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Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No.

1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches

ISSN: 2782 - 9057

Learning Management System in Kabasalan Institute of Technology:

An Assessment*
Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author), Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author)
(1st Affiliation) Department Name of Organization, Name of Organization, City, Country; 2(2nd Affiliation) Department Name of
Organization, Name of Organization, City, Country.
Email: address desired (without hyperlink in E-mail)

The study aimed to assess and determine the effectiveness of the LMS-MOODLE as an online program that helps in teaching and

learning. It hypothesized that there was no significant difference in the level of assessment between teachers and students of Kabasalan

Institute of Technology on the developed Learning Management System.

The respondents comprised of 20 teachers and 120 students who were exposed to the program. The research instrument used for the

data collection was a national questionnaire developed by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to evaluate

on-line program. The same instrument was used by the National TVET Training Academy (NTTA) to evaluate different online programs for

school based and center based training.

It used appropriate statistical tools and treatment in the analysis of data and the SPSS program was employed in generating the

statistical result.

The analysis outcome showed that there was a strong relationship in the level of assessment between teachers and students of

Kabasalan Institute of Technology on the developed Learning Management System.

The exceptionally well-built connection between the responses of the teachers and students revealed that LMS as a teaching tool is

highly effective. It further revealed that a blended teaching approach whereby a combination of online and face to face classroom teaching

methods were found to be very efficient and effective.

Keywords : Consists of up to 5 to 6 words separated by comma.


PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 1

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

he onset of computerization paved the way to a very meaningful and line, monitor the learning development of their pupils and even the
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
lively teaching-learning interaction among mentors and learners in number of times their students visit the site and access the lessons.
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
almost all levels in the educational systems. In the past years, This process poses a challenge to teachers who have less inclination

classroom instructions were mostly limited on a face to face learning on an on-line lesson particularly those who did not upgrade

engagement of mentors and students. The students must enter the themselves with computer usability.

classroom in a day to day basis so that their learning progress and This program has been used by thousands of educational

improvement can be easily monitored by the teacher. institutions around the world to provide an organized interface for e-

A great shift in the learning process occurred in the advent learning or learning over the internet and Kabasalan Institute of

of computerization and the opening of the World Wide Web. The Technology (KIT) being a Technical Education and Skills

teaching and learning interactions was no longer limited to a face to Development Authority (TESDA) administered institution adhered to

face interaction. Teachers can opt to upload their lessons on-line and this development. As an institute, it has been challenged to upkeep

students learning are no longer strongly dependent on the face to on the different technology to facilitate meaningful learning to the

face engagement. trainees.

The World Wide Web provides venue by which lessons and The LMS program has been in place at KIT for almost a

relative information can be accessed anytime. Anybody can get year already. Teacher and students have been in constant exposure to

relevant information and develop their aptitude by doing it on-line. it. Hence it is appropriate to determine the effectiveness and its

This opportunity was widely open for teachers to post and impact of this program on the users and implementers.

upload their classroom lessons online so that their students will no Among the various LMS programs for an online lessons,

longer be very dependent on a face to face interaction. Students can Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle)

get the lessons, take the test, comply the requirements and ask was the only program available at KIT because of its very effective

assistance from their mentor and classmates through utilizing the features. Through Moodle, the teacher can create learning spaces

web. Because of this, students may have better grasps on the lessons. called ‘courses’. Each course has its own set of resources and

The underlying effect of this is twofold. First, the students may activities, called ‘modules. It can be customized in terms of

develop their computer skills while in constant engagement in their organization and appearance. This can be a password-protect courses

lessons. Second, there will be a development of independence in the so that only enrolled students can upload assignments for teachers to

pursuit of knowledge and learning of the subject. mark and check. Teachers get an automatic alert when a new

On the other hand, mentors with strong inclination in the assignment arrives. All marks lessons can be stored in the Moodle

computer literacy and online sessions find this type of teaching grade book. Teachers no longer have to worry about losing score

strategy very interesting and easy. They can post their lessons on- sheets because it is automatically recorded in the LMS. It has a

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 2

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

built-in chat module that is a handy teaching tool for groups of b. Course technology;
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
students working with their teachers or even without their teacher,
c. Learner support; and
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
yet their chat document can still be accessed by their teachers. A d. Accessibility?

time- limit access of the courses may also be implemented. Once a 3. Is there a significant difference in the level of

teacher set up a course, it can be filled with activities and texts, assessment between teachers and students of Kabasalan

including audio and video which certainly assessed in the Institute of Technology on the developed Learning

development of students’ learning. Management System?

It is on this perspective that this study was conducted to Significance of the study

determine the effectiveness of the electronic learning management This study surely enriched the existing body of knowledge

system as an enhancement in teaching and provide effective delivery in the area of electronic learning management system and uploading

of the lessons. As of the moment, there is no study conducted yet on of classroom lessons in the web for better access to the students

this field in KIT. enrolled in the subject.

Specifically, the findings intended to contribute to the level

Statement of the Problem of awareness on the importance of on-line lessons and the free

This study assessed the effectiveness of the learning utilization by the students of the lessons posted online. The findings

management system as one of the developed methods of teaching in of the study will benefit the following individuals and groups:

Kabasalan Institute of Technology. Specifically it sought to answer

the following questions: TESDA Officials. They can use the findings of this study to support

1. What is the level of assessment of the teachers in a policy that would enforce and allow all schools that register

Kabasalan Institute of Technology on the developed programs under TESDA, administered schools by TESDA and those

Learning Management System in terms of: who have the intention to register TESDA programs to fully embrace

a. Program Design; LMS in order to promote an effective delivery of lessons to the

b. Course Technology; clients.

c. Learner Support; and School Officials of a TESDA administered Institutions.

d. Accessibility? This group can likewise benefit from this study by

2. What is the level of assessment of the students of embedding LMS program in their school so that teachers and

Kabasalan Institute of Technology on the developed trainees can work online on their lessons and improve their

Learning Management System in terms of: knowledge and skills on the qualifications they enrolled even outside

a. Program design; school hours.

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 3

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

improve their studies similar to this.
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
Computer and Non-computer Trainers. This group can benefit
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
from this study through its findings because they can use LMS in Scope and Delimitation of the Study

asserting to their trainees to access lessons online. In effect, it will This study was focused on the Learning Management

improve their knowledge on their lessons and at the same time System utilized by the teachers and students of Kabasalan Institute of

improve students’ computer literacy. Thus, it assured high Technology termed as Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning

performance and better result in the national assessment. Environment (MOODLE) limited on particular variables such as:

Program Design, Course Technology, Learners Support and


School Administrators in the Private Learning Institutions with

TESDA Registered Programs. This group can highly benefit in Teachers and students exposed to the LMS were used as

this study because they can convinced all their trainers to embrace respondents to determine the level of assessment on the identified

LMS so that all their lessons are posted online, making their students variables, hence will be the basis of possible enhancement and

not solely dependent on the lessons discussed in the classroom. More development. The study was conducted during the first semester of

so, it will promote and enhance computer literacy to all their the school year 2014.


Students. This group can benefit in this study through the efficient RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

implementation of the LMS in the school. They can access the best This chapter described the research design, research setting,

lessons posted by their teachers online. This will prompt diligent population and sampling procedure, research instrument, validity and

students to study lessons posted online and practice the needed skills reliability of the instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical

and competence ahead of schedule. On the same manner, it will treatment of data.

enhance the computer literacy of the students particularly on web

utilization and online access to the different valuable and rich-source Research Design

information. In the quest for meaningful and genuine answers to the

questions posed above, this researcher employed the descriptive-

Other Researchers .Individuals who wish to conduct similar study qualitative research design. This design tried to explain the status of

on this topic can also benefit from the findings generated on this the implementation of the LMS in the school and its effect on the

paper. They can make use of the conclusion and recommendations to variables being studied. (Cohen & Manion,2001; Punch,1998),

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 4

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

combining both descriptive and qualitative research methods, will be applications and competently perform the core units of competency.
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
adopted. It will be anticipated that the survey questionnaire will The implementation of LMS has been considered pilot testing of the
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
provide the breadth of coverage, which could be credibly applied, to program in the school in order to determine its effectiveness as an

a wider population from which the sample of the study will be drawn aide for teaching.

(Brown &Dowling, 2004).All the information where obtained

through the use of instrument from the identified source, the NTTA. Research Respondents

The respondents of this study were divided into two

Research Environment groups. First, the selected twenty regular-permanent teachers who

The study was held at Kabasalan Institute of Technology. used the LMS. They’ve used the program as an aide of their lessons.

This learning institution is a TESDA administered school located at Second, the enrolled trainees of the school during the first semester

barangay F.L. Peňa, Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay Province. As a of the school year 2014-2015. The table below presents the

government learning institution it operates within the mandate of population and total respondents.

TESDA. It conducts skills development and training as mandated by As reflected in table 1, only 20 full-time teachers were

the authority. Besides, it adhered to the Philippines Qualification intentionally selected as respondents because they were the only

Framework (PQF) whereby the students are trained according to teachers who have knowledge and exposure of the program. On the

their desired certificate levels. The school offers a qualification duly other hand, there were One Hundred Twenty students officially

approved and prescribed by the authority. Presently the National enrolled in computer hardware servicing and exposed to LMS. All

Certificates (NC) has five levels and categorized as follows: NC I, of them were purposely taken as respondents to ferret out the

NC II, NC III, NC IV, NC V programs. As an only training institute effect of the program on their learning.

in Sibugay, it is both a training and assessment center. As such, it has

been challenged to upkeep on the different technology to facilitate Table 1

Respondents of the Study
meaningful learning to the trainees.
Respondents Population Respondents
It has a strong internet connection, making the campus Wi-
Teachers 20 20
Fi zone. Part of the school’s development framework is the full Students 120 120
implementation of moodle or the LMS as its online program where Total 140 140

teachers can make use of e-learning.

These teacher respondents were purposively chosen to
There are a lot of qualifications offering of the school with
answer the instrument because they were the only mentors at KIT
enough enrollees. The focus of the program is to develop a computer
exposed to LMS and frequent on-line user. Added to this, the student
literate person who can excellently utilize the different office
respondents were also students of the teacher respondents who used

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 5

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

the LMS. the LMS in any of their subject. They were not exposed to
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
its feature. They neither posted it nor access it online.
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
Sampling Design 1.50 - 2.49 – Good -means that the respondents very

The study used the purposive sampling technique in occasionally used the LMS program. The exposure on the

which One Hundred Percent (100%) of the teachers and students online lesson was very limited. The teacher has uploaded

exposed to LMS (MOODLE) were taken to answer the instrument in and posted their lessons online and was utilized by their

order to obtain the realistic assessment result of the program being students in a very limited ways.

studied. 2.50 - 3.49 – Very Good -means that the teacher

respondents had uploaded all their lessons online and

monitored the usage of their students. In a similar manner,

the students were slightly exposed to the LMS program and

Research Instrument gain access to their lessons online every now and then.

This study used the same instrument only for two groups 3.50 - 4.49 – Satisfactory -means the respondents regularly

of respondents. The instrument intends to determine the level of visit the online site and access the lessons more frequently.

implementation of the teachers of the LMS in their lessons. This was Their exposures to the program were high.

answered by the teachers themselves. The same instrument was 4.50 - 5.00 – Excellent -means that respondents have very

likewise answered by the student to determine their level of usage. high level of exposure to the LMS program. They visited

This instrument is a national questionnaire. It was the site more than twice in a day to day basis. Teachers

developed by the Development Academy of the Philippines, to have implemented all their modules of the subject online

evaluate on-line program. The same instrument was used by the and their students always access all their lessons and other

National TVET Training Academy (NTTA) to evaluate the different class programs online.

online programs for school based and center based.

The instrument contains several areas. However, in this Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

paper, it only used four such as a). Program Design b). Course On the aspect of validity, the instruments were adopted

Technology c). Learners Support d). Accessibility with modified from National TVET Trainers academy (NTTA) particularly on the

items applicable on the respondents. It used the Likert type of scale variables of Program Design, Course Technology, Learners’ Support

and it adopted the corresponding range the with the following verbal and Accessibility. These instruments were produced into two sets,

description: one for the teachers and the others for the students for evaluation

1.00 -1.49 - Poor – means that the respondents have not use purposes.

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 6

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

This assessment instrument have been used throughout the In order to facilitate the analysis of the obtained data from
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
country since 2013 up to the present in evaluating the effectiveness the instrument, this study used different statistical techniques to
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
of an online program relative to information and communication answer the questions posted in the statement of the problem with the

technology. Aside from a national instrument, the same instrument use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 18.0

was also used by different TESDA training centers that provided the

same on-line training. Arithmetic Mean-This was used to determine the extent of

teachers’ implementation and students’ usage of the courseware of

Data Gathering Procedure the learning management system.

The data gathering procedure were done following these T-test was used in the hypothesis testing.

essential steps: First, the preliminary preparations, which include

asking permission and official approval from the Office of the

Vocational School Administrator regarding the conduct of the study.

This was followed by the information dissemination to the teachers

and students who were purposively chosen as respondents of the

Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
The chosen respondents were gathered in a class room and

given the proper orientation on the mechanics of the study with the
The presentation of data was organized according to the
end purpose of understanding the processes and procedures. The
sequence in the statement of the problem.
research instrument was also discussed to them for better

understanding on the sequence of the questionnaire.

Research Problem Number I:
Second was the actual distribution of the research
What is the level of assessment of the teachers in
instrument to the respondents and then they answered the
Kabasalan Institute of Technology on the developed Learning
questionnaire. When the respondents had finished answering the
Management System in terms of Program Design, Course
questionnaire, retrieval was done immediately. Each instrument was
Technology, Learner Support and accessibility?
checked to determine valid and invalid responses.
Table 2 presents the responses of the teachers on the
Finally, the accurate recording and tabulation of response
program design. The teacher respondents find item no. 5 it very easy
were done for better interpretation by means of SPSS.
to work on the learning management system program by posting

their lessons online. First and foremost they can post their lessons
Statistical Tools
and assignments both in an online and offline status. In this item,

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 7

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

they posted a mean of 4.90 with a descriptive rating of excellent. a descriptive rating of excellent.
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
First and foremost, they can post their lessons and assignments both In addition to the above information, the teacher
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
online and offline status. respondents always find item No. 2,8,& 11 easy to provide

instructions to their students how to go through every learning step;

The teachers find that LMS provides a facility to make a it also provided a chat and email facility; they can post related

note on the portion of the lessons content; they can provide other literature through online and offline activities; and allow to set-up

sources through linkage with other site for further readings; they can pre-requisite programs of works/activities to determine trainees

create and customize assessment and quizzes content; they find it competence. These statements obtained an average mean of 4.8 with

very easy to track and monitor the performance of their students a descriptive rating of excellent.

individually as well as by their groupings; and more importantly they Table 2

Level of Assessment of Teachers on Program Design
can record their trainees achievement both in an online and offline

manner. In these items, teachers posted an average mean of 4.85 with Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49-
Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent

N Statements on Program Design Weighted Descriptive

o Mean Rating Another very important features that teachers find item No.
1 The LMS provides a facility 4.85 Excellent
which allows you to note 12 it easy in the LMS was the ability to create and post both online
portion of contents.
2 The LMS provides instructions 4.80 Excellent and offline for a schedule of meetings with all their students. Further,
on how to go through every
learning steps. the LMS can provide search engine that allows user to search the
3 LMS provides resources for 4.85 Excellent
further readings. entire website on item no. 7.The above statements posted a mean of
4 The LMS allows instructors to 4.85 Excellent
create and customize contents 4.80 and 4.65 with a descriptive rating of excellent.
5 The LMS allows posting of 4.90 Excellent
online and offline assignments.
6 The LMS allows instructor to 4.85 Excellent
create and customize The table further indicated, the average of teachers
assessment and quizzes.
7 The LMS provides search 4.65 Excellent response to the program design was 4.81 with a descriptive rating of
engine that allows user to
search the entire website. excellent. This figure certainly indicated that teacher respondents
8 The LMS allows posting of 4.80 Excellent
related literature (online or have very high exposure to the program and has manifested mastery
9 The LMS have tracking system 4.85 Excellent on the different intricacies attached in the course.
which allows instructors to
monitor trainees progress in
groups or individual. The data implies that the teachers find the LMS program
1 LMS allows the instructor to 4.85 Excellent
0 record off-line achievements very easy and helpful in the pursuit of the learning process with the
1 LMS allows the instructor to 4.80 Excellent
students. It is very helpful to them in the development of their
1 set pre-requisite activities
1 LMS allows the instructor to 4.70 Excellent lessons as they post it online. This encourage them to do their best in
2 create schedules of off-line and
on-line meetings.
1 LMS provides a chat facility 4.80 Excellent
3 PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 8
1 LMS provides an e-mail 4.80 Excellent
4 facility
Average Weighted Mean 4.81 Excellent
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

the development of their lessons so that students can learn to the guide the trainee to become an active learner; and item 5 the course

maximum level. Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary

technologies are current posted a Researches
share mean score of 4.80 with a
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
descriptive rating of excellent

Table 3 The data revealed that variable of course technology was

Level of Assessment of Teachers on Course Technology
helpful in the overall implementation of LMS. Teachers find it easy
No Statements on Course Weighted Descriptive
Technology Mean Rating to upload their lessons due to its user-friendly features. Besides, it
1 The tool and media support the 4.85 Excellent
course learning objectives encouraged the teachers’ to device all their lessons in such a way that
2 Course tools and media support 4.80 Excellent
trainees’ engagement and guide it can be posted online so that they will no longer discuss all the
the trainee to become an active
learner. details in their classrooms.
3 Navigation throughout the online 4.80 Excellent
component of the course is
logical, consistent, and efficient.
4 Trainees can readily access the 4.85 Excellent
technologies required in the
5 The course technologies are 4.80 Excellent Table 4
current Level of Assessment of Teachers on Learner Support
Average weighted mean 4.82 Excellent
Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49- No Statements on Learner Support Weighted Descriptive
Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent Mean Rating
1 The course instructions are 4.75 Excellent
articulate or link to a clear
Table 3 presents the responses of the teachers on the course description of technical support
offered and how to access it.
technology. As depicted in the table, teachers’ response obtained an 2 Course instruction articulate or 4.80 Excellent
link to the institution’s
average mean of 4.82 with descriptive rating of excellent. accessibility policies and
The teachers had considered that the features on the course 3 Course instructionarticulate or 4.80 Excellent
link to an explanation of how
technology of LMS were very helpful in the overall design of the the institution’s academic
support services can help
program. On the aspect of tool and media on item no. 1, it certainly trainees succeed in the course
and how trainees can access the
supports the course learning objectives; and the trainees can readily service.
Average weighted mean 4.78 Excellent
access the technologies required in the course item no. 4. These Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49-
Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent
statements obtained a respective mean of 4.85 with a descriptive

rating of excellent. Table 4 presents the teachers response to the learner’s

On the other hand, the item no. 3 navigation throughout the support. The overall answer of the teachers obtained a mean of 4.78

online component of the course is logical, consistent and efficient& with a descriptive rating of excellent. The data implied that the

item no. 2. Course tools and media support trainees’ engagement and features on learner’s support contributed to a much on the success of

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 9

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

the implementation of the LMS. distractions
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
Item No. 2 course instruction articulate or link to an
Excellent The course design
accommodates the use

of - 9057
ISSN: 2782 assistive
explanation of how the institution’s academic support services can technologies.
Average weighted mean 4.84 Excellent
help trainees succeed in the course and how trainees can access the
Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49-
service; and the item no. 3 course instruction articulate or link to the Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent

institution’s accessibility policies and services shared a mean score

of 4.80 with descriptive rating of excellent. While the statement on Table 5 presents the responses of the teachers on the aspect

the course instructions are articulate or link to a clear description of of accessibility. The item no. 2 describes the course contains

technical support offered and how to access it obtained a mean of equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual contents obtained a

4.75 still with a descriptive rating of excellent. mean of 4.90 with a descriptive rating of excellent. While item 1,3 &

4 posted a weighted mean of 4.85 and 4.80 respectively with a

The data implied that learners are guided on the different
descriptive rating of excellent.
policies of the school as well as in its program because it can be

accessed by clicking in the provided link. Hence, every student who

The data revealed that accessibility aspect of the LMS was
can access the lessons online are guided on the different allied
always beneficial to the teachers who used the program. It made
services provided by the school to the students, community and to
them very comfortable that all lessons posted can be easily accessed
the clients. It also implied that students have better grasp on the
by their students whenever they are online. It further manifested that
academic support services and it provided them ideas how to succeed
it gives the auditory and visual learners the due consideration in this
in their studies.
Table 5
Level of Assessment of Teachers on Accessibility
Table 6
No Statements on Weighted Descriptive Summary on the Level of Assessment of the Teachers
Accessibility Mean Rating
No Learning AWM Descriptive Rating
1 The course employs 4.85 Excellent System
accessible 1 Program 4.81 Excellent
technologies and Design
provides guidance on 2 Course 4.82 Excellent
how to obtain Technology
3 Learner 4.78 Excellent
2 The course contains 4.90 Excellent
equivalent alternatives
to auditory and visual 4 Accessibility 4.84 Excellent
contents. Overall Weighted 4.81 Excellent
3 The course design 4.80 Excellent Mean
Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49-
facilities readability
Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent
and minimize

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 10

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

No Statements on Program Weighte Descriptive
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
Table 6 presents the summary of the teachers’ response on 1
The LMS provides a
d Mean
ISSN: 2782facility
- 9057 which allows you
the learning management system. The overall mean of the four to note portion of
components posted at 4.81 with a descriptive rating of excellent. 2 The LMS provides 4.42 Satisfactory
instructions on how to go
through every learning
The data revealed that teachers who were always using the steps.
3 LMS provides resources 4.27 Satisfactory
learning management system, considered it as an effective aide in for further readings.
4 The LMS allows .4.16 Satisfactory
their teaching. This further revealed that aside from the most instructors to create and
customize contents
common approached they employed such as group discussion, 5 The LMS allows posting 4.42 Satisfactory
of online and offline
lecture, observation, demonstration and case studies, the use of assignments.
6 The LMS allows 4.44 Satisfactory
online method as an approach whereby posting their lessons through instructor to create and
customize assessment and
the internet was already acceptable as a regular teaching method. quizzes.
7 The LMS provides search 4.22 Satisfactory
As manifested on table 6, it further revealed that engine that allows user to
search the entire website.
accessibility, course technology and program design had tremendous The LMS allows posting
8 4.37 Satisfactory
of related literature (online
contribution to the favorable response due to its high weighted mean or offline)
9 The LMS have tracking 4.39 Satisfactory
score obtained from it.
system which allows
instructors to monitor
Research Problem Number 2:
trainees progress in groups
or individual.
What is the level of assessment of the students in
10 LMS allows the instructor 4.39 Satisfactory
to record off-line
Kabasalan Institute of Technology on the developed Learning
11 LMS allows the instructor 4.42 Satisfactory
Management System in terms of Program Design, Course
to set pre-requisite
Technology, Learner Support and accessibility?
12 LMS allows the instructor 4.28 Satisfactory
to create schedules of off-
Table 7 presented the responses of the students’ assessment line and on-line meetings.
13 LMS provides a chat 3.67 Satisfactory
on the learning management system as an aide in their lessons and facility
14 LMS provides an e-mail 3.82 Satisfactory
the teachings of their mentors in the subjects. As indicated in table, facility
Average weighted mean 4.26 Satisfactory
the average weighted mean of students’ response posted at 4.26 with Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49-
Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent
a descriptive rating of satisfactory.

Table 7 On the other hand, the students had perceived that same
Level of Assessment of Students on Program Design
level of importance the following areas in the LMS which obtained a

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 11

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

verbal interpretation of often: The LMS provides a facility which trainees’ engagement and guide
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches
allows you to note portion of contents; The LMS provides
the trainee to become an active
3 Navigation
ISSN: 2782 - 9057 throughout the 4.41 Satisfactory
instructions on how to go through every learning steps; The LMS online component of the course
is logical, consistent, and
allows instructor to create and customize assessment and quizzes; efficient.
4 Trainees can readily access the 4.40 Satisfactory
The LMS provides search engine that allows user to search the entire technologies required in the
website; The LMS have tracking system which allows instructors to 5 The course technologies are 4.41 Satisfactory
monitor trainees progress in groups or individual; LMS allows the Average weighted mean 4.43 Satisfactory
Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49-
instructor to record off-line achievements; LMS allows the instructor Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent

to create schedules of off-line and on-line meetings; and LMS

Table 8 presents the responses of the students on the aspect
provides a chat facility.
of course technology. As depicted in the table, the average weighted
On the other hand, the following statements on the different
mean of their responses posted at 4.43 and a descriptive rating of
item obtained a verbal interpretation of often such as item
3,4,6,8,11& 14 that LMS provided the following: it provides

resources for further readings; Allows instructors to create and All the statements in the aspect of course technology

customize contents; Allows posting of online and offline obtained a positive response from the students. As showed, item no.

assignments; Allows posting of related literature (online or offline); 1 the tool and media support the course learning objectives obtained

Allows the instructor to set pre-requisite activities; and lastly the highest mean at 4.50 with a descriptive rating of excellent. While

provides an e-mail facility. the item no. 2 that course tools and media support trainees’

The data revealed that the level of exposure of the students engagement and guide the trainee to become an active learner; Item

on the learning management system was already constant. It also no. 3 Navigation throughout the online component of the course is

mean that their utilization of the learning program itself had been logical, consistent, and efficient; Item no. 4 Trainees can readily

consistent. It further revealed that the constant use of the program access the technologies required in the course showed that it is often

contributed much on the learning progress of the students on the in support of the lessons used by the teachers.

lessons posted by their teachers online.

The data revealed that the students who are in constant use
Table 8
Level of Assessment of Students on Course Technology of the program understood very much that they can navigate

throughout the online component of the course. It could be noted

No Statements on Course Weighted Descriptive
Technology Mean Rating
very well that all the components of the course technology were fully
1 The tool and media support the 4.50 Excellent
course learning objectives understood by the students. The data further revealed that each item
2 Course tools and media support 4.44 Satisfactory

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 12

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

in the aspect of technology course where in clear support to the and how trainees can access the service present in the school. This
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary
learning objectives. obtained a mean score of 4.50 with Researches
a descriptive rating of excellent.
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
From the students’ perspective, it clearly manifested that
Table 9
Level of Assessment of Students on Learner Support the program helped them understand fully the school’s vision and its

No Statements on Learner Support Weighted Descriptive services provided. With that, it allows them to make use of the
Mean Rating
1 The course instructions are 4.40 Satisfactory resources available in the school and provide better guidance as they
articulate or link to a clear
description of technical support continue their stay in the school, in general.
offered and how to access it.
2 Course instruction articulate or 4.40 Satisfactory
link to the institution’s
accessibility policies and Table 10
services. Level of Assessment of Students on Accessibility
3 Course instruction articulate or 4.50 Excellent
link to an explanation of how No Statements on Accessibility Weighted Descriptive
the institution’s academic Mean Rating
support services can help 1 The course employs 4.38 Satisfactory
trainees succeed in the course accessible technologies and
and how trainees can access the provides guidance on how to
service. obtain accommodation.
Average weighted mean 4.43 Satisfactory 2 The course contains 4.38 Satisfactory
Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49- equivalent alternatives to
Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent auditory and visual contents.
3 The course design facilities 4.41 Satisfactory
readability and minimize
Table 9 presents the responses of the students on the aspect 4 The course design 4.39 Satisfactory
accommodates the use of
of learner support. As indicated in the table, it posted an average assistive technologies.
Average weighted mean 4.39 Satisfactory
weighted mean of 4.43 with a descriptive rating of satisfactory. Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49-
Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent

Table 10 presents the responses of the students on the area

The data manifested that the students can link to a clear of accessibility. As indicated in the table, it posted an overall mean of

description of technical support offered by the school and the web 4.39 with a descriptive rating of satisfactory.

item 1 with a mean score 4.40 with a descriptive rating of As depicted in the table, the students are guided in

satisfactory. This is also link to the institution’s policies and obtaining the accommodation in the LMS program. It also poster

services which will allow the students to understand and avail such different strategies as an aid in the learning progress of auditory and

policies item 2 with a mean score 4.40 with a descriptive rating of visual development of the students. More importantly, the program

satisfactory. It further link to an explanation of how the institution’s helped the students use different assistive technologies to expand

academic support services can help trainees succeed in the course their learning, making it interrelated to the different information

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 13

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

available in the web. and Students on the developed Learning Management
Asian Journal
Table 11 of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches System

Summary on the Level of Assessment of the Students Respondent

ISSN: 2782 - 9057
s Mean Decisi
t- p-value
No Students Descriptive Rating Variables Tea Differenc on on
Stud value (2-tailed)
Responses cher e Ho
1 Program Design 4.26 Satisfactory s
2 Course Technology 4.43 Satisfactory Program
4.26 4.81 -.54708 8.184 .000 Reject
3 Learner Support 4.43 Satisfactory Design
4 Accessibility 4.39 Satisfactory Course
4.43 4.82 .39333 4.252 .000 Reject
Overall Weighted Mean 4.37 Satisfactory Technology
Legend: 1.0-1.49 –Poor, 1.50-2.49 –Good, 2.50-3.49 Very Good, 3.50-4.49-Learner
Satisfactory, 4.50-5.00- Excellent 4.43 4.78 .34917 3.125 .003 Reject
Table 11 presents the summary responses of the students.y 4.39 4.84 .44583 4.907 .000 Reject
*Significant at 0.05 level of significance
As indicated in the table, all areas of the learning management

system posted an interpretation that all areas of the LMS have been
Table 12 presents the result of the test of hypothesis. As
often in great aide of their studies.
depicted in the table, there were four variables tested to determine
The data revealed that all relevant and essential information
the degree of difference between the teachers and students
that were provided to students as an additional learning were fully
utilized by them making them well-informed on the subject matter in
As disclosed in the findings that there is a significant
their qualification.
difference that exist in the level of assessment between teachers and
Using the learning management system, both the trainers
students of Kabasalan Institute of Technology on the developed
and trainees were able to make use of the quantity of information
Learning Management System in the areas of program design (t=
posted in the web and it tremendously addresses the issue of a
8.184), course technology (t=-4.252), learner’s support (t=-3.125)
rapidly increasing communication.
and accessibility (t=4.907) with the probability of occurrence under
On the other hand, mentors who used LMS were able to
the null hypothesis lesser than α = 0.05 level of significance. As
effectively address the educational needs of their students given
such it posted the following p-value (2-tailed) program design
limited contact hours.
(.000), course technology (.000), learner’s support (.003) and
Research Problem Number 3.
accessibility (.000) respectively.
Is there a significant difference in the level of assessment

between teachers and students of Kabasalan Institute of Technology

Therefore, the posited hypothesis is rejected since there is a
on the developed Learning Management System?
statistics significant difference in the level of assessment between

teachers and students of Kabasalan Institute of Technology on the

Table 12
Significant Difference on the Level of Assessment between developed Learning Management System in the areas of program

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 14

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

design, course technology, learner’s support, and accessibility when This further implies that using LMS it greatly offset
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary
data was analyzed. Researches
classroom attendance and discussion. Primarily the teachers must
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
upload and post lessons online as well as the course outline, content,

The figures depicted in the table pointed out to reject the coverage, requirements and date of completion of the different tasks.

null hypothesis and accept the alternative because of the very high Secondly, teachers must properly orient their students on the online

degree of difference obtained in the testing. lessons and its implications in the completion of the course and

subject so that students can make a better choice in their learning.

The data implies that by using LMS, the teachers were able The use of LMS strongly promotes independent learning for students

to effectively deliver the lessons to their students. In this manner, and support ubiquitous classroom approach. Teachers were

lessons are not just found during the classroom session and schedule encouraged to do alternative learning strategies through uploading

but it is already ubiquitous in nature. The teachers’ respondents lessons online and give details on the different learning objectives.. It

significantly found this method as very effective teaching approach. also posted a very optimistic learning atmosphere whereby students

and teachers exchange ideas, view and understanding through online.

It further revealed that by posting their lessons through the

use of LMS they were able to effectively give the students very CHAPTER V

important lessons and quality information in spite of the limited Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

contact hours. This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion

On the other hand, the students also found LMS as a very and recommendations.
effective tool in obtaining their lessons in the subject and other

requirements because they are no longer dependent on the lessons Findings

tackled by their teachers in the classroom. Even if they have been The data in this study disclosed a profound relationship of
absent for several meetings they don’t feel alienated from their the variables being studied. It revealed that there is a high significant
lessons and still on the track because they were aware on the topics difference in the responses of the teachers and students in the four
and the lessons tackled through accessing it online. areas of LMS.
Furthermore, students who are online can chat with their I. The Program Design variable obtained an average
classmates and interact regarding lessons tackles in the classroom. weighted mean of 4.81 for the teachers with a
Those who were absent on a particular meeting can still cope with descriptive rating of excellent and 4.26 for the
the subject matter and can submit documents and course students respondents with a descriptive rating of
requirements prescribed by the teacher. satisfactory;

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 15

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

teaching approach whereby the combination of online and face to

II. Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches

The course Technology variable obtained and average face classroom teaching were found to be very effective.
ISSN: 2782 - 9057
weighted mean of 4.82 with a descriptive rating of

excellent for the teachers and 4.43 with descriptive CONCLUSION

rating of satisfactory for the students; From the following findings, the following conclusions are

hereby drawn:

The learning management system at Kabasalan Institute of

III. The Learners support variable obtained an average
Technology as an enhancement approach of teaching where found to
weighted mean of 4.78 for the teachers with a
be very effective. It has promoted a high impact on the teaching-
descriptive rating of excellent and 4.43 for the students
learning process of the teacher-implementers and student-users of the
with a descriptive rating of satisfactory ; and
IV. The variable on accessibility obtained an average
The statistical treatment on the hypothesis showed a very
weighted mean of 4.84 with a descriptive rating of
high significant relationship between teachers and students
excellent for the teachers and 4.39 with a descriptive
assessment on the electronic learning management program. It
rating of satisfactory for the students.
clearly manifested that a blended teaching approach whereby the

combination of online and face to face classroom teaching were

On testing the hypothesis, the four areas of LMS disclosed
found to be very effective.
a strong relationship between students and teachers responses. On
This approach is a significant move that lifted up the
the area of program design it posted a value of t= 8.184, course
teaching competence of Technical Vocational mentors and consider
technology posted a value of t=-4.252), learner’s support obtained a
this as worth embracing in the field of teaching for Technical
value of t=--3.125 and accessibility obtained a value of t=4.907 with
Education and Skills Development.
the probability of occurrence under the null hypothesis lesser than α

= 0.05 level of significance. As such it posted the following p-value

(2-tailed) program design (0.000), course technology (0.000),
Based from the conclusion drawn in this study, the
learner’s support (0.003) and accessibility (0.000) respectively.
following recommendations are suggested for adoption:

The exceptionally well-built connection between the

1. All teachers teaching Technical Vocational Education
responses of the teachers and students revealed that LMS as a
together with those who are engaged in Teaching
teaching tool is exceptionally effective. The respondents certainly
Livelihood Education (TLE) in the secondary schools
learned the lessons of the course. It clearly showed that a blended

PAPER ID: AJAMR032021000 16

Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches (AJAMR), Vol. 1, Issue No. 1, March 2021
ISSN Online: 2782 - 9057

Available online at https://msubuug.edu.ph/journal

must make use of the LMS program by posting their Books
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lessons online so that students can access more Richardson, D. and L. Paisley (1998). The First Mile of
ISSN: 2782Connectivity.
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relevant information and view several YouTube videos Development though a Participatory Communication
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Elnor, C. (2005). Matching Teaching and Learning
surely enhance students learning and skills Styles.Technology Connect. MSC Publishing, Man. USA

Goldberg, R. (2006) Virtual Learning Interface. Johns Hopkins
2. All subjects taught in the school that has skills Univ., 338 Krieger Hall, 3400 N. CharlesSt., Baltimore, MD
development and enhancement component, must be

with LMS baseline information so that students and Tofler, W. (1990). Teaching for Different Learning Styles:Gifted
Child of Today Magic. Krieger Hall, 3400 N. CharlesSt.,
teachers can have more time in actual skills Baltimore, MD 21218
demonstration than in classroom lectures;
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3. The blended learning environments must be promoted
Alavi, Maryam. 1994. "Computer-Mediate Collaborative Learning:
in all schools today whereby all subjects taught by the An Empirical Evaluation," MIS Quarterly, (18: 2).
teachers must have an electronic learning management

system baseline so that students will be encourage in

Brookover, W., Schweeitzer J. (2005) Elementary School
Retrieved September 12, 2005 from
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promote double effect in education. That is an
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4. School officials must encourage end give incentives to

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teachers who make use of LMS and posted their http://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/learning-
lessons online. This would persuade the teachers to

take time in learning the blended method of teaching Wiser (1991). http://whatis.techtarget.com/contributor

or the hybrid method of teaching so that teachers will

Wesch, M. (2000) How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and
no longer be the center in the educative process but School, http://www.nap.edu/openbook

their students.
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Angus, J. (2006). Gorilla, gorilla, gorilla [wood veneers, nylon]. Art
Acknowledgments Gallery of Western Australia.
Angus, J. (2006). Gorilla, gorilla, gorilla [wood veneers, nylon]. Art
The preferred spelling of the word “acknowledgment” in American Gallery of Western Australia.
English is without an “e” after the “g.” Use the singular heading Balakrishnan, R. (2006, March 25-26). Why aren't we using 3d user
even if you have many acknowledgments. Avoid expressions such as interfaces, and will we ever? [Paper presentation].  IEEE
“One of us (S.B.A.) would like to thank ... .” Instead, write “F. A. Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Alexandria, VA.
Author thanks ... .” Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments https://doi.org/10.1109/VR.2006.148
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was supported in part by the US Department of Commerce under interfaces, and will we ever? [Paper presentation].  IEEE
Grant BS123456 (sponsor and financial support acknowledgment Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Alexandria, VA.
goes here). Researchers that contributed information or assistance to https://doi.org/10.1109/VR.2006.148
the article should also be acknowledged in this section. Balakrishnan, R. (2006, March 25-26). Why aren't we using 3d user
interfaces, and will we ever? [Paper presentation].  IEEE
References Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Alexandria, VA.
Unfortunately, the Computer Society document translator cannot https://doi.org/10.1109/VR.2006.148
handle automatic endnotes in Word; therefore, type the reference list Balakrishnan, R. (2006, March 25-26). Why aren't we using 3d user
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they will appear in the final paper, i.e., references submitted https://doi.org/10.1109/VR.2006.148
nonalphabetized will remain that way. Bedford, P. (2001). Dingo dreaming [ochre on canvas]. Reproduced
Please note that the references at the end of this document are in in McCulloch, S., & McCulloch Childs, E. (2008). McCulloch's
the preferred referencing style. Within the text, use “et al.” when contemporary Aboriginal art: The complete guide (p.154).
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Bedford, P. (2001). Dingo dreaming [ochre on canvas]. Reproduced
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in McCulloch, S., & McCulloch Childs, E. (2008). McCulloch's
space between an authors' initials. Papers that have not been
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published should be cited as “unpublished” (Bedford, 2001). Papers Fitzroy, Vic: McCulloch & McCulloch Australian Art Books.
that have been submitted or accepted for publication should be cited Bedford, P. (2001). Dingo dreaming [ochre on canvas]. Reproduced
as “submitted for publication” (Balakrishnan, 2006). Please give in McCulloch, S., & McCulloch Childs, E. (2008). McCulloch's
affiliations and addresses for personal communications (Angus, contemporary Aboriginal art: The complete guide (p.154).
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Capitalize all the words in a paper title. For papers published in Bedford, P. (2001). Dingo dreaming [ochre on canvas]. Reproduced
translation journals, please give the English citation first, followed by the in McCulloch, S., & McCulloch Childs, E. (2008). McCulloch's
original foreign-language citation (Balakrishnan, 2006). contemporary Aboriginal art: The complete guide (p.154).
Fitzroy, Vic: McCulloch & McCulloch Australian Art Books.
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