manual operation: See " X-Axis " on page 239

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:MODE <Mode>
This command selects the horizontal limit line scaling.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<Mode> ABSolute
Limit line is defined by absolute physical values (Hz or s).
Limit line is defined by relative values related to the center fre-
quency (frequency domain) or the left diagram border (time
*RST: ABSolute

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:SHIFt <Distance>
This command moves a complete limit line horizontally.
Compared to defining an offset, this command actually changes the limit line definition
points by the value you define.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<Distance> Numeric value.
The unit depends on the scale of the x-axis.
Default unit: HZ
Manual operation: See " Shift x " on page 240

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:SPACing <InterpolMode>
This command selects linear or logarithmic interpolation for the calculation of limit lines
from one horizontal point to the next.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<InterpolMode> LINear | LOGarithmic
Manual operation: See " X-Axis " on page 239

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer[:DATA] <LimitLinePoints>
This command defines the vertical definition points of a lower limit line.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<LimitLinePoints> Variable number of level values.
Note that the number of vertical values has to be the same as
the number of horizontal values set with CALCulate<n>:
LIMit<li>:CONTrol[:DATA]. If not, the R&S FSWP either
adds missing values or ignores surplus values.
*RST: Limit line state is OFF
Default unit: DBM
Manual operation: See " Data Points " on page 239

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:MODE <Mode>
This command selects the vertical limit line scaling.

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<Mode> ABSolute
Limit line is defined by absolute physical values.
The unit is variable.
Limit line is defined by relative values related to the reference
level (dB).
*RST: ABSolute
Manual operation: See " X-Axis " on page 239

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:SHIFt <Distance>
This command moves a complete lower limit line vertically.
Compared to defining an offset, this command actually changes the limit line definition
points by the value you define.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<Distance> Defines the distance that the limit line moves.
Default unit: DB
Manual operation: See " Shift y " on page 240

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:SPACing <InterpolType>
This command selects linear or logarithmic interpolation for the calculation of a lower
limit line from one horizontal point to the next.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<InterpolType> LINear | LOGarithmic
Manual operation: See " Y-Axis " on page 239

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:NAME <Name>
This command selects a limit line that already exists or defines a name for a new limit
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<Name> String containing the limit line name.
*RST: REM1 to REM8 for lines 1 to 8
Manual operation: See " Name " on page 238

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UNIT <Unit>
This command defines the unit of a limit line.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<Unit> If you select dB as the limit line unit, the command automatically
turns the limit line into a relative limit line.
Manual operation: See " Y-Axis " on page 239

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer[:DATA] <LimitLinePoints>
This command defines the vertical definition points of an upper limit line.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<LimitLinePoints> Variable number of level values.
Note that the number of vertical values has to be the same as
the number of horizontal values set with CALCulate<n>:
LIMit<li>:CONTrol[:DATA]. If not, the R&S FSWP either
adds missing values or ignores surplus values.
*RST: Limit line state is OFF
Default unit: DBM
Manual operation: See " Data Points " on page 239

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:MODE <Mode>
This command selects the vertical limit line scaling.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<Mode> ABSolute
Limit line is defined by absolute physical values.
The unit is variable.
Limit line is defined by relative values related to the reference
level (dB).
*RST: ABSolute
Manual operation: See " X-Axis " on page 239

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:SHIFt <Distance>
This command moves a complete upper limit line vertically.
Compared to defining an offset, this command actually changes the limit line definition
points by the value you define.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<li> Limit line
<Distance> Defines the distance that the limit line moves.
Manual operation: See " Shift y " on page 240

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:SPACing <InterpolType>
This command selects linear or logarithmic interpolation for the calculation of an upper
limit line from one horizontal point to the next.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
<InterpolType> LINear | LOGarithmic
Manual operation: See " Y-Axis " on page 239

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Common Analysis and Display Functions Reading out the Results of a Limit Check

CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CLEar[:IMMediate]...................................................................... 548
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:FAIL?........................................................................................ 548

This command deletes the result of the current limit check.
The command works on all limit lines in all measurement windows at the same time.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> irrelevant
Deletes the result of the limit check.

This command queries the result of a limit check in the specified window.
To get a valid result, you have to perform a complete measurement with synchroniza-
tion to the end of the measurement before reading out the result. This is only possible
for single measurement mode.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<li> Limit line
Return values:
<Result> 0
Example: INIT;*WAI
Starts a new sweep and waits for its end.
Queries the result of the check for limit line 3 in window 2.
Usage: Query only Programming Example: Using Limit Lines

//-------------- Creating and editing limit lines -----------------------

//Select or create a limit line with index '1'

//Define 5 horizontal definition points for limit line 1

calc:lim:cont 100hz,1khz,10khz,100khz,1000khz
//Select an absolute vertical scale for limit line 1

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

//Select the unit dBc_Hz for limit line 1
//Define 5 vertical definition points for limit line 1
CALC:LIM1:UPP -60,-80,-90,-100,-110

//Shift the limit line 1 by -10 dB


//------------- Configuring a limit check -------------------

//Activate upper limit FM1 as line 1

//Activate the limit to be checked against trace 1 and 2

//Query the names of all active limit lines
//Result: 'FM1'
//Clear the previous limit check results

//------------- Performing the measurement---------------------

//Initiate a new measurement and wait until the last sweep has finished

//-------------- Retrieving limit check results----------------------------

//Query the result of the limit line check

15.7.6 Examples: Configuring the Result Display

The following example demonstrates how to configure result displays in a remote envi-
ronment. Example 1: Adding and Arranging Windows

Starting from the default initial display in the Spectrum application (Frequency Sweep),
we will configure the following result displays:

1 Frequency Sweep 3 Marker Table

2 Spectrogram 4 Marker Peak List

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

//--------------Resetting the instrument -----------

//--------------- Adding new windows --------------------
//Add a Spectrogram window beneath the Frequency Sweep window
//Result: window number: '2'
//Add a Marker Table window to the right of the Frequency Sweep window
//Result: window number: '3'
//Add a Marker Peak List window to the right of the Spectrogram window
//Result: window number: '4'

//--------------- Changing the size of individual windows -------------

//Move the splitter between the Frequency Sweep window and the Marker Table
//window to enlarge the spectrum display to 60% of the entire width.
LAY:SPL 1,3,60
//Move the splitter between the Spectrogram window and the Marker Peak List
//window to enlarge the Spectrogram display to 60% of the entire width.
LAY:SPL 2,4,60

//--------------- Querying all displayed windows ------------------

//Query the name and number of all displayed windows
//(from top left to bottom right)
//Result : '1',1,'2',2,'3',3,'4',4

//------------- Maximizing a Window ------------------

//Maximize the window "2 Spectrogram"

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Common Analysis and Display Functions

//-------------Restore multiple window display -----------

DISP:WIND2:SIZE SMAL Example 2: Replacing and Removing Windows

Starting from the display configured in Example 1: Adding and Arranging Windows, we
will remove and replace result displays to obtain the following configuration:

1 Frequency Sweep

4 Marker Table

//-------------- Preparing the configuration from example 1 -----------

//Result : '1',1,'2',2,'3',3,'4',4
//Remove Spectrogram
LAY:WIND2:REM //Remove Marker Table window
//Replace Marker Peak List window by Marker Table

//--------------- Querying all displayed windows ------------------

//Query the name and number of all displayed windows (from top left to bottom right)
//Result : '1',1,'4',4

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Managing Settings and Results

//--------------- Changing the size of individual windows -------------

//Move the splitter between the Frequency Sweep window and the Marker Table window
//to enlarge the spectrum display to 80% of the entire height.
LAY:SPL 1,4,80

15.8 Managing Settings and Results

The commands required to store and load instrument settings and import and export
measurement results in a remote environment are described here. The tasks for man-
ual operation are described in Chapter 12, "Data Management", on page 244.

Addressing drives
The various drives can be addressed via the "mass storage instrument specifier"
<msis> using the conventional Windows syntax. The internal hard disk is addressed by
"C:". For details on storage locations refer to Chapter, "Storage Location and
Filename", on page 252.
The file names (<FileName> parameter) are given as string parameters enclosed in
quotation marks. They also comply with Windows conventions. Windows file names do
not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase notation.

The two characters "*" and "?" can be used as "wildcards". Wildcards are variables for
a selection of several files. The question mark "?" replaces exactly one character, the
asterisk replaces any of the remaining characters in the file name. "*.*" thus means all
files in a directory.

Path names
Storage locations can be specified either as absolute (including the entire path) or rela-
tive paths (including only subfolders of the current folder). Use the MMEM:CDIR? query
to determine the current folder.

Secure user mode

In secure user mode, settings that are to be stored on the instrument are stored to vol-
atile memory, which is restricted to 256 MHz. Thus, a "Memory full" error may occur
although the hard disk indicates that storage space is still available.

● Managing Files......................................................................................................553
● Selecting Items to Store........................................................................................ 558
● Saving and Loading Instrument Settings.............................................................. 561
● Storing and Printing Screenshots..........................................................................565
● Saving Measurement Results............................................................................... 576
● Examples: Managing Data.................................................................................... 576

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Managing Settings and Results

15.8.1 Managing Files

Commands to manage files described elsewhere:

● FORMat:DEXPort:DSEParator
MMEMory:COPY........................................................................................................... 554
MMEMory:DATA............................................................................................................ 555
MMEMory:MDIRectory................................................................................................... 556
MMEMory:MOVE........................................................................................................... 556
MMEMory:NAME........................................................................................................... 556
MMEMory:NETWork:DISConnect.................................................................................... 556
MMEMory:NETWork:UNUSeddrives?.............................................................................. 557
MMEMory:NETWork:USEDdrives.................................................................................... 558

MMEMory:CATalog <FileName>
This command returns the contents of a particular directory.
<FileName> String containing the path and directory
If you leave out the path, the command returns the contents of
the directory selected with MMEMory:CDIRectory
on page 554.
The path may be relative or absolute. Using wildcards ('*') is
possible to query a certain type of files only.
If you use a specific file as a parameter, the command returns
the name of the file if the file is found in the specified directory,
or an error if the file is not found ("-256,"File name not
Example: MMEM:CAT? 'C:\Data\SPOOL?.PNG'
Returns all files in C:\Data\ whose names start with SPOOL,
have 6 characters and the extension .PNG, e.g.:
Example: MMEM:CAT? 'C:\Data\SPOOL6.PNG'
Query whether the file 'SPOOL6.PNG' also exists in the directory;
-256,"File name not found;:MMEMory:CATalog?

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Managing Settings and Results

Manual operation: See " Selecting Storage Location - Drive/ Path/ Files"
on page 253

MMEMory:CATalog:LONG <Directory>
This command returns the contents of a particular directory with additional information
about the files.
<Directory> String containing the path and directory.
If you leave out the path, the command returns the contents of
the directory selected with MMEMory:CDIRectory
on page 554.
The path may be relative or absolute. Using wildcards ('*') is
possible to query a certain type of files only.

MMEMory:CDIRectory <Directory>
This command changes the current directory.
<Directory> String containing the path to another directory.
The path may be relative or absolute.

MMEMory:COMMent <Comment>
This command defines a comment for the stored settings.
<Comment> String containing the comment.
Example: MMEMory:COMMent "ACP measurement with Standard
Tetra from 23.05."
MMEMory::MMEMory:STORe1:STATe 1, "ACP_T"
As a result, in the selection list for recall settings, the comment
"ACP measurement with Standard Tetra from
23.05." is added to the ACP entry.
Manual operation: See " Comment " on page 254

MMEMory:COPY <FileName>, <FileName>

This command copies one or more files to another directory.
<FileName> String containing the path and file name of the source file.
Special behavior if optional external mixer is active and the des-
tination is C:\R_S\INSTR\USER\cvl\: the contents of the
entire folder are copied. For details, see "Conversion Loss
Tables" on page 131.

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Managing Settings and Results

<FileName> String containing the path and name of the target file.
The path may be relative or absolute.

MMEMory:DATA <FileName>[, <Data>]

MMEMory:DATA? <FileName>
This command writes block data into a file. The delimiter must be set to EOI to obtain
error-free data transfer.
When you query the contents of a file, you can save them in a file on the remote con-
trol computer.
The command is useful for reading stored settings files or trace data from the instru-
ment or for transferring them to the instrument
<Data> <block_data>
Data block with the following structure.
Hash sign.
Length of the length information.
Length information of the binary data (number of bytes).
Binary data with the indicated <number> of bytes.
Parameters for setting and query:
Example: MMEM:NAME '\Public\User\Testfile.txt'
Creates a new file called 'testfile.txt'.
MMEM:DATA 'Testfile.txt',#220Contents of the
The parameter means:
#2: hash sign and length of the length information (20 bytes = 2
20: indicates the number of subsequent binary data bytes.
Contents of the file: store 20 binary bytes (characters) to the file.
MMEM:DATA? 'Testfile.txt'
Returns the contents of the file.

MMEMory:DELete:IMMediate <FileName>
This command deletes a file.
<FileName> String containing the path and file name of the file to delete.
The path may be relative or absolute.

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Managing Settings and Results

MMEMory:MDIRectory <Directory>
This command creates a new directory.
<Directory> String containing the path and new directory name
The path may be relative or absolute.

MMEMory:MOVE <FileName>, <FileName>

This command moves a file to another directory.
The command also renames the file if you define a new name in the target directory.
If you do not include a path for <NewFileName>, the command just renames the file.
<FileName> String containing the path and file name of the source file.
<FileName> String containing the path and name of the target file.
Renames TEST01.CFG in SETUP.CFG in directory C:\.

MMEMory:MSIS <Device>
This command selects the default storage device used by all MMEMory commands.
<Device> 'A:' | 'C:' | … | 'Z:'
String containing the device drive name
*RST: n.a.

MMEMory:NAME <FileName>
This command has several purposes, depending on the context it is used in.
● It creates a new and empty file.
● It defines the file name for screenshots taken with HCOPy[:IMMediate<1|2>].
Note that you have to route the printer output to a file.
<FileName> String containing the path and name of the target file.
Example: MMEM:NAME 'C:\Data\PRINT1.BMP'
Selects the file name.

MMEMory:NETWork:DISConnect <Drive>[, <State>]

This command disconnects a network drive.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Managing Settings and Results

<Drive> String containing the drive name.
<State> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Optional: determines whether disconnection is forced or not
1 | ON
Disconnection is forced.
0 | OFF
Disconnect only if not in use.
*RST: 0

MMEMory:NETWork:MAP <FilePath>, <IP>[, <UserName>, <Password>, <State>]

This command maps a drive to a server or server directory of the network.
Note that you have to allow sharing for a server or folder in Microsoft networks first.
<FilePath> String containing the drive name or path of the directory you
want to map.
<IP> String containing the host name of the computer or the IP
address and the share name of the drive.
'<\host name or IP address\share name>'
<UserName> String containing a user name in the network.
The user name is optional.
<Password> String containing the password corresponding to the <User-
The password is optional.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
ON | 1
Reconnects at logon with the same user name.
OFF | 0
Does not reconnect at logon.

This command returns a list of unused network drives.
Return values:
<DriveName> List of network drives in alphabetically descending order, e.g.
Usage: Query only

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Managing Settings and Results

MMEMory:NETWork:USEDdrives [<State>]
This command returns a list of all network drives in use.
<State> You do not have to use the parameter. If you do not include the
parameter, the command returns a list of all drives in use.
This is the same behavior as if you were using the parameter
ON | 1
Returns a list of all drives in use including the folder information.
OFF | 0
Returns a list of all drives in use.

MMEMory:RDIRectory <arg0>
This command deletes the indicated directory.
<arg0> String containing the path of the directory to delete.
Note that the directory you want to remove must be empty.

15.8.2 Selecting Items to Store

The following commands select the items to be included in the configuration file.
Depending on the used command, either the items from the entire instrument
(MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]...), or only those from the currently selected channel
(MMEM:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]...) are stored.
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:ALL......................................................................................... 559
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:DEFault................................................................................... 559
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:HWSettings............................................................... 559
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:LINes:ALL................................................................. 560
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:NONE....................................................................... 560
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:NONE..................................................................................... 560
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:SGRam................................................................................... 560
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:TRACe<1...3>[:ACTive]............................................................. 560
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:TRANsducer:ALL....................................................... 561
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:WEIGhting............................................................................... 561

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Managing Settings and Results

This command includes all items when storing or loading a configuration file.
The items are:
● Hardware configuration: MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:HWSettings on page 559
● Limit lines: MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:LINes:ALL on page 560
● Spectrogram data: MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:SGRam on page 560
● Trace data: MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:TRACe<1...3>[:ACTive]
on page 560
Manual operation: See " Items: " on page 254

This command selects the current settings as the only item to store to and load from a
configuration file.
Manual operation: See " Items: " on page 254

MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:HWSettings <State>
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:HWSettings <State>
This command includes or excludes measurement (hardware) settings when storing or
loading a configuration file.
Measurement settings include:
● general channel configuration
● measurement hardware configuration including markers
● limit lines
Note that a configuration may include no more than 8 limit lines. This number
includes active limit lines as well as inactive limit lines that were used last.
Therefore the combination of inactivate limit lines depends on the sequence of use
with MMEMory:LOAD:STATe on page 562.
● color settings
● configuration for the hardcopy output
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Items: " on page 254

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Managing Settings and Results

MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:LINes:ALL <State>
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:LINes:ALL <State>
This command includes or excludes all limit lines (active and inactive) when storing or
loading a configuration file.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See " Items: " on page 254

This command does not include any of the following items when storing or loading a
configuration file.
● Hardware configuration: MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:HWSettings on page 559
● Limit lines: MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:LINes:ALL on page 560
● Spectrogram data: MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:SGRam on page 560
● Trace data: MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:TRACe<1...3>[:ACTive]
on page 560
Manual operation: See " Items: " on page 254

MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:SGRam <State>
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:SGRam <State>
This command includes or excludes spectrogram data when storing or loading a con-
figuration file.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Adds the spectrogram data to the list of data subsets.
Manual operation: See " Items: " on page 254

MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:TRACe[:ACTive] <State>
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:TRACe<1...3>[:ACTive] <State>
This command includes or excludes trace data when storing or loading a configuration
Suffix: .
<1...3> irrelevant

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Managing Settings and Results

<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0, i.e. no traces are stored
Manual operation: See " Items: " on page 254

MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:TRANsducer:ALL <State>
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:TRANsducer:ALL <State>
This command includes or excludes transducer factors when storing or loading a con-
figuration file.
The command is available in the optional Spectrum application.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See " Items: " on page 254

MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:WEIGhting <State>
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:WEIGhting <State>

15.8.3 Saving and Loading Instrument Settings

MMEMory:CLEar:STATe................................................................................................. 562
MMEMory:LOAD:AUTO.................................................................................................. 562
MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:STATe....................................................................................... 563
MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:STATe:NEXT.............................................................................. 563
MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:TYPE........................................................................................ 564
SYSTem:PRESet........................................................................................................... 564
SYSTem:PRESet:CHANnel[:EXEC]................................................................................. 564

This command deletes all instrument configuration files in the current directory.
You can select the directory with MMEMory:CDIRectory on page 554.

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Managing Settings and Results

MMEMory:CLEar:STATe <1>, <FileName>

This command deletes an instrument configuration file.
<FileName> String containing the path and name of the file to delete.
The string may or may not contain the file's extension.

MMEMory:LOAD:AUTO <1>, <FileName>

This command restores an instrument configuration and defines that configuration as
the default state.
The default state is restored after a preset (*RST) or after you turn on the R&S FSWP.
<FileName> 'Factory'
Restores the factory settings as the default state.
String containing the path and name of the configuration file.
Note that only instrument settings files can be selected for the
startup recall function; channel files cause an error.
Manual operation: See " Startup Recall " on page 255

MMEMory:LOAD:STATe <1>, <FileName>

This command restores and activates the instrument configuration stored in a *.dfl file.
Note that files with other formats cannot be loaded with this command.
The contents that are reloaded from the file are defined by the last selection made
either in the "Save/Recall" dialogs (manual operation) or through the
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM] commands (remote operation; the settings are identical in
both cases).
By default, the selection is limited to the user settings ("User Settings" selection in the
dialogs, HWSettings in SCPI). The selection is not reset by [Preset] or *RST.
As a consequence, the results of a SCPI script using the MMEMory:LOAD:STATe com-
mand without a previous MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM] command may vary, depending
on previous actions in the GUI or in previous scripts, even if the script starts with the
*RST command.
It is therefore recommended that you use the appropriate MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]
command before using MMEMory:LOAD:STATe.

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<FileName> String containing the path and name of the file to load.
The string may or may not include the file's extension.
//Save all items (User Settings, All Traces, All Limit Lines) from
the R&S FSWP.
//Reloads all items
In the "Recall" dialog, select only "User Settings" and "All Limit
//Reloads user settings and all limit lines.
//Reset instrument.
//Selected items are retained. Reloads user settings and all limit
Restart the instrument.
(Switch the [ON/OFF] key off and on).
// Selected items are set to default. Reloads only the user set-
Manual operation: See " Recall " on page 251
See " Recall in New Channel / Recall in Current Channel "
on page 255

MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:STATe <1>, <FileName>

This command saves the current instrument configuration in a *.dfl file.
Suffix: .
<1|2> irrelevant
<FileName> String containing the path and name of the target file.
The file extension is .dfl.
Example: MMEM:STOR:STAT 1,'Save'
Saves the current instrument settings in the file Save.dfl.
Manual operation: See " Save File " on page 254

This command saves the current instrument configuration in a *.dfl file.

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The file name depends on the one you have set with MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:STATe
on page 563. This command adds a consecutive number to the file name.
Suffix: .
<1|2> irrelevant
Example: MMEM:STOR:STAT 1,'Save'
Saves the current instrument settings in the file Save.dfl.
Saves the current instrument settings in the file Save_001.dfl
Saves the current instrument settings in the file Save_002.dfl
Manual operation: See " Save File " on page 254

MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:TYPE <Type>
This command defines whether the data from the entire instrument or only from the
current channel is stored with the subsequent MMEM:STOR... command.
Suffix: .
<1|2> irrelevant
<Type> INSTrument | CHANnel
Stores data from the entire instrument.
Stores data from an individual channel.
Selects channel'SPECTRUM2'.
Specifies that channel data is to be stored.

This command presets the R&S FSWP. It is identical to *RST.
Example: SYST:PRES
Usage: Event

This command restores the default instrument settings in the current channel.
Use INST:SEL to select the channel.

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Managing Settings and Results

Example: INST:SEL 'Spectrum2'

Selects the channel for "Spectrum2".
Restores the factory default settings to the "Spectrum2"channel.
Usage: Event
Manual operation: See "Preset Channel" on page 125

15.8.4 Storing and Printing Screenshots

Useful commands to perform measurements described elsewhere:

DISPlay:LOGO.............................................................................................................. 565
HCOPy:ABORt.............................................................................................................. 566
HCOPy:CMAP<it>:HSL.................................................................................................. 566
HCOPy:CMAP<it>:PDEFined.......................................................................................... 567
HCOPy:CONTent........................................................................................................... 567
HCOPy:DESTination<1|2>.............................................................................................. 568
HCOPy:DEVice:COLor................................................................................................... 569
HCOPy:DEVice:LANGuage<1|2>.................................................................................... 569
HCOPy[:IMMediate<1|2>]............................................................................................... 570
HCOPy:PAGE:COUNt:STATe.......................................................................................... 570
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:LEFT................................................................................. 571
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:RIGHt................................................................................ 571
HCOPy:PAGE:ORIentation<1|2>..................................................................................... 572
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:CHANnel:STATe................................................................. 573
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:COUNt.............................................................................. 573
SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:ENUMerate[:NEXT]........................................................ 575
SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:SELect<1|2>.................................................................. 575

DISPlay:LOGO <State>
Activates/deactivates the printout of the Rohde & Schwarz company logo at the top of
each page.
<State> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF

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Managing Settings and Results

1 | ON
Logo is printed.
0 | OFF
Logo is not printed.
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Print Logo " on page 262

This command aborts a running hardcopy output.
Example: HCOP:ABOR

This command defines the color scheme for print jobs.
For details see " Print Colors " on page 287.
Suffix: .
<it> Selects the item for which the color scheme is to be defined.
For more information see Chapter, "CMAP Suffix
Assignment", on page 594.
<ci> See table below
Selects the optimized color set for the color settings of a print-
Manual operation: See " Print Colors " on page 287

Gui setting Description Remote command

"Screen Colors (Print)" Selects the current screen colors for the HCOP:CMAP:DEF1
printout. The background is always printed in
white and the grid in black.

"Optimized Colors" Selects an optimized color setting for the HCOP:CMAP:DEF2

printout to improve the visibility of the colors
(default setting). Trace 1 is blue, trace 2
black, trace 3 green, and the markers are
turquoise. The background is always printed
in white and the grid in black.

"User Defined Colors" Selects the user-defined color setting. HCOP:CMAP:DEF3

"Screen Colors Selects the current screen colors without any HCOP:CMAP:DEF4
(Screenshot)" changes for a screenshot.

HCOPy:CMAP<it>:HSL <hue>, <sat>, <lum>

This command selects the color for various screen elements in print jobs.

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Suffix: .
<it> Selects the item for which the color scheme is to be defined.
For more information see Chapter, "CMAP Suffix
Assignment", on page 594.
<hue> hue
Range: 0 to 1
<sat> sat
Range: 0 to 1
<lum> lum
Range: 0 to 1
Example: HCOP:CMAP2:HSL 0.3,0.8,1.0
Changes the grid color
Manual operation: See "Defining User-specific Colors" on page 289

HCOPy:CMAP<it>:PDEFined <Color>
This command selects a predefined color for various screen elements in print jobs.
Suffix: .
<it> 1..n
Selects the item for which the color scheme is to be defined.
For more information see Chapter, "CMAP Suffix
Assignment", on page 594.
<Color> BLACk | BLUE | BROWn | GREen | CYAN | RED | MAGenta |
YELLow | WHITe | DGRay | LGRay | LBLue | LGReen | LCYan |
Manual operation: See " Predefined Colors " on page 289

HCOPy:CONTent <arg0>
This command determines the type of content included in the printout.
This setting is independent of the printing device.
<arg0> WINDows | HCOPy

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Managing Settings and Results

Includes only the selected windows in the printout. All currently
active windows for the current channel (or "MultiView") are avail-
able for selection. How many windows are printed on a each
page of the printout is defined by HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:
COUNt on page 573.
This option is not available when copying to the clipboard
(HCOP:DEST 'SYST:COMM:CLIP' or an image file (see
HCOPy:DEVice:LANGuage<1|2> on page 569).
If the destination is currently set to an image file or the clipboard,
it is automatically changed to be a PDF file for the currently
selected printing device.
Selects all measurement results displayed on the screen for the
current channel (or "MultiView"): diagrams, traces, markers,
marker lists, limit lines, etc., including the channel bar and status
bar, for printout on a single page. Displayed items belonging to
the software user interface (e.g. softkeys) are not included. The
size and position of the elements in the printout is identical to the
screen display.
//Result: 'MMEM'
//Result: 'PDF'
"Print to clipboard" is automatically switched to "print to PDF file"
when the contents are switched to "multiple windows".
Manual operation: See " Print Screenshot " on page 262
See " Print Multiple Windows " on page 262

HCOPy:DESTination<1|2> <arg0>
This command selects the destination of a print job.
Suffix: .
<1|2> Printing device.
<arg0> 'MMEM'
Sends the hardcopy to a file.
You can select the file name with MMEMory:NAME.
You can select the file format with HCOPy:DEVice:

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Managing Settings and Results

Sends the hardcopy to a printer.
You can select the printer with SYSTem:COMMunicate:
PRINter:SELect<1|2> .
Sends the hardcopy to the clipboard.
The format should be WEMF.
Manual operation: See " Destination " on page 266

HCOPy:DEVice:COLor <State>
This command turns color printing on and off.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
ON | 1
Color printing
OFF | 0
Black and white printing
*RST: 1

HCOPy:DEVice:LANGuage<1|2> <arg0>
This command selects the file format for a print job.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Printing device.
<arg0> WMF | GDI | EWMF | BMP | PNG | JPEG | JPG | PDF | SVG |
Graphics Device Interface
Default format for output to a printer configured under Windows.
Must be selected for output to the printer interface.
Can be used for output to a file. The printer driver configured
under Windows is used to generate a printer-specific file format.
Data format for output to files
Manual operation: See " Destination " on page 266

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Managing Settings and Results

This command initiates a print job.
If you are printing to a file, the file name depends on MMEMory:NAME.
Suffix: .
<1|2> Printing device.
Manual operation: See " Print " on page 264

This command initiates a print job.
If you are printing to a file, the file name depends on MMEMory:NAME. This command
adds a consecutive number to the file name.
Suffix: .
<1|2> Printing device.
Manual operation: See " Print " on page 264

HCOPy:ITEM:WINDow<1|2>:TEXT <arg0>
This command defines a comment to be added to the printout.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
<arg0> String containing the comment.
Manual operation: See " Comment " on page 262

This command includes or excludes the page number for printouts consisting of multi-
ple pages (HCOPy:CONTent on page 567).
<arg0> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
1 | ON
The page number is printed.
0 | OFF
The page number is not printed.
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Print Page Count " on page 262

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HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:BOTTom <arg0>
This command defines the margin at the bottom of the printout page on which no ele-
ments are printed. The margins are defined according to HCOPy:PAGE:
MARGin<1|2>:UNIT on page 572.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Printing device.
<arg0> *RST: 4.23 mm
Manual operation: See " Margins " on page 268

HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:LEFT <arg0>
This command defines the margin at the left side of the printout page on which no ele-
ments are printed. The margins are defined according to HCOPy:PAGE:
MARGin<1|2>:UNIT on page 572.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Printing device.
<arg0> *RST: 4.23 mm
Manual operation: See " Margins " on page 268

HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:RIGHt <arg0>
This command defines the margin at the right side of the printout page on which no
elements are printed. The margins are defined according to HCOPy:PAGE:
MARGin<1|2>:UNIT on page 572.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Printing device.
<arg0> *RST: 4.23 mm
Manual operation: See " Margins " on page 268

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HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:TOP <arg0>
This command defines the margin at the top of the printout page on which no elements
are printed. The margins are defined according to HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:UNIT
on page 572.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Printing device.
<arg0> *RST: 4.23 mm
Manual operation: See " Margins " on page 268

HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:UNIT <arg0>
This command defines the unit in which the margins for the printout page are config-
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Printing device.
<arg0> MM | IN
Manual operation: See " Margins " on page 268

HCOPy:PAGE:ORIentation<1|2> <arg0>
The command selects the page orientation of the printout.
The command is only available if the output device is a printer or a PDF file.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Printing device.
<arg0> LANDscape | PORTrait
*RST: PORTrait

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Manual operation: See " Orientation " on page 268

HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:CHANnel:STATe <arg0>, <arg1>

This command selects all windows of the specified channel to be included in the print-
out for HCOPy:CONTent on page 567.
Suffix: .
<1|2> irrelevant
<arg0> String containing the name of the channel.
For a list of available channel types use INSTrument:LIST?
on page 391.
<arg1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
1 | ON
The channel windows are included in the printout.
0 | OFF
The channel windows are not included in the printout.
*RST: 1
HCOP:PAGE:WIND2:STAT 'IQ Analyzer','1',1
Prints only window 1 in the IQ Analyzer channel.
Manual operation: See " Print Multiple Windows " on page 262

HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:COUNt <arg0>
This command defines how many windows are displayed on a single page of the print-
out for HCOPy:CONTent on page 567.
Suffix: .
<1|2> irrelevant
<arg0> integer
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Windows Per Page " on page 268

HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:SCALe <arg0>
This command determines the scaling of the windows in the printout for HCOPy:
CONTent on page 567.

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Managing Settings and Results

Suffix: .
<1|2> irrelevant
<arg0> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
1 | ON
Each window is scaled to fit the page size optimally, not regard-
ing the aspect ratio of the original display. If more than one win-
dow is printed on one page (see HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:
COUNt on page 573), each window is printed in equal size.
("Size to fit")
0 | OFF
Each window is printed as large as possible while maintaining
the aspect ratio of the original display.
("Maintain aspect ratio")
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Scaling " on page 268

HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:STATe <arg0>, <arg1>, <arg2>

This command selects the windows to be included in the printout for HCOPy:CONTent
on page 567.
Suffix: .
<1|2> irrelevant
<arg0> String containing the name of the channel.
For a list of available channel types use INSTrument:LIST?
on page 391.
<arg1> String containing the name of the existing window.
By default, the name of a window is the same as its index.
To determine the name and index of all active windows in the
active channel, use the LAYout:CATalog[:WINDow]? query.
<arg2> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
1 | ON
The window is included in the printout.
0 | OFF
The window is not included in the printout.
*RST: 1
Example: HCOP:PAGE:WIND2:STAT 'IQ Analyzer','1',1
Manual operation: See " Print Multiple Windows " on page 262

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HCOPy:TDSTamp:STATe<1|2> <arg0>
This command includes or excludes the time and date in the printout.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Printing device.
<arg0> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
1 | ON
The time and date are printed.
0 | OFF
The time and date are not printed.
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Print Date and Time " on page 263

This command queries the name of the first available printer.
To query the name of other installed printers, use SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:
ENUMerate[:NEXT] on page 575.
Manual operation: See " Printer Name " on page 266

This command queries the name of available printers.
You have to use SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:ENUMerate:FIRSt on page 575
for this command to work properly.
Manual operation: See " Printer Name " on page 266

SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:SELect<1|2> <arg0>
This command selects the printer that processes jobs sent by the R&S FSWP.
Use HCOPy:DESTination<1|2> to select another output destination.
Suffix: .
<1|2> 1|2
Printing device.
<arg0> String containing the printer name.
on page 575and

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Managing Settings and Results

on page 575
to query all available printers.
Manual operation: See " Printer Name " on page 266

15.8.5 Saving Measurement Results

Useful commands to store measurement results described elsewhere:


MMEMory:STORe<n>:TRACe <Trace>, <FileName>

This command exports trace data from the specified window to an ASCII file.
For details on the file format see Chapter, "Reference: ASCII File Export For-
mat", on page 216.
Secure User Mode
In secure user mode, settings that are stored on the instrument are stored to volatile
memory, which is restricted to 256 MB. Thus, a "memory limit reached" error can occur
although the hard disk indicates that storage space is still available.
To store data permanently, select an external storage location such as a USB memory
For details, see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode",
on page 31.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<Trace> Number of the trace to be stored
<FileName> String containing the path and name of the target file.
Stores trace 1 from window 1 in the file TEST.ASC.
Manual operation: See " Export Trace to ASCII File " on page 211

15.8.6 Examples: Managing Data

● Storing Data.......................................................................................................... 577

● Loading Data.........................................................................................................577
● Storing Instrument Settings...................................................................................578

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Managing Settings and Results

● Loading Instrument Settings................................................................................. 578

● Printing to a File.................................................................................................... 578
● Printing on a Printer.............................................................................................. 579 Storing Data

//Selects drive C: as the default storage device.
-----Connecting a network drive--------
//Returns a list of all drives in use in the network.
//Returns a list of free drive names in the network.
MMEM:NETW:MAP 'T:','Server\ACLRTest'
//Maps drive T: to the directory 'Server\ACLRTest'
-----Saving data on the instrument-----
//Creates a directory called 'ACLRTest' on drive C:
MMEM:NAME 'C:\R_S\INST\USER\Test001.txt'
//Creates a file called 'Test001.txt'
MMEM:COMM 'ACLR test results'
//Creates a comment for the file.
MMEM:DATA 'Test001.txt',#212FileContents
//Writes 12 characters to the file 'Test001.txt'
-----Copying the data to another location---
MMEM:COPY 'C:\R_S\INST\USER\Results\Test001.txt','T:'
//Copies the specified file to network drive T:.
MMEM:DEL 'C:\R_S\INST\USER\Results\Test001.txt'
//Deletes the specified file from the instrument hard disk.
MMEM:MOVE 'C:\R_S\INST\USER\Results\Test001.xml','D:\TestResults.txt'//
//Moves the file 'Test001.txt' to drive T:, renames it to 'Testresults.txt'
//and removes it from the instrument hard disk.
//Deletes the directory called 'Results' from drive C:, unless it still contains any content.
-----Disconnecting the network drive---
//Disconnect drive T:. Loading Data

//Returns the path of the current directory.
//Changes the current directory.
MMEM:CAT? 'C:\R_S\INST\USER\Results\*.xml'

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Managing Settings and Results

MMEM:CAT? '*.xml'
//Returns a list of all xml files in the directory 'C:\R_S\INST\USER\Results'.
MMEM:CAT:LONG? '*.xml'
//Returns additional information about the xml files in the directory 'C:\R_S\INST\USER\Result Storing Instrument Settings

In this example we will store the instrument settings for the "Spectrum" channel.
//Selects measurement channel 'SPECTRUM'.
//Specifies that channel-specific data is to be stored.
MMEM:STOR:STAT 1, 'C:\R_S\Instr\user\Spectrum'
//Stores the channel settings from the 'Spectrum' channel
// to the file 'Spectrum.dfl'. Loading Instrument Settings

In this example we will load the hardware settings from the configuration file
Spectrum.dfl to a new "Spectrum2" channel.
//Specifies that settings will be loaded to a new channel besides the existing
//'Spectrum' channel.
//Selects only hardware settings to be loaded.
MMEM:LOAD:STAT 1, 'C:\R_S\Instr\user\Spectrum'
//Loads the channel-specific settings from the file 'C:\R_S\Instr\user\Spectrum.dfl'
//to a new channel. The new channel is named 'Spectrum2' to avoid a naming conflict
//with the existing 'Spectrum' channel.
INST:REN 'Spectrum2','Spectrum3'
//Renames the loaded channel to 'Spectrum3'. Printing to a File

//Prints the data to a file.
//Selects bmp as the file format.
MMEM:NAME 'C:\R_S\INST\USER\Screenshot.bmp'
//Selects the file name for the printout.
//Prints all screen elements
//Adds a comment to the printout.
//Stores the printout in a file called 'Screenshot.bmp'.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

//Stores the printout in a file called 'Screenshot_001.bmp'. Printing on a Printer

//Prints the data on a printer.
//Returns the available printers, e.g.
//Means that one printer is available.
//Selects the printer for the print job on device 2.
//Selects the landscape format for the printout.
//Includes date and time on the printout.
//Prints all screen elements
//Initiates the printout.

15.9 Configuring the R&S FSWP

● Basic Instrument Setup......................................................................................... 579
● Configuring the Reference Frequency.................................................................. 581
● Calibrating the R&S FSWP and Checking Temperature....................................... 585
● Customizing the Screen Layout............................................................................ 589
● Configuring Network and Remote Control............................................................ 595
● Checking the System Configuration......................................................................600
● Using Service Functions....................................................................................... 606
● Reference: Command Set of 5052 Emulation.......................................................608
● Reference: Command Set of Emulated PSA Models............................................610

15.9.1 Basic Instrument Setup

SYSTem:CLOGging....................................................................................................... 580
SYSTem:SHUTdown...................................................................................................... 580
SYSTem:DATE.............................................................................................................. 580
SYSTem:TIME............................................................................................................... 580

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

SYSTem:CLOGging <State>
This command turns logging of remote commands on and off.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
ON | 1
Writes all remote commands that have been sent to a file.
The destination is C:\R_S\INSTR\ScpiLogging\
where <no.> is a sequential number
A new log file is started each time logging was stopped and is
OFF | 0
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See "I/O Logging" on page 356

This command reboots the instrument, including the operating system.

This command shuts down the instrument.

SYSTem:DATE <Year>, <Month>, <Day>

Configures the date on the instrument.
Example: SYST:DATE 2020,04,23
Manual operation: See " Set Date and Time " on page 282

SYSTem:TIME <Year>, <Month>, <Day>

Configures the time on the internal real-time clock on the instrument.
<Hour> Range: 0 to 23
<Minutes> Range: 0 to 59
<Seconds> Range: 0 to 59
Example: SYST:TIME 10,52,33

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

Manual operation: See " Set Date and Time " on page 282

15.9.2 Configuring the Reference Frequency

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:BANDwidth..................................................................... 581
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:BANDwidth:MODE.......................................................... 581
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:MODE............................................................................ 582
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:O640............................................................................................. 582
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:OSYNc.......................................................................................... 583
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:SOURce........................................................................................ 584
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:SOURce:EAUTo?........................................................................... 584

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:BANDwidth <Bandwidth>
This command defines coupling bandwidth for the internal reference frequency.
Prerequisites for this command
● Options R&S FSWP-B60 or -B61 must be available.
● Select manual bandwidth mode ([SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:
<Bandwidth> <numeric value>
Bandwidths 20 mHz, 1 Hz and 100 kHz are supported.
Default unit: Hz
Example: //Define coupling bandwidth
Manual operation: See "Advanced reference frequency configuration" on page 295

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:BANDwidth:MODE <Mode>
This command selects coupling bandwidth mode for the internal reference frequency.
Prerequisites for this command
● Options R&S FSWP-B60 or -B61 must be available.
<Mode> AUTO
Automatically selects an appropriate coupling bandwidth.
Manual selection of coupling bandwidth. You can select the
bandwidth with [SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

Example: //Select coupling bandwidth mode
Manual operation: See "Advanced reference frequency configuration" on page 295

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:MODE <State>
This command turns the coupling of the internal reference frequency on and off.
Prerequisites for this command
● Options R&S FSWP-B60 or -B61 must be available.
<State> AUTO
Automatically turns the coupling on and off, depending on the
current measurement scenario.
Decouples the reference frequencies.
Couples the reference frequencies.
Example: //Synchronize reference frequencies
Manual operation: See "Advanced reference frequency configuration" on page 295

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:LBWidth <Bandwidth>
Defines the loop bandwidth, that is, the speed of internal synchronization with the refer-
ence frequency. The setting requires a compromise between performance and increas-
ing phase noise.
For a variable external reference frequency with a narrow tuning range (+/- 0.5 ppm),
the loop bandwidth is fixed to 0.1 Hz and cannot be changed.
<Bandwidth> 0.1 Hz | 1 Hz | 3 Hz | 10 Hz | 30 Hz | 100 Hz | 300 Hz
The possible values depend on the reference source and tuning
range (see Table 13-1).
Default unit: Hz
Example: ROSC:LBW 3
Manual operation: See "Loop Bandwidth" on page 294

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:O640 <State>
This command turns the output of a reference signal on the corresponding connector
("Ref Output") on and off.

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:O100: Provides a 100 MHz reference signal on correspond-

ing connector.
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:O640: Provides a 640 MHz reference signal on correspond-
ing connector.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
OFF | 0
Switches the reference off.
ON | 1
Switches the reference on
Example: //Output reference signal of 100 MHz.
Manual operation: See "Reference Frequency Output" on page 295

SOURce<si>:EXTernal<ext>:ROSCillator:EXTernal:FREQuency <Frequency>
This command defines the frequency of the external reference oscillator.
If the external reference oscillator is selected, the reference signal must be connected
to the rear panel of the instrument.
Suffix: .
<si> 1..n
<ext> 1..n
<Frequency> Range: 1 MHz to 50 MHz
Default unit: HZ
Sets the frequency to 13 MHz.
Manual operation: See "Reference Frequency Input" on page 293

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:OSYNc <State>
If enabled, a 100 MHz reference signal is provided to the "SYNC TRIGGER OUTPUT"
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See "Reference Frequency Output" on page 295

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:SOURce <Source>
This command selects the reference oscillator.
If you want to select the external reference, it must be connected to the R&S FSWP.
<Source> INTernal
The internal reference is used (10 MHz)
EXTernal | EXTernal1 | EXT1
The external reference from the "REF INPUT 10 MHZ" connec-
tor is used; if none is available, an error flag is displayed in the
status bar
The external reference from "REF INPUT 1..50 MHZ" connector
is used with a fixed 10 MHZ frequency; if none is available, an
error flag is displayed in the status bar
The external reference from the "REF INPUT 100 MHZ / 1 GHz"
connector is used with a fixed 100 MHZ frequency; if none is
available, an error flag is displayed in the status bar
The external reference from "REF INPUT 100 MHZ / 1 GHz"
connector is used with a fixed 1 GHZ frequency; if none is avail-
able, an error flag is displayed in the status bar
The external reference is used as long as it is available, then the
instrument switches to the internal reference
The external reference is used; if none is available, an error flag
is displayed in the status bar
Manual operation: See "Reference Frequency Input" on page 293
See "Behavior in case of missing external reference"
on page 294

This command queries the current reference type in case you have activated an auto-
matic switch to the internal reference if the external reference is missing.
Return values:
<Reference> INT | EXT
internal reference
external reference

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

Queries the currently available reference type.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See "Behavior in case of missing external reference"
on page 294

[SENSe:]ROSCillator:TRANge <Range>
Defines the tuning range. The tuning range is only available for the variable external
reference frequency. It determines how far the frequency may deviate from the defined
level in parts per million (10-6).
<Range> WIDE | SMALl
The possible values depend on the reference source (see
Table 13-1).
With this smaller deviation (+/- 0.5 ppm) a very narrow fixed loop
bandwidth of 0.1 Hz is realized. With this setting the instrument
can synchronize to an external reference signal with a very pre-
cise frequency. Due to the very narrow loop bandwidth, unwan-
ted noise or spurious components on the external reference
input signal are strongly attenuated. Furthermore, the loop
requires about 30 seconds to reach a locked state. During this
locking process, "NO REF" is displayed in the status bar.
The larger deviation (+/- 6 ppm) allows the instrument to syn-
chronize to less precise external reference input signals.
Manual operation: See "Tuning Range" on page 294

15.9.3 Calibrating the R&S FSWP and Checking Temperature

CALibration[:ALL]?......................................................................................................... 586
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:MC[:DISTance]...................................................................... 587
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:PULSed:CFRequency............................................................ 587
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:RF[:SPECtrum]...................................................................... 587
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut[:SELect]................................................................................ 587
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:SYNThtwo[:FREQuency]........................................................ 588
DIAGnostic:SERVice:STESt:RESult?............................................................................... 588

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

This command initiates a calibration (self-alignment) routine and queries if calibration
was successful.
During the acquisition of correction data the instrument does not accept any remote
control commands.
Note: If you start a self-alignment remotely, then select the "Local" softkey while the
alignment is still running, the instrument only returns to the manual operation state
after the alignment is completed.
In order to recognize when the acquisition of correction data is completed, the MAV bit
in the status byte can be used. If the associated bit is set in the Service Request
Enable (SRE) register, the instrument generates a service request after the acquisition
of correction data has been completed.
Return values:
<CalibrationFailed> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Calibration was successful.
ON | 1
Calibration was not successful.
Example: *CLS
Resets the status management.
*SRE 16
Enables MAV bit in the Service Request Enable register.
Starts the correction data recording, and then a service request
is generated.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See " Start Self Alignment " on page 278

This command returns the results collected during calibration.
Return values:
<CalibrationData> String containing the calibration data.
Example: CAL:RES?
would return, e.g.
Total Calibration Status:
PASSED, Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 12/07/2004,
Time: 16:24:54,Runtime: 00.06
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See " Alignment Results: " on page 280

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:MC[:DISTance] <Bandwidth>
This command selects the distance of the peaks of the microwave calibration signal for
calibration of the YIG filter.
<Bandwidth> WIDE | SMALl
Small offset of combline frequencies.
Wide offset of combline frequencies.
Manual operation: See " Calibration Frequency MW " on page 307

DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:PULSed:CFRequency <Frequency>
This command defines the frequency of the calibration signal.
Before you can use the command, you have to feed in a calibration signal with
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut[:SELect] on page 587.
Manual operation: See " Calibration Frequency RF " on page 306

DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:RF[:SPECtrum] <Bandwidth>
This command selects the bandwidth of the calibration signal.
<Bandwidth> NARRowband | BROadband
Narrowband signal for power calibration of the frontend.
Broadband signal for calibration of the IF filter.
Manual operation: See " Spectrum " on page 306

DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut[:SELect] <Signal>
This command activates or deactivates the use of an internal calibration signal as input
for the R&S FSWP.
<Signal> CALibration
Uses the calibration signal as RF input.
Uses the calibration signal for the microwave range as RF input.
Uses the signal from the RF input.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

Uses the calibration signal to check the phase noise of the two
synthesizers. A second synthesizer is available as an hardware
Uses the calibration signal as RF input.
Manual operation: See " NONE " on page 306
See " Calibration Frequency RF " on page 306
See " Calibration Frequency MW " on page 307
See " Calibration Synthesizer 2 " on page 307

DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:SYNThtwo[:FREQuency] <Frequency>
This command selects the frequency which the synthesizers are calibrated for.
The command is available when you select the synthesizer as the calibration source
with DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut[:SELect] on page 587.
<Frequency> Default unit: Hz
Manual operation: See " Calibration Synthesizer 2 " on page 307

This command queries the self-test results.
Return values:
<Results> String of data containing the results.
The rows of the self-test result table are separated by commas.
would return, e.g.
"Total Selftest Status:
PASSED", "Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 09/07/2004 TIME:
16:24:54", "Runtime: 00:06", "...
Usage: Query only

This command queries the current frontend temperature of the R&S FSWP.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

During self-alignment, the instrument's (frontend) temperature is also measured (as

soon as the instrument has warmed up completely). This temperature is used as a ref-
erence for a continuous temperature check during operation. If the current temperature
deviates from the stored self-alignment temperature by a certain degree, a warning is
displayed in the status bar indicating the resulting deviation in the measured power lev-
els. A status bit in the STATUs:QUEStionable:TEMPerature register indicates a
possible deviation.
(This feature is available in the optional Spectrum and Signal Analyzer application.)
Suffix: .
<si> irrelevant
Return values:
<Temperature> Temperature in degrees Celsius.
Queries the temperature of the frontend sensor.

15.9.4 Customizing the Screen Layout

● Configuring Screen Elements............................................................................... 589

● Selecting Colors and Schemes............................................................................. 592
● CMAP Suffix Assignment...................................................................................... 594 Configuring Screen Elements

Useful commands to configure screen elements described elsewhere:

● DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:MTABle
● DISPlay:FORMat
DISPlay:ANNotation:CBAR............................................................................................. 589
DISPlay:SKEYs[:STATe]................................................................................................. 590
DISPlay:TBAR[:STATe]................................................................................................... 590
DISPlay:TOUChscreen[:STATe]....................................................................................... 590
SYSTem:DISPlay:FPANel[:STATe]................................................................................... 592

DISPlay:ANNotation:CBAR <State>
This command hides or displays the channel bar information.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Channel Bar " on page 284

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

DISPlay:ANNotation:FREQuency <State>
This command turns the label of the x-axis on and off.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Diagram Footer (Annotation) " on page 284

DISPlay:SBAR[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the status bar on and off.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Status Bar " on page 284

DISPlay:SKEYs[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the softkey bar on and off.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Softkey Bar " on page 284

DISPlay:TBAR[:STATe] <State>
This command turns the toolbar on or off.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See " Toolbar " on page 283

DISPlay:TOUChscreen[:STATe] <State>
This command controls the touch screen functionality.
<State> ON | FRAMe | OFF

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

ON | 1
Touch screen is active for entire screen
OFF | 0
Touch screen is inactivate for entire screen
Touch screen is inactivate for the diagram area of the screen,
but active for softkeys, toolbars and menus.
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Deactivating and Activating the Touchscreen "
on page 282

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TIME <State>
This command adds or removes the date and time from the display.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See " Date and Time " on page 284

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TIME:FORMat <Format>
This command selects the time and date format.
Suffix: .
<n> irrelevant
<Format> US | DE
dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss
24 hour format.
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
12 hour format.
Switches the screen display of date and time on.
Switches the date and time format to US.
Manual operation: See " Date and Time Format " on page 283

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

SYSTem:DISPlay:FPANel[:STATe] <State>
This command includes or excludes the front panel keys when working with the remote
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See " Front Panel " on page 284
See " Mini Front Panel " on page 285 Selecting Colors and Schemes

Useful commands to select colors and schemes described elsewhere:

● HCOPy:CMAP<it>:DEFault<ci>
● HCOPy:CMAP<it>:PDEFined
DISPlay:CMAP<it>:DEFault<ci>...................................................................................... 592
DISPlay:CMAP<it>:PDEFined......................................................................................... 593
DISPlay:THEMe:CATalog?.............................................................................................. 593
DISPlay:THEMe:SELect................................................................................................. 594

This command resets the color scheme for the display. The query returns the default
color scheme.
Suffix: .
<it> Selects the item for which the color scheme is to be defined.
For more information see Chapter, "CMAP Suffix
Assignment", on page 594.
<ci> 1
Current colors with a white background and a black grid.
Optimized colors.
Customized colors.
Current screen colors (setting for hardcopies).
Suffix irrelevant for query
Return values:
<DefScheme> 1|2|3|4
The default color scheme for the selected item, as specified by
the <ci> suffix.

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

Selects default setting 2 for setting the colors.
//Result: 2
Manual operation: See " Screen Colors " on page 287

DISPlay:CMAP<it>:HSL <hue>, <sat>, <lum>

This command selects the color for various screen elements in the display.
Suffix: .
<it> 1..n
Selects the item for which the color scheme is to be defined.
For more information see Chapter, "CMAP Suffix
Assignment", on page 594.
<hue> tint
Range: 0 to 1
<sat> saturation
Range: 0 to 1
<lum> brightness
Range: 0 to 1
Example: DISP:CMAP2:HSL 0.3,0.8,1.0
Changes the grid color.

DISPlay:CMAP<it>:PDEFined <Color>
This command selects a predefined color for various screen elements.
Suffix: .
<it> 1..n
Selects the item for which the color scheme is to be defined.
For more information see Chapter, "CMAP Suffix
Assignment", on page 594.
<Color> BLACk | BLUE | BROWn | GREen | CYAN | RED | MAGenta |
YELLow | WHITe | DGRay | LGRay | LBLue | LGReen | LCYan |
Manual operation: See "Restoring the User Settings to Default Colors" on page 289

This command queries all available display themes.

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

Return values:
<Themes> String containing all available display themes.
Example: DISP:THEMe:CAT?
Usage: Query only

DISPlay:THEMe:SELect <Theme>
This command selects the display theme.
<Theme> String containing the name of the theme.
Example: DISP:THEM:SEL "BlueOcean"
Manual operation: See " Theme " on page 287 CMAP Suffix Assignment

Several commands to change the color settings of individual items of the display or
printout are available. Which item is to be configured is defined using a <CMAP> suffix.
The following assignment applies:

Suffix Description

CMAP1 Background

CMAP2 Grid

CMAP3 *) Common Text

CMAP4 *) Check Status OK

CMAP5 *) Check Status Error

CMAP6 *) Text Special 1

CMAP7 *) Text Special 2

CMAP8 Trace 1

CMAP9 Trace 2

CMAP10 Trace 3

CMAP11 Marker Info Text

CMAP12 Limit Lines

CMAP13 Limit and Margin Check – "Pass"

CMAP14 Limit and Margin Check – "Fail"

CMAP15 *) Softkey Text

CMAP16 *) Softkey Background

CMAP17 *) Selected Field Text

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

Suffix Description

CMAP18 *) Selected Field Background

CMAP19 *) Softkey 3D Bright Part

CMAP20 *) Softkey 3D Dark Part

CMAP21 *) Softkey State "On"

CMAP22 *) Softkey State "Dialog open"

CMAP23 *) Softkey Text Disabled

CMAP24 Logo

CMAP25 Trace 4

CMAP26 Grid – Minorlines

CMAP27 Marker

CMAP28 Display Lines

CMAP29 *) Sweepcount – Text

CMAP30 Limit and Margin Check – Text

CMAP31 Limit and Margin Check – \"Margin\"

CMAP32 *) Table Overall – Title Text

CMAP33 *) Table Overall – Title Background

CMAP34 *) Table Overall – Text

CMAP35 *) Table Overall – Background

CMAP36 *) Table Value – Title Text

CMAP37 *) Table Value – Title Background

CMAP38 *) Table Value – Text

CMAP39 *) Table Value – Background

CMAP40 Trace 5

CMAP41 Trace 6

*) these settings can only be defined via the theme (DISPlay:THEMe:SELect) and are thus ignored in
the SCPI command

15.9.5 Configuring Network and Remote Control

SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:ADDRess............................................................... 596
SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:RTERminator.......................................................... 596
SYSTem:DISPlay:LOCK................................................................................................. 597
SYSTem:ERRor:CLEar:REMote...................................................................................... 597
SYSTem:ERRor:DISPlay................................................................................................ 597

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

SYSTem:IDENtify[:STRing]............................................................................................. 598
SYSTem:KLOCk............................................................................................................ 598
SYSTem:LXI:LANReset.................................................................................................. 599
SYSTem:LXI:MDEScription............................................................................................. 599
SYSTem:PSA:WIDeband................................................................................................ 599
SYSTem:SHIMmediate:STATe......................................................................................... 599
SYSTem:SHIMmediate ONCE.........................................................................................600

SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:ADDRess <Address>
This command sets the GPIB address of the R&S FSWP.
<Address> Range: 0 to 30
*RST: (no influence on this parameter, factory default 20)
Manual operation: See "GPIB Address" on page 355

SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:RTERminator <Terminator>
This command selects the GPIB receive terminator.
Output of binary data from the instrument to the control computer does not require
such a terminator change.
<Terminator> LFEOI | EOI
According to the standard, the terminator in ASCII is <LF>
and/or <EOI>.
For binary data transfers (e.g. trace data) from the control com-
puter to the instrument, the binary code used for <LF> might be
included in the binary data block, and therefore should not be
interpreted as a terminator in this particular case. This can be
avoided by using only the receive terminator EOI.
Manual operation: See "GPIB Terminator" on page 356

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

SYSTem:DISPlay:LOCK <State>
Defines whether the "Display Update" function remains available in remote operation
or not.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
The function remains available.
ON | 1
The function is not available and the display is not updated dur-
ing remote operation.
*RST: 0

SYSTem:DISPlay:UPDate <State>
This command turns the display during remote operation on and off.
If on, the R&S FSWP updates the diagrams, traces and display fields only.
The best performance is obtained if the display is off during remote control operation.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See "Remote Display Update" on page 356

This command deletes all contents of the "Remote Errors" table.
Note: The remote error list is automatically cleared when the R&S FSWP is shut down.
Manual operation: See "Display Remote Errors" on page 357
See "Clear Error List" on page 361

SYSTem:ERRor:DISPlay <State>
This command the error display during remote operation on and off.
If activated, the R&S FSWP displays a message box at the bottom of the screen that
contains the most recent type of error and the command that caused the error.
<State> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST: 0

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
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Manual operation: See "Display Remote Errors" on page 357

This command resets the query to *IDN? to its default value.
Manual operation: See "Reset to Factory String" on page 355

SYSTem:IDENtify[:STRing] <String>
This command defines the response to *IDN?.
<String> String containing the description of the instrument.
Manual operation: See "Identification String" on page 355

SYSTem:KLOCk <State>
This command activates the local lockout (remote control) or returns to the local mode.
<State> ON
LLO (local lockout)
GTL (go to local)
Activates LLO (remote control)
Manual operation: See "Local" on page 361

SYSTem:LANGuage <Language>
This command selects the system language.
<Language> String containing the name of the language.
SCPI language.
PSA emulation.
For a list of supported commands, see Chapter 15.9.9, "Refer-
ence: Command Set of Emulated PSA Models", on page 610.
Example: SYST:LANG 'PSA'
Emulates the PSA.
Manual operation: See "Language" on page 358

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

This command resets the LAN configuration, as well as the "LAN" password and
instrument description.
Manual operation: See " LAN Reset" on page 360

SYSTem:LXI:MDEScription <Description>
This command defines the "LAN" instrument description.
<Description> String containing the instrument description.

SYSTem:LXI:PASSword <Password>
This command defines the "LAN" password.
<Password> String containing the password.
Manual operation: See "LAN Password" on page 360

SYSTem:PSA:WIDeband <State>
This command defines which option is returned when the *OPT? query is executed,
depending on the state of the wideband option.
It is only available for PSA89600 emulation.
<State> ON | OFF | HIGH
The option is indicated as "B7J"
The 40 MHz wideband is used.
The option is indicated as "B7J, 140".
The 80 MHz wideband is used.
The option is indicated as "B7J, 122".
Manual operation: See "Wideband" on page 358

SYSTem:SHIMmediate:STATe <State>
Determines when the remote commands that change hardware settings on the
R&S FSWP are executed.
Regardless of this setting, the firmware automatically sets the hardware when a sweep
is started.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

This setting is not changed by the preset function.

<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
OFF | 0
Remote commands that cause changes to the hardware are
only executed when the SYSTem:SHIMmediate ONCE com-
mand is executed.
ON | 1
Remote commands are always executed immediately when they
are received by the instrument.
*RST: 1
Manual operation: See "Set Hardware Immediately" on page 357

Executes any received remote commands that cause changes to the hardware and
have not been executed yet due to a SYST:SHIM:STAT OFF command.
Usage: Event
Manual operation: See "Set Hardware Immediately" on page 357

15.9.6 Checking the System Configuration

Useful commands to check the system configuration described elsewhere:

● DIAGnostic:SERVice:SINFo?
DIAGnostic:SERVice:BIOSinfo?...................................................................................... 601
DIAGnostic:SERVice:HWINfo?........................................................................................ 602
DIAGnostic:SERVice:VERSinfo?..................................................................................... 602
SYSTem:ERRor:CLEar:ALL............................................................................................ 603
SYSTem:ERRor:EXTended?........................................................................................... 603
SYSTem:ERRor:LIST?................................................................................................... 603
SYSTem:FORMat:IDENt................................................................................................. 604
SYSTem:PRESet:FILTer................................................................................................. 605
SYSTem:SECurity[:STATe].............................................................................................. 605

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

DIAGnostic:INFO:CCOunt? <Relay>
This command queries how many switching cycles the individual relays have per-
formed since they were installed.
Query parameters:
<Relay> ACDC
Mechanical Attenuation Coupling
Mechanical Attenuation 05 DB
Mechanical Attenuation 10 DB
Mechanical Attenuation 20 DB
Mechanical Attenuation 40 DB
Mechanical Calibration Source
Electrical Attenuation Bypass
Preamplifier Bypass
SATT10 | SATT20 | SATT40
Mechanical attenuation (10, 20 and 40 dB) for the optional Sig-
nal Source hardware.
DUT bypass (available with the optional Signal Source hard-
Return values:
<Cycles> Number of switching cycles.
Usage: Query only
Manual operation: See " Relays Cycle Counter " on page 310

This command queries the BIOS version of the CPU board.
Return values:
<BiosInformation> String containing the BIOS version.
Returns the BIOS version.
Usage: Query only

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Configuring the R&S FSWP

This command queries hardware information.
Return values:
<Hardware> String containing the following information for every hardware
<component>: name of the hardware component
<serial#>: serial number of the component
<order#>: order number of the component
<model>: model of the component
<code>: code of the component
<revision>: revision of the component
<subrevision>: subrevision of the component
Queries the hardware information.
Usage: Query only

This command queries information about the hardware and software components.
Return values:
<Information> String containing the version of hardware and software compo-
nents including the types of licenses for installed options.
Queries the version information.
Instrument Firmware |1.10,
Image Version |1.6.0,
Device Installation Version |1.0.0,
PCIE-FPGA |13.06,
SA-FPGA |6.46,
Data Sheet Version |01.00,
Time Control Management ||active,
Cross Correlation Measurements B60||,
Signal Source B64||,
80 MHz Analysis Bandwidth B80||permanent

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

Usage: Query only

This command deletes all contents of the "System Messages" table.

SYSTem:ERRor:EXTended? <MessageType>[, <ChannelName>]

This command queries all system messages, or all messages of a defined type, dis-
played in the status bar for a specific channel (application).
Note: This command queries the strings displayed for manual operation. For remote
programs, do not define processing steps depending on these results. Instead, query
the results of the STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO status register, which
indicates whether messages of a certain type have occurred (see "STATus:QUEStiona-
ble:EXTended:INFO Register" on page 341).
<MessageType> ALL | INFO | WARNing | FATal | ERRor | MESSage
<ChannelName> String containing the name of the channel.
The parameter is optional. If you omit it, the command works for
the currently active channel.
Return values:
<Messages> String containing all messages of the selected type for the speci-
fied channel. Each message is separated by a comma and
inserted in parentheses. If no messages are available, empty
parentheses are returned.
Returns all messages for the currently active application, e.g.
"Message 1","Message 2".
Example: SYST:ERR:EXT? FAT,'Spectrum2'
Queries fatal errors in the 'Spectrum2' application. If none have
occurred, the result is: " ".
Usage: Query only

SYSTem:ERRor:LIST? [<MessType>]
This command queries the error messages that occur during R&S FSWP operation.
Query parameters:
<MessType> SMSG | REMote
(default) Queries the system messages which occurred during
manual operation.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

Queries the error messages that occurred during remote opera-
Note: The remote error list is automatically cleared when the
R&S FSWP is shut down.
Return values:
<SystemMessages> String containing all messages in the "System Messages" table.
<RemoteErrors> <Error_no> | <Description> | <Command> | <Date> | <Time>
Comma-separated list of errors from the "Remote Errors" table,
<Error_no>: device-specific error code
<Description>: brief description of the error
<Command>: remote command causing the error
<Date>|<Time>: date and time the error occurred
Usage: Query only

This command queries the most recent error queue entry and deletes it.
Positive error numbers indicate device-specific errors, negative error numbers are error
messages defined by SCPI. If the error queue is empty, the error number 0, "No error",
is returned.
For details on error queues see Chapter 14.1.7, "Status Reporting System",
on page 332.
Usage: Query only

SYSTem:FIRMware:UPDate <Directory>
This command starts a firmware update using the *.msi files in the selected directory.
The default path is D:\FW_UPDATE. The path is changed via the MMEMory:COMMent
command. To store the update files the MMEMory:DATA command is used.
Only user accounts with administrator rights can perform a firmware update.
Setting parameters:
Starts the firmware update from directory "D:\FW_UPDATE".

This command selects the response format to the *IDN? query.
<IDNFormat> LEGacy
Format is compatible to R&S FSP/FSU/FSQ/FSG family.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

R&S FSWP format
Format is also compatible to the R&S FSL and R&S FSV family
*RST: not reset!
Adapts the return value of *IDN? to the R&S FSP/FSU/FSQ fam-
Manual operation: See "*IDN Format" on page 356

SYSTem:PRESet:COMPatible <OpMode>
This command defines the operating mode that is activated when you switch on the
R&S FSWP or press the [PRESET] key.
<OpMode> SANalyzer
Defines Signal and Spectrum Analyzer operating mode as the
Selects the phase noise application as the default application
(default value).
Manual operation: See " Preset Mode " on page 302

SYSTem:PRESet:FILTer <FilterType>
This command selects the resolution filter type that is selected after a preset in the
Spectrum application.
<FilterType> NORMal
Selects 3 dB filter.
Selects 3 dB filter.
(NORMal and NOISe have the same effect.)
Selects 6 dB filter.
Example: //Select the 6 dB filters as the default filter type

SYSTem:SECurity[:STATe] <State>
Activates or queries secure user mode.
Note: Before you activate secure user mode, store any instrument settings that are
required beyond the current session, such as predefined instrument settings, trans-
ducer files, or self-alignment data.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 605

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

Note: Initially after installation of the R&S FSWP-K33 option, secure user mode must
be enabled manually once before remote control is possible. This is necessary to
prompt for a change of passwords.
For details on the secure user mode see Chapter 4.7, "Protecting Data Using the
Secure User Mode", on page 31.
<State> ON | OFF | 0 | 1
ON | 1
The R&S FSWP automatically reboots and starts in secure user
mode. In secure user mode, no data is written to the instru-
ment's internal solid-state drive. Data that the R&S FSWP nor-
mally stores on the solid-state drive is redirected to SDRAM.
OFF | 0
The R&S FSWP is set to normal instrument mode. Data is
stored to the internal solid-state drive.
Note: this parameter is for query only. Secure user mode cannot
be deactivated via remote operation.
*RST: 0
Manual operation: See " SecureUser Mode " on page 302

15.9.7 Using Service Functions

DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction:LASTresult?................................................................... 607
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction:RESults:DELete............................................................. 607
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SINFo?.......................................................................................... 607
SYSTem:PASSword:RESet............................................................................................. 608

DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction <ServiceFunction>
This command starts a service function.
The service functions are available after you have entered the level 1 or level 2 system
Parameters for setting and query:
<ServiceFunction> String containing the ID of the service function.
The ID of the service function is made up out of five numbers,
separated by a point.
• function group number
• board number
• function number
• parameter 1 (see the Service Manual)
• parameter 2 (see the Service Manual)

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

Example: DIAG:SERV:SFUN 'Function1'

DIAG:SERV:SFUN? 'Function2'
Manual operation: See " Service Function " on page 308
See " Send " on page 308

This command queries the results of the most recent service function you have used.
Return values:
Usage: Query only

This command deletes the results of the most recent service function you have used.
Usage: Event
Manual operation: See " Clear Results " on page 309

DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction:RESults:SAVE [<FileName>]
This command saves the results of the most recent service function you have used.
<FileName> String containing the file name.
Manual operation: See " Save Results " on page 309

This command creates a *.zip file with important support information. The *.zip file con-
tains the system configuration information ("device footprint"), the current eeprom data
and a screenshot of the screen display (if available).
This data is stored to the C:\R_S\INSTR\USER directory on the instrument.
As a result of this command, the created file name (including the drive and path) is
You can use the resulting file name information as a parameter for the MMEM:COPY
command to store the file on the controller PC.
If you contact the Rohde&Schwarz support to get help for a certain problem, send this
file to the support in order to identify and solve the problem faster.
Return values:
<FileName> C:\R_S\INSTR\USER
\<R&S Device ID>_<CurrentDate>_<CurrentTime>

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

String containing the drive, path and file name of the created
support file, where the file name consists of the following ele-
<R&S Device ID>: The unique R&S device ID indicated in the
"Versions + Options" information
<CurrentDate>: The date on which the file is created
<CurrentTime>: The time at which the file is created

MMEM:COPY "c:\R&S\instr\user\FSWP-26_

Usage: Query only

Manual operation: See " Create R&S Support Information " on page 304

Clears any previously provided password and returns to the most restrictive service
Manual operation: See " Password " on page 309

SYSTem:PASSword[:CENable] <arg0>
Provides a password for subsequent service functions.
<arg0> string
Example: SYST:PASS:CEN '894129'
Manual operation: See " Password " on page 309

15.9.8 Reference: Command Set of 5052 Emulation







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Configuring the R&S FSWP



































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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP
















15.9.9 Reference: Command Set of Emulated PSA Models

The R&S FSWP analyzer family supports a subset of the GPIB commands of
PSA89600 instruments.
Despite the differences in system architecture and device features, the supported com-
mands have been implemented in a way to ensure a sufficiently high degree of corre-
spondence with the original.
In many cases the selection of commands supported by the R&S FSWP is sufficient to
run an existing GPIB program without adaptation.

Supported 89600 commands










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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

Supported 89600 commands










:CALibration:TCORrections AUTO|ON|OFF



:DIAGnostic:LATCh:VALue <numeric>

:DIAGnostic:LATCh:SELect <string>

:DISPlay:ANNotation:TITLe:DATA <string>


:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:[SCALe]:PDIVision <numeric>

:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:[SCALe]:RLEVel <numeric>

:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:[SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet <numeric>



:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF|ON



:INSTrument:NSELect <numeric>

:MMEMory:CATalog? <dir_name>

:MMEMory:COPY <‘file_name1’>,<‘file_name2’>

:MMEMory:DATA <‘file_name’>,<definite_length_block>

:MMEMory:DELete <‘file_name’>

:MMEMory:LOAD:STATe 1,<‘file_name’>

:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe 1,<‘file_name’>

:MMEMory:MDIRectory <‘dir_name’>

:MMEMory:MOVE <‘file_name1’>,<‘file_name2’>

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

Supported 89600 commands

:MMEMory:STORe:STATe 1,<‘file_name’>

:MMEMory:STORe:TRACe <numeric>,<‘file_name’>


[:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer <numeric>

[:SENSe]:FREQuency:STARt <numeric>

[:SENSe]:FREQuency:STOP <numeric>

[:SENSe]:FREQuency:SPAN <numeric>

[:SENSe]:POWer:ATTenuation <numeric>

[:SENSe]:ROSCillator:EXTernal:FREQuency <numeric>

[:SENSe]:ROSCillator:OUTPut OFF|ON

[:SENSe]:ROSCillator:SOURce INTernal|EXTernal|EAUTo

[:SENSe]:SPECtrum:TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal<1|2>|IF|IMMediate

[:SENSe]:WAVeform:ADC:RANGe P6


[:SENSe]:WAVeform:AVERage:TACount <numeric>



[:SENSe]:WAVeform:IFGain <numeric>

[:SENSe]:WAVeform:IFPath NARRow|WIDE

[:SENSe]:WAVeform:NCPTrace ON|OFF


[:SENSe]:WAVeform:SRATe <numeric>

[:SENSe]:WAVeform:SWEep:TIME <numeric>


[:SENSe]:WAVeform:TRIGger:INTerpolation ON|OFF

[:SENSe]:WAVeform:TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal<1|2>|IF|IMMediate


:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <number>

:STATus:QUEStionable:NTRansition <number>

:STATus:QUEStionable:PTRansition <number>



:STATus:QUEStionable:CALibration:ENABle <number>

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Configuring the R&S FSWP

Supported 89600 commands

:STATus:QUEStionable:CALibration:NTRansition <number>

:STATus:QUEStionable:CALibration:PTRansition <number>



:STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:ENABle <number>

:STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:NTRansition <number>

:STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:PTRansition <number>



:STATus:QUEStionable:INTegrity:ENABle <number>

:STATus:QUEStionable:INTegrity:NTRansition <number>

:STATus:QUEStionable:INTegrity:PTRansition <number>



:STATus:OPERation:ENABle <integer>

:STATus:OPERation:NTRansition <integer>

:STATus:OPERation:PTRansition <integer>


:SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:ADDRess <integer>

:SYSTem:DATE <year>,<month>,<day>



:SYSTem:MESSage <string>


:SYSTem:TIME <hour>,<minute>,<second>


:TRACe:COPY <src_trace>,<dest_trace>

:TRACe[:DATA] TRACE1 | TRACE2 | TRACE3 | TRACE4 | TRACE5 | TRACE6, <definite_length_block> |



:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay <numeric>

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay:STATe OFF|ON|0|1

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:EXTermal:DELay <numeric>

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:EXTermal:LEVel <numeric>

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 613

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Using the Status Register

Supported 89600 commands

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:EXTermal:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:HOLDoff <numeric>

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:IF:DELay <numeric>

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:IF:LEVel <numeric>

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:IF:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce IMMediate|VIDeo|EXTernal<1|2>

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:VIDeo:LEVel <numeric>

:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:VIDeo:LEVel:FREQuency <freq>

15.10 Using the Status Register

For more information on the contents of the status registers see:
● "STATus:OPERation Register" on page 338
● "STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit Register" on page 340
● "STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended Register" on page 341
● "STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency Register" on page 342
● "STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit Register" on page 342
● "STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin Register" on page 343
● "STATus:QUEStionable:POWer Register" on page 344
● "STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature Register" on page 345
● "STATus:QUEStionable:TIMe Register" on page 346
● General Status Register Commands.................................................................... 614
● Reading Out the CONDition Part.......................................................................... 615
● Reading Out the EVENt Part.................................................................................616
● Controlling the ENABle Part..................................................................................616
● Controlling the Negative Transition Part............................................................... 617
● Controlling the Positive Transition Part................................................................. 618

15.10.1 General Status Register Commands

STATus:QUEue[:NEXT]?................................................................................................ 615

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Using the Status Register

This command resets the edge detectors and ENABle parts of all registers to a defined
value. All PTRansition parts are set to FFFFh, i.e. all transitions from 0 to 1 are
detected. All NTRansition parts are set to 0, i.e. a transition from 1 to 0 in a
CONDition bit is not detected. The ENABle part of the STATus:OPERation and
STATus:QUEStionable registers are set to 0, i.e. all events in these registers are not
passed on.
Usage: Event

This command queries the most recent error queue entry and deletes it.
Positive error numbers indicate device-specific errors, negative error numbers are error
messages defined by SCPI. If the error queue is empty, the error number 0, "No error",
is returned.
This command is identical to the SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? command.
Usage: Query only

15.10.2 Reading Out the CONDition Part

For more information on the condition part see Chapter, "Structure of a SCPI
Status Register", on page 334.

STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit<n>:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin<n>:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:CONDition? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TIME:CONDition? <ChannelName>
These commands read out the CONDition section of the status register.
The commands do not delete the contents of the CONDition section.
Suffix: .
<n> Window

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 615

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Using the Status Register

Query parameters:
<ChannelName> String containing the name of the channel.
The parameter is optional. If you omit it, the command works for
the currently active channel.
Usage: Query only

15.10.3 Reading Out the EVENt Part

For more information on the event part see Chapter, "Structure of a SCPI Sta-
tus Register", on page 334.

STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit<n>[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin<n>[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TIME[:EVENt]? <ChannelName>
These commands read out the EVENt section of the status register.
At the same time, the commands delete the contents of the EVENt section.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
Query parameters:
<ChannelName> String containing the name of the channel.
The parameter is optional. If you omit it, the command works for
the currently active channel.
Usage: Query only

15.10.4 Controlling the ENABle Part

For more information on the enable part see Chapter, "Structure of a SCPI
Status Register", on page 334.

STATus:OPERation:ENABle <SumBit>
STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <SumBit>
STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Using the Status Register

STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit<n>:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin<n>:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TIME:ENABle <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
These commands control the ENABle part of a register.
The ENABle part allows true conditions in the EVENt part of the status register to bere-
ported in the summary bit. If a bit is 1 in the enable register and its associated event bit
transitions to true, a positive transition will occur in the summary bit reported to the
next higher level.
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<SumBit> Range: 0 to 65535
<ChannelName> String containing the name of the channel.
The parameter is optional. If you omit it, the command works for
the currently active channel.

15.10.5 Controlling the Negative Transition Part

For more information on the positive transition part see Chapter, "Structure of
a SCPI Status Register", on page 334.

STATus:OPERation:NTRansition <SumBit>
STATus:QUEStionable:NTRansition <SumBit>
STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit<n>:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin<n>:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TIME:NTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
These commands control the Negative TRansition part of a register.
Setting a bit causes a 1 to 0 transition in the corresponding bit of the associated regis-
ter. The transition also writes a 1 into the associated bit of the corresponding EVENt
Suffix: .
<n> Window

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 617

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

<SumBit> Range: 0 to 65535
<ChannelName> String containing the name of the channel.
The parameter is optional. If you omit it, the command works for
the currently active channel.

15.10.6 Controlling the Positive Transition Part

For more information on the negative transition part see Chapter, "Structure of
a SCPI Status Register", on page 334.

STATus:OPERation:PTRansition <SumBit>
STATus:QUEStionable:PTRansition <SumBit>
STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit<n>:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin<n>:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
STATus:QUEStionable:TIME:PTRansition <SumBit>,<ChannelName>
These commands control the Positive TRansition part of a register.
Setting a bit causes a 0 to 1 transition in the corresponding bit of the associated regis-
ter. The transition also writes a 1 into the associated bit of the corresponding EVENt
Suffix: .
<n> Window
<SumBit> Range: 0 to 65535
<ChannelName> String containing the name of the channel.
The parameter is optional. If you omit it, the command works for
the currently active channel.

15.11 Programming Examples

Some advanced programming examples for complex measurement tasks are provided
● Service Request....................................................................................................619

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 618

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

15.11.1 Service Request

The service request routine requires an extended initialization of the instrument in

which the relevant bits of the transition and enable registers are set. In addition the ser-
vice request event must be enabled in the VISA session. Initiate Service Request

REM ---- Example of initialization of the SRQ in the case

' of errors -------
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "*CLS") 'Reset status reporting system
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "*SRE 168") 'Enable service request for
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "*ESE 60") 'Set event enable bit for
'command, execution, device-
'dependent and query error
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "STAT:OPER:ENAB 32767")
'Set OPERation enable bit for
'all events
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "STAT:OPER:PTR 32767")
'Set appropriate OPERation
'Ptransition bits
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "STAT:QUES:ENAB 32767")
'Set questionable enable bits
'for all events
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "STAT:QUES:PTR 32767")
'Set appropriate questionable
'Ptransition bits
CALL viEnableEvent(analyzer, VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ, VI_QUEUE, 0)
'Enable the event for service
Status = viWaitOnEvent(analyzer, VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ, SRQWaitTimeout, VI_NULL,
'If SRQ is recognized =>
'subroutine for evaluation
REM ***********************************************************************

Private mbSession As MessageBasedSession

Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Example of initialization _
of the SRQ in the case of errors.")
Dim SRQWaitTimeout = 4000 ' Timeout As Integer for WaitOnEvent
'Opening session
'Analyzer is alias, instead of using resource string.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 619

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

'For example on TCP use TCPIP0::

mbSession = CType(ResourceManager.GetLocalManager().Open("Analyzer"), _
mbSession.TerminationCharacterEnabled = True
mbSession.Write("*CLS") 'Reset status reporting system
mbSession.Write("*SRE 168") 'Enable service request for
'STAT:OPER, STAT:QUES and ESR register
mbSession.Write("*ESE 60") 'Set event enable bit for
'command, execution, device-dependent and query error
mbSession.Write("STAT:OPER:ENAB 32767")
'Set OPERation enable bit for all events
mbSession.Write("STAT:OPER:PTR 32767")
'Set appropriate OPERation Ptransition bits
mbSession.Write("STAT:QUES:ENAB 32767")
'Set questionable enable bits for all events
mbSession.Write("STAT:QUES:PTR 32767")
'Set appropriate questionable Ptransition bits
Console.WriteLine("Wait on event - Blocking")
mbSession.EnableEvent(MessageBasedSessionEventType.ServiceRequest, _
'Enable the event for service request

' Your command plase use here
' mbSession.Write("Your command")

Dim Status = mbSession.WaitOnEvent( _

MessageBasedSessionEventType.ServiceRequest, SRQWaitTimeout)
If (Status.EventType() = _
MessageBasedSessionEventType.ServiceRequest) Then
Console.WriteLine("SRQ is recognized")
'If SRQ is recognized => subroutine for evaluation
End If
Catch exp As Exception
End Try
Catch exp As InvalidCastException
Console.WriteLine("Resource selected must be a message-based session")
Catch exp As Exception
End Try

' Close session

' Wait for end
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end")

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 620

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

End Sub Waiting for the Arrival of a Service Request

There are basically two methods of waiting for the arrival of a service request:

Blocking (user inputs not possible):

This method is appropriate if the waiting time until the event to be signaled by an SRQ
is short (shorter than the selected timeout), if no response to user inputs is required
during the waiting time, and if – as the main criterion – the event is absolutely certain to
From the time the viWaitOnEvent() function is called until the occurrence of the expec-
ted event, it does not allow the program to respond to mouse clicks or key entries dur-
ing the waiting time. Moreover, it returns an error if the SRQ event does not occur
within the predefined timeout period.
The method is, therefore, in many cases not suitable for waiting for measurement
results, especially when using triggered measurements.
The following function calls are required:
Status = viWaitOnEvent(analyzer, VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ, SRQWaitTimeout, VI_NULL,
'Wait for service request user
'inputs are not possible during
'the waiting time!
'If SRQ is recognized =>
'subroutine for evaluation

'--------- Sweep in first Spectrum Tab and query marker --------------------

Dim Status = mbSession.WaitOnEvent( _
MessageBasedSessionEventType.ServiceRequest, SRQWaitTimeout)
'Wait for service request user inputs are not possible
'during the waiting time!
If (Status.EventType() = MessageBasedSessionEventType.ServiceRequest) Then
'If SRQ is recognized => subroutine for evaluation
End If

Non-blocking (user inputs possible):

This method is recommended if the waiting time until the event to be signaled by an
SRQ is long (longer than the selected timeout), and user inputs should be possible dur-
ing the waiting time, or if the event is not certain to occur. This method is, therefore, the
preferable choice for waiting for the end of measurements, i.e. the output of results,
especially in the case of triggered measurements.

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

The method necessitates a waiting loop that checks the status of the SRQ line at regu-
lar intervals and returns control to the operating system during the time the expected
event has not yet occurred. In this way, the system can respond to user inputs (mouse
clicks, key entries) during the waiting time.
It is advisable to employ the Hold() auxiliary function, which returns control to the oper-
ating system for a selectable waiting time (see section Waiting Without Blocking the
Keyboard and Mouse), so enabling user inputs during the waiting time.
result% = 0
For i = 1 To 10 'Abort after max. 10 loop
'Check event queue
If (status = VI_SUCCESS) Then
result% = 1
CALL Srq 'If SRQ is recognized =>
'subroutine for evaluation
CALL Hold(20) 'Call hold function with
'20 ms 'waiting time. User inputs
'are possible.
Next i
If result% = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Timeout Error; Program aborted"'Output error message
STOP 'Stop software
Endif Waiting Without Blocking the Keyboard and Mouse

A frequent problem with remote control programs using Visual Basic is to insert waiting
times without blocking the keyboard and the mouse.
If the program is to respond to user inputs also during a waiting time, control over the
program events during this time must be returned to the operating system. In Visual
Basic, this is done by calling the DoEvents function. This function causes keyboard-or
mouse-triggered events to be executed by the associated elements. For example, it
allows the operation of buttons and input fields while the user waits for an instrument
setting to be completed.
The following programming example describes the Hold() function, which returns
control to the operating system for the period of the waiting time selectable in millisec-
Rem ***********************************************************************
Rem The waiting function below expects the transfer of the desired
Rem waiting time in milliseconds. The keyboard and the mouse remain
Rem operative during the waiting period, thus allowing desired elements
Rem to be controlled
Rem ***********************************************************************

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 622

R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

Public Sub Hold(delayTime As Single)

Start = Timer 'Save timer count on calling the
Do While Timer < Start + delayTime/1000 'Check timer count
DoEvents 'Return control to operating
'system to enable control of
'desired elements as long as
'timer has not elapsed
End Sub
Rem ***********************************************************************

The waiting procedure is activated simply by calling Hold(<Waiting time in

milliseconds>). Service Request Routine

A service request is processed in the service request routine.

The variables userN% and userM% must be pre-assigned usefully!

REM ------------ Service request routine ----------------------------------

Public SUB Srq()
ON ERROR GOTO noDevice 'No user existing
CALL viReadSTB(analyzer, STB%) 'Serial poll, read status byte
IF STB% > 0 THEN 'This instrument has bits set in
'the STB
IF (STB% AND 16) > 0 THEN CALL Outputqueue
IF (STB% AND 4) > 0 THEN CALL ErrorQueueHandler
IF (STB% AND 8) > 0 THEN CALL Questionablestatus
IF (STB% AND 128) > 0 THEN CALL Operationstatus
IF (STB% AND 32) > 0 THEN CALL Esrread
END SUB 'End of SRQ routine
REM ***********************************************************************

REM ---------- Subroutine for evaluation Service Request Routine ----------

Public Sub Srq()

Dim mySTB As Short = mbSession.ReadStatusByte()
'Serial poll, read status byte
Console.WriteLine("Reading Service Request Routine:" + mySTB.ToString())
If mySTB > 0 Then 'This instrument has bits set in the STB
If (mySTB And 16) > 0 Then Call Outputqueue()
If (mySTB And 4) > 0 Then Call ErrorQueueHandler()

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

If (mySTB And 8) > 0 Then Call Questionablestatus()

If (mySTB And 128) > 0 Then Call Operationstatus()
If (mySTB And 32) > 0 Then Call Esrread()
End If
Catch exp As Exception
End Try
End Sub 'End of SRQ routine

Reading out the status event registers, the output buffer and the error/event queue is
effected in subroutines. Reading Out the Output Buffer

REM -------- Subroutine for the individual STB bits -----------------------

Public SUB Outputqueue() 'Reading the output buffer
result$ = SPACE$(100) 'Make space for response
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, result$)
Debug.Print "Contents of Output Queue:"; result$
REM ***********************************************************************

REM -------- Subroutine for the output queue -----------------------

Public Sub Outputqueue() 'Reading the output buffer
Dim result As String = mbSession.ReadString()
Console.WriteLine("Contents of Output Queue:" + result)
Catch exp As Exception
End Try
End Sub Reading Error Messages

REM -------- Subroutine for reading the error queue -----------------------

Public SUB ErrorQueueHandler()
ERROR$ = SPACE$(100) 'Make space for error variable
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "SYSTEM:ERROR?")
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, ERROR$)
Debug.Print "Error Description:"; ERROR$
REM ***********************************************************************

REM -------- Subroutine for reading the error queue -----------------------

Sub ErrorQueueHandler()
Dim result As String
Dim hasErr As Boolean = True
result = mbSession.ReadString()

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

Dim parts As String() = result.Split(",")

If parts(0) = 0 Then
hasErr = False
End If
Loop While hasErr
End Sub Evaluation of SCPI Status Registers

REM ------ Subroutine for evaluating Questionable Status Register ---------

Public SUB Questionablestatus()
Ques$ = SPACE$(20)
'Preallocate blanks to text
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "STATus:QUEStionable:EVENt?")
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, Ques$)
Debug.Print "Questionable Status:"; Ques$
REM ***********************************************************************
REM ------ Subroutine for evaluating Operation Status Register ------------
Public SUB Operationstatus()
Oper$ = SPACE$(20) 'Preallocate blanks to text
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "STATus:OPERation:EVENt?")
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, Oper$)
Debug.Print "Operation Status:"; Oper$
REM ***********************************************************************

REM ------ Subroutine for evaluating Questionable Status Register ---------

Public Sub Questionablestatus()
Dim myQSR As String = Nothing
myQSR = mbSession.Query("STATus:QUEStionable:EVENt?") 'Read QSR
Console.WriteLine("Questionable Status:" + myQSR)
Catch exp As Exception
End Try
End Sub

REM ------ Subroutine for evaluating Operation Status Register ------------

Public Sub Operationstatus()
Dim myOSR As String = Nothing
myOSR = mbSession.Query("STATus:OPERation:EVENt?") 'Read OSR
Console.WriteLine("Operation Status:" + myOSR)
Catch exp As Exception

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

End Try
End Sub Evaluation of Event Status Register

REM ------ Subroutine for evaluating the Event Status Register ------------
Public SUB Esrread()
Esr$ = SPACE$(20) 'Preallocate blanks to text
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "*ESR?") 'Read ESR
CALL InstrRead(analyzer, Esr$)
IF (VAL(Esr$) AND 1) > 0 THEN Debug.Print "Operation complete"
IF (VAL(Esr$) AND 2) > 0 THEN Debug.Print "Request Control"
IF (VAL(Esr$) AND 4) > 0
THEN Debug.Print "Query Error"
IF (VAL(Esr$) AND 8) > 0
THEN Debug.Print "Device dependent error"
IF (VAL(Esr$) AND 16) > 0
THEN Debug.Print "Execution Error; Program aborted"'Output error message
STOP 'Stop software
IF (VAL(Esr$) AND 32) > 0
THEN Debug.Print "Command Error; Program aborted"'Output error message
STOP 'Stop software
IF (VAL(Esr$) AND 64) > 0 THEN Debug.Print "User request"
IF (VAL(Esr$) AND 128) > 0 THEN Debug.Print "Power on"END SUB
REM **********************************************************************

REM ------ Subroutine for evaluating the Event Status Register ------------
Public Sub Esrread()
Dim myESR As Short = mbSession.Query("*ESR?") 'Read ESR
If (myESR And 1) > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("Operation complete")
If (myESR And 2) > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("Request Control")
If (myESR And 4) > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("Query Error")
If (myESR And 8) > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("Device dependent error")
If (myESR And 16) > 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("Execution Error; Program aborted") 'Output error message
Stop 'Stop software
End If
If (myESR And 32) > 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("Command Error; Program aborted") 'Output error message
Stop 'Stop software
End If
If (myESR And 64) > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("User request")
If (myESR And 128) > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("Power on")
Catch exp As Exception

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R&S®FSWP Remote Control
Programming Examples

End Try
End Sub

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 627

R&S®FSWP Maintenance

16 Maintenance
The R&S FSWP does not require regular maintenance. Maintenance is essentially
restricted to cleaning the R&S FSWP. It is, however, recommended that you check the
nominal data from time to time.
The data sheet specifies the storage temperature range for the R&S FSWP. Protect the
instrument against dust if it is to be stored for a long period.

16.1 Cleaning

Risk of electric shock

If moisture enters the casing, for example if you clean the instrument using a moist
cloth, contact with the instrument can lead to electric shock. Before cleaning the instru-
ment other than with a dry cloth, make sure that the instrument is switched off and dis-
connected from all power supplies.

Instrument damage caused by cleaning agents

Cleaning agents contain substances such as solvents (thinners, acetone, etc.), acids,
bases, or other substances. Solvents can damage the front panel labeling, plastic
parts, or screens, for example.
Never use cleaning agents to clean the outside of the instrument. Use a soft, dry, lint-
free dust cloth instead.

Risk of instrument damage due to obstructed fans

If the instrument is operated in dusty areas, the fans become obstructed by dust or
other particles over time. Check and clean the fans regularly to ensure that they always
operate properly. If the instrument is run with obstructed fans for a longer period, the
instrument overheats, which can disturb the operation and even cause damage.

1. Clean the outside of the instrument using a soft, dry, lint-free dust cloth.

2. Check and clean the fans regularly to ensure that they always operate properly.

3. Clean the touchscreen as follows:

a) Apply a small amount of standard screen cleaner to a soft cloth.
b) Wipe the screen gently with the moist, but not wet, cloth.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 628

R&S®FSWP Maintenance

c) If necessary, remove any excess moisture with a dry, soft cloth.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 629

R&S®FSWP Troubleshooting
Error Information

17 Troubleshooting
If the results do not meet your expectations, the following sections may contain helpful
hints and information.
● Error Information................................................................................................... 630
● Error Messages in Remote Control Mode.............................................................631
● Troubleshooting Remote Operation...................................................................... 632
● Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Hints................................................................... 634
● System Recovery.................................................................................................. 635
● Collecting Information for Support.........................................................................635
● Contacting Customer Support...............................................................................637

17.1 Error Information

If errors or irregularities are detected, a keyword and an error message, if available,
are displayed in the status bar.

Depending on the type of message, the status message is indicated in varying colors.
Table 17-1: Status bar information - color coding

Color Type Description

Red Error An error occurred at the start or during a measurement, e.g. due to missing
data or wrong settings, so that the measurement cannot be started or com-
pleted correctly.

Orange Warning An irregular situation occurred during measurement, e.g. the settings no lon-
ger match the displayed results, or the connection to an external device was
interrupted temporarily.

Gray Information Information on the status of individual processing steps.

No color No errors No message displayed - normal operation.

Green Measurement Some applications visualize that the measurement was successful by show-
successful ing a message.

If any error information is available for a channel, an exclamation mark is displayed

next to the channel name ( ). This is particularly useful when the MultiView tab is dis-
played, as the status bar in the MultiView tab always displays the information for the
currently selected measurement only.
Furthermore, a status bit is set in the STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO reg-
ister for the application concerned. Messages of a specific type can be queried using
the SYSTem:ERRor:EXTended? command. For more information, see the
R&S FSWP User Manual.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 630

R&S®FSWP Troubleshooting
Error Messages in Remote Control Mode

Table 17-2: List of keywords

"INPUT OVLD" The signal level at the RF input connector exceeds the maximum.
The RF input is disconnected from the input mixer to protect the device. To re-enable
measurement, decrease the level at the RF input connector and reconnect the RF
input to the mixer input.

"RF OVLD" Overload of the input mixer or of the analog IF path.

● Increase the RF attenuation (for RF input).
● Reduce the input level (for digital input)

"LO UNL" Error in the instrument's frequency processing hardware was detected.

"NO REF" Instrument was set to an external reference but no signal was detected on the refer-
ence input.

"OVENCOLD" The optional OCXO reference frequency has not yet reached its operating tempera-
ture. The message usually disappears a few minutes after power has been switched

"UNCAL" One of the following conditions applies:

● Correction data has been switched off.
● No correction values are available, for example after a firmware update.
● Record the correction data by performing a self alignment

"OLD CAL" Calibration data outdated. Perform a new self-alignment.

Also displayed if Reuse Old Alignment Data is enabled.

"WRONG_FW" The firmware version is out-of-date and does not support the currently installed hard-
ware. Until the firmware version is updated, this error message is displayed and self-
alignment fails.

17.2 Error Messages in Remote Control Mode

In remote control mode error messages are entered in the error/event queue of the sta-
tus reporting system and can be queried with the command SYSTem:ERRor?. The
answer format of R&S FSWP to the command is as follows:
<error code>, "<error text with queue query>; <remote control
command concerned>"
The indication of the remote control command with prefixed semicolon is optional.

The command TEST:COMMAND generates the following answer to the query
-113,"Undefined header;TEST:COMMAND"

There are two types of error messages:

● Error messages defined by SCPI are marked by negative error codes. These mes-
sages are defined and described in the SCPI standard and not listed here.
● Device-specific error messages use positive error codes. These messages are
described below.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 631

R&S®FSWP Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Remote Operation

Table 17-3: Device-specific error messages

Error code Error text in the case of queue poll

Error explanation

1052 Frontend LO is Unlocked

This message is displayed when the phase regulation of the local oscillator fails in the RF

1060 Trigger-Block Gate Delay Error- gate length < Gate Delay
This message is displayed when the gate signal length is not sufficient for the pull-in delay
with a predefined gate delay.

1064 Tracking LO is Unlocked

This message is displayed when the phase regulation of the local oscillator fails on the
external generator module.

2028 Hardcopy not possible during measurement sequence

This message is displayed when a printout is started during scan sequences that cannot
be interrupted. Such sequences are for example:
● Recording the system error correction data (alignment)
● Instrument self-test
In such cases synchronization to the end of the scan sequence should be performed prior
to starting the printout.

2033 Printer Not Available

This message is displayed when the selected printer is not included in the list of available
output devices. A possible cause is that the required printer driver is missing or incorrectly

2034 CPU Temperature is too high

This message is displayed when the temperature of the processor exceeds 70 °C.

Table 17-4: Power Sensor errors

Status bar message Description

Zeroing could not be per- Zeroing could not be performed because the RF power applied is too
formed high.

Power sensor zero failed

17.3 Troubleshooting Remote Operation

If problems arise during measurement in remote operation, try the following methods to
solve them.

Incompleted sequential commands - blocked remote channels

If a sequential command cannot be completed, for example because a triggered sweep
never receives a trigger, the remote control program will never finish and the remote
channel to the R&S FSWP is blocked for further commands. In this case, you must
interrupt processing on the remote channel in order to abort the measurement.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 632

R&S®FSWP Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Remote Operation

To regain control over a blocked remote channel

Usually, if you wait a minute for the VISA connection to detect the lost connection and
clear the control channel by itself, you can then re-establish the connection again. If
this fails, try the following:
1. Press "Local" on the front panel of the R&S FSWP to return to manual operation (if
not disabled). Then re-establish the connection.

2. Send a "Device Clear" command from the control instrument to the R&S FSWP to
clear all currently active remote channels. Depending on the used interface and
protocol, send the following commands:
● Visa: viClear()
● GPIB: ibclr()
● RSIB: RSDLLibclr()
The remote channel currently processing the incompleted command is then ready
to receive further commands again.

3. On the remote channel performing the measurement, send the SCPI command
ABORt to abort the current measurement and reset the trigger system.

4. If the R&S FSWP still does not react to the remote commands, switch it off and
back on.

Ignored commands
When a remote command attempts to define incompatible settings, the command is
ignored and the instrument status remains unchanged, i.e. other settings are not auto-
matically adapted. Therefore, control programs should always define an initial instru-
ment status (e.g. using the *RST command) and then implement the required settings.

Detecting false commands - log file

If a remote program does not provide the expected results and you are using a GPIB
connection, you can log the commands and any errors that may occur. To activate the
SCPI error log function, in the "Network + Remote" dialog box, in the "GPIB" tab, select
"I/O Logging" .
All remote control commands received by the R&S FSWP are recorded in log files with
the following syntax:
C:\Program Files
where <xx> is a consecutive number, starting with 00;
A new file is created each time you stop and restart the logging function. The lowest
available number is used for the <xx> extension.
Logging the commands may be extremely useful for debug purposes, e.g. in order to
find misspelled keywords in control programs. However, remember to turn off the log-
ging function after debugging to avoid unnecessary access to the hard drive and use of
storage space.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 633

R&S®FSWP Troubleshooting
Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Hints

17.4 Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Hints

Power levels for low frequency signals not correct..................................................... 634
Invalid trace display.....................................................................................................634
Data capturing takes too long..................................................................................... 634
Multiple user access to one instrument.......................................................................634
Web browser access to instrument fails .....................................................................635

Power levels for low frequency signals not correct

By default, the R&S FSWP uses AC coupling for RF input. For very low frequencies,
the input signal may be distorted with this setting. In this case, use DC coupling
instead. To change the setting, select "INPUT/OUPUT" > "Input Source Config > Radio
Frequency > Input Coupling > DC".

Invalid trace display

If output to the "IF 2 GHz OUT" connector is activated, the measured values are no
longer sent to the display; thus, the trace data currently displayed on the R&S FSWP
becomes invalid. A message in the status bar indicates this situation.

Data capturing takes too long

Spectrum application only.
Particularly for FFT sweeps, the time required to process the data may be considerably
longer than the time required to capture the data. Thus, if you only consider the defined
sweep time, you may assume an error has occurred if the measurement takes longer
than expected.
However, while the sweep time only defines the time in which data is actually captured,
the total sweep duration includes the time required for capturing and processing the
data. Thus, for FFT sweeps in the Spectrum application, the sweep duration is now
also indicated in the channel bar, behind the sweep time. In remote operation, the esti-
mated sweep duration can be queried for all sweep modes (also zero span and fre-
quency sweeps).
Tip: To determine the necessary timeout for data capturing in a remote control pro-
gram, double the estimated time and add 1 second.
Remote command:

Multiple user access to one instrument

Using the R&S FSWP's web browser interface, several users can access and operate
the same instrument simultaneously. This is useful for troubleshooting or training pur-
Type the instrument's host name or IP address in the address field of the browser on
your PC, for example "". The instrument home page (welcome
page) opens.
Note: This function can be deactivated for the instrument. After a firmware update, it is
automatically activated again.

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 634

R&S®FSWP Troubleshooting
Collecting Information for Support

Web browser access to instrument fails

If an error message ("Failed to connect to server (code. 1006)") is displayed in the web
browser instead of the instrument's user interface then the LAN web browser interface
was probably deactivated.

17.5 System Recovery

For instruments running Windows 10, the system drive is delivered with a recovery
partition that allows you to restore the original operating system image and firmware.

To restore the original operating system image and firmware

1. Open the Windows control panel.

2. Select "Update & Security" > "Recovery" > "Restart Now".

The "R&S Recovery Environment" starts.

3. In the "R&S Recovery Environment", select "Factory Default Restore".

The default image is restored.

4. Reboot the instrument.

After the default image is restored, upgrade to the desired firmware version (see Chap-
ter 13.4.4, "Firmware Updates", on page 299).

17.6 Collecting Information for Support

If problems occur, the instrument generates error messages which in most cases will
be sufficient for you to detect the cause of an error and find a remedy.
In addition, our customer support centers are there to assist you in solving any prob-
lems that you may encounter with your R&S FSWP. We will find solutions more quickly
and efficiently if you provide us with the information listed below.
● Windows Event Log Files
Windows records important actions of applications and the operating system in
event logs. You can create event log files to summarize and save the existing event
logs (see "To create Windows event log files" on page 636).
● System Configuration: The "System Configuration" dialog box (in the "Setup"
menu) provides information on:
– Hardware Info: hardware assemblies
– Versions and Options: the status of all software and hardware options instal-
led on your instrument
– System Messages: messages on any errors that may have occurred
An .xml file with information on the system configuration ( "Device Footprint" ) can
be created automatically (using the DIAGnostic:SERVice:SINFo command or
as described in "To collect the support information" on page 636).

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 635

R&S®FSWP Troubleshooting
Collecting Information for Support

● Error Log: The RSError.log file (in the

C:\Program Files (x86)\Rohde-Schwarz\FSWP\<version>\log direc-
tory) contains a chronological record of errors.
● Support file: a *.zip file with important support information can be created auto-
matically (in the
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rohde-Schwarz\FSWP\<version>\user direc-
tory). The *.zip file contains the system configuration information ( "Device Foot-
print" ), the current eeprom data and a screenshot of the screen display.
See also the R&S FSWP User Manual, chapter "Service Functions".

To collect the support information

1. Press the [Setup] key.

2. Select "Service" > "R&S Support" and then "Create R&S Support Information" .
The file is stored as
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rohde-Schwarz\FSWP\<version>\user\
The file is stored as
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rohde-Schwarz\FSWP\<version>\user\

To create Windows event log files

1. Select the "Windows Start Button" in the bottom left corner.

2. Enter Event Viewer and select "Enter".

3. Select and expand "Windows Logs" in the "Console Tree".

4. Right-click on each subsection and select "Save All Events As...".

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 636

R&S®FSWP Troubleshooting
Contacting Customer Support

Figure 17-1: Event Viewer

5. Enter a file name and select "Save"

Collect the error information and attach it to an email in which you describe the prob-
lem. Send the email to the customer support address for your region as listed in Chap-
ter 17.7, "Contacting Customer Support", on page 637.

Packing and transporting the instrument

If the instrument needs to be transported or shipped, observe the notes described in
Chapter 4.1.1, "Unpacking and Checking the Instrument", on page 21.

17.7 Contacting Customer Support

Technical support – where and when you need it

For quick, expert help with any Rohde & Schwarz product, contact our customer sup-
port center. A team of highly qualified engineers provides support and works with you
to find a solution to your query on any aspect of the operation, programming or applica-
tions of Rohde & Schwarz products.

Contact information
Contact our customer support center at www.rohde-schwarz.com/support, or follow this
QR code:

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 637

R&S®FSWP Troubleshooting
Contacting Customer Support

Figure 17-2: QR code to the Rohde & Schwarz support page

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 638

R&S®FSWP List of commands

List of commands
[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:COUNt........................................................................................ 449
[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:LIMit:HIGH.................................................................................. 450
[SENSe:]ADJust:CONFigure:LEVel:THReshold............................................................................................ 448
[SENSe:]BWIDth:MEASurement?................................................................................................................. 408
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:BAND................................................................................................................. 424
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:MIXer................................................................................................................. 426
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SELect............................................................................................................... 427
[SENSe:]CORRection:CVL:SNUMber........................................................................................................... 427
[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:COMMent................................................................................................ 464
[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:DATA....................................................................................................... 464
[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:NAME...................................................................................................... 465
[SENSe:]CORRection:WEIGhting:SELect..................................................................................................... 465
[SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs:FREQuency:MANual................................................................................................ 451
[SENSe:]FILTer:LPASs[:STATe]..................................................................................................................... 451
[SENSe:]FREQuency:CENTer....................................................................................................................... 452
[SENSe:]FREQuency:SPAN.......................................................................................................................... 487
[SENSe:]FREQuency:STARt......................................................................................................................... 452
[SENSe:]LIST:BWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio.................................................................................................... 455
[SENSe:]LIST:BWIDth[:RESolution]:USMall.................................................................................................. 458
[SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:FREQuency:STARt?............................................................................................ 456
[SENSe:]LIST:RANGe<r>:XCOunt................................................................................................................ 457
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:BIAS:HIGH..................................................................................................................... 422
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:BIAS[:LOW].................................................................................................................... 422
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:FREQuency:STOP......................................................................................................... 417
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:BAND........................................................................................................... 417

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:HIGH:STATe................................................................................................. 418
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic:TYPE............................................................................................................ 419
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:HARMonic[:LOW]........................................................................................................... 419
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:HIGH.................................................................................................................... 419
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:TABLe:HIGH........................................................................................................ 420
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:LOSS:TABLe[:LOW]....................................................................................................... 420
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:PORTs............................................................................................................................ 421
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:RFOVerrange[:STATe].................................................................................................... 421
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>:XCORr............................................................................................................................ 421
[SENSe:]MIXer<x>[:STATe]........................................................................................................................... 423
[SENSe:]POWer:RLEVel?............................................................................................................................. 448
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:BANDwidth:MODE..................................................................................... 581
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:COUPling:MODE........................................................................................................ 582
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:O640........................................................................................................................... 582
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:OSYNc........................................................................................................................ 583
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:SOURce...................................................................................................................... 584
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:TRANge...................................................................................................................... 585
[SENSe:]SMOothing:APERture..................................................................................................................... 482
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:CLEar...................................................................................................................... 473
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:HARMonics............................................................................................................. 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:NAME?.................................................................................................................... 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:RANGe.................................................................................................................... 472
[SENSe:]SPURs:FILTer:SAVE....................................................................................................................... 473
[SENSe:]SPURs:SORT................................................................................................................................. 471
[SENSe:]SPURs:THReshold......................................................................................................................... 483
[SENSe:]SPURs:WEIGhting.......................................................................................................................... 471
[SENSe:]SWEep:COUNt............................................................................................................................... 458
[SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:LENGth.................................................................................................................. 474
[SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:LEVel..................................................................................................................... 475
[SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:TYPE..................................................................................................................... 475
[SENSe:]SWEep:FORWard........................................................................................................................... 458
[SENSe:]SWEep:FSEGment......................................................................................................................... 459
[SENSe:]SWEep:MODE................................................................................................................................ 459
[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:DETection.............................................................................................................. 475

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

[SENSe:]SWEep:PULSe:GATE..................................................................................................................... 476
[SENSe:]SWEep:TIME.................................................................................................................................. 459
[SENSe:]SWEep:XFACtor............................................................................................................................. 460
[SENSe:]TIME:STARt.................................................................................................................................... 461
*ESE.............................................................................................................................................................. 385
*ESR?............................................................................................................................................................ 385
*IDN?............................................................................................................................................................. 386
*OPT?............................................................................................................................................................ 386
*PCB.............................................................................................................................................................. 386
*PRE.............................................................................................................................................................. 387
*PSC.............................................................................................................................................................. 387
*RST.............................................................................................................................................................. 387
*SRE.............................................................................................................................................................. 387
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:LINK........................................................................................................ 525
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MAXimum:LEFT...................................................................................... 532
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MAXimum:NEXT..................................................................................... 533
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MAXimum[:PEAK]................................................................................... 533
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum:LEFT....................................................................................... 533
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum:NEXT...................................................................................... 534
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum:RIGHt...................................................................................... 534
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MINimum[:PEAK].................................................................................... 534
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:MREFerence........................................................................................... 526
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:X.............................................................................................................. 527
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:X:RELative?............................................................................................ 536
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>:Y?............................................................................................................ 537
CALCulate<n>:DELTamarker<m>[:STATe].................................................................................................... 526
CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:REGRession:POINts?..................................................................... 499
CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:REGRession?.................................................................................. 498
CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:SLOPe?........................................................................................... 499
CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:STARt.............................................................................................. 498

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:STOP............................................................................................... 498
CALCulate<n>:FREQuency:DEViation:TRACe............................................................................................. 498
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<k>:COMPatible?.......................................................................................................... 538
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:ACTive?.................................................................................................................. 538
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:COMMent............................................................................................................... 542
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:DOMain................................................................................................... 543
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:SHIFt....................................................................................................... 543
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:CONTrol:SPACing.................................................................................................. 544
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:FAIL?...................................................................................................................... 548
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:SHIFt.......................................................................................................... 545
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:SPACing..................................................................................................... 545
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer:STATe......................................................................................................... 539
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:LOWer[:DATA]........................................................................................................ 544
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:NAME..................................................................................................................... 546
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:STATe..................................................................................................................... 540
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UNIT....................................................................................................................... 546
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:MODE......................................................................................................... 547
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer:SHIFt........................................................................................................... 547
CALCulate<n>:LIMit<li>:UPPer[:DATA]......................................................................................................... 546
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:AOFF............................................................................................................... 528
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:FUNCtion:SPTRacking:RANGe...................................................................... 531
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:FUNCtion:SPTRacking[:STATe]...................................................................... 532
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum:LEFT.............................................................................................. 534
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum:NEXT............................................................................................. 534
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum:RIGHt............................................................................................. 535
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MAXimum[:PEAK]........................................................................................... 535
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MINimum:LEFT............................................................................................... 535
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:MINimum:RIGHt.............................................................................................. 536
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:X...................................................................................................................... 529
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:Y?.................................................................................................................... 537
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>[:STATe]............................................................................................................ 528
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<ms>:LINK:TO:MARKer<md>................................................................................. 528
CALCulate<n>:MATH:STATe......................................................................................................................... 522
CALCulate<n>:MATH[:EXPRession][:DEFine].............................................................................................. 523

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:DIAGram...................................................................................................... 496
CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:FREQuency:LIMit:LOWer............................................................................ 496
CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:FREQuency:LIMit:UPPer............................................................................. 497
CALCulate<n>:SETTling:TIME:TRACe......................................................................................................... 496
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>:AOFF................................................................................................................. 466
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades:X?.................................................................................. 467
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades:Y?.................................................................................. 467
CALCulate<n>:SNOise<s>[:TRACe<t>]:DECades[:STATe].......................................................................... 468
CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:STOP............................................................................................ 462
CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation:TRACe.......................................................................................... 463
CALCulate<n>[:RANGe<j>]:EVALuation[:STATe].......................................................................................... 463
CONFigure:PNOise:MEASurement............................................................................................................... 397
CONFigure:SNTune:MEASurement[:STATe]................................................................................................. 398
CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:DELay:INITial.................................................................................................. 480
CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:SOURce.......................................................................................................... 481
CONFigure:SNTune:SWEep:STARt.............................................................................................................. 481
CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling.................................................................................... 492
CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling:RPOint:MODE............................................................ 492
CONFigure:TRANsient[:WINDow<n>]:AF:COUPling:RPOint[:X].................................................................. 493
CONFigure:VCO:FIX:SOURce...................................................................................................................... 477
CONFigure:VCO:MEASurement[:STATe]...................................................................................................... 399
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:DELay[:POINt]...................................................................................................... 478
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:FCOunter:RESolution........................................................................................... 478
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:POINts.................................................................................................................. 478
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:STARt................................................................................................................... 479
CONFigure:VCO:SWEep:STOP.................................................................................................................... 479
DIAGnostic:INFO:CCOunt?........................................................................................................................... 601
DIAGnostic:SERVice:BIOSinfo?.................................................................................................................... 601
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:MC[:DISTance].................................................................................................. 587
DIAGnostic:SERVice:INPut:PULSed:CFRequency....................................................................................... 587

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction................................................................................................................... 606
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction:LASTresult?.............................................................................................. 607
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SFUNction:RESults:DELete........................................................................................ 607
DIAGnostic:SERVice:SINFo?........................................................................................................................ 607
DISPlay:ANNotation:FREQuency.................................................................................................................. 590
DISPlay:ATAB................................................................................................................................................ 389
DISPlay:CMAP<it>:PDEFined....................................................................................................................... 593
DISPlay:FORMat........................................................................................................................................... 500
DISPlay:SKEYs[:STATe]................................................................................................................................ 590
DISPlay:SNINfo[:STATe]................................................................................................................................ 469
DISPlay:TBAR[:STATe].................................................................................................................................. 590
DISPlay:THEMe:CATalog?............................................................................................................................ 593
DISPlay:THEMe:SELect................................................................................................................................ 594
DISPlay:XGINdicator[:STATe]........................................................................................................................ 455
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:MTABle..................................................................................................................... 530
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TIME......................................................................................................................... 591
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TIME:FORMat.......................................................................................................... 591
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence:DECay.............................................................................. 514
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:PERSistence[:STATe]............................................................................. 515
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:RESult[:TYPE]........................................................................................ 515
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SMOothing[:STATe]................................................................................ 517
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:SPURs:SUPPress.................................................................................. 470
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y:UNIT.................................................................................................... 446
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:MODE................................................................................... 493
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision.............................................................................. 494

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:LOWer..................................................................... 446
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet.................................................................... 516
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:RPOSition............................................................................. 494
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>]:TRACe<t>:Y[:SCALe]:UNIT..................................................................................... 495
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:SELect........................................................................................ 501
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:TRACe<t>[:STATe]..................................................................... 515
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM:AREA.............................................................................. 509
DISPlay[:WINDow<n>][:SUBWindow<w>]:ZOOM:MULTiple<zn>:AREA...................................................... 510
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:COUNt?....................................................................................................... 403
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:DISCrete?.................................................................................................... 404
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs:JITTer?......................................................................................................... 404
FETCh<n>:PNOise<t>:SPURs?.................................................................................................................... 403
FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:IPN?..................................................................................................... 405
FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RAM?................................................................................................... 405
FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RMS?................................................................................................... 406
FETCh<n>[:RANGe<j>]:PNOise<t>:RPM?................................................................................................... 407
FORMat:DEXPort:CSEParator...................................................................................................................... 519
FORMat:DEXPort:DSEParator...................................................................................................................... 520
FORMat:DEXPort:HEADer............................................................................................................................ 520
FORMat[:DATA]............................................................................................................................................. 519
HCOPy:CMAP<it>:HSL................................................................................................................................. 566
HCOPy:CMAP<it>:PDEFined........................................................................................................................ 567
HCOPy:DEVice:COLor.................................................................................................................................. 569
HCOPy:PAGE:COUNt:STATe........................................................................................................................ 570
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:BOTTom......................................................................................................... 571
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:LEFT.............................................................................................................. 571
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:RIGHt............................................................................................................. 571
HCOPy:PAGE:MARGin<1|2>:TOP................................................................................................................ 572
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:CHANnel:STATe............................................................................................ 573
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:COUNt........................................................................................................... 573
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:SCALe........................................................................................................... 573
HCOPy:PAGE:WINDow<1|2>:STATe............................................................................................................ 574
HCOPy:TDSTamp:STATe<1|2>..................................................................................................................... 575

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

HCOPy[:IMMediate<1|2>]:NEXT................................................................................................................... 570
INITiate:SEQuencer:IMMediate..................................................................................................................... 393
INITiate:SEQuencer:MODE........................................................................................................................... 394
INITiate<n>:CONMeas.................................................................................................................................. 400
INITiate<n>[:IMMediate]................................................................................................................................ 402
INPut<1|2>:CONNector................................................................................................................................. 415
INPut<1|2>:LOSCillator:SOURce.................................................................................................................. 414
INPut<1|2>:LOSCillator:SOURce:EXTernal:LEVel........................................................................................ 414
INPut<ip>:SELect.......................................................................................................................................... 414
INPut<ip>:UPORt:STATe............................................................................................................................... 441
INPut<ip>:UPORt[:VALue]............................................................................................................................. 442
INSTrument:LIST?......................................................................................................................................... 391
INSTrument:REName.................................................................................................................................... 392
INSTrument[:SELect]..................................................................................................................................... 392
LAYout:CATalog[:WINDow]?.......................................................................................................................... 503
LAYout:IDENtify[:WINDow]?.......................................................................................................................... 503
LAYout:REPLace[:WINDow].......................................................................................................................... 505
LAYout:WINDow<n>:IDENtify?...................................................................................................................... 507
LAYout:WINDow<n>:REPLace...................................................................................................................... 508
MMEMory:CATalog........................................................................................................................................ 553
MMEMory:CATalog:LONG............................................................................................................................. 554
MMEMory:CDIRectory................................................................................................................................... 554
MMEMory:CLEar:STATe................................................................................................................................ 562
MMEMory:COMMent..................................................................................................................................... 554
MMEMory:COPY........................................................................................................................................... 554
MMEMory:DATA............................................................................................................................................ 555
MMEMory:LOAD:STATe................................................................................................................................ 562
MMEMory:MOVE........................................................................................................................................... 556

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

MMEMory:NAME........................................................................................................................................... 556
MMEMory:NETWork:MAP............................................................................................................................. 557
MMEMory:NETWork:UNUSeddrives?........................................................................................................... 557
MMEMory:NETWork:USEDdrives................................................................................................................. 558
MMEMory:RDIRectory................................................................................................................................... 558
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:ALL....................................................................................................... 559
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:DEFault................................................................................................ 559
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:HWSettings.......................................................................................... 559
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:NONE................................................................................................... 560
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:TRANsducer:ALL................................................................................. 561
MMEMory:SELect:CHANnel[:ITEM]:WEIGhting............................................................................................ 561
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:ALL....................................................................................................................... 559
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:DEFault................................................................................................................ 559
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:HWSettings.......................................................................................................... 559
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:NONE................................................................................................................... 560
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:TRANsducer:ALL................................................................................................. 561
MMEMory:SELect[:ITEM]:WEIGhting............................................................................................................ 561
MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:STATe..................................................................................................................... 563
MMEMory:STORe<1|2>:TYPE...................................................................................................................... 564
OUTPut<up>:UPORt:STATe.......................................................................................................................... 442
SOURce:CURRent:AUX:LIMit:HIGH?........................................................................................................... 428
SOURce:CURRent:CONTrol<i>:LIMit:HIGH?............................................................................................... 428
SOURce:GENerator:DUTBypass.................................................................................................................. 437
SOURce:GENerator:FREQuency.................................................................................................................. 438
SOURce:GENerator:LEVel............................................................................................................................ 438
SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:PERiod............................................................................................................. 439
SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:TRIGger:OUTPut............................................................................................. 439
SOURce:GENerator:PULSe:WIDTh.............................................................................................................. 440
SOURce:GENerator[:STATe]......................................................................................................................... 440
SOURce:POWer:SEQuence:RESult?........................................................................................................... 430
SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH................................................................................................... 430
SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel:LIMit:LOW.................................................................................................... 430

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

SOURce:VOLTage:AUX:LEVel[:STATe]......................................................................................................... 431
SOURce:VOLTage:CHANnel:COUPling........................................................................................................ 431
SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel:AMPLitude........................................................................................ 432
SOURce:VOLTage:CONTrol<i>:LEVel[:STATe]............................................................................................. 433
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:AMPLitude.......................................................................................... 433
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:LIMit:HIGH.......................................................................................... 434
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LEVel:MODE................................................................................................. 435
SOURce:VOLTage:POWer<i>:LIMit:HIGH.................................................................................................... 435
SOURce:VOLTage:SEQuence:RESult?........................................................................................................ 436
SOURce<si>:EXTernal<ext>:ROSCillator:EXTernal:FREQuency................................................................. 583
SOURce<si>:TEMPerature:FRONtend......................................................................................................... 588
STATus:OPERation:CONDition?................................................................................................................... 615
STATus:OPERation:ENABle.......................................................................................................................... 616
STATus:OPERation:PTRansition................................................................................................................... 618
STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit:ENABle..................................................................................................... 616
STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit:NTRansition.............................................................................................. 617
STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit:PTRansition.............................................................................................. 618
STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit[:EVENt]?................................................................................................... 616
STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle..................................................................................................................... 616
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:CONDition?............................................................................................. 615
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO:CONDition?................................................................................... 615
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO:ENABle.......................................................................................... 616
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO:PTRansition................................................................................... 618
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:NTRansition............................................................................................ 617
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended[:EVENt]?................................................................................................. 616
STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:CONDition?.......................................................................................... 615
STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:NTRansition......................................................................................... 617
STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency[:EVENt]?.............................................................................................. 616
STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit<n>:ENABle...................................................................................................... 617
STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit<n>:NTRansition............................................................................................... 617
STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit<n>:PTRansition............................................................................................... 618
STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit<n>[:EVENt]?.................................................................................................... 616

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin<n>:ENABle............................................................................................... 617
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin<n>:NTRansition........................................................................................ 617
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin<n>:PTRansition........................................................................................ 618
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin<n>[:EVENt]?............................................................................................. 616
STATus:QUEStionable:NTRansition.............................................................................................................. 617
STATus:QUEStionable:PNOise:CONDition?................................................................................................. 615
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise:CONDition?................................................................................ 615
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise:NTRansition............................................................................... 617
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise[:EVENt]?.................................................................................... 616
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:ENABle........................................................................................................ 617
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:NTRansition................................................................................................. 617
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:PTRansition................................................................................................. 618
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer[:EVENt]?...................................................................................................... 616
STATus:QUEStionable:PTRansition.............................................................................................................. 618
STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:CONDition?........................................................................................ 615
STATus:QUEStionable:TIME:CONDition?..................................................................................................... 615
STATus:QUEStionable:TIME:NTRansition.................................................................................................... 617
STATus:QUEStionable:TIME[:EVENt]?......................................................................................................... 616
STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?................................................................................................................... 616
STATus:QUEue[:NEXT]?............................................................................................................................... 615
SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:ENUMerate:FIRSt..................................................................................... 575
SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:SELect<1|2>............................................................................................. 575
SYSTem:DISPlay:LOCK................................................................................................................................ 597
SYSTem:DISPlay:UPDate............................................................................................................................. 597
SYSTem:ERRor:CLEar:REMote.................................................................................................................... 597
SYSTem:ERRor:DISPlay............................................................................................................................... 597

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R&S®FSWP List of commands

SYSTem:IDENtify:FACTory............................................................................................................................ 598
SYSTem:KLOCk............................................................................................................................................ 598
SYSTem:LANGuage...................................................................................................................................... 598
SYSTem:LXI:LANReset................................................................................................................................. 599
SYSTem:LXI:PASSword................................................................................................................................ 599
SYSTem:PASSword:RESet........................................................................................................................... 608
SYSTem:PASSword[:CENable]..................................................................................................................... 608
SYSTem:PRESet........................................................................................................................................... 564
SYSTem:PRESet:CHANnel[:EXEC].............................................................................................................. 564
SYSTem:PRESet:FILTer................................................................................................................................ 605
SYSTem:SECurity[:STATe]............................................................................................................................ 605
SYSTem:SEQuencer..................................................................................................................................... 394
SYSTem:SHIMmediate ONCE.......................................................................................................................600
SYSTem:TIME............................................................................................................................................... 580
TRACe<n>:POINts?...................................................................................................................................... 410
TRACe<n>[:DATA]:LINear?........................................................................................................................... 409
TRACe<n>[:DATA]:X:POINts?....................................................................................................................... 411
TRACe<n>[:DATA]:Y:POINts?....................................................................................................................... 412
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DTIMe......................................................................................................................... 489
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:FREQuency................................................................................................................ 489
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:FREQuency:HYSTeresis............................................................................................ 489
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:HOLDoff[:TIME].......................................................................................................... 490
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:IFPower:HOLDoff....................................................................................................... 490
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe........................................................................................................................ 491

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 650

R&S®FSWP Index

Symbols Bias
Conversion loss table ....................................... 137, 140
*IDN External Mixer ................................................... 130, 137
Format ...................................................................... 356 External Mixer (remote) ............................................ 422
*OPC ............................................................................... 331 Block data ....................................................................... 327
*OPC? ............................................................................. 331 Boolean parameters ........................................................ 326
*RST ................................................................................ 349 Brackets .......................................................................... 327
*WAI ................................................................................ 331 Brochures .......................................................................... 19
Remote control ......................................................... 329 C
A Calibration
Frequency ................................................................. 305
Aborting Frequency MW ......................................................... 307
Sweep ............................................................... 109, 110 Frequency RF ........................................................... 306
AC/DC coupling ............................................................... 126 Remote ..................................................................... 385
Alignment Remote control ......................................................... 586
Basics ....................................................................... 275 Results (remote control) ........................................... 586
Performing ........................................................ 280, 281 RF ............................................................................. 306
Results ...................................................... 276, 277, 280 Settings ..................................................................... 305
Settings ..................................................................... 277 Signal ........................................................................ 305
touchscreen ...................................................... 276, 280 Capture Range ........................................................ 149, 156
Touchscreen ............................................................. 277 Case-sensitivity
Alphanumeric keys ............................................................ 39 SCPI ......................................................................... 323
Alphanumeric parameters ................................................. 87 Channel
AM (trace information) ....................................................... 77 Creating (remote) .............................................. 390, 392
Analog Modulation Analysis Deleting (remote) ...................................................... 390
Application ................................................................ 100 Duplicating (remote) ................................................. 389
Annotations Querying (remote) ..................................................... 391
Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 284 Renaming (remote) ................................................... 392
Application cards ............................................................... 19 Replacing (remote) ................................................... 390
Application notes ............................................................... 19 Selecting (remote) .................................................... 392
Applications Channel bar
Analog Modulation Analysis ...................................... 100 Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 284
I/Q Analyzer .............................................................. 100 Information .................................................................. 75
Noise Figure ............................................................. 100 channel settings
Phase Noise ............................................................... 99 Presetting .................................................................. 245
Pulse ......................................................................... 101 Channel settings
Spectrum .................................................................. 100 Display ........................................................................ 75
Spectrum Monitor ....................................................... 99 Channels
Spurious Measurements ........................................... 101 Duplicating ................................................................ 102
Transient Analysis .....................................................101 New ........................................................................... 102
Vector Signal Analysis (VSA) .................................... 101 Replacing .................................................................. 102
Arranging see also Measurement channels ................................ 89
Windows ............................................................. 94, 197 Sequential operation ................................................. 103
ASCII trace export ........................................................... 216 Switching .................................................................... 75
Att (channel bar) ................................................................ 76 Cleaning .......................................................................... 628
Autologin mechanism Clear status
Activating/Deactivating ............................................. 370 Remote ..................................................................... 385
AUX PORT Closing
Connector ................................................................... 47 Channels ..................................................................... 90
Average count ................................................................. 157 Channels (remote) .................................................... 390
AVG (trace information) ..................................................... 77 Windows ............................................................. 93, 197
Windows (remote) ..................................................... 508
B CLRW (trace information) ..................................................77
Colon ............................................................................... 327
Band Colors
Conversion loss table ............................................... 140 Assigning to object .................................................... 288
External Mixer ................................................... 134, 135 Configuring ....................................................... 288, 290
External Mixer (remote) ............................................ 418 Display ...................................................................... 286
Baseband input ................................................................. 43 Editing ....................................................................... 286
Predefined ................................................................ 289
Print .......................................................................... 287

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 651

R&S®FSWP Index

Printing ...................................................................... 286 Continue single sweep

Restoring .................................................................. 289 Softkey .............................................................. 108, 110
Screen ...................................................................... 287 Continuous Sequencer
User-defined ............................................................. 288 Softkey ...................................................................... 105
User-specific ............................................................. 289 Continuous sweep
Comma ............................................................................ 327 Softkey .............................................................. 108, 110
Command sequence Conventions
Recommendation ...................................................... 349 SCPI commands ....................................................... 383
Remote ..................................................................... 388 Conversion loss
Commands ...................................................................... 321 External Mixer (remote) .................................... 419, 420
Brackets .................................................................... 327 Conversion loss tables ............................................ 138, 139
Colon ........................................................................ 327 Available (remote) ..................................................... 424
Comma ..................................................................... 327 Band (remote) ........................................................... 424
Command line structure ............................................ 328 Bias (remote) ............................................................ 424
Common ................................................................... 321 Configuring ............................................................... 138
Double dagger .......................................................... 327 Deleting (remote) ...................................................... 425
GBIP, addressed ....................................................... 319 External Mixer ................................................... 131, 136
GBIP, universal ......................................................... 319 External Mixer (remote) ............................................ 420
Instrument control ..................................................... 321 Harmonic order (remote) .......................................... 426
Overlapping .............................................................. 330 Importing (External Mixer) ........................................ 139
Question mark .......................................................... 327 Mixer type (remote) ................................................... 426
Quotation mark ......................................................... 327 Saving (External Mixer) ............................................ 142
SCPI confirmed ......................................................... 321 Selecting (remote) .................................................... 427
Sequential ................................................................. 330 Shifting values (External Mixer) ................................ 142
Syntax elements ....................................................... 327 Values (External Mixer) ............................................. 141
Tracking .................................................................... 356 Copying
Vertical stroke ........................................................... 327 Channel (remote) ...................................................... 389
White space .............................................................. 327 Traces ....................................................................... 214
Comment Count (channel bar) .......................................................... 76
Limit lines .................................................................. 238 Cross-correlation ............................................................. 155
Screenshots .............................................................. 262 Cursor keys ....................................................................... 40
Softkey ...................................................................... 262 Customer support ............................................................ 637
Common commands
Syntax ....................................................................... 322 D
Limit lines .......................................................... 232, 237 Data format
Computer name .............................................................. 353 ASCII ........................................................................ 524
CONDition ....................................................................... 334 Binary ........................................................................ 524
Connector Remote ............................................................. 520, 521
AC power supply ......................................................... 46 Data sheets ....................................................................... 19
AUX PORT ..................................................................47 Date
Baseband Input ........................................................... 43 Format ...................................................................... 283
Display Port ................................................................ 46 Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 284
DVI .............................................................................. 46 Instrument setting ..................................................... 282
GPIB interface ............................................................ 48 Setting ......................................................................... 31
IF/VIDEO/DEMOD ...................................................... 47 Date and Time
LAN ............................................................................. 46 Printing ...................................................................... 263
Noise source ............................................................... 43 DC connectors ................................................................ 165
Power sensor .............................................................. 42 DC power ........................................................................ 165
Probe power ............................................................... 42 DC source
REF INPUT ................................................................. 49 Fix ............................................................................. 178
USB ............................................................................ 46 Sweep ....................................................................... 178
Connectors Tuning ....................................................................... 178
EXT REF ................................................................... 293 DCL ................................................................................. 319
External generators .................................................... 48 Debugging
for External Mixer ........................................................ 43 Remote control programs ......................................... 633
OCXO ......................................................................... 48 Decimal separator
Probe Power ............................................................... 42 Trace export .............................................................. 212
REF OUTPUT ........................................................... 295 DEF ................................................................................. 325
RF INPUT ................................................................... 41 Default
Signal source output ................................................... 42 Restoring settings ..................................................... 244
SYNC TRIGGER ................................................ 47, 293 Default values
Trigger Input ................................................................43 Remote ..................................................................... 387
Trigger Output ............................................................. 43 Deleting
USB ............................................................................ 42 Limit line values ........................................................ 239
Context-sensitive menus ................................................... 85 Delta markers .................................................................. 227
Defining ..................................................................... 227

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 652

R&S®FSWP Index

Device RF OVLD .......................................................... 344, 631

Softkey ...................................................... 263, 265, 268 UNCAL ................................................................ 82, 631
Device ID ................................................................. 304, 305 UNLD ........................................................................ 344
Device-specific commands ............................................. 321 WRONG_FW ...................................... 82, 275, 299, 631
DHCP ...................................................................... 354, 364 ESD ................................................................................... 20
Diagnostics ESE (event status enable register ) ................................ 337
Hardware .................................................................. 309 ESR (event status register) ............................................. 337
Diagram area Evaluation
Status display ............................................................. 80 Modes ....................................................................... 193
Trace information ........................................................ 77 Modes, adding .................................................... 93, 196
Diagram footer .................................................................. 80 Evaluation bar
Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 284 Using ................................................................... 93, 196
Diagram scale ................................................................. 145 Evaluation methods
Dialog boxes Remote ..................................................................... 501
Slider ........................................................................... 86 EVENt ............................................................................. 334
Transparency .............................................................. 86 Event status enable register (ESE) ................................. 337
Dialogs Remote ..................................................................... 385
Printing ...................................................................... 263 Event status register (ESR) ..................................... 333, 337
Suppressing file selection ......................................... 266 Remote ..................................................................... 385
Display Export format
Colors ............................................................... 286, 290 Traces ....................................................................... 216
Config (Softkey) ........................................................ 193 Exporting
Evaluation bar ..................................................... 93, 196 Data .......................................................................... 259
Evaluation methods .................................................. 193 Functions .................................................................. 252
Information .................................................................. 74 I/Q data ..................................................................... 259
Settings ..................................................................... 281 Measurement settings .............................................. 210
SmartGrid ........................................................... 90, 193 Softkey ...................................................................... 259
Theme ....................................................................... 286 Trace data ................................................................. 215
Update (remote) ........................................................ 356 Traces ............................................................... 211, 259
Update rate ............................................................... 282 EXREF (status display) ................................................... 631
Display Port EXT REF
Connector ................................................................... 46 Status message .......................................................... 80
Displayed items External generators ........................................................... 48
Touchscreen ............................................................. 283 External Mixer ........................................................... 43, 134
DNS server Activating (remote) .................................................... 423
IP Address ................................................................ 365 Band ......................................................... 134, 416, 417
Double dagger .................................................................327 Bias current ............................................................... 130
DOWN ............................................................................. 325 Conversion loss ........................................................ 136
Duplicating Conversion loss tables .............................. 131, 138, 139
Channel (remote) ...................................................... 389 Frequency range ............................................... 129, 134
DVI General information .................................................. 129
Connector ................................................................... 46 Handover frequency ................................................. 134
Harmonic Order ........................................................ 136
E Harmonic Type .......................................................... 135
Name ........................................................................ 141
Electrostatic discharge ...................................................... 20 Range ....................................................................... 135
ENABle ............................................................................334 Restoring bands ........................................................ 135
Enable registers RF overrange .................................................... 135, 421
Remote ..................................................................... 387 RF Start/RF Stop ...................................................... 134
Entering data ..................................................................... 86 Serial number ........................................................... 141
EOI Type .................................................................. 141, 421
GPIB terminator ........................................................ 356 External monitor
Error log .......................................................................... 635 Connectors ................................................................. 46
Error messages External reference
Status bar ........................................................... 81, 630 Frequency ................................................................. 294
Error queue ..................................................................... 336 Input .......................................................................... 293
Errors Loop bandwidth ........................................................ 294
IF OVLD ...................................................... 82, 344, 631 Missing ...................................................................... 294
INPUT OVLD .................................................... 344, 631 Output ....................................................................... 295
LO UNL ..................................................................... 631 Settings ..................................................................... 292
LOUNL ........................................................................ 82 Status message .......................................................... 80
Messages, device-specific ........................................ 632 Tuning range ............................................................. 294
NO REF .............................................................. 82, 631
OVEN ........................................................................ 631
OVENCOLD .............................................................. 631
Queues, recommendations ....................................... 350
Remote control programming ................................... 350

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 653

R&S®FSWP Index

File format Handover frequency
Export Files ............................................................... 216 External Mixer ................................................... 130, 134
Trace export .............................................................. 216 External Mixer (remote) ............................................ 416
File type Hard drive .......................................................................... 46
Storage settings ........................................................ 254 Hardware
filename Check ........................................................................ 299
Data files ................................................................... 252 Diagnostics ............................................................... 309
Settings ............................................................. 254, 256 Information ................................................................ 296
Firmware Supported ................................................................. 299
Updating ................................................................... 299 Harmonics
Firmware Update Conversion loss table ............................................... 140
Remote control ......................................................... 604 External Mixer (remote) ............................................ 419
Firmware updates LO ............................................................................. 129
see User Manual ......................................................... 20 Order (External Mixer) .............................................. 136
Focus Type (External Mixer) ................................................ 135
Changing .................................................................... 86 Hiding/restoring
Format Display items ............................................................ 283
Data .......................................................................... 524 HiSLIP ............................................................................. 313
Data (remote) .................................................... 520, 521 Protocol ..................................................................... 314
Date and time ........................................................... 283 Resource string ......................................................... 313
see also File format .................................................. 216
Frequency I
External reference .................................................... 294
Offset ........................................................................ 149 I/O Logging ......................................................................356
Reference ................................................................. 292 I/Q Analyzer
Frequency (channel bar) ................................................... 76 Application ................................................................ 100
Frequency range I/Q data
Extending .................................................................. 129 Exporting ................................................................... 259
External Mixer ........................................................... 129 Identification
Frequency response ....................................................... 181 Remote ..................................................................... 386
Frequency search ........................................................... 148 String, R&S FSWP .................................................... 355
Front panel String, resetting (R&S FSWP) .................................. 355
Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 284 IEC/IEEE bus
Frontend see GPIB .................................................................. 312
Temperature .............................................................. 276 IECWIN ........................................................................... 350
Temperature (remote) ............................................... 588 IF OVLD
Temperature, status bit ............................................. 345 Error .................................................................... 82, 631
Full screen mode ............................................................... 37 IF/VIDEO/DEMOD
Function keys Connector ................................................................... 47
Details - see user manual ........................................... 38 IFC .................................................................................. 319
Overview ..................................................................... 38 Importing
Functions .................................................................. 252
G Softkey ...................................................................... 259
INF .................................................................................. 325
GET ................................................................................. 319 Information
Getting started ................................................................... 18 Hardware .................................................................. 296
GPIB ................................................................................ 312 Options ..................................................................... 297
Address ............................................................. 355, 368 Version ...................................................................... 297
Characteristics .......................................................... 317 Input
interface messages ................................................... 317 Coupling .................................................................... 126
Language (remote control) ....................................... 598 RF ............................................................................. 126
Settings ..................................................................... 354 Input ExtMix (channel bar) ................................................ 77
Terminator ................................................................. 356 INPUT OVLD
GPIB bus control Error .......................................................................... 631
Remote ..................................................................... 386 INPUT OVLD (status display) ......................................... 631
GPIB interface Input source .................................................................... 125
Configuring - see User Manual ................................... 48 Inserting
Connector ................................................................... 48 Limit line values ........................................................ 239
Remote control ........................................................... 96 Installing
GTL ................................................................................. 319 Options ..................................................................... 298
Instrument messages ...................................................... 321
Instrument name
Changing .................................................................. 366
Instrument settings
Secure user mode .................................................... 248

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 654

R&S®FSWP Index

Integrated Measurements ............................................... 158 Level (channel bar) ........................................................... 76

Remote Configuration ............................................... 462 Level offset ...................................................................... 144
Intended use ..................................................................... 17 Level search .................................................................... 144
Interface messages ......................................................... 321 LFEOI
Interfaces GPIB terminator ........................................................ 356
GPIB ......................................................................... 317 Limit check
LAN ........................................................................... 312 Activating/Deactivating ............................................. 240
USB .......................................................................... 319 Results ...................................................................... 234
Interrupt ........................................................................... 346 Limit lines ................................................................ 232, 236
Invalid results Activating/Deactivating ............................................. 237
Remote control ......................................................... 329 Comment .................................................................. 238
IP address ....................................................................... 313 Compatibility ..................................................... 232, 237
Assigning .................................................................. 364 Compatible ................................................................ 240
Network ..................................................................... 354 Copying ............................................................. 238, 241
IP Address Creating ............................................................ 238, 241
DNS server ............................................................... 365 Data points ................................................................ 239
IP configuration Deactivating .............................................................. 238
LAN ........................................................................... 368 Defining ..................................................................... 240
IST ................................................................................... 333 Deleting ............................................................. 238, 241
IST flag ............................................................................ 337 Deleting values ......................................................... 239
Remote ..................................................................... 386 Details ....................................................................... 238
Items Editing ............................................................... 238, 241
Saving ....................................................................... 251 Inserting values ......................................................... 239
Settings ..................................................................... 254 Managing .................................................................. 236
Name ........................................................................ 238
K Offsets .......................................................................234
Recalling ................................................................... 248
Key Saving ....................................................... 240, 248, 251
Power .......................................................................... 37 Shifting ...................................................... 234, 240, 242
Redo ........................................................................... 41 Storing ...................................................................... 236
Undo ........................................................................... 41 Threshold .................................................................. 233
Keyboard Traces ....................................................................... 237
On-screen ................................................................... 85 View filter .................................................................. 237
Keypad .............................................................................. 87 Violation .................................................................... 234
Key layout ................................................................... 88 Visibility ..................................................................... 237
Overview ..................................................................... 39 X-axis ........................................................................ 239
Keys Y-axis ........................................................................ 239
MKR .......................................................................... 225 Lines
MKR -> ......................................................................229 Configuration ............................................................ 236
MKR ➙ ......................................................................231 Limit, see Limit lines ................................................. 236
Peak Search ............................................................. 231 Linking
PRESET ................................................................... 244 Markers ............................................................. 227, 229
RUN CONT ....................................................... 108, 110 LLO ................................................................................. 319
RUN SINGLE ............................................ 108, 109, 110 LO
Keywords Harmonics ................................................................. 129
see Mnemonics ......................................................... 322 Level (External Mixer) ............................................... 137
L Error .......................................................................... 631
LO UNL (status display) .................................................. 631
LAN Loading
Configuration ............................................................ 359 Functions .................................................................. 252
Configuration - see user Manual ................................. 20 Instrument settings ................................................... 256
Configuring ............................................................... 366 Settings ............................................................. 247, 248
Connector ................................................................... 46 Logging
Interface .................................................................... 312 Remote control programs ......................................... 633
IP address ................................................................. 313 Login
LAN configuration ..................................................... 368 Network ..................................................................... 369
Password .................................................................. 360 Logo
Ping ........................................................................... 368 Printing ...................................................................... 262
Remote control interface ........................................... 311 Loop bandwidth
Reset ........................................................................ 360 External reference .................................................... 294
Settings ..................................................................... 358 LOUNL
VISA .......................................................................... 313 Error ............................................................................ 82
VXI protocol .............................................................. 314
Web browser interface .............................................. 366 M
Legacy format
*IDN .......................................................................... 356 Maintenance ....................................................................628

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 655

R&S®FSWP Index

Margins MKR ->

Violation .................................................................... 234 Key ............................................................................ 229
Marker MKR ➙
Information .................................................................. 78 Key ............................................................................ 231
Marker table Mnemonics ...................................................................... 322
Evaluation method .................................................... 121 Optional .................................................................... 324
Information .................................................................. 78 Monitor
Marker to Trace ............................................................... 228 External ..................................................................... 289
Markers Settings ..................................................................... 289
Assigned trace .......................................................... 228 Multiple zoom .......................................................... 198, 199
Basic settings ............................................................ 226 MultiView
Configuration .................................................... 226, 228 Status display ............................................................. 80
Deactivating .............................................................. 228 Tab ...................................................................... 98, 103
Delta markers ........................................................... 227
Linked ....................................................................... 229 N
Linking ...................................................................... 227
Minimum ................................................................... 231 Name
Next minimum ........................................................... 232 Limit lines .................................................................. 238
Next peak .................................................................. 231 NAN .................................................................................325
Peak .......................................................................... 231 NAN (not a number)
Position ..................................................................... 227 Remote control ......................................................... 329
Positioning ................................................................ 231 Navigation control ............................................................. 40
State ......................................................................... 226 NCor (enhancement label) ................................................ 77
Table ......................................................................... 229 Network
Table (evaluation method) ........................................ 121 Auto-login .................................................................. 370
Tips ........................................................................... 223 Changing user passwords ........................................ 370
Type .......................................................................... 227 Configuration (dialog box) ......................................... 354
X-value ...................................................................... 227 Configuring ........................................................ 311, 363
MAX ................................................................................ 325 Connecting the instrument ........................................ 363
MAX (trace information) .................................................... 77 Creating users .......................................................... 369
Maximize DNS server ............................................................... 365
Window ....................................................................... 95 Login ......................................................................... 369
Maximizing Operating the instrument .......................................... 369
Windows (remote) ..................................................... 501 Setting up .................................................................. 362
Meas Time (channel bar) .................................................. 76 Settings ..................................................................... 352
Measurement Sharing directories .................................................... 372
Continuous ................................................................ 108 Next Minimum ................................................................. 232
Performing ................................................................ 108 Marker positioning .................................................... 232
Single ........................................................................ 108 Next Peak ........................................................................231
Measurement channels Marker positioning .................................................... 231
Activating .................................................................... 89 NINF ................................................................................ 325
Closing ........................................................................ 90 NO REF
Measurement range ........................................................ 149 Error .................................................................... 82, 631
Measurement sequence .................................................. 157 Noise
Measurement time .......................................................... 153 Saving settings ......................................................... 251
Measurements Source ...................................................................... 172
Evaluation methods .................................................. 193 Noise Figure
Menus Application ................................................................ 100
Context-sensitive ........................................................ 85 Noise source
Messages Connector ................................................................... 43
Commands ............................................................... 321 NTRansition .................................................................... 334
Instrument ................................................................. 321 Numeric parameters .................................................. 86, 325
Instrument responses ............................................... 322 Numeric values
Interface .................................................................... 321 Special ...................................................................... 325
Microsoft Windows
Access ........................................................................ 26 O
MIN .................................................................................. 325
MIN (trace information) ..................................................... 77 OCXO ................................................................................ 48
Mini front panel Offset
Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 285 level .......................................................................... 144
Key combination ....................................................... 286 Limit lines .................................................................. 234
Using ......................................................................... 292 Offset frequency .............................................................. 149
Minimum .......................................................................... 231 On-screen keyboard .................................................... 85, 87
Marker positioning .................................................... 231 Online keyboard ................................................................ 37
Next .......................................................................... 232 Operating mode
MKR Presetting .................................................................. 302
Key ............................................................................ 225 Operating temperature .................................................... 279

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 656

R&S®FSWP Index

Operation complete Power supply

Remote ..................................................................... 386 Connector ................................................................... 46
Options PPC ................................................................................. 319
Identification (remote) ............................................... 386 PPE register ............................................................ 333, 337
Information ................................................................ 297 PPU ................................................................................. 319
Installing ............................................................ 297, 298 Preset
Secure user mode (K33) ..................................... 31, 245 Bands (External Mixer, remote) ................................ 418
Orientation channel settings ........................................................ 245
Screenshot ................................................................ 268 External Mixer ........................................................... 135
Output ............................................................................. 172 Key ............................................................................ 244
Buffer ........................................................................ 333 Recalling settings ...................................................... 258
External reference .................................................... 295 Presetting
Noise source ............................................................. 172 Channels ................................................................... 125
Signal source (optional) ............................................ 168 Pretrigger ........................................................................ 185
OVEN Print Screen
Error .......................................................................... 631 Softkey ...................................................................... 264
OVEN (status display) ....................................................... 82 Printer
OVENCOLD Selecting ................................................................... 266
Error .......................................................................... 631 Printer configuration
OVENCOLD (status display) ........................................... 631 see user Manual ......................................................... 20
Overlapping commands .................................................. 330 Printers
Preventing ................................................................. 331 Installing .................................................................... 267
P Colors ....................................................... 286, 287, 290
Medium ..................................................................... 266
Parallel poll register enable Screenshots ...................................................... 264, 269
Remote ..................................................................... 387 Probe power ...................................................................... 42
Parameters Product IDs ..................................................................... 320
Block data ................................................................. 327 Programming examples
Boolean ..................................................................... 326 Sequencer ................................................................ 395
Entering ................................................................ 86, 87 Service request ......................................................... 619
Numeric values ......................................................... 325 Protocol
SCPI ......................................................................... 324 VXI ............................................................................ 314
Special numeric values ............................................. 325 PSA emulation ................................................................ 610
String ........................................................................ 326 PSA89600
Text ........................................................................... 326 Wideband .................................................................. 358
Password PTRansition .....................................................................334
Secure user mode .................................................... 302 Pulse
Passwords Application ................................................................ 101
Changing .................................................................. 370 Pushing measurements .......................................... 176, 180
Secure user mode .............................................. 33, 246
Service functions ...................................................... 309 Q
Peak excursion ................................................................ 230
Peak list Queries .................................................................... 321, 329
Peak excursion ......................................................... 230 Status ........................................................................ 348
Peak search Question mark ......................................................... 327, 329
Key ............................................................................ 231 Quick recall
Mode ......................................................................... 230 Settings ..................................................................... 248
Peaks Quick save
Marker positioning .................................................... 231 Secure user mode ............................................ 249, 250
Next .......................................................................... 231 Settings ..................................................................... 248
Softkey ...................................................................... 231 Quotation mark ................................................................ 327
Phase Noise
Application .................................................................. 99 R
Phase response .............................................................. 181
Ping ................................................................................. 368 R&S FSP
PN (trace information) ....................................................... 77 Emulating (remote) ................................................... 598
PN + AM (trace information) ..............................................77 R&S FSQ
PN Transient analysis ..................................................... 181 Emulating (remote) ................................................... 598
Ports R&S FSU
External Mixer (remote) ............................................ 421 Emulating (remote) ................................................... 598
User .......................................................................... 442 R&S FSV
Position Emulating (remote) ................................................... 598
Limit line values ........................................................ 239 R&S Support ................................................................... 304
Power key ......................................................................... 37 Rackmounting ................................................................... 24
Power seonsors ................................................................ 42 RBW ................................................................................ 154
RBW (channel bar) ............................................................ 76

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 657

R&S®FSWP Index

Ready for trigger Result displays

Status register ........................................................... 338 Marker table .............................................................. 121
Rebooting Programming example .............................................. 549
Remote control ......................................................... 580 Results
Recalling Data format (remote) ........................................ 520, 521
Settings ............................................. 247, 248, 252, 255 Displaying ................................................................... 88
Settings for preset ..................................................... 258 Exporting ................................................................... 210
Softkey ...................................................................... 252 Managing .................................................................. 244
Recommendations RF input ..................................................................... 41, 125
Remote control programming ................................... 349 RF overrange
Redo ............................................................................40, 41 External Mixer ........................................... 130, 135, 421
Connector ................................................................... 49 Error .......................................................................... 631
Reference RF OVLD (status display) ......................................... 82, 631
External ..................................................................... 292 Rotary knob ....................................................................... 40
Frequency ................................................................. 292 RUN CONT
Internal ...................................................................... 292 Key .................................................................... 108, 110
Softkey ...................................................................... 292 RUN SINGLE
Reference frequency Key ............................................................ 108, 109, 110
Default ...................................................................... 295
Input .......................................................................... 293 S
Output ....................................................................... 295
Reference level Safety information ............................................................. 17
External Mixer ........................................................... 133 Safety instructions ............................................................. 19
Reference marker ........................................................... 227 Save/Recall Mode
Registers ......................................................................... 333 Settings ..................................................................... 254
Relay Cycle Counter ....................................................... 310 Savesets
Release notes ................................................................... 19 Settings ..................................................................... 250
Remote control .................................................................. 96 Saving
Blocked ..................................................................... 632 Classified data .................................................... 31, 245
Errors ........................................................................ 632 Data types ................................................................. 251
Ignored commands ................................................... 349 Functions .................................................................. 252
Interfaces .................................................................. 311 Instrument settings ................................................... 256
LAN settings ............................................................. 358 Limit lines .................................................................. 240
Protocols ................................................................... 311 Screenshots .............................................................. 269
Sequential commands .............................................. 632 Settings ..................................................................... 252
Remote Desktop ..................................................... 362, 374 Softkey ...................................................................... 252
Client ......................................................................... 376 Scale
Ending session ......................................................... 379 Y-axis ........................................................................ 145
Setting up a connection ............................................ 379 SCPI
Setting up controller .................................................. 376 Parameters ............................................................... 324
Setting up instrument ................................................ 375 Syntax ....................................................................... 322
Remote display version ...................................................................... 320
Update ...................................................................... 356 SCPI confirmed commands ............................................ 321
Remote operation Screen
Configuring ................................................................ 311 See Touchscreen ...................................................... 287
Deactivating the instrument ...................................... 381 Screenshots
GPIB address ........................................................... 368 Printing .............................................................. 264, 269
GPIB settings ............................................................ 354 Saving ............................................................... 264, 269
see also Remote control ........................................... 311 SDC .................................................................................319
Setting up .................................................................. 362 Search
Settings ..................................................................... 351 Frequency ................................................................. 148
Starting ..................................................................... 381 Level ......................................................................... 144
Stopping .................................................................... 382 Searching
Removable hard drive ....................................................... 46 Configuration ............................................................ 229
Reset values Secure user mode
Remote ..................................................................... 387 Activating .................................................................. 302
Residual effects ............................................................... 158 Activating/deactivating ........................................ 32, 246
Remote Configuration ............................................... 462 Background information ...................................... 31, 245
Resolution bandwidth ...................................................... 154 Instrument settings ................................................... 248
Restoring Passwords .......................................................... 33, 246
Channel settings ....................................................... 125 Quick save ........................................................ 249, 250
Restricted operation Redirecting storage ............................................. 31, 245
Secure user mode .............................................. 32, 246 Remote ..................................................................... 605
Restrictions Restricted operation ............................................ 32, 246
Storage space ..................................................... 32, 246 Self-alignment ........................... 278, 297, 300, 351, 352

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 658

R&S®FSWP Index

Self-alignment data ............................................. 32, 246 Single Sequencer

Storage location ........................................ 252, 253, 256 Softkey ...................................................................... 105
SecureUser ............................................................... 32, 246 Single sweep
Select Marker .................................................................. 228 Softkey .............................................................. 108, 109
Self-alignment ................................................................. 277 Single zoom ............................................................ 198, 199
Aborting .................................................................... 279 SmartGrid
Secure user mode ...... 32, 246, 278, 297, 300, 351, 352 Activating ............................................................ 92, 196
Starting ..................................................................... 278 Arranging windows ............................................. 94, 197
Self-test Display ................................................................ 90, 193
Performing ........................................................ 280, 305 Evaluation bar ..................................................... 93, 196
Remote ..................................................................... 388 Features .............................................................. 90, 193
Results .............................................................. 305, 588 Mode ................................................................... 92, 196
Settings ..................................................................... 305 Programming example .............................................. 549
Temperature .............................................................. 280 Smoothing ....................................................................... 208
Sequencer ......................................................................... 76 Traces ....................................................................... 204
Aborted ............................................................. 278, 305 Soft front panels
Activating (remote) .................................................... 393 Using ......................................................................... 291
Channels ................................................................... 103 Softkey bar
Example .................................................................... 104 Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 284
Mode ................................................................. 103, 105 Softkeys
Programming example .............................................. 395 Clear All Messages (remote control) ........................ 604
Remote ..................................................................... 401 Comment .................................................................. 262
Run Single ................................................................ 104 Continue single sweep .............................................. 108
Setting up .................................................................. 105 Continue Single Sweep ............................................. 110
Single Sweep ............................................................ 104 Continuous Sequencer ............................................. 105
Softkey ...................................................................... 105 Continuous sweep .................................................... 108
State ......................................................................... 105 Continuous Sweep .................................................... 110
Sequences Device ....................................................... 263, 265, 268
Aborting (remote) ...................................................... 393 Display Config ........................................................... 193
Mode (remote) .......................................................... 394 Export ....................................................................... 259
Sequential commands ..................................................... 330 Export config ............................................................. 259
Errors ........................................................................ 632 I/Q Export .................................................................. 259
Service functions ............................................. 303, 307, 308 Import ........................................................................ 259
Numeric mode .......................................................... 308 Install Printer ............................................................. 267
Passwords ................................................................ 309 Line Config ................................................................ 236
Results ...................................................................... 309 Marker Config ................................................... 226, 228
Service manual ................................................................. 18 Marker to Trace .........................................................228
Service request (SRQ) ............................ 311, 333, 336, 346 Min ............................................................................ 231
Service request enable register (SRE) .................... 333, 336 Next Min .................................................................... 232
Remote ..................................................................... 387 Next Peak ................................................................. 231
Setting commands .......................................................... 321 Norm/Delta ................................................................ 227
Settings Peak .......................................................................... 231
filename ............................................................ 254, 256 Print Screen .............................................................. 264
Loading ..................................................................... 256 R&S Support ............................................................. 304
Managing .................................................................. 244 Recall ........................................................................ 252
Recalling ........................................................... 247, 248 Recall File ......................................................... 251, 255
Recalling; restrictions ................................................ 247 Reference ................................................................. 292
Saving ............................................................... 251, 256 Save .......................................................................... 252
Storage location ................................................ 253, 256 Save File ................................................................... 254
Storing .............................................................. 247, 248 Search Config ........................................................... 229
SGL (channel bar) ............................................................. 76 Select Marker ............................................................ 228
Shift x Sequencer ................................................................ 105
Limit lines .................................................................. 240 Single Sequencer ..................................................... 105
Shift y Single sweep ............................................................ 108
Limit lines .................................................................. 240 Single Sweep ............................................................ 109
Shifting Startup Recall ........................................................... 255
Limit lines .................................................................. 234 Startup Recall (On/Off) ............................................. 255
Shutdown Status .......................................................................... 84
Automatic .................................................................. 279 Sweep Count ............................................................ 157
Remote control ......................................................... 580 System Messages (remote control) .......................... 604
Signal frequency ............................................................. 148 Trace Config ............................................................. 214
Signal frequency (channel bar) ......................................... 76 Trigger Offset ............................................................ 185
Signal level ...................................................................... 144 Source frequency (channel bar) ........................................ 76
Signal level (channel bar) .................................................. 76 Source level (channel bar) ................................................ 76
Signal source (optional) .................................................. 168 SPD ................................................................................. 319
Signal source output ......................................................... 42 SPE ................................................................................. 319

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 659

R&S®FSWP Index

Specifics for Storing

Configuration ............................................................ 125 Settings ............................................................. 247, 248
Spectrum String in remote commands ............................................ 326
Application ................................................................ 100 Subnet Mask ................................................................... 354
Spectrum Monitor Suffixes ............................................................................323
Application .................................................................. 99 Common ................................................................... 384
Split Supply voltage .................................................................165
Window ....................................................................... 95 Support ............................................................................635
Split screen mode ............................................................. 37 Information ................................................................ 304
Splitters Suppressing
Window size ................................................................ 94 File name dialog ....................................................... 266
Spot noise ....................................................................... 161 Sweep
Spur Color ....................................................................... 163 Aborting ............................................................. 109, 110
Spur removal ............................................................. 78, 162 Mode ......................................................................... 108
Spurious Color ................................................................ 163 Sweep Count ...................................................................157
Spurious Measurements Sweep direction ...............................................................157
Application ................................................................ 101 Sweep range ................................................................... 178
SRE (service request enable register) ............................ 336 Sweep status
SRQ (service request) ............................................. 336, 346 Status register ........................................................... 338
Start frequency ................................................................ 149 Sweep voltage ................................................................. 178
Startup recall SYNC TRIGGER
Remote ..................................................................... 562 Connector ................................................................... 47
Startup Recall Syntax elements
Softkey ...................................................................... 255 SCPI ......................................................................... 327
Status System
Queries ..................................................................... 348 Configuration ............................................................ 296
Status bar Messages ................................................................. 298
Color coding ........................................................ 81, 630 Preset operating mode ............................................. 302
Error messages .................................................. 81, 630 System keys ...................................................................... 37
Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 284
Secure user mode .............................................. 32, 246 T
Status byte
Remote ............................................................. 385, 388 Table
Status byte (STB) ............................................................ 336 Half decades ............................................................. 157
Status byte register (STB) ............................................... 333 Tabs
Status display .................................................................... 80 All ................................................................................ 89
Status registers ............................................................... 333 MultiTab ...................................................................... 75
CONDition ................................................................. 334 MultiView .....................................................................98
ENABle ..................................................................... 334 Switching .................................................................... 75
EVENt ....................................................................... 334 Technical support ............................................................ 635
model ........................................................................ 334 Temperature
NTRansition .............................................................. 334 Check ........................................................................ 276
parts .......................................................................... 334 Check (remote) ......................................................... 588
PTRansition .............................................................. 334 Frontend ................................................................... 276
STATus:OPERation ...................................................338 Frontend (remote) ..................................................... 588
STATus:QUEStionable .............................................. 339 Frontend, status bit ........................................... 276, 345
STATus:QUEStionable:ACPLimit .............................. 340 Self-alignment ........................................................... 276
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended ............................ 341 Self-alignment (remote) ............................................ 588
STATus:QUEStionable:EXTended:INFO ...................341 Status register ........................................................... 345
STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency ........................ 342 Test setup ........................................................................ 125
STATus:QUEStionable:LIMit ..................................... 342 Text paramters in remote commands .............................. 326
STATus:QUEStionable:LMARgin .............................. 343 Theme
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer ................................. 344 Display .............................................................. 286, 287
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:DCPNoise ............... 344 Threshold
STATus:QUEStionable:POWer:PNOise ....................345 Limit lines .................................................................. 233
STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature ....................... 345 Time
STATUs:QUEStionable:TEMPerature ...............276, 588 Format ...................................................................... 283
STATus:QUEStionable:TIMe .....................................346 Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 284
Status reporting system .................................................. 332 Instrument setting ..................................................... 282
Application ................................................................ 346 Setting ......................................................................... 31
Stop frequency ................................................................ 149 Toolbar
Storage location Hiding/restoring ......................................................... 283
Data files ................................................................... 252 Overview ..................................................................... 83
Secure user mode .................................... 252, 253, 256 touchscreen
Settings ............................................................. 253, 256 Alignment .......................................................... 276, 280
Storage settings
File type .................................................................... 254

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 660

R&S®FSWP Index

Touchscreen Updating
Alignment .......................................................... 277, 281 Firmware ................................................................... 299
Colors ............................................................... 286, 287 USB
De-/Activating ........................................................... 282 Address ..................................................................... 319
Displayed items ........................................................ 283 Connector ................................................................... 46
Overview ..................................................................... 35 Interfaces .................................................................. 319
Settings ..................................................................... 281 USB port ............................................................................ 42
Theme ....................................................................... 287 User ports
Trace information .............................................................. 77 Remote control ......................................................... 442
Trace number ..............................................................77 Users
Window title bar .......................................................... 77 Network ..................................................................... 369
Trace labels ..................................................................... 215 Password .................................................................. 370
Trace math
Settings ..................................................................... 214 V
Trace mode ..................................................................... 180
Trace offset ....................................................................... 78 VCO measurements ................................................ 176, 180
Trace smoothing ................................................78, 204, 208 Vendor ID
Traces Rohde & Schwarz ..................................................... 319
Configuration (Softkey) ............................................. 214 Version information ......................................................... 297
Copying ..................................................................... 214 Vertical stroke .................................................................. 327
Copying (remote control) .......................................... 518 VIEW (trace information) ................................................... 77
Export format ............................................................ 212 View filter
Exporting ................................................... 210, 211, 215 Limit lines .................................................................. 237
Mode ......................................................................... 207 VISA ........................................................................ 312, 313
Mode (remote) .......................................................... 512 Libraries .................................................................... 320
Saving ....................................................................... 251 Resource string ................................................. 313, 320
Traces to be Checked Visible
Limit lines .................................................................. 237 Limit lines .................................................................. 237
Transducers Volatile memory
Recalling ................................................................... 248 Secure user mode .............................................. 31, 245
Saving ............................................................... 248, 251 Voltage supply ................................................................. 165
Transient analysis ........................................................... 181 VSA (Vector Signal Analysis)
Transient Analysis Application ................................................................ 101
Application ................................................................ 101 VXI protocol .....................................................................314
Event (remote) .......................................................... 388 W
External, errors ......................................................... 632
Holdoff .......................................................................185 Wait
Input ............................................................................ 43 Remote ..................................................................... 388
Offset ........................................................................ 185 Waiting for trigger
Output ......................................................................... 43 Status register ........................................................... 338
Status register ........................................................... 338 Warmup time ................................................................... 279
Troubleshooting Web browser
File name error ......................................................... 562 Configuration interface .............................................. 366
Hardware .................................................................. 309 White papers ..................................................................... 19
Low frequencies ........................................................ 634 White space .................................................................... 327
Remote control programs ................................. 356, 633 Wideband
Timeout for data capture ........................................... 634 PSA89600 ................................................................. 358
Trace display .............................................................634 Window title bar ................................................................. 77
Tuning ..................................................................... 176, 180 Windows
Tuning range ................................................................... 178 Adding ................................................................. 93, 196
External reference .................................................... 294 Adding (remote) ........................................................ 501
Tuning voltage ................................................................. 178 Arranging ............................................................ 94, 197
Closing ................................................................ 93, 197
U Closing (remote) ....................................................... 508
Configuring ............................................................... 125
Ultra-Small RBWs ........................................................... 154 Dialog boxes ............................................................... 86
UNCAL Layout (remote) ........................................................ 505
Error .................................................................... 82, 631 Maximizing (remote) ................................................. 501
UNCAL (status display) ................................................... 631 Querying (remote) ..................................................... 503
Undo ............................................................................40, 41 Replacing (remote) ................................................... 505
UP ................................................................................... 325 Size ............................................................................. 94
Update Path Splitting (remote) ...................................................... 501
Remote control ......................................................... 604 Types (remote) .......................................................... 501
Update rate WRH (trace information) ................................................... 77
Display ...................................................................... 282 WRONG_FW
Error .................................................... 82, 275, 299, 631

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 661

R&S®FSWP Index

Limit lines .................................................................. 239
Marker ....................................................................... 227
XCORR ........................................................................... 155
XCORR Factor (channel bar) ............................................ 76

Limit lines .................................................................. 239
Scale ......................................................................... 145

Zooming .................................................................. 198, 200
Activating (remote) .................................................... 511
Area (Multiple mode, remote) ................................... 510
Area (remote) ............................................................ 509
Deactivating .............................................................. 200
Multiple mode ................................................... 198, 199
Multiple mode (remote) ............................................. 511
Restoring original display .......................................... 200
Single mode ...................................................... 198, 199

User Manual 1177.5633.02 ─ 12 662

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