Data Interpretation: Chapter Highlights
Data Interpretation: Chapter Highlights
Data Interpretation: Chapter Highlights
Data Interpretation
The ‘Others’ category covers miscellaneous forms like 1987 2907 3090 139 28 6164
descriptive case format customized for the situation. Data 1988 4625 5200 152 27 10004
can also be presented by using a combination of two or 1989 6346 7540 174 33 14093
more of the aforementioned forms. 1990 7920 10250 212 40 18422
While some data can be presented in many different
1991 9540 13780 266 50 23636
forms, some other data may be amenable to be presented
only in a few ways. In real life situations, the style of data
Figure 2 Foreign exchange reserves of India
The graph in Figure 2 shows the changes in the foreign exchange reserves of our country during a period of time. One
can find out trends and the growth rates of foreign exchange reserves.
(000's of UNITS)
1988 1989 1990 1991
Chart 3 shows model wise sales of refrigerators during four of the four year period 1988 to 1991 for any given model.
years. From this graph, we can obtain the following: These bar charts can also be depicted horizontally. Another
variation could be showing each product at one place (rather
1. Percentage contribution of each model to the
than each year at one place).
company’s total sales for four years.
2. Relative increase or decrease in the share of each Example: These questions are based on the following
model. table, which gives the details of the sports which students in
3. Sales trend of various models. all the classes of a school like.
The table gives the number of students in each class and
Using this bar chart, one can carry out a detailed perfor- the percentage of students in it who like cricket, volleyball,
mance evaluation of the company with respect to the sales basketball, and football.
Example 2 Example 3
By what percentage is the number of students who like The number of students who like cricket in class 7 is what
volleyball in class 6 more/less than those who like basketball percentage of the number of students who like football in
in class 10? class 8?
(A) 88% (B) 93.5% In class 8, the number of students who like a game is the
(C) 95.6% (D) 97.2% least for cricket. Number of students who like cricket =
Solution (160) = 64 < 90 .
Number of students who like cricket in class 7 =
50 In class 9, the percentage of students who like a game is
(140) = 70 the least for football. Number of those who like football
Number of students who like football in class 8 55
= (180) = 99 > 90
= (160) = 72
100 In class 10, the percentage of students who like a game is
Required percentage = × 100 = 97.2% the least for football. Number of students who like football
= (240) = 108 > 90
Example 4 100
In how many of the given classes can more than 90 students \ In two classes, more than 90 students can like all the games.
like all the three games?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 1 (D) 0 Example 5
Solution What can be the maximum percentage of students in class 6
In any class, the maximum value of the number of students who do not like any of the given games?
who like all the three games would be the number of stu- (A) 40% (B) 10% (C) 50% (D) 30%
dents who like the game liked by the least number of stu- Solution
In class 6, the maximum percentage of students who like a
In class 6, the percentage of students who like a game is
game = Percentage of students who like volleyball, i.e. 70%.
the least for basketball. Number of those who like basket-
Percentage of students who like at least one game would be
ball = (120) = 60 < 90 . minimum when all students who like other games are the
100 ones who like volleyball.
In class 7, the percentage of students who like a game is
\ Maximum percentage required
the least for cricket and football. Number of students who
like cricket = 100 – 70 = 30%.
= (140) = 70 < 90
Direction for question 1: Select the correct alternative from the given choices.
1. The table shows the total marks of four students P, Q, R, and S in all their subjects for the two years 2012 and 2013.
Students 2012 2013
P 997 1295
Q 664 876
R 585 732
S 480 689
How many students had a percentage Increase in their total marks of more than 35% from 2012 to 2013?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Direction for questions 2 to 4: These questions are based on the following data which give some details of new states
joining the United States of America across time.
Union rank is the chronological order in which the states joined the Union.
2. How many states joined the Union from March 1, 1867, given states will form what approximate percentage of
to Feb 14, 1912? the total strength of the House of Representatives?
(A) 11 (B) 12 (A) 16 (B) 19 (C) 21 (D) 23
(C) 13 (D) 14 4. In how many of the given states is the population less
3. If it is known that the House of Representatives of USA than 15 million but the number of representatives is not
has a strength of 535 members, then the number of less than six?
representatives in the House of Representatives of the (A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7
Direction for questions 5 to 7: These questions are based on the following graphs.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
5. In how many years was the number of projects under- 8. The number of colleges offering the Biochemistry
taken in Mexico greater than that in Texas? course is more than 230 in
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 4 (A) All the four states. (B) Exactly three states.
6. How many projects were undertaken in the year 1998 (C) Exactly two states. (D) Exactly one state.
in both places together? 9. What percentage of the colleges in the four states do
(A) 1000 (B) 900 (C) 750 (D) 500 not offer Biophysics as well as Biochemistry?
7. In which of the following years was the average (A) 41%
(arithmetic mean) number of projects undertaken in (B) 36%
both places the highest? (C) 34%
(A) 2000 (B) 1996 (C) 1998 (D) 1999 (D) Cannot the determined
10. What is the total number of colleges offering
Direction for questions 14 to 16: The table below shows
Biostatistics in all the four states?
the percentages of colleges offering the courses mentioned
(A) 1392 (B) 1408 (C) 1432 (D) 1476
in medicine in four states, New York, New Jersey, Illinois,
and Michigan, in a certain year. Direction for questions 11 and 12: Study the given table
and answer the questions that follow.
New New
Percentage break-up of the workers working in six differ-
SI. No. Course York Jersey Illinois Michigan
ent factories J, K, L, M, N, and P.
1. Biochemistry 86 80 74 68
2. Biophysics 74 92 88 64 Total no. of Percentage
Direction for questions 13 to 15: These questions are based on the following line graph.
Numbers of employees of two companies each years over the
period 2000 to 2005 (in thousands)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
13. What is the ratio of the average number of employees (A) 2000
of company Moon Macro Systems for the period 2001, (B) 2001
2002 and 2003 and the average number of employees (C) 2002
of company Equilibrium Inc. for the same period? (D) 2004
(A) 2 : 5 (B) 3 : 5 (C) 3 : 4 (D) 4 : 3 15. What is the approximate percentage increase in the
14. During which of the following years was the percent- total number of employees of the two companies from
age increase in the number of employees of company 2004 to 2005?
Equilibrium Inc. over that in the previous year the (A) 8.5% (B) 9%
highest? (C) 9.5% (D) 10.5%
Direction for questions 16 and 17: These questions are based on the following bar graph that gives the production and
sales of a company across five years from 2004 to 2008.
5100 5000
4750 4500 4400
5000 4500 4250
4000 3500
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Production Sales
16. In the given period, what percentage was the average 17. The percentage increase/decrease in the total sales of
production more than the average sales? the company in a given year with respect to that in the
(A) 20% (B) 23% previous year was highest in which of the following
(C) 25% (D) 28% years?
(A) 2005 (B) 2006 (C) 2007 (D) 2008
8. If x is real and | x 2 − 2 x + 3 | = 11, then possible values 12. Consider the equation: (7256)8 – (Y )8 = (4364)8, where
(X)N stands for X to the base N. Find Y.
of | − x 3 + x 2 − x | include [GATE, 2014]
[GATE, 2014]
(A) 2, 4 (B) 2, 14 (A) 1634 (B) 1737
(C) 4, 52 (D) 14, 52 (C) 3142 (D) 3162
9. The ratio of male to female students in a college for 13. What will be the maximum sum of 44, 42, 40, …?
five years is plotted in the following line graph. If the [GATE, 2013]
number of female students doubled in 2009, by what (A) 502 (B) 504
percent did the number of male students increase in (C) 506 (D) 500
2009? [GATE, 2014] 14. A tourist covers half of his journey by train at 60 km/h,
half of the remainder by bus at 30 km/h and the rest by
cycle at 10 km/h. The average speed of the tourist in
3 km/h during his entire journey is [GATE, 2013]
Ratio of male to female students
(A) 36 (B) 30
(C) 24 (D) 18
15. The current erection cost of a structure is `13,200. If
1.5 1
the labour wages per day increase by of the current
wages and the working hours decrease by of the
0.5 24
current period, then the new cost of erection in ` is
0 [GATE, 2013]
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (A) 16,500 (B) 15,180
(C) 11,000 (D) 10,120
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1
(C) 1.5 : 1 (D) 2.5 : 1 16. Out of all the 2-digit integers between 1 and 100, a
2-digit number has to be selected at random. What is
10. The table below has question-wise data on the perfor- the probability that the selected number is not divis-
mance of students in an examination. The marks for ible by 7? [GATE, 2013]
each questions are also listed. There is no negative or
partial marking in the examination. (A) 13 (B) 12
90 90
Answered Answered Not 78 77
Q.No. Marks correctly wrongly Attempted (C) (D)
90 90
1 2 21 17 6
2 3 15 27 2 17. Find the sum of the expression
3 2 23 18 3 1 1 1 1
+ + + +
1+ 2 2+ 3 3+ 4 80 + 81
What is the average of the marks obtained by the class
[GATE, 2013]
in the examination? [GATE, 2014]
(A) 7 (B) 8
(A) 1.34 (B) 1.74
(C) 9 (D) 10
(C) 3.02 (D) 3.91
18. The cost function for a product in a firm is given by
11. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Rupees grew
5q2, where q is the amount of production. The firm
at 7% during 2012–2013. For international compari-
can sell the product at a market price of `50 per unit.
son, the GDP is compared in US Dollars (USD) after
The number of units to be produced by the firm such
conversion based on the market exchange rate. During
that the profit is maximized is [GATE, 2012]
the period 2012–2013 the exchange rate for the USD
(A) 5 (B) 10
increased from `50/USD to `60/USD. India’s GDP in
(C) 15 (D) 25
USD during the period 2012–2013
[GATE, 2014] 1 9. Which of the following assertions are CORRECT?
(A) Increased by 5% P: Adding 7 to each entry in a list adds 7 to the mean
(B) Decreased by 13% of the list.
(C) Decreased by 20% Q: Adding 7 to each entry in a list adds 7 to the stand-
(D) Decreased by 11% ard deviation of the list.
R: Doubling each entry in a list doubles the mean of shock absorbers, 96% are reliable. Of Y’s shock
the list. absorbers, 72% are reliable.
S: Doubling each entry in a list leaves the standard The probability that a randomly chosen shock
deviation of the list unchanged. [GATE, 2012] absorber, which is found to be reliable, is made by Y
(A) P, Q (B) Q, R is [GATE, 2012]
(C) P, R (D) R, S (A) 0.288 (B) 0.334
20. A political party orders an arch for the entrance to the (C) 0.667 (D) 0.720
ground in which the annual convention is being held. 1 1
The profile of the arch follows the equation y = 2x – 22. If Log(P) = Log(Q) - Log (R) then which
2 3
0.1x2 where y is the height of the arch in meters. The
maximum possible height of the arch is of the following options is TRUE? [GATE, 2011]
[GATE, 2012] (A) P2 = Q3R2 (B) Q2 = PR
(A) 8 meters (C) Q2 = R3P (D) R = P3Q2
(B) 10 meters 23. P, Q, R and S are four types of dangerous microbes
(C) 12 meters recently found in a human habitat. The area of each
(D) 14 meters circle with its diameter printed in brackets represents
21. An automobile plant contracted to buy shock absorb- the growth of a single microbe surviving human
ers from two suppliers X and Y. X supplies 60% and immunity system within 24 hours of entering the
Y supplies 40% of the shock absorbers. All shock body. The danger to human beings varies proportion-
absorbers are subjected to a quality test. The ones that ately with the toxicity, potency and growth attributed
pass the quality test are considered reliable. Of X’s to a microbe shown in the figure below:
Toxicity (miligrams of microbe required to destroy
P (50 mm)
half of the body mass in kilograms)
Q (40 mm)
R (30 mm)
S (20 mm)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Potency (Probability that microbe will overcome human immunity system)
litre of water. Subsequently 1 litre of the mixture is unskilled workers can build the wall in 30 days. If
again replaced with 1 litre of water and this process is a team has 2 skilled, 6 semi-skilled and 5 unskilled
repeated one more time. How much spirit is now left workers, how long will it take to build the wall?
in the container? [GATE, 2011] [GATE, 2010]
(A) 7.58 litres (B) 7.84 litres (A) 20 (B) 18
(C) 7 litres (D) 7.29 litres
(C) 16 (D) 15
27. If 137 + 276 = 435, how much is 731+672?
[GATE, 2010] 29. From the digits 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, how many
(A) 534 (B) 1403 distinct 4-digit numbers greater than 3000 can be
(C) 1623 (D) 1513 formed? [GATE, 2010]
28. 5 skilled workers can build a wall in 20 days, 8 semi- (A) 50 (B) 51
skilled workers can build the wall in 25 days, 10 (C) 52 (D) 54
Answer Keys
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. 0 14. 0 15. D 16. B 17. B