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Lost in The Snow: Minor Challenges

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Lost in the Snow Minor Challenges

Please note this hunt uses the rules for going on a hunt
within Amellwinds Guide to Monster Hunting. A reference Avalanche, When an avalanche strikes an area, each
can be found at the end of this hunt. creature has one turn to prepare for it. (They might run for
a cave, try to brace themselves for the avalanche to hit,
find something to climb etc) Depending on what they do,
you as the DM will determine the saving throw they need
Requested by: Dundorma Chief to make. The DC for the save is 12. A creature that fails
Where. Snowy Mountains the saving throw takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage plus
When. Asap 1d10 cold damage and is pushed 20 feet in the direction
Guild Reward. 2,800 gp the avalanche is going. On a success or fail, the character
Character Levels. A group of four 4th level may still find themselves trapped under the 1d20 feet of
characters. snow that remains in the area. The characters are
restrained and suffocating (PHB pg.183) while trapped
Avalanches are occuring at an unnatural rate in the (Escape DC 12, must succeed three times, each fail
Snowy Mountain and villagers in pokke village are consumes 30 seconds of breath remaining) under the
spreading rumors of an almost pure white creature snow.
roaming nearby. They believe it to be an omen of
death. Our scouts haven't been able to get a good Cave-in blocking all passages in the area they are in.
look due to the ongoing blizzard. We need you to False Signs +1
investigate and handle this creature.
Large mounds of snow cover the area. Four blango hide
within them
Goal. Find out what is causing the avalanches (3 signs to Blizzard picks up reducing visibility to 5 feet in front of a
encounter). creature for 1d4 areas.
False Creature. Zamtrios (3 false signs to encounter). A veggie elder requests the use of the groups pickaxe so
that he can free his precious item from the wall in his
Running this Hunt home. It breaks when he attempts to use it or if they
The goal of this hunt is to find out what is causing the refuse he follows and complains like an old man the entire
avalanches and stop it. It turns out the creature is a baby time.
gammoth who got separated from its herd (Baby gammoths The floor collapses in front of them (choose how much of
live with popo. When the group first sees the baby gammoth, it does that will provide a challenge for the characters)
they can make a DC 25 Wisdom (Nature) check to see if they
are aware that they live with popo). It was separated when the A giadrome that uses alpha call
Zamtrios attacked from the river scattering the popo herd. A lagombi + a khezu whelp (Giggi that does lightning and
Since then, the baby gammoth has been stomping around doesn't heal)
causing the avalanches in the area. The group can kill the
baby gammoth, capture it, or if someone can speak to Major Challenges
animals using a spell or is a furbolg, convince it to let the
party help them find its herd. The herd can be located in area The only major challenge option in this hunt is false signs +2.
2 of the snowy mountains. This is due to the ongoing blizzard throughout the hunt.
Ongoing Weather Event Benefits
Blizzard (Ongoing for the duration of the hunt). From the
very start of the hunt the character will have to deal with a Buried supply cache. 2 hot drinks, an adamant pill, and a
blizzard. The blizzard minimizes visibility reducing the flash bomb
distance a character can see to 30 feet. Any area that is
outdoors (IE, not in a cave) is considered difficult terrain due A dead blangonga, killed by a recent rock slide. 1 carve
to the ice and snow. The party is unable to take a short or available
long rest in any area that is outdoors due to the blizzard. Additional mining node (does not count to maximum
Finally for each hour a creature remain in the blizzard they resource count)
suffer from extreme cold (DMG p.110), unless they have Shrine of the Arcana grants the boon of undetectability
consumed a hot drink or are resistant to cold damage. (DMG p.232) for 24 hours.
Final Encounter
The final encounter is just the baby gammoth. It hits like a Loot Table
truck, and can potentially 1-hit kill a creature if it critically Baby Gammoth has two materials, on a successful carve
hits. check, roll a d10. On a 1-6 they get a gammoth pelt; On a 7-
10, they get a b.gammoth shell. It acts like a gammoth shell,
but the weapon material effect only does an extra 1d4 cold


Area Descriptions & Other Info Area 5.
Area 5 is a long, sloped, thin cave basked in sunlight, with a
Starting Location: A. massive pit on the western side of the cavern. At the top of
The starting area is a thin passage set between cliffs, one can the sloped path is a large cave entrance (Area 6) leading out
see a large meadow with many rivers and streams. The to the mountain top above. While at the bottom of the slope
hunters tents are set up next to the cliffs with a large blue forks into two pathways each leading to the east and west.
chest along the path to towards the base of the snowy
mountains. Area 6.
Guild Supplies Recommendation: Each charater recieves 1 Area 6 is a large flat open cove with large peaks surrounding
potion of greater healing, 1 hot drink and 2 days rations. it. The wind howls and sends drifts of snowing flying in
If you are using Amellwind's Guide to Monster Hunting different directions. Wide valleys between the peaks provide
supplement, the supply also has the following items: a ample space for creatures to travel between.
carving knife, a bugnet, a fishing pole, a pickaxe (mining), and Area 7.
an herbalist kit. A long cliff top covered in snow, there is a destroyed Base
Area 1. Camp near the entrance from Area 2.
Upon leaving camp, the hunters follow the path between the Area 8.
cliffs, after a time opens up into a large open grassy field, its The top of the mountain, its northern most section provides a
southern portion is bordered by a giant lake. Along the flat surface covered in snow drifts. A flag sit atop its peak
northern side of the area, atop a 10-foot tall cliff, a cave (Area surrounded by smooth wind sheered walls of ice.
4) leads into the core of the mountain.
There is a hidden way to the peak of the mountain that is
Area 2. hidden in plain sight by the white snow. A 15 foot long small
The grassy fields lead up and away from the giant lake (Area tunnel has been carved out on the eastern wall of the icy
1) and deeper into the mountains. It eventually leads to peak. A medium sized creature would have to crawl through
another large grassy area, with a giant cliff that can be scaled it to make it through. On on the other side of the wall is a
to reach the upper areas that lead to the peak of the pathway with old ladders each leading up to a carved out flat
mountain (Area 7). area that eventually leads to the top.
About midway up the cliff side is a cave entrance leading to Along the path to the top, in one area are old destroyed
(Area 3). Herbivores are sometimes seen here, along with supplies, on another platform is the shedding of a kushala
packs of Giaprey and Bullfango on the top. daora which is so brittle no materials could be gathered from
it. At the top is a ragged flag.
Area 3. The Snowy Mountains
A small cave with a large tree stump to one side of it. The
remnants of an old wyvern nest lay scattered about. This area
is used by wyverns to keep their eggs safe, large wyverns and
other large creatures come here to rest when injured.
Area 4.
If coming from Area 1: The cave leads you up further into
the mountain along a twisting path. The walls slowly turning
from a grey stone, to an opaque icy blue. Just when the
thoughts of turning back creep into your head, the path opens
up to a crescent shaped cave. The walls are lined with a thick
layer of ice with hints of ore trapped in the stone behind it.
If entering from another area: You continue to travel
through the heart of the mountain. Exploring and searching
you come upon a crescent shaped cave. The walls are lined
with a thick layer of ice with hints of ore trapped in the stone
behind it.


Finding Signs
Going on a Hunt On the hunt, the party must must discover signs of the
The hunt above tells us what creature we are hunting, what creature: distant roars, tracks, marking, fresh kills, etc. The
territory it is located in, and what our areas within that party will need to typically find between 3 and 5 signs.
territory look like. Below we will look into the roles our party Once they do they locate the monster and the final battle
members have and how you as the GM will help them track it of the hunt begins.
False Signs
Setting Roles When you are on a hunt, the creature you are looking for is
When a hunt begins, the PCs choose between 4 different not the only one in the area. One of the GM options in the
roles to take on. These roles are the Trailblazer, Scout, minor and major challenges is finding false signs. These
Spotter, & Artisan. signs work the same as finding signs for the creature you are
hunting. Once you find 3-5 of these false signs, a hard or
Trailblazer deadly encounter occurs.
Whenever the group enters an area, the trailblazer rolls a It is typically best to know what creature the PCs will
survival check vs the creatures carve DC. On a failure the GM encounter when they find these false signs. It wouldn't make
rolls a d10 on the finding signs table, on a success the GM much sense if they are finding tufts of fur and then end up
rolls a d20 instead. On a critical, the GM rolls a d20 and take fighting a rathalos.
the highest roll, on a nat 1 the GM rolls 2d10 and take the
lowest roll. How to find signs
Whenever the trailblazer rolls a survival check for entering an
Spotter area, the GM rolls on the table below to determine what
The spotter uses their passive perception to scope out for any signs, challenges, or benefits they may find in the area.
ambushes or dangers missed initially by the scout. There can
be 2 spotters, the 2nd spotter gives a +4 perception bonus to Finding Signs Table
the other. ROLL RESULTS
Scout 1 major challenge
The scout is the initial person who enters an area, they get
the lay of the land, potential resources, creatures in the area, 2-9 minor challenge
potential hazards. When a scout notices a potential spot for 10-17 1 sign, minor challenge
an ambush it gives the spotter a bonus to their perception 18-19 1 sign
Artisan (work in progress) 20 2 signs, benefit
See Amellwind's Guide to Monster Hunting Chapter 2 for
more information on the artisan.
Challenges and Benefits
Sometimes the party may split up, when split into groups of If the trailblazer rolls anything less than an 18 on their
two. The only roles available are the trailblazer and the Tracking Roll, they must overcome a challenge on their hunt.
spotter. These challenges can be either minor or major, depending on
If someone is alone, they are both the trailblazer and the result. Likewise, if a group rolls a 20 on their Tracking
spotter, but they either have to choose to take disadvantage roll, they come across a benefit that can seriously aid them in
on their survival roll for finding signs or take a -4 to their their hunt.
passive perception. Minor Challenges include noncombat encounters, skill
checks, or minor environmental hazards. They might also
Tracking down your prey include minor combats against weaker foes (medium diffculty
Tracking down the creature the party is hunting is the main encounter). In general, a minor challenges should cost a few
goal of monster hunter. So how do we find the creature? As a resources and be a minor setback, but shouldn’t stop the PCs
GM, do we just put it down in an area and say that is where it dead in their tracks.
is always going to be? do we put it in the last area and they Major Challenges, are potentially deadly or severely hinder
eventually get to it, much like the end of a dungeon? the party. A major challenge might include a dangerous
NO! This creature is in the wilderness; it travels around, environmental hazard, a deadly encounter, expending limited
leaves signs, and acts like any animal would. That is what the resources such as spell slots or items. They shouldn’t be
system below is designed to represent. The party travels impossible to overcome but should require MUCH more
around the creatures territory, dealing with environmental effort from the PCs.
hazards, skill challenges, and other creatures while searching Benefits are a boon to the party. These could be a hidden
for signs of their prey. cache of hunter supplies, the carvable corpse of a recently
deceased monster that is normally outside the parties ability
to kill, or anything else the GM might come up with.

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