Apothecaria Makers Market Pages
Apothecaria Makers Market Pages
Apothecaria Makers Market Pages
Maker’s Market
Come one, come all to the Maker’s Market!
The Artificer
Nothing is ever simple for a witch and it seems that crafts are no different.
When you start this expansion, the formal letter of challenge on the next
page will arrive from an Artificer who has set up their workshop near High
It seems they view you as something of a rival and intend to make things
difficult. Whenever you are out exploring for Maker’s Market related
Materials or for Ailment related Reagents, there is a chance that the
Artificer’s automatons have caused some problem.
Until you complete this expansion, any time you draw a card for an event
and that card’s suit is ♠, draw another card to see which of the following
events takes place as part of your original event:
Automatons have stomped through here recently. +5 Foraging Value
to all ANIMAL Reagents until the end of this Forage.
This area has been carelessly harvested already. +5 Foraging Value to
all PLANT Reagents until the end of the Week.
An automaton needed to emergency charge in this area. +8 Foraging
Value to all MAGIC Reagents until the end of the Week.
The Artificer has placed some sort of machine here. What is it? What
does it look like?
Pollution from one of the Artificer’s creations has affected this place.
What has changed here? What can you do to fix it?
The Artificer’s automatons have claimed this area and chase you off.
Lose 3 Foraging Points and skip this event. Where have they claimed?
One of the Artificer’s drones detects what it’s looking for in your
basket and steals it. Randomly discard 1 Material or Reagent.
An automaton asks you if you’re looking for Materials or Reagents. If
you are looking for Reagents, ignore any ♠ for the rest of this Forage.
Conveyor belts have been laid out through this Locale. Increase the
Timer by 1 as you can ride them around.
Something here has been damaged by the Artificer’s creations. What
is it? Can it be fixed?
An Automaton dropped something here. Draw a card and gain a
Reagent or Material equal to its value that can be found in this Locale.
There’s an automaton here, it looks damaged. What do you do with
it? Do you help it? If so, gain the Damaged Automaton (page 14).
The Artificer is here in person. What do they want? What is
happening to them?
All Foraging Value Changes are Locale Specific
To the hedge witch of High Rannoc
Very well.
It is in the best interests of the people that the mass production of the
Enterprise be unimpeded and yet they cling to handmade tat like
yours as if it were handed down by the God of Crafts itself. A
frustrating mindset of the countryside that must be amended.
Over the next year, I propose that you and I have a wager.
If you can fulfil more Commissions than me, then I will… adjust my
business model. You will be able to guide my Enterprise so that it
may continue to serve the common good as best as it is able.
The Artificer
As you play, you’ll have opportunities where you meet the Artificer.
Consider then what their personality is. Do they believe they’re doing the
right thing? Can they be made to see the error of their ways?
Win or lose, the end result may be unexpected depending on where you let
the story take you.
There comes a time in every witch’s life when they want to do something,
anything other than make potions and while there’s plenty of exciting things
to do around these parts, sometimes we just want to make something.
The next few pages contain all the information ye need to get started with
various craftin’ hobbies including:
• Painting
You can dabble in ‘em all at once or just do one or a few, ain’t no-one gonna
tell you how to live yer life.
• Decide what Materials/ Woods/ Metals/ Pigments etc you want to use
Course, the particulars might work out different but that there’s the basic
How To of any craft.
Oh, and to keep ye right, yer Craft Levels (which are much like yer
Reputation) are as follows:
Novice – 0 to 10
Hobbyist – 11 to 20
Expert – 21 to 30
Master – 31+
There’re two reasons to make something. The first is that ye just want to
make something for the sake of making somethin’. The second reason is that
someone is willin’ to pay ye or could really use yer help and ye’d like to be a
good neighbour.
3) Utilise your Tools to refine those raw supplies into usable ingots, paints,
4) Put your creation together and tally up the Foraging Value of all the raw
ingredients to work out its Value (page 6) and either gift it to someone,
keep it for yourself, or take it to the Maker’s Market at the end of each
And that’s really all there is to it (excepting a few Tool specific nuances
which are explained later). You’ve a lot of freedom in how you approach yer
crafts so ye’ll need to use some common sense.
Then there’s the other type of craft work which I’ve written about on the
next page.
This is what we call a Commission, these’re things that someone else wants/
needs you to make. Usually these have a Deadline and some Requirements.
Ye’ll generate the Requirements for each Commission through the handy
dandy table below and work out what it is they want.
Secondly, ye’ll draw on the Commission Details table to see who is asking,
why they want ye to make something and what the Deadline’ll be.
Once ye have all of that information, ye’ll have something like this:
Nice and simple, seems like the Butcher wants us to make some new
knives. It’s up to you what Materials ye use to achieve that and yer Tools
will have some say in that (page 9 - 14).
This is determined by adding up the Value of your 3 cards (Ace, Five, and
Three for the Butcher’s Knives). In this case, the value is 9. Quite cheap.
You can double up on Materials i.e. 3 Dead Steel Ingots for a total value of
18 but each Material must be Foraged for individually.
Commission Details
Who Reason Deadline
6 Friend A Gift
9 For My Pet
3 Weeks
10 Patient For A Ritual
K It’s A Secret 1 Season
Getting Started
To get started with a craft, you’ll need to buy or make the basic Tools that
are listed below. As you progress, you’ll be able to buy or make better Tools
which will unlock new advantages.
All of these Tools are found on pages 9 to 14 and each has its own unique
mechanics so read the descriptions of your Tools carefully and take note
somewhere in your journal.
To get started you’ll need to buy a Small Anvil, a Simple Forge, and a Smith’s
Jewellery Making
To get started you’ll need to buy or make a Gas Torch and Jewellery Pliers.
To get started you’ll need to buy or make a Boar Hair Brush and find
something to use as a Canvas.
To get started you’ll need to buy or make a Simple Saw and a Simple Chisel.
Many Tools can be bought from a Merchant in High Rannoc or any of the
other villages but they can also be made through a variety of means.
To buy a Tool, simply pay the cost in Silver. To make a Tool, you will need
to be able to provide the appropriate Materials.
A universal rule is that Failure at any stage of a project Decreases the Timer
by 1 but grants a Bonus +5 on the next attempt.
Blacksmithing Rules
METALS must be turned into Ingots before they can be used.
Draw a Card to turn an Ingot into your desired shape.
Each METAL has a different Difficulty, your Card + any Bonuses must be
higher than that Difficulty in order to successfully shape the Ingot.
Blacksmithing Tools
Dragon Fire Forge – 150 Silver or X Metal Ingot – Turns raw METAL
into Metal Ingots. Max 5 Metal per use. Each use Decreases the Timer by 1.
Sun Fire Forge – 10 Starmetal – Turns raw METAL into Metal Ingots.
Does not Decrease the Timer when used.
Jewellery Rules
METALS must be softened and shaped via a Tool before they can be used.
Materials can only be attached to an item once it has passed any other Craft
Rules. i.e. METAL into Ingot and passed the card draw for shaping.
Simple Jewellery has ½ the Value its Materials would otherwise confer.
Jewellery Tools
Basic Mandrel – 20 Silver – Allows you to size and shape your Material
accurately. Increase the Value by 3.
Painting Rules
The final Value of a Painting is determined by the Frame and how many
PAINTS were used. Each PAINT adds 2 to the Value.
Mixing PAINTS allows you to access more PAINTS than are listed. These
also add 2 to the Value of the Painting.
PAINTS can be stored for 1 Season before they dry up and are no longer
Painting Tools
Sculpting Rules
Each Sculpture starts out at 20 Points x your Craft Level
(Novice = 20 | Master = 80)
Each Point left by the time the Deadline arrives lowers the Value by 1 to a
Minimum of 0.
Tools can be used to remove these Points.
Sculpting Tools
Woodcrafting Rules
Draw a Card to turn an WOOD into your desired shape.
Each WOOD has a different Difficulty, your Card + any Bonuses must be
higher than that Difficulty in order to successfully shape the WOOD.
Woodcrafting Tools
Eternal Adhesive – 15 Silver – Ensures the chosen parts will never come
loose. Increase the Value of the project by 10.
Damaged Automaton
One of the Artificer’s arcane automatons, its inner working exposed by
damage. It will take a great deal of effort to repair it to full working order
but you’ve never been one to leave a patient behind, have you?
Each step of the Automaton’s repair process grants new bonuses and new
Once it has been fully repaired, it will take you to the Artificer’s secret
workshop, letting you slip past security and end the Artificer’s meddling
before the year has passed or as a second solution if you failed to win the
Planning Ahead – Ignore the first ♠ Event of each Forage as you can ask
your new-found friend what to expect.
Patient Placator – People like to talk when they’re nervous and the
Automaton provides a great conversational partner. Increase the Timer of
all Ailments by 1.
Life Itself – The Automaton has reached true life and is as aware and
thinking as anyone else. It wants to help you stop the Artificer’s Enterprise
and free the others. Do you help it? If so, turn to Facing the Artificer (page
Facing the Artificer
With the Damaged Automaton’s help, you’ll finally be able to enter the
Artificer’s Workshop.
Consider what you see as you explore this labyrinth of factories, conveyor
belts, and storage rooms. What sort of machines do you come across?
What does it look like?
As you explore, draw Cards to see what sort of things you come across and
bonuses/ penalties you receive.
Once you have found the Artificer in their office, it is time to face them.
They are unlikely to give in without some sort of conflict so consider what
form that may take. A fight is the most likely but Artificers are strange folk
and may instead challenge you to a card battle using mechanical monsters.
Either way, draw three Cards for you and three Cards for the Artificer and
then apply any bonuses or penalties you gained from exploring the
Artificer’s Workshop.
If you win, what tricks did the Artificer employ? How did you overcome
them in the end and what rules do you set down for them to prevent them
from hurting anyone or anything again?
If you lose, what happened? How did they get the better of you? How do
you escape and how do you prepare for your next attempt?
Goblin Gold — METAL — Bog (4) — Loch (6)
Difficulty: 5
This shimmering metal is often confused for gold by those too desperate or greedy
to know the difference. Often used in cheap jewellery making as it is very soft.
Draw a card upon completion:
♥ or ♦ – add 5 to the Value. ♣ or ♠ – remove 2 from the Value
Star Metal – METAL – Isles (10) – Ranges (13)
Difficulty: 15
Chunks of metal and stone hurtle around above the sky. Sometimes they fall down
from the realm of stars. Best be quick if’n ye see one land as miners from all over
swarm them like ants at a picnic.
Dryad Bark – WOOD – Forest (10) – Bog (13)
Difficulty: 10
Always get permission when harvesting a dryad’s bark as they are not keen on
thieves and you do not want the forest to be angry with you!
How do you convince the dryad to give you some bark?
Glimmerwood Oak – WOOD – Forest (7)
Difficulty: 5
The glittering wood of Glimmerwood is famous across the world for the magical
qualities the fairies and fae folk imbue it with.
Coldrust Blue – PAINT – Ranges (7) – Dungeon (7)
This magical mould grows on metal rich stones, chilling the air around it as it
spreads. When mixed properly, it makes a beautiful blue.
Allows the use of the colour Blue.
Beet Pink – PAINT – Village (9) – Forest (6)
Beets are wonderful aren’t they? Tasty, good for every meal, and they can even be
used to make a pink pigment for painting! Nothing beats a beet.
Allows the use of the colour Pink.
Glow Worm Silk – ANIMAL – Ranges (4) – Dungeon (7)
These glittering worms leave shining trails of silk all over the caves they call
home, giving many travellers and animals a handy light to see by.
Dreamclay – CLAY – Depths (10) – Glen (6)
As the dreamwater flows from its unknown source, some rich clay riverbanks have
become imbued with the same magical properties and unique colours.
Birth Stones – MAGIC – Any Locale (13) Once per Season
Requires a WAND to Collect & a Jewel of any kind
Taking a jewel of the right kind to a birth and performing the ancient rites
imbues it with a protective magic that will last their entire lives.
Adds 20 to the Value of your project.
Garden Stone – JEWEL – Forest (7)
These jewels are widely sought as they look like they have a teeny-tiny forest
growing inside of them. Moss, petals, even tiny animals in the rarest ones.
Magic Effects
The Dwarvish Runes and Magicite Materials can apply random magical
effects to your projects.
You don’t need to use these Materials to imbue a project with magic,
however these powerful effects are the only ones that grant bonuses.
Bonded Item – Only the accepted owner of this project can have it.
Thieves will find it literally vanishing from their grasp.
Bonus: Increase the Value by 20. If you keep it, you may always
have it in your possession despite any Events or story moments.
Paired – Somehow this project is two things at once. A hat and also
a cat, a sword and a quill.
Bonus: Draw a Card, the project’s Value is equal to that Card’s
Value. What strange thing has your project paired with?
Weightless – Like the Cloud Isles above, you and this project
weigh next to nothing and may float with ease.
7 Bonus: Increase the Value by 20. You will sometimes see this
person in the Cloud Isles
If you keep it, it provides the same benefit as the Broom.
When you first start out with each hobby it’ll feel like you’ll never become
a Master but trust your gut and you’ll reach that lofty title in no time.
Once you’ve acquired all the right Tools and Upgrades, you’ll be able to
undertake a Masterpiece. Completing a Masterpiece is how you get that
title and they often come with a helpful reward to boot.
Each hobby’s Masterpiece is listed below along with the Tools you’ll need
to create it; the Materials you’ll need to collect; and the benefit it provides
once made.
Many paintings are lauded as windows into other worlds but very few
actually reach that level. In order to reach the rank of Master, you will have
to paint a portal to the Painted World.
Benefit: You may explore the Painted World Locale (page 30 & 31)
This provides a great opportunity for a future playthrough as you could play as
this child after your current witch goes missing.
Woodworking – Soul Bound Wand
Most witches can make wands and most wood workers can make pretty
looking sticks but only a true master of magic and woodcraft can make a
wand worthy of binding one’s soul to.
Requires: Any WOOD & 1 Magicite with the Magic Source effect
Benefit: You are able to extract purer effects from MAGIC Reagents.
Increase the Potency of all MAGIC Reagents by 1. How does it feel to have
a proper wand? What changes can you feel in your magic?
Benefit: You may ignore up to 3 Events per Forage. What does this
magical shield look like? How does it protect you?
Unfortunately, it is very much alive and still can’t be used at the same time
as your usual Familiar.
The Painted World
Accessible once you have made the Painting Masterpiece (page 28)
A living pocket realm of painted things. Arcane artists from across the
world come here to make their mark and contribute to the evergrowing
painted landscapes and to express themselves in ways they normally can’t.
The landscape ends here, fading out in wide brush strokes onto a
2 white void. A voice urges you to create, to make something here.
What do you paint into the world? Decrease the Timer by 2.
You come across a scene that boggles the mind. Upside down
castles, melting clocks, elephants with snakes for trunks, whatever
it is it’s surreal. What do you see? How do you feel about it? What
do you think the original artist meant by it?
A painted person greets you and welcomes you like a tour guide.
They ask if you’d like to be shown around the beautifully detailed
4 painted city. If you agree, Decrease the Timer by 5 but gain 3 new
Paints. What interesting things did you see? What did the city look
like? What art style was it done in?
You hear a distant crying but when you get near all you find is a
childishly painted flower. Do you keep looking for the source? If so,
5 draw a Card and Decrease the Timer by its value. What other
childish clues do you find as you search for the lost child? How did
they get here? What do you do with them once you find them?
It seems you have an admirer as you come face to face with a
painted version of yourself. What features has your admirer gotten
wrong? Do you talk with your portrait self? How do you feel about
this doppelganger’s existence?
You see a floating frame much like the one you entered through.
Do you step through? If so, where do you end up? Do you meet
J anyone? How do you get home? Decrease the Timer by 3 if you do
but gain an “Exotic Material” which increases the Value of your
next project by 20.
The world shifts around you into colours new and more vibrant
than you’ve ever experienced before. From out of the beautiful
K chaos steps the Muse. They show you something that inspires you.
What is it?
Start a project related to this and increase its Value by 50.
Commission Ideas
While generating Commissions, I thought it might be a good idea to give
some of the examples I thought of as a jumping off point for anyone who
has gotten a little stuck.
Famous Hero + For Fun + Painting – It’s a portrait isn’t it? A self portrait
to commemorate their time in the Rannoc Ranges.
Witch + For Daily Use + Painting – A good artist can imbue a painting
with emotions, a witch can do much more. This painting invigorates any
who look upon it and gets our witch friend up and ready to start his day!
Feel free to include interesting magical effects in your creations, you are a
witch after all!