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Find The Rank of The Matrix A : 1151EC101-Mathematics For E & C Engineers Unit-1 (1 Marks)

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1151EC101- Mathematics for E & C Engineers

Unit-1 ( 1 marks)
1 3 5
[ ]
Find the rank of the matrix A= 4 6 7
1 2 2

a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) 0

ans (a)

2. The rank of the matrix (m × n) where m<n cannot be more than?

a) m
b) n
c) m*n
d) m-n

ans (a)

1 2 1
3. Rank of the matrix A = 2 3 1
1 1 0 [ ]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 3


4. Let T : R3 → R 3 such that T (a, b, c) = (0, a, b) for (a, b, c) ∈ R 3. Then T+I is a zero of the

(a) t (b) t 2 (c )t 3 (d) none of above

ans (d)

5. A linearly independent subset of vectors which spans the whole space is called----- of the vector

a. span

b. basis

c. not a span

d. not a basis

ans (a)

0 1 2 1

6. Find the rank of the matrix A= 1 2 3 1
3 1 1 3 ]
a) 0

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

ans (c)

7. Which of the following set is linearly independent?

a) S = {(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0)}

b) S = {(1, 2, 1), (2, 1, 0), (1, -1, 2)}

c) S = {(1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 1)}

d) S= {(1, 2, 3), (4, 1, 5), (-4, 6, 2)}

ans (b)

8. What is the nature of the set (1,1,2),(1,2,5)(5,3,4) is

a) Linearly independent

b) Linearly dependent and not basis

c) Linearly dependent and basis

d) Linearly independent and not basis

ans (b)

9. The matrix representing the linear transformation given by T(a,b,c)=(3a,a-b,2a+b+c) with

respect to the standard basis {e 1 ,e 2 , e3 }.

3 −1 2

a) 0 −1 1
0 0 1 ]
2 1 3
[ 0 −1 1
0 0 1 ]
3 1 2

[ ]
c) 0 0 1
0 0 1

3 1 2

[ ]
d ¿ 0 −1 1
0 0 1
ans (d)

10. Determine whether (1,2,-3),(1,-3,2),(2,-1,5) are linearly independent. Find the rank

a) 2 b) 1 c) 3 d) 0

ans (c)

11.Which of the following set is linearly dependent?

a) S = {(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0)}

B) S = {(1, 2, 1), (, 1, 0), (1, -1, 2)}

C) S = {(1, 2, -3), (1, -3, 2),(2,-1,5) }

D) S= {(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, 3), (2, -1, 1)}

ans (b)

12. The matrix representing the linear transformation given by T(a,b,c)=(a-c,2a+b+3c,a+b+4c)

with respect to the standard basis { e 1 ,e 2 , e3 }.

1 2 1

[ ]
a) 0 1 1
−1 3 4

1 2 1

[ ]
b) 0 1 1
1 0 0

1 2 1

[ ]
c¿ 0 0 1
1 3 4
3 1 2

d ¿ 0 −1 1
0 0 1 ]
ans (a)

13. Let T: V→W be a linear transformation then the dimension of T(V) is called ----

a) Span

b) Basis

c) Rank

d) Not basis

ans (a)

14. Let T: V→W be a linear transformation then the dim(V)=

a) Rank(T)-Nullity(T)

b) Rank(T)+Nullity(T)

c) Rank(T)*Nullity(T)

d) Rank(T)/Nullity(T)

ans (b)

15. Let V be a vector space over a field F. A finite set of vectors { v1 , v 2 , … v n } in V is called

a) Linearly transformation
b) Linearly independent

c) Linearly dependent

d) Linearly combination

ans (b)

16. Let V be a vector space over a field F. let { v1 , v 2 , … v n } in V. then an element of the
form α 1 v 1+ α 2 v 2 +…+ α n v n α i ∈ F is called ----

A) Linear dependent

b) Linearly independent

c) Linearly transformation

d) Linearly combination

ans (d)

17. Let T: R2 → R2 defined by T (a, b) = (2a-3b, a+4b) is a ------

a) Linearly transformation

b) Linearly independent

c) Linearly dependent

d) Linearly combination

ans (a)

18. The union of two subspaces of a vector space need not be a ----------
a) span

b) vector space

c) subspace

d) basis

ans (c)

Unit-2 ( 1 marks)

19. A probability density function f(x) for the continuous random variable X is denoted
as _______
a) ∫ f(x)dx = ∞, -1≤x≤1
b) ∫ f(x)dx = 1, -∞≤x≤∞
c) ∫ f(x)dx = 0, -∞≤x≤∞
d) ∫ f(x+2) dx = 0.5, -∞≤x≤∞
ans (b)

20. Let X is denoted as the number of heads in three tosses of a coin. Determine the
mean for the random variable X.
a) 4.8
b) 6
c) 3.2
d) 1.5 ans (d)

21. A football player makes 75% of his 5-point shots and 25% his 7-point shots.
Determine the expected value for a 7-point shot of the player.
a) 4.59
b) 12.35
c) 5.25
d) 42.8 ans (c)
22. A Random Variable X can take only two values, 4 and 5 such that P(4) = 0.32 and
P(5) = 0.47. Determine the Variance of X.
a) 8.21
b) 12
c) 3.7
d) 4.8

ans (c)

23. A random variable X can take only two values, 2 and 4 i.e., P (2) = 0.45 and P (4) =
0.97. What is the Expected value of X?
a) 3.8
b) 2.9
c) 4.78
d) 5.32
ans (c)

24. In a Poisson Distribution, if ‘n’ is the number of trials and ‘p’ is the probability of
success, then the mean value is given by?
a) m = np
b) m = (np)2
c) m = np(1-p)
d) m = p
ans (a)

25.  The pdf of Poisson Distribution is given by ___________

e−m mx

e−m x !
e mx

emm x
ans (a)

26.  If ‘m’ is the mean of a Poisson Distribution, the standard deviation is given by
a) √m
b) m2
c) m
d) m⁄2

ans (a)

27. In a Binomial Distribution, if ‘n’ is the number of trials and ‘p’ is the probability of
success, then the mean value is given by ___________
a) np
b) n
c) p
d) np(1-p)

ans (a)

28. In a Binomial Distribution, if p, q and n are probability of success, failure and number of
trials respectively then variance is given by ___________
a) np
b) npq
c) np2q
d) npq2
ans (b)

29. If ‘X’ is a random variable, taking values ‘x’, probability of success and failure being ‘p’
and ‘q’ respectively and ‘n’ trials being conducted, then what is the probability that ‘X’ takes
values ‘x’? Use Binomial Distribution
a) P(X = x) = nCx px qx
b) P(X = x) = nCx px q(n-x)
c) P(X = x) = xCn qx p(n-x)
d) P(x = x) = xCn pn qx

ans (b)

30. The binomial probability distribution is symmetrical when:

(a) p = q
(b) p < q
(c) p > q
(d) np >npq

ans (a)

31. The formula for variance of uniform distribution is

a) (b−a)2 /6
b) (b+ a)2 /12
c) (b−a)3 /8
( b+a )2

ans (b)
32. Normal Distribution is also known as ___________
a) Cauchy’s Distribution
b) Laplacian Distribution
c) Gaussian Distribution
d) Lagrangian Distribution

ans (c)

33. What is the standard deviation of a binomial distribution when n=16 and p=0.20.

a) 1.6

b) 2.56

c) 4

d) 6.55

ans (a)

34. If ‘m’ is the mean of Poisson Distribution, the P(0) is given by ___________
a) e-m
b) em
c) e
d) m-e

ans (a)

35. If ‘p’, ‘q’ and ‘n’ are probability of success, failure and number of trials
respectively in a Binomial Distribution, what is its Standard Deviation?
a) √np
b) √pq
c) (np)2
d) √npq

ans (d)

36. For a Poisson Distribution, if mean(m) = 1, then P(1) is?

a) 1/e
b) e
c) e/2
d) Indeterminate

ans (d)

Unit-3 ( 1 marks)

37. Let (X, Y) are called a two-dimensional discrete random variables if (X,Y) are

(a) finite

(b) infinite

(c) countably infinite

(d) finite or countably infinite

ans (d)

38. The joint probability mass function of (X,Y) satisfies

Pij  0,  Pij  1
(a) j i

Pij  0,  Pij  1
(b) j i
Pij  0,  Pij  1
(c) j i

Pij  0,  Pij  1
(d) j i

ans (a)

39. The conditional probability density function of X given Y is defined as

f ( x)
f ( x / y) 
(a) f ( y)

f ( x, y )
f ( y / x) 
(b) f ( x)

f ( x, y )
f ( x / y) 
(c) f ( y)

f ( y)
f ( y / x) 
(d) f ( x)

ans (c)

40. The following table gives the joint probability distribution of X and Y.

Y\X 1 2 3
1 0.1 0.1 0.2
2 0.2 0.3 0.1
Then P( X + Y ≤ 3) is …….

(a) 0.2 (b) 0.1 (c) 0.4 (d) 0.5

ans (c)

41. If (x,y) can take all the values in the Region R in the xy-plane, then (x,y) is

(a) 2-dimensional discrete random variable

(b) 2-dimensional continuous random variable

(c) 1-dimensional discrete random variable

(d) 1-dimensional continuous random variable

ans (b)

42. The conditional probability distribution function of X is given Y= y j

Pi,j Pi,j P.j P i.

(a) (b) (c) (d)
P.j Pi . Pij Pij

ans (a)

43. The marginal probability density function of x is

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

∫ f (x , y) dx ∫ f (x , y) dy ∫ f ( x , y ) dx ∫ f ( x , y ) dy
(a) −∞ (b) −∞ (c) 0 (d) 0

ans (b)
−( x 2+ y 2 )
44. If f (x , y )=kxy e x >0 , y >0 is the joint probability density function, find k

(a) -4 (b) 4 (c) ∞ (d) −∞

ans (b)

45. If x and y are random variables having the joint probability density function

(6−x− y )
f(x, y) = ,0 < x <2, 2 < y <4.

Find P(x <1, y < 3)

(a) 1/8 ( b) -1/8 ( c) 3/8 ( D)-3/8

ans (c)

46. The following table gives the joint probability distribution of X and Y.

Y/X 1 2 3
1 0.1 0.1 0.2
2 0.2 0.3 0.1
Find the marginal density functions of X.

(a) P(X=1) = 0.3, P(X=2) = 0.4, P(X=3) = 0.3

(b) P(X=1) = 0.4, P(X=2) = 0.6
(c) P(X=1) = 0.3, P(X=2) = 0.4, P(X=3) = 0.3
(d) None of these
ans (a)

47. The probability distribution of a random variable X is shown in the table below.
X –3 –2 –1 0 1 2

P(X = x) 0.10 k 0.25 0.20 k 0.25

The value of k is:

(a) 0.01 (b) 0.10 (c) 0.15 (d) 0.20

ans (b)

48. If Var(X) =5 and Var(Y) = 10 and if X and Y are independent, then

Var (2X + Y) is:

(a)  15 ( b) 20 (c)  10 (d ) 30

ans (d)

49. P( x1 <X ≤x2 , Y ≤ y ) =

(a) F X ,Y ( x 1 , y 1 )−F X ,Y ( x 2 ,∞ )

b) F X , Y ( x 1 , x 2 )−F X ,Y ( x1 , y )

(C) F X , Y ( x 1 , y )−F X ,Y (x 2 , y )

(d) F X , Y ( x 2 , y )−F X ,Y ( x1 , y )

ans (d)

50. f (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ,...,x n ) =
2 n
∂ F ( x1 , x 2 ) ∂ ∂ F ( x) ∂ F ( x 1 , x 2 , . .. . , x n )
(a) ∂ x1 ∂ x 2 (b)
∂x ∂ y X ] ∂ ∂ F ( x)
(c) ∂ y ∂ x
Y ] (d) ∂ x1 ∂ x 2 .. . .. .∂ x n

ans (d)

51. Say True or false

(I) If X1 and X2 are uncorrelated then X1 and X2 are not necessarily independent.

(II) The variance of the sum of the random variables equals the sum of the variances if the
random variables are uncorrelated

(a) (I)  True, (II)  False (b) (I)  True, (II)  True

(c) (I)  False, (II)  True (d) (I)  False, (II)  False

ans (b)

52. Match the following:

(i) Two random variables are said to be (A) 1

uncorrelated if the correlation coefficient is:
(ii) Two random variables are said to be (B) -1 and 1
orthogonal if the correlation is:
(iii) The minimum and maximum values (C) 0
between which the correlation coefficient lies
(iv) If X = Y , then the correlation coefficient (D)infinity
between them is :

(a) (i)  (A), (ii)  (C) , (iii)  (D) , (iv)  (A)

(b) (i)  (C) , (ii)  (B) , (iii)  (B) , (iv)  (C)

(c) (i)  (D) , (ii)  (C) , (iii)  (B) , (iv)  (B)

(d) (i)  (C) , (ii)  (C) , (iii)  (B) , (iv)  (A)

ans (d)

53. The regression line always passes through:

(a) (X, Y) (b) (-0.5 ,+0.5) (c ) ( X , Y ) (d ) ( X ,Y)

ans (c)

54. If X and Y are independent random variables , then cov(X+Y, X–Y) is

(a) Var(X) (b) Var(Y)

(c) Var(X) – Var(Y) (d) Var(X) + Var(Y)

ans (c)

Unit-4(1 marks)

55. The random process is a random variable only when it is --------------- on time
a) Independent
c) Continuous
d)Not continuous
ans (b)

56. All regular Markov chains are ---------

a) Ergodic
b) Markov
c) Poisson
d) Binomial

ans (a)

57. The sum of all the elements in any row in the TPM of a finite state Markov chain
a) 0
b) 1
c) -1
d) 2

ans (a)

58. The probability density function of a Markov process is

( a ) p ¿, x 2 , x 3 …. x n ¿= p(x 1) p( x 2 / x1 ) p( x 3 / x 2)… … p ¿

( b ) p ¿,x 2 , x 3 …. x n ¿= p(x 1) p( x 1 / x2 ) p( x 2 / x 3)… … p ¿

( c ) p ¿, x 2 , x 3 …. x n ¿= p(x 1) p(x 2) p(x 3) … … p( x n)

( d ) p ¿,x 2 , x 3 …. x n ¿= p(x 1) p( x 2∗x 1) p( x 3∗x 2) … p ¿

ans (b)

59. Find the steady state probability vector for the transition matrix [ 1/21 1/20 ]
a) 2/3,1/3
b) 1/3,2/3
c) 0.5,0.5
d) 1,0
ans (a)

60. A random process X(t) is said to be stationary in ------- if all its statistical properties
are invariant to a shift of time origin
a) WSS process
b) SSS process
c) Ergodic process
d) Poisson process
ans (b)

61. A markov chain with state {0,1} and transition probability matrix P= [ 01 10].
What is the period?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 1
a) 4
ans (a)

62. A true SSS process ranges from --- to -----

a) -1,1
b) 0,1
c) -∞ , ∞
d) -1,0
ans ( c)

63. A random process is called as stationary in strict sense if

a) Its statistics vary with shift in time origin
b) Its statistics does not vary with shift in time origin
c) Its autocorrelation vary with shift in time
d) Its autocorrelation does not vary with shift in time
ans (a)

64. Let X(t) is a random process which is wide sense stationery then
a) E[X(t)] = constant
b) E[X(t) .X[t + τ)] = R XX (τ )
c) E[X(t)] = constant and E[X(t) .X[t + τ)] = R XX (τ )
d) E[ X 2 (t)] = 0
ans (c)

65. let X(t) is a random process which is strict sense stationery then

a) E[X(t)] = constant and Var[X(t)] = constant

b) E[X(t) .X[t + τ)] = R XX (τ )
c) E[X(t)] = constant and E[X(t) .X[t + τ)] = R XX (τ )
d) E[ X 2 (t)] = 0
ans (a)

66. If the customers arrived at a counter in accordance with a Poisson process with a mean
rate of 2 per minute, find the probability that the interval between two consecutive arrivals is
four minute or less.
(a) 1−e−12 (b)1−e−2 (c ) 1−e12 (d ) 1−e2
ans (a)

67. Consider a random process X(t) defined as

X(t) = (A coswt + B sinwt), where w is a constant and A and B are random variables which of the
following its a condition for its stationary.
(a) E (A) = 0, E(B) = 0
(b) E (AB) ≠ 0
(c) E(A) ≠ 0; E(B) ≠ 0
(d) A and B should be independent
ans (a)

68. A hospital receives an average of 3 emergency calls in a 10 min interval. what is the
probability that there are at the most 3 emergency calls in 10 min’s interval?

(a) 0.647 (b) 6.47 (c) 4.67 (d) 7.46

ans (a)

69. For the random process X(t) = A coswt where w is a constant and A is a uniform R.V
over (0, 1) the mean square value is


3 coswt

cos2 wt


ans (b)

70. Consider the random process where is

uniformly distributed in the interval Find first moments of the process.

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) ½ (d) 2

ans (a)
71. If X ( t )=Ycost +Zsint for all t, where Y and Z are independent binary random variables,

2 1
each of which assumes the values -1 and 2 with probabilities ∧¿ respectivelythen X(t)
3 3

(a) WSS (b) SSS (c) not WSS (d)Not First order Stationary

ans (a)

72. A radar emits particles at the rate of 5per minute according to Poisson distribution. Each
particle emitted has probability 0.6. find the probability that 10 particles are emitted in a 4-
minute period
(a) 0.401 (b) 0.041 (c) 0.104 (d) 1.04

ans (c)

Unit-5 ( 1 marks)

73.Rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method is generally __________

a) Linear
b) Quadratic
c) Super-linear
d) Cubic

ans (a)

74. The Iterative formula for Newton Raphson method is given by __________
a) x 1=x 0−f ( x 0 ) /f ( x 0 )
b) x 0=x 1−f ( x 0) /f ' (x 0 )

c) x 0=x 1+ f ( x 0) /f ' (x 0 )

d) x 1=x 0+ f ( x 0) /f ' (x 0 )

ans (a)

75. Newton-Raphson method will always converge to a solution for f(x) = 0 on the

interval a ≤ x ≤ b if certain conditions are met. Which of the following is not one of these
(a) f is continuous on the interval a≤ x ≤ b
(b) f(a) and f(b) have interval a≤ x ≤ b
(c) f ' '( x) does not change sign on the interval a≤ x ≤ b
(d) f ' ( x )=0 on the interval a≤ x ≤ b
ans (d)

76. In Newton Raphson method if the curve f(x) is constant then __________
a) f ' ' (x)=0
b) f(x)=0
c) f ' ( x )=0
d) f ' ( x )=c
ans (c)

77. At which point the iterations in the Newton Raphson method are stopped?
a) When the consecutive iterative values of x are not equal
b) When the consecutive iterative values of x differ by 2 decimal places
c) When the consecutive iterative values of x differ by 3 decimal places
d) When the consecutive iterative values of x are equal
ans (d)

78.  The Newton Raphson method fails if __________

a) f ( x 0 )=0
b) f ( x 0 )=0

c) f ( x 0 )=0
'' '
d) f ( x 0 )=0
ans (a)

79.  Which of the following systems of linear equations has a strictly diagonally
dominant coefficient matrix?
a)3x – y = -4 , 2x + y = 2
b) 2x +y=1, x - 7y = 4
c) 3x + 5y = 2, x + y = -3
d)4x = 2y – z – 1,x + z = -4,3x – 5y + z = 3

ans (b)

80. Gauss Seidal method is also termed as a method of _______

(a) Successive displacement

(b) Eliminations

(c ) False positions

(d) Iterations

ans (a)
81.  Gauss seidal method is similar to which of the
following methods?
a) Iteration method
b) Newton Raphson method
c) Jacobi’ method
d) Regula-Falsi method
ans (c)

82. The condition for convergence of Newton -Raphson Method is

(c)|f ( x ) f ” ( x )|<|f ' ( X )|
ans (c)

83. While solving by Gauss Seidal method, which of the following is the first
Iterative solution system,
x – 2y = 1 and x + 4y = 4?
a) (1,0.75)
b) (0.25,1)
c) (0,0)
d) (1,0.65)
ans (a)

84.  The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or

symmetric________ definite matrices.
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Zero
d) Equal
ans (a)

85. Using Newtons forward, Find ‘u’ if x0 = 0.75825, x = 0.759 and h = 0.00005.
a) 1.5
b) 15
c) 2.5
d) 25
ans (b)

86. Using Newton’s Forward formula, find sin(0.1604) from the following table.

X 0.160 0.161 0.162

f(x) 0.1593182066 0.1603053541 0.1612923412

a) 0.169713084
b) 0.159713084
c) 0.158713084
d) 0.168713084

ans (b)

87. Newton- Gregory Forward interpolation formula can be used _____________

a) only for equally spaced intervals
b) only for unequally spaced intervals
c) for both equally and unequally spaced intervals
d) for unequally intervals
ans (a)

88. In case of Newton backward interpolation formula which equation is correct to find
a. (x- x n ¿ h=u
b. (x+ x n ¿ h=u
c. (x- x n ¿=u
d. (x- x n ¿=uh
ans (a)

89. For decreasing the number of iterations in Newtons Raphson method

a) The value of f ' ( x ) must be increased
b) The value of f ' ' ( x ) must be increased
c) The value of f ' ( x ) must be decreased
d) The value of f '' ( x ) must be increased
ans (a)

90. In what form is the coefficient matrix transformed in to when AX=B is solved by
gauss Jordan method
a) Diagonal matrix
b) Upper triangular matrix
c) Null matrix
d) Lower triangular matrix
ans (a)

91. The linear transformation T: R3 → R 4which image is generated by {1,2,0,-4),(2,0,-1,-

3)} is
(a) T(x,y,z)=(x-2y,x,-y,-4x-3y)
(b) T(x,y,z)=(x-2y,-x,y,-4x-3y)
(c) T(x,y,z)=(x+2y,x,y,4x+3y)
(d) T(x,y,z)=(x+2y,2x,-y,-4x-3y)
ans (d)

92. Let ∅ be the linear functional on R2 defined by ∅ ( x , y )=x−2 y . then the transpose
of the linear transformation T on R2 given by T(x,y)=(2x-3y,5x+2y) is
(a) -8x-7y
(b) 8x-7y
(c) 8x+7y
(d) None of these
ans (a)

93. Solve x +2 y −z+ w=5

x +4 y−3 z−3 w=6,
2 x+3 y −z+ 4 w=8
(a) No solution
(b) One solution
(c) Many solution
(d) None of the above
ans (a)

94. The following vectors are (1,0,0),(0,1,0)(1,1,0) are

(a) Linearly independent
(b) Linearly dependent
(c) Rank=3
(d) Rank=0
ans (b)

95. Let T: R2 → R2 defined by T(a 1 , a2 ¿=¿,a 1)

(a) Linear
(b) Non linear
(c) Independent
(d) Dependent

ans (a)

96. which of the following sets of vectors is a basis for R3

I {(1,2,3),(3,5,7),(5,8,11)}
II {(1,0,1),(0,1,0),(-1,0,1)}
III {(1,2,3),(2,3,4),(2,4,6)}
(a) Only I and II
(b) Only I and III
(c) Only II
(d) Only I
ans (b)

97. Let S={(1,2,3),(1,0,-1)}. The value of ‘k’ for which the vector(2,1,k) belongs to the
linear span of S is
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c ) 2 (d) 0

ans (d)

98. Let X=(3,2,-1),Y=(2,4,1),Z=(4,0,-3) and W=(10,4,-5) be vector in R3 , a real vector

space. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) 2X+Z=W,Y+Z=W
(b) 2X-Y=Z,Y+2Z=W
(c) X+Z=W,2X+Y=Z
(d) Y+2Z=W,X-Y=Z
ans (b)

99. If V is the real vector space of all mapping for R to R , V 1= { f ∈V / f (−x ) =f ( x ) } ,and
V 2={f ∈V /f (−x )=f ( x ) } then which one of the following is correct?
(a) neither V 1 nor V 2 is a subspace of V
(b) V 1 is a subspace of V and V 2 is not a subspace of V
(c)V 1 is not a subspace of V and V 2 is a subspace of V

(d ) both V 1 and V 2 are subspace of V

ans (d)

Unit-2 (2 marks)

100. Given probability density function f(x)= e , x ≥ 0 the cumulative probability F(2) is
0 , x <0

(a) 1+e−2 (b) e−2 (c) 1 (d) 1-e−2

ans (d)

101. If a random variable r takes 1,2,3.. with Pmf is , r=1,23… the value of ⋋ is

(a) log e 2 (b)log e 1 (c)log e 5 (d) ∞

ans (a)

102. The MGF of the Random variable X whose moments are μr' =(r+1)2r is

(a)(1+2 t)−1 (b)(1−2t)(c)(1−2t)−1 (d)(1−2t)−2

ans (c)

103. If the Random variable X follows N(50,10). Let ∅ ( z ) be the cumulative distribution

function of N(0,1) if P{|X-75|≤ 10} ¿ ∅ ( z 1) −∅ ( z 2) is

(a) z 1=2.5 , z2 =2.5

(b) z 1=3.5 , z2 =1.5

(c) z 1=1.5 , z2 =1.5

(d) z 1=2.5 , z2 =3.5

ans (b)

104. If E(X)=3 and E(Y)=7 , X and Y are independent RV then E (X+Y),E(XY)

(a) 10,21 (b) 3,10 (c) 3,14 (d) 4,16

ans (a)

105. If X is the Poisson Random variable P(X=2)=9P(X=4)+90P(X=6) then the mean of the
distribution is

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

ans (d)

106. The second moment about the mean is

(a) Variance (b) Median (c) Standard deviation (d) Mean

ans (a)

( X −1)
107. If X is a normal with mean 2 and SD 3 then the distribution of Y=

(a)N(0,3/4) (B)N(1,3/4) (C)N(1,9/4) (D)N(0,3/4)

ans (d)

108. If X and Y are correlated variable each having Poisson distribution X+Y can not be

(a) Binomial (b) Poisson (c) Normal (d) Uniform

ans (b)

2 2

109. If f ( x , y )=kxy e−(x + y ) ¿) is the joint probability density function, then the value of k is

(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 1/4 (d) 8

ans (a)

110. The joint probability density function of a bivariate random variable (X,Y) is given by

f ( x , y )= 4 xy , 0< x <1 ,0< y< 1. Then P(X+Y<1) is

{ 0 , otherwise
(a) 0.156 (b) 0.66 (c) 1.66 (d) 0.166
ans (d)

111. Let X and Y be the random variables, then

Var (2 X −3Y ) is equal to

(a) 4 Var ( X )+12 Cov(X,Y)+9Var(Y)

(b) 2 Var ( X )−¿3Var(Y)

(c) 4 Var ( X )-12 Cov(X,Y)+9Var(Y)

(d) 2 Var (X )+6 Cov(X,Y)+3Var(Y)

ans (c)

112. The regression lines between two random variables X and Y is given
by 3X + Y = 10 and 3X + 4Y = 12 .Then the correlation coefficient between X and Y is
(a) -0.5 (b) 0.5 (c) 1 (d) 0
ans (b)

113. If Var ( X )=Var ( Y )=σ 2∧cov ( X , Y )= , then the correlation coefficient between 2X+3
and 2Y-3 .

(a) 0.1 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.6 (d) 0

ans (a)


If the equations of the two lines of regression of Y on X and X on Y are 7 X −16 Y +9=0 and
5 X −4 Y −3=0respectively. Then the coefficient of regressions of X on Y and Y on X are
given by

(a) ( 54 , 167 ) (b) ( 167 , 45 ) (c) ( 45 , 167 ) (d) ( 7,5 )

ans (a)

115. The regression lines between two random variables X ∧Y is given by 3 X +Y =9and
3 X + 4 Y =12. Then the mean of X ∧Y is

8 −3 −1
(a) ,1 (b) ,1 (c) ,-1 (d) 2,1
3 2 2

ans (a)

116. The marginal probability of X =2 for the joint pdf of ( X , Y ) is given by

(2 x +3 y)
p(x , y )= , X=0,1,2∧Y =1,2,3 is

16 18 24 30
(A) (B) (C) (D)
72 72 72 72
ans (d)

117.The joint pdf of random variables X and Y is

f ( x , y )= k x ( 8− y ) , x < y <2 x
{ 0 ≤ x< 2
Find k.

15 5 50 25
(a) (b) (c) (d)
136 136 139 136

ans (b)

118. If the random process X(t) take sthe values -1 with probability and takes the value 1

with probability find whether X(t) is

(a) WSS (b) SSS (c) not WSS (d)Not First order Stationary

ans (b)

119. Assume a random process X(t) with sample functions X(t, s1 ¿=cost , X(t,
s2 ¿=−cost , X ( t , s3 ) =sint ,

X ( t , s 4 )=−sint which are equally likely , then X(t) is

(a) SSS process

(b) WSS process

(c)not SSS process

(d) not WSS process

ans (b)

120. If the customers arrived at a counter in accordance with a Poisson process with a mean
rate of 2 per minute, find the probability that the interval between two consecutive arrivals is
more than one minute.
(a) 0.153 (b) 0.315 (c) 0.135 (d) 0.531

ans (c)

3 1
121. consider the Markov chain with two states and transition probability matrix p=

Find the stationary probabilities of the chain.

[ ] 4

(A) 2/3,1/3 (b) 1/3,1/3 (c) 2/3,2/3 (d) 1/3,2/3

ans (a)

122. A man is at an integral part on the x-axis between origin and the point 3. He takes one
step to the right with the probability 1/3 or to the left with the probability 2/3 unless he is at
the origin. Where he takes a step to the right to reach the point 1 or at the point 3, where he
takes a step to the left to reach the point 2. Construct TPM.

0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

2/3 0 1/3 0
0 2 /3 0 1/3
0 0 1 0
][ (b)
1/3 0 1/3 0
0 1 /3 0 1/3
0 0 1 0
][ (c)
2/3 0 2/3 0
0 2 /3 0 2/3
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
2/3 0 1/3 0
0 1 /3 0 2/3
0 0 1 0
ans (a)
123. If the initial state probability distribution of a Markov chain is P(0)  =[(5/6) (1/6) ] and

0 1
the transition probability matrix of the chain is 1/2 1/2
) find the Pdf of the chain after
one step.

(a) 11/12,1/12 (b) 1/12,11/12 (c) 12/11,1/12 (d) 1/11,0/11

ans (b)

124. The transition probability matrix of a Markov chain {Xn}, n= 1, 2, 3,…. Having three

0.1 0.5 0. 4
0.6 0.2 0.2
states 1, 2 and 3 is P = 0.3 0.4 0.3 And the initial distribution is 

p(0)  = ( 0, 7, 0.2, 0.1). Find P [X3=2, X2=3,X1=3,X0=2] 

(a) 0.48 (b) 0.048 (c) 0.0048 (d) 0.0084

ans (c)

125. The random process X(t)=Acos¿t+∅) where ∅ is uniformly random variable find

−2 sinαt 2 sinαt
(a)-2Asinαt (b) (c) (d) 2Asinαt
π π

ans (b)

126. Consider the random process

Z(t)=Xcosαt −Ysinαt ,where X and Y are Gaussian RV with zero mean and variance σ 2.
Find E[ Z2 ¿.

(a)σ 2 (b) 1 (c)0 (d)σ

ans (d)


127. In applying the Jacobi process to evaluate the eigen values and eigen vectors of the

5 0 1

[ ]
matrix A= 0 −2 0 , tan2θ=¿
1 0 5

2a 11
a11 −a33

2 a23
a11 −a33

2 a33
a11 −a33

2 a13
a11 −a33

ans (d)

128. Find the value of x , y , z in the following system of equations by Gauss Elimination

2 x+ y −3 z=−10 ,−2 y + z=−2 , z=6

(a) 2, 4 ,6
(b) 2, 7, 6
(c) 3, 4, 6
(d) 6, - 4,6
ans (d)

129. Solve the following system of equation by Gauss Jacobi method

27 x +6 y−z=85; x + y +54 z=110 ; 6 x +15 y +2 z=72

(a) - 2.426,3.573,1.926

(b) 2.426, -3.573,1.926

(c) 1,2,3

( d) 4.426,5.573,9.926

ans (b)

130. Find the values of x, y, z in the following system of equations by Gauss elimination

2 x+ y −3 z=−10 ;−2 y + z=−2 : z=6.

(a) x=-2, y=-4, z=-6

(b) x=0, y=4, z=6

© x=2, y=0, z=6

(d) x=2, y=4, z=6

ans (d)
131. Given f(0)=-2 ,f(1)=2 and f(2)=8.find the root of the Newton’s forward interpolating

(a) x 2+ 3 x −2

(b) x 2−3 x−2

(c) x 2+ 3 x +2
(d) x 2−3 x+ 2

ans (a)

132.The root of the equation x 2−2 x−5=0 lies between

(a) 0 and 1 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4

ans (c)

133. Using newtons backward interpolation formula find the ∇ 3 y3 which takes places the
following values (0,1),(1,2),(2,1),(3,10)

(a) 10 (b) 12 (c ) 9 (d) -2

ans (b)

134. Find the second degree polynomial through the points (0,2),(2,1),(1,0) using lagrange’s

3 x 2−7 x + 4 3 x 2 +7 x+ 4 3 x 2−7 x−4 3 x 2 +7 x−4

(a) (b) (c ) (d)
2 2 2 2
ans (a)
135. Find the root of x=2sinx , near 1.9, correct to three decimal places by applying N-R
method twice.

(A) 1.741 (b)2.741 (c )3.741 (d)4.741

ans (b)

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