Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: Positive Negative
Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: Positive Negative
Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: Positive Negative
Volcanic eruptions can have a devastating effect on people and the environment.
However, unlike earthquakes, volcanoes can also have a positive impact on an area.
These positive impacts can help to explain why people choose to live near
Positive Negative
The lava and ash deposited during an If the ash and mud from a volcanic
eruption breaks down to provide valuable eruption mix with rain water or melting
nutrients for the soil. This creates very fertile snow, fast moving mudflows are created.
soil which is good for agriculture These flows are called lahars.
Montserrat is a small island in the Caribbean. There is a volcanic area located in the
south of the island on Soufriere Hills called Chances Peak. Before 1995 it had
been dormant for over 300 years. In 1995 the volcano began to give off warning
signs of an eruption (small earthquakes and eruptions of dust and ash). Once
Chances Peak had woken up it then remained active for five years. The most
intense eruptions occurred in 1997.
During this time, Montserrat was devastated by pyroclastic flows. The small
population of the island (11,000 people) was evacuated in 1995 to the north of
Montserrat as well as to neighbouring islands and the UK.
Despite the evacuations, 19 people were killed by the eruptions as a small group of
people chose to stay behind to watch over their crops.
The graphic shows the progress of the eruption and its impact on the island.
Short-term responses and results
Abandonment of the capital city
The British government gave money for compensation and redevelopment
Unemployment rose due to the collapse of the tourist industry
You might be asked to consider the values and attitudes or opinions of people
involved in the eruption, such as refugees or aid workers for example.
Mount St Helens is on the plate boundary between the Juan de Fuca plate and North
American plate. When it erupted it permanently changed the surrounding landscape.
Primary effects
Nuée ardente (hot ash and gas) destroyed forests and logging camps.
63 people were killed, mainly by poisonous gases.
Lahars (mudflows of ash and water) covered an extensive area surrounding the
Secondary effects
Ash blocked rivers destroying popular fishing sites and causing flooding. This in turn
destroyed crops and livestock.
Flooding destroyed communications such as road and railway bridges.
Sediment carried downstream ruined barge transport on the Columbia River.