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Mark Scheme (Results) June 2011: International GCSE Information and Communication Technology Paper 02

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Mark Scheme (Results)

June 2011

International GCSE

Information and Communication Technology

Paper 02

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June 2011
Publications Code UG028255
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Edexcel Ltd 2011
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must

mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised
for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according
to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not
worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response
Task ANSWER Marks

Activity 1: Using Art/Imaging and Graphics Software (AG)


example new logo

(a) (i) 1 Image pasted into a word processing document 1
(ii) 1 At least one text box added 1
2 One feature identified as being inappropriate – too many colours, too
dark, too blurred, typing not enough contrast 1
Do not accept resolution
3 Second feature identified as being inappropriate – too many colours,
too dark, too blurred, typing not enough contrast. 1
Do not accept resolution
(b) (i) 1 One image from graphics file included in design 1
2 Letters PFC included in design 1
(ii) 1 Design uses suitable image and text of appropriate size and contrast
relative to image
2 Design is fit for purpose as a logo. Allow f/t. No unnecessary text. 1
(c) 1 Annotation indicates an identified improvement from Karen’s design 1
2 Annotation explains improvement – simpler, more basic image, less
blurred, easier to read, more relevant to competition
Total for Task AG1 10

Total for Activity 1: 10 marks

Task ANSWER Marks

Activity 2: Using spreadsheet software (SS)


(a) (i) 1 Cells A1 to J1 merged – award from printout SS2 if necesary 1

2PENTATHLON RESULTS – BOYS entered as given into A1 1
(ii) 1Title in row 1 size 20 bold 1
(iii) 1Labels in row 3 bold and centred 1
(iv) 1 No truncation on one side of A4 in data view 1
(v) 2 Appropriate borders/shading to improve readability 1
(b) (i) 1 New row inserted into spreadsheet 1
2New row is between rows 5 and 6 1
(ii) 1Brunning, James, 16, 365, 556, 667, 449, 364
entered with no data entry errors
2 Brunning, James, 16, 365, 556, 667, 449, 364
entered with data entry error in one cell
Total for Task SS1 10

(a) (i) 1 Formula using cell references giving correct total in cell I4
row/column headers displayed 1
(e.g. =D4+E4+F4+G4+H4)
2 =SUM(D4:H4) in cell I4 1
(ii) 1 =IF(I4<=2400, , ) or =IF(I4>2400, , ) in cell J4.
Must display closing bracket and commas.
2 =IF(I4<=2400, “Yes”, ) or =IF(I4>2400, , “Yes” )
Sensible capitalisation.
Allow follow through if criterion is either
=IF(I4<2400 or =IF(I4>=2400
3 =IF(I4<=2400, , “” ) or =IF(I4>2400, “”, )
May have spaces between “”
Allow follow through if criterion is either
=IF(I4<2400 or =IF(I4>=2400
(iii) 1 Formulae in cells I4 and J4 replicated - no truncation 1
Total for Task SS2 6

(a) 1 Bar or column chart showing 10 competitors and total time for each
2 Suitable graph title (including Boys, Pentathlon and Results).
Accurate spelling and suitable capitalisation.
3 Suitable axis labels for graph (eg Competitor/Name, Time). Correct
spelling. Ignore apostrophes. Suitable capitalisation.
4 Boys first names without truncation 1
5 No unnecessary information (e.g. legend) 1
(b) 1 Graph printed as full A4 landscape page 1
Total for Task SS3 6

Total for Activity 2: 22 marks

Task ANSWER Marks

Activity 3: Using DTP/Word Processing Software (DTP/WP)

(a) (i) 1 Logo produced in Activity 1 – allow f/t if no logo produced in Activity
2 Only one suitable image included.
Do not allow photographs, weights
3 Title includes Indoor Pentathlon. Correct spelling. 1
4 Text includes (Saturday) 2 July (2011), 2:30 (pm), Penmawr
Fitness Club. Correct spelling.
5 Text includes contact details. Karen Bailes, 01124 478647,
karen.bailes@penmawr.org.uk 1
Do not allow if repeated use of Karen’s name
6 Text includes details of £5 entry fee and prizes
Fitness Boutique Tokens, Free Personal Training
7 Text includes details of events included in competition
Running, Cycling, Rowing, Swimming, Walking
(ii) 1 Logo no bigger than credit card size in area and not too small and
position - top or bottom
2 Title stands out – e.g. larger, bolder, appropriate Word Art 1
3 Poster is well laid out
Text is appropriate size for poster, good use of space 1
No more than 3 different fonts used
(b) (i) 1 Screen shot displays full page view of poster 1
(ii) 1 One formatting feature identified and where it was used 1
2 Statement of basic use of formatting feature 1
3 Expand the description to include fitness for audience/purpose 1
Total for Task WP1 14

Total for Activity 3: 14 marks

Task ANSWER Marks

Activity 4: Using Database Software (DB)


(a) (i) 1 Reuben, JONES, CAR62, 7/5/1985, M, 01125656654 2/

Data entered with no errors (ignore CompetitorID)
Allow phone number with or without space
Capitalisation similar to other records
2 Data entered with error in one field (ignore CompetitorID) 1
Allow phone number with or without space
Capitalisation similar to other records
Allow repeated error
(ii) 1 Table sorted on DoB. At least DoB field displayed 1
22/11/1971 to 8/7/1997 or 8/7/1997 to 22/11/1971
(26 records – f/t if record not added)
2 Table sorted in ascending order of DoB 1
22/11/1971 to 8/7/1997
At least DoB field displayed (26 records)
(iii) 1 Table displayed in landscape orientation on one A4 sheet 1
2 Complete table with field names and no truncation 1
Total for Task DB1 6

(a) 1 Query results show correct 11 records (DB2a) 1

2 All 7 fields displayed 1

(b) (i) 1 “M” entered as criterion under Gender field in search (DB2b) 1
Allow if results of search show only male competitors (14)
SWA44 displayed under ClubRef field
Allow if search results show only competitors from SWA44 (6)
2 SWA44 displayed under ClubRef field AND “M” under Gender (in 1
Microsoft Access criteria on same line)
Allow both marks 1 and 2 if search results show only 4 males from
3 FName, LName, DoB and Phone fields only to be indicated as 1
“shown” in any order
Allow if results of search show only correct fields
4 Sort in ascending order on LName indicated (maybe on a second 1
screen shot)
Allow if results of search show correct sort
(ii) 1 Query design for second search (DB2b) screen shot displayed 1
2 Screen shot displays all criteria, sorting and fields to be printed – no 1
truncation of fields. Must have FName, LName, DoB, Phone, Gender,
ClubRef fields
Total for Task DB2 8
DB2 alternative responses

• Data view of correct response

DB2b (males from SWA44)

FName LName DoB Phone
Matt DENNIS 11/12/1972 01125 650972
James GILROY 11/05/1974 01126 316345
Andrew KELSON 24/02/1991 01125 259403
Jason ROBERTS 28/03/1997 01126 649501

• Just males (15 records)

DB2b (just males)

FName LName DoB Phone
Jason BROWN 08/07/1997 01126 609166
Matt DENNIS 11/12/1972 01125 650972
Lee FANCROPPER 18/12/1974 01126 425775
Blake FANCROPPER 22/11/1971 01126 691224
James GILROY 11/05/1974 01126 316345
Fred GILROY 23/03/1993 01125 666273
David HAWK 15/11/1995 01125 599434
David HAWK 20/03/1988 01125 673724
Reuben JONES 07/05/1985 01125 656654
Andrew KELSON 24/02/1991 01125 259403
Simon RAZWANA 25/08/1973 01126 258516
Jason ROBERTS 28/03/1997 01126 649501
Tony SKULLY 13/09/1981 01126 489711
Mical SLATER 05/01/1985 01125 587607
Stuart SPEARS 25/07/1994 01125 606995

• Just SWA44 (6 records)

DB2b (just SWA44)

FName LName DoB Phone
Matt DENNIS 11/12/1972 01125 650972
James GILROY 11/05/1974 01126 316345
Andrew KELSON 24/02/1991 01125 259403
Jason ROBERTS 28/03/1997 01126 649501
Claire SINGH 05/12/1977 01125 353500
Sarah SLATER 10/03/1973 01125 674869
Task ANSWER Marks


(a) 1 Link shown between ClubRef in COMPETITOR table and ClbID in 1

CLUB table
2 Link shown as 1-to-many relationship [ClbID 1 Æ ∞ ClubRef] 1
(b) 1 ClbID or CompetitorID indicated as primary key 1

(c) 1 Chung, Yo, Yo and Casey Correct 4 records only - Minimum of 3/

FName, LName and one field from Club table
2 9 records for females 16 or over 2/
6 records for females 21 or under
2 records for females over 16 and under 21
7 records for entrants between 16 and 21
3 11 records for females 1
12 records for 21 or under
22 records for 16 or over
4 LName, FName, DoB, ClbName, ClbHead, and ClbTel fields only 1
Total for Task DB3 7
Alternative responses for DB3c marks 1, 2, 3

Responses worth 2 out of 3

DB3 females 16 or over

LName FName DoB ClbName ClbHead ClbTel
CHUNG Sarah 01/01/1995 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
SLATER Nina 25/06/1977 Carwaen Body David Lyons 01125
Sculpture 467467
YO Martha 22/05/1994 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
PUDEE Tahira 13/06/1977 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
SLATER Sarah 10/03/1973 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
BRANDWARD Felicity 30/10/1982 Penmawr Fitness Karen 01124
Club Bailes 478647
YO Sara 03/11/1993 Not a member
SINGH Claire 05/12/1977 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
CASEY Rhonda 01/01/1990 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266

DB3 females 21 or under

LName FName DoB ClbName ClbHead ClbTel
DENNIS Amy 16/01/1995 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
CHUNG Francesca 24/04/1997 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
CHUNG Sarah 01/01/1995 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
YO Martha 22/05/1994 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
YO Sara 03/11/1993 Not a member
CASEY Rhonda 01/01/1990 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266

DB3 females over 16 and under 21

LName FName DoB ClbName ClbHead ClbTel
YO Martha 22/05/1994 Carwaen Total Fitness Allison Davis 01125 463266
YO Sara 03/11/1993 Not a member

DB3 competitors between 16 and 21

LName FName DoB ClbName ClbHead ClbTel
GILROY Fred 23/03/1993 Carwaen Body David Lyons 01125
Sculpture 467467
SPEARS Stuart 25/07/1994 Carwaen Total Fitness Allison Davis 01125
CHUNG Sarah 01/01/1995 Carwaen Total Fitness Allison Davis 01125
DB3 competitors between 16 and 21
LName FName DoB ClbName ClbHead ClbTel
YO Martha 22/05/1994 Carwaen Total Fitness Allison Davis 01125
KELSON Andrew 24/02/1991 Swanmawr Health Club Mark 01126
Capture 647574
YO Sara 03/11/1993 Not a member
CASEY Rhonda 01/01/1990 Carwaen Total Fitness Allison Davis 01125
Responses worth 1 out of 3

DB3 female competitors

LName FName DoB ClbName ClbHead ClbTel
DENNIS Amy 16/01/1995 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
CHUNG Francesca 24/04/1997 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
CHUNG Sarah 01/01/1995 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
SLATER Nina 25/06/1977 Carwaen Body David 01125
Sculpture Lyons 467467
YO Martha 22/05/1994 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
PUDEE Tahira 13/06/1977 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
SLATER Sarah 10/03/1973 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
BRANDWARD Felicity 30/10/1982 Penmawr Fitness Karen 01124
Club Bailes 478647
YO Sara 03/11/1993 Not a member
SINGH Claire 05/12/1977 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
CASEY Rhonda 01/01/1990 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266

DB3 competitors 21 or under

LName FName DoB ClbName ClbHead ClbTel
DENNIS Amy 16/01/1995 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
GILROY Fred 23/03/1993 Carwaen Body David Lyons 01125
Sculpture 467467
BROWN Jason 08/07/1997 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
SPEARS Stuart 25/07/1994 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
CHUNG Francesca 24/04/1997 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
CHUNG Sarah 01/01/1995 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
YO Martha 22/05/1994 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
KELSON Andrew 24/02/1991 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
HAWK David 15/11/1995 Not a member
YO Sara 03/11/1993 Not a member
ROBERTS Jason 28/03/1997 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
CASEY Rhonda 01/01/1990 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
DB3 competitors 16 or over
LName FName DoB ClbName ClbHead ClbTel
DENNIS Amy 16/01/1995 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
HAWK David 20/03/1988 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
GILROY Fred 23/03/1993 Carwaen Body David Lyons 01125
Sculpture 467467
FANCROPPER Blake 22/11/1971 Penmawr Fitness Karen 01124
Club Bailes 478647
GILROY James 11/05/1974 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
SPEARS Stuart 25/07/1994 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
DENNIS Matt 11/12/1972 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
SKULLY Tony 13/09/1981 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
RAZWANA Simon 25/08/1973 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
CHUNG Sarah 01/01/1995 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
FANCROPPER Lee 18/12/1974 Carwaen Body David Lyons 01125
Sculpture 467467
SLATER Nina 25/06/1977 Carwaen Body David Lyons 01125
Sculpture 467467
YO Martha 22/05/1994 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
PUDEE Tahira 13/06/1977 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
SLATER Sarah 10/03/1973 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
SLATER Mical 05/01/1985 Carwaen Body David Lyons 01125
Sculpture 467467
KELSON Andrew 24/02/1991 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
BRANDWARD Felicity 30/10/1982 Penmawr Fitness Karen 01124
Club Bailes 478647
YO Sara 03/11/1993 Not a member
SINGH Claire 05/12/1977 Swanmawr Health Mark 01126
Club Capture 647574
CASEY Rhonda 01/01/1990 Carwaen Total Allison 01125
Fitness Davis 463266
JONES Reuben 07/05/1985 Carwaen Body David Lyons 01125
Sculpture 467467

(a) Appropriate title for Report (including Female and indication of age).
1 1
Correct spelling and suitable capitalisation.
Correct records (allow f/t from DB3 provided a search was carried
2 1
out i.e. not all records or has a field from each table)
3 FName, LName, ClbName only displayed in correct order 1
4 Data sorted ascending order on ClbName 1
5 Data sorted ascending order on LName within ClbName 1
6 All column headings customised appropriately 1
Task DB4, name, candidate number and centre number in database
7 1
report page footer
Appropriate layout of report. e.g. spacing of data, extension of
8 1
borders/lines etc, one A4 sheet
Total for Task DB4 8

Total for Activity 4: 29 marks

Task ANSWER Marks

Activity 5: Using Presentation Software (PS)


Sans serif




Slide number

(a) (i) 1 Blue background changed to lighter shade 1

(ii)1 Logo created in Activity 1 placed in bottom left corner 1
(iii)1 Font changed to sans serif font (eg Arial) 1
(iv) 1 Candidate name and number in centre of Footer section 1
2 Footer section contains slide number in right corner 1
(v) 1 At least 2 changes identified 1
2 5 changes identified to match instructions / story board 1
(b) (i) 1 Title for slide 2 – includes Features, Competition
Correct spelling and suitable capitalisation
2 Text includes list of events or sections – appropriate font size 1
3 Suitable image for slide – not outdoor images or weights 1
(ii) 1 Suitable title for slide 3 – includes Prizes and Gifts
Correct spelling and suitable capitalisation
2 Suitable text for rewards – e.g. list of prizes, gifts – appropriate font
3 Suitable image for slide – not outdoor images or weights 1
(iii) 1 Suitable title for slide 4 (includes e.g. Entry/More details)
Correct spelling and suitable capitalisation
2 Suitable text for details – must include Karen Bailes, 01124 478647,
karen.bailes@penmawr.org.uk, £5 entry fee – appropriate font size 1
Do not accept repeated inclusion of Karen’s name
3 Suitable image for slide e.g. map, image of Karen 1
(iv) 1 Presentation printed as handouts with 2 slides per page 1
Total for Task PS1 17
(a) (i) 1 Suitable changes made to layout, colour scheme, text or images 1
(ii) 1 At least one suitable change identified 1
2 Suitable explanation of changes – eg. use of pink, glitter, WordArt 1
(b) (i) 1 Screen shot of slide 1 showing automatic transition 1
Appropriate timing between 8 and 20 seconds
2 1
(allow f/t if not slide 1)
3 Screen shot shows continuous looping 1
(ii) 1 Explanation of the automatic transition 1
2 Explanation of the continuous looping 1
Total for Task PS2 8

Total for Activity 5: 25 marks

Further copies of this publication are available from
Edexcel Publications, Adamsway, Mansfield, Notts, NG18 4FN

Telephone 01623 467467

Fax 01623 450481
Email publication.orders@edexcel.com
Order Code UG028255 June 2011

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