Application Note 23: MICRF001 Antenna Design Tutorial by Tom Yestrebsky
Application Note 23: MICRF001 Antenna Design Tutorial by Tom Yestrebsky
Application Note 23: MICRF001 Antenna Design Tutorial by Tom Yestrebsky
Application Note 23
MICRF001 Antenna Design Tutorial
by Tom Yestrebsky
Antenna System
QwikRadio is a trademark of Micrel, Inc. The QwikRadio ICs were developed under a partnership agreement with AIT of Orlando, Florida
Micrel, Inc. • 1849 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel + 1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 944-0970 •
July 1999 1 Application Note 23
Application Note 23 Micrel
Perhaps a better approach, where significant further range lobed in Figure 2c. Notice also that the radiation pattern in
improvement is needed, is to consider other more efficient Figure 2b is more highly directive than that of Figure 2a.
antenna types, assuming all other constraints (for example, Directivity is anther characteristic of antennas, which the
packaging) can be met. Discussion of such other solutions is reader may investigate further through the references.
beyond the scope of this application note. 90°
Each section of this application note is self-contained, with 20° 60°
significant passages italicized. This should help the reader to
quickly identify and digest the most important passages in 150° 30°
each section without getting bogged down in unwanted
180° 0°
Antenna Characteristics
Before discussing individual antenna types, it may help the
reader to understand basic characteristics common to all 210° 330°
antennas. However, this section is not required reading for
anyone who simply wants to quickly select and apply an
antenna to the MICRF001. Those individuals should read 240° 300°
Every antenna exhibits its own unique energy profile in the 3- λ) Dipole Radiation Pattern
Figure 2b. Full-Wave (1λ
dimensional space around the antenna. This 3-dimensional 90°
energy profile is called the antenna’s radiation pattern. These 20° 60°
patterns are derived theoretically, assuming a uniform, sinu-
soidal current distribution in the antenna, and that the an-
150° 30°
tenna is located in free-space away from other objects and
ground, unless otherwise stated. The real radiation pattern
will then vary from the theoretical pattern as these assump-
180° 0°
tions break down.
As an example, the radiation patterns for three different wave
lengths of linear dipole antenna are illustrated in Figures 2a– Null
210° 330°
2c. The angle of view in Figure 2a–2c. is from the side of a
vertically oriented straight wire.
240° 300°
The patterns indicate relative response intensity as a function
of (polar) angle in the X-Y axis (the “plane of the paper” X-axis
oriented horizontally). Since these are only 2-dimensional Figure 2c. 11⁄2λ Dipole Radiation Pattern
figures, the intensity in the Z-direction (the direction “coming
This example also demonstrates an antenna radiation pattern’s
out of the paper” when the X-axis is oriented horizontally) is
dependence on length. Dipole antenna pattern is fundamen-
not shown. It should be understood that the field pattern
tally determined by antenna length, although this is not true
wraps around the antenna in the X-Z plane to form a torus
for all antenna types. The multilobe response in Figure 2c
comes about from the fact that the antenna is longer than 1
These patterns are made up of lobes. Peaks are simply lobe wavelength of the operating frequency, which elicits addi-
maximums, and nulls are simply lobe minimums. In Figures 2a tional constructive and destructive interference of the energy
and 2b, only a single lobe exists, while the pattern is multi- emanating from the antenna in 3-dimensional space. One
max. radiation intensityEvaluation Antenna
gain = ,
max. radiation intensityReference Antenna
provided the input power is the same for the reference
antenna and the antenna under evaluation.
Figure 2d. Typical Dipole Antenna 20° 60°
1⁄2λ dipole
It should be obvious that two antennas (one transmitting, and
the other receiving), whose orientations are such that the lobe 150° 30°
maximums face one another, are optimally aligned. Thus one 1λ dipole
would not normally choose to orient a transmit antenna
vertically and receive antenna horizontally in the same plane, 180° 0°
since the receive antenna would only pick up a small amount
of the energy delivered into the 3-dimensional space around Peak
the transmit antenna. This is illustrated in Figure 3a. How- 210° 330°
ever, one could simply turn the receive antenna so that both
antennas are oriented in the same (vertical) direction, and the
240° 300°
antenna would be optimally aligned. This is illustrated in
Figure 3b. 270°
power or field strength. It is assumed the signal current could
be increased, no matter what the radiation resistance (that is,
increase current to offset antenna inefficiency). However,
due to the reciprocity theorem of antennas, higher radiation
resistance is desirable at the receive antenna since efficiency
is important there, so the system designer should maximize
this parameter to the extent possible at the receiver.
Figure 5b. Linear (Horizontal) Polarization Antenna (Terminal) Impedance
X-Axis The impedance looking into the terminals of an antenna is
usually only important for signal power matching into a
transmission line (see “Impedance Matching”). Terminal im-
pedance is generally composed of a (real) resistance term
antenna is located away from the input pin of the IC. This
subject is further discussed in “Impedance Matching”.
Figure 5d. Circular Polarization Antenna Resonance and Tuning
Antenna Radiation Resistance An antenna is defined as resonant if its terminal impedance
An antenna’s radiation resistance is a measure of its ability to is equal to its radiation resistance. This is equivalent to saying
radiate an applied signal into space, or to receive a signal that the terminal impedance contains no reactive impedance
from space. To calculate the radiation resistance, the an- component. Since the antenna impedance equals the radia-
tenna is assumed to be lossless. Then, for a given applied tion resistance at resonance, it can be said that the antenna
signal, the total radiated power (P) is calculated or measured, is operating at maximum radiating (or receiving) efficiency.
along with the current (I) in the antenna. Using the equation An antenna may be “tuned to resonance” at a given
frequency by incrementally adjusting the length or form
P = I2 × R factor of the antenna structure. The antenna will be
where: detuned by placing it in the vicinity of other metallic
P = total radiated power (W) objects (which introduces parasitic capacitance to the
I = rms antenna current (A) antenna). The antenna’s radiation pattern will also be
RR = antenna radiation resistance (Ω) modified by proximity to such objects. When tuning and
we associate the radiated power with a radiation “resistance” measuring an antenna system, it is important that the
RR. The radiation resistance is not a real (dissipative) resis- antenna be in its normally deployed state to account for
tance, but a measure of the power radiated into free-space for these parasitics. Otherwise, avoid placing the antenna
a given input current. The important observation about Ra- close to other metallic components.
diation resistance is that, for a given current into the antenna, Antenna Bandwidth
as radiation resistance increases, so does the antenna’s As one might expect, an antenna’s characteristics are valid
efficiency. It will be established later that, in general, larger over only a finite bandwidth. For narrow-band transmitters,
antennas are more effective “signal collectors,” and also commonly used with the MICRF001, bandwidth of commonly
exhibit higher radiation resistance than smaller antennas. used antennas is not an issue. Instances where bandwidth
Application Note 23 4 July 1999
Application Note 23 Micrel
might be important are where the MICRF001 is used to antenna type. This section contains rule-of-thumb informa-
receive one of several channelized frequencies and the tion which applies generally. However, relative performances
frequencies are spaced widely. It is difficult to quantize can be modulated by such variables as antenna length,
bandwidth, since the amount that the antenna characteristics orientation, and location to ground plane or parasitics. For
can vary from resonance, is application dependent. this comparison, the monopole is assumed to be a quarter-
Ground-Plane Effect on Antenna Performance wavelength long.
The presence or absence of a ground plane and the need Parameter Loop Helical Monopole
for a ground plane with an antenna is commonly misun- Design Simplicity 3 2 1
derstood. Unless otherwise stated, antenna characteris-
Range 3 2 1
tics are generally derived by assuming the antenna to be
in free-space, without any ground plane. (The rare excep- Size 2 1 3
tion to this is the monopole, as introduction of a perfect Parasitic Immunity 1 2 3
ground plan allows the monopole to be easily resolved Overall Performance 3 2 1
to, and analyzed as, a dipole.) In the absence of a ground Key: 1 = best relative performance
plane, the most important characteristics, antenna pat- 3 = worst relative performance
tern and terminal impedance, can be determined. When
a ground plane is brought into the vicinity of the antenna, Table 1. Antenna Performance Summary
these characteristics can be altered, in a manner that Monopole antennas are physically larger structures in-
may or may not improve system (range) performance tended for applications which demand the best range.
Antennas in the presence of a ground plane are generally Monopole antennas are also by far the easiest antennas
analyzed by the method of images. This approach removes to design and apply. Monopoles can be a single straight
the ground from the analysis, and places an image antenna wire protruding from PCB (the printed circuit board) or may be
in space at the appropriate dimensions to mimic the signal a (metal) trace built into the PCB (which can lower costs by
reflection associated with the ground plane. The image is not removing another assembly step). Often, straight wire mono-
a real antenna at all, but simply a mathematical construct to pole antennas protrude from the housing assembly, simply
account for the ground plane signal reflection. due to their size (for example, a 315MHz quarter-wave
One often sees it stated that the antenna must be located monopole is 8.9 inches long). Inductively loaded monopoles
above a “good” ground plane. “Good” usually refers here to are available which provide similar performance in a smaller
a ground plane that is sufficiently large and conductive to length, but at higher cost than a simple piece of wire. Range
allow prediction of the antenna’s characteristics with only a of monopole antennas is generally up to 100 meters when
small error to a (theoretical) infinite, perfectly conducting used with micropower OOK (on-off keyed) transmitters.
plane. This is not strictly necessary. Even without a good Small helical antennas are a good compromise, espe-
ground plane, the antenna will still radiate, but with a pattern cially where small size is important. The resulting as-
and impedance different than if the antenna were above a sembly generally can be completely enclosed, and made
good ground plane. The best way to think of the ground plane quite compact. Helical antennas are more difficult to set
is as an energy reflector from the antenna itself, which, up and optimize than monopoles since the antenna’s
depending on the distance from ground plane to antenna, characteristics are strongly influenced by coil diameter
sets up constructive and destructive interference of signal in and compactness of turns along the axial dimension.
space which alters the antenna pattern. The terminal imped- Further, small helical antennas are used in what is commonly
ance is altered due to the parasitic capacitance from antenna called the radial mode of emission, which is not treated in the
to ground plane. A good description of all this may be found literature as thoroughly as axial mode operation of large
in Antennas1, Sections 11.7 and 11.8. helical antennas1. Range is generally up to 60 meters when
For applications where one has the luxury to use or not used with micropower OOK transmitters.
use a ground plane, the choice is not particularly clear. Loop antennas provide the poorest range of the three
If, by using a ground plane, the modified antenna pattern, antennas under consideration, generally up to 30 meters
directionality, and terminal impedance yields the best when used with micropower OOK transmitters. Size is
system performance, then it should be used. Otherwise not particularly attractive, but is smaller than a quarter-
it should not. For applications where a ground plane wave monopole. Loop antennas can be rugged and low
must exist, or where no good ground plane can be cost when the antenna is completely integrated into the
allowed, the antenna should be optimized for that par- PCB. An alternative consideration is to use a less-than-
ticular condition. Finally, there is no reason an adequate quarter-wave monopole built into the PCB rather than a loop
antenna cannot be constructed, even if there is no good antenna. Such an antenna might provide the advantages of
ground plane to work against. a loop (ruggedness, cost) while providing better range.
Antenna Types It is convenient to think of the helical antenna as the general
structure, and that the monopole and loop antennas are
It is beneficial for users to appreciate how the three antenna simply degenerate forms of the helical. For example, com-
types (monopole, helical, loop) compare in general terms pletely stretching out the helical antenna yields a monopole,
before getting too involved in the theory surrounding each and compressing a helical antenna inwards yields a loop
240° 300°
Drive Point
λ Monopole Over Ground Plane
Figure 6. 0.25λ (connect to ANT input)
0 150° 30°
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0