An Analysis of Students' Grammatical Errors in Writing Narrative Text by The Eleventh Graders of Sman 1 Tarakan in Academic Year 2020/2021 Thesis
An Analysis of Students' Grammatical Errors in Writing Narrative Text by The Eleventh Graders of Sman 1 Tarakan in Academic Year 2020/2021 Thesis
An Analysis of Students' Grammatical Errors in Writing Narrative Text by The Eleventh Graders of Sman 1 Tarakan in Academic Year 2020/2021 Thesis
NPM. 16.40601.016
NPM. 16.40601.016
1. RomlahUlfaika, M. Pd 1. ………………………
NIP. 198705012019032024
2. Ridwan, M. Pd 2. ………………………
NIP. 198010272014041001
Acknowledge by
The Head of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Date of Graduation :
Thesis Score :
This is to certify that the sarjana’s thesi of Muhammad Faujil has been
approved by the thesis advisor for further by the board of examiners
Hasil menunjukan bahwa terdapat 331 kesalahan yang ditemukan pada tulisan
siswa dengan menggunakan klasifikasi kesahalahan gramatika oleh Turton (1995).
Terdapat 94 kesalahan verb tense, 53 kesalahan verb be, 10 kesalahan subject-verb
agreement, 4 kesalahan determiner, 7 kesalahan plural, 4 kesalahan pronoun, 29
kesalahan wrong word, 3 kesalahan verb, 2 kesalahan preposition, 12 kesalahan
conjunction, 13 kesalahan article, 16 kesalahan auxilary, 2 kesalahan adjective, 16
kesalahan adverb, 7 kesalahan possesive, 10 kesalahan noun, 13 kesalaha infinitive, 9
kesalahan gerund, 21 kesalahan modal, 3 kesalahan quantifiers and 3 kesalahan
This research was conducted to identify and describe the types of grammatical
error made by the eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan in writing narrative text. The
researcher used descriptive qualitative as the method of the research. The subject of
the research was the eleventh graders of science 1 class of SMAN 1 Tarakan in
academic year 2020/2021. The Number of data that had been takenwere 36 and they
were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The researcher collected the
data by using writing test. The subjects were asked to write narrative text along with
the generic structure well.
The result showed that there were 331errors found in student’s writing based
on grammatical error classified by Turton (1995). There were 94 errors of verb tense,
53 errors of verb be, 10 errors of subject-verb agreement, 4 errors of determiner, 7
errors of plural, 4 errors of pronoun, 29 errors of wrong word, 3 errors of verb, 2
errors of preposition, 12 errors of conjunction, 13 errors of article, 16 errors of
auxilary, 2 errors of adjective, 16 errors adverb, 7 errors of possesive, 10 errors of
noun, 13 errors of infinitive, 9 errors of gerund, 21 errors of modal, 3 errors of
quantifiers and 3 errors of comparative.
Briefly, the grammatical error of Verb Tensebecomes the most dominant error
that appeared the most on student’s writing in narrative text.
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, all praises
to allah, Lord of the universe, who has given the researcher a lot of strength, health,
patience and life in finishing this research paper. Peace and blessing be upon our
prophet Muhammad S.A.W who leaded us to bright life, his family, companions and
The researcher would like to give his best appreciation and his respect to
people who help, support, advice, guide and give so much encouragement
realizes that this study cannot be finished without their helps, so the researcher would
1. Prof. Dr. Drs. Adri Patton, M. Si, as the rector of Borneo University Tarakan.
2. Dr. Suyadi, S.S, M, Ed., as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and
4. Romlah Ulfaika, M. Pd, as the advisor of this research. The researcher profusely
thank to her valuable guidance, patience, advice and encouragement during the
writing process of this research from the beginning and until the end.
5. Ridwan, M.Pd and Nofvia De Vega, M. Pd, as the examiners of this thesis who
research paper.
6. My beloved parents (Hamid and Hariyati) who always support him and frequently
8. All the subjects in this study who were the eleventh science 1 class of SMAN 1
9. My beloved friends Elvana Cholil Ahmad, Gustaf Ardi Prayoga, Ewaldus Mbaha
Rengga, Nimatul Dwi Asmarani, Veronika Noa, Suraya Mohd Arsyad, Siti
Nurohmah and Annisa Tyas Mawarti who always support, motivate and help the
10. Ramot Silaban, S. Pd who has been an inspiration for the researcher to be such
11. All his friends in English Department, who always give their kindness, share their
comments and contribution from the readers for the improvement of the thesis.
PAGE OF APPROVAL...............................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................x
TABLE OF APPENDIX.............................................................................................xii
LIST OF TABLE.......................................................................................................xiii
CHAPTER 1.................................................................................................................1
B. Problems of Statement..................................................................................4
CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................6
A. Definition of Writing......................................................................................6
B. Process of Writing...........................................................................................8
C. Purpose of Writing..........................................................................................9
D. Components of Writing.................................................................................10
E. Types of Error...................................................................................................11
F. Grammatical Error............................................................................................14
G. Cause of Errors.............................................................................................26
H. Narrative Text...............................................................................................27
I. Previous Research.............................................................................................28
J. Theoretical Framework.....................................................................................30
CHAPTER III..............................................................................................................31
RESEARCH METHOD..............................................................................................31
A. Research Design............................................................................................31
B. Research Setting............................................................................................32
CHAPTER IV..............................................................................................................37
A. Findings.........................................................................................................37
B. Discussion.....................................................................................................92
CHAPTER V...............................................................................................................96
A. Conclusion....................................................................................................96
B. Suggestion.....................................................................................................97
Appendix 1 Syllabus..................................................................................................101
Appendix 2 Correction Symbol.................................................................................107
Appendix 3 Student Writing Test Test......................................................................110
Appendix 4 Letter Of Research Introduction............................................................111
Appendix 5 Letter Of Research School....................................................................112
Appendix 6 Letter Of Wriing Originally...................................................................113
Appendix 7 Data Validation Letter...........................................................................114
Appendix 8 Written Test...........................................................................................115
Appendix 9 Grammatical Error Analysis Commited By Students............................150
Appendix 10 Curriculum Vitae.................................................................................168
Table 4. 55 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 34.................................90
Table 4. 56 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 35.................................91
Table 4. 57 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 36.................................92
This chapter will discuss about background of the study, problem statements,
around the world. There are lot of English aspects that can be found either in oral or
written form. According to Crystal (2003), English is a global language since people
can hear about it anywhere, whether in television, radio, advertisement, menu and etc
It means that English is really a well known language that people use to communicate
Moreover, Meyer (1983) states that English has a large amount of second
language speakers around the world with 60% to 75% of native speakers and 25% to
40% of non-native speakers. It can be assumed that learning and mastering English is
a key to be connected to people across the country. According to Burns and Siegel
(2018) there are four interconnected skills in English, they are listening, speaking,
tool of communication. Writing is the most important skills that foreign language
students need to develop it. It is the last stage in learning a language after listening,
speaking, and reading. According to Siburian (2013), writing is a very important skill
because writing needs more practice include the grammar and vocabulary of the
language. According to Harmer (2007) When students have doubts in learning about
language they often ask their teacher to explain things that they do not understand.
Writing requires hard effort to dig and manage the ideas which are from a person’s
mind and pour it into written from effectively so it will be readable. For instance,
when teacher asks the students to write something that related to certain topics, they
will collect information from many sources such as magazines, television, and
internet. After they get sufficient information, they can start writing.
Among the other skills, writing becomes the most difficult to learn. as Palmer
(1994) states writing is difficult to learn because authors should pay attention to a
process that includes planning, organizing, and revising to present meaning. It means
that writing has a few stages to do correctly in order to be able to deliver meaning.
Therefore, it can be concluded, that writing is the most complex and difficult
consequence, learners frequently do some errors on what they write since writing is
language process both in spoken and written. The knowledge of grammar is very
important for learners to express what is on their mind. Ur (1980) states that a learner
who knows how to apply the rules of grammar to express something is defined to
become one with the language. Grammar plays significant role in writing because it
Therefore, eliminating the grammatical error in writing will help either the writer to
have a good writing result and the reader to receive obvious meaning. However,
The data of this study are taken based on interviewing English teachers at
SMAN 1 Tarakan. The researcher asked problems that the teachers confront in
teaching English lesson. They stated a few problems, one of them is the students feel
students about their problem in following the English lesson. Most of them found that
grammar becomes the most difficult to learn especially in term of writing. As the
consequence, the students frequently do error in their writing. Having the stated
description, the researcher is interested to conduct a research under the tittle :An
B. Problems of Statement
1. What kinds of grammatical error that were made by the students in writing
narrative text?
narrative text?
narrative text
2. To figure out the most kind of grammatical error made by students in writing
narrative text
recognizing student’s difficulty in writing along with errors they made. For
students, this research may be beneficial to assist them in writing narrative text
2. For researcher
The researcher hopes that this study can be a good reference and guideline for
other researcher especially for those who conduct the related topic of grammatical
error analysis.
There are three specific definition of the key terms that are focusing this study,
they are:
1. Writing
2. Grammatical Error
3. Narrative text
Narrative text is a text which tells series of action from time to time that is
outlined through early action, crisis action and then resolution. The goal of this
text is to entertain and make the readers are experiencing themselves to the action
This chapter will discuss about the concept of writing, error analysis, narrative
A. Definition of Writing
Writing is one of important skill in learning a language beside the other skills
such as listening, speaking, and reading. Writing is not merely constructing the
language features into a readable final form, from word to sentence and sentence to
which will generate ideas and these ideas then are lastly poured into written from.
speaking and writing are productive skill. Productive means to produce language
rather than receive it. The output of writing can be in form of stories, letters, or text.
of signs and symbols. It is used by people not only to communicate but also to
express feeling. Writers frequently put a message on their written so that they can
meanings. People construct their own ideas or thoughts on a topic and will share it
each other. A person’s views may be different from other people’s views. Therefore,
when constructing ideas, they have to be made up understandable and acceptable. The
ability to write well is not a naturally acquired skill. It is usually learned or culturally
and language skill development when working with their students. According to
Hadley (1993), writing skills must be practiced and learned through experience.
Writing also involves composing which implies the ability either to tell or retell
Brown (2001) illustrates that writing is like swimming. When people want to
be able to swim, they must have like an instructor to show them basic ways or tricks
to swim. After they get the basic ways to swim, they will develop based on their own
style. The more chance they get to swim, the more perfect they will be. Writing has
similar illustration with swimming. At the first time, there will be teachers who guide
students to write. They will show students principles of writing. After students get the
principles, they will try to develop their writing according to their own style. Students
should get sufficient writing practices to acquire writing ability. These practices are
B. Process of Writing
Harmer (2004) stated that the process of writing is a stage a writer goes
through in order to produce something in it is final form and the process of writing
1. Planning
what they are going to write. This may involve making detail notes for some
writers. When planning, writers have to think about three main issues. The
writers have to consider the purpose of their writing, audience they are writing
2. Drafting
3. Editing
produced a draft the writers usually read through what they have written to see
where it works and where it does not. Perhaps the order of the information is
Usually, The other readers or editors who comment and make suggestion help
4. Final Version
The last is final version, when writers have edited their draft, making
the changes they consider be necessary, they produce their final version. This
may look considerably different from both the original plan and the first draft,
concluded there were planning, drafting, editing and final revision for writing
process. Each process has several ways and must be passed before becoming a
complete writing.
C. Purpose of Writing
Grenville (2001) stated that there are three purposes of writing as follows:
1. Entertain
2. Informative
writing helps writers integrate new ideas and examine exiting knowledge.
3. Persuade
logical case backed up with evidence, rather than just an expression of the
Based on the explanation above, the researcher conclude that the purposes of
writing are the aim why the writing be written. There are three purposes of writing,
include informative purpose because, descriptive text can give information for the
D. Components of Writing
According to Heaton (1989) there are five of components of writing, they are:
From the explanation above, the researcher concluded that in writing there
are components that must be used as the guide on writing such as language use,
E. Types of Error
1. Omission
For example:
My mother is … Teacher
2. Addition
a. Double Marking
Double marking means the failure to delete certain items which are
For example:
While in target language, the sentence should be: She didn’t go to school
b. Regularization
have an error in verb usage, the application of irregular and regular and the
For example:
While in target language, the sentence should be: There are many mice in the
a. Simple addition
Simple addition appears when the addition is not either double marking or
For example:
While in target language, the sentence should be: The cat is on the table
c. Misinformation
These errors are characterized by the use of the wrong form of the morpheme
or structure or applying some part of the rule and leaving the other.
For example:
While the correct sentence should be: Andy cut the tree
d. Misordering
For example:
Why he is crying?
While in the target language, the sentence should be: Why is he crying?
F. Grammatical Error
not suitable to the grammatical rules that may make writing become not good.
Meanwhile, Ellis (1997) states that grammar is concerned with the rules which
determine the formation and interpretation of words, phrases, and sentences. Therefore,
the grammatical error is important to be considered by the learners because it does not
match with the grammatical rules system of a language. The English learners have to be
able to comprehend what is grammatical rules of English and how to apply them well
influence the meaning of the text. By having the fact, learning grammatical error enable
or pay less attention and careless in learning grammar. A study about students’
grammatical errors is still interesting for other researchers including the researcher of
this study. According to a few of previous study related about students’ grammatical
errors, students commonly make errors around passive voice, verb tense and form,
articles, and so on. For instance, a study about grammatical errors taken by Uthman and
Abdalla (2015), they mention that there were several grammatical errors found in their
study, such as wrong tense, articles, verb to be, subject-verb agreement, pronouns,
pluralization, adjectives, word order, adverbs, possessives, and relative clauses. Thus,
since there were some kinds of errors in grammatical that were found in the students’
writings, thus in this research, the researcher concluded the common grammatical
errors will be found in students’ writing by using grammatical error list composed by
1. Verb Tense
four kinds of simple tenses, four kinds of progressive tenses, four kinds of
perfect tenses, and four kinds of future tenses. All these tenses have their own
rules to be applied and they will be used differently in different time, situation
The example of error: I never work as a cashier until I get job there. This
discusses about past situation when the activity happened. So, the correct
sentence should be “I never had worked as a cashier until I got job there”.
2. Subject-Verb Agreement
Subjects and verbs must agree with one another in number (singular or
plural). Thus, if a subject (the person or thing doing the action) is singular, its
verb (the word representing the action) must also be singular; if a subject is
plural, its verb must also be plural. Based on the explanation above, it can be
concluded that subject-verb agreement error occur when the subject does not
agree with the verb in person or number. In other hand, the verb that will be
used in accordance with the subject who does the action, singular verb for
The example of error: My brother and his friend goes to school by bus
together. From the example above, it can be seen that there is an error
occurred in the sentence. The subject who does the action is plural subject but
the verb that used in sentence above is a singular verb so this will make a
subject-verb agreement error. The correct sentence from the example above
3. Subject-Complement Agreement
means that subject and its complement must agree one another in number
prepositional phrases.
The example: My two English teachers are also a good friend of mine.
The correct sentence: My two English teachers are also good friends of mine.
4. Verb be
Verb be is a kind of verbs which consists of nominal verbs such as am, is,
are, or be. The error of verb “to be” commonly occurs in simple tense or
progressive tense. The example of error: The teachers is applying cooperative
learning method in their classes. The correct sentence: The teachers are
5. Determiner
Determiners are the words which come at the beginning of the noun
phrase. They tell about the noun or noun phrase in specific or general. The
example of determiner is a/an, the, this, my, each, every, etc. The example of
error: That geese are swimming elegantly until someone threw a stone near
them. The correct sentence: Those geese are swimming elegantly until
6. Plural
Nouns are defined as the word of thing which include of person, animals,
plants, happiness, and so on. There are so many kinds of noun in English such
as countable and uncountable nouns, and singular and plural nouns. Plural
definition in Zenius (2014:127) is the things that counted more than one while
singular is the thing that counted just one. The example of plural nouns can be
mentioned such as glasses, mice, geese, teeth, feet, pajamas, and so on. The
example error. She treats her employees like slave. This sentence will be
stated that the object of the sentence is plural so the word of “slave” must be
7. Pronoun
written should refer clearly and mistakably to one particular noun (antecedent)
which means antecedent is the noun to which the pronoun refers. According to
Simmons (2017) in Rules for Finding and Fixing Pronoun Agreement Errors,
the pronoun must agree with its antecedent and the general rule for pronoun
possibility for the students to commit pronoun error. This error occurs when
The example of error: The restaurant’s specialty is duck. They are always
fresh. The erroneous comes from the word “they”. It has already mentioned
they which is plural must be replaced with the singular one (it).
8. Wrong Word
because it will make the sentence become ambiguous. The sentence “He
wears simple suit because he is rich” the quoted sentence is incorrect due to
the meaning is ambiguous therefore the best form of it is “He wears simple
9. Verb
experience. Kind of verbs in English are transitive and intransitive verb, finite
and infinite verb, and regular and irregular verb. The kind of verb error
probably happens in students’ writing. Verb error occurs when students ignore
the verb rules and get confused with kind of verb. Commonly they always
over generalize the rules to make a correct sentence or they are less
The example of error: Children try to beauty their classroom with new
That sentence is literally incorrect because the word “beauty” is not a verb but
a noun. Thus the correct verb will be used to complete the sentence is
10. Preposition
Preposition is the word which is used before noun, and it can be a noun
consists of the word about, after, against, at, down, for, from, in, on, during,
signal and to use the prepositions properly, the rules are needed. When
11. Conjunction
besides, so, and so on. Conjunction error commonly occurs because students
The example of error: The garlic shrimp, fried clams, broiled lobster are the
The correct sentence: The garlic shrimp, fried clams, and broiled lobster are
12. Article
Article in English consists of a, an, and the. The word “a” and “an” is
While the word “the” is basically used for showing the specific noun that
meant by the speaker. Article error probably happens in students writing
13. Auxiliary
Auxiliary is a verb that is used with another verb to describe about the
English be, have and do. Committing auxiliary usually occurs because of the
14. Adverb
about verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase. The example of adverb such as now,
almost, seldom, etc. The adverb error probably happens in students’ writing.
15. Adjective
the noun and Indonesian structure rule does the opposite. The example of
16. Possessive
adjective (my, her, his, etc.), possessive determiner (whose) and possessive
pronoun (mine, yours, hers, etc.). To classify the type of errors in possessive,
possessive error happens in students’ writing, it probably occurs because of
17. Noun
Noun is the word that is used to show the name of person, place, animal,
day, plant, concept, or the name of thing and so on. The erroneous of noun
mouses in my birthday gift box. The sentence above is incorrect because the
plural of mouse is “mice” not “mouses”. So, the correct sentence must be
“Doni is so mean to me because he puts ten mice in my birthday gift box” and
18. Infinitives
Infinitives are the basic forms of verb which is not modified or commonly
known as V1. In grammatical, infinitives are divided into two kinds such as
infinitives with “to” and infinitives without “to”. The example of infinitives
with “to”: to go, to see, to listen, to hear, to speak, etc. While the example of
infinitives without “to”: go, see, listen, speak, hear, eat, etc.
The example of error: We don’t have any idea about how solving this
The correct sentence: We don’t have any idea how to solve this problem.
19. Gerund
Gerund is verb which is changed into noun by adding the suffix –ing or
simply it is called as a noun with the form –ing. The example of gerund is
complement of the object, gerund after verb, gerund after preposition, and so
20. Modals
particular idea which cannot be expressed by using verbs. There are some
kinds of modals in English grammar such as, can, could, had better, may,
might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, would, used to, etc.
The example of error: She would not asked him for anything.
The correct sentence: She would not ask him for anything.
21. Quantifiers
Quantifiers are the words or phrases which show about “how many” or
“how much” noun discussed. Quantifiers include all, any, many, (a) few, (a)
little, less, much, most, more, several, some, etc. The use of quantifier related
about comparing the quality or degree of something by adding the word, “er
expresses about the highest degree or quality of something by adding the word
“est or most”.
form in their writing. The lack of knowledge and the ignorance of rules is
G. Cause of Errors
Identifying the error made by the student is quietly difficult because each
student may have the different cause of error. The difficulty comes from the different
1. Interlingual transfer
learner. In this case, learners use their first language as previous linguistic
system to translate the target language because they are not familiar with the
2. Intralingual transfer
In this case students use their previous knowledge to facilitate them in learning
target language and student’s knowledge will combine both native and target
language. In short, intra lingual transfer is about overgeneralization in arranging
H. Narrative Text
Anderson (1997) states that a narrative text is a text which tells a story or
form of folktale, legend, history, and myth. According to Anderson (1997) there
1. Orientation
Orientation is the first generic structure of narrative text which is about the
introduction of the story. In this part, the readers are told about the characters and
2. Complication
Complication is the second part of narrative text structure that tells about the
3. Resolution
Resolution is part where the characters find the solution of the problem. It also
4. Coda
Coda is a message or moral value that the readers can get and learn from the story.
I. Previous Research
The researcher discovers some relevant studies with this research as follows:
a. The first is conducted by Ansyarin 2011 with the title “Errors in Using
Laboratory UM Junior High School”. The purpose of this study was to find
out the dominant errors made by the eighth graders of SMP Lab UM and
the types of errors that occur in using simple past tense in narrative text
written by the eighth graders of SMP Lab UM. The research design applied
classes, cluster random sampling was used to collect the data to represent
each of the classes, so that they were all well represented. Then, the data
found out that (1) there are three out of eleven types of errors classified as
the dominant errors, namely Omission of to be, Wrong form of to be, and
b. The second was conducted by Anwar in 2014 with the title “An Error
The objective of this study was to know and explain the most frequent
errors made by the first-grade students of Senior High School Two May
Ciputat in writing narrative focused on simple past tense. The classification
of errors in this study is divided into four categories; they are omission,
consists of 20 students of the first grade of senior high school who have
more than 100 words writing. The method used in this study was descriptive
analysis method to describe students’ errors and analyze the data by using
students’ errors. The data was taken from the test; it was written test. The
findings showed that there are 152 errors made by the students. The most
c. The third is Conducted by Nurul Amalia in 2013 with the title “Error
MTs Negeri Kunir Wonodadi Blitar”. The objective of this study was to
investigate the types of errors, the dominant errors, the cause of errors, the
students’ problems in writing recount text. Based on the finding, there were
missformation errors were the highest percentage of errors in this study and
J. Theoretical Framework
The theoretical Framework described as follow:
This chapter will discuss research design, research setting, research subject,
A. Research Design
systematically and accurately based on fact about certain object. The purpose of
descriptive research was to describe a phenomenon and its characteristic thus this
research was more concerning with ‘what’ rather than ‘why’ or ‘how’ something
happened. In addition, Bogdan and Biklen (2007) adds that descriptive research is a
research that the collected data are taken in form of words or pictures rather than
numbers. Therefore, the researcher took and presented the data in words rather than
numbers. From the expert’s statement above, it could be assumed that qualitative
life and the data showed in written language rather than numbers. In this research
the data was qualitative and they were analyzed quantitatively by using frequencies,
the student’s grammatical error in writing narrative text. The researcher observed
the errors made by student, identified, and classified the errors according to Oshima.
B. Research Setting
collected the sample as a subject of the research. This research was conducted in
SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan at. Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No. 18 KarangAnyar Tarakan
A. Research Subject
The subject of this research was the eleventh science 1 of SMA Negeri 1
students. Based on interview with the English teachers, they stated that the eleventh
contrast they had the highest score and the most interest in learning English lesson
than either social or language classes. In this research, the researcher used purposive
sampling which the focus of this research was to know kind of errors made by
population is more than 100 it is better to take all the sample at least 10% - 15% or
B. Research Instruments
The instrument of this research was writing test. The students were asked to
compose narrative text by following the generic structure well. The students were
given a paper to write a text of narrative and the student’s writing were taken as the
data to be analyzed and the text consited of minimum 200 words. Students were given
writing text. The researcher gave an instruction to the students to compose a narrative
text by following the generic structure well. The student’s writing was taken as data
of the research then they were analyzed to figure out the error made by students.
essential part of the research. The information gained from analysis of the preliminary
data collection leads to better understanding of the situation and helps to determine
what further data collection is required. The data analyze used the theory of Miles and
1. Data Reduction
Data reduction is the first step for analysis of the data. According to
focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the raw data that appear
in written-up field notes. In this research the researcher will conduct the
2. Data Display
Data display will organize and arrange the data to make the data
guideline. The researcher will give the symbol on each error made in students
writing. The result of finding data will be put into table. Next the researcher
of errors to get the most error and percentage the errors on each type of error
Finding out the percentage students errors using the formula by Arikunto
100 %
P =N X
P: Percentage
∑N: Number of total errors.
The researcher will use the formula above to figure out percentage of each
percentage of verb be error and based on students writing found that there are
50verb be errors then the total number of this error will be timed 100%
therefore it will be 50 then the number will be divided to the whole number of
3. Conclusion Drawing
According to Miles and Huberman (1994) state the third stream of analysis
analysis that will be started after the are collected and displayed.
The trustworthiness provides the research of the real finding on the analysis of
obtain the trustworthiness of the data, the researcher used triangulation technique.
theme. This ensures that the search will accurate the information is taken from
researchers to develop accurate and credible reports. Denzin (1978) mentions the four
theoretical points of view can be placed side by side to assess their utility and
method as opposed to the others to maximize the validity of the field effort.
researcher took the student’s writing in narrative text. Thus, the data were
After all data had been marked with error symbol, the researcher started analyzing
the data to recognize kinds of error and what kind of error that become the most
This chapter presents the findings after the researcher analyzed the data which
is included the classification type of errors and the mostly error made.
A. Findings
categorization of errors that the researcher found after analyzing the data.
1. Classification of errors
1 Tarakan. The data were in form of writing especially in narrative text by following
the generic structure and language features well. After that data had been collected
then the researcher could determine the classification of errors that were found in
student’s writing.
To classify the data, the researcher adopted the theory of grammatical error by
Turton of which the errors were grouped into 22 types. The researcher told the
narrative text and the student who committed the errors. In addition, the researcher
changed the name of the students by giving code to all student, for example SN 1
which mean student number 1. The researcher took one sentence in each
subcategory as the example of the error. The samples were taken by the researcher
a. Verb Tense
every verb that show an action should be in past form, therefore the word
‘pass’ on the sentence above should be changed into passed. The number of
verb tense errors were 94 and were occurred by students SN1, SN4, SN5,
SN6, SN7, SN8, SN9, SN10, SN12, SN13, SN14, SN15, SN16, SN19,
SN20, SN22, SN23, SN25, SN26, SN29, SN31, SN32, SN33, SN34 and
b. Subject-Verb Agreement
Singular subject such as He, She and It must agree with singular verb
or in this case singular verb be (Is and was). Based on the sentence, “He
were” is incorrect because the subject and verb do not agree each other
where the subject “He” is singular while verb be “Were” is plural. The
students SN1, SN3, SN14, SN16, SN17, SN18, SN34 and SN36.
c. Verb Be
“Once upon a time” which indicate the beginning of an event in the past. By
having this fact, the verb be then must be in past form as well. The number of
verbs be error were 53 and were made by students SN1, SN2, SN3, SN4, SN7,
SN8, SN9, SN10, SN12, SN16, SN19, SN21, SN22, SN23, SN25, SN26,
d. Determiner
The word ‘women’ is one of irregular plural noun in English and the
correct determiner to modify it is these not this. The number of determiner error
were 4 and were made by students SN8, SN22, SN34 and SN36.
e. Plural
The sentence above shows that the total number of the question is more than
one or plural therefore the word ‘question’ must be added with suffix –s for plural
countable noun. The number of plural errors were 7 and were made by students
f. Pronoun
Table 4. 6 The example of grammatical error of Pronoun
It can be seen that subject in the first sentence is ‘three close friends’
therefore the proper pronoun of it is they. The number of pronoun error were 4
g. Wrong Word
immediately came and helped helped Praha. Praha was saved and
needed help in the sentence was Praha then he should be the one who was saved
after being saved by some men. In the second sentence there is passive voice
sentence ‘they were saved’ which confusedly mean some men help themselves
while Praha supposed to be the person who was helped by them. The number of
wrong word error were 29 and were made by students SN4, SN5, SN6, SN7,
SN8, SN9, SN11, SN12, SN14, SN15, SN19, SN20, SN21, SN22, SN25, SN26,
h. Verb
sentence must contain at least a single subject and verb therefore the incorrect
sentence should be added verb be ‘was‘ matching to the subject ‘he’ and the
type of nominal sentence. The number of verb error were 3 and were made by
i. Preposition
Front” is a special prepositional phrase which mean close to the front or ahead
therefore the word ‘front’ should be matched with preposition ‘in’. The number
of preposition error were 2 and were made by students SN24 and SN33.
become well organized. The number of conjuction error were 12 and were
made by students SN3, SN7, SN14, SN16, SN17, SN19, SN20, SN26, SN29,
j. Article
The usage of article a is for noun with first consonant letter (B, C,D, F, G,
with first vowel letter (A, I, U, E, O) therefore the noun ‘ant’ should be
modified by ‘an’. The number of article error were 13 and were made by
students SN1, SN3, SN7, SN10, SN13, SN24, SN26 and SN29.
L. Auxiliary
identical word ‘not’ but it is less complete. There should be past auxiliary
‘did’ before ‘not.’ The number of auxiliary errors were 16 and were made by
students SN5, SN6, SN8, SN12, SN15, SN16, SN20, SN22 and SN23.
M. Adverb
Code Error Sentence Suggestion of Correct Sentence
SN33 Tiger that was in trouble Tiger that was in trouble roaring
suffix –ly from an adjective. On the example of sentence above it shows that
the adjective ‘angry’ does not transform therefore it should be ‘angrily’. The
number of adverb error were 2 and were made by students SN24 and SN30.
N. Gerund
preposition is not correct because its position changes into noun by adding
error were 9 and were made by students SN1, SN7, SN8, SN12, SN16, SN30,
O. Modals
SN26 I want your world you must I want your world you must
todisappear disappear
Modals such as can, could, may, might, should, had better, must, will and
changed into only must. The number of modal error were 21 and were made by
students SN1, SN4, SN5, SN6, SN7, SN8, SN10, SN12, SN15, SN20, SN26,
P. Infinitive
SN09 She did’nt know what they She did’nt know what they wanted
wanted do to do
errors were 13 and were made by students SN5, SN6, SN9, SN15, SN16, SN20,
Q. Possessive
Table 4. 17 The example of grammatical error of Possessive
SN33 She holds me tightly in hers She holded me tightly in her arms
‘hers’ means a unity of possessive of which the object is already known and
don’t need to be written. The number of possessive errors were 7 and were
R. Noun
SN35 Anne had to sleep in a tiny Anne had to sleep in a tiny room
Mouse is one of irregular plural noun which mean it does not end with
s/es generally. The special plural form of mouse is mice. The number of noun
error were 7 and were made by students SN9, SN10, SN21, SN23, SN29 and
S. Adjective
SN25 It was a cloud day and the It was a cloudy day and the
The grammatical error on the sentence above is considered as adjective
error because the word ‘cloud’ is modifying a noun (day) so the correct one
should be ‘cloudy day”. The number of adjective errors were 16 and were made
by students SN5, SN6, SN9, SN12, SN15, SN16, SN20, SN21, SN29 and
T. Quantifiers
SN08 ‘Hey elephant why don’t you go ‘Hey elephant why don’t you go
and pick some banana for me?’ and pick some bananas for me?’
Quantifiers like ‘some’ certainly discuss about noun which the amount is
more than one or in this case ‘banana’ should be ‘bananas’. The number of
quantifier error were 3 and were made by students SN21, SN24 and SN35.
SN14 When the most oldfish When the oldest fish heard that he
with suffix -er for comparative and -est for superlative one while plural syllable
adjective will be added with signal word ’more’ for comparative and ‘the most’
for superlative. The number of superlative and comparative error were 3 and
Ger. Gerund
After walk around for a
Inf. Infinitive
He had to walked about ten
kilometers Verb Be
While he walking
He did’nt saw there is
He did’nt saw there is Article
From the data above, it can be explained that there were 5 classification of
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
using verb tense, gerund, infinitive, verb be and article. The total number of errors
were 8 which of consist 3 errors of verb tense, 1 error of gerund¸1 error of infinitive,
It can be seen that there were 3 classification of grammatical errors students made in
their writing. The classification included error in using verb, verb be and wrong word
The total number of errors were 3 which consist of 1 error of verb, 1 error of verb be
conj. Conjunction
She could visualize bright
future both of them
w.w. Wrong Word
That was he always told
Adv. Adverb
One rain day
The table above showed that there were 5 classification of grammatical errors
agreement, verb be, conjucntion, wrong word and adverb. The total number of errors
were 5 which consist of 1 error of subject-verb agreement, 1 error of verb be, 1 error
From the presented data, it can be interpreted that that there were 3 classification of
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
verb be, verb tense and wrong word. The total number of errors were 7 and consist of
3 errors verb be, 2 errors of verb tense and 2 error of wrong word.
prep. Preposition
His friend that was the
v.t. Verb Tense
One of them climb a nearby
The bear come to a friend
who was lying
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no want
to touch
The classification included error in modal, wrong word, preposition, verb tense,
auxiliary. The total number of errors were 6 that consist of 1 error of modal, 1 error
of wrong word, 1 error of preposition, 2 errors verb tense and 1 error of auxiliary.
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
verb be, modal, verb tense, wrong word and auxiliary. The total number of errors
were 5 and consist of 1 error of verb be, 1 error of modal, 1 error of verb tense, 1
When there is no more room
to survive
v. Verb
He no longer had to wait
There is a white bear who Verb Tense
lives alone
And he lives on a black of ice
The bear can do nothing but
do it is best
Poss. Possesive
The bear can do nothing but
do it is best
Ger. Gerund
He dreamed of become a bird
According to the shown data, it can be inferred that there were 5 classification of
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
verb be, verb, verb tense, possesive and gerund. The total number of errors were 12
and consist of 5 errors of verb be, 1 error of verb, 3 errors verb tense, 1 error of
can made worse
So that decided to
make to make a pit trap
S.agr. Subject-verb
Even though tigers was Agreement
at that place
Det. Determiner
That make this animals
V. Verb
Once it ready, the
animal left with a wish
A tiger around that pit Possesive
heard the lion scream
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
verb be, verb tense, comparative, modal, auxiliary, wrong word, subject-verb
agreement, determiner, verb and possesive. The total number of errors were 21 which
consist of 2 errors of verb be, 7 errors of verb tense, 1 error of comparative, 3 errors
Table 4. 30 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 9
From the data category, the students made errors in their writing. The classification
included error in verb be, verb tense, wrong word, noun and auxiliary. The total
number of error 9 which consist of 2 errors of verb be, 4 errors of verb tense, 1 error
pond and saw the fishes
Comp. Comparative
When the most old fish
heard about what the
fishermen say
The most old fish and the
second fish left the pond
with the rest of the family
It can be seen that there were 3 classification of grammatical errors students made in
their writing. The classification included error in verb tense, plural and comparative.
The total number of errors were 8 which consist 3 errors of verb tense, 3 errors of
It can be seen that there were 1 classification of grammatical errors students made in
their writing. The classification included error in wrong word. The total number of
leader of this sect is
Aryani’s husband
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
verb tense and verb be. The total number of errors were 5 that consist of 2 errors of
classification included error in verb tense, preposition and article. The total number
of errors were 5 that consist of 2 errors of verb tense, 1 error of preposition and 2
errors of article.
Regarding the data above, it can be identified that there were 3 classification of
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
verb tense, plural and wrong word. The total number of errors were 4 that consist of 2
w.w. Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
prep. Preposition
His friend that was the
v.t. Verb Tense
One of them climb a
nearby tree
The bear come to a friend
who was lying
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no
want to touch
From the error category, the students made errors in 5 classification in their writing.
The classification included error in modal, wrong word, preposition, verb tense and
auxiliary. The total number of errors were 6 that consist of 1 error of modal, 1 error
of wrong word, 1 error of preposition, 2 errors of verb tense and 1 error of auxiliary.
Ger. Gerund
Without know that
anything dangerous can
happen at anytime in the
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no
want to touch
From the data category above, it can be explained that there were 5 classification of
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
subject-verb agreement, verb be, verb tense, gerund and auxiliary. The total number
of errors were 6 that consist of 1 error of subject-verb agreement, 1 error of verb be, 2
Table 4. 38 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 17
through the path it turns
It can identified that there were 3 classification of grammatical errors students made
in their writing. The classification included error in conjunction, pronoun and verb
tense. The total number of errors were 3 that consist of 1 error of conjunction, 1 error
Having the presented data above, it can be explained that there were 2 classification
of grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error
in subject-verb agreement and verb tense. The total number of errors were 2 that
Luke has a miracle to live
again and improve his life
Her voice sounds heavy
There were 5 classification of grammatical errors that the students made in their
writing. The classification included error in verb tense, wrong word, verb be, noun
and pronoun. The total number of errors were 14 that consist of 6 errors of verb tense,
1 error of wrong word, 5 errors of verb be, 1 error of noun and 1 error of pronoun.
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no
want to touch
From the data above, it can be explained that there were 5 classification of
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
modal, wrong word, preposition, verb tense and auxiliary. The number of total errors
were 6 that consist of 1 error of modal, 1 error of wrong word, 1 error of preposition,
The table above explained that there were 5 classification of grammatical errors
students made in their writing. The classification included error in noun, verb tense,
verb be, adjective and wrong word. The number of total errors were 6 that consist of
2 errors of noun, 1 error of verb tense, 1 error of verb be, 1 error of adjective and 1
The data above can be concluded that there were 3 classification of grammatical
errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in wrong word,
verb be and verb. The total number of errors were 6 that consist of 2 errors of wrong
Table 4. 44 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 23
Student’s Grammatical Error Classification of Number of
Initial Sentences Made by Error Error
S23 Once upon a time a happy Verb Be 1
monkey danced in front of
animals and
they are all very pleased
with his performance
Having the data above, it can be explained that there were 1 classification of
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
verb be. The total number of errors were 1 that consist of 1 error of verb be.
Simba feels guilty for
endangering Nala and
Simba safely plays with Possesive
his friend Nala and also
under his father
One day Mufasa tokk care Preposition
of a herd hyena
A woodpecker is assigned Infinitive
to watched Simba playing
Simba did it and and free Wrong Word
from to supervision
The classification included error in verb be, verb tense, possesive, preposition,
infinitive and wrong word. The total number of errors were 10 that consist of 3 errors
of verb be, 3 errors of verb tense, 1 error of possesive, 1 error of preposition ], 1 error
Chedoya also tells Dyroth
and asked to find an army,
he finally
decide to lie to bigetron
It does’nt know who or Verb Be
what it is
He told Dyroth to find ot
what is Athena.
The king name is Chedoya
He came to the city and he
was shocked there is no
one that life in that city
There is a virtual war
competition that’s highly
favoured and glorified
He came to the city and he
was shocked there is no
one that life in that city
Aux. Auxiliary
It don’t know who or what
it is
Poss. Possesive
The king name is Chedoya.
Shorty story,
Dyroth journey has begun
They did’nt want to Infinitive
errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in verb tense,
verb be, auxiliary, possesive and infinitive. The total number of errors were 13 that
consist of 4 errors of verb tense, 6 errors of verb be, 1 error of auxiliary, 2 errors of
The table above showed that there were 2 classification of grammatical errors
students made in their writing. The classification included error in verb be and
pronoun. The total number of errors were 4 that consist of errors of verb be and 2
errors of pronoun.
Table 4. 48 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 27
From the data above, it can be explained that there were 1 classification of
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
wrong word. The total number of errors were 1 that consist of 1 error of wrong word.
The data above resulted explanation that there were 3 classification of grammatical
errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in adjective,
verb tense and wrong word. The total number of errors were 3 that consist of 1 error
Having data above, it can be explained that there were 2 classification of grammatical
errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in adverb and
gerund. The total number of errors were 2 that consist of 1 error of adverb and 1 error
of gerund.
Table 4. 51 The Grammatical Error Committed by Students 30
Plu. Plural
Great! 10 question left and
i literally going to fall
w.w. Wrong Word
I was felt like a clown
I sat at my desk and Verb
pondering it
Inf. Infinitive
I want to enough sleep
I decided to promised my
There were 5 classification of grammatical errors that students made in their writing.
The classification included error in verb tense, plural, wrong word, verb and
infinitive. The total number of errors were 9 that consist of 4 errors of verb tense, 1
error of plural, 1 error of wrong word, 1 error of verb and 2 errors of infinitive.
The data shown above explained that there were 4 classification of grammatical
errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in verb tense,
verb be, auxiliary and infinitive. The total number of errors were 11 that consist of 3
errors of verb tense, 6 errors of verb be, 1 error of auxiliary and 1 error of infinitive.
It can be seen that there were 1 classification of grammatical errors students made in
their writing. The classification included error in verb tense. The total number of
The bear come to a friend
who was lying
Aux. Auxiliary
Because the bears do no
want to touch
There were 5 classification of grammatical errors students made in their writing. The
classification included error in modal, wrong word, preposition, verb tense and
auxiliary. The total number of errors were 6 that consist of 1 error of modal, 1 error
of wrong word, 1 error of preposition, 2 errors of verb tense and 1 error of auxiliary.
She ate not many food
She had to sleep in a tiny Wrong Word
room with many rats and
From the error category, the students made 4 classification of grammatical errors in
their writing. The classification included error in article, pronoun, quantifier and
wrong word. The total number of errors were 5 that consist of 1 error of article, 1
The table above showed that there were 2 classification of grammatical errors
students made in their writing. The classification included error in verb tense and
verb be. The total number of errors were 3 that consist of 1 error of verb tense and 2
From the data above, it can be explained that there were 2 classification of
grammatical errors students made in their writing. The classification included error in
determiner and verb be. The total number of errors were 2 that consist of 1 error of
B. Discussion
The aims of the research were to answer the research question that was stated
before. The question involved to find out kind of grammatical error and to find out the
most error made by the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Tarakan. To collect the data, the
researcher conducted writing test in narrative text. To answer the research objective, the
conducted on the error made by students. The error is the flawed side of learner speech
or writing.
In the process of collecting data, the researcher asked the students to make a
narrative text by following the generic structure very well. They could write the text
properly however their knowledge about grammar truly influence the sentences they
made which turn into grammatical errors. The researcher used an analysis of
grammatical error to help the students recognizing the errors they made on their writing.
Furthermore, to answer the research questions, there were three previous research
that supported this research. The first previous research was conducted by Ansyar in
2011 with the title “Errors in Using Simple Past Tense in Narrative Texts Written By
The Eighth Gradersof Laboratory UM Junior High School”. The purpose of this study
was to find out the dominant errors made by the eighth graders of SMP Lab UM and the
types of errors that occur in using simple past tense in narrative text written by the
eighth graders of SMP Lab UM. The difference was the previous research took the
sample from the second year students of SMP Lab Um while the present research chose
the eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan as the data sample. The result of this research
found the error of verb be as the dominant error. The second previous research was
conducted by by Anwar in 2014 with the title “An Error Analysis of The Use Of Simple
Past Tense In Students’ Narrative Writing”. The focus on this research was the usage of
simple past tense in writing narrative text and found that the error of misinformation as
the dominant error with 54% of the total number. Thus, this research used error
classification by Dulay which consist of four types of error namely omission, addition,
misinformation and misordering. Comparing to the present research, there were some
aspects that obviously different such as the subject of research, error classification being
used and the result of the research. The last previous research was conducted by Nurul
Amalia with the title “Error Analysis of Students’ Writing Recount Text at the Second
Year Students of SMAN 2 Banda Aceh on Recount Text Written By The Eight Grader
of MTs Negeri Kunir Wonodadi Blitar”. The research finding considered the error of
verb tense as the most dominant error made by students with 140 errors or 56% of the
total error. In addition this research chose recount text as the text type in student’s
writing while the present research used narrative text. Furthermore, the previous
research used different technique of collecting data and its was mixed quantitative –
qualitative method. In contrast, the present research used qualitative descriptive method
Based on the three previous researches above that showed the result of
grammatical error analysis in students writing had different types of errors. The finding
of the research hopefully will help the students to know the error they made. The finding
of the present research had the same with one of previous research above and it was
grammatical error of verb tense. Verb tense error happens when the action verb is put in
wrong tense where it supposes to be. For instance the verb ‘went’ belongs to simple past
tense neither simple present nor simple future tense. In this case the verb tense error at
present research likely to occur due to the students probably did not recognize the
The researcher also discussed about the types of errors made by students in writing
narrative text of the eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan. Turton (1995) classified
some grammatical errors into 22 types, and they were committed by students except one
A. Conclusion
After the researcher did the research and analyzed the student’s writing of
narrative text in eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Tarakan. There were so many errors
over there and sometimes the researcher felt hard to analyze because the result of
their writings were so bad. The researcher also found distinguishes of ability in the
students. Some of them were excellent at grammar but some of them were not.
Therefore, in this part the researcher concluded and described the number of errors.
The total amount of errors that the students made were 331 errors which
belonged to some kinds of error. The error of verb tense had the highest number the
students made on their writing with 94 number of errors or 28,4%. Furthermore, the
error of verb be was the second highest error with 53 number of errors or 16%.
Following the two highest numbers of error, the error of wrong word was also part of
the top three highest error with 29 number of errors or 8,8% from the total
B. Suggestion
They might be useful for the students, teachers and future research.
1. For students
The most type of error was verb tense. The researcher suggest the students to
learn more about verb tense, its kind and how to use them very well and do more
practice to write. The students also should read more narrative text in order to
gain more insight on the text and know how to construct the narrative text
2. For teacher
The teacher may teach the students about verb tense by giving clear and
detail explanation of how to make sentence in each tense. After applying that in
the learning process, it is expected the students will be able to understand the
consideration to the students, teachers, and other researchers to make the solution
Bach, B and Gordon B. (1988). Fiction for Composition. USA: Scott, Foresman and
Burt, M. K &Kiparsky. (1994). Error Analysis in The Adult EFL Classroom. TESOL
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University Press.
Ellis, R. (1997). The Study of Second Language Acquisition, 2nd Edition. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Grenville, K. (2001). Writing from Start to Finish a Six-Step Guide. Sydney: Allen &
Spratt, Mary., Pulverness, Alan., Williams, Melanie. 2005. The TKT Teaching
Knowledge Test Course. Cambridge: University of Cambridge.
Turton, N. D. 1995. ABC of Common Grammatical Errors: for Learner and Teacher
of English. Hong Kong: Macmillan Publisher Limited. Inc., 2001
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New York: Cambridge University Press.
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Appendix 1 Syllabus
Kelas : X
Kompetensi Inti :
Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar
Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar
Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar
Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar
secara jawab,
dan c berkelompok
menuliskan a, dan
jelas /menyalin teks
naratif dengan dalam
(5) U memperhatikan
capan, fungsi sosial, Komunik
tekana asi
n kata, struktur, dan
intona Ketepata
si, n dan
ketika kebahasaan kesesuaia
memp n
dengan runtut
resent menggun
asikan akan
Siswa strategi
lisan membacakan dalam
(6) R teks naratif
ujuka Kesungg
kepada teman uhan
kata dengan siswa
Topik menggunakan proses
unsur pembelaj
Keteladan aran di
an kebahasaan setiap
yang tepat tahapan
perilaku Siswa
dan nilai- Kumpulan
menyusn catatan
nilai teks naratif kemajuan
luhur dan belajar
Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar
sederhana berupa
memperhat rekaman
ikan fungsi
sosial, naratif
struktur tek Kumpulan
dan unsur siswa
kebahasaa yang
n dengan g proses
baik dan penulisan
benar naratif
Mengasosiasi draft,
Secara editing
berpasangan sampai
siswa hasil
menganalisis terbaik
beberapa teks untuk
naratif dengan dipublikas
fokus pada i
fungsi sosial, Kumpula
struktur, dan n hasil tes
unsur dan
kebahasaan latihan.
Siswa Catatan
memperoleh rekaman
balikan penilaian
diri dan
(feedback) dari
Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar
Kompetens Materi si Sumber
Pembelajaran Penilaian
i Dasar Pokok Wakt Belajar
kliping teks
naratif dengan
menyalin dan
Friday always is our busiest our busisest day
V. Verb V. The students are on
The students on time and time and study hard
study hard
Prep. Preposition Prep. We start serving
We start serving dinner 6.00 dinner at 6.00 PM
Conj. Conjunction Conj. Book, pen, ruler,
Book, pen, ruler, pencil pencil and eraser
eraser are school stationary are school
Art. Article Art. We need a small
We need small glass to carry glass to carry water
Art. onto the pan
water into the pan
Aux. Auxiliary Aux. It can be seen that
It can been said that smoking is smoking is bad
Adv. Adverb Adv. The turtle walked
The turtle walked so slow so slowly
Adj. Adjective Adj. Lulu bought a
Lulu bought a beauty gown beautiful gown
yesterday yesterday
Poss. Possesive Poss. This is my diary
This is mine diary
Nn. Noun Doni is so mean, he puts ten Doni is mean, he
Nn. puts ten mice in my
mouses in my birthday box birthday box
Inft. Infinitive Annie will present
Inft. how to make
Annie will present how to scrambled egg
making scrambled egg
Ger. Gerund Ger. Playing football is
Play football is my hobby my hobby
Mod. Modals Mod. She would not ask
She would not asked him for him for anything
Quant. Quantifier Quant. My sister brought
My sister brought me so much me so many apples
apples yesterday yesterday
Name :
Class :
Please compose a narrative text within the generic structure well.
Appendix 4 Letter Of Research Introduction
Appendix 6 Letter Of Wriing Originally
Appendix 8 Written Test
Appendix 9 Grammatical Error Analysis Commited By Students
After walk around for a moment
He had to walked about ten kilometers
Verb Be
While he walking
If everything is finished
Verb Tense
They were very grateful to the father and give a little fortune
Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
His friend that was the ground
Verb Tense
One of them climb a nearby tree
They knew that anything dangerous can happen
Verb Tense
He lay down on the ground
Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
Because the bears do no want to touch
He no longer had to wait
Verb Tense
There is a white bear who lives alone
When the most old fish heard about what the fishermen say
The most old fish and the second fish left the pond with the rest of
the family
Verb Tense
We have live in this pond for a long time
The next day the fishermen come and caught all the fish left in the
so they immediately came and helped Praha. They were saved and
Praha gave some money to them
have happened
Even so, they continue to travel untill they arrived at the destination
Verb Be
No one is willing to investigate that
The tree also gave an answer that the owner of this necklace is the
He find the sound and saw if the lion was hit by hunter’s trap
Because the kindhearted lion let the rat go
One day in a forest, there lived rat who was looking for food. While
he walking he met a sleeping lion. The lion woke up and saw a rat
Verb Be
Their name is Alan and Hadi
Verb Tense
They look happy together
Her voice sounds heavy
His wife got up and looked at Luke. However, there are different
from his appearance. Her eyes are black and her hair is very long
and her voice sounds heavy.
Suddenyly his wife choke Luke and said that he had done the wrong
Simba safely plays with his friend Nala and also under his father
One day Mufasa tokk care of a herd hyena
A woodpecker is assigned to watched Simba playing
Wrong Word
Simba did it and and free from to supervision
He came to the city and he was shocked there is no one that life in
that city
Verb Be
A girl who is always a royal listener to her friend when they are sad
and happy
Diandara was ostracized by his family because of his twin who was
Great! 10 question left and i literally going to fall down
Wrong Word
I was felt like a clown
I sat at my desk and pondering it
I want to enough sleep
One rainy day she decided to walk around, she like thunderstorm
Verb Be
She is known as a wanderer
It was horrific, the crowd are running to the nearest grocery. People
Great! 10 question left and i literally going to fall down
Wrong Word
I was felt like a clown
I sat at my desk and pondering it
I want to enough sleep
One rainy day she decided to walk around, she like thunderstorm
Verb Be
She is known as a wanderer
It was horrific, the crowd are running to the nearest grocery. People
Wrong Word
It smelt in his ears
Preposition prep.
His friend that was the ground
Verb Tense
One of them climb a nearby tree
Appendix 10 Curriculum Vitae
2005. Then he continued his study at SMPN 1 Malinau and graduated in 2013. In the
same year he continued his study to SMAN 1 Malinau and took social major thus
graduated in 2016.
Department. In July 2019 he held KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) program in Desa
2019, he took and started the PPL (Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan) at SMAN 1