Model Predictive Control of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles For Frequency Regulation in A Smart Grid
Model Predictive Control of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles For Frequency Regulation in A Smart Grid
Model Predictive Control of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles For Frequency Regulation in A Smart Grid
Research Article
2Electrical Power and Machines Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, P.O. Box 12613, Giza, Egypt
Abstract: Integration between energy storage systems and renewable energy sources (RESs) can effectively smooth natural
fluctuations of the latter and ensure better frequency regulation. Optimal performance of the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
(PEHV) battery, having longer plug-in than driving time, makes it a good candidate for integration with RESs. Decentralised
model predictive control (MPC) is proposed here for frequency regulation in a smart three-area interconnected power system
comprising PHEVs. Two MPCs in each area are considered to manipulate the input signals of the governor and PHEV in order
to tolerate frequency perturbations subject to load disturbances and RES fluctuations. Setting the parameters of the six MPC
controllers is carried out simultaneously based on imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) and bat-inspired algorithm (BIA). Time-
domain based objective function is suggested to account for system non-linearities emanating from governor dead bands and
turbine generation rate constraints. The proposed tuning procedures utilising ICA and BIA are completely accomplished off-line.
Comparative simulation results are presented to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed design.
generation and 6% for lowering generation. In this study, the boiler [21, 22]. As shown in Fig. 4a, MPC unit consist of the system
with a detailed model is also considered and its scheme is shown in model, disturbance model, and measurement noise model. These
Fig. 2b [20]. models will be illustrated in the following sections in details.
discrete-time LTI state-space system using the same steps used to where dk(k) are the unmeasured disturbances; wd(k) are the white
convert the system. The result is noise inputs; and xd(k) is a vector of input disturbance model states.
purpose and shows how the noise changes with time. The More details about MPC modelling are in [15, 22]. Remarkably,
measurement noise model is converted to a discrete-time LTI state- from the above models, the MPC run at discrete intervals of time
space system by the same steps as for the plant model. The result is units names sampling period Ts. If MPC starts at time t = 0. They
are integer multiples of the sampling period: 0, Ts, 2Ts, 3Ts, …,
xn(k + 1) = An xn(k) + Bnwn(k) (8) kTs, where the integer index k represents the currently sampling
instant. Figs. 4b and c show the state of a single-input, single-
yn(k) = Cn xn(k) + Dnwn(k) (9) output MPC system which has been operating for some time. The
currently measured output yk and previous measurements yk−1, yk
where xn(k) is a vector of noise model states; yn(k) is a vector of −2,…, are known and are represented in Fig. 4b. Fig. 4c shows
noise signals to be added to the measured plant outputs; and wn(k) MPC's previous and current moves of u. The MPC calculates the
is a vector of white noise inputs. current move uk in two phases as listed below:
6 Simulation results
Simulations were performed using the ZN-based PI controller
without PHEV, ICA-based MPC without PHEV, ICA-based MPC
with PHEV and BIA-based MPC with PHEV applied to a three-
area interconnected hydrothermal system with RES penetration and
load fluctuation as shown in Figs. 7a and b. The effort of each
optimisation method to decrease the objective function with the
variation of iteration number is shown in Fig. 7c. The obtained
controller parameters for different methods with the corresponding
objective values are listed in Table 1.
It is clear from Fig. 7c and Table 1 that the value of ISE in the
case of ICA-based MPC with PHEV is the minimum value
compared to the other techniques. Furthermore, the value of ISE in
the case of ICA-based MPC with PHEV and BIA-based MPC with
PHEV less than the value of ISE in the case of ICA-based MPC
without PHEV and ZN-based PI controller without PHEV. Thus,
this proves that the adding of PHEV improves the performance
index (ISE) of the system.
The obtained responses in case of nominal system parameters
are shown in Fig. 8. This figure shows that by using the ICA-based
MPC with PHEV, the system responses have very small deviations
compared to the ZN-based PI controller without PHEV, ICA-based
MPC without PHEV, and BIA-based MPC with PHEV. Also, the
deviations of the system responses in the case of ICA-based MPC
with PHEV and BIA-based MPC with PHEV very less than the
deviations in the case of ICA-based MPC without PHEV and ZN-
based PI controller without PHEV. This indicates to the adding of
PHEV has a great effect in the improving of the system responses.
To study the robustness of the ICA-based MPC with PHEV,
variations in the system parameters and operating conditions are
considered. Fig. 9 shows the responses of the closed-loop system
with variation in Tij by ± 50%. For more tests, Fig. 10 shows the
responses of the closed-loop system with variation in Tgi by ± 50%.
Fig. 6 Flowchart of the ICA
It is clear that the ICA-based MPC with PHEV has the ability to
stabilise the system oscillatory modes under system parameter
xnew = xold + εLt, ε ∈ [ − 1, 1] (20) variations.
where ε is a random number and Lt is the mean loudness of all bats 7 Conclusions
at this time step. The loudness decreases and the rate pulse
emission increases after a bat get its prey then any convenience In this paper, the ICA and BIA have been used as optimisation
value can be selected to loudness. When the bat has just found a techniques for tuning of MPC controller with PHEV for LFC in a
prey, this means that loudness is zero and the bat temporarily stops smart grid system with the RES penetration. The simulation results
emitting any sound. This is governed by the following equations: show that the ICA-based MPC with PHEV able to reduce the
frequency deviation, and robust to the system parameter variations
Lti + 1 = βLti, 0 < β < 1,rti + 1 = ri0(1 − e− γt), γ > 0 (21) over the ZN-based PI controller without PHEV, ICA-based MPC
without PHEV, and BIA-based MPC with PHEV. Furthermore, the
adding of PHEV has a powerful effect in the improving of the
As the time approaches infinity, zero loudness is achieved and
system responses.
γti = γi0. The steps of BIA are summarised in the following code
The code of BIA:
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